Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 20, 1856, Image 2

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    Cclcjppjric $frfos.
: usw VonK, Sept. 15. The iteamshin At
' ,.) ,ii-S from Livorpool, with date to Wed.-:
i ,day, tho 3d inst., arrived at 2J o'clock to-.
'ha London Morning Star hns tlio follow-
-Wo believe we niny fay that in some
rtirs it is expected llie Hon. 15. I. Vil
.( :i, brother of Lord Clorcdon, will bo ap-jfltod-nr-Mintstor
toYnshiiigtcni. What
,j,a:n!j exist for, tbo expectation wo. are
vi-.lde to slate.". 1 : ; ,
Ojiecn of Oudo and lier Court Iiavo
Suuilmmptou for London. -Nff. nrrtice-
: i t Quouiri"airoiiglik num'ero'ii' ol', tJ ho
. ilj Mid others have fnUilgd their curiosity
i.'ulliii)r. The Itrilisli Public" behoved
:r. tne rudest manner oven climbing on the
'.; ur tlm carriage to stare through the wiu
tiw at the Queen.
.. .; Reports rtom Kinni,
Chicaoo, Sep. 12. Ono hundred Free
'.' tale refugees arrived yesterday at St. Louis,
:' voni Kansas. They were mostly destitute,
l aving left all behind them. They stuto that
i. iargo number of families had tukcu refuge
t Fort Leavenworth.
' They also bring a report that a number of
omen and children belonging to Free State
''unities were killed at Strangers' Creek on
' .'edncsduy, the 3d inst.
Private advices received from Kansas City
,.;inounce that tlie Free State party, under
'ol. Lane, was about to attack Wcstport,
Xunsas City and Independence.
It is also reported that the Free State
.-.ten, had surrounded General Richardson's
f jrces, to tho north of Lawrence, and cut off
is retreat.
. Gov. Geary hod arrived at Leavenworth
and held a consultation with Gen. Smith.
Ho would proceed to Lawrence in a few days.
Cuicaoo, Sen. 13. Tho St. Louis Demo
crat of yesterday announces that General
Richardson had been token prisoner by the
"reo State men, by whom he hnd been sur
minded north of Lawrence. lie was carried
cfore Col. Lane, who restored his arms and
ent him back under on escort.
Great consternation is exhibited nt Lea
venworth, in consoquence of the rumors of an
intended attack by Col. Lano.
Gen. Smith has sent four companies to
Leavenworth to protect tho town. In the
meanwhile Col. Lano remains at Lawrence,
.vnl the most reliablo reports declare that ho
!i.i3 no intention to leave his present position.
Later From Kansas.
Release of the Free Stale Prisoners Proc
lamation of Gov. Geary, Commanding the
Armed Hands to Disperse The Fort ut
Chicago, Sept. 15. Dates from Kansas
to tho 10th inst., state that the prisoners of
the Free State party, arrested by the Terri
torial Authorities, on a change of treason and
resistance to the laws of the territory, have
boon released on bail.
Gov. Geary has issuod a proclamation,
commanding all the armed bands of both
parties to disperse. Col. Finery's band hns
been captured and taken before Gon. Smith,
for arresting an officer of tho army. Capt.
Whipple's compnny has captured a party of
thieves, and recovered 80 horses that had
been Btolen. A fort, said to bo capable of
containing 1000 men, has been completed at
Lawrence. A jubilee was held on the 10th,
at Lawrence, to celebrate the releaso of the
Freo State prisoners.
Coventor Reeder Taking the Stump for
Xew York, Sept. 16. A letter to the
,1 rotl i HIT Pnot rlnti.H nt I. nr. . nr. i. .
intention to range himself on tho sido of the
Hepublican party, and interesting himself in
tho election of Mr. Fremont.
The Fusion ill Pennsylvania.
Washington, Sept. IG It is stuted here,
on the authority of reliablo advices received
from Harrisbiirg, that, under no circunistun
ces, will tho Americans in Pennsylvania form
a coalition with tho Republicans ou the
electoral ticket
Jcdge Tunny's Rklkask from confinement
by the San Francisco Vigiluuco Committee
was hailed by various public manifestations
of approval, though in the Committee it was
the cause of much dissatisfaction, and the
Cyclings of the members had to be calmed
down by soothing speeches, lie went from
tho Committee's rooms to tho United States
ship John Adams, whoro he was handsomely
received, and on leaving for Sacramento a
salute was fired by orders of Copt. lioutwell.
The Sacramento State Journal says that
Jndjo Terry was received with the greatest
enthusiasm by tho people orSacramonto, and
tsfinrtp.d in nrnpncainn will, niBin nnrl Unn
nera from tho wharf to tho Orleans hotel,
whoro apartments were prepared for him.
Several of tho hotels were illuminated, and
tho public manifestations generally were
unything but approbatory of the subversion
or law at San Francisco. Tho Vigilance
Committee was denounced in the speeches
made as a "high handed mub organization,"
and their place of meeting was called "a
modern Iiustile, where they ignored tho
greatest bulwark of human liberty, tho habeas
corpus." Tho meeting closed wi'lh cheers for
the commanders of tho sloop-of-war John
Adams, and tho revenue cutter W. L. Marcy
Tub Prouiikss ok Like. Men rejoice when
the sun is risen ; they rejoice also when it goes
down. whilo they Bru unconscious of the decay
of their own lives. Men rejoice on seeiug the
face of a new season as ut urrival of ono grea
tly desired. Nevertheless tho revolution of
one season is tho decay of human life. Frag
ments of drift wood meeting in the wido oceuu
continue together a little space; thus parents,
wives, children, frends, and richus, remain
with us a short timo, then separate and the
separation is inevitable. No mortal can es
cape tho comon lot; he who mourns for de
parted relatives has uo power to cause them to
return. One stunding on tho road would
reuddy say to a number of persons passing by,
1 will follow you. Why, then, shuuid a per
sou grieve wheu journVyiug the same road
which has been assuredly travelled by all our
forefathers; Life resembles a cataract rush-
ing dowu with irresistible impetuosity.
