' - FBlEJIOIVTs THK MUSTANG CANDIDATE'. IP Col. Fremont hail many friends a tli Mustang Liniment, the opposition could not dinw m corporate guard. Mr; Fremont remark oil In hia dispatches to President Fillmore, while transporting home anl cattle over the plains of Mexico, "I nai 11 ine unwrnirpni woura ncno mi a liberal supply " Mustang Liniment, it would Mve 28 per rent of hia lasses." Thie ia very jmportand for all Farma and Liverymen to know. The Mustang Lihlment ia a wonderful article for man or beast. It ahtftild alwsys be used for Sores, Swelling, Shu Joint., Hume, Kruisos, Rheumatic? Peine, Ac, and for Galde fpraina, Spavina, Ringbone Ac., on horses. Beware of imitations.' The Mustang is sold by all resectable dralera everywhere. - BARNES A PARK, Proprietore, New Tork. Uet. 1. 1866.-' 1m. Tt. . what can Woman do i Tills long expected beok ly T. 8. Artlmr, ia now ready for Agents and Canvassers. It ia having an Immeasa sale and ia considered one ofhisbesj efforts. In it will be found Mr. Ar lhuri views on rha vexed questioii df '"',. WOMAN'S RIGHTS, And what she can do ae a sister wif. en mother1. . .. ' . r Specimens copies sent by mail tm rartipt ot th. price. l J0v i,RAmiteV."fiuWllW, 48 Xorlk 4th rtrcet, Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 18, 1858. Tub lic sale. Will be exposed to public sale at tli resi dence or tin- subscriber in Shamokin town bin Northumberland county. Pa., ON TUESDAY, the 28th or OCTOBER, next. The following real estate to wit : ATItACTOFLAXD, !Situate in Shamokin township, near the Potts ville ond lnnville road, is two mile from 'Klysburg eight from Shamokintown nnd Nt. '.armoI, adjoining lands of David McWilliums dee'd, -Asa-John ond others, containing 120 sen's, 75 acres of which are cleared ond in a miod rfuPeof Cultivation, the remainder Is well timbered. The improvements consist of a pood two story Frame Dwelling House, Dunk Barnand other outbuildings, two never failing Springs ner the house, and fruit ol all kinds. For further information, call nt farm. If not sold on the day of sale, the ame will be for rent. Snle to commence at 9 o'clock A. M., on said day. who" the terms of sale will be made k"WUby IORYMcCLOW Shamokin tp., Oct. 11, 180G. ta OYSTE11S! OYSTEHS!! Fresh from BAltimorc every Morning. VAN DYE AND VANDENEKER, Xerlhuniierlaml Pa., Will furnish Restaarants and piivate families' .Superior lUllimore 0.vaters,(hy tli' Can or half Can. All orders promptly attended to on the shortest notice. . JAMES V-XNDYE, JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct. IB, 1850. If PUBLICS AXIS. 0J" SHAMOKIN TOWN LOTS. ThertNtfU be sold at Public S.tUf, at the bouse of William M. Weaver, in the town of Shamokin, on SATURDAY, November 8, iy;6, at 2 o'clock, I M., tlm following lots in the town, of Shamokin, NoithumberlaJid county, l'. Block 13 Lot 5 Block 7S Lot 5 ... 14 " 3 " 18 " 0.3 ..j - fcit " 8 . 25 " 8 " M a . 26 " 3 " " 1 .. 27 " 5 " 8 " 8 . 2S " 7 " " 0 .. 47 2 " U8 " 11 .. 49 " c " 102 4 u 5! .. n 103 " 3 S3 ft " 107 " 3 $4 4 " 103 " 3 55 ' 13 " 103 " 5G " 1 " 110 "10 A 12 .. r,7 i " 111 " n IS 6 " 117 " 2 Ci 3 " 119 " 2 n 67 " 1 ' 121 6 C'J " 2 46 " 122 " 1 72 " 3 " 124 " 73 3 127 " 1 71 u 2 " 16 " 114 ' lb2 " 137 Terms of sal are 20 payment on tho pur cta ise of the lot. ... Oue (martur of bal., payable Apnt 1, 18.x. do do do do' 18,ri8. do do do do 18.VJ. do do do do 18G0. With Interest. Tho Town of Sbnmokiu is pleasantly Situa ted ut the outlet or tho ishauiokiu Coal Ke cion, on tho Philadelphia and Sutibury Kail road, 26 miles Troin l'ottsville, 20 miles Irom . i v..-.i....ti..l!.iwl ril Tniies from ii.:i...i ..i..i.;,. .nJ fA-l miles from hlojira. It is the principal towu inthis Coul Region, and u good chance is hereby ofl'ered lor luveat ineut. For further particularenquire or t. W Peal, at Shamokin. The lots are staked off and tun be ejumined at any time previous toduyufs.de.NRYBAUMuARDNER JOHN J L'OUHUAN. Oct. 18, 1856. 3t. DISOLUTION. mi ..,.cl,in l,urinfire existing be tween the undersigned as the firm of "Sheoff & Ulaek" is tins aay oibsoivmu uy muiuu, -t n ........,. i,,l..liiari to tha said tirni Belli,. I" I " a . of Sheafl'Ar Dlack will moke payment to J oliu A Hheall Laucaster, renna., unu uu pc.ouu- . . . .1 . n MI .ra Uaving claims againBi me earn unu i-.v eeut thorn to tha same for settlement. J. A. 81IUAFF. TllOS. ULACK. I.ahcaster, Oct. 18. 1856. 1856. 4t. In the Court of Cora- Mnry Ann Lake by her next friend Adum Kemble Wm. F. Lake. mon Pleas of Northuin berland Oonnty, Pennsyl ( vania, No. 31, November term, 1856. I'luries subnufr.a in di vorce. To'Wm. F. Lake, Durundant: In nursuauce of the above sobptrna you are hereby notified and required that you he ond appear iu your proper person before .tha Court of Common Pleas, of said County of Northumberland, ot Sunbury, on tho first .Monday of November, J8;)6, to unswer tue . putitiou or libel of tho said PlaintilV, und to show cause, if any you have, why divorce should uot be eiiuted to the said Mary Anu Lake, vour wife, from tho bonds of inatii mony, ugr'eoably to the acts of Assembly iu sucu case niauo and pronlej. 1IENUY WlIlSH.pkorifr Sheriff's Officej Suubur'y, Oot. 18, 1866. f TTII.ES for Macbinuts, carpeutcra, Ac, Xc. -L Ueatlv's edue toola, iilanen ond bench screws foraahtby - B. Y. UttlOHT ot SON. May 31, 18f6. SILVER WATCHES A lew double caa English Kilvur Watchta, fr sale at very low prices by It. B iascii. Kunbury, April U. Tin XS'N'S " LETTER rREetSES. With V-ill D'".' uk, ttrwl ail n.plia,-jut nceived Miuraalaby. . . H. li ilXLtLZ, Hunbury. Juue l'85a t j r- . . IJL'-.1 IL.-.