Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 13, 1856, Image 2

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    Cclcgrapjric $Jcto$.
De.lrncllv. Hrr at .Inmbla.
CoMMiitA. Til., Sept. 8. A very destruc
tive Hre iicuurivil lieie lliis ul'teriuion, consu
ming twi-iity-oiio buililinn nml stores. The
fliuiH-s Rpifiul vory rupidly, nn, for u tiiilo,
the whole liiiKines-s portion of the town was
in giwii diini-r The principal suUi-rers nro
Messrs. Slinuler. Liphurt, Slioenlierper,
lYIen, Smith. Miukley, Ulinvr, Wnites,
KtrawbriiliM. Kiinbiirir, Slierninii and Mrs.
Young., Tliu loss is from $20,000 to S30.000.
Only a snmll portion of which is covered by
. m g - tl m
rithrr Paitlmlars of tat Fli. at Cape My.
On Suturdiiy morning tho chnrred renmins
of u limniin buintf. whirli wore found in front,
or where the htiililinir hud Hood, nnd ontsido
of the linofcf the piuM-i, ai supposed now
rt Ilia llwiQIl flf 1 1)M lioilv of - ndvi'non Cain.
nud uot of tlie i-liler Cuin. 1 1 is pocket knife
nnd poned wre found mar the body, l'he
supposition if thut Atulursou jumped from
the piazita to eseiiiiu the Muiiies, nnd was
tnjurnl so severely that he could not escape.
N. McO has Jet licuu discovered of the
iMiinins of the" others burned to death.
1'hilip Cain. Jr.. tho only one that escaped
with lift) froin tlio builtlinir. succeeded in
gottiii inlo tlie open uir by ineausof n stuir
wuy in the tower on tho rinht hand corner of
the front, lie was horribly disfigured, nnd
nil his clothing burnt from his body, nothing
beinif It-It except the neck and wrist bands of
liiavhirt. Me stated previous to his death
that ho was awakened by tlio roaring of the
fl .nmii nml that be inn 10 his lather's room.
whore ho found him sitting up in bed. Me
(Pli.lip) ru.-hed through iho llanies. nr.d ut
the 6.UHU time ho saw his sister Martha run
ning through the flames. As sonn us Philip
was discovered upon the ground, ho wus
removed to tlio United States Motel, mid
Dr. Kennedy sent for, who administered ull
tin' iiecefsury remedies, but which were not
sufficient to nv tho unfortunate. young man's
life. Kvery attention was paid the sufferer
by Mrs. Tompkins nnd Mr. Stoikbridge.
tireat efforts were mado to save tho furniture
in the lower pnrt of the house, but without
avail. The loss of purbr furniture amounts
to ubout S'iOOO.
The Bnrnliis of the Mount Vtrnon llotrl.
Caps Island, Sept. 8. The body of Philip
Cain, Sr.. has been found to-duy muting the
ruins of (he Mount Vernon Motel, much
charred, but yet capable of being identified.
Near it were ulso found a number of bones,
which are supposed to be those of his two
daughters, Martha anil Sarah, and indicating
thut tho family were endeuvoriug to escape,
from the building together.
'Tho woman under nrrest, Bridiret Mc
Goruey. was discharged this uftemonn by tho
Mayor, he not deeming the evidence suflicienl
to justify Iter commitment for trial.
Railroad Accident.
Ai.baNT, Sept. C The Cle'velutid express
train, which left buffalo last evening, over
took a cattle train nt Port Byron, ut ubout
10 o'clock.
The switchman should have switched tho
express on to the switch ; neglecting to do
go. the engine run into u cur. to which was
Itached the cattle train, In the car were
six drovers. No material damage wus done
to the car. but the shock disconnected the
steam pipes ou the locomotive, filling tho car
tvflh steam. All the six drovers were sculd
ed and died in a short time. Two or threa
of the pussenirer cars attached to the express
train were UaUly DroKen, out nono oi uiu puo
r Maltio fellFc.lun.
Pouti.ano, Sept. 9. 10. 1 M. AVe l.u.o
returns from 204 towns, which present the
following result on the vote for Governor :
Hamlin. Hep., 03.213
Walls. iein., ' 3'2.U78
' P ttt.-n. Whig, 4,093
The Republican? have carried every mem
ber tif Congress ; the whole State Senate,
except perhaps one, utid more thun four lilt lis
of the I louse.
II inilin's m ijority over Wells will bo 20.000,
ami about 15,0i'LI over ull.
t ire nt WrigliUvillr, Fa.
t'oi.tMr.iA. Sept. li. A fire broke out
about 8 o'clock this evening in Wrightsville.
on tho opposite bank of the Susquehanna,
and is now raging fearfully It commenced
in nn ice-house, and lias spread among the
lumber yards litiinr the river. A vast
amount of property has iitreudy been destroy
ed, 'l'he lire companies of Columbia have
crossed tho river to the assistance of our
Clerical Scandal. Tlie Union of Turin
savs : Most horrible stories are now beinir
toid of the conduct of the Legate Cirassellmi,
at Bologna, unil fiotn the inquiries made
t hero is no doubt of ihu truth, 'l'he (Jurdi
Hill's gardener had a daughter, who was con
sidered to be 1 lie prettiest nil I in Itologna,
nud was eugaucd to be married to a young
IJologuese. Mis eminence) took n fancy to
her and attempted to seduce tho girl, but she
not listening, ho had recourse to luimun
prelate manicuvrcs. and banished tho pro
posed husband, so lliut the girl might pur
chase hi return at the expense of her honor.
Jlut finding even that this would not do, under
the pretext of heresy, the poor girl was tiilien
from her parents and thrown into prison.
The parents went immediately to the Aus
tii in General Megenfeld. Cardinal Grussellini
pretended to know nothing ubout it, but the
General knew his man und threatened force.
The girl was set at liberty uud given over to
her purents. The treatment she had received
in prison was so horrible, thut w hat between
shame and sufferiug the poor girl expired in
a few days.
John Carlisle, of Highland county Vs., was
found drowned ut Wheeling ou Wednesday.
The city authorities of Richmond. Va., have
assessed "tUOO dOjs. It is estimated that there
re 12.0U0 iu the city.
A man named Simon Green, ha been con
victed of murder in tho first degree, at llari
burp, Penna
Fresh nynters from Dultimore, are among'
the luxuries they now have at 1'ittsbuigh,
Cincinnati, and Louisville.
Tlieamount collected in Ivii-laml. in behalf
cube inundations in 1 rauce, is kaid to exceed
a million of francs.
Laft week a man named I. Jackson swan
'row Niagara river between the Fulls and
lie bus)ui)bion lindge.
In southern Oregon the Indian war haubeen
', brOght to a close, but in the norththu savages
(till remained hostile.
