Daniel 8 warts, .iojr lraac Shaffer, -ticnj. lit uiliurt. TRAVERSE JURORS. thmhvrjr Henry B Oobin. John S peace, Philip Clink, Wiu A Brunor, K H Sickel Northumberland Jh A Taylor, S. B, Smith. JoM-ph Dashore. Jos. Martin. ji;,7(.i 8. T. Drown, Delaware Cbaries Hagenbuch, Join Keiser. ZeKi'it George Blalil, Ooo. WykofT, CliiiisquaqueS'a. Derr, Point Adam Vandlihg, t';yr AtigtmlaJ. H Adams, William L SmithWni. Kreiuer, Jeremiah Cooper, J. If IiilHlld, lou cr AaguitaJ . Fashold, Geo. Savidge Husk O JDujta, Antbouy llu8, John De Rllay, i-hamohin Jest. liocd, Hubert McWil. lame. S. Campbull, Ctmt Will Snyder, 7fir.lj.on Julin Y Klock, J Wolf, t'amf'nn l H llaupt, Jordan J I'uniel, Upper MahawyJ . II Adams, Charles SU-avl IJWim.7Mn J IteilZ. B Treoo, I.ntver ii7iarioy Jobu Duckey, een. JoliQ Bowen, . .i7e: -ouAnnoj S Duukelberger, J. Hen- tnl, Jacob Kaker, ZerltX) L ll. ili, D Heckle?, Ml funnel Tiioinut. bhutl, Wm Moor. It TIT JURORS. ! SathuryS. Borne, J Wciser. Msrtia E IJiK-hiT. 1'. LnZtiruR. Northun.UrluudQ. I Tsggtrt, II Einain P r. .J Khriiiet, MUton A Logan, U'urb ilJ h i IJaTiuin, J Hrtost3. Lehnme.i. 1. .ai'tusriof'g Cbtistien 0i1i. I1 diver, en-is U Mcnpee. Vlulhqunque'V 1'ardo,. J'vt.-jf J Gulick I'jj-er Aurtista H Robins, l.tmtr AuijurtaV. Mallick. Win Dewitt, Win Ftiiina'.i Samuel Geliriugcr, Jatuca Leit- futhiHvpi Horuli, .rilex. Campbell, 1'. Hi 0". A Gnlick. J. Uct-iet. HhamolinV. lloiherinel, Elida John, i 'oniTii' C h Lover, VAisMtM UoJIiied Iiibock.LT Dram 5'eiur, .nicer MulmwiU. Wotf, P Boiral, J. J fc.lipS, LittU MaltanoyX Brower. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue ofa certain writ of Ven. ExroKAS in nie directed, will bo exposed to public sisbj at tiie Court Hn'tfo, in Sunbury, on MOX JAi tlie. Tltl day of December, lS.rif, at 9 o'clock. A. M., the folluwiujj described prop i.ry to wit : A certain tract or piece of Laud, situate In Upper Augusta township. Northumberland maiity. hounded on th North by tlie. centre Turnpike, ou the East by Utide nf John Z. il ia ami Georj;o Conrad, on the South by Inula of said liana. and u the West by the git or .Suobiuy liue, contuiniiijf 33 ncrei mora or lens, ull of which in cleared, and whereon me erected Two lvine One. Aleo upon uii.'tlu-r crrtdiu tract or pioc of lnioi. Hitu.ite in tlio loroiij;!i of ijunbuiy, and boiindnl on tl.o NurlU ai.d Norlb-Eust and Siiith by .Slianioliin cr-ek, ou tbe Soulb West lir'bin.U of Benjamin Mandritka, and on Ui N;.'rth Went by land of lr. Mafser iwi C-urije Weiser. coiituiilinz seventeen acrt'H. mora or lea, all of w liicb is cleared, and w'.iL'ri mi i9 erectiid 4 laicn Sawmill. Seized, lalien into cuccutioii, and to b f, . ) ;u tbo property of tb buubury Caual ru.l Water ruwur. Company ALSO: Bv virtue of n certain writ of Vkh. ExPONil tvi n.M .invi ted, will bo exi.oaed t public nale ;.t 'in- Court H'iaio, in Sunbury. on MOX 1) Y ibe 2U'l J iv of December, 18'iC, at 9 oVln-!i, A. M., tiie fuliowiug denbed prop' .mi tii wit Tii c. r:ain contiguous Lota of Ground, :tn,;ln ill tlie town of Tievorton, in Zerbe ti war hin. Northumberland county, being lots Nos. 3 and 4. in block lo. "A, in said town, uijoiti:!) a lot of Jacob lluker.on the Went, Julin Uinta, ou tho East, und frouting ou M.11U..1 street, beiua tucll 25 leet 111 Iront and nxUMiding back to Bail Boad atreet, her. ou is eivcloJ a I wo Biorj nanio juweii in,, ItniuA ceized. tuld'c into execution, and to bt sold ui the propui ty of William KuUUr. ALSO: By T-!r1oe of a certain writ of I en. Erponat tw me liii-eitcd, will be exposed to public aula t the Court lluine in sunuury. 011 oiv DAY thu T.tli day of Ja iuary. I8.11, at on o'clock I. M.,tlia follovviujr ilescriliert pro- Utfitv t wd: All that certain I run 01 i.uuu . i.,.t,. hi diner Auiruit4 townElup. or thiimburlaiid county, ailjouiinir land of Il nry Kliuo 011 the west, Gilbert Beitz 011 tho east, E'lza l)e; 0 1 en thu north, und John Berr ou U, s.-utli ; contninins 130ucres more or less h. "if 73 ucr- a of which are cleared, whereon ar t reel, d a two-story frame House, a log t:.... , .ri.ir, H.iiwe. Orchard, kc. ' Seized txken into eXed tion, and to ba told S4 the jirope.rty of Isaac 1. 1-ishur. ALSO: Itv tirtiic ofa cwrtaui writ of Ven. Eipona . .!.'....-...! will lio exuo-ed to public at be Cuii riiwe iii suubury. ou MONDAY in., '.',. li irnf January. 1 SOT, at 1 o'clock i M it:u i,.ll.iwiii" nroiK-rty to wit : Tn.'. .! erMial iiiidiTided fourth part .aa th iitonerty of Leo W. Hulhngton. of it certain Traet or Land, aituate in Coal and Zerbt luwiubipH. Northumberland county, surveyed in I tin 11 JlliB III Muithtua Ziuitnerinan, uud djoininx land surveyed in the names of Johll Beyd. William Wilson, Michael Kroll and p....i.'., :,'Li Cramer, coutaiuinir 3C7 Acres and U-! ouches more or less, about one-fourth of an acre ol which is cleared, whereon is erected 11 Hill til 1 .or HollSO -i-.t 1 .iktn into execotion and to be sold t t-,e on.; eriy ol Dr. Lee W. BuBiugton, Irawnr, ami Jacob Louar, iudorsee. ALSO : By irtne of a cerluiu writ of Ten. Ex. to ma directed will be exposed to public sale on u.in.luv the 6tU dav uf January, at the Court llomu 111 Suubury, the lollowiuj; property to nit A Lot of Ground situate in the tiwu of Travorton Northmu'ieiiaiiu county, nounoeu nntlul!ift by lot of llobhoe. oa the west 1.. I..t i J. Keisi-r. and Irouting on Shamo kin air... t In m-' bit No. i in Block N ). contaiiiii'if ,v!t iu fr",a "uJ l5U f,,' io depth. Whereon are erected a frame House ...,!i -.'