Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 29, 1856, Image 2

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ki.ATtri riiuM nitopt.
Jrlpintcta than ten days Until Bailicay
Drfalcatien The Siorm if the English.
Coast The Financial Crisis Tie Queen
in an Interesting Sitna'ion Halting of the
Hank Interest.
Tho steamship Penna arrived ftt Now
Yi ik yesterday liom Liverpool, on the 15th
iiitant, her trip being mad in less than ten
Leopold PipdpMh, the Piopistrr-r of the.
irrout Northern Railway of r.tiudand, has ub.
.enu.lcd, beinj,' a ilufmltor to tho amount of
Tin' Kmpernr Napoleon remains n t Paris,
(loll. ICisseloff, tho Uussiiin Ainhussiidnr, liml
delivered his credential nnd whs favorably er
ceivod. Tim position of the lbiiil; of France xyns
not. imprnveinjr, and the continued diminution
of specie has ttiven rise to reports that the
reluctance of t lie Emperor In consent to a
suspension of specie p-iyinonts has been over
come, in which ease Ilia 1$ ink would piobu.
bly resume the practice of discounting ninety
day bills.
A despatch from Constantinople states
that the Persian troipi wer inlrod.icel ,'uto
Herat lv their ro-ri-liionits, but were soon
driven out with heavy loss.
A detachment from the Persian nnny be
fore Herat, hud poized tho All'hun city of
re.rruh, and sent the Govern. ir u prisoner to
Teheran. Advices from Cnhul. to the 1st
O.-tober, represent Herat ns Ftill holdijtir out
lint, iiccnrding to a despatch fp'tn Vienna,
' it win believed that Herat, had fallen." The
And i Indian expedition has probably sailed
by this times irvl nco. inter demonstration by
linssiu, from the Caspian, is looked upon in
some, ipiarters as not nnliliely.
In tiie provinces of I and. pauperism is
lecren-dnir tn such an extent, that some of
I'm woi lihouses nro all In.t teiiuntleo. In
Da'iiin there are no sneli tileasinjr lidinirs to
tell. I here are. It appear-', X I nil provim-ial
j.aapeiM in the North Puf.lin Union Work-
' iTi said that her Majesty is in n condition
to render the direct succession to the throne
a nutter of even irrtMter certainty tlian it is I
at niesenl. and that in Maich next it is most
probable unoth-r pr. uce or princess will be
presented to the nation. I
Mr. Litt'o. casbi--r of the. Midland Groat'
AVestern lliitwav. has destroyed himself, bv
culling his throat. Discoveries of defalca
tions are the supposed cause.
Wo h ive been much interested in an arti
cle in l'utnam's Monthly, for August, under
the iibove caption. It furnishes some ustoti
idling details of the cost of war lo the lead
ing nations of tiie world.
The figures which are given as the cost to
( Hiiiau for wars pa.t and prospective,
lor onfl j ear. nie enormous. 'Chat power ex
peii'led 'ta"i2.l)l)0.ll(l(l in 165-1. while all its
(.ther expenses amounted to but jfllO.OHI) Olli).
in speaking o! thee iui!iiin.- sums, t he ,
Wt' IS lltl lllll tiHlfl III 1II' III IlilllUlltl UUL-
.. .. , ... i.i. 1
1 ie.l Oi tueil :imiiip, nun n t! i'ii',y iiiru- them with l.imilimr stand lids that ne
an lie-in to appreciate them. The war tax
I Ci"it Hritiiiu. ill 18.')4, was neurly three
fo ii th of a million of lioll.u's daily, or S3 1,000
I'm- every h-iur, all to be iliuwn out of the la-
O n nig man.
JIlVl-uu,.,.,,, !.,, ,....,..wO..fw.'ru,,,ta- I
t nil-iiu. both in Eurojie ami America, amount I
ii ro;ud iiiie.i.eii loa giao.l lot.,1 ol t!i,0i0,.
001000 D,,i.l,tle?8 eighl thousand ...
ol ibis almost iininea.-uiuliio Finn represent
thn war bdlsb-a to present and future gener-
lit'.ons to pay. by tlise who contracted them.
Ai-cordin,' to a German statistician, the paid
in capital oi all the hn-nvn hanks iu thu world
amounted, in lr5."2. to 76 1,554,805. Thus
the war ilebls of Ciiri-teiidom amount, at this
influent, to ten timci the of uil the
Thui Christendom enters upon the last
half of the liltli century with uu unpaid war
bill aiiiiiiiutiuii to $'.).(hl0,000.00f), with other
liitb'ilitii s. What a legacy for future pener
atioiH. Put the most aggravating ci.-cnni-stanee
cunneeled with an applli!',i; iulieri-
t Hire is the lact that. Ill some
,:,C,.il II IVllI
go duwii t,. tlieui wiih the s.ilemo ussnruuco I buma lmj ropoiiaioi.nj, me sooner tuat pow
ol' those w ho contracted it, that it was all a ! cr is lodged in ihe hainls of some ellicieiil and
mistake, and iniht have been avoided, llin- I reponsible head, the belter for the inl.-u-sts
iaent stai.-meu represent ing all parties in the J ,h( Cl,mlunwca,U ttuJ lLe lllora3 0- the
l.ivish 1 ai li.iineiit have iii iiherately ileclar- ;
id their opinion to the world, that iho long I community.
wars w.ih the l'l-em-li Hepubllc und thn Km-j We cannot better the trath ol
pire. were all waged upon a wrung principle, j
uu- iingiu ii ne ui-e . avoiue i wiiu nonor.
I v. i ii r ii. .ci fn t i- iv-ti il.. lit nt n it?.. mo it
Ave per cent.. wiU amount to S l.V),00lj',000
yearly Then there li a con-iderabh; sum to ;
be raised for war prospective, ill tho niere'i
preparation ior war in lone ol peace. 1 his
S'liu cannot amount to less than $450 000.000
niil.e. I ins trawl U!"!rV:itO tax i l .-UOil
bill), 000. yearly, imposed upon the peopbi ol
ill-- cnu z.-u werM, tiie eaiuiiies and linlustry
of the people, by wars pa-t and prospective.
This sum is equal to the whole value of all the
export.! of Kugl.iud, Fruico and the United
States put tuMther. U is twice tho a uoiint
of rental of all the r?al estate in Great Pii
l iin : exceeds the net prolits of all tiie man-nl.o-iii
,-s in l.'!ni-t. n It is equal to the
yearly waes of lour ni;llioti five hundred thou
suel a-jriei I'.inal bilmrers, at i'llM a head.
It would pay lor tin; coastniefoii of fortvfive 1
th-nis md ni.ies of ra Ir.iad nt $20,0011 a mile.
