; ARRIVAL OP THE TAZA8. . . , FtRTflEtl FROM NICARAGUA, , Anther Rattte ErpeettdArrirel nf (ht JVi earaguan .1in.ifer $127,000 in specie. . ; . New York, Nov. 1C.: ' The steamer Texas, from 8n Juan, via Key West, lias nrrived. Sho connected with the Sierra Nevada, which left San Irancisco vn the 'JOth tilt. . The Texu brings 400 rawenpera and $127 000 in specie. Among her pnssenf-erg nre lon Fermin Ferrer, the new Nicarnituan Minister to Washington. J. 11. W heeler, the American Minister to Nicaragua, and Col. Fubens, n bearer of despatches from General Thedat'cs from Grenada, brought by the Tcas, are to the 1st iimt. Matters in Nicaragua had been quiet since the battle of Nasjnya. Gen. Walker woa awaiting the Arrival of o.vpecled : recruits be. Tom marching ajritin upon Mnssnyaar.d Leon. Gen. llenfinger, who Bitpet'BPiled Guicura, was drilling the army in the nso of mountain liowiUc-rs und Minie rifles. The whole tinny now numbers 2000 men, nnd they were all in good spirits and eager for the engagement with the enemy. H was thought a decisive battle would be fought nt Mumiya about the 10th of November. Tho advices from the mines were favorable A new silver vein has been opened, and ex tensive copper mines have beeu lound in the vicinity of Boneo. A topographic and geological survey of the fiUte is to be commenced shortly, under I'ro fussor James T. Hodge. From the NicsrsgufnM.J Appearance of tub Granada After -ns Battle. To the eye ofn person not much experien ced in war tho town of Central America, seem to bo made for tho purpose of fighting. The large plaza in the ccntro of tho cities, in which u largo body of men can niantrvre, and tho admirable arrangement of the streets for attaeking men as they approach, give to each town much the appearance of an approach of u citadel. But thern is more in tho appear ance than in the actuality. The adobes nut nf which the houses ore built, ate easily cut through with pickaxes, nlthoitgh the bullets do not appear to n fleet them much. A can i!on ball will go clear through one of the walls and do no greater damage than making n hole uf the diameter of itself, and a bullet from a "small arm sink in leaving little more than a mere truce. With the exception, therefore of three or four houses, Granada presents no outward appearance of the battle of which it was of late tho scene. Tho front of the store of Mr. William Tel ler, in which the enemy had quartered in large numbers, m wull riddled. The bullet holes in nnd about the door they are almost innumer able. The hotel known ns tho "Walker House." which was also occupied by the enemy, was. considerably damaged. After the enemy hnd been driveti out, ouu of the cunnons which we took from them was turned against them selves, und shot out of tho bar-room. This, of course, damaged the wiuter arrangements to a considerable extent. A few bullet holes arc to be seen through the shutters of the windows in Generul Walkers quarters, and several upon the front of the large church. In front of the guard-house in an iron pi quet, of the barrels of condemned muskets ; the bullets from the enemy's guns went, in some instances, clear through them. The guard house was in no wuy injured. The en tire daimigu to the exterior of the liouns in tlie pluzn could, wo think, be remedied ut a cost not exceeding two huudred dollars. There aro a low bullet marks in the door of -(El Nicariiguenso office, and in oue instance they fired the lock of a musket at it, which stuck in the door. The enemy did not gut into the printing office. Execution of Priso.ners. The following General Order appears in the officiul paper: Hkad-Qitartf.rs or thf. Army, Adjutant Genoral's Office, Gkanada, Oct. 25, lg;6. Soldiers Each day demonstrates more oWrly that tho jvar we are wnging is one of truth against falsehood, of civilization against barbarism. Not satisfied with the blood of innocent citizens shedat Grenad i-with an ap petite fur slaughter, whetted by the massacre of tho helpless children und holy ministers of Christianity our savage foes have, added an other crime, to the long list recorded against them. They have shot Lieut Col. Luine, who was taken by then; a prisoner of war some davs no. . At tho very time the cold-blooded act of cruelty was being committed, an exchange of prisoners was being proposed by the commander-in-chief of the Gantamala forces. With an innate yearning for treachery, her" had smooth words and tine sentiments on his lips when he was in the act of mischief. Tho assassination f Lninu fIjows tho na ture ol the enemy with which we have to con. tend. Of the same language and religion with themselves, they had not against him the lying excuses with which they are wont to justify the murder of American citizens. Nothing but the love of blood und tho cow. ardly instincts of the savage can be urged for the execution of tha Cuban patriot. Lot then, soldiers, a sen.-e i f the justice and grandeur of the cause in which we are en- viitrcd, nerve us for the fulfillment of tho task e .h ... ... n i. ...... which lies rjuiore us. .jLiKiuemuur ' jw . lifter and struggle to redeem one of tho lov lieat of lands from barbarian rule and savago despotism. In such a causo us this, who would not gladly endure a few days of priva tion and futignot Who would not undergo Mime little suffering and danger for tho sake of having his name cnrulled among the bene factors of the race? 2. Lieut. Col. F. A. Laine. aid-de.camp to the Commander-in-Chief, having been burba rously murdered by the enemy whilo propo sing an exchange of prisoners, it is directed that Lieut. Col. Brigade Yalderaman and Oapt. Bcrdaido Allende be shot this after noon, ut five o'clock, T. M., in the plaza of XlU city. 3. Brig. General Fry in charged with the execution of tho above order. By command of Wm. Wai.krr, General Commanding in chief. I. R. Thompson, Adjutant Gen., N. A. A Female Vigilance Committfjc A cor respondent at Mooraville, Indiana, has favored the New Yurk Tribune with a grtphic account of thewprising of the women in that vicinity in defiance of law and ordei, and miccesolnlly putting on ena to tne rum traffic in their village. On the afternoon of November lrt the church bells gave forth some ominous peals, upon heariug which tbe proprietor of tho rum shop closed his doors nnd put the blind np before his windows. The women soon assembled before the place, and finding they could notobtaiu admittance in do other way, burst the place opeu. 