Knowing that the end of life is death, every
right minded man ought to pursue that which
is connected with' linppiuess und ultimate
The Pibmo Bm.niNOS. Tho Court House
is under roof, and when completed will be the
most substantial uiu) imposing structures of
tho kind in this portion of the State. Gen.
Pinion Carmeron, of JIarritiburjf. donated a
,el! for tho building, and on Saturday last it
was placed in thu steeple, nud i-poko fur
itself in approving tones.
The Pre.4tmiau Chapel is oko under
roof, and wheu completed will be the hand
somest and most cvrmcious bouse of worship
ju Lewisburg. t';ilui; Argus.
llox. Edward F.vKitjrrr. A writer in tho
Sational Intelligencer suggests Hint the Whig
National Convention to aseemtde in liulu
n ore, should nominate the Hon. Kiwaui
Kviijckjt, of Massachusetts, Le the Presi
dency, The American Protestant Association had
a grand parado at Pittsburg, Sept. lUtli.
There vera 1500 persons iu lino. A gruud
ynilirary procession' alo'o cUme off, it W-yg
juniversii v jf Pern's Victory, - 1 '
XTTIJ. MAS SEE, Editor and Proprietor
To AnvKRTUKnt - -The circulation of the ftunhury
American among thu different town on the Sarquelinniia
Isnot exceeded if equalled by ant paper publishoUiii North
Mil Pennsylvania. I
Democratic National Nominations.
- TOR m F.SID BftT, .
Charles P.. liuvkalew, Wilson M'Cindless. ,
fiforcW. Kehingrr, 13.
Almiliam F.dinpcT,
ltnihcn Wither,
0(Mrpe A. Crawford,
Jnmea lllaek,
Vitrre Hntler,
Kilwunt Wnrlmnn,
Williiimll. Witta,
John Mc.Vrtir,
John N. IJrintiin,
DnviH I.atiry,
Charles KesiBtrr,
Jmnft I'alleriun,
mnr Slpnkcr,
K. W. Iluchca,
H.J. Hiuhla,
John D. K.xld),
Jncob Tnrney,
J. A.J. Hiii-hniinn,
v ilhani ivilklna,
Jninen ft. Cmnphcll,
T. Cunningham,
Jnhn Kenily,
Thumni Oatei hont,
25. Vincent 1'
Democratio State Nominations.
For Canal Commissioner,
GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county.
For Auditor General,
JACOB FKY, of Montgomery county.
For Surregor General,
JOHN ROWE, of Franklin county.
Tub OKMocnATic Tickkt op the Convention
EDWARD Y BRIGHT, of Sunlmry.
MICHAEL KIEFFEIt, of Ipper Augnatn.
M. L. SI1INDEL, of Sunbury.
Tnr Swearino Committkk's Tickkt.
AVICLIAM L. DEWART, of Sunbliry.
AVI I.I.I AM TCRXER.of I.ewla.
CASl'KU SCIIOLL., of hhniiiokin.
FREDERICK HAAS, Ipper Aufjiialn.
WILLIAM L. SCOTT, of Shnmoktntown.
tfi? Several editorial and other articles, in
tended for this week's paper Lave been un
avoidably, crowded out.
ing on Wednesday last, drew togtlfier aTaig-e
number of people. Absence from homo until
tho evening previous, prevented us from be
ing present. We have received no proceed
ings, but understand that the meeting was
addressed by .Mr. AVallack, of Washington,
Strouse and Neville of Pottsvillo, and others.
Tho Major wns announced in tho bill, but
dodged the responsibility, as usual. "When
ever the Major will condescend to address
his constituents, wo will have a corps of repor
ters present, for fear that ouo could not do
him justico.
It is currently reported and believed, that
a union ticket by tho Fillmore and Fremont
parties, will bo formed immediately after the
State Flection. The manner in which this is
to bo accomplished, is, by adopting one of
tho tickets of electors already iu tho field,
with no other alteration excepting that one
of tho two Senatorial electors shall be for
Fillmore, and tho other for Fremont. If a
majority of tho votes cart, coutain tho name
of tho Fillmore Senatorial elector, then the
wholo electoral vote of Pennsylvania is to
bo cast for Mr. Fillmore, otherwiso for Mr
Fremont. There is another rumor afloat, that the
South is making efforts to got Mr. liuchanan
to dccliiie in favor of Mr. Fillmore, who is to
run for tho Presidency ou the same ticket iu
connection with Mr. lireckinridge, thedemo
cratic nominee for Vice President, and that
Mr. lircckiuridge had visited Mr. Buchuuan
for that purpose. We have no faith in auy
such report, ullhough there is no question but
the South feels very uneasy iu tho preseut
state of all'uirs. The truth is, party distinc
tions are fast being swallowed up by that all
absorbing subject, the slavery question. The
South is unuuiinous for Buchanan, while the
West and tho Kastern and Middlo States
with few e.xceptious are uliuost as uuunimous
for Fillmore and Fremont. This is truly a
strauge stato of affairs and much to be re
gretted. Any ono at all conversant with our
political affairs, must have forseen, long since,
that such would bo the result. The crisis
has, no doubt, been hastened on by the ill
timed uctiou of President Pierce, Judge
Douglass and others in regard to the Missou
ri Compromise, aud the Kansas aud Nebras
ka bill.
