as- . r .g,-,- , Mxsm .fcL -. . NO. 39. SUNBUIIY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA. SAT URD AY, DECEMBER 20, 185G. OLD Sfillll&V.Ofr 17NO 1?, - American. JSVKUT SATURDAY II. B. MASSES, Market Spiare, Suuvurg, Penna. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. TWO DOLLARS mr auunm tu he psi.1 llf Vesriy In nd'.Vce. r-.o pa-ior,t.i.ueu until all u.reur e ... ' "A'il c..1mun'.. tion. r letter on .f;1"'"'! to the ulnec, to inuie uuentioii, "' b O&l J A1U. TO CI.l'US. Three cortes " ft w Ht:,"", fjo 1o W r II teen IO . u Five dollars III advance will pay for three y.r's.ub- .-.-ruui".. t" the Aliierii-il. ' i',,.u.inter will plensenct ns our Agents, awl frank i,,!;.;VZ."'"",, money. They are permit ted to da tine uudt Hie l'uat Oitic-e Law. TERMS OF AD VERT19IN0. Oh.- Sti .a.c of H lines, 3 limes, ,l Xveiv ui'.xuuent i..rliou, .ii.r Siiunie, U inontlHi S(W ,x inoniln, K1)U Ji'ciod. of Five linn.. rr annum, M Merchant and I'tinn. advertising I.y lh .vitl. tl.e privilege of inserting il.Jer .'lit adve.tisu.ncnu weekly. U"e Advertisement...." P agreement. J O It PI! IN TINS. W. hive c eetod will, -nr estnliliidiment well ,."",.1 JOH .li'KICK, which vviHe.c.l.le. u. to execute in lie ncat.l st le, every variety ol A T T 0 II K E Y AT LAW, eONIlUUT, PA. Uu.ii.Mii att.-u.lea l.i in the Counties or Nor-t'I..Ml-...J, Lnion, Lycoming Montour ...J ' 111 .Ill's i:freticc in 2'htlaiJe.lj'hta II hi. to1) R.Tts-hi, Cha. miasma. l.inu, Smith 4 l-o. "id UST MOUNTAIN COLLIERY S UTERI OH WHITE A S II ANTHRACITE COAX., From the Mamniotli Vein, for Furnaces, Found rii-H, Steamboats ami Family use, Mr, Caumki., .NuTMl'SIH.A t'ou rT, I'A. SIZES or COAL. U:MI for Hla.l rurnacea and Cufalaa, s'i'E A MUiT, for hteauiboate, Hot Air Furnati'a and Steeili. J'.''.''"' for Crtlea, fciUvea an'i 8tc. fil'.HK, ( lor Stoic, Suraai an J turning M.r, ) I.ime. l'l: A, I'jr J.imeljurnera nd niaKing Ptpam. Ordi'M ror.-ived at Ml. Cariucl or .Northuin Lrrland Wlurf, will re.-ei lirjiuut attention. M. U. UKI.I., I). J. l.EWI-i, WILLIAM M L'l It. May 3, ISr.C. tf " DILWORTn BKAKSOH & CO. Hardware Hercliants, Having removed from No. 5! to Ao. 73 Market Street, Philadelphia, r prepared, w'th grraOv inrreavd fa.i;lirH, to f.!l orders lor H A HI) WARE of every variety ,ii !iot termf, from a full aortiuent, including IViiroad Miovi'1 Piikf. 4 e. I'.iunlry l.ierclianls and othera will find It to eir re-t to rl'. ml etamine our etock. te- pur.l.iina elsewhere. April 12. INMi. ly XJ. S. OF "t;,l ami our Xaiive Laud." S M iMJi nilANNA ('AM P, No. SJ. of the 0. N j ..... i ' v I, ., I,! it. stated aessioiif everv Vommv cve'iiitiR in tl.eii New U all. opposite E. Y. Uiic!:t at re. tunl.ury, Pa. lnttitatlon Mid " "'00" JOHN O. YOUNG. W.C. ICm'u Witvr.HT, K. s. !-u..! urv, July li. lwr.C oct 20 '65 " O. OP XJ- -A.. !,M N1JL HV Ctll.NClL, No. UO, O. of IT- A. M. m.'.t every TxKaiiAV eveuinK in the .Ame.ieiti Hull, opposite E. V. Uriplit'e fctore, V.atket atretl, Si.nhury, I'a. MemU rs of the crder are icapcctlullv requested to attend. Wll. A. liKL'N'ER, C. I.. V.". Smith. U.S. .Suuliury, Julv 5, lSMi. oct 20. '.r.5. SHlN(iTO CAMP, No. 19 J. S. of A V ,o!.U ila ft.ile. mretinS every Thurnday c-veniiiK, iu the American Hail, Market blrcvt, tiUuLUry- WM.H.Ml.EI.MAN.P. . A. f HII.LV.H, H. f. rSur.;u..v, July 5, ISfiC tf. "k;T UD '("iUVE till, lor tat le u:,-two aiie A- at :i7i und ti'.'1 centa j.iat received hy M. A.WKLNEH. June 2 1 , K!ackbcrry Jirandy ! TITST r. coie.l a freh aupjily of Dlackherry l!-amlv and invaluable remedy for (S.mimer complain' by YM. A. DRUNK It. August 2, 1856. ricur, Teed and Provision toro. SEASHOLTZ & PETER Y, llroudiciui, Ltireuii Market A- Hlaclcherry Sti. rvwi!.'i'TPi:M.V inform the cititeiie of il'A. i....i.,,rU an.) vii'inilv that thev have iuat received a iurge und well icleeud aaaoruuent of choice ....i,, in n..rt uf Hani. Khoulder. Mackerel, Herriinr. Whito I', 'd Fish, Halt Pre'rveJ Fruit, Pi. kles, Cracker, Checae, Molae, i;ice,! .r. Cnito. (creen, roasted and ground.) Im tiuntiowdor and 13 lack JVa, Cedar-ware, Sione-waro, H..ap, l.rustiea plow and wash liuea, hoot and fchoea, tol.aeco, ee:ira, &c.t togettier wnu every u . i found ill a first clew (iroeery Store, all of which will be aold at thejoweat prices, either for caJi or country produce. We are aUi prepare d to up the citiiens with fresh bread, twist, roll, pice, pretzels and cake ofvcry kind. . IS. U. The highest rash price will be paid for und el:s, corn, oat, rye and wheat. riunbury, May 31, lt50. " FOR HALE! aTS b'TCAM ENOINES 0Hore power each, jQ with boiler. Would make eicellenl pump imr ant;iiie, loirethor with 'i large blowing cylin ders, suiuUe tor a bluat furnace. Apply to HE.MtV LONUEXECKER eu CO. rihaiuokiu Iron Work, Shamokin, Pa. Khamakin, July 81, 1855, STOVES' It)!t s ALE an excellent econd-hand Cook ' inj; Stove, also aeveral Cylinder Coal Mtovea. Pji.piire at thi (Iic. SILVER WATCH EN A few double cas Enirlish Silver Watclie, for aale at very low b, H. B MA8SER. teoilhu.y, April 12, IRMt. FLOUR. FEED & GROCERY STORE CIIAKLES GA11INGEI1, KK8PKCTFUM.V Inform the ciliwn of Sunhury and the neighboring country that he ha purchased the Grocery Store in Water atreet, in the rear ol the wharf, recently kepi by Weiae & Clement, and that he ha jtit replen ished hi atock which he will fell at reasonable price. He will keep a constant upply of Flour, Grain and Feed, Uread, Fish and Cheese, Hams, Kbouljers and Herring, Coffee, Sugar and Molaeaca, Tea, Spice and Fruit, Nuta, Confectionarie of all kinds, Doot and Shoe, Lailiec Gaiters, Misses and Children' Shoes, also (jueensware, Cedarerare, Hardware and Notions, Ac, Ac. Citizen