TUB DCRNI.ld bt THE JOHJI JAY. We have iome further .particular, of th sad disaator oa Lake Uooreo. A jrentleman who left Oaldwoll nays that it had been ascer- tained that at least fifteen are dead or mis inff. The wife of Mr. E Belknap, banker, "Wall street, lost her life t also tier sister, Mrs. Thwinp, wife of 8. 0. Tliwinjr Esq., of Itoltbnry, Mans. Hoth or these ladies are dnuirhters of Thomas Havens. Ksn.. of I'hila- delnhik. A gentleman who was a passenper in the John Jav has communicated to the Herald the subjoined interesting, but melancholy tatement of the disaster : AV reached Tincondernpo via of Lake rhamnUin at 2 P. M.. on Tuesday the of Ju 1v. Thn number or passengers who left the Ohamplain boat to pass through Lnke George was larger, by two thirds, than at any lime before nurinir this season, consequently there thorn wni not sufficient accommodation at hand to convoy all to Lake George (by stage " four miles j a part were taken immediately, , the balanco remained for Hie stages to return. This nrrunied the better nart of four hours, and many began to fear we should not have daylight to view me scenery 01 me iiikb. The captain of the lost steamer, I heard sny at this time, thought his flues would choke np and ho was afraid he shouldn't make as good time as nsitifcl. A gentleman who wrtR talk ing with him Mr. Sheffield, of New Haven, !. I think will remember the connersalion. , He told the captain that an hour or two more i or less was nothing that we should reach Caldwell's abundantly early, and that he had better not crowd his boat. The reply t did ' not hear. Mr. Sheffield will doubtless re member it. We left the foot of Lake George a few mi i nutes before six. We went along finely for about eight miles, when I saw from near the engine room a dense mass of smoke puff nut, 'then another. I was sitting on the after I deck, above, with my wife. We immediately ran down to the first deck, and took our posi- tion on the extreme after part of the boat. I At this time one of the crew came running i that way, said there was no danger, and seiz j'ed two buckets of water that stood near, and 'Started lor tue mock witu mem. l men rin sed myself upon the outer railing of the guard 11 ml looked above, when I saw the flames 'bursting out. Just at this time the captain 'crttno running by where I stood. He ran About six or eight feet one way, then back ngtiin. I turned to my wife .to sec what ef fect this exhibition of fright from the main hop e in this desparate emergency would have, when I found her self-possessed. She prom ised to remain quiet until I procured sonic ViTe preservers that he saw bunging in the gangway. When I tried to inGale them I found them nge'fe'B ; they were either destroyed by age or from some other cause. At any rate the air (seeped as fust as I could introduce it. so I had 13 depend entirely upon my ability to swim, and of course unxiously watched for the moment when we should approach the shore. We, however, kept on our course, tearing through the water, but not headed for the land. I heard several voices cry, "Step her !" "Tut her ashore !" but alas who was to do it T I will not Btop to detail my own experience. Suffice it that 1 got safely to shore with my wife. As I climbed np the hank 1 was so much exhausted that I could nnt have stretched out my arm to have paved the dear-st friend on earth I saw two bodies under th"e water, drifting helplessly by, but I could not. save them. I was spared the most harrowing sight, while all were in the water, for alter I had lumped from the boat she passed a little head long or point, and from my position the strug gles oflho 6nfferir.gr were shut from my sight. The boat took tire at or near twenty minutes after six and from the time the first smoke burst out till she lay a continued flamo from stem to stern, could not have exceeded ten minutes. Fortunately we were within half a mile of a country hotel kept by Mr. Garfield, ut a place called the Hague. Your readers will dense my disgressingfrom the narrative, to speak a word of the noble hearted inmates or that bouse. They opened every room, closet and chest, to try and aid their suffering guest. Even their maids gave freely tho lust rug of under clothing, and only regretted t hat they could not do more The neighbors I understood, were equally kind. There was one store ra the place, and the owner plnced tvery thing thcrcing at the service of the half clud pitpsengers. llo tola every one to neip themselves and make out their own memor n ml n m, I sincerely hope he lost nothing by his generosity. We had not been long at tho hotel before they began to bring in the dead bodies. Jt was not till then that any fully appreciated tho danger from which they had escaped. The remains of Miss Hensltaw, from New Orleans, were brought to the hotel, and there were somo part of tho body that retained warmth. Every effort was made by the ladies present to'resuscitate her, but it was too lute. She was a beautiful creature, just 18 years of oge, and the only daughter ot parents that had lavished everything that money could bring upon her education, which she had just completed, and was making this northern trip under thv protection of her uncle ami his wife J. A W lui and lady. I had observed them on the boat before and shortly alter we star ted, so happy so cheerful, everything niuft have looked so beautiful to her; she saw her pathway filled with ropes, and trod so gaily along that it seems as though there could not have been a cloud shadowed upon the morn-. nig ol lier life. Mrs. Thwing and her sister, Mrs. Belknap of New York, each was advised to take a chair and jump overboard, in the hope that the cnuir would sustain them nutil assistance could be rendered. Mr. Thwing took his lit tle boy in his onus and jumped over, and by great eilort succeeded in getting to the shore and luuding him on the rocks. He then went b.ck for his wife, but she was not to be round Mr. Pritcbard supported bis wife in his arms until they were picked up. She had sunk twice, aud he was nearly exhaustsd before as sistance reached them. Miss Gore, another of the party, swam to shoro : Miss Kent floa. ted on the water until she was picked up. The bodies of those who were lost wt re found within an hour aud three quarters after the accident. Mrs. Thwing was the mother of a noble little buy whu was travelling with her They rode iu the couch will) me from lake to lake. The bright sayings of