J. . to the Voters of nortiwmber LAND COUNTY. Fellow UrrtcKNi : Tho uoderaiinied dusirci to be elected ( I)jTicf AifOHNiT, end respectfully solicits your Totei at tho approaching October elect tlOQ I em cot the enndidate of any political tartv. because I beliove that colilicnl alTjnl- tiei alone, ehonld not lerure an oSice Into which partiian, feelings cnght oever to enter. The District Attorney is the icrvant or the law ; it Is not moro his duty to convict guilt by legal evidence, than it ia to guard tho innocent and falsely accused. Ho is an agent ejected bv tha nponlo to do justice between the Cotnmonwnftlth and these who break bcr laws. He should not therefore, ho subjected to the necessity of eonrtinf? popularity in the ranks or uny ono destinctive party but feci that, in the minds of tho people, as well as in bis own conscience, be is acquitted of all political pnrtiatilies and obligations which might misdirect, or, be supposed nnduly to controf liis action. He is required lo possess due knoaiige of, and experience in tho 'ecienco mid practice of tho law, because poblit interests, with the safety of cociety; tho lites, character mid freedom or individuals are, in a large degree, committed to his pro. toctiov In his ofliciul character he should bn a lawyer, not a pnrli3n independent, faithful, unbiased, competent, nothing more I do not protend my fellow citizens, to bo without political opinions) these, "with me, are convictions calmly nud conclusively ad, judged; mid. having always a dno regard for ime, and place, anjl circumstances, will bo expresied and acted upon with boldness aud perfect freedom. I hare franklv exnooed my views to yon, and behevo that' most of you will pronounco x'".m correct ; if von do eo, let me earnestly M0 jour cordial rnpport. I commit my seirto i ur (jinjHpus, 1U1, your judgments, entirely c.nfieni, iv.t an experience of ten yean in the ictico of u. live, will enable ma to dischaigo ftith 3atif"'',",'.r '"-,:r all the dulie of tho rosponaililo office to which I hopo and truct your suffrages will elect me. liespectfiiliy, JNO. KAY CLEMENT. Sc!nrnv, August HO, I.SjO. SHERIFF SALES. By virtu of n certain writ of Vkvimtio Vs. msas, to lie directed, wiii be cxpi'sed to public vale. at ths Court House, in llie borough of Sunbury, in SATURDAY, tho 25th of October next, the ollowing described teal estate, to wit: A certiin tract or piece of land, Mtualc in Lower Augusta bnvm-liip, Northumberland County, ailjoiiiinSr lands ol' latiicl I'onrad, Kamue' Guring'r and others, containing five acres, moro or ler.s, all of which is cleared, wheicri arc erected a Two Story Crick House and a frame Stable. Scued, taken into oxeeulicn, and to tic cold as the pioptf of Ceoge. McCarty. By vituu of a certain writ ol i tVrt Facia to me drecled, will bo exposed to public sale Kt the Court House in hSuubury, on Saturday tho 2"i.I day of Oetobjr, next, ut 10 o'clock., j A. M. A certain Tract of Land, situate in ul 1.:.. 1.:.. V U I...!...l.....(.. CMlillll'lWII luwilllll', UI Itlilllluc-i iiuiu luillll , I - ,i ..t l-. . ... - , . .... a:.'..: 1 1.. r' cauei' tne rMarizi'i irnci, unjoining lutius ui 'as;rr Adams, fivurge j"tar'.Eel and John Kstrclt'.-r, coiittiiuinif MO Acres moro or less, on a part of which the tiuibor has boon cut Alto, upon another certain Tract Land, sltutto in said township, adjoining landi of th leirs of Ihmii'l Campbell, Jacob Ueod und others, conliiming 30 Acres more or lot, neirlj nil of which is ckared, whereon aro rectd a two story friiCiti IJonae and a frame liurn, out buildings, &e. Ah upon another Trict of Land, situate in sun! t:i..;;:.V,i;.i, adjoining lands of Sainual John, Jacob Lo'isenring. Joseph Adams and othi-rs, containing 100 acres more or loss, be tir.'cer 1. Vlso, unorj a certain Tract .of improved 'M, s:UuU l'l i. -.fU townsiup, ) land countv. called tha Itellas .ort:iuui tract', ad- I Mciunder ! PiK'g lan ia ct i'd. C. Hurton, .-oJi.Iu..u Munrj Y" " m 3'J a?res nn-re or, lees. I ho uniiivided hnlf purl of it Switch ami Trusscl Wu.k ut the ItaiiroaU ut Kteu s r-tation. .lso, r.;..!! tliu defendant' interest in tho l'axinos i'urn?.cp, Euginc, store bouse, coal h!!.;-, dwolliiig hor.se, stabling, sr.w mill and all buldir.gs, Ac,, iippurtene.nt to said Furnace. Alio, the l"l cr piece f ground appurto nint thereto, containing two ucre3 inure or ls wh'ch is pubj.-ct to the terms of lease held upon tha samu by Jacob Uced. Seized, taken ill execution mid to bo sold us the property of H "ratio . Tuggart, Jo hhih Fjru'an ar.d Elitha C. Uarlon, partners i.ucler the firm tf Tagfirt, Turnian ahd liar ton.. ALSO: 13y virtan of a certain writ of I.ivaui Facus t - me direc ted, will beeitpoaod to public sale at the Cou.-t, House in Hui bury, en Saturday the S5;h Jay jf Octo'i, r next, at ' 0 o'clock A. M. Al that tc'luiii Three .mjiv frame if u i 1 1 i n beside bae ment and allic, aituate in the term of Mount 'arniel in the county of Northumberland, in tended for a Hotel mil railed the .Mount Car rar! House, bdns-aoventy fcrt in front or length on Mjuiil l.'anr.i'l atrect, in er.id tow:i, Cfiy fatt in cii' j ill and bring l.;cat?J on Ij'.k numlered recprctively, '.en, ticvt.i, twelve, and thirteen in bluck No. 31, in the plan cf ru!J town, ami als.i ths lot.i of.groui.J aud cuitil.ij appurto nani t j eu!d I't'.i'clir:. Seiit-J t-iken in eiecuUon and to hi hM as tl prnprity cf Thoiaa iam.ljrari! r.er, Charlc V. Iien'tii, l'm. 1.. Kelfeiialein, W:n. L. Dew art, Xle.v. Jerdan, DaiJ Longeneikrr, Fmncie W. Hugh, John Anfacli,jr., John M. Bickel, cwiers anJ con'..:; lord. ALKO : -.y virte cf aceitHin writ c-r Ft. 77i.,. to uirec'.ed, will be exjuired to public sale, at the public house of A. Osmr.n, in tho town if Shamckiu. on MONDAY, the 13th day r,f October R'-xt, at 10 o'clock A. M.,acertain lot of ground, situat in the town of Shumokin in Co.d township, Nortliiimberiand county, and marked in the original plan of said touu No. -135 j bonnded on tho East by lot No. 430; on tho West ry lot No. 434; on tha North by drove Street; and ou tho South liy Coal Alley, coutaiuii: 30 feet in front 611.1 lb 9 feet in depth. Seized, taken into elocution, and to be sold Al the property of J. 'M. Miller. ALSO. By virtue of a certain writ of Ytndltit 12s- mr.at. to me directed, will be exposed to pub ic sal at the Court I ionse, in lie borough erSunbury, on SA'I'C HV A Y, the 2Mh f October, next, the following described real estate to wit : The undivided Balf of a Tract of Cord Land nf which the said Calvin I!K the, in his life, time was seized, situate in Coal and Zeibe Township Northumberland couuty, adjoining lands surveyed to John licyd, William Wil. on, I'eter Maurer, Atietiael Kroll unit I-red erick Kramer, tttid surveyed on a warrant to lathias Zimmerman, containing jot acres 3 perches more or less, on which is erected t a gniau inj nousu uuu wmcu emu Hivin Wythe held and sold tubject to the Duwerof the Plaintiff the widow of the laid Mat bins Zimmerman. beued taken in execution and to be sold s the property of Frederick Lazarus Admin istrator of Calvin Dlvihe Doc'd. ALSO i Bv virtuo of a certain writ of V. Eiron ts to me directed, will be exposed to public shU-, pt the Court House in Munbury, on Monday tho 3d day-of November next, at III u'vlock, A. M., the following property tj wit f A eertain tract or piece of T.ml iluato in Ionian township, Noiihumbcrlaud cuuuty, ad joining land of Somuel Clark, Peter Doimhan and others, containing 24 AcriS more or less nearly all of tich are rlearrd, whereon i erect ed tins house, log stable and small shop. dec. Seized t:ikin in execution and to be sold at tUa uropertv of Nathaniel Fr'.nirluT. 