'Fhe rum barrels and' Uegs were taken out of the place, the. heads staved in and the contents Fpilled oil tho ground. The feoialo mobiles tUuo dispersed. An AppalllMj. Statement. A ragtred chool a, si ciut.ioii, In a public appeal, state that thare are io Loudon 1.400.0UU who never attund tiubbe worship, 150,000 hahituul drunkards JLi'J.Utm open pronnjiiivB, "ars, 10,000 jranimers. uU,u" uesuiuie ciui dren, and 30.000 receivers of atolon Roods. More tunn IU.duu youus ". , arc ".J ' - " " vr: IS hereby given that Letters of Adfhfni trntioti on the estate or Dr. Galen 3. Hob bins, late. ofShamokintown, dee'd., has been granted to the subscriber. All persons hav ing claims hpalnst said estate, will please present them properly attested for settlement on or before the Sixth day of the Villi month, next, and all those indebted to said estate Will please make payment without delay to KM DA JOHN, Adm'r. llth mo. 1st, 1856. 6t - CHEMIST, Ab. 263 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., ' MakvfaCturkr hp the ' 1 x '' .Genuine Highly concentrated Compound Fluid Extract. ,; DUCIID AND 8ARSAPARILLA. November 1A. 180(1. ly , ', SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of a certain writ of Yen. Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to public pale nt the Public House of Daniel Kisetiharl in Upper Mahnnoy township, on Fill DAY the fith day of December next, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following property to wit : ' A certain Tract of Land, situate in Upper Mnhanoy township, Northumberland County adjoining lands of Jacob nnd George Keim, John Kuorr, George Feterolf and others con taining hlty nores more or less nearly all ol which is cleared, whereon are ereclt d a One Story Log House nnd a Log Stable. Seized taken in execution and sold as the property of John Yoder. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, November 8, IR56. $ 'JilE LATESTAIUUVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. J. F. & I. F. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that tbry have rereived at their .Store ill l.'pper Augusta township, Northumher land county I'a., ot Klines Grove. Their Fall and Winter goods are opened to the public a fall assrotment of merchandize etc. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass mm, Satinetls, Checks, Kentucky Jean Under Shirts and Drawers and all kinds of Fall and Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Cloalhing, consisting of Cwata anil Vests. Ladies Dress Goods, Phawls, Gingham, Bcrage Detains, Calicoes, black tsilks 4 c. AIko a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Grocerios 4'C-i of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware. Queensware, wooden ware brooms 4 c. - Also a largo assortment of Hoot and Shoes suitable for men women and children. HATS AND CATS. A Iso ah assortment of School Books, Statione ry, Envelopes, Ink and cheap publications. Ac. Salt, Cheese Ac, a.J all goods usually kept in a country store. Ootre and see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hope bv Strict at tention to business to merit a continuance ol the same. . 1 A II of the above named stock of coods will be sold positively at low prices for cath.or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar- net price. Klines Grove, Pa., Nov. 8. 150 tf TL'RNINO Fluid, Campbcne, and Lamps, for sale by fluid Wicks J. F.& I. F. KLINE. Klines Grove, Not. 8, 18S6. tf EXECUTOR'S SALE. rf!IE undersigned Executor of the estate of Jacob Painter, dee'd-, late of tbe Uoroueh of S'inbury, by virtue of a power contained in the last will and testalment of said deceased, will dispose of at Private Sale, the following valuable lies I Estate, vli: SEVERAL LOTS OR PA TITS OF TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in Market Square, in the Borough of Sunhury, fronting 45 leet on Market Street, being parts of lots No and on which are erected Threa Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two story frnnie Building, with the usual outbuildings, stable, Ac, late the residence of said deceased. There ia also on the front of said lot, two two- story frame build'ng. occupied as a store, shops. c., with a good VV oil ol water belore the door. ALSO; A FARM OR TRACT OF LAND, containing about I GO Acres, riiuate between the Cattawissa and Creek loads about three-quarter miles from Sunbury. The improvements are a frame two-story dwelling House, and a large Bank Barn and other outbuilding. There are several fine Springs on the premises, one near the house, and also a number of fruit trees of various kinds. The terms and conditions of sale will be made known by application to the undersigned, residing near Sunbury. JOHN ULSTERS. Agent for Gb. A. Frick, Ex'rs. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1S56. tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! WllOI.tSil.E NU Itl.TilL. THE subscriber would rcspectfuly inform the readers of the A inerican, that ha has jutt opened a ftpw REFORMED CLOTHING STORE, No. 298 Market Street, (S doors below Ninth, south side) Philadelphia ; where he keeps con stantly on band one of the best assortments of Ready Made Clothing, in the city i also, a large assortment of Cloths, Ciusiinors, &c which will be made to Order, in the beot manner, and at tho shortest notice i all of which will be sold at the lowest possible Cati prices. Reader will you please give us a tall I DAVID MALL, SOU MARK KT Street. N. B. WILLIAM SHAFFNER. will be pleased to sue his friend at the above Clothing Store. Oct. 2."), 1606 w3m3 PLATFORM CALES. OF every description, suitable for railroads &c, lor weiRiiir.g Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. 