..oil -;iulil. Jtc. tukeu iu execution aud sold es the property oi Baruey Mur , by. ALSO i By virtue of a certain writ of Levari Fa. t ie directed will be expoaed to pablie sale on ndey tba 5tii djv f Jauooxy, et ibe Vnn .nir, v of Bo. .rly of Teter .j 1 mh, and on the aforesaid. en in execution and to be sold .opetty of Kline Brosione. AL8O1 Berirtneofa certain writ of Lev. Fa. to i. ..... ... I me directed, will Da exponea 10 puonc raie at tho Court House in Sunaiiry, on Monday the 5th dnv of Januorr. 18 )7. at 1 0 ciocn t M . ihu fnllnwiiiff nrnnertr to Witt All that certain tract or piece of Land, lituate in the borough of Sunbnry aforesaid, adjoining lands of Lewis Dewart on the north, and east other lanrts 01 f-oeoeier vreenongu on the south, on the publio road along: ibe rivr Hnnnuohanna. on the west, beinir the northerly end of out-lot late the property of B. Ureenough, in sam oorougn, mm ouuoim-u am f,illnw! heciiininir at a poet in the divi- sion liue by lot hereby grouted, ard land of Lewi Duwartt tneme sonin len oegre-e west, along the public road aforeeuid 15 1-10 perches to a post ; thence alotg land of E. Greenough, eoulh degrees east, 28 4-10 perches to a post In the division of lot of said Ebenexer Groenougli ond Lewis Dewart j thence north 25 degrees east 12 perchei to a post In the division line just above mentioned,; thence nortb C(il decrees west 32 perches to tlm place of beginning. Containing 2 acres nnd 85 7-10 perches, it beiug tho same piece conveyed by Doed to Jacob B. Maeser by said E. Greeuough. Seized taken into exeention, and to be sold as the property of J. U. Maseer, with notice to II. B. Masser, terra teuant. ALSO t Bv virtne of a certain writ of Zee. To. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House. Suubury, on Saturday, the 3d day of Janiiarv. 18.)i. at 10 o clock, . 1 - 1 :i 1 . ... A. Al., ttlO lOllOWlUg ueacriueu iivpu; m All thnsi two certain contiguous lots or cround in Pewberrv street, in the Borough of Sunburv, and numbered in the general plan of said town, numbered 140 ana 14 1 bounded on the east by lot No, 145, and mi the west by lot No. 148. coiitaininn each one quarter of an sere, more or less, lopomcr with all and singular the buildings end im provements. 4c. seized, taKen into execution, nuu 10 we sold as the property of Jacob B. Musecr. awu : Bv virtue of a certain writ of H. Fa. tn me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale at the Court House in Sunburv, 01 Saturday the 3d day of January, 1S57, ot 10 o'clock A. M.. the following Eeul Estate, situate in the county of Northumberland, to wit: (lut-Lotu of the Borouub of Siinbuiy, ad joining land of the Sunbury Canal and We. ler Bower Company, on the east ; rest by road or lane leading southerly from the said Borough ; north the lands of George Weiser, and south by land of Benj. Hendricks, con taining Twenty Acres or thereabouts all un der cultivation. Also, a lot of groand in tbe said Borough, on the north sido or Bokeberry street, num. ber 208 in the plan of the Town, adjoining a lot of H. Simpson, on the east and an alley he north and west sides, on which is an old double log house lately tbe estate of J. P. Shittdel, deceased. Also, Two adjoining lots of groutd iu the said boroucb or Suubury, numbers 9audo0, adjoining the river road celled Broadway on . J . . 1 -i 1, : ,k . ..... I. the West, lot OI l Ullip urjoiav 011 mw uuiii. Cranberry street 00 the Burt" oi a lcJ on the east. Also, Haifa lot of ground iii the aid bo rong of Suubury on the north eideuf Black- herry street, numoerea io in me yuu ui ma Town, adjoining tbe other half of tbe lot, ou the east which is owned by Mrs. MuU'O, and the lot on which E. Y. Bright has a huudry on the west, said street oc tbe soulb Sid an alley on the uortb, and ou u;cu Ma log bouse. 1 Also. The eastern half lot No. in tbe borough of Sunbury, on the now side of liewDerry Bireei, biijouuok: am bi mi mo south, and a lot of Ira T. Cleoiei and Dr. Awl, on the east : a 20 leet alley me soutu and the western half of the ssmelot on the west, on which ie erected a soialKntH Uouc. 2 stories high. Also. The western half of lcNo. 146 in tho borough of Sunbury, on theortb side of Dewberry street, adjoining tin said street 00 the south ; the eastern half laid lot on the east; lot Xo. 147, on the wt and a 20 feet alley on the north, 00 whic i erected a small Iiauie story-aua-a-naii nsv. Also, a lot of ground No. in said bo rough of Sunbury on the nortlido of Dow berrv street, adjoining said strt on the south; lot No. 146 on the east: and iot of Geo. W Smith, on the west, aud a I feet alley on the north, on which 11 a larjf eiory name house. 