On Thursday July 19th KiiijfKsintkameha
of the Sandwich Island was married to Mii
Kooke, with much cerniony. and great rejocing
ou the urt of the iuuubiunts.
;'. Fuuiiy Fro' btubund,(Mr. Purton) whom
n cchungv churucterixvd a the muu "bo
.due not believe io tho devil." it is said em-
eu-iticully dejiies the.bkepticism imputed to
im saying tliat he never so expressed himself
mow bit marr'wje.- .; .
The viae crop of Ohio, Is estimated at S00,.
090 gallons. 'I'l.o winu buibnesi is second on
:y iu value, to tlut of Hit) great graio stajiltii
II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor
To Am-uiTurm- -The cirnulntimi of th Sunbury
Ainmruit nmimR the different towni un tlie SurijUchauua
ia not cxciieiteil if equalled by any paper published in North
eta Pemitvlvnm.
Democratic National Nominations.
for virr-i'tiHinrjiT,
Chr!e K. Tiurkilcw, , Wilmn M'Ctndlem.
I. Genres W. Nebiugcr,
4. 1'iiTce HiiHrr,
3. Ivlwrtnl Wiirtmnn,
4. Willimn H. Wine,
5. J ilin McNnir,
6 .Mm N. ririnlun,
7. Ilnvitl,
8. t'hiirle Kftler,
!l. .1rilnr.fl tOciimn,
111. KV.r Slriikrr,
II. 1'. W. Iliiclipf,
13. Atirnharn r.linf;er,
14 KriilH-n Wilhrr,
1.1. r,nrtr A. CrawforJ,
19 Jiimrs llhck,
17. II. J. ftuhie.
1". 1). HikMv,
ID Jncol,,
30. J A. J. Bncliaiina,
SI. William Wilkina.
IW. Jninri G. Cnmplieil,
T. Ciinuinzhain,
I'J. Thornni OmeihiMif,
VI Jnini Keatir,
S.'i. Vincent I'liHpi.
Democratic State Nominations.
For Caiial Commissioner,
GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county.
For Auditor Generul,
JACOB FRY, of Montgomery county.
For Surveyor General,
JOHN ROWE, of Franklin county.
Tiik Dkmouiutu: 'IVkkt of thk Convention
op AniL'sT 18tii.
SAMl'LL D. JOItDAN.ef Milton.
MICHAEL KIEFFfcH, of I'pper AllRllt.
M. L. SIHKDEL, of Snnburr.
FOR AVDITOR:'Ki. r.u.urn, r immovin
The Swkaki.vo Comhiittrk'h Ticket,
WILLIAM L. r)f.VrtT, ol tunbnrr.
T I I.I.I AM TIHMR.of Lrtrli.
CASPKIt St IIOI-L, orKhainukln.
FRF-DKIIICK IIA,l pprr Aufneta.
WILLIAM L (I OTT, r.t BhnmoU
i-i-ens (if the peo))le8' conven-
tion met nt Mt. Carmel on Thursday, and
nominated V. V n-, rur Conirress, Mr.
Packor having previously declined. Tlie
proceedings came too late for publication
this week.
The editor of the Sunbury G'azcttc n'tempts
to justify the oction of Pewart's Jlnchnnan
Club of this place, or rather the action of a
few men in it, in regard to the resolution for
the publication or the proceedings, exclusive
ly, in the Sunbury Gazette. That the editor
of the Gazelle should justify such conduct is
ueilher surprising or unexpected, blthuiih
there would be no difficulty in proving, that
in so doing, he su.otheied Lis owu liOLe.-t
couvictioiis. The editor says :
"For ourselves, we c.uinot see why the
Club should huve ugreed to publish " their
minutes iu the "Ainericuli." We were at thu
meeting, uud did not vote for or uguinst the
motion, for we then thought that it was of
vey liltle whether our neighbor
published the proceedings or not. liul as he
has made a 1'uts about thu action of the Club
in tiiis particular, we are disposed to show
that they acted very proper.1)-."
Now we have only to say that w do not
care ono straw for the resolution, and have
no desire to publish the proceedings of any
organization controlled by Major Dewart,
thus taking the place of more important and
more interesting matter.
We made no -fuss" ubout the resolution,
but referred simply to the Major's disgraceful
conduct, who. wu presume, is perfectly satis
fied by this time, that ho made nothing by
I'W motiou.
Hut tho editor of the Gazette says "he did
not vote for or uguinst the motion." This is
uu honest confession, ullhough it does argue
uu utlcr want of manliuesa uud spirit ou his
purt, in rt fusing to vote aguintt u motion that
l:u himseir, subsequently, acknowledged wus
wrong and improper, simply because that
motion was made by Mujor Dewart. Should
the editor deny thut any such uckuowledge
uieut was made, we cau refer liini to un
officer uud prouiiueut member ol the Club,
for the proof.
The Gaztttt also charges upon us that we
take no purt iu the Club. We trust ourowu
self respect will ever preveut us from joiuiug
any organization thut has not sufficient hide
peudeuce to ussert what they uckuowludge
to bo right. For ninny of the members
of tho Club we eutertaiu the highest respect,
and we kuow thut three fourths of them
cuiideiuu the conduct, which the editor of the
Gazette himself, has privately condemned, but
which, pullicly, be dare not disapprove.
If wu have published the roceedings o!
the American uud other conventions, it was
because they were respectful, uud wo were
requested to do so.
We contend thut ony organixatiou is better
thau this rotteu oligarchy of wealth, that bus
for suveral years past assumed, and almost
destroyed the democratic orgauiiutiou in this
couuty, by attempting to force upon the
party, candidates who have neither thu char
acter tir ability necessary to fill the offices to
which they aspire. ; ,
This Club cau I of no service to Mr.
Buchunao in this county, but rather an injury,
if suffered to be coutrolled by one who bos
do pertouiil popularity and, wdom only u.flu.
tu?e it rawjfjtl fry dwisri acd r-
The following is supposed to be a correct
report of he proceedings of privota meet
ing of tame of the codfish gentry, In this
place, on tlie subject of the action of the
Congrewional Conferees opposed to toe orno
mental Major. ' . .
Major. What the 'deuce is wrong now
Jesso f You fellows are always making a
botch of tilings.
Jesse Oh, never mind, things will all
come out plumb level nnd square. We1 can
alwayl get John to make an excuse. '
John. Yog, but it requires some nwful
stretching sometimes, to drag you out of the
hind. . ' .'
Major. Kxactly. That Smith business for
inftiiiic?.' Alter driving my matches all any
than come homo with thu wrong naino. t tell
von Jphho von mucin an of vonrsulf. How
An l-nii rrmrt t nn mnL'A n SlierilT nut 1)1
you. Why you would be as likely to serve
writ on the Plaintiff ns on the defendant.
