Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 19, 1856, Image 3

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    laborers Wanted." -
, NUMBER of food T.tborer re wanted on
Section 42 of the Northern Central Kail
Koad, bf lov Trevorton bridge. Oodd Wages paid
and the but kind of accommodation given. . Ap-
lily. to WiM. GAL'ULLK, on tlin work, or to
July , 18S6.
Sunbury, P.
To itlcrchanls and Oilier.
f IHE euhocribcr intending to go West and
JL into other would like to dispose of
his atore fixtures such as Showcase, Stove, Ac,
Ac, any all or none of the Stock as desired by
the purchase. The location is one of the best in
our vicinity to own, and tlio room Is commodious
and pleasant. This a ft splendid chauce lor
nnv one wishing to enter orcnijagain Ituainess;
terms reasonable and Rent low. J'ossrssion
ijivon within a month or immediate!; if desired.
I'leuse addres3 in person or bv mail.
July fi, 1850. Sunbury, Pa.
NOTICE is ltpreby piven that I linve re
ceiveil the l'ntnphlut Laws for 18")G, nnd that
thuy urn ready for (liatribu'.ion to llioso legal
ly t'lilillod to receive tho snmp.
JAM FS BEARD, Vrotiry.
Prothonotury'H OUIpb.
Kunljury, July 12. 18jG. j
ONE hundred Acres of Land in Upper Augusta
Township, Northumberland county, about
wo miles from Sunbury. Apply to
July 5, 1850 4t Sunbury, Pa.
aTsJX. I,. lilCUKY & X
liGChcsintt Street, front of Jones' Hotel,
ri-fa II AS on hanu tlie enenpest, ana
WlAlIj!est ossoTtment of
Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame. Iron
Hound Travcllidg Trunks'; Packing do, Valises;
Ladies' Bonnet Cases:; Carpet Basts, Satchels,
Vc by the quantity-fir single article, lower than
can be bought at any other placo in the city.
July ft, I8f6. .
f lHE subscriber respectfully informs the puh
A lie that he is now scllitii of hrs
nt reduced prices, as he intends going into other
business. Persons in want of Cheap Clothing
should not fail to call.
Persons indebted to the subscriber ftr re
nwslcJ to call and settle.
Sunbury, June 2S, 1650,
By virtue of curtain writ of Fieri Facias
In me directed, will be exposed to public salo
ut tin1 Court House, in .Sunbury. on MUX
DAY, the 4 til ilny nf August, J tS."0. ut I o'
clock, 1. M., tho following described proper
ty, to wit :
A certain Lot or piece of (.round, situate
in Delaware Township, Northumberland
County, coiitiiininn three ueres mini; or less
udjoininjr lands uf Christian Cosh and others
all of which is cleared, whereon is erected u
-riteum .Suw Mill nnd fixtures.
Seized, taken in execution, nnd to bo sold
us tho properly of Set h (J. M'Corniic lc.
All Hint certuin four story with basement,
five stoiies, brick building intended fora Mo
tel, niesuii're nnd tenement, situuto in tho
.town of Sliumokin, nnd County of Nortlmm
'lierlantl, I'ennsylvanin, fifty two felt in I'iont
-und fifty two feet in depth, bounded on the
!Norlh by Ihe street or space on tlie bunk of
tho .Shamoliin Creek on the .South by Arch
street, on tho by Market street, on block
number thirty seven as designated nnd inur
.ked upon the general plan of said town of
.Shiunokin und occupying put ts of lots No's,
-ono two nod three, upon said block.
Seized, taken in execution, nnd to be sold
-os the property of Tliotnus Hanmgardncr.
J luvid Longeneeker und Joseph Long own
(ifs or reputed owners und lleury riiillippo
II. "WEISH, Sheriff.
-Siikru k's Oi i ick. 1
Suiiuui-y, July, 5, lHSfi. j
'fly virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias
to me directed, will be exposed to public
lo. it the Court House, in Sunbury, on
"MOMIX-V. tho -Mi d-iy of August, lsfiC, ut
1 o'clock. 1'. M., tlie following described pro
perty, to wit ! ...
A ccrtnin Hinlf Lot iT Ground, situate in
the liorougii-of Sunbury, being the eastern
half part of Art No K12, in the general plan
of said town, tiontifig on Blackberry street,
and bounded .nr. Hhe east by lot No. 1 " 1 , on
llie west by tnu half lot No. l(i,., on the
north by mi nlley, -containing i" front 'M feet
jitul TM feet 'in iVr1')'.lu whereon are erected n
two story big 'li;rsfw weather-boarded und
painted white, nml-Bt-Mie outbuildings.
Seized, tiil'eiii in evotution, und to be sold
us the iii'tiiioi'tsaf -Jnt'ob Ruble.
H. WF.ISK, Slieriff.
Kin:r:TiV's OVtic-r.
Sunbiiiy, May 17, VWrnC. J
CJAWS Saws Spears nnd Jackson's band,
.paunel, rip. conipsn. tenant hrssa back,
framing, circular, -cro out and mill saws for
ule l.y UXY. UKIOHT&SON.
TdRircnrRE polish.