are requested to send in their order for Flour, Feed and Groceries and he will de liver them properly. Bunbury, June U, 1856. ti JOHN FAREIKA, A. 2S4 Market Street, uhvt 1'IIII.AIlKl.rHIA. f MPOKTF.R, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds and qualities of fancy fura, for Ladies and Children. J. 1'., would call (l.e attention of the Ladies and others to hi iiiiinenec asert meut, Wing the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my fura. I feel confident in faying that I can oiler the greatest inducement to tnoe in want and at tho came lime will hate one ol the largest assortment to select from. Storekeeper and the trade will please give me a call before purchasing, as my IioleNsle depart ment is well supplied to meet the demand for every article in the Fur line, and at the lowest possible Manufacturer Prices. JOHN FA HE III A. 1 Murhl Street. Philadelphia, Pept. 40, leVit). 4mw, AMERICAN HOUSE, "WILLI A MS POUT, I'A., .?. II. HFI.TOV, !i'oirletor. Jar. T. II am., Ass't. Sept. XX 1S5G. If rtlMHT, LiflHKVIK &. CO., PAPER, MUSTERS' CARDS, ENVBIeOPIS & HAG SO. 5 M1XOH SWEET, I'lULADEL'A 100 tons ltags wanted for Cash. August 23, K.'6. liin PHILIP S. PkTP.ET. WUULIllK AMI HkTAlL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streeti, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest price. October 4, lUoC. tf HERRINGS SAFE AUA1N THE CHAMPION 1 1 Tin 'y '" im t.-r ry instance, pre served their entire contents in tht late lixluisive Eire. A T the l.urnma of tl.e Artizau V Build lies. April U"li, and in the UKKVI' I IHI. in Ma-"l !l .Mi.. (Ft. Ir-.Vi. tl.e eenuiiw llerinig Si.e preSflved Hie Jeweliy of lie.,. Y. t-iamioli. k Uro. ; ll "ks, I's per. Ac., ot t'lhlirr i; Uio. and l.dusrd S'lnwus k Co., alter re- t"l. t -f t"A vl maiioilir H1H.I ... nuiiiiij 'l'l t rAffilrnius lor .r!y l-'orty H"urs. am lll'"S.',i r.,u...usive!v what we nave Vji-gWMlu. svs claimed f..r tls-m, u.eir area! euiK'Horit)' t.vcr in secuiiu.'a now ku'.wn. In t'n;e lire', the UPHRINO'S SAIL. na.uJi.ig liv side Willi iidvrrt.sed lis .'warranteil to stuno HI per i jul. iiior." lire iliin llriua"s," l..e L.rth the ac ku..w'.n!i:.'.l vietm ut only pr.-ervii.g e.'i.i. uif m excellent order, but Wing lueiiiselvc in a eoiKln.o.i to tl.rougl. another ord,-;.l, wli.le.lhe h.msud 'Salimiaiide .'of ilher uiak.rK uie tws.1l - h i up in every lisn ioi t, m cities then et.tne c.inten.s e.,.np!ete:y ,Hf.iro)e.i. 'o the nuhi.e we woulit simiily r.v. 1'isl. .tur.n the 11 years the It.-rroiK's Safe lias heel, helore tl.em, more than I wo liluiili eil ht. e psJ-'H-d lliro.ih seeiiU ills' foes Without lli oci'iirrenee of a single lo... We would, lli'erefore. csutiou purehnf i rs iieionrt the niisreprei.eliHi1l.iii of iuleH-Ktcd p'.itie.. 1 lie ilemiu! s raleill Is the OUIV r ...e nittne .1. no. e.i whieh is nrot'elid hv I. I'.ceut Itieht, and we will s'uar- sntee it to resiri more doutdc the amount o teal of any u'.her Safe now known. Fri-i-cIm & Ilrrrlna:, S.le Minn.fai'tiirers in this Suite of 'niiilRloG'S P1TEM riUSPIM SAFES," Walnut ft., l'l.iludi. X H ''Kvaiis A Watson's l.uplov.d S-ihnianuen," Oliver ilvi.n's," X'. J. tiayiM','! and S mil's AUl..s." Iron tresis, 4 large Sfcsorliuciit ruivius heeu luken in part panriit lor-ll. rrine's') will I !dal low pl,ee. i'tiu , June ill, 1140. ly. BHEAFP ete'EL-A-'ciC, jiivtHS au smrrsas ut WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From the Cija Mountain Colliery tfllAMOKIN, MJK'l'iriJ CHL'STV, PK.NN A. Address. ShcalV &. Ulack, Suubury. or SU in ok in, Pa. Kunbury, May 21, 1R..6. tf COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLEBYSTORE, JVo. '11 Xorth Third St., biluic Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTKV Men hunt can save from ten lo fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores, liy importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it ia plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, uav hiuh rent and live like prince. Constantly ou hand a larga assortment of Pen and Pocket Kliive, Scissors dud Itslors, '1'able Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, liulfslo.bone and wood handle. Carvers and Forks, Ac, Uulcher Kuive, Dirks, JJui Kuivs, Itevulviug aud plain Pistol, Ac. Also a large assortment of Aecordeon, Ae Also in English Twist and German Gun. JOHN M. COLEMAN", Oct. tO, 1855. ly. Importer. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE Ae 7 J JVorf. Sfroiio! Street, (evpuiiu IA Jlount Frriion Houh ) Philadelphia. aTOI.D I.eyer Watchea, full jeweled, 1 K, ra " . SH: Silver Lever do,, do., $11: il- Ter Lepine, do., if 9 :. "-iurtier, 5 to lf7 : Gold Spectacles, 00 to lu i diver uo., . i o.i ; Silver Table hpoon per sett, $14. to $18; Silver l)ert do., do., 9 to 1 1 ; fcilver Teado do.. 4 75 to 7 Ml ; Gold Ten and Gold Ca. sea. &3 25 to 5 : Gold Pen and Silver do.. If 1; together with a ariety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard aud Fob Chaine. All goode warranted to be aa represented. Wetche and Jewelry, repaired in the beat manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pin, Ac, made to order. N. B. All order eiit by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856-lyw. C-tOl'NTY ORDERS. County order taken J aa cash for goods, and on note or book ae count by ' B.V. BRIGHT 4-SON. Nor. 19, 15. '' ' AN ADVETfTURE in thk WRoita notisis. J1Y Ml. l. MO.NTnOJJKllT BIUD. !! TWO llIAPTERa-CIIAPTF.i; I. The following I, we believe, ft somewhat old story, but ns it is a capital one of its kind we tako Hie liberty of laying it before our readers knowing- tltut those who Iiavo not read it beforo will liavo some hearty laughs, and