I-no si KAss. Cent Miti!iIoiice of Iht Missouri Domicat. I(AWBK.vcB, Kansas, Nov, 9, i(j.G. Thn twenty soiitiif men convicted cf man WnnjilittT, tlia ntliitr iluy, lire seiiti'iiccd to five vest's' IntpHsonitiwiit, two of which to liurd lalior. liy alutlpe Cecomptc nre to OB put to work upon the capitol hitiidinp in n few dtiys. unil ut nijrht tn weur a clmin and Ml ultm-lied lo thi-ir I'rct. Whilo in Lu. Cunipttin. joste-rduy, 1 called ttpnti t lie Guv pnior nt hi? cillk'p ; ho Ms but recently re turned from southern Kansns. unil reports that the iltviiiliiijr marauders Intra left the settlements aliens the have lioc-n roimiiitlinp mnr ilopi-edutitins fr severul weeks punt, und ' )in vi' pi.no into Missouri. Only on settle, mint is now troubled with them, and that is in tlui vicinity of Tort Scott, win-re n party f robbers fro"' Aiktiiitus luivu been sli'.ilinu; all they ei.uld lay their hands on. This Unv. orrnr find nideied a cninpiiiiy of troops to bu Motioned tliera to drive llieln out. III. expresses himself delighted with tliB t. iriloiy. Several persons were in the office wl.i-ii 1 went ill. The Coventor entered into conversation with liie, doimuiifiiijt some of t!u Liinrenco people for showing no ilisp -sition to do 1 i tn justice j to give) him credit I't.r a'l lie bad done. A citizen r.f Lawrence was present, and he deleiidod thu residents mill fret- State jnen from., the charges made n.aiii'4 them by his KiiCcllelicy, nnd tatd belief. 1 hut lliey were disposed to yive linn credit for ell bis acts that were just, and pn ccedod to State that, they would denounce liiin for allowing tho five bundled inurilirers .f llavid Hufiiim to tscupo arrest. wIhui be bad had t bom ill bis power. The Governor s-.'iil the five hundred men referred to were organized as the teiritoria! inilitin, n;id were called into service by tlm actios Governor uf t! o tir.o. and tbut huhad'ito right to intor- I' iv witli tin m. lie also remarked, that tlici li u il' i-er ol liiiiium Iniil Ueeti uiTesieo. 0 " " w-is now in prison nwuitiuff trial 011 a ;f immler; tlmt it bad custom ev '"'t .,...! .1 j l.i . ! t. hut I '' eJl UOIie. V ai d noiliintf would bo said u I. aivreiicH people. 1 bu iniio ti-iin Lawrence i'ga 11 spoko up, ami repudiated the insinua tion of tlio Governor, and stated that Ute 11 -ws oft'ne murder's arrest bad not reuch((i lliia city when be left, and that this was iho liiVt inloiinat oii received of the affair, und 1 (.at it fIhiiiIiI to in ule public as soon as pon.-itile. I lie tjovei nor seeuieo ;isp(igc(i uij ii. .. 11 ;c:i the iicoiile of this citv a ofoiipsi 1... ,l . 1, iu u At.ntt,.' ti hi to ,!i. r.'SrJ his acts ill tljeir bivor, inn'l tn tnici' no notice of tliem. " '' " At this time, Win. irtephons, Kq.. of, M.itisfluld, Ohio, now cnpilied as counsel lot tlm prii'Oi!'.:s, inloi'iiicd th Governor that Ji.iyi'i-, tl miui eief of ituliutii, bad been a tint e.i to b id by Judge Leco;nptP. A IVi Statu man pie.-ent r.-n.aihivl : ''1 hi re, that is it. 'l'lii is, ilia one sided stiee wu tro uccustoincd to have bero in i, :iiisiis. '!: (iovernor. oscecdindr perid-xed nnd ii.-toni.-l.-ed that tins cowardly t ei- reiei.scd mi bail, uxptvi.sod i'.ii.-i.-t-il in an etftjii.iitre. 11 11 J cloipietit 1:1 'lit lie r auintt it. lie w.ie jm.lly indignant ut the iiulia;e, und in :t Imiit tone, of vote.!, be proceeded totlate tin; 'i;'o-in : "How in the devil could that n..iji be r -lesised on Intii 1 Uu was coimiiitteil t lor murder, lie lias had n .j J rial . It is uu j o;;!r i;:c i'lie Grand Jury have found a true ; biil against liiin. ' No lien tititla man would have been re- ! leased on ball, ami you know it, gentlemen. I will investigate the, mutter witlim twenty- ' tout- hunts ; end I will report it to tho world villi my name uttneht'd, und it will b'.ive an 1 1!. .1. 1 ilun't- say this in a brajgadoctu ! l i-ntii r, but I 11 tu Governor j I 11111 deter- i 1. lined to w;...!i my liuinls 1 lear from all con-' iiei'tiuii v.iili the oiilnijre; und the ('resident f 1 1 redlove lue if lie tdmosi-s. 'i'l.m world i v. ill si.t tain n;e my' conicieiKO will sustain ! i;:i mi i my God will stisluill tile, li was j tie I'-iiiK'.-t murder ever committed, 'i lie I r.;u!'.:cK"i man was a poor cripple. .All lie I'.ii.l a-, I i.iu'l t-iko tii y horses,' und 1; was ?:n t ril.t um!e.- toy eyes, ns charged by the fn'e Mate tiieti. And still the ussassiu b-is I ecu iiduiiUed to bail. Jt is an outrage, lie t-lia!l again b; urivsted and tried, 1 Buy it -penly to ail coiicerued. I euro not what lanjers or ji:dj.es are prosuttt. 1 would say It if i.ecompte was here-, biuiself. Colonel 11. J. '1'itus then remarked, thni rerlmpa the man was inuucelit of the cliuree idle ,ed ap '.iiifct him. - '1 : "Then be i-botild have been discbar.?d," thiindeied the (jovernor. i:ilow can u inutiluler bo ailmilted to bail ? lie lias I, ml hi trail, the fraud jury found a true bill ne.iiiist liiin, and ho has bud no trial. It is tin out rage. It is enough to make one's bior stand on end. 1 will publish it to tile world. J will make the .Semite tii)j;le; it is uu mttraire. No free State man could have been ndmiiud lo bail ; ho would be now in prison. 1 iii.i Governor, und this Hayes thuM bu tir n st-d and have Lis trial." Hlicr.U' Samuel J. Jcnes at this time entered the room. The (jovernor u.-ked, "How i;; it Jones, about this mail Hayes ';" "Oh," said Jones, "be bus been uduultcd to bail. 1 am one of bis bondsmen." "What is the unioiint?" itjjuin uskeJ the Governor. ' Ten thousand dollars," replied Jones. "1 would (live that for lulu uny lime. Ho is u food billow." "There it is, gent'emon," said tbn Governor "It is ft j.'iva! outive. 1 utn determined to ' iiiV.-.-t;j;a:ci tlio matter." A free Stale man then ventured to re war's, tbut this was tlm course pursued towards the tree State men ever since tbo oi jiatiiialioii of 1I10 Territory; that partiality bud maiked fvi-rv tnov.'im nt miiiio by (rcveruuieolal obi- Ciiti, lor the last two vcuis. .... ., ,", -., . 