liliivYiLr UG bEMiN A R Y. TIih Acuilcmic ynr of thin flom iliinp In f '..'.ution will cinnincuee oh the Jhl Mondayof A'iCIIKI lll'At. It it lm-utul nl Rcrry?W'irp. Pauphin Co., I i., on one of tlio lo'tilthicst and most beau vitlli'ji in tliodUl 'Koystonu Slut?." 'i'lio A'g ortlm Institution is to prepare nuiifr Lmliusiinil Gentlemen for the reppon- I. Iii itiitit's of li!V iiml lor Institutions of o ' iv'ior priulf. Kvtry fut'ility will be afl'urili-d m' those wlm nro iK-siruue of preparing them ,i"lvps fcr 'IViii liinfr. Tim governim-iit or tlit school will licstrict !r parwiial. nm! it luiil uhvas bo tho pleasing ilist v of l lit- Pritiuptil to instil into Him mind if ii pupils Mieh aiMitiitiunt, n?, if followed, will lt'ii'1 to donor nnii luipriiiieF.i. Tuitio.i per Session (22 weeks.) Greek anil Latin. 7 CO Modern latiniio (Extra ) 1 00 Common Lnylish (1st Grade) 6 00 (2d (iimle.) 4 00 Pri'MKi'P, (Surveying. Chemistry Ac., 50 rrintiiifr mid J unit or Scrvici-a, 2i Music (Pimm 1'nvtn) fi 00 Kxcvllent lJai-iliiijr run lip. had fro.'v 81,00 tn SJ.00 per week. Lectures will be ik-liver-r,l every week oil "Chemistry Philosophy" to., to which tliu pupils arc admitted fre of Thera is n pfwil Library rnntif ctd with 1uo Ciutniiisrv to which 1 lie students linv nr. ivss for Hiiinll fee. The. Sehoul will be rx c I'cised in Composition and lleclutnalion oace every week. Tim pijnriirnl Vte'np a prndimU of onn of the best tiHir in tho Union, nnd having experience in Teacher fl.ilters himself, as heretofore, to Rive peiiural satisfaction to nil who are pluied under hi tuition. JOSIAII F. KENNEDY A. I?. Principal. Berr-f.burf. July 12. 1356. W N"I" ED bv the Imord of Public Schools, of Zerbe Township, Noilhombeil.ind Co. Two mule fir 1 two li uinlc touchers to supply the Sih-ois ni tliis iIkco fur" the next school year. Two lencheis will le emplmcd from the 1st of Septeui'.'cr, the oilier schools will lint be opened In 'Vrc the ir.idd'e of November. None but good tenchem need n j . Good wage will be paid lj competent Icucr.ers. W. APPLEY. Sec'ry. Trevorton, Angiiot 9, 1856 Sin. rilE IMPUOYKD fMji''-rf!0!jsIi!:fc of I.ime rjj'ilK "iy Silver Medal vet awarded by Agri S cul' Soeii'iie., was uiven to this superior Article, at tiie last Pennsylvania. State ''sir at Hamburg, as a IVriiliitr of the l.rst quality for Wlicnt, Cnrii, Out, Grass and rutntoes, n.ii'iii'i Heavy Crops, and greatly Improving tiic Sj'd. ". e subrciiber respectfully informs Farmeis and Deult-s t'.iutheU prepared to sup ply (lie Call demand with luia superior and will tested arlic!. I.S6-" Aj,eiits wr.t.'d. A liberal discount al lowed. ALO No. 1 Peruvian and Mexican Guano Poudrcrie and Land Piaster. Oils, Candles, Soap, A c., ol Ue best qualit)', at the lowest luaifcct rules. JNO. L. rOMERtay, 0 4 10 South Wharves, bcl. Market Str I'hilua'elpi.ia. 10, 1S58. Cnaje " HERRING'S SAFE THE CHAMPION 1 1 7'A ontg Safe which, in ewy instance, pre served tiuir t.ntire content in the la'.e Lj.ti:Hice Fires. VT tim huriimir of the Artizan tiiiiltinif;a. April luth, umi in s i::e iiuia i' i nil-, m .i:irke: i( r.riv in. IMii, the ci'iiuine llcrrtug -'CiiA'-TtiTuit1 J V. biitimens .V Hro. ; iio.'ks, l'n- C.V '.!.'.' lH',s- . '"' fW 4 Hi", awl fir 1 i-J, l tlw:ml Stimim Civ, nflcr rv t 'Ji' ! 'lliliic elV-d i!itj Uiminff nil.:- HT i,t,irt Im riy li mr, tin: C!-i:-,..J" itrovin? c mclnsivf Iy whnl il;u?e :ttvya ctnniieti iVr tiicm. tiicir Cicat EiinerKtritv over uti Ffcuraie now 1 1 uv n. iii ilHsefirv', tne IlKHRtXCJ PAFF., arnndiiitf by ittf with in e mlvt'itist-.l n "Marrniiit'l to slaiicl 10 p'T t tiif lii'.rM liit'iliJiu I lt f ii-.u t;uii' Iir:h the ac- kit MVi'Uci Vf'ioi nif t.nly prt-riTvincr tl'fir f'Miienis in ; ext'fliiMit "PltT. h-u licititf titumt'!ven in h iMnlitui t ;; j tlir-Hiii'i iM'lifr nrtWriil, w Ink tin h-malt'll 'Sniumiiiivit' s: ot j f'.lit-r ni ik-i M lvi'!!y usf I nn in every inaiimt e, und ill i Mtne I'lifi'F !i-ii f;iif(! fiitt'iits etniiplctuly lU'stroyed. j Tii I'-r itnltiif we "ii!i! iiii;iiy f:iy, 1 1 r r dunni; tin 14 ; ye:,r ' In- If fr-in's S;i!t' ln-f n icl"r ihin, ill Tl tlmn tvt. I u i - j' ' i li..v p;tss'd tfirouyh acritleiilal wiiliout t.'ie ocftirn-". 't i l' a nt-tjle Us. e v .nil, t.ivrct'nf, i-;miitit puirliaenrs ncinst tlte rV ;".fwi;l:!i-.u tl" inff r:Mt-ii riTtif. 'l llJ HtTrilie'i !'ntr;it ifj Mt1 unU I'lM'.prnitf S;ii njat'c in tliu city wr.ich i prMt-etr-.t I y :i I'.-!e;i( Hiitiit, on;! we wi!i $ inr-mA-ii it n-sif1 iu re th;i,i double the arm Ui.l of htal of any olhrr Sjfe kmwn. Fardels & BJcrrJn?, H'tif M f! mi furt i: rem in thit 5tnte of fcL'ERR!SCS P.1TET CIUHPIOI sirts," 34 ir.imit., l-hilada. ff B "nvnns .V Vntsnn's Improved Safomanitrrs," Oliri-r livuM's,1' ' C..I. l ivI.m'," uii'J S?'ilt'f Alhtt.l.,, lr.ui I'lirslH. (a !:irc?nfs'irtiit,iil hiivhia leeu luken in part pavmt'iu t"r II.rrii.fT) will be colUui luw pncca. l'liila.,June sil, trJG lv. SHEAFF 5b Er.A.CIS, mini 'is jisii Hiirprtr.s ur WHITE ASH AKTHRACITE COAL, l'rum the Bis Mountain Colliery SHA.MOKIN, MUfl'iri) COUNTY, PENN'A. Address Slieafl'A: Uhck, ounbury. or Sha JnoUin, Tu. Sutibai-y. May 21, 1.'.6. tf To Builders it Carpenters. Tlio snbsorilie's are amenta fur tbe sale of Doors, Window blind, Wimlow if'iiitti-rs, and all siics of Winditw ISunb, all of wtiicli we oiler at tbe luuvsl .riits. May Si V-0. E. Y. B RIGHT A SON. Table and Porlvrt Ciiilcir, a larje sclcctiun of Tari jus ;al!rr.s fur sale by May at &G. i;. v. m::;:iT& so.. KliniVlM Embroidered Orspe, piintc meic, faticv slellu, while bjrcje, tinted cash- 'reticti border, i-llk ninge and figured Bill; shawbjusl Kcrived by K. V. IJKIfJHT ot SON. Mav CI I8.'j6. i4tkt DiBULi, c;i:isr. rjHH Crease is recommended to I lie notice of Jt Wagouera. l.ivury Mabln keepers. Ac. .as bejtn Strtic!i loanj'ihing u( e l.iiid ever in-trc-.iuj.