4 NEW EI BING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST RECEIVED BY I. IV, TK.CR & Co., Sunbury, Pn., VTE leg respectfully to announce to nuf ' friends iinJ the public I iat we ere now re ceiving ft very Urge ami well selected stock of Ro.xl suited to the season, which we are deter mined to sell cheap a heretofore, finding our old motto of "Small profit and quick Salet." to work welt we ehall continue to adhere to it, our stock consists pnrtly of the following vizi LADIES GOODS. Cros Pe Rhine and Summer Silks, Chilli, Pe bepc, Uarcge. painted and plaid Lawns, ttinghnm Lawns, Kohed Dresses, Va lencia Skirt and Skirting, Oirass, Ccrd and Crinoline Skirls, Jaconet. Cambric, Swiss and Perred muslin, Bishops Lawn. 1'laid, Dot- ted and Figured Swiss Muslin, Linen cambric handkerchiefs, Chemisette, Collars, Cull's end undcrslccvee, printed cashmere, thibrt and Jolhc r shawls, ginglisins and calicoes in great variety, Ready made mantillas, parasols, Fans Ac. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. Cloths, cassimercs, tweeds, Vcslings, sunmer goods in various styles for coats and pantaloons shirt bosoms, collars, cravats, besidee a large as sortment of Ready made coats pantnloons and vests, togalher with a gctierul assortment of La dies and gcntlcmcns I3oots Shoe, and Gaiters mens, boys and childrcns Hats, and Cups Hardware, Qtiecnsware, CIroeeries, Cedorwere, Stone and Earthenware Drugs, Taints, Fish, meat, salt, nailB, Tar, Oil rjc Ac. A good supply of school books and copy Iwoks with printed copies on eoch poge. Come and see, no charge is made for show ing goods. I. W. TENER & Co. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, t the highest market prices Sunbury, May 10, 1855. NEW ABBANGEMENT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c, THE undersigned having taken the store for- M. meriy Kepi ny vv ciser anu nruuer, ia uw rcadv to fill crdcrs and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a lurge and well selected stock of fresh Aid pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dve-stufis. Oil. Points. Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRl IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segnrs of the choicest brands, tansy Notions' toilet articles, and Per. fumcry of all kinds. Tooth and Hair brushes of every variety. Cam hine and Plaid always on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu uerute, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, neit door to E. Y. Bright'. Mammoth Store. WM. A. BRUNEI! Sunbury, May 31, 1856. Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE &.Z J TAIN ST0E, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. Window Shades, Gilt Cornices, Hull", White and green Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Rollers, Curtaiii Pins and Trim mings, Brora tellcs, Satin do Laities, Worsted Dumasks, Centre Tassels, ' Gimp mid Loope, Curtain Hands, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Tiecc Muslins, Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, got up a' the shortest notice. Curtains cut, made and nut up by the aiosl experienced hands. PiTTts'a Nr.w Yonic Stori, 203 Chestnut St., Melodeon L'uildings. May 3, 1850. SUNBURY, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply ef good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 24, 1856. tf. THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF PHILADELPHIA AGAINST THE WO It at) EVANS & WATSON, JVo. 26 Sou'h Fourth St., l'hiladclphia, Ihive hm the tiirent demnnMm- lion in I lie f ollowing IVrtilicaf rs, Mint their nmiuiliti liire ef r.ilii iimml r Sates linsut Ittijrth fully war runt en I he repmiuitiit i na wtiii'ii liuve uei'ti iiiuite ti Hum itrmliTiiif; nil iniluiihlt-tl lectuily uauiM me ivmuc e.emem : PHit.ADri.PHiA. April 12ih lR.:fl Messrs. Fvnnl Watson : Oents: It affords ns the liiphest siiliiitactioii to tlate to vou, that owing to the very protective qualities of tv of the SaUuiunder Ssfes which we purchaurd of you nunc few monlliB since, we saved a fcirf-e pen ion oi our Jewelry. lioks, lapers, c., expo Ltl to the calamituous lire lit Uunsteud Fluce, on the ni'trn me n i lie mil i n st When we reflect Hint these Safes were located in the lonrlh story of the buildnnr we oceuttied. uud that thev fell tfuhsequeutly into n heap of burning ruins, where thg vusi concentruil'Ml oiaiieui causeti ii;e urass plates to melt we cannot but regard the prcsei vation of the valuable 'ou tests as moHt coiiviuciiig prtkii of the great security alf.ir dcil by vour Safes. We Khali bike much pleasure in reeommendinir tlism to meu of busuiebs us u suie lelmm e H'imnt lire. GfiOHfiK V.tilMU.1S( Hbo. Phi i. ati ki tdti, April 13, IbM. Messrs. Hvans A Watson--! have t i oiler you my tes timony in fa voi of the threat security alfurdeil to my entiie tK:k of jewelry, boks, papers. Ac, durinn the recent iliiauToua con Hug ration in juntcad place, lrni the luet that the Ktme were contained in two of the Salamander bales manufactured by yu. Having alien from the lifth story of the Ariimin Tin i Kl in p, where they were previously pUcdd and exposed to u vutit lieut for a loua; time, the preservation of thu valuable ilc;otii8 seemed to everyone who witnessed the opening and interior examination, a matter of profound Uilojish ment. To nil who may tetpiire a perfect protection from the ravages ttf fire) 1 shall not lteit;.te to recommend the use of your Kafei, as 1 consider they liuve now jnitern"iie the most trying tent. N. E. .Mouuam. rHlLAOHLPHT, April 14, IMfl. Messrs. Kvans A Wutfion lientlenien Nit douht you Will be deeply )rintitied to learn (he K'Ndconditi u in which 1 discovered my b -k, polu-y of insurance, certificates of tiK'k,aud other valuahte documertts, wheu uu Kmlny last 1 opened the safe mude by ytiur mm. With my kniwcVe of its great exposure, both to the Intensity of the heat fr"m hot a fire as that which de stroyed the Artisan Huildins;, as also from the force of the full from it former elevated rwition in the third story, I 'uld eiycrlam but slcuWer uopew prior to Us interior in spection, that the contents