1 1 wo il I support nnu million two hundred
i Inuis in I minlsteis of the gosp.l. ullowiug
e n-Ii SV.'iO per annum ; giving a r-ligiom tea-cli-r
and pastor In every seven hundred and
ii : t v persons of the whcle population of the
A SR'.V AITORTiriXMKXT of tho St'.ltO for
Se i.iti. is and KepreseiitativeA will be made
b. I'm L.-m.t itur,' el-'i-ted last month. Wnli
a I'lajorily in thn House, un op-po-i!im
nia'ority in the rienate, and uu
A'tiu.'xan H -publican Governor, theru is in.
1-ii.iiicu for a uerryuiaiiikr of uny kind. Hep.
iVMiitativ.-s are upportioueil in "the ratio of
one member to every hundredth part of the
whole iiamber of taxables in tlm titate.
Wint thi is we cannot know uniil the
A i. liter G. iiei'jl ui.ikes his annual report to
Mature. L-ist year it was fibWOOO,
and th-s year tho Pittsbur-r (::l.,ttn ibiuka il
woi no p.-otiai.iy imt lar tiom ;.). O'JO, whleh
woibl live 5 i.idaa ihe ratio. K-specting the
C to ba wrought by the apporlioiiuieut,
u.i-l tlm pr-.posed divisimii of Philadelphia
and Pittsburg, the GaZi-tle t.iys :
Sumo cli.iuao will necessarily ba wrought
in the appoi tioiiineiit. Tim strictly iincul
taial coauli.-s will lose, while the iiiiuing .Hid
ail il'aclurliig eoanties will gain. Kinks uud
J! iclis will each lose a j and Sehuyl
I.i I and Alleheuy wiileaeh eraill one. West
in. nelaiid and Fayette will iooso one; in id
the Couoliea West of the A ll...h...n- mill
puib ilily (..on one unions them uiider a dif-1
le-i'.-nl eoiiiliiiialioii than now exists. I
l ue uiii.-iidineiitri to Ihe Coii.-iitutinn now
p-iidio-;. uml which will eoine before the!
insuing legislature, propose to clninge the!
raie of ivp-esetitatiou so us to i.entvi '
.- I. .,r ii.. i... i,. i. ... - -nii'r cities as
..::,ilrfn rm- purpose, to be ,-.
1.11 Il.lti m.iirlM ..,.,..--. .... . . .... .
. i "2 . 1 ' isincts. i his
- ... . i n ii in n-u c-ty o! Ija,
piei-eni eoiistiiiite I, to two nieml,
-ers, und
id would
V C1,y Allegheny t . one ; nnd would Siimii ml. .i.i tl... ,.;,..
.. , , 1Jt,y ,,, Ua
Urge d.-le-atious gent from Philadelphia ;
bui thd pa I,.,, j-et t(, r,a,g H.iWul of
iba Legislature uud be submitted to the
,864 ' ftQi vauot C ibl operation uutd
II. B. MACEl'Il, Editor and Proprietor
To Anvrp.Tumn -The circnlntlnn of Hie Biiiihury
Amerirnii ni"ntr Mir tmviut n thi Puiqtu-tmiinii
Is CXi-ei'deil jfr(jti;ll(l liytuiy prv(-ir pillilililiriT in Nnfth
fu rsium-li-nni
O" Nrw Coops. The Merchants of this
place, though not na early n fome of nnr
neijjliborinir towns, have now received n Imnd.
some supply of New Onnd. In this their
customers will not bp thp losers, ns poods, at
thi season, can he purchased cheaper than
they could hare been n month or two since
Wo refer our readers to tho ndvcrt'scnients
Messrs. K. Y. L'rifiht A- Son, I. W. Tener &
Co., 1. W. Gray, and Frilin r A- Grant who
have just opened u ucw stock of Merchandize
of every variety.
2" Tho sale of a number of Shamokin
town lots will tulio place on Saturday, the
Cy'l'ii't Caxai. Commissioners have ap
pointed Thos. W. Llod, Supervisor fur the'
A" est Brunch, G. W. Search, for the North
IJinncli, mid Win. Elliott, for tho Susrjimliiiii
n.i Division.
, .., ,
r-y-Grantham I. T.ijrirnrt advertises for
valuable real estate in the Horooeh
of Northumberland, late the estate of Jas.
Tagart, deceased,
ArpisTii:s r nv mi. i w i. rni:ni-' l 111. I'UI.II V OF ADOLIilllM)
Till-: llOAl'.l).
For a number of years past, snpgestions
have come, from various sections of the
commonwealth, urging the propriety of abol
ishing tho Board of Canal Commissioners, as
now organised. The fact that uiiiluu outside
inlluence, had unpaired tlio elliclency of the
liuard, has long been apparent, and it was
not, tlii-roToro, surprising that complaints
should have become loud and p-neial. Hut
the patronage of thu Board is large, niuyli
! greater tuan that ol the Ooveruor, uiid is
! freely useil to silence those who have the
! power to apply tho corrective, and who often
U!!0 that power for the most unscrupulous
,,, . .1 B 1 , . 1 ,
purposes, i hat tlierF shoui-.l be it lieud
purposes, i hat therr slioiii-.l be it heud or
organisation, to control our public works,
ns long us they belong lo the .Stale, is not
doubted, but such a heud should be inde
pendent, and responsible only to the peoples
"L'i nwed br infiueiice or uuhubed liy g:iia 11
- ' ..........,..,..-... ,ii
"'"do of making appointments, w ill pretend !
that such is now the ktali) of Tim
tel:m-e by wlia-l the members of the board
, .. , . ,
''"U t'"-''r ollice, is the result ,.l h K1, ,
uctmeiits, uml il is not iimoiiiinoii or unlrc
(uent for members, not only to advise, but to
dictate to the board, the appointments they
desire. And thus they are licipienlly uuulu
to cower beibie uu Oligarchy usde.-vpotic and
tyraiilca!, us any that ever cursed the tribu
Hals of illicit-tit Grieca or liouie.
It is liih time that the matter is St tiled
whether members of the legiiiuluie and their
friends, or iho cuuiiuissioiieis, are to make the
appointments. It' the latter are ul'raid to us
the foregoing remarks, than by
teleiiiiig to
al.ljoll o- jj,.,,
particularly in
le'uvul "f Dh U'eiibach, the
supervisor of the fiajipicli.uiiia Pulsion, li
vaS in vain ll.ui Mr. I!av. tii ..!.. r
went befort- the l!naidiiiid urged tin- neces
sity of the continuance of Mr. D.i ll'eul ucli.