the dear little fellow made many iuquire his age. How proudly tins fond mother glauced at her darling boy as he told bis year. A gentleman remarked that little rt'ulter had a tine head. "We hope," said the doatiug parent, "that there is something in it, for we have taken great care iu his training " Too sadly were her words verified. When tho little sufferer had got ufe to shore from the wreck be saw his help less mother floating beneath the surface of , the water ; he sprang to save her, but was held by those whose feeble arms were as help less as his own. He then knelt upon the stones and poured fortu a fervent prayer to God to save his poor mother j but no, her doom was sealed, and she is now an angel in heaven. Her widowed husband and orphan child have gone to their desolate hearth, fol lowed by the remains of ber who had made their home the happiest spot ou earth. Tub Sot'Ta Carouka Conorbshional Ei.eo TI0K8. At the recent speciul Congressional election Brooks received 7,900 votes. The vole for Mr. Keilt was also large. The Gov ernor sent Messrs. Brooks aud Keilt their certificates of election in advance. Why may a chemist and a mountebank both be females T Because one is an Ann Kli ta (analyser,) and the other a Charlotte Ami, (inariatan.) Senator Sumner It at Cape May. ropulatioo of Detroit, 60,000. NIGHT scAne II A TOCKO LAtf 9 BED CHAMBER. Last Tuesday nfght, which will be remem bered as one or the warmest or the season, a young lady of the "West End" was excessive ly frightened at A little circumstance which transpired about the hour of midnight. The young lady, whose beauty is only equalled by her modesty, and whoBe "eye's dark charm" has cnusod more than one waistcoat to palpi tate, had retired to her chamber, where, after laying aside the greater portion or her wear ing apparel she committed herself to the tender embrace or Morpheus, whose soothing influences were aided by the cooling breath of Zephyr, who came in at the open window and fanned her cheek with his feathery wings. In a word, she was snoozingly finely or, to use the language of a modern bard "Sleep oa her velvet eyelids lightly preaeeil And dream)' sights nphenvcd lier snowy breast, While starlHnms, Ihm' hei window softly creeping, Stole to ber conch and trembling there etoud peeping." It was, as we said, about might when the young lady was roused from her delicious slumber by hearing a noise at the window, llulf unclosing her eyes, she was startled by the sight of a corpulent form, apparently struggling to gain admission to her chamber through the open window. It struck her at once that the intruder had been cuught by the rear of his unmentionables, by a nail or same other ehnrp instrument, as he seemed to be struggling with a stern determination to euter. Her first thought was to Taint her Becond, to give the fellow a push her third, to jump out of tho window as soon as be jumped hi her fourth, to scream, which wus immediately carried into effect. Tho whistle of the locomotive on the Iron Moun tain rond, when it gave it first snort on the 4th or July, was but a whisper to the screams or the young girl. The whole house, and hair the neighborhood, were awnkened by the out cry. The old folks, three female servants, and two big brothers rushed to the rescue, and broomsticks, mop-handles and bootjacks flashed in the gaslight, as the household en tered the chamber of the frightened beanty. An examination or the figure in the window dispelled the fears or all, and changed the screams or the young lady into shouts ol laughter. The imaginary "fat man" was only her own darling honj,ed skirt, which she had hung on a hook near the window, and which the wind had inflated and set in motion. There was no more sleeping iu tho house that night.. Louis Herald. New Advertisements. NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Wciser If Uruner, en lok ac count, note or otherwise are requested to call and pay up on or licfore the first day of September net, na the accounts mut be settled. Sunbury, July 26, 18."6. KOTfi'K, FS hereby given that lettera of administration to the estate of Marv Wutaon, laic of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd., have I, eon granted to the subscriber. AH persons indebted to snid estate are requested to make payment without delay, and all havinir claim, to present them in proper form for settle ment. JUHN SJN Y DF. !. A,W, la. Augusta tp., Aug. 3, 1856 6t 1. 1ST Hi OTIC i:. LT persona indebted to the Estate of Henry Mlisir. ilec'd., ere hereby noli fie J that Ihe hooka, notes, &c, are in the hands of a M.ioi.. trate for collection, and that suits will be institu tuted for all claims not settled liv the 15th of Auguatnext. H. B. MASSEK, ) P. II. MASSl'H jEx'ra. F. UUCHER. Sunbury, Aug. S, 1856 Notice $100 Forfeit. I T havinir been reported that I would not leave A town and that the advertised sale of my goods was merely a sham, I will hereby engage myself to forfeit to any person or persons circulating this slander tho aum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS C 100 00) if I bavo not left town and quit business entirely hero before the first of September. ALBERT EJVsBERtt. Sunburv, Au;. 2, 1850. Blackberry Kraiirir! I t'ST received a fresh supply of llfackherry Brandy and invaluable remedy for Summer complaina by VM. A. BRUNER. August 2, 1856 Auction! Auction!! rMlE subscriber rosiTiVKLr leaving town A very soon has determined to sell at Auction his extensive STOCK OF CLOTHING, Hats, Crips. Boots, Shoes. Jewelry, Watches. Pistols, Shirts, Trunks and a variety of other M iscellaneous Goods. The assortment comprises goods suitable for all seasons and that are used by men, women and Children. The sale will commence on MONDAY the 4th day of August, next, and will continue for several days. The Stock shall and must he sold out rapidly, there fore the public are invited to call early. Goods told at private sale very low. ALBERT ELSBERG. Sunbury, July 56, 1850 Aolice. A LI. persons knowing themselves indebted to th subscriber are urgently requested to pay up as he will leave town very soon. If not paid, the arcouuts will te placed in the hands of a Squire for collection. ALBERT EI.SBERG. Sunbury, July 26, 1856 ion ici: i . yHE Store-Room at present occupied by the subscriber, will be rent.d on very favorable 'e"ns. ALBERT ELSBERG. Sunbury. July 26, 1850. ron SALE 1 4 GOOD STOVE, Louking-Glass, Show-case, ID STOVE, Lookini lor sale very che up. - ate, i A. ELSBERG. Sunbury, July 26. 