NEW .SPRING'AND SUMMEE GOOD JUST REOKIVKI HY I. W,TTETK & C o.,.Sunb-'J' pa" W , ,, , .i. ounce to our friodandn., PMlc;pe),M t(ck of reiving very nr iid wwl-ph we Rre goods suited to '""J'tforetofore, finding our old mii.ed to sc cheap - . tna" "SmaVt'rnf's "nri JSa'"" mf v' we conlinn to adhere toil, ' consist partly of tho following vi: "urS LADIES GOODS. .rn De Rhine mil Summer Silks, Chilli, De bepe. Barege, painted and plaid Lawns, Gingham Lnwns, Robed Dresses, Va lencia Skirts and Skirting, Gross, Crrd nnd Crinoline Skirls, Jieonet, Cambric, Swiss and Haired muslin, Bishops Lnwns , Plaid, Dot- ted and Figured Swiss Muslin, Linen cambric handkerchiefs, Chcmisctta, Collars, Culls nnd nderslcevcs, printed csslimcrc, thibet and 'other shawls, ginghams and calicoes in great variety, Heady made mantillas, parasols. Fans iVc. G EXTLKM ENS G 0 OPS. Cloths, cassimcres, tweeds, Vcslings, sunmcr goods in various styles fur coats and ponliiliions shirt bosoms, collars, cravats, besiilee a 'argo as aorluicnt of Keady made coats pantaloons and Tests, togather with a general assortment of La dies and gentlcmens Boots Mines and (Jailers mens, hoys and childrcpa Hats, and Caps Hardware, Queeiisware, Groceries. Cedanvarc, Stono and Eurthenware Drugs, Taints, Fish, meat, salt, nails. Tar, Oil iVc Ac. A good supply of school books and copy books with printed copies on each page. Como and see, no charge is made for show ing goods. I. XV. TENER ft Co. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices Sunbury, May 10, 1855. XtfEW AHKANOEMENT I Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS," OILS, &c. riIIE undersigned having taken the store for JL mcrly kept by Wciscr and Hruner, is now ready to till inters and prescriptions at a mo ments notice, lie has a large anil well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AN CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camfliine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising msny articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. Bright' Mammoth Store. WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbuiy, May 31, 1856. Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, Philadelphia. Window Shades, Gilt Cornices, Bulf, White and Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Rollers, Curtain Pins and Brocntellcs, Satin de 1. nines, green Worsted Damasks, Ccntro Tnasels. Gimp and Loupe, Curtain Bands, Trim- Lace and Muslin tilings, Piece Curtains, Iif uslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, got up a the shortest notice. Curiums cut, made und put up by the most experienced hands. Patten's Nt.w York Sronr., 203 Chestnut St., Mclodeon Building. May a, 1850 itul air ai-U), SUNBURY, PA. riIIE subscriber respectfully informs the public JL that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 21, 1850 if. THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF rtllLADEI.PIH V ACiAIVST THE WORSD. EVANS A: WATSON, No. 2G Sou'lt Fourth St., Philadelphia. Wlm-li liuve licen miule ol tlit-nl mm li'inK-rinir mi uiultHilite.l security agmiist the U-rillic element : . . t- Pllir.AD:r.rniA. Anrit l-Jlli l-"rt Mssrs. Keuns -V Wntsoii : Unit : ll nfluiils Hie I'icliest mi inflict ion in tate In you. tlmt iu u.e I" I lie vi-ry Jimtei-live qualities ul' lw-i of the l-Mhouitii'ler SslY tvlli'-il we pun-hnscd of you some few month sm'-e, we saved a lire p.Tiinn of out Jewelry. 11-ioks, riiK-rn, Ac-., expo sed tf I lie calnmit nous iiru lii ltunstcud l'Uice, on ttieiiiuru )ng of t lie lllh iiiat! When we reflect that IIh-fr Piifeii were loi-rii-'l in (he i'Hirlli story of the luiildini; we occupied, uuil lh:it they fell Buhaeiiiieiitly into n heiip of liuriiin ruins, where the vast L-onr-enllatlou nl"ti'-:it cimsed the lira piati-n to melt, we rtmiiot hut reuiird the prest-rviiliou of I lie vnliuiMe con tests ns most c n.viueing priKU of the seeurily aUor tlel ly yiur afei. We Miall tate iimch plennure in rceonimeitding lliem to rac-a of a bum leliam-e uiiiint fire. GfcoRut; V.r"i.MoNA Itno. riin.jnFi.rDi, April 14, lf.")8, Messrs. Fvain i: WuKon I have l.i oiler you my l. s tiniouy in fnvoi of the yrtat securrv ullonhd lo tny entire sto-k of jewelry, bo .ks, papers Ae., during; the rt-eent fti-aslrous con line nil ion in liaus'cud pl-iee. Ironi the fact that tlie siiiue were contained in two of the u!itiuiiniier ladles inuiuil'iictured ly you. Ilio-inir!en from the fifth story of lite An ban Ituild iliir, wilere they were previoUkly plai-d-l anil exposed t a vusl he-at tor a long time, the preservation of the t altial-le deposits seemed to everyone wlur wiliu-SM-d lue openiui; and inteuui exauiiuuliou, u mutter ufpiulouud usluiibh inent. To all who may require u perfect prolecti-ui from the ravages of firif, 1 shull not hesitaU- ti recoiiiiia-ii: the i'f your tufes, us 1 consider tliey have now -jniii-rtroni- the luost trying test. N. 1'. Aloli&nx. rinr.ATiFi.fntA, April It, IP ill. Mews. F.vans & Walsou lieutleineii o d'-liiit you will ho deeply piutili. d tuleani the hi Kl condition Ml which 1 discovered my H,k, p,.i, y , ,f iuniruiicr, ccr I il.n.tes ol stoelt.nnd other valuable riociimrnta, when on Krulny lust J (i.ened the sule made hy your linn. Willi my knowdge f itsc'nit exposure, both to the intensity of the heat ft,,m s i hot a Hie us that which ile al roved the Arliisiu lluil'',iEl ns ulwi V Hie force ol the full from ila loriner devilled v'sitlon in llje third story. 1 coaldeuteituiu lint slender ap, prUir m its iuu rinf in specli l, tlmt Ihefiitteiita viii"h ..:1ee so highly iiri.ed would ever bo of nny service to me, r,ut as these fcaia lirs now hupjiily renioveil, 1 feel it only tle to suy to jou that 1 cuu heiicefonh recoiiiiiieiul I he use i-frour Sales to nil viii may wish to feel a f-ontvh-nce in tn perfict ae uriiy wtueb such ttieuiis proviuVs uaiuat su iiihtful aa clement. KnwASD (lAfKILL, llookbiiule. Constautly on hand Talent Puwder and Thief Prow Wneks for Hanks, Ptores, Ae. April 40, IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC, MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT rjlKK subscribers respectfully invite the public J- to call and examine their stock uf 3XTEW GOODS, embracing every variety. "Our Uootlg have been selected with the greatest care, and our assort ment cor tains the latest styles, both of foreign and domestic manufacture. We have also mude arrangement to receive good direct from Phil adelphia every few weeka, by thw means we . will bililJ U hV P aaorHneuL We return our 'haiika for the liberal patronage be stowed during the Jiast year, aud trust that by 4 rid altcnliua to business, and a desire lo plea, we will eontiuu lo receive a share of the same. K. V. li HKiHT & fcON. ' Suulury.May 31, 156. 