-JlX-l'-U-ll ..'iLJJSS SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of cartntn writ of JSPCf roRAH to me directed will be exposed to pub lic sale at the Cbhrt House in Hunbury, on Monday the 3d day of November at 10 o' clock A.M., till that certain lot of gronnd situate in the borough of Milton in Northum berland connly, id that part of said town cal led tipper Milton, bounded on the North by Broadway street oh ibe South by lands of J. M. Patton on tho West by the African church and lot of Lawrence Sarvcy and on the east by an alley, .whereon is erected a frame dwelling house biio end a half stories high. SeiKed takvn in execution and sold at tho property of Samuel Stover. JLSd. By irtne of certain writ of Lkvari Faci as, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court 1 louse in Sunbury, on Mon day the 3d day November next, at 10 o'clock A; M all that certain two and one and a half story frame house; mesuogo and tenement sit uate in tile town of Trevorton in county of Northumberland, on the sido of Market in said town containing in front on said Market street, twenty leet more or lefs and in depth about twenty two feet with a Kit then attach ed in the rear of tho main building twelve feet by fourteen and the lot or piece Of gronnd and curtilage appurtenant to said building said lot being No. 3, in the plot oT the said town of Trevorton end being twenty five feet front and ono hnndred nnd fifty five ffcet det-p and bounded on the south or south west by Joseph Keiser. , ' Seized taken in execution and sold as the property of John W Garret and Jidry Es ther Garret wife of said John W. Gofrtt. 4LSO. By virtue of a certain writ of LkvarI Fa cias, to me directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale at the Court House in Sunbury; on Monday tho 3d day of November next.,ot 10 o'clock A. M., A certain two story steam Saw Mill and engine house situate on Buck Run, in the township of Coal, in the county of Northumberland, and on lands adjoining land surveyed in tho name of Robert Gray and others, and said Steam Sow Mill bund ing containing sixty feet in length nnd thirty fivo feet In width more or less. Said Sow Mill and engine house building being attach ed together and making one building, and the lot or piece or tract of land and curtilage ap purtenant to said building. Seized taken iu execution ond sold as the property of the Big Mountain Improvement Company owners or reputed owners ond Samuel Kyle contractor. ylLSO. By virtue of a certain writ of Le VAm Facias, to mo directed will bo exposed to public snlo at the Court House in Sunbury on Monday, tho 3d day of November next, ot 10 o'clock A. M. A that certain two story with basement three sljry brick building iu tended to be used us a College by the defen dant's mrsnage and tenements, situate in the town ot Shamokin, Coal township, Northum berland county, Penno., being ono hnndred feet in front, by fifty feet in depth. Tho hall or main entrance thereof being twenty feet in width, and tho wings upon either side ol t lie hall forty feet square, and erected upon block No. 57. as marked nnd designated in the general plan of said town of Shamokin, bounded by Arc street, eighth and Chestnut streets, together with the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtorinnt to said building. Seized taUen in execution nnd sold as the property of the Shamokin Collegiate Institute. LSO. Bv virtue ef a certain writ of Vex. Etpokas to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court Houso in Sunbury, on Monday the 3d i.iy of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.j the following property to wit : A certain tract or piece of Land, situate In Jordan township. Northumberland county, ad joining land of Samuel Clark, Teter Donuhan , . n ii a . , anu outers, containing a nin- mure ur ivas nearly nil of which are cleared, whereon is erect ed a log house, log liable and small ahop. Ac. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of Nathaniel Schrieber. ALSO : Bv virtuo of a certain writ of Vknihtio F.x- roA, to me directed, will be opened to public hale at the Court House, in Ihe borough of Sunbury, on SATUKDAY, the 2:.ih of October next, the following described real estaln to wit : A certain tract or piece oi land, mtuate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland County, adjoining lands of Daniel Conrad. Samuel Garingcr and others, rontuiuing five acres, more or less, all ol winch ia cleared, whereon are erected a Two Story Ilrick House and a Frame Stable. Se'r.cd, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of George McCarty. Bv virtue of a certuin writ ol 7'7eri Faria to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho Couft House iu Sunbury. on Saturday tie 25th day of October, next, ut 10 o'clock. A. M. A certain Tract of Land, situate ill Shamokin township, Northumberland county, culled the SUrtzel tract, adjoining lauds of Cuspnr Adams, George ctartzel and John Kstricker, containing 100 Acres more or less, on a part of which the timber has been cut off; , Also, upon another certain 1 ract Land, situirto in said township, adjoining lands of tho heirs of Daniel Campbell, Jacob Iteed and others, containing 30 Acres more or less, nearly all Of which is cleared, whereon are erected a two story frame House and a frame Burn, outbuildings. Aro. Also, npon another Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of Smuitl John, Jacob Lcisenring. Joseph Adams and others, containing 100 ucres more or loss, be in" limber land. Also, upon a certain Tract of improved Land, situate in Rush township, Northum berland county, called tho Bellas tract, ad joining lands of K. C. Barton, Alexander MooTe and Godfrey Rockefeller, Containing 30 acres more or less. --The undivided half part of a Switch and Trussel work at the Railroad at Reed's Station. AUo, up'ofr the defendant's interest in the I'axinos Furnace, Engine, store house, coul hour, dwelling house, stubliug, saw mill and all buldings, fcc nppurtenaiitlo said Furnace. .ilso, the lot or piece of ground appurte nant thereto, containing two acres more or less which is subject to the terms of a lease held npon thssame by Jacob Rued. Seized, taken in execution isnd to bo sold as the property of Horatio G. Tnggart, Jo siah Furinun und I'lisha O. Hartun, partners under the firm of Tag Jrt, Furman and Bar ton. ALSO ! By virtue ofa certain writ of Lcvtii Facias to me directed, will lie exposed to' public sale at the Court, House in Sunbury, ou Saturday the 2Mb day jf October next, at 10 o'clock A. M- Al that certain Three Story Frame tfuilding, be fide bane inent and attic, situate in the town of Mount Carmel in the county of Northumncrli.'nd, in tended for a Hotel and called the Mount Car mil House, bring seventy feet in front or length on Mount Carmel atrect, in said town, fifty fcti in depth and bring lorated on lota numbered respectively, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen in block No. 81, in tha plan of said town, and also the lota of ground and curtilage appurte nant to aaid building. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa Ihe pro rev, iy of Thomas Ifaumgardner, ChaMee W. ilegina, W"m. L. Helfenslein, Win. L. Dew. art, Aex, Jordan, David Longcnecker, Francia W. Hugnea, John Anepach.jr., John M. Bickel, owners and eontractora. - -ALSO : By virtue ef certain writ of Venrlilin Et ponai, to me directed, will be exposed to pub-' lie sale at tha Court Housa, in the borough of Sunbury, on SATURDAY, the 25th of October, next, the following described real estat.to Mrit j t . . . . The undivided half of a Tract of Coal Land of which the .taid C'ulryi lHytbe, in" Lis ljft time was seized, situate in Coal and Zerba Township Northumberland county, adjoining lands surveyed to John Boyd, William Wil son, rlef Maurer, Michael Kroll and Fred erick Kramer, and surveyed fn 4' warrant to Matbint Zimmerman, containing 367 acres. 98 perches' more or less, oh' which is erected a small Ipg house and ( which said Calvin Blythe I. old and told subject to the Dower of the FIuiniilT the widow of the said Mathias Zimmerman. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Frederick Lazarus Admin istrator or Culviti Blythe Dec'd. II. WEISE, Sheriff. SiiRRirr'i oVficc , ) Sunbury, Sept. 27, 185C. j TVOT1CE is hereby given that the several Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court, Conrt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court He use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, flii 3d iIrv of November next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Fesee and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to lie then and there in their proicr per aona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tbinga to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting "n behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded lo be then and there attending in their proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at thoir peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their o'icndanre, at the lime appointed agreeable to iheir notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day nt October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty -six and Ihe Inde pendence of tho United Statea of A mcrica the 79th. God save lh Commonwealth. lltiftRY WEISE, Sheriff. Snrmrr's Orrice; ) Sunbury, Oetrfber t, 1856. i Ii9t of Causes, 'OR trial, In thd Court of Common 1 ' of Northumberldnd County, at Nove Fleas uibef T., A. V., 1956. PLAiJiTirri. J B .Sp-JiVs ei'rs. same same Jacob Baruhart earns same Geo P i'uyers fie. Connelly for dinner liosscr and 1,6) 4 Wm Coleman lingual At Co I Dickison DEFENDANTS. Va C. W. Begins et al va C W Hrgius va ,J.inia va J B Master va Same va f r'a T Clement va J Fafntwsrtli va U J W pod et al va Cbas Weaver va Vandyke , ., Ve Catharine -Polio'ck in P. ShealTer va Samuel Grhringtr va John Fagcly va D Dunmover Daniel Conrad Matthias I'eed G Emerich Wm Frits Overseers df the Poor ef fteibe township va John B Heed Ac J B Massf r Geo Adams ex'ra J E I.eili D B Miller Win L Dewart va Frederick She'd vs C Eaton et al va Ira T Clement vs II II Vastma va C A Kuta va Wm and K Fegaly Samuel Hunter's ex'ra va same John Young Isaiah Morgan same J Nesbit vaJ W fral va Mary J Farley vs Ann Forley vs Sheller and Noll va aame Henry Geta Keynolils and Alcraden va aame Wm Mengess va Peter D Dcnller Commonwealth &c va Jnnpb II kiln Harriet Long va A Gilger'a ax'ra. JAMES BEARD, Proth'ry. Frothonotary'a Office Snnbirry, Sept 27, 1850. J LIST OF CAUSES, JT'OTC trial at Ihe adjourned Coart of Common Pleas of Northumberland county; on the 27th of October, 1856. PLAiKTirra DirianKT. John Knouse vs Chaa Kobbina et al Ira T Clement va The Shamokin Steam Ferry and Tow Boat Company. E It AHchmute et al vs Jesse Auchmule Jacob Vonida vs Zerby Run Imp Co John H Vincent va Gei, Haaset al Jacob Salada' va Kimher Cleaver e at Thompson A Eiaely vs Charlea Wnavef same va A J Stroh I D Fisher va Harmon Kline U E Foistcr . va Jaa Montgomery G Lcisenring va G Morris same va same Fisher & L eisonrifig va same I' Do -ohue va Henry Erklc and son Wm II eel Jens et al va Joseph I.eeland A Uman va T Dornan ft al Kase and Dcuty va Fogrly A Hubina Samuel Heilner va Michael Werlinan J B Masser vS John Hummel et aP Joseph E I.eib va Win B May Daniel Kohbin va Thoa Burr it F Bran J Hartman va Dangle and Leithenthaler James Eagu va (irt, ('arson Barbara Weiser vs Dunirl Drnkemillar I. Machen &c va Begins and Donncl JAMES UEAKD, r.'olh'rv l rothonotary a llllice, Sunbury, Sept. 27, 1856 1E. AYI33C, CHKAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOllE No It Norlk Second Street, opposite th Mount Vernon House.) PliiladelDhia. r6tD f.evcr Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ra- aes, $28; Silver l.ever do., do.. 12: Ri ¬ ver Lcpirie, do., $9; Quartier. 46 to $7: Gold Spec I aclea, $4 59 ID 10 ; Silver do., $1 50 ; Silver Table Spoona per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., 4 7ft to 7 50 f Gold Tens and Gold fa- sea, $3 25 to $5; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jcwelrv, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. , All goods warranted to lie aa represented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma- aonic Marks, 1 ins, &c, made to 6rder. N. B. All orders sent by mail ur otherwise will ho punctually attended lo. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. THE COMING HOLIDAYS I Great Preparation, I N returning thanks lo hia numerous friend anu resiuence oi Bunuurv ami vu'imiv r. ibeii vcrv libera! rjatronatre. ami Aiitifiiti.tii.n increased demand for article of his own Maim facture and Importation, liaa mudo cxlelisiv Drenaraliona lo aunnlv the same, in liia ir, fimrtittfaed hv rrone In tha ritv. ami in whi.l, I... ii constantly receiving addition! from Europe or the newest atylea,) can always be found I'boice aeleclhifl' of a'rtilHB miitnlilp f.ir ltrt.lul Birthday and Holiday Presents, of . the most recherche and unique- description, comprising in part Kich Dreioiiig Casea, Writing Desk, Cabas, Fans, Bronzo Risque aid I'ariaw Figures, Mu sical Doxea, Upera u lassos, and a rich variety 0 thi.' useful and ornamental iir Ormolu, Brunzr Shell, A!oKaic, Papier Mache, &.C. Also, Combs Brushes and Toilet Articles. " WM. T. FftY, 128 Arch SI-, (opposite tha Theatre) Pbil'a October 4, lo50. Uiuw A LL persons indebted to the firm of Friliug it Grant, on Note. Boos; account or other wise are retpcctfully requested to come forward and pay up between Ibis and the 15th intt.,sa thev with lo ao to the cilv to lav in their Fall aupplies. FUILING & GRANT. Sunbury, Oct. 4, 1868 U . JAII-S; spikes, hammered and horse shoe nails', canal shoyebi, picks, crub hue and mason n hammors for sole by ' " Ma 81 iO Y, BRIOUT, tiQ.N AYER'S CatliaHic Pills, fhVaAh COATRVJ AHt MtDI TO CLEANSE THB BLOOD ATTD CUBE TUB 8lC. IhtAHiIh, Fnihera. W(hr, I'lyilinn, PhllniiiliroUtnt read Ihrir KITrcti, nrl Jrte of thili TlrfUe I'OR THIS Cl'ltn OT IIendnctict8ich Hridnrhe,Foiil (omrtrh. riTTsnuua, Mn.T 1, iMftft, T)R. J.(1. Arrh. Iir! I hnrm Iktii rritmitcHiijr ruN nf tint wimit iii-I.t-te nnv hoiT rurt hfri Ity a w or twr nf your FHIn. It m-nmn tonrlwrnimArbiilsttriiinrh.whJch Vtmy cfrmM M mice. If li y 1U cur otJiin M ihr do 111, the fnrt ( WtrTlh kilh'E Yourt itli itvat nrHHt, T:i. W. PltntHjK, Cleric of Stumer CU-irmt Bllioul blstordfrs nnd Iilvct Complaints. PurArmtftT OF Till IVTBIUOR, ) VASIIt!rn4, I. Cm T YvU.y IKfrl). f flm: T rT tittvl ymir lH! in my nentntl mill tmipjul niftlrt tT4 tinrs yon nm li XUrm. nn-l riiii''t boitti tr i tin? they th brut mtlirtl- w unplMjr. Tliclr tnKn. lutJtijf action ou tit tirtr Uiulrrt nml ikfi'M. KiHrfp)nt,t. It th-f urn nn HfJnilml.le miimly for itriiK'in:i(illf tlmt inirnii. IikWI. I fiitr Fw-Mom foinr. R nv-Ji fT6t7iVii di Wit ftvnlMtitmtv IrtntH ilftl mt fwrnlllv tn tlim. riatuniatlf jrimr, AI.ONO HAM,, M.n , ' rhyma'aH nf tH Mnrin Ifo-pttat. Irm?ntt?rf Kclnx, nnd M'orms. Pout urnm. If ahtl?iii. Lit. Co., 5licn., Hnx. 16, IftM. Pr. ATf.tt: YtrtiT IMIU ri tltf terfertltn nf mMilrine. Tli-7 (trw ilotte my itV tnxitt, got 4 tlitin I ran toll you. li'inl I iff n oirk ami pining hwh; for mrmttm. ut off to I (TrXMnrt"! nt grvist i'Tpciit, In fcot no Iwttrir. PhB tltcti wniiiiftifwl tBklna ymir I'llln. wlilrli sotitt rnrcit lirr, ly PXK'lltlf( llllRfl qilillltiliCSI llf WtHllld (llfaj. frulll ltir Iwtlv. Tlfy aftrrwanli f uml hrr anl tnir two clitlltn if b'la-1y tlyMiitrryf. Onm if onnieiKM-T hnO It iiml.anil m r ifn t-urril tii.u 4tlth tw itiwv of ymir Pi tin, wlilto ntiifrt nntuti'l ttn wltl ft-ntn tlvi t tnty ilollKr tltitoni 1'illn, unit luat iniioh ttui. Wittiont WiIiik rnrtHj entirely mvuti tlifti. Hticti a tiuili( hi a yinm, whirli la artually nod antt In men t, will l rifi liir. OEO. J. UIt:FFTN, n.ttmifter. IndifTPfttion nnd Imf,tfHt of the Blood. f-nm Htr.J. I' mc, iH(rf- kf Alrrnt Church, Ilt,n. Pa. Atek: I Iiato tin, Ttr Pil.nwitli xtraunlinnry aitrrm in uit fniiiitruml mnrtng tlimr I ton ml lot! tovit in iliatrrfm. To n'lfitlntr tlif rrrnf Uipwtimi nnl pnrify the liUnl tliity ai tlm vory it ronwly 1 Imve ivnr known, and I can rotifMi-ntly rctonmioml tliwin to my riirml. Xmrs J- v- HIMKS. Vintuw, M'T'jmino Cn. N. T.. Act. 24, Jf..V Pk wi Pift : I am ninf y nr Catlnrtic VlWn in iny prnc ti't, n.l fln1 Urnm an i?xrillfTit Hircnt'vss to clr.M.tQ t)i trttnni aul purify tlm fountain if tho ttinr-l. Jul IN . MKAC1IAM, M P. Rrrsipelnft. SProfulii, KinuN Kvil, Tetter, Tumor, nnd Knit Rheum. From a X.rvartiu.g Mmhant o.V. Loui$, V. 4, IMA Pr. Aram: Your IMIli nrn tin pnrajrnn of all tlia !s prrAt in mrdiriH. They bnr oirod my little 'lAiiRtittr of nlfHToni mrc' upon tnr lmnlaanl ft'ft that ha-l prnred fnriirntili for yer. Her motlier liw lnnn lone (EHttvima ly iitTlit ttd wiili Mot r he nt piniprR on her nkin and in lir liuir. Aftvr our rliil'l w.is .Miinl. 1m tituo tHH vnur PilU, anU they have ctti.il tier. AA MitUdRlUUK. RhrumnliKm, Nciirnlpin, nnd Co tit, Ftom the lirr, Jfr, lfmrk$t nfth .V'thnlirt Fpia. lurch PcLAfKi llat cE, pAr.!,iif. U v.. .I.in. ti, 15(1. IlnnRFD fCiR; I Klmutil In- miyrHlcfnl for tin rt'lii'f your nkill Iim Immplit ine if I ilt'i not t t-r my im ti ym. A ttil.l mttkd in my. limb nnd htoiiHht on frfinfiulinx nuritli,rir nlni. nlikh ciidi'd In e-lirnnie .vti''(iiiiilfuii. NiitwitliKtnndinti;,! had Hm --t of (iliyHiriufin. tit- Uiir-nno prcw woi-w find wtni'. nntil. ly tho awUIrp of your rxrd If nt apt';nt in ltal(iiii.re. Pt- a kvhlif, 1 tiiinl your I'; I In. TlitMr f,Wt w'iv nlow. 1'iit pmtv. i'-y puinevoiitig iu the use of thuin I am tiuw fffttnly woll FH.T fIHMtlt:fl, ll.T"N Hoi-fir. I, f Pc., TtR. Atkb : 1 li.iva Ifcnn t?itir)y rtirod ly y.mr fill) nf KliiMiumtic Uuut a pninftil dlttfiirtw tht tut-l alltirted mo (or ypftitc INt'KNT FIA I) I'LL. For l)ropy9 lpfhorn, or kindred C'oni plniitl, minirnig itti mtita jur;u, lUvy art an fxrcl hut rvuicdy. For i'Oslirrlirs or Conatipntiotf, nnd ns n Oimirr 1111, ilu-y arc B:im:iltl nnd Hlt-Tuml, FitNf Suptrosioti, rarmyvis, Inllnmmn tlon, and oin Orhfitfaa, nud I'na'llal llllitil ii;a' have bucii i-tm-d l-v tlio uHcrative aciiuii of tiiviao I'iih. ' Moat of lilt pHii In lnrkpt cnntiiln Vinnry, wtilrh. at tlioiifli n inttml le retnoly in nktlftd liaii'lM, In Utirrmii in a pulli- ill. fnun tJi drcfidlul oiipi. nm tlmt fit qui'iitly f -lltiw its ini'iuiii"u uv, TJ !