1 me Governor replied wun fefeat wainun, I caie not who it is I urn neither free I State or pro-slavery, lint Governor of Kansas .Territory, und us such 1 will seo that even bere jus'.leo shall be done. The may murder Me if they choose, but 1 urn determined to merit the epitaph, -lied ill tile faithful dis- .cl'.nrue of bis duty.' " The Governor sent word to Marshal lon .nldson to come ut once to ids ollice. l'ha .Marshall soon reported himself, nnd his excellency, turning towards him, said "Mr. Mai shall, 1 shall expect you to re-ai-reet this man, Hayes, without u moment's delay; proceed imuiediatt ly, and 1 shall bold you strictly responsible for the faithful (iis- cbare of your duty. By . sir, this man, shall bo brought hero und tried, if it s-li.ill require, tho whol.i military unil of tha gov ernment, l ive Statu men now iu that p.i.ird houso illicit- have usked in vain, sir, to loie been bailed, upon churjiig iuliiiitely less Avriuiii'.iil, child ibis man Hayes, who has been .'uillv of 11 most atrocious und diabolical iinmi. f, rilil under my eyes, must bo ud . mi t toil to bail 1 will tolcrato no sucli ini'isticp." "Tho Marshal was astonished, and hardly knew what tn say At last lie sat down uud entered into u private conversation with 'J'ltus, Jones nnii Woodson, (a worthy trio.) mil thuy counselled together. The. Gover nor was "kinder out of sorts." and they must pacify him, if possible; thujudou had made a mistake, and it must bu set riyht. All the time the Governor paced his office floor with hurried tteps, exclaiming, every now and then, in sentences denouncing the uct of the officials in releasing a iniirderer on bail, and telling what he was resolved upon doing about it. I, eoou idler ibis iutereatiu;,' conversation, left for this city. Yours, 10siEX t .s. V T Vnr Cl tftSft '"'wl' ' ' Last SoturJav. twenty or the prisoners .... , 'J. f,A II. t&KeO HI IllCKOry I OIHl, unuur vui. war found guilty of uaiuhvighter, and ecntenced. by Judge T.pcpmple, 10 fire vr-nrs' Imprisonment at bard labor. 'I'hw five. years' imprisonment at hard labor in KnAras, is to work (in public works, with bull antf chain. The l.'onrt udjniiriied to meet fo-day at 'J'ccumseli. a small pro-slavery town between Lecu'iiptoll an I Tiijieftil, J'or reasons which J Into not lenrned. Jf Governor (jeiirv does not inlpifeie in Ifais hmtter, the- free Htute men will. TlierSrjll never stilftnil' to silcli tyranny from boed Jude, pucke juries, uuu peijurcu. wuirestts. ..-,.- .Netf Advertia'emc.nts. r ', RIC EsrKC'J'r'lii.LY mvj'e liwrr friends and Jta, the puhhdlaj inspect ifirlf Mock of just received (ijWii PliiladelplffA, Iw inrf ennrirued lliat tlieir Interest in best promoted by a strict continuance ofihcirwld plan of " "Small profits and quick Stties." ; they shall slill aliiJe by their prevlops course. Aumnaft IhclV slidi vuil 'ba Cuun4 fT.VEN TLEMh.N, a lajfiw" i'softmrm , gf KKftllY M ADE Coats, Vests and' Pantaloons 5 Clilw. Ciissiincres. Sulineus,.' Vesting,' L'dur-Shi U, tfiiirt UoSums, Crftlars and Grirvats ' V"?" Dlnck and colored o'iks, 1) IVeire i?olie Da jtfe.gfcj. Krertvb Meriuow,L'aslnm ri a,' Mudotin a.'.l VII iUm .thj'lutrh plain and priiiieil. ' Keiniv AlSile'C'loak, Zirocha uhil WooIbh Simwfis Ta,!il Yotvi.iv .trijw ciilora, yuJe lriklil Suck flannel arioa; cul- 1 ri iied and vibliuFI li ned - v.. ' - C ;. -; auscm: v - ' A general nsi'Vtmf nt ef i. a dies and Centlrmnlis Duof sadra &HJAirKKs, ' Men's, Hoy's and C'hildisot' . HvU ai.d ,Cps. Hardware, liuceMc ware, Orocoiies. Crdsiwara Stone awVf".artlieiiar!- . Orus, I'uiuts,' f iali fiult, t'lfcf e, IS ails. .Oibt, Aic, ci ' !' A ffiiod mil nlv ol tuiliool buuksand ioi.v buuku " iV"'ru -"i"t" y i's"-- - - ' CuuT,'r Jfoduce taken h, Xihange':for foods. lue '"tf'vM market pni.es. ; - . T. 1. v., iu.lb i.aLO. -The (iaira Ilia " Willi It EXI'WKiib" l-..re iil ciHl' 1 1 tjruuem, 11 will lu- fuiuro his. ablialivU. Ui..ii itic eui B fclfl. v- .: v.v , . . . waii t!. ciisli plnn, its prite viil lie rnf J In .oris wlficlt will nubliiuil who wa.li tit oLtuiii it,v,tl"i . ut rfre ni. hi tlw .vtiiM.i.cbi o(' tile-wick ry-i-irt.'Q;y;d .'Wnilify lxprcM" will cuntuhi in ntldtyon li the usiiirt p.litK'iil. gtnen.t news, rnisccliuntr iusiiji. oilier rt :id iiig t.t.toer wl' n U;rffiili1e liitmly piifti, I tie Nt-vv nrK Alurkrt?.' et-vk ut mmiiiy iiuirkcln f tii CiwtO , OjiU SUaureiriuiaiktili uft are tn Kcuctul uilcrest '' . Tt:uic. ' .. .-: . Tin ee cwjUfir-T Huuuai. Vive t:fiut 1 - 6 - ' T.wily t'.ipici id f'Mrc!"B,"!W. nnfl nn extra CMj'tn lite (jciti-r up up 'f ciuli. 'liwcnty c j'ifi i r tvefitt) llif ,i.!.lrtR.stf u.fh miIwiiIkt, . lictiuifii ei(r, iref urT 'ii inii'.linitMMi, tn any uildrefi mill !i 111 my 119 111 iy In wjnieJ. Ti CIiTL'jiui.ti, tin. Weekly will be tent fur Oik Dulliir nr r milium ' " " ,YV r , ""Z 111 , . .', . ..'. . ! 11 c'' c siii-s 9'l tin per Chimin Two c. ;n.' S.i.'l ' F;vcf.ii-i 11. US, " 1 TiiR l.i.tv r:xinis. (Mnriii'itr m livruinsr IMit on, nt li? "flfi-re;!! Ml llifl i.n,ci'il). i ,) .vill luiciil'T t' Bi-iil l.y l.i:ntut nix J '!l..rs HT u; until alw iy p.i iiMi. in Hlv..nce. 'I'nciinl.Ift a!! ivlio prefer t' jmlre ' Oi" Kxprcss" up .11 itii iiiiin t ir thrnipi'lv. 1. Sj-ei-iiuiMi i;.ipie will Lo tent fi-re tu any udJicss anca .ipi.licaii 'ii In Jt I-.. I1H00KS, Corner uf Wnll ;uut Numuii et 1 errs, November S, 13i6 wl'l S ew y..ik. A tJj !! t it 9-UlU OF SIIASICOW TOWN 10X3. At Weaver's Hotel, Sliun'ol.it. on Satur day November 3th 18ofi, at '2 o'clock 1'. M. Lioek 0 Lot 7 Block DO Lot 0 1 IS ' 5 " 97 " ill 1 " 3 " BS " II " 51- '11 " 102 " 4 S3 " S " Hid " 9! f.e "l iti7 :i ' lit; " " "'' 11.9 2 : " 1)8 " 6 " 110 " lb f,2 " 3 ' UO " 12 ' C4 " 5 " 111" H 7:f ' 4 " 117 " 2 70 " S " 118 " 2 . 7U ... 4 , ., 12l M c " fc2 " 8 " 122 " 1 t3 " 2- " 124 " 4 " 81 " 1 ; " 17 " - I Sd ".; 8 .. , ObCV' IS.t t) 1 T Ell MS OF SAXliT Twenty dollars payment on tilt purcliaae or t'.ie lot. Ui.u quarter of bal. payable April 1, 18"7 do do do do lt;.'iH do do do do IS.'iO do do do do 1SUU j With intereft. i 'i'he Lots are staked off and can be exuni- ! ined at imy time previous to the Sale. F. r j fuitht r particulars apply to C. W. 1'eule, ; Lulicafter Coliierv. Slo.mokin. j T 1 1 ION 11 Y ISA V M G A UC'N F.Il i JOHN J. COCIJilAN. Nov. IS, Ibot). -St. ! O! YES! )! ES!! LL uiauncr of persons, uld or youne. bit; Xi&. or iio'e. are neicny noiiucu 111. 11 1 win pla.c all notes and Poult accounts. Iur .Meicban Oi.e and Ltiick ouc me louder than six iiiunihs, in the hands of F. Luzurua, 10 kj., for prosi cution and cullccliou, by the first of Dceeiiiher next, wiibout rLspccl 10 peibons or panic, friend or loe. JOHN YOUNO. Sunbury, November 15, IS.'iu'. Auditor's Kotioo. .'store uf Christian Jlower iltc'J. .U iuu 10 in e '-. 