-d. As it does not gum upon the axles - U much m.iro durable. nJ is not utlerted by tho weather, r. i.iaining the ame i.i mnirr as in winter, and put ip in tin ranis:i-, m a- ailj CI, cni'a, I ir stile by WM. A. BkrA'EK J. tic Hi, rLOwIl, FZED & GKCCLICY 6T0EE. CltAULES GARINGEIt, WJtr.Sl'lXTFL I.l.V informs U,e citizen- of B 4 Sunl a:;: and the m ililioiinji country that lie has pur:lnsi i! the f 'r -crry .sture in Water street, in tbe rear of liie wharf.' recently kept by V'eiseot Clement, and" that he has just replen tne hi tt.v.k which be will Se' .1 nasonalile price. He will keep a constant aupply cf Hou;, fJrnin and KecJ, I!.. ad, Fiah and Chfffs. Hams, Shoulders and Ileiring, ColH e, Ni.gar and Molasses, Teas, Mpitea and Fruits, Ants, Cotifectionaiie of all kinJ. ll.ots and Shoes, Ladtea tiaiteia, Mi,5e, and Children a times, oi (.jee.nsar, Cearware, Hiidwaie nd Notiuti, Ciliic'.i are reqiiented to aend In )..;. for Flour, Feed and tiruceria and be will de liver Ibein nroperlv. Sunbury, June 14, 1656 tf TPil.KS for MachiniFta, carpenters, Ac., Ac, Bcattj ' edjje tool, planes and bench screws fur sale by . E. V. liUIGii'i' A. B N. May 31, 1858. pORT MONAlES.'PootU and Hutr Hruahe &1I qui'.ji;c, and any quanli y, for sale by WM. A. BRLAltU. h rt V., TC. JtXTEW SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST RECEIVED 15Y I. W. TEX Ell & Co., Simliin T Vn.. WE beg restieclfully to announce to our friends anil llie public t-iat we are now re ceiving a very larfie anil well selected flock of good united to the season, which wo tire deter nii..ed to aell cheap heretofore, finding our old motto of 'Small profits and quick Sales." to work well wo nliull continue to adhere to it, our iUH'k coiiitista pnrlly of the following viz: LAWKS GOODS. Groa De Kbine and Summer Silfc. Chilli, De. bepe. 1Saree. painted und plaid I.awn, Gingham l.awnn, Robed Dressea, Va lencia Skirts and Pkittinr;, Uraaa, Ccrd and Ctiiiolhie Skirls, Jtronet, Cambric, Swia and llnrred innlin, Dishops l.nwna l'laid. Uot- ted and Figured Rwica Muslin, Linen cambric handkcrchicfa, Chemipetta, Collar", CuP.a and undersleevca, printed raahmere, thibet and )otlur ahiiwla, ginghams and calicoes in ffreat ariety, Heady made mantillna, parasoia, l'nnsiVc. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. Cloths, easimeres, tweeila, veslinea, simmer (roods in various styles for coals and pnntalBons hirt bosoms, roilara, ernvata, lesiileo a large as siirlment of Kendv made coats pautuluons and vests, tnnathcr wtth a gerternl assortment oilja' dira and pentlemens Hoots Shoes and Hoitcra mena, unvs and rbildrena lints, anil Laps Hardware, Queensware, Groceries. Cednrware, Stone and Earthenware Drugs, Taints, Fish, meat, suit, nails. Tar, Oil iVo etc. A good supply of achool books and copy bookf with printed copies on each page. Come and see, no charge is made for show ing goods. I. V. TF.NER& Co. Country produce taken iit exchange fjrguoda. at the highest market pricee Siinbury, May 10, I80S. THE WEST ERANH INSURANCE CO. OP lAU'li BIAV1'L, PA Inanrea Detached Buildings, Stores. Merchan dise, Farm Property and other L'uiidiugs, and their contents at moderate rates. C'AI'ITIL s:too,ooo. CHARTER PERPETUAL. DintcTO's. Hon. John J. Pearce, H on. G. C. Harvev, John B Hall. T. T. A brains, t harlea A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, " W.White, Peter Dickins'rm, Thomas Fitchen. Hon. G. C. HARVEY, Pres. ''. T. AkiUiKf, Vice Pres. Thot. Kitchen, Sec':. II. C1IAS. ULMAN, General Agent. REFERENCE: Samuel )I. Lloyd, A. A. Winegardner, L. A. Mackey, A. White. James Quipgle, Join. W. Maynard, Hon. bimon Cameron, Thoa. Bowman, D. D. W'm. Vanderbelt, Wm. Fearon, Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. Updegrafl", James Arinstrang, Hon. W m. Bigler P. W. GRAV. Agent. Sunbury, June 31, 1S."C. Cm TIIE SALAMANDER SAFES OP PHILADELPHIA AGAINST THE WOItlD, EVANS A; WATSON, Ko. 2C Soulk Fourth St., Philadelphia. TW?.?L IIae hml the mreit t Km in Uie ft)!.(iV!hd Lertir.cnf e. that tlicir umiitif itfture f !utu- iiiiind rH:tf(fi t:uH at length fully Wiirnuited the rcprrst:ni:tt ins wint li Luve Lct'ti made v( 1 1 u rn tt'iirifriner a:i imd'nihtrd security iicinst tlie Itrntic element : Pim.ADFi.niTA, April 12th 165(1 Mfiti. Evfins .V V;ioii : In-nt: It nfTouls us the liiiit'Ft ntimiiftifui to to ymi. tint on ine t'i the very protivtivti qmlitirs nf nv i ff the SilmiiamiiT ?fr9 n hicii wo pnrrh.iHil of jmu .iie ftw inii.ilm nint-e, we saved a iiirpe perti-'n ni our JcWtjUy. I3 l. Ptipcro, &c. expo .'.! tf) rite Cii'iniiitucus lire in 11 a nt lead l'bcc, on the morn li.-' "f the I ilir iutwt W'lii-n we rellfcl that these Puff? were loco ted in the t urili Mtry of the biuitliii? we nrcupied, and that nicy irli HuhEcqut'iittv into n hvnp ii luiruiitj ruins, where the v;it t'.iii(.'eiitrali n lf'Iii-ut causal the b'ns phiii-s t inr-li, we cuiiihit litit rcpurd the prustf! vntion t( tin viilunble roti. trsiKi.e nv ff ('Hivineiiig proof of the greut ii'curity ti.Tur-d--' hy yur Snfea. We ihni tn'ie much pleasnre in recommend inj them meu of busintiii m m huie icliunr nenoiyt tire. t.fcOKGK VV.SlHU.NS k BRO. PlIiUDiaPDTA. April 18. I&06. Mewa. Tvant & Vat m I have ti ficr yi-u my t'-i-t:tnttiy in luvoi ( the preat stcuntv m.''