Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 18, 1856, Image 3

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Tb Exucntlrs Committee of Urn Northa
umboriand Agrienltural Society, met at the
house of Jno M IIuB', In tha Borough of Mil.
toi,'to appoint judgps, to determine ali'st of
premiums, and fix n day fyr the next annua!
fair to be held at II ill on.
It jvas resolved ti) hold tiio' exhibition OD
thn 21st and 22d rV.-s or October, inst.
The following persons ware appointed a
committee of arrangements J II McCor
mick, John M Hutr, Wm. McCleary 'M
Chambcrluin. W V Nnglc, U M Eritk, Thorn
usSwenk, S T Hrown, J II Davis Win 1
Hull, J O Kckbert, John B Heed.
Msrop premiums.
Cost stallion, over 4 vcars old,
2d do ilo
" ' unuer 4 years old, .
34 00
2 00
3 00
1 50
4 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
mare and colt.
3d do do
" pnir of match horses,
" ' sin;!e horso,
Jvdqa A Vj ICim James Cfimeron, J 11 D U Watson, Willium lleinen, Win.
let bull over 2 jearsold,
2d" " do
" do under 2 yenra old,
2d do do
" Cow,
2d do
' Heifer,
21 do -
' voke of exsn,
" "lilt ox or cow,
2d do do
Si oo
2 00
2 CO
1 00
4 00
2 '(10
2 00
3 00
3 00
1 60
Jud;;es Wilson Autchison, Win D Gcar
li.rt. Cohort McCormick, Kiinn Duukcl, Ja
cob llunsicker, Joseph Nicely.
H'."-t hoc
$3 CO
2 00
2 00
2d do ' 1
' of shoaU, 2
2d .do 1
' little pigs under 1 month, 2
" IU hog, 2
Judges K Crawford. Daniel I' Onnl.
men Cameron, David Hngle, Franklin Funk
V II Droisbach.
Rest ram, g? fin j
' liiinli,
Judy's Samuel John, J) I, IHand. I) IJ
Mfn!;;."T.;;-.,.l,?;s,; joriun James Oaks."-
AfiRici i.ti:kai, rKuurcK.
Rest C acres uf wheat,
" 3 do rye,
" 3 do erra,
" 3 lio oats,
3 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
T!ie certificate of two respcctnblo nieu
to fie -inurement and punluct required,
licsl bushel o( w beet, 1
' " tern, ' l
" " Oi'.tf, 1
" potatoes, 1
" ' i'' Mvoet potatoes, " 1
.,,,,',, McOvniick, Joseph NesUit
'"'olvorton .dud re w .Iruistronir. Fi-:::k-
ii.l Davis.
Dost pi"r
"0 I
' thickens,
collection uf 10 cbhkens,
ui.'ces 'j logerart, James Covcit, Jaairs
ilouuerfer, T Forsythj J .liigsuu't
ht-i. biot not k-s than tea, .
" caijut3 do
" turnip, (Ij
" sal.-ny it oyster td'int,
" onions do
" f.-il'!..-',-o f.
' Kjl!.l?il " ' 3
" pKllijiUlH 3
" toiOHtie 12
' ngrr plants
celery 12
" assortniutit of'cii ve;
Ji,li;fs V.'iiliam 'J'we.ed.
Renjainin Kiniini;t in, David
Jiuurd, J il D'-ietlr
fcial leu
F V.' I'ldiock,
ilarr, JaiiitK
l'lil IT.
-:!:.: 4.p.V.a, J
' ;!iiiict-.j
I'jr 2d boi-t of each,
it ; i-
; 0(1
f y,j
j, ,.
, "
" .
.7..-.,r..-V 1 ; : V II Fi v,, John 1 Deanl, ilenrv IJeadtr.
Host l
rcshinir muuijino
m eii dii?!
tor:V shtlii'r
t !
(;1J I
(Kl j
c'o !
do ;
ci;.iivator . 2 i.0 !
" Duller . 2 C J '
com j.!.,-. 0:J '
Hi-ii-.v cutter tti
, liirta wafrpti . o (ji) I
" Felt of hal'i.fS3,' o l,y
" horse rako I 00 !
" ;ruin rako I f(j j
,;,.,.,, Dhihp Fnl!iiint, Simon I .ant?,
John M(.i.t5 imtrr, I'ttcrShuBer, Julm fl aaj;
K W C.hapin.
... DAIRY .':C.
Dt-st but;tr not less j ls ,
lliiii'.'y do
" loaf Lre.iJ -I i'ua
" h.un cured by exhibitor
" hard soap li V'j.s
" apple butter 2 quart
Juntas John Donsh, . Woods
.'olni itrnwii .1 11
rlaii Mai iiu IJillruyer
II Jlert;;
I)')i:;pic ivN' Tfni'
1: yarci'j woolen curprt,
da rag do
do do
" heut th rus
. " pair UlaiiKe.13
cioth (homo made) 10 yds,
." fljIlliL-l
' 1'iir woollen etoekings knit
" gloves or uiittens,
Judr;t.x ! iKMiccr 1. I.innv. ,uhn
Corn y,
.lamt's uiuiu ,oiiu .d iioasul, a V Ionian, ti
l't.llWI.Mi MATLir
,ifhi.t Charles Riddle) Samuel Wain I
vjbiuii lleiler, N Hrittuu Isaac Jlarch, C
y-jr.o bnt meuibers of the Society will bo
permitted to compi le li. r pi;7.e.
I'eiions fro m any county, !-"tute or country
can boccuio meuibers on iiuymt ui uf fifty els.
to tho Treuaurer, or u towuoLip couiuiiitce
maii. J
Oouipetition ii earnestly invited f -ot.i o'd
parts of tho county, atid from neighbouring
Juiloci ViilJ coiumenco their" tlaties ut 10
o'clock. .'
.Iddi 'essc-ss will bo delivered after tlio re
port of l!ouu!iilteeiss awurding l'lemiuuu on
tiio '.'J di'y.
AV. C.LAWSON, Prtst.
. "OTIt'H is hereby given that uti election
for tbirleen tlirecrois Jo ecrvo tor the
. cnjuiii'f yen will bo held ut the Rauking
House, on Monday, tho 17th day of Novum
her, between tho hour of Id o'clock, A, M.,
j.n 1 :t o'clock, P. M.
Tho stated annuf-l meeting nf tiio stock.
Loldt-i's will bo held tit tho H inking House,
yciv the 1st Tuesday of November, at 10
' o'clock, A. M.
J. R. rR!Ec?TLy, Frwiitjcat. ,
?,t. n, ;iS3. t
By rirtue of a certain writ of Vst. Ex
pona to me directed will be exposed to pub
lie sole nt the Conrt House in buubnry, on
Slondny tho Sd doy of November fit 10- o'
clock A.M., all that certain lot of ground
silontein the borough of Milton in Northum
berland county, in that part of said town cal
led upper Milton, bounded on the North by
Broadway street on the Sonth by lnuds of J.
M. Patton on the West by the African
church and lot of Lawrence Harvey and on
the cast 'by an alley, whereon is nrectod a
framu dwelling house cue, and a half stories
Seized tukvn In execution and sold as tho
property of Samuel .Stovor.