1850, I.aaldlC'Sj' ItCfrCNllllllllt- TllltlC. riMIE Ladies or the Presbyterian Church in X riunbury, will have relreshinents for the public, on the afternoon and evening of Monday and Tuesday, the 4th a d 5th of Augusta, at the house of Mr. I.ivennore, nearly omuteila the Court House. The prulits are to go towards the repairing and painting of their Church. It is to be hoped that they will be encouraged in lhair lauJable undertaking. Sunbury, July 26, 1856. Last Notice- OTICE is hereby given that Ihe subscriber, administrator of George Haas, dee'd.. will attend at the late residence of suid deceased,' in Cliilimiuauue township, on Thursday. :ba :iut day of July, inst., lor' the purpose of making settlements, au persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate will please attend audsava costs. J. A. MERTZ, Adm'r. Chilisquaque, July IS, 1856. lit. Portrait of Jaiuen ltucUaiiau. most correct likeness ever made ; execu-- ted ill the highest style of Art, and printed on fine India paper, published and fur sale, Wholesale and Retail, by L. N. ROSENTHAL. Lithrographer, N. W, corner Fifth and Chestnu Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Site of paper, 17x26. lietuil price, $1. A liberal discount will be aliowad thou wishing to sell again. Philadelphia. July 19, 1856 3t. T)ORT MONAIE8, Tooth and Hair Brushes A all qualities, and any quanli y, for aale by , WM. A. UKUNEH. JuMtl.'tS, A Valuable farm, situate In Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, adjoin., ing lanes of Barman Shipman, 8r. Henry ."'eas ier, and John Sears, containing 143 acres and some perches, will he exposed to puhlic sale on Ihe premises, on Saturday the 23d day of Au gust. The land is or good quality, about 60 aeres red shell and plenty of meadow, well ws tered. ' One hundred acres cleared, and the rest well timbered with chestnut and rock oak. - Th farm is plentifully stocked with good fruit ol all kind. The improvemcnta are a two story frame House, and a frame Barn, 60 by 88. Terms made knewn at time of sale. JOHN EBRIGHr. ' Lower Augusta tp., July 12, 1856. U.' . NOTICE 14 hereby given that letters of administration to the estate of John Sherry, late or Wash ington township, Northumberland county, dea'd., have been granted' to the euhecrilwr. All er sons indobted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and all having claims to present them in proper form for settlement. WM. SHERRY, Adm'r. Washington tp., July 19, 1850. 6t NOTICE. LT, persons knowing themselves' indebted ft to J. K. Kautlinan on Uook account, iote or otherwise, are requested to call and pay op on or until Ihe first of OctoVr next, and if not paid until that lime, the accounts will be placed in the handaof a Magistrate for collection. J. U. KAUFFMAN. Ia. Augusta tp., July 12, 1856 4 U " LABORERS WANTED. A NUMBER of good Laborers are wanted on Section 42 of the Northern Central Rail Road, below Trevorten bridge. Good wagea paid and the best kind of accommodation given. Ap ply to WM. GAUGLER, on the works, or to II. B. MASHER, July i, 1856. Sunbury, la. FURNITURE POLISH. " -"V . S. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for rrator, ing the polish on all kinds or Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, tie. Also, (or re moving snots, hiding ' scratches, Ac. Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by WM. A. BRUNER. June 21, 18.16. NOTICE. VOTTCE is hereby given that an application ' will be made to the next Legislature, or Pennsylvsnta, Tor a Charier incorporating a Saving Bank, with discounting privilege and authority to receive monies on deposit, with a Capital or ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be located atSunburv, Northum- berlnnd county, and called the "Discount and Deposit Bank of Sunbury. HENRY DONNEL, J. V7. FRILINO, H. B. MASSEK, JOHN COOPER, I. T. CLEMENT. E. WILVERT. Sunbury, July 5, 1856. 6m To Beiuocrnls ,F,ery where HEAD READ READ. 20,000 Agents wanted to sell in every town in the United States, the Life and l'ublio Services or JAMES BUCHANAN, Of 1V..NN8YI.VANIA. Late Minister to Enplaml, and formerly to Russia, Senator and Representative in Con gress, and Secretary or State, including the most important or his State Papers. By R. G. Horton, Esq., Literary Editor or New York Day Book. The nbove book has been written by a gen- tlemun well qualified by his literary attain ments, and his long connection with the De mocratic press, llo was furnished personally by the distinguished subject or the memoir with many or the dates and Tacts or his early life, and fiom authorised friends of Mr. Bu chanan litis been supplied with materiul in accessible to other parties. The proof-sheets have been submitted to authonretl parties. It can therefore be called without reserve an authentic and authorised Biography. The book maker a handsomo lzmo volume of 430 pages, neatly bound in cloth, and is embellished with an accurate Portrait on Stel. Price SI. For further particulars, npplv to DERBY & JACKSON, "Publishers. 119 Nassau Street, N. Y. (4" Copies sent by mail post paid ou receipt of ptice. July 26, 18.j6. It NOTICE. NOTICE is herebv eiven that I hnve re ceived the Pamphlet Laws for lH.Vi, and that they are ready lor distribution to those legul ly entitled to receive the same. JAMFS BEARD, Prolh'y. Frothonotary's Ullice otary's Office. , July 12, 1S".G. J Sunbury AI,i:X 1,. BUCKEY it M, MAHl'FACTL'aKRS OF TRUNKS, VALISES, icC, HO Chcsnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. IT I 1 - - 1 1 .1.. .l.ak .., ...1 Ht 1 lhftrtt astfottmetit of TRUNKS $ CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Bound Travvllidg Trunks; Packing do. Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpel Baas, Satchels, Ac, by the quantity or tingle article, lower than ran be bought at any other place iu the city. July 5, 1850. PICES, sugar, coffee, molasses, tea, cocoa, Water and Sugar biscuit lor sale by May 31 '50. E. Y, BRIGHT &. SON. J A TENT BRITTANIA (STOPPERS for liar bullies lor aaie ny n. B M AfSER. Sunbury, July 19, 1856. "W-A . TED. Ofinfi LABORERS on the line of the Union UUU Canal Wages SI 1-J Cash. Ap ply to ROCKAFELLOW; Kl.PP & CO. July 36, 18.6. at Reading. Pa. IjMLES for Machinists, carpenters, Ac, Set., Beatty'a edge loola, planes and bench screws for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT V SON. May 31, 1856. Ttble and Pocket Cutlery, t large selection of various pattern for sale hy May 31 66. E. l . 15K1UHT & KUW. jJlia EmbroiilcreJ Crape, printed casli- Kl7 morA fmfi utuWu UliifA lintmom ranfdi border, fctlk fringe and figured silk shuwUjufit receiveu uy c. x . nuiuni x ou.i. May 31 18.6. Mi:iJJU OFF AT OHT. rilHE subscriber respectfully informs the pub X lie that he is now selling of his KTOCK OK CLOTHING at reduced prices, as he intends going into other business.. Persona in want of Cheap Clothing should not fail to call. .Persons indebted to the subscriber are re quested to call and settle. 8IEGMUND SIMON. Sunbury, June 28, 18A6, )l HE OLIVE OIL for table, use, two size - at 37 1 and 02 cents juat received by WM. A. 15KUMER, June 21, 5. rem sale, aTiNE hundred Acres of Land in Upper August - Township, Northumberland county, about two miles from Hunbury. Apply to CHARLES HaEAXENTS. July S, 1856. it fiuiibury, Vi. RESOLUTION Proposing Amendment to thn Constitution bf tht Commonwealth RfMOLVrO DV TNI fltATl AND Hottl nfr RirRtMUT TATIVMOr THt CwMMONWIALTn OF rnKtVLfARlA I (i rubral Ambmhlt HUT, Thnt ihe folhwhi(( HmemltnrnU arepfttfrtwrd t'Mhe cujwtitiition f th common wmlth, in accordance Wiih tho pi oviiionaor the tenth article Uiereuf. FIRST AMENDMENT. Ther hull be an feftlitinnal article ta an (J ronatitnlioa to be designated ta article eleven. M follows t ARTIC1.K XT. OP PUBLIC DEBTS. Section I. The trite mnjr cmitrmit dehla, to tnpplr fnaunldelTcita or failure in revenue, or to meet expenaea wit otherwiee provided for but the aggregate amount of auch dehta direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more ftcieof the general aawmbly.nr at different periodaof time, ahall never exceed eeven hundred and fiity thou wind dolUtrit, and the money ariaing from the emit ion of auch debt, ahnll be applied to the pitrpoee for Which it wna obtained, or to repay lltedebla ao contracted, and to no other purpose whntever. Paction t. In addition fo the nbove limited power the atate may eoirtmct debts to repel invniion, euppreea insur rection, de fen1 the Mate in wnr, nr U redeem the present outstnndtngiiidilttediteMof the rtntv but the money aria ing from the contmcting of auch iebta aliall be applied to liooihcatjuirpoaj whntever. Oration 3. fcxeept the debta nbove perirTed,, In arctipnt one and two of thia art win, no debt whatever aliall be emit i-J by, of on brhnlf of the atnte. Hection . TV provide for Ihe pnymeut of the present debt, and any additimml debt contracted an aforemid, the legialntiire ahall, at ita first arm ion, niter the ndopUon of this amendment, create a finking fund, which ahull he aufheient to pny the nccniemg interest on auch debt, aud iMiiually t reduce the prnrcifli thereof by a sum not lesa than two hundred mid filly thotianiid dollnra; which sink lug fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from lima to time owned by tha state, or the proceeds of Hie aale of ihe anme, or any port thereof and of the income ot proceeds of snle of stocks owned by the slnte, together with other funds, or resources, that may be designntrd by law. The an id ainking fund may ba nicrensfd, fioin time to time, by assigning Ui it any part of the tnxce, or other revenues of the atate, not re quired for the ordinary and current expenses of govern ment, and unless in case of ftwr, invasion 01 iiitnrrectut no putt of the snid ainking fund ahall be used or applied otherwise limn In extinguishment of the public debt, un til thenmouut of such debt ia reduced below tho sum of five millions of dollnra. Section 9. The credit of the common wealth ahall not in any irmmur, or event, le pledged, or lonucd 1o, any in dividual, coinpnny, corporal in, or association ; nor shrill the Commonwealth hereni'teea joiutnwger, or atock holder In any comtaiiv, nssocintion, or corporation. Section 6. The conn non wealth ahall not assume the debt, or any piut thereof, ufnny county, city, fairough, or township; or of tiny corporation, or association j unless such debt shall hnve beeii contracted to enable the state to repel invnston, suppress domestic insurre tion, defend it self in lime of war, or to assist tne state in the discharge of any portion of its present iiHlcbtednevs. Section 7. The legnlatare ahall not ngthorize any coun ty, ciiy, borough, township, or incorporated district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association , or eorpototion; or to obtain money fir, or loan its credit to, any corpora tion, association, Institution, or party. HKCOND AMENDMENT. Tli are ahail be au'ndditionnt article to snid constitution, to be designated as article XII, ds follows: ART1CI,K XII, OF NEW COUNTIES ' No county shall ba divided by a line cutting off over one tenth of its population, (either to form H new county in otherwise.) withou the express assent of such county, by a vote of the elector thereof ) nor shrill any new county be established, con tain ing lett thou four hundred Kjuure miles. THIRD AMENDMENT From section two of the first article of the constitution, strike out the words, "of the ctty of Philadelphia, and of each county respectively from section five, snine article strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several counties;" from section seven same article strikeout the w-rds, "neither the city ol Phlhidelphia nor any," mill insert in lieu thereof the words, "and no;" and strikeout section tour, same article, mid in lieu thereof insert the following : "Section 4. In the year one thouseud eisht hundred and sixty-four, nnd iu every seventh year thereafter, rep resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall Iw appor tioned aud disti United equally, throughout the stale, hy districts, in proportion to the numltef of taxable iuhniii taniainthe several parts thereof i except that any county containing ut least three thousand five hundred tnxahlcs, may be utloweil n sepnrnte representation; but no more than three counties shall b joirted, mid no county shall be divided, in the lormntlon of a distiict. Any city contnin- ing a sufficient number or taxable to entitle it to nt lenst two representatives, shall have a sepniote representation iRKtgncd it, and suull be divided into convenient at sine is f contiguous territory, of equal table population as near nsmay be, each of which districtf shall elect one represen tative." At the end of section seven, same article1 insert these words, "the eitv of Philaeelnhia shall be divided into sin gle senatorial districts, of contignous territory si nearly equnl in taxable Mpiilatio as ptasill j but itu wutdahaM be divided in the formation thereof The If-aTislature. nt its first session, after the adoption nf aenatcruilnud representative districts, in the maimer above provided; such disttieta to remain unchanged nutil tho nppporlionmeiit iu the year one thuusand eighlcdgdred and sixty-four. inis atnem incut, san n v me me cuv oi rnumiei on in into FOURTH AMENDMENT. To he section -TA'IY, Article L - The Ireislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of iuonrporntlon hereafter conferred by or under, any apecinl, or general law, whenever iu itieir opinion it may ne injurious in inr i-mzniai mi uie roiniwu wealth i in such manner, however that no iujurtice shall be done to the corpurulora. ImSknatB April 31,1856. 