11. VVEIriE.Pletitr. Esstrr'4 Ornn 1 A PERFUMED BREATH. TXrH AT lady or gentlemen would remain on- ' iter tho curse of a disagreeable breath when by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flower," as a ilenlrifice would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth White as alabaster 1 Manv per sons do not know their breath ia bad, and (he subject i an delicate their friend will never mention it. Pour a singlo drop of "Balm" on yeur tooth brush and wash the teeth night and morning. A fifty cent bottle will Mat a year. A beautiful complexion may easily be acqored by ueing the "Balm of a Thousand Flown." It will remove tan. pimples and freckle from the skin, leaving; it of a soft roaeate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and Wash the face night and morning. SHAVING MADE EASY. ' Wet your ahaving brush in cither in warm or cold water, pour on two or three drops of "Ualm of a Thousand Flower," rub the beard well and it will make beautiful soft lather, muclr facili tating the operation of shaving.. Price only fifty cent. 2eware of counterfeit. None genuine unlets signed hv W. P. FETRIDGE V CO. Franklin Square, Now York. 6ept, 7, 1856.-i-6m COURT S-A.Xj'E. X pursuance of an rder of tho Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on SATURDAY, the 1 8th dny of October next, at the Public House, of Win. M. Weaver, in tho town of Shamokin, the following describedreal estate to wit : All those night lots of ground, situate in tho town of rJhumokin. county aforesaid, numbered as follows: Iilock 07 lot no. 4; block 72, lot no. 6 ; block V9, lot uo. 4 ; block 13. lot no. 8 ; block 78, lot no. 5 ; block 03, lot no. 3 : block 107, lot no. C ; block 10G, lot no. 2. Late the estate of Jacob Albright, Into of the city of Lancaster, deconsed Sale "inience at 10 o'ci'wtf A. M., of said day, when tuu ioms of salo will ue made known by CHRISTIAN' ZI'.RCHER, Adm'r. Ry order of the Court C. li. 1'URSEL, Clk O. C. ts Sa'tibarr, Sept! 27, 1S56. ' J Estate of MARY TJTDEGRAFF, Dec'd. jVOTICE is hereby given to Casper Upde ' gruff, Jno. Hrcnnisholtz, and Klizabeth, his wife, John l.'pdegrnfT, Adam UpdeprutV, Lydin, widow of rinowden Hunt, Sarah, widow of Thomas Updegrau", James Lytlo for him self mi i nr guurdinn of Donizetta Lytlo, Jno. Kbright, and Mary, his wife, and Jim. I'"bri'!i)t, guardian of Sarah J., Levi and Klizabeth ITpdecraff. heirs and lcgul renrc- scnKlives of Alary ".'pdegrnff, lato of Lower Augusts townsliin. dee'd., and to all other persons rntfistcd that you and each of yon be and nppeir before the Orphans' Court to be held at SiKibury, in and for the county of Northumberland,, on the first MONDAY of November next,' to accept or refuse to take tho real estate of s'd Mary UpdegratT, viz : A certain trnct of land tittiale in Lower Augusta township, aforesaid, bounded by lunils of Christian l-'erst, Adam C'.'orist, Lydiu Slr.rr, I'eter Coldrain. and others, containing thijty-threo and three-fourths acre?, and aHowar.ee at the valuation put thereon by an Inquisition, or to thow cause why the faid premises should not be sold according' to ti.e arts ol assembly in such case made una pro vided. HENRY WE1SE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) r. Sunbury, Sept. 13, lS'ifi. tl S3 Teat-itv i-m Wait ted. "pBY the Beard of School l)irector of tihamo- kin district. Northumberland County. Tha ISnard will' mret on the d.iy commonly railed i ni UMJA 1 , the 2d day ol Dctober next, at one u'clock P. M., at t!io Public Il.iuso of ('l.arlcs Lrieer.ring, i:i Sliainokin township, to employ teachers for aaid District. 'Pit, riMinln Si unri t. tt.ru! uilt m)on l a (Km ror tut ciamination, &c, t c By order of the 15 By order cf the Board, ELI DA JOHN, 8t'y. f'l-.amokin twp.,3th mo. S, 1856. NOTICE. LL persona liuir.jj cloima ur.aettled, against l!own Marlz & Maari or Bowcn 4 Mas ter, will please hand ll.f in to the subaerilier J. U. MAaiciCK. Sunburv, Sept. S7, IfSC tf NOTICE. Suirem Court for the Northern District of l'tinsij'vaiiia.K TJOTICE is hereby Hivci; that the .Supremo Court for tho Northern District of Pennsyl vania, will commence its annual session at Sun burv, on the first Tuesday of October neit, at the Court House in Sunburv. CUARl.L'S PLEASANTS, Proth'y. ) Prathonotury's ofiice, Sept. 1, lg56. ) Litit cf Causes for Argumont at Octo ber Term A. D. 1856. Hi).T;ni VastiMe, Lycoming ccunty. !'.Uel v 'outid, " Ccucr vj Hilling, " Ciiryhill v Buiyhill et I " - Ktes vs Kemble, Uniun " Vlicelund vs Green Lycoming " Slit'er Si Krirk a Hutcbison Union Drown vs W hite Deer thp. -Rawle vs Colby township, Sullivan Try vs Fry f Savage, Northuiu'd " Fagely v VS'oolvertnu, " " Shuman fa Shuman Colambia M Cummins vs Cominonwsalth, Kuyder " Vogonecll!i's ex'r. 1 V urn 1. Ilotiser, jr. ) Heauly et al v Peter Malick, Columbia Clement et al v Taggart et al I'nljn " same v Vounuman ct al " " i'aasler vs Mcll right " Dewart vs Purdy, Northumberland 14 f.'unyon's appeal Columbia " Field' ajipeul Lycoming " Hunbury i Erie R. R. vs, Hummel, " " Biiumgarduer vs Kase et al Nor'.hum'd " PLATFOEM SCALES. " fT every description, suitable for railroads Src, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Pu'rchaear run no risk cery ecale is guuruntced correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be leturnad with out charge, Factory at the Old 3t&nd, established for more than twenty yeare corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, .Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO. Sucresaers to Ellicott & Abbott. Philadelphia. Sept. 13. lBiC c3m. LAST NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebt ed to the estate of David Martz, late of Sha- mouin township, aro hereby notified that un, less they call nod settle their accounts on or belore tho 20th or October next, they will be charged interest on tho same, and t'lie ac- counts win oe piuceu in tiio lunula oi a ma- gistrate for collection after that time. ii KNUY MARTZ, Adm'r. Fax inns. Sept. 2tJ, 1S56. 3t. NOTICE 18 hereby given that letter of Administration have been Rranted to the eubseriber, on the estate of Simeon Oberdorf. late of Rush township Northuinbeiiand county, deceased. All person indebted to said estate are requested to muke immediate payment, and those having claim gainst the sarno, will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. WILLIAM REED. Up. Augusta tp., Sept. 13, 185i fit Vnullla Hrails A fresh assortment j:.at rrctived by VM, A. UKUiNER. June SK I nSC. r.LANKS FTIJiLAXKS of every descripubn raa be had j U.9 W Vaf kt i'M btiiut of tke Auieekan JOHN FAltEIRA, Ko. 284 Market StrM, cbove 8(, Fiiii.ant;iriiM. IMPORTER, Mnufacturer and dealer in all kind and qualities of fancy fur, for Ladies and Children. J. F., would call the attention of the Ladie and other to hi inimenee aiart ment, being the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my fur. I feel confident in laying that I ran offer tha greateat inducements to thoae in want and at the same time will hare one ot tha largest aaaortmenl to select from. Storekeeper and the trad will please give me a call before purchuaing, a my wholesale depart ment ia well supplied to meet the demand for every article in the Fur line, and at the loWaat pnteihle Manufacturer Price. JOHN FAREIRA. 