1'urcliascr run no rik everv scale is cuaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can bo icturned with nut cbarce. Factory at the Old Stand, established for more tlmn tweiitv curs corner ofinth and Melon ctreels, Philadelphia. AUBorr&co. Successors to Kllicott & Abbott. Philadulphia. Sept 13, 1850 c3m. OYSTEUS ! OYHTEHBl ! Fresh from Baltimore every MorninR. VANDYKE AND VANDENEKER, XurtUumlerland Pa., Will furniih Rehluaranta and private families Superior Uuliimore Oysters, by the Can or hal Can. All order promptly attendud to on the shortest notice. 1 JAMF.8 VANDYE, ' , '-JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct 1R, 1H&Q. -If WMTILEY'S COVOH tMNDY. An ex W let remedy for coughs, colda. t or i eel air at this olTice. Dvcemlier 4. 1830. CILVEK WATCHES A few double ras English Silver WatcUea, lor aaie mi prices by ' '"-'" Sunbury, April U. lRr,6- M m ANN'S LETTEK . PRESSES, with If B booW nk, nd ail c,ir.rlet. just ir.ce,vca iiid Ux sale by .u.iiAox.n., KuBbury, June 4. 18.13.. tJPICES, aupar. cot. molaaava, Ua, cocee J NV. .1. .1 Niiiur hiMsuit for aale by - 1 MH-'l. ' . . R.Y, HKirni .r.u- NOTICE. THE KEW-YOBK WEEKIY TIME8, A LITERARY ADD KtwS JOURRAI. FOR THK FAHI- ; i. o : o riussiDavv "' o :t THE CHEAPKST"NWSPArER IN , THE UNITED STATES. , Upon the termination of the Presidential Contest now close at hand, the proprietors ot the New York Weekly Times inteud to in troduce varions and extensive changes in its character, which will render it still more at tractive to the great mass of the people of the United States. Its columns will then be less exclusively occupied by political news aud discussions, and will be much more large ly devoted to Literature, General News, and interesting Miscellaneous1 Reading. ' It will be made emphatically and especially a Neiv paprr for tit Family and the Fireside, con taining Literary Tales, Original aud selected l Biographical Notices, Sketches of Character, Letters from abroad, Anecdotes, and gener ally whatever will be most entertaining .and most instructive to the grout mass of News paper llcadurs. ;'. . ' Among the conspicuous attractions of the Weekly Times will be , AN ORIGINAL NOVEL, . By a popular tmerienn Author, written ex pressly for its columns, and abounding iti in terest and merit,' This will be published in successive numbers, commencing about tbe 10t b of November, and will probably be com pleted in six nienths. ' The Weekly Times will also contain a se- rics of Letters from Europe and thn Kasl, by one the ablest und most popular writers in the United States embracing Notes of In cident, Adventure and Observation in Europu Egypt, Arubiu and the Holy Laud, und form ing one of the most iiiteresting series of Foreign Sketches ever published iu this Country. ' Besides these continuous articles, prepared expressly for the New Series of the Weekly Times, it will contain, every week, a greul amount of original correspondence, Domestic and i'oreign. Miscellaneous literary anec dotes and sketches. Notes of Bcietililic dis covery, byogruphical and critical notices, re views of jnew and valuables Hooks, choice Poetry, original und selected, Ac, A;c. In addition to its Literary und Miscella neous character the "Tunes" will give, in a clear ami condensed form, all thu news of day From ull quarters of the world, and in all de partments of act.viiy, embracing' Agricul tural, Commercial and Financial Intelligence, prepared expressly fur its columns, and for and for the use of those in all purts if the country who wish to be kept informed upon ull llieisti topics. TUK DOINGS OF CONOBESS. With a synopsis of all important documents, valuable speeches, and the proceedings of the several Statu Legislatures. ForWgu News, as given in tho Letters ol Special Correspon dents, and in Extracts (You the Newspaper Press of England utid thu Continent : und TIIK MI.SCKI.LAKEOl'S KKWS Of' Accideiits, Crimes, Disasters, Personal Movements, ore, both at bume and abroad. Thu Weekly Tunes will also contain edito rial articles discussing all the leading events ssi' the day, in such a manner as shall promise to be most widely useful and instructive. In its political department the Ti.mks will be Whulty Jiul'-pendcTit nf all Political Parties. Speaking Ireely und boldly its own Opinions, condemning public men aud Public bodies for whatever may bo wrong and upholding and sustaining Ilium in whatever may lend lor the advancement of the public good. - It will advocate equal and exact justice to all men, thu preservation of thu Union upon the principles of the Constitution, and the im provement of the condition of ull classes by Educutiou, Morality und Keligion. It will wage uo war upon any section nor counten ance any inliiuge.muui. of the constitutional .lights of any portion of our common country. Bui it will also resist all attempts to suboi diate thu general good to sectional ambition, or to undermiue those greut principles of Hu man lltei".y which lui,.. tUi Imam und found ntiou of our Republican institutions. It will be moderate but firm in its tone, seeking to convince ruther than intimidate, respectful towards those who difierfroiu it, conservative iu its tendency, and devoted zealously and sleudily to the elevation and advancement ul the people. The Weekly Times will be printed upon handsome paper, iu clear type und iu elegant style each number containing eight pages or lorty-eight culumus presuming every week a linger amount of choice reading und News than can bo obtained elsewhere at the same rate. It is designed to make it uuce The bat aud Cheapest Family Xeicspujitr in the United Slutei. It will bo sent to subscribers by mail at the following rules : One Copy, one year, for S3 Five Copies, one year, for ft Tweuty-Five Copies, one year, for 20 Each package must in every