--. contain no mtr cury ur luiiuTnl lulwiMiiro woitovt-r. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL F0I1 T1IK UAPin CI UK or coriiK,coL,is, iioa itMAK.iit., irr.i"- fcZA, HUOXCIIITXHt AVIIOUPIAU Ol UU, HUM P( ASl II.MA, I CII'IK.M OS MPTIOfc'. ai1 for tit ri'llf of oiusmri dlvt patients iu atlwaticd atJf' of tin iltrM-iiai'. Xn iit.-rt not !"p!ih t tlir puMir of itn -ititit'-a. Tin-oil,; limit mury town, and a!mo-t et-r lirtnlft of th Amiii-nn Hiati-n, it wonderful nirea of ptilnmiuiiy cotu i-'-'inM LA vi- aiK'le it alrendv known. Nv. few nrr tliu fur tin- iu any riviliKeti (oniIti on tiioti-ootUHMit v M tictit mi' Hrwttal i'Xp'i ii'iiw nf iln I'tiertc; and ft wr yt lh riinratinitii'M any wtteii' wldrli Unw tmt ninone ilieui "iiit' livhij; tt-ojiTiy nf it ii tury tT tlie Mtl(tr nnd nn irorouii diiaHuii U' tin threat ami tunr. While it i the n i 'in t powi'ifnl itT.'jdoto et kt't'Mu to niiiu for the foimi- dtilde und dilinryl'i'll iliri';T( of the !t1UMMi'y tii-nUN. tt ij alrwi the plivnniiftt bni wthut r Sidy tiini'inn mi- Itluyi'd fa- inf.tutH nnd ymitiff n'imiii, I'Hit titH hould lave it in Htoie nvaftit The itmiiJiciH cnniy tltat iliiils lltM-n theui uuir'pmi'd. M lunc iihiindtiiit pnnnid. tn iK'lh'Ve tilt? ClICRWV l'Wt'IHL HVo4 fj;irc livM I'V the roll vumptioiii It prt-vi'tit tliMi tli'we jt nitr; KVep it ly Jou, an run your rohW wtiih- th. y mv ciinl tt, tnr nr-j-M tin-in uutii no ht'ittnii 'Mil ean ''wstt-r the iih-'Al'I ranker that, hicti-ne-l on IIh- i'uV. t:i- ji.nr lil nwy. All know tin dreiidfnl fitaii'v of In up dinorid'Tn, nnd im thry know too the irtnt'n iff thin miwdy. me need itt ilo mme ttiati to iire Ihrni It ia Mill umnY ttie lM-nt it rD l. We it'iarv no cot. no rate, n tiU to priKlttfr it the mot perfwt MKiM. Wild tlnm arT-n tlftfH-t 11 rely on It the Itest at nt whi h onrhktll run lui iiih for tlieii cum. PREPARED BY DR. J. C AVER, Practical and Analytical Chsmist, Lowell, Mass. a x o K0t.n ur Wm. A. limner, Svmbury: Mini A Julm, Shnmnkint. W Wiemri, Nnrlliuinlrrl.i:il ; J. K. Carlnr, Milli'il lluya (t MrConnirk, McKwnisvillc nud by oil Dritugib'-s tlironchniit tho poniilv. Aii(tut Itt, InAO lr Estate of MARY tJPDEGRAFi1, DecU 1WOTICK is hereby piven to Casper L'pile prulT. .1 no. lircnnisholtz, ami Klizubvlh. his wil'u, John Upileprull', Ailuni UpilepralV, liVam, wiuow ol bnnwilon Hunt, Murali, wnlnw of Thomas Upilepi nll', James I,ytlo fur him self and us guardian of liiniizettn l.yllc, ,lno. I'.uripht, und Alary, his wife, nnd Jno. Kliriiiht, .'iiunlinn of iSuruii J., Levi anil Klizubeth I'pileprafT. heirs and lecal renre- sciitativus of Mnry Updepraff, latu'of Lower Augusta towiislnp, deed., and to ull other persons interested that you and each of you be and appear before the Orphans' Court lo oo neiu m hiiniiurv, in und lor tlin count v of Northumberland, on the. first' MON 1AY of November next, to uecept or reftiso to take tho real estate of suid Mary Updegraff, viz : A certain truct of land situate in Lower Augusta township, o'foresaid, bounded by lands of Christian l'Vrst, Adam Clorist, Lydia Starr, l'uter Coldrain, and others, coiituiiiinp thijty-three nnd three-fourths ncfes, and allowance at the valuation pui th'ereon by an Inquisition, or to show cause why the tuiil Iirumises should nut be sold according to tho acts of assembly in euch case uiuda und pro vided. IIKXHY WKISK, Sheriff. ShcriS's Office, f . Pniibnrv. Sept. lH.lS.ifi. J 01 A PERFUMED BREATH. Vint AT lady or gentleman would remain un- ' dcr tho curxe of a disagreeable breath when by Osing the "llalm of a Thousand Flower," as a denlrilire would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth while ns alabaster I Many per sons do nut know their In oath ia bad, and the suhjert ia ao delicate their friend, will never mention it. l'our a single drop of ' Halm" on your tooth brush and wash Ihe teeth night and morning. A fifty cent bottle will last a year. A beautiful complexion may eas'ily be adjured by uiug the "Calm nf a Thousand Floweia." It wiil remove tan, pimples and lieekles from the skin, leaving it of a soft roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or threa drop, and vash the luce night and. morning. cslIAVlXG MAD K. EASY. Vct your shaving brush in' either in warm or cold water, pour on two or three dropa of "llalm of a Thousand Flower.," rub the beurd well and it will make a beautiful soft lather, much facili tating the operation of shaving. Price only fifty cm id. 7eware of counterfeits. None genuine, uulesa signed by VV. P. FETHIDGE & CO. Franklin Square, New York. Sept, 47, 1856. dm NOTICE TV'OTICK is hereby given that Joseph liound.-Kiiu., committee dt Lunalico of Jacob Burger, has tiled hia accounts in tho l'rothoiioturics office, und that it will be presented to the next court for confirmation. JAMLS BKAKD, Proth'ry. Oct. U. 1856. NOTICE. A LL persons having claims unsettled, against Uowen Marts & Masser, or Bowen or Mas ser; will please hand them to the subscriber J. B. MASSER. rjunlrury, Sept. ST, T85 If afalM ... JOHN FARE1HA, , A. 284 Market. Strrei, clmve 8M., IPtllLAllEI.TlIIA. MPOMTER, Manufacturer and dealer in alt kinds and qualities hf fancy fura, for Ladies nd Children. J. F., would call (be attention of Ihe Ladies anil others to hia immence amort ment, being the direct Importer mid Manufactur er of all my fura. I feel confident in aaying that I can oiler the greatest indecemeuta to those in want and at the same time will hare ond' ol the largest assortment lo select from. Storekeepers and the Ira Jo will please give ma a call before purchasing, as my wholesale depart ment ia well supplied lo meet Ihe demand for every article in the Fur line, and St Ihe lowest possible Manufacturers Prices. . JOHN FAKEIItA. ' 284 Market -Street. Philadelphia, gep. VO,' IPflfl. 