2S4 Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 1,0, Iln6. 4mw, . E-A.Or.-E3 HOTBIij OPPOSITE WEST BRANCH BANK, ' WILLIAM8PORT, tf lLLlAM II. II4V, IToprlctor. C. A. STRiaa,aiatant. N. JS.An Oinnibu will rnu to and from the Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, free of charge. September 13, I8fl6 tf DlesOLUTfoN. MIE partnership heretofore exiating brtween the undersigned, under the firm of Wilker ton &. lioim waa this day (Sept. 6 18S6,) diaaol ved by mutual consent. ISAAC M. WILKER80N, JECOBKENN, Sept. 13, 1850 tf, "AID AKD COMFORT," To Tour Own JTIechanictp. ISAAC M. WILKERSON, Respectfully announce that he haa taken the etand lately occupied by (ieorpe Renn, where Ue u iMBpnr.J o manufacture all kind of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tho most Fashionable Style. rPlIE subscriber respectfully call the eUcntiei of the public to hia largo and splendid a ortment of every quality and price ef caesi.:t-waiki2 which rannnt fnilto reiommehd itself to evtry one who will examine it, on rtccount of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the beat stock to be had in the city. No effort is apared in the manufacture of hia ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany SofaN, Divaiin ami Ioungrca jBureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, S0F4, URKAKF18T AND Dh'ilNC TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, e.jual to l'liila- uclpbia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In ahort, every article in this line of hia businemr. He alto manufacture all kinds and qualities i CHAIRS, ncluding varietiea never bel'oie to be had ir Sunbury, audi as MhogAy, Buck Waibct ap CuiiLvn Mini Gnr.ciAT ; iin Wixnsna f'JLMRS, Mi fa.ncv Piito Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by jioue manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. ' TV subscriber is determined that there shall be no ex cuae for persons . tp purchase furniture in the eilies, as every confidence en'i bo enter'aiiied dIuu'. the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. These article will be disposed of on e good terms os lliey ecu be purchased elsewhere. Coun- j try Produce taken in payment for work. tlT UNDERTAKING. Having provided! a handsome Hkahse, he ii now prepared fat j i. i.uciuiKins, anu aiienuiiig luneiu'a, in una vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from this place. Ijf The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver' Hotel. ISAAC M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 1 3. lSftC tf. PFNNSYLVANIA COMMEECIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED IIN" "2-0RK. FA.. FrERS young men all the advantages of a thorough Business Education. THE COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Book-Kerping, as p. plied to Wholesale, Retail, Commission, Man ufacturing, Shipping, Steam Boating, Individ ual, Partnership, and Compound Company Bushiest. PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient and .Modern Hands. Also, LECTURES on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Et-q. For Circulars, Ac., addrese the umleisigned. T. K. WHITE. York, Pa. September 6, 18SG 6m. "I" pirNNYSAvi), is aTtenny GAINED ! WE have just received direct from Philadel phia a fresh supply of guotls, suitable for the fall trade. We are now disposing of our Summer Slock, at VERY LOW PRICES, to make room for our winter supply. Now is the time to se. cure bsrgaina. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Se;,t. 13, lSSC UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Orrif-B, ICO Ciikstm't 'Street, Piiii.dei.piiia. r'T'IlK Fourth Annual Exhibition of tbo - United Statks AoiticuMfnAt, Society, will bo held ut i'owelton, (I'liilndelphiu,) on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friduy, aud Saturdav, October 7th, 8th, sub, 10th aud 11th. Premiums from twenty-five to two hundred dollars, amounting in tho uirgrcgu'.u to Fourteen Thousaud Dollars, will ba offered the various classes of Domestic Animals, Fruits, American Wines, Vegetables, Gruins, and Agricultural Implements and Machinery. A Local Committee at Philadelphia, rep rcreiitiiig tho various brunches of Industry, lias beeu appointed to co-operate with the ollicers of the Society, in perfecting arrange ments for the Exhibition. Aud Fifteen Thousand Dollars have been guurunteed to meet expenses This material aid, coupled with tho excellence of tho selected location, aud the large amount of Premiums oiTeted, induces the expectation thut the Exhibitiou of 185li. will be fcuperior to uuy of its pre decessors. A Grand Agricultural Banquet, in which ladies, as well as gentlemen, will participate, will take placo on Friday, October lUth, vilim distinguished gentlemen will address the assemblage. Favorable arrangements with the various railroads, for tho transportation, of Stock and other articles aro in progress, tho terms of which will uo given on application at the oCiee. The List of Entries, the Awards of Pre miuins, and the Proceediugs, will be published in tho Journal of the Society for IB5C. Tho Premium List, with the Regulations and Programme ol' t'ua Exhibition, will be furnished ou application to Mr. Johu M'Gow an. Assistant Secretary of the United States Agricultural Societv, ItiO Chestnut street, (Rooms of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society,) or by addressing the Secretary, at liostou. MARSHALL T. WILDER. I'rt$dtnt W'ii.mam S. Kino, Secretary. August 30, IdfiG. i;OWN'8 and Breinig' Essence of Ginger, " and Husband's Majnceia at. MaySl.'e. ptfrNER'R. lff5S.FALLST0CK,NKW OOOJS.180C. French Merinoes,oll colors, Fashionalile Cloak Clothe, Fall Silks the style Magnificent New DeLaines, Beat Stvle Fall Calicoes, Very large Stock of New Shawls, Flannels, Weleh, English and American, Cloths, Vesting and all kind Men' Wear Wheeling, Table Linens, .owlme;, dec. KYItK 6, LANDEI.L, 4th ,& ARCH St., Philadelphia. Storekeeper are invited to examine our New Uuod. Families can be well suited ti 'every kind of Dry Goods. We make Blk. Silk and Shawls leading r tide for Wholeaslciiig. P. 8. JOBS received daily from the Auction of New Yerk and Phila delphia. I f TxrtM Nkt Caan, , Sept. 6, '56. w3rno Cancer Cured. r1ANCEl?S, Ttimer. Men Ulcer, Scrofula White Swelling 4c, cured without Surgical operations by Dr. Lauusberrv. . Dr. L'l Pamphlet (2nd. 3d..) on the treatment and cure ot Lancers, Tumors, Ate, will be sent to any address (tree) on receipt of a postage Hemp Office HRj WALNUT St., Philadelphia. Sept. 6, 1850 3m ... I'EI EK islDts, lte of the firm of Slevana, JAS . HIOVfcH. Late of the Union Hotel. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LIT! WHITE IW1I, Race Street, abort Third, rHII.ADEt.PHIA. rrvHE shove well-known Kstbliahment, ha ve il ing been entirely remodelsd, introducing all the modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will he opened for the recep tion or (iui-st on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort ol'their guests flatter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. C.trrioges will always be in readines to con vey passenger to and from Steamboat Landing and Railroad Depota. SIDES l( KTOVER, Raco Street, above 1 bird. Philadelphia, Augnst 30, 18!.6. ly FARM FOR SALE. A valuable. Form, eitnaie in Jackson town-t-hip, Northumberland County, adjoining lands of Jacob II ilbish, Jonas Wolf, Jacob Seiltjr and others, CONTAINING 190 ACRES, will ho sold at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 25th day of October, next. Tho land is of good quality, l'2.r acres being clenred. uhout fit) of which is pood Men dow, on the banks of thp creek. The rest is well timbered with a variety of good timbei. The improvements are a new TWO STORY "FXt-A-iyrn x-toTjsE, a Log Darn and other outbuildings. The farm is well stocked with pood Fruit. Con dition will be mado known on the day of salo. In tho purchase can apply to tho subscriber. HENRY LAIIR. Jockson twp., Aogust 23, I85G. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLI AMSPORT, FA., dr. if. KCL.TO.V I'ropilctor. Jas. T. Ham.. Ass t. Kept. 13. 1856. tf ftotlco to rnx-Pnjern. . OTICE is hereby given to the delinquent Collectors of Northumberland County for the year 1855, that they are called upon by Ihi notice to eltlc of their duplicate on or before the November Court next, otherwise they will be dealt with accorJine; to law. PHILIP RFNN. FREDERICK HAAS. CHAS. HOri'ENSTINE. Commissioners' olfice, ) Commissioner. Sunbury. Aug. 16, 18E6. FAittiLKs or this Tcimtm- IIOOD! Growers of Wheat aud P'jt, vte Lelnn.u's Svyrr 1'hoyhate of Lime,' if you want heavy . Crops, or Leinau's Amrriran Fertilizer, rilHEfe'E valualle Manures have been used for -- the past six years snrcessfully for the Grain and Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Tcnnsyl. vania. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Islands of Bermuda and Burbadoe'a A barrel. (V50 lbs) is sufficient for an Acre of Land. The above Fertilizer are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely increase the Crop and improve the soiling, doubling the vnl ue of the land. Price of the Phosphate of Lime, is f 10 GO ton. Nitregeucd $.r0 00, the Ameri cjn Fertiliser $ 5 1)3 per Ton, or $3 SO a Barrel, Si 85 a Keg; also, every variety of Guano, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Asii, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, P owilt'rd Charcoal &c. GEO. A. l.EINAU, Proprietor, No 19 South Front Street, i'mi.Aui:LrniA. Gaoda delivered free of charge. I if To Wholesale Dealers, a liberrl dtseaunt Pamphlets in English and German Language Gratia. Order at a distance. Cash accompany ing or Draft, promp'lv attended to by G. A LE1NAU, Proprietor. Pill AD' A Pa. N. D. Diplamns, have been awarded from ths Pennsvlvani Agricultural Society t New Vork Crystal Palace dissociation and New Jersey State Agricultural Society. Philadelphia, Auri. 16, lgiiC. 3m. w. ItirtlUY, MWItllACK U. CO., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPS & RAG NO. 5 MJNOJi STltFET, I'llJLA DEL' A 100 ton Rags wanted fur C'tsh. August 23, I S5C 6m JDJBX TISTRY SMICK i RENN, Announce to the citizens of Sunbury, and vicinity that they have opened an office in Sunbury, one door east ol the Post Office, where they are prepared toattend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession in the la test and most improved style. .Sunbury, August 23, IS.'iC tf. SUNBUKY ACALEMYi 'rUIIS Institution, under the chare of Issue II ufl", Principal, will commence ita Winter Term of six months on the tecotid Monday of September next, in this place, at the Academy Rooms, acijoiniug the Lutheran Church. Good boarding irt privatn families can be procured from i2'! to $2,1,0 per week. Suubury, Aug. 30, 185C. arreting of all kind, floor and table Oil Clcths and oil shades of the latest sty Is for al by E, Y. BRIGHT A SUN. JACOB IMl.TEK' ESTATE "JV' OTICE is hereby given that letter of Ad. miuUtratinn have been granted to the sub. tcriber, on the estate of Jacob Painter, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dre'd. All pers-Ts in. debted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on John Buyer, near Sunbury, fur settlement who is duly authorized lo act in the pieioise. GEO. A. FRICK, Adm'r. Danville, Aug. 30, 1856 Gt iJPICl'S, sugar, coffee, moletse, lc, cocoa Water aud Sugar biscuit for al by May 31 'S6. E. Y, B RIGHT 80V. GUSHEN CHEESE Just received and for sal y 8E.VSH0LTZ e TITRY. fVpl. 13, tlS4. PKOCLAMATION. I)UKUANT tn mi ncl of the General A wmbly of Comni'mwetlth of PoiumyJvimtn, (iititM 14 An act relating to the elertio-ft of trill CummniiwotiHh," pt'fnvd th -trc-nd dfijr ot July, Aium l)oiniit', nut thotimtnl eipht humtriNl tud thirty-nuift. I, 1 1 KNUY WKIrtti, High Bheriffof the county of Ntirthumliprlanili renimyU Tan it, rt' hcrthy nmte known tml give ti-uiffj tn the He tnri ol the countv sfiireftiid, that frncrel elrrti'm will i held in iviul fjuuntyof Nttrthomlrhnr1 on the ftKCOND TUiiMilAV 4Kb fOCTOBKR, HJS at which time Htnte and County Officere, follows, are Ut be elected i Otia pertoii aa Canal Cummiuiottor of tha Common wealth. One person at Auditor General or the Commonwealth. One ern an Surveyor Unwrnl of the Commonwealth. One peri'n na Member of C nj:reaa to repreaent tha Cnantiea of N-ihhinbertand and N-liuylklll One person aa Member of the Hones of Itepreaoutativea to tepmteiit lite county of Northumberland, One ptrh &t CNmtiiiaaif-ner fut tha county of North aniherland for n trm of 0 yfmra. One persn as Uistrict Alturucy tot the oovtity of Nor thumherlntiU. One per eon si AuOttor fur tha county of NorUtumbor land. 1 a'no hereby maka known and (fire notice Hint the places of b-iMlna; the aforesaid general election in thi scr eral brouKhs and tnwnahips wuhiii the cuttnly of Nor thnmberhitid are a followa i The Sunburv District, composed of the boroufrh nf Sunlniry. and Upper Augusta, at the Coumy Court I louse. The Augusta District, composed of tha township rf Lower Augusta, at the house ol I.ltaa Knier:cht in said township. The Northumberland District, composed of tha borough of Northumberland, at the house of bdWard i ftik, of the borough of Northumberland. The I'oint District, nt the house of Iletiiy Haaa, ia the borough nf Nrtiiiimlierland. The Milton District, at the house of Frederick SiieVer, in auid brouit;fi. , The Turbut Dntrict,'at tha house ocedpied by Abrnlmm Kmsinger. The Delaware District! at tha 8 Irt kins Spring Seho Hoatte. T he Cltiliauaque District at the hiuae nf Benjamin Fordimnn. Tha Lewis District, at tha house occupied by Michael Render. Tha ShainoUu District, at tha houoe of Chsrlcs lien- r it iff. The Upper Muh )oy District, at the house of Dame Kiitrnhi.rt. The Little Mahoucy District, at tha house of widow F. Raker. Tne Lower M&houoy District, at the house of Arbig-iat. The Hinh District, at the liberty role School IfnuM. The JacttHon District, ot the house occupied by Galen Smith. The Coal Distrir-t, at the house of Will I am M. Wearer, in the town of Hhninokiu. The Zerba District at the house of Juhn Weaver in Trevort'Ni. The Cameron District, at the house nf OMc-n Dertr. The Jordan