1. e. 1. in .iiq Liruiiuin ii'i'ti'i.' .j I. ,,, ,i. . - , .j,.,.,.,.,, umi ,0 a. oll,.,v illt..,,.fi. I ... ted in Ins I'.stal s I'.stati', that the Ui-halls Coin 1 ol Noltbiiiiibcrbiud county, 11 1 pointed the sub- j sci'ibcr the iiuditi.r lo a 'Oi lion umoiig the j cl.'dilols, ol the dcceiisid, the ssels. III the ; bands of Frederick l.u..uus the Aduiinist a- I tot' us exhibited ill Ins lin.il .tdtniliistialcl' uc-l count. And ll.al 1 will attend lor that pur- po ut my ollice 111 tho borougli ol nuuliury on S itui'day tl.e (i'.h il ty ol li. ceinber next, ut 1U o'clock A. M. when uud where patties interested tiro requested lo attend. CH AliLlOrt FLIOASANT, Auditor Nov. 1 j, ltjO. Oit. AUDITOR S KOTICE. i:.lntctf JU1IX MeCAU.A, Deed. TVGTR'K is hereby jiiven to the heirs of ! said deceased, and to all olbcr interested, ' that the Orphans' Court of Northumberland j County have appointed tho subscriber Audi tor lo dislriluitu 41o7,:ill in ihe humid of Alexander Colt, the administrator, with the will annexed, raised by the sale of Ucul 10-1 a tf in Columbia County, amoiiu; the par ties entitled to tho same, und lout 1 will at ten I for the purpose ut my ollico in the j l!i.roiiei of Sunbury. in said county, on I Friday, the .Oh day ot IJeuemlier next, ut j IU o'clock. A. M., when uud where ull purtlcS i iuleii ste, I uiv requested In attend, j CllAiil.KS F1.10ASANTS, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. l,r, Ibod. 3t I JATENT UKITTANIA S'i'OFl'EKS fui bur liolltes tor sale by Kiinbury, July 19. ISSfi. 1 il hooka.t nk, and all ci ti.plele, just n.ct ived, and lor sale by 11. li. MASMOit. tsiiuiiury, June 4, 18."D.- BOUNTY OKDKIiS. County ordeia luken v as cash for sooda, and on note or book ac .. u V U l)li:il'. JL H.I 1 HI louoi vy u, . uii.vi.i T ' Nor. 29, VS5. AFATiM, situate In Lldlisijimqiio townslvp JVotthuinberlsnd coniiiy, contnininir One Hun bed and Thirty-two Acre, of which ihirty two acres are bill, land, foverct! with Rood limber. Toe Improvements are a Rood frame Ioua nnd n tenant Iiohko, a good Ibmk Hum, ilina Orctmrils ol good ApoleH, an abundance ol I, line Moneoil'lhe i.and. 7Vrms m.alcrate, pusses, si.in given 011 tho first of Auril IS&T, Another Tract in same township, adjoining Vincent's Mill, rmitniiiiiig iNiuety Acres, about sev-nlj-five denied. Improvements, two small llouteaml a KOiid ISsok Kuril, a young Orchard ti (jiind Apples, r'or furtlit'r iid'oriiialion ap; ly lu the subtcilhcr. J. ft. MASSER. 'Sunhury, Noivembct 23, IN50. ;, New Goods for the Teoplo 1 KNJ A il IN 11 K F I N Kit RESPECTFULLY infornis the pulilicbi gen. rral that be has just received and opened a splendid slock of Fall and. AYintuk Goods. St his New Store. In Lower AuiiUata tuwiiHhip. His slock consints in part of Cloths, Ca3&.imers, Cas'iinets. ol'oll kimla, of linen. Potion and worsted. ALfSOi m!I'M'. ;nnliiimiM, I.DtviiK, AIlMIINrllllP S- l.lltOM XTi.l all kinds of Ladies Uress floods. iroi -rl ?, AUo. an aasortment of 3:m ltv:ir'. !ra.i ii Steel: Nftila ; v" A Iso an excellent tiHiioimeiit of QUEENS WARE, "f various styles- and' 1 . - paitei ns. Al'sbvn a'h.ient ol t(IM I'S A. KOl .'i HA'r'St liAl'M, a good selection. "i ' -'Still. Kisli, :(.. Anil's frwst variety of other articles such as are iiltfnle lo the (raile, all of which will be sold at llif lowest price. ITT l-ountry produce taken in exchange i j h" highest pri-ea. 1'Xwer AuRtista. Ne. 53 I8SC. - . $1,200 A YEAH ; 1000 At; E NTS WANTED ' A GKN'I'S wauled irt every pint of the Uni ted State", to sell a beaut 11 ill and infirm live Work, "'"I'lie ratioramu of the Old Woild and the Nt w A view of the " oniprisiii!, M sent slate of Nations of the worltl, Uieir 11011111. is. ctistoltis und peculiari ties, and llieir political, moral, sociid and in diitlial colliblloli ; ilitt ls.eifcll'Kll Histor ical Sketches und - A needotes. by William Piuiioek, author of the lli.-tmy of Knelatid, Greece iil.d Home, lxbil(ed, revised tilld embelbsheil Willi several hundred i neia vios from desiplis of C-iooine." lletereux, and other dii-tiiojn sled u. I sts It is. also, illnstratid with 24 beautifully colored plnhs. with cos I'lnies of various initiofis. & &. " Aleuts Selliii'j- this wi.ru buve clean d f lflO a month. Send for Sii cnneii copy und prospectus, which will be M itt by mail, post pao-l, on receipt of t'J.OO, with particulars of j agency ' 1 .1. W t'U A DI.l'.Y. publisber. I 1 48 iXortl, F-milli .S7 l'l:iln-hll.ia, j N. I. In addition to the iimi p"iei ntajae , we tmilie till extra inducement to AtiHits 111 the WiiV of i'l-eliiiusiK. J. W . li. Ni.v". 15, lrfoG. 'Jt. JllE I.AIESI' A li RIVAL OF FALL AND WINTIOK fiOODS. j. r. e 1. r. lzhixizs. !.'-1 jft-1 1 1 1 I v eon. more in their li icuds and the public ill eeneriil that they hnve ineied ui their 1 tore in I pier Aueiifita toviihii, i'orthuintier Iniol eonol l'a., at Kiiiif.'K t.r.oc. 'I'hrir Fall anil inter Montis are n em d to the puiilic a i lull 10 f rotmeiil ot nierchandije Ac. I Consisiiii)! ill part uf t 'iotiis, hh.ck and fancy i Ci-ss nier-i. !tinells, Checks, Ken lucky .lenns : L "111I1 r 1 Shirt s tun! Diawc.s und ull l.ims ot 'Fall 11 ud V. inter I .noils. A lot uf rra.lv liiKile CliMliiil.fr, ronniititiL' of: Csalrt and erN. Lailics Eros? Qooda, .Shawls, ( Miojhaun., hir.ige belaius, Calicoes, black ill.s i c. AlhO a 1 1 foil supply of Drti(;3 and Medicines, Groccrios 4-c., of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware. Queenswaru, wooden ware liruoms r. Also a bngu aMiottuient of Hoots and Shoes 1 utCah! iur iiieii u'.oiieii unt! hihlieu. If TS AM) CATS. A bo all assottmcnt ol School fjook,, Statione ry, Fuvetopes, Ink und cheap publlcaliuus. Ac. tail, Chrete iVc, and all gout! usually kept in a country siure. t'ou e au.l see, Come one. come all. Cheaper tiu.u llie Clienpet. Tliankliil fur past lavors we hope hv strict at tention to l uMiiiv.6 to meiit a coiitinuance ol the same. All of the a'ooxo nnmc.l stock of goads will be s-ihl piwiiitely at low prices for cash, or in ex change lor c uu nt 1 y produce at Ihe highest mar ket price. Klines Grove. Ph.. Nov fi I'SII if t5i;:;.MNfi Fluid, Camphnie, Moid Wicks -k und l amps, fortjle hv .1. 1". Ai I. F. KI.I.MO. Klines Groie, Nov. 8, I Soli. tf EXECUTOR'S SALE. rBIIK iiinlersii'iicil I0ecul"r of Ihe eslnto of Jaeoh Painter, dei'ib, bile of ihe lioroueb of Si.nhury . by virtue of a power contained in the hist will ami lest.ituieiii ol'suid liecc.iM'd. will dispose of nt Private S.iie, the tolhnviun valuable Iteiil '.'stiite, viz : SIOVKKAL LOIS Ol! I'MiTs OF TWO Lots ok t.Kul ND, in Market ijuaie, in the llnroiih of Funburv, liouiiuu tr teet tin M ail.el Street, i-cioi; pails I lots Ao iini! on vvlocli me ciei-l.