. -i tl t my entiie t(it of frwclry, lut !, Hpers, duripe the rucent di -fis'rous co:iiir':e,ati-,n in IlmislftJtd pluce. ir-ini the iai't n'mt the tame wvt r in.iined in two of the tjiiUmauder iSnfei rnaniifucturnl hy you. Having talleti from "the tiHli at.iry rf tho Artiian rinild inp, where they wcie pri-i i maly p!ucdd and exposed l" a vus; heat fir a ! mg tunc, tlie priservaii"n 'if the valuable deti.isifg teemed to every one who witnessed (lie nptniDg and interior e.ui mi nation, a matter ufproiouud ustiifcii. tnetit. To all vhn rrmy require h per feel prniectioii from the rav.ifeof fire: 1 ahull not hitatc to ri':nmit nd the use of your SSufi n, as 1 conitder they have now Miniergone tiie most trying test. N E. Mukcan.'A, April 14, Messrs F.vans ft Watson tieiitk'ineii -No ri uut yH will he deeply fciulificri tole irn the p-MiU- mdilj n in whieh 1 discoverett mv lxxk, polii-y of insurance, ceitifu-ntes f sttn ii.fl'id nher va!.iuUe dtK-jments, when on rridrty last 1 ottened the m ute by your firm. With my Irnowetlps vt tit tvit ejtpor.rr. !rth to the iu'.eiisity oi t in- iieat ir m s not q fit e ns thai wlneh de "royed the Ariisan Uuil.iine, us also from the furce ul" the fall from it f irmer elevaied position in ih third slory, 1 eou'tl entertain bat slentter tiops to its interior in ipetMi n. licit iht: contcuts wliit li 1 oneu so highly prized wouid ever hs of buy rerviee to me, but ns these feats nre imw hnppilv removed, 1 feu I it only due to say to you that I can heureforth nv-'imueiid the use of your Suft s in alt who nny wic'i to fcvl a confidenre in the nerfeet se curity whitii such lueans provides cumst to frightful an eiemeut. Kdwakb Gasill, B'Kikbinder. Couiai:!ry on hand 1'ateut Powder and Thief Proof L'VaS for linrks, btorta, kc ApiilvG, lt-06. Iy OTICE is bereby piven that application will nn.l.. ... .1.- . i..:.i ..r u iiu,,u iu uL'jki iei;iiiivure Ul I eilll ivg. mi, iii me session oi Z7, tot the creation of corfOi ' t3 body with banking and iliseoiintini; privileges, to be railed the "Siumokix IIaxk." located at Shamokintown Northumberland Co., Pa., with a rapiial stock of flAO.dbO. with the privilege of increasing the mine to 300,000 it' necessary. Shainokin, June 14, 15G. Cm AWXS, Hull" Chauibras, Chilli. Alpaca. A l'aplin. Silk Lustre. Delanes. Prints. I)e beges, I) areges, Tissues, Ulack and Fancy Silks, HVuich, Luueabter, Trench and Engtibh Ging hsins. Just rectived bv E. V. T5RIGJ1T & SOX. Sunbury, Mav 31 1.5G. LABCREP.S WANTED. ,4 NUMBER of good Laborers are wanted on bccliou 42 of the Northern Central Kail Koad. below Trevorton biidge. Good wages paid and the best kind of accommodation given. Ap ply to WM. GALGLEll, on the works, or to II. U. MASSF.R, July i, 1856. Sunbury, IV ATEXT BRITTAXIA STOPPERS for Dar uoltlca tor sale ly II. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, lR.ri6. mjAlXSOOK, Bi.hop Lawn, Cambric Mus Im, Jacauett.Hook Muslin, riam and dot. ted SwUs, Curtain Muslin, Corded Uimity and Bonuct Cord. For sale by m, . y. BRIGHT & sax. Mav 31, 1856 sklmau orr AT COST. MHE aubacrilier respectfully Informs the pub X lie tkat lie isnow kellinj of hi. KTOCK OF CLOTHING at reduced prices, as he intends going into cVher bnsinesa. i'ersona in waul of Cheap Ciutuiim ahould not fail to call, . . Prrsotir indcbteillto the aubacribor are re e.uettd to call end settle. sIKfi.MUNU SIMON. Junlury, June 5, I5is, IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC, MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT or rHB aubacribere respectrully inrile the publie to tall and examine their stock of NEW OOOD8. embracing every variety. Our Goods have been selected Willi the greatest cam, and our assort ment cor tains the latest styles, hotli of foreign and domestic manufacture. We have also made arrangements to receive goods direct from Phil adelphia every few weeks, by this tneana we will be enabled to keep lip our assortment, V return our ihanka for the liberal patronago be stowed during the psft year, and Una-, that by slrict attention to business, and a deaireto please, we will continue to receive a share of the aame. 15. Y. I! RIGHT &. SON. Sunbiirv, May 31, 1R50. Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., oppotite Jones' Hotel, rillt.AbKI.PHlA. Window Shades, Gilt Cornice, Duff. White and green Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Hollers, Curtain Pina and Trim- minga, lirocaielles, Satin io I.ainrs, Worsted Damasks, Centre Tassels, Gimp and I.onpe, Curiain Bands. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Piece Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, got up at the shortest notice. Curtains cut, made and put up by the most experienced hnmls. I attes a ISr.w ions Stork, 203 Chestnut St., uuildings. May 3, 18o(i 3NTEW ARRANGEMENT I Fresh Arrival vf DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, & c. ''"HE vrHeif igncd Caving taken the store for M. merly kept hy eiscr and Hriincr, la now ready to till crders and prescriptions at a mo. n ents notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of the choicest brands. Fsriey Notions' toilet articlea, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety, Camphihe and Fluid always on hand. Customers'will find his stock complete, com prising many articlea it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. I! right's Mammoth Store. WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 31, ISoG. A. J. CONRAD, HOLLOWING RUN. jjp& ESPEUTFTLLY informa tho public that he haa purcliaaeJ the Store recently krpt by J. H. KauHman. and that he haa replenished the aamo hy nn excellent assortment of New Gootla just received from Philadelphia, which he will aell on terma as reasonable aa any other establishment. Ilia assortment consista in pa it of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & 8ATTINETTS, Summer Warea for men and boys, all sty Irs and prices Indies Dre9 CmoocIa. ConRislinp of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpaca. Do Latin', Calicoes, duighams, Muslins, Inin nitnva, Ac A!oalreflh supply of GROCERIES of all kinds. IIARDWAPvE and QUEENSWARE, Cc'Iarware. Brooms, &c. AlsoalurKe assort ment of Boots and Sliors, suitslile for Men W'o mi'ii am Children. Hats ami Caps. Silk Hats, and all fronds usually krft in a Country Store. All tlio above named siork of goods will be aold positively at low (iricrs for rash, or in ex chance for country produce, at the highest market price. Ho Honing Run, June 14, 18S6. Iv NEW CONFECTIONAKY. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. M. 0. GKA1MIAIIT, HAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Cniil'ecticnary and Fruit Storo in M A ItKET STREET. Stuiburv, where he manufactures ai d keeps on band, at all limes, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia price. Among liia stock of Contcctionarics, may be found : Krncli Secrets. Ouin D'ps, all kinds of scent, b'urueil Almoiliis, I"ve Dr.M S, ('rim While, Mint lripn, red and white, Lemun Jelly Cskrs, Kose, Fruit tJri'ps, " Vanilla, Stick I'un.lies, o( ail acsiils Common Heci.ts. ItiTs CsikI), Liqutfiics, Aiia"iiU Caudy, PRUIT. Raninas, IVuiim, Carraais diied, Cittoim, AlmuiiCi, Itatsom, Noli of alt kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, liy the hinplc or dozen. A auperior quality of ISegars and Tobacco, and a variety of ConJ'actionurics, fruit, &c, all of which isotl'ercd cheap at wholesale or rctuil. ICB CKEAM. He has Uo opened nn Tcc Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ico Cream. Sunbury, May t t lSTi.'i. 1 y J. II. .1 T1I, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CABMEL, i Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business promptly attended to. Monica collected and all ordinary w li'ins done. Mount Carmel, June M, IK.M5. Iy NOTICE. "VOTICE is hereby given that an application ' will be made to the next Legislature, of Pennsylvania, for a Charier incorporating a Saving Bank, with discounting privilecca and authority to receive monies on deposit, with a Capital of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be located at Sunbury, Northum berland county, and called the "Discount and Deposit Dank of ttuubuiy." HENRY DONNEL, .1. W. FIMLINO, H. H. MASSER, JOHN COOPER, I. T. CLEM ENT, E. WILVEKT. Sunbury, July 5, 1S56 6m ' notice! NOTICK is hereby piven I have re ceived the Puinphlet l.nws for 1 .")(' , and that they tire ready for distribution to those legal ly enlitleJ to receive tho sump. J A. MI'S 1JKAHI), Proth'y. rrotlionotiiry's Office. ) Sunbury, JuFy 12, ISoG. J FURNITURE POLIShT S. RAE'S P reiniuin Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for reator. ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies. Hair Cloth. Ac. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac. &o. War ranted to dry immediately and reuin its gloss. Price 50 cts. per Louie. Sold by WM. A. DRCNER. June 81, 18-FG. TJTNDKRSLEEVES, Chemisette. Crotchet 4J and Needle Worked Collars, Flouncing, Thread Laces, Inserting end Swiss Edging.. For sole by E. V. BRIGHT A COX. SCJ lIlCK, grain, English sn5 German (rasa, brier acytuf and sueatha for sale by May SI '56. . 1 B. Y BRIGHT A 8(TX. JOSEPH A.. NEEDLES, MARtre.Tt:iiait or ' WIRE, SILK & HAIRCLOTH SIEVES, Coarae, medium and fine In meah large, middla sue and small in diameter. Metallic Clotlia or Woven wire, Of the best qualitiea, various aired of ninsh, from INns. 1 to R0 inclusive, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered o man spaces to a lineal inch, and cat to suit. 1 he subscriber also keeps constantly on hand SCREENS. For Coal,. Sand. Ore. Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Numae. Sueur, fait. Bone, ColTee. Spice, Drugs. Pye-SiiinVAc. Together with an as sortment of bright and annealed Iron Wire. All of the above aold wholesale or tetail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 64 North Front St., Philadelphia. May 31, lsno. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. 'TlflE subscriber respectfully announces to his old friends and the public, that he lias taken that old and well known establishment, the White; Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sis., in the Borough of Pottsville. The lioui-e has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, lie promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satieficJ. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5, 185".- tf FOR A .H.lllVi;l,I,Ol S AI.!I IIOLLOWAY S OINTMENT. THE GRAND EXTKKKAI- RKMKpV. By tht nul ot a minn-sct-ilie, we net milli-.ns of little opening tm tlie nurfuce vf out Whp$. Thmuph thcue this Ointment, wlim rulihrd cn the kin, in earned to:iny i'in or inwiir t rmrt. iiinHiineii .f the Kiiii'.va, diatr tiers tn Die liiver, siTeetu ts nf Uir hunt. Iniltimniuiior tf the Lung, AntiiitiiiH, C'ouc!iiunt C!t?s, nre in its mmns effec tually rum). Kverv h u5- wife knowfl t!i;il teitt rnfj-fS freely ttirnneh mv or mutt "l any tinekneii. 'l'nii heul insr Umtinetit fur more remlny penetrates tlirnnii miy bone or ticBlir part of the living Ihk'v, curing tiie tr.dit dttt erous inwiuti e mjilun.tri, tliut cuiinot be reuched by older means. LRYSIPIXAS, SALT H TITI'M AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. No remedy has ever tlune bo much for the cure ef dl sensesnf the Skin wtt;itever form they may aMutne, ns this Ointment. No euse f < Ktieum, TdeutTV, lre Iletids, Scrofula on Krysipeluii, can Ion 5 withstnnd Its in fluence. The inventor lua travelled n er many purts vf globe, vii it iiift the principal hipitn!i, fitsenf.ii'j; this Ointment plvinp advice as to its a; ;lir;uim, nnd hai ilms Wen tne means uf restoring countless numbers to Suhi:' U-.GS. SOUK BRI-'ASTS, AVOfXDS AND L l.CKIiS. Pome of the mof-t sieiaitie uri?on snow rely s lev on the ue nf this wonderful Ointment, when h:iviiic to