r . nnsTni'CTtopi bt fire , At Cop Island, nf the Mount Vernon Hntel Kcarly un Entirt Family liurnt to Death Terogrnphic ck'spnlchos from Onps Island, on Srtturdey, nnnonnceil the? entire destine, tionjrit the Mount Vprnon IIolol, one of the lurtfvst buildings in the country, which wus uecnmpttnieil by the pronter inifortune of tho loss of lift of ,lr. Oain. one of hn proprietor ami nuiuly his entire family. The lire oconr red on Friday night, ftbonl 11 o'clock. Tho cool weather hud depopulated t he hotel of its siimmr boarders, and only the faintly of Mr. Cain, consisting of himself, two sona, two dun .'liters nnd n housekeeper, remained in the building. They slept on the second floor, and the fire breaking out in the lower story, their egress from the building was cut oil exrept by jumping from the windows. The building whs entirely 01 wooit, nun was raised on plies driven into the innd. Upon the ground be neath the first floor the shavings and stt ips which hud accumulated while building hnd been luft. Tho fire, it is believed, originated among these shavings, near the centre, and it took Will a short time to spread over such infl.tiiiuiuble materials as composed tho build in,!.'. The flumes darted along the building from wall to wull, through the loop saloon over four hundred feet long, nnd np the high low era. till it. presented one vast sheet of fire, thut illuminated the surrounding space for miles. There being no efficient means at hand to check such a calamity, the only thine left for residents nt Onpo Island was to at tempt the removal of the furniture, which as far as possible was done. Tho wind blew blazing embers and lieht shingles to a great distance: but fortunately, no other house on thn Island was injured. I!y on it o'clock the building had been entire ly consumed, with nearly till its contents. Mr. l'liilip t'nin, Sen. his solis Andrew and Philip, one 20, the oilier 18 years ol'r.pe, his two daughters. Martha, aged IT. and Karuh, aged Kf, with Miss Alherston, tho housekeep er, aged !).", were tho only occupants at the time of the disaster. These were all consum ed in the flames. The charred remains of the older Mr. t'nin were found after the fire out side the line of t he plaza, nnd it is supposed that. In? leaped from llio balcony, li'lt was o badly injured as to he unable to escape the fl nuns, ami perished where he f.dl, ' Mr. i'ltil . ip Cain, Jim., leap id also Iron the bal cony, Init was so badly injured by tho flame? which he had to pass through, that lio died, on Saturday afternoon, of his injuries. The other son, two daughters nnd housekeeper, perished without any attempt at escape, as f ir as known by the spectators. The remain ing survivors of the family am Mr?. Cuih and several children, residing at Vineentown, .Mis. Albertson, tho housekeeper, came from the fame place. The origin id' the fire is a mystery as yet. It is charged that it was the work of design. A white domestic woman in the family, whoee wages had not been paid, is said to have made threats of mischief, and she has since been arrested, and u healing will bo had. .Some attribute it to other causes, any many to ac cident. The building had been commenced 'by n company, which proved insolvent, and tho hotel was sold to satisfy the debts. It, finally vested in tiio names of the following gentlemen, who were among tho heavy credi tors of the company : George M .Sleat. llich-jt-d Shields, und A. ). Caltul, of this city, nnd' Cyrus Hex. of New York. The furniture in the building was worth r"rir,i'n "320.1100 togM.OOOmMkingati aggregate prcrtiiuia loss of about $100,000. The great : r tiiirt ff tiiis heavy amount is covered l.v iiisuw.ee The mortgage holders of thu Ilo- j 'tel. we r informed, nro insured to tli amount of between 80.000 and $110,000. The fol!KTkg offices are among too sulfur j 55.000 i Howard Ir.stsrauce Company, Thi'a. i'iaker'Cit7 D.Ol.'O 1 I ro"'incia, P.xehsTiga Mrohata' '51anuf3ctnt?r' Atlantic, Pennsvlvnnin 6tate Mutual Nalioiul fi.OOO : fi.t'i'O j r.ooo " fv'H'li " lO.ooO Pittsburph S.000 Hiiirisburg 5,000 Jersey City 2.000 In addition to Uiese f.isurances, there were some in comi t(es in New York. I ho 1- or. mera' and MecliBics' l .smatice Company, ul this city, had uo -insurance of 10.000 c.u the building and furni'.ifre, which expired on tin liCtb of August. Application was made fir n renewal, but the company decliitfd to renew their risk on the property. . The following description of the hunding n-Ml ff,i-il on idea of its size, and the extent of the culamttv. The Mount Vernon, even in its unfinished condition, is bolived to have been thu largest, hotel in the world. It was valued at S70.000. although it prohnhlly cost over 100.000. If h building was lirst occu pied in 19.'3 ; but-Messrs Cain nnd poster c!id not. become tk-e lessees until the past sea gon. The interior was well finished, and the apartment were larger and more comfortable than usual ut rWering-place hotels. The structure, at the tirtie it was destroyed, was capable of accommodating 2.100 visitors. It was originally designed to have the build ing i-eeiipv tbiee cldes of u hollow square cr iourt yardj and tho front range and ono wing were np. One wing had never been commen ced. Tho build;ng was constructed entirely of wood; it was four Stories in height in the main, wuh towers, eucli live stories in height. Three of these towers occupied tho corners of the building, and oe stood midway of tho only wing. u addition to these towers, there was an immense tower six stories in height, in the front. The entire structure, Isoth outside und upon the court yard, was surrounded with wooden piazzas that extended from the ground to the roof, wilh floors r.t each f-tnry. The wing was n rpiurter of a mile in length, und the front covered nearly mi etpial extent of ground. The (lining room was 42." fuel long, and bixty feet in width, was cupuhlo of accommodating itooO persons. There were -132 rooms in the building. In addition to t,ho main building, then) wus stabling fur fifiy hor.;es, carriage houses, ten-piu alleys, ic. Thc-ru was a tank in the centre tower of the wiiiL' of the Mount Vernon, capable of huMintc-afl.OOO gallons of water. The water "was forced into it hy nienins of a steam en gine. Col. Poster, tho partner of Mr. Cuin, was in Philadelphia ut the time of tho disas ter. . HmiOKS, the assaillant of Sumner, has been making a speech ut Columbia. 