case bo sent to ono name uuu address. Any PosttnasteT, clerk, or other person who may send us Ten or more subscribers on the above terms, and who will receive the package for distribution among the subscribers, shall receive un extra copy. Additions may at uny time bo made to Clubs by the purty in whose uuino the Glut) stands, and on terms ol nrst remittance. PostuL'0 on tuu W eekly tunes is : To Cunuda, payable iu auvuuce 2o ci. a year Within the State ucw. ayuar Withiu the. United States 20cts.ajear. The New. York Daily Times, is a very lurge first-clues Daily paper, contattitug ull the News of the Day, Ac, which is sent to sub scribers by in u i I ut .Six Dollara per Annum. The New York tjetni-Weekly Times, pub lished twice u week, und containing all the retidinjr mutter of the Daily, is sent losubacri bors ut the rate uf Three Dollars per annum. The Copies to ouu uddress for Five Dollars. Payment in ull cases is required invariably inudvance; und no papers will ever be sent until the receipt of thu money. All letters inclosing money, or on business ol uny kind with the office, to be addressed to the Publishers. RAYMOND. WESLEY & CO.. No. 1H8 Nucsun-st., New York New York, Oct. 1, lS:)6,-'Jt nov. H, '.")C I KIIOM, TIIK MUSTANG CANDIDATE. I F Col Fremont had as many friends as the Muatang l.inimcnt, the opposition could not iliaw a cornorals cuurd. Mr. Fremont remark. ed. in his diboatcbea to President Fillmore, while tranKporling horses an J cattle over ine pi una oi Meico, "1 tint tl Uio lioveriitr.enl woulU aenil on a liberal supply of Mustang Liniment, it would save 'id ner itntil his loss-' 1 Ml is very linnorland for all "Farms and Liverymen to Uni.w. 7'he MUHtllllir Wllimeiina ww iuiiiui . . . . ir. ., urtiole for man or beast. It should alvvay be used for Kores, Swellings, hull Jointit. Uurna, Uriiitoa. Kheumalie Pains. &c, and lor uauis Sprains, Spavins, Hingbone &.C, upon hordes. Deware of imitations. The Mustang ia aold by all resectable dealers everywhere. ilAKNES & PARK, Proprietors, New J ori Uet. 18. 1056. lm. Pi. m Ol.D PENe with and without case, H -m .a aniM-rsor oualitv. iust received. ol Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for felt Bunburv. Dee. 87. IHfO- ' i 'UAIJi PC MPS- K small number of these eicellenl pump Uave beeu received sod ere afler"t for sale fcj i ' II. I). MASSE ft. Suntiurv. June 4. !Sfi6. - I ) LANK Psjiihmeni Paper Deed and bUnk lJ Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summon Ac. forlvl. H. M. MASSES Sunlory, Apr! ?"'. -, . CHEAP WATCH AND JKWELRY'lcVTOIlE Aa 72 Nor (4 Second Strtity (opposite th ' Aitount Virion Htus.). Philadelphia. . . : GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, es ses, $28 1 Silver Lever do,, do., Sil ver Lepine, dr., 9: Quartier. $5 to $7 1 Gold Spectacles. $4 60 to $10) Silver do., $t 60; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to 1R; Silver Desert do., do., 4(9 to 81 It Silver Tea do-, do., $4 7A to $7 00 t Gold Fens and Gold Ca ses, $3 3S to $6 t Gold Pen and Silver do., ft; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain- ' Alt good warranted to tie Sa represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired In the best manner. . Also, Ma sonic Marks, I'ins, Ac, made to order. K. B. All order sent by mail or therwise. will be punctually attended to. -1 . Phila., Oct. 4,185a. lyw. ' "AID AND C0MF0RT.,r7 To Your Own , M cell .till c. ISAAC M WILKERSON, Respectfully announce that he has tnken tbe stand lately occupied by Georjre Renn, whe'e he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE subscriber respectfully call the attentioi A of the public to hi large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price f iAIRIMl-WAICI, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every anr who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and aple.ndid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No cll'ort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber i determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany SofitM, DIvniiM nnl I.oimpfn Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, I'.HIilhFAST AMI DIMNG TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIKS, ncluding varirtie never belore to be had ii Sunbury, such as Mauooaut, Black Walnut An CtBLr.n Matle Grkciak ; Ann WimisnH CHAIRS, A.n FANcr Piao Stools, which are of the Iutest stVi's, and warranted to be excelled by none munufactuifd in the" Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber ia determined i!?t there shall be no excuse for persons to purcin furri'ture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their wart and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on a good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. I1T UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Htiiisr., he ia now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in thi vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. IV The Ware Room ia in Fawn Street, bc ow Weaver's Hotel. lAC M. WILKINSON. 8unbury, Sept. 13, 185C tf. HERRING'S SAFE A9A1N THE CHAMPION1! The onf; Safe which, in every instance, pre served (heir entire contents in the late Extenive Fires. AT tlie burning 01 tne Artimn Itu.UuiKB. April MKh, end in llje GUKAT iu Murk.-t St M:i lit. ISS41, the genuine Herring Snfe prenervtfti the Jewlrjr nf Gen. W. fcimmoiii Jt Hro. ; Hc-tki, I'a peri. &.