! l ; :.. .i. .. i .. i .i ... i .
ii iii tain ijui uc Maieii i.iai ue i.a
one of the most uclive, ifiicic-nt and iiidu.
trious ollicers on the public works, and hud
no superior iu the Stale. It was in v. on
ihat that honest mid uiitliucl.iiig old Democrat
Thos. II. l-'oisythe, the President of t Lei
Uoaid, ujged, not only llie liecessily. but the
justice of Mr. D.ell'eiibach's appoint incut,
who had Hut ct served the usual term, and
ugtilisl whom there was no complaint. The t
opponents of Mr. DicUeiibncli had persona! I
resi-iiln.euts to ttvatifv, und had made nunier- 1 '"' "KW Mktiiohist Cilfm h at Nin
ons promise of place and station, a tithe ul" tuuiuberliiud was dedicated to the Service of
which tiny never expected to fi.llil. Legis
lative influence from this und other counties,
coupled with threats, was brought to bear on
tae Commissioners. Stool-pigeon candidates
for Supervisor were set up und kooc e- as u iiart rd' tb n i Tl... In..,.
mental Major and iVneres ,..,' ileet t,f
this district, flushed with the i xeitement
of a v lintoi lons victory, und other stimula
ting causes, li.ia-ii.-d these forces, and witu in elest assurance, peculiar to him
self, daiiiuiidc 1 iiumerous appointments, by j
virtue of "my position" tho absurdity or!
which is, perhaps, made mule p.ili.ab:.- bi li e '
fulluwing Cfi'.loquy, the truih of which can be
test. tied lo by ull present :
Major D. Geiilleuieii 1 have a request to
in.iku of this board.
.1.'- Forsyth. Well air, let us hear your
Major D I request thu appointment of
Mr. McCormick as Supervisor for the West
lSiauch. Mr. Wolvertou fortho North Bi-aiich
and Mr. Elliott for thu Suipieliaiiiu Pivkion
Mr. Frytli.U thai ull t Had jou not
Letter continue mi down the line.
M '-.r . No sir, that is ell I request !
Mr. Forsyth. A very nied. St request,
I .,-., r. t v.tchiug kit y.anu ) My po
sition 1 think entitles ma tu i.,.,l..i ii.ia
! Ipie-st.
i 1
.11 - - ....... "-I Ol no.
I Klliuiis myself and have yet to lean, why
Miiuns positu.u ih mid nimbi,,... r
, , . ,
other A ineuiber of Congress is no belter
than thu humblest mdividual, and f.viuPe,y
not us good. lie-sides I don't see what bust.
ne. member of Congress lias to interfere
uh ihi sppomtments oftb Usual Bord.
We And thn following In regard to tlio
Lancaster Hunk in the money article of tho
Philadelphia Ledger. From what we Can
learn, we would advise the note rodders not
to make much of n sacrifice. Note holdon
come in before other creditors. Those holding
notes of tft, first. $10 licit, and o on to the
hifih' Ft denomination :
The stockholilers ol the broken t.nneater
Hank hud n im-pting in that city on .Saturday
hist, nt which, hs weli-urn from I he ' Kxpresn"
tln re was a full mid free interchange of sen-tiinei-t.
Mr. A. II. Smith, the nely ilected
President, was the priiiciimj Siokesinan, uc
cording to the report. He was i-hcted t"
his I ,ce on Moinltiy nl'tetnoi-ti. ami the Hank
failed that niht. Kll'orts wero inude to con
tinue on, tind h coiiiiniltee of I)iieclor had
unsuceessl'iilly visited the Philadelphia banks
v illi the view of iniliicinir them to cotitinue
then favor to the l.iiuciiMc r U-iidt. There
was no iilteimtivi! but to stop. A careful in
vest i)ia ion Imd been made, the result ol which
was sulimitleil to the mcetilit; ill tho follow
iug i-lii;bilicd form t
Pirn bv banks and
liaukeis 00.121 71
NoleS nod Checks
ori-thei- banks lO.HM S8
Specie, 12.1)411 9ti
liouds A mortgages, 10 114 00
Bai.kinjj house " 13.2tfl) SS
lidU discounted, Cb4,4iU fc9
eSOG,809 70
224,796 89
Hills uncounted,
Fuc'oiy stork.
West Chester ruil-
road slock
L , I lis Discounted,
S71.0U0 00
G..00 00
2u7,'28ti 00
-- S317.768 68
l,3rj.4lil C8
Notes in circula
tion, Due to individual
Due lo Hanks.
Due to Dividend
S724.8C9 00
-- S932.72G SG
Mr. Smith further remarked that if time
was civeii. iiiueli nt tlio assets set down lis
duul.illiil und bail niiuht be made tivaibilde.
'I'hi-y wonhl tlii-relore recoinmend a iiidd, pa
cific coiiim not that some men huve Lot
lieeu jinilty of wr-uig but a violent course
may lojuie those who have already been inju
red. We. must liist save ourselves, and tin n
it will be tune to take such a legal c- tirse as
may he deemed llecessiu-y.
M r. j in i l li then
subimtlt-U and recommended the following
Th,i present stockholders of the Lancaster
I hank to rdimpiish their stock to the Jiuuk.
The present Stockholders to retake, the
i number of shares originally held by them rc.
I spectively, and pay in on the came 2.) per
The present Depositors in the hank to take
the original shuns Hot retaken by the pies
: cut stockhohlers, in consequence of inability
j or other mllieieiit cause.
I The 4,11(111 inbliiiouiil shares, authorized by
the chailcr. to be lalii n by ciiizeus not now
iuteiesleil in the hank, mid pay iu on ll-e
same fc'J.'i per share ; alio,
t,ri-pnt 1 lepusiiiir.-i to occept certificates
... I "
P!iyal'la 111 ""-'. l'v, l'l!V" years,
moo,!,,!,'" 'V" U"uh -'l)ilj! ol'
M r. iiu.itl. said thin plan had been pursued
'. . , , , , ,
fome years ue.o by l, Guard uml Vim
Towu.-bip banks, uml be thoiiLht il could be
dune in tins e.i-u with, equal uiivautage, Mr
Prowii tillered thu following resolution, winch
was iiilepii il ;
AV.Wrfr. That iiooinmiitee of live stock-holib-rs.
who have hot been connected with
Ihe liaiik lid oliiceis. be appointed to mal.e u
thorough iiivistiealioii of lis coiuliiiou. uml
make report to uu uiljonriied meeting of the
slockhohieis, which report shall embrace us
follows :
1. Tne condition o tho bank, whether sol
vent or iiisolvt ut
2. Il found insolvent, to report ihe cause
or causes ot lis ins-Ivi ncy, und the manner
in winch such nioi lveln y was prooui ed.
3. The tune or times when the los-es were
incurred, which have rendered it insolvent.
4. The names of the oll'uVrs und directors
under whose uiimiuistruliou llie insolvency ol
llie Hank occiirred.
Tins lesolut on v.-aji adopted, and the Chair
appointed W. W. Drown. Jacob li. Tshmly,
Joseph Koiiieuiacher, E. C. Keiyuil und P.