By virtue of a certain writ of Lkvaki Fci-"
as, to me directed, will be exposed to public
sale nt tho Court House in Sunbury.on Mon
day the 3d duy November next, at 10 o'clock
A. M.. all that certain two mid one and a half
story frame house, iiieRiingo arid tenement sit
unto in the town of Trovoitfin in caunty of.
Northumberland, on 'the sido of Market in
said town containing in front on said Market
street, twenty leet more or less and in d"pth
about twenty two feet with a kitchen attach
ed in tho rear of tho main building twelve
.(I in u.o rear oi iiie main ia j
ectly fourteen and'Hie lot or p.iecc of gronndl
And curtilage nppiirteiiant to snid building
suid lot lieing .o. a, intlieplntol llio sniu
fnn of Trevorton and beiiifj twenty five feet
front and ono Vundr'eu'ond fifty live feet deep
nnd bounded on tho south or south west by
Joseph KciSoV
Seized taken in execution and sold ns the
property of ,tohn W Garret and Mary Ks
ther Garret wil'o of said John W. Garret.
15y virtuo of a certain writ of Lkvam Fa
cias, to tnn directed, will be cxposed'to pub
lie sale at tho Court House in Sunbury, on
Monday the 3d day of November next., ut 10
o'clock" A. M., A certain two story steam
Saw Mill und engine house silun'n on Duck
Kun, i:i t!..' town-hip of Co.-.l. in ths cenr.ty
of Northumberland, and on lands adjoining
land surveyed in the name of Ui bert Cray
and others", und said Steam aw Mill buiid
in containing sixty feet in length and thirty
five feet in w'i.ith moro or lets. .Said Suw
Mill and enjrino house bnildinir beinj attach
ed toire'her u;:d mak'tiir one building-, and the
2 00 '"" P1UCI! or ,r;icl OI 1;l,,u n,iu curu.ago np
1 00 pi' "tenant to said buildinjr. rei:ed taken in
1 no execution and sold as the properly of tho Dig
.Mountain Improvement, company owners or
reputed owners and b'amuel Kyle contractor.
.ll.SO. Dv virtuo ofacertDin writ ofL;:-
i vai:i Facias, to me directed will be exposed
to public sale ol liio Court in ftuubury
on Monday, the I!d day of November next, ut
in i,Vl"C"--l. M. -HI that certain two story
with htfsement three stjry brick building in
tended to be ined us a College by the del'en
daiit'.T in:'Siiao and tenements, situnto in the
town ol Sliuiiiokin, Coal township, Northiun
beihiml county, I'euu.i.. being one hundred
ftci in front, by fifty feet in depth, 'i'ho hall
or main entrance thereof being twenty fee I
in widtR, nnd the wings upon either side of
the hall forty feet s piare, and erect.-d upon
block No. U3 marked und designated in
the general plan of said tnwnrof .Shamokin,
bounded by .-Ireli street., e'glilli uiirt cncsinut
streets together with tho lot 6r piece of
ground and curtilage nppurtiinunt to said
buihlincr. Seized taken in execution und sold
as tho property of thu .Shaiuokiu Collegiate
Bv virtue f a certain writ uf Vc". Eiponau
to me directed, wi!l be exposed to public ale, nt
ihe Couit House in Simbury, on Monday the 3d
day cf Nnxember l.ext, at 1U o'clock, A. M., the
Ibllotf. int orojierty to w it i
A i;rt:iiii tract or pi"cc of I.nnJ.-luito in
Jordan township. NoiOtum'.rriund county, ad-'
joinim; lm.ds cf Kimm 1 Clirk, Peter Donahan
and others, containing Aires mo-p or less
ivr.vly a'l of which at." cleared, w hereon io erect
ed a log house, .ir stable ai.d i:mail ohoji. Vc.
So.. d t.i'.en in e::tee'.ij . anil to he w!d as
the propi rty cf Nalh.tiiUl iSciuieber.
Uv virtue i." 1 err: hi writ i f Vi villi n E.
eoN.iii, to mi! directed, will he e:pescd to puhiic
sale at the t'ouit Done, In thf" borough of
Sunbury, on yATFKDAY, the of f)ctohcr j
net, tlu following deserilcd re:i! estale to wit:
A roriuiu Ira or piece of bind, situate in ;
I Aea'.isi.i lo'.v:ithip. Niirliiumiierlen.i j
i Coiinlv. ndjoiuini; i.onll of Daniel Conrad, j
I Samuel Haringcr and otherj. eoiit.iiniug live j
; acres, or le-' nil O.1" which is cleared,
1 wd:.T:eii crci retted a Two .Story Brick llou:, I
I and a Kruac !Slal !c.
the I roeitv of (ieo"i;6 .Mct'a.'ly.
; U v irtnu of a eei ;...n writ o! u-n ii-'ios
' t 5 fee directed, will be exposed to public sale
Li ti e ('out il'w.ft in Sunbury, en Saturday
Jlhu V.jt'u day ol' t)i tobei-, liext, e.t l'l o'clock,
j A. M. A c.iVlai.i 'i'rae.t cf Land, situate in
i Sham'.iiiii t ov.r..d:ip. Nntllmiiiberlund county.
calied th'.' Slart'.i ! Iraet, adjoining lauds of
Casper , (1,151?, (Jeortr.i Stait.el nnd John
ICstrick'-r, coutuiniu 100 Acres more cr I '!-.-,
on a part of i.hich the timber has been cut
Also, upon niiolli-'V certain Trar-t I.nnil,; in i-ni'l township, niiininin"; laiuls of
;liu lii-irs cf l;tnil Ctinpliftl, Jacob Reed
and others, containing oil Ai'ivs mure or less,
nearly nil of which is cleared, whereon are
piectou a two
lory Irumu llouise unci a li aiiiu
Rarn..outbuildiiiir. Ac
Al.-o, niioii niiother Tract of Land, pltuatn
in 8al Uiwiiehip, tdjoiiiinjr lands of Sainual
John. Jacob Loiseiinnrr. .Tuseph Adania nnd
tij I olher.-!, containinij lt'J ceres more or less, be
Ij'J j i:;g titnb T !a;;J.
Also, r: il n. corlain I rrtct ol unpi oveij
I I-and) situato iu Hush township, Northuui-
' bt?i-lutid county, rawed th liellas tract, ud-
iiiinimr ItiS-.iis t f I). C. ltarton. Alexander
I M joivj aud (joJI'ivv P.ocl:i'('.'ller, enntainins.'
ii'i acres mora or loss.-- t no uuuivi'iin nun
: pat - ol n i-v.:tcn and iiassel worn ui me
Ritili'oad ut Reed's Station.
.lUo, upon llio ilclenuaiit s in tho
Paxinos I'tirnacc, Kngine, btoio house, coal
liniise, (ltvcllins house, ttubHntr, saw niill aud
ull liiildings, i.c nppui tenaut to said Furnutv,
,l!o, the lot or piecu cf ground i.ppurto
naiit (hereto, containing two uert.s inoro or
Kes which h su'.'j' Ct ta'-lho tAnis of a lease
held upon the same liy Jncou lleeil.