(!. tit Fi'hftT k Hio. nnd i-.dwnrd teiniii K-., oner re niiiiniiig cxpittw in the minting niiit i'tr nef T rty Houra, mi. proving c-nusiivjiy wimi we have hWvhvi claimed fir them, their reut luneritritv over nil recuritici now known. in HiewAre , the HF.RRING'SSAFE, n diner ""Ii by mtle with thie advert iscil us war muted ttiarnnd 10 per wnt. mor fiiethuii Ilerriin', came Inrih the ac kimwleiitred vidoi. nt only prmtetrinir their e nttrnl in excellent nr(ter, but he in thernnelva in n etuvlititm to through mint lit r nrtleHl, while the huateil nlainande U( nllter makers ote bailly UM't up in every inshinre, nnd in nne ruses theii e:tiie eonteuts enpletely destrMyed. To (he public we wmld simply v thet, riuni; the U years the Herring's Hnfe has I teen bti'nre them, nvn than iwo ii u ml red liuve NHStd through ocideutal fires without the ucrurreiice if a single loss. We would, therefore, caution pirrlmsern nfrninst tbe misrepresentation of interested pities. The Herrinft's pHttnit is the on'y Fiie-pniof Hub mode in thij city which is procctMl by a Tn'eut Itiait, and we will frnar nntee it to rnisl more thnit double.hc amuuut of heat uf any oilier Safe now knowu. FarrclH & Iltrrlner, Sole Mnnufurturrs in this State of 'HERRING'S PATENT CHJIiPiOS SAFES," 34 llamf., Philada. N-H "Kvmis ft Vnlnnn's Jinrnvrd Salmnandrrs," ' Oliver Kvan's," "C. J. tnylt!, nml S -ntt's Aalwtna." Iron Chfls. (h liirfff ,rfniPMt hn-iiir Iwni taken in part payment lor 'HerriiislV) will be siilut low puces. i'liila.,June2l, ISM ly. Sc HACK, MiKKiis ami hiiirtiis or WHITE ASH ANTHRiCITE COAL, From the Big Mountain (olliery SIIAMOKIN. vnn-rtl'D C0'N'I'v' Address Sheuffdi Black, binbury. or Sha- moliin, Pa. ' Sunbury, May 24, 186C tf COLEMAN'S CHEAP pUTLERYSTOBE, No. 21 Xorlh Third St., leow Arcli, pniLADELrilli. NlirXTRV Merchants can se Irora ten to fifteen per cent, by purchase; at the above stores. lit importing my own gou. pnjmg lull . r-,,i nml livinn rconomiralv. It is Plan can undersell those who purrtiMe their Goods hern n!,u hiirh rents and ive hki princes. .. . Cniiuimii v on nanus nrw moruiiriu u, . - ml l,.l.i Knives. Scissor did Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slag.buflulo.bone and l h,,,,.!!,.- Carvers and Forts. fcc. Butcher Knives. Dirks. .Bowie Knives, Revolving and plain Pislola, &c. Also a large assoriment oi .lecorucn., Also fine English Twist and (jc nniii Ouns. ; JUlt.N n. UJtli'i.i'i, Oct. 30, 1855. ly. Importer. SUGAR CURED HAM. A lot ju.t rec.ived and lor sale 1V. dlaoiiui.ji' Sept. 13. ISS0. PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL , INSTITUTE, H.O DATED IN "STORK, Fr'EKS young men all itie advantage oi s iliurough l)usine bilucation. . - nci u u i,t jv 'I't-iiv Embrace Double-Entry Dook-Keeping, as ap plied to Wholesale, lletail, lumtmision, man ufacturing, Shipping, Steam Boating, Individ ual, Partnership, and Uouipounu company Business. PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient and Modern Hands. Also, l.ECTL'KES on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. For Circular, &C-, addre the undeisigntd. T. K. WHITE, York, P. September 6, 1860.m. DR. J. FTJPwSELL, Formerly at Berryeburg, Oauphln eouuty.Pa.' 1 EKEBY announce to th citiien of 8ha- 1 mukinand vicinity, that he ha permanent U located himself iu the above place, nnd liope tbst u eperience of aeteral years, in all the various branches ol ins proreswu. wm biro liberal t)ar of their pstruiiage. : He roy t ll limes be found, when not professionally eugsgeo, m sudou v . 'i hhjmokin, Ocgler C5, 1PS0--8m nt'fWWnl ST 'H Cathartic' , PiUsV (Sl'dAIl COATED,) tu Ukvm to CLEifflfi Tltfi ftCK)t ANt CURB THB SXCXr' . InvalldR, Kalltrit llothtri, PhynlftUni.' Pli!lnutliroDlnU.raft thlr KITeCtil, , and jntf.; of ihelr Vlrtu yrm. th cithr of 1 Dn. J.O. Ati. Hn I hwy bran r-potMlfr cuird nf thn wortt hfl6h niiy inf enn hire hy r Jrn or twr l tmT l'lltn. It atmnw tr u-t fhm fenl pttmvr)i. jrk,irh tliry RtMno M oiim. Jf Uinjr mill our o litem m Uiejr A UiP thj fart in n-isrtb ktiuwlng. Ymin with grnt iMjMt,- rV.ft, W. fRKRI.H, i.i Cttrk Atatfnur Clarm J Billons Disorder and Llrer Complaints. V . i I) DlPARTWUNTOf Til IfTSMM!, . M wmiriiM, D. t 7 Feb.. lHArt.1 Krft! t nam iinM your I' J 118 hi my iruiiAml ftntt li-trnl fiDrvwkf ninp yini mv thm, &nd rfcuaut hmltKtet Miy thttv Kr ibt lit mtlutrtto w Mnploy. Tlinlr rgti Uting action Ui tvvr In quirk and OeoitM, ronwif)iimtt ly tltfy nr un R)mh-iiMt rnmH.T far dorHTi'-rnntsof tliftt itiTn. IndeM, I mre fwlrtom fmnrl n nuw ofbrtimti 4i nut o rtimtlnntf tlrt ft did not renJflr yieM ttt-tbeni. Frnteiually yimiv, ALONZo HAI,I, .M. t., Phytician tf iht Marine Jfvtfntiil. - PrRentory, RcIax nnd Worm, i 'i Port Otnrie, IIaktiani), Ijv.Oo., Mich., Nov. 1ft, 1 drift, tK. Avkr! Your Pit!) ar th inrfnrtkin of mMlrfn TUy Intra tim my vif inort unod tki I ciin tU yon. , p"i nun cH-rtu hick huu pimnjc awny mr tnuunifl. nrnt Tift to lxi fir-cUni'd nt Brunt t,X)ieni, but pit no tat tor,1 8h tiifiii (xmiDitinrm taking your 1'uln, wltfcb wwn curod hnr, hy nxpclliitu Inrco qiinntltimi tf woniit (tlf-1) from her body. Thy nfirrwanlii ciiifj;! her nml our two chiMrpn if M(ioty dywiitorr One of onr m-iKlibor had It (ad. and ny wlf- ruml blni with -two ft of your HIM, wktle .tlwm aiounil m fxU.I ft-um flv to twenty dollm dvcUin biltfl, and Imt tinith fiiuu. without hin ennui eutirfly t?vn then. Hitch a mndfdnA nn yours, lilcli Is aetuftUy Koud and hetsMt, Will b friy.ed ltnvr. OHO. J. KimX, ft!tmasttr. fndlccstlnn nnd Impurity of the Illood. Wi her. J. V. Jlmt, tiifor jf Adittt fViwrr. Dottmu 1)9. AvtRi I liHTO iumvI your PHU with xtrntrdlnary furcow in my family and ntiiyntf tlift I hin civIIpi! toviMt in diitni. To iftfiilnte th iMhaih i' dljctlon and pm My tho blood thfy are the vry taet mnwly I have ernr known, and 1 can confidently Kroninind them to my IVitnin. Yrmns J. V, lllMtfi. WnAW, WrowiNo Co.. S. Y., Oct. 24, lHf.fl. Irn Xia: 1 am uninx your Cathartic Villi Iu my pruc tfe, and find thm an ftrellpnt puigfittv to cltamw tbt eyiUm nd purify the fountain f the brnod. JOHN O. MKAC1IAM, M. D, Erysipelnf KcrofniH, K1112N Evil, Tetter, Tumor Hnd Salt Itheum. Vwi a V rwttruxi.g Mnxhcmt nj Lout, 4, Da. ATRRt Your Pilta are the parapon rf all tha li (ETRt in medicine. Thry hare rured my little dauftiiter uf nlceruun aoi-m niou hrr hrula an) feet that ha I pro tod inrunihle for rtpara. Her mother baa Iwen Unr Kiii'Vm ly afflicte! with blutcliMii aud pimpl on her eltin nnd In her hair. After our child wa cuiud. nhe km triv ur PilU. and they liave currd her. ABA