Jesse. Me mid John hnvo fixed all that
up smooth as a ribbon. Thut devilish U. wits
the trouble. Never thought a 13. could make
so much difference. 1 think pcoplo aro too
pc tickler about names.
Major. A pretty muss you and John have
made of it truly. First yon get Win. II.
Smith to certify that ho is not Wrni. Smith.
Next week you get Win. Smith of Milton to
certify that he is not Win. Smith of Iela-
warn, and did not, therefore, sign the appeal.
The week after, on finding you are again mis
taken, you insinuate that Win. Smith or Mil
ton is a colored man, nud abuse your own wit
neSD by culling him a nigger.
John. Will never mind Major Let us
turn to some more agreeable subject. How.
is it ubout the story, of the boys, tuking you
for Nud liuntliue driving tandem through
the streets. They say when you come homo
from Kuropo, with your imported inoustaclie
you looked very much like Ned, only more so.
Major. Well, I guess we have heard
euough of that subject Tor to-duy.
Jesse. I had likened to forget to teil you
Major. We arc going to givo Harry Mas.
Her fits in our next paper.
Major (brightening up). Lay it on to him
heavy. Don't bo meuly mouthed whether it
is true or not. Thu idea of a fellow, who
has'nt more money to spare than he has, op
posing a rich man liko me is outrageous, and
must not be tolerated. Hut bow are you go
ing to give it to him.
Jesse. You know lie is ono of the Confe
rees that has bothered ug over since their
appointment. Last Friday they went to Mt.
Carinel, to meet the Conferees of Schuylkill,
but us Iheru wassome misunderstanding about
the time of meeting, us you know, they went
on to Pottsvtlle, ns you kuow, nnd arranged
matters there uud are going to give us a deal
of trouble. But me uud John put our beads
together last Sunday, and hatched up a story
for the Uazclte, that will knock tho spots off
thut Smith story they have got Oil US.
Majer. 11a! 11a! Hal Now John ga
ther up yQttrijtfj'Gtignt to be able to get up a
first rate story by the time the paper comes
out. If it's good 1 will send it to Judge
Campbell, to show him v hut a binurt Post
Muster wo have appointed
Under this head the Pennsilvanian of
Tuesday lust announces the arrival of the
model candidate for Congress, ut Jones I
Hotel. The Major's orrivul there every few
weeks is nothing uncommon of lute, but the
Honorable" prefix, is rather t'ikinj; time by
the "fire lock," us a certain editor used to say.
Unless the title is hereditary, tho people
ought to be consulted before it is assumed.
The notice concludes by saying:
'Major Dewart will bo an honor, not only
to his constituents, but u.n ornament to the
nation." That, wo think, is laying it on
pretty thick, even for an 'Honniiibli!." I5nt
this is the first time we ever learned that the
Major was cither "useful or ornamental."
The Mineis' Journal will please note this on
its list of qualifications, and the Sunbury
Gaztlte is most earnestly requested to copy
the entire ui tide.
85?" The friends of Major Dewurt, in this
place, have been endeavoring to create un
impression, that the old liue whigs would
support him for Congress. If, however, we
ure to judge from the following urticlo from
the Pottsville Miuers' Jouruul, the people of
Schujlkill county have been us elow in dis
covering the Major's qualifications, ns they
have been in this couuty. Tho Journal in
reply to some remarks of the Sunbury Ga
zelle, ou this subject, says :
Until our facetious cotemporary informs us
of u fiuglu inentul qualification tilling Wil
liam L. Dowart for the Congressional posi
lion to which he aspires, it is useless lor us
to contrast him with our present ubhi repre
sentative, the Hon., James 11. Campbell.
Thu iiiiiueusurulilo superiority of the latter
gentlemen over the doughty Major, is so pal
puble, that even the recipients of W. L. D.'g
pecuniary bounties, smile whenever a compur
isou is instituted. When you present a can
didate, give us one we cun criticise. The
Mujor possesses not a point we cun get a
hitch upon. We believe he has money and
is '-a good feeder." We will continue a list
of his qualiticutious us thev are furnished.
83T Cosmopolitan Art Joi bnal The
first number of this beautiful publication is
on our tublo. It is published quarterly, and
furnished to all subscribers of the Cosmopoli
tan Art Association, free ; to o'l otlers nt
one dollar per year. The Journal is an ex
cellent specimen of typography, and the con
tents interesting to the general reader us
well as tho lover of art. It is published at
the eastern office of the Cosmopolitan Art
Association, 348 Droadway, New York.
tl-tf The Union Times published at New
Berlin for thu lust 30 years us the democratic
organ of old Union, has been sold to Henry
Moatz and removed to Freeburg Snyder
The new Furnace of Bingham, M'Kin
ney 4 Co., at Wiltiomsport wus destroyed by
fire on the uigbl of thu 1st iust., by tome ia
ceuuiury. Los $10,000. ; ."' , ,
LJP The Farm Journal for September, is
on our table. At usual, thU excellent publi
catioo is tilled will natter vf iuteioit U tie
grltjrtil fr.njcay,
, Frakfvi. Ridr Down a Srt'R or tub Am
oufnt Mountains A Staob Ursirr. On
the morning of the 2d.lnst., nt lialf pnst two
o'clock, a party twenty-one in number, left
the White Sulphur Spring for the terminal
of the Central Railroad. All wiit on pleai-
ar.tly until about 12 of one o'clock in the day.
ami Bliortly aftr commencing me tiescen oi
Morris mountain, wnen u oecame aia-mmpy
onparent to tho passengers in the advance
coach lhat the horses were rtinninjr awity i
and to Increase their terror, the driver was
seen rollinir in tho dust. The horses, thus
left unchecked, went Hashing on in tneir man
career, the couch reeling from side to side un-
tier its heavy top load, nrst upon me two
wheels nearest 1li precipice, aim men in nit
opposite direction, until at lust it was thrown
violently over, mangling. uruifinK
lug the limbs of the terrified passengers, kil
ling one horse nnd breaking n leg of another
To ttdd to the confusion of thu scene, the hor
ses which were tint disabled continued to drug
the wreck over the ground, while the occu
pants were indiscriminately piled tip and una
ble to help themselt'es.