1 Also, a tract of unseatedimber land in Shumnkin and Coal towsips, contuining 'i'Jl acres, surveyed on a irrant to John I'eitswortb. dated in 179 aitautft ou thu Little Mountain, adjoiiiiuaud of ltvbnrd Lake. Also, a Tract of nnseatilsnd in Shsmo- kin township, containing out 79 acres, sur veyed ou a warrant to Je B Manser, and adjoining land surveyed ueremiau Jackson. Also, a tract of nnseel laud in Point township, adjoining laud John heathy nnd others, known as tmohn 1) JUetzgur, Tract, containing BUy acior thereabouts. Also, Three lots of grcd in the town of Shamokin, numbers 238, J and 240, on one of which vii : 238, there I frame dwelling house. Also. The interest of endant In a Tract of Iron Ore Land is Chiuaque township. adjoinintug lands ol J olinrke, lands bought of Dennis Buoy and Chitiaque Creek, con taining Fifty acres, nioer tees, 011 which are erected a log house, h orchard, uud the tract is under good cul'lion. it is held under articles ofagreeia witb Dennis Mc Gliee, for its purchase tebt at $1,200, end $100 of the muuey hav'en paid said He Ghee has possession lease iroin deleo dalit. ; Also, a tract of Iroee Land, in Chilis- quaque township, conlog 89 acres 21 per ches and allowance, Aadjoiuing lands of Wm. Barnbart, Micluuaghee, the Catho- iic lauds and others, fuicu are erecieu z ginull wooden bouses, a batik barn, witb an orchard held byed from Solomon Dctitler end wile, aaust April, iiim. Also, a tract of I rore Laud in Chilie- qcaque township, coping 82 acres n9 per. ches, adjoining landei of Dennis Magee, Peter Crampton, Laic uoor una others, on which are a frauitiee, a bank barn and 2 orchards. Also, a tract of wiand in said township, containing 35 ocreri perches, adjoiuiug lands of lute of J.tg, Ludwig Pblcger aud others, without rovemeots. The last two trs held by Deed from Dennis Buoy aud oowledged, 1st April, 1851. Also, The iutereitlefendaDt In a tract or lot iu Coal townv4idjoiniiig the town of Shumokin, di'V"Oleury Masser to his children in equ' PlMy whole cootaiumg 25 acres. Seised taken loto es;0D god to be sold as tbe property of Jae Masser. HEKWEME, BheriJt harirT'e Oflirsi. Suabuiy. . lor sale a Farm in Upper .up, remaining 97 srre, ad isel and Dr. Hminky. The im are a Two flntj Log Mouse and a . rn, en orclitrrlTif rhoire fruit. Twelve n are mcsdi.w, It) acres woodland end the remainder clmrad. Prwruioii given on the lit of April, 18S7. Apply to JACOD 8TRAWSER, Tppcr Mnhonny, Drremlicr IS, 185S. St I t8t of lallinriMe filtt erwtxkl NOTICE is hereby given to all petsons in terested that the undersigned appointed Andltrr, to distribute the assets in the bauds of William V. Hilverwood, Administrator of Catherine Sdverwood, deed., according to law, will attend to the duties of Ins appoint. tnent nt hie office in tbe hvrausb nf Suubury. on Friday the 2d day of .Tauuary next, at 10 0 clock, A. m . WILLIAM I. GUEENOUGn Dec. 13,le."iG. 3t , Auditor. GKOllGE RENN, ANNOUNt.'ES to the cititens of Punbury am vicinty, that he his opened an ofGcein Hun- bury, above H. J. Wulvortuu's office opposita V Weaver's Hotel, where be is prepared to attend to all kinds of work Ulotiiing to the prufsrsion. in the latest and most improved style. All work well dor.e and warranted. December 13, 150. Xotlce to Hil.tge Uuiidera. SEALED Proposals will be received bi the uinlersiR-eil on Tnerday, the 20ll inst . between the hours of 10 a. m. and S e.u of said day, et the Coniniistioner'e oftice in the borouch of Sunbury, Northuuil erlond county, lur uuiiding a limine acmes etna tjreek, on the 1 ulpehockeu road leadiug to. v ar Is Rlmicersiown, a short dislaace from Sii i. lei's tuvrrustut'd in Joidau toeuship in said CJUiity. SperiljcatioiiK will he exhibiti d ou the dHV ol Icltiug. rmue Kknk, CtUS. UOTTKNSTlJiK, Fkf.uk r 1 ik Haas. Comr.iiMiouer's office. ) Comniissiouers Suubury, Dec. 10, 1856. A VALUABLE FASM FOB GALE rflHE eubsciiber ofTeie for sale the follow- ing vnluuble farm, containing 331 acres. more or lets, situated in I-ocust tou nship. t'oliimbia comity, about 8 miles from Mount t'aiiftel, nnd about the ciime distniice from Shamokiutowa, on the waters of Roaring Creek ; upon which are erected a good two elory frame house, a but a und oul-houseg, about V acres lire cleared, with about 6 acres ef nietidow, nil under a tolerable state ol cultivation. The public road lending from Beer Gup to Cattawissa passes through the soidfarm; there are also two never fuiliug springs and a thriving young orchard on the premises. A luvge. portion of the nodes ml lund i well timbered with good while iine nnd onlr. there beinr also e siiEiciemy of water power to drive a aw-mill or other machinery a good part of the year. There cnu be about 30 acres of excellent meadow nude on caid premies. This prop, ertv lying ksudfomelj, the soil or the red shell order, will not only make fancy, bat produc tive Tartu. It will be sold in lots or in a bo lv, to eut purchasers, and if not sold before the 1st of the 1st month (January) next, will then bi offered for rent apply to EI.1DA JOHN. Arentfor JOSEPH WHARTON. Peceniber C, 18.)C. t.. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I N puiscanre of an order of ihe Orpl.sn' Court of Notihuniberland coumv will be eipwfd to public srie. upon the prrmwrs ou Kalunlav the '.'Till dav of December, IN5&, die I'sioviiiijf dc scribed Real Estate te wit : A ceitsin piece or parcel of Lsml, tiius in tsbaiiiokin inwnskip, PiirtliuiiibcrUiid ccuoiv, bouiuVJ iiy UniU te tlie rstatts of Alrisiuler '1'hsrp, dee'd., i'elcr tihall, John Kurinsu sml Lewis Chsmherlsin, rontaiiiiiiK r'orly-uine seres and twenty-tlirre .