K, RAM'S IVorr.iurm Patent Enamel Furniture
Polish. This jfu hsh is highly valuable for ivstor,
in the polish on all IvimU of Furniture, Class,
Carriage Uodiea. Hair Cloth, &c. Also, for re
moving spotshiding scratches, &c, A c. War
ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss.
Price SlU'ts. per bottle. Sold by
June 21, 18.-)fi.
TVOTICE U hereby given that an application
-U- . will be made to the next Legislature, of
iTennsylvauia, for a Charter incorporating a
having liaot, with discounting privileues and
.nuthorily In .r-iive nionii g on Jeposit, Kr'th a
JKILL A I!S, to lie luciUcJ at Sunbury, Northmn-.-ficrlaud
county, and alM the DUeount and
Jlcposil Hank of tSuuhury?'
Snnhury, July 5, 1 85i Cm
13 OUT MOXA1ES, Tooth and Hair Brushes
all iiualitics. and anv epianti y, for sale bv
Juno 21, T6.
Wall Paper a splendid lot jut received
and lor sale by
Sunbury, Juno 21, 1850.
KROWN'S and Ureiniu'a Essence of ii in ger,
and Uusliand'a Magnrsia at
May 31, '60. URLNKU'S.
IAII.K, spikes, hammered and horse shoe
i-' nails, canal shovels, picks, grub hoes and
min hammara (or niile tiy
May 31 '58 E. V. BIltOHT & 60.
tCjt'JIllfN, train, English and German grass,
jr" brier scythes and sneaths for salo liy
May 31 '66. E. Y URIGHT & SOX.
Ctationery. A large supply of fancy Note
Paper and Envelope, Mourning, Letter,
and Lap Taper, I ens. Ink, Band, dec, -at
j.U) 31, -6o. WM. A. BHL'.ER'S.
Proposing Amendments to th. Constitution of
tht Commonwealth,
H ssoi.vrp av twa b-iat awo Hocsa of rtPBasa-
UuaRHAL AfiRML'LV MKT, Tlml UlC rollnwillr nillellflint'lllH
Hrrpn.pMPttA to tfte coiiMiliinon of Ihe eommniWttiltli, in
sccurilnnce with tlie piiiritmna of tlie tenth article thereof.
There ahull be ait iirWMUuil article n saiil eonstitiition
tu he tluiguateil at urtitlu rlrvon, us follows :
Sccliciii 1. The RtfllM miy mntnti't tlel)t, tn supply
Pnsiinl ttefiVitt tr fiiilnren in revenues, or t meet expeimen
liot otliurwiae pruvidt'il lot lint the nnuretT'ite nmcuiiit ot
tif-h deliti diri'L't iiimI eon'.lugi.-iit, wtieilicr eonttneted I')'
vnlueul one nr ni're nrlat i lliu fienernl nmteinlily, cr nt
rliilvient peri nJmi time, th ill never exeeetl ifven hiiiitlretl
nnu nity Uinumiii I n iinrf, iititi the money nrinnif trotn me
crenli mi cf nieh ilcbtn, )mtl lie npplinl t the purptue for
which it wm obtiiiiinl, or to repiiy the cU'bla HuctmtiMcteil,
mitt to no other ptirp me whntever.
Section 4. Inmhtitinii t the nh v limiteit power the
Into inHy contrnct th-ltts lo repel invusioii, iiipprew inmin
rcction, i,-', n 1 1 tt5 state in wnr, or 1 1 redeem Ihe present
nnfrt iii.liiipiuiM t due.- "f Ihe ntnt but the money nris
ingf roin tne coNirutMititr of bucIi debt! ehnll be applied to
no other pcrpMftj wltntt-v er.
Section:). Kxeept Ihe debts nbove sperifTed, InReetinns
ime nnd two of this nrliele, ih debt whatever fchull be
created bv, or on hermit' of the stxtte.
Section' 4. To provif'e for the jiiymeiit of the prefeiit
dclit. and nny ndditionnl ileht eonlrin ted n tit'oreRiiid, the
leifisliiture s) ntl, nt its IVst senuion. niter the ml -ptiou of
this mnendmeitt, crente fl tii.kinff fund, which hnll be
uin ient to pJiy the iiccineintr inteicit on such debt, mid
.iHtiu illy t le luce the prinei nl thereof by n sum not les
thnn two hundreta-id fifty tlmi 8:tntl dollitrs; which sink
intj; fund stin II consiit ot the net anniml income of the
public work, from tune to time owned by tlu stifle, or
the pr.K'eeds of the de of the stmtr, or nny pnrt thereof
and of the income nt proceeds of Me of storks owned by
the stale, toellier with other funilit, or resource, that
may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may
he increased, from time to time, by nnipiiiiiK toil nny
pnrt of ihe tixcs. or other revenne's of the state, ti't re
quired for the ordinary mid current expenses of jroveru-
nieiir, nnu unlens in enrte m way, mviiHion ot iiifnirreeiioti,
no Mit nf the said sniktiiii fund shall be URed or npptinl
itlierwise than In exl.mrnistitnent ot tite puiinc dent, un
lit the tun unt of such debt is reduced below th.i sum of
live millions of dolkirs
Section 5. The eiedit of the c lmnvai wealt h slinll not,
tu nnv tn miliar, or event, 1e pledged, or lonned to, miv iu-
bvidiinl, company, eorporati m. or ussixriatiou ; nor slinll
Ihe c omniniiwealih hereafteen joint owner, or st'ckholder
in nny c-tnnny, nxs eialtou, or etirporntior.
lection t. i he rominonwca in snnii itoi nsnume me
lebt, or nny najt thereof, m nny county, eitv. iKirouuh. or
towt'slnp: orot anv corn ntt ion. or nssociiili"ii : unless
such debt shall have been contracted to enable Ihe stale to
repel inv tsi m, si)pies tl nrestm insurre lion, defend It
lelt'.in time of war, ot to nsist tne state in the discharge
of any portion of its present indebtedness.