Willi regard to the wounded. Judge Fry
seemed to bo more severely hurt than any
one else, his injuries being mostly about the
head. A boy, named Hay, from Staunton,
wus delirious' from the effects of a very severe
contusion on tho left, temple. One gentle
man, Sftid to be from Norfolk, had both bunds
and arms drenilfully mashed and one eye se
verely cut. Tho lady passenger, who was
travelling under the charge of Judge Fry, had
a severe cut over one eve. and her left arm
verv much bruised. All. however, are doing
well, and will no doubt recover, idessis
1 1 Mi-man C llrown. state nroprietors. will be
heavy losers by this accident. Jiiclimon-t
Marriage in tiik Cars The Springfield
( Muss.) A rgus, tells the following : A couple
too much in a hurry to have the. hymenial
knot tied to wait fur the end of their journey,
were mnrried in the cats on the Connecticut
Uiver liuilroad on Wednesday. We did not
learn tho names of the parlies. The gentle
man was from Keenu, N. II.. nnd the bride
was from our neighboring town of Chieopee.
Tho ceremony wus performed by n Methodist
minister. This is starling on the journey of
life at railroad speed.
A Nobi.k Keihird. lu accordance with tho
annual custom, Messrs. llovey & Co., the
extensive dry poods dealers iu Boston,
divided nearly 97,000 among tho employees
of that establishment on the 1st instant.
This nmoiint is the surplus accruing over the
sum fixed as the limit of tho wishes of the
Woods Wukki.s for Passenof.r Cars.
Tho Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati
HiiilvoHil Company have ordered wooden
wheels for their puasenger cars. The pecu
liar stylo of wheel which they have conlrnc
ed for is patented in Knglaiul, nnd perhaps in
this country also, but, though in use for a
long time over the witter, it has not before
been tried here.
A (Ji.omois Bkiitii. It in tnid that the
Health Officer of New York, II. H. Thomp
son, F.sq . will receive for the three summer
months this yeur. directly and indirectly, fees
to the amount of $100,i00.
In pursuance of a call, n niimlierof the citi
zens nfj5.aibiiryfLn)e.5t the Court llnuse, on
Tim meeting' was called to order by ap
pointing JACOB liltlOHT, President!
John Bowf.n and 11. S. Uohin, Vieu Presi
dents, and V. 7). Grant, Secretary.
I'M ward C.Judson being present addressed
the meeting in an able manner. Ou motion,
it was
ttesolced, Tlint we form a Fillmore A Don-
j elson Club.
The CUib then organized permanently by
electing the followins; officers unanimously;
7VWiif-PKTI-:ii IllI.KMAX.
Vice Presidents John Bowkn uud John
Hccording Secretaries Dr. J. G. Marklo
and Jos. 11. McCurty.
Cone.iponilinij Secretary Thos. M Urunt.
'J'reasurer Win. T. (J rant.
Kxecutive Committee George Renn, J. G.
Youmr. Nathan Martz, Y. II. Thompson
and W. K. Martz.
Alter being fully organised, f7 persons
enrolled themselves as members of the Club.
On motion. Jlesulred. That wo meet again
on next Saturday evening, und that these
proceedings bo published in the Sunbury
American, Milloniuti nnd other papers.
Siyned by the Ojfictrs.
For the Ainrrieun.
Trevortox, Sent. 8. le5G.
Mr. II. IJ. Massf.f.
Pear Sir: In your paper of the 30lh tilt.
I notice a lengthy article over the siirnature
of ''Cool Operator," in which thu writer has
evidently made out to his own satisfaction,
that a "uross outnifre" has been perpetrated
upon those that ure interested in thu success
nf tho 'Shaninliin coal fields."
. In reply to "Coal Operator" I hj! to state
n few facts which may disabuse bis mind with
reference to thu "cross outrage." committed
by the psssape of the bill consolidating the
.Mn4iunny and Shninokiu Improvement and
Trevorton and Kusipiehanna liuilroad Com
panies. "Coal Operator" may not b aware
lhat this "New York Company" have nlren
dy invested over $1,(100,(1(10 in this region,
pud that they nro now pivinfr employment to
over four hundred bunds, who regularly re
ceive their wnfrcs in cai-h every month, nnd
have done so ever since the company first
went into operation, no person in the employ
ment of the company ever having received a
"More oilier."
With regard to the improvements made by
the cninpuny 1 need not advert us they ate
fumilliar to "Coal Operator" as well as to the
public generally, und ure las-t inif monuments
lo the enterprise and liberality of tho "Fur
tiijn" freutlemen comprising the ct mpany.
"Coal Operator" states to tho public "that
the Trevorton company haviiin; been abusing
tho privileges granted to them, bv selling
their coal ut less than the'-lofsees" tlid. That
the coul lms been sold nt a less price thnn it
was last yenr. is true, but that it is "offered
nnd sold ot Tort Trevorton at SI 45 per ton"
by tho coiupuny. I pronounce to be u misrep
resentaiimi, us uot one pound of the "Trevor
ton Coal'1 can be purchased at "Port Trevor
ion" ut that price, except, 1 might say, the
lime coal.
"Coul Operator" uIt.o state that the com
pny have scattered their coul ull ulong tho
"West Hranch," this may nlno ho true if the
boatmen who took the ouly load the company
ever sent to that region, and umuscd thoui
selves by throwing it out as they passed
along . ,
With regard to the inMrunientulit v of Mr.
Zimmerman in the pussuge of the hili which
has drawn out the much injured "Coal Oper
ator." J can only say thut ha ling done no
more than his duly in the premises ns he was
required to do bya part of his constituentsand
which was not objected to bv those interes
ted in the Shuuiokin region, in further expla;
nation I may add that tho "lessees": of the
compuny lmd several thousand tons of coal
to receive after the company commenced
hippiirgen their own account, and if tbey
huvo ,uld at low ratus, the injury to tie com
pony hut beon greater Ihuu it could possibly
Wo loeu to "Ce! Operator" or any other
For th Sun'jorY Areerlran.
StiAMOKin, Sept. 9, 1356.
Mr. II. B. Massf.b, '
Dear Sir: In.niy commnnicttion dated
ntignst 2Mh, I made charges against Mr.
Zimmerman of a mlemn and important char
acter. I fully expected that hli friends
would be able in some degree to refute these
charges by gome new evidence or facta tha.t
hod not come to light, but in this I am dis
nnnointcd. Mr. Zimmerman therefore stands
convicted of all these charges, and his friends
unable to extricate him.
Tho Gazcttee has made nn attempt to lift
Mr. Zimmerman nut of the inirt, but every
time John stops to taka a new hold he socks ,
the poor Ksquire in deeper and deeper, John
you should tuke nn active, viyilant hold, for
yon will nml inn r.tqmre a very neavy loati
to drug Hi roil fin October.
Tin? uuKette quotes irom my articio vne
following "Under the old law the lessees
could not or did not sell coul less than $1.75
put in boats nt Port Trevorton, but under
tho new dynasty coal is offered und sold at
Port Trevorton nt 81,45, showing a reduction
of 30 cents on the ton."
Mr. Yonr.gmnn nrguel from this, that the
people of this county should bo very thnnk
fnl to M r. Z., as they will be able to buy coal
30 cents tier ton less.