-chui. Late Ihe estate of Alexander Thsrp, dee'd. Hsle to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. ef said day.whrn the terms will l made known l.jr DAMKL K. SCHLEUEL, Tiuu-e. By order ot the Coart ) C BrUKSIJL.CIk. O. C. S Sunbury, Dec.C, 18'.6. u PUBLIC SALE. THE suhscrilier will ofTei at public the premises, on Tues.lav the ti.lj Ueceinlirr. next, the follow j 111 oroiiertv sile on day of I cl.'iU' it'K to the eslste ot Csihsrine DeUruchy, dee'd. situate in the Dorongh of Northumberland, cown Iv of Norlhuinlierlaiid, V., TWO LOTS OK GROUND, bounded by North way Orange and Water strrcts, numbered in Ihe plot of said II. i rough No. liS and 56, on which are creeled a Two-St.iry brick House and a two-story leg weather baardrd House, and Darn- There is'uUo a Well of water, and fruit trees on the premiers. h'aletn commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of ksid dsy when the conditions of tale will mnje known l-y J. R. PRIEsTI.EV. Attorney in fact fur Executors of the estate of Catharine L'eGrueby. dee'd. Dei-ember 8, lBftO 3l ATJDIXOa 3 NOTICE. TVJOTICK is hcieby given that Hie uuJcrsign ed Auditor, appointed by '.ho Orphans' Court of Norihumlierland county, to distribute the assets remaining in ill hands of William Deppin, Executor ie ,of John Lrudcr, deceased, ti and cmoig iboi-o Icgoly HililUJ to the ssme, will attend to the iluti.s of his sppoint. input at his olhce in the ltonuvh of Km.liury, reniisylvnia, on Friday llio SOih day nf Decem ber IS56, at i o'clock P. M . when and whc.c all persona iulereU'd mav attend if ihev see pmpef?4 J. 11. 1'At. KLH, Auditor. Punter)-, Dec. C, IKSG. 3t AUSITOR'J I70TICE. I'bJOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ' Auditor, ajipointed by the Orphans' Court of NortliumbcrUud county, to distribute the as sets, remaining in the hands uf William M. liocktlellcr, su,.. Administrator Ac , of Aeikan iel Kelly, late of Jiu.h township, dee'd, to and among the persons legally entitled, thereto, will attend to the duties of said appoiiitmeiil, st bis oliice, in the Borough of Sunnury, I'euiis) Ivania 011 Friday tbe SClh dsy of DecemK-r, I85ii, at 10 u'clocki A M, when and where ell persons inter, ested may attend il they see proper. J. U. PACKER, Auditor. December 6, 18S6 at AUDITOB'S IIOTICS. John W.Frihng. ) ve No 69 August T. 1850 Daniel Druckemiller ) Notice is hereby k-iven that the undersieiied Auditor eppoiuted by the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland enemy, to report the facts in relation to tbe Judgments sarins! the defendant in this esse; which have the piinrity and the amount due ou each, will attend to the duties of his said appuiutnieiit at his office iu the Korough of Hunbury. on Monday the 39ih day of December A. D. I8S6, at 10 o'cliH-k A.M., of said dav, at which time and pis re el persons interested msy ettend. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Becember 6. 1858 il Aedi'or. IVotice 18 hereby given that letters of Administratlin Oa aoais Sua have been granted to Ihe sub scriber on the e.tste of (Jeerge Eckert, late of Ihe ISorouguol Milton, IWthumlierlsnd eotirity, deceased. All persons iudcbtsd to said estste will pWase make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will please preaeut them properly attested for setilo. sent. JAMES Bi'AKD, Adiu'r fjuabery, Dwoaailwr 8, tM PROCLAMATION. JVT1CE is hereby given thM-tlm eevsral A ' Courts of Common Pleas, General (Jnsrtev Bmislons of the peace, and Oprhans t onrt. tjourt 01 oyer and J erminer and l,eneral Jail Delivery in and for the county of iNorlhomlierlund. commence at the Court Hi use, in tbe borough ol Kunbury, at II) o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tlie mn nay ol .tsnunry next, and will conlinue TWO WEEKS. The contour. Justices nf tbe Pswe and eonsta hies in and for the county of Norihumlierland, are requested to tie then and there tn their proper per. sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollires appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common. wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall be j:t and not to depart wilheut leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual In their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable Us their notices. Given under my hr.nd at Sunbury, tils 1st day ol Uers inbsr in the year 01 our Lord Mis thousand eight hundred and Dfly-sii snd the Imle- peiiuance of the Uuilsd States of America Ike 79th. God save the Commonwealth. N F.S R V W KlsE. VfceriaT. Psmirr's Orsics, ) Sunbury, December 8, 1SJ9. -i List of Causes, STIOR trial in the Court of Common Picas F of Korthuaaherlaud Ceuutv, at Jaauaiv T., A. 1)., 1MT. Pi.aiNTirrs. fi. I.eisenring V Donahue DRFEisnaxTe. vs G. Moriis vs Henry Eckle sua faniurl Hilrner vs Mtchsel v crlinsn The I'resbvteriau Ce vs W li Ksae Crdilrs. Marsh C vs Wei Caul Daniel Itobbius vs 1'hos lisireV i Barr vs Double A l.eitheml.aUv vs Hecins A- Dnunel vs t:. W. hreins et al vs C W liegine vs same vs P. tibesffrr vs Israel Tseirart vs '1 homis Drum vs 8 K Wood Jscoba llartman 1. Msrban i U i'ri.ith's ea'ts. same same P Dickisen Weil and Drritui' Isaac Vincent Es'ra Ahott lor Justice Daniel Zartmsn vs O Bower sJm'r vs Irs T Clement tieoige Adams Ex'ra l.szarus Mrir ve Thomas Uurr vs Henry llohner vs John P ttuuimere va J. M Master vs John y Hummers va II 11 Vusiine va Wm and K Vetttr Jonathan Hrnsious Win McWtliiaua Juhu Ilowfit Jacob Horver Ve E Leib Wm I. Dewsrt 8smnel Hunter's ex'rs vs same Wm Frits Overseers of the Peer ef Zei be township David Miller vs Christisn Bower's adju'rs ra T C lenient va KV Hiizht Wm Mc Williams vs John P Kuiawrrs Julias Wolf arid wife vs Isaac Vinrn.u Ki'is I'hilip Fox vs Henry rm.t ISesbit vs fciirller end ell Henry Gets vs asuie l.rvneMs ami Mcrscirn ve sjits Wui I. Drwrrt vs H II Mssasr Hsnii't Lung vi A Cii.-er's ex'ra. 1 be Church Council of lbs Lmlicran Church at vs Jacob Manvse Ac Turlnjtvi;i K. M priuk vs Aimer A Jdrph Lrrlend JAMES UKAHD, Prthry 1 rouionotsrv s Uhire 1 Ofiire , 18.