Section 7. The le.'istatare shall not nKltmrize nny mini
tv, eiiy, b.iroiitth, township, or incorporated district, by
virfue'iif a vote of Its eiiizens, or otherwise, to become n
iwUlrdder in any v. nnpunv. association. or corporation;
or M nl tain money fir. or loan its credit to, any corpora
tion, aRSociution, Institution, or pnrty.
T iere shnil be an"nddili nnl nrtiele t said c institution,
to be designated as article XII, tis follows;
Ar.Tici.K xn.
No c unity shall be divided by a line culling nfl over one
tenth of its popnlalxai, (either (o form a new county or
otherwise.) witboii the express assent of such county, by
a vote oft lie elector thereof nor shall anv new county
be established, containing less than four hundred squuie
Fnm sprii n two of the first article of the constitution,
strike out lite wonts, of Ihe city of Philadelphia, and o
each county respectively ;!l from section live, same article
stuke iMit the words, 'of Philadelphia rind of the several
countbs;" fn tn sifttoft seven, Rime article strikeout the
wrds, neither the rityol Philad.-lphia nor any," and
insert in lieu Iheicof the words, "and no;" mat strikeout
ee:i ai lour, Mime urticlc, and in lieu tbetcof inseit the
folio wiuir. : "
'Si'Cii -it 4. In tlie year one Ihouseud eiht liitudred
ami stt-foitr, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep
reneii!ntivus to the runiber of one hundred, shall be appor
tioued nnil didhi lin ed e pially, ihroulioul the state, by
dislrieis, ia pro(i 'riioti to (he uu ubM nf taxable iuhabi
tin's in Ihe several parts 'hereof; except tlml tiny county
c ait liniicjr at b-fid Ihrce thousand fiv e hundred taxablcs,
may be allowed a separate icpreseutntii n; but no more
than three coining shal be j itu'd, and u conuly shall be
dividett, in the formation m u disltict. Any city c iniain
in" a S'ltfieienl nuiifber of taxables l entitle it to nt leant
two representative, shall have a aepaiate reprefcut ittou
uKulpted it, ami shall 'be divided into conveni-nl districts
ofeouticu ais territorv, of equal table popid ili -n as near
tis may be, each ol'whch ifWiriftl slinll elect tt ic represen
tative." ,
At the end nf pectiou si'Ven, mini trc le insert these
words, ' tin eitv nf Phiincelplfi h:irl be divided into sin
le seuat ri d tlis'ricts, of cor-.tiirnons tHrrilorv as nearly
equal in tax. b'e poptitaii ai us p issi:le ; but no ward tshail
be divided in the formal p n ther of "
The legislature, nl its first sessi-at, after the adoption of
this amendment, nimll divide the city of I'hiliidel) hia into
seuatcrial and r tesentative districts in the manner uIhivc
provided ; such disti ids to remain unelriufd until tho
nppporiionment in. the year one thousand eigltt-etlgtbed
uml sixty-four.
roi irni ami:xtmi:xt.
To h? section A' AT, Article .
The Vaislatnre slinll have the power to niter, revoke, or
annul, any eliaile. of iue irporation hereafter coufcrrcil by
or under, nnv special, or general law, whenever in iheir
opinion it m iv be injurious to the cit iens of the comin"U.
wealth : in such manner, however that no injustice bl.ull
be d ate to the cotpoiulurs.
Ix Senate April 21, l?30.
Res ilvnl, That tins resolution pass. Op the fir t
amendment, yeas nays A. (In the second nmeudment,
eas 1!. i.avf l. On the third amendment, eas 'JN, nay
j. On the f mth amendment, yeas tfJ. uay4.
r.xtiaet fioin ihe Jo'imnl.
IN IIoCfE OK It FrRf:F.'T4TlVE, )
April l, If. 0. J
Resolved. That this resoluti' n pahs. On the first amend
ment, yejn 7'J, uays'JI. bi the neeoud aineudment, yeas
li:j. nays 'i'i lit the : I hi rl amendment, yeas til, uavs "J j ,
and on f nuih tinu'iidmeut, yeuy UD, uu)S 1(1.
Kxtruel tioiu the Journal.
Wl I.I.I AM JACK, Clerk
I'iled April ill, leOrt f
ectetur) of the Coiniuouwealth
Skcii kt a i y" (n icR, )
I!arrirbma;. .lui.e '.7, K0. J
I'r.nnstftvaitia, ss :
I o certify that the nU we nml forei.uiux is true and cor
re -t copv of lb : original "lU-a dntion relntive lo an amend
nicnt of the Cuiutiinluai" u the same temaiue oa tile tu
iIiin i Itiee.