4mw, OPPOWB VK8T BRANCH HANK, WILLIAM8PORT, PA., WILLIAM if. HAY. 1'roprleUr. C. A. Smina, fssistont N. H. An Omnibus will rnn to and from the Depot and Packet Landings, lo this Hotel, free of charge. September 13, 1858. tf riraoxiTj'Tioirr THK partnership herctoTnre existing between -1- the undersigned, under the firm of Wilkcr son !i Rcnn waa tins' duy (Sept. 0 185G,) dissol ved by mutual consent. ISAAC M. 'VVlLkEUSON, JECDB LE.VN, : Sept. 13, I8.rG. tfj "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanic. ISAAC 31. WILK tilt SON, Hespectfully announce that he has tnken the stand lately occupied ly (ieorpe IJenn, where he N prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPlIE Subscriber respectfully calls the attenlisi of the public to hia largo and splendid as sortinent of every quality and price ef cArixet-wakis which cannot fai!?i feiommend itself to every one who will examine it, 6r( cc0tmt of its durable workmnnship and Silendid tiuish, mVilo ifp of the best atoek to be had in the rity. No' elTort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber ia determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ilia stock consists of Mahogany Solas, llvaiiN aul LoiyiFN Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND PINING TAMES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia, manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern snd price CUl'BOAUDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article inthis line of his huninrsa. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CTIATKS, nrluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as M aimIi; ait, Black Walsut axii Ci MLKn Matlk OnsciAif aSii Wikiisiib CHAINS, anu FANcr Piaio Stools, which are of the latest Stvles, and warranted lo b excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 lie suliscrilicr is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and OIkUIS. These ai'(iclcs will be disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun- try rroduee taken in pavmcnt for work. IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hstnas, lie is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient disfanee from this place. W The Ware Room la in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. IS1AC M. WILKIttSfTN. Sunbury, Sept. 13. 185C tf. PFNNSYLVANIA COMMEECIAl " INSTITUTE, LO CATED IT-T YORK, PA. r r ERS youiiu men all the advaulagea of a lliorouuli Business Educalinn. THE COl'liSi: OF STL'DV Embraces Double-Entry Book-Keeping, as ap plied to VVhoirsnle, Krtail, Commission, Man ufiictunng, Shipping, .Steam Beating, Individ ual, Partnership, and Compound Company Business. PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient and Modern Hinils. Also, I.ECTCRES on Commercial Law ami Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. For Circulars, &c., address the iindeisigned. T. K. WHITE, York, Pa. September G, 18)li. fim. A l'KNNY SAY Ki,"lXT l'EXN Y (jAINED ! WE have just received direct from' Pliiladel dhia a fresh supply of guotlx, suitable for the fall trade. We are now iliMposinu; of our Summer Stock, at VERY LOW 'HICKS, lo make room for our winter supply. Now is the time to se cure bargains. E. Y. BRIGHT ij- SON. Sept. 13, 1850 i:t Tcnclici Wanted. BY the Board of School Directors' of Shamo kin district. Northumberland ('utility. The Board will meet on the day commonly culled THCKSUAV, the 8d day of October next, nt one o'clock P. M., at the Public Huuse of Charles Leiheiiriug, in shumokiii lowin-hip, to employ teachers lor said District. The county Superiuteiidaiit will also be ther for the examination, &c, ic Uy order of the Board, Kl.IDA JOHN, Sec'y. Eha-ftfokin t,vp.,9?h mo; fi, 5(J. Cheap Watches 15 Jewelry WHOLESALE and Uetail, at the "J'biladel pbia Wauh and Jewelry Store,'1 No. 98 North second Street, corner of Quarry, FHILADELHIIA: Ocild Lever TN'atchcs, lull jewelul, 1H curat cutrs. i oil (Juki Lcpme lMk. fjl.isill-'iiie ftlver S uiiles. 1.511 Silver full jeirllnl, H . (intil llrMCflels. 3. Ml Silver lver, full jwl'd 12 I ndifs' (iuld rnncils, I.imi Supeilur Cjuarlieis, 7 pllvel Tea Skkni, set, t,UU Spectacles, ?.'l Gold l'rin: Willi Pencil and Silver Holder, I (Hi Go'd Finger P"ig, 37J cents to !R0 f Wrtch Glasses, pluin, ISJcrnU; Puteut, Isjj Lurtet, 25; other articles iu proportion. All poods war ranted to be what they are sold ftr. KTAl.'FFEIl & HA11LEY, On hand; some Gold and Silver Levers and Lcpinef, rft'll toer than the above prices. Oct. 4, 1858. ly. W IIOLtt'lLC A .in IIKT1IL ' Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. h'ulnut and Water Strcils, - PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1 859. tf PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroads Ac, for w'efghtng Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no rfck every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be leturned e i'h out charge, Factory at the Ola Stand, established formnro tlnn twenty years corner ofNiuttr and Melon' Slrcots, Philadelphia. .ABBOTT L CO. t . PiieceHora lo Ellioolt & Abbott. Philadelphia, P ejit. 13, 18.'6 cUm. 1853. FALL STOCK, NEW G00i)S. 185C. French Merlnoes, all colors, Fashionable Cloak Clothe, . , . fall Silka the styles', , Magnificent New DeLainea; Beat 8tvls Fsll Calicoes, Very large Stock of New STiawlft, Flannels, Wvelsh, Englisnand American Cloths, Vestings and all kinds Mens' Wear Sheetings, 7'able Linen, bowlings, A a. EYRE A LANDELL, ' ,. Jih'., k ARCH Sis'., Plinadclphia. Storekeepers are invited (o examine our New Goods. Families ran be well suited in every kind of Dry Goods. Wo make Blk. Bilks and Shawls leading ar- lidea for Wholcsalaina. P. 9. JOMH received daily from the Auctions of New York and Phila delphia. IV TsnMS Nit Cash, Sept. 6, 