-8. J ?unliury, Dit. S DiaeOLTJTION. "OTICi; is hereby given that the Ule partner- ship rtisiiua under the firm of Kniirk A Renn, Denlisls in Ihe Boroueh f SnoLurv, w.a i:is.ilvfd ,y oiutual cuosent ru tlie SOth nf Mo vernier Isst. JOX E. KMICK. fJi:Jll;f ItENN. Sunburv, Dccem'ier 8, lHfi6. 6c ATJDITOR'B KOTTCl;. 'THK uiiilersinej aipnnlel by.lhe Orphsrl's Court of .Noitiiomivilaiid rooniy, Auditor 1 matter ol exception in the sceount ( CsUin Hsupbawout, surviving dniiniMrstiir e! la-ll'. rt Hsimliawnnt, dee'd . will allnii.l lit lbs duties iif lis flppoiuinieiit, at hi. oHiee in ibe lliirounh nf Kunbury, on tSntuidsv tbo 3d day of Jmmarv. D ltA7, st 10 n'cl.M k A. M. All persons nlerested will take notice. H KN ItV DON.NEI., Auditor. December 6 IK56. A. ,7. CCNI r, Ti II 0 L L O Y I N G RUN. ? ESSPECTFI'LLY informa Ihe public that he ban repli iin-hi d his t-ture wilh sn en- ellent essiirliiient of iew (..nl just received r..in l'lnl uli'li-liia, wIiilIi he will sell on terms is r S'.w.al.le as nny other establishment. Ilia sKorlinrut ronsiis in psit of CLOTHS, UASSI.MKR 1.8 & WATTINETT, '.Viuter Wears for men and boys, allstylrs anJ prices Lndicst Dress ('oo! ConsiMing nf lilsek Silks, Merinos, Alpsrss, lie Ionics, Lslicoes, liiiiliams, Muslins, 1 rim- inlnc, Ac. Alioatresh supply of GRt)CEl'lES of all kinds. Cednrw are, II rooms. Ac. Also a large assort ment of Uoiits and rShocs, suitsble for Men Wo men sud Children, lists and t 'x. Mik Hats, and all gomls ususllv kept in a Country (Store. All I lie klnive named smck of ifnids will lie sold p'nitiveiv t Imv prices fur ea.li, or in ex. ill si me I'nr country produce, at the highest market price. Moll. mint; Run, Nov. 39, 1856 ly liaTgaius at the Old Stand. FXlXZiXIfa U aUANT RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Fall and Winter lioods, em bracing an emllesa variety. Their stock con sists in psrt uf Black Sc Fancy Broadcloths cYCsuimcres. Whiter Wares lor men and boys, all sly Irs snd prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black: An SHSorlmeut of Plaid ISlriiesud Figured Fan cy Dress Silks st unuually low prices, Mm. De I.aina. Dclges Ac, (il.NGHAMH from el to 85 rents per ysrd. CALICOES S 13 WHITE GOODS, Cambric. Jsconetu, Hwi.s. Tsrlion, Mull, Robi- nrtl, French and Swi.s I. aces, Edgings. Ac. Blown snd bleached Muslins, Driljui;s. Ticks, Checks, 'Cowlings, TsMe Diapers, 4c. anut i-.uirx. HARDWARE and ttUEEMSWARE, Cedar-wsre, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster b.ll and Fish. Also a tre.h supply of PHlliH A Nil .Mr.lHClNK. Thsiikful for pt favors, we hope by strict sttention and a desire to please, slill to meet with the spprovs! of our friends, I s" Country produce of all kinds taken et Ike highest market price Hiinliiirv, Nov. '.9. 1856. ly. IVAISIX8, Figs, Jujube Paste. Rock Candy Jelly .Cakes aud Oum Drops fur ssle by May 81. '58. WM. A. BKUNER. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with if Ubooks.i nk, and all et R,;'lete, just r reived, snd lor wle hy H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, June 4. 1853.. Should t, CheeM, Macksiel, lii.h Minn end 8 .It i..r .ale bv 'A8. f. Y. IIKKill I' 4 SOX. May -11 JtLANKS. BLANKS of every description can he had Vy FRV CIIRISTMAsI A WKW YEARS I'RK.iKNT A very rich swrtmrnt nf el.-rsnt and useful goods of tbe newest European l'r duel ions. 188 Arch St., above (th Philadelphia. FRY'S Writing Desks, rapeterlee. Jewell Ca. ses, Work Boxes, &o., warrauted manufactured in our own work ahop, from materials seasoned to suit the climate. 128 Arch Street, above :h Phllad'a, rRY'9 Dressing Cases of wood or leafher. for travelling or home use, are all fitted with articles of real utility and warranted Cutlery, the largest assorimeni in ins city 10 select tram 138 Arch Hlreel, absve tth Philad'a. FRY'S Cabas, Satchells. Portmonaiss. Tr. veiling Bsgs, Eutoois Cases, Scissors in easee, Porlliulie'e. Sever eases. Ar.. as low aimiUr goods can be purchased ia the United (Hates. 138 Arch etlreet above (th, Philadelphia December 0, I860. 4t e oc! 4 3m w VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE FOB rTlHE undersigned will sell at Private Sale, A between November 24 aud Jaoaary 10 1857. the followiur Real Estate, aituau in tbe Borough of Northumberland, aud couat of Northumberland, FOUR CONTIGUOUS LOT3 Of GROUND n said Bnroneh, eainbered ia Plae of eid Uorougb Nob. 5, t6, i"i end fit) ; fronting ou king street, ceutaiuiug 60 test fisul by 1140 feet deep. Also, four eontignnne l ots mt;lred Si) 3, 394, 395 and 390, Irouting ea Eight i.w.ft, cuutaiiiing (A) by 2iO. AIho. twolots Noe.159 and 160 rroatieg on Queen street, coutaiiiing CO by 'ito, adjoining Jirs. ocuuyter. Also, another lot numbered S77 fronting oujEing street, containing CO by 340 IVt. Also, another lot frnoting on King street, No. 115; cotitsiuiug CO by 240 feet. Also, ail out-lot. containing I Acre and SI 2 perches, ailjoiuiug the road Ituiimg to Danville. Also, ell those certain out-lots, siteate in the said Borough, bonuded nil N. E. by In mis 01 r. vj. jiortou, n. t. by the fvorth Ksst Branch of Susquehanna, end ti. W. by lands of J. B. Boyd ami others, containing 541 Acres more or lese, on which ia a Dwelling House, bank Burn, Orchard, Berrock aud a good pump of water. Tie land is under pond cul tivation. Terms will be made easy, aul an iuilisputuble title given bv GRANTHAM i. TAGGAP.T, for tbe Heirs of Jar. TtWAT, dee'd. KoveuiLer 26, 185C. BARGAINS 710 BE HAD AT P. W. G KAY'S STOl.li, Market Btreet, Sunbury. ?U8T rrviri and nned a splrndrn s-tivik of PALL Jr. VVINTEM GUOWS, coosiet ing iu partuf Black and Fancy Ctoihi and Ca$timre, Au swiiliiii nt of Dry 'hmI, vis: .Verin.K. (.'asbiurirs, Drlaius, ('alien, Wuiirn I'laula. Ginghams, Muslins, 14ihiis. M.m.rk, At. Trimminga ia Grct Vartetw. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, QU LENS WARE, 4Vc. SALT and FIH, Che, Raiste. To'.sccn aud Cigars, Ijuevnswere, H.ioU, Mine., li.i. at Ca4, sud a variety uf li44 toe IciltiMrf to Mrs- Call and examine my Ptork lnre Furi bss ing 1 bu-wheie, A Keasuu.ble Inuwul , be I. ken nil4 far all rash sles. Country icoduce taken ill eirbangr at ibe liijtiMl ttk.ri.l iiri, P. W.UKAr. Sunbury, Nov. 3 , 1858. tf CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! i LAHOE ASSOBTMENT OF FALL AA'l) WIKTER GOODS. t IIKAP-II A .Mjmivii HAl;t.r , 'MIJEeiE quslities rmnliiiied, tlie public will A- lind bvc..llni;stllieM.rfe iJt). Y. UliltiM T atl.. Their SMhirimeiit is large, and bss tieeii s,'leeled wall arrl car, saJ will be d,. poMdofata ainsllsdvui.ee. Tim X..-iDtn? W ill find among our Dry Coed We.il Plaid., Black and Fancy Silks, Plaid l.sn.a Mamiels, A Ipsi es, solid colored and Fsncy Delsims. De bees. Senlt h Plaids, Kiaiire.l C'a.liiiieie , Per sian Twill, Coburg Cloth, Ginghams, Calicos, elan nnd Debege Kobes, Flvrtnct Silk, 11 W llmidt, Oj-eia Cans, unii BWen Cuffi. LADIES and CHII.DIJEX WOOI.TALM AS Cum Belts. Belt ItiWIion, M uli.ir lied lrcsea , Hiblkins, Needle-woikcd and lluijle Cullars, rinead l.sns, Flouncing, li.M-rlin, Swis., Mwil, Cstubrie, Nainsook, Dimity, tlttiti .M11.I111, il mh. mine, and a geuetal asMiitmvHt ui while tioiids. Wool snd Cotton Csrpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades. Rockdale blankets. Turkish muni. rt-.nrs embossed tsble covers, licking. Sdts rlui.nei, scarfs, kid, Silk, Lisle thresd and oo en luvts. Of every variety, Ruuia Cia-I., l.u.rn and Cotton Dtsjier. THE GENTLEMEN will lind Blstk, Blue and Brown r'rcmh Cloths, llotssiiis, iiiaek Slid Fancy Uatnimcr, hurcd slincll, On rcoaiinj, 'I weed, trlveiteu. r-n, fcaliu. Plush and Silk Veliet i.itng. Neck-lies, carls, Culiais, Gloves and Minks. klf.'li:LX,Y. CLOTiUiG. lists aud Caps nl all sises snd prices. OCR HARDWARE Embraces all kinds of building m.terisl, a Isrue stuck ol Carpenter'a TrtuU of tbe he. I 111.111.I.1' lure, tiles ul every descnp ion, pukv, 41U11 oes, Ma.011 hammers, bar iron, Merl, n.il., i.,iiii, putty, kIsss sud oils, vtiudnw s..li ui an ..irs, grnuUtoiies, Circular aud Mill :a. 't he (tiii'titsu.it c Muik is computed ol Sliiie China Sell., Fiuil divhrs, Cake plaits, sauce di.hes, comuieii pi. Irs, cuj s a..d saucers, together with a varied axorliurnt ol Glassware, emlnacing the la.e.l si) li s. or it uitucuuii: are fresh and pure, among which may "w found, G. A. sll, Macksiel, Shad, Cedlisii, hosed and pickled Herring, tin.hen and Saie Cheese. '1 he best of teas, sugaia, coriee. &e. We return our thanks to Ihe public for our incressing patronage, and respecrtullv invite an r 1 animation of our slnek, ss we deem it a plea sure to show our lioods. Lt Country prodoce taken in eichsnge at Ihe bight at market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Sunbiqs , Nov. S9 1858. R. DLCOCQFCO".' Clothiers, No. 141 Ciif.rstT Sr., Aovt Fov-sim, PlKl M Lf MIA, Keep con.lantly on hr.d s Iplcinjia srTjrlnxm of Ready-made Clothing. Goods made to Oaora and Waxkantiu to nr. Nov. 39, 1856. y 1EDAKWAKK, Hollow-ware, f'laas-ware, en nd a large stock el tjueenwsre, cinbrecitif the newest petlerns, for sale bv Nov. 39, '56. E. V. BRIGHT A SON. kATENT BRITTANIA BTOPPEIIS tot ber bottles for eele by H. B MASSES irw Good for th Peopla ( BENJAMIN IIKFFNEU B-tERl'KCTFlTLI.Y Informs the public In gen " oral Ui wt be his just received ,nd opened a splet'.did stock of Fall and Winter Good A. at his New Hlors, in Lower Augusta township. H is stock consists in part ef Cloths. Cassimcrs. Casein ct I. of all kinds, of linen, col ton and worsted. AL80 1 Calle, tVHnariiamts, I.atTnsi, NoifMiseHue Us LtUuea sod all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. OreerlM, Alse oa assortment of IIllrdlVH.ro. IrOit s and Bteel, Nails, &o. Ateo an excnllent assortment of ftUE2U3WAaE, of various styloa ami patterns. Alse an assortment of UOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selectloa. Salt, Fish, isc. And a greet variety of other articles sack as are suitable, to the trade, all of which will be sold at j tbe lowest prices. Z3T Country predtsee taken in exchanie Ike highest prices. A-swtr Aagusta, Itsv. 3) 185S. TIIE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER COOD. J. r. & I. P, KLINIL Rv.pectfully anneence U their friends si.J the fubUe 111 aenersl tbst ihey have received at their iU)e) iu I pper Aiieusia township, Nontiumher laud cuunty Pa., at Klines (irove. Thetr Fsli simi ,t mirr goos ere epensd to the pi.blic s fail ass'utniMil of merchandise Ac. CWJ.iine in part ef Cloths, Mick and fancy Caw sxers, Selinrll, Checks, Ke.ilrjcky Jesnr Uiider Shirts snd Drawers aud all kin, s ef Fsll aud Wither Goods. A I.H A resdy made Ciuathing, emwrtitig ef (.'ais Bad Venta. Ladies Dress Goods, Stiewks, (iii.ghaa,., Berate Delatas, CaUcecs. Mack Milks 4 c. AImi a lir.h supply ef Drug end Medicines, Gr.aceri.aj 4c, of all kinds. A new supply pf Hardware. Queensware, Wi.alen ware I) rooms 4 e. Al-is larae sssmlHient of Hoots sad Ntees sellable Utt mrii wnnievi aud rbiMren. HATS AND CAPS. ' A lo an asMtrtiiteiil ol School Books, Statione ry, Envelopes, Ink