In li'SMiHouy whereof I have hereunto
si t inv hand and cuusM to Ix n (fixed the
seal of Ihe See-clary' fjilire,lhe daynnd
jeur above written.
A.f, CCItTV,
Secretary nf the Coiunsmwealth.
In-Si-nath, A;ril2l, IR'.fl.
Ues ilution propoing nmeudnients lo (lie Coustituti n
cf the Commomtvealtli, bring umler c aistdctuthiu
Oii the. ipustlou,
Will ihe Senalu agree t ihe first amendment !
'I he yeas anil nays were taken agreeably to the provi
ftions oi tlr Cilustiiiiiion, und were an follows, viz :
Veag Messrs llrowne. MucKalew, t'lerswvll, Kvnus,
Fergus m, Klemiik'-n. Ib-ge. Ingram. Jamison, Knox, I jiu
back, Lewis, M'l'lintnek, INiee, Si-lleis, Shmuan. Siulhcr,
Siranb, Taggart, Wullon, '.Yelsh, Whetiy, Wdkms un.l
I'mtt, Speaker 21.
Nays Mesfcrs Crubb, Gregg. Jordan, Mellinger and
Print ..
S theuuestion wus determmed in Ihe nlTtrinaliVe.
( hi the ipieKtiou,
Will the Senate ngre lo Ihe second nmrndmeiit ?
The yens a id nayH were taken agreeably tn ihe provi
sions n the Constitution und were us follow, viz :
Ykas Messrs. Hrown. liuckalew, CresswHl, Kvans,
Hoge, Ingiam. Jam, inn, Knox, Lslmucb, Lewis, M'ttin
l.-ck, Sellrr, Sh iiiuu, Souther, Struub. Wulton. Welsh,
und WilUms I!) '
Nays Messis. Cra'ib, Fergus m. Grctrg, Prult, Price
und Piatt, Speaker 0
8 . the qu rion was determined in the iillliiinith e.
On Ihe iuestiont
Will the Senate ugree to Die thiid ummcndnieut ?
The yeai und nays were taken agueubly to the L'oneii.
tut. nil, und were a follow, viz:
Yeas Messrs. Urnwn, Hack dew, Crubb, Cress well,
Kvaes, Fergus -n, FUm ikt n, iipge, Ingrain, Jamison,
Jordan. Kin. Idiubuli, I.ews. M'Clinl ck( Mellinger
Pi'ait, Puce Seller , Shuiuau, Souiher, Struub, 'i't.'"iirt'
Walt n, Welsh, Wheiry, Wilkiusuud l'iuti,Sjteaker-
Nus Mr. (iregg l
8 i the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the (pi hlioii, '
ill the Sisnale agree to the focith arnendinent !
The yeas on I nayi were takenagreeubi) in the Const itu
tutiou, and were us follow, viz ;
Yeas Messrs. lirowne, linekulew. Cresswell, f'vans,
r i'-iiuiklii, none, nigrum, j;imiB"ii, Jordan, IVimx, Imu
buch, Lewis, M'Clmtuek, Pi ice, Sellers, Shuinuu, Souiher
Strnub, Wulton, Welch, Wherry, Wilkins tuid Piull.
Kpcnker V3.
Sityn Mtssri. Crul li, Gregg, Mellinger and Piatt 4.
S.I the question was determined in Ihe ulfiiiiiuUvu.
Journal of the II use f Ueprcicjiiativet, April Wl,
'I'he yens und iiiivs vvure iuI.l'ii Htireeablv to the nrovi-
sunisof'the Cutitutuai, und uu ihe fust (imposed amend
lliriu, veiir ua iiiunn ,
ea Messrs. Anderson, Ilackus. Huldwiu. Hall. Heck.
rlavctimiug.) Jleck. (York,) Heinhard, Jioyd. linyur,
Hrown, Biurh, lbiehaitim, Caldwell, I'ampbfll, L'Urty,
Craig, Cruwford, Uowdall, Mdinger. Fuusold, Foster,
Gttt, Haines, U mid. Harper, Jiems. I lib! if. llnl, Hillegai
tiipine, iioic anu, iiuusecKcr, imune, lugiiam, luuit,
It wm, JoIiiib, Joluuon, Iji(MUte, .rbo, Longuker, Lovett,
M'Culraout. M Cariby, M'Comb. Muugle, Meiiuur, Miller,
M aitgoiiiery, MiKtrheuit, Nuuueiuachtr. Orr, Peurson.
Pltalps, Purcell,ltuuisev,lteed, Heiuhold, Ridlie, Huberts,
Sirik,e ioil.,(A leghenv, Smith. (Cumbria,) Smith. (Wy
oming.) t-'trouse, i ,ioiiikou. Vail, Whulkui, Wiight,
.Dauph:n ) Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimuiermuii and Wright
Speaker "ii.
Qys MVrs. Augustine, Harry, Clover, Coltourn,
Umk, Fry, Fultiai, Gaylord, OiUmuu'V. HaindUm, Hun
ock, Houscketner, Huucker, Leisetmug, Mgee, Mauley
Mmiif, Muimiui, pHttersen. Salisbury, Mmib, (Pluludcl-
l""" mc unu t eaiaiey Ul.