50.V3nto Cancer Cured. ANCEHS, Tinners, Mens Ulcers, .Oerofula White Swelling Arc.rured without Surgical operations by Dr. Lauusberry. Dr. L's Pamphlet (2nd, 3d..) on th treatment and cure of Cancers, Tumors, Ac, will he sent to any address (tree) on receipt of a postage stump Otr.ce 1 18J WA LIS UT St., Philadelphia. Sept. G, 18 AG 3m J'KtER units, Lnterf tlie Ann of Sieve!, JAS.S.SrOVICK. Iji'.r of the Union Hotel iinninijsniHi ,v NATIONAL HOTEL, (tATK WHITE 8WA!C, Jtace Sh eet, abnre Third, PlIH.ADEI.riHA. rjlHE above well-known Establishrh''rif. have. 1 ine been entirely remrklcltd. introducing all the modern improvements, nnd also, newly fnr- n ncii iiirougiiout, will oe opened for the recep n of Gueata on the tion FIHST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1 he proprietors, from their determination to devdtc their attention to the comfotl of their guests u.iiier meinclvea Willi the conviction that they win ameto give snirsiaction to tlicir patrons. Carriages will always bo in readiness lo con vey passengcra to and from Steamboat Landings aim minroau jjepots. RIDES !f KTOVER, Race Street, above 1 bird Philadelphia, Aunnsl 31), 18hG. ly FARM FOR SALE. valuable Farm, situate in Jackson town ship, Northumberland County, adjoining lands of Jacob IlilbUli, Jonas Wolf, Jacob Sbiler and others. Containing 190 acres, will lie sold ni, public snlo. on the premise?, on SATURDAY, tiio 20th day of October next. Tho land is of good quality, 12f acres being cleared, ubout bl) of which is pood Mea dow, on the bunks of tho creek. The rest is well timbered with a variety of pood titnfici. Tho improvements aro a now TWO STORY f BAME HOUSE, a I.ojr Barn and other outbuildings. The farm is well stocked with good Eruit. Con ditions will be made known on the ilny of sale. In tho meantime persons wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber. HENRY LA IIR. Jackson twp., August 23, 18;"iC. "amkiucan TimjsET WJLLIAMSrORT, PA., J. II. KKL.TOX, rropilcibf. Jas. 'J'. Ham.. Ass't. Sept.. 13. 1K5G. tf Notice to Tax-raycrs. NOTICE in UorcUy Riven to the delinquent 1 ' Collrctufa of Northumberland County for the year 1655, that they ore called upon by this notice to settle of their duplicate on or before the November Court next, otherwise they will be dealt with according to law. PHILIP ItENN, FREDERICK IIAA. t'HAS. II 0 T TE X 8TI N E. Commissioners' oliice, ) Commissioners. Sunbury. Aug. 16, 1856. S iiUMi:iig or this NiTieliitoR' HOOD! Grmrer of Wheat ami P;e, use T.einmt' Super J'hnsfihute nf JAme.'if yon u ant heavy Craps, or I.iinau'n American J'trtilhtr. rTIIESE valuallc Manures have been utcd for A the past six years 6ucrssfiilly for the Grain and Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Pennsyl vania. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland end the Llauds of Bermuda and Uarhadnes A barrel, (35U Cos) is sufficient for an Acre of Lsnd. The above fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Klctncntu, vtiiicli largely increase the Crnp and improve the soiling, iloiiblinrr the val ue of the land. Prire of the Phnspbato of Lime, is f-ll) (10 a Ion. Nitrcsened $50 00, the Ameri can Fertilizer !ji"5 00 per Ton, or Sji.l 50 a liurrcl, l 25 a Kes; also, every variety of Guuim, Pure Land Piaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, llonfl Dust, Powdered Charcoal Ac. GEO. 1.LKINAC, Proprietor, Xo I'J South Front Sti-eet, rilll.AIiK.l.PIllA. Goods delivered free of charge. WTo Wholesale Dealers, a libcrrl discount Pamphlets iu lOnnlisli and German Languages (iralis. Orders at a distance, Cash accompany ing or Draft, promp'lv attended to by U. A LE1NAU, Proprietor. PllIAD'APo. N. li. Diplomas, havo been awarded from the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society ; New Vork Crystal Palace Association and New Jersey State Agricultural Society. Philadelphia, Aug. 10, 185G 3m. w. ItiltlllY, l.1fUK!(', K CO., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS; ENVELOPE St RAG- xo. 5 mxoj: stufht, piuladkI:! 100 tons Kags wan'ed for Cash August 23, K5fT Cm ivi TISTRY-' UMICIC & RE NX, Amiouffco to tho citizens' oT Sunbury, and vicinity that they have opened an oflico in .Vuntiury, one ibior oust ol the Post Office, where tin y u're pfeparcil tuuttcnrl to all kinds of work ljcbiiie.ii)"; to tlio pi olcssiun iu tho la test and most improved style, iSu'nbuiT, Aujrust Ud, 1 6.r)C tf. SUNBURY ACADEMY. npiUS liisiii'.ition, under tliu cliarjo cf lssac Huff, Principnl, will commence its HViifcr 'firm of six nioiilli3 on the secohil Mniidny of Hi ptuiiiber next, in this place, at the Academy Rooms, adjolninj the Lutheran Church. Good bourdiiij? in privnto families ran be procured from t'l'it to S'2,ft0 per week. Sunbury, Aup. 30, ai'lK'llnx of all kinds, door and table Oil Cloths and oil thades of Ihe latet ft)l fi, sale by E, V. liliIGH T is. SOir. OP1CE8, augar, collie, molasses, to, cocoa Water and Sugar biscuit for sale by May 31 '5G. E. Y, C RIGHT x feO V. GOSHKN CHCE.SE. -Just reeved ami Tfor sale by . SEASHQLT'i PUTKY. Sept. 1J, 1R5G. X7'anllla HcaUkJA lrc.li aakortmeut jj at received by WM. A. URL'NEJt. June 81, IKSG. LA20RERS WANTED. A .NCMUER of good Laborera are wanted on Section 43 of tho Northern Ceulral Rail Road, LcIjw Trevorton bridge. Good wasca paid and the best kind of accoinniodntiou given. .Ap ply to WMttiAL'GLEH, on the works, or to H.D. MASSER." July 6, 1686. (fcjiibury, Pa. PROCLAIM IT TO THE rEOPLE! IraT. Olemefai no. ,cojiXKnoPMMiKFi squAJie; STTKHBTTIRrSr, IPJ., SAYS cooly, boldly tinrl dclibetately, lhat he takes ihe foremost stand on Ibe grand eavaU cade of Dry Goods Merchant"! AfSunbury. r . He shall continue to sell Dry floods and Gro-, eeries CHEAPER than ever, as Ms goods are bougf.'t ctfcsp they will be sold cheap. . , j Hefrls tonlident wiili bis experience a ability, lhat be can compete with the World at largd and Sunbury in particular.' He would aniimeiate