1?TVTlrarr--SK Have liml the snrcFt ileimnitrn- ii' 'V:S k'1' 1 """ '" " '''"owing Cerlilii-nics, fc:i-U4',Sb,1t-tl "llU '"'' iiBinutaciurei.ftih.' "vir'" -' nimul rKifi'sliuinllciiirtli fully 4wi3!SlS2 ''- '' E warrauleit Hie representation -C3-KTE"W SZ GO. No. 10G Chestnut Strctt, run.ADni.riiiA. IJ ESPECTFULLY Informs the eitirens of Sunbury and the vicinity that they havo in store a full assortment erf choice and seasonable good which they are closing out at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, principally from the Oreat Auction 8ales In New Vork, and partly of our own importations, SILK & SHAWL DEPARTMENT. ' 1000 Stella Shawls, fiOO II Ik. Silk Mantillas. 2fi0 Chan tilly 4- Krenck Lace, do., licrage Shawls & Scarfs. oO.OOO yards Dress Silks, selling at 63, 76, 85 and $1 00 per yatd. MI0 Magnificent Silk Robes, black Gro De Ryens. 450 Flounced Barege Dresses, Grenadines, Chall'y Organdies, Lawns, French & English Chinf.'s. French worked Setts, Collars nnd Sleeves, Cambric Hdkfs, Rullling, Ladies & Gents Kid (loves, Lace Mt's. JIOl liNIXO COOPS, 'Ulack Bombazine's, Grenadines, Herages, Crape De Espang, Lupines 0-4, Mouselines, Ramese ('loth, ltruiellincs black and Purple Flounced Robes. Country Merchants and visitors to Fhilndcl phia, arc invited to call and examine our Stock, feeling confident tlmt with the great facilities af forded us we can offer great iiidticemens.t AG NEW cV CO 1 90 Chestnut Street, below 8th. April 30, 185G omw. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF Sl'IMNG AND SUMMER GOODS. j. r. & i. r. xzlxne, Kosppctfiilly nnnounce to their frirnils and the public in general Hint they have received at their $torc in Upp' Aupusta township, Northumber land rounty Pa., nt Klines drove. Their Bpriiiff and Summer g noils ore opened to the public a full assrotmci.t of nierchnndize &c Comistina; in part of Cloths, black and fnnry Caps'mrra, Sutinetls. Chcckp, Kentucky Jeans and oil Kinds of .Spring and Summer (Joods. A lot of ready made Cloalhing, suitable for men and bovs. "ladies Dress Goods, Shawls. Ciinghains, Buruge Dclains, Calicoes, black Silks iVc. Aeo a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Grocerins $ c.t of nil kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Queenswar, wooden Wfiro DroomsiVc AIbo a large assortment ofTtootsand Shoes suitable for men women and children. Hats and Cup, such as Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn. Silk iVc. Also an assortment of Books, Stationery, ink, Pictures and Picture frames &c. Fish, Salt, Cheese oC., and all gcods usually kepi in a country store. Come and see, Come one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors wo hope bv strict at tention to bu&incss to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of poods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Pa., May 17, 150 If A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! TOR A HI A 31 VILLOUS AliM HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. TI1F. GRAND I'X 'IT. R K A 17 R 1 M T.T) Y. Uy Iht tin. ill ii nui-roBrintir. vt ie millions of little npt'iiiiiiis on the Fiirface ot tun Ixxlics. 'I'lirotili these Dim Dnitmciit, lint roMet1 mi the tskin, in enrrirtl to itny (ir:iu or iiiworil part. lJinriiiK's of tiic Kulnryi? Oisonlers o iliv I aver, uirwtioim of tlieltmrt, Inihtimiiatuni of the Isun8, Aatlniiiis, Coutrlisaim Clilii, are tv it meins efl't'C ttmily i'u mi. I. very h iise-wi.'e Knows I lint irili pnfses lu't ly tliroiiiih lono or meat ot' any ttiickneHS. Tins liruU Ointment fur more renihly ppnetrates through any b'tneor HcrIiv pnrt of the living twxiy, curing the moit (lnniftTous inwiii it coinpluintSj that cannot be reached by o:hcr it leu ns. KUYSIPLXAS, &.LT RIir.P.M AND SCORHUTIC I'l'MORS. No renily hns ever done o inach for the cure of dl m?nseB of tlieMiiu whatever form they limy assume, ns this Ointment. No e;ie of iNilt Rtieuin, Soutvy, Sre licttfl?, iScrofuta on Krysipeln, run long wittiBtnud its in line-tier. '1'lie inventor has trnvellnl over tnmty p:irls of fl"1n, vibittin; the prinnij-nl lioipitiils, dispensing this Ointmi'iit, plving advice tts to its f plieatiou,' tind lms thus been the Hi tun a of rcstoiing countless numbers to henlili. tSUUK LEGS. SORH RRKASTS. WOUNDS AND Some of the most scientific mnrerm simw rely soley on the use of this wonderful Oiutmt-ut. when Imviutf to C"pe with the vort cases of soies, woundi. ulrerii, y Imi ilulur swelling, nnd tinntirs. Profe?s)r llollowny litis, by roimtmnd of the Allied Governments, dispntched ti the hoflpituls of the KtiKt. Inrce shipments of tins Oint ment, lo be usfd under the direetttui f the Medieul StuiT. in the word cawi of wounds. It will cure nny ulcer plumlular sweiiin. stifTnenit or contruction of the joints, even of HU yeum' standing. These und oilier winrihit diflreFfiiifr coiujitnims can he '(Tectnatlv cured if tii' Ointment be well rubbed over the putts infected nn.l by otherwise following the piinteddi icetious u round eucil pet. Jioth the Ointment and J'tfts .should he v?cd in the following Cftites : Dim-tons Ijimbngn Sore l-eifs Swelled Glands I tn 1 1 ib Mercurial Sore Itre;ipts St iff Joints Chapped Tluuds l.ruptions Sire I lewis I'icers Diilblutiis 1'iles Sire Throuts Venereid Sores Fistulas Kheuin.'itieui ires of ull Wour.dti of ull Ciout Suit Uheum kinds kinds Skin Discuses Spruins Scalds Sdd at the Munufuctorle of Irofestr IIollowav .4;nrien Lane, New 'ok, Hud 214 Strand. Isomlon, by fill renpeetable DniL'-jists and Ie.ders