-.l Three The liwellin is n two sioiv frame 11 oil.iin, with the iisuiil null uiliiiues, siatiie. ic. late ihe retidenee of said ilcicaseil. There is ui-o on the front of s-nd lot, two two story frame hud. I tigi. occupied as a store, shops, Ac with a good Well ol water before the dour. ALt0 ; A FA KM OIJ TIIAC TlH' I, AM), rmitaiiiiu about 1011 Acres. ruatn hetwcell liie C.tltawissa and Creek roads tihout Ihree.ipiititer miles fr. 'tu t-unlnuy. The iiiiprovcinciils urea frame Iwo-hloiy dwcllini; Ilo'..se, and a luiue Uunk Hani and olln'r oiillnjililiie'. 'I'heru uie several tine hprius on the premises, one near I ne bouse, and also a number of fruit trees ol various kinds. The lerins und conditions of sale will he made known by application to the undersigned, residing near buuhuiy. JOHN KUVEI5S. Agrnt for (ii.o. A. Fuicu, Kx'rs. Sunbury, Nov. 8, IM06. if KOTICE. B S hereby given that Letters of Adndnis a trali -n on tho estate of Dr. Galcu S. Uob bitis, late of Sbuiiiokilitown, dee'd., bus been Hi'rtiit"d to the subscriber. All persons hav ing claims iifi iin-t said estate, will please present I bom properly uttestetl for sel lleuieiit on or Liefore the Si.Mli day of the l'Jlb month, next, uud ull those indebted to said estate will please inuke payment without delay to 10L1HA JOHN, AUiu'r. 11th mo. 1st, lHoii. lit I AISIN'rf, Fig. , Jujube iaKie. Keck Candy Jelly ''akesaud Uum llrops f ir al.i by May ill. Till. VM. A. UltCNKU. It.r S. sugar, celi.-e. molasses, lea, cocoa Wa . Bier and s-uaar bircuil lor sale hv May 3t '.0. K. Y, b WGli'P & fON', (iOSHU.N CHEKSjO. Jsl receiv.d and fui tale by bKAtslIOL'l'Z 4 Pil l HY. Kept. 13, 18.19. UAM, Shoulders, Cheese, Mackarel, Irish pialuion and Halt for sale by May 81 '66. E. Y. U RIGHT 4 BON. "AID AND CCttfFOfitT' To Your OwnSctliaiiii . isA a c n. wiLkiiusoN, Respectfully amibiiWtfctyjist lie fins taken tha sliinil lately o-cu f.ifJww.V ticorjie lienn, wlict ho Is - prepared to manufacture all kilida rr FURNITURE AND C 11 A I lit Of the most Fashtontiblo Gtyle. '"PIIE snbwriticr respectfully calls the silentioi ' of the public to his lari?s and splendid as sortineiit of eery , on I it y sod price f which ratinot fiill tp recommend itxell to every ant who will examine it, on account of its durable woikmnniiliipand splendid linish, made op of the best slock lo be had in the city. No ellort i spared in the manufacture of his ware, and ihe snhscribcr is detcrinined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly beinj made. llis stock consists of Malimany fM.f.t, IVItlllM nixt l.tHllllTIH BureattB, Sacretarieis, Sttiehonrds. SOFA, BlibAlilMST- AMI DIMM) TAULFS and also VENJI TIAN EI.1N Us, eiual to I'lii-a- . delpniH Imililihiciule. IIEDSTEADS. of everv pattern and price CUI'UDARDS WOIJK ANDCANIll.K STANDS, TOII.KT TAKLF.S AND F.XTKNSION TAHI.KS, In short, every article in this line of bis Imsiness. lie also manufacture ull kinds ami ipialilii' , chains, riclitilintr varieties never helore to I : bad ii Xunhury, such Mivncili, Ulack Walm-i ivti Griii.iiii Msri.a (inwuti ; a 111 Witnson CIIAIIIS, v i nsti l'i 4 mi S rom.s, tvliichari of the latest styles, am! warranted to he excellei! by none maiuifactnrcd in the Cities or elw-where. The. sobscrilier is jbtterinined Ihut 'there shull he no exensn lor persms to purchase furniture, in the ciiif i, 11 every roiii'ulcuce fan be entertained about the iia!ity 'and finish of their ware ami Chairs. Thee articles will bo disposed of on as good terms ns they can be purcJiawd lwwlure. Gaun try Cfisbire taken in payment for wmk. qt . L;. imiiTA Kl Ml. llaain provided a band-souia IIkmss, he: ik now piepnred for I 'll Ii'rinl;ne4, and ftlieii.liiii-; tunetnis, in Ibis vi- ciiotv, or st anv convenient. dilanci from this plac.i. t'V 'I iieWnre Hoem ia in Fawn ISlrcet. Ie ow Weaver's Hotel. ' . lA VC M. WILKINSON, tJunbtiry, Sept. 13, ISSC tf. iutt receitec and for san-l.y. JfcAbliOLT2 & 1'fc'l h. ,, Mnm,t-f : Li- PriiNSYLVANIA COMIIEHCIAL IKST1'TTE. LOCATED TOP.K , IV. ,i I r I'Aiii yoi.iig men all Ut advnu ji-a ol a , jf ihoroimli l'ii'inc.-s l;iioi'iiii..ii. Til li CDCIi.sli 11F si'l UDY lmbrsces I I011M1 - Kolry llnok-Keepine, ns ap plied lo l.o! mhIc, Uetnil, Ci-nitnirshiti. ,Man-iilai-itirinii. Mdppiiif;, Slciim lio(.tinu. In.liiiil. oat. I'lirtiii-rsbip, und Compound Company U indues. rF.N.MAN:?I!IP in nil the Ancient ami Mn.Vrii Ilamls. Alo. I.l',t;TCI!i: on CotnnicrriHl Law and i'olilicii! l'l'.iiiiiinv, by 'i'hoiuas K. Cm hi.ni. K-q. For Circulars, i.c, address tim unilcisii;iied. T. K. W II in;. York, 1'a. September C, 1S3C. Cm. CLOTHING ! CLOT IIT JIG ! ! Vuii!,,AU ixu Kktau. r!!IL sub-rriber iv.utM respect fuly inio::;. the i 11 -alters of the A mericaii, lliul bo has juM opriicl a .evv b'KI'OK.MKll CI.Ol'ltl.MJ STOK t,. No. VIIS Market Mieet. (.2 ioor below N'uitb, south siili'l 'itil-.Kjelpliij ; where, he ke. py ecu st.inily 011 hand one of the hest Hsstotii-ee'i'. 1 f Keady Made ClutiiiuK, in the city; iiio. a bne 11 ssi.: I me 1 1 1 nf Chillis, t.'iiKsiinors, .Vc whiih ill he madf to Oi.ler. in ihe hes-l r.niri.r. aii-l r.t tin- sb.iite.-t iiiv'i-c; ail i.f whiih vol lie- sold at the lowest possible Cnsh prices, deader will you pli a-e jive una call ! tiwin m.m;l, 9 MA KKK'i' sirret. N. U. -AYILLIAM MIAI'I'Ni;!' 1-1II Ic plei's.-il to c bis friends at the above C'iotiiius Ctore, - Oct. -i. lfc:.riC- :!ni3 11 AIT C KM CAL'..: . OF every dcs-ripMoii, soitaele for r.iilrorols Ac. lor weignitw Hay, Coal, Ore, uud Merchandise generally. I'uichnsers run no risk every scale is Kinirnidccd correct, ami it alier trial, not found aatisl.ictory can bu teluruc.l wnh cut ch-.tre.e, Factory nt the Old "taml. estahlishi'd for more than twenty ears comer ol Ninth and Melon streets, 'uilatlelpliia. AnBorr&co. Successors tn I;ihcoll .V Allium. Fhil.nlelpbia. iSepl Id. tSoti. i-Jni. OYSTKHS! OYSTEWS! ! Fresh fiom Ibillimorc every V irniiij. YANl'Y K 10 AND YANDIONIOKIOI,, XmtUiiii.hcrlniid Pa., Will forni-h Kestu.ir.nits anl private families. Superior Ifaliimote Oysters, 'by the Can or tin I Can. All orders proiujitly ultcndcd to on the alioitcsl noliee. J A MILS VAN!) VI'., Jos K I'll YANDILNEKER, O.-t. H, ls.Mi. if 2?.. y. ?"J?.C2LL, Foimcily uf lierrj shur, Dauphin county, I'a. P V lOb'lOA'V niioiniiiees lo the citi'.eini uf ."