If tho Gazetto will examine the map of
Northumberland county, it will then find that
which it does not wish to find, or in other
words, it will discover that Port Trevorton is
not in Northumberland county, and if it will
go to the expense of buying one of those nico
new mans ol Snvdcr county, it will thero
discover thut it is tho eood lieople of Snyder
that are crowim? fat over the 30 cents. So
utter all the argument that people of Nor
thtimberluud county should thank Mr. Zinv
merman for passing n law enabling them to
buv coal 30 cents per ton less, is worth
iio'thinsr. unless tho Gnzelte will have the
people of Sunbury, Upper nnd Lower Au
ciisln. nnd the tipper end of the comity, to
haul their coal from Port Trevorton in
wagons But these, no doubt, with the
Gazelle nnd Mr. Zimmerman's contracted
view of the subject, fliey will usk how then
does this law efi'ect thu price.
Coal should command 2,00 per ton at
Sunbury and Northumberland, in order to
afford a fair remuneration to the operator for
the capital invested, risks, Ac. In this 1
think every operator will agree with me,
(unless "Congress or the Stole legislature"
wilUigree to mine our coal free of charge,)
Trevorton on tlie other hand, witli tlie aid oi
Mr. Zimmerman, ore able to offer coal so low
that a mau in dtbt- by refusing to jJiir
chase. The Gazette raises nnother point wliieh I
will notice. Mr. Yonngman asks what
difference dots it make where tho capital
eomes from, so the people or tho county have
the benefit. To this no one raises objections.
We are glad to see capital settle in our
region, but whilst we give them a cordial
invitation we want lliem to come in, on the
same terms that citizens of Northumberland
county nnd different parts of the state are
willine to do. We ore not willing simply
because they ore from the city of New York,
that they should claim special protection
from a Pennsulcania lenislature.
Mr. I'Mi lor betnre 1 close, ny tne way w
illustration, I will bring (he effects of this
consolidation net nearer bonip. The Phila
ilelphiu and Sunbury Hail Hoad own the
lamia now worked by Messrs. Cochran, Peale.
& Co. Suppose Ihe'y get an act passed next
winter to mine their own coal, could they not
undersell every operation in the region ? Ilow
long would it be until every breaker in the
reeion would bo compelled to stop. No indi-
"i'lppl enterprise ciuiUI emneml uhIiim Kutl,
it clial-iei. . -..nnolv. This view addresses
ii.ii.ii to me judgement oi every man in our
Tho Gazette promises us nn article next
week over M r. Zimmerman's signature. In
lhi article we will be told that Mr. Zimmer
man consulted ihe Shumokin people whilst
the bill was pending, nnd no objections were
raied. This I deny. I venture tho asser
tion that there was not a single operator knew
anything of this consolidation uct until after
it became a luw.
For the Suiihury Anicrictiu
Khaniokin Tp., Sept. I, 1850.
II. B., Esq., Dear Sir : In look
ing over thu columns of thu "American" of
the 30th tilt.. I find that my naino has again
been brought before the public, for the oflice
of County Auditor, by a part of the "Ameri
can" convention, convened on the 25th ult.
I wish to announce to the voters of North
umberland County, thut under present cir
cumstances 1 cannot accept the uouiination
for said oflioe.
Respect full v yours Ac.
M A It It I A G E S
On Tuesday, the Dili inst., by Rev. 1. Y
Meisler, Dr. Rakkr. of Augusta, to
In Northumberland, on tho 9th inst., by
tho Rev. P. Horn, Mr. John Wki.mkk, of
Heading, to Miss Lluabwmi Wkinkh, of
On the 27th ult.. by John 1). Conrad. Esq
."tir. DYI.VKKTKn ill YKBI.Y, Ot JJltUVlllo, 10
Miss Maiiv IIoitkii, of Sunburv.
On the aist ult., by the same, Mr. Charles
Nkidio to Miss Sakau Dit'in., all of Lower
Whiat. . . IRS
Ids. . . 62
t'oa.w. . 37
Oir. . j3
roTATuts, ... 60
IlKkawix . . 2.',
II r.i uLr.n Km. . 0
Hirrm. . . 'SO
t'uiia. ... 0
New Advertisements.
J. II. KKITOX, I'roprlctor.
Jas. T. Ham.. Ass't.
Sept. 13, lrT.6. tf
MILLI t.n II. II 1Y, 1'ioprlvtor.
C. A. aiTRii,iiitaiit.
N. 11. .4u Omnibus will mil to and front the
Depot and Packet Landings, lo this Hotel, free
September 13, 1856 tf
18 hereby given that letters of Administration
have been grained to the subscriber, on (he
enisle of Kiiucon Oherdorf, late of itueh townahip
Norlhuiuberlund county, diceaseJ. All pcraona
iudeuied to (aid estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claima
against the aaine, will present them properly au
thenticated for arttleuieut.
Up. Augusta tp., Sept. 13, 1B84 6t
Fremont and Da) Ion !
Maaa Meeting of the friendu of Free
- " - dam at Mil too.
Ou THURSDAY. September 18, 1856, i:
DAVID W1L.MOT will addrea the people.
The meeting will be organised at 2 o'clock
P.M. '
Excnraion. Ticket will be grunted on the
Rail Roads. . -. . .
Svpuwjhrr 13, 18.SC It
Suprcme Court for the Nnrthern District of
NOTICE is hereby Btvcr. that the Supreme
Court for the Northern Dintrict of Pennsyl
vania, will commence its animal session at Hun
bury, on the first Tuesday of October neit, at
the Court House in (iunhary. '
" I'rothonotary's office, Sept. 1, 1858. )
List of Cauncs for Argunnnt at Octo
ber Term A. D. I860.
Hoffmsn vi Vastine, Lycoming ccunly.
Hartzel s ilound, "
Coder vs Huling, ' "
Auryhill vs Buiyhill et al " "
Stees v Kem'ble, UnUn .
WheelanJ s Green Lycoming "
Slifcr 6c Frirk vs Hutchison t'nion " -
llrown vs White Deer Uhp.
linwlc vs Colby township, Sullivan .
Fry vs Fry St Kavage, . Northuiu'd "
Fsgely vs Woolvertoti, " "
Rhuman vs Shumsn Columbia "
('ummiiig vs Commonwealth, Snyder 11
Vagonsellcr s ti n. )
vs " "
J. Housrr, jr. J
Hesdly et nt vs Peter Malick, Columbia "
Clement et tl vt Taggnrt et al Union "
same vs Yeungman ft al " "
Gassier v Mcliright " "
Dewart vs Purdy, Northumberland "
iiunyon'i appeal 4 Columbia "
Field's apiienl Lycoming "
Knnbury & Erie R. It. vs, Hummel, ' "
Daumgardner vi Kate ct al Nor'.hum'J "
Auditor' Itolice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the under
signed Auditor appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Northumberland county, to
settle and adjust tho rates and proportions
of the nssets in tlio hand of James smith,
Administrator of George Armstrong, late of
Upper Augusta township. Northumberland
comity, dee'd., to nnd among the respective
creditors nccording to the order established
by law, will attend to tho duties of his said
appointment nt his office ,;i tho Borough of
Sunbury, on Friday the lid day of October,
A. D. 1S56, nt 10 o'clock. A. M., of said day.
at which time and place all persons interested
may attend if they see proper.
Sunbury, Sept. 9th. 1B."C 3t
To Your Own Mechanic).
HeapertfulW announce that he has taken the
stand lately occupied by Oecrpo Kcnn, where
he ia prepared to mauufacture all kinds of
Of the most Fashionable Style.
npiIE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi
- of the public to hia lacg and splendid as
aorlnient of every quality and price ef
which cannot full to reiommend itselftoevery one
who will eiaiuiiie it, on account of its durable
wcrkmaustiip and splendid liniah, made up of the
best stock to be had in the city. No edbrt i a
spared in the manufacture ot his ware, and Ihe
subscriber ia determined to krrp tip with the
many improvement which are constantly being
mane. His stock. onsiste ot Mahogany
8oitiN, Divan mitl I.omigf
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price
In abort, every article in this line nf his buainrsa.
Me aleo manufactur all kinds and qualities
ncluding varieties never before to be had it
Sunbury, such aa Mahogakv, Black Walxut
A5n (Vmni Matlx Urkciak ; An Wisrnaoii
CHAIKS, Ao sanci Pnio 8tohl9, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
by none niamifactnrf J in the Cities or elsewhere.
The suhac liber ia determined that thero shall
be no excuse for persona to purchaoe furniture in
the cities, as every confidence ran be entertained
shout the quality auJ finish of their ware and
These articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they cau be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken ill payment fur work.
Cr" UNDERTAKING Having provided
a bandnonie Iftinsr., he ia now prepared for
Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi
cinity , or at any convenient distance from this
1ST The Ware Room ia in Fawn Street, be
ow Vraer'i Hotel.
Sunbury, Sept. 13. 16SC tf.
fY every description, snitible fur railroads.
' Ac. for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and
Merchnndii-e generally. Purchasers run no rik
every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after
trial, not found saliefactory can be leturued with
out charcc,
Faclnry at the Old Stand, established for more
than twenty yesra corner of Ninth and Melon
Streets, Philadelphia.
Successors to Ellicott & Abbott.
Philadelphia. Sept 13,1856 cSm.
WE have just received direct fmm I'hiUdel
dbia a fresh supply of gnoda, suitable fur the fall
trade. We aro now rliapoxjng of our Summer
Stock, at VERY LOW PRICES, to make room
for our winter supply. N"0w u the time to se
cure bargains.
Sep13, iSflO.
QOL'NTY O I! D EKS .3 Comity "ordc ra "l ak e n
v-y as cash for pood a, and on note or hook ac
count l,y k. Y. UHIGI1T Jr ON.
Sept, 13, 1650.
GOSH EN CH EESEJuii't re7eked a7d for
Kept 13, 156.
'Jo the Independent voters ot'
Xorthun.herland count'. Ekixow Citizkns':
Erom reieated solicitations of a numlier of my
friends in every section of Ihe county. I have
consented to oiler mvsell'tu the citixcut of North
umberland county, as an independent volunteer
candidate for
uu promise ii eifcieu 10 tittenU to the intertU I
ol every wclion ot tlie county imparl lalfy, nj to
the brut of my judgement.
Miltun, fccpn lii, 56. - J. ROBIKfc Jr.
nnilE partnership heretofore existing Setween
the underigiieJ, under the firm of VVilker
oii k Kenn wag thin tlaj (Sept. 6 1856,) diaaol
ved by mutual coruor.i.
AslsiOl IATK JtllGG.
TLb Hon. Ukoror Wetskr, at present on
of the Afieocmte Judge of this county, will
bn a volunteer Camltdutti for re-election.
Judge Weber, lias faithfully discharged Lit
duties as an officer aud needs uo further re
commendation. ' AV are requested to annouuee the Hon.
John F Hentlkr, nt pieseut one of the As
sociate Judges of thie county, as volunteer
Candidate for re-election. We Deed say no.
thin-f in favor of Judo Den tier, aa he U al
ready woll kuowu to tfce peopit a an Ltner
abl1 a4 upright Jud, . '
Pt RPUANT to an ort of the Oencrui Awmblf of lh
Coniiniitiwfwllh of Prmiiylvsuia, entitled "An set
relating hi the elertion of Une Commonwealth," smtiovrii
Oie mcuihI day of July, Anno Doniin", on tiiouund
eiKht hundred and thirty-lime. I, Hi;NRY WhIHK,
Iiixli Sheriff of the euunty ol Northumberland, VennayU
Viuiia, do hereby muke known and give notice to the elec
ton at the county aioirKiid, that a fneral election win
lie held in Mid county of Nurihumnerland onUie PKCOND
TUCfDAV 41th .fUCfOHKH, 15S at which tin
Mtate and County Officer, aw lollnva, are to be eleetad l
One person al Caunl CumrfiiHioner ef the Common
wealth. One person as AuAtof tteneral pf the Cotmnoii wealth.
Oneperaon aa Surveyor Urnernl of the Commonwealth.
One peraon Ha Mcmlier of C mireM to represent the
Countiea of Norlhiiinuer land and Schuylkill
One peraon aa Member of the Mouae of ltrprremteUvw
to represent the county of Northumberland.
One per m aa CominiMioner lor the coonly of North
ttntlietiaiid for a term ot 3 years.
One nern ai Uiatriet AUotuey far tie romity ef Nor
thninbeiland. One peiauii aa Auditor for the ecrjnty of Northumberland.
I also hetetiy make known and five that th
plaera of holding tho aforranid gernal election in the arv
aral horouha nnd towniliii.a within the coonty of Not-' '
thnmlxliinit ae an followe :
The Miuibnrv Dimricl, eomposeit of tti tnitoueh ef
Rinliury, and l:pper Augueta, nt Ua County Court
The Aitnta District, cotnpoaed of th Uiwnihip of
Lower Augtiaia, at the house ol Kliaa KmcrUt:, in aaul
The N'nrtlmmlierland' Pitrtrt. romrmaed nf thbf rouah
of Nortluimtierl.iiid, nt the houae of rAiward tiura, of
boroupn it .orihnmoeriatMi.