cope with tlie worft cnttcs vf eorea, woundfi. iVcem. ft Ian dulnr swellinsrn, and tuniota. I'rufessor IJolloway has. eoniinund nf the Allied Governments, tlispnlelied to tiie hospitals of the East, larpe shipments of tlrs Onit inent, to be used under the direction of the Medical St.ul', in tiie wornt cnsi-s vf wonmls. It will cure any uleer gl:mdulnr swelling. siitTiKss or conttactioit of thu joints, even of !?0 years'" stuuding. These and other similnr distres&ins: complaints enn be effectually cured if tiie Ointment lie well ruhhed nrfr the pnrts affected and by otherwise fullowing tlie printed Ui lections around euch pot. Both the Ointment and Pills should be wed in the fullowing cases : Btiiuona T.nmbajro Sore itsn SweMed Glnudi Win ns Mereurinl Sore Hreasta HitT Joints C'hanned Hands Kntntiuna Sire fiends fleers riiili.iains Ti'-s tore Throats VenercM Sre?i Kisiuias Klienmatim Sires of all Wounls of ail CiHit S.ilt Itheum kinds kintls ftkin Uixtms' m Hproins tt-attls , S'oKt nt the MiinufiiettTrtes of Professor HoLt-OWAY t0 Maiden I.nne, New Vurk, and 'Jll Si mud. London, by nil reppec'able Uniccists and Dealers in Medicine t'mnich oiit the L"iiitel Stam-n, and the civilized woiid, in boxes, at cents. cents, nnd eneli. Tnere is a tonsiderob'c nvinp by taking the larger Sl'Zl. N. n Pirceti nis. for the euidance of paUcnts 111 avery disorder are affixed ti eaeh box. Mait-h ?W, IWJ. lica OORTand M A DERI A WINES, Schiedam Pchnapps, Wild Cherry brandy. Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at M aj H I , '5 C. V ' M . A. Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. ""IIIIS tireparution is rei'ommt'uded as an f x ctllrnt laxative and purffativc. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by WM. A. UliU.NliR. Siinluirv, June 21, 1856. P JI.At'K, lilue and drown clulh. plain and fun cy cassimercs, Ketiturky jeans, sattinetts, striped coiiliiip, duck linen, tweeds, grenadine silk, silk velvets, plaid and fiRiired vesting, for sale liy E. V. UU1UHT & SOX. May 3!, 1R56. SUNBURY, PA rj-'HE subscriber respectfully informs the public JL ihe still continues to keep the above named public house. She hus also received new supply ef good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will he able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her beuse. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May SI, 1856. tf. SROAD AXES, hand axea. adzes, hatchets, hammers, chisels of all kinds, squares, saws, snw sells, augurs, planes, plane bits, files, com passes, screw drivers, brace and bills, hand vices, bevels, spirit levels, tipe lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches, nippers, plvers, spring ca'lip pers, pinchers, oil stones grind stones, eranka and fixtures, chisel and augur handles for a.tTe by May 31 '00. E. Y. BRIGHT & SOX. TT JAMES F. CALBREATH'S I.APIKS FANCY SHOE STORE, JVa. fi'J .Yo;-A Flfildh Street, Above Arch, Fut side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes made to older in the very lest stylo and workmanship nn a few days notice. An excellent assortment to aelect from, always on hand. Mav 10, Is.'iO. Iv GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAM FACTIKER or BLASTING POWDER, Alt. Carmel, Northumberland County, I'a. May 10, 185f. 'I'ObaCCO and BCRdrS 20.0dU Imported -1- Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and tine cut tobacco at WM. A. BRUXER'S. Bunbury, May 81, IH.S6, (J WVS Saws Spears and Jackson'a hand, pannel, rip. compass, tenant brass back, framing, circular, cross cut and mill saws for e-alo by E. Y. BRIGHT Sl SON. May 31, IR56. Ml Ml' 4. Satin and Fancy RioSm, Silk, VursteJ and Linen Braid, Mohair Head Dresses, Mitts, Gloves, Stockings, Frerch eui broiderded and Flourishing Thread. For aale by E. Y. BRIGHT 4 SON. Mav 31, 1S56. Stationery .--A large eupply of fancy Note Paper and Envebiies, Mourning, Letter, and Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand. Ac., at .. ... Vi wi A nifrM'n'ii May 31, 'SO. !VAIL8, spikes, hammered and horse shoe ' nails, canal shovels, picks, grub hoes end mason huinmere for aale by May 31 'h6 K. Y. BRIGHT & SON. HYOUOLEUM PAINTS These paints are mixed with water, thereby laving the cost of oil, fur aale by May 81, '. WM I BKUNEH. 185B Bpcofal Express Notioe. ' 1850 HOWARD Sc j CO'S EXPllESS. UA YING oMtiii full X)rf privilege otff the CATAWMSA. ftL'NUHKY AND ERIE find WILUAMSPORT & ELiMIRA RAILROADS, re now irfiireJ to forward nil descriptions of Exprfn Uooda hy PasRonfrer JVni". daily, liftween Philadelphia and Elmira, connecting at Elmira with fell the Western Ei preca Componiea. i All gooda for Tntnaquft. Summit, Cattawisaa. Danville, Milton. AVilliamvpor Elmira. and alao to Northumberland and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the tame day.. Each train in charge of our own Special Meaaenger. Philadelphia Office, 92 Chesnut Street. Office Elmira at United fctates Expresa Office. April 13, 1856 ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains. EINO desirous of disposing of my entire stock of Books and Stationery, comprising some vti.tiuu Volumes ot I. aw. Medical, Kcli gioua Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Books. Also, 100 Keams of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, atecl pens, waters, Ac. I will dispose of the whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Slonday tlie i th day of April 1856 at I o'clock, V M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. McCARTV. Tcr JOS. II. McCARTV. Sunbury, March 15, 1S5G. tf New Wholesale Drug Store. XT. SPENCER THOMAS. No. 26 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. fJMFCRTEH, Manufacturer and Dealer, in " Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stlills, raints, Oils, Colors, hilc