8. C, in the course of which lie announced himself uw "a. riifctniiiMiit-t of llie cn-opecotion school'." Alluding to the intiuit:on ma.lo by linn in his speech on resigningiis seat in tlie U. . IIou.e of lteproswitatives, whereiii ho had said that it wus in his power to begin i rev. olution, lib explained it thus : 'What he meant was I hut, had he, during the debate on lira expulsion, walked up and slapped the face of the prominent man of thu Hlack Republican parly, u storm would . buvu been raised vhiih would have' ended only in tlie hull of the House beiug drenched in blood." From this we may gather what desperate designs this wretched incendiary contempla ted during thu lute eission. No provocation . is mentioned for this meditated violence, but solely a deliberate intention to precipitate an oulbreuk Mr. Hrooks would, no doubt, have slapped lh face of thu persou ulluded to, hud lie not thought of tlie fight likely to ensue, und how largely lis party wus in tho minority. ' : i .)HI ,i . ii II '. Yuoiesalb lij.nitfATtoK The Russian commercial community has volunteered to iUuoiioute the Jduscow railway AOi miles, from and to rud, for the Czar's jcutu It wad ro. 7'bt qanr;tity of ftrwork ia cottt of Tre?rakic.B it laid ta K tmn fstreib'.s Uy The following translation from the German of Schitlcr is said lobe equal (o tbo original : THE WoUtH OP WOMAN. ; Honored be wo'rnnn ! she beams on th sight Graceful and fair, like n being of light Hcatters around her, wherever she stray'. Hoses of bliss o'er our thorn covered ways j Hoses of Paradise sent from above, To bu gathered und twined in a garland of love. , Man on passion's stormy ocean, Tossed by surges mountains high, Courts the hurricane's commotion, Spoi ls at reason's feeble cry Loud the. tempest roars around him, Louder still it roars within, -Flashing lights of hope confound him, Stunned his life's incessant din. Woman invites him, with bliss in her smile, To cease from bis toil, und he happy a while, Whispering wooingly, come to my bower Co not in search of the phantom of power Honor and wealth are illusorv como ! Happiness dwells in the temples or home. Man, with fury stern and savage, Persecutes his brother man, Heckless if ho bless or ruvu e, Action, action still his plan. Now creating now destroying . Ceaseless wishes tear his breast Ever seeking ne'er enjoying Still to bo but never Meet. . . Woman, contented in silent repose, Knioys, in its beaut v life's flower as it blows, And waters and tends it with innocent heart; Pur richer than man with his treasures of urt, And wiser, by fur. in her circle confined. than lie mill Ins science and fliyhts of the iniriu. Coldly to himself SHfficinir. I Man disdains the gentler arts ; K nowetli not the bliss arising, I Prom an interchange of hearts. Slowly through his bosom stealing, j Plows the genial current on, j Till, by age's frost congealing, It is hardened into stone. She like the harp, that instinctively rings, As tlie night breathing zephyr soft sighs on 1 no strings, Responds to eucli impulse with ready reply. Whether sorrow or pleasure her svmpatliv try; And tear-drops and smiles on her comite li. i nee p!av, I. ike. sunshine uu'd showers in a morning of fll ay. Through the range of man's dominion, Terror is tho ruling word And the standard of opinion is toe temper ol tho sword Strife exults, ami pity, blushing, Prom tile scene despariiig Hies, Where, to battle madly rushing, Iirother upon brother dies. Woman commands with a milder control. She rnle.s with enchantment the realm of the soul ; As sho glances around in tho light of her smile, The war of the passions is hushed for a while And discord, content from hi fury to cease, lU'posi'S, entranced, on tiie pillows of peace. New Advertisements. STJNBUEY ACADEMY. rpniS Instiiution. nn.ler tho charge of - Isltiip lliill I'rniiinnl ivill i,inni. (la ....v.j...., ..... ,,n i H "infer Tirm of six months on thu second Monday of September next, in this place. I at tho Academy Uooms, utljoiniiig the : Liithtraii Church. I (OOfl oonrdlnp in ;,.N.. r...iiiv nu procured from f-'J.J.r) to g'i..;0 per week. Suiiburv, Aug. 30, lrt."it!. i:i Teachers VantoI. BY the Hoard of Pohool Pircctork of Shumo kin district. Norlhuinberland County. Te Hoard will meet on the day commonly called THURSDAY, the 2d day of October next, at one o'clock P. M., at the Public House of Charles l.i'iseniing, in Shainokin township, to employ teachers for said District. The county Supciinteiiilant will aUo he there for the examination, &c, i c. I'v order of the Uoard, E1.IDA JOHN, Scc'y. Fihainokin tvrp.,0th mo. 6, 1850. lfc'55. FALL STOCK, NKW COO Js. 1860. Prcnch Meriliocs, nil colore, Fashionable (.'leak Cloths, Pall Silka the styles Magnificent New Dcl.ainct, Heat Sivlca Pall Calicoes, Very large Stock of New Shawls, Flannel. Welidi, English and American, Cloths, YesliiiBa and all kinils Mens' Wear fcheeiingj, Tdhle Lii.eo. fowling., Scc. KYRK A l.ANDEI.b, ii.,k ARCH St., Philadelphia. Storekeeper are inviicd to examine our New Goods. Families can be well suited i evny kind of Dry Good. W inakn Ulk. Siika and Shawls leading ar lic les for Wbolrsaleing. P.P. JOBS re rived daily from the Auction of New Yoik and Phila delphia. IV Ti.sm Nft Csu, ept. . 'Afi. w 3mo JAS h. R KIVKIt. l.alr of thtt Ciiion Hetr). I.iee.u" lot- firm of Ereveoa, NATIONAL HOTEL, (mti WHITE WJ(, llice Stint, o'M-f Third, MllI.AUF.l.l'llIA. rjHIi above well-known LktabliKhinrnt, havr M. ing been rnlirely reniodelrd, introdi ring all the modern iinproveinenls, and also, newly fur niched throughout, will be opened for the iccep tion of (iiiula on the FIRST DAY OF SPPTF.MHKU. Tlie proprietors, Ironi their determiiialion to devote their attention to llie comfort of iheirgursta flutter ihcmkelvea with the cbiivicliou that they will be able to Rive satisfaction to their patron. Carriage will ulwavs be in readiness lo cou- vi V passrniirt to and from Me.ilnboat bandings and ttjilrouJ Uepota. WDKM i- BTOVER. Race Street, above '1 bird. Philadelphia, Aupusl 30, IK:6. !y JilOll l'4l. l i:u'S lOSI'A I K. NOTICE is hereby given lliat letter of Ad ininit.irjlinn have been Rranted to the sub scriber, on the estate of Jacob I'ainter, late u! the UrouRh of Sunbury, deed. All Jicr' ns in debted 'c said estate or having claim against the same, arc' requested lo call bit Juiili ltujtis, Hear eiimbury, foi seltleinent who ia duly authorized to act in the ir'tnieii. r fiUO. A. TRICK, Adm'r. Danville, Aug. 30. 150. 