Dr. Kavk's Aik'tic Kpi'lorations.
Messrs. Childs & Peterson, Philadelphia,
havo eent us some specimen pages or Dr.
Kunc's new work on the Arctic Regions,
which they havo now nearly ready for publi.
cation. The beautiful typography aud mag
nificent artistic embellishment of the woik,
have never been excelled by any American'
book. It will niako two octavo volumes of
Yearly T.U0 pages each, containing 22 fine
steel engravings, and about 300 superb wood
illustrations, with four lame mn. Tim n.,h.
Ushers havo already uearly 30,000 subscri
bers, and from ipresent prospecU, calculate
upon priuting 100,000 copies the first year.
The regular editiou will be issued on tho
let of October, Meanwhile, persons desir.
ous of securing an early copy, should leave
j their names with the publibhere, or their
i sciiir.
The employees of the Philadelphia and
Sunbury Railroad Company gavo tnrpfisej
party to a. ft. risk, j;q., tlio supcrinien
dent, on" Tuesday s'ircnlhg, the 9th linst at tlm
National Hotel in Shamokin. Tbemniij ex
collent qualities of this gentleman havo long
since won the hoarU of all who know him.:
Thoso who have been closely connected with
liini, and under liis peculiar chnrgo, desired to
present him tangiblo marks of their high flp
. preciation. They, mot at the Nutional aud
sent a committee of which Mr. Michael, l)is
patclier, was chairman, to escort Mr.Flske,
to sup with them. After partaking of a foast
rif fnbJ thing's, got up in the stylo for which
the host, Mr. Weaver is so justly celebrated.
Mr. IS. C. II ANNA was called upon to pre
side, assisted by Messrs. Peter Lazarus, II;
1). Michael, Johnsey Sheafler, Thomas II.
Unibleby, Hiram lleinhard, George Hildrcth
and Charles Iiruco, Vice Presidents; and V
a. Jlaaa, A. (Jeutber and A. h. Stecker,
Mr. M. P. Witkington aroso and after t
short speech, in which he referred iu his hap
pieBt vein to nil the excellent points of Mr.
Fieke, presented him in the name of all the
employees of tho company, with a beautiful
Silver (Job let, as a testimonial of their
gard. .
The Goblet is a beautiful specimen of or
tistic skill and bears tho inscription "A Tes.
tiinonial of Regard by the Kmployees of the
Philadelphia and Suubury Railrood Company
to Alfred R. I-iske, Superintendent."
The offering was entirely unexpected bv
the recipient and took him completely by
surprise. His reply in acceptation, indica
ted the depth of emotion which this sponta
neous tribute awakened in his bosoin.
About one hundred persons belonging to
tho road were present, and among tho guests
wcro Mr. Peule, of Lancaster Colliory,
Capt. un Gnskin, of Carbon Run and John
Bourne, from the Steambont Susquehanna.
The Post Office at Mt. Carinel.
Mt. C.AnMKi, Sept. 13, 1S56.
II. B. Mapskh,
Dear iir : I presume you have heard
that we have a new Post Mastpr at this
place. Win. II. I.erch hns been obliged to
resign to malco place for David Lewie, r.ot to
pleaso tho people of Mt. Carmel. but to
gratify Major Dewart. - Mr. Lewis is ouo of
the new comprs, and may be a good man,
Mr. Lerch is an old citizen of this place, but
then he was a native born, which in the eyes
of Judgo Campbell and Major Dewart, is
euougn to conaemn mm.
3T This is another of the wonderful oper
ations of the codfish candidate for Congress,
and fully illustrates the selfish and tyrannical
disposition of the man. Judgo Cumpbell.tho
unworthy head of the Post Office department
has allotted to the gallant Major tho privi-
ledgo of doing his dirty work in this county,
M r. Lerch, who is an old citizen and a worthy
man, is also an independent democrat, and
not being under bonds and mortgages to the
Major, expressed a determination to vote as
ho pleased. Knowing that tho Major was
appointed Judge Campbell's executioner for
this county, Mr. Lerch relieved the Major
from exercising tho duties of on oiiice.
Jja'p o.-i. ki -.v,i:c,,,,i tn fill lhan anv
Ufutfr, By resigning. Wonder ll the Major
thinks he made anything by that operation?
If ho only had an opportunity of exercising
tho functions of his oflico in every township
and borough in the district, ho might by tho
timo ho got through, find out that ho had
fiuished by a grand experiment upon himself.
It would not be tho first iustance where a
mau has beeu his own executioner.
63 The Danville Brass Band and tho
Suubury Brass Band were both at tho Demo
cratic Mass Meeting ut Trevorton, on Wed
nesday last. Tho Danville Dand left next
morning for Milton, to perform for tho Fre
mont Mass Meeting. We listened with pica,
suro to the Band's performnnco before start
ing. The perfect mastery of these brass in
struments requires practice, aided bv skill.
judgment and good taste, in which our Dan-
villo ueighbors have been quito successful.
In our own Band, which is comparatively
new, there is a great deal of musical talent
which onty wants practise and attention to
dcvelope itself.
Ka?' The Paint Mill of Messrs. Young.
G ussier and others, iu this place, has been iu
successful operation for several weeks past.
They hive added a bolting apparatus to tho
Mill, which enables them to turn out tho
mineral paint in its finest state. The mate
rial is dug from tho earth about three miles
Irom Sunbury, and is of threo different shades
or color, tho darkest being a slato color. At
present they are able to manufacture about
one ton per day. The machinery is drivcu
by steam power
CSi The friends of Fremont held a Mass
Meetiug at Milton on Thursduy. Tho meet
ing was addressed by Judge Wilmot, Hon.
Jno. C. Kunkel and tho Rev. Mr. Knapp
during the day on the Island. In the even
ing, wo understand, a number of addresses
were delivered iu town.
(STGopky's Lany's Book. The October
uumberor Godey'g Lady's Book, filled with
vuluublo reading matter. The beautiful
picture ou the frontispiece entitlod 'The
Star of Dawn," is very tastily designed and
executed. This number contuius many re
cipes fur the ladies, from which they cuu culj
many useful things.
Withdraws. Kx-Governor Johnston
hns withdrawn his name from the canvass as
tho Northern K. N. Candidate for tbo Vice.
Presidency. A new nominating Convention
is culled by the Massachusetts Council iucou
sequcuce of this duteruiiuatiou.
Rki'obtkd Falcck. The Ilolliduys
burg Standard, announces the fuilure of Jo.
seph P. & Austin B. Moore, iron masters of
Fraukstown. Their liabilities amount proba
bly to SiaO.ODO.
C3T Lancaster Couhty The Democratic
C'onventiou of Lancaster county, met ia Lan.
caster city on Tuesduy, and nominated the
IIou. Ieaac K. HiceU-'r for Congress, by an
unanimous vote. Mr. Iliepter Us accepted
the tiouiiuutiuu.
"In fitirsnnnce to previous notice, the De
mocracy of Delaware township met at the
niuKmg Springs' School House, Saturday,
September 6th, 185,6; for' be . purpose of
running a , IU'OHanak and Uruckkmridub
club. ? (I i . m t;. ;
A. S. Arfifersorf wns temnorarily called to
tho clinir, after' which the following named
persons were unanimously elected permanent
officers of the ( Inb t President, Joskpii
Ni(!bi.T Vice T'-esident, Jacob Stitzolj
Recording Secretary, John Workj Corres
ponding Secretary, (5. W. Armstrong.
On motion, -tho Chnirmaft appointed "a
committee to draft resolutions expressive -of
t he sens of the meeting, which were repotted
through the Chairman, as follows i
' llcsofred, That in view of tho now existing
political agitation and sectional feeling of. a
number or citizens of tho northern states, it
becomes the imperative duty of all who wish:
the perpetuity of the Union, to buckle on
.their armor and go forth manfully to battle.
' llesolced, That iu Hon. James. Bi cuanan.
we havo a statesman well and truly tried
during the past half century in the councils
of the state and nation one in whom the
union of tho states would find A fast Iricnd
a worthy dixciplo of tho immortal Jefferson,
in wnoso Hands the belm ol tue ship ol statu
would glidu surely through the storm of sec
tionalism. Jlesolved, That in Hon. J. C. BnwKEN
RitiuR, of Kentucky, we recognize the liberal
and high minded statesman, a man tho
roughly imbued with the importance of keep
ing inviolable every letter of the Constitution.
. Resolved, That every momber of this Club
go to work in good earnest and use all
honorable means within his power to further
the election of thu National Democratic
nominees that we cordially invite all . who
can to join with us in the good work.
Jicsolred, That this Club shull bo known
as the "Buch.inau Delawuro Township Club,"
No. 1.
llesolced, That the next slated meeting
of the Club shall be on Thursday evening
the 18th of September, at the Hilliard
School House.
Resolved, That tlio Secretary furnish the
Democratic papers in tlm county with a
copy of the proceedings, with a request to
havo them published.
S, A. Fox, Sec'ty.
Th outrages iu Kansas havo more signf;
cance than would at first nttruct the atten
tion. They are brutal enough God knows,
but there is a master cloud behind all which
may not have been considered. The St. Lou
is Democrat alluding to the border ruffians,
says tho purpose of tho leaders in tho move
ment is to bring about a dissolution of the
Union, and tho creation of a conTederacy or
slave States. We copy from the Journal re
ferred to :
The majority of those citizens in Missouri
who have becomo enlisted in the present con
test, which is now waging to secure the occu
pation of Kansas to the South are sincere
and earnest in their partisanship, we fully
believe ; but that there are others, and those
high iu command the Atchisons, the String
fellows and their disciples who havo been
imported in companies from tho southern
States, who uro inflicted with no such halluci
nations who care nothing or very little for
the minor question of slavery or freedom in
tho territories and who havo their eyes
fixed upon graver issues and moro revolution
ary results. With them thu present forays
are but skirmishes preparatory to the great
battle, in which they hope to see this Union
dissolved at a blow, and upon its ruins to
cm ergo tho chiefs of a south-" i""-
A Mas Starving Himski.f to Death dy
Till! DlHEITIOJf OK Sl'IlSITS. -TllO Duytoil
(Ohio) Gazette details a xery remarkable in
ntancu of monomania, which has just been
terminated in that city, in tho cuso of Rev.
Joshua Upson, a universalis clergyman, who
died at 12 o'clock last Sunday night. He
has lived in an almost skeleton condition, ab
staining nourishment lor fifteen, twenty and
even thirty days in siicesfion. He has main
tained and believed that he did this uuder the
direction or 'the spirits," who promised, by
this course or discipline, to dcvelope hi in into
a moro extraordinary "medium" than has
hitherto been known. He lived nnder the
impression that hundreds of disembodied
spirits were constantly talking with him, di
recting him, encouraging, rebuking him. pe
scribiug what he should eat, what ho should
say, foretelling every day tho least change in
his physical condition, aud punishing him se
verely when he refused to act in accordance
with the directions. The Gazette suys :
Professedly by their information, ho pointed
out with singular accuracy many of the symp
toms that would mauifest themselves iu his
own case, sometimes weeks before they ac
tually ocDiirred. With limbs hardly larger
than infant's unable to rise from his bed, and
frequently suffering exquisilo tortures, yet,
supported as he sakl by the "spirts" ho exhi
bited tho most extraordinary hope, cheerful
ness, and enthusiasm. Tho ''spirits" con
stantly signified to him that ho should recov
er to fulfil his mission ; to afford a wonderful
specimen of a spiritually developed man ;
and to proclaim the truth to a world sunk iu
doubt und unbelief. In this the "spirits"
were mistaken, but there is not the slightest
reason to doubt Mr. Upson's sincerity.