arliclea if lime arid space would permit but as ony COUNTElUUMPlrfo NOVICE csn do that he will leave it H Ihe verrtsnts anc uninitiated, it is enough tw'sj tbat he has every thing ill ihe line of Dry Goods, Groceries, .noors asd snores, ic jr., thai is kepi in any oilier store in town, aud Ilia Isomer ia on the brceo. Aiiillons tnn'y it wars O'er bud of the fre, A nil Ihe heme of Hie lirnve AVhire her !tars amt liei Stiipsi Shine out like the Sun, Telling all nntions That Freedom's beguti. Th'n is a free country ot nt least will bo r when oil are free, therefore It rs frfce f-ir all to do their tradinrr where they can DliY he CHEAP EST regarJlcM of (lie ctoes and sour looks of old fojv merchants. All arc invited to call and S0e. THE COUNTRY as w'cll aw ihe town arc respectfully invited, and every person, rich of poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. OMne one Come all ami stop your speed, 1 Imve goods enough for ll in need ; The lys themselves ore al tlieir pusls, And they alone can supply a hpst. Over other dealers in'llie town These mine Ik'VS hnve won rcuown, For selling the Cheapest and the best, And selling more than all the rest, i ' Hurrah, Hurrah ! O'er hill and plnia, Accept iny thnnk and enll again ; Among our asso'trneiit you'll always find, Cuoda to fit and please Ilia mind. We're en' nam! nnd alwnrs vvilling, To sell out goods and emn a lulling,' B.) hold your horses and rome this way," We shall be glad to see you any day . ( , at No. 1 Markket Square, opposite tho Comf House, ... P. S He wishes it distinctly understood, that he is nolto be undersold by any manor combina tion of men. No charge for allowing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, June 21, 1850. BEDDING A FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The subscribers respectfully inform tberr lri"?id and the public eeneraliy, that they havo conno ted with their Bedding; & Furnishing busine-a a large and well assoitcd sfceck of Cabhiet Nlakar's Findiugs, af their Old stand , , Xo: 83 South Second Street, hcloie Chestnut, I'lrHaaclpliSri. J'hey have associated with them V. S. TJrowit who lias been for many e:irs onrraged in 'the principal establishment of the kind inthis city. The stock of Goods now on hand comprises every description of materials used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Jj'ed Screws, Chair and Sola Springs, Collin Handles, 4e. . , Cabinet Maker's Ma'tcriiilri, Hair Seating, Curled Hair, Looking Glasa Plates and rriiincs, filue. Varnish, Sand Paper. yijilHps, JVluclt and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Boltoma, rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut .and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Bedding Department, Hnir, iluak.Moss. Woof and Cotton Mattresses. Feather Beds, Uolsters and Pillowa; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comfortnbles, Counterpanes, Linen and Cottoii Siicels, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov ers, Moreen', Dcmnsk and Plufti hy the piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. The Hair Seating ond Curled Hir is from the' Phila. Manufactory of D. & J. Nohlit. N. B. Hotels, Steam Boats and Ships fur nished at the sbnitei-t notice. NOL'LIT. BKOWN & NO BUT, . r3 5'okii St., below Chestnut. . (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August 9, 1S5G ly. GUN NOTICE. ANDREW W f K F F L E I N , Importer and Manufacturer of CiuiiSi Hide's, Pisto!?, &c., Xo. 122 XortH Second Slrrct; Philadelphia. WHEKE he keeps constantly on hand agen eral assortment of lino double and single barrel Shot Guii's, large duck guns, rilles and pistolf, of all kinds, lso, the celebrated cast ttcc! rifles, with, increased twists, to about I'm. pointed half of liiii own make; ri fie barrels, shot bags, pouches, &c. He invites persons wishing to purchase goods in his line, to call and examine his stock before purchasing clsewhcrp, as ho is determined to sell on Ihe most reasonable terms. tV Particular attention paid to impairing i,i all its branches. August 30, IS'iS w3m rioUR. FEED & GROCERY STORE CIIAKLES CJARINGER, S?LCTFUL.LY informs the r;i!ans tf Sunburv and tho neighboring comitrv lS-.it he hi!s ptirclif'scd the Grocery Store in Water street, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept by W'ciae & Clement, and t'.iat he has jnst replen ished his stuck which he will cell at reasonable prices. He will heep a constant snply ef Flour, Grain and Feed, liread, Fish and Cheese, Hams, Shoulder ond Herring, I'uflie, Sugar and Molasses, Tfu. Epices and Fruits, Nuts, ('onrectionaries of all kinds. Hoots and Shoes, Ladies Gaiters, Misses and Children's" Shoes, alsoiueensware, Ctdaiware, Haruwwe and Notions, &c, Ac. I 'itiens are recpieslrd' lo send in (heir order for Flour, Feed and Groceries and he will de liver them firorTy.' Sui'bury, June 1 1, 18j6 tl rt'iinsjlvniiia M ire Yl'oiitti. No. 5C Arch St. between Second & Third, (Opposite It read Street,) P H I L A D E L V X 1 A . Sio-t j, Kiddies, .sVrr.vi.s, Wortn H V-v Of all Meshes and V.'i.ltt(S wnh el! kim.U ot plain and Fancy Vire V,'ork, 1 IEAVV Twillrd !re f.r ?prk Catchers; " Coal, Saiij sm ij ravel Scrrons; Paper Maker's Wi'jj Cylinder ami Dandy Rolls, co vciei iu l'.,e hcsl manner;' Wire and Wire Fen cing. A very aupciiur arliclo of Heavy Founoera" Sieves. All kinds ef Iron Ore ire and Sieve. .BAY LIS. DARBY & LYNN. August th, I8.16. c3m COEIiTY ORDERS. County orJ.is taken ' as rash for cood.1, aid en ncli. ur book ac coimt ly E. Y. DRKjHT 4. ON. Kept, 13, issn. 81 GAR Cl'RED HAM A lot just rereivil and for sale by. SKASllOLT. & FE'I RY Sept. 13, 1859. tttftti'incry. A largo aujiply of fain Paper and Euvclopta, Mourning, ncv Aote .rttci. and Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, c.c, af May SI, '00. WM. A. tinTR ER'8. IXrall l'tsper-a eplendil Vet ju and for s!e y . . . just ra-ete'd I W. TKNEH 4. CO uubury, June tU 11.