6t IMFKOVtif SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP HME. flHEauUcribera inform Healer ai;d Conner JL that they have greatly iniuroved tha qua 'it' ot tlreir Kuief-lhoubale of J.ime, and now con fidently recuininendfd the article as superior to any iu the market. Also, con.tanlly on hand I'KHtVlAN AND MEXICAN GUANO, Oils, Candle, Moan, &c, at the lowest market rate. MITCHELL & CROA6DAI.E. fiuci-esaor to G. W. Hidgway dt Co. - Ho, 30 North Wbarvea, abaia Arch t. Pbiludelptiia. t7 Farmer can load on Water Street, and avoid the crowded wharf. Angum 30, 1858. Iro " CJPIC33. eucaTi eotlee. melaaaei, U, coca AVaUt-ud turcar biscuit far sal by W!'M f Vl6H f ft 6', A VALtTAfeife MILL & FARM 3PTJBXiIC SALEi ; FlMi E subscriber will sell at public sale the fob lowing valuable property, liHuale n the Jlnrough cf Srlins-tirove, Snyder county, Penn'a on WKDMiSlMY, the 1st day orOUTOllKR, nett, the improvement consist of . , THREE STORY GRIST MILT., with four run of stone, three Bolt nd all oilier lircesaory Machinery. A large faw Mill wilh 3 upriKlil tod it circular Saw. A Piaster Mill large Dank 0 am, Wapron Blicds, Corn Criba. eVc Kix separate Dwelling Houses, one a larR well finished weather-hoarded Mansion House ( tlie other five well built Tenant Houses, with all necessary out-IHlllUing, Ac . aiho, an excellent Orchard Willi t great varie ty ol iruit, apple, pear peach, &c. The preini sea contain la ACRES, situate on Pcniia Creek in said lloruuch, wilh an excellent and never failing WATER POWER, with a pood State warn and Slate Lock on the Petm'a Canal. Koala can come to the premisea during the Navigation, and Lumber can be taken out of ihe I.ivcrby the Canal immediately to the Mill. Any quantity of limber can lie safely moored in the I'ool of the Dam. It Is one of the moat valuable and most desirable properties in rcnnnvlvania, well calculated for Milling and Manufartring purposes. situate in a lino Agricultural District, and immediately connected with the Pennsylva nia Cuiial. Over SOI) yards below theUam, on the hank of the Creek, are unoccupied wilh any building, Jiid would be favorable location for Cotton Mills, Foundry or Iron Furnace. For further information respecting said premi ses, apply bv Letter or olhrrwiso to PHILIP I'OljtiH ER'J'Y, l.fq.. of Harriaburg; A. C. SI.M ISOi, Psq., ofScIins-Uiovc, or the aulncri her on llie premises. DKN A' I DO I.CH ERT Y. .SVlins-Grove, Scjit. 6, iRTiG.- t Cancer Cured. f j ANCEIfS, T'nmers, Mens Ulcers, 5crofula While Swelling &c., ured wilhout Surgical operations by Dr. Launaberry. Dr. I,a Pamphlet (3ml. 3d. ) on the treatment and cure of Cancers, 7umra, iSrr.. will be Bent to any addnes (tree) on receipt of a poRtase atnnip Oilire 1!SJ WAfLT St., Philadelphia. A'ept. 6, IK.iO 3ai OTJIST NOTICE. ANDREW V V R K P I, E I N, Importer and Jllonufaclurcr of Cutis, llirtes Iis.lolM, Ac A'o. 122 Forth Second Strict, I'liilnilethia. 11 11 bid, ho keeps cnnttnollv on hand a sn eral assortment of line double nnd sinir'e barrel Shot (miiij, Igrj,,. ,,irk gll)Sl ries um pistolK, r)f all kinds. so. Ihe c'elehrat.d east Mecl lilies, with increasi'd twists, to about llie poinled ballot' Ilia own make; rillc barrels, shot hags, punches. &c. He invites iieiaona nishino to purchase goods in his line, to call and examine his stork before purrha-iiig elsawhvre, as he in rtermined to si ll on the most reasonable ti-rnii. 15" Panii ular altentiou paid lo A'onairinir i. nil its branches. August ao, 18SC w3m lloiisje and Lot lor Kale. 7H.L be sold at Public alc. on llie, prem. c r. 1'DIIIIV I... .1... in.t. . .-, .... . .j, .it-ii,.rr me IJia, HObSK and LOT OF (i ROUND, contain ing about Seven Acres, titnale in Lower A u- gusta township, about 3 miles east of Sunburv. adjoining I.iikU of tieo, Fashold, John Evert aiid lleoj. Kriabauin. 'J'ho laud is all firmed nnd ill good order, and the title indisputable. SARAH PA PP. L. Augusta twp.. Am?. 30, ISfiG. Dt UNITED STATES AGRICULIUHAL SOCIETY. Ofh.-b, 1C0 ClIESTMT Stkkkt. Plllt.ADri.nitA. K Fourth Annual Exhibition i.f the J- ITlCTTI-.n Stiti-j A i-si.t iti ti-o , , C.'-.t-...- ue ,u , i.olv,.loi (r'n.U.I.Ll.i,, ' Tuesiluv, W..i,.. . .... v :', , "'..till Satiirdav, October 7th, 8th, iiih, UMh and lith. Premiums from twenty-five to two hundred dollars, amounting in tho aggregate to Fourteen Thousand Dollars, will bo olfervd for the various classes of Homestic Anitnuls, Fruits, American Wines, Vegetables, liruins, ' and Agricultural Implements and Machinery. I A Local Committed at Philadelphia, top I resenting the vurions branches of Industry, ' lias been appointed to co-operate with the I officers of the Society, in perfecting urrange I meats for tho Kxhibition. And Fifteen Thousand Dollars have been guaranteed to I meet expenses. This muterial uid, coupled ! with the excellence of the selected local ion, ! and thu large amount of Premiums offered. I induces the expectation that the Exhibition j of lpfirj. will bo superior to any of its pre j defensors. I A Grand Agricultural IJaniUet, in which ladies, as well as gentlemen, will participate, j will lako place on Friday, October Kith, when j distinguished gentlemen will address the aSSeluliluiie. Favorable arrangements wilh tho various ruilrouds, for the trunspoitution of .Stock and other articles tiro in progress, the terms of which will bo given on application ut the office. The List of Entries, tho Awards of Pre miums, and the Proceedings, will be published in the Journal of the Society for lfcSoG. The Premium List, with the Itegulations and Proirrnninio '' Exhibition, will I'lirnis-hrd on npp'ication lo Mr. John M'Gow an. Assistant Secretary ol the United Slates Agricultural Sucietv, 100 Chestnut street. (Uooms of the Philadelphia Agricultuinl i Society.) or by undressing lliu secretary, at liestou. MARSHALL P. WILDER. JVe-JtVetif. William S. Kino, Secretary. Abgust 30, lfcfiG. It niCt Y, LlffRKHRi CO., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPE & RAG AO. 5 M1XOJI STllEKT, PJIILADEL'A 1 b() tons flags wanted for Cash. Augmt 23. IHPC fiin rt'iiitylviii:i Wire Worhtti No. 68 Areh tSt. between Siec"nd dt 'J'liird, (Onioite Hread Sitreet.) 1'HILAUKI.J'HIA. Sieves. Piddle. Screen, H'oren ll'ire Of all Me.he and Widths, with all kind of iilsin and Kancy Wire Work. HEAVY Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher; Coal, fciund end U ravel' riereens ; )'air Maker' Wire ; Cylinder and Dandy Hulls, co vered in the best manner; Wile aud Wire Ken ring. A very superior article of Hevy Founder' Sieve. All kind of Iron Ore W Ire and Hieves. BAVl.lss. UAKUY & LYNN. August S3, 1856 cllni To tho Voters of Northumberland co. At tha aulieitation of a number of my Tiiends 1 otter myself tn youf consideration aa a Volun teer Candida to for COUNTY COM MISSION lift, at tlie enauiug election. Should a majority of my fellovV ciiizene elect me to that ollie, I will di:hatk'e ita duties faithful (v. uinatk MICH A i'l. A. KEBFEIl, 'pper Aufi'Uata. A "8- . 