MO!UiRlll'K. RbttumntihTD, Neiiraljiin, nnd Gout. FemUxt Jttr. Dr. liawlu. tfthe Mrtiadtiit . fourth. VvhAhKi Hoi, Savannah. Da., ,Tu, tt. l.vt, IlrmnRKD Sir : I abnuld be ungiatful fr tlie Mi'd; your kit) Iim hrrtnht me it I did not report my cam to yu. A cild attiml In my Mm hi and bi-ouirht oit'exmii-iarins ntunilifii I'oiim. which eudswl In rhmnlc rlnuuiaiiiun. NotwiiltHtanitin 1 hwt line bmt of jhynicnuii. the diuase Hitw worse aud worse, nnfll. by th dvle f your rxrd h nt ejrf nt in Italtimoie. Dr. Ma-keniie, I tried" ymir Titli. Their enM-u were !ow, but aurv. ly sevei inj iu tho uk of tlim 1 am bow entirely woll. StNATC ChAMHER, BaTOI lttHMF. TsA., 5 Do.. Dr. Aykr : 1 ha Iweu entirely cuid by yotir Till nf EltetiDifetic Uyut a iiaiidul tlbft-'n- that had oft.lctfd me for yearn. VINCKNT SUDIUsL. For Propfty, IMethora, or kindrrd Com- ftlnltita, rt.juinDS an active purge, they arc an eicwl rnt reim-dy. rT CostivrneM or ConNtipntion, nnd n Oin 11 r 1111 ili'-y ate auie'tido .md etlurtiml. Fits Kupprcpsion I'mnlyis InflninmR tloii, ami ".' ' LK " d Pnrtiol Hlliitt neaa. hiifo btVtt cured i t"v altenti actiou uf lU.-e I'tllK. Mtt of the vil.a in market r-ln rciiry, which, al thuuKh n Mihutl le rctuinlv in "kilfu. ban.- I danerwu In a public fill, from tlidnadful MuMs ietir llwt fie queHtly follow iw tncuutifn- ui-. Th'jee cOhiwu u- W cury or miuwral aubetauce wlcitocr. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR TH1C RAPID CL'KB OP COt'GfIS,CI,D!,TIOAnSK KS!f IXPM' E.MA. BRO.XCilfTIH, WIIOOPINU COUGH CllO VP, AfcTIIMA, IN CIPIICNT COKVMPTIOATt and fir the rr-tief of rousumidlve iatiptiti'in aJranocJ tip-e of the dinwnne. ... , y'm need mot epeak to the public of I'a virtue. TbnniKhnut awry town, and alnvoet eirery hamlet of the American Mate, ita wonliifiiI prrt' of pulmonary coin- tlainte have made It alra.l Vm.w. Nmv, fw tho Hutu iu atiy civiiirwil txuntiyon Line rontlucm without K)lnc eif3!ial f'X'tm'i'-nre oi Un eftecra ; and ft-Mer yet ihe cooimunitiee anv wJ err whi.-fi have not at;nntt tht-m tome Uviiin tiM'hy of it viuoi.v over the vithtle and dnii tceroua did''K'e of the throat and liuign. While it ie tlie nut powerful antidote yet l:nowi to in an fir the formi dable and daiiuroua diActuton of the uUiimiaiy oiirana. It ie nlao the il:iiiU'st aud Dafcet remedy tVitt ran lie em- tloy1 C'V in ik tits and voting )hi stout, raieute should tave it in N'ore aainut the iuidious e tit my that ual upon thwn nnpri'pmwi. We have HhundMnr xrmtit(e to leitve the C'MKRkT fECTORA). tax mre Uvm by the con aumptiona it pniventa than tho it curt-a. kwp it by. you. aud cure your cold v. lulu tln-y are curte, nor ih k le:t tlu ni until no human kll aiu iiiamer tiie lnxoralT canker that, fatiiciud ou the viule. eatN yotir life aav. All know the druadful totality of luutc diKirdvrM, and ia they know too the vfrtufa of thii icukmIv. wu n-l not do more than to aurmrw thvm it U till made tlie Ktt It can ta. We stpaiu no ct. no care, no toil to produce it tbe tuoPt perfect powihla. and thus afford thoew)o rely ou It Ihe beet agent which our k ill can furnieh for tht lr cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. IYER, Practical and Analytical Chsmiit, Lowell, Haas. AUD SOLD BY Wm. A. Bruner, Sunbury! Bird ft Joan, Shamukin V Wiemei, Norlbumlirrlond : J. K. Caslnw, Milln: Ilnya ft Mccormick, MrEwiuttiU and b aU DrupgisU ,hA:gt,u;st:,? A PERFUMED BREATH. VI7HAT lady or gentleman would remain un- " iler the curse of a disagreeable breath when by using the ' Balm of a Thousand Flower," aa a dentrilire would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster 1 Manv per sons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of "Balm" on your loottl hrutdi and wush the teeth night and morning. A fifty cmt boitle will last a year. A beautiful complexion may easily be adjured by using the 'Bulin nf a Thousand Floweas." It wnl remove tan. pimples, ami frrrklfs from tbs towel,' Voir nii'v)onrTlli,)T"Or(), Una wirtiiB face night and morning. SHAVING MADE EAhi, Wet vnnr shaving brush in either in warm or cold water, pour on two or three urops oi na m of a Thousand Mowers, run me ormu -en it will mak a beautiful sort laiher, much facili tating the operation of shaving, rnce oniy uny reins, fluware of counterfeit. None genuine unless signed by V. V. S t. I KlLHir. or lu. Franklin Square, New V'ork. Sept, 87, 18S8. 6m Clican Watches jJewelr IfJHOLESALE and Ketail, at the "I'hiladel- Dhia WaUh and Jewelry Store," No. 08 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, FHItASELFHlA. Gold l.evr Walelws, full jeweled, Id caral enses, r.S,00 0"ld l,ne 1. it..KMI'.-f 'lvp.xluiles. I.-'O Silver lp. full jewIM, e. Gokl llraccltts, . 3 .00 5 lm lVr, full jewM 14 ! adirs (iol.1 l'.e.ls, I.W t,,t, i. (.juurtieis, 7. Silver Tea iooiis, set, S,U0 UuU Hneeuele. 7,1UM ,. , no Gold Pens. Willi Teiifil uu iW HoMer, l,t Gold Finger King, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain. 12J cents, Patent. IN I Lunet, SS; other article in proporuun. nu ranted to be what they are sold for. HTAUFFER & HARLKY, On hand, some Gold slid Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, 1856.-ly. A PKSW KAVF.D IS A FENNY GAINED I WE have just received direct from Philadel dhia a Ireah supply of goods, suitnble for tho fall trade. We r now dioiiig ol onr cummer Hiock. at YURV LOW J'KiC E8, to make room for our winter supply. JNow is tlie lime to se cure barcaina. k E.Y. BRIGHT 60N. SepL 19, 185, NOTICE, ALL pcraon having claiina unsettled, gainst Bowen Marl & Master, or Bowen 4 Ma ser. will please hand thein to the subscriber 5 V S. B. MABSEtt- Sunbury, 8ept. 57, 1868.4tf I.1ILK8 for Maebinista, carpenters, A-e., tc, Beattv' edge tool, plane and Iwnch screw forsaVh B. Y. BRIGHT . 8iN. May 81, 1850. , VTA1LH, spik, hammered end horse -IN n.iis. e.hal shovels, pick, jrxik be su M4 i8cr..rAfIW6cfc" 1 French Merlnneo,)! nWnrs, P.,i; ',' Fwhionable Cloak CmIm, , , , . fall fMlk Ihe style' " Jl f. .. . , ; Magnificent New DeLalnea, r i ' ' Urat Htvlea rail Calfeoe. . 