I Seized, talicn iu execution und to to sold
I aa tho property of Horatio (). Tujfgart, tlo
I si ih Purimtn uml I'.IUha t". liiirtou, purtnei'3
I under the Erra cl'Tago;art, I'uniian und l!ar
I.... m so,
toil. ALSO
lly virtKunfa certu'm writ of Liivnti Facias
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
Court, House in Sunbury, on Saturday the 25th
day af October next, at 10 o'clock A. M. Al that
cettuiii Three s?iory Frame Wuilding, beside base
ment and attic, situate in tho town of Mount
L'nr; in the county of Northumberland, in-temU-dsfor
a Hotel and called the Mount Car
luel House, being seventy feet in front or length
on Mount Catmel street, in taid low.i, fifty feet
in depth and bi io located on lots numbered
repppcilvely, ten, eleven, twelve, mid thirteen in
block No. 21, in thp plan of said town, and j
also the lots of ground and curtilage appurtv i
mint to said building.
Seized taken in execution ami to be sold aa
the property of Thomns J'auingardner, Charles
W. Heins, Wni. L. Helfenstein, Win. L. Dew
art, Alts. Jordan, David Longenecker, Francis
W. Hughcj, John Anspach, jr., John M. liickel,
owners and contractors.
Ry vii tun of a certain writ of Venditio Ex
ponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to pub
lie sale at the Court House, in the borough
of Sunbury, jn SATURDAY, the 2Mb of
October, iiti.xt, lid following described reul
estate to wit :
The undivided halT of Tract of Coal Lnnd
of which the said Calvin Dlythe, in his life
time wua seized, situuts in Coul aiul Zcrbs
tosOJbly'Konb'jbej'ljiarJ cotittty, adjoirin
lands surTcyecJ to John Boyd, WHliam Wil
son, Peter Maurer, Michael Kroll and Fred
erick Kramer, and surfeyed on a warrant to
Malhias Zimmerman, containing 367 acres
98 perches more or less, on which is erected
a) small log house and which said-Calvin
Dlythe hold and sold subject to the Dower of
tho Plaintiff tha widow of tho said Mat bias
Seized taken In execntionnd to be sold
as the property of Frederick Lazarud Admin
istrator of Calvin Dlylho Dec'd. '
JT.'WEISE, Sheriff.
Shkrifk's OrrtcB ,)
Sunbury, .Sept. 27, 1856. )
riToCLAM AT J ( )N
TM OT1CE is hereby given thnt the aeTernl
A-' tJoiirU of Common Pleas, General (Junrtcr
Sessions of the peaeo, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer nnd Genera I Jail Delivery,
in and for tho county of Northumlierland, to
commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
So dav ol iNovenibcr next, au'l 'Will continue
The coroner, Justice of the Pcaca and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumlierland, are
requested to be then and there M their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and
other remembrances, to do those, things to their
BKVorn, apper,ainin5 f0 ,,0 ,i()no. And all
witMwl,,ing ; lN.,air of the Common-
wealth against any prisoner are also requested ami
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their
attendance, at the timo appointed agreeable te
their notices.
Given unlrr my bund at Sunbury, the 1st day ot
October in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty -six- and the Inde
pendence of tho United States of America the
God savo tlin Commonwealth.
Fiuairr's Owick, )
Sunbury, October 4, 1SEC
TTO'l'ICF, is hereby given that Joseph
Dound, F.sq., committee tie I.unatico of
Jacob Dinger, has filed his accounts in the
l'i'olhoiiotaries ullice, and that it will bu
presented to the next conrt for confirmation.
JAMES BEARD, Froth'ry.
Oct. 11. 185G.
No 72 North, Second Street, (opposite th
iduunt Vernon House.)
COLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS K, co--K
scs, 428 i Silver Lever do,, do., 12; Sil
ver Lepine, do., !j9 : Quarlier. tH to 7 : Gold
Spectacles, $4 SO to $10 j Silver do., 1 50 ;
Hilvcr 'i'able Spoons per sett, tjili to 418;
Silver Desert do., do.,li!t to S 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,
do., $4 75 to $7 00 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca
ses, So to $5 ; Gold l'eiin and Silver do., $1;
together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry,
Gold Curb , 'Juard and Fob Chains. All goods
warranted to be as rf prerci.tcd. W'utchcs and
Jewclrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma
sonic Marks, Pius, &c, mnde to order.
N. B. All orders sent by mail or other wise,
will he punctually attended to.
I'hila., Oct. 4, lHfG. lyw.
(Irtat Preparations,
l?N returning thanks to his numerous friends
and rcaideiice of Munbury and vicinity for
thcii very liberal patronage, and anticipating an
increased demand for articles of his own Manu
facture and Importation, has. made extensive
preparations to supply d.e suie. in his stock
(yv.rpasscd by none in the city, ami to which he
is constantly receiving additions from Europe
of the newest styles,) can always bo found a
choice selection of articles suitable for Bridal,
Birthday and Holiday Presents, cf the most
recherche and unique description, comprising in
part Uich Dressing Cases, Writing Hcsk, Cabas,
Fans, Bronze Bisque and Pariaw Figures, Mil
sieil .Bnxea, Opera Glasses, aod a rich variety of
the usi ful and ornamental in Oimolu, Bronze,
Shell, Mosaic, l'apitsr Machc, &c. Also, Combs
Brushes und Toilet A nick's.
I2fl Auh St., (opposite tho Theatre) Thjl's.
October 4, 18o(i. tiinvv
XXniAT Inly or gcntlcmnn would rcmiiiii un
' ' tier tlie curse of it ili.nirrccalilu drrath whfii
I y Haiti the "lliiliii t'fa I lious.tml Flowt'r. its
a tU'iilritu'C woulJ not only rnnilor it sweet liut
loavo tho tctli withe as ni'iliusii-r ? Man 'i'i
s.ii.j tin not know their lirentl) i kul, nml the
KLiliji'it is n i!ilicate tluir liienilit u ill nevpr it. l'our n tingle ilrop of "Halm" on
yitur tontli lirtislt ami uasli the tcrtli night anil
: nihi l. A fifty rent holtlo will hiet a year.
A lieni.t'tful coinlxion may easily Lo aniuruil
! by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowrjs."
It v.i;l remove tan. pimples and frenklea from the
i ldri, leaving it of a soft roseate hue. Wet a
1 towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash the
fii c ni.;lil nnd imiriiiof?.
V.Vt your ehavinir hrtn-h iu either in wann or
cold water, pour on two or three dropr. of "llalin
of a Thoiiftaiid Flowers," rub tliu heard well and
it will make n lieuuliful toft lather, much facili
tating the operation of etiaviiig. J'riec only fifty
tents, ewnre of couuterfeiU. None genuine
uulena eiyued hy
Franklin Square, New i'ork.
Sej.t, 17, lS.'O. lim
('heap Vi iitchcs tjJcwclr-
,'"HlI.i:s.I.i: a-id Retail, at tho ''I'liiladel
' phia Wnlch and Jewelry Store," No. i)0
I .ortli eecom!
treet, corner ot luarry,
!d t.ever Wiit' iies, iml jeweled, l enrnt ea.". 2 "i
, i,oi,i i.e,,i i-k. w, i;.,,e silver speitucii. i so
I r-ilvi-r I p. 1 u'l jewlied, tlmul Itmeeleia, y.oll
I .l.l l.-ver, fall jrvIM li! . Indies' Hold IViu-ils. 1.1)11
yiiH-iinr (.purlum, 7.!r4.iier lot siskins, set, 5,00
Id iin,i-l:irli-?.