G. bw.utz, tlio Coiiiiinitt e uiuler n. Mr,
lliesler e-X lessed bis coliviclloll that ihe can be made solvent its debts and lia
bilities di.-c'liuigei! but lliiS'i would requite
I. e ino.-l caulious iiiauaueii ent. Il lln-y were
lo resul t lo dii assignment lie was u piehi u
sive ilia! llie ussel.- inlht not c- vi-i the ii iUS
in ciiii.htioii. ileetioi; iitljourucd lu liicui
bel bill.
ti .SAi.i: of Sii.moKiN Tows Lois. Notes
of tin- La.m-asIii; Hank wdl be taken nt par,
for uil piiymeuis made on .Saturday next, No-
I Veinbt-r Dlh, on Ii ts puichi.scd at the sale
j th. ii to uke place, fc-j wo ure authorized to
1 l .. II I i r .
say oy .iiessis. uauni(;ariii,e-r .V Li-ci,i.iu.
God, on Sunday lust. There was a large,
und upwards of one thousand dol
lars were collected, which, m t only clears thu
Chinch of ilebl. but leaves a small stirplu.
j The building is chaste and neat in Us si Co o
I architecture, und lias cott about six thousand
' djUar- 'l''" il,Ur-u'' ' handsomely frescoed
a hi ulliu.-1-lher the building is creditable to
I the town uud those engaged in Us erection.
I A new bill, w'tdghiiig COO lbs, was put up iu
in aicep.e on .u .ii-.iuy
last. A to-ill iIjiU
IS to bu uilileil shol'lly.
ti" 'I'UE NolllllbUS Ct.MUAb U.VILllOAI .
! ' Jetliua of iho liulini in , I t.,,u ,, ib..
road, between Sunbuiy uud Trevoi tun bridge-;
I 11 distance of leu miles, will lake, place us
I sojii us tho proper survejs uud calculations
are completed. Tho engineers are busily
enguLied III piepuring the hue, and the letting
j I'lobably, lake place ubuul the 15th
j vr Ula 1,1 "uXl '"""tli iDeceiuber.) With
j llj0 "eplioii or a few sectioiu, the loud
j Ut'lrtt' -Millcr.burg uud the bridge, will bo
cu"'l ,uU'u ul lllul The road, we lliiuk,
Lu ruil"'S order, from Trcvorlou
I U,'"lk'tt tu P-"isbing uud Daltiuiore, by the
! lil ol ' l'tlruary iie-xt, uud completed through
tu Sunbuiy by thu 1st of Juuo.
C3" JIari-mi's Maazi." Weare Indebted
to ihe publishers fob ,ie L.-ceinber number
o IIIIS CACI'l I'lll Hull ,.,,,.. li
; usual, a gu-ut vrii,y of reading matter
..i.i.w.. ..... t.... .. . fc. ",u,"r
,i.,u.v uu tins iiumuer com.
the lltl. Vo,Le ullJ UoW will be
the best time l0 h i8 one of the
en Magazines now published in ths
country. Send on your Ubscrintioo (S3) to
Usrpcr snd Urctfasrs. N.U York
From the Portland (Me.) Argun J
Eidllng ftfclrmith Willi thlndlnn In Texas.
The following description of the successful
rcpnlse ol Indians by Captain S. P. Carpen
ter, of tho army, was extracted from letter
of the acting nurgeon of Camp Lancaster,
piving mi uccounl ol the affair, partly tig n
spectator or some distance, mid partly as lie
was informed at the time by those immediate
Iv enga-ji d. Captain Carpetiler is the son of
Joshua Carpenter, formerly Collector of I he
District of Penobscot, lie wss born in Pur
is. Oxford county, in 181P, educated at West
Point, and graibiattd iu 1840.
Caw Lancasti h, Texas, Oct. 15. 18."i0.
A fen days since our vamp was in it liiuh
etalu of excitement in consequence of it brush
with the Indians, and the tears entertained ol
iLo entire loss of our party. Captain Car
penter, of the Cist infantry, who ccininaiitis
this pott, went out with a mule team to pro
cure some poles for the purposes of tho en
campment. The parly consisted only of thu
Caplain, ariiid with a fowling-piec mid u
revolver, two niiuiciuns with rilles, privates
McCulloiigh mid Pt nnn, with musktts, and
the teuiiister, lm was unarmed. 1 ucconipa
nied them, currying my fnwliiifi-piece, loaded
only with very tin.- shot, used for onilhologi
cal ptirpnscs.'iii -'Sp-ctutioil that. 1 niiuht
come across ?-.iine S:ltall bin:. Not the sbgll
li ti danger of any aitack was apprehended.
Jt was iiciess.iry lo go fiirtlo-r than had
been exnecled to "iirocure poles of the requir
ed Ictilh; but they were at lust obtained,
the team loaded, and were on oar return to
camp, the Captain musician hcardall und
in self riding a short distance in mlvaiire. not
ha'viiig seen an tiling to excite the least alarm
While Ihns on'oi.r homeward way, the Cap
tain, on turning round, mw the team had
come to a htoin, uml rode back with Heardall
to uscci tuin whyt was the dirliculty. 1 kept
my ground, watching their progress, timl in
ti lining to await their return. On their way
back tiny pussid through a hollow j and los
ing their rc-appcatdiiee ou rising the other
side, when, imagine my cnnsternutioii, on see
ing u party of Indian-', some o:i foot and some
on'liiToebacU, suddenly make their uppeur
ance bt Uecii me and my friends, who were
now lu re to bo seen.
My interest was intense there was not a
shadow of doubt on my mind that the captain
und hcardall had been cut oil' be lore they
reached the men and team, which were now
kurrouinled, and must inevitably share the
same late My eyes still riveted on the spot,
one man, whom I recognized as the unarmed
leaimter. btir:-t tixun the throng, piusiieU tiy
uu In li in the race was one for life or death
it soon terminated, down went llie mail ex
hausted or killed. Horror-struck. 1 waited
to see if utiv incre fcf our friends would nt-
i i-iii j,t escape, bill 1 could see only the ludi
i mis riiniiiiiif ubual. veiling t riuin I ihuti 1 1 y : it
! was evident the whole ol'oiir party had been
cut oil' witiiiuit firing a single shot.
While still intent on the horrid scene, the
Indian who had run down the teamster, turn
ed lowaios me, having been joined by anoth
er hcli-biid, mounted on a piebald horse.
