" . t :-,..-r. I :( V"--7 " t" -r HERRINGS SAFE , . ' e AAI THfiOKAMPIOMU r oo Sn icAiVA. in '.'fry ""m aerrea' their entirt content in W lot Extensive Fire$. i T 111 burning of the Artisan V nnildinc April loth, and in the OIIKAT'KIHK InM.rlietM May lt. I. me (mm. '"'" eWe preserved the Jewelry of Goo. W. Simmons Uro. ( ", nrrs. ttc. nf riihrr tc Pio. and it ft Co., after re- Ldward Semens A maiuins exposed In the btirmng mini for nearly Forty Hours, n provine conclusively w.h.v alwaye elnimcd for them, thaw rent suDeiloritr over all securities In these fire-, the ffbhiau V.1S.L.1.a to stand 10 by si.l. with tho.e r-lvcrt.ee. J'J'iorih the se- mnra Hi Until H""'' ", esm '"T.',?,,.V,Tl. f knowlensed .let.... not JJ' .Edition go excellent order, but being hetnel Jd nmillle .. of through another ordeal, wh I et mfcJ''a ,,ice. end In other maker, eie bodly used , deiiroyed. gome ewe Iheu entire c""'f",r " '. .hot. during the M x o mc puiMit; w " ' , i lnirn them, nvire mn ,enr. the item.,,". .( h .been 'JX.traB without two hundred have p"el thrnag acciaenuu the occurrence of ,ntoJ0,,I- .hmecrs strhvit the W. would, therefore, ' ... J" "Ylerrin a mi.rcpr.sentalion of Interested !"'" ,' ', ,hi, clty rJVJ-CTrSJS rJ!f tobuTu.. .rao.,,, of he., of ny other Safe now known. Farrelrt tc lien Ing, Bole Mnimiaclnrers In true ' BERRISG'S T4TEXT CBiSVlOS S..FES," 34 Walnut ft-, rtiilada. w i.k,.. Watson'. Imrtm-ed rW.rn.mlers." i i:-. .... liquid mm pit ivi " 7n,Wyim'ntV) willb. soldi low P".. i ni ..; iv. PI,il.,Jnne8l, 58 lv. CARRIAGE & WAGON MANUFACTORY. fTHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends rl ... i:. '.....tiv tl.nt be has take- and the public generally that h. ha. Uke 1 . -v thop or.Mr.lt. i cier. i ' to niaWy (:lulIC,1( ,vher0 he is p-r" CARKIAOES, cuGS of HEAVY AM) I.li.i.T?OCKA'3' WHJiELBA RHOWS, "O.N3, in abort evervthing in his lino. The subscrttiei thanks his friends for Ihrir former lil.eral pntron ge and hopes to merit a continuance of it in future. licpniiing of all kind done in the best and moat expeditious manner. SAMLT.I. S. GOBIJf. fc'unbury, June St, 185fi. 3m BHEAFP Sc BLACK, minkiis and tmprtm or WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From the Big Mountain Colliery BTIAMOKIN, NOHTH'D COl'NTY, PENN'A. Address Sheaff& Black, 8unbury. or 8ba rookiu, Po. Stinbury, May 54, 1S5C tf To Builders St Carpenters. Tho subscribes aro agents for the sals Do.r, Window blinds, Window Shutters, a all sizes of Window Sush, all of which we r at the lowest prices. . May 32 'SO. E. Y. B RIGHT THE WEST BRANH INSRAiF. F B.i.rii" in iYF.v Insures Detached Buildinrjs, Store 'rerc,lan; line, Farm 1'roperty and other B'"'s"' and . tlicir contents at moderate rates. CAPITAL SSOO.f'' CHARTER PERPTLAL- DisicTOn C. Harvey, Hon. John J. Pearce, Join, j, iT tnarles A. Mayer, ' Charles Crist, J'eter Dickinson. He T. A brums, j)" Jackman, fias Kitchen. Hon. G. C. IIAEV Pr" '1'. T. VKC Thos. Kitchen, 5ee'y. H. CHAS. UL.Mv General Agent. REFEENCE, camuel if. Lloyd, A. A. Winrgardner, ' h. A. Mickey, A. Wiiius, James fjuipgle, Jl' V. Maynard, Hon. Siion Cameron, Thos. Bowman. 1). 1J. Wm. Vonderlielt, Wm. Feuron, Dr. J. S. Craw'jrd, A. Updegraff. .lames AririRfrnng, J.011. Win. BiRlcr. V W. URAl. Agent, Sunburj-, Jui. si, jtifill 6m iX'D'lVt'E. TVOTICE is hereby oven that application will ' ma.lo to tho sext .egibluturo of 1'cnnsylva nii. at the session of f7, for the creation of a corporate body vit bunking and discounting privileges, to be caleJ the "Shamokis Haxk," located at Shamokntown Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of $150,000, with the privilege of incrasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokin. Jjne 14. 156. 6m B" AWNS, ButVChambras, Chilli. Alpaca. J Paplin, Silk f.ustrc. Dtlanes. Prints, De beget. Bareges, Tissues, Black and Fancy Silks, Scotch, I,aiicn.ter, French and English Ging hams. Jusl .-cccived by E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbu'y.Msv 31 156. LABORERS WANTED. A NUMBER of good Laborers arc wanted on C-.:- .L. .... Road, below Tvcvorton bliJge. Good wages paid and the best kind of ucrommodntion given. Ap ply to WM. GAIG1.ER, on the works, or to II. B. MASSEI!. July 6, 1850. Pnnbury, Pa. " FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor. ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriago Bodies. Hair Cloth, ic. Also, for ie movin? spots, hidinfr scratchts, Ac , Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by WM. A. BRL'NER. June SI, 1S50. NOTICE. AT'OTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the next Legislature, of Pennsylvania, fur a Charier incorporating a Saving Bank, with discounting privileges and authority to receive monies on deposit, with a Capital of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, lobe located at bunbury, Northum berland county, and called the -Discount and Deposit Dank of Sunbury." HENRY DONNEL, J. V. FKILINO, II. B. MASSE If, JOHN COOPKR, I. T. CLEMENT. E. WILVERT. Sunbury, July 5, 1856. 6m 'NDERSLEEVE8, Chemisettes. Crotchet and Needlo Worked Collars, Flouncinif. Thread Laces, Inserting and .Suits Edging.- t or sule tiy 1,. V. U 1C1UUT tV SON. May 6 1850. r"l'Vbuceo and Begara. ao.ono ImporteJ Scgsrs of various brands. Eldorado, l i, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at WM. A. BRUNEB'S. , Sunbury, May 31, lS.'