1866. te. I7ll,r:8for Machinist, ,reiiter, C Ae., Ueattv'a edgo tool, plane." end bench screw forealobj B, Y. BltlG'.MT e, biN. for sale by May 81, 1858 PORT MOtNAlKS, Tooth and Hair . JJinahea all qualitk., n4 "'"'J r' " AYER'S - CHERHY PECTORIS, FOR TUB RAPID COLS Or Colds CoiiKh nnd Ilonrsciic. BnmnsiD, Mam., 2THb Tm J.O. AtlHi IfdiiMrtMtMtvMf tbe lxtt rXimrdy I hr v Ibuod tic Ooimh. HnrfHnM, luflttou, nri th con-Tomirftut iymiitomfl at old, to ymtr JHWXRT I'HTUttAL. IWCOnADt UMH my firAcUro nd my tkiuityw the iMt inn ywiTsj nrwi shown ft to fnvm mtpt rtur Tirtut f.r t!i trMtmtt of Uim oomplRlntn. i:MKH KMUT, M.D. A. !l. MOIITLKY, lifof ncA,N.T., writ: 'f K ttJoJ your rKcmnu. raywlf id in my family eror tinrl you lnwnt(I It. ftnrl llirsji the Imn mtxlldni fcr tZ pui-ptwm evr put ouf. With vvj cold I nhoiilil nooniw pay twoDty-live dollars for .tt Uian do with out It Z take uny other rumedy." 1 Croup, WhoopinfTonirh, InfluenitH. " sHPRI.'lttLP, Ul0 f , T. II hot nr. it AriiTi: I will cheenlly certify your Pkctuka. Ii the IhwI rumedy wo p-jj-jf(jf tht cure of Wfio pin Cbvph, V up, Knil the chMt riWioti of chitrtre. tj'f ytjiir fratnruiry in the fekintii pprtcihl juur skill, and eotuineud yuur racxUcine tt ourntope. IlllAMOONKLIN, M.D. AMOS LKFI, Ko.,MoTrKrtrT.U.iiU. 8rl Jan.(lMfl: I hsd n tedious lnflnenxn, w libit ,m fined me In doon lis week; took mttiy mriicinin Mhout relM"; fin)ly tried your PfCTnni ly tho ndvt of our clervymnn. The first dona rdieiad the sureiM in ray thttmt and Imifffi; Im thnn utiu hrUf the httttlmndn iuh completely well. Your mt'dfeinos nre ttin dip! iwwelt m thi hMt wo enn buy. and we et-ern you, fctnr, and your rente Uos. an the por man's frhthrj." Asthma or rhthiic. ni) llroncMU, V T MA.Vt HKSR. V rh. 4, lK&M, Sir: YottrCHMtnT I'kctohal L-erf'ruiinB; marllom cures In this nee tion. It liu relied wvtjnil from alnrm i"K syinpttfius of (X-nsumptl n, hi ii i'w nuinjj a man who htkt ltored undor nn nff tit nf the himrn fnr the last forty years. IIKNRY U'AHKS, lUercbaut. A. A. KAMSr.Y, M. t Ai.mo Mwtoi Co., Iowa, wrlttw. Kept. 1, ItM; " lmit myractice of mriny years I hfive found nothlue equal to youCniinttT Ictorat, frr giving eae and relief to uonwatapie pntienla, or curing; such a are curtliiv' ) We might add rotumet of cthleM, but the most Ooa xlncing prouf of the vlrtuoe of this tweJy is found in ita eftects upon trial. Constimptio Prohably no one remedy lian er leen knewn wlilch cured so many and inch divttp'ruuraai an this 9oma do human aid can r.uh : but evt to those the Chkret Pkctoiiai, affords relief and conifer Astor Hwtr., New Yomkitt. Marrh 6. 1S4H, Doctor Arett. 1iwki.l: 1 ft-cl it iluty and a plniwure to liiform yon wb.it your ('ntr.nv fctorai hits done for my wife. She had bef-n fire monts lalsorin urdtr the danerousi ttytupttinis of Constiiriptt'i, from which im aid we could procure (rave bi-r unit h rtf. Mie waf fHnadily fiulinR, until l'r. Htrnnc. of thin rr where we have come for Advice, rerominendtv! trial c your medicine. W hlM hiskiiitliiifi-i. na w do vour rill, for she has rectT red from that day. She is not yen stmuK "he uned to be. but ! frc( from her rough t ad rails herself well. Tonra with gratitude ntid rrprtl, Oitl.ANUO Mllil.V, op ?HM.nYviu.F. OmwtNr'ef not despair HH.mi It.ivc tried Avkr'B Chkrkt PeoTor.Ai.. It is niivle byo'iof tlio b-st nutlkul chmifitii in tlie world, and its curtail around us ln'wak the high merits vl its virtues. i'lUititlptiia L'xiyrr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. aHK sch-nces of CbeinJ ry ail Medicine liavft been tatcd thedr utmost to produe Uiis bent, mmt peri'vet purjfuu.e which in known to mil. Innumerable proofs ate s!iown Uint them Pni, hsredrtiies which iiipHss in eiwIlmicB tho ordinary medi. in?, and that tluy win un-preccdentt-dly upon thu vKtroiu f all nifn. They are arvfe aud pleasant to take, but wweful to cure. Their wne tmlirjR pmpertiee ntlmnlMe thecal activities of tholKxly, renmve the obstructiuiis of ita organs, purify tho Mood, and expel disease. They purge t thefonl humors which breed and ffrow dltteitipvr; stimilute sltinRbh or disor dered oi gaun Into their natural a tion, and impart healthy tnne with strength to tho whue svFtrm. Not onty do they euro the overy-Oay romj kiiiuj tf every hotly, lut also formidable and drtti;-eroti (UttaM'J that have baffled the best of human trkill. Whle they prc-duce powerful efTefte. fliey are at the atno timt. in dlininbhed doees. the safest and best physic that can bo utfiMoyed for children. Ht'lnjr, suffar ooateil, they are pleasant tc take; and Uins purely Tptabl6, are free trum any risk of hu m. Cures have been mado which Kurriw Hi if veto tht-y not sub stantiated by men uf suih exsited pusiiion aiM character as to forbid thu stiipiciun of untruth. Many eminent clt'rpymen and phynician h ive lent their name (o certi fy lo the public the reliability of my remttdits, while oth ers have sent Die tho atfturnaix: of their conviction that my Preparation contribute immensely to the ltlitf of si) aAUctrd, sufl'Tint; feilow-men. The Agent bvluw riamul is ploaMd to furnikh gratis my Amei icaa Alumnae, coutainiiiR directions for tbctr nee and certifli-atea of their euros, of the fullowiupf complaints : t'oMiv.'ut-". rilioiis rVtmpTaintSa lihrmiiatiatti. Iropny, 11aitlniiu, llc!ijiu-Lf arifiuit fi'uiu u font lotuach. Nau Sffi. liidiytinn. Morbid I niution nf tlie lioucie and Tnin ariffitiK thorefrt.iu, flatulency, loes of Apjtetit. nil VSrw ous and (titunous Ii-iiHees which rjturr an etacumit liw tlie l-lool ana t'uir.i.i.if, i,., . w...,mtr roinpiaints vthich it would tnt te supiKMed they ivuld rwich. hiKh a.1 lieafnenH. IVo-tinl IHindunss, eitralc:iii and Nervous ImtrtbUify. l-fra-ii-Mietit of the hiver utid Kid n)rs. liout. ami utbtr kdntrod coint 'iiinw a:'itiPt fium a low state tf th body or tibftruttion ol iU tunrttuii!. Liu not b put t If by unprincipled d'mlur with some other pill thvy nvJkt- mon punt on. AU f"r AifRiti Pitui, and take nothing eke. No other they vSn plrc you foinparHS wilh thi4 In its lntrinir vmIuo or curat ivo p.yrs. The sick want the Wat aid Uiere is for thnn. and they shfuild have It. Irr pared by Dr. C. AYEK, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lcwell, Hats. Pain H'i Ct&. riR Ltox. Fivk Itoxu roit $1. yi.i itv Win. A. Itruuer, unbary; Uid & John Sliamokin; V Wiu'iuci, Northumberland ; J. V. CutUt Milbui (i.iys A; MfCtirmiclt , McKwmav.He and by ail Druisls throiBintii the mintr, AiiftiNt Iti, 1HS(1 iy r.4U?ii its or 'i ins M:iei:ieoit fiooo: Cirnwers of llVrent und '. n.e I.rinau's Super l'linsjdiatt of lime, if you uinit heavy Crtij). or J.einau' American 1'ertilizer, f IHESK valuul le Manures have been uted for A thu past nix years successfully lor the firuin and Tobacco Cmp in Virginia, Pennsyl vania. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Klands of llerinuda and liarbadnrs A barrel (Sftl) lbs) ia sufficient ' for an Acre nf Land. The aboe Fertilizers are eoniH)eil of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely increase the Crop nnd improve the soiling, doubling I he val- ' uc of the land. Prii-e of the Phosphate of Lime. ! . ... i ., .!.. ... i . w van i ii I n ii.ii. rpirp ico a;iii ii I. inn i nii-r eiu reilili.er n im per ton. or J .-)U a liarrel, $1 2f a Keg; also, every variety of (iu-nin. Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of fcoda, llone Dust, Powdered Charcoal &c. CEO. i.LEI'AL. Proprietor, J'i 19 South Front Stre,t, PIlll.ADKI.I'lllA. (ioods delivered free ofchsrijt. l" 'J'o Wholexalo Dealers, it liherrl discount Pamphlets in English and (ierruari Lnnuagea Oralis. Orders ol a d siancc, Caah accoinpauy. Ing or Draft, proinp'lv attended to hy O. A LL1N All. l'mprietor. 1II1A1'A I'n. N. II. Diplomaa. have been awarded from the rcii!iBlva!iia Auricultural Society ; New Vork Crjual Palace .Hssoriaiion and New Jersey tilato Agricultural fociely. 1'hiladelphia, Aug. lf, 1856. 3tn. v. 3D 33 TISTRY- . KMICK & IlENN, Announce to tli citizens of Sunbury, utul vicinity thut llie)' liave opeiieil 1111 ollico in Siinliuiy, ono ilnur t-ast ul tlie 16! Olliee, where t'hev ure prepureil toutleud to ull kitul3 of work beiuiioint" to tliu pi'id'cssioij iu the la test und inofl improved tljle-. eunburv, Annual 'i'i, lct.'iti. tf. FARM FOR SALE, A valuable l''nrm. situate in Jackson town ship. Niirtliiiinberlanil County, ndjnining I11111U of .lacob llilhieh, Jonas Wolf, Jacob Suilur uiiil other. CONTAINING 100 ACEES, will be until at public bule, on tho ireitiUcs, on h'ATCHItAY, tho UStli day of October, next. Tho lund is of pood quulitr, Vi'i oeres lieiiiLf clenred, about liO of which U cood Mea dow, on tlta bnirl.s of the creek. Tim rot ia Well timbered with u variety of prootl tiinbei. Tho iinpiovenitiits aro a new TWO STOllY FRAME HOUSE, a Log Ltiirn und other oiitliuildings. Tho farm ia well stocked with pood Fruit. Con dition wfll be niudo known on the duy of sale. In tha meantime persons wishing to purchase cu atiuiy lo tho sntifcrtuer. JIENKY LAIIK. Jackson twp., Aogfjst 23. 1BSG. nitllWN'S and Ureiniu' Eaueuce of Ginger and Husband a Magnesia at May 3t,'6B. BKUNEK'H. Vaullla lleails. A fresh assortment j at received b WM. A. BltfNRR. tl, tM ' J1U BEDDINO A FURNlSniNO BU8INB99 Cubinet Maker'i Finding, 1i auliarribrr respctrully Inform ihbir friend and the p,jc jenfrally, that lhy have ennnrt- i """iinr Deoomn r urnishin; business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker'i r inuinRa, a( their old stand ffbi 83 South Second Strtet, helo Chestnut, rhl!a1elphla TUey liava associated wllli tfitm ft: Brown who has hem for many vaara nngaged in Uia nnri estalili.timrnt of the kind in this eity. The stock ol Honda now on hand eoinprixea , ,,,, runmrsan used by Unhiuet Maker, consisting in part nf the following, vix i Hardware department. Locks, Hinge. Screws Oaslor. Bed Screw. Chair and Kola Spring, Coffin Hanrllrs, &0 Caliinct Maker' MsUri.u it.:. ?....: Curled Hair, Looking Glss. .ote, I(I frame! t.lue, Varnish. Snnd IWr. BnrJn. Hlnrand Fancy Sila and V orated Uniip. IsoTa and VsRktt v. i.i.i..,, 'i'-;,,,. nuKlnq llnttoma, 7iosewood, Malmgiiiiy, Walnut and Maple Knuba, Glasj. Screws, &c. ileddine Iianartment, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather Jeds. Holsters and Pillow ; JMnsh, l'nniask and Moreen Cush ion Lomrorlablcs. Lnunlernaiips. l.incn nrul (Motion 8hceta. Fillnw Cases, l.inen ard Cotton Towels. TaMo (.'lolhs. 'J'alilo l.incn. TMo Co. era, Mor.-cn. Oemnsk und I'luah by the piece, Moss nnd Hus't liy the hale or pound. J .10 llnir Keating and Curled Hsir is from tho I'hila. Mimiifiictnry of O. ic J. Notilit. N. It. Hotels, Steam boats and Shins fuS tiishcd at the Kuortuet nottce. NOBI.ir. IIKOWN A NORM 7", S3 Smith '2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, iugut t, 1856 ly. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! Ira T. Clement Vtt 1. COJ:Xf;iiOFMAI!Kt"l SQUAMi, O AVst cooly, luldly and delilicrnlely, that he 'J luki-a the loreinost stand on the crmid caval cade of Dry (ioods Merchants of Sunb'i'v. He shall continue to Sill Dry (ioods a ul Cro- eerie CH F.A PKI limn ever, as his goods arc boiiLilit cheap y .iiii i, so,( rhenp. He feels continent wuh hi experieni ..J nhi'lty, that lie can compete willi the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if lime and space would permit but as nny ('OL'iNT E K-J U.M PING NOVICE can do that lie will leave it to the verdant and uninitiated, it is enough to' cay that be hascrery- lliinii in llie line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hours axd shoes, $c, ic, that is kept in any other store in town, and Itis banner is on the breeZ. Atiillmtg may it wave O'er land n' the tree, ml die lt itne nf tiie brave While her t.-irs anil her Stii ei Shine nul like the Sun, . 'lVlling nil tiiitimia That Freedom's hegun. This is a free country or at leat will bo os when nil are free, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can UirV lie CHEAP EST regardlrsa of the cross am! s.mr Is.ik of old l'osv inerclianla. All are invited tr: rail and sec. THE COUNTRY, as well at (he town are respectfully invited, and every person, lich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. Cume uiie come all nml stop your jiccl, I have g.io.ls enotigh fnr nil in need ; l'h buys themselves are at their potts, And they nlune can supply a host. Over other dealers in the town Theai.. same liny have won renown, I''vT.f.cll'n the Cheapest mid the best, Xurruii, Hurrah ! O'er hill null plain, Accept my thanks and call again j Am.ni; nur ssirtmeiit you'll always find, Untxld I'l lit and plane the ll!iud. We've on hand and always willinjr, To soil out good and earn a linlliii, So hold your hnrsrs und come this way, We ehail ho r!ad to see you any day nt No. 1 Murkkct rvpiure, opponite the Court House, P. 3 Ilu wishes it distinctly understood, that lie is lint to be undersold by any man or comhina linu of men. No charge tor showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for gnuds. Sunbury, Juno 51, 1S.V. ORPHANS1 COURT SALE. 8N ;iiir.iiai:cc of nn order of the Orphrns C'liitrt Of Notthtitubcrliind Cotihty, will lie expnfnl to public fulo on ERIDAY tho 19ih ilny of SepteniliiT, next, nt tho Public House nl Win. M Weiiver, in the town of Shamoliiti, the following described reul estate to wit i All those eioht