-ha iiioitiu and vicinity, dial he has perniniieut ' In loi uled liMii.si lt iu Ihe above place, nnd hope" that an i i pt ni m e ol sevnal veins, in nil Ih' VHiio us hi uni heb ol bis rntcM-hm. will insure bun a liberal share id their pHlrimaye. He may ut ull linn s be lot. n. I, when not professionally eiiiiageil, At the National (WVv.i') Hotel. Mi.iinokin, Ocl.ilicr iiofi Ibn bv.i;.vi.vr, THE MUSTANG CANDIDATE. BFCol. Frernot.l bad ns many fiier.dn ns the Mustang l.iniinciit, the opposition could not diaw a corpotals Kiiard Mr. Fremont remark ed, in llis diipalchrs lo I'n .i.leol Fillinure. while trausponiin; iiorses nil J cuille over ihe pi lius of Mevieo, "Thai if the Oovi'rnn enl would send on a liberal supply of Mustain; Liniment, it would save i.) per cclllnf bis h.tsi s " 'l itis is very iinpoituiol lor all I'aims and l.ivervineu to know. 7'he M nsiiini; l.iiiiiiu-iit is a wonderful uilicle for man or bensl. It should always he used for W..res, tSwclliie;, Kii'il" Joints, Hums, lituisos, Klieomutic I'uilis. e.'c. uml for tiablo Sprains, .'spavins, Itiujjbone &c., upon horses. l'.cw.uc of mutations. The M Usiaug is sold by ull lespcctabie dealers evervwhcie. iiAKNES vt i'ARK, Proprietors, New York. Oet. 1 a, 1 SRfi. 1 in, pt. C1DLD PEN'S with and withoul cbsais, of j very superior p.iuiity, jut received, Aiao a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fur sale hy ll. li. MAK.-iKK. Kitnburv. Dec. 'il, lSFB- J 'LANK ParchmeiK Paper llecds uud bluuk -' Morli;aeis, Uuuds, Executions, Kumiuous c., for atileh ll. li. MA.SSEK.. !Sunbui Anri 21. 18,'i6 S7 1 LEY'S COPCi C1NDY. n excel V lent reinedv f.,r e.urulia. r.ilils. .. at this uiliee. Deieniber 4, 18SG. 1 1; V EK WAi( lltti.A lew double in. k Eugliah Silver Watches, for sale at very low Pa fcy H. li MASSER. Hunhury. April U. 18.10. . 1 AYER'S CTIER11Y PECTORAL, Mil I'lf iJ ItAnt) CttllB OF ColJ, Cou1ii, nnd Ik JHor-sriicsi. llriMn an, Mass., aah D. IS. VI, t)rt. J.C'. Ari.s: 1 .1.1 ivilluv.i hoe t.isn? llis Si-sl rrmsily I Imvn evnr r.i.eii for (luulis. IKmr's.nfs,. I nflii-'ir..,. mi-1 tlis o.iti"iimltsitt Ntmplieimif n (. via. L. iir C-iKiisr PM:r...Ai. Iispun'ftut eW lit mv rib-llnBii.l r-,.,.lu f l- I..-. ten ,..f. Inn n), ...hi It te ....-s, sup.,. V"A rim- li-Oi.a f.ir tlio tientinsiit nf ttu-sn ' Cumiilninis. i:ili; K.vlOIIT, .M.-O. A. II. M K'.TI.F.V. l:s,.,.. C;n-A. X.Y., writs.; t hara iiH'l your P.rr.ivii. mv.li' uii 0, n-y fuiillt r sines yan liKsnt.il It Sal li.;,.-,n it tlm l,it inn ii-lim ks- ill purnusa ?. r ml out. With a I.h.1 c.I.I 1 li..ie, munrt pi.v input.-n.s .l .llnr, f .r a Uotilii II, am d withoul It. or Iskfl leiy otl,.r isuivly." Croup, Whooping Coiiko, Infineon. . Si-K.rii.!., )li, l-el,. 7, iHin. nieiT.: Ar.:..: t will no,- irrllly vital- l'.T(inn. Mhs .mi rsa... v,,, r..- tl.a ti-., of Hii.ff'i. V rip. sn.l llis i-Ii.i ,m, ,.f (.liltdi-su. We A yea- rrs'ei-iillr In thu S.,n!li ;..s ia.; yunr kll, m il ruuiiasuJ ymir aiili.-iiio lu a-ir me-i!s. lllll.A.y CONKMN, M. B. AMOS t.HH. Kjh)., MosTBiirr. H.,tHi-.. n, ,i.ln ii r,; t liA'l n ISitiiirs Iiifliiiir.s, wldrli c.inltni-.l tirs In .lis.rs is w-,1..' nuli i.is.iv ii,., li.-o, ..-i;.i relief; Knnf.j (rls.t v.Hir I'wi.wai. hy il.s nim f ur , ,,,r., ,,; Th first ili.ss 1-rlli.vsl tli" ai'UMs In mv tluniil io,1 bine": If" tlmn iili liir tliu l -illin leu-l,-nm i,.,,.n.,iT wsll. Viitir neslieina sis th- .-ti mrir.it nsw.-ll iv, tli.-li't ws run Imy. mi.t .re osli.i-ai y..ii, lo.;t(ir, met y.iur reius tlies, ni t'io t.'. r mn'i,ifin.i." Asthma or l'lit!iilc, unil nrnnrhitis. W nt Mv IU..HTIS. I'l.. Kcli. 4. IBM. Sin; Y"l fit -IlKT I'n.sriMlsl Is mrri,ri.iei; "no T..llus run.-. In ItilA -S' ei. It li.i, ill ..! ia.vr.-nl fi.im iilAiiii usc vuirt..iiis "f i"".snii',eli.ri. nml ii now enrliia s piah v.tie lei. l.ili-.re'l Under iv-i i.i?--.-;: f tli. lu-e n fl. liutt forty yeai-a. IIENKV I,. P.MIKS, .Meidmnt. A. A. ll.WUMY. M.P., Ai.mi..s, Jt .Meif C )., Iowa, Tvrilt-S. S . r., I s.', . ; thirl , inv iMs- ti.-i? ol" many v..ar$ 1 liv.-tf f.niinl nnltiinjt S'liml tt v.i.ir t.'ie-.'.r.Y I'r.eToin'L fir (Eivin S.-1- s.li.1 .slii-l .( culi-i,.Mipuv pAMsuts, or ruriU ui:l) ivs nr cin sli!.-. ' VVs lnll.t nit. I volniiiM of ovi tri,sn. lmt t!m nifi.t con vlncliiR preof nf lha vlitura ot lliii rsnmJjr ia formj hi in efovita ujiott ti ial, (?oniurti;tio. ProMity nn one rmnc.lv ). cor Imsn ttnawn w-l.lrb eurtd so many n n-t anrh im-ir..i-o'j. rrisss ns tliis p-imo no lounnii ni l run r.-a -ti i hut svnn to those tha Chsxst I'lr-rasAl atl'ril ivilpf ana eutnfirl. Hm'-s. Ns Vi: liirr. March S. 1S. P-vtoh ;:. t 1 fml it a itutv ki;. a pl nsni to In'oria vi.it n-I.-o ynr f'n-.nsy Pn ioi'iai. tins .I.m.i. f ,r mr wifs. Slis i,avl leien It.-s ai.tnths IsImvIiut uti'lnr the ,lH.):o-.im Fl.il'tnlnK..rr,,iis:iiM.'i,e., ir whirl, no ni.l coulrl pr-i-nrs :iv h.'r iiiin h fi'lit. Mia as sti mhlr liuliii!;. until lir. S:i-..nvt. of Una dly. wliere s In.ve chin for a lvi-.,.. ri-iin sn'i.ileil n tiinl of v..er nv ilii ins. W lilsas III. kinin.-vs, ss o ilo vi.er eVJII. fir sf.. hss rnruT eiTil from that d;iy. She la nut y.-t :w all-one si sha usr-il to Ui. loil i- frs ,roni hri- c,.t:ah.nl..l enlla holtiull" well. Yonnt Willi ynco u!-. nin! rt.u-i-it, OKI.ANUO SMJii.l.V, oe Fnnarviui. f.nfim,'i-., ilo nor ilaHpnir till yen Invr tii."l Arcr.'s CnESliT I'rrToltAi,. It ia ni.iilo l. u'usot'llie I f.si nn-r,i-.a) clK-iniits in llis vrnt-M. nn-l its our. a nil nronn-l ns l...spHk lira tiigh insriu of iu Tirtu.-s. Y.Uu-.Mj'.iu i.ae'yrr. J OA U t PI J.. CI X 11J X AllOi u-'iMvtt of i.ifci.iflty rtr.'l V.i;c:ne hv iron ' A iai-.l ih Jr u'-' ioft to ni.hi'e t). hzu vwit ; tTot t pjfftiitivn ulii.li ii kuuwri tt. tuun. 1 iiin:-iiHn.l!e iirt slitiwu tJiMt 1'iLL.-; Imvo viitiif wltL'h mirin.n in Xi-vlloiie tlio onIiii".ry me !i inM. am. tint !it-.v wih un ),'tfrMU'iit...:ir up. -n t!( ef-um uf nil n;mi. U h-vnre itfe an'l I'lciiriPit t ;!;. out j.du.m'I'iiI In cure. i'U:'.r orif tiatitiji : djif i tit. itinmlct.ft tin- ic.t mti vitit-n vT tic Irixlv, remove the ol-Hrni'-Jiona -f itH oi-jtns. jon-ify die Mfsfxl, antt rxcl tliHtMiM". Ihfy j-u tut tin; foul liunmi-s wliit h liifiM B'ul iuw UfoTiipi-i , fttit.Milato BliiKkMi or di-vir--IuimH o'itans into (lit ir iKiturrtt rii.-tion. fin-i imit'.t henlthy toim wiili i-treiith to tlw whHc t-;M-in. .jt only ilo tVy niru llie cvory-.Ui.v riiitio'iiiiiiti l erry Lmiy. but ftlbi) funni.lKbb ttiiJ ilrnvru'M tli"n".