The lViut Dmnct, at Uie houie of Hemy 1 1 ban. in th
borough of Northumlvrlmi.
Th Miitn Dittnct, nt the Iicvm of Froierirk lMickerp '
la mod lKTouifh.
The Turbut lintrict, ttt the hcuee occupied l-y Abreliam
Kiftftiugrr. i
The Delaware UiKtrict, et the Sinking Spriufr Sc-hoe
The Chiliiquaque I)intriot a, the Incie of benjemi
The Lewi Piitrict, at the house occupied by Mtchiei
Tite Shamukht Dintrict, at the house of Chariot Leiaee-ring-
The Upper Mahr-nray pittnet, at the houae of DtnieJ
The Little Mhjnoy Dmfriet, ut the house of widow P.
The Iower Mabonoy District at the houae of
Arb tfjat.
The U tii i Dintrict, at ihe Liberty r. iVhrol HtUea.
Tne Jiickaon liatnct, at the huuae occupu-d ly Oaten
The Con; Difnt, nt tne nuuae of ill mm M. M earar,
iu the ti'Wii of SMwniU'kiu.
The ZcrUi Uiairict at the houae of John Weaver in
The C:ineroii District, at the houae of Gidon lerk!
The JitriJuu Iitirn-t ut the houae of JJciijuniiu IciUrf.
Tlie M '.int (Jannel Uiitrict at the pit bite Hintie t Te
lix !-erch.
The Washington lliatnetet Uir house of Wtu. Kehrra.
Tho election to open hetweeu the houra ai b ai d IO
oVlttck in the forenotMi, and snutl continue w ithout naer
ruption or Hdjournmrnt until 7 uVJuck in the evening
wnn the polls artJiil be cioatil.
The Bf vnral liif-tors and Judges e!e(eH en tl e Sd
Friday of Mnrch, lt?55, iji pursuance nf Vie 3d fecction wf
this net of ti4e 2d f Juiy, lb3t, will hokl the cicctiou c
Tucwiay the IHh ony of October next.
"Tnnt every eriii except a Justice of ihe Teace, who
shall hold a;:y vtfi c or appoiiitnient of prrfit tnd trust ua
t!cr tne (( of the Tinted Hatea. or of this SlMe,
r -f city or uic rptratetl dmiri'.-t, whether a t:oiftmt
aionrd olTiccr or spent, who ihall he employed uiMvr the
lfgi!itive, ejrrcutivc or judiciary department of this S'.nte.
or the dated SStatea, or of any city or iiiaorporaicd district
and ain-i th:it every member Corgresji nnd of flte 5 ote
Lriaiatarc, and of tlie select nnd eonnaou rtvnu-il of any
city, or coiiimjasiojier of any ineorporaed Pi-'.riut, is fcy
luw. itifrtpabte i'f holdina; or exrccii:ff the office or up
jioint meat, ni JudRe, Inspector r CJeiic, of uny rlfcMou
of this C'tm'fi 'imr iltii, and lhat n loapetor. Jutre or
any oihtT officer of such election, shall ce eligible lo aif
;lioe lo be theM voted f'-r.
And the said At of AMrnM', enritd"'nn act retathip
to tlie elections of this Coiu.aonwcatth,' raseed July Vsa IKri, further provide 01 foibws, to w;l :
' That the Inspector aj.d J u.' eimson ss sf-rretr-4,
shall meet at the respective piaet-s for h -K1 ii .ar tlie elrrtuHi
in the district U which ihey respeottnLy t'ei'-ng before
nine eVlock in the inomiofr of the second Tuesday of c
tober in each and every yrar, and each of said inspectors
stiull appoint one cieik. who siiull beaq'talifud vutet cf
surh d'strict.
xction 2. Ti.a, an fraud comrnilted hy any per-'!
votntf in the manner un-tve prewnbe1. vhmi putusieS
as similar frnuvis ure Jinecte'. ti be punished by the czis.
inij laws i thin Oummrm v;:i!i!i.
ln rate the jrrs n wun ahr.U have received the seeftr..!
hiitrftt numm.T of vo'.ps fur inajieitors slia.1. not r:iei a on
the d;iy oi any e'lL-ti-'.n, then tr.e person who
reeivfd thi sccoiid hivh' nnuiher i f votes f ir JtoH;e
neit preeiliiifr. elt'iiuit, shall vet as an inspect. i in lter
piru-e. and tn case the person elctt d J'.dr sn.:' not a'.'
the Inspector who received the hmiisi nuin'er i.f v",
Jhali appnnt a Judpe in his piace ; and if any vafa;ur
tnuJt CMitinue in the hrri for the spnee of hmi'tm hour af
ter the time fixed by law f'-r ttie op' tiiui; of the c!rt:oe.(
she qua! i tied Vttteis if th township, ward oi no tkrrict,
fui wiiieh such ofGeera aliall havr bfea elected, prfsen a
she place i'i elecf i-tnt, situli one of their uumber to fi.l such
"It si:u!I be the duty of atiid nssvesore rcapectiveiy to it-
loni at tlie place of hojoiii? every ge; cm), sreoiil, ir"
ijwnship election, during the wliole tune Ktia e.eciiot, i
kept ipen, for tite purpose, of pivvnif iulxntiattMu to Cut'
lii;H'etor and .lu-ice, viivti Cu:icd in, in r'ia;in to the
iirfht of any pers m HismU by tnein to vte :it a ele?
tLon, or surh otnfr matters in te'rii m to the asrvL-anent nf
t u-rs. aa the said ius)iect"r or ju.ij-e or eitner cf tAfiir
siml! from tune to time ret-utre.
"No pcrs m s'aol be ptrniiticd V v-tc at ony c!eeiiin atav
aforesaid, o:her than a white fieeinaiiot twenty-ttne or
in re, who shall liave rcnidrfl in the state nt lean one year,
und nt the eiretinn distrn t where he oilers lu vole ol It-ast
tt-ii days iiiimeilialeiy prccecding the elet-ii'-n. nA wh.a
two years paid state'oi county tax. which shall have bten nt leust trudus beiore tlie ct'clion. Hut a citizen
of the I ailed Mates wito bad previously het ii a quaiifnui
Vtrti-r of ilioi state, ami removrd Un:rcfroin ujid n-sunnv!,
uud uii'iil have rrsidmt iu the elcciiou (Ubiru-t, nn.l paid t0
MitlttrHnsiii. uhall te entitled (o oio alter rcsidiiiff m this e six moitihs. Provided, 'J'bKt the white men, ct i
zeiisof the I .'uited States, between tho iiro of twenty-one
and twentytwo years, and in ine clwttoi- ibtrict ten 'days--as
a:or"oi. h'naU bu entitled to a vote, oltliough they st-.a.i
not have (aid tuxes.