Ho tbr qafWion was dctcrimuwl i iiiearSrmatire.
On tlie queith'l
Will Ihe il.iUMi aijroe to the Meond amendment
'1 Iw yeas ami noys Were taken, and u-rreaa f illuw, viz
YruH Mesnrs. Andeinon, Uuckns. bi.lkwln. B ill, Heck,
(J.) coming) Beck, (Voik,) Ueruhard, liuyd. Brown, Urusli
uuvimiuii, t,iii'iwcn, iuiupucn, usriy, l-rut(r, I'uuwitit,
Foster. Get?, Haines, llamel, Harper, lleim, IliUn. Hill
Hilleass, Hippie, Hnlcnmu, Hunneker lmlirte, Inphuuil
linns, Irwin, Juluu, Jnhnsitn, Iipoite, I.ebo, Lonif.kar,
lyivetl, M'Cnlmont, M'Curthy, M'Uuinb. Msugle, Menesr
Miller. Montgmei Misirlieed, Niniemaelirr, (Jrr, Fenr.
son, Purcell, Kainaey, Heed, Reinhold, Kiddle, Itnberls,, SinithMAIIeijnony,) Slnjuse, Veil, Wliallmi, Wright
(l.u.true,) Znfmtrniansnil Wnght, (
A i -Wr"rt . Atmustine. BQrr)'(.Clox'er, Edmref, f 'T
i-n.a .lilUXTt. AIIIUSime. UQrr') .1-IDVCI , 17jUIMHM '
Fulton, fiiivlonl liil.iH.iiv lim. .lit, hi llunekCT,
feisoiuing, Majee, Mantey, Morrii Mmnrnn, PaHermn,
rh.-lps. Sn'ifilinrv, Smith (Cntnbtia.) Thianps-ai, Walter,
t't..l..u... fiJl.. -I. i.t . l . rtft
i mi iifiii.-, ir rig in ( iMinpnin; iiihi i i.-iimnj
themicitinn wus detcimined in the nilirinaiiva.
n i fi question,
Will the Hntifwtieree to Ih third smendtnent ?
The yens und tiuja were taken, and were us follow,
viz :
Venn Mewrrs. A idem n, T?arkm, Maldwln, Hall, Heck,
(lAnominc.) Heck (York.) Hernhafd, lloyd, Hnycr, ltrown
MuctiHiiaii, Otldwill, CMMipbHI, Cntiv, Crniff, Crawford,
Kdinper, FniiSi'ltt. Foter. Frv, Ool. Humes, llamel,
Iliirptr, IIeinst Hibbs. Hill, li'illop.i. Hi pule, llolci nib,
It nseoccper, Imbrlc, limhatn, Iiimt, Ii win, Jolni", John
S"h. I-arvirtr, I.elKi, Uaipiker, liveit, M'Calmout, M'
Comb, Mangle, Meuriir. Miller, Montgomery, Nnnne
tuaeher, ir, Pea i son, Phelps rurcell, Uams-'y, Heed.
Riddle, Shenk, Himth, (Allegheny,) Pinith (Cumbria,)
Ptnith (l.yromhtg.) ThnmpBoti, Whallon, Vriglit, (Dun
I hin) Wright (I.unrnc) and Zimmerman CI.
Xnys Messrs. Itnrry, Clover, ColMinrn, Dock, powd ill.
Fulton, Onylord, fliblmncv. Hamillon, II uncock, lluneker
Ijeiseiiriug, MM 'arlhy, Ma'gee, Mault v, M'Hirehad. Moni,
I'attcrson, Reinhold, lioUric, Adisbury, Wulter, Wintrode
Vearselynnd Wright, speaker ii.
Ho the question was determined intlieaflimintive.
On the question,
Willllm llonae iiirrpe to (hp fourth n mend met it ?
The yeas and unys were taken, and were as follow, Viz:
Yeas Messrs. Anderson, Hat kns, Hall, Heck (Lycoming
Heck (York,) Hernhard. Iloyd, Hoyer, Hrowu, Hrndi,
Hnehanan, Caldwell. Cumpbefl, Carty. Cniig, Crawford,
Dowdall, Kdiuser. Fausold, l-Vster, Frv, (ietz. llamel,
HaT( er, lletni, Hiblm, Hilt, HiHegas, Hippie, II dc unb,
Housekeeper, lludsrckcr, linbrie,, Irwin, .l -huson,
Iapore, l.ebo, liugakT, Kovctt, M'Caltnonl. M'Curthy,
M'Comh, Mnugle. Menenr, Miller, MouUr-anety. Moor
head, Xuiuietuacner, O r. I'dirs- n, Phelps, PuTeil, Ram
sey, Reed. Reinhold, Hiddl". Rnberl, Mienk, Smilh (Cam
hria,) Smith (Wyoming.) Thompson, Vail, Walter. W hul
lo.,, Wriirht (Lucerne.) Ycurseiv. Zimmerman nud Wrieht
Speaker (til.
IViyb Messrs. TJarry, Clover, CelKUtrn, rulton, iiitiivi
',Hatues. HntU'ick,'Huneker, Inpliam, Iei5tenriiig, Ma-
gee, Mauley, Moiris, raitcrson, Salisbury nnd Wintrode
So the question was determined in the tilfirtnntive.