District at the hi 'life of Denjhmtn LwtrH. The Mount Cuimel District at tlis poblio house w Fe lix Lerch. The W'nsIiinRton Dlstrictat the house of Wm. Kehrai. Tha election to open between the hours ol & and 10 'cl K'k in the fureiioon, and ahull continue itiioul inter r ntion or adjournment until 7 u'clock in tha even m g v rum the p-jila shall be ck-sed. The nevcr.il lnp'tof arid Judges elcrted cn :ht 2i Friday of March, I .;, hi pursuance of tb3d Section r( the act of the 2d of July. I a JO, will hold the election vn Tuerday the Uih day of i)ctohtr neit. "Thut every person except n J nut ire of the Peace, whe shall hold any oriice or appointment of profit and trust un der the government of the United States, or ot this State, or of any city or incorporated district, wiiciliT a ninii sionrd otneer or nvent. who thall It cmnlnyerl under tde ic-jinlutive, -xrt-uuve or judidury department f thin State, or tlifj L'ntU J Suites, or oi nny rity or incur pjmteJ district and alsi th-it every member ,i,rgr,ss and nf tin Su-iC Leqislulurr, and ot the select atr.l cionm. coimcit ot any city, or c Jin mi Ksioner of any im-orpmtrd Dutrict, a y law, incuoliltt of huldintx or rzreciame; the oftice -t ap pointment nf Judee, IiiRi-ectnr or Clerk, of any election yftliis coniTivaiweilth, uud that no Inspector, Judge or any other otbeer of eurh election, shah bo eligible lo any oirice t be then voted for. And the smd Act of Asseml.lr, entitl-tH'an act rehiting to the elections of this CMnm-'iiwc-ilth,-' pawed July the Snd, l?3-2. luithcr provides a t'ullows, to wit : "Tli'l the Ins;e!tnrs and Judtrt-a chosen as ofori-sairi. shall mcHat the ieiriive phiceia for holding the election in the district to winch tbey retpect fully i-elonp beiVira nir'C o'clock in the morn in of thi ftrcnml TtirsdHy of Or toher in each nml every yrur, and each of emd niipectoTa hall apjH)iut oiw clerk, who shad be a qualified vuler of aui-h diti fct- SiCTioii 'J. Ti.st any fraud committed bv any person votii'2 in th: niaiuier aa-ve nrewiil-cd, shnll be rumaiied os similar t rauti." nr diicnted to be punish! If the cxisi- tug laws oi una uunmuiweniin. -hi r-tse the pcr-n wh'i ahill hove received the sertnd highest numlier of vota for JiiKncctors shaJi not attend on the day of uny election, thcQ f lie peraon who shall have received the second highest nUtibcr of vote for Jndc the pirttuiiii; rirriion, snnii act n on iii",w-imi in ms place, and in cane the peraon eleclvd JiJikre shall not attend the Inspector who received the highest ,uii:ber cf votes. Unit conlinj in tee tmrd for the snoee of half an IruiT ef ter the time fixed by law for the opening of the eietVori. she ntinhfiwl V(pt--'ia of the towiulm). word or n disirirr. f(i Which Surii otlitrers ahall have been elected, ruv-ieiit At 1 she place 4 elccttoaa, anall one of their iiumbur lo tli such vacancy. lt shall be the duty of anid nsaessnrs retviretive'y to at tend at the place of holdimr every general, sneciul, or rowuship eIciion, durini; the it-hole time Mid election is kept "pen, for th purpose of giving; niformi.ti.-ti to the Insntl're uud Jutft-c, when called on, in re! ition to the ncbt ot 0y person usiesfcd by them to v ;a at au h elec tion, or si.ch oth-r nsal'.ers in relation to the aaseaaotent ot voters, aa th? anid inspector or judge or cither of taeiu slmll from tt.iie to tune require. 'No jura.it atiii'l be permitted to vote at nny eleclioii M aforeaaid. other thh.' white f.eemanot lwe:ity-one cr more, who shall iiave r aided in the state nt l:st one year, and m the election tlistriL where he oturs to vote at I'tist ten days immediately prece.H'1"? the clc'ii- ii, and whhiu two years paid s'ule ol county tux. which slmll have been ussehacd ut lean: ten ruu betore .'ie t'l-clion, Hut a citizen of the United Statca who had prev''iity Lwii a ru-iliii-d voter of this stntet and reni'ived thert 'rmn anil rrnuriMil, and shttll have resided in the election dia Tl't, an t paid tat aa iiforeMtd. al.nll be entitli'tl to vo;e alter residing in t'ua stute six months. Provided. That the white T'eemcii, eiti zena of the United States, between the nie of t,vuit-ont and twenty-two years, und in tiie ehN'tior tii strict i'eu riayi aa afore-snd, shall be entitled to a vote, although tlicj JU not have paid taxes. No pers in shall he permitted to vote whose nam? js nt couuiined in the hat of taxable luliabiUiiHsfuriiisaed by te couiimssioners at alorcsnid, unless. Firm: iin produce, a receipt for the pnvmcnt, within two years, of a unite or couuty tax -aeped agrecebly to the ooiiBtitut;. u, mi:! pr.va siitisiaclory evidt:i e eitiic-r on his own oath or nfli, na tion, or ou tne oath or uffirmutiou of anorbt-r, th.it l.e hus jaiid such tux, or on tailure to pro-Jucea receij t, aimil make tin oath to the puyniert thereof ; or second, it he claim a right to vote by being uu elector between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall ib-poie on i.mh or arl:i muti in, that he has rciiut-! in tue State ni abt one year next before his application, and riaiie sneli proof of residence in the dirtrict us is reiuired by this act ; ami that lie does vcnly believe from the account piven him dent he is of the nie uftirewnd, and a.ve such other ev: thnees us is required by this uct, w hereupon ti e naine t f the person sj admitted to Vute, ahull be inhcrted in Alpha betical list by the jiiipector, und a note made opposite thereto by writing the word "tax," if he ihull It pcimn nl to vote bv rcaron of hnving paid tax. or the word fage," if he shall lie permitted to vote on account ci bis acf, and in either cane tiie leasMt of such votea alnil be culled out to the clerk, who situil make notes In the list of voleiH kept by them. Ittullcuses where the name of the person claiming to V te i not found on the list furnished by the Commissi! 'it ers nnd A iS'-asor, or his r.iit to vote whether f.iuwl there on or u i, ts objected to by uny qualified citizen, me In spect or tnnll examine aucb person on otith aa to hisounlifi cati ns, and if he claims t i have icidcd in the ttuts one year or more, his outli find! be a priKif thereof, but be shall prove by ut least one competent witness, who aliuM lie a guaiified elector, that he i canted within the u;trirl at least ten davs next immediately H-ccedu-f the election, and sind also himself ewear that his lnia fule rcsidenre, in pnrfii a:ice of lawful calling is vitliiit the dinTricf, aud that he did not remove into said distuct for the purpose of voting therein. Kvetv peson qualified as aforesaid, and who shall ma l.e proof, if required, f resident and payment of taxes, aa aforesaid, shall lie admitted to vote in the township, ward ur district in winch he shall rcbide. If any isun not qtuiliiicd to vote .utliisC tprac nwetdth ' agreeably to law, texcent the sons ol otu.iiiid riiiei, ! slml! appear at any place of election for the purpose of is suing tickets, it iniluencing citizt ui qit.il, tied to vote, ha shall, ou conviction, forfeit nnd pay any mini not exceed ing one hundred dollars f r every on- such fn-iice, and be impriwuien for any term not exceeding three mi inhs. it shall Im the duty of every uwy-.r, s.n;r.;V. uMerniui, j justice of the peace, nnd cnstaMc or d Hty c..ii.j;dile. of j vvcrj ruy, coiony, lowmniip or OlStrn t