lots of prounil, sitnatu in tho town t.f Slimiiokin. County nforeenid, niihihurtil us fnllowti; Ulnck Ci lot lio.4; block ,2. lot no. 0 ; bloc!: 3D, lot no 4 ; block 13. lot no.8; btork lot no. 5 ; block !3, lot no. 3 ; Mod! 107. lot no. C ; block MG, lot tin. '1. I.iitii tho estate of Jacob' Albriaht. Into of the eity ol Lnncnster, tlecensed. Sulo to cointtii'tico ut 111 o'clock. A. M., of said day, when tho terms bt sulo will b made kiio'vn bv CHRISTIAN ZKRCTtVl?, Hrlm'r. Itv order nf l ho Court "I C R! I'L'lt.SEL, CIU. I). C. ti 8utibury. August 'lo, lf'0. J .otUe tu 'I ax-rayem. VO''ICE is hereby given to Ihe delinquent 1 Collector of Northumberland County for the year lHfiS. tlmt they arc tilled upon by thi notice to acttle of their duplicate on ur before the Kovemhir ('ourt next, otherwise lliey will be dealt with uecordinu; to luw. l'HII.IP ItKNN. l'A'EUKKlCK HAAS, OH AS. HOTTK.NSTINE. Commissinncr' office, ) Comniisiioner. Sunbury. Aug. 1C, 1856. S I'REVIUM IMPROVED $iiit-r-riioit!salc ol' liimc. fllHK only Silver Medal yet awarded by Agri JL eulltirul Societiei, was Riven to this superior Article, at the lust Pennsylvania State Ksir at llurrishurg, a a Fertilizer of the best quality for W'lieui, Corn, tints, Cjraaaaud roiuloes, Kai.-iiiK Heavy Crops, aud greatly Improving the Soil, 'i'he suhnciilier respectfully informs f armerU and Dealers t'lat he is prepared to sup. ply the Kail demand with this superior and well tested article. 1 Agent wanted. A liberal discount al lowed. ALSO. No. t rfruwmi and Mexican Guano l'oudretta and Laud I'iuster. Oils, Candles, So..j), & c, of the best quality, at the lowest market rates. JmL.PtMEU"Y, 9-10 South Wharves, l.el. Market St. Philadelphia. August 16, 1856. 3m3Jc IllltifcOI.lVfi OlL for table uko, two aize at 87j and CSJ cents iust received hy VM. A. UKL'iNEK, June 21, '56. SHERM, fish, tanner, flaxseed and pi patntt, glass, putty, copal varnish, si in Qil, pt. tur- i entine, fluid aud paint brushes for sale by May 31. 'ftil. E. Y. BKICiHT SON lliackberry If rami j ! JUST received a fieh eupjily of Blackberry Brandy and invaluable remedy for Rummer eomplaim by , WM. ATltRl'NVR. RESOLUTION rttenrfifinf to thi ConHilutlon df this Cummonwealth. RasoLriaiT fire 8stHn Hon.. n.r.. Tsmusor ma Coasoswutta ur HmKsvLviais is OsK. l- AsCHBLV Mat, 'i'liatti:riillowiigumeiHluiela renrne.wt So lh cwwlliutloii oi Uie boiinninwaiiltli,iii aocMrdance Willi (Jiei ol ovisioni of trtetetita article tliureuf. riRST AMMNDML'riT. There shall tx an sddilionu1 altiele tsi Isirf eonitulion to be dusiguoled a arllole derail, aa follows ARTtUI.K XI. OF PUBLIO JJKBTS, Sen ion . The amis . n,n,..i ,1.1 -0. to ruriMe casual defTeirs or ruiluresii, revenues, or to iiii't eissnaea not otherwise provide fr j hut ih.i nirffrrpsts i ;wsjntcf aiieh debm direct and e.Piiiem, wheihir ci.'tre.''1 by viiiueol ..no or in. .re ectsd : bcimtmI nssrii.'blv, ut ' ..'. i Si P"' "t;f lime, shall never exeertl seven l.-uiidre,' y t"""H,"l. ".", "'Si th money arisnnr front lha " r;'. "t V1'1' 1,9 "l'PM"l ' ' Purpose iT,.l u, .1 o "J,""",," 'P"V thedebls aocoutracted, u . . I"" ir wiiiitefur. lata limy coutrnet debts to repel inri.aU,, eitppress msu rd,n,ioirt7uMtoaliVftil IKaVHh'1' rTSt'Sf, lH.i"er" is i ", "'" "'" ,'""' """vi liifilted power the m-iur- tu "ri'll'HI .. Klt'nl 111 ll..liti .1 . rf . , on tixrt in... ,.f ii ' ve nprcillfil, in STTliina 1l a si's,.'- .,wi.pr"V',''f !'"r ,he I'nrnientnfihe pr. sent I J w'bo debt eonlrueted a .lore., iri. ll, his ,u in "i ut firl aession. after llie rfunuollv t riv ii .1 hl""r,'st "ii such debt, and thnn twn jluL VT , 'e ' l" lher.f hy n mun not tt-sa tfitr Hind ," IV V l. """ "iiar; wliw.U Hulk- pnbhu w-rk, rf I 'e."n ""u'l, Ul"nm i f tlie pr.K.ectls'i l"V to 1tl""s "Wild l.y (h tntf, r ml of the iniMii L" ,fe ' uc ,Q""? r niiy twt thcrif II.. a..-.,n rTHrPPftsdf u- nl .1,1.1. ,... A I... muy he i.tKignumfvJ,,lhe' Jutirts. ur rn tureen, ttiu'b purl ut Uie li-Xfd, fr i '"" ' 'irniiip tn it nny iuireil for the nrriiiinry arlt reVenut" " :tc, "t rc iiicnt, iuh1 unleNi in case of '!!irr.nt expense)! of govern- pmt of the aiiiit fcmhiiHT futTft i insnrmMi.-n, otherwise thnn in r xtiiiRiiinhinriri'1 ntt or upplied til thenin nnt 01' such debt la rcducl" puhht delit, un li. e nMliiotiA of tinlJurs. "jv lha bum of K'fli-in 5. Tht: credit of the ffiprflnnwi. ni nny iimmir-r, or event, be pleilrfetl. nr Niniitk snlt not (livitlnul, computiy, forporntinii. nr anofiution ;'. nny in the rominoii wealth herciifieeu joint Wii'v; or atitcR '' 111 onv cnupiniv, riBB n-uttittii, or eorptr.ntiof-. U1er SttoiioiiG. 't'nn eoniifionwenllh iimtl im n.,A (iwh, .Tnny pait iiiercoi, 01 nny cmiity, vitv, hurtmijli or1 hiwtmhip; orii any curptiriaiim. omsnociutinii unlrss rui'h deL't liall h:iv Ijeeti ioiilracteii ei.nl1f liJiutv to rend iiivamnn, nuppiuM doirMtits inrre tni rfl-iVni' jt -If in tiiTin if wur, i:r ti awtnt, - i tJ.e dischj. if line noitio,, r ... r..' "i inuel.leclne,. "u,i,e 4tt..,ii ,. Tne le.RiHlatnre siiii',1 not mr,rij:e nnv lv. I'iiiv t.. noiiffh. lnu'iiklim. nr iueoi ub.-.i ,i.. - "Ull 'luriHriiiic -o" hull not niwn nnvo,,,,,,. nr nieo..l..,,,,lrj "'' i, or olnet a,.., , , "'' aLM..Uhitl:l..r in nnv i.rmiti.iiiv. uaaoiMMl iilflr 'I,,,,e n i'i,tiip nCn v.il i.f ila i.i.?ita nr to obtain money f Jr. nr Iciaii lis ere.si, (JV Cu' ,n" tion, association, Institution, or pnrly. Pura nr.c ii;M) A.MKNlJMK.i There shail be an'ad.littotial artirle to j constitution la us doignatsit l! urlii-le XII, as lubn ' APTtr r v xii. OF NEW COUNTlg. No enmity shall be divided by a line eutt, p(roverone li-iilh of its population, (either tu form a t ,,,,,, ...I.B....I.. n.'i,li.-.i llie P l.tM. IINIIlMll I.f SI. a vote of the elector thereof; nor slinll nny ,u" ' be eaiublislied, containing lens Iiiun lour nun, n,il,.. cmnty equuio TlllUn AMIIND.MKN'T From aeetimi two of the first urtick- nf the c.i, ,triko out the wt.ros, ''of tlie city o! IMiihdeipil' eiK'h county respect i vely ; from section five. tuir. strike out Mie words, "of Philadelphia nnd of tli,em iote ei.uiiLies troni seclion seve L-n, feline uitielc strike Philadelphia nor nny''"; w-rdn. "neiiner ,ne eii in i-iniaucipmu n.