tbofo who have, ut least a succession of smiles "I know not what extraordinary conjunction of tho stars took place on the firpt I ri.Uy of Juno, 1S3-, nor huw my plunet ia parti'.'ular, camo to perform so many antics, in or ot:t of its proper sphere. Huloro that, tiny, 1 had never had an adventure in my life ; the cur rent of my existence; had flowed as evenly and quietly as the btream of a mill pond ; and no wit or oki! of author-craft could lisvo spun out my biography riejond the compass of a tinirlu twoi'i'iiph.' 1 wan bom, and I lived for twetity-iivo years that i all : I lived it) a village, too unci my numo was (as it now i.) James J. Smith. Thoro was nothing fur ther it) my hintory worthy of being mention ed j escept that, ut twenty-fivo years old, fin. lino; myself unincumbered by any near rel atives, and possessed of n Moderate estate, euflicient fur all my reaFotmble wants, (mid 1 had mi unreasonable ones,! 1 beun to bo weary of my rather dull and lonely esistence, and east about for some means of relief. J was baluueing between two preut projects, ouo of travel, the other of matrimony ; both iudeud, in u very general way, for I was Dot in lovo xitli uuybudy, or particular place ; when la letter from my old collet,'' mate and cotreHpondeut, Hurry Htown, of Virginia, de termined niu in favor of the former. Ho was fui'minir a family party h.t invited me to join in Philadelphia, wbert! be expected to in rive tit an curly day ; und hy promised to tiring along with luui a very ctiariniug uumarrie.l coudiu of lii who niiflit, pel hups, he auid, as bil mu iu trying thu othur project aa aoon as I got liivj ol" traveling, ptovided osly that I hud the spirit (and it reuirerj great rpiril) to woo and w:ti Lvt ; all of which I regarded au a friendly plearinlry u the part of my old chain. 1 went accordingly to riii!a.le!;iliiu, and at Harry's auggtation, took lodgings ut a lash ionablu boarding Iuhmc, at which h iuteuded Htoptiiiiy, and tiUri) I 111 deKititd to uwait hiii.. It was on Fiiday, in tho nflernoott, that I arrived; ni.d having estal.lii-L.J mvsell' in a coinloi table chamber, 1 tallied out to ate somewhat of tie city, and inuiro at the post oflieu for letters from my friend. 1 received two U tters, cue from Harry of a somewhat mysterious ((ilulity ; tbe oilier front m slruu Her, an.) of a cburucter el ill more eiplicuble ; both of them written from lialtiuiore. Har ry itifoi't'.ied I lie that ho was ft) thu way with his party, and hoped to be in Philadelphia on the following day ; and he udiled (and this wn the mysterious part of the letter.; that Lis aforesaid handsome cousiu as about to be snatched away from me by a particular total ity, yet lie tiiu not despair, he aaiu, of my yel wiunitig her, provided he should immediately Und me on reaching l'hilakelphia, and find ae with mettle eutlicient to niideriakva most formidable, but xplctidid adventure. Cotiloun.l h.S handsome C. Ue.u ! Said I, "whom 1 never heard of before, except in his last letter ; and coufouud his splendid adven tures : And with that, with the greatest equanimity, I banished the uiemery of both to xamint utul wander over toy second letter from my unkuowu currespondtLt. It was as follows: "M v Dkak Hoy :- Shall be in Philadelphia Friday evening with E , to sign seal, kiss aud squabble, actotdiiig to compact : place aforementioned. Shall expect you rings, po.ies, blushes and hysterics. Always promised your dud 1 would, ami 1 wi'l. Xour resolutely, I. H. This letter was formally directed to James J. iSuiith, fc;., "post restaute," Philadelphia was iiiatiilektly writteu id an old niau a baud ; and as far as 1 could gather any sense fiuiu its odd aud broken eu.-e, alluded to a lu .rriag which was in rogre.-s Jout.lltss btlwveu K , (who aa ahe ?) on thu one part, and Mr. James J. Smith ou the other. Uut who was Mr. James J. Smith t Not myself, ir- taiuly; ho hud never dreamed of marriage, except us a contingency, aud had uever made sciioui love or proposals to any human lieiu.. No, it was apparent and tuis a as continued by the allusion to the 'ufureiueiitiinied place," well 'known, of course to the persou writteu to but not to u.e that there was some other James J. Smith b.sid.s myself iu the world, and in Philadelphia, for -kui this letter was designed, aud to hum it was inauilest from the terms of it, the loss might prove ex tremely inconvenient. Under the circumstances, l perceived I had nothing to do but return it to the poM ollice, that it might reach my name.-uke, and 1 was retracing my bteps, lor that purpose, when I was interrupted by a gentleman, or a person dressed like a gelitleuiau, but I thought there was something impleading aud niii.-l,-r iu his looks, who stepped up to me, and with a low bow aud grinning smile, toiu me, he believed he had tha pleasure of addrtssiiig Mr. James J. MnitQ I That is certainly my name," said 1, "but" "You havn't the honor of my svnuain- tance!" interrupt. .! the gentleman. "Exact ly so, but 1 have thu pleasure of producing my note of introduction." And with that, the fellow clapping one hand on my shoulder iu a very impudent (amilliar way displayed uuder my uose, not a note ol introduction but a note of hand for some sev enteen or eighteen hundred dollars drawn in favor ot Simon somebody, 1 forget who, aud signed plaj nly aod itieugly wuough, "James J. Smith" "All this, my friend," taid I, removing bis hand from oil my shoulder, "is doubtless good and lair enough. The difficulty is, that it coucerns some other James J. Smith, und not me ; lor 1 never wrote that note, nor indeed, any other. Yon have made a mistake." Very facetious," said the person. "1 thould