Lead. French and American Whito 'inc. Window Glass Gbisswares, Vainialier, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar tides usually kept by Drugausls. including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, l'otasli, Ac, S e. Ail orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. L oiiiitry Mcrclianls are invited to call and examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of tho Wharves or Railroad stations. Prices low and goods warrauted. March 8, 1856 ly TIIE LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. X. F. Sl I. F. KLINE, RespecUully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at thcit Store in 1,'pper Augusta township, Northumber land county Pa., nt Klines Grove. Their Spring and Summer ogiIs are opened to the public a fall assrotmetit of merchandiio Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass'mers, Satinetts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans and all kinds of 5pring ard Summer Goods. A lot of ready made Clnathing, suitulle for men and boys. ladies Dress Goods, Shawls, Ginghams, Berage Detains, Calicoes, black Silks j c. Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Grocerios 4 c, of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware. Quttnsware, wooden ware Brooms 4'C- Also a large assortment ofReotaand Shoes suitable for men women and children. Hats and Caps, such as Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn. Silk ,Vc. Also an assortment of Books, Stationery, iek, Pictures and Picture frames &c. Fish, Salt, Cheese 4c, and all goods usually kept in a country store. Come and see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for p;ut favors we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will be sold positively at low pricee for, or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Ta., Kay 17. 19S0 tf JOHNSON &BKOTIIEE, CABINET MAKERS, No. V4 North Second Street, first door above ChrUt Church, Philadelphia. gJERSOXS in want of Bnrenus, Tables, Sofas. - Chairs, Bedsteads, and eveiy vsrietv o! housebote1 furniture, would do well to call, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April 12, 18oC ly BAHTHSKWAH2. rjIIE subscriber respectfully in'orme the eiti fi. 7ens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has aununciiccd the manufacture uf all kinds of E AUTII KN" VA UK, at his manufactory in Whorlleherry Street, one suuare cast nf the iiiver. 1U has engaged the j services of Mr. IUnr. and you can therefore denend on having good article. The arc respectfully invited to cnll. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M. BHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1S56. tf Dissolution of Partnership. TVTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership v heretofore existing between Sam'l A Berg slresser & J no. HolV, in tho Mercantile busidess at L'lysbuig, has been dissolved by mutual con sent. SAM'L A. BERGSTRESSER JOHN H IFF, 5 The accounts of the late firm will be settled by S. A. Bergstresser who will continue the bu siness at the old aland. A. A. B KHG STRESS ER. XHyshurg, April 12, lfi5fi J7'&T2WART jSePU y"&"s0NsT Importers and Dealers in Carpotings Masonic Hall, Chestnut St.. below Eighth, YyoL'hl) lespeclfully invite you to cull and ' examine their larse and well selected slock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Hugs, Door M ats. tie., which they will sell to the trade at auch prices aa wi.l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. ' Philadelphia, April 1?, IR50. ly lishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, .Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, RoJs, Sic. for aale by May 31, '60. WM. A. BRUNER. Trls.ll Linen, muslins, checks, ticking, table diaper, furniture check and Turkuh counter- panes for sale by May 31 'Si E. Y. BRIGHT SON ti.i x ia. im iii:v .jt js)., WAacrACTcaxRs or TRUNKS, VALISES, tC 11G Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. if i Ci I J s L . -I, i lti ii .10 on ii bum mv cuvdcei iiu 1 t I Ihput assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Bound Travellidg Trunks; Packing do. Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Bags, Satchels, it., hy the quantity or single article, lower than can Im bought at any other place in the city. July 5, 1856. WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. .a. S. BROWN, Proprietor. Ncrth'd. June T, 18SS. fm. HAYE0CK & FIDLEB, "TkEALEJJfJ in Watches and Jewelry, will continue tlx business at the old atanil of Jauiea B. Kidler, Ko. 12 South Second Street, ' 1'lllLADKLl'HIA, . Where they tnlicit an examination of their large and, varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous torms, will ena- ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have new on hand fine assortment af WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Britlanis. Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c, &e. N. 11. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to wtlh promptness and the greatest care. Thila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COAi; DEA1EES. AMMERMAN, ZUERN& WEITZEL rjESPFCTFCLLY inform the public ttiat " they havo leased the new coliiery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver roal of superior quality, and of a variety of sires prepa red on their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1S55. Photography ! Daguerreotypes 1 1 " A KBW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to McClees (iermon,) "IVOULD call the attenion nf the public, not ' ouly to the superiority of the Daguerreo types, the Hyalograph, (by some railed Ambro type.) and the various styles of Photography on paper ; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a amall daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. 