-r m.j . insert, in Ilea tlicrt" f the '.Vnrds. "and no :" and alrl , ,, aectiott four, mime article, and in lieu theieuf inser tolu. won; ; .... "Section' 4. In tlie year one thmiseu eisht hum ai.d R.ntv-four. and oi everv seventh vei.r thereafur, r resentatives lo the number of one hundred, shall he appil tiuiiedund dutiiliaied equally, throughout the state, L tants in tiie several pans 'hereof; except tint nny count?"". e nitaiiiinn nl leaM Ihree ihousaiul, hve liuinlrtl lux.Tjlua, niey tie uli.r.ved a separate representation I but no more tlinn three eo.iiit't.'s fcliali be joined, und no county shall he divided, in the formation in n dittiict. Any city contain ing a S'ltTicieut nutiiber of tnxai.les to entitle it to ut bnat two repieseulativea. shall. have a aepatnte representation assigned H, and shall he divided into convenient dutricls . ul' continuous territory,, nf cqiiul tahle population ns near as may be, each of w&ith distnetf shall elect out represen- ! bilive'." . . , , At the end nfseelion seven, same article' Insert tliest words, "the city nf I'hiiaeelphia.s.'nt'l he divided uitnai i- j ale senatorial districts, of contiguous territory a nearly riual in uix-'ble population as possible j but no wardihall be divided iu the formation thereof " ... , The leeiilaturc, at iis Hi st aetsinn, after the adoption oi tins niiieiidineiit, slinll divide Ihe city of Philadelphia nil" senoterinloud repieseiitntice dmtriets. iu the manner above provided; siwh disti iets to reniuiu unchanged until tho appportioinneat ill the year one thousand eight-edgdied and sixty-four. FOURTH AMKSDVKNT. To be section XXVI, Article I. anmi; ai-ililrW"IMXfi?eVe'. or nntlei, any apecial, or general law, whenever in iheir npiniou it may be injartoua to tiie tititsen of the eoinni..n. wei'lth. in such maimer, however that no injustice aha: bs done lo the c..rpi.:ul Jis. t lKSi.nr April SI, l?5. r.eslved, Tiiat this resolution pans. On the lirt amendment, veaa l!l, nays .t. Oil the aecotid sineudnient, eas It. uusr. On the third amendment, j cus 'it!, naya 1. tin the luith uineudnicut, yeas 1W. uaya4. Ktuaet frjn, the Jo'ii nal. TUU.MAB A. MAOfltlE, Clerk. 1 Iioiii or Rt!!'KKKsrrivr, I April 'I'., H.'.S. Res 'lved. Tliflt tiiis resolution pnt.5. On the first nmeitd tneut.yeal 7i. uuyi'J4. On the neeuiic umeiid.iiciit, yens C'j, nays j.1 On tiie third amendment, yeus til, nays '25 , und 011' fi.unh amendment, yeas tpj, liuys 10. Kxtracl I'ruin the Jouriud. WH.UAM JACK, Clerk Secretary's Orit a. ) Filed April 31, ISM ( A. n CURTIS'. Recreiary 01 tlie ConiinonwealUi StrHETiriT's Orriea, ) Ilarrirburg, June 7, ISSt. ) Pennsylvania, i : I "o certify thst the at, ive and f.irejj.iinjr is trae and enr ra;t enpy nl lite original "Hes ilt.ti.iti relative tu sn amend-nit-iit nl Ihe CoiumutR.il" as tlie same remains on tic in this urfico. la testimony wliereif I nave hereantn set uiv hand and ransrd tn be affixed the seal of tne Secretary's Uftiee, llie day and year above written. A.fi. CCRTIV, Secretary of the Coiuninaweallh. In Si.nati, April St, ISiS. Ites ilation propnsinj aineiidments to the Cuustitutiou of tne Coiiminmveulth, being under coiirideiatiun. On tile ijatsiinn, Will the Senate agree, to Ihe first amendment The yeas and lines were taken aureea'.ily to th prnvi eii'iis nl tlie Ctltistitutinn. and wore us Iniiows, viz : Yeas Xesi.is Ib'.iwae, Hnctialew, Cii-vfrwell. Kv'ins, rnrLaifi.n. Kieitniken, Hnee. InrMiii. Jiuiiia.ni, Knn.x, liu luit w, Lewis, .i ,,, . - .. .i. . Striiab, Ti'st-arl, Wallnn, '.Velsli, Wlirliy, WilkniS and I'mtt, S( t aktr '-'I. Nays Messr Crabb, Crigg, Jordan, Mfiioiper and Prjtl S. then..ieMi.n was determined in llie anirinulive. O.i llie i,.i(.sli..ii, W ill the heiuitt- ire to the servnid ninendment ? The yens M.IU nir'a were tnken aisreeably to the provi sions nl tiie Coiiaiiiaiii.n aud were as follow, viz ; Vans Messrs. Urown. Iluesalew. Cresswell, Kvsns, Hose, Inaiain. Jaiinsoa. hunz. Lanaach, Lewis, .M'l'lin. lock, sellers, sa man, bouuier, Siraub, Walton, Welsh, and Wiltms. IU Navs Messis . rra'ib, Ferguson, Greg , Pratt, Pm-e Slid Plait, Speaker tl S the qaesiioa was determin .'ii in tn afntmativ. (in llie iiaefU.-u, Will the Senate aRiceto the third arnmeitdniriit' Tne yens and iiaya were taken agiccably to the Constb tat. on. and weieas follow, viz: Yeas .Missis. Umwii. llniUul.-w, Crabo, Cieswelt, Mvui'S, .'erfliii. rieuiiikcil, II PR. Iunull, .li.inis.in, Jordan, Knol, Ijiubaih, Lewis. .M!L!iiit.K-k, M.-lllnger, I'nilt, Price S.-llr. , fiiannni, houll.rr, Siraal), Taftgnrl, Walton, Welsh; W'ueiry, IVnliiasttiid full, S jeakct ks. .Navs Mr. (ircfe t ... Si llie (iii.ifciioii was determined :i the ariirmative. tliltlie.;.l..lii.ii, WilllUc Sen ile aree to the fPLith amendment The yeas and nays were taken ngrveiil.l) to lbs Constltu tutu. u, and were :.l f..:iovv, viz : Veaa- Messrs. Umwiie, Hui kulew. Cresswed, tvans, riciniikeii, 11. i!e, Lorain, Jnui'si.ii, Jordan, Knox, laa bach, Lewis, M'Clintoek, 1'lie. B.-ll'', Shuinall.S-.nil.ier Sirauli, Widlou, Wel'h, Wherry, W lis ins and full Speiker i3. .... Nays Mesai. C'fubb, Greg;, M. llunrer and rrnlt-4. So the na.-aii.-n was .4iMr.rM.incd m tlie ettiimstive. J.iLirnalol the II. nine. I tle.preseiiuiliv,, A.rliai, le.u. The veas and navs were 1 1 ken ncleaiy to the provi. in in ..l' the i:..nliiatii.ii, and on Ihe firat innposcd amend luviK.wcte as follow, via: ,.,,, Veus Messrs. Alidei .u, Backus. Haldwin, Hall, Heck, (Lycoiunin.) Bck. (York.) Hcinhsid, lloyd. Dover, Uiown. Uiuah, Lnchaiian, Culnwell, I'ainpnell, l inly, Craig, Crawford, Uowdall, Kdiinjer, Kaasold, l'oster, (Jetz, Haines. Ilainel. Harper, Hems. Hint's, Hill, ilillesas Hippie, H'.leoint', llanaccser, iniiji., iimnaiii, iiiiua, Iiwiii, Johns. I.Min-i.ii. ijtiH.rtc, Itbo, Lonpaker, I nvelt, M'Cahuoat. M'L'nnhy, M'Comli, Maule,.Meuiir, Miller, ill niieoinery. M. airhead. Nauiieinaelicr, "rr, riarsoii. I'helps. iii'cel!,ltuliisey,Keed, Keliihol.l, Rabile. ilohetts, Shenk, Siiulh,(.i k sheny.Siiiilh. tCami.ria.) Su,illi.( W'y. iiliuiill.? Slroase, i'lHiinitsnn, Ysil, I'.ilton, W'.ivlo. (llauphai.) Wright, (l.nxerne,) Ziuiui' rmau unJ Weight bpeakcr I'i. Nays Messrs. Aaustine, Dart;, Clover. Coboara, Dca-k. I'ic. I'allon, liiiylord, rilt'honey, tlimi.lti n. linn-vH-kHniisekevper, Hunekeflr, l-iseuonif, M"se", Mauley Morns, Miueina. t'nllcrscii. fnlia'iary, Miutii, (I'hihulel plna ) Walter. Wintiods and "esrly 14. S.i the quejlii.il was (leteiuiuied m laeaiUruwtiie. tin the (jaeslinn, ... win ii. II. man niree lo te second ametidmenlT The vees and navs wers taken, and were us lollowr. vl Y'a-.Messrs. Andeisoil, Bsckas, Bjlkwlii. IM, r.', (t.yeoluuis) Beck, (York,) Uenihard, Hoed, Ur'.avi','tiiuall Baehsiiau. Caldwell, Csuibll, Cany, I :air ruusold, Foster, (Jet, llanits. Ilaiuel. Harper .i, Ht'niia, Hili, tlillefs. Mipnls, llolcomb, llauiet Imhrie. Jiujtwiu, liuiia, liwui, John, J.iin'n, report, Tbo, Lcnassar, i.ivmi. M'CWmonU M'Cart'ar, M'Comb. Msur'a. f,.eu Miller. Mnitr,'uJV ,rJoriioon, Nuiimabr, Clrr; Pmr- ilter. M.aiiraoeiy, Iti-jormxin, n aiiemsdier, Clrrj Pmr- n, Piueell, itaiuny, Used, R.iohoW, Ridel.