Ciuid l':;i, Willi fenvil and f:'.vr Iloli'.er, 1.IKI
Gold Pinger Kins, 97 J cents to -i'liO ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 1UJ cents; Patent, 1H4'; l.unet,
So; olher articles iu proiortion. All goods war
ranted to be what they urn sold fur.
On hand, somo tiold and Silver Levers and
Le pines, still lower than the above prices.
Oct. 4, 1H56. !y.
pzili? PTJPX7.
Grocery, "Wine and Liquor Store,
i'. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets,
DEALERS and families will be promptly
supplied at the lowest prices.
October 4. I S;. tf
A LL persona indebteJ to the fir in of Friling
t Grant, on Note, Hook account or other
wise are respectfully requested to come forward
und pay up between this and the loth inst., as
they wish to go to the city to lay in their Fall
supplies. FKIL1NU & GRANT.
Sunbury, Oct. 4, 1856. tf
S3 hereby given that all persons indebted to
llio subscribers, on llook account, Note or
otberwbe, are respectfully requested lo pay up
on or before the 15th of October inst., aa we
must havo money lo purchase our Fall aud Win
ter suprly of Goods.
J.F. & I. F. KLINE.
Klines-Grove, Oct. 4, 156 St
"jV'AlLM, spikes, hammered and horse shoe
' nails,-canal shovels, picks, grub bocs aud
mason bainmen for sale by ,
Ma, 31 '59 (f. y. JpRIOfJT 6V SON.
ton Tnn iiapid curb of
Cold, Cougliftt nntl
TlittMniLb, Mam., 30th lMe..l9M.
Dr. J.C. Tkn: 1 do art rwwitsrV tnmj
Hit b l rpmeilf I hni ef foun-1 for
Co'ifflm, IIoNrKDCM, lnfli!onv, aritl ih
rnn:nUiiiit ny mptumiof tM, in your
Cithunr I'KcroaAL. Ita foiuitAnt iw U
my prw'tifo siitl niy family for ths IwH
U'U vwta Ura hbwn ft to p.wun iup,
t'. ir 9Un fvr tlio li-mtmnnt of Uim
emiiaint-i. i;i!KN KM'jllT, M. J.
A. n. MonTIXY, r-; ITtica.N.Y., wrXi ! Ut
u) your PX'Tutui. myitotf n1 In my (iftnUy btot irncx
you hi von ted it, aril bi!icri il th test mwlirlno f-ic
purtKN- rr put o:t. With ft hvl wM 1 1111 hi toontr
jy twBDtyfive doll in for belt) U.un tlu itbuul it, or
take any other rinfedy."
Croup, Whooping Couch, Influenza.
HPHiNorir.i.t), .Visfi., Fuu. ?, 1860.
ttitnTnitm Art: I will clumrfully cartiryyour PiitoHai
In lb ItMl reraiHy ws pouirMis f.,r 111 cui tf hi,ontring
Onyh, C ur, ami fh l!tt fliMn(t of children. Wo or
yoiir fiatni uity in tho HnutlnrTprftctnto your akill, aad
vommttud your modi ci no to our paopls.
AMOS LRU. Eo.,Mo!fTrrET, lAwrltta, M Jrn.,lM;
' I )id a tliiufl loUuonrA, which runt: Tui in t!n-
iix wcvta, tw awrvny jue-tiviucn without rrlivf; finally
trioJ your 1'iicTtmit ty tho adviea of our cloryman.
The Dm tlf-fi rnllrorl tho ttorvneiM In my tlmt ani
lun-; than on half tho bo tti tnad iu complily
woll. Y jttr medicine aro tho chtroHt a wml m Uiohoa
we. ran buy, and, we Mtfem vu( iKwtor, and your rooia
tlioi, u tho poor man'fi fHcnci."
' Asthma or Phthisir, nnd rirohrhitis.
WlW .V AftUKSTKR, 1' l'ftb. , lSi(J.
Pin: YonrrnniM PrtoiiAi, in )erf inning niarrtdioua
ctiren in thi auction. It ha ret; e red sevtial fnm alatui
inK ivniptomii of e-miU!tt)tliin, and i nuw citritifc a man
who Ka UUiroJ under an nff;iion nf tho lnnirtffr Hi
lant forty yu. HUNKY I,. i'AKKS, Merchant.
A. A. RAMSKY, M D., Albio?, Mo?koi Co., Iowa,
irritoo. 8c;U, C, Iuring my practn of many yean
I hao fonnd untlilng oqua to your Ctur.BT ictorai. fcr
(51 Tin etiw and rrllef to ccmKttinptivo pntiuiiU, ot curing
auch to arc curable."
Wo might a id roltimm of oridnoe, but tho mml coiv
Tincing proof of the virtue of tula reme-Iy to found im IM
otTftcji upon trial.
Probably nf one reinoti.v ha eror leon known which
enrd ao many and auch tUnjrom r.iM-i as Uiia. fVme
no human aid crvn reach; bnt ovou to thoao tb CtuaitY
Pectoral aff-rd rl'ef and cmifort.
Ait Hcisr, Nrw Yke Citt. March 9. 1SSH.
Ttcv,-70 ATM. I.owei.,: I f't!j it ft duty and a plearnrft
to tut";.:iA S"' ynuf Cn.KRf PectorL ha done for
m.v wU. IhK'Ii f.vo monthi iaborinc undur th
ilaiiReroiin arniptoMKof t'oiwumjition, from which no uid
w could p!Tcuii (rare her tmtrh relief. Mia v Hteadily
fiulin, iiutil lr. htronf;, of UiUt city, whom we hare come
for a lrlre. recmnniendi'd a trial of your medicine. Mo
Me hi kinifu', aa we do your kill, for abo ban rocor
eivd iM'i.i that d.17. She in not yet m itrona an khu mud
to be. hut iit frt-o ft Mm hur Ct'Uh.and cult iiet solfwvU.
Ycma witii prniituje and rnni-rt,
OliLAMK) SHKlUV, or SnRLDrviu.s.
Omtutnptts, do uot dospair till yon hare tried Atcr'r
Casnnr Phc ouAi.. It it uiudhy one of Ui be t modi -1
cbeminto in tit world, and It our- all arunnd un l-ejteak
ttie high uicriit t( it tlriuei. thicuUl)h iMiynr.
Ay er!s Cathartic Pills.
THE i-ltn4 of Chouii r.T nuJ S!llclo tn
taxeii thlr utuit.flt j-ivjuce lliui ltJH biunt iMrffct
purp.itiri! wlikh In known to.mau. Itinumeratle piiNfi
Are ihuwy tliut tlnmii Tills have Tjrtuft hirfa tMr,ns It,
vxcvllelKQ Ute oiiliuurj L-iOuikinen, And that Iliry win un
prM-rilentnill; upjn tli eitcm of all man. 'Hi; y are aafa
and pU'OAunt ty tnke, but powiirful, to cure. Tlmir rnmo
traUng iroprrtii itimulute ttie vital aetivilift' of tlir boJ,
remove llio obhtriicYione of Ita oranii. purify tho blooit,
and exprl tieae. Tliey pnritoul Ilia font linniora which
limit and frrow4i.lenin.r, ilimulate ilti:eili or iliaor
rlarod orf;aiifl intolieir natuial actinn, and liiiuu't braJtliy
toiiawitli Plrentli to the whole ivplt-iri. Not only do
ttttv ruru tho ever.v-itay eompl&iuta nf erry Imdy. tut
atiM ftirmi4Mo and daTifcroua uiMwira that bare haftled
tlie LMt of Uumau skill. While Ihoy prnduct nmrrful
aircta. they art' at tho Kanio tiruv. in iliuiiiilfthed ihnni. the
anfcit and 1m nt pLvaic that con Le oniptiynU fir cl.IMien.
Heine: mgiU'iwteil. :Hoy ure peasant to luke; auC being
pnrety TwjcetaMe, are fiv fioui any rink of harm. Curee
have been oiadu which loirpnsi belief wero they not ruu
lAhtla:ed hy men of inch eulleil iMMtitiou and character
aa to forbid the euppiclon of uutruth. Many eminent
c1iryraen and phyeiriam have lent their nanive to rertl
fy V the public the reliability ot my reniwliee, while oth
er hato eent mo the ai-enruhi e of their eoiiTiction thai
m PreMO-alinni contribute iroueueely to Ibe relief of niy
urii'ted, euneriiig fellow-men.
Tlie Arrent below named if nlel to furnieli rralla my
A:ierii-aQ Almanac, containing diiertione for their use and
certilh-atei of their cure, of tiio follow ln;c rompUintJ :
CoetivenokA, tliliuiUl C'.'Riplninte, llheunialiNin, Dri4v,
IIul'iOf. ll'-'iiHi 1 e nr:irr linn .1 t.iul lil.'ioa.'h. Nan
ee;i. lini-.iTii iu. ?;e.- Vid lliacli -;i ( liie Ibureie and t'liin
aririln; tlietefr'ln. Klatiilenry. l,oe of Aj.t.otlte, all t icer hihI t.'iileiieiiue l'iA.'a.., M which re,i.n c.n et. client
Meiiicine, Hcr'fftila or Klnir'e Ktil. Tlo-y abo. by purirj.
in? il.e bl, and t!ie ai.i:i, eufj manv
riiii.liiinlr. v.biii.ll a..i;lt ti.: be pi; lliry. could
li-'.,, anfh ie lie.friKe. I'e.rliai llilndne., N..irVia and
.Servoue lrriiebili:y, I'enkn.t'nieDti ff Ibe l.ivi r and Kit
Uf, liv.ut. a: 1 -tli'-r kir. io-il i',miili,inl arlein? fiuru a
low V;tt, i. tee bud. o:' ob".i'nclloii of its tt.n'
lio not Ui j ot rf) by unprhicinlod dealer! villi aenpe
other pill Ihev niake more prof.t on. AfcK fr Aira'a
I'lija, an,', teke n,,:lnn; else. .No olher ilnv in ri
ou conivrn with ll: ia in It. Iiitrijiei-r talue or curative
,wer. The thk witut tlie keet aid titera ia for them.
a:id they boiild have i:.
lronrt"d by J. C. A YEIJ,
Fractioal and Analytical Chmnist, Lnwell, Mali.
l'Rtcc 'i't Cil. p;ta Lix. Five Uuaui ixna $1.
ii.n uv
XYrn. A, tinnier, Sunbury; Lliid &. John, Shnmniij;
1 W Wiemci, Norlhiiinbfrluiul j J. K. Cutl.iw, Millrai
j ltuya : MrCurmiek, McCwmiville and by oil DrusgitU
tiirMiclwui t!,er.iuuty.
Aiiu.-i 10, loG ly
N pursunnco of tin order of tho Orphans'
Court of Northumberland rounty, will bo
exposed to public salo on SATURDAY, th"
lth day of October next, nt tho Public
House of Win, M. Weaver, in tho town of
Shamokin, luc foiiowin described real estate
tu wit :
All thoso eight lots of ground, fit mite in
tho town of Shainoliin, county nforesuid,
numbered ns follows: lilock 07 lot no. 4;
block 7'2, lot no. C : block .)'.), lot no. 4 ; block
13. lot no. 8 ; block 76, lot no. 5 ; block 1)3,
lot no. '.i ; block 10", lot no. C ; block lot!,
lot uo. 'J. hate the estate of Jacob Albright,
late of the city of LancusUr, deceased Salo
to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, win ii tho terms of sale will bo made
knuwn bv
Uv order of the Court 1
C. 1J. I'fRSr.L, Clk O. C. ' ts
Sunbury, Sept. '7, lsfifi. J
Estate" of II AW UPDEQIl AFlocU
U I 1 1 I. 13 liereny given to l. nspcr u pile.
7. ?!'"".''. "'. V''''" .', ,m ':'"'-aut'1 V
I.:s wiit, .lobn I. pdepratl, Adam L pileirrau,
! Lv:!: i. wii.o'.v of riliowden Hunt. .Sarah, widow t
j 0 'I'lmmas U pdecTii IT, James I.ytle fur him. !
... , 1 cv p t .. i .i I
tell Olid US guurdiall of DoillOttil Lvtlrf,
: J uo. Lbrikt, and M urv, Ins v lie, UIIU Jno. I
Ebrinlit, eu-.irdiiin fT Surah .1., Levi and
Elizabeth I'ptlegralY. heirs und legal repre
sentatives of Mary U pile-gruff, Into of Lower
Augusta township, dec'd., and to ull other
persons interested Unit you and each of
you bo und appear before the Orphans' Court
to be held ttl Sunbury, in und fur tho county
of Northumberland, on the lirst MONDAY
oi .oveuioer nexi, io accept, or reiusu to
take the real estate of said Mary Updegrntr,
viz : A certain trad of land nil ttali1 ::i Luwur
Augusta township, aforesuid, bounded by I
lands of Christian 1-Vrst, Adam Clorist, I.yi.a j
Sturr, Peter Coiiiruiu, and others, containing i
tliiuty-threo mid three-l'ouiths nctvs, and
ullowunce ut tho valuation put Ihereou by un j
Inquisition, or to show cause why tho said I
premises shoubl not be sold according to too
ucts of assembly in such case uiudo und pro-
' C ' HENRY WEISE, Sheriff.
L;i....:n-. in......
iiiviiii a iui;r, I ...
Sunbury, Sept. 13, lS.rG.
i:! l t;u htiis Wnnlti!.
li V the Uoard of School Directors of Bhauio
-"kin district. Northumberland County.
The Uonrd will meet on the day commonly
called TH I" KS DAY, the Sd day of October next,
at one o'clock P. M., at the Public House of
Charles Lciscuritig, in Shamokin township, to
employ teachers fur said District.
The county Supeiintendant will alA be flier
for the cxaifiinalioii, Ac, rtc.
by order of the Dosril,
BI'.I'PA'JOIW, See'y.
Fhamokin twp.,9th mo. 6, 1856.
" - ioTIOjiir " "
ALL persons having claims unsettled, ataiust
Uoweii Marlz V Mus-wr, or Uowen V Mas
ter, will please hand them lo ihe subserilier
Punbury, 8eBtkt7, IS5 tf
No. 284 Mar let Street, clove 8R,
I Mr OUTER. Manufacturer and dealer in alt
kind anil qtialitioa of fancy fur, for I.tdiea
nd Children. J. F., would call the attenlion
bf the I.ndiea and others to Ida immence aaiert
ment, beinri the direct Importer and Manufactur
er of all my fura. I feel confiJenl in aaying that
t ran oD'er the greatest inducement to lhoe in
want nnd at the same timo will have one ol the
largest asaortnienl to eclcct from.
Btorckeepera and tho trade will pleaae pivc me
a Call before purcliaainp, aa my wholeaale depart
ment ia well aupplied to meet the demand for
every article in the Fur line, and at the lowest
possible Manulacturers Prima.
284 Market Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. V.0, I Pol). 4mw,
niLLItDI II. HAY. lToprlctoi'.
Cl A. fTitma, viRnistant.
N. U. An Omnibus will rnn to and fmtn the
Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, free
of charge.
September 13, 185C tf
'1H K partnership heretofore existing Vtnrccn
the undcraigncd, under tho firm of Wilker-
son & Itcnn was this day (.Sept. C 1H5G,) dissol
ved by mutual consent.
Sept. 13, leriG If,
To Your Own mechanics.
Respectfully, announce that he has taken the
Ktnrid lately occupied by George Rcnii, where
he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of
Of the most FasliionaLle Stylo.
rT",HE suoscri'ier respectfully rails the attentioi
of the public to Wn large and splendid as
sort ment of every quality and price (
which cannot full to rcLOmmend itselftoevery ore
who will examine it, on account of its duruhle
workniaiialiip and splendid liuieh, made up of the
best stock to be a had ill tho city. No efibrt is
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the
subscriber is determined to keep up with the
many improvement which are constantly being
made. His stock cuneists of .Mahogany
SuChr, EMviink ami I.ouiisrcN
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
m, lillllAKFAST AM) 1)1MU TAULUS
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia inanufacture.
I1EDSTEAIW, of every pat'rn nnd price
In abort, every urticle in this line of his husiness.
He also inanufacture all kinds and qualities
ncbuling varieties never before u b haJ it
Sunbury, such as Maiiimh . r, Ulack VALJlT
CIIAIKS, Ann rAXCT Pi ami Stools, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted tu be exe.'lb.l
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every cotifiuViiett run bo eiiturtiiinfd
about, the quality and f.uUh of their vvaro und
j These articles will be disposed of on as socd
j terms as they t an be purchased elsewhere. Cuun
I try Produce taken in pavment for work.
I UNDEKTAKIMJ. Having provided
! n haiidsume ilcitisr., hn is now prepared for
l.'nJortakiiig, and attending funerals, in tliis vi-
ciuity, or at any convenient distance II o ft. t'ni
! place.
li- i lie V are J.ocm is in l awn street, bc
ow W emu's Hotel.
Sunbury, Sept. 13, 1H5C tf.
A K FI'Elfs young men all Ihe advantages of a
i thorough Husiness Eilotalinri.
Embraces Double-Entry Rook-Keeping, as. ap
plied to Wlmlecule, Ketait, Ci)minissioii, Man
ufacturing, Shipping, Strain liuating, Individ,
tut!, Partnership, and Compound Company
1; ashless.
in ull thn Ancieiit and .Mudern Hand.i. Also,
LECTURES on Ooinmeicin! Law und Political
Economy, by Thonius E. Cochran, Eiq.
For Circulars, &c, address the undt'isignrd.
T. K. U 111 I E,
York, Pa.
September 0, ISofi (tin.
" i'1-s nY say i:: i Vis'X i7 e n ny
WE lutvc hist received direct from Philadel-
; dhia a fresh supply of gnods, suitable for the fall
1 trade. We nre now disposing of our fuminer
j Slock, at YEP.Y LOW "HICEM. to make room
! for our winter supply. Now is the time to se
1 cure bargains.
I E. Y. TlKKiHT ir f-'ON.
j svpt. n. i8"5.
I ALL persons knowing thomselvc; indebt
ed to tho estate of David Mart?., late of Sha
mokin township, it iv hereby noticed thnt un
less they call nnd settlo their uccottnts on or
i belore the 20th of October nest, they will
j be charofd interest on th same,. nnd the i:c-
, Ci,unU ,vi)j b(. .,.,,.,,,, , illlrifl!j of a mu
giarate lor collection nil or lime.
Paxinos. Sept. 'JO, IH.'jG. bt.
ITS hereby given tin t letters of Administration
" have been grunted to the subscriber, on the
estate of Simeon Oberdorf, late oi Hush lownsliip
Northuinberland county, lieceased. All prraoiin
indebted lo said estate are reqoested to iiiukc
immediate payment, and those having claims
a.iiotl il.e same, will present llii-ui properly au
thenticated for settlement.
Pp. Augusta tp., Sept. 13, IS.'il 6t
""lii;!'.!;. tfl'UtlS. A fresh assortment
j si received by WM. A. UKLNEIt.
ii.e SI. IS56.
A NUMBER of good Laborers are wanted on
Section 43 of the Northern Ccntrul Rail
Road, below Trevorton budge. Good ivaiges paid
aud the best kind of accom.'noduiion given. Ap.
ply to V M. GALGLEK, on the works, ..r to
. . ti. D. iMASsKIl,
July 5, 135B. S jiibury, Pa.
111. ES fur Mscbinists, carpenlera, Ac, &.,
Heatly's edge tools, planes and bench screws
fur sale ly U. . 1JKIUUT A. SON.
May 31, I3.-16.Y
OF every description, suitable fur railrosds
&c, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, ,snd
Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk
every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after
trial, not found satisfactory can be lelurued with,
out charge, .
Factory at the Old Stand, established for more
than twenty yesis curner ol Ninth and Melon
btreota, i'hilsdclpliis.
. . . Auuorr & co.
Successors to Elhcott & Abbott.
Philadelphia, Sept. J, 1850 c3m.
, Table and Pocket Cutlery, aTXrge selection of
various patterns for sale, hy ''
May qi S. E. V. CFIGITT A f ON.
1855. FALL' STOCK, NEW 0001)8. 185C.
French Merinoea, all colors,
Fashionable Cloak Cloths,
Fall Silks the sty lea
Magnificent New DrLalnesJ
Iteat Stvlea Fall Calicooa,
Very large Stock of New Shawls,
Flannels, Welsh, English and American,
Cloths, Vesiinps and all kind Mens' Wear
Sheetings, TMe. Linens, Towlings, 6tc.
4xl.,& AKCH Sts,, Philadelphia.
Storekeepers are invited to examine our New
Goods. Families can be Well suited i i every
kind of Dry tiomls.
We tnake Ii Ik. Silk and Shawls leading ar
tides for Wholesuleiuir. P. 8. JoUS reteived
daily from tho Auctions of New York and Phila
delphia. Rr" Thumb Net Cabh,
Sept. 6, '30 3ino
Cancer Cured.
lANCEIfS, 7'umers, Mens Ulcers, .rcrofula
While Swelling ic, cured without Surgical
operations by Dr. Launsherry.
Dr. L's Pamphlet (2nd, 3d..) on the trraltncnt
and cure of ('ancers, 2'umors, A e., will be sent
to any oddns (tree) uo receipt uf postage
Office 11SJ WALNUT St., Philadelphia.