inform yon, sir, that poor Simon being iu difficulty, was under the necessity of part ing with that little note to me, sir ; and 1 paid him a fuir price for it, sir, because it was a debt of honor, sir," here the rascal looked as if he meant to imiiress me.with an awlul secso of his courage aud determination : "a debt of honor, sir, 1 never find and diflicu'.ty in col letting." "Tho deuce take you ami your debt of ho nor," said 1, waxing impatient. "1 tell yon, sir" but my goutleuiau interrupted uie again. "No occasion to swear, my dear fellow, I don't intend to trouble you "just now.' 1 know whut brings you to town here j a xitow old Tutty is coming, If he has not come al ready, aud tbe rich youiig lady with Lim. The letter, air, that you jutt received sir.' Ilera the fellow bnrct Info a laugh nt tbe look of amazement I put on, Emlinat him so fumil liar with the myftorions epistle ; and added somewhat contemptuously,, "1 did rot thiuk Jir. dames .'mith suck a spoonv. u to .....ucb si',V,l,o. pi.". o-ouo'-xy. to I (Tire, the the Jf, . !ithe benefit of r.t;.o.1f'.'rrrf leuera oTcr rus nnouiuers in tne streeti I' the street I In short, sir, as I said, 1 don't in tend to troublo yon just now, nor to be gam moned hereafter. I shall wait, sir, untM the liHppy hour is over ; mid then, sir, hnmbly clnim to renew the note, sir! till when, your obedient servant to command, sir !" With that my gentleman bowed aid stalk ed off", stroking bis whiskers with an air of uouileraJlo magnilitenco which 1 have not seen equalled by any bluckleg. This little incident, besides moving some what my choler, tpiite changed my resolution of restoring the letter to the post-office nnri thereby to my namesake. It seemed row apparent that my "alterejro" was some r.t.i cally adventurer, the fellow, as well as prey, of him who bore the note in band ; and it ap. peared, therefore, impossible thnt such a fel low could pretend, in any honest way, to the hand of the rich ' vonnir ladv ." referred to bv tbe note-holder, and doubtless the fair E , of tho letter. I felt that I shonld pnni-h, if not defeat, the schemes of a rogue, and ter haps protect a deserving girl and a deceived parent, by keeping Mr. T. 15 's letter in my pocket, and into my pocket accordingly I thrust it. At. all events, the inception ,f ltm !.. l.l .a ,. ... i.e. .mini prociure a oemy ; ar.u uviay might effect the desired ptirpos-. 1 spent the remainder of the ai'.ernnon rambling about the city, viewing it. ar.-l. as I thought to the last moment, without farther adventure. Hut just as 1 was hunting y way back to my boarding honse to tea. I w-as stopped by a s.iarp but rather timid-lr v'.Vg eiuppeci i.y a s.iarp but rather timnl-lrv. f g young fellow, who begged my pardon, hel-nv- ed I was Mr. James J Smith, reminded rr j that 1 owed a very long bill to his employers, Mesfr?. Snip Shears, hinted that thev had written to me two or three tiling oa thi sub ject, observed that times wera hard, aud cou eluded by insinuating the pleasure I would confer upon those geutleu.oo if 1 would be so good as to walk with hius forthwith, dowa to their gbop which wm only een;U or 'igbt 6quures CD, I replied to all this, that he had ndstiikeo his man ; that I owed Snip k bhtars nothing ; aud upoa which he became so alarm ed ai.d retreated. But I ohMerred him foil, w ing mo at a distance, and dogging me ail the way to my boarding-house. After tea, hnving no acquaintance, in the city, 1 went into oc cf the theatres to pass the evening, and passed it, in the main, very pleasantly. 1 was, indeed one time at.n.'.yed by the conduct of two Or three Well drerted, but noisy fellows, in the next box, who, from their discourse, I soon set down an gamblers and determined rogues. One of them, who had red hair, I observed was very genteel in his appearance, bnt be was an abandoned d-s-perado in hi conversation ; and from some remarks tl.t he and his companions let full, 1 was struck with the sudden suspicion that he was no less a personaee than my woe by iiames.ike, M r. James J bmith himself. Thus iu the midnt of tbeir laughing ar.d t ov.'rr.esrd'. i.ap.t.o.i.r.j, '!.! II..,.. a," "the girl," "rich and confoundedly handsome," "hard headed old hunks," kc , and M r. E-d-head himself with an oath, "if the M.hI suckers would give him but two days, he would hold up bis head again with the best of them." I tried in vain to catch the fellow's name ; aud Soon after he had altered the words related, another young man came into the box and told bun "there were hawks oa the wing;'' upon whkh he looked alarmed, his compan ions langlud, aud they all immediately I. ft the theatre. I could then at'.eud the performance with out ii.ttrr.iptior. ; and 1 had been for smite time observua in the interests of the scene, when I was suddenly aronsed by a voice whis pering in my ear "1 say, Mr. jaiues J Smith this is so place for a gentleman of year in ches. There are bnztards abroad, who'll stop all marrying and giving in marainge. And if you mean to give up that ih slice, hang me, my flue fellow, if 1 sLuu't ko tl.u first to arrest you." I looked around, aud was enraged t per ceivo the note holder, who gave me a canl cod, aud immediately walked may. "How provoking," thought I, "to hate all these vagabonds take me tor .that, my namesake, let there is Something aftr all. in his counsel. It won! i net be agreeible to bo arrested, even by mistake, since tin ri is no oue iu this city to whom I can aptstl for character and identity 'I o-morrow.rorn will be here, and tbeu I shall le safe t xngh. These thoughts determined me toles the theatre and go home. But 1 had seirecly got tbe distance of a square when I bat the misfortune to be tapped oa the feboiilibr by au officer, who told me he had a wr.t U; me en the suit of Messrs. Kuip A Shears: and requested me to favor him with my con;. .my to the magistrate's. At the same t,uie per ceived tbe tailor's clerk, who had kept me in view and pointed me out t. the oflicer. It was in vaiu for me to prnte..f.hnt I was not the man intended ; Mr. C I. ri.ja.,i, "Uie gentleman was very good on that aliry." What, 1 asked myself, if it should not suit Messrs Snip A Shears to attend the nngis trate's t I felt very well assured that 1 Haild be liberated a soon aa they saw me ; but they might have delegated the w bole biuiu ss to the clerk, who would not hesitate to siear 1 was James J. Smith, because 1 had ted 1 was; and theu bail would be demakled and, for watit of it, 1 must immediate! be packed oil to prison. 