snd cheap puidWslimis. be. Sslt, Ctire 4c, and all gnoda usually kept in a country bIihc. Con e sod see, Cutue oi. rtHfir all. CU sper llisn the Ct.esiest. I haiAful fur past favors we hope bv strict at te11U.n1 tn bu'ineaa to weiit a ceulinuance of the san.s. All of Ihe above named stock of goods will be Bold poMiively at low prir.e for ca.h.or in ex change sW eauiMlry produce el tte highest aisr ksl yiu-m. Klines Grove, Fa., Nov. 8, 16 tf i7vr. TTfzlT&r "c67t OF GUNBURY.PA., 2 X ENl'EC'l FULLY invite their friends and tbe public to iuiecl llieir uew stuck ef VrxNTJiri co oss. ju.t received I'.m Philadelphia, U iue ennvimed that tlieir inteiest is be.l promoted by a stiict ryutiwasnce at ll.eir old plan uf "Smull jirnUi and quick Salei." they shall sliil a'nide by their previous course. AiuiMi.st their .luck will lie found for CEN TI.1:.H;N, a Isige assortment of READY MADE Coats, Ve.ia and Pantaloons; Cloths. I 'aesimrres. Salinelts, Ve.tiugs, L'uJtr-Sfci.ls, Suul Likaouts, Collars and Cravala I-OH LADIL's. Bisck and colored iiiks, De Bege Tobes, De iv.ges Frin.h Merino, Cs.l.ni. res, Madona C'imiis, Colmraa and Alpacas. DcLines Iwih plain and printed. Krady-Made Cloaks, ifrocha ano i uoieu auawls, I .Miv Velvet in sarin us i colors, tjuiliel Skills. Sack flaimvl various eel or. Had and white f lannel. ALSO: A general assortment of l.sdies snd Genllemsns BtlOTS, SI10TS A GAITERS. Men's, Buy', aud Childreus' il its sot! CS. Ilaidwsre, ltieenswsre, Groceries, Cedarware. f lone and Earthenware Drugs, PaiuU, Full Salt, CheeM., Nsiis, Oils, Ac, 4C A good supply of school book, and copy books wilh primed copies oil each page. Country produce taken iu exchange fergoede. al Ihe bigbt.t market pruts I. W. TEN ERA Ce. SlMlbliry, Nov. S3, 18:16. .w.t-r i 01 li .' lor l&!7 Taa pUvsllw VVKKKLY KXI'ltr.fS" tieoire a wale cirelc ,t ioiOia it will iu latara ba patiliaued upon lac cai si .lata. Willi ina caw plan, its price w ill be reduced tn a ra s wliii-h will aiiauk! all wImi w.sli 10 014.1111 it, to u.ao at ibe irii'C ill luc vucaersl ul tli wbltl-circauit puicia IS New Yuri. I'm Weekly Kxpreaa" will contain in atl.tniun o Ilia imiimI p .lilir il. gKirnii tirws. nii.ecllMNrousaiMl nlliai tvml. nr n.ltrr ol mi at;rMlile Ihimly i.i, lbs New Yin. Wif.na, at-ek ana ni'Miry niar.ria a Oie Coa.ur), aial tuvfc nacu ikuikcts aa ate ul tcoeiai iutsitat 'I trlMi : iiif espies ae ftr suaeta. 'I'tir.-a e..les s five e'ites ft ii Tell Copies IS n Tweiily Coj.u. 10 stiess, -fin, and ss eklrs sops tn it.e aitler up up a ilia 4-iuli. 'I'wemy e.aia i.r otarto il.a lirrM4 e.eh aulaa'rilarr, fcl.'JO. r,.eriiiieii sent, lire up m applK'alsw, Sa any BiMlrw and is inni) ni inty lie wanted. T.iCiei,n,(ii, Ihi- Weekly will be arnl f. OtK Dollar per Mtii.inii Trie Semi-SVeekly l'.kirer" has been redaeed bi Tares Il -liius per aiiiiaiu. and will be aappliad to Ckias up.ju ii,c loli'.win leiiii: ein'e e SI 00 per a .nam Two e -f.ira s io Fiveciples II 11 I The lJ..il t:apres. (Mnrniisr or D.vniiiiw Kil.l nn, st iKe ai'lei-tn n ! ine ..iLtcritiel .) Will tia:eulter l ae.il t.y mail .1 s 4 -llara p.r aiiiimii aiwtiyi. payal.le 111 ailv.-iiiee. 'I'oeiniae all vt tin pret'er lo jii.ti;. Ihe ' Ksreaa ' i.ni ita ineilti I'-a II.Mivlri-s. i-eemieii ciies will lis seul Ires to aa, saMrew ap.ai apt brail- u to J K MRMIK. Corner of H'.-.li auJ N.smu s'lee'S, .reaiSrr ;, .;al twl S New IsTOTICE. S hereby given that letters 7'eatamrntary have if been gf.iitni te the undersigned Executors ot the ..i.ue ,f David M' Wiliiams, lale of N'bs uiuki.i ioaii-Ii p.itecesej. Ail ieisous indebted ni isi I r.taie .re reqiieste,! to make payment, snd t lose hav 11 claims present them for sece rnent. WM. W. M'WII.LIAMK. DAVID . M'Wli.l.IAMS. . hamokin fp, Nov. Sir, 1 "ifiti et To B.i.idcie V ( trcntcra. The suhacrihe's are rjpents for the ssle of I)o;ira, Window blinds, Window Shutters, and ail sitH of Window Sash, all of which we utter at the lowest prices. Nov. V'9, '.. E. Y. B RIGHT A SON. BE0DIIEAD ft E0UE1TS, AT.. 13!i, A. 3d Street, ruiiADturmA, FNVITE tbe sitei tion of enuuliy enerrkanla snd nlliers to tin ir stock of BOOTS 5c SHOE3, which 'bey will il it pose of on Ihe Bsel reeaoa alih irrtna. N v 9 1856.. ly Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales foj ssle ry E. Y. BRIGirtA SON. Nov. 39, 1858 k RILEY'S COIOU CASlir. Anie4 f lent remedy lor coughe, cekle. Fer sale tt tins oliice. December 4. 1856. 7rtltill.k lieutPI. A fresh assorimeni j at received by WM. A. BKLNEK June 81, ls6. GOSHEN CHI ESK. Jest received and lor sal.- by t-LASHOi.TZ 4- Pt'l KY. Sept. 13, 18.16 4 KNOLD'S WRITING FLCID and A due aire and legal envelopes, fur eale by H. a MAMtEB. oWlaisi, Jo 1 4. . UaV I EXECUTORS frALE. FnifE undnrsigned f!veriitT of the estate nf Jacob Psinter, dee'd., late nf the Bormi.b ef Sunlmry, by virtue of a power nonreined in the last will end lewtatment ef said deceased, will dispose of at Private Sale, the following valuable Real JeXata, vie : !f several lots or parts op two Lots op ground, in Market Square, in the Bnrou,fr of Knntmry, fronting 43 feol en Market Streeit, being parte of lots No . and on which are erected Three Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two story frame Building, with thn usual outbuildings arable, Ac, ls,to tlie reidni'e of so id deceased. Thore is also on the front 0f said lot, two two story frame building;, occupied as a store, shops, Ac, with a good Well of water before the door. ALSO j A FARM OR TRACT OF LAND, containing about I f0 Acres, situate between the Cattawissa and Creek rosds about three-quarter utiles from Sunburv. The improvements are a frame two-story dwelling House, and a large Bank Barn and other outbuilding-. There are sovrjrnl fine Springs on tho premiaes, one .near the houts, and also a number of fruit trees of various kinds. The terms and conditions of ssle will be made known by application to tho undersigned, residing near Sunbury. JOHN BUYERS. Agent for Gxo. A. Teica, Ex'rs. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1856. tf "AID A"HD C0MF0HT," To Your Own lTIecbauict. ISAAC M. VILKKIlSOX, Respectfully announce that he has taken the sland Ulely eccupied by Ceorge Renn, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the meat Fashionable Style. 'FHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiei of the public te his large end splendid as- aortmenl of every quality aud price ef VARIXET-WAIILE hich cannot fail to recommend itself tneverv ana. who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the beat slock lobe had in the city. No cifurt i. spared in the manufacture of his ware, -and lb aurncrilier ie delermined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being maile. His stuck consists of Mahogany (., uivHuit and ijouDfre? Eurcs.Bg, Secretaries, Sideboards, SSKA, CKLAKPAST AND DIMfifi TAfiIRS and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and nrice CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In short, every article in this line of his business. Me also manufacture s'.l kinds and qualities, of CITATT?S. neleding varietiea never before te ha bsJ In Sunbury, such as M.soe.sr, Black Wtiscr sail 01 aim Mapii Okscua ; akd Winosna CHAIRS, sea vsecv Pisvo Stools, which are of the latest styles, end warranted to be excelled Ly none manufactured in tlie Citieaor elsewhere. Tlie subscrilvr ie determined that there slislt be noeiruse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence csn lirj entertained altout the quality and nuiali of their ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on ae goad terms as they ran lie purchased elsewhere. Caun try Produce taken in payment for work. VT UNDERTAKING. Having provided ahandsome Hssasa, he ia now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in tliis vi cinity, cr at any convenient distance from tbia place. GT The Were Room ia in Fawn Street, ke ow Weaver's Hotel. ISitAC M. WILKINSON. Surt.ury, Pept. 13, 18S0. tf. Pf NKSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED 1 1ST YOHK, I.A . j j, FFEIiS young men all the advaiileiss ef a f thorough II oti nes Education. THE COCUSK OF STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Bok-Krf ping, as ap plied to Wholesale, Retail. Cuminisaiun, Man ufacturing, Shipping, Steam Boating, Individ ual, Partnership, aud CoiupouuJ Company B usiness. PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient aud Modern Hands. Also, LECTURES on Commercial Law end Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. Fer Circulars, Ac, address the viidciaigned. T. K. WHITE, York, Pa. September 6, 18'fi. Cm. CLOTHING ! CLOTHIKQ ! I Waoi LSiit i P.srui. rTHE subscriber wculd respectfuly inforr the resdersof the Anieiii-en, that he has just opened a New REFORMED CLOTHING STORE. No. 398 Market Street, (3 doors below Ninth, south side) Philadelphia ; where he keeps c in stantly 011 hsnd one of Ibe last siMortments of Resdy Made Clothing, in tiie city ; also, a large assortment t,f Clothe, Cassimors, lie., which will lie msde to O.der, in ihe lrst manner, and at tlie shortest notice; all of whiib will be sold at tlie lowest possible Cssh prices. Reader will yeu please give ues call t DAVID M AUL. S98 MARKET Street. N. B WILLIAM SHAFFNER. will be pleased to see his fiieuds at tlie above Clothing eiture. Oct. S5, 18S6 w3m3 PjTFOBMlBCALESr ff every descripiion, suitable for railroads Ac. tor writhing If ay. Coal, Ore, and Menbsmlie generally, l'ur.lis.ers run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found ssli.fsctory can be lelurned with out charge, Factory at the Old $land, established for more than twenty years corner ef Ninth and Melon Mreels, 'hileiielpl.u. ABBOTT ti CO. Successors to Lliicott tV Abbott. Philsdelphis. Sept 13, 1656 dm. O Y ST EitS ! O Y STE US!! Fresh iSom Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKE AND VAN DEN EK Eli, Nttrtkiwilerland Pa., Will furr.i.-h Krstuarsuls and private fe mi lies Superior Bslliino e Uytteis, iy ihe Cso or hal Cau. All orjers promptly alucded la eu the shortest aetire. JAMES VANDYE, JOSEPH VANDENEKERt Oct. 18, igf,. tf D?.. oT. PTOSELL, Formerly ef Berryemrtr, 1 euphin county. Pa 1 I ERE It Y announces to the cititens of S a moki 1 and vicinity, that he has peru-.aiient ly located himself in tbe alajve place, and hope that en ri pent me ol severs! vsais, iu ell ih various branches of bis profrsion, will insur him a liberal share ef their pauwiugo. He msy at all times be tuund, whu not profs4oual!y engaged, at Uie Nalioual (We.vei's) Hotel. Shamoain, Oclolier 18.'i6. 3io Wajtattontiiry. A large eupply of fariey .toie Paper end Euvtlopea, Mourning, Leltvr, saJ Cap Paper, Peas. Ink. Send. Ae., at Msy 31, '68. Y, M. A. H RUN EE'S. OlXMNli Kluid, Catnpheoe, tuid Wicke and Lamps, for eals bv J. V. A LP. KLINE. Klines Grove, Nov. 8, 1658 tf IIl.tS for Machinists, carpenters, Ac etc., A Bsetiy'e (dge tools, planes and liench screwe tur sale by JS. V. bbUSUT A HON Nev. 9. 1U4.