N p-rtii shall Ikj permitted to vote whoc name u mi
cohtauird m ttie lui of tntai)!-. iiihubiimits f irniis-d hy th
couiiiisu'iifis um aioieauod, ikiVmi, first: ii- )tristiuei
n receipt !r the pa; nient, within two ,-ir. i f a sistr or
county tax urin'-t1 aifrecubly t tne ctnVttiinn n, aid save
sat;sftuUiry evidi-in-c e r.hv r nn ins own 'vdh ir atf.riaa
ti.n, or on ttie tvitti oi artnaiion f nnotuer, tiiut lie has
pa:-.t sut-h tux, or n failure tt prou.tce i i'cvi; t. v.i-aV. in-k
un oath to tfn p.'.ynicnt tnrtf ; or ncenini, 11 he ciaun a
t.f bl '.j vote hy bciiur an ei.-cb.r Mwem ine um (A
tw i Lly-one and yeton, !, timi: ds,t mii oath
or tttiri nation, th:u he 'tins resided in the M.-c at least one
year tit-xt hci'urc h.s npplieution, and t.ial;e siu ii nroof of
residfiice in tho tiirtrirt ne is Pquirt-tl by tins ;tv:t j and
that h! il"es verily bciievit tr'iu Ui Mvount i'; him
dent lie i oi the iijre afir's:tut, mitl t.w sm-h "ther ti
thurei is irt.nird by this act. wiitreupim the name f
tne perm mi so -admitted Vi v.le, shail be iiinfrtfd in nlpna-b-tii-alhsl
b tne ins. e-lori, vnd n ifie n::nt opptshd
tlifrc'o by writiotj t:. word "tax,M if iie be peimit
edtovnte by rearvn of havi'i ;mi.J lux. or tne vM
t'iict." if tie stial! be prruuitcd ti vole ,n account ef hn
ae. aiul in i ititer etiie the I'lis-at f wUtii ob shall be
eaitol out to :he clerk, who bhall matte notes iu tlie 1.-st cf '
vt-rs k-pt by th-m.
1:1 aii cases w her e the name . W pv.n c'riiNine; .
Voir is not found uii the list ftirnist'cd by t'.e Oojtitinsion.
1 ers and Ass,, or his rifiit m vote wh'-ther f-.nnd there
on or fiit. it ' object ci to by any qualilied citien, lite In--sprfiiir
until exmniue sii'-h per in on iint.i n to lit tjunlih
caiiciis, and ii he ciaims to have n-tiiied in the tt.'te otie
yuar cr ni"i'c. his oath shr-tll be u proof thereof, but he rhnil
prove by ut hsist nnr coinj-ei-i.t witness, wi.o fcitail be a
qualified elector, that he 1 1 inlc.l u uiim tjir distuet i lr itt
tit dnvs ii' at imiueti lately pr-eetlinff the eleei nr.i, inl snr.
i nlsai hirnseif awrur that i..s Uhia tide rt-.-iilivtcc, i t pubj
Siu'c of lawful ern'ni-r iswitl .'i trie distnet, nij.t Itiat l.r
nrd n t remove into said district (or the pttrjKUie f voMig
Kvtiy ptairii qualillrxl as c.Vrcsaid. nul who sipli make
prtvii, n resulted, of rioeiii und jviyiinitt t : t.'Jtfs. as
nforeuid, sitall in: auinntcd to vote in the towuslnn, wu:d
or titriri-t iu whteii be sr.alt re-side.
li ioiv ihisoii not jii.tnini vt:te iu ihisCoiiiinonwraAA
a-jTcai ly t' law, (i-xtvot the toons o liietiim-d i-iiit u;
irall nnKritr at any pince of i.-ltiff ion tor the purjvite (l is-
sun'- tic:. I-, 4r iiinufiieing citizens iuuiiib d t vole, lia
tUi.ii. o.i eoio ictioii, turfeit und uy uitj mui lid cxeceti
iiiK one hundrt-d I'n'Iinrs every one eucn thfeure, and
bt imprifconeii f r uny t-jin not fxc(x-iimg three niomhs.
Jt sit ill he tne duty ot every in iy-'r, Siieml". akl- nnan
justice f the (wuce, and -rniis:ublc or drputy cnniiibh', ot
every eitv, c-'nuty, township nr district within cim
mmveuiiii, whsiiuvcr culhd tiMtit by Any oibct r vt- bt
election, or by any three (juu.iticd electors tinrcoi', u vlvor
any window or avenue t-. huv wuuion, io the phircof
peneml elect ion, which mi:iI1 be t-bitrweied in s.oh a wav
as to prevciy vottr inun appniacinng the, a I oa
iiei::vi or rciusai to d j. n su i. rcquisn-d, sm.j ..jTu m
si;ad li dcetnitl tc'J'ited nf intSOeiu,-iiKr in oe mid ou
ronvictiou mall be iiueti in any sum iv t leas tftun nr h; a
drel nor more than imr tnouSiind dottsra ivt i sh:;.l )
trie duly of tiie rt-spcenvc couiaiiihlc of each ward, lii.iict
or tttwnsiup, of tnii eun(iMiiwtiti to prjkt m in person
cr by diattv. ut thu pliice ot hoktiuij cut-Ji drxaious in ea-n
ward, district or tow ni;p, 1W tite pjfpwae of preserving
the pence ua aj orcttiht.
It ahall be itin duty of every peace oilieer. as nfoicsaid,
who khull '.,e prixentat any sue a disturbances at an elec
tion as ia ileaciditHl in tiusuct, to. report too fciuiir to the
next coin t of cptarter aewtiiMis. and also the miuies of the
wi'.oesaes witO cu pjrve tito name.
TaeJndfrea are b make (heir reurnsf r ihe comity r.f
Northumt-eriund, M the Court House, ;n tuubury, -.-n Kri
thiv.the I7lh Oay of October. A. I. 1-Vl.
ShenfTs Ofnee. Sonhury.
Hepl. U. le6 4t
Sl'GAi; t V KEI HAM A M juet rereiwd
anJ (or ae bv. feASHOU X PETKV
8tpt. U,
OFFERS young mcu all tlie advatitee wf a
thorough Uueina-u Education.
Embraces DoubU-Emry Bftok-Keepnig, aa ap
plied to Wholesale. Retail, Communion, Man
ufacturiny, tSkifping, 8 team boating. Jadiwd
ual, FartiMtelMp. and Compound Comeawy
Bueineaa, . . .
in all ike AnVient and Modern Hen J J. AIet
LEC''t'KEh ou Coimaeroiat Law and folitical
teonomy, fey I'homaa Cochran,
For Ctmilai-I, &. adJraM the vndeiaignad
v. T. K. .WU1T.