.C, CSV All.o, Kisire, hwiiiiucikm :iu lioisv SUOe iiia . : i - I. 1 i i IH1 -kv nails, canal shovels, picks, grub lioes and mason bsmnivrs for sale by ...Wy3l'5a. E. Y. BRICIIT i, SON. r 1 ." ' ' '' - ,il I .a. , ffrAin. Elorlish and German .r... . JOl iiriisr fcythe and sneaths for sale b .Iay 81 S6. E. Y BRIGHT c SON. l?l .Ini, J.cneU, Uook Muslin, plain and dot led Swiss, Curlafn M usliik Corded Dimity and Bonnet Cord. For sale by ' L. Y. BBIOIIT 4 HO."i. May 31, 16S9 NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JU8TRECEIVKDUY . s I. W. TEKClt & Co., Snnlarr r- WE bK rcpotfully to .nnounco to onf frlende and tho public tht we re now re wiring a rry r aivd well ejected ' goode euited to tbe eeMon, which wa are deter mined to sell clioap ne lieretofore, finding our old motto of , , . , . Small profit and quick Saltt. to work well we ehnll continue to adhere to it, ovr etock coueieti pertly oftlio following Ul LADIES GOODS. Oroe De Rhine and Summer Silka, Chilli, De- liege, Harcgc. painted and plaid l.ftwne, Jingham I.awna, Rohed Dreseee, Va- lenria SUirte and Skirting, ureaa, L'rrJ and crinoline Paine, Jiconet, Cambric, Rwisi and Barred mualin, Bieltppal'iwna IMaiJ. Dot ted and FiRured fSi Mualin, Linen cambric hamlkcrcliu-h, Clicmic, conar., undcrolcevee, printed ca.limerc, tlubct ,,.ll''r ahawle, Binsllnm 8na callco', " Ready made mantillae, paraion, r ..! OEXTLEMEMS uuuvs. Clothe, ca..i.MCre.. X"lT"--"" o.l. in ..noua at, tea for eo. t. w ( Jhirt bosoms co,lars,crava,, . ; - .A..M...t nf Ri, v made coat' ""' ' . . assortment of La vests, together wtth S10ei Bllj (;HitCn, d!es and Bcntlcmcn. lloit nJ Cori mens, boys and cl) 0rM:e,irMt Cedarwarc, Hardware, Queri)Ware Dr(lgj pBiuU( rislli Stone and -y oi, i e meat, "j'aupply f school books and copy books . , ffiited copies on each page. w . orne and see, 10 charge is made for show .OS goods. Courf'r proJce taken in exthange for goods, at the higbenv r"i vrei .. "-X11ESLAMANDER SAFES or rin lad Etf1' ?A??'5.-TH wortsD. , ANS & A I SON, J"o. 2Gu'h Fourth St., Philadelphia, ', Hsve had the sirest rleinonnrn. ,l0n """"WingCettiBcates, Ml'SSf """ ''"'r '""""'nature of SUla. MiC3i!-'S4S warranted tbe representations ll -rSvlt' P wi,,t-1' nave ueen made nr them tendering un uiid(uhted ircurity tiKaiiut the Lcruiic element ; PHlf.Abrt.PHt A. Atiril f'J.K Iftrrt vs. l-.rain .t WnUon : (Jeiila: It aifonls ns the kin' ""'"f'.f'ion to .late to you. that owiiijr to the verv Tive qualities of two "I the Sahninnder Snl'es which jrehared of yon some few immlha inci', we suved a J" pertmn of out Jewelry, Uooks. Papers, Ac., Xkj--o the eaiainituoua firo in Itanstcad Place, on tl.e niorii of the llili mat liVhen we n-dect that thesn Safes were lomlerf l urlb story of ilia building we occupied, and that they -ell tulisequenily into a heap of huliuiig ruins, where t!i east ooiiceiiirniion i.ficat . .used the brans pluli-s to melt, we cannot but regard the pres-rvatinn of thevalunble eon. tests us most convincing proof of the greiit sccuntv aflor tied by your Sates. W shall take much p!canrc in recommending them to foea of business ss a u.e reliance cfiimst fire. GtoBi W. Simons It ftpo. , PmLHisirntA, Anrll 12, 1IW8. IessM. I.vans A Watson I i,avc to ofl'er vou mv tes timony 111 favoi nf the ((icat security afforded to mv cnliie stoclr of jewelry, b.K.ks, r,perR. Ar., durirc the recent dilsirous conri:ir-rnl in li. .,.! niu,.- ... I that the same were contained ill two of the Salamander bales ntuiiuiactured bv v.m. . ,u.. n,iui me una story 01 ine ArtiAan Htnld- where they were pre. i"u!y filacdJ und exposed to a vt heal for n lone time, the preservation ,if the valuable deposits teemed to eve: y one who witnessed the opening; sua intenoi exaiuiimtioii, a matter of profound aitonsh.' To all who may lequire a perfeet protection front the ravages of lire. 1 shall not l.esltnte to rccnii.im-nd the use of your Safes, si I ccusijur they have now jnderecuic the ru 'Sl trying te. N. K. Mokoah. PlllLABXlPlllA, April 14, 1950. Messrs. 1 vans & Watsmi lieuilenien Xo douiit you wilt be deeply Kianfied to learn the cood condition in which lo!r,'uV:'jlolffiV ,l.':?l,!tl Policy of insurance, certificates of 1 opem-.t the safe miuie by your firm.' 'liii my k-nnwsOfre ot its frteat exposure, both to tl.e Intensity of the heat frim so liot u lite as that which de stroyed the Ariism, B'tiiiling. as ulso from the force of the full from its t'urmr clev ocd' pnsitio., in the third story, 1 could entertain but slender uopes prior to t's interior in. speeti.nl, lliat the contents which 1 once so highly prized W'tuhl ever be of pay serrire to me, h it r.a these fc-os s.e now happily removed, I feel it only flue to say to you that I can henceforth recommend the use of your'Pales to .11 who m:ty wish to feel a confidence in the perfect se curity which su,.i menus provide. Hiruiiitt so frnrhlfnl an element. KtiWAKs Gaiiill, Bookbinder. Constantly oa hand Patent Powder .ml Thief Priv'f Locks f.ir Hank,. Stores, ic. April So, two ly 57 A0,:,rwv.-rvj'-r3 SUNBURY, PA. rilHE subscriber respectfully informs the public jL that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply ef good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her bouse. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 31, 1856. if. K0A1) AXES, hand axes, adzes, hatchets, hammers, chisels of all kinds, squares, saws, saw setts, augurs, planes, plane bits, riles, com pastes, screw drivers, brace and bitts, hand vices, bevels, spirit levels, tape lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches, nippers, plyers, spring callip pers, pinchers, oil stone grind stones, cranks and futures, chisel and augur bundles for sale by May SI '66. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. JAMES F. CALBREATH'S SHOESTOEE, A. 10 Xorlh Lihilt Street, About Arch, East sitle, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes made to order in the very lest style and workmanship on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always on hand. May 10, 1830 lv SAM x Ia. ei it iti: v & so., M AN IT A CT ty'llKUS OF TRUNKS, VALISES, icC, HC Chcsnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. HAS on baud the cheapest, and best assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFErtED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, ISoIiil Riveted. Iron Frame, Iron Bound Travellidg Trunks; Packing do, Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Bags, Satchels, Vc. by the quantity or single article, lower than can be bou;;t,t at any other place in the citv. July f, I85C ' NOTICE. ViiTir-v :. t. i. ..... - ..... ,o urmuy given tnai i nave re ceived tho I'umpblet Laws fur la.Mi, und that they art. ready for distribution to thoso legul ly entitled to receive tho same. JAMFri BKAHIl ler,(l,- Prnlli.Minln.i.'. in... 1 ' ) huubury, July VI, It-Dd. Justice of the Peace. t iLM,OUNT CAHMEL, Northumberlaad County, Pennsylvania. All biuinra, ,,Ioni)y uUcllJej t0. Munil, collwled and all ordinary writing, dono. Mount Carmel.June 14, 1858 ly ! IKTVA. Satin and Faner Bii.'.on, Silk, .. "'ted and Liiicii Braid, Mohair Head tVoT"; M""!-1,0M'.'i.,g., Kreitch em. broiderded and Flourishing Thread. For sal. by E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. -May 81, 1850. : . ... stationery .-,A Urge supply of fancy Note Paper and KiivcIoucm. M. i and Cap Paper. Per... Ink, Sand, Ac. st I.y 81, '. WM. A. BFl'NER'S. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC, MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT .... ... crt : . THE tiflttcribera reapectfalry nrite the) public to call and examine their flock of NEW GOODS, . embracing every variety. Our Ooode have neen aclected with the greatcat care, and our assort ment cor tains the latest styles, hoth of foreign and domestic manufacture. We have nlo made arrangements Jo receive (roods direct from Phil adelphia every few weeks, by thia means we will be enabled to keep up our assortment We return our thanks for the liberal patronage be atowed during tho past year, and trust thst by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we will continue to receive a share of the same A4 i. nnii.irr jl unv etanbur, Xluy is, 18J0. Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 CUttnul St., opposite Jonet' Hold, PlilLADI.I.rillA. Window Shades, Uilt Cornice, Bull; White and Hollands, Bnicatclles, Satin de I. aines, Worsted Damasks, Centre Tassels, Gimp and I.oope, Curtain Bauds, I.aco and Muslin green Picture Cord, Patent Rollers, Curtain Pins and Trim, in in i;s, Curtains, Puce Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church shades or Dra pery, got up a the shortest nolice. Curtains cut, made and put up by the most experienced hands. l'lTTtn'i Nt Yom Sroar., 203 Chestnut St., Melodenn Buildings. May 3, 1606. DENTISTRY. A KNOL'NCES to tlie citizens of Sunbtiry, iXorthumbcrlaiid and vicinity, that lie has opened an oflico in Sunbiiry, one rloo' west of i,n pn oir,.., i,tlc i,8( prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. Ail work well done and Witrrnnted. Also continues Gum Work, which durable and nent. April 13, 1856. tf is verv 3STEW ARRANGEMENT! J-"reth Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OIL S, kc. rpHE undersigned having taken the atoro for J. incrly kept by Weiscr and Primer, is now ready to Jill orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He bus a large ami well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND'CON FECTIONAI1 V I Tobacco and Imported Scgsrs of the choicest brsnLS. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per I turnery of nil kinds. Tooth und Hair Brushes I ol every variety. 1 Cumphme ami I'luul always on hum!. customers will find his slock complete, coin prising many articles it is impossible- hure to enu merate, and all sold at federate prices. l.cuicinlicr the place, next door to E. Y. Bright'. Mammoth Store. , ,r WM. A. BRUNEI.'. Suubury, May SI, 1956. G CO CD LTD 523. A. J. CONRAD, HOLLOWING RUN. ESPECTFPLLY inform, the public that by J. K. Kauli'n.an, und that he has rcplcnii-lied the same by nn excellent assortment of Now Goods just received from Philadelphia, which he will sell on tenni as reasonable cs any other establishment. His assortment consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SATTINETTS, Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices Lnriieft lrefes Cood. Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacas, Do Laities, Calicoes, Ginghiwns, Muslins, Trim mings, Ac. Also a Irc.h supply of GROCERIES of all kindn. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedarware, Brooms, cVc. Also large assort ment of Boot and Shoes, suable for Men Wo men and Children. Hats and Caps. Silk Hats, and all goods uauullv kept in a CVuutry Store. All the above named siock of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, June 14, 1856. ly WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAR1IART, AS just received a new and excellent ossorl- ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures ai.d keep on hand, at all times, tho most choice Confectionary, 4c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conltctionaries, may be rounu : ' French Frcrets. Hurned Almouos, f'rcaia White, " Le.u.'n He, " V.nilla. Comm u Scclcu. Liqooncc, Cum Props, all kindsof scent, I l.ove Drops. ! Mini Ur,.ps, rej sail white, Jeily Cslies, - 1 Kl.nt Drops, Plies I'aiulic., o( ail scents Lock Coi.'lv. AhnoiiJ Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, K ics, Citrons. Pansnas, IatM, C'jrra.t. dlisd, A ll.wnJs, K.isons, Nutsof.il ki.da 1-E.MOX SYHUP of a superior quality, by the single or d.ucn. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confcclionnries. fruit, Ac, ,11 of which u oflered cheap at wholeialo or retail. ICE CREAlvr He has also opened an lea f'r.im s:i.. an.l I nu will at all time be ready to serve hi custo'nu with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May S J, 1855 ly Citrate of Magnesia oa TASTELESS rpiILS preparation i ra. SALTS. is recommended a. ,, ...... nveiioiu any unpleasant tasla reseuibhng lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold Suiibur-, JoneSl, 1S5C. BLACK, blue and brown cloth, plain and Ian CV C.Bi,ner. If ...1. .. j.. ' ....'"" , . .....,1, j-"", suiiiuetis, triped coaling, duck linen, tweed.,' grenadine silk, silk vcIacU. plaid and figured vesting for ,al?.bv E. Y. BRIGHT & St). .May 3!, 1856. WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. V- .v.j . Proprietor. North'd, June 7, 1866. 6m. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAMFACTlatH or , BLASTING POWDER, J. ('armel, Xurthumberland County, Fa. May 10, 1850 . . II YDROLEUM PAINTP. These paint .ra mixed with water, thereby aaving tha cost of oil, for tale by Mayai.-fs. wm. a. Brunei;. THE L ATEST IK RIVAL orsrniNo and euJMiii: goods j. r. &. 1. r. kline, Respectfully announce Utheir friends and the public lii general that Ibeyiave received at their. Store In I'pper Augusta to'nsuip, Aoriiutmuer land county Fa., at Klines (rove. Their Spring and Hummer goods are oeneu 10 toe puuuc a full assrotment nf merchaniie Ac. Consiating in part of Clths, black and fancy Cass'mera, Satinetts, Chets, Kentucky Jcana and ell kinds offspring a Summer Goods. A lot of retuly made toatUing, auitablo for men and bo vs. ' Ladlei Dr Goods, Shawls, Ginghame, Bege Delaina, Calicoea, black Silks Vc. Also a fresh suprlv (Dnlgs and Medicines, Grocerina 4c, of all kin A np pply of ktrdwarc, Queensware, wooden waro Brooms d Also a large assniiirnt of Hoots and Shoes suitable for men woneiand children, Hals and Caps, suhss Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn. Silk .yc. A Iso an asvnrlmet sf Books. Stationery, ink. Pictures and PiclureVames &c. j Fish, Soli, ChceseVc., and all goods usually kept in a country stt?. Come and see, Come one, come all. Cheocr than the Cheapest. Thankful for past k-ars we hope bv strict at tention to business taierit a continuance of the same. All of the above nned stock of goods will be sold positively at lovpricca for cash, or in ex change for country piduce at the highest mar ket prico. Klines Grove, Ta-Msy 17, 15C If DIS0LUTI0N." THE prtrtuerulp hernturore exsitting bu ttvepn tho unuprsnocl, under tho firm of Wciser Sc liruiicr.a dissolved bv rmitnnl con sent, this the lltl Hnr of May 1850. All persons having; mettled acco'iinta. with us will pluaso call a 11 settle tho etuim without dulay. IK.O. I?. WKISKIt, VM. A. UK UN lilt. Sunbury, May 1, ItT.C. ' Thankful for thdiherul patronnge hereto fore extended 1 wuld respectfully solicit 0 continuance of tlitnutne, at tho slore, next door to E. Y. Iiriht'p, .Market St. where r ttvsli supply of Digs c. can always befound , WM. A. UKL'NI'.ll. Sunbury, May f, I8;i0. JuSEPaXrNEEDLES. maxuac ri urn or WIRE, SILK &. HAIR-CLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, medium antfine in mesh ; large, middle size and stall in diameter. Metallic Ciollaj or Woven Wire, Of the best qtiaiitics.varioiia sizes of mesh, from Nob. I to 80 incluni'O, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, and cut c suit. The subscriber aim keeps constantly on bond ! SCREENS, j For Coal, Sand, Crc, Lime, Grain. Grovel, j Guano, Sumac, Super, Salt, Bunc, Coffee. JS'pice, 1 Drugs. Dyc-Stulla. &c. Together with an as j sortment ofbrigbt ana annealed Iron Wire. I All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by ! J. A. NEEDLE.-, I 61 North Front St., Philadelphia. I May Si, lnr,C WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. rTIHE suWriber respectfully announces to his old friends and the public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, tho White. Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Maharitogo sis., in the Borough of Pottsville. The house has re impr'ov'ed, rendering it quite as" comfortable us any other Hotel in huylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers und others wiio may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render ihem comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5. !S5- tf VALUABLE 1T.0PERTY FOR SALe7 riHE subscribe, Exrcnlors of the estate of JL, Henry Master, dee'd.. offer .It lirint. ..lu .ne louoHiug property viz: , large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, f Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining, lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in Ihe." occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. Tho house is new und the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LLMESTONK LAND, in said township on tbe river about 5 miles be Inw v.,,,.,,. ., k.ii:..:.. i i . .r , ,,. ...... - u.j.uljmin.uj innuaui j. i . .Ai raersoii and others, containing, ubout 90 acres. Tl.e soil is productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about U5 acres on the hill, about two miles below .Sunbury, adjoining bods of tho heiis of the late John Conrad and others. There U, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. B. MASSKR, ) P. B. MAS.