This roiued me from my trance ; not a mo
ment was to lie, our cau-p was live or six
miles distant, 1 was a stranger to the road,
inv horse was new to lue ; 1 hud never been
accustomed to hurdle r.ices over ravines and j journals u 'lords in the great city advantages
lliio-igh thorny bushes ; my chance for escape j to the enterprising capitalists, and enmmer
was small, but my life was ut slake. 1 put j , world treiicrully, a course of intelligence
inv horse to his utmost speed and he gained . mofl invaluable, and never he attained. The
upon my pur.-ui r.s. Hiving satisfied myself, establishment is.visited by the nobility, ir.eni
ol bis l.erve, uli-1 tlmt lie was f'"' ,,lt; ! bcrs of Parliament, contributors or the press,
race. 1 turned to take one last look ut llie i men-ant le men. and also by an immense nuin
sceiie of action. The ludiaus only weio m , ,,.r of dislinijiiisliud forei-jners of all nations.
siLiht. It i-i iiuiii.ii-il I iv several clerks, who classify
There was then only ore course to pursue i um f,0 the papers in portfolios, which they
find my way, if possible back to the camp. ! ,.xhii,t eirnluiti usly to respectable visitors
and (jive the arUiin. W'i'U did my hurso do ! npplyiug for inloi ination. Morning Herald,
his dutv : letting him take his own w'ay, 1 J London, January 2S, lJ-'5l,'-
leachiii Ihe camp in salely, und u btrog pur-
lj w,o tuttii oili-tut' cnt oil' in j-ursuil ol llie
Indians, to nv. nee the death, and, il possible,
recover the ili-ml bmlics of our Iriemls. On
I their route, much to their astonishment, they
I met Captain Ci' rpe-ntt-r. with List men and
ili-'ir horses, and one ol thu mules, the rest
of the team having been carried oil' by the In
dians. The account fiiveii by tlif-ni was as follows:
On nppriiachiii the men und teum, Captain
Carpenter saw that there were nearly sur
rounded by from fifteen to twenty Indians, j
aru'.eil Willi r.lles ami oownuud arrows, some
on loot and some on horseUack. Wlien join,
log his men they had their (Mills raised, about
to tiie, the Indians llie-u' ut loiijr ntle
shot. He in.iuediutely ordered his nie-n to
bold their tire uml lay down in the the grass
of the prairie. Their cutis once iliseliuigcd
! l.e was aware there would be no time lo re-
load, and that they will reload, and that ihey
would be rode down und crushed by the su
perior number oi ihe enemy. This timely or
der being observed, saved the parly.
The Indians being thus ib-leuted in their
project ol stampeding our men. mid uot deem
ins it sale to upproach then on hor.-ebiick,
dismounted and advanced t il foot; and when ;
sufficiently near commenced u lire with their
rilles and bows and an o.s. This fire was I
continued for fifteen minutes the Indians j
diawing nearer a id nearer: our men crouch-
id in f In- (jt-.iss, sustaining but little injury
Ihe nib- I...II-; le.ssii.L- r.ver Ih. m U,..I lew of
,1... ..... .. .. .1 O....I . ...ill ii...,-
n.c mii.nB in njj null rim iie n ui ru
1 their hie. hen tlm Indians had approach-
Ill' l, I1IIT. I, 11,11 ll, JllllLltlS (1 OI-, J.I. I," .. - , ... ... ., ... ,,. . .
.d within four rods, then tho word was sivvn ' ','"' 1 -J"".;. , U f?' J ,f
to lire-b.ur wen, k.lled, and the rest ran i 1 ', ' i mck-ii.illr. J llurtranlt,
without siopi ilia to look behind t hi in. I , . ,,
The injuiy' sustained on our side was the ' '1)l'a"'- li
! cnr.Uin wuund. d li n rr..w naming between ! ,.. r,nstroug, P G Lash, and J Mc
I .1... u. ... ..r i.i. f. r. I i. i,.i-.,i iWillams.
the lin.'irs of his lift hand; plicate McCul
l ...i. .. i .i i i.;.. i. i ..
ui il n ,j it in.,,, o, i.ii miirv in i. ia in, ii, i i iv
I'5.. lentil- .-ill :il. mi rr..w in
i : l .. .1.. . : I.! .i.
i-is. III. ii ii mis, nun Minn- ii'iiieiiii int.' j
blond could lie staunched siilhciently to una
ble him to be led buck to tho camp. The
mule team, which, (luring the ulliay. Imd
strayed unuy feeding, had been carried oft by
t'ae Indians, with the exception of one which,
on their prccipituti) retreat, the)- hud left iu
the harness.
'I he unarmed teamster, whom I had seen
running und thought was killed, had fallen
down tho backs of a creek, uud hud escaped
in. hint. You will readily believe that lilt)
rejoicing was great ut this inei t ng of our
friends, whom we had mourned as dead ; uud
most gladly wero they welcomed buck In the
camp, which they reached without any forth
er disaster. 1 have now seen the Simon
t'ure .Yo.'i'i-f American, and 1 do uot much
like his looks 1
Artesian A New Orleans paper
notices the return of u L'. S. officer of Login
eei s, from the of New Mexico und
Texas, wh -re l.e has been engaged with a
e xupuny of men fur two years past sinking
Arlesiau Wells, About t-10,0110 has been
s, enl iu the experiments uud il has proved a
I'.ii.urt;. The borings we in to 800 feet bill
tho water, in no instance, it seems, could be
i-riiuyhl to w. thin 100 feet of Iho surface.
Gypsum -cretacious marl, was found ill abun
dance. The battalion of By inn Cnmols imported
for our army it is said ure Hourishin iu Ten s
sod are rapidly improving iu discipline under
ilia command 'of uu iulelligeut graduate at
Wist Point.
O" Gonnv's Lady's Hook The Pecenil cr
number of Godey lias already come to hand.
The contents are worth double the cost or
the book, lie-sides 100 pages ol' rvuding
there ar sixty-nine engravings.
The He uors ok Falconbridck. T. B
Peterson bus published in a neat volume
Cucly illustrated, the 'Humors of Falcon
bridge," beiug a collection of humorous aud
verj-dsj scenes by Jonathan F. Kelly.
the iNJim.n iilsbakd game.
A strong ense of thi9 modprn Infamous con
spirncy to extort money, took pluce last week
iu hostnn. A Halliniore merchant was en
trapped by t he arts or the "wife" of one "Prof
Harris or Lowell, formerly known as editor
of a i ntcnre sheet in New York, who gave
out that h wns coming "Down Kast" An
elopement was planned, and the lialtiinorean
met Mary tlmt was the nnnio who was not
unknown in Haltiinorp. at the Lowell Pepot,
and escorted her tn the American House,
where they took a room. Meantime tho in
jured husband took Counsel, nnd a writ with
an n t damnum orglOO.000 put in as tho sum
requisite to sooth his wounded honor.
Midnight was set apart lor llie scene nnu
the husband, intensifvilig himself for the oc
casion, girded himself with pistols and dirks,
anil accompanied Ins ilisti.igiuslmd course ami
a deputy-sheriff, repaired with the clerk of
the Atnericnii . House to the room. Admis
sion was obtained. The husband was iu a
tempest Haltiinoieail proposed to settle
Mary hid her countenance und could not look
her injured lord in the face, nnd begged for-givenes-i
for her "indiscretion" husband mo
derated his severity and dropped from $100,
000 down to ,r,0, to 30, 2ii. 20, 10 and at last
JSri.OOl). and ngreed to take his wife back.
The S.'i.OOO was made over in a draft of 82. 000
on at tight, mid three notes of
$1.0110 each and the halt imorean left incon
tinently. I he sympathizing counsel received
$100, and the deputy $15, lor their nocturnal
Subsequently officer Ham, of the police,
hearing id' the affair, and knowing Hnrris to
be n practised swindler, ptoceeded to Lowe'l
and arrested him and his "wife." Harris de.
stroyed the three tiotes, and the draft, which
was lodged with a State street broker, was
stopped, and nothing but the lack of Haiti
morean as a witness, prevented him receiving
merited punishment. So this infamous game,
was baulked. Tins swindler got not a cent'
but was out of pocket 5145 to his lege! assis
tants, who will also reap their share of con
tempt. Tho Boston Courier says of the lie
roine :
"Mary,' the heroine of thi- vulgar affair, is
quite an niti-t in her way. Sim in described
being a small, ternh-r, lady-like littlj body,
with qualities equal to any emotion from the
deepest und H ost touching Sorrow to the
grandest fascination every quirk complete :
every muscle trained ; every gesture studied
the eyes now emitting sparks to indicate sen
sibility to shame which she never felt; and
then folum-d to grief's lowest and llnnblest
measure. The oldest disciple of I gberry
could not withstand her tears ; and one'
visaged Holmes and the stern Hue
a little moved, although they km
be counterfeit of wo."
A MONO TMK WdNIirilS OF tiik Pav. We
have visited with considenib.i! gratifn ation
the "repertoire" of foreign newspapers of all
nntions at llollowny's Pill i nil Ointment Ks
tab islnr.eiit, 24 4 Strand, which present an
iiinnensH amoiiiit of inl'ormalioii on all sub
jects political, mercantile, statistical, and phi-'losi-li!eal.
troin at least 2.00(1 lorelt-n papers
received iu this establishment in the course
of each week. This immense collection of
V.'i .c-u.f.'o r.i ('mirri-i'i'iri, about to assemble J
at Sa an.ih, is in its character purely indiis- j
trial, seeking for the South an indepence, not i
political, but that which results from '.he j
anility to s-ippiy her want out or her own
creative eneri-'S nnd without a dependence i
upon others Politics ureto beexciudidand-1
HI Kclll-IIK'S td'lllSUIIUIII. tilt! siuvuiibh Uepub. j
iicau sa s- form u part of its iurposi s.
fFT 0i9 Ameiicim.
The Norihniiilieihin-1 County Teachers'
Institute will meet nt Shauiokin, on Wedne?.
lav. the iilth day of December, at lOo'cloik
I he following porsnns wero appointed tr
discuss tho subjects to which their names are
attached, or to prepare essays thereon, und
by others who may bel disposed. and Discipline. W V Teits-
I win tti. P. F G.-I,'. ,1 Holler. F Mi-Williams.
Mvhnhet. J 11 .Tones. 0 A lleimeiisnde-r,
C P Sl.uiiz. nod S F Ilidl'er.
O, t! .r.-.-rl'.se W 11 b-er. It It.irtl olotnew.
K V Gold, 4 D-ehcr. nnd J Iliirtrunft.
.Vn iii'. !) WiIs.iii, V W A i iiistrotif,
' vi-.v.inei , ug3..ii aim v u i-.m.i.
, , i .t. .. .. i- i, -i-. . . . i i , i i
i son-
Jritlnntit'. J P Sl.tiltz. V T McWil-
fh Grammar. C I. Iivnear.ion, K
, ,. .,. , , .. i, - i
i''1'-"'- J " V. e-eks, M h Llittalll, lilld
.IsiViuiiwi..- J Hair, F. F Gold, J V
Weeks, W Mctiaii.'. nnd W P Teilswoi t h.
Fl.iiosi.phy. W It Taggurt, W P Teits
worth, nnd J W Weeks.
Anatomy, I 'hy&ioloyy, and Ififiene.J W
Weeks. C K i.-lchiier, C L llyiieaisoii, and
W P Teilswoi th,
Vhemulni. C L Rvncurson, nnd J W
I s,
Vi t-eks.
.MifUrn C T. livneirson. W 11 Taggart,
II F. Martz, and C A Keiinen.-nyder.
Miiisiiratioi, wid (iioiintrg.J llu'X, W
V McWiiliums, and W Miles.
Classification. W Miles, P Gaston, and
.1 S Mi-U'ilbains.
', t.mnoshiti I Vincent, jr., J Oberdorf.
and P N MvWilliums.
Female Teachers ure respectfully solicited
to prepare e-ssuys on the foregoing subjects
uud be present lo icad'them, or tlin-cl lliein
to the place of meeting ill care of the Secre
tary. W. P TK lTSWORTIT. Clialrinan.
Bcsuhed we deeply deplore the
absence of so many of our ellicit-nt members,
anil earnestly hope- uud cordially invite all id
the Teachers to be ut our next
Btsolced, That in our opinion in the
ubseuce of Normal Schools Teachers' In
stitutes are the best menus thnt can be used
to promote and clevute the Common School
system, and hope that Pirectjrs throughout
the couuty will use their efforts to secure an
i-tielidulice of their Teachers.
Extracts from the minutes of lust session.
J. Xf. Weeks, Secretary.
rhiladelphia Market.
November 20, 18.riG.
Grain. Wheat is dull, but prices are stea
dy. Sales of prime new Southern and Penua
red at $ to tal ,r)7. und 100alb5 for white.
Hye comes in slowly ; sales of Pennsylvania
at bO els. Corn is quite scureo ; sales of yel
low ut OliaOl, ceuls, utlcal, and 05 ceuts in
store. Ouls ure steady j sales of prime, ohi
P.-nusylvauii sud Delaware 43 cents per bushel.
lltcm.rn Flas.
DcTTmi. . .
Hnns. . .
I'n sk.
Tallow. ....
New Advertisements.
II liil- HA SDM1 11 fcUl R AIJLE,
riJIESU qualities cumhiueil, the public will
-- liml by catlim at the Store of II. V, UKlfi HT
if SUN. Their nranrtmrnt is large, and has
been selected Willi great care, and will be din-posi-d
of at a euiull ndvuiice.
Will find nmoni? our Pry (iood Wonl Plaids,
black ami raiiry ilks
i, Plaid Lama FUnm-ls,
md Fancy hclnims. Ue-
Figured tlaslnnere, IVr-I
Alpacca, solid rolnred ami
hciiea. Scotch I'liinis-
aian Twill, I'uhurg Cloth, (.iinshains, Galicoa,
Eclane and Cclego Robes,
l'iyrcnce Silk, 'ool lluiuls. Opera Cajif,
and M"ooii Cuji's.
CJ ii in Dells, licit Iiibhoii, Muhair Head Diesset,,
liihhoiid, Nccille-woikeJ and llugle Collars,
7'hread Lai-en, I'louncing, Inscrling, bwisa, Mull,
l ainliiic, Nainsook, biiimiy, yVarrcd Mushn.
lirilliuiitiue, and a general uasortint-nt of while
Wool and Cotton Carnrts, Oil Clolha. Oi
tthadus, lioi-kdule hlunkels, 'J'urkiali counterpanes
cmhiiireil table r.niera, lirklnns, a,
acurl's, kid, siJk, l.iale and wou,
Of every vaiiety, liu.ia (Jiua.i, Linen
I'uUon Ouipi r,
will find UUik, Lilue and liiowii Krei.i.
buiskins, Ltiuik and Fancy Ciasimer, l'lu,
iSaiinull, ( Ivercoaling, 7'nt-t'd, Velveteen. dk,
ealui, l'lusli and ilk Velvet Vistiifg, Neik-lie-s,
C-curls, Collars, liloves und SUtka.
Hata and Cupaol'ali sizes and priuea.
Liiihracca all kinda ol building muterial, a large
slock ol t'urpcitter'a Tuoi ut the bel inuiiut'ac-
! lure, lilea ol eeiv ib-rci ii.tiou, oicka, crua i.uv.1.
H' AIumuii huiniueia, tiav iron, nie-ui, imiln, paiuta,
-ullj , (;lu...i and oils, illilow aasu ol Mil lil,
giiiiilKloiits, (.'uc-jliir and Will San'i.
'i he CJuetuaiMarc Slotk
is ci-n.pj.ied ul St-uie China teita, Fvuit dishes,
C'aKe plaits, s.iuce ilihcs, euuuiiou plateii, cups
a..d kuueera, toyelbrr vnilll a vailed aasoruut-ut
ol liluseiiure, eiiibrucuig Iho la'.est si) lea.
Olit GHOtEliUli
hro ffteh and pure, niuoii!i wliich may be found,
(j. A. .Vill, Aluekuiel, Ishad, (Jedlisii, boxed mid
piikled Jlermi(, tioflieii and Sage Cheese. '1 be
lies! vi teas, sugars, culiee, eVc.
We return our tluiika to the public for ot.r
iticia.isiiiK patronage, and res) erilully invite an
exaiiiiiibliuu i-l our aluik, aa vc dciiu it a pica
sure to fchow our liooiia.
tlr" Oiiiiitry produce tnkm in cxhnngo at
the bibial iiiaikc-t prices.
fcuubury, Nov. 9 18Sa.
Faiibanks' I'Utfonri and Counter Scales fot
fy k. y. inimirr &. su..
N-.-v. 53. I SOIL
M 'I'll , 1 1 H' I II... ...
n iiiMii.i.iiu., ii onow-ware, i-iasa-waie,
and a lue stock at Uuei-nsware, euihracinii
lha uenrst pnllerus, for sale bv
Nov. at), 'itl. P. V. 1! ItluIlT A PON'.
jfll.HS l or .!ni bilii.-ls, earpenlers
He lily's ed,;e taela. planes and Iv
nch screws !
l r sj!e by
V. LKiCiHT A. Sll.. I
Bargains at the Old taud.
a ii ij now e i Him; a new am very tlesir.-ii-li- i
slock of I'all and Winter Uoods, m- j
braciint an e-ntllesa variety. Their etock cou- 1
sisra iu part of j
Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassrniere3, i
Winter Wares for men and boys, all styles and j
SIf.KS 7n':i ninJ Figured Black.
An nssorliiierit of Plaid stripe and Kliiured Fan-
cy lbrss iilks at unusually low prices, I
Mas. 1 Lains. iJebeces Ar, j
OI.NGHAMs from ff to i!5 cents pr yarj. I
CALICOES " 0 " 12J ' I
wnri'i: goops.
! Cumbric. Jaronelta, S is, Tai Hon, Mull, Pel.i-
! licit, Krriu-h nnd Sv.i.s l.a-'i-s, Lib.-iiiea, Ac.
Crown and bleached Mu.-lins, DtilUng. 'i'ick, i
I Checks,, Table Uiajiera, Ac.
:tof'B:?ti:'. i
Ccdar-warc, lloilow-ware. Iron, Steel, Plaster '
ball und luh.
Also a tresh supplv of
DIM t;r AND Mr.i'fM.S.
I'hfiukful for past favoi-, we hope bv atriet
nttenlioii and a desire to please, alill to meet with
the npi-rovu! of our friends.
tV Country produce of all kinda taken at the
hiithrst market price
euiihury, .ov. ill, IKTC ly.
I Ti ILSi'LCTlM LLV informa die public that
I tl he has replenished his Mure with an rx
I cellent assnrtinent of New ( just received
from l'hilnilelphia, whieh he will sell on terms
I as r. if jiiahle as any other e-tiibiishniciit. His
a.isiirttiieiil i-onsism iu pint of
'.Vinlrr Wtara for men and bys, all style and
Lntfira Difs-s oo!s.
Conairtini; of Black tilka, Merinos, .l-ncas,
lie l.aiiifs, Calicocj, Gii.gluma, .Muslim, Triiu
uiiuets, &r. ,
AUou Irish supply of (VKOC t IilllS of all
(editrware. It rooms, Ac. A Iso a largo assort
unit of Knots and Mhoea, su'tnbli- for Men Wo
men and Children, llata und Cups. Silk Hals,
and all gauds usually kept in a Country Store.
All the above named aouk of goods will be
sold pnsiliveiy at low prices for rash, or in ex
i'Iiuiiho for country produce, at the highest
market price.
Hollowing; Hon, Nov. SO, ISS0. If
K. Ur.COU & CO.
No. 141 Cii!ri'vr Sr., above FomrH,
riiii.At-ri.p in,
Krcn conftantly on h ind a f;l;i:JiJ r.fcrtnient
llcaclv-iiiad'j' ClothiiifT.
:i to O
Nov.?P, 18S0 y
? of every dearritition c
WJLAN'K.S of every dearription can be bad Vy
1 pp rbS at tb ollSrs of th Amica
111 R undersigned will sell r.t Private Sale,
between November 2(i and December 10
1850, the following Iieul ltote, situuto in
the horongh of Northumberland, and county
of Northumberland,
in said H irongh, numbered in Plan or said
Horuugh Nos. 05. f,G. 07 uml fis, i...ii
ing street, containing 00 feet front by 240
feet deep. '
Also. Tour contiguous Lois numbered 393
39-1, 395 and 3;G. fronting on Liuht ircet'
containing 00 by 2 JO. '
Also, two lots Nos. 153 ond 100 fronling on
Queen street, containing CO by 240, adjoining
Mis. Schuyh.r.
Also, another lot numbered 277 fronting
on King street, containing GO by 210 Tecf.
Also, another h,t fronting on King street,
No. 1 la ; containing CO by 210 feet.
AKo, uu out-lot, containing 3 Acres nnd
31 I perches, adjoining the toad ltuuing tu
Also, nil those rrituiti nnl.lij i i
J'irouKn, iii.timhd on N. L. by lands
"J J-- Hoi toil, S. K. by thn North Knst
1r,in'' of Susqiii lianii;ll n,,l y. W, hy land
of J !. p.,y,l und otlierj.containing 50 Acres
,e, , u wiiicn is a I'welling House,
bank I tarn, Orch-ird, nJ a cood
pump ol water. Thn land is under good I ctiL
tivaiion. Terms ii! bo made easy, und an
indisputable title piven by
r.,r the H..-,rs , r Ja. Tahoart, dee'd.
November 20, !'.'. 2t
T virtue of a en tain writ of Vkn. Ksro.WAS
n mn oii. '.-t wll be expoi-(J to public sulo
j nt the Court House, jn fci n uli n r t-, c,n MON
! P AY. the :'2d d.iy of Pecember. 1850, nt 9
A. M., the following described jirop.
'".lligunus Lets of Ground.
n of TreVofir.ii, in Z. rbe
' :.;! i i.i.nly, being lots
. nli-c -;.. 74. in said t'-vn.
of Ju.-,.d Iiu!;i r, on the V est,
i the ft-o-t, nnd fronliiui on
j .- . ,. being euch 25 feet in rrent,
land extending back tu Piiil lload Kir,.,i.
j whereon is erected a Two fctury liuuic Dwell
ing House.
Seized, taken into execution, nnd to be sold
as the property of William Rubier.
P.y virtue ofu certain writ of Vi:n. Eapokak
to me directed, will be exposed to public s-ilo
nt the Court House, in Minbury, on MOV
PA Y, the 22d day ol' Pi-comber. lc")G, at '.i
o'clock, A. M., the follwwii.g dehcribed prop
erty to wit :
A certain tn;ct or pirre cf Lnnd, filuato
in L'pper Auansta lowiisl.ip. Not tlum.berlar.d
coniity. bounded on the North bv thu ci-iitio
I urnpike, on the r.ast by l.itni.i of iL.'.in
Hau.i and (;.'or.;e Conrad, on the Suith by
: lands of said Hans, nnd on the West by tho
i gut or HunbL-ry line, coiiiniumg 38 acres,
, more or le.-s, ail ol'whii-h is cl-ared, and
wii -reon are erected i wo L:tne Kilns,
i Also upon another certain tract it piece of
! land, situate in tiie KiToeph of 8 miliary, mid
I bounded on the North and North. Lusl and
. by
creek. c:i li. Smith.
I itft by lands of benjamin Hendricks, and
j on 1li North-Wivt 1-y land? of Dr. Masse-r
j and George Wciser, containi. g seventeen
j acres, ii or less, all of wlileh is e'euu-d, und
, m, f; created ,i fufee ,Sa u.i!l.
I ."'i7:"'- 1 '-t3 -.ccntitn, and to be
. ........ ,-..Le u I n;i , Hi.ii iu nt;
Slid ;is 1 he property of the buubuiy Cantl
und V iib.r IVur l'i iiipa::-,-.
! L. I I.) .
i j
virtus of a certain writ of Vrs. Lit onas
to v.i-i directed, will be .p,ised to public sale
nt tee I'libln; House of ibmi:-! Mueniiart in
L'l-per Ma'.iui.oy township, on F1UPAY thu
f-ihtlayoi' Pe-cciiil-er nest, ut 11 o'clock A.
M.. the lll..v. iti- property to wit :
A certain Tract of Land, situate in Vwr
I M.ihanoy lowushin. Noiliianili'irlaml County
ndj.iinb.- L.iu'si i.r'J.-.c.b end (ier.r" Ktiu..
! John Kuorr. Guore 1 teroif mid ollu rs con
j taii)in' fil'ly s-.i-res n.ui-e cr less nearly ul! of
I which is eie.iie.l. v.heief n are er. i L.".I n fn..
St.-ry Log Hot -le ami a Log Stable.
Seized t.i- n i i exes.iti.ja and sold as the
l.r,.petty of JuLu YoJi-r.
I!KM?V WEISE.Slinriir.
J-he.-ifl "a Ofu.-r, .unhury. )
Noinibrr Is, i -,r.'. ij
rl- hive ja.-t pullis-m-d a new edition cf
j VT this popiiln! iuUa'..-!ilili! work, and can
! now supply oar Ag-nts und C-mvusse-rs with
I out delay.
Kesiiie, a cotnj.Vto History cf ihe War, it
I incluiii-s.
; 'I I L! IT. A NP ILiilGX OF NICilQ.
; LAS L, wi'h sketch tf SCllAM V"L, thn
. Cii'C issiuti t.'iu-. f, ui.d olaer iii-t:lvui:-hed
i i l. u-u-t.-rs : uist. ,.i'sc-:;,ii,n cf ItUSSIAN
5?OCl i. I'Y ui.d i.uVlliiNM KNT, Ac, Ac,
j nialiii-ir one (i thi ino-.i ir.t: i.tir.g work.i
j ever iuhl..-!i.;d. 1. is beuatifiiily iliiistruted
I with fiiio tiiited plate s, and bound in the
; best manner. W e send u specimen copy
j with particulars ( f agency to any part of tho
j United States, free of J ..slae, 'ell receipt of
. the price, i'l.lO.
j J- W lilfAI'LMV. Publisher.
No. Noilli Fjurth Street,
; Nov. 2'.', ';.0 .to Piii!.Ar t.i.!-!iu. 1'a.
I S hereby eiieu that letiir.i 7'itaim-nlary have
: fcj been ranii-d in the umh-i M-ucd Exe'rutura
ol Ihe eslate ol Dai nl M iliiams, lale of .Sha
mokin towiifhip, deceased All persons indebted
tosjid esuie ure reijucsli-J to m.iho puvmelit,
and those liai ing t li.iiHK , resent them for settle
ment. W.M. W. M'WII.LIAMs.
Shainolin twp , Nov. T9, H.'.f, ct
-V... 1 ;(,-., X. XI Street,
the atteniiou of country merrhni.U
which ihey will dispose of 011 the most reason
able trrma.
Nov. U, 1S5G.- ly
Market Street, Suuburv.
TTlhl recened and opened a apleiulid Block
! tl of I'ALL & WLNTEi; CUUUS, comd.t.
nif! in pari of
I Z7n7. and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres,
An as.oi line lit of Drv t;o,i,l vi M
'aslinierea. Del.-.ina, Calico, Woolen Plaids!
biiighaina. Muslins, Linens, Pluni.eia, Ac.
Trimining3 in Great Vcriety.
WAUi:, Ac.
SALT and FISH. Chocs, Uaisina, Tobacco
anJ Cigars, tjueeiiawure, Hoots, Nhoea, Hals snd
L'oin, and a .anely of Good too tedious to men
tion. fall and examine my Slock before Purchaa
ing t iM-where, A Jteaaouable L'lscount will ba
lukfn oil' for all cuab ale.i.
C'ounlry produce taken in exchange at th market price.
a k v . P. W.UR.VV.
Hunbury.Nov. 3 , 1856. If
To Builders & Carpenters.
The auhwriliera are afti-nla for Ihe sale of
Pom. Window blind, Window Shutters, and
all sizes of Window a.h, all of which we offer
at tbe lowest prices.
Not. S9. '56. E. V. BRIGHT A SON.