in Medicine through out the t'lihed Sun esf nnd the civilized world, in Ikuecs, ot -,.' cents. G'JA t'cuts, uutl l eiich. t" There is a coinsideruble saving by taking tbe kirger six- i. N. II Directions for the puidaiice of patients in even dis'irdur are iillixed lo each box. Mil icli ibW. J yea JAMES F. CALBREATH'S . l.Ainrs FAScy SHOE STOKE, No. 5'J North Li'llh Street, Abort Arch, i.7 aide, PHILADELPHIA, I.mlies frnm tlif country, can hare shops mnJe to orJi-r in 'the very lest style nnd workmanship on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to si lect from, always on hand. May 10, 1S.)G. ly DENTISTRY. yt 'f J 4 K.NorXCES to tho riiizens of funliury, IVoi thuinlierliind and vicinity, that ho has upt'iip.1 an ndice in Sunbury, one door west of t'.is Post tlilicp, whera he is prepared to attend to all Kinds of work belonging to the profession, in I ho latest and most improved stvle. All work well done and warranted. Also continues Gum Work, which is very dnrulle and neat. April 12, 1850. tf VALUABLE PROPERTY F0H SALE. rjjIIE subscribers, Executors of the sitalo of II Henry Masscr, dee'd., Bfl'i r nt private sale the following properly viz : A large two story fiamo dwelling house, together wilU about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining ibiius oi uamei Kaufman and others now in the "v-upancy of John H. Kuulniaii as a store aud dwewn)?, 'i')e i,ouge llew BnJ t(le oca,ion a good on. for business. Also a 'T(ACT OP LIMRnTOM? LND m said townst, on tlie river Uut fi low Sunhu.y.adjUnir,, Uagof J. T. M'Pherson and others, contaiu,e, auout 90 ac, -y oil is productive ana contain limcstj... Br j other minerals. Also a tract of Land, comuling al,0ut acres on the hill, about two miles beiuw fe'unbury, adjoining lands of tho heirs of the lttte John Conrad nnd others. There is, on this rct, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to tha subscribers. - II. B. MASSFB,- V. V. MASSEIl, Executors. KKANC1S UI.ClIEn. j j Sunbury, January 19, 185U tf . OILVER WATCHES, A few double east k-5 English bilve Wptohva, for sule at verjs lew prioei by U MAbSt'K. Suubury, April 12, 1856. KEMOVAL. CHARLES MAGARGE k CO. HAVliNO REMOVED FHOM 0.63 COMMKRCKST. TO Till South-West ror. of Sixth and Carpenter St$. PHILADELPHIA, rEQ to call the Attention of Purchasers to - their extcn sive assortment of Paper, and roper Makers' Materials j Printing Papers for Hook nnd News. , V alcr leaf,, uncallen- dcred anil callendered, of nil qualities and pricet, niways on hnml i Itnrdwnre and Manilla. Papers, Trunk Boards, Binders' Boards, Hanging Papers &c, ej-c. , Particular attention Is Invited to their exten sive assortment nf -- LEDGEIt J'APERS, From the most Cchhrnted Manufactories in the Country. Among thoir WRITIN(J PAPER STOCK moJ ke found Com. Note, ' ' Folio Post Atlnntir. Note, . '1'hin Medium, Bnth Post, Demy, . ljuarto Post,' Medium, Fool's Cap, Royal, Flat Cup, Sup. Royal, . Imperial. Plate Papers, of every description, sie nnd quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Papers, while, bulT, and gold, eitlier laid or wove. Colored Papers, fine gln-zcd, and other varieties. Manufacturers nro invited to examine their stock of Rags, Foreign nnd Domestic. Bleach ing Powders, of approved brands: Alum, ground or crude; iSul Soda, Soda Ash Fellings, Wire Cloths, Ultramarine, and Paper MakcrB Mate rials generally. tV They nro also prepared to take orders of odd sizps and weights of nny of the nbove descrip tion of Papers. JniHiary 2(1, lfi.lfi frmo ' DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore exsistinrr be tween the undersigned, under tho firm of Wpifipr A' ltrnnpr. is dissolved hv unit mil con sent, this tho 14th tiny of May 1850. Alf persons having unsettled accounts with us will plcasu cull aud scltlo tho snma without delay. GEO. 15. AVEISEU, AVM. A. D RUNE It, Sunbury, May 17, 18;G. Tlianl;ftil for the liberal patronnjre hereto fore extended I would respectfully solicit a contiuutmce of tho snnm, nt tho store, next door to E. Y. Uright's, Market, t. whore a fresh supply of Drugs Ac. can always lie found WM.A. DKUNEli. Sunbury, May 17, 185G. STJNBITRY ACADEMY. rilHE Sunbury Academy will open its Sum mpr Session on Moniav Ihe Sth dnv of May, 185(i, under Mr. ISAAC HUFF, as Prin cipal. 'J'crm per uarter are Lower English Branches f 4 00 Higher do do & 00 Latin, ftc. f 00 Persons desiring to send Scholars will please apply to one of tho Trustees fur a note of ad mission into the School. All patrons will be considered obligated lor one quarter unless spe cial arrangement be made. It is earnestly hoped that tho citizens of Sun bury, will liberally patronize the School, and thereby wipe a stain from the cscutchcn of our Borough. I. XV. TEiNKK, XV. MON TGOMERY;. PETER HORN, W. I. GREENorOH, BEXJ. HENDRICKS, CHAS. PLEISANTS, 8. R. PEALE. May 3, 1 856. If JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, XIM'FICTI'IK Or WIRE, SILK & HAIR-CLOTII SIEVES, Coarse, medium and fine in mesh ; large, middle size and small in diameter. Metallic f li Uts in- UoV ii lTli o, Of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive, nnd frsm one to six feet in width. They arc numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, nnd cut tc suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hsnd SCREENS, For Coal, Sand, Ore, Lime, Orain, Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sugar, Suit, Bone, Colfee. Spice, Drugs, Dye-Stulls, &c. Together with an as sortment of bright and annealed Iron Wire. All of the ubovc sold wholesale or retail, by . J. A. NEEDLES, 84 North Front St., Philadelphia. May 31, 1K50. Nurserymen, Fruit Growers and Farmers NEW YORK IIORTIGI LTI RAL HKV1F.W : A Journal of Suburban Art. Superbly and Profusely Illustrated. D ratal to Uie Adiancemeut of the Jlurul lnUreMs in America. This is one of the hrprst and most ehb irutu works o tit; kind in tht wild. liuiul An liilivlure f irms on of tire principul features. Ijn h nuuiiiir ciilMius I'rinn two lo four ensniviniis of iiimiel coinings luu ik'siain l.y ciuiiiciit ui.d skriniil ur I'lllU'cIs Sjsico is ulso umii;iiid to lire tnsinul urt of l.undS"Ue Uurdrninit j rnyruviii pluirs c.f )i:ir.l,-ii irnvirv stylr, und uif:itl in tire ptH'ulmrities u( diiltrcnt urclcis ol iirthrlfflnri', lieautify lire work. Kngrayin!s of m irrriu, rrcw ti vegetables, &f.,nre illuHlnrted mid deKTrlHt us ! llieir res)e.:trvu -II..H.UCB tdii iju ucreruiirieo, roriiiiiiff uie most complete und eletfunt Minieul of Itnral lluslmrrdry ever attellrpled. An exiierii.ii.' ...i.a .r....i I i.. , ' I.