-iEU, J Executors. FRANCIS BL'CHER, J tunbtioy, January 19, 18G t? LET IS Ill.SO TOGETIIU. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. WHY AHK Wk SICKT It has Wen the lot of 1 1., human lace t i be weif-heri nowu by disease and siiifrring. HOI.I.OW VVH I'll.l S M.kVOlMlielil-:i.lCiTK.iiil the INFIIl.M, of all climes, uam, tcxrt, uud eonsntutiohs. l'roiessor I J. .11 . way pt!.qiully siipernileids the luoiioloetuie .,f his nud icines in the I nil.J States, and eiicrs them to a fr.-e and enlishleiijMl people, ns the best lemeily Hi. world tret saw lor the icmiivnl of U.icnsu. THESE PlI.l.S 1'UliTl'Y THE BLOOD. ..i.Tl'T'.", """"!". i'1'? "re prely comuine.1 to oparate on the s loinach, Ihe liver, the bnlnevs. the Ioiiks, the .kin and die bowel., correcting any deran'cvinent in their func- , ' ',u,"'"f " e V'o.Hi, me veiy louniaiu of life, and thus curme disease ,, .n ,-..... ' DYSPKl'tJlA A; L1VEK COMPLAINT ISearly half the human nice huv. taken these l'tlls has been proved i ,,i pa, (lf l)lf wrdi , , lh l.as been fnund e.pial lo tl,,.n, i ,., f disorder. o( tiie liver, dyspepsia, mid stomach coiiiulaiu'A ceneruilv. Thev sp in eivc a healthy ,c , t!,(,se ursull ,1W,.V(.( , J eiun,:ed, and when all oUc, ,, have failed. i,hYAL VIMlUrr, ILL HEALTH. Ihe,, .-nilli u"1"" dc"l'0.li: ""vc.nineni. have opened he r uuslom House. t ihe imr.Kloclloi, ,.f these p,ll tha he, may become ,h. medicine ol tl.e masse, l.earn e. Collj,e..d,ul,,hut tin, ni.dicnai. the best mile ly !ien, l""'". "" l"!""""r deliesle health, or where I'" ocriao'to'Xro1'"''' FEMA l.E COM PL A 1XTS. aW'lhoM ht " iihout this eele- It eorrts'iM u...l i... C')U!aMa tat II U (va. U!rt at uU ocmii.1. . V" """" It lit ulfc.i tiie Uiut nud tVi If i Children of ail . ,. ' - , 1 c"" "'" to i the lust un.1 1...;.. ... . - . , lio family should be iv.ihAn, ' . consequently Holloway', Pi1, are the best remedy known til the .. At . if. Asthma, -w.wyu, me jwiowmg innate ; lleudurlii-fl a Indi'etMlup IntiutJiLiui litllmiiiiuifinn Liver CumplMintt lsOWIlCUuf H:irii ('.tlVfllCM Uyajtepaiii )iurtua Pil 1 Wurnuv, ul all itiiuli ft AND FISTULAS. Ml ,hi. '"""iw.-nniw i rrtnofiHirilOU.nU'AT N'w Vor.k; U,"JS14 "u"t.L..."o"" uu, iheT.mi T1 iu ''ei through. at -A ce , 'all-, S .tt J. " world, iu ooaL, zX' coasuierolue saving by uking lh. loraei rv, O. Dioitr.. r. ,i :.. . , . . ' kw.r..,rt ;r" IST . rrr la're,y n, leou lyca t :. pORTaiid MADERIA WINEcj'. Schiedam fcCtlliailO. Willi r-iArrK,u.,.l and Lavender Ir, JiZT'ZX Mjv H rnrinacsat 1865 Special Express Notice. 1850 EXPEESS. HAVING- nbtair ed full express privileges over tha CATAWIS8A, SUNBURY AND F.RIE and WILLIAMSPORT & ELMIRA RAILROADS, we ir now prepared to forward all descriptions of Express Goods by Passenger Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Klmira, connecting at Klmira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All goods for Tsmnqua, 8ummit, Cattawissa, Danville.Milton, Wllliamsport, Eltnlra.ond also to Northumberland and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of o ur own Special Messenger Philadelphia Office, 92 Chrsnut Street. Office Eltnira at United Slates Express Office. April 13, 18.-.C ly Walk this way for Bargains- TPTJKINU desirous of disposing of my entire BL9 "lock of uooks and stationery, comprising some 50,000 Volumes of Law, Medical, Reli gious Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Books. Also, 100 Reams of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, ,tc. I will rin-pese of tiie whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, IBSO. at 1 o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. wm. Mccarty. Per .his. H. Mccarty. Sunbury, March 15, 1S5C. tf New Wholesale Drug Store. IST. SPENGEH THOMAS. No. 88 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer, in Druns, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye studs, Taints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glissnares, Yarnisher, Brushes. Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticles usually kept by Druggists, including Bo rax. In.ligo, Glue. Mtellse, t'olnsli, A"c, Ac. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchunts are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, Goods'sent t.i any of the Wharves or Railroad stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March P, ISf.O ly JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET MAKEHS', No. V4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Church-, Philadelphia. B1ERSONS in want of Bureaus. Tables. Sofas, - Chairs, Bedsteads, and every vnrictv of household furniture, would do well to call, as those orttcles are made up in the best 'ylc and eold at the lowest prices. April 13, IRoo. ly npiIE subscriber respectfully in'orins tl.e citi 1L zi'iik of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture uf all kinds ef EARTHEN W A HE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square cast of the River. He has engaged the services of Mr. Habc. and you ran therefore depend on having a good article. The public Hre iCAjicctfnlly invited to call. All ordors from a distance will l c promptly attended to. T. M.SHINDEL. Sunbury. Feb. I, IPflli. tf Dissolution of Partnership. m n'rro.i i- i , . , . . , . ... i oinii i, iierroy given nun ine partuersnip - ncreioiore existing oetween r-am 1 licrg stresser A. Jim. ivotr. in tin. M,.r,.ii- - " a .jonoiL, uas mt'ii uissuiveii oy mutual con- BClll. SA M'L A. BEKGSTRESf.ER ) JOHNHI.IT, 5 The accounls of the I tie firm will be nettled by S. A. Bergstrctscr who will continue the bu siness at the eld stand. ' A. i! iiunsTnrssrx. April 12, I85(i. .'lysburr J.-STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in CarpetiDgs Maxonic Hall, Chestnut St.. U!,ur Elif.lh, VVOCLD lespectlnily iuviie you t, call and examine their largo and well selected slock of Carpets, Oil fjlolha, IJocoa and Canton .Mat- l..,g. Druggets Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. &c. which uiey win sen to ine trade ot sucli prices as wi, make it desirable for those ho uisl, to ur- va-, i,. euii una cxanuiit- tiieir slock, before purchasing elsewhere. jdii , . THOMA 9 PA T.-Nr-iri-BS IOMM1SMO.V !MERriI4.T. No. 85 North Wharves. Pliil.lli.l. in I M here the following goods aro received and sold on commission .- Dried Apples. Peaches. Plums, Pears, Cher Jies, cVc, Green Apples in Barrels or by tho bushel Beana, Sweet I'otatoea. Lemons. Micll'aiks, Cranberries, Chestnuts, Onions, Ground Nut, Mercer Potatoes, Orange. Poultry, Eggs, Butter. itaiains, Figs, Trunes, (irapee. t heese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 12, 185C.ly HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. 1 ratrijit ailenlion to business in adjliiniiip .ouutiea. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE -Yc 21 Xorth Third St., bcloic Arch, PHILADELPHIA. Ol.'NTRV Merchants can save from ten to fill.ii percent, by purchasing at the above stoies. By importing my own goods, paying but littla rent, and living economically, it is plain I can unucrseil those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rent and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Mcissora dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slag, buffalo, bone and wood bandies, Carvers und Forks, tVo, Butcher Knives. Dirks, iowic Knives, Revolving and p'.uiu Pistols, Ac. Also a largo assortment of Aecordenns, A.e. Al.o line English Twist and German tions. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 50, 1S55. ly. Importer. rjEDARWAKE, Hollow-ware, Class-tv and a larue stock af Queenswarc, embrai are, mbracing " """" P"WU, lor sule l.v May H1 '88. 15. V. BHIOHT A SON. BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Capa and Gum Shoes, just received and for aula by 7 1854. TENER cVCo Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales foj 'y E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. May 31. 1856. AM, Shoulder, Cheese, Mackarel, Irish Salmon and Salt for sal by May 31 '56. F.. Y. B KIGHT SON. SAWS Saw Speara and Jackson' hand, naiin.t v.m . . . ,.. ... framing, oircul.r, cross cut and mill saws lor ! by . K. Y. BRIGHT i SON. May 31, 1856. . . . P'itthing Tackle. Red Cork, Grasa, Cot ton and Linen Line. Out Line. by the yard, .Snoods, Flics, Kirbv. Limerick and ' ' v l-srtisle Uooks, Kods, eVa,,(l.raals by ; M!- 3 .. " tVM. A. VfvflVBIv. HAYD0CK & riDLEB, TkEALERS In Watches and Jewelry, will - continue tha business at the old stand of James B. Fidlcr, ' ' aVo. 12 Sovth Secmd Streit, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have bad in the business, and tha facilities they pnssoss for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to competo favorably -with any other establishment intliecity. They have new un hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JK WELTI Y, Silver, Plated and Brittania Waro, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, tec, &e. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kinds nf Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Thlla., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAK", ZUERN & WEITZEL OESPFCTFUI.LY Inform tho public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new t oal weaker. All'ordcrs proinpt nttended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1S55. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to .rcClrrs , Oermnn,) yoVl. call the attenion of the public, nc, T only to the superiority of Ihe Dngnerreo- ti n,. iK irval.lra ntt e.t,v,n atlA.l A,rl,rv type,) and the various styles of Photography on paper) but to the fact, that parties at a distance ! possessing a small daguerreotype, may, by scud- : inrr it to No. 160 Chestnut St., have made from i it by the means of Photography, and tho talents I of the best Artists, a portrait nl ast stir., from a small Locket to the. full siio of life. ' A small book containing description, prices, . Ac, etc., will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCI.EF.S' Philadelphia Photograph Bstablishmci-.t, Nn. ton Chestnut t., below 7th Pliila., July St, 1855. tf. THE UNIVERSITY S FAMILY " REMEDIES, IPCr.I) utkIci te Sanction an'l A.uhoritvef tl.e L niverntj of FilKK. .ti;oi(;iNE anU poplar ki..w. ledce, Chattered fy ti.e Mate of Pennsylvania. AnriHO. IrVW, with a C'nrntnl of (f lOO.noo. main!'.- lor the (inrpoae of arrestmc the eviis of Ppniio'us an 1 worthless Nostriixs; Als., f-,r supplying the Community w'.tl. reliable Kerne dies vl:erever n Coinne'.ci.t I'iiysic.'an cannot o; will r"t bs employed. Tins li:itiution' Ins purchased fnna l)i Jeus K. ttowAMi, his CclehratrJ Ko-tfaud'M Tonic Mixlui-p, Known tor iipwar.la cT tvceiily-ir. e years as t.:e r-r.iv sins ami rate i-.ire for c 1 , Kit unit AG! 11. Ac. nnii ins i:uj- tonaWe lleinedy for MKVKI.COMl'LAl.VI '., IiowanJ s Cin-pooiiil Syv ;p of n'af'ubirry Hoot, which hlgiiiv ap proved an.