WilllHl Una com- m"nwca!lli, whenever called uptm liy any officer of on election, or by any three qualified electors; thereof, to clear any window or uvenue to uny window, to the place of geneial election, winch shall he obHtiuctcd i:i t.ucb a wry as to prevent voters from approaching the srinie, and on n eg Uct or refusal to do so on tivh reqnitCMi, isnid . iRcei shull be deem itt cnillcd of nndemenuor in otfice nnd on conviction shall 1 fined in any sum not lc limit one hun dred nor more than one thousand dollars t and it fcita!! te thetluty o the respective couai-ible of ruch wurd. dit-trict or township, of this coiniiionwrrtili to be present in pers"n or by deputy, at the piuee of holding such eJeiMi itts m eat h watd, district or township, lor the pur-toia of preseivirff the peace as aforeaaid. It shall be the duty of every nrt fffiw. ns aforcaTtd, who shall be pi. n ut at any su5h .listurliauces at lurV. tion as l desctilied tu this uct, to report the same lo the neit coutt of quurter sessions, and also lite uamea of tiie wHuessca w!io van prove the same. The Jiulces are to make tbeii returns frr ths county rf Nortliunit'rrluiul, at Ihe Court lloose, in ifunbury, i(u Fri day, tb 1lU day of October. A. I. It'll lUli.M atire, Bhetiir. biieris OsTice, Sunlairy, I peri. 1J, itrio. tt ) t'eiin) Ivanin Wire Works- IS'o. 60 Arch St. between Sectul St TLirJ, (0iiosite llreail direst.) I'llIL ADEI.fll IA. Sievts, IHJilUs, Screens, Woven M'ire Of oil Meshes and Wiilths, with all kinds ot plain and Fancy Wire Work. HEAVY Twilled Wire for 8prk Catcliff; Coal, 8a nJ and Gravel Screens ; Paper Maker' Wire Cylinder and DanJy Kolla, co vered in the best itianner; Wir and Wire Fen fing. A wj uperioa article of Heavy Founder' Sieve. All kind of Iron tire W ire and Sieves. 11AYUSS. 1JARBY 4 l.Y... August J3, 18S0 cSm - ' " I '. - "' i J C'OUNTY OKDKRS. County order taken ' as cash for jooJs, and on note or book ac count liy. E Y. P BIGHT O.N. Feft ftj IfV. - RESOLUTION ttofosing Amendments to tMn Constitution of the Commonwealth. RtsM.Trt) sK Rvktk a tlors or Rtraasw. TtTIVKS or TH LnMXO.IWSAl JU OF t'BNMIVl.TA HIS IN Urnrual Assrhbly mst( That flVe rnlliiwinn Sinniirlmrilts arr prniitsflfl n tlta cuiisiiluirtm ri' lite eiMniii-inwwilih.iii otutdaur wilM ths iisionsnf ths if nth arliclaib.ru- s". FIRST AMKNDMKNT. Thsra stint lis an tcMiu'.'nnl arlirls tsj raij eomtitatiini to be dasinati!tl as srtiule alcvwi, as follows AKTICI.K II. of rum. 10 DEBTS. Bsctimi I. Tlietista majr rnntnu:! dol ts, H npr'',r Aasusl rirlfcitt or fililuraa iu rrretiucs, or In nice'- tZfifiiaes nut othiTwise pinrirird fur hut tha nisrrjule smiunu m such cMits ilnerlnml nuiliiiiTiil, whrtlirr' ri'iitiat teH hy mue of mm or m-irs arts of l!io cnirrnl ssst-mbly. or nt tultretit prriislsof lim-, shnll icver tvi srven hjmircj anil fifty thniiKiinl ilnlluts, anil Ilia money arisoi li iin tH crratioii ol such ikbt, hil be nrrlifit to tha purposu f..r whifh It whs "htniiiMl, or to rai Uicilgbls so coiiuuoteft, and ui no other purpose wliutwer. Section S. In addition tolha aliora llmilH power ih ttsta niay roiitmet rirbls lo repel inrssion. supprm inS'ir reriion, .loie:,. the siare in war, or to reiler n the prasmt nulstiiiiilitiKiiid-lilednesaof llnj state ; but ilia mmrr n'li inffrom ihe eontrBeiinj of such debts thsll Is sppiitd to no other purpose whatever. Hection 3. I".irept th- tt-ht sh-ive tpeeiffed, in settlm t one and two cf Ihta arllel-. no delit whatever Shall ba ciente.1 by, ot on bi-hnlf of the stiite. Section T provide for Iha pnritltnt of the present deht, and any addiLionul il-ht ooatroi il a. n'orFtniil, ihp lialalura slmll, nt its firsl session, after the adoption of thisnmenilinent, crenta a sinkins; fund, whieh slmll be siiilieient to pay Ihe socmen:, interest on aneh ilubl, and nu:illy , reUii'-e the pi incipa! thereof by a sum not less than two hundred mid liftv tliousiintl iloll.irs; whieh sink in; fund ahull eomist n( tlie net ninnnil inooine of tha public works, from time to time owned hv tha ttwtc, or the proceeds of the sule of the snme, or nny part thereof and of the income oi prm eedsof snle tif slocks owned by tho siute, together with other funds, or r-Mirces, t.li;it mny be di sieuntcd by Uw. I '.ik Mid siukine; fund mnv be iixreufcd, fiom time lo lime, by wMicuhi; to it any part of the tuxce, or other revenues of the slut'-, noi re quired for the ordinary and pinrent expenses of i:.ivrn inent, ami uidess in eitse of Jvar, invtisinu oi insurrection, no pait of the snid fimktiit; fund shull ha osed or npp:ied otherwise than in eTtintiirhment of the public debt, un til Ihemnoant of si:ch ckut ia reduced below thj sum of five millions of doilin s. Mention 5. '1'he credit of the pommonweulih shall n"t in aiiy manner, or event, be pit-tlged, or U.sped to.any in dtviiiiiRl. nirr.pnnv, corporation, or asaaciutinn ; nor shall tha common weniih herenfteeu joint owner, or stockholder in any company, association, or corporator. Seel inn fl. The counnonwcnltlt sliail n"t nrnime.the debt, or any pad Iberei.f, ofn-.y c luuty, citv, boroueh. or township ; or of any eorp initinu, or nxsocinliou ; lin'rss aueh 'bt annll hnve been itintiucted to ciitiI-v the ststo repel invasion, stippieti don.estiu iusurre tion, deiVnd It sidf in lime of war, or to assist tne iitnlc in tho di.-,cliuige f any poition ol its present iiub-Ue'liicm. Section 7. The leeisiaturo shall not authorize any coun ty, city, boroqh, township. r inc. rporuted distiirt, by Virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in sny eotiijimiy, asnociMlion ,or eorpointiim ; or to obtain money fir, or loan its credit to, any earpoin tiou, ussociution, Institution, or party. SMfO.N D A Mi'ND.M K.NT. There shail ba an'tu'riitional article in snid constitution, lo be designated aa article XII, as follows: Ar.Ttcr.n xir. OF NEW COUNTIES. Ni cnunty shall I divided bya Una euttiti off over one tenth of ui pnpul:tti"it, (eithei to t'urr.i a new county or otherwif-,) wil'rnu' the ex pi ess nasent "f mt-h county, by a vote of the elector thereof; nor ahull am new ro'unly te eatabliahtxl, coutnimng less than four hundred square miles. TIIIUD AME.XDMKNT Frfm sicliim two of the first article nf the constitution, 1 a'.nke out tlie wordx. 'nf th? ctty of Philadrlphia, and ot , each county respectively from sccti'ni five, name article : atnke out the words, "of rhiiadelp.'in and of rha tever-il rounlis;" from section sewn, snme ani.de tirkeoiit the w-rds, "neither the city ot Phi lad!, hia nor . and inatTt in lieu thereof the words, "and no ; and strike out ape! ion four, same article, uud in lieu thereof insert the; following : ".i tii'ii 4. In the year one thnuaeiiri eIi hundrrr and S'Kty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, re, ! rrsentatives tn the number of one hundred, ahull be appor tioned aud distributed equally, throughout the state, by ! tliKtrifts, in proportion to the numlier nfluxuli!e Miinbi tints in the several parts lireot ; except that nny county j r'.ntHiniuff rl least three thous:iud five buudreJ taxftHVs. i may be allowed a s-atrute rt-prcs?iiUi:iti ; I ttlnnmore thsn three coantipt shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the turmntlou of u district. Any city cnt:in inj a siifTitMeiit nuinuT rf ta.xablca to entitle it to at U n&t tW' rep'csfntiitivi'n. shall b ivi a acaiate rfprMeiiuith.n aKrinctf it, and shfill l-e dividetl in!o couveit"nnl d.ftncts nr coiitiiTur-u.i ten h-tv, 'f equal table population an nrcar nsinay be, euch of which (I.k;rii tf shall elect one rcpressn- .Mil . At the end of if tion sven, same nrticlft' inwrt these v.