1 The thought of this degradation fillet me with sudden fury, and without taking tins to reflect upon tbe consequences, 1 kiiockedthe oflicer down, though be was a butty f.iuw twice ae big as myself, kicked the little tjeik into tbe gutter, aud immediately ran off, ,op ing to make my way to the boarding-livse, thore to lie coucealed isulil Urowu huu!.r nve iu the city. This proved a mnre difficult todettakkt thaa I expected ; for there whs immediately a great hue aad cry raised ; and the streets being pretty full of people, (for it was aot 11 o'clock,) 1 was followed and headed, and assailed on both sides so that it was osly by taxing my activity to the utmost, and diving into every alley and byway that offered, ttiut 1 managed to avoid my pursuers My great est fear was of losing my way, for I knew but little of this city, and the uniformity of its streets, and the great family resemblance be tween all its houses, are very perplexing to a stranger. Yet 1 thought I was keeping the run of the streets, notwithstanding my various doublings ; and by-and-by I was sure that a large house now iu sight was my bearding bouse, because it looked exactly like it, and was gimilaily situated sear an alley, which or oua the "fac rimile" of it I had taken no tice of during the day. As I camo near the house, I found myself cut off from the door by some jiersone were ruuniug from tho opposite direction to inter cept me. I tbereforo pluuged down thu alley, which was badly lighted, aud soon conducted me to another ttill darken1 on'e.'vrbrctT 1 per- ceited run fotlie bad of the houses, bonntl- instr In the tarda r gardens, which wern merely encloeed vith walls or fences with a garden gate to each honse. L in loeu sirtvrv roe mm. i mino. io...- tntf Ihe hftanling b ne triri-igh ths ftrden The idea strivk me thai. 1 rnignt pornnps gate, whieh I knew tnnst be the second f-,e. for the honse itself was tho second beyond the alley. I tried the latch, it did r.ot y:elrP,; bnt I hud not withdrawn my hand when the g.tte if.elf was thrown open, arid, upon my rushing in, it w.ij immediately closed again and bolted behind me ; and this, I was certain, without tny having been seen from withont ; for of iny porsnefs had got into the nll'T. P-ecirJes. the gate was overhung by a great tree, which darkened the alley and the whole yard; so that I conbi nothing of the person who let me ia, exrept that it was a woman. And this she made eU. more manifest by taking me round th reck and giving me a bearry b', exclaiming "is it yon, Jimmy, my dear? Anl how came yon so so ; and what is it make all this rueltet and r inning !" "Oh I" whispered I, in some confusion, "there has been a fight, aod tbe polite are taking on everybody." 1 That's just like yon. .Timmy, yon gorsel'' said my unknown darling, give me another buss, '.toping to see every light, though you might a fortune by it. Bat con.e along, don't sty a single word! 1 71 take yoo tip ,1.1.1 I'll v.... ..... l... l;.,l j T-T..A nn mr.t I ---.' I"'- -".v -c- ..(.... ' . your snnd..v's best on. Yes, 1 feel that y.m mivo. Don't say a word, or aoaie.Udy J1 discover uy " " ,0 . inarnorala ? That wag more , 1 could tell. Hut it wis evident she j took mo for some one else; her sweetheart; ! und tbst wis a charwter. which, to avoid J ,li.-ovt rv, I felt cotr.titlUd to keep tip until j di.-overv, I felt coir.pi i I ,a,l g into thu b. gitiug her the slip, an chamber. Bnt this I onse, whtn I dmigned nd retreating to my cu found to be an achieve metit aot lo bo easily elfetted ; fur first, she he'.J mo very lovingly round her neck in bonds, and next, wheu we got into the hottsn through tbe back door, .1 was to dark that I could recognise nothing. I ktsew everything was novelty aud uivstery. But I could hsr var.ous sounds of mirth end chatter, and especially two or throe pianoe and other musical itistrumeute ochjitg ia diScrect parts of the hoie. In this cctifused state tho damsel led me ap to little room at the head or the stairs on the Second story, w here it living, if i-oesible, stiil darker tbtn ever, 3 he gave Hie a uew hug, and said "Now, Jim, my lad, I'll tell ynn all eN.nt it, and w tat you are to do, exatt'y. You see, she's to run awsy," (she, thought 1, what she ) "and 1 with her at least, she thinks so. We are to go off in the cars for Haiti more ; they go in half au boar, and she is in a great hurry. 