-l p..pi:!.ir l!enicj:-s. t e:her with The t'niversin !. Iteinecy f..r t'c.mpiaiii'.s of the l.cnrs; The t'liircrsity's lteinrdy for l)yspeitor Indiger.'.i. n ; Ti:e I'mversity's Kemecty for Costive-Bowels; Al-o, the I'nivcrstty's A!;r;:.!:nc ir.ay be l,e had, at the llraucu Pis'ensarr. y'r Store t f WI1.I.IA--T ni:ppi. Nov. J, I8.-J. Maimnor 1. O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. pGKRY ct ERETY. invite the attention of IL merchants and others to their large stork of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books. Albums, and Presentation Books in all styles of binding ; Standard Theological, .Medical, : MiscellaiiR.vua and School Books, which they i have received from Tru.lu Sales and are selling ! atextrciiiclvLivprices. Also direct from the manufacturer, and Irtr- , porters, overs- Mud of Plain and Fancy Writing, i Letter anil .Vote Tapers. Luvclopes, Gold and rSteel PcilH. I'cneils. nkslxntlg- Wraioiinv I'a. . . . ' i ; pfrs, o.c., ic, al Hie lowest rash prices. PERRY ERETY, T f'or'.r-r. '1.1 blid Ivaco CiS. Philadelphia 3, 1S55. tf September TO B21TT. 4 STORE ROOM on Market Suuaro in Sua bury.aad two rooms adjoining. CHARLEfj PLEASANTS. January 26, 1 85C. tf Pflshionablo Hats and Caps. ASHEY & R0CAP, X. nr, Starlet ft., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their fiieiiJs and tbe publi.: f generally, thai tlicy continue to keep at SJ their old stand, a lane nnd citcnsive iissortm.oii j of iuts, ' got up of the best material i 1 ;,, ,!. i,. ., , ' ., '. .: , '. j !inis!" ' nd b"1 ,t;'"' '" wo1""'"'"l' J ' r .... ... , . .... ,V"1" tr? mt:rc,' 3,u' will do well lo i..;Nov iy: ie55tV 5 i - - e-1 . BURTON tt FENT0N. : .f. V. cowr Si.rth ami Arch streets, j i'iiii.aii:i.i'hu. ' ! flEA! Tea!! an tsnrommo-ilv fu!J nud' choice assortment of black nud green Teas I ofall grades, from the extremely low price of ! 30 cts35 40--r.Hii.)7(i tJ v, cU. pfr I warranted to be superior to anv to be had else- j ... re at u.e same prices. i e know and confi dently recommend them to bo SO per rent cheap, er tnan any for sale in ihe citv. WB have also a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old Gov't, Java, Laguayra, Maracaribo, Rio and Capa Hav tieii Collee. New No. 1 Mackerel and Shad in J and i bb. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine -ppie, cap Dago, Aew ork Cream Cheese al- way on hand. Sjapbrown and white: abo f. V ".''" m Va S'I"-'!l,il4,l liv Sual'. " Hi. of n hicli iaiII r,, o f ... r ..i: i e." " - v. uiuiiiji IOOWI1 p. Jiibo .iarcii ol Jillereiit oualilies, l'leklrs. ; sanies, Kctcntips, olives olive oil, sardines, an- choveys, Ac. with a full assortment of f-Wv uooiis, to winch we in tile the a tention of ihe pubiic to call and examine our extensive ascort uient of Fine Groceries for side by BURTON cV FENTON. holesale and Retail Family Grocers and Jea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sis. N. B. Goods delivereJ to all iiartl of the ci'y frea of charge. Phila.,Sept. 52, IS55. apl 8y NEW MASONIC HALL, rnir.Aiia.piiiA. A&l'.NT WANTKU in eveiy town end eaunly in th '"'-co- Stales, to AVc-!l ihe hcjutiiul ,ietur of tiie OUAXD l.ODiiU. ROOM. In the .Ntw Maaomc Ham., l'oiladelnbia This Pl o l. ss-ll.il. verv lunidlc. end riiiii. Z. ". I lliecorre.t'ii.s.nd hikhty wilh which the brAiiiat 1 .. . tiiiiisi.1 AAi. r cktiTCRK are represented, ami I ,,".a,","!,S ',"',Uy ,,"d ''.rmjoyof th. colors. 1 "' 1'iate, tM is. I'nee 1 oil. U.K.ssrileis and Picture Dealers wishin? to tnke s-eu cies for it, will please aidrcss, lor funiier i,f..rinaiiwi. I..N. RKS'KNTII.Al.. OeWtar 97, IW -tf Li,hu'-fi"!r. I'h.l.l,ibu.. UKEAT MASONIC HALL. THE I.AIICKMT PI ANO FORTI', MKI,oiE(. AND ! Tllli L .H'i:ii ni'ATi:.-, BlLSlCSTOItKIN vv ill be onenerl Oet.ilir IA,h imi ... .k. s, ...... " u oireet.iih .ve t-eveiu.i, Philadelphia. H JOHN ArAKMI, the .dc Agent f..r Koail,uaii, ,,'"y ?, v"- " ee'ehrated Dolce t'uiupaua Allachnient I luno r o.tes, uimI C VV. Fisk As tXi's Premium .Vleli.. ileona. Arno, 1-iuno Foilesnnd itleliHleons of oilier dis t.UBUished linkers. J. Al hits obtained a Iras, for aeveial yeuis i in the new, tiiayuiKeenl end well known Musouie iluiktiiur, where he ii Mends keeping; In. lariitwl stock And assortment of Piano ForUs, AleloOejue, Music, nud Mu .lent Instiumeiils of eve.y deseriplion, .11 of which are carefully selected hy himself, and warnuited to sire per fect (atilaetioii in every lusumc. OcUiher a;ih, IMS if . COLLINS & M'CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printer! Furrusbijio; Warehouse, No. 1 Lodge Allei, back of new Masanic Hall, " V ; ; PhiladelpUa. - Phila., Jan. IS, 1856. - ' " - . . Trlslh: Linen, miulina ..eliecka. ticking il.U sliapw, furniture dArekniTwdisA cauiiUr-, ! panes. for sale l.yV - . .! Shatnokln White Ash Anthracite) CoaL D-om Ihe "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery. T H- ZIMMERMAN c JNO. P. PL RSEi., successor ir Kase,-KeedcVCo., will coit tiune mining, shipping and selling coal from tha abova well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment is at tho lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all order for tha varioua kind of coal, vix I Lump, Broken, Egg, (Hove, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, St-aarar, Jeir 6, ISnS. Tha firm of Kase. Reed 4- Co. having solsT their lease in tha Gap Colliery and interest in th wharf at Sunbury, to Messr. Zimmerman & Pursel, wonl" tnke