Though the victim of whut seems to us a de
lusion, Lu was. we have reason to believe, an
honest and good man.
Lkiia.vo.v lUn.noAD. Thu Persia,
lust week, brought advices that Mr. Cullen
had negotiated in England $1,500,000 of the
bonds of thu Lebanon Vulley Itoud, guaran
teed by tho Beading Itoud, aud that tho
money moy bo drawn for as soon as wanted.
Bills for $rtH),000 will be drawn by thu next
steamer. Thu money will be used in the pay
ment or the acceptances of the Heading
Boad, which have been loaned to the Lebanon
Valley Company to aid them iu completing
their road.
The Lebanon Valley road is making steady
and gratifying progress toward completion.
Two sections, six miles in length, between
Aunville ami Palmyra, are graded and nearly
ready for ballast. A bridge of two arches
over the (Juitapahilla will soon bo ready for
ni-e. Tho section of four miles passing
through tho borough or Lebanon was to bo
completed this week. Tho section through
Beading, upou which there are some of tho
heaviest rock excavations ou tho whole line,
is also nearly finished, ami the viaduct across
tho Schuylkill, which is being put up in thu
most durable manner, U iu a stato of forward
ness which promises its completion during
the present year; within which time, it is
expected, tho division between this city und
Womelsdorf, will bo opened for travel.
Heading Gazette.
What Kvkiiyiiouy Ouout to Know. A
quart of peas sown iu a shallow box, fifteen
inches wide by eighteen inches long, at any
time or the year, and cut off when about
four or fivo inches high, and boiled like
spinach, with a little salt, makes a most
delicious dish. Tho tops or Jerusalem arti
chokes, cut off about six iuches long, aud
boiled like other greens, make a capital dish,
which partakes in some degree or the flavor
or the root. Boiled watercress also makes a
wholesome and delicious dish. It must not,
however, be overboiled. For impaired con
stitutions it is iuvuluuble. 1 n April and M ay
late potatoes should always be peeled some
leu or twelve hours, aud bleeped in cold
epriug water before they are cooked. This is
a great improvement ; it wakes the potato
nearly as good as thoso dug iu October.
London Gaidencr's Chronicle.
limit Prk m roit IIorbks. In Porter's
"Spirit of the Times." speaking of tho sale
or rXexington," luo following iniormauon is
gives i V
"It is. possibly true that Lexington lias
beom disposed of by ; Mr.. Ten Broeck for
19.000, but the idea eipressed that this is
tho highest prico evei paid foft, any horse in
the United States, is not only preposterous,
but redlculous. Delivered berc, Priam cost
over 8'25,000. Rndolph sold for S 18,000 !
yes, Rodolph, the humbug! Monmonth
Eclipso sold for $14,0001 and was worth
about twenty shillings I Post Hoy, who was
the Northern -champion, and run agafcet Johu
Bascombo, (getting jolly well beaten,) was
sold for 318,000 1 Neither ha nor' Buseoorbe
wefo worth 'shurk-s,4 and neither has been tho
sire of a winner fit to start for sour butter
milk. At the time of their death, Bert rand
would have brought' ' respectively, 835,000,
though the lattor was ten times tnc superior
horse and so proved the fact." Shark and
Medley sold fur 910,000 each; the former,
when aged, got Mariner, (Fashion's half bro
ther,) ond 'Medloy got! ft The fust was
originally worth, as a stallion, twenty shillings ;
the second not the powder and shot tliut
should kill him!" "
CoxonEssMAS. Tlio Congressional Con-
forces from the counties composing this
District met at Duncan's Island on Wednes
day last, und nominated Col. Hknry C. Kvkk,
of Snyder county, on tho second ballot. It
affords us much pleasure to make this an
nouncement. Col. F.YKR is a staunch, un
flinching Democrat an honorable, high
minded gentleman, and is in every respect
the kind or man to make a good representa
tive. His election is certain, if the Democracy
of this District make a proper exertion.
Hurrah 1 for Eykr! t.'nion Argus.
Holloway's Pills, an undoubted remedy for'
Asthma. Mr. Ellis Wilson. New York, had
for five years vory severe attacks of asthma,
which deprived him of bedily rest, night and
day ; thu Cougii at times almost choked him,
und caused him continually to spit blood, he
was never safe either eating or drinking, and
his family were distressed beyond measure to
sco him gradually reduced to almost a skele
ton. Holloway's Pills, in this case, were as
usual, efficuciuus. This gentleman used them
for eleven weeks, and they effected a perfect
cure ; he feels himself stronger now than he
has been for thu last fifteen years.
Thu Register General estimates that there
are neui ly 40,000 surnames in England.
Among them there uro 51,000 families beur
ing thu name or Smith, and C1.000 thut or
Jones. The Smiths and Jouses alone are
supposed to include about a million or the
A Litkv Individual II. John Thompson,
of Smyth county Va., went to California when
tho gold fever first broke out, but after two
years' hard work, without any success, ho re
turned, having previously invested a small
sum iu land. "A few days ago," says the
Abingdom Virginian, " ho received informa
tion that his land isiu the heart ol' tho richest
gold region yet discovered and is valued at
A Sad Akkair On Tuesday aftornoon a
small child of Mr. Richard Shields, or Balti
more, Md., got hold of some friction matches
and ate tho ends off. It was soon seized with
spasms, nnd notwithstanding everything that
medical skill could devise was done, the little
sufferer died next morning.
Wild Hops are said to grow abundantly in
the neighborhood of Carver J1n)cu1u,tiv"ated
They have : all the pBSri plo'ntifully. Aeon
PuJlaSie trado is carried on by the suttlers or
that region in this articlo or commerce.
Rlssais Rails. Tho Russiuu have com
menced tho manufacture of rails for thur ruil-
roads, which are said to be superior to those
I mabo in England, but rather dearer, l'revi
I ous to thu late war, all the rails were imported
from Kuglud.
The largest angel we ever read of was seen
by Muho net in the third heaven, which the
Koran says had twoeye seventy thusaud days
jounrncy a part.
A Yankee at Panama sought shelter at the
American Counsul's I'roni the earthquake; he
thought oven the earthquake would respect
our flag.
The Berks county Agricultural Fair tukes
place at Beading, October the 1st, 2d, 3d, and
For the Amerienn.
Paxixos, Sept. 12, 185G.
H. B. Masskk, Esq.,
Dkar Snti My name
having been announced as ono of the stand
ing committee, appointed by tho convention
of the 18th or August, some busy-bodies, who
can only see tho light or Democracy through
the means designated by the seir-constitutud
leaders of the swearing faction residing in Sun
bury, have stigmatised me as a Kuow-Noth-ing
and no Deiuocrut. Now 1 need only say
that although 1 knew uolhiiig of my appoint
ment, yet in common with tho great body
of the democratic party, recognize tho neces
sity for a change iu t ho mode or selecting del
egatus and shull lend my aid to effect the ob
ject. 1 am now und always havo been a dem
ocrat, as was my lather before me, and will
most heartily support Mr. Buchanan. But
iu so doing 1 am opposed to tho one man
power, or money power, und do not think it
necessarily follows, that in order to bo a good
democrat, that a muu must yield a blind obe
dilacu to the office seeking faction in Sunbury,
who would appoint the delegates for the peo
ple and endeavor to muke us believe that they
have taken charge of the democratic party iu
tins county, unu musi uomiuuiu our cuuui
dates for them.
For Ci. Suubur)' American.
The Trovorton Monopoly and Major
McEwkx8NILi.k, Sept. 3, 185G.
II. B. Massk.r, Esq. : Your paper of the
30th ult., contained un articlo signed "Coal
Operator," which has excited considerable
comment in our section of the county. No
little indignation bus been expressed at tho
courso of our representative in the lust Le
gislature, Maj. Zimmerman, ou the bill grant
ing mining privileges to tho Trevorton Coal
Company. That such a bill should pass a
democratic legislature, under any circum
stances, is surprising; thut the democratic
representative of Northumberland couuVy,
tho mining interests of which are growing into
so much importance, should support such a
law, is disgraceful iu the extreme, not only
to Maj. Zimmerman, but is a reflection ou
the good judgment of tho people who elected
him, and as one of thoso who assisted iu plac
ing him in tho legislature, I assure you, Mr.
Editor, 1 feel keeuly tbo degradation.
1 will uot take up your room, Mr. Editor,
iu speaking of the effects of such legislation
upon all the departments of labor employed
iu the Coal busiuess, Nor will 1 speak of
tho inconsistency of a Democratic (,') Repre
sentative, who supports, in any way, the crea
tion of a VAST MONOPOLY of Foreign
Capitalists iu our midBt, which will crush out
individual enterprise from its legitimate pur
suits. These things were graphically de
scribed by your correspondent referred to.
My only purpose is to calt the attention of
thk vboi'lb to. the importance cf joining
liaifjj with our bkaiucliQ fricudt, (who cau-
Dot but feel the fflVcts of the blow aimed at
their interest, and that blow given to, btj one
of their oint number!) fh sending a represen
tative to the Legislature, whose ..tipwronce
or cupidity will not permit such legislation
fo disgrare th Statute bricks of tla Common
wealth, and render blm 6thoxiout to his con
stituents. 06f interests (Agricultural and
Mining") are Identical, and we, In this port
of the county are ready td assist In
teaching a lesson tft ooliticiaMs. "which will
never be forgottort Or disregarded by them,
and a united effort is all that is needed to
place the brand or "unworthy servant" upon
Mai, Zimmerman for Ins-slmmaful- desertion
ie Intecsls"or"iilsconsntueii(ff.
"A representative of Schuylkill countv.-who
would snpport a bill to confer 'frthiing -privileges,
upon a eorporatfonj wouht-never touch -bottom
before the people. IndociTTno' parTy
services would have influence enough to pro
care tfven the re-nomination of sneh (f repre
sentative'. Bitter erperienrt has tnnghf them
flits lesson. What could have Indncofl Maj.1
Zimmerman t'l allow the act referred too", to
become n law? Everybody knows thot tho
least intimation fro. him in opposition to the
bill, would have been sufficient to defeat it.
It waB a local bill, mid common courtesy to
the representative ortiin county would have
prevented its passage through tho House of
Representatives, if Ziuiiuownarf had simply
objected to it.
These fucts render his conduct Inexplica
ble, nnd ought to prevent tho re-cleftfon of a
man who hns displayed such an,
cither intellectually or morally, for the pest.