1 Res tved. That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeus 24, imys 5. On the second amendment, yens in, uaysi . un me miru ainriinniriivt yeus ac( nays 1. un tne ituitn ninemuuenr, yens uais. Extiuet from the Joniunl. THOMAS A. MAOTIRE, Clerk IN UOUSK OV REFRCstStATlVKS, I April 21, IS'jO. J Resolved. Thnt this resolution pass. On the first amend ment, yeut 72, uays 24. Un the second amendment, yeas 63, nava Ou the third amendment, yens Ol, nays 25 . and ou founn ameiMimeiu, yeus ou, uuys iu. Kktruct Irum the Journui. WILLIAM JACK. Clerk PrrBTAy Orriri!, A.O Cl'RTIN. Filed April 41, lbSO Secretary of the Coirmioiiwealth SmcaaTAaT Office, 1 IIoniiburL', June 1656. Pennsylvania, ss : I ' oeertifv that the nb ive and foreiroin!r ia true and cot re t copy of the origmul 'Hrlulin rt-biivelo nu amend inent of the Coiutiiution'1 as the same remains on file in this (lTtue. In testitaouy whereof J have hereunto set niv hand aud caused to lie affixed the seal of the Secretary's Glfice, the day and year uouve wriiieu. A O Ct'RtlT, Secretary of ihe Commonwealth. I.i Sexatb, April 31,186. Res 1iitinii nronominff Bmeiidments to the CAiistiLutiu oi me uniuionweuith, Iteiug uuuer coiisiuctutiuu. fii rn (ncaiiou, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken uureeutilv to the nro vi sions of the Cdiistitulion, and were us follows, viz: i cas .-Mfsara urowue. iiueita ew. i.iessweu. r.vans. Ferguson, Kifintiketi, llife. hnrrain, Jamison, Knox. Ju- Si rim h, 'I'niiurt, Walton, Welsh, Whuny, Wilkius and Piatt, Speaker til. Nays Messrs Crabb, Gregg Jordan, MeUinger and rraii o. So the question was determined in the nmrmutlvf. On the cictioiij Wilt the Semite ngre to lite Second amendment T The yens jad uays were taken agreeably an the provl sions of the Constitution and were as follow, via ; Yeas Messrs. Brown, nuekalew, Cress we II, Evans, II me, JintiaiH, Jamiaon, Kux, Uiluueh, lwis, X'Chn- tock, rollers, mi nwn, boultier, Firaub, aitou, Welsh uud Wilkins. IU Navs Mcbsis. Cruhb, Ferguson, Gregg , Prutt, Price a i in nau, opeuker So the question wus determined in the affirmative. (In the question, Will the Senate agree to the third am mend men The yeas uud uays were taken ugiecubly to theCointi lut.oii, und weie es follow, viz: Veua Messia. Umwu, Uuck;ilew, Cruhb, Cresswell, F'.vaes, Pergusoii. Flennikeu, 11 lire, Ingram, Jainiaoii, Jordan, KiiA, Laubach, ixwis, M'Clintock, Mellnifer, Pratt, Price (Seller, bhutuan, Smiher, Straub, Tugurt, Wult-.n, Welsh, Wheiry, Wilkius uud PiuU.Sneukcr a. iNuys Mr. urega; l Aotiie questiim wus determined in the affirmative,, On the question. Will the Senate agree to the focith amendment ? 'ihe yeus aud uuys were taken ugieeubky tu the Conslttu tuliou, and were us follow, via i Yeas Messrs. lit o woe, buekulew, Cresswell, Kvaua, Flennikeu, lloue. Inirruiu. Jhiiiisu. Jordan. Knox, I,uu Isich, Lewis, M'Ctmlock, Pi ice, SullersStiuinun, Souther mrnuiij alum, v elsu, ticrry, iikins ana 1'uittj ppeoiter Nays Messrs. Cral-h, Greppr, MelliiMrei and Pratt4 tvi the uuestioti wus delcriiiiiied in Ihe alhiiuative. Jtiuruulof the House . f Representatives, April 21. latoO, '1'h a vejiB mikI iiiiva Urm ijiLtfit uifretsuhltf tii tliHrnvi. sioiisof the Ciiustituluui, aud on the tirst pioooscdauieud uient, were as follow, via : Yeus Messrs. Anderson, Backus. Buldwiu, Hall, Beck, (IsycoiiiiUaf.) Ueek (York,) tier n hard, Itoyd. lloyer, lirowii, Brush, BiH'hunuu, Caldwell, Campbell, t'arty, Craig, Crawford, Dowilall, Kdinger, FmuhJ, Foster, tielx, Haines, Huiuel, HurKr( Hems. Hibha, Hill, Hillegas Hippie, H'dcomu, lluiistxker, Imbrie, luglmiu, Inn is, livvin, Johns, itdiusou, Ijqx-rte, l.bo, Ijonguker, Lovetl, M'Cahyont. AFCunhy, M'Comb, Muugle, Meitear, Miller, Monlfioiiiery. Moorheud. Nnuneinaeher, Orr, Pcvirsou. Phelps, Purcell,l(uuisey,Reed, Keinhid, B uldtu, Uolwrts, eaeiiK, sinun, iegneuvt;Dnuin. uiiihiw.; ciuuu,(vy onilnif.) SlMUse. ihoiiinatm. Vail, Whallou, Wfiutit. .Uauphiu.) Wright, (Luzerne,) SfSiuiiuermau aud Wright opeuker Navs Messrs. Auvustine. Barry, Clover. CtHjoaru, Dim-It. l-'rv. Fulton, (iuvlord. OiktlMHICV. lllinullou. Hun. ytckf Htmsekeeper, Huneker, Letsemiiig, Mrgea, Mantey Mtirns, MuintiMt, Putter sen. ftulistmry. tnuili, (Philadel phia j w aiter, vviutroae and earsiey 34. Mi Ihe q lest 1 011 was ikurruiincd in Ihealfiriilative. On the questiou, Will the Houso airree to the second amendment f The yeas aud uays Were taken, and were as follow, via Yeus Messrs. Audetstai, Bwtkas, Balkwin, Bull, Ueck, fLyooining) Heck, (York,) Ueruhurd, Boyd, Brown, Brush Huchttiiuii. Culdwdl, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Fausosl. Foster. Gets, Hainea. Hamel, Harper, Hems, Hibi, Hill, lliiiegas, j tipple, HotctHUb, liuusteser numie, iitftnuiu, Lulls. Irwin. Johns. JohiisiHi. lajuntrte. L. Lonitukur, Jytvelt, M'Cahikiiit, M'Cartliy, M'Ciunb. Muugle, M ncar Miller, Aloulgoiueiy, MiMtrhead, nuuemaetier, urr, rear. ...... U... II O ., U Ui..U..lal lii.LIU O. Sbeak, Smith, (Alitajban',) sirouaa, Vui, WliaLkm, Wright (fiuaerasa) nummmui aaa vr(ioi, rycuar to. NnVB Messrs. Anmitln Rarrt tlnvuf. Pjlmo-pr. Fit Fulton, Oaylurd, GibWaiy, Hnmflhni, Hnncrk, Innekff tatfSlllMll Ills Mfiiru BYI...I... Kf !.) I tXl . aw.. rhelj,Hu'iftiury, Smith (Crtrnhria,) Thompson, Walls'", 01? ' nm v"P"in; ana v earsiey iw. ? flwasuoa was doteirntued la Uie airinnativa. , O the qtieainm, Will the House agree to the third amendment ? The reae and naia . ink,! u. r.Jtna' t , ... . ...,, Yens Mewrs. A yfcvm. Oarkus, Dtildwln, Unll. Ik,' (M-coming.) Hrrk (Y.irk,) Mcrr.hnrd, Bd, lloyer. Iln.wH