-. ,....ti.iM tviueis, ncrru 111 liumlier, ure en-cd to till Its foliinuis It contains seemly laige fvifrt, mid is -irirded on the linesi peall-sniliK'nl imper, liiaiinlaelureilr xpresnly. I'tRjis -Si per niniuiii, payalile invari-ihly in'mlvanee. I'lltyeeiits eoinmissi,.!! oil eai'll Slrlwei ilier nil' 'Wi ll lo Uriise who net na nireiiia. SI.Ikio will te ilisirihnled at the ...... ... ...v jt.u iiiir ne se vtit.i senil us I he t went V 101'fltv.t ;Ms i if siiliserilR-rs. J'he.e premiuiiis will be naid'rrl cash- I ie hr.l in ...ill l.u C-. it 1 ... iuu scieeieu ironi iiuirirreils ot similar iiolirea, viilnntary coiitriUrleil l.y coiileimuiiuiientis nubh ealliiiis: 1 . .... ...... m uii Him i.irv n-w ui Kerves rue innsi nneral n. trunaiie. llis n it only eminently praelieal, lint is writltll III null. Ilint .xiiiiiIk ll.u l...ul .ir...i ..r .1... I I'l... II. ...i n....: .. . ' "n. " oie Kite A. J. Dowinir. K.Mi-Ktmii't'KKK. E .i'f.aiii nun iiai-iiu ikhik VI I TIM fe.l lliul JurS ever ciiliie uiidei our ol.servati.iii. liin.lsi -R. ii. i.mki.-i, trie r.uiuir oi uie llorlieullurul lleview, is iuu. iiiui pomuii'Kisi, unn one oi I lie linesl si'iiolars our country ln.:i!sof. lie possetsis Ihe alowing denenplive .i.n.n.. iii,T t-ii aii, ,.imip oi aipiie. corri hiued wrllr a thoroujjli knowledge of rurul url.SiiT l'oMtS 1'mnrxK t arniers buy ll lor your s ais buy it for vour iluuejiters II is a neh lulelleeliial treat; a rare eoiiibiiiation of Uie lie.mtnul und the ux-rirl AKols, N. V. e uau rnouiilil mill ill Downing' death, the eloournt silvoeate of rural iidoiiiineul'laid Ineome only a elifllsRer' reiiii.inliiiiiK.i. . I. ii. ... M. i, i . "ii'ii. m--ifcirs wo uistorei tin eipnriiy '"v"'" woaiin, linn iieniKens me luiiuenee ot the spirit that is gone Musiiuu Tumi'ic. AiHerlisers will find this nn unaurpacned medium of I" i ie iioiueiiuiirul Id i'iew iri lll ites eaten. sivelvjin every Suite in the I'uiou. AdicrliwioeuU in serted ut the nit of III n..r lu..r WOOD ENQHAVIKG. . ... ,. iiuump u,, i-aigniviug, enti nave men oruers uo.u in uii uiirivHiien muniier. &peeial utlentioii is given lo views of ANIMALS: an exprlirncril Kintlish Urnughtsmair is engaged for this express purpose. "Per sons lieinir lit ilio . r..... I .. .1 ' .. . 1 11 mini inu:iiuiianeiii mp ol.tect hy mail they wish enuraved, Yvln. h will lie n sulhoieut guide to oliluiu u perlnet fue inline. Slock llrei'itera U'ill Iih iImhII ...;.Ii ....... 111......1 . 1 ----- - .vij oui-iu, 1CIIIIS. I ehruary 16, 1&I. tiuio white house hotel. POTTSV1I.I.K. PA THE subscriber respectfully announces to his filil fri.xola a.t.l iYia . 1. . . I I . 1 ......... ... ...I. puone, mat lie una isken that old and Well known establishment, the White' Horse Hotel. anv other Hotel 1 ". 1 '"V" comfortable as the .table.. large. Wul couuty-wh.lo tend bv careful, attentive7.00"1 '-. d at- To itavellers and otl,eri'J!", . , house, ho piouiise, osir, atteSJ" ""P render thetu coBilWluble and sttiil."lcuU'UJ fa , April 6, 185.- tf GER.I "AID AND COMFORTk" To Your Mvn Jlcchanic. . Wilkinson cRenn, Respectfully announce that they nave taken the stand lately occupied by George Renn, where they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subscriliors respectfully call the attcntioi of tho public to their large and splendid as sortment of every quality snd price ef CAItlNET-WAKE hich cannot fail to reiommend itself tnevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city? No effort is spared in the mnnufneture of their ware, and the subscribers nre determined to keep up with the mnny improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany, IHvniiM and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sidehtards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINIXG TABLR and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern, and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TAULKS, In short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities ciiAins, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such ns Maiiooaut, Black Waisct Ann Cfot.Kn Maths Giikcias ; aii Wtsnsnn CHAIRS, ami fancy PiAto Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscrilH-rs are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as c-ery confidence can be entertained about, the quality and finish of their ware and Chnirs. Their articles will be disposed of on ns good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere, (joun try Produce taken in pavment for work. CT UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves with a handsome IIkaiisk, they are now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at nny convenient dis tance from this place. TheWnro Room is in Fawn Street, he ow Weaver's Hotel. WILKINSON & RENN. Sunbury, Mnrch 8, 1850. tf. 1855 Special Express Notice. 185Q HOWARD & CO'S EXrilESS. HAVING obtatt ed full express privileges over tho CATAWISSA. SUNBURY AND ERIE and WILLIAMSPORT & ELM1RA RAILROADS, we arc now prepared to forward nil descriptions of Express Goods by Passenger Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Elinira, connecting at Kluiira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All goods for Tamaqtia, Summit, Cattawipsa, Dunville, Milton, Williamsport, Elinira, and also to Northumberland nnd iSunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia Office, 93 Chcsnut Street. Office Elinira at United States Express Office. April 13, 18S6 ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Barg-ains. ITT5KING desirous of disposing Of my entire ij3 stock cf Hooks und Stationery, comprising some SO.llOO oluinesof Law, Medieul, Reli gious Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Bosks. Also, IUU Remus of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, ice. I will dispose of the w hole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, 185G. at 1 o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. McCARTY. Per JDS. 11. McCARTY. Sunbury, March 15, 1856. tf New "Wholesalo Drug Store. 