Yours, Truly,
On Sunday, tho 7th inst., by tho Rev. J.
Kritinger, Mr. J dux H. Adam to Miss Lena
Bkiskl, nil or Upper Mahanoy township.
On Sunday, the 24th ult., by Rev. II.
Hoffman, Mr. Rohkrt K krrstkttf.r to Miss
Klizawtii Uash, all or Shamokin.
On Sunday, the 14th inst., by tho some,
Mr. John Rkiciikrd to Miss Catiiaiiink
YKSTitKiciiKi:, nil or Shamokin.
On Saturday, tho 13th inst., by Rev. P.
Bird, Mr. Thomas E. Williams, to Miss
Mary Watkixm, all or Shamokin.
On Monday, the 15th inst.. bv the same,
Mr. Jfremiaii Thomas to Miss Mary Hilk
mas, nil ni ouaiuoMii.
Cjje pivhrfs.
Philadelphia Market.
September 17, 18oG.
Orals. Wheat is dull, and prices unchan
ged Sales of prime new Southern nud Penna.
red at 81 6U1.V2, and St COal C5 for white.
ttu ia ti'nntoil . snlika r,f l-rtrirtvl Vllllill nt T.r)C
jv .a . . .... . , - ' - j--
afloat. Corn is in Urn demand, with sales or
prime yellow at 70c. Oats ore steady ; sales
or prime old Pennsylvania at 39a40c, aud 38
aSHJc. for new Delaware.
Wiiiwk'uv is Rp.nrri sales or barrels at
35 u 3l)C. Tho market is nearly bans or
Ciiiik. -
Potatoks, -
l)nw "
Eeos. - . . .
Puna. -
Flaxikkk. '
Tiiiow. - -
1 25
New Advertisements.
' associate J Ll) ;;.
The Hon. (Jkorok AVkisf.r. at present one
or the Associate Judgo or this county, will
bo a volunteer Candidate for re-election.
Judge Weiser, has faithfully discharged his
duties as an officer and needs no further re
commendation. ASSOI IAI fcJl l)ili.
We are requested to announce the Hon.
John F DK.vri.eii, at pieseiit ouo of the As-
sociute Judges or this county, as a volunteer
Candidate for re-election. We need say no-
thing in favor of Judgo Dentler, at he is al
i ready well I; sown to tho people as an honor
j able and nprieht Judtre.
To the Voters of Northumberland co.
At tlu solicitation of a number of my friends
I oiler myself l your consideration an a Volun
teer candidate for
at the ensuing election. Should a majority of
my fellow citizen elect me to that orlie, I will
diKcharge ill dutiri failhfullv.
Upper Augusta. Aug. 11, 1S56. te.
Xo. 2ti Marltt'tStreet, clxne WA.,
T M PORTE It, Manufacturer and dealer in all
-- kind and qualitica of fancy fun, for Ludiri
and Children. J. P., would call the attention
of the Liuliey and others to hia iuimenco axiirt
ment, being the direct Importer and Manufactur
er of ll my furs. 1 feel confident in aayiug thut
I call oiler the grcutent iudeceiiienU to llioe iu
want und at the aauie time will hate one ol the
largel assortment to aelect from.
Storekeepers and the Irade will please give me
a call before purchuaing, u.'iny whulexale depart
ment in well supplied to meet the demand for
every article iu the Pur line, aud al the lowest
possible Manufacturer Price..
'.'H4 Market Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. .0, IfoU. iniw,
WILL bold iti lixth annual exhihiiiou at
Pittsburg commencing September 30fh
and continuing October I. V and 3.
''lie annual address by Hon. George W,
Woodward. Competition for tin premiums
open to all.
R. C. Walker, Scc'ry Tituburg.
September 80, 1850 St.
ALL persous knowing themselves indebt
ed to the estuto of David Martz, late of Sha
mokin township, are hereby notified that un
less they call und settle their accounts on or
before the 20th of October next, they will
be charged iuterost on the same, nnd the ac
counts will be placed in the hands or a uia.
giatrate for culluctiou aftor that time,
Paxinos, Sept. 20, 150 3t.
18 hereby given that letter, of Administration
havo been grunted to the subscriber, on the
estate of Simeon Oberdorf. late of liu.h township
Northumberland county, decesieJ. A II person
indebted to laid eitale are requested to luuke
immediate payment, and thoM having cluitni
against the unit, will present them properly au
tbenticaud tat wlUcrueiit.
Up. Augutta tp., Sept. VJ, 185461
"eaolb hotel,
WILLIAM II. HAY, Proprietor.
C. A. Bii,s.ibUnt.
N. U. vin Omnibus will rnn to nd fnnj the
Depot and Ticket Lsndingi, fo 'Ibis Hotelj frea
of charge, ' - "" "'';".. ' ' . '
Sj.tembei13;i8i6.-U '
Supreme Court for the Northern District f
NOTICE is hereby given that the Suprrme
Court for the Northern Dintrict of Prnn) I
inia, will commence iu annual seMion st Run
burv, on the firt Tuesday of October next, at
the Court Houne In Sunhury.
Prothonotarj'i office, Sept. l, 1850. J
List of Causes for Argument at Octo
ber Term A. D. 1858.
Hoffintn vi Vastine, Lycoming ccuntj.
Hartzcl Mound. '
jrcoacr vs Huting, ..Tjr. ": r. :
iurylnll vi Buiyhill et a! "
,?" T Km,,lV ' 1 ' l;nlon ; ''
Wheeland Green " Lycoming "
surct &. nick vs h uMi;wr tiiioE zrcr:
Brown ys Whit Deer thp.
rWle v Colby, township; Sullivan t .