lliirhnnan, Caldwell. Compliell. Csrly, Crni, Crawfnn, Mincer, r-o.ld, Fo.lf. Fry, Ouis, Hiiines, Ilmnel, Ilnrprr, Helm, lliliha, Hill, llill-n., Hiilile, Hailr-imb, U.iuseoeeper, Imlirie, liiahnm, lunia, Irwin, JkIimb, Jnhif Sim, ItKrtn, Ub... laimanker, Ivelt, M'Callil.mt, W. Ciimh, Man.le, Menenr, Miller. M.mlgimiery, Nuiin. rnniher, Oir, Fentaim, hrlrs Piirrell. Hamney, Knrrl. Riddle, Shenk, Hinilh, (Allegheny,) Sniilh (Cambria,) B'm. t'.'V"'"!) Tliiimpann, Vhlli.ii, Wright, (Dao phin) WriRht (laiserne) and .immeinimi 4. nnymmrt. Hurry, Clover, Col) Mini. D.fk.Dnmhll, Fulton, Unykird, Itil.lMiuev. IliimllUni, llnneoek, Huneker laFisnirmg, M'Cnrthy, Mnpee, Mnnlev.M wehnd. Muni., Hatterami, Helnhold. Rokt rls. rJidnlniry, Wnlter, Wiiitnxlo enrsely nnd Wii,lit,flei.kr i. ro ino quenum waa daternnned in the affirmative. O11 the question, Will the Home Hsree tn the fiiurth amendment f The yentntid nays werefiken, ami were n follow, vir: Yen. McMr.. A,nlfaM.,i ltt..V. It.ill lt.u.1. al.......iniii nerk (York.) Iternhnrd. U.iv.l H..v.r' ,.. Ilrtial, Buehnum, Caldwell, Csmpbell, Carly, Crai(r. Cinwfnnl, .M.wonii, r.uinviT, I'Huani,, r,ier, 1 ry. t.eiz, llitmei, Harper, lleiii., Hil.l.i, Hill, llilleaas, Hippie, Holeoinli, Housekeeper, Hmlaeeker, Imbrie, tiniis, Irwin. Johimm, l.apnrte. l.elM. lrfliiVHlcer. Iivelt M'Caln.nt.l MT.rfln. M' enroll, Mangle, Menenr, Miller, Montir-meiy. Moor heud, Nunnemnelier, O.r. rraraon. Phelps, I'lirrell, Ham ey, Reeil. Keinliold, Hiiklle, Rolerl.,Hielik. fmilli (Cum. brla,) Smith (Wyoming.) Thompson, Vail, Wnlter. W lift I. Ml, Wright (Liuerne,) Yenrteiy, Zimmerman and Wright Nnva Messrs. Rarrv. Clover. Palvmrn Pnll.tn nil.Kn. ny,lfritnea. llniifoek.'Hiineker. liifrhion. liM..,ri,.. M... gee, Manley, Morris, Patterson, Salilmr7 and Wintruda 811 the question was determined in the nffirmntive. SwasTABT's firrirr, ) IlurlUburg. June 87. laCO. t Pennyltnnia, ... I dn heieby rerlily that the above and foregning ia a true and eoirert eonv of the "Yeas" mid '-Nnv " taken n the R.isoliiti.in proposing amendments tn th Constitu tion uf the Commonwealth, na the mine appears on the Journals of the two Houses of Ihe tieneral Assembly of una kiun Miwrnnii ior ine session 01 iin. hub iriiminom t ) Wi L.!. $ twenl ) hundi V Ituess my himil and seal of snid nfTtee. this enty-seventh dny of June, one thousand eight ndred and 6lty.six. a. u. i;lhti, Secretary of the Commonw ealth. July IS, NK8. KT X IIEI l7nE.iSKj THIS Gn-sse is rcronimoniled to tho notire of Wagoner. I.ivery MIbIiIp keepers. Ac. as bomg PiTPEBioit to anytlmiR of tho kind ever iti trotluced. As it dues not gum upon the nxlrs is mucb. more durable, anil is not all'cclej by the weatlier. remaining the smue in summer as in winter, atid put up in tin canister at .17 J nnd 62J cents, for sale by WM. A. I1RUNEK. June 21, 1856. FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY STORE. CHARLES GA1UNGER, ESPECTFl'I-LY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the neighboring country that he lias purchased the Grocery Store in Water street, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept by vetse 5t Ulement, and that he has just replen ished his stock which he will sell at reasonable prices. He will keep a constant supply of Flour, Grain and Feed, Uread, Fish and Chceec, Ilnms, Shoulders nnd Herrinp, Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, Teas, Ppices and Fruits, INuts, Conferttonnnes of all kinds. Hoots and Shoes, Ladies Waiters, Misses and Children's Shoes, also Quecnsuare, Cedarware, Hardware and Motions, Ac, cVc. Citizens are requested to send in their orders for Flour, Feed nnd Groceries and lie will de liver them properly. Sunbury, June 14, I85G tl 'SM'ALNKOOK, Bishop I.awn, Cambric Mus- -4 lin. Jacanett. Hook Muslin. Pi. in n,l ted Swiss, Curtuin M uslin, Corded Dimity and uonnei ioru. r or sine ny E. Y. BRIGHT & SfiN. May 81, 1BSO BERRYSBURG SEMiNARY. The Acatlnmic yenr of this flotirisliip.tr In- ptitatioii will coninienre on tho 2d Monday of Atigusi next. It is lucuted nt BerryEhtifg. Dnnphin Co.. Io on one of the lienlthit gt und most beau tiful vulleys in the old "Keystone Sttilc." The design of tho Institution is to prepare yonnjr Iaitdies nhd Uentletnen for the respon Bible dnties of lift1, und fur Institutions of a higher gnule. Every fur.lity will be afforded to those who ore desirous of prepuring them selves for Tenchin. The government of the school will be strict ly parent al. und it ahull thvits be the plousting duty of the Principal to instil into the iiiiud of his pupils such sentiments, us, if followed, will lend to honor und happiness. Tuition per Session t'2'2 weeks.) Greek and Latin. Modern language (Extra.) Common English (1st Grade,) " C Giude.) Sciences, (Surveying. Chemistry Ac, Printing uud Janitor Services, Music (Piano Forte) Excellent Hoarding can bo had froni j?l,SU to 82,0(1 per week.. Lectures will be deliver ed every week on "Chemistry Philosophy" ic, to which the pupils are admitted free of charge. There is a good Library connected with the Seminary to which the students hnve ac cess for u small fep. The School w ill be ex ercised in Composition uud Declamation once every week. The prini'igal being a gfadttnle of one of tho best Colleges in tho Union, and having experience us u Teacher Hatters himself, us heretofore, to give general sal isfuction to ull who are placed under his tuition. JOS1AH F. KENNEDY A. B, Principal, lJerrysburg. July 12. 185G. . THE WEST BRANH INSURANCE CO. OF LOCK II,1VB.., I A. Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Wcrrhnn die, Farm Property and other Buildings, and their contents at moderate rates. CAPITAL, $300,000. CHAR T ER PER V ETUAL. DlllLCTORS. Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G.C. Harvev, John U Hall. T. T. A brums, Charles A. Mayer, 1). K. Jarknian, Charles Crist, V. White, Peter Dickinson, Thomas if itchen. Hon. G. C. HAKVEV, Pres. T. T. A mtAKs, Vice Pies. Tims. Kitchen, Sec'?. II. CI1AS. ULMAN, General Agent. U E F E It E N C E : Samnet II. Lloyd, Thus. Howmnn, D. D. A. A. WinegarJiief, Wm, Vanderbelt, la. A. Mackey, A. White, James ijuingle, Johr, W. May nard, Hon. Simtm Cameron, Wm. Kenron, Dr. J. 8. Crawford, A. Updcgrulf, James Armstrong, Hon. Wm. Umler. P. W. GRAY. Agent. Sunbury, luue 31, I Mod. bin ""TNDEIiSLEEVES, Chcmiselter, Crotchet U and Needle Worked Collars, Flouncing, Thread Laces, Inserting and .Swiss Edging. For sale by E. Y. BKIUHT & rON. May 31, '56. FllobacCQ aud Scgars SO.flllO Imported J- Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and line cut tobacco at , WM. A. lMtUN'ER'8. Sunbury, May SI, 16.SC, NAI1.H, spikes, hammered aud horse shoe nails, canal shovels, picks, grith huts and mason hammers lor sale bv May 81 '66 E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. SCjIUea, grain, English and German grass', brier ary thes and snvaths for sale b May 31 '66. E. Y UlUGHT & SON. Stationery. A large supply of, fancy Note Paper , aud Envelop, ..Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac., at May I '68 W Jit, 0 ft l BR'SJ PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! , Ira T. Clement . A'0. 1, CORNER OF MARK Kl SQUARE, SAY8 cooly, boldly and ilelibefstely, that h takes the foremost stand on the grand caval cade of Dry Gooda Merchants of Sunbury. . He shall continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries CH E A PER than ever, as his goods are bought chesp they will be sold rhenp. ,116 feels confident with his experience and tl'iilliy, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if tims and space wuld permit but as any COUNTER-JUMPIIVa NOVICE fun do that he will leave it to the verdants am tt'imilinted, it is enough tojtay that he has every, thing in tho line of Dry Goods, Groceries, HOOTS AND SHOES, &c, frc, tl'nt ts kept in any other store in town, and His Imnuer is on tlio breez. And long may it wavs O'er kind of the free., And tb home of the brave While her Plnrs and lir Stripe.) Shine out like the Sun, Telliufr all nations Thnt Freedom's begun. This is a free country or at least will be o whcV all are free, therefore it is free for nil to do their trading where they can 11CY he CHEAP F.ST regardless of tho cross oml sour looks of old fdgv merchants. All are invited to call and see. THE COUNTRY, as well si the town ore respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free arc invited to call. Come one come nil nnd stop your speed, I have goods enough for nlf in need ; The boys themselves are ut their posts, And they alone can supply a hps. Over other deulers iu the town thrmc .nine hnys have Won renown, For selling the Cheapest nnd the best, And selling more than all the rest. Hurrah, Ilitrrnh ! O'er hill and plain, Accept rfy thanks and call agtiin ; Amortg our assortment you'll alivitys find, Goods to fit uud please the mind. U'e'vc ou hand and always willing, To sell oar goods and earn a shilling, Bo hold your horses and come this way, Wc shall be glad to eee yoa any day ' nt No. 1 Markkct Square, opposite the Court House, 1. 8 He wishes it distinctly understood, that he is not to be undersold by any man or combina tion nf men. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, June 21, 1856. NOTICE fj 8 hereby given that letters of admintstra B tion have been granted tn the undersigned, in the estate of Sarah Wenlzell, late of Jordan Township dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to ntnke pnyirtcht, and al persons having claims against said estate will present them duly- authenticated for settlement. JEREMIAH WOLF. Adm'r. aim teslamcnto annixo. Jordan tp., June 28 18)6. Gt Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS. 'IMUH preparation is recommended as ati (i cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in lluvor, prepared and sold by WM. A. URUNER. Sunbury, June 21, 1856. VUIlllla ItcailH. A fresh assortment j st received by WM. A. UKU.NER. June 21, 1856. j. ii. .iajii;, Justice of the Peace. JVEOUJXTT caemel, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business ptomptly attended to. Monies collected end all ordinary writings done. Mount Carmel, June 11, 1X56, ly B5HOAD AXES, hand axe adzes, hatchets, hammers, chisels of all kinds, squares, saws, saw setts, augurs, planes, plane bits, files, com passes, screw drivers, brace ftnd bitls, hand vices, bevels, spirit levels, tape lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches, nipper., plyers, ppring callip pers, pinchers, oil stones grind stones, cranks and fixtures, chisel und augur handles for sale hy May 31 '50. E. Y. UKlOIlT & SON. I.ACK, blue aud brown cloth, plain and fans'-'' cy cassimercs, Kentucky jeans, satlinctls, striped coating, duck linen, I weeds, grenadine silk, silk velvets, plaid and figured vestinP, fur sale by E. Y. BRIGHT &. SON. May m, 1856. NOTICE, rTHE American Executive Committee of Northumberland County, will meet iu Sun buty, on Monday the 4th day of August, 1856, at It) o'clock, A. M A general attendance is requested, as business of importance will he transacted J. W. WEEKS, Chairman. F. B. Potts', Secretary. May 31, 1856 t4a WASmNGTONlldTELr KOimiUMBEllLAKD, PA. .C. S- BEOWN, Proprietor. Nortlt'd, June 7, 1850. Cm. xinii:, V OTICE is hereby given that application will made to the next letrisl tture of Pennsylva nia, nt the session of 1857. for the creation of a corporate body with uanking and discounting privileges, to be called the "Shimorin Hjnk," located at Shamokintown Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of f 150, 000, with the privilege of increasing the same, to $300,0110 if necessary. Shamokin, June 14, 156. Cm NOTICE IS hereby given that letters of Administration to the estate nf Thomas Updegralf late of Point township, Northumberland county, de ceased, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment without delay, and all having cUiins, to present them in proper form for settle mtiiU SARAH I'PDEGHAFF, Adm'trlx. WILLIAM OiS.MCN, Adm'r. Point township, June CI, 1856. 6t M AWNS, Bull' C'hambraa, Challl, Alpaca. Si l'apl'"i Si'k Lustre. Delaues, i'rinu, De beges, U aretes, Tissues, Black and Fancv Milks, Scotch, Lancaster, French aud English Ging hams. Just reciived by E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Mav 31 IS06. furpcf Inn; of all kinds, floor and table Oil Cloths aud oil shades of the latest stvle for ale by E, Y. BRIGHT & SON. T IM'l'l, Satin nnd Fancy l!ioon. Silk, Vorsted and Linen Braid, Mohair Head Dresses, Mitta, Gloves, rtockings, French ein bruiderded aud Flourishing Thread. For sale by E. Y. U RIGHT & SON. Mav 31. lRfifl. all Paper a splendid lot ju.t received and for sale bv I. W. TENER & CO.' Sunbury, June .41, 1856. nKIIWN'S anj UreiniaV Ewenei Of inp.V A and Husband' MafnSaa'l M.y Pr, 'Iff. BRUNO'S. HERRING'S SATE AO AIR .... he only Safe irhirh, in ei'cry instance, pri' served their sntire content in the late Extbnsive Fires. AT hr Imrninf tjf Ihe Artimft MniUlnifrii, April loth, nhil ill the GRliAT F I II K inMnrktSl.: Mny lit. 85(, the fftmumo llnrrii Hiijfe prefc-iveil Ihe jewelry uf Gn. W. iininmin A Pr. j ihut. , !