3KT. SPENCER THOMAS. No. 20 South, riecond Street, Philadelphia. BMEORTKR, Monufacturer nnd Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stull's, Taints, Oils, Colors, While Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Gl.sswares, Vnrnislur, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other nr ticles usuully kept by Druggists, including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, 1'otnsli, &e., !fC. All orders hy mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock beforo purcliasing elsewhere. to any of the Whan-esor Railroad stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 8, 1856 ly JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. 94 Korth Second Street, fust door above Chris! Church, Philadelphia. ffJERsONS in wunt of Bureaus, Tables, .Sofas, Chairs, Uedsteuds, and every varietv of houschuld furniture, would do well to call, as those urtieles arc made up in tho best styles and old at the lowest prices. April 12, 1858. ly EARTHENWARE- THE subscriber respectfully in'nrms the citi zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture uf all kind-s ef E A ItTII EN W AltE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. Ho has etigacred the services of Mr. lUiir. and you can therefore depend on limine; a good article. The pub.ic aro respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. r. M. SHIN DEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1856. tf Dissolution of Partnership. TV"OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Sani'l A Befg stresser & Jno. Holf, in the Mercantile busidess at 7lysburf, has been dissolved by mutual con sent. BAM 'L A. DERGSTRESSER ) JOHN Ill'FF, I The accounts of the late firm will be settled by H. A. Bergstrcsser w ho will continue the bu siness ut the uU stand. S. A. Hi iiusruissKR. riysburg, April 12, 1850 IIAM, Shoulders, Ch so, Mnckun!, I r issli Salmon and Salt for Mile by May 31 '58. E. Y. li HIGH 1' & SON. J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetings Masonic Hall, Chestnut St.,belom Firhtli, w OULD respectfully invite you to call and examine llieir lurge and well selected stock of Carjiets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Scc., which they will sell to the trade at such prices as will make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. , Philadelphia, April 12, 1856. ly I Irlsill.l.liiCII, muslins, checks, ticking, table diapojr, furniture cheek and Turkish counter panes fur ale by May 8156 . . E. V. BBIQUT SON "EDARWARE, Hollow-ware, Class-warp, and a large stock of Cjueenswara, auibraoiiig tha newest patterns, for sale bv May 61 'b9, E. 1 B RIGHT it SON. PROFK8SOR of Anstnmy and Surgery In ths rhrl nili'lplns Collefrs of Merllcino, snd Aciing Pmlssor trf Midwifery I one of the Cnlisuitiui Plivsicaiis of the Phil- ndelphin Hospiinl, lilorkley ; site member of the Ntitioiinl Merlienl Association rnemheT of the Vhiladelphin Meili cnl SkH'iety member of tlie Medieo-Oiirursrenl College nf Philadelphia ; formerly Presiilent and Professor nf nstoiny sun Surgery in Uastlrton Medical College, Ver mont; and also, htto Prnfessir of Anntomy mid Phrsiol. ngy in Berkshir. Medical Institution, l'ltlsReld, Mass., Ac , Ae., Ac. Has lately introduced in s popular form several nf his favorite prescriptions for the principal disease of this climate. The name of each article will imply the disease for which it is intruded to he used. DHMeCUNTOOK'S l'K.OTOUAI. SYRt'P. friretM DR. MrCl,lNTOi;K'H CO Ml AND COtiGlf MIX Ti: R IS For Cnhls. Cimrrhs, A c. Priee 98 ets. Dlt. MeCl.lMOCK 8 ASTHMA AND HOOPING CpUOH HKMKDV. Price Ml ets. Dr. McCI.INTOCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE SYRUP For Purifying the Hlnnd. Price el. DR. MeCLINTUCK 8 DYSPKPTIC KMXIit-Fnr Rving tone to thetoinoelr relieving pnins ofter entinrr, arttmni, and all disagreeable symptoms arising fioru inrliffestiiin Prlerfil. DR. McCMNTOCK'S RHEt'ivtATICMIXTURF A Purely Vegettihle Remedy for internal use. lrieeWlcls. DR. McCMNTOOK'S RIIF.DMATIC IJMMHNT- For itheuinatism, Spruits, Swellings, Ac , Ac. Price DR. McCMNTOCK'S ANODYNK MIXTURE Fin Psias, Tnotlmche, Headsclto, Neurnlsia, Ac. Ac. Picr SO eenta. ' DR. MeCMNTOCK'Pl FKVF.Il AND AftrE PK- ClrlC A certain cure for all Intermittents. Price Stl DR. MeCI.lNTOt'lt'!? 1)1 ARKIHKA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PREVENT VE A safe remei v. Dlt. MeCLINTOCK'8 VEGETAULK Pl'ROATlVE PILLS. rnl Cosfiveness. lferylnehe. Ac. Price ij.'icts. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANTinil.KMjS PILLS For Irregularity in Ihe Functions nf the Liver nnd Dowels the hest Liver Pill made. Price 25 ct. a 1mx For wle hy Dr. J. McCLINTOCK, st hrs Meilicnl De pot, N V comer ninth nnd Fillert sis , Philrnlitlnhin. and nt nil Driia-ffists nnd Dealers in Medicines. All Drufrcisls snd Dealers in Medicines Yvho wish to lis agents will please ndddresa Dr. McClintnck, riiruishiiig reference. nnnrr nf Post.SsfTiee, counlv nnd state. fsr" For Sale liy Weiser limner, Rnnhnry nnd Shn. mokin; Win. We'irner, Nnrthumlierland ; C. Hrown, Mil ton ; K. P. Lutz, Illooinsliurg ; Jneob Harris. Iltiekhorn i John Vanlecio, Light Slroet ; 1 Sharplcss A Sou, Cntn wis. Februnry 9, tP50. 