Sejit. 6, 1850 3in
Latenf the linn of Stevens, iMr nf Hie Vnivm Hotel.
1I lllntalif :ul 9c Cu.
(LATS WIIITr swam,
Iluce Street, ahore Third,
HE above well-known Establishment, have-
iiig been entirely remodeled, introducing all
the modern improvements, and also, newly fur
nUhed throughout, will be opened for the recep
tion of (iucsts on the
rursT day or septum hek.
The proprietors, from their determination to
devote their attention to the comfort of their puests
fititler themselves with the conviction that they
will be able to give satisfacti in to their patrons.
Carriages will always be in readiness U ami.
vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landing!
and Uuilroad Depots.
Kace Street, above '1 bird.
Philadelphia, Aurjusl .10, IS.'jG. Iy
A vnluablo Farm, situate in Jactson town
ship, Northumberland County, ndjoininir
lands of .facob Hilbish, Jonas Wolf, Jacob
Seiler and others,
will hs sold nt public sale, on the premises,
on SATURDAY, tho 25th day of October,
next. The laud is of cood iiunlitv, 1115 acres
being cle.urcd, about (it) of which is pood Moa.
dow, on the bunks of the crock. The rest is
well limbered with a variety of cood tinibei.
Tho improvements aro a new TWO Sl'ORY
a Lc Diirn nnd other outbuildings. Tho
farm is well stocked with j;ood Emit. Con
ditions will be tnado known on the day uf
sale. In thn ineantimo persons wishing to
purchase cau unply to tho subscriber.
Jackson twp., August 'Jit, lfcSG.
.1. II..Iii;UTO, iToprlclor.
Jas. T. Ham.. Ass't.
Sept. 13. IiTiC tf
iVoticc to 'raxl2.ytM.
VUitr. is nereny given to me tielinquent
I iiir'T,ira ,i iirlMiim tor uml I'nimrar l.aa
the year, that they arc called upon by this
notice to settle of their duplicate on or before
the November Cou'rl next, otherwise they will be j
dealt with according to law. 1
CnmmisMoners' oliice, J Commissionerr.
Sur.l tiry. Aug. 1C, lt.rG.
rtlIMr m Tll M:iniiiMt
1 AKML,l OI ? ,?,.J .1MBK-
Growers nf HViCu ami lire, use Leinau'n
Si'pt r rhosjilmte ol j.itnc, tj imu want hear u
f - '1 i .......
t-royi.", ur ueiiiuu a .itttt ttfun i', j
''inilEsiE valuul le. '.lanurcs have been ued for !
ihe linsl si.V vears sueecsftillv lor l'e
Grain and Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Pennsyl
vania, New Jersey, Delaware, .Maryland and the
Llbiuls of Uennuda and liai'nndocs A barrel,
('JoU lbs) is xullicient for an Acre of Land.
The above Fertili.ers are comiosed of reliable
Chemical Elements, which largely increase thfl
Crop and iniproxe the soiling, doubling the val
ue of the land. Price of the "hosohale uf Lime,
is S-10 01) a ton. NitrejTiied JfiSO 00, the Aine.-i-oin
Peitilizer '.") 00 per Ton, or 3 St) a
ll:irel, SI " a Keg; also, every variety of
liu-.tuo, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of
Sodl, Lone Dust, Powdered Charcoal &e.
CEO. .'I.LKINAV. Proprietor.
Yo 19 Sunlit Front Sfeet,
Cnods delivered free of churgei
1ST lu noicsaic uealers, a linerrl discount
Pamphlets in English and German Language
Gratis. Orders ut a distance, Cash accompany.
iugor Draft, proinp'ly attended to by
ti. A I.FINAL", Proprietor.
i'll I A D'A Pa.
N. B. Diplomas, have been awarded from the
Pennsylvania Agricultural Society ; New Vork
j Crystal Palace Association and New Jersey
I Stale Agricultural Society,
Philadelphia, Aug. IA,'H.rG. 3in. w.
ttmi;., Ltvnti:.M i; s. 10.,
10U tons Hags wanted for Cash.
August 23, IM56. Um
rbsjNi tistbY.'
Aniiouiico to tho citizens of Sunbir.'v, and
vicinity that they have, opem-d a;i ofliee in
Sunbury, ono duor east ol the Post Olikv,
where they aro prepared toutlend to all kinds
cf work belonging to tho profession iu the la
test and mos-t improved Lyli.
Sunbury, August "1, 1 f,d. tf. j
.. i s7i;i:ur.Y academy.
'II!S Iiislitution, under tho charge of j
-- Issac Hull", Pripcipal, will commence) its ;
ll'i'ofir 7'cwi of six months on tlm seccndi
Monday of Soptemlicr next, iu this jdace, j
at Urn Academy Rooms, uojoiuing thj
Lutheran Church.
Cood bourding in private families can bo
procured from $-,5 to S2,.'0 per week.
Sunbury, Aug. 1!0, Liiij. I
Cill'elIll)I of all kinds, flour and ruble Oil
1 Clothe and oil shades of the latest style for
.ale by E, Y. 11 RIGHT A SON.
OTICE U hereby given that letters of Ad.
ministration have been granted ty the sub.
scriber, on the estate of Jacob Painter, late of the
llorough of Sunbury, dec'd. All psrs-ns inr
debted to suid eaUtte or having claiius ajuinst the
same, are requested to cull ou John Duyers, near
Sunbury, for settlement who is duly authorized
to act in tho premises.
GEO. A. FKICK, Adm'r.
Danville, Aug. 30, 1856. 6t
1'ICES, sugar, coffee, molasses, tea, cocoa
Water and Sugar biscuit for. sal by i .
May 31 '56. F.. V, f! RIGHT & RON.
GOSHEN CHEESE.Just received and for
salety , .M.tMIUM I. FL 1 kl.
syt. is,
ppbjiaitirr tc If iu ttCi-Litf
Ira T. Clement
SAYS coly, boldly and deliberately, that he
lokrs the foremost stand on the grand caval
cat! ' of Dry Goods Merchanta tf Sunbury.
He shall continue to sell Dry Cimi and Oro
cer es CHEAPER than ever, a, hie goods are
boutrhl cheap they will be "!d cheap.
He feels confident wiih Uia experience nd
ability, that he ran compeie with lh, .
World at large and Sunbury in particular.
lie would enumerate ttrliclt a if and rpsce
would permit but as any . .. .
couNTSrt Dumping novice . ,
can d i that tie will, leave it to ihe verdants and.
iiiiiniiiated, it is enough to'ssy that he baa every
ihiniT iu the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries,'
liOQTS AND SHOES. $ ci, be
that ia kept in any other store in town, ml
liie banner is nntlift bree?.
And King rrrny it wave
O'er loud of the free,
nil thebmne of the tirare
V.'!u iir flnra nml her Stupes
S'uiiie nut tlie Sen,
'Ci!inr; nit nntious ,
Ti-iil Free lom's tieftm. . . . .
Tois ia a free country or at least will be o
when all aro free, therefore, it is ffe f.'r nil tu do
ihcir trndinii where th.'iy Can L'UV" he CIII'.AP
F.ST regardless of the cross and sour looks of
old fov merchants. All are invited to call and
as well k the town arc .tspeetfully .invited, pud
every person, rich or poor, high or low, bon l o
free aro invited to call.