1 suppose the has a lover down there, but he can't b wot th having if he won't come ufter her. We go off in men's clothes, because we will have to travel by nigin, ana noooy will know or follow us. 1 am to wear whiskers just such nice big whis kers as you have got, Jimmy so ae lo look old and tierce, ami keep the people off; and she's to I. my little brother, a ecbovl-bey. Arn't it t?ne, Jim T" "O, yes," said 1, beginning to wonder and b interested iu this opening of a plot and conspiracy among the people 1 did iu,t know, and marveling what share I was) to play iu the drama. "I've no doubt," qnoth my new acrinaint ance, "she would give me a heap cf money, for she's rich, and loves me, and I told her 'l wa ouce too, or my father was It fore me (which is no more thau the truth,) for all I m no more than a chamber-maid." "Oh-o 1" thought 1, "are you there, Abi gail r "J'ut here's my idea, Jim, (.he continued with vivacity, "and it's a gotd one. If the young lady might give me much, how much more might Hot the old gentleman give n.e he who has got all the chink in his own handr when he the young lady gutse, lost away, it might be, forever hew much would he give to restore hert Why, I reckon a whole fortune; so I'm resolved upon il. And here's the way we are to manage it : Instead of my running off with her, you are to do it. pretending to be uie : and sl.e won't kuiw the difference, becauee of the darkness, (yi.u are to talk only iu whispers.) aud she will think the innkes suih an alteisli. n! Then, iiirtekd of taking her to the cars, you take her right home to onr honse ; she knows no more cf the towti than she dies about the mw n ; then yon can pretend to le frightened, and rtiu into the house for shelter, aud then il is too late for the cars, and she tnnst wa.t to the next night you know ; and she can sleep in my room, and there vou can lock h.r up sale till morning. Then I cemo to finish the business, and get the fortune, and then, Jim, we'll get married aud vt up for our selves !" Here the faithless Ab'gnil pave me another embrace, expressive of delight and triumph, and then charging me to remain qnit t until she returned, slipped from the room and left me shut up iu the darkness 1 hesitated whether or not to obey her. My first im li nation was, certainly, to creep oe.t, m,w that the coast was clear, and llud my way to my own apartment, and vet 1 had a fancy ti. follow the adveniure lo the end, so far at least, as t.esee that the eloping lady came to no mischief. l'Al when I b. guu to tpiesti. n who this adventuress could be, und to remem ber that, ulthougli 1 had Seen a good many young ladies at the tea table in the evening, Holm of them were particularly hutnlsrime, 1 cot.fe.ts 1 lost so much of my interest in the matter as to le-olve to finish my share of it itistauter, retired to bed, and leave the incognita to her dot uie. I began to grope for the door, not without making aomo uoim agaiust opposing chairs and tables, when the door suddenly opened ; and I was. horrified by a mail's voice, luutmcniJ ia au euc-er whisper "1 ray, Suke, coufound tt, where are you f and wby don't veu epeuk to me 1" My tears bad told uie that tl.e new coiner (could be uo other thau Jimmy, the loitering weetiieart or couieuerate or AD:guil, or Van, as her name appeared to be. 1 kept as iM! ae a mouse, intending, as soon a lie crMptjjy nie, to slip out of the room. But lute, 0 Jimmy, bad determined it otherwise. "I a . Sukey ;" he murmuied, "hy did you boll. h gate ! Why didn't you let me int hyju't you speak t 1 know yoo are there, for ,rd you. And Dow, yoa lade, I've caught vjU iu f4Ct, be bad. But no iooner did bk flugera come iu contact with a whiskered chey 1C) velvet coat collar, than he uttered a dgn, crT. ..jh, Lord! it', a man !" and turrd tl street. But I had thudvuiitaga of him, and was nearest tbe door'ust BS the scheming Susan, purbaps alurmed t the buttle, came running into the room witVa light ; but at the sight or me she was go trrified that both she and her light dropped o the floor together, tbe latter going out in ae fall ; so that I had just time to notice eiat ahe wus a buxom wench of eighteen or tvouty, that the door wis left tvida open, and "the v4se to which it led was nn exact counterpart of thnt in the boardin-honse on which my chamber lay ; to wnicn, toererore, l left i could make my way withont farther trouble. It was under a sudden. impulse, nnd with tho ida of punihh ir.? the treacneronr, i hamber-tnaid, that, ns I stepped sut, I closed and locked the door, for I felt tho key wus on tho otilaido, and so left her and Jimmy to ecttio their difficulties as they misfit. I felt, along the passage for t!.9 third door, which I had no doubt led to my chamber. I reached it. nnd was in the act of scratching ahont with my fingers for the knob, when the door was opened, and to my nnutterable co:i fnsion, I was seized by a young female, who drawing me immediately in, nnd closing the door, said with a voice broken with merriment "How qnirlt yon ure ! All dressed, already ! what an immense big boy yon make! Where did tob get snrh magnificent whiskers?" It was now that the idea first hur.t tipnn in, that I had got iito the wrong house ; for I saw at a glance that this was none of my chamber. It wan a fair lady's bonrloir, or ante room to a sleeping- apartment, from the op en door of which it was obscurely illumi nated. There was jnst light enough for me to make cnt objects, to discover my extraor dinary blunder, to. see (or part of this, peihaps, was fancied,) that my tiew friend, who received me so warmly nnd familiarly, was a ynnng lady irresistibly charming and beautiful ; oh ! what a voice she had ! and the touch of her hand made me beside myself! while her expression made it apparent that s-he was no less a person than the fair incotr nila, Susan's mistress, and thnt she had mis taken me for Su.sun dressed in a niau's ap parel. "Where did yon g- lsuch magnificent whis kers ?" she cried, and ahe actually pulled them with ber fingers, in pure admiration. "I never could have believed," she continued, laugh ing, "you could be so changed by clothes, that you woiiiu make such a beauti.ul young loan. I declare. I feel as if I wanted vou ta make bve to Uie." There was no resisting snch an anneal as that. I immediately cleaned her in mv arms. and ravished a kiss from her lips, bv which she was throwu almost into cotivulioc of laaghter. "Out, you hussy " she cried, "men are net so impudent. Bless me, don't be so ridieu Iotis. There, now, that's enough. But I wish I might light upon some handsome vonog fellow for a sweetheart. I wonder now I shall look in my boy's elothesT But come alotg aud help me, 1 shall never get the queer things .mi will, out assistance." And here the beautiful creature made as if she would have pulled me along into the chamber, at which in great terror, 1 dropped on my knees, aud selling her hand, exclaim ed "Forgive me, dear madam. I have decelv ed you ; or rather you have deceived yourself. I am not Susan, I am " At the first sound of my voice, for I had i.ui e(,..keii isefore, she turned wildly upon me. We were near the door of the chamber, aud the light shone npon my face as I knelt. I never saw such a change from a radiant mirthfuliHss to the extremity of terror. I bsw she was going to shriek, I sprang up and jice.u my nanti over ner month. "For heaven's sake, tnadum," I cried, "do not ruin me, aud perhaps yourself. I will not insult yoo. I am a gentleman, the vic tim of a n.ost extraordinary blunder, which has cansed this intrusiou, and made me an unexpected confidant in your intended elope ment. 1'rsy, madam, don't faint." Certain ly she looked at) much like it, that I was obliged to support her and she was compelled to suffer me. 'T will make every repata'ion ; I will retire. Nay, I will even assist you lo f.y; for Susan is faithless, (she designed to betray jou.) aud you need faithful attend anl." "Sir sir sir," stammered the beauty, to whom these allusions to the elopement gave life, while they covered her with blushes ; 1 need nothing but your immediate departure for heaveu's sake go 1 Oh, what, what is to become tf me I" And she wrun.' her hand and burst into tears. (. HarTSK ii kmt wrt:g ) naton. ciko rai. lai) orntE ntrotr. The report from the Genera! Oftre is of more than usual length, covering a pi of live quarters, ending 3(th Heptem ber, lsf.rJ, and giving fall information touch ing the muiiy and various subjects f its jurisdiction, and oil the operations of the I land system of the United States, hinds s "Id ' and otherwise disposed of during the period covered by the report. There were sold for cash 10.Pf.2,l07.i9 acres of public lands ; lorated with military bounty land warrants, 9.3Hti,5 IU acres ; se" lecte.l and reported under swamp giants, 0tt.lHi;.t7l.a9 ; and appropriated by the rail road grants of May, June arid August, ItOb, (us estimated.) 13.775,r..,iO acres, making a grand aggregate (including other interral improvement selections,) i.f 41,lI.V3'.'ii,5i acres of the public domaiu disposed of durini? t'le five f;uuiter. ending 3(th Doceuler, l. b. I ins is mii increuse of millions uf ,:ies over tie quantity disposed of during the five quartet preceding. While the sales for ca-h have greatly I'allvU off, the disposal of Cotigresjioiial grants and locations ol land warrants has more than proportionally increased. Lands to no considerable extent have been pri'ClniUicd and ntfored at public sale during tbo year ls,i6; the present Policy ot tho office being to secure them to the actual settlers under the preemption laws, rather than to fovi.r speeuiution therein ly precipi tating public Sales of lcrge quantities bejoud the means of the settlers to purchuse. Wilh I lie view of luasiug this the permanent policy of tl.e office, the report recommend a slight modification of the pre emotion laws. Other amendment fi r tho equitable adjustment of cofimctilig settlement, upon unsurveyed lands are reCutnuicuded, The surveys during the year e nlirg 30th September, ldi6, of which plats have been returned and approved, amount to 16H73.l!a acres, of which 'J,0',l,r't4 acres are on Ue Pacific cout-t. Extensive sui Toys have I e n made which have not yet beeu reported. The surveys of 1h.".5 and those reported in lHoC amount to 41,1 l.41.t acres, or which 17, 3"3,Co4 acres are iu California and tbe Ter ritories of Oregon, Washington, Kansas, Nebraska and L'lah. The quunlity of uew laud uow liable to be deposed of is greater than at any previous period of the hist cry of our land system. Iu many of the laud States the surveying operation ure coutined to re-surveya, corrections and the surveys ol towns isluiuis aud private claims ; and 'it is expected thit the archives will be ia readiness for delivery o seven, of.Uieie citato witUiu two or fhretjyeais. V 1 The public surveys within the lost year oti the Pacific nnd in our new Territories havo been extended with extraordinary rapidity. In California the -surveyed lines for base, meridinns, Btanihird parallels, townships, sec tions. Ac, are, in tlioir ugjircgnle length, greater than the circumference of tho globo. Maps in duplicate, erpud to V.'Sl plats, with a complete map of the State, have been prepared, and important sutjrrestibna nr presented in re-yard to tho Biirir.rnis and a:,'iicultr.ra land. In Orprotiand Washing ton Territories Indir.n hostilities havo seri ously impeded operations nnder tho survey ing system yel. notwithstanding thi!", consid erable progress has been made. In Oregon, between the Cascndo mountains and tho ocean, the surveys of the public lands and of donation rights nro far advancing townrdt completion ; and it is now propped to extend the Oregon surveyiii district east of tho Cascade range, whilst in Washington Terri tory township lines hsvp been on Whit by's Island, some retnrns have been rnado enrier former contract? of the Williiiinettii meridian, 35 miles ;f the third standard parallel have leen ran west to Gray's harbor, and 311 miles of the seventh standard passing through the vast expanse of tho Admiralty Inlet nnd Whitby's Ijlnnd. In Kansas the survey of the public nnd Indian trust lands have been pushed forward with activity. NotwitbMnfidifljr tho severity of the last winter, tho distiirbancu in tl.u conntry, and the difiiciiltins incident to tho execution of the surveys tinder stipu lations, surveys to the extent of bunirbds f thousands of ceres having been recorded, plats of the same prepared, atid the custom jiortiou of the Delaware trust lands placed in such condition as t'j autho-i.e tbeir int re duction iota market by a proclamation for their sale on the 17th of November. In Nebraska the snrveyj havo not pro gressed so rapidly, attention in this survey ing district having been mr.lnly directed to the Indian trust lands ."i .Knasus; In New Mexico, notwithstanding tho diHi culty in procuring supplied iu this aettled country and Indian hostilities, gome progress has been made in tho surveys by thu extension of meridian, ba3e, connection" nnd township lines. Some private land claims, which had their origin tinder Spain und Mexico, have been presented tf) tho Survey or I rcneral for examination, with whom Lus also beco filed a number of "rutbla" Iudua claims. In Utah Territory lb? surveys are in pro gress, and are to be made into townships and sectional stib-divisions. The extynt ol" field operations embrace between IO'J and 110 townships. Attention is drawn to the foot that the limits of the Suit Litko City are greater in extent than the town silo laid off iu lr?U allows, ai.d it is represented that the Public domain in thn city und out of its limits, wtre settled by ?.Iormoii3, is being conveyed by Uirm to lirighnm Young, as trustee, ap.d Congressional interposition is sngireeted in the matter. Under the acts of li-UD and IS'-n. crn:ittr the swamps ami overflowed Iitlids to thu States in which they were situate, 42,6y..5,l..S ncres uave neeti selected by the Stales und reported for approval ; o'f which Lib?, IM aerrs have b"en con'e:.tcJ I,y individuals, who allege, under oath, that theso t.eli ctiona are fraudulent, and the lands at, cf the char acter granted by the acts. ItAlLBOAO UKAXTg. Upon the passage of the railroad grant LM!ivt,8U,n""r' ,U laTui3 milinK within their probab.a limits were withdrawn from market, so as to secure the attention of ('oncr'-ss since which time sales and locations'bavJ greatly fallen off. All the means within the control of tho Genera! Land Office haveheen used to secure a speedy adjustment of tho grants, a view to the early restoration ol the withdrawn laails. Iowa was the first to accept and dispose of her grants. Wis consm, Honda aed Alabama aro taking tho steps preliminary to the .!juettnet;t ot "their grants. Ln.ier the acts it is estimated Iowa tor 1.1 JX miles of road, will receive y, i;,0 ow) ucres; Florida, for MO miles of road, will receive 1,814.400 acres; Alabama, for 1 "64 miles of road, will receive l,aij,3'iij acres '" C-'S miles of road, will receivo UU..MW acres ; .V issjssippi, for ;t:f IIlikg r load, will receive y..,4tl acres; Wisconsin for .int) miles of road, will receivo l.Cir.'.Nrt irs-an. ,0 miles of road. .ii receive 3 acres. Mukm gregate of 1,J,75:.,0. 0 acres. un I) UTIl.T AND tftXMOVAT. Of I.AXD OfTICBH. The land office in Kansas, has been I.-cu'e.l at, on the Kansas river; for Nebraska, at Omaha City, on tho Missouri river; for Northwestern Minnesota, at Ojib way ,,n the s;ppi river, anil for North .. stern Minnesota, at I'cchanaa, en Lake 'the attention fifth General Lard Office lias been called to the existence .,f silver mines in New MeAio bv such reliable rep resei,iatu.ii warrant the commissioner tu recommending to Congress to grant authori ty lo make an examination as to the exist ence and extent of silv.riihd oiher valuably mineral deposit in (hat territory. OEOI.O.lfCAL gXri.ORATtOXrl. The ejfil. rstioiig roccnfly oudo by Dr Evans, iu asliington Territory, under the supervision of tho General Lai OHice dis cver coal in abundant supply on Bellinghani Lay, in strata reaching u thickness of tvtentv r. ft, producing coke in large quantities, aui ot superior ;uuhty for maiiul"ucturin purpo: Mr. Engineer, is there, ujy Jn-'er. "Of what, Madam " "Of tin steam's bu.-tiu !" "No M inn the o .ly 1,,'n rs ;ba '.mst" oi this, Iocomi,t:ve aru tho b.L'er and enci Ceer." Amotiikk An.'Tio Eji-KoiTii.H. The Uui- teu wac:te state that Cap!. O 11. lU'kurJs, il V, will command an e ei ro epoc;i- iiuu iu oe prepareu lortulin li proceed iu search of further traces or f?:r John Frutik lin.e party, by vrnj oriteLrii.j' titaitj. Irivh Fhactio.ij The Limerick (Ireland) Cl.rvu.icle wiyj : "Poisonous adulteration: of whiskey Wire never practised to such mi. a. at the present, by the admixture ol otie-t'iird spirns, one-third nquufortid, m,. third Vitriol, and vnt tKird vuter. Thij is tho sort geaerally veudtd in drams to tbe puuiic. A Little Ttt,y, says the Toronto fjlobe, lost Ins Lie, on 'liiiraday, ut Wushingtou Square by leaping large bin of vhcut at tho storehouse of Comity A- Co., rrom which the wheat was being drawn at the time, mid tho boy was drawn duwu with the wheat and suf focated. Tng Lovm op tirr J.oLUsors The .Span ish AV.vicn, speak of a marriage between thd baby i'micesa sf the -.stuiJiis iud tho Trincu Imperial uf France. A little cuily this for lady to be cusling bull s' eves t a vouug irei tleinan. - '.....'.. i