6m. BURTON & FENT0N, S. W. corner Sixth and Arch streets, PHILADELPHIA. rHEAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full nnd JL choice assortment of blnck nnd green Teas of all grades, from the extremely low price of au cts 35 40 50 OU 70 U 75 cts. per lb., warranted to be superior to nnv to be hud else where at tie snme prices. We know nnd confi dently recommend them to be 20 per ct cheap er than any for sale in the cily. Wo hnve also n very superior assortment of Codec, Old Gov't, Java, Lnguayra, Mnracaribo, Rio and Cnpi Hay tien Coifeo. New No. 1 Mackerel nnd Shad in J and J bbl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine Apple, Sop on go, New ork Crenm Cheese nf ways on hand. S.iap brown and white j also H. L. Kendell & Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of which will go as fur as 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Starch of dint-rent qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an choveys, tVc, with a full assortment of Fancy Goods, to which we invito the a tention of the public to call and examine our extensive assort merit ol Fine Groceries for scle bv BURTON & FL'NTOX, Wholesale nnd Retuil Family Grocers and lea Dealers, 8. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. N. B. Goods delivered to all partt of the cily tree ol charge. Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. opl fty Trusses I Trusses!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment, o. II. Cor. of J tvcljth and Alice Strvcls, Philadelphia- U MPORTER of fine French Trusses, eonibi H. ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, nnd stating side nlVcctcd. Cost of Single Truss, $2, S3, f4, S3. Double 55, f6, $8 and 510. Instructions ns to wear. nnd how to effect a cure, when possible sent with the Iruss. Also for sale, in great variety Dr. Banning' Improved Putin. Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri j Spinal Props ana Supports, I ntent Shoulder llraces, Che: Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs ; Knclish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes mnln and torn uie. lir" Lai-linn' Rooms, with Lnsly attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855. ly P 8. NEW MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS WAN'TKl) in eveiy town sunt ensnty in Die iiucu -7iuica, .o .en mic uciiuiii ill ii-iiue oi file GRAND LODGE ROOM. Iii tlie New Masonic Hall, I'hilmtflitlna. Tliitt Plnte ii vlliiitz very iiuiiilly, and elicit h the Hiltiiirutiiu. ol" all, ft tlie ciirriM'tuoM mid fidelity wiili wIih'Ii Jhe Statu a h y I'liKrtCO 1'aiutinoi ani Kurnitukk are repreamU'if. mid the artiue lieaulv and hiirii.miy of the coluri. Smzc of l'lure, W X as. Price J (H. ItiHikxf lleis nnd picture Uealeri witihinjr to tnke neen ciei fur it, will please uUtircss, fur fuither inl'rrin;iiiiu. ls.N. KOSKNTIIAl., LitUngruplier. Philadelnhiu. Ot flwr 37, tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. TIin IsAROKST PIANO FOHTK. An'LmF.C AND MUSIC STU1IK IN THK L'NITKt) STATIC, Will he opeiietl Octuber iAih 155, in the Masoxic IlriLiiiXfi. Cltemuit StrcH, Seventh, Piiliidcldiiu. IJyJOU.N MAHS1I, the Sle Aiient fur jlimidiiiiiii, nrny &. Co.' celehruli-il Dolce Caiiipanu AUnclimnit I'iami l-'ortcs, nn4 C W. Fk A C'' Premium Mrlo duons. Aliot Piuiui FoitrBDiat .Ufl hleoni of other dia tinuifliiMl nuiken. J. M. Iuu oliininfd u Itusa for icvtral ye;iiB in the hew, iiiupnificent nnd well Known M;tnie Huildinp. wb -re he inienilii kni-pine the larifi-rt utork nnd HK't'iitMieut of Piuno Forltjs, Mt-liMlrung, Music, nud Mu ical Instnnnculs f eveiy desrriptiuu, all of vliich are carefully elected hy himself, und warranted lu giy per feet Kitiraction in every inUuice. October tf7tli, IS5J. If COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STOHE, No. 21 North Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. OUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own (roods, paying but littls rent, and living economically, it is idnin I lean undersell those who purchase their (ioods Here, pay lngli rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a huge assortment of Pen nnd Rocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slug, bull'alo.bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, &c, Uutcher Knives, Dirks, A'owie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Sec. Also a large assortment of Accordeons, cVe. Also fine English Twist and (ierimin (iuns. JOHN M. CULEMA., . Oct. 50, 18155 ly. Importer. ELI1TE3 A1TD SHADES. CP" AT REDUCED PRICES. B. J" . WILLIAMS, No. 12 Nortlijfcixth St., Philadelphia, Orijjinatorof all new styles of VENETIAN BI.INDd, (told Bordered aud Puinled Shades, ol beautiful designs. Bull', and all olher colors of Holland, used for Shades, Fixtures, Trimmings, cue., ec. , STORE SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER B. J. W. thankful for past patronage, respect fully solicits the citizens of Northumberland Uuuuty to call and eiamino his large assortment ueiore purchasing elsewhere. VVE STUDY TO Pi EASE. April 5, 1856 5m TIIOMA8 PALMER, COMMISSION II UHCII AM', No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where the following goods are received and old on commission : Dried Apples, i'eaches, Plums, Peart, Cher jioi, (jc.tireen Applss in Barrels or by the bushel Beans, . Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, l'eas, Shell'.-arks, Raisins, Cranberries, Chestnuts, Figs,, Ground Nuts, l'ruues, Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, Grapes, ' PouUry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. , And all kinds of Foreign and Donicaiig Pre- ,, April ia. t856v7y- " i" ' Fairljanks' Platfoirrf 'arlrl- Counter gcalesfer alby 1 E. Y. BCUiHT & sy.. J May SI, 1868. . 7 .. . j ' HAYD0CK & FIDLE It, "TJEALERS In Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of i James B. Fidlor, No. 2 South' Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their targe and tatleil stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for nrocuriiiK goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They , have now on hand a line assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery,' Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. N. B. Repairing of Wnlches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest enre. Phila., April 7, 1RS5. If. ' TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUEBN & WEITZEL J ESPFCTFU M.Y inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called tho Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, nnd of a variety of sizes prepa red on their now coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the firm, cither at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. Photography ! Pagtierreotypes ! I . A NEW ERA IN ART I r J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to McClecs C'crion,) "lyOULD call the altenion of the public, not ' only lo the superiority of the Dnguerreo tvpes, the Hyalograph, (by some called Ambro type,) and tho various styles of Photography on paper ; but to the fact, that parties nt a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. 