- (ti.berts. naW.atoJt". (AUkhcnyJ tmsa, Vail,VVL.'.,YVlg..t 'Mrva.l r.vmun A Wrgh, fk, .-' uap . son, I ttssak (arvi Kaya-Messr. A ugustiiie, Bsrry, Clover. Ii'mo, 1' v Full li, Uuvlrrd. -'iWe ny, II, milt, . Hour, e finiik' ptX';!Z,s" w.J'18''' Mo,ri, Mai'omi, fn't i ii Vum.' W i" Tei, al.u'J , a ?u e' " "'' ( Un sud Yearstey yJ- ' qestio wa.' taVbaiidiwil in tli rhiin.il. !!',',, queetiim, . i . . "I the tlmw arrce . (Tie. (hlrrf mfndmeiii f .ilit yeaeaiidiiaja wt ttkeo, and w.io us f.,., ,, vrMew. A iderson, lia'tllui, fc'artwin. Bull Hec bieoming,) lleek (York,) lie TWrd R.y B .",, ,' wa' I uehsi, Caldwell. CamplH.li. fcaVlv, fci .frcVa" .. ' J.jO;iiger, Kausold. boater .-ry. kMt, tZ',,:,, "T n el "M-rr, Hems, Hit,!,., mil, nin ecH Itipul, j'l, . ,,! Ilouseoii oor. Im ,, . I, ,!.. i... t....". 1 ,",'. r'"i,'"li',",c',l''!b't l',,'!FK, lM vet: St'Ci,loi,.ui, m'.' ;i . .'. ""-"""'i .Tiller, a 'nii'i-omcrj, rcnni.e. li .im ' i.' 'ea'ant', I'lieips I'lirc, vi, ' Knmsey;. il.it 11 1 Sm""' (AlleeHeny,) rlh (CuiiiWl,,,) n lit M';,,"!r. Thnnipsi,!, (inll.ai, t'riB!ii, (fii: surn, ffJllIlllTiT inlii I rai.tij HUM V IICllI, SiiKHK i-.... r M ""i,""i mi . uuoi'iu. r rirnr. t. cuij 11. ... H-u Weeper, HmJueiAcr. f.nhr.e. , ia. irli . ! ittinoitt'. Tili'. I .itx.r.iL Ij.imm m-.... . . .' "" M (.onA, MaRle, Mcnear, .Miller, Motir,.n,Plv ,, .a.J ffmilh ( W)-,.,i.',K.) J'hompson, Vail, W ,i,e, (vl!i SpVkerfffli I""""'' Y'i) Ziniiiierirmowl Wrijfht geMani.,., M.irri. 1'altertun, Salinhury and WmlflH,a So the questioa was deterrni,,eu' ,;, tne affirniatjve; IIanibui((, June U7, loiS. j I'enmytennia, ss i do hefelir .fcfflf i... . . . . true,,rir.nrMVe .T.nv"."na. n'rrp.,j ,, on Ihe ll,,s.iri(, ;,f Z' .."A " '". ""' ken ti"., ..r.lie Com,,, .! hlis h, i . '" ' '""",u J.mrnalsrif t,e ,,Vo "ll?, ,,.t . t .1 " np '"" '' l.-i (i,... . "le" "J" '""d "nd seal ,.f Mid i.tHe, A C. Ct'RTl.V, " is, 1KB. 9 Commonwealth npm.N Grease is rn,.n.- "" kefef!l, &c .aU W Ulfn.. ... qli.'lbin.r ,-f tbn Li,,;l ai-or Im. ( ""K.'Ti: ai it does not gum upon tr.er.xlia is much more durable, and is not affee'eil bv the weather, remaining tile same in summer as in winter, and put up in tin canisters at 117 J and Gil cents, lor fcale hy W.M. A. Illtt'iNLH. June 21, 1H.")6. FI0UR, FEEij&GR0rEiT STTe7 CHARLES GA RING Ell, ESPECTFULLY inform' the citizens of Sunbury and thu iieiylilniiiiiir cuuntrv that lie liaa purchased the Grocery Store in Water street, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept hv Weisc cfc Clement, and thut he has ju?t replen ished his stock which he will sell at reason..!. Ic prices. , He will keep a constant supply of Klnur, Grain and Feed, Dread, Fish und Cheese, Hams, SdibUldcfa hnd Herring, ('ufler, Sugar and Molasses, Teas, fipices and Fruil;, Nuts, Cont'ectionaries of all kinds, Hoots and fihocs. Ladie tiaiters. Misses and CHildien's vfhoes, also Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware Notion, &C.,5:c Citizens are requested to sent! !n their orders r llour, reed and Groceries' and ho will dc ir them properly. uthury, June 14, I8?B tl URK Y SB Ufifj SEMiN A UY. Tl . Academic year of this flonrifhinp In. P !.U.,'J,vi" comniLMico ou tbo 2d Moii'Juy of r, . ' .oteil nt Berrvsburcf. Dauphin Co.. ,;..',' " of tho healthiest oftd rnost beau- The 1 lei" t,,e 0,d "K" Stto." young- Ladof 11hr.InUll,,,0,i ia " P"0 siblo d.itieSu."d """en'8" rr,1, r,'sP?.n' hiirhc-r erudall,!' 01,(1 Instittitiotis ol a selves for Tea,Sdtfe!"vo"5, 1,1 Ptm" -The povernn,rof tlie 6Ci100i wiii be strict ly parental, and ,.,11 eiwuS be the pleusiinj duty ol tho l'rini.,! ,0 iit,l into tbu iinud ol his pupils .such ,,ti,et.. as, if followed, niu lead to hou.ii- H mipi,lW9. J union r.'i r .:.,'..'-i ..! Greek and I.utin. " " Modern language ( , Commou English (l..iao.) e;...'-," ,l- ' .(t irade,) prices, (Sunvyn,ff. qK.mi8try Le. mting and Jmiiior S,-Vices, (Piilllil V,.i GO 0U CO (i0 CO 23 00 i 5C.?i!enl VoariiS can bo bad from 81,50 to ,U0uit' week, i ., ri..ii,e. Lectureg will bo deliver- t'heniiairy iMlOSopny" tto., lo ivhcb thenupiu ui uumiUed free cf eh irpe. Thero is o pood I.ibnry connected with the Seminary to whi.h th, students have ac cess for u small fee. The School will be ?: erewed in Compositlot.ahd Declamation once every week. Tho principal beinp t piaduute of one of the best Colleges in tha Union, and having experience us ti Teacher flatters himself, ea heretofore, to give genera, satisfaction to !1 who are placed titulei ln's tiition JOSIAH F. KEX.NLUY A. B. Principal. Barrysburg. July 12, 1S56. IV ANTKD by the hoard of ?uhlic Schools, of " " JCerho Township, NorthLmberlatld Co. Two male and two female teacher to supply tha "chool at this place for the next school year. Two teachers will bu employed frtin the 1st of September, the other schools will tint he opened teacher need apply. Good wage will he jniid to competent teacher. W. APPLEY.Sttfry. Trevorton, August 0, lSiu 2ni. JT II elliii; of all kinds, floor and table (7il Cloili and oil si ade of the latest siyt.i for sale by E, Y. BRIUIIT A SON. Iall Paper a fplendid lot jtiat received ' and lor sale by and tor sale by Sunburv. June 81. I8SB. A TENT UHITTANlA 6T0PPER8 for bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSERv Sunbury. July 19. ISK0. Onnfl ' Aliul!E,is on the line ofthe Union' iUUU Canal Wmre Si la, A l.iy to llOCKAKEl.LOW': KUri V CO. July 56, IKoB. at UeaditvK. IS hereby given that letter of administration ' to the estate of N',ary Watson, lale of Lower ugusta town.l',ip, Morlhumbeiland county, dee'd., have Leon granted to the subscri'-er. All person indebted lo said estate are requested to make ayii.ent without delay, end alt having claims, to present them in proper form for settle ment. JOHN f. VDEIl, Adm'r. I.. Aucusta tp.. Aus;. 2. 185C. 6t Bt.LU.U OFF AT t OST. f ltHE subscriber respectfully informs the pub A lie that he is t"ivt selling of hi HTOck or ci.othiaci at reduced prices, a he intends going into othei l u sines. J'erso-.i In wnt of Cheap Clothing ehould not fui', io caj. Persona indebted to the fubcriber art re quested to cull and eelile. SIEfiMUXD SIMON. Sivntury, Juno 8. 18S, Table and PockeCiitlewr, a large tlctkR I various patterns for aale hy . . . ' May SI 6C E. Y. BRIGHT it, RON. SUa Wis) FmWoidered Crape, printed rati mere, fancy stella, white barege, 'rene liorder, sillt iriruje and f gured tlli aliawl rtis'ieel by , . r. . HBlaJIlT , 8r.(. I I I May II JSfC. ti'UAeriiei sua y.immetiiiM,,. tJZZift-hW' """"0. Wane, vl.'. Jlnni ke - i" iTtinruurv. iviiiii:r. " iiiiiuu-3 -Hlhe ll.iiM ogrve to (he fVuftti Wfjflmn.t ?