1. . : . Verf larg Stuek f New Miawta, . . . Flannels. Welsh, English and American, Cluihs, Vesting and all kind Mr' Wear Hhreting. Table Linens, Towlings, Ac. EYHEA KANDEL1,, 4th ,4 ARCH Rrs I'hiladelpbio. Stnrokeppers are Invited to Mamin our New Ooods, Familie can be well lulled i i vry kind of Dry Goods. ( . , . W make Blk. 8ilk and Kbawls leading ar ticle for Wholrsaleing. Pi fl. JQU rrreired daily from the Auctions of Nw Yoik and Phila delphia. , ,:,..' r . t3sV Tanura Nrt Cami,- ' ', Sept. 6, '50 w3mo , - , V -Cancer Cured. IANCEHS, r.imeni, Men Ulcer. Scrofula White Swelling &c., rured without Surgical operations by Dr. Lauiisherry. Vt. I,' Pamphlet (2nd, 3d..) on the treatment and cure of Cancers, Tumor. &c. will b sent to any address (tree) on receipt of a postage stomp Ollioe WALNUT St., Philadelphia. Wept. 6, 18f.6 3m iHS. . l OVKIt. lMf of the Union Hotel. Lale of the 6rnn of Stcvaus, NATIONAL HOTEL, (late whits swak, ' Rate Street, above 7'hird, rillt.ADEI.I'IIIA. rjlHE above well-known Establishment, have B. ing been entirely remodeled, introdi ciug all the modern improvements, and also, newly fur iMnlied throughout, will be opened for the recep tion of Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flatter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carriage will always be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. SIDE8 lr HTOVER, Race Street, above 'I hird. Philadelphia, August 30, 1B-S6. ly . AMERICAN IK) USE, AVILLIAMSPORT, PA., J. li. KKLTOX, rroprletor. Jas. T. Haix. Ass't. Sept. 13. me. tf it.mitY, L4uk. f. & to., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPE & RAG XO. 5 MLWJi STREET, PMLADEVA 100 tons Rags wanted for Cash. ! August 23, I8S6. 6m IDEJSi TISTRY- SMICK & RENX,'; Annonnce to thn citizons of Sunburr. and ' vi'i.illitv tliut. lllfiv linVA nminoil an .' n Sunfinry, ono door ent ol the Post Office, where tiiJ r prepared toatteiid to all binds of work belonging to H'e professiou io the la test and most improved slylp. Sunbury. August 23, igi"0.tr. THE COMING HOLIDAYS ! Great Preparations, WM. T- PRT, it returning thanks io Ills numerous friends and residence of Sunbury and vicinity for theii very liberal patronage, and anticipating an increased demand for articles of liis own Manu facture and Importation, has made extensive preparation to supply the same, in hia stock (surpassed by none in the city, and to which he i constantly receiving additions from Europe of the newest styles,) can always be found a choice selection of articles uuitablc for Uridal, llirthday and Holiday Presents, of the most recherche and unique description, romprisiri),-in part Kich Dressing Cases, Writing Desk, Cabas, Fans, Uronxe liiwjue and Pariaw Figures, Mu sical Boxes, Opera Glasses, and a rich variety of the useful and ornamental in Ormolu, bronze, .shell, Mosaic, Papier Mache, &c. Also, Combs brushes and Toilet Articles. WM, T. FRY, 128 Arch St., (opposite the Theatre) Phil's. October 4, 1850 3inw FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY STORE CHARLES GAUIKGER, RESPECTFULLY inform tlie cilizen of Sunbury aud the neilihoriiiir country that he hna purchased Ihe Grocery Slore in Water street, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept by v'cise x L lcincnt, and that he lias just replen ished liis stock which he will sell at reasonable prices. He will keep a constant supply of Hour, I ram and reed, Ureari, 1 isli and Cheese, Hams, Shoulders and Herring, Coffee, Si. gar and Molasses, Teas, Spices and Fruits, IS uts, Confeclionaries of all kinds, Uoota and .sinus, Ladies fiailers, Miea ami Children's Miors, also Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware and Notions, &ic, &c. Citizens are requested to send In their order far Flour, Ford and Groceries and b will de- Kuiibuiy, June it. io.ju. u LABORERS WANTiSU. V NUMB Ml of good Laborers are wanted on sil.m of tbe Northern Central Rail Road, below Trevottou biiJge. Good wages puid and the best kind oi accoiiiinniiauo.i gnen. xip ply to WM. GAUGLEll, on the works, or to v 1 -II. B. MASSLR. July 0.185(1. Sunbury. Pa. JOHN FAKEIIIA, So. 284 Marl A Street, cbovt 8(A, uml Hil l PIHA. imoDTrR Manufacturer and dealer in all kind and qualities o! lancy lurs. iur i..o... and Children. J. F-, would call tha attention of the l.xlie and others to las immenre a.rt- i.:.. ,i.r..t Imuorler and Manufactur -- , ,. er of 'all my furs. I feel confident in saying thsl ; .a-..L. -r-,.i..i liideceineiits to tho-e in i can uuer mo 5 - --- ... t want and al the same lime will have one ol the lamest assortment to select from. Storekeeper, and the trade will please give ma , call tfor. Vrc..as.ng......v , , ment is wel stip pneu - ---- - " erv anicle In the Fur line, and at the lowest poasible Manufacture rUNe..fAKERA - 24 Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept. '.0, If 60 -4mw, PHILIP S. WHOLKSSLK SI a.TAlt. Grocery, Wine and Liquof Store, 5 E cor. Walnut and H'uler Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied al the lowest prici s. October 4. 1 850. if A LL persons indebted to tbe firm ol Friting t .. n-,i. Book account or other wise are respe'ctfully requested lo come forwaid and pay op between ini uu ".".""-- Buubury, Oct. 4, 1856 If ' 1 CMi pelli.K of all kinds. flr i.d t-M. Oil Cloib nd oil .hade, of the latest ,U for E. Y.OHIOHT ON. 1 by WRITING FLUID and AdUe a Dk'nl.tl1 A ; a i i .nmlonss. for sale by si. B. MA-ciJ. CaWnet Mkf 'c Finding, i Tli solwrriliersresptcifuily in form, their friend di'tl the puhlie generally, that ltfV l'"ve eohner led t.!'i 'heir Redding k Fu"iili(ng business large ! rrd sticli pf.l'sbjnft Maker's, Findings. fnifi'it stand ' - ., !f A'o. H3 5..V1 teconti Street,, ieloui ChfttuMU ' , i rfcllndftip'ila. -i.rr They li iroeed ith them W. P. JJrowrr who has hren for tmmy em nrnnpei) in lh ptineipal Establishment the kind in this ety ' The stork of Go.Hls nfm eft hand comprises'' every description of rtinterssl d l,y CuJiinet Maker, consisting in psrl nf the following. vi ; lln'rdware drpsrtmeiit. Leeks, Hinge, Screw Castors, Bed Scrrw. Chair ml ea Pptings, Coffin Handle, &c Cabinet . Maker' Material, Heir 'etrllng', ' Curled Hair, Looking tils Plate ml Frame. Glue, Varnish, Sond Pvper, J.irlnps, Jlsck and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofu and Chair i Webbing, Twine, Sacking Bottoms, Aiwtrood, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knobiv Ola Screws, &e: ' ' Bedding Depnrlmrnt, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wenf and Cotton Mattresses. Feather fnls. Bolster and Pillows; l'ltisli, Damask and Moreen Cush ion Comfortables, Counterpaiie, Linen ami' Cotton Sheet, Pillrrw Cases, Linen and Cottoni Towel. Table Cloths, Table Linen, Tsbla Cov ers, Moreen, Demask and Plush by th piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. The Hair Seating and Curled flnir ia from th Phils. Manufactory of D. A. J. Noblk. N. B. Hotels, Steam Boata an) Ships fur' nisbed st th shortett notice. NOfll.IT. BtfOWN A NORI.TT. . 83 South 2nd St., lelnw Chtntnvt. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.)) Philadelphia, August 9, 1830. ly. Pennsylvania Wire Works- No. 60 Arcli St. between Second & Third, (Opposite Bread Street,) PHILADELPHIA. Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven H"r Of all Meshes and Widlhs, with all kinds of plain and Fancy Vire Work. EAVY Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens; Paper Maker'a Wire ; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, co vered iu the best manner; Wire and" Wire Fen cing. A very superior article of Heavy Founders' Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieve. BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. August S3, 18.16 c3m NOTICE. VOTICE is hereby given that application will 1 ' made to the next legislature of Pennsylva nia, at the aeasion of IH57, for the creation of a corporate body with banking and discounting privileges, to be called the "Siumoeim Bank," located at Shamokintown Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of $150,000, with tho privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. ' Shamokin, June 14, 15(1. 6m vse Flour, Feed and Provision stort. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, Rroadxcay, between Market Blackberry Sis. RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have just received large and well selected assoriment of choice FAlEIL? C-P.OCEHIES, consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring. White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Coffee, (srrecn, roasted and ground,) Im peiial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder end Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tobacco, aegars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first clns Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and rakes nf every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will lie paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheal. Sunbury, May 31, 18.r6 MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, .MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. THIS large and commodious Hotel is silua ted nearly hall way between Sunbury n Pottsville. The scenery the salubrity of t' atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, mi it one of the most delightful summer retreatr" the country. The Hotel, is a new structure,"" stories high, fitted up with all tbe moderr" veniences. The pure mountain water is tro" duced into every chamber. The place easv of access, being but one and a halt ho r'J from Sunbury, over Ihe Philadelphia Sun bury liail Road. From Pottsville, it is miles Every attendance will be paid by llrljr' tor to make guests comfortable. Cha," mJc rate. jgg.ICE. ML Carmel, May 34, ISBfir tf GTJJST- NOTICJ ANDRE W W UliFP'ISi Importer and Msnufsvlut K it n s. It ill ?. rl1oiJifphit T eral ussnrlniu tt,n(t ,. ''jand.ef"; rrel Shot Ouns, ts'ge durli guv ,nJ tol.of all kinds, lso, the cJea.; c.st .(I rifles, with increased twists, to ,,oo ,v, pointed bell of his own make; rifle Imrrtla. bags, pouches. Ac. He inviies persons wish., to purchase goods in his line, to call and examti his stock neiure purcnaung i""-'- - -determined to sell on th most reasonable terms. ry Particular attention paid lo ifcpamng i all its branches. August U0, ISf-fl w3m EAGLE PIOTL, OPPOSITE WKSTBBAXCII AK, -WILLIAMSfOB1, FJV., II.I.I4'1 II. H'. Proprietory C, A. HTnm, ssistanL yj li An tlinnlhus wM run to and from the Depot and Packet LainK'g. to this Hotel, free of charge. September 13. 16-' -tf lHBMEROF THIS .EieHBOR-- kiooit; GrnKer of W heat and ft;, fife leinaut Suitr Phnrphate nf l.iine.'if yrtutravt heavy Crops, or Leinau's American fertilizer. riMlESE valualle Manure have been used for A the past six year successlully lor the Grain snl Tobacco i'rot in Irginia, j iin i- vani. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland ana ine. Islands of Bermuda and Barbsdoes A barrel. (350 llw") is suliieieut for an Jiere oi -.ami. The a'.iove h ertilners are r.ompo- i ira Chemical Elements, whi h largely increase n Crop and improve the -oiling, nounung tne vai lie of the land. -"'-e ui m ' is 40 t'O a ion. Nilregened $o0 00, the Amen- cm Fertiliser 00 r Ton. or $3 SO a Barrel, l 8s IVeB; also, every variety oi Guhho. Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrat of Soda, Bone Dust, Pow.lered Charcoal 4c. GEO. 4.LlilNAU, Proprietor, JVo 19 South Front Strectx lIIJkt)KI.rr.IA. Ooods delivered free of c''.rgc. UT To Wholesale De.iers, a lilwrrl discount Pamphlets in Kihsh and German Laugusge Gratis. Ordc, at a disiance, Cash accompany tng of Dr. promp'lv tteiull to by - (J, A LEI N A U, Proprinlor. ' Fill A DA Fa. N " Tlllilnlna. kavs beil awarded from th i niw.v.-ani Agriculteral Society ; New Vj,k 1 Crystal I'elac jiaociuon mm Btsle A rnenltural Society, i 'biJdlpl. A . 1"- . .' at lritnii)