1G0 Cihestnut St., have made from it by the means of Photography, nnd the talents of the best Artists, a portrait ot ant size, from a smnll Locket to the full size of life. A small bonk containing description, prices, Sic, Sec, will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut st., below 7 ill Phila., July 81, 1855. tf. TILE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY 11EMEDIES, IPSUICD undci thePenl. ftmclloii nnd Authority ef Ihe University ol' l'HKI-: MUUICINK nnd poplnr knnw leilse, ClmitBrt-d by the Slnle i-f Pr-iiiisvlvtlnin, April ill, If.W, with n Cupitnl of S 1 INl.lMHJ, mniiily for the purpose nf urresliiig the eviis of Spui ious mill wortlilt-ss Siostriinis; Also for supplying the Community with reliiible Iti-ine-dit-s whert-.-er n Competent Pliysieiiin esunot oi will not lis employerl. This Institutnni Iuu purchased-from Dr Joh.n It. IlowAxn, his Celebrated ElowamTS Tonic Mlvluro, Known for upwards of twenty-five venrs ns tlie only sure nnd suferure for FKVKIt mid AOUK, ftr.. snd his ims tmvible Kirm-dyfnr UtlWIll.CO.MI'I.AIN TS, llownml's Ciiiiipnltnd Syiiip of Jlhir-kherry Knot, which highly np proved mid pupulnr lleincdies. topelher with The Univei'niiy's llenu-dy for t'niiipluitils of Ihe Lungs; The University's rtemedy for Dyspi-pi-iii or liiiliestion The luiveisily'S Itenieily for Costive-Huwt-ls; Also, the University's Aiinmme may lie he hud, at the Brunch Dispensary, o'r tore nf YILLI.M DUI'PIN', Nnv. 3, li.",. .Miilmuoy P. O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. OeKY Sl ERETY, invite the attention of UL merchants and others lo their Inrrre stock of elegantly bound lliblcs, Hymn Boohs, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentation Books in all styles of binding ; Standard Theoloeieai, Medical. Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Also direct from tho manufacturers nnd Im porters, even- kind ol" Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Nolo Papers. Envelopes, fiold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, ike, &lc, at the lowest cush prices. PERRY ERETY. . 8. V. Corner, 4th and Race Sts. Philadelphia. September 82, 1855 tf Of TIIK UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner 'Ihird and Chestnut Sts., l'UII.Ai:i.l'HIA. CAPITAL, S. i.-.0,O0O. MONKV is reealved nil deposit dnily. The nmnunl dcjiiisited iseiilen-d inn Deposit 11 ink und given to tlie Depositor, or, if preferred, n eerlitienie will lie eiveu. A II sums, lnrpe nml sinnll, ure ret-eived, und the uiiiuuut pun! tmrk on lU-iiiand. without notice. Inli-KSi is paid ul the rate nf tkb rtsr., emit ineneiug Ironi the day ol deposit, nnd censing fourteen ...,.o iivvn'ii9 in nn, wiilliiniwill in no- lilolu-v till Ihe first day of Junuurv. in each vinr. llo each deposit is paid to IhedriHiSllor. or milled In Ihe nrinei. - ii me in.i nny oi jiniuury, in eneii yi-ur, the interest of leh deposit IS isilil to thedeiHisilnr. or mldr ll,.,i,ii,,.i. Hil. os he may prefer. The. Company have now upwards of 3,30(1 depositors lathe Cily i, f l'hiladelphin alone Anviiil.ini, mill ini'oruiutioii will be liven by addressing IheTntAiuHEB. DIKlXTOItS. Stephen It. Crawford. Pres'r, William M. flodwin, Istwreiu-e Johusnn, Vieel'res't, Paul U rioddsul, Ambrose V. Th.iinisoii, (ieori-c Melleury, Heiijaiiiin V. Tmgley, Juines Dt-veieuz, Jucnb 1,. Florauee, (iuttnvus Knvlish. Secretary anil Treasurer, PI.IMY FIIf. Teu.kk and iNTEiirnETEs, J. C. OKULSClll.AUUIt. Philadelphia, Kept 8, lfc55 tyl. TO 4 STORE ROOM on Market Square in Hun bury, and two rooms adjoining. CHARLLS PLEASANTS. Jiiuiinry CO, 1 R5B. tf Fashionable Hats and Caps. ' ASHBY & E0CAP, No. 13C Marl-el St., PHILADELPHIA. NFORM their friends and the public generully. that they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Sec, got up of the best material snd in the lates) and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine belore purchasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, 1H55. tf. $50 EEWAED. riHE subscribers oiler a reward of fifty dollar for ihe discovery aud conviction of the per son or persons, who cut and destroyed lite bunds on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokin and Mt. t'arnicl, on Ihe night of the 9th itist. The above reward will be paid to any one giv wig informs1 ion that will lead to the convictior. of Ihe oll'cnders. CLEAVER, FAGELY & Co. Shamokin Oct. 27. 1855. if. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jf'rames, rig-vi new. i .uaii i.isirinuents separate nnd in cases, Theimontcters of various sizes, Spy Glasses of every description, Plalina points for Lightning Rods, Magic Lantern with scriptural, astronomical and designs, Microscopes and Microscopic objects, Galvanic Butteries, Electrical Machiucs, Surveyor' Com passes, Surveying Chains &c. &c. McAllister & brother. (Ebtuhlixhed in 1790.) 194 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages) wilh 150 illustrations furnished on application, and sent by il&I' 'eee of cburge. ' Phila. Sept. 8, le'ci. COLLINS & M'CLEESTEE'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, No. 1 Lodye Alley, back of new Mastnic Hull, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 18. 185g.-A- HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujffic opposite the Court House, , . Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt arltiitioa to basiiieaa in act iuitting ' Counllea. - , ' ioc:ToitYornsi;i.F! ' rim l'Qeiai'j jescula twst os, evert on ma IWN rilYOtCIAN. 'TIIE"' FTFTrETH Edi- .