-ii Umt hnve bnli!fl tli liw.t of Jiutiuui Hkili. Uliil-i tiny T.'i'ii::c jioiMTful olT-:-t. tlitvftic nt tli jx'aui tiiiu'. iA ilin.ii. IshvJ wt, the snftt nml bc;t ihriic tlit enn t". t-iri.lo"tl for chiJvIiTn. llfint Riimr-curtli 't, th.'V nrv t !.:isnnt U tHkc: tv.d bmiiR rurrly T'i.il.iu, mo In t; i'n,;n hmj ,.f lihim. Cuu h.ive l i n mail' wiiirli h ik-r Vein Ih.y nr.t ru1 itiDtisi.tt:l by nit:: ofsrth fX'iHvl v Uioi nji..t chiun lor m i t f(.-rbivi tlio !ii;cl?n of uiiirnlli. Mmy eniim-nl fleryuien ui;i j . 1 1 ? i - - i a t i lm int thpir nanic! io certi fy to tho ij'.ib!i; th icliiioility t-f iny tiuttli. wlnie oth ers have feu:tt lue tl:.; a'-Aunuict' of thur coin LUoti tlml my PiejHirtilirjiis c-jtiti ;buti- iimuviiaci; tu tb luiiof of my r1m' ;et.1, fuiieritii; f.'.l.iw-j 'en. Tlie ff;nt bulo.v uur.t 14 lea.-vi t- ftirnVh pntU my A.nti ii-'itt A-un' mi", c'.iti'luiii'r iliTt oti r.'r th.r 11" uii con ih jftt' uf tltfir of lb f..'ifv iii riii;tplint : ?tiiusi. ;iii.ju. (".'ii.i'ieiiiiU, l.iinitii:i:inin, Ihdinr, W.ti,,n, U.a...-1... cjt.l nt r'.t'i,' wt. liiiHiu,tiin. Mint ..1 I mi, lit hi t f ii r H-tV el ii--l Vain tiri.i" th-jcf:' in. I'lr.ailtMicy, I,-is of A(-i'iHt, nit I'lrsr Oi' mi I i!".i,ib I :i- nhi U r ;iii: ? nn tAtt.-uimt Mv.l''i'ir.. ct fiiiti nr i.iiifc". l.il. 'I I . v :.., bv puiify-ih(- t'.if l !)ti niiii fciiiunlHti-.n; the -y..ein, ctir luutty "i..ir.'.i;iti Ii it yt l i 1 , ).r; i;i.,rtit,i tlioy eor.lil ffnri. nt:'h a lif.ifn-. I'urhi I'iii.-b V.DitiK'in atV .e!V.)i:f I t 1 ;i.l'll,i( . I 'tM'al tl,'-.L' if it i i l t1!! i ,i fT a 1 i I K I J- ii --yn l.tj..l. n vl ..lb t r:l :rei1 t !,iuu i.a-iina f;ai k J Vl ih l-'t ill Ob ul'l l rt i.tii: Ktlil,' 4. Ilo .-tjl k '.l i ff by iitijiric. i iIhaut Mi-b nonio uilit-r lill.y lxtiki' iiitir-t i-ni"t A-k fr Ar;jt I'll,:-. Kii.. :-i.ti h. '.l'ii.i; fl"c. Nii u'l r tt,y run give y i r .i;.rr a i:b ih. in i. bi.ri.'i-.ic k ,13 m- crraiiva l.v.;s. 'ib K?k wtiM Ui U.4.t ii for th. aii'.l Ihi-y Rboni i i;vc it. lirjv.iiJ! ly ir. J. C. AVER, Praoticcl nrt A'ltvlyilcal CIcTniit. Lewtll, Haw. VRl t t'TS. PKH riT. 'IVX B.JXU ( $1. V,H HV Win. A. Drnitrr, u.-.tmry ; !!it:t Jt Ji'tm, ShiiinoKt.i W Witjmti. .N'r'liiiit.liprbiiil ; J. K. Cml-w, Miti"n; 1 I!;is & MrC.-imick, .Mel wins vibe uni b all Urui'gts.a ! thr-'Uirli'MJi ihi r-'unly. 1 Auubi jo. iy j A PSEFUItlSB BREATH. 7II.T Irnly or ''i'nt!eio:in w.iulil remain tin- j ' tier the curse, of s tlisnreeulile luetitli when ! liy usii;ii Hie ' lir. Jut ol'u Tlnius.niJ Flower," as j 11 dctiliiiiee ttould mil only render it sweet lint j l-'iive tin1 leelli wliite us iitnlnister ? .M;ttiv )ier sons d.i not know lluir lueiitli is lunl, nml the I sulijeet is sv d. liiute their friends will never 'lileoli in it. l'mir n sincle ilrop of "li:ilm" on your 1001I1 lirusli nnd w.isli llie teetli nilit und niornini. A liliv t-nt lmtile will Inst a yenr. A l.e.-ndilul om.e.vinii nuiy easily lc aetjtireil liy lisinn t lie ' Halin of a T!iousand Klowejs." It v.-i I remove Intl. .ilili!e.s .iud lie'steS from I t-.u sl.it. It '.iving it of a soli ropenli! line. Wet u t.iwel, 1 our on two nr tlirno drojis, and wash the I ico nielli uud imireii;". isIIAVINtJ M A IT; EASY. Wet your sluivini! lirul: in cither in waim or enl.l water, (iinir on two or tim e dr-i.s of "I! ilm ol a 'I iiotisaud Flowers." ruli liie lie;ird well and il v. .1! make a lu autifiil suit lather, much I'aciH laliro; Ihe operalioti of ahsvine;. Fiice uiiiV liliy ii-tiis. .'en a re id' euuntiyiiils. Moue ueuuine utilcis signed dy . I. FK'IKIUfiK A CO. I'r.inl.liii Sijuarc, New Ifork. Prj.t, 57, lK.-iO (Jm CIip.ip AViitclics fjah'wi'lr trHlLK.SALE and Ueli.il, at the "Philadrl phia Watch and Jewelry More," No. !i6 North Second Street, corner of Ijunrry, i PHHiATJELFHIA, (olit l.evor Watcliea, lull .i.n-eli-.i, l emit rii.fs, ffli.tiU I li-.ia l.i-,ino Isk. teul.isi:-'iiic Silver inxuieiea. I.5II I Silver l.t-p. lull irwllvil. I i..l.l Itriieel-la. 3. nil ' Silver Lever, lull jewi'd IS It nitiea' linlll IVneila, I.UO Siipeiior tjniirliviai 7 .Isilvui '1'ca ajiaous, aat, a.'Sl . (i..l.l S.tM-lael.-s. ?,(.n Uulil IVi.a, Willi I'l-neil unit Silver II. .liter, 1.IKI : liold Finner Uins. Ill J cents to fJSd ; Watch (il.isxcs, plain, l-'l eeiils; Patent, I'.J; Lunit, 8ft; other urtii lea in proportion. All goods war runted tu he wiuit thev toe sold for. tsTAI FFEi: Sr HAKLEY, On hand, some (iold nnd Silver Levers ar.J l.ejiiues. slill lower thsu the above priu-s. Oct. 4, IHJG. ly. ' ' 1Z. ATIS3T,' CIlKAl WATCH AND JKWELKY STORE iVo 72 ticnk Second S'reel, (opposite th iduuntVehOii House.) Philadelphia. C-JOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS K, ta- aei, I ifi:t ; Silver Lever do,, do., 1'-'; Nil ver l.epine, do., ijll : iuarlier. .5 to $7: (...Id Snectueles. SM SO to 10 t Silver do.. I 60 ; I Silver Tallin Spoons per sett, .i'14 to 4s I H; bidxer Deserl do., Iu.,.'i9 to l 1 ; Silver 'Feado., do., 1 " to 7 til) ; Cold Pens ami Cold Ca ses, :) 23 to lift ; tiuld I'ens und 5ilver do., tji I ; tinrether with a variety of fin Cold Jewelry, Cold Curb , (iuxrd and Fob Chains. All gooda wsrrautej lo l e as icpresentcjl Wuti'hes and Jewelrv, repaired in the best V1 'r- Also, Ma sonic Marf.s, Pius, &c.,v , 'id.'r. N. II. All orders q ,'iil or otherwise, will be punctually r O . I'hila.. Oct. 4.'" e 7 , . . n . , , s IHAJ.V all number of these tuna received and are otfes' B. MAS&CK. 13 THE C0MINO HOLIDAYS J Great I'reparatiout, ' IN relurniriK thanks to hi numermis "friefnla and residenee of Btinhury and ictniiy for Iheii very lihernl mtriuiurro, anil anticipating en Increased demand for afliclea of his own Manu facture and Importation,' hns made extensive preparations In supply th same, in liis etork (surpassed dy none, in tho 'rily, and to which he Is constantly receiving additions from F.urope of the newest styles,) can always ho found n 'choice selection of 'articles suitable f.ir Uleiul. Ilirllidny and Holiduy Presents, rf Ihe most reclieuhe and tiuiqua description, comprising in pint Hich lliesstno; Csnes, Writinrf Disli, Cnl'ns, Fans, IJroir.o jiiiie ami 1'nriaw Figures, Mu sic il Duxes, Opera Olasses, nuil a rich variety of the useful and ornamental in Ormolu, I'.ror.ze, Shell, Mosaic, I'spier Macho, Sic. A Iso, Combs Brushes uud Toilet Articles. VM. T. FI!V, 123 Arch St., (opposite tho Theatie) l'hil'a. Octoher 4,'lHo6. Siiiw FLOUR, FEED & G20CERYEtWb CIIAIILES GAllLNGER, F!) l'-s' l-C I FUl.l.V infurins the citizens of ii tS fiunl'iirv and Hie lieijrlilinrin routilry that he has purchased the Grocery Stoic ill Water street, iu ihe rear of tlio wharf, recently kept liy y'cisn rV. Clement, nml that he hns just rrplen islicd his slock which he will sell at reasonable prices. He will keep a constant supply of Flour, Grain and Feed, F.read, I'isIi nnJ Cheese, Iiams, Shoulders and lltrring, Colli e, (,ar ami M ilasae, 'J'ens, Hpices an. I Fruits, Nuts, (,'onf. i-lionnries of all kind.