1 60 Chestnut St., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists permit nt aht biie, from a small I.oekct to the full size nf i:c A small book containing description, prices, &c, will be sent gratia to any parson ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photoirraph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut St., below 7th rhila., July 31, 1858. tf. REMEDIES, 1 WED under the Seal. Sanetion and Authority af the University of Fltl'K MKUlt'INK and poplar know Ifihte, Chartered by the flute i.f t'ennsylvanin, April SO, 1S5S, with a Unpital nf Sluu.ouO, nniiiily for the purpose of srres!iii7 the evil nt'Spuiioun nnd worthless Nostrums; Also lor supplyuif; the Community Willi rename Kerai dies wherever a Conirrteiit Physician ennnot or will not be employed. This Institanoii Ims purennsea iroin ur J OHM U. IloWAXD, his Lelebruttil Ttowand's Tonic Mixture, Known for upwurds of twenty-five vnrs as the only rare and safe cure foi I T.VI'.R nnd Adl'l". Ac snd his ine tmi il.le Remedy for HOWF.I. COM I'l.AlNTS, rtowons s Compound Sytup of Blnckbeiry K.K.t, which highly ap proved sad popular Remedies, ti.jrf ther wilh The University's Kemedvfor I'omplnints of the Langs i The Unirersiiv's rtemnlv for Pysppiunr Indigeitiun ; The University's Hemeriy forCoB'.ive-Buwela; Also, the I'mveriity's Alinouse nisy bo he hid, at ths Krancli X)isiensary, or Store of WILLIAM DF.PriN, Not. 3, 1PSS. Mahanoy P. O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. TT3ERRY cV ERETY, invite the attention of a. merchants and othera to their large atock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books. Albuma. and Presentatiou Books in all styles of binding; Standard Theological. Medical, "j Miscellaneous and ocnooi uooxs, wuicii uiey have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. AI50 direct from tho manufacturers and Im porters, ever kind of Tlain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Xote Papers. Envelopes, Uold ana Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, &.c, ic, at the lowest cash prices. PKRUY & KRKTY. 8. W. Corner, 4th and Race St. Philadelphia. September Ji, 1635. tf TO HETSTT. STOKE ROOM on Market Square in fiun bury, and two rooms adjoining. CHARLES PLEASANTS. Januury 56, 1R5G. tf Tashionablo Tlnta and Cape. ASEEY d H0CAP, A o. 1 3G Market St., rniLADEX.PIKIA. f NTORM their friends and tho public Jj generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, etc., got up of the best material and in the lutes and bust style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and othera will do well to call ai.d examine bclore purchasing elsewhere. Tliila., Nov 10, 1855. tf. NEW MASONIC HALL, riilLADKLPIllA. AGENTS WANTKD iu evcty town snd county In th. United Slates, to sell tlie beautiful pictur. of th. GRAND LODGE KOOM. In the New Masonic IUli., Philadelphia. This Plata is st-lloitr very inpidiy, ami the admiration of .11. for the correctness and fidelity Willi which the Statort, Ubescii l'AiiTiNosAsn UiHNiitiiis ure represented, and tlieartisue beuuiv and harmony of the colors, bis oi P.ate. IM -JH. Price s l 00. ii.ioksellers nnd Picture Dealers wishinr to uVe s;m cies for it, w.ll nleate aiijress, for futther if nii.vioii. I.. N. I:0?KNTII AL. Lithographer, Philadelphia. Oc.lMier S7, 1V, tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. TIIE T.ARr,iT PIANO FonTK, MFT.TiF.nN AND mvif clnlO'lMTIH' rVI'I'I'nKTlTkS. music ioia: in run united fcrA n-.s, Will he opened Oct. .her 1.1th in the Mssovic BcnjilKO. Chesnut f tree', Seventh, Philadelphia. ItyJOHN A1AUSII, tn Sola Agent or Ii.ioiiL.ian, Uruy & Co."s eelehra'rd IVIc. Uampnna Aimehmeut I'lano Foifs.mid C V. l-'isk &c Ci's IViniuui MVIo. lit-ons. Also, I'iuno Foites and :le!o.!eons of other dis-tni-uislit'd makers. J. M. h is obtained a lease for several v:ii. in the new. magnificent nnd well known Miis-nnc iliuldliifr. Mh-re lie intends k-epini; tho I.e-.Test stoik nnd UMortuirnt of Piano Fortes, Mi-liieoiis, Music, nnd Mu sicul lioilinnienlt of eveiy desenplion. all of which are carirfully selected by himself, aial warranted to give per fect satniiction in every iiiluiice. Oi t.iher 87th, 1W3. If CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, Ao. 21 Korth Third St., below Arch, riilLADELFHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dud Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, bufiulo.bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, &c, Butcher Knives, Dirks, Zi'owie Knives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, &c Also a large assortment of A ecordeons, if. Also fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1855. ly. Importer. TIIOaVCA-ta PALMEK, COMMISSION MEIICHAM, No. S5 North Wluirvea, i'hiladelphia, Where the following gooda are received end sold on commission Dried Apples. JVachee, Plums, Pears, Cher iies, 4 c.,Green Applss in Barrels or by the fcuchel Beana, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peas, Shelr.arks, Raisins, Cranberries, Chestnut, Figs, Onions, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Mercer Potatoes, Orangea, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butler, Clieese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April H, !856-ly HENRY DONNEL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjice oppositi tht Court House, Suabury, Northumberland County Fa. Prompt llentieo t bueiaeae in adjoining Countier Shainokin White Ash Anthracite CoiL . Ffm the "Old Vein" -in ihe Gap Collit. T II. ZIMMERMAN c JNO. Pi PURSKL,-; successor to Kase, Reed & Co., will - tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from tie ' above well known Colliery, under the firm 6f Zimmerman & Purse). The point of shipment la at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northuanbsr- : land county, Pa., where ell orders for the variolic, kinds of coal, via l Lump, Broken, Egg, Steve, end Chestnut Coal, will be thaakfall; recelvesl end promptly attended to. . Sunbury, July 14, 1855, SrescBT, JriT I, ISIS. ' The f rm of Kase, Reed V Co. having sell their lease In the Gap Colliery and interest in tke wharf at Sunbury, to Messra. Zimmerman at . f ursel, wonle take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new firm, m they will be able to aell tbem prepared coal ef tlie beat quality, KASE, REED aV CO. 1 UNITED STATES HOTEL,; Chesnut Street, above Feurtk.