- tiort, with One Hundred Engraving, showiifg Dis eases and Malfurmatiena U the Human System in every shape and form. To which; is added a Treptise on th Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance married people or'tkose contemplating marriage, Hy Or Wiu. lonuar. t.rt no fniher 1 asbnmrrl to present I enpy of the jj;sj CI I.APIl titnhisdiilil. It mny sava him from dm enrly (rrnve. It nn ynuii(! mnn or woinnn enter Inliulic -er ohlnrntinns if innrru-n life without renrlinir tli l.rir-i 1.-1. LJHiClj. APHIS. I,et no one niflerinsr from hn.-kni'ml Cimsh, I'nin in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelinss, Bliil tlie whole train nf Dyspeptic sensations,. mid giveii up hy their phvsieinii, he nnnther innment witlinnt cmi. snltiiif the A:nctM.AI'll-8 Hnve tha mnn led, or those nlmut to I nmrrlMt any iinpedimrnt. rend thistrislv useful lNik, ns it has lieen Ihe menns nf saving thiiiisnnds of un. ftirtnimle ereniures from Ihe verv jnws uf drnlh IT" Any person sending TWKNTY-FIVK CENT enelnsed in a letter will receive, one copy of this book hv mnil,nr lire eoniei will be flit for one dollni A.Mirs. Pa. W YOUNo, No. 15i Sl'RUCK 8t V mil' I'hilailelplun, Beptenilicr 8, 1835 ly Shamokin White Ash Anthraoita Coal. From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Cofcfry T H. ZIMMERMAN ft JNO. P. PUKsEL, euccessors to Kase, Reed & Co., will eon tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from tlio above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & Purscl. The point of shipment is nt the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber. land county, Pa., where all orders for the varkiurf kinds of coal, viz : Lump, Broken, Egg, fctovr, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, , , SritiivnT, JctT 5, 185. The firm of Kase, Reed & Co. havinrr ..,1.1 their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman & Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal of tho best quality, KASE. RKED & CO. United States Hotel, Chesnut Street, abort Fourth. PHILADELPHIA- C J- MacLEI.LAN, (late of Jones' Hotel,) e has the pleasure to inform his friends and the traveling community, that he has leased thi House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment arc too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order: Ihe rooms are Inn o.i ,u ventilated. The Tnbles will always )0 supplied will, the best; and the proprietor pledges himself that no elfnrt on his pnrt shnll be wanting to mnkc Ihe l"nitd Stales equal in comforts lo any Hotel in tlw tjimker City. Phila., July 8, 1S54 uel'sTTetiieksox, UKALER IN LAMPS, LA.XTFIIXS, CIlAXDLl.lEItS AND CASDELJUIAS, No. K'.2 ,S 2d Street, above Spruce PHILADELPHIA, HAVING enlarged and improued his siore, Htii! liMvinrr nn. ..f il. I . . of Lamps in i'hiludelphia, is now prepared to 1 furnish Pine Oil. Camnhene. linn, in.. vi..;.i - " niiBi si assorimenis Lard mid Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of nil Glass Lninps by the package, at a smnll advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Denier of ine Oil, Burning Fluid ni.d Alcohol, which will 'be furnished lo iVerchuts at such prices that tliev will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest murket prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. CI1F.A1' WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE io i. ionn necnna birrct, (opposite th Mount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. rfJ OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, .'SS8;Siler Lever do,, do., 12; W. ver Lepine, do., $9 : Quarlier. $5 to $7 : liold Spectacles. .i4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., 1 SO ; Silver Tublo Spoons per sett, 14 r $18; Silver Desert do., do.,9 to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., 1 75 lo $7 50 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. . $ I ; together wilh a varielv of finn Ool.l vniiu , urn , i.uarU aud 1' ob Cha lis. All Bonds ...I ... i. . Ku"" warranted to be aa renresenled. Wm.1,. .,,,1 Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, &c, made to (jdert N B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended lo. Phila., Sept. 23, 1855. lyw. . BOYD, ROSSER & CO., MM EI1S AND Slllri-EKS OP Ucb 3sl) ntljvacitc oa. From the Luke Tidier Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penua. Address Boyd, Rosser & Co., Sunbury, IV n. m. mn n. j. hosskr. jas. norn. t. honsiu. Sunbury, April 7, 1S55 tf. "ARDWARE.-Tal. Cutlery, Kazors, Poc' Ai ct Knives, Hand saws' Wood saws in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinges, Hand Bells, Waiters, Ar., just received and for "I I I. W. TEN EU Si CO. Sunbury Dee. 9, 1854. DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN DEEJST, JR., Market Street, JJaiuille, J'a, U'IS ia one of the largest and most rommn--- dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania, it has been recently fitted up. in excellent .Ivle, with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22, 1855. THACHER Ss WODDROP WHOLESALE ' BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE, No. 10 1 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third Sc. Fourth Sis., upper side , near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bag and Valices of all descriptions CH A KLES F.THACHEK. ROBERT s. WODDROP. i'hilndelphia, Jan. 18, 1S56. tf IT-ALL PAPER. A large and splemua assortment of Wall Paper, Window '. pcr, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale I- W. TENEK & Co, Sunbury, May 26, 1855 J AND WARRANTS. The highest price -wiil h given for Land Warrants bv the mib. ribei If. 11 MASsKlJ TNK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink for sale, wholasale and retail hy December IH.'iO. H. B MASSER. OOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gum Shoe, just received and for sale by Oct. 1 1851. TEN ER 4 Co CORNYN ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY. PA, Aided by some eight year experience in the practice ol the Law, will attend with fidelity In all mailer appertaining toorwitHn the lino of his profession. Ollic wiib. Cbarle J. bruner. Ls., Murket street. Sunbury, 8pt. is, 1855, tf flLDAU I UBS. Horse Bucket. Painted Buck .o", i ",lfnur". Coru Brooms, Bus-. Itets, Cb.ld.en . Wagou. Yuke t WU Ukt ircejvud ivnd for sal by May Sti, HKjsv - ' 4 t