Come one come all unit sii your speed,
I have goods enough for rt'.i in ncutti
The lioys llteinai-lvca ore at tli'-ir c-.'isi?,'
Ami they aluiie enn 'i r'J u iort.
Ov r f'.i.-.-r i'.-!, i ;,:"!';! ifv'n ,
Tliese s-m ? lnys have wuu renown.
Fur sellinvr the Cheapest and th- tn.-sl,
And iclliiic in. ire tnutt all the rsnt.
Jiurrch, Ilurrih '. O'er hill and plaia,
Aecejit my thanks and call ngain ;
Among our iinnorliueiit iui! alwsys find,
G '.hIs lo tit ami j-I'.-.i-e tlie rtninl.
We've on hand mid alwiys willi'ic.
To sell est goods and e.trn n shilling,
hold your horses und come this way,
Va slmll be giiid to s;-e you any tluv , ,
at No. 1 Markktt S iuare, opposite tho Court
House, '
P. S He wishes it distinctly understood, that
he in not to be undersold by any man or combina
tion of men. No chargnlor -honing oo(U.
Ail kinds of prodtue taken in exchange fur
ciiinbury, Juno 21, S'i.
Cabinet Maker's Fincllus, ,
The subs "tibers respectfully inform their friends
and tlie public Roncrnlly, that they have conurc
led with their lleddinir V: Kurnishiiif, busrricss a.
large and well assorted sti.:k of Cabinet Maker's
PiinJioi;.-', nt their old stand
.Yo. b'i South Seco7tJ Street, below Ctiatnvt,
7'hcy have orsociated r,:!h them W.M.Brown
who has been for many yeurs ung,i;i J in tho
I principal estab!ishi,'.r:it of the kind in this city,
i The stock ol Goods now hand comprises
j every description of inalers,ils used by l.'ubrnrt
i Mskers, consisting in part uf the followii.g-, u; .
i Hardware department. Lucks, Hinges, Screw
Oostors, Zcd ftcre .vs, t liuir ami cola cpriiigs,
; Ctin-ln Handles, ic
Cahfnct Siakcr's Mateiialu, 1 i air Seating,
Curled Hair, Cliics Plates and Kramrs.
lu.', V'nrnbh, S:md .Paper, iiurlaps, (lark end
Fuucy bilk and Worsted (Jimp, Sola and Chair
Webbing,.Tvvine, fc'acl.m- llottoir.s, A'cM.'W.iod,
Mthogany, Walnut .os.a .Meple Kivibj, Class
i Screws, &C. ' ;
IJeddiug Department, li air. Husk, Mocs, Woo!
j and t'otlon Mnttreoi Ptather Wejs, iiolleri
and Pillows; Plush, Damask .i:'d I-Iorcen Cush
, mna .Coiulortalues, Counterpanes, l.inen sr.-,
Cotton wheels, Pillow Cases, Linen and Oottcu
j Towels, Tab! Cloths, Table l.inen, 7ab!e C'ov-.
r'"t Moreen, l)ema-k Bo.! I'lus't by the piece,
. Moss an.l llusli by luc b.-.le or pouml.
i T'i. tr..:. u. ..,! I ,,rl...l U.S. ;
7'lie Hair Seating and Curled Hair i
: from the
Pl.ila. Maiiiifactoi) of D. cV .1. Noblit.
N. D. Hotels.icam Uoats and Ships fur
nished at tl.e shoi tert notice.
Non.ii. B.'ow. & NOHLir.
VM Sc-:th '2nfl St.. brlow Chestnut. ,.,
(Nearly opposite Uank of IVuiisylva:::.)
rhlladrlphia, August 0, lot! ly.
A N DP. E W V C K V V I. F. I N ,
Importer and M'juufacturrr cf .
(s'uns, F5i.!es, t'lsttoJ, atc.V .
Xo. l'J'i .Yi-i7'i ytrfiJ Slrrrt, Philadelphia.
ypSHEliE he keeps constantly on band a gen,
i ral assoitmenl of l'ne double and singlpi
barrel Shot Guns, lar;;e duck guns, rillrs ai'.d,
pistols, of u'd kinds. .t!sc, the celebrated fast
steel, villi increased twists, to shoot the
i,i,.n:eii in oi ins own ma ;e : rine carrel.-., sno:
tags, pon.'hrs, Ac. tie invites 1'erson wtiiiwrg
i to purchase goods in his line, to call and examine
his itock belore purcha-iiiig elsewhere, us ha. l.i
Jrtermiued to rell on the mof.t reascirthle
j n?" Particular stteutiou paid '.o iej),-.irii'5 ia
all its branches.
! August oO, 18.'.G. nCin
' , , --"r"
rPi'X'TF'..: LLY informs tho cili?.eus cf
Sunbury and the neighboring co-iitry that
I h.'
lias pureuaml t:ic t.nK-ery f. :n ater
street, in the rear of the wharf, recen'ly kept by
V. ei.y i'c Clement, and ' h'.1 ha.i inst replen
' ibheii his stock which he will siJI ut reasonable
i prices. lie will keen constant supply of
; Flour. Or-.i't end. lied. Ilread, Fbh and
Cheese, H ivis, shoulders an.l Herring, C.Vce,
i-iugsr and M.-lusscs, 'J'i as, ttpie. s and Fruits,
Nuls, I'onfccli ui iries t,f a'l kinds, Lliols and
I Mines, Ladies Gailers, Misses and Chilitrcn'a
J simes, alto Q'Keti'wtire, ('cdarware, Hardware
' and Notions, c.o., f.'f,
! Ciii.en aic reipirle.,i tti send ;n their orders
' fir Flour, Pce-.l and Grocc-iis ar.J le will ie
j liver lliein propeilv; ,
j Sunbury, June II, I ".)!. tl
! S't'iinTivani'i Wire Wurkif.
13 Arc'.! St. between Second A. Third,,
.(Opposite It read Street,)
PHIL A D E Li' 11 I A
Sieves, RUi.'les, Screens, TlVrm Jl
Of ull Meshes and Wid'.is, with all kintls of
plain and Fan -y V.'ire "vVork.
EJ E A VY Twilled Wire for !.! i ;ifiheri;
" -at Coal, SauJ and Gravel Screens? Paper
Maltct'a Wire ; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, co
vered in the best manner; Wire and Wire Fen
cing, ii
Avery superior article of .Heavy Founds. $'
Sieves. All kiiula of Iron .Ors Wire ami Steve.
.lugiist.t, IS.").- c3in
7m7i.NT Y O K DE Kb C. uiity order's lakei.
aa cash for giiods, and on nolo or b.iok a;.
count by E. , UKUiliT iV SON.
ept, .J,
CILVER W.Vf CUES. A few doubt ca
Engli bilver Watches, for sale si r-ry w
f ices by' II. U MAssEK.
H-nhuiy, April t. Hf.C.
books,i nk. and ail m mpleie, jut received,
aud lor sale by H. 13. MANSER.
Munbury, Jun 4.
j ' 8COAR CURFJI' H 'M. A I t iust ri4
' sud of Wj,' K VS.jtOLIs. V I t'lliV.
veit. i, i ,'.