-., l'-iots nnd Klines, Ladies Gaiters, Misses nnd Children's fhnea, i.lsn Queonswate, Ccdarwurc, Hardware and .N'oliutis, cic, &c. Citijens ere reipiesled to send in their orders for Flour. Feed nnd Groceries and he will de liver them 'iropei'lv. Niiiibury, June I I, ISof!. tl LABORERS WANTED. of good. Lul.oreis arewnnteil on fSection 4lt of Ihe Morthern Central Kail Itoad. heluw Trcvorton hiide. Goad wues paid and the lu st Kind of iiccouiimidatii).) given. Ap ply to VS ,M. GAL'OLEK. on llie vvorl.s, or to II. U. massi-;k. July fi, 18C8. feuiiluny, Pa. . JOHN FAllEIJ.A, - Ao. 23 1 Mtnltt Street, cbove Sth., l'tiu.Anr.i.PiiiA. MPOUTF.IL Manulacturer nml dealer in all kinds and qualities of fiticv furs, for Ladies juid Children. .1. F., would call ;!io cttention of the, I. ulic" nnd others! to his immence cs.ort it cut, lieio;! the direct Imporlnr nnd-Miinufact!:r-i r of all my furs. I feel confident in saying that I can oiler the greatest inducements t i those in w ant and lit llie same time will have one ol the la;s;cs:t assortment to select from. storekeeper nnd (he trade will please pive me a rail before puvchasinir, us my wholesale depart ment is well supplied tn meet ' the demand for very Brticlo in the Fur line, and at llie lowest possible Manulacturers Prices. JOHN FATtEIRA. ys-t Market Strict. Philadelphia, Sept. '-0, Iffill 4tnw, A if H I U CAN IIOUSeT WlLLlAM-jPOni', PA., J. Ut. KIM ( ., l i ,n It lor. Jai. '1'. Ham.. Ass't. Kept. 1.X if Bil?lItV, LIWIilAli; & t iQ PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, -'t. .1 MUWJC STUELT, I'lliLADEVA HiU tons Tlus wanted fur Cash.' ,"' August 23, K:',(i (iin TISTRY- SM1CK k RE NX, Announce lo tlio citizens of buiibttfr.'otiS vicinity that tin -y huve opened un iiliii'o in SnnOiiiy, one tloor eust ol tho l'ost Olfice, where they uro jirep.aretl touttenil to till Linds of work teliiu(.'is lo tlm .rt-fession iu the la test and most improved .style. .Siinlniiy, August 2-, (i."i6. tf. -WI1JII.I.S.ALK AMI ItSTAIl. Crocsrj', Wino EinJ Liquor Store, S. E. fjr. liW;iti( uud U'oitr Slretts, PIHLAOELl'illA, Li! A l.F. IIS and families will ha promptly sjpplted at ihe lowest prints. October 4. lSF.fi. ll HERRING'S SAF A'iAIN THE CHAMPION ! I The oni Snf irliiclt, in tecry instance, pre fiiri'ud tieii' entire coitt n!z in the lute Esluisiee J i' ;t. A I' l)-e l.urniiu' ef llie Artizan l.-iiiiiaL-s, A;inl iuiti. mi-i ill .itliA'l' Kl K li ia Mark.! SI May l.l. i-'al. Hie iri-iiiii-ii-lle' i i"S Sale lires.-r. , il t:i levvt-'l V el lif t. V. si1:11Illlln;, Uni. ; lin.-'.s, I'.i. ;: :. Ac. el' n,!i,r & 15i... .'..-il !' latu-'i.l :-.'-ii::.iis .V C-:. ;..!ler ri i 1 1 ; . 1 1 1 . 1 eK;.- lit'.l in tie: ii-u:!. ; rtiii.s l.-r iK-.e'.j t'. rly lii-ur., iei vi;'. e -ii-liii'iV.-ly v.lm! w l-li.iv- s.-rr lv-sr. V-lsis Hiwuys '!ninn'il i -r tiis-iu, j t.A.U. U. V., V. .... - ! HOW lilH-U n. ! in i:m'- . t.,c nr.nmxo'ss.r: f!?uu.i- i tiy niit ni. lii tm1 atlv'ffiiW'l fw " wai cmit-il t mimuI J' ; .i r c.iii. i.imiv lire tl.:iu U''inim's.'' ci.iii i r : ! i th- ; I ku 'M. ii-iifi! i.-i i n. t '.Iy pi. rw: ti'irc- f.'cts hi .-v. Il.-,tr onl.'r, Ii il lit'iill HnMMi"'lvcH ill m Mirilli'in t" ' t!ir.t!.L:li .nii.llMir t-nli.-il, wliiif tin- l;.-:'. i ni.iM.tl-; s'. f j !iit.-.' ir.al.t t? i.iu I. -i.il.- u.m:.1 ji li t'Vti y i-i-'J'tii;". !nl in : f, miu" i';iH'ji ili'ii i:Mii' "iiti'iiiv t'i'itii'lt'li't;' flfsTny- I. j ' llie puMif vtt wmi'i! jiinijily :iv. l:;'i"i. !.ir.n :tc 1 1 i yt'.-f! I j!. 1 It-T i-ihl'i Sufi Ii'vii lit I'tir f fn;ii. rr: ir, t!. t-i fwn limi'lirii hnvv 'iTiKs.-tt tliniuii acciiitu;..! Iin Willi- -lit I llie iifi'iuri'ii-' i" ii viipr't Innw. I Tf w mill, tlieri-f-'ie. fii.iiii'ii pjirhrirrc-M nfiiit ll-e j tnij.if;.rri''iif ill ii nf iulrrt ri-l (I'tstit-. 'I'lif 1 1 vvt un;'fc i Pntt'iit ig Kti tio'y in'-irimf S.i'V ii.nU in tins city ! w'itc.1 in pr ('fi tl hv n Puft trt K iy'if, mid wi- will -jtvir-! ni ir-.? il t rrfiti wrc i)i;ui dotirle tl.e am-ru at ui iuui n! j un)' other tNiie new l,inwa. I I'tuit is Ilci riiis:, K 'It? .MiihiiOifliirtTi in tt.is S'.-ite nf "nERMG'S r.TF.T rilAMPlll.. K .FES," ol Wulr.r.tSt., VhUnda. It ,;F,v:ina .V W.-ilcon'a linrri'V.-'I S tlanvir.lc ra." Oliver Kvau'n." "O. 3. li i l.'i's." aist H " -0 A !.' Iron Ch.-als. (n 1:iici-:is:..-iIi.i.-ii1 1 .1 vi z Wvi '..'..-'i 111 I'tirt .nvint-nt t.ir-Jl.rn: 'i'i.' wililje ioiJui low .iicc.s. I'll. '11.. June a I, l;-0U I V. GHEArF z ELACK, mini us ami sitiri r.tts or 7IIITE ASH AUTIIEACITE COAL, From the Big IJountaia Collie r.y fIJAMOKl.N, NOItTII'lt COl'NTV, PFNN'A. Address ShealVvV Ulaek, Sunbury. or fcha- mot. in, Pa. Sunbury, May 24, I806. tf COLEMAN'S CHBAP CUTLERY 3TORE, -Yo. 1 Xwth Third St., Inlom Arch, c iOCNTKV Merchants can save from ten to fifteen percent, by purchasing at theabuve 7 ,, . dores. Dv importing my own goon, paying but .. ' 1 . - -i, : . 1 : . 1 nil rent, and living economically, rl is plain I , ,, ., 1 i .i:, - 1. Mti undersell Ihote who purchsso tlieir tiouds ale litll lure, pav high rents and live like princes. CoLfa-i.lv on hand s lar,rB asJr.i.iei.t of Pen I IWL.1 'Knives, fieiaaor. d..d llair. Table Knives sod Forka mi ivory, stag, liut'alo.hone and I wood hsiidles, Carvers ami Forks, ic, Putihcr Knives, Dirks, owie Knives, Kcvolviug uni p.ain Pistols, &c. Also a lurge assortment of Aecordeons, &f. Also fine English Twist and Cerman (iuns. JOHN M. (.'OLE MAN, Oct. SO, 1855 ly. Importer. "UTuilllla IteailS V fresh aasorlmti-.t V' j tl receivtj by WM. A. BRUNER Jorui -.'1, lSf6. bedding FrnvisniNa business Cabinet Maker'i Findings, s The stthsctilierB rospeclfully infurm Iht ir friends and the puhh'fc Retiernlly, that they have coi.nec ted with their licddiiiR ,t Furiiisl.inpt husiness a IsrRO and well assorted stock of Caliiuet Maker's Flndinpr, at their uld stand Nt). 