- trn, Ve., H Fikct H Bin. mtl idwnnl Heinnna h, tCo., nfter re. ntniniiH( expn1 in Ihe huniinft ruins (tn iiairlv FTty H'nr, bul pruviiir cHielnMvelY w hut, we hnve' nlwityii rlnimul . for Hum, their areat ntviinritt' iiver nil cteifrllifi fiaw known . t . . . Jn thi'tefire, the nOKINr,' 9AvF ntnnilinv lj tirle with th"ne ndvernncrt n " wrirrnitlwl to Mnitil IU. r-r unt. nidre tiif limn ilciriiig'n," (111111 lutlli Uie net feffowlriheil vifloi, iMt only pri-iirvitiR their cnitcntu in ejtcclhMit ontert but hrint tii fn-vlrp hi n rowtit utn to ti tlirnnph iMolhcr ofdpnl while th? binMetl 'Snlnmafitis 'in fit her innkeri me htittly uuefl tip in every iriNtyhV'tf, mid lit flo'tne rniiffi their ei;twe onnU ntB ciniplrt. 1 d .-iroyeif To thft pnhlie. we wiiuM timply iy. thnfr, ilurin the 1-1 yfcnrs the llrrrinar'n Snfc hn leeii before iVm. trnTtf than two h nnl red hnve pnMed through nccitJ?nUil Uiei without the opeurri;nfe of n iniple lov. We would, therefore. cniitini pitrrhmtfrF npnimf the mfureprcftpiitt.linii of iiitfrcfted purlieu. The Ilerrtnir't Pntitt in the unlv. Firr.pronf Snfe inede in Ihtn city , whiijli in protrrteif by a ftifenf Hicht, nnd we will piinr niitf f it to renin inr tlinn duiible the At11tiU.it of lieut of any other Safe now known. Farrolt & Herring, , -.. , Sole ATiinufnrtureni in pvt Stnte of 'IICRRING'S PiTl!T CHlM' SAFES," U Walnut St., l'hilada. . N 1? "Kraus k M'ntsou's linprnvn) Pnlamnnilfrs," Oliver Kvan's," "C. .1. liuylei's," aiiilBniU's AsVtos." Iron Chests, (n lnrirrnswrttn't'iit hiivititt Iweii tikeit in part pnvmrnt loJprrlll(rs,) will be sold at low pi ices. 1'liilu., June 31, 1.MJ ly. CARRIAGE "WAGON ' MANUFACTORY. l"HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends 1. and the nublic generally that he lias taken the new Shop of .Mr. II. Tetcr's in Deer Street, near the Lutheran Church, where he is prepared to make .to order all kinds nf CARRIAGES, BUGGIE8,: ROCKA Wa4YS,' HEAVY AND. LIGHT WAGONS, WHEELBARROWS, AC, in short every thin in his, line. 'J'lie subscriber thanks his friends for their Iprnier liberal patron ego and hopes to m'erit a continuunce of it in future. ... Repairing of all kind done in the best and most expeditious nlnnuer. SAMUEL 8. GOBIN. Sunhtiry, June 21, I85fi 3m Notice to Tax-Puycm. TOTICE' is hereby given 16 tax-payers of A Notlhumberijnd County, that nil . those, paying their State Tax , fifteen days prior to the first days prior to the first dny of August next," will be allowed fire cent' riHLtP RENN,. FREDERICK HAAS, CHAS. HOTTENSTINE. Commissioners. Odice, 1 CominissioneTs. Suubbry, June 14, 1856. $ BHEAFF cSe BLACK," mimkiis ixn SllirPKItS OF WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From the 4 Big Mo'untnin Col ior RIIAMOKIX, NOHTIl'l) COUNTY, I'KN.N'A. Address Sheaft'& Ulack, Sunbury. of Sha mokin, Fa. Sunbury, May 24, 185(f. tf To Builder & CaroSafei-S. The subscribers are agents for the aale of Doors, Window blinds. Window rhuttera, and. all sizes of Window Sash, all of which we oilir at the lowest prices. Mey 2i '53. E. Y. B RIGHT & SON. A. J. CONSIAD. HOLLOWING IlUNi ESrCCTFL'LLY informs the public that lie ham r.iirrhnao.1 tlia Nl.trn .nnn..it.. I by J. R. Kuumiittn, and that he has replenished uie same uy an excellent assortment of Kew (ioods just received from Philadelphia, which, he will sell on terms aa reasonable os any other establislmieht. Ilia assortment consists in part of 1 CLOT lis, CASSIMERES V SATTINETTS,' Summer Wares for men and b'oyti, all styles and prices' I,nrtics Drrssi (Sooda. Consisting of Black Silks, Msrinos, Alpacas' Do L'aiues, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Trim mings, Ac. Also a Iresh supply of GROCERIES of all kinds. HARDWARE" asi GTTEENSWAKE, Ccdurware, Brooms, &c. Also a largo assort ment of lloo(s and Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Huts and Caps, Silk Hats, and nil goods usually kept iu a Country Store. All the above named stock of goods will he sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change, f.ir coum.y produce, at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, June 14, 1856. ly ItfE-W CONfECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEA11IIA11T, I AS just received new end excellent assort ment of goods at hi Confectionary and Fruit Store iu MARKET STREET, Suuburv, where he manufactures' and keeps on hand, tit all times, the most choice Confectionary, ic.',' Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. . Among his stork of Conlcctiuuaries, maybe found : Freneli rVcrets. llumetl Almomle, Crmra While, liitita ' Koif, " Viinilla. C&mniu Stptcta. Uquvrice, Cum Drops, all kinds of see 11 v. Props, Mint Drofis, red and white, Jelly Tul.es, Fiuit lamps, . i tHu-k (.'unities, ot all stents Hock Ouuilv. . Almuud Candy, PRUIT. Prunei, f iifi, Curoni, .ut of ell kinds Curniuti di;ed, AUnoiids, Rnimnt, LK.MON SYRUi of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A' superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, ic, all of which' is olltrej cheap at whole salo or retuil. ICE CREf-A-JVi:. Ho has alio opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, nnd' will at all times be reudy to serve his customers' with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May !4, iSFS1. ly GEORGE 5CHALL & CO. MtMttTltR or Blasting PowtiEE,' Mt. Curmtl, Northumberland County, l'a; May 10, 18S6 t'IERM, fish, tanners, (Unseed and pine Oil. paints, glav, putty, copal varni.h, spts. tur pentine, fluid and paint brushe. for sale bv May 31. "iiU. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. 1 1 YDROLEL'M PAINTS. These paintsare' . mixed with water, thereby sxving the eoti of oil, for sale by , , May 31, 'off. WM. A. BRUNER. llORTand AlADERI.V WINES. Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy. Blackberry and Lavemler brandies lor medicinal purposes at' May 31, '50. WM. A. Ii RUN Ell. lishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, ton and Linen Lines, Hut Lines, Sea G Cot ra by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, &c.. for sale br., . May 31, '60. WM. A; BRUNER. SAWS Sws-V&pera and Jackson's hand,' f)Kf.nel, ' rip, compass, tenant brass Deck, framing, circular, cross cut and mill ssws for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT cV SDN May 1, Ut8. mm