- , J. MacLELL AN. (late of Jonea ' KoUl -e has the pleasure to inform hia friends aid the traveling community, that he has leased tlbi House for a term of years, and la hbir prepaitdV for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite establish-' ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put ia first rate order; the rooms are large and veil ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with the best, and Ihe proptietor pledges himnlf that no effort en hia part shall be wanting te make the t'nitcd Slates equal in eenforta te J Hotel in the Quaker City, rhila., July 8, 1854. . .. , - SAMUEL S. FETIIERSON, VXAlIR IF LAMPS, LAXrxrtx.s, CHAX&tLIliKM -Vo. 152 S. Id Street, ub.v. Svrut PHILADELPHIA, UTAVING enlarged and improued his atere, Jt and having one of the largrst assortmeata of Lamps in i'hiladelphia, is now prepared te furnish Pine Oil, Cainuiifr.e. Burmno- FluU. Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns. Glass by the package, at a small iuva:,ee over auction prices. Being a Manulactu er and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, which will 'be furnished to Merchala as auab prices that they will nd it to their advantage ( buy. Also, Hor.ichold Glassware ef oil diecrtf. tions nt tho market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1844. " BOYD, R0Ssi&O " MiKiitt akd tiiretas or ttci, Vd!) Slntljvacitc ioaL From the Luke Fidler Colliery ' Shamokin, Horth"d County, Fauna. Address. Boyd, Rosser St Co., Sunbury. fe. n. m. boid. i. nussan. jas. nora. . Sunbury, April 7, 1855. tf. f ARDWARE.-Table Cutlery, Razors, Pek et Knives, Hand saws' Wood sawa ha frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, and Hiope, Hand Bells, Waiters, o., just received and he ale by I. W. TEN EK tV CO. Sunbury Pee. , 1854. DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN DEEN, J-J., Market Street, Damille, Pa, IHIS is one of the largest and most eorsja dious hotels in the interior nf Pennsvlanie. it has been recently lilted up, in excellentatyle, with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22, 1855. T X-X ACHZH c WODDROP, WnOLESALE BOOT SHOE &. TRUNK WAREHOU8B. aYo. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third Sl Fourth bu., eppei near L'r.ion Hoici, r-hiladelphiti, Carpet Bags and Valices of nil descripliena. CHARLES F. TH ACHE 11. ROBERT ft. WODDUOF. i'lnladelphia, Jan. 12, 1S5B if 1ALL PAPEK.-A large srd s;'!endcd assortment of a1 P. apcr, inuow ra rer, ar.d Uil Shades, juKt received ar.d for sa hy I. W. TENER & Co, Sunbury, May S., 1855 J AND WARRANTS. The highest triee wi;i be given for Land Warrants by thejsuh- cribei H. B MASSER. TNIC Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink for aale, whohsale. and ft toil bf lleeervber 1850. H B MAS5ER. f EDARTl'TiS, Horse Buckets. Pxinted Buck ets. Meat Tenderers, Corn Brooms. Bas kets, Children's Wagona, and Yankee C lorea ust received and for sale by May itn. 1855. I. Vt TENFR & r, JPJTJJL, CORNYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8UNBURY, PA., Aided hy some eight years experience In tke practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all mailer appertaining to or wit! in the line of profession. Ollice with Charlee J. Dru 1 . . Lao., Market street. Sunbury Sept. 15 1855, tf $50 KEWARD. rTMIE sulwcribers ofTer a reward of fifty doHar - for the discovery and conviction of the per son or persons, who cut and destroyed the bande on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery ..between Shamokin and Mt. Carmel, on ihe night of the 9lh inst. The above rcnurd will l,e paid to any one giv ing informa ion that will lead to the onvietien of the ollcndcrs. CLEAVER, FACELY St Co. Shamokin Oct. 2?, 1S55. tf. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames". MATHEMATICAL In.trumenU-.ep.,,,; and in cases. Theiiooiueters of vaiioni aiiea, Spy Glasses of every description, Plalinr poinlafor Lightning Rod, Mugic Lanterns will scriptural, astronomical and temperance desigire, Micinscopea and Microscopic objects, Galvania' Batteries, Electrical Machines, Surveyor's Con passes, Surveying Chains Ac. Ac. McAllister & brother. (Establinhed in I7U9.) 134 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (84 page) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, anil aent by nit.:' 're of charge. Phila.Sept. U, le'5- rjEDAKWAKB, Hollow-ware, Claaa-war." y and a large stock ef tjueenrare, embrarm, tha newest patterns, for sale bv May 81 '56. E. Y. BRIGHT & SOff. 00'1 'S, tihoea. Hate, Caps aTiTCium Snoes, just received end for aale by Oct. 7 1854. TKNER eC Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales fo ' 1 E. Y. BRIGHT St SON. May Sl, 1856 C0LLINS& M'CLEESTEH'g TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Fcrni&hing Warenouie, .Vo. I LoJtje Alley, back of new M&sonic Hall Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. IS. 1858 I AM, Shoulders, Cheese, Mackrel, I rut Salmon and Salt for aale b May 31 sn. E.Y. 8RIOiiT fON.