63 South Second Street, lt!om Chrstiwt, PhMn-StlptiUi. They tiavd nssociuted with them W. 8. Arnwti who has I -sen for many years nrn;ngel in lie l'iincinl establishment of Ihe ltin.1 in this ity. 'I'l'.o clock of (ahi.Ss tiow on hand coiTipri-es evrry dtwii!lio!i of njatrrsals used l.y Cnfinct Maki ts, eotisisting in pnrt'uf the fulluwiiiw. vi;'.; llurihvnre. departinint. Locks, Hinges, fc'erewa' Castor. Wed Kerens, Chair and Sola Killings; Coffin Handles, Ac, Cihinct Msl er's Materials, Hair Pealing (.'illicit Hair, l,o,.l.in3 (ijans (Mates Bjld Kainis, Clue, Varnish. Sand I'apee, iJnilnps, , Uluck and Kauey $ilk and WofSted Ctinp, Sufa'sml Chair Welihinj, 'j'wine, Hacking llottmns, losevvoud,' Mahouiiiiy, VVulnul and Maple Knohs, Class Screws, &c. IJcddinc Dcparfmeiil, Ifflir, Hnsk, Moss. Voof nnd (Motion Multiesnes. Fiutlicr Weds, Uotstcrs and Tillows; -iMusli, J)ntnak and Moreon Cusli ; "'lis Coir.ftirtuhles. Counlcr'iniics, l.inen and Cotton Wheels, J'illow Cssfrs,- l.iuen Bin) Cottotr lowers, Isble Cloths, 'J'shlo Linen, 7'uble Cos. 1rs, Moreen, Ueutur-k arid l'luf-li hy the J-ieie, Mtfsa and Husk hy the hale or Ktind. 7'ln! Hair Seatim! and Curled Hsir in from the (.Phila. Manuracloty of D. A J. Nol h't. 15. Hotels, Steam lluots and Bin. a fur nished ut llie shortest nntire. Noai.ir, bkovvn .V fv'onur, 83 South 'i'id St., b.-low Cftninut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) riiilnjelphia, ilugust O, IniO ly. renK'sj Ivau'.u Wire ti orlits- No. 60 Arch r;t. Lptwi-en f teinl & TUirA, (Dpposito It read Mlreel.) P 11 1 L A D II L V H IA. &'. Iiiddkttrrenii, Woven Wire Of all Mcsjies and Widths, with all kinds of plain and Fancy Wire Work. K BfiAVY Twilled Wire for SparkCatchers ; Coal, SiAid and Gravel tSereorts; l'spttr Maker's Wire ) Cylinder ami Dundy Hulls, no. vered in ihe best manner; Wire and Wire Fen chiR. . A very, superior article of Heavy Founders' Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore W ire and Sieves. UAVLlSrf, DARBY 6t LYNX. U5iut23, 1850. -cym -. NOTICE. VOTICE is herehy gtv.cn thut'opplieation will 1 jamdMO'tlie net lft'sj.',it.ir of TVnn'sylve. ilt'Slltes9iJrt of' T:-7, !',r t!ie ct.-i,lien"p:' a corporate, lui.ly with' hankintr und disconntiiitr privileges, to be called the "Siiamukin Ha k," located nt tihanii.kinto'.vn Xnrlhiinibeiland Co., Pa.., with a capital stock of f lau.lKIO, with the privilege of increasing tho time to !ji3UU,0ti0 il Iincossiiry, Shamokin, Juno 14, lR'n". Cm 1S35.FALLT0CK, NMW (JUO JS. 1350. French Mctinoes, nil colors, , Fas'nionahle Cloak Clo hs, Full iSiiks llie styles MiiHiiil'iccnt Now Del. nines, Iteat tvles Fall Culic.ies, Very large Stuck of New Shawls', Flannels, W elsh, English and American, Cloths, Vcslinps nnJ oil kinds Mens' Weaj Bhcoliuss, Table Linens, 7'owlinjrs, &c. KV UK A LANDKLL. 4th., Jt AHCH Kts., Philadelphia. Storekeepers are invited lo exnuune our Xew Goods. Families can he well' suit.-d i i every kind of Dry (ioods. We .mako Plk. Silks and Shawls leading ar ticles for V holesaleinv t'. fj. Jf)Us daily frtim the Auctiuns of New Yoik and Phila delphia. . i f l""Tj:irls Xkt Cash, .SeVf 6, w3mo f w Caiicej; Cured. jrtS"lVCEI.S, Turners, Mens Pliers ?crofuls While Swelling Secured wiihoifc-ISurgical operations by Dr. Luunsiberrv. Dr. L's I'umphlet ('Jud, tij..) on the treati'nent and cure.ol Cancers, Tumors, fite.. will be sent to any address (trie) on receipt of a postage starrip ' Oiii.c 11SJ WALNUT St., Philadelphia. Sept. 6, I sac 3m PK1 LU slDI S, jjiiiciS rii- hun i i rt event. jas s. rovi it. i.uli- of lilt L iii.111 IIkcaI .' H"!:iiil'a!ii-uil A; Cj. NATIONAL HOTEL, ( l ATE V 11 IT K KH'AV, Jio.ce Sticvt, iinire T'.iid, ri!ir..M)r.r.nii.. rjlIK above well-known lCslablisl-.ment, have R. inp; been entirely remodeled, introducing all the modern improvements, and also, newly fur-ni-dicd tlirunl.out, will bu opened llr the recep tion of (im sts on ihe FlILST DAY OF t-KPTI'.MUEIi. Tile proprTitors, from tlieir itc!er:ninali.in to devoir lln ir alieotion to t!ic coinf'oit uf ihcirg.tests H itler lhemt.rlv.-M with the convi-. ti-.ti tlmt they i!l l-c able to (.'he saiisfuction l i their patrons. Cjrri:iscs w,! al.viys be in inulineis lo ciin-M-y ia-eiijjcrs to and from Sieji.i'uuat Landings r.nj lijiiioad Depots. siiir.s ir sTovF.n, K.u-e S'trcet, aliuie '1 lurd. Phil.ide'phia, Au;ust till, ls.iti. y A N lllli; W W L' li F FliL'IN, Importer and Miitndiu-lurcr of Jiue, Elic E'i.oJ, Ac, -V.. I2J X-rtlt Sicui.J Strrtt, l'Liiad'Jplia. T 11 1' UK ho keeps eont mtlv on hand a gen- ' fill asMirt'iieiit ol' line double und single barrtl Shot Cuns, la'e.e due!; iwie, rii'es and pistols, n( all kinds, llso, the eclehrnted east steel Iifies, w ;t'u increase. 1 iwists. lo idioot Iho pointed liail of his own make; ri.'U- barrels, shot h.i,Ts. polK'hrs, iVc. lie invites persons wishing to purchase oi-.'s in his line, to cull nnd examine Ins stock helore pun-lia-ing clseuhere, a he is determined lo r-ell on llie most rcutii'uaiiie terms. tV Partiiulnr aiu-niion paid lo A'epaiiing ia all iis branches. I AuKU-.t tiO, IS-'iC wo.11 E-G-XjE hotel, cutohti: WI'.T fill ANCIl UANK, WILLIAMSPORT, XVII.I,lfcI 11. IJi. lJioiilctor. I C. A. t'ritiM., i-Isaistant. ; N. P. -Jn Oiiii.ibiis will run to end frnaa the ! P.-pot and Tackct Landings, lu this Dote!, free ! of eliari:.'. I September IS, IS.Sfi tf MOUNT CAKMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CAIIMEL. North 11 m herln n J t.'oitn ?;, 1 V.i ny! vania. rjpiIIS large and ciunmoiiious Hotel is situa .fl. led m arly halt way between Sunbury r:J 'utlsvilie. The sceiieiy llis salubrity of t .6 ntinotiphcio and the ool mountain brei-7es, ma .e it one of tlio most i'. lithtful suuimrr retreats in 1 1 be eount'V. J be i.utel. is n new structure, four ', e. 1 .1 n .1 1 stones log 1, fi ted up with all the modern con- venienccs Inn pure mountsm walei is 111 1 1- , . . r, . .... , The iluit-l. is a new siructurt, four ""'' V"'. , " ' ' V . ' , ' "-e.e, bei but one nn. a ha! hour, ride fw bttl.Uury, aver ihe Plnlivlelp.da and tun- bury ICsil Read. From Pi;;tvil'.e. it is 17 mile Every attendance ill be paid lv the proprie-' tor to make gues'.s comfortable. I ka'eea mode-' rut. JESSE KICE. Mt. Carinei, May Si, !-CSfi If NOTICE. ALL persons having claims unsettled, against I'.jwan Mart A Mas-cr, nr Cow en 4 Mas-ser.w-iil please hand tht-iu to the subscriber J. B. MAJiisEIL Sunt-ary, FepU 17, lf. tf