-orHr. -the citv f I'hi.a-v'p.iia rha 11 he divided into am cle pemt'riol dts'rictH, of ciiutitious territory as nearly ectua! bi tnivKe pcful;ioii as poamhla ; but no wardsh'iil br divided in the foniMtt-'ii tin r.t " The lecisiuturc, at it:- fif ft nesion, after the adoption nf this omenunieiH, sunn n.vtuc tne city oi riiiladelphta mtt aenatcTUilaiid re;-iPt.iiiUive :Ii -it'-j "t- in the manner rmcve provided; surii disti ids to rt-nnin imchar-p?d until tho npprtortio'itricnt ia tha year one thouMn-i eight-edjdred aud six;)tuur. FOI'KTII AMENDMENT. To le section XX , ArticUJ. The -?iilnture s'lall have the power to alter, revnkc. or ar.nul. any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by or undpi. any special, or generul law, whenever in lheir opinion it may h injurious to th i 'ti7iis of the c'rm;.on. w?t It h . in such ruanner, however that no jnjuitice aliall ba done to the eorpojulora. Is StJurn April 21, 1558. Resolved, T:;at this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24. nays 5. On tl:e second amendment, yeas 19. nas C . On the tliirrl cinen-linent, rena iW, naya 1. Ou the fuuith amendnii-nt, yeas Ti. unjs 4. Fxtuct from tiie Joninnl. THOMAS A. MAGU1RK, Clerk. IS IiotSE Of RFPRV-HKNTlTIVtl, April til. s6. Res-'lred. Tist thisreso!uti"ti pass. On the firt amend ment, yeas 72, naya -iX. On the second amendnirnt. yeas f3, nays 23. On the third amendment, yeas uays Sj , on fouith ainentiment, yens t0t nays iixuact from the Journal. WIMJAM JACK, Clerk ?KefTAiii- Ofnnt. ) l't;evl April 4, ltia j A.O crr.TiN, Secretary oithe CVrnmoiiwea!!h StCKKTABT's OWC. Uarnsburjf. June 37, 1S59. Pennsylvania, ss ! I ilo certify thnt the ab T an f ireirJinp; it trne ant! cor. ret npy of the original ".'e"lntnm rrlnlivett' an amend mrnt nf ihe Cuiutilbtiua1' a' llie same rrm:iins n file in ll::ioflice. in teatinsony wieret! i hsve lierrunto set mv hand and cu?isfd t.i l-e urTixed the si-al of tiie St-cretaiy's iiliice, the liaysnd year shove written. A.ri. rfSTiX. Secretary nf ths Couimujiweaiih. , . In-?sitk, Apil' 21, IKS. n-a itution rrop,ir.f amcr.dincnis to the Co.iatttatku of the Cnntnoiiti'ealJi, beinj under eonsidetaliun. ta the qut'Stlon. ill the Venule airret tn t!ie first nnicmlir.cnt ? Theyeiisand nays were Utsen ucrc.nl, ly to the prosi simis oi ihe Cdiitiii'itinn, a-ulis-ure nt lollows, viz : Yeas Msar IJrowne. llirimlcw. Ocsrwll, Kvana, Fcr;;usi.n, FieiiiiiUrn, llnyc. Iiisram, Juniisnii, Hum, Ijiu Uick. Lewis. M'l'liiitiK-k.i'rice, telleitrSiiniiian,Siuilier, Sinnili. Tauitart, Walton, Welsh, Wjkiv, Wii'sia and i'luti, Wpcukcr S. Nays Messrs Crabb, Crcgi;, JutiU':, Msllinger and Tratt 5. i tiiequisti was determined i:i the ai5rirjt:ve. n tiie iincstioii, Will Ihe Senate ntre to Ihe st-ronil iirnHiitment ? 1'he yens a. id linys were Uikeil ii;r.-fr,I..Ly to ihe provi. siiNis ol tiie Constitution and were as , ll-.w, viz : Yass Messrs. llrown. Duckalcu', Cresswrll. r.vsiie, , IIori-, luqiatn, Jj;i:irc:i, Kii' .t, I,!!!iiiui-!i, Lewis, 'M'Olm. i tocK, Seiirrs, hn man, bout lier, Sirmih, Walton, Welsh, I sad WilLnif. J ' , NsYs.Muasis. C'ralih, Ferjis.-n, Orcff, Pn't. Price! nnd 1'iatt, S,cakrr to i ue ii'jestion was iieterinincd in tkealilimatiie. ( hi Ihe ijucMiun, Will th Sennte Jiricc to the tiir3 ar,nienlmenl ? The yens anil iiuys were luVcn agieeahiy to the Consti tution, and were us foi.ow, viar: ens Mi-srs. Hrown, liuoklew, Crabb, Crcrwell, Kvat's, l-'erau.,'!!. Klennilirn-, llnte, lucrum, li,inis'i,t Jordan, Kunx, liuli:tih, l.ewn, .M't?lint,vk. Mtliiner, I'liill, I'rice bet!ei, toliuiitnn, Niulher, r.tr:iuh, 'I'.-iKKurt, Wult"il, Welsh, Whe'rv, Wilkins aud l'iatl,S)eaket Kb. Nuys Mr. 'Jn'a f S'lth ijiiesiioii was determined in tiie arinatiee. On the ijiirfcl:?!!, ill tiie fcirile aeree t.i the foLith&ineuJnient 1'he ) e:il uud ll.iis wert'tiikini.lgiecatily to the Coitstltu tuti. 'ii, and were us follow, vu : cus- Messrs. lliowue, huckulew. Cresste,l, Lvans, f leuniKcu. Il.c. inpiai.i. jiiiiifs...,. jotu.iu. .i,,.j. ijiu- riruub, ukoii, w eirr, Wherry, iisius and I'uitt Sneaker Vit Nuys Messrs. Crab',, firei-c, Meliiniter nnd Pralt-(. Ki the (uesti,in niis ilrieriiinicd in the tilbilt ative. J4iriiui.l the House i f Kepi-tvrutalivcs, April UI. IAO. The tent and nays were taken aereeal-ly to the pro7i. ii.r.isoi the t'onctnuticn, and on the brut pi'psedameiid incut, Were us loiiow. viz : Yeas Messia. Anderson, liackus B.iiJvrin. Hall. Perk, (L)coiiiiut.-.) Uri-lt, (Y.uk,) Ucrnhurd, lloyd, B,yer, lllowu, Uriisb, llueluinnii, CaM-vell, Cani,lwll, Carty. Craijr, Cmwfi rd, Uowdall, l-idmcer, Fa'is,ild, Foster, tietn, Haines, llaau:. Harper, II,-, i. II,. i. Hill, Uilkirus Hippie, ilolci'inb, llm"i,cker, tinhne, Lirthuin, linns, liwin, Johns, J:iliaon. I,'i,niife. !.el.,, LoniTaker, lnett, M Caliuonl. M'Carlhy, M'Cnmh, MuMtle, Me aear. Miller, Nl"iitn,'inciv, MoorliKid. Nuauc:naclu r. Orr, Pcursou, l'l,-lp, Purcell. Kajutey, Reed. Keiubolil, rti'-i e. lioherls, theak, r"irntb: (A lr::.icn .jSmiiit. (t uiuiiriu.)ciniiili. i'v. oiniiio.) Kir iiise, 'rh'Mriiai.iF', Yuil: Wunkloit. Wiirht (Uaupliai.) Wught, (LuxeraeJ 2imuiernuii and Wi.e Hpeaker "ii. Nayt Messrt. Au?iistin, Barry, Clover, Cn"y,uru Dock. Fry, Fulton, f.nykird. Oilitsiiey, Uuinittui Han' ielli Hiiiaeketper, lluneicr, lx'ienoi, , MIge Mauley Morns, lllllllna, Puttertcit. Snliibury, Smiili, (I'mlaoel. ulna ) Waller, Winiroce aud Yeuuley t.' . Ho the e,uesti4Hi-M'aa deieinuued m ittaarrmativt. On te questl ,-..' WiU the Ilousu aeee to the aecotul auiendpicut? TUcyens aud uaya were taken. ui.d weraaa l,'i,i,w. -l Yeus Messrs. Andeison, Uackr.s. Halkwui, Bull, He, k, ll.yeounng) Beck, ( ork,) Hern'mrd, lloyd, llrowii. Urush iltichsiuiii, Cutdweil, ('ajii4ie'.i. Cany. Cmi jr. Fauaot- V,ier. Get. Humes. Hamel, llarper.'lieius, 1 1, bus. Hill Hiilrsas, Hippie, Ilnlcoiub, iluiuucker linli.ic, lnphuin! luiiis, Irwin, Johns, .loinison, upoi te, l-rbo, I'mnka livetl, M'Caliitonl, M'Carthy. M 'Comb. Mautj e, .Mm.ear .-fiiner, lou'gnnviy, muorueao, launrmaeuer, l.lrr, Pear son, Puri-eil, Ramsay, Heed, Reinbold. Kiddle, Roliaris. insay, Heed, Reinbold. Kiddle, RoUria. r.(Miiy,) f tr,is Veil 'VImJi. rri.., armsasl sYif'il, fyrslivs--Cj enaaa.Beatin. i AJ-tciv,l r I! ura ) Mairrarmsal fife Naya Messrs n Falton, Oayli Td, 'JibNn,, flsent'higi MiipiiW MaiHey, lotrisT .Uln. J'helps. SK'islni'y, ftlni'.h r.Csinhnn,) Ihiant , Wlntrodc, Wri tht (Uauplnu) and earaii y it. Ho thaqcatuiei T, si dutc'.intued in the aifuDiaiifS. On the qacath i. Will the Hnus aTeVi the third t.-nermnit f Tho yeas aud ie vera uken, and were at Mlcw, Tit: ' .. Yens Messrs. Andrea n, He-kiis,CilI v'ri, Dsll. 1t, (Lyconiinc.) Beck ( Vntk.) la-rbS'd, Ui.yd, lt--r, llrown HiKlioiuin, Caliiwell, Caniplurll, C'a'ty. fsiji, Ciswln.d. Killnaer, Fuusuhl, Ktlsl"'', Fry, 1lel7, Humes. nicl, llarprr, tleins, Hilibs, If iP, Hillegas, llipule'. lliHroajib, HouaeocrptT, Irahrie, lna!