Fry vs Fry &, Norlhum'd "
I ogdy vi Woolvortott, - ,
cnumon vi snuman Columbi
talmmiiigi vi Commoowenhh, Snvdcr ,
n agonseltcf'i ex'ri. J '
vi . J . . t
J. Houser, jr, , '
Heidiy it al v Peter M.lick, Columbia "
Clerncnt el a1 vi Tnfga'rl et ul filton "
ifYi i Younjfrrl'a'rl dt al "
tinnier " Ittcllflght ilr ,,-
Dewart, Northumberland
Kunyon i appe . Columbia
1 teld ippenl Lycoming
Sunbury Erie K. H. ti, Hummel.
Baumgardncr vi Kac et al Kof.hum'd "
An5fitwr's Notice.'
Yrr,nnrt it.a
of the assets iu the' hands or Jumeg Smith
Administrator of (Jcfrge Armstrong, lute of
Upper Augusta tOwnt'lip. Northumberland
comity, dee'd., to and annug the respective
creditors according to tho oivlpr established
by law, will attend to the duties cr his gakl
appointment nt his office iu the lirrpngh of
Sunbury, oh Friday tho 3d day of October
A. D. l8.ifi, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day
at which time and place all persons interested
may attend iT they sec proper.
...,, c .. .... .wu.-ac Auditor
To Your On-n i?IcchanC(!l
fieKpertfully announce that he hai taken tj,B
itand latly occupied by Oeorrje Kenn, wlu8
he is prepared to manufacture ill kind of
Of the most Fashionable Style.
rT,HE aubucriber respectfully calls the atU'Vioi
-- or the public to hii Inri?e nnd xplmdid as
sortment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself toovery one
who will exauiiuo it, on account of iu durable
workmanship and splendid finish, mads up of tlm
best Mock tube had in the city. No efl'ort i
.pared in the manufacture of Ins wnro, and tlm
"ulmcriber is determined to keep up with the
many improvements which aro constantly beiim
made. Hii stock consist, of Mahogany
Sol'ait, Ulrnus ami LoHngr
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards',
and hIkoTUNETIAN UUNUS, cijunl to Phila
delphia manufacture.
UEDHTEADS, of every pattern and price
In short, every articlo in this lifieof hia bu.inesi.
He also rhanufacture all kinds and qualities.
f, , CriAIKS,
ncluding varieties never before to be' had' iS
Sunbury, such as Mikocis it", Dlack Waict
as ii (.YrLi.n Mai-lk (limeiA.f ; ai- WiNiisni.
CHAIRS, ami i-anct Piaio Stool,1 wb'ich are
of the latest styles, und warranted to beexccr.cJ
by none manufactured in Ibe Cities or elre'whero.
The subscriber is dctcrmiFied tlrct then shp.ti
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be enterUini .
about, the quality and finish of their ware and.
These articles will he disponed of on s"gobdl
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Couii
try Produce taken in payment for work.
VW UNDERTAKING. Having provided
a handsome Heusr, he is now prupared for
Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi
cinity , or at any convenient distance from this,
n?" The Ware Room ia in Faw n Street, be
ow Weaver's Hotel.
Sunbury, Sept. 13, 185C tf.
fT every description, suitable for railroads,.
Ac., for weighing Hay. Coal, Ore, an,!
Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no riik!
- 'J . . . . . . . , an,, ii n 1 1 1 I
trial, not found satisfm-tnrv rnn tm ipi,ria.1
out charge,
Kaclorv at tlip DM Kt.n.1 ol,l.i:l....l r... j.
than twenty years corner of Ninth and .Melon.
Streets, 7'hiladrlpliia.
Successors to Kllicolt & AbboU'.'
Philadelphia, Sept. Vi, 1856. eSin.
KKEK young men all the advantages of a
thorough Business Education.
Embraces Double-Entry Uook-Kcepmg, as ip
plicd to Wholesale, Retail, Coininiwion, Man
ufacturing, Shipping, Htcam Uoating, Individ
ual, Partnership, and Compound Company
n ill the Ancient and Modern Hands. Also;.
LEC'Tl'REs on Ooioinercial Law and Political'
Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq.
For Circulars, &c., address the undeisignetiU
York, Pa-
September 8, 1S38. fim.
ia Traeiicrs Vvantcdi
1 V the Board of School Director, of fcliamo--
kin district. Northumberland County.
Tho Board will meet on the day commonly
called THPKSDA Y, thr 9d day of Octolwr nex t,
ot one o'clock P. M., at the Public House or
Charles Leiseuring, In Shamokin township, to
employ teachers for said District.
'i'he county Superlntendant will also U there
for the examination, &c, 4-c.
By order of the Board,
EL1DA JOHN, tec'y.
Shamokin tvp.,t)th ino. 6, 1856. -
f'lHK partnership heretofore existing between
tho under.igiied, under the firm of Wilker
ion & Uenn was this duy (.Sept 6 1 858,)' dissol
ved by mutual consent.
Sept. 13, 1856 tf, . .
J. II. liELTOX, Ii Piuietor.
J as. T. Uali, A.u t. . ;
riapt. 13, lboli. t,f ."'. .
Si LXJAB CLUED II AM. A lotlufticceired
and for sale by. bEASHOLITZ A. PETKY.
Kept 13, IS56.
GOSHEN L' yEESK.-Just received imh fur
nleby ,LAOl.lZ4 FEiliY.
MjfOT.CE is hereby given that the umi,.r
1 slb-nei.1 Auditor appointed by the Or
phan's Court lf Northumberland county, ta
seine ana aiius: uie rates anil