which 1 once so highly prized would ever b of iniv syrvi e to me, tmt us theM feais are imw happily reii"Wd, 1 ucl it only due to suy to you that I run henceforth reouiuicnri the use of your Safes to alt who uriv wish to feel a confidence in the perfect sv curily wtnAi tuck lueiii provides sgatnit ai frightful uu lemeiit. r.DWAKD GAf IVL, P) vokeinrWr. Constantly oa ksnd ratent Powder and 'fhief Proof Isneks for lianks, Stores, At. April U0, lb.id. ly IMPOHTANT TO THE PUBLIC, MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT TIIHK tulitcril er respectfully invite the public J- to call anJ examine their stuck of NEW GOODS, embracing every variety. Our GooJa have tteen elected with the greatest care, end our assort merit cor tuine the latest at vies, both of foreign and domestic manufacture. We have aUo made arrangement to receive good direct from l'liil adelphta every few weeks, by this means we will bee nulled to keep up our assort meat We return our thanks for the liberal patronage be stowed during the past year, and trust that by strict attention to business, and a desire to please. we will continue to receive a share of the same K. Y. 1UUUHT Ac fcSON. Vinbory, May 31, 1VM.- Xo. 100 Chestnut Street, rini.ADEi.riUA- 1 RESPECTFULLY Informs the citiwna of - Sunburv and the vicinity that they havo in store a full assortment of choice and seasonable good which they are closing out at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, principally from the Great Auction Sales in New York, and partly of our own importations. SILK & SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 1000 Stella Shawls, POO 13 lk. Silk Mantillas. SiiO Chnntilly If Frenck Lace, do., Derago Shawls A Scarfs. 30,000 yards Dress Bilks, selling at 63, 75, 85 and $1 00 per yaid. GOO Magnificent Silk Robes, black Gro Ds Kycna. 450 Flounced Barege Dresses, Grenadines, Cbnll'y Organdies, Lawns, French 6i English Chintz e. French worked Setts, Collars and Sleeves, Cambric Hdkfs, Ruffling, Ladies ex. Gents Kid Gloves, Lace Mt's. MOURNING GOOD!, Slack Bombasine's, Grenadines, Bersires. Crape De Espong, Lupines C-4, JflouHcliiics, Kamese Cloth, lirazelliues Mack and Purple Flounced Robes. Country Merchants and visitors to riiitaaVt phis, sre invited to call and examine our Stuck, feeling confident Hilt with M (rest facilities at- forded us we can of.er great inducemena.t AONEW A t;( 190 Chestnut Street, below Bill. April SO, 150. Sniw. THE LATEST AMIIVAL OF STRING AND SUMMER GOODS. j. r. & i. r. xclxne, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at their More in I ppcr Augusta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Klines Grove. Their Spring and Hummer pm.ils arc oprmd lo Ihe public a tail enrolment ot merchandize Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, block and fancy Cusa'mcrs, Sutmctls, Checks, Kentucky Jeans and all kinds ofpring and Slimmer Goods. A lot of ready made L loathing, suitable for men and bovs. Ladies Dress Goods, Shawls, Ginghams, licrage Dclbius, Calicoes black Silks cj c. Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines Groccrios Ac, of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Queenswarc, noden ware Urooms qc. Also a large assortment of Hoots and Shoes suitable for men women and children. Hats and Caps, such as Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn. Silk d c. Also nn assortment of Books, Stationery, ink, l'icturra and Picture frames etc. Fish, Salt, Cheese oc, and all goods usually kept in a country store. Corre and see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hope by strict at tcntion to business to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stork of good will bt sold positively at low prices for ca -li, ur in ex change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Pa., May 17, lct If m;t i s rtt:ig:v TOGKTfir.n. HOLLO WAY'S FILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK! It hnt bern the lot nfthe human rsce to t wiehH down by disuanu and Bullcimg. HOLLOW AY t 1MI.1M uro rpt'i-inlly nd;ipicd t the rclitl o( the WKAK, the NEK VOl!, the DKLICATK. and Ihe IXriKM.uf nil climes, BKfi. sexes, and constitutions. 'rufesstr Holli way ncrn n:illy suprriiitends the uiauuructuie nf li: int-d U'iikh iit tit I' in Hi I itiit'8 mid ollt-rs liitin to frtr find enlightened people, nn die befit remedy Ui Wurld evei ww inr ui lemuvtu vi uisraee. THESE PILLS PUIUFY THE BLOOD fJ'lies fani'ms li le are expressly combined to oparate on tne Bi'jinHi-n, uiu nvcr, inc Kimieyi, nte luiifta, me skid and I he !nvcls, ntrreiMuic any rierutiartneut inllifir tunc- tuuis, purityinir the blood, the vc?y louutam ol" life, utid thus curing dineuse in ail Ht forms. DYSPEPSIA & L1VEU COM PLAINT Nearly liulf the- hummi race lnive token these Tills, has lieen proved in nil parts of the world, thnt not hi hit bus been found eqiinl to tht-tn in cages of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, imd biouku'Ii emiipiuinisppncrnlly. The spon give a henlthy tone to those arnns, however mud orrangeil, niiil wiien unouier incuns liuve loilfd. CEXKHAL DEMUTY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the most dffj(ottc (iovernments have opened ineir cusioiu nousei 10 me intriKiuetion tu mesti fins, that they in:iy heroine the medicine of the mussea. I.enrn- cd CollcL'es ndtnit that thm medicine is the best remedy" ever known for pcisons of delicate hculth, or where the system has been impuirtxi, us its invigoruting properties never mil 10 uuoru reuci. I'EMA LE COMPLA JXTS. No fcmule, youne or old, should be without this ecte brated medicine. It corrects mid irulntes the monthly court's at all ncrl'Kls, nciiuu in many cuftra like a clairin. It is also the bent und salent medicine that can be etven to Children of till aces, anil for any coinplumt ; cuiibeueutly no laiuily suuuiu be wiuiout u. Jlollowayt Pills are the list reiwly Inown in the world for the following distant: Axthma. Fever and Airue Stone and Gravel Howel Complaints Female Comnkiuits !riiLd;ov inr ('onghs Headaches InwHd W;tknehS Colds Indiitestioa Liver Coinplainls ( Iiest uiseases mnticuza lnvueesol spirit t;i'iiveuekts innamiiniion i lies J) apepsia Venereal A tf eel ions Diarlwu Worina, f all kinds Uiopsy rn.F.SANU FIPTL'I.AS. x. !!W at the Manufactories of professor Uot.loway Hi Maiden luue, iScw ork, and 211 Mrmid. London, by all rcHpecintilc t)nnyift anil Dcaiers in Medicine tiiroui;!i. out the L nitl SLtu-s, uml the civilized world, in U'Xi'? at 'i't cenis. (L'i cents, and ?l each. C7 There n u coutfidcruble saving by taking the larger Si HI'S. N. B Directions for the guidance of patients in every u isomer ure nnixeo 10 encu ik. Maich 21, If'OU. J yea JA1IE3 F. CALEREATH'S LAIUKd FANCY SHOE STORE, Ae. 59 North Lirlth Street, Above Arch Jiatt side, PHILADELriHA, Ladies from the country, can liuve shoes made to order in the very teat stylo and workmanHtiifi on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always on hand. May 10, 1850. ly t NNOl'NCKS to the ciiizens of Puiihurv Northumberland and viciuitv. that he ha opened an ollice in Sunbury, one door west of the Post Ollice, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved stf !e. All work well done and warranted. Also continues Cum Work, which i a ) duruble and neat. April I a, 1H36. rf VALUABLE PROPERTY TOR SALE. ft HE Buliicrihrra. Executors of the ftate of k lU'iiry Manser, dee'd., ofli r :'t private mle Ihe following properly viz ; A Urge two rtory ftu. dwelling houve, together with shout 50 ACRES OF LAM), KHuatn in Lower Augusta township aljoinin7 Undi ul Daniel Kaufmun and otluri now m the occupancy of John H. Kaufiuuu os m store ml dwelling. The houae is new nnd the location good one for husmeHtt. AUo TRACT OF LIMEHTOXK LAND, in said township on the river ohout 5 mile he low (Sunhu.y.ftJjoimng lands of J. T. MThcrson and others, containing, about 00 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and oilier minerals. AUo ft truct of Laud, containing about t!5 acres on the hill, about two miles helow Sunbury, adjoining lauds of the heits of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, ft small orchard of choice fruit For further particulars apply to the subscribers, H.U. MASSEK. ) P. U. MA88EK, Executor, FRANCIS UI CIIER. ) aftWury, January 19, 156, tf REMOVAI,. CHARLES MAGARGE k CO, HAV1NQ REMOVED MOM NO. WCOMMEHCEST. TO TUB South-West cor. of Sixth and Carpenter Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PEG to call the attention of Purchaser! tu - their rxten sive assortment of Paper, and Paper Makers' Materials; Printing Papers for Rook and News. Water leaf, sized, uneallen- dered and callendered, of all qualities and prices, alwaya on hand : Hardware and Manilla Papers, Trunk Hoards, Binders' Boards, Hanging Papers Ac, 5 c. Particular attention Is invited to their exten sive assortment of LEDGER TATERS, 7-Vavn the most Ctlchrated Manufacttries in the Country. , Anions; their WRITING PAPER STOCK maT be found Com. Note, Folio Post Atlantic Note, Thin Medium, Rath Post, Desny, Quarto Post, Medium, Fool'a Cap, Royal, Flat Cap, Sup. Royal, Imperial. Plato Tapprs, of every description, slie and quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Papers, white, bun, and gold, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, fine glaicd, and other varieties. Manufacturers are invited to exarr.ine their slock of Ksfs, Foreign and Domestic. Hleuch infr Powders, of approved brands: Alum, ground or crude; Sal Soda, Sodii Ash Fellings, Wire Cloths, Ultramarine, and Paper Makers Mate rials generally. Inrr They are also prepared to take orders ol odd sizes and weights of any of the above descrip tion of Papers. January 80, 1850 Brno DISS0LUTIOX. THE partnership hprctt)ftre rxsistinff hp- twe.on tho utnlorsifrnpil, under the linn of Wetter Y iJninor, is tlispolvctl lv tnntnul chin sont, this tho Mth tiny of Muy 1850. All persons huvin unset! Um noctmnts with tit; will please cull and settlu thu same without dohty. AV.V. A. lUiUNKU, Sunbury, Muy 17, lnJG Thunkrul for the liberal patrotinrje hereto. fore rxtondtMl I would respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same, ut the store, next door to L. Y. ..right's, Market St. where n lieesb supnly ol Urugs Ac. can ulwiiys hetutitid Sunbury, Muy 17, 1 t5t. SUNBURY ACADEMY. TM1E Sunl'ury Arailcmy will n.ui ils Sum nipr ps.4iiui on .1iihIhv l)ii nlh ilsv nt May, 1:6, umlir Mr. IkAAU llfF, as I'm.- cijuil. '1 erni or (iinrti-r arc J.nwrr LiujIimi Zranehes f IMI Higher do do 5 :) Latin, &c. ft 00 Persons dcsirini; to send 8clmlar will iikvup 'iy t" one of the Tiustcrs tor a note of a I- iiiission into toe M-nooI. All patrons viline coiiKhlori'd oMiuatnl for one quarter inilis Fe cinl arrangement lie m:idi'. It is earnestly honed that the eilizens of Sun- bury, will liberally patronize the School, and thereby wipe a staiii hoiu the. eseutciien of our Borough. 1. W. TUA W. W. MONTGOMERY, PETER 1IOKN. W. I. UREENOCnH, 13EN.I. HENUKK'KS, t'HAS. PI.KMSANTS, K. It. PEA I.E. Msy 8, 1856. tf JU6EFH A. NEEDLES, jiAst'rCTi'ar.B or WIRE, SILK & HAIRCLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, medium and fine in mesh ; large, middle size and small in diameter. Metallic loth ur IVovrat Wire, Of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to HO inclusive, and from oi.e to tix. Ket in width. They are nnmWrcd so many spaces to a lineal inch, and cut tc suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand SCXIXi'HNS, For Coal, Sand, Ore, Lime, (Jrain, Gravel, (iuano, Sumac, Sujir, Salt, Hone, ColU'e, vpif" Drugs, 11 -St u Us, Ac. Tojither with an as sortment of bright and annealed Iron Wire. All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NKEDLES, bi North Front St., Philadelphia. May SI, ll'iC Nursery. en, Fruit Growers and Farmers NEW YORK HOKTICL'LTrXAL RftVlHW : A Journal of Suburban Ari. Superhly and Profit g IUuttrttttd. Hiroted to the Adcanceuietit of the ftural Interests in America. This is one of the la:grL ami mut tlih rule work it o the kin, in tilt W'Tlil. Kuial Aiciiitct'iurr f.irniB nii if the priurip'il frjturi'B Kiicli nunitifr coiitaiub iroui twtiin tour rn''ii nvtj idihIi;! v-i:tfrt-s iiiiti d-sij:ha l-y riiiiiient ui xkiliiul nr ilii.i-Mi (tace m ulk) uimimd lo the t.-istrml nit of lunlav iijie l;itii'iiinj( ; vngntvt'ri jibus uf .tnlt-na iu cvtrv Slylf, Ulltl Utt;i)litl tti t)lL (TCUllUflllcil ut U ill ir cut oidcis ol Hrctulet'ture, beautify the w Kngruvinti ui" new uiiitc, nex. Jowers, tnv Vfpilntlrt, kv.,mts i iluHi aitd mid ilcwriUU in ii Un-ir nupffiivt; qulilifb ism he deU'riiimtd, i-friiiiup the niont ts und cKuni Mmiuiil ol Itural ilusliimlry f vcr utitnipttil. An exHfiria-fd r'tio ' ir,u-tK-ut wtiu-ik, leveii iu uuiiiher, ure cnitt-d In till id fuluiiam. It CMilusin Ki vt'uiy latt-e pagt-R, nnd la nrintetl on the fint ai eurl-tmiiur-d MtptT. iiitiiiut.irlurcitt'XpH'iIy. 'J'kkm per tiiinuni, puyul-le inv;n iultty in iidvnnre. Fifty crnls (vtiiitiiiftaii. it uu nu-ti 8ulirihi:r ullwfd t tlioce who ai-t ub upt'iit. 1.000 will lw distriixiled ut the end uf the ye:ir iniiuii; th"Se w h" send us the twenty lurjifHt lif-tn i if fcul.serihura. TIk'm prf iiuuiua will be puiit iu cuali 'Mie liikt nii'iiniiill Will tu S"n0. ihe loii.iwijiii me BfltctLtt fr un hi'inlrrtli nf annittr in t u a. vuluutury toiitritiuttd by eitiueinj.oruiienus puhii eutii'iis : The liurtiriiltiinit Kevit-w ib-aervM the innat hheml pa. tr"MHe. It la u t only eminently priirinul, luit ia viiten in a atyle tint t-iiuiia the btat'tff -fia ui' the late A. J. DWitlK- KMlKEKUriCKLK. '1'he Hint I I'lt-gunt and uaefui b ink of the kind that has ever coiuu umlfi tiurnliRerviiti u l!EbiTEB. Mr. Keiiies, the Kdit rif ihe H rncuhund Heview, is a piuc-ticul .iloffitt'. iiii( our 'l Die finest sctiuLira our eouutry Ih titeiM uf. lie M9t-iikea the ginwirar dtatritive ft rwera of JJiekena. the rlt jr'uit p"thiji of Va!p ile. cm lined with a thoiouuh luiwlid-e of fund art. teiirs 1.ICS IKlltl'NK. t-'uriiifm buv il for vour s ins !uv it for vuiir !ui;hUTS It is a ru'li iiilH!t-clu:il trrnl ; u rure v,mljiiiuu'H 'f Uie U'niililtil uml the uwl'ul. Abul's, N. Y. f had thitili'lit Ihitt iu 1 ivvniii'j's tleiltli. the clxiilflil ailcniMtti ol' rural inliHiiiiu-i.lSI ail hi r' meoiiU a t lirns'itr1 rrint'iiil.iiiuei! ; mt in Mr. K".i(l'-a wr diaiivei i '(;iliy ilch initio oi ucntiil wcalih. tli.il iiH'-lieiia tlitt lunueuce of tlie sjiirit that if gnr Mumausk 'I'uisiikS. Advertisers will fiinl this u it unfurrtfiavMt ircdium uf P'll-iieiiy, 'the tlm lit ulmnil Heview irenn-a vxtir fciv'lv; 'ii everv St i'e in the I'ltiou. Advcrliaeuieiiia ui- a:ritd ut tlte mte of f tu per puue. WOOD KNOltAVIHO. Thtwe renuirintz VvhI Kiiainvniar. esti have their nrnera executed in un unrividlfd iniutiiei. ji: intis tt is Kveii Iu views tl AMM: an rielieiirrd f,i;lifli lirHiichiaiiutii ia enautfed f -r thta einr aa iuro tae. Per rina livinff ut dia'jinea chii forwmd u t1cnT"t of tt e object (hy ni:til they wiah enRMVt-ti, vi r-.irh ' will I niihrifiii fjuiiii i- oiitum a pt fleet re aimie. hi-ea lirei-dera will be d alt with Very liuend larma. t-euruury iu, iism. oniu WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTRVILI.E, PA. T1IC snliscrilier respectfully aniiminrcs to his old friends and the pullic, llmt he has taken that old and well known cslaMishment, the White Hcrso Ilotol. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sts., iu the Uorongh uf I'ullsville. The house lias re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in Rood condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To traveller and others who may slop at his bouse, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. 1'KGER. Afrit if W.- tf "AID AND COMFORT," To Votir Own iTletliaitu-. WIL3DB.a6iT &P.E1T1T, Respectfully announc. that they hara taken the stand lately occupied bv George Kenn, where they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE subscribers respectfully call the attentim of the public to their large and splendid as. sortment of every quality nd price f : itiirr-v itr, which cannot fail to reiommend itself toevcry one who will exaniino it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and Ihe aubseriliers aro determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, IHvtiUN aitd l.utiityo Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) lllSilMJ TABU! and also VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to l'biia- dolphin manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities ol CTT AIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ii Sunbury, such as Maiiooint, Black Walxi'1 ami I vm.r.n Maci.k Ukkcia ; ash V ii'ir CHAIRS, ami fanct Pi a mi Stools, which sre of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled 1'V none manulsclurcd in t lie ( ltiesor elsewhere. The suhsciiliers are determined lliat there shall be no excuse Sir persons to purchase furniture in the cilies, s every rnittnleiiee ran be entertained aboul the ipiuliiy and finish of their ware and ( 'hairs. Their articles will bo disposed of on as ood terms hs they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in p incut for work. IT" "NDEKTAKINt!. Havimr provided (hemselvcs with a handsome Hlausi., they are now prepared for Cnderlnkins, and sltendiiiR lu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. ITF The Ware Roum is in Fawn Mreet, bc ow 'eater's Hotel. WILKINSON i: KENN. Sunbury, March 8, lKftC tf. 1905 Special Express Notice. 1E50 HOWARD Sz GO'S fJAVING obtaii oi full express privileues over 11 tlfo CATAWiSS . SL'NUClfV AND ERIE and WILLI A MSI'ORV & LI.MiliA RAILROADS, we "re now prepareil In lorwnrd all descriptions of LxpicH CmmIs by I'axioiifi r Trains, daily, between Philadelphia Mid Elmira. councctiuir at Eliniru with all the Western Ex press Companies. . All ro.iiIs for Tsiniqua, Smiunit, I'aitawissa, Danville, Milton, Willi. iiii-piirt, Minim . an, ato to NortliuiulH'rl.iud and Sonlnirv and n II inter mediate places, delivered the i-snic day. Each train in eharue of our own Scial Messenger. I'llilaileli.Uia Oilier, 9- Chesnut Street. Olfice Eliuirs at I'liitcd States Express Office. Apiil iS, IKTifl ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Eargains. TTEING ilivirous of iliKiuslno; uf mv rutin; W stuck of Hooks nml iSlutioiiiTV, couijiriiiiim s.Hiie 20.H00 Voluinps of l,aw, Mli-ai, K.'li Kious Sciciilific, UIhiiU, Musical, School uml Misrclluncous Rooks. Also, 100 Krams oflrllrr jisprr anJ a lot of wall paper, atrt'l pens, wafers, ire. I will dispose of the whole slock at pnlilie sale sa! at my store, oppoxite tlie Court House, commencing on Monday tlie 7th day of Af ril, at I o'clock, 1 M., and continuing, every aflemooii and evvning until the whole stock is sold. WM. McCAHTV. Per JOS. . McCARTV. Sunhury, March 15. 1S50. tf Kew Wholesale Drug Store. Itf- 6PENCEK THOMA1B. No. 20 !'oulh, Second Street, Philadelphia. IMPOUTKH, Manufdrturer and Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Aciils. De stulls, Taints, Oils, Colors. While Lead, French and American White Zirc. Window Class, liUsswares, Vnrnidirr, lliulies, Inslruiiieiits, (round Spices, Whole Mpiies, and all oilier sr tides usually kept l.y DrnueiMs. iiieludina Do ran. Indigo, (.Mue, Klielluc. l'uts-h, Ac, 4 c All orders hy mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are iiivitrj in call and examine our clock before purcl.in.in U.V here, (ioods ent to any of tho Wharves or Kailrna.l slations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 8, lSSG ly JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET MAKESia. Xo. V4 .North f-in.iKi S'tieel, l'nPi door u!io Christ Chinch, Philadelphia. IJKK80NS in want of B ureaus, Taldes, 5'ofas. ('hairs, lieilsteads, and every aiirtv of household finnituie, would io rail, as those articles are made tin in the best st lea and sold at the lowet prices. April 13, lh.iU ly '"IHE sul seriber rrs rcllully in'orms the citi a. leto. of .iinliury and llie public tsuerallv, that Ue has commenced tho manufacture of all kinds ef EARTH KX WARE, at his manufactory in horllebeiiy Street, one square east of the Kiver. 11' has euuaged the services of Mr. ilsur. and ou ran llierefore depend on having a food arlicle. The pub.ic uie respretfully invited to rail. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.IM1ISDEL. Sunhury, Feb. 2. 1M0. tf Dissolution of Partnership. jVOTIL'K is hereby given that the partnership heretofore eiFting between Saiu'l A Hrrg streser A Jno. Hurl', iu the Meioiilile luiiihss at ilysburt', has been dissolved hy mutual con sent. SM'L A. BERGSI RESKR ) JOHN Hl.'FF, $ The accounts of the late firm will l settled by S. A. llergstresser who i!l couriiin. il.e hu- siuesa at the Id aland. A. A. 8 LH.srscssi a. riysburg, April 1J, 185ti H M, Khouhlers. t'beee, M ackaiel, Snlnuio nml his It I'orsle hv llish May 31 '511. E. V. HI.'ICH I' 4 SON. J. STEWART LEFUY & EOS, Importers nnd Dealers in Curpotings Masonic Hull, Chestnut St.. btlew E'ujhth, U 'lit 1.1) leKpectfully invito ou to call and eiamiiie their lame and well selected stock of Cariels, Oil Cloths, Cocoa ami Canton .Mat tings, Druggets, lleuilh lines. Door MaU. &c, which they w ill sell to the trade ut sin h prices as will make it desirable for those who ttleli to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April 12, 1R50 ly Illib l.lilt'U, muslins, cheeks, ticking, table diaper, furniture check and Turkish counter panes lor sale by M ay 3 1 '56 E. Y. BRIGHT SON fKDAitVAlE, lloltow-ware, Glass-ware, and a large stock of Queeusware, embracing tha newest patterns, for sale bv May 81 '. B. Y. SRWiHT & SOX. AMES McCLlNTOCK, M.D., Late PltOFKPHOn of Anntomy snil Snruery In ths I'litl n't tplon Collets of Medicine, and Acting rrofrssnr of M Mlwilery ; me of tlie Conaultiiiff rtiysirsns of the I'hil odelpliiu ll'pital, lilockley; kite member of the Nnti'innl Mttlictil Association i member of the Philnilclnhiii Metli eal Society ; member of Ilia Medico-ChlrurRU-ul College of fhiliiilcljiliis f formerly Fresiilcnt and Profcaior of nntoiny aun tjmgery in Cotlct"n Matlical Collcite, Ver mont ; and also, lute Profesaur of Anatomy and jMivaiol osy in llerkslura Medical Institution, 1'itulickl, Mass., c , sc., ti. Ilsi Inti ly introduced In a popalar form several of his favorite prescriplioial ftir the principal disanse of this climate. The name of each article will imply Uie disease for which it la intended to be used. HR .Mi CI.INTOCK K I'aXTORAI, tYRTJP. Price)! UK. McCI.INTOCK COI.D AND (JUL Gil MIX Ti ll li For C"lcls. Congha, Ac. l'ri- cis. UK. MclTl.irt TUCK'S ASTHMA AMI HUU1'I.H COUUII KKMKtlV. Plies Sll cis. Dr. Mitl.lNTOCK'l TOMO AI.TF.RNATIVR SVItUl'-For Pnrifyinir the Blood. Price l. nn. iucui.ie iiaa e uvsi'K.riiu h.i.i.xin r or ivms: tone to the stomach relievinf psina after eatinc, rsitliiirn. and all fliflnsrceable evinptoma arininc fiom itiflircstifiii Price f I. lilt. McCUNTtiuK'S RHEfMATIC MIXTCRF A Purely Vcs-loble llrmrtly for inlernnl nse. Price SO CIS. UK. McUl.lftTOCK'8 K llltl.MAIIU LlJIlMliNT- Por Ithciiiiiatism, Biiruii.s. Swellinas, As, Jtc. Price ISO ccics Dll. MeCI.INTttCK'9 ANODYNK MIXTlTRK For liiins, Tiiothaclie. Headache. Neuralsia, Ac Ac. Price 60 cents. I)lt. MeCI.INTOCK's FKVF.lt AND AOVK fPK CI l''IO A cerlion care for nil Intermittcnts. lricet. nit MeCMNTociff diaiikhu;a CIIIIDI.M. AND Clltl,l-.ltA PIII',Vl:NTIVi: A safercmwly. I) II . MeCI.IM'OCK'H VI'.OKTAHI.K PI RGATIVb PII.I.S Fii O'TOtivencse, Hentlnche. Ac. Price iWcls. I)K. McCI.INTOCK'H AN'I'IHII.IOI SI l'll.l.S-For Irrepnlnriiv in the l-'tiiicttona of the l.iver and llowels the best laver Pill nintle. Price 25 cts. a box For ,le hv Dr. J. MeCI.IN'I'OCK. at bis Medical De. nut. N V conmr niiitli mid Filbert sis . Vliilmh-lnhin. nnd at nil Pritffpislf and Dealers in Medicines, All Druggists and IVnlers in Medicines who wish to he iigcnlt, will pli.-ise nd'ldrcss Dr. McClinUiek, furiiishlng reference, iicin ol t'ost-f Imre, conntv snd stnto. li?" Fur ;,li bv Waincr'A- Itrnner. Bnnbnrv nnd Sbn. m'-kin ; Wm. Weiiner, Ntirlliamlierlanil ; C. flrown, Mil ton ; F.. P. I.ntz, ltloomKbnrg : Jacob Harris, lliickhorn join Vnnleeio, l.ijhl Slroet ; 1 Sliarpless & Sua, Cats. wmsn. I'cbriwry p, I.jO. fiia. B3RBB3R2jES. BURTON & FENT0N, S. If. corner Sirth and Arch streets, - . ' rHII.ADF.I.PHU. 'IEAS! Teas I! an uncommonly full and a choice assortment of black and green Teas of all grades, from the extrerr'-ly low price of 30 cts 35 40 50 fiO 70 13 75 els. per lb, warranted to be superior to any to be had rise. where at the same prices. We know and confi dently recommend them to be 20 per cent cheap er than any for sale in the. city. We have also a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old Cov't Java, l.atiuayra, Maracaribo, Ktoand t-'api rlav lien (,'ollee. New No. 1 Mackerel and t-iliml in i and i Mil. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine Apple, Sap Shiio, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Sjap brown and whito j also H. L. Kendell & Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of which will go as far as 2 of ordinary brow n BMiap. Also r-'tarch of dillercnt qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an chovevs, Ac, with a full assortment of Fancy (oiida, t.i which we invite the a tcntion of the public local! and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for Rule by BURTON & FENTON, Wholesale and Retail Family Grocers and Tea Healers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. N. H. Goods delivered to all partt of the city free of charge. Phila.. Sept. S3, 1855. a pi Ry Tiusbos! Trusses!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment, S. H'. Cor. of Ttcclfth and Jlace Streets, Philadelphia. 'M PORTER of fine French Trusses, enmhi i niiK extreme lightness, ease and durabilily with correct construction. Hernial nr ruptured pmicnts ran lie suited by remittina; amounls, as below : Sending number of inches round tho hips, and stating side aliened. Cost of Single Truss, J, ?3, f4, S5. Double $, tf, $'8 and $10. Instructions as te wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Bnniiing'a Improved rntrnt Body Bratr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri j Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder 11 races, (.'best Expanders and Erector Urnces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; F-ntJi.-li Elastic Abdominal ISclts, Suspensories. Syringes male and female. VV Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. ' Phils., Aug. 4, 1855. ly f 8. 1TEW MASONIC HALL, PHILAUI'.LIMIIA. Af5I'T! WANTUD ill every town and efluuty in Ilia failed States, to sell the beautiful picture iT the (5 HAND I.ODOK KOOM. la the New MsaoMc Halt., Philudelplnu. This Plate is seliini; very rniiilly, and elicits the admiration of all, fur ihe e irre'Min'iui mid fidelity with winch Ihe 9rATCAT, TliKco Pailtisc and I'l'SxiTCIis are represented, nnd liie artistic Ix'autv uud liiiriii.iaylif the colors. Cfize of I'lnle. ii X !H. I'riee 4V1 110. H.I-. vis and Picture Dealers wisliinir to take spell civs fir il, will pleuse uihlresa, I'nr fuither inforinatiuu. t..N. R(JF.TM AI.. I.illiognoiher, Philadelphia. Oi l. .her 7, ISM tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. Tilt: I.AIIiil'.STPIANfl FORTH, Mr.LODKON AND Ml VIC M'OIIK IN Till: L'XI t'LD iTATKS, Will t.e i.pi'neil (letoher I'Sll IS55, ill the MAsnMe Ult rVi. tliesnilt Street, ah ive evellth, Pliiladelphia. Ill J(ll .MAKSM, Ihe S .lo Agent for lloalduiiiil, (?r.i A Co.'s eelelirated Dolce I'mnpaiia Attachment I'inu i lYiics, Hint C V. risk A Co's Premium Welo ileniia. A l'i, Piano Poites and Mel.kleniis of othurdis t:nuiii.hil lunkcrs. J. M. has ohlioned a h-iisu for several e.os in the new, nuirnifiieut and well kimwn MnS'inic llinliliiia. h"re lie iiiletlds keepinfr the liirtrcal sliH-k uud liFHorliui'Ul of Piano Fortes, Melodeniis, Music, mid Mu sical Instruments of rveiy description, all f which are carefully selected hy hiinself, und wurioa.cd to give par feci s.iiiti.etiou in every instance. Oei .tier iTth, 155. If COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, No. 2 Xorth Third St., helow Arch, PHILADELPHIA. f"iO!'NTRy Merchants can save from ten to J fiflecn per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but littl. rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchaso their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a largo assortment of Pen nnd Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd ltuiors. Table Knives and Forks in ivory, sing, bufl'alo.hoiie and wo ui handles, Carvers and Forks, Ac, Uutcher Knives. Dirks, jjowie Knives, Revolving and pain Pistols, &c. AUo a large assortment of A eenrdenns, Ae. Also fine English Twist and German tiuns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct. 20, IR5A ly. Importer. 3LI1TES AITD SHADES, IV" AT REDUCED PRICES, jr 13. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sixth St., Philadelphia, Oriainatornf all new styles of VENETIAN 111. IN l)S, iiold Uordered and Painted Shades, ol beautiful designs. Bull', and all other colors of Holland, used for Shades, Fixtures, Trimmings, Ac, kc. STORE SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER. 11. J. V. thankful for past patronage, respect fully solicits tho citizens nf Northumberland County to rail and examine his large assortment belore purchasing elsewhere. W L STUDY TO Ti EASE. April S, U5G 5 in THOMAS PYLTvIER, l Ol 1 ISSIO. MUIUHIAKT, Nn. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission i Dried Apples. Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cbcr jies, 4 c.,(jreeu Applssin Barrels or by the bushel Deans, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peas, Shcll'-arks, Huisins, Crunherries, Chestnuts, Figs, Onions, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, Grapea, Poultry, Egga, D utter, t'bee.e. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 13, 1856 ly Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scalea foj aale by E. Y. BRIGHT it SON. May ti, ISifl. HAYD0CK & FIDLER, TEAI.EK3 In Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at tha old stand of James II. Fidler, JVo. 12 South Second Street, rHII.ADKl.PHIA, Where tltey solicit an examination of their laree and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities' they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated and Urittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Ootids, Ac, xc. N. U. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, IRB.l. If. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEEMAN, ZUEKN & WEITZEL OESPFCTFL'LLY inform the public that thev have leased Ihe new colliery, called the Lnmbert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new coal orcaker. All orders prompt attended to ry addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June .JO, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! I A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to McClecsfy German,) TVTOULD call the altrnion of the public, not only to the superiority of tho Dagucrreo tvpes, the Hyalogroph, (by some railed Ambro type.) and the various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, nmy, bv send ing it to No. lf'O Chestnut si., have mods from it hv the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait ot xr bisk, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, prices, rice, Ac, will be sent gratis to any psrsou ma king the request. McCLEES Philadelphia Photograph lkstablishmrnt, JVo. 1j0 Chestnut st., below Ttli Phila., July SI, 1855 tf. THE WlVERSIT Y7sTaXILY REMEDIES, ISSl'ED auilal the Senl. Smirtiim nnd Authority .f the t'liivcrsitv ot" FHKK MKDIL'INK mid poplar kn v. leiltie, CIihiIitimI tiy tli Slnls t.f Prtitisylvuiiin, April 'ill, l-i35, Willi n Capital ot 9IIKI.(i00, nniinly iur the purp ise if arrcKlip tliu eviis ol' ?pui inus iiikI worlliless NoMiuius ; Alsn tnr snpplyllis line Ciitnmliiillv with rdiuMe K'-ine-dies wherever a I'imipetfciit l'liysieiiin eiiimot or will wit he einpliiytNl. Tins lustiutttnii luis purchased friim Dr ionx li. IIowanu, his Ct-lcbriitcd KutvaiKlM 'Ionic Mixture, Kninvii for upwanlii of twenty-rive years us the only sura mid s:il'e cure for l-'KVKIt ami Alii II, Ac., nml his ines timable H !- f..r IIIIWKI, COMPLAINTS. K.iwan.t's Ciaupiiuml siyiup n" lilacs herry Knot, winch highly ap proved sua p-ipiiiar nsniciies. piyi-irier wna Ttie rniveriiity'B Heineily t''r rnniplFiiiits of lbs lamas ; The t'uiversity's Hcmrtly fur tlyspepsin or Iniligemioii ; The lTnivtsity's ,Mue!y fiirCi'inve-HnwelK; Also, tha t'mversity's Aiiminiic may he lie hail, at the Drsuch Diipeiisnry,or tfttira of WILLIAM Br.PPIN, Nov. S, lass. .Mahamiy V. O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. OE7C11Y & EHETY, invito the attention of a. merchants and others to their Isrge stock of elegantly bound llibles, Hymn books, Prayer llooks. Albums, and Presentation Hooks in all styles of binding; Standard Theological, Medical, Miscellaneous and School llooks, which they have received from Trado Sales and are utlling at extremely low prices. A Uo direct from the manufacturers and Im porters, everv kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Sleel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, etc., Ac, at the lowest cash prices. PEKKV k KKKTV, S. W. Corner, 4th and Kare Sts. Philadelphia. September 2t, 1 155. tf &jvxjsra- :f tt nsr id (if TIIK UX1TED STATES 1XSURAXCE, Annuity and Trust Co. 5. E. comer 'Jhird and Chestnut Sts., l'llll.AlJKLI'IllA. CAPITAL 9 i5O,0()0. MONEY is received on deposit daily. The inn"Uiit riep.isited is entered inn liepisit ll'iokaiid anen to the Dep.iinl.ir, or, il prel'erred. u cerlitieale will he aivan. A II inus, tone and email, uie received, uud the aiununt paid hack on demand, without li'Sicu. Inteies, is plod at the rate of rivs Pl:R CSST., cmi lilciicins; Irom the day ot diyi.nl, and ceaBiug f mrteen davs ptevinlia to the williilravvnl of the m.'tiev. lla .tie ii 'sl day of January, in each y;ir, In interest ol" each deiLHil is paid to tliedepomor, or uddcd to thr princi pal, ns lie may prefer. The Coniuoiv have now upwurds of 3,000 il.tnri iutlie City i.f Plnia.h-lphia alouc Any additional un'omiatinn will he given by sridrrving the Tkeasi-kks. IHItF.CTOKS. Stephen R. Crawford. Prea't, AV'illhai M. Ondwin, liwrence .f.hiisoii. VieePres't, Paul li liiMaid, Aiuhmse V. Thompson, (leorer tcHenry, Hciijniniu TY. Tmley, James fleveieus, JacohJ,. Floninee, liustsvus Kualitli. Kecretnrjr aiiS Treasurer, I'l.lY FIISK. TKLLra and IXTEursETi:, J. C. OKIllJSCHl.AUKR. riiiludelpkia, Pipt , ISM tjT. TO ZFtETNTT. STORE ROOM ori Market Square in Sun bury, and two rooms adjoir.ing. CHARLES PLEASANTS. January 2(5, lRfi. tf Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHBY & R0CAP, Xo. nc Ma J;et St., PHILADELPHIA. TNFORM their friends and the public geiiprully. that they continue to keep at s3, their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, nips, Ac, got up of the best material and in Ihe lutes; and best style of workaianship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine belore purchasing cUewhere. Phila., Nov 10, 1P55 tf. $50 HEAAT-A-IFtlD- fpilE subscribers oiler a reward of fifty dollar -- for the discovery and conviction of the per son or per situs, who rut and destroyed the bunds mi the Machinery of their Coal breaker, al the Mammoth Colliery, between Slniinokiii and Mt. C'ar.nel, on Ihe night uf the 0th iust. The above reward will be paid lo any one giv in 5 informs ion that will lead to the eonvictior of the offenders. CLEAVER, FAGELY A Co. Shamokin Oct. S7, 1S55. if. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, Tl ATHEMATICAL Inxiriimonts separate J-'A B1,J in cases, Tlieim.unctera of various sizes, Spy Glasses of every description, Phitiua poiniafor Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes and Microscopic objects. Galvanic Butteries, Electrical Machines, Surveyor's Com passes, Surveving Chains Ac. Ac. mJallister & brother. (Established iu 1708.) 104 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (S t pages) with ISO illustration, furnished on application, and sent hy u:.' ''re of charge. Phila. Sept. H, lt'C'5. COLLINS & M'CLEESTEH'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, Xo. 1 Lodijt Alley, back of new Musanic Hall, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 13, 18o HENEY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt aiteutieu lo business in adjoining rfnnrre. ItOCTOR YOrilSKl-F!' THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN rilVSlClAN. 'PHE FIFTIETH Kdi A linn, Willi One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformatiens ef the Human System in every shape and form. To whicli is added Treatise on the Diseases of Females, Lcitig of the highest importance te married people, or those contemplating mnrringe. iry Or w, .,,, CVI.ArlLSto.i.rlnlil. luisiy-v, ijf grove. Let no younir mnn or woman rnii r int.. ' ! .r,I olilnraliiiiii of married life without rmiliiiir ihe I'cuki. -r Ciswh, Pain ill the HMp, restless niihls. nervoui train s, and the whole Iriim of Dyspeptic senmtin,,,. j -j,, up hy their phrsirisn, he s her iimmc.it witlu at eun- ,,,IU the JiSCUl-A I'll'S llnve t, ,". " J,"", V1"""- "c, "lr" ""y impediment, reail this truly u-etu! ...... ... .. ... , ., viun in. uiiioKti er un fortunate crcnlures from the verv jaws nf denih l'Any person srnilius: TW'K.NTV-I I VK CI'NTfl enclosed in a letter will receive one copy r.f t,i, ,1 mini. 'r five enniefi tvill Itn aniit f... ...... .1..11... . ..' " Addieiui. I'n. ... ,v'l;.l,, no. ni'M L KJl'j DKI.1MIIA." P,t,mid. Philadelphia, Sepleinlier S, ttS5. ly Slreel, PHILA- Shamokin White Ash Anthraci,t Coal. From the "Old Vein" in the (Jap Colliery. T II. ZIMMERMAN tc J.0. P. ri'RHUL sucerssors to Kase, Reed ft Co., will con! titiue mining, shipping and selling conl from the above well known Colliery, under Ihe firm of Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of sliipmrn is at the lower wharf in Suabury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all orders for the various' kinds of coal, vie . Lump, Hroken, Egg, Move ami Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received1 and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, Sfam-ST, Jctv 8, 1855. The firm of Kare, Re.d 4- Co. having soiu' their lease in the (iup Colliery and internet in Ilia wlmrf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman .V Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our eustoNsers and others to the new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal uf the best quality, KASE, REED &. CO. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Cltcsnut Street, almt Fourth. FHIL ADKLS V XJt -rj J. MacLELL AN, (late of Jones' Hotol.') has lh, pleasure to inform Ins friends and the travel.., community, that h. has l.a this I House for a term of vears. and i. .. - , for the reception of (iuesls. The Local advantages of this favoril. estali'isfc. ment are too w.ll known to need onment ib House and Furniture have keen put in first rote ord.r; the rooms are large and well ventilated. Tiie Tables will .lWiv. ho supplies! with thc he.l, and the prop. i.tor pledges'iiim.elf .that no elK.rt on hi, parl ahall Le waating to make Ihe Lniied S.ete, equal i eoisfori, ,0 auy Jlolel in th. Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854 SAMUtL S. i'jLTlJKKSON, Dime ia LAMPS, LA.XTEIIXS, CHAXDXUEXS AXV CAXDELRHAS, Xo. 112 S. 1dSt, t.t, abt Sry.ta PHILA DELPHI A, F ' J JAVING .,,,rBed and improued hts store, and har.ne one of the largest assorlmea.; of Lamps , Plnladclphia, is now prepared t fun.uk Pine O.l, Cs.nph,,,,, lJunfing njd, Laid and Otl Lamp., and Lan.em.of .J..rl . Olaas Lump, J,, , pack . U-lu?T," P"n'- 1M"B " M'""r anJ I n 0l1, Iiur,ii Fluid and Alcohol, wi..ch win t,iri8hld lo v.rrh. ;t ,uch" pr.ee that Ihey will filid i, ,0 ir adv.nLe e JlT. .f111'!"""" U desorip tions at lh. lowest murket prices. Pbiludi Iphiu, Oct. 14, lfJ4. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWEI.HY STOP A. " Xortk ST,d Street, i"' "luimt i err.on House ) PhiladelnMa. ses, .?J8j SiUer Lever do,, do., 2; ,sji. 'LV ? ! ".0f"- 5 to 7 s Oo' d pect ncles, 4 .10 lo 10 ; Silver do.. At Sa : Silver Table i tioolis ner ui.ii . a.... Silver Desert do do.. to $ 1 , J Tm j,,', do., 4 ,S to 7 SO; (Job! ,. ni t;j . ' Cdd C. ?ri"'-V f ,,"B J'' 'v warranted to be , represented. Watches Jen elrv, repaired in the host manner. AU. Ma- some Marks, Pi,, Ac, made to order. a. ju orilrrs sent 1, will be puiictuiillv attended lo. I or otherwise. una., ,rpt. 22, 185J.lyW. . EOYD, ItOSSER & CO mixess asu siurpsss er Rtb 39,') ntljvacite ion!.- Frore the Inkt Fidler Colliery ShBwokin, Worth'd Couary, Pcnna. Addresa.JJoyd. Hoser vV Co., Sun.ur,, JV ii. a. sr. j. a,,M. j4s. ,. T. Sunbury, April 7, 13S tf. FARDU A RE. -Table Cutlerv, Razors, Pock " at knives, Hand saws' Wood saws in frames Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinges;. Hand Bells, Waiters, cVe just r.r,i,,J nnJ jr. "loy I. W. TENEJt A CO. Sunhury Dec. S, 1854. DANVILLE HOTEL, JHN UEEZST, Jfl., Market Street, )an.u!le, Pa, HIS ia one of tho largest and most comtno- dinus hotels in the interior of IVunsyl.aiiia. it has been recently f.ticd up, iu ejccllent style, with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22, ISM. WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE A TRUNK WAREHOUSE,' Xo. 101 ,4rcA Street, up Stairs, Uetween I bird A Fourth Sis., upper sider Philadelphia, Carpet Daga and Valices of all iJoarript.ons CHARLES F. TH ACH ER. KOUERTM. WODDKOP. Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 1866. tf s AyALL PAPER. A large and .plead.-.? assorlment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale I. W. TEN E It A Co, Sunhury, May 28, 18S3 ff AND WARRANTS. The hihest price -"will be iven for Land Warrant, by the aub eribej H. B MAS Lit. I NK Eoureau's celebrated ink, and also Con Sre. ink fur .ale, w hohsule and retail hy Decervher IdMU H. B MAS5EK. OOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gum Shoes, just received and for sale bv Oct. 7 185L TENER 4 Co . ATT0ENEY AT LAW, SUNHURY, PA., Aided by some eijht years experience in the -' practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to -ull matter appertaining to or will iu the line of, his profession, lllli.e with Charles J. Erunc(, Est;.. Market street. , . Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1855, tf (1 EDA R TU 11 8. Horse D ucket., Painted B ari ets, Meat Tenderer., Corn II rooms, li - kela, Children's Wagons, and Yankee vCl ki. ust received ajij for sale by .v ' May S, 18.5, I. W.TENER A C.