great pleasur in recommend ing our customer and other to the new firm, aa they will be able lo soil tlieni prepared coal ef the best quality, KASK, REED A CO. UNITEf) STATES HOTEL? Chesnut Street, above Fourth. PXXXLADEXs HIA- Q J- Macl.ELL AN, (late of Jones' Hotel.) has the pleasure to inform his friends slid the traveling community, Ibal be has leased thia House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guesls. Tbe Local advantage of this fsyoritc establish ment are too well known to need comment. Tbe House and Furniture have been put in first rate order; tha rooms aro large and well ventilated. The Tables will ulwava be supplier! with thcl et, and tha proprietor pledges himself make ,h, L-, slate's eu l ! ,mfo".,I lIo, in 0e ,,;,H """on lo . r.n pan snail be waat ni to V, . . "'e. e4ui m comtortsto any Hotel in tho Quaker City. rnilii., July 8, 1864 samuelsT fethersn7 nutin la lamps, LAxrrw.rs, chaxdmummjs ASH CA.JDKLItRAS, -Yo. lo2 S. 2l Street, above S.... PHILALELPHIA. AUNG enlarged and improued his !ere, and having one of the largest assortments of Lamps in 'hiladelphia, is now prepared to ftirnidi Pins Oil, Camj.hrno, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns. j '.lavs Lamps by lue package, at a small advance over euciion pi ices. Being a Manufacturer and I Dealer of P,ue Oil, Burring Fluid and Alcohol, 1 wnich will V furnished to Verchals at susA prices that ll.ty will find it to their advantage t i bi:y. AIo, Household (ilnpsware of all descrui- ; tions at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1K54. i CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY 5TOIE jAo 72 tarik Second S'rcei, (oppoiHe Ik iuum r errsori itoust.) Philadelphia. TJOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, e. see, 58j8iUer Levar do,, do., .$12; flil ver Lepine, do., 0 : yuartier. $S to 7 : Gold Spectacles, 4 50 to 1 0 ; silver do.. S 1 50 : Silver lablfl Spoons per sstt, I4 to 818, Silver llesert do., ,io 9 to $ 1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., !4 7.', to ,7 SO ; Gold Pen. and Gold Cs scs, !3 25 to 5 ; Gold Pens and .Silver r! . . . together wilh a variety cf fine Gold Jewelrv, Gold Cur!. , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted lo be as represented. Watches and Jewell v, repaired in thebest manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac., made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will he punctually attended to. Pb'ila., Sept. SS, 1855. !vw. ROYD, ROSSER & OQ HissKs asd tn:ri-s, nt Ucb Isl) antljvacitc oa!. Fior.i tl.e XultB S'idlnr f!nTm,. oanmokin, Korth'd Cotrnti-, Psann. Address BT,J, Rosser .V (' Sunkury, ra. . i. noin. Sunbury, ' 'ii. nora. t April 7, 1S5S if. osra. ARDvVAKE --I-,,,,!e Cutier,; Raxon., iVk " etfcmvea Hand saws' Wood saw ,,, Hand Be.ls, W .iters, 4 r., jt received and to, s 7, n . ' w-'ENER4CO. himl.ury Pec. 2, 1854. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOII2ST DEEN, jr. Market Street, Ihituiile, Pa, ' i one of tiie larc.l ..t .... . PHI - .11,,.. i . , . ' "lu"i roranin. d ou. hotei., ,n theinte.inrof Prnnsvlvania. iw h all the iinderu conveniences. , """""t convent ! .Danville., .Sept. 58, e.-,fi... XHACHER &s WODDRQp WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE At TUI NK WAREHOUSE, Xo. Kll Arch Street, un Stairs iJetween Third &. rourlU Sn. near Union Hotel, ' upper side. Philauelpiiia, Carpet Baa-. and Valice, of , descriptions. HA11LESF. Til ACJlEK. n.ii t.i uut"'' WODJJIlop. l liiiadelphia, Jan. 12, lsjfs.tf y-U.L PAPEIi.A""r7."'Tnd" 7n.lcd J.. ""'""'"fW'.llp.p.,, Window P.. per, and Oil nhades, just received and for sals yM . ' V. TENEK &. Co, Sunbury, May Sfi. ):,; j . AND WAHItANT.STi,. i,:i... m W'" b 'Ve" 101 1'al,J Warrant, by tlleJ.ub , erilv.1. ' u',u II. B MASKEK. 1 TNK Ilonr-.n,,'. --I K .i -i ! I .T? '. Mted ink. and a!M Con gres ink fur sale. nhol.Bl. ,A ,.;i i. lecen.l.er 1850. B MASSER. rU.DARTl.B8. Horse Buckets. Painted Buck , u. Meal Tenderers, Corn Brooms. Bs kels, Children' Wagons, and Yaukea C locks ust ureived and for sale bv it .. . . . .j- fiiiy iMoa. j. w. TEJfFK 4 r ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sl Nil CRY, PA., Aidod by some eight vesrs experience in fSa practice of Ihe Law, will attend with fidelity ic all matter appertaining lo or will in. lb line ol i c PlofeAlotl Oilica with Charles J. Bruner. "Im Market street. Sunbury Sent '5 if ' 1 1S',J'-lf . , $50 KEWAED. tJHE subscriliers ofl'er a reward of fifty dollar -- tor the discovery and conviction of the per- on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at Mammoth Colliery, between Sbainokiii and Ml. t'urmel, on tho night of the Dili inst. 1 he above reward will be uaid lo j ing informa ion that will lead to tha eouviciior. w, .us viieituers. CLEAYER, FAGELY&Co. Shamokin Oct S7. 1855. if. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jj'rames J ATH EM ATICA L liwtrmnenta epaipt A and in case. Tlieimonieler of vuiona ue, Mpy Glasses of every description, Hatin poiiiUfor Lightiiiuf Roda, Magic LauUrua with enplural, astronomical and tcinpersiits vUsigna, Mieroacopea and Microscppic pbjecta, txslvunio Batteries, Electrical Muebines, Survey',, Com pASAca, Suixeying Cn,i"jl &fc Ac.J . McAllister & brother. .... . (Established in 1796.) i ' 19 Chestnut Sirccf Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated (ivitU 15friIlustraUon. furiiJ.hed on Hfolicaiion! .-1 H,U Hf by Jnr.: free of emirge.- - . '.' . !'hila.Sj,t. s, t-'0'..-' - .- -. t y ji V" v, jjiKtf;)f t 4 son