-sin, linns, liwiu, .l,)ius, Jot.n. Son, LapiTte, l,;lo, iA'iiftf ker, lvrif, M 'Cr.hllont, X' Comb, Maug e, Menmr, fVKti: Mia't.fni-rjr. iNun;:". niacher, iir. Pern aim, J'lst;- roii'-n, Kuiisry. i'.rc. KiiMI-, Hie', it's' (.M'-.sIicny,) hmilli (t'.iiiiilulo,i Hinilli (Lyiolnlns.) Thuoij sti. Whnlt 'B. Wrht, (l)u. phin) VV'iiirlit fl.nA'il") aitft iiinn,,m.il1..5.f Ni;s Missis. Huiry. Clv , T'ol hhii. Oi '-.it. P"Vd II,' Full-ui, Oayloril, ijib aui-y, I'-oilial, FT.i;r-, ':', II ntieker l.eiscr.ripp ,'M'l 'nrtiiy . Miis-e. oi'tj , .M .,'?lii!, JVIorii-., Patterson, KriiihoM.'fcio!,, rls.WiiburyVslt-l, Wiiitruue Yeararly and V riylil . ii e-T.kt ;Yi. S, the iiucstiiin wi.a rlele.-iiii-.jiitheftfT.i?riaiiTe. 'in the rjacstioit, Wiil:h'i ll:-nse scrcsi to Ilia f y?ih arirtiieiit ? Tha yeas and nays were taken, t'ld wre'.-n liollnw, ef.: ' Yens Messrs. Al':b rn, ltn k !l:i!l, Me' k (Lvc-miriit tlcrk (York.) Ili-nilinri. Doyd, 'loter, Hn wn,' llnuh, Ituchaimn. Caldwell. Cnniplieil, V'tsi Cn f, Clnwforil, I'owdHll, F.duniT. Flltisnlil, Fostc-, Trv, Hetz, lliirnel, Harper, llclns, llilils. Iliil, lli'lejri' "i'l, llolcolnli, Housekeeper, Huils-rkei, linhr.', lull, Irwin. Johns . ti. Lnpoite, Lebn, l,ii;'likr, .ovct, W': i:..,iv). M'Clirlliy . M'Crinb, Miiilcle, Mi-neii'-, Millet, liinuT- uieiy. Moor. ' liend, (iuiifinuciuT. O i. Prrsi'ii, T'l'-lp. Piirn-ll, Itain ser, ll.'cd, Ileir.liolil, Kiii'lK lioberts. '"k. Sniilli (Cum hrni.) inilh (V yi-minr,) Tlrnnps-ni, Vml, WultT. Vittil I n.. VV'riirht (Luzerne, Yeerseiy, .irr n.riiiau and Wright Rpivker Ull. Nay Messit. Parry, Clover, relmt-:i,-T"mi, Oi!;li.i. ny. list ics, llan-ok, Huucker, lnr.liiiii. I le.fiut-nn, .l:i. Ree. Mioilcy, Mortis, Patterson, S.ilul.i.y s.:9".Vmlrodu IS. Bo Uie qursima was determined in the tf rpwtivs. Sr.l'RSTART'S Orsitit, '' I tiurnsburg, June 27, ItSi. ) V.n f v' i"". 1.1, I do beieby certify Hint (tie above and forerolne is t, truetind coirct lJpy of lh!) "Yens" and ''.V,- o 't-i,cn nn the rtasolutlon profsisinf,' amendments to the ctvVA'il'ii tion of tiie C uninniivi'nilb. es fie same appears o:t the .toiirnnls of Ihe two IIon.ea rf ii,e tieurr.-.l Asserr.jly of this Comreitisrcaitti I'of Ibe session of Ih.ip. ) Witness mv baud nn I..S. twiity-seveutti day of ) hundred and fiity-aia. and seal of anid orTi-e, t.iit ,f June, one thoasimd eig' t A O. Cl'RTIN, Secretary of the Cjntmomrealth. July 13, PCS. . PROCLAIM IT TO TII2 PE0PL3 i Ira T. Clement NO. 1, ('0 JIN Eli OF M A If A" E ' SQUARE, STJIsr'BTJ-ln'Y, DP.A.., SAYS cooly. boldly and delilvretely, that lie tnl.rs tlm forrniost stand rn the groiid eal cade of Dry Onoiis Tkl err Tin tils of ISunliury. Ho sliall cniitiiiue to tell Itry fronds and Oro c?ries CH EAPER than ever, aa his guodt are boinrlit-chctip they tvill tie. sold cheap. Ho feels confident tvitli hin esri?nc and ability, that lio can conipeio v.ith tlta ; . World at largo and Sunbury in particular.' He would enumerate articles if time and spsc would permit hut as a:iv . '. COUNTER-JUMPING -yOVICK can Od tliat ke will leave it to the TereUnts and uninitinted, it is enough to'say that be has every thing in the line of Dry Goodt?, Groceries, J1UOTS AND SHOES, J o., Jc, that is kept in any other tor in tjvrn, and Tt '.t banner ia on tl.e b.-aese. And long m-.y it wave O'er Ian'' of the free, Ami the home of the bnre V'hi' her Suirs and her Suisse Bhi.ie ncl like tim Sun, Tciling a!! natt'is That Freei'.sm's hrfun. Tht it a freo counlry At least will .ru o when all arc free, therefore it i free for s!Un dr t'.ieir irudmo, v.herc they can UUY he CilU A'. KsT Tegar.llr of the cross and sour lo.iks of old foj;v merchant!;. AH pro invited to call and THK COU.VTilY, as we! ni tho town arc reaped fully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hi j'a or low, bond or free e'e linitcj lo call. Corne one "Cr'inc all and slop your speed, 1 have goods unugh f r nil in need j The boys themselves are ut their posts, And tucy aiou can supply a host. Oner otiicr ricalca i-ijthe town These same b-iys have won renown, Tcr sellinij the Cheapest ant; the best, And se'liug inure tiiun all the rest. Hurrah, Hurrah ! O'er hi'l nnd p'ain, Accept my thanks mid callnfiuiii ; Amouj bur nMiorlinent )tiu'!l alvuys fui, Gowda to(fn and pleaie the mmil. We've r-n ti.ind and aiwa3 willing, Tt sr.il oiu gooill and earn a nitlliiif , &5 hold your horses and come this wuy, V'e !,-') he fht to See yod sny i!e at No. 1 Maikket Square, opposite the Court House, P. S Ho wishes it i!islir.,rtiy understood, that lie is not to be underso'd by uny r.ian or ror.ibina tion of mm. No .'barge lor allowing goods. All kinds of produce taken in nxrbano for goods. Sunbury, Jur.e 51, IS."G. BEDDING 4 FURNISHING BUSINB33 Cabinet Maker's rindinija, -,K T.c tulis-ribcrs respectfully inform lheir fri-iJ and the public generally, that they have ronnl":. ted w'tlt their bedding & Furr.ishing business a large and well assorted tock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, al their old stand .Vi. 83 South Second Street, brlou Chestnut, riiiludclphia. They have aasoeiated with them W. P. iJrown who lias Wen for many years ongagetl in the principal f stablislimctit ol the kind in tLi city. The stock of Uuods iioiv on barH comprise every description of matc'tals used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in pnrt nf the following, viz; Hardware department. I.oika, Iling-"s, .Screws Cantors, Jleii ISitcisr, Chair and hofa bpringt Cofiin Handles, cVc. , Cat. 'met Muker'a Matrr'als, Hair Feat'.ng, f'uiiid Hair, Looking Class Plates aud Fra nies Clue, V.iniii-ii, S.md Paper, miIhs, Bin' A and Fs::cy !:':k and Worsted Uinip, Sola and Cnair Wehbiug, Twine. Packing llottinis, II omtwuoii. MuhK,iuy, Walnut a::J Maple K-P os, (Jli, Screws, lir. Uedding UepartTCitt, Hnir. lIuskMw. Wool and C'otton MalL'rrses. Feather fips, Co.sters aud Pillows; l'lu.;li, Damask an'j Jlorcrn Cusii ions Cenilurtables, .Couiiterp-.tios, l.inen end Colton Sheele, Pillow leaves, l.inen and ('HtOi-i Towels, Table CUths. Table. T.'.nen, Tablo K'f--era, Moieeit, Dcniuk ami Vlusli hv llto Jiiec.-',. Mne nnd Hn ik liy ths b 4te or p jtind. The Hair r'eatuig nil Curled Huir it oi.i tK Phila. Manufactory of V. Sc S. Nob!U N. U. Hotels, fiieatu lloate and Ship fur nisUcd at the '.iurt'VI notice. no; nr. i U o v n .v Moaur. f:i Suvth ,!,- St., vv-, ckt.iuu: (Nearly oppciiu Uatvk of l'fhtiavlvania.) rhiladelpbia, vtujr-jtt a, i?S3 It. ' OTII.j KOTIOEj a n u r; n v wi'Rrr lei X, lup' rlerand Mamifaclu.-er of Cniv iflcs( IM-vJolv, Ac, No. 122 North Second Stirrt, Philadelphia; I1'.UC lv keep Cims.lantly on hand a.en crul enlmclit of fine double a rut Muile l".rrel Shot Ciiim, large jimk guts, rile an.l pistols, i)f all kuids, .liso, Iba celebrated east sucl titles, wi.'u. increased twist, lo about the poinu.l ball yf l,is owinrake; rifle barrel, suot bai. ponclies. ckc. Ha invite jx ituiis willing . to purcbate zmxIs in hi lii.d, te call and rxaminn hi tn'k bleie purcU;ng elsev.heie, a lie i determined toVtll o the must reaaoiablc terms. IV l'artu'ular attention pid lo Ccjairiuj ii all ita bra.o iic.. Aurri,ia(, isftU w.Jm tare All CUKUU HAl A lot 'usi rorcivej and for rale bt AMIOLIZ V FK'i RV. fSept IS, ll'ail stfnr a splendid lot just received ' ' and for ule by I. W.THI'rK CO. Sonbvir, Jti Hi Tfti 1