Srcretauv'h Officf, )
Hariihbarg, June J7, )
I do betebv certify that Hie n1nwe nnd foregoing is a
true nii'l coi reel copv nf the -Yeas" anil ''Xuv " taken
on the lt,solntioi proposing ameiidincnts to th Couxtiiu-
tlou ot the (;ommouwe;iiiii, ns itie samu appears on tlie
Journals of the two Hoiives of Ihe Cener.'.l Asst tubly of
this Commonwealth for thesesMon of .",,.
) Witness my hand and seal of s-nd i ffiee, this I
Is.S. tweiity-Pcvcuth day of .lune, one thous ind ciHil
-- ) hundred and fil'ty-stx.
A. U. IK I IA,
Secretary nf the Common trrufth,
July 10. ie.0.
IV OT1CE is lirrrhy given tlint the semrnl
CourlR of Common I'lons, ficnrrnl lunrlcr
Sessions of tho pcticr, nml llprhans ("onrt. ( 'ourl
of Oyer ami 'J'ernitni'r nml Uonrral Jail Delivery,
in and for the eoiinty of Kortlutniherliiiiil, to
commence at the Court Hi ime, in the borough ol
Sunhury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Moiulny, the
4 til ilnv nf August next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of the Pence nnil consta
bles in and for the county of Norlhumlirrhind, arc
reiim'slcd to be then nml there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, nml
other rcnicnihrnnces, tn do those things to their
several olliccs apperlniuini; to be done. And nil
witnesses prosecuting in behn!f of tlie Common
weulth HRitinst any prisoner are nlso reiucsted nnd
commanded to be then and there nttcmling in Iheir
proper persons to prosecute amiinst him, ns shall
he just nnd not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their
attendance, ut the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand nt Sunbury, the 1st day nl
March in the year of our Lord one thousand
eiRht hundred nnd liflv-six nnd the Inde
pendence of the I'nited States of America the
God save tlif Cmrrnnnweahli.
HENRY WEIsE. sheriff.
List d" Causes,
'.OH trial in tlin Court of Common l'lcns
of Noilliumlirrlaiivl County, at August 'J'
A. U:, 1S50.
'I'liompi-on rMsolv th llriglit
I U KiIn-r
Ann l'ivrrs
Ci l.ciseiiring
vs Cliarlrs Wnin'r
vs Dnniil Drurkrinillur
vs 1 1 ii r ii i ii u Klinii
vs Will I "l 1 in ;ui , jr. ot nl
vs (i Morris
vs sniiio
vs same
vs Wooil, liiililuin ol nl
VS .losl'lll l.l'lllllll
vs '1' Uoriinu
vs l'agcly KoliinsiV co
vs Jpbsc Hens) I
Fisher & I.cisenring
('has ) Wharton
Win lledileiia ct al
A Oaiimn
Kase anil Ueuty
School Uireetors of
Sham.ikin tp.
(eihles, Marsh & Co,
J U Massrr
.loseuh LI I. fill
Ira T Cl. nicnt
I. Minium Ac
J li Ai'.iih's ex'rs.
Jucoh llariihait
Oco P li uvprs tuc.
C'onnelly lor Crniner
liossrr anil I.oj il
Win Coleman
Henry linko
ICnitunl ,V Co
1' Dickison
Henry Dohner
Miitihins Keed
vs Win Caul
vs Jonas Hiinmic!
vs Win K Mny
vs t-'lius W'ravrr
vs lli'iiins V l)oimrl
vs C. W. Ili'sins cl al
vs C W Jli'jjiiia
vs in mo
vs J U Mii.--si'r
VS 8.11110
vs Ira 'I' C'lrmrnt
vs .1 I'lirnsworlli
vs 1) .1 W ooil rt a I
vs Clias Weaver
vs Yamlvko
vs Jnioli ".Vfilwl el nl
vs ('nlliniinp 'ollork
vs 1'. iSlifallcr
vs .1 llrosiou.1 et at
vs Joliii I'aiit'ly
vs 1) IJiinmovcr
vs Jamli Wrii.i'l
vs C Knton et ul
(i lOmeiieli
llenrv Unke
J li Mnsser
J A M l.'S UKAKU, 1'rolli'ry,
rrolhonotnry a Oliu't'
Suuliury . July - 1 s50.
oi i.orii ii vi;, iw.
Insures Pctnohcil DuililiuKs, Stores, Merchan
dise, Kurm l'roierty anil oilier lluildiiigs, and
Iheir contents nt nioilerute rales.
( ii'iT ii, s:ioo,ooi.
C1I A It T E U 1 E II P E T L' A L .
Ill II l.l I OIIS.
lion. John J. Tearce, II on. (i.C, Ilarvev,
John U Hall. T. '1'. A lira
I hnrlea A. Mayer, II. K. Jacknian,
Charles Ciist, W. While,
I'fltr Dickinson, Thomas Y ilehen.
Hon. G. C. 1IAUVKV, Pres.
'1'. T. A hiiaks, Vice I'res.
Thos. Kitchen, Stc'y.
II. CI1AS. U1..M AN, (niicral A,jet.
V. K F I
Thos. Bowman, D. D.
Win. Vauderhelt,
Win. Keuron,
Dr. J. S. Crnwfjrd,
A. I'liilpgruir,
Samuel H. l.lovd,
A. A. Winegardner,
I.. A. Mai key,
A. While,
James tjuiiigle,
Join. XV. Maynnnl,
Hon. Simon Cameron,
James Annstrrint;,
lion. Win. UiKler.
P. W. fill AY, A Kent.
Sunhury, lune 21, IS5U Cm
llHWlN Embroidered Crajie, iiinted cash-
mere, fancy stelln, ivhila hart-Re, '
horder, kilk Iringe and figured siik shuwlajnst
received hy U. Y. liKIUHT & SOIS'.
May 31 I8.r)6.
tJI'R'i:!?, sugur, colfic molasses, lea, tucoa
Water ntid Sugn
Sugar hiscuit lor sale hy
May 81 '68.
E. Y, lllilGHT & SOV.
IILKS for Machinists, catnentera, A p., rV-p.,
llealty's edge tools, plnneannil bench screws
Tor sale hy U. V. UKIUHT (SUN.
May 31, 1850.
f llHIS Grease is recntnmeiided to the notice of
X Wagoner, LiVery Slublo keepers, Ac, as
being Si etiiiou to anything of the kind ever in
troduced. Aa it doea not gum upon the axle
is much more durable, and ia not alVectcd hy
the weather, remaining the same in summer a
in winter, and put up tu tin canisters at H'i J and
G2J ccnls.for sale hy WM. A, JMl'KliU.
June 21,1856
1JCKE OLIVF. OIL for table Use,-two sues
at 374 and C2J cents just received hv
June '.'I, 'J6.
Ira T. Clement
A'0. 1, COli S Ell OF MA UKiyi SQUAHE,
SAYS cooly, boldly and ilelilierntely, that rw
lakes the." foremost stand on the grand cavnh
radii of Dry (iooila Merchants of Sunhury.
He shall continue to sell Dry floods and (iro.
eeries CH EAI'KK ilisn ever, as his goods ai c
houriht ehenp they will he sold cheap.
He Teels confident with his experience and
ahillty, Ihnt he can compete with the
World at large and Sunbury in particular.
He would enumerate articles if lime, ami ajmco
would permit hut as any
can do that he will leni-o it lo tho venlanls nnd
tiniiiitiated, it is enough tnsay that lie has every
thing in Ihe line of
Diy Goods, Groceries,
liUOTS AM) SHOES. (Sr., r.,
llint is kppt in nny othrr storo in town, and
IT is (winter m mi the lirct'Ze.
And long mny it wiivo
O'er oi'ihofreo,
i ml llif limne of the hruvt
Wliile tier ttiim mid her Strijie
!l)ii!; onl like the Sun,
Telling nil nation
Tlml rrmlniire liegun.
Tlii-' is a free country or nt Irnut will lip so
wlini nil nre frop, tlirrefore it i Ticp for nlllo cl
tlifir trailing w!,crn I hoy caw UVY lie (IHllAl
F.S'l1 regnnllcHM nf the vtha oih! sour looks nl'
oKl I'ogv inerelniiilH. All ure invitnl tu cull nml
nn wi-ll ni ihp town arc repprctt'ully invitotl, nml
rvory iipraot., rich or poor, high or low, luuul nr
free urr invitiil to cull.
Come one come n'l nnd t ip your nped,
I Imv? g'MwIs rnongli fur nil in nrrd ;
The hoy ihrmnflves nre nt tlifir pouts,
And they it lone run supply a host.
Over otlnT denlers in the town
Thesi: wune li-iys hnve won renown,
For Belling the C'lieuprst nml the liest,
And telling more than till the rest.
Httrrnht Iliirnth ! (r hill nnd pluin,
AccOpt my tliankn and rail ngnin ;
Atii'iin our n.iortmeiit you'll ill ways find,
G'lmlu to tit und please the mind.
We've on lmnd nml nhFnyn willing,
To fell out go nU nnd enrn n nhillin?,
8 i hold yur horse ami come tliis wny,
Vv Blind he tflnd to ee you any day
nt No. 1 Mitrkki't HqiiHrc. opposite the Court
I 8 He wishes it distinctly understood, that
hp is nut to hr underso'd hy nny man or couiltin.i
lion of men. No ohurc Cor tshowiiio; troods.
AM kinds of rodtico taken in cxrlntne fur
fcunhury, June 21, Ifi.'iO.
58 herehy Riven that letters of adininistra- I
tion have heen crnnled to the iinilcri'.;ned, I
in the eslnle of fiiriih Wentzell, lu'c of Joidnn !
'I owiiship decd. All persons indehted to suid ;
rstatn nre requested to make nyincht, ami nl !
persons haviim chiiins n i n si said er-tnle will'
present tin in dulv antlienlicnled for m lileHient.
JKKKMl.MI WOI.F, Ailin'r.
Junlun I p., June 58, lsfiti.- fit
Selling off at Cost !
B S A IN(t now positively determined to leave
soov for Ihe VeM I shall commence fri'in
this day forward tj sell any or all of my Hood
at COKT for Call. I would simply any to all
in want of (ioods. now is your lime fur bargains ;
therefore come iuick and secure them. I have a
hiriie stock of C L( ) I'll I.Nti on hand yet, lints,
Cups, IJools, Shoes, llevolvers, l'istols, Jewelry
and a variety ( f olher goods too ininierous to
mention ; suitiihle for summer, full, sprint! and
winter wear. The time I stay here yet, is idiort ;
there delay not. hut roinn and huv.
My Store is at the old plucc in Market jSipiiire,
a few doors helow the IW Ulliee.
Sunhury. July fi, lRfifi.
Miiiiiiiiii in Parlilion.
Nn. fiS, Auuust T. ISoC'.
Martin Weaver, ")
vs. ( Sinrimons in
William McCarly, William .' Partition.
Shannon Kaclnii-I his wife, j
Northumberland County, ss.
The Commonwealth of 1'cnnsijtcatiiu to the
Sherijl'nf Xorthidiibcrlanil Count, (J iikktim: :
I F Martin Weaver make you secure of pns-i
" culini; his cbiin then we command you that
you summon by good and lawful suiuinoners
William Mi-Carly nnd William Shannon and
llachael his wife, late of your county, so that they
he nnd appear before our Judges at Sunburv, nt
our County Court of Common l'lcns, there to
he held the first Monday of August next lo
show wherefore, whereas, Martin Weaver and
the iiforesaii.' William McCarly, William Shan
non nnd H.n liacl his wife, together and umlivi
ded do hold all thntcerluin piece, parcel tenement
und Tract of Laud, situate in Coal township, in
said countv, cuntniniii!i Seventy Acres nr liiere.
nbouls, hounded hy lauds now or lale of Ludnip '
(ass, Martin Cass, John llrady nml others, tie j
same William McCarty, William Shannon and '
Kachael his wile, parlilion thereof between ihcni
to he mule acoording lo the laws and customs
of this commonwealth in such case mnde and I
provided. And the same he done ns will nut j
permit iiijtistly mid contrary .to Ihe laws, nnd
customs, and tu the statues aforesaid as is tnid,
Witness the Honorable. Alexnndir .lordnu.
President of our said Court at Sunbury, ihis lUlh
day of June, A. D. IfSfi.
JOHN S. UKAIJD, Dep. I'roth'y.
Prolhouotnry's ollicc. )
Suuliury, June 21, IS.1G. J Ct
J A l.Mi now fully replenished my Muck, 1
uiu able to sell at tho very lowest prices all
kinds of (Joods, among which are a large assort
ment of
for men and hoys. Hats, Caps, Shoes, Gaiters,
Kevolvers and other pistols, A ccordeons, travel
ling hags, trunks, watches, Jewelry, hosiery,
notions, and a large number of other ailicles too
tedious lo mention. All of this lano und well
selected slock will h sold at very low prices.
Come and see ; to see is to believe. Come
and satisfy yourselves that the the greatest bar
gains eau he had ut my stoic, a few doors below
the Post Office.
Sunhury, June 7, 1856. tf
l-'.SPKCTFL'LLV informs the citizens of
Sunbury and the neigliiiiniiig country that
he has purchased the Grocery Store in Water
street, in the rear of Ihe wharf, recently kept by
Weise & Clement, and that he has just reiileu-
it-lied his stock which ho w ill sell at reasonable
prices. He will keep a const. ml supply of
Flourj Grain and Feed, II read, Fish and
Cheese, Hams, Shoulders und Herring, Collie,
Sugar and Molasses, Teas, lipid's and Fruits,
Nuts, Coiifectiouaries of all kinds, Hoots and
Shoes, Ladies Gaiters, Misses and Children's
Shoe s also Queensware, Cedurware, Hardware
and Notions, Ac, Ac.
Citizens are reipiested to send In their order
for Flour, Feed and Groceries afid he will de
liver them uroicrly.
Sunbury, June U, I85C tl
JfeJAlNSOOK, Bishop Lawn, Cambric Mus
lin, Jacanett, Hook Muslin, Plain and dot
ted Swiss, Curtain M usliu, Curded Dimity and
lion net Cord. For sale by
K. Y.'URiailT pV SON.
Myl, 1856.
The only St if c which, in wry inntanM, ;
imrved their entire content in the late
Jijfcnsira J'ircs,
l T the Imruinn nf the Arttzaii
V J Hioklinvs. April tinh. nml in
t;w I '!rr HK T l-'IKI-; in Mnrkt-i fl..
.' lMiy tt Mti, the i-eitninc Herring
jfti? ! Han- prrs-rvrd thclewi lry nl tic...
Lu W. hiimuiiiin ft Urn. ; 1toiksY l:f
fi ' dwnrd teninns & Co., ntler re
t tunn,ni cxpnnd in tin? burning
LM' ruins tor nearly Knrty ll"'iis, mi.
k VC5lm,v'l,K t",,fl,iflivt,ly whnt we hnve
tmvnj s ri miik'H . r i nein, inrtr
Hrent vnpi-ririly over till teeuritic t
ni'lf I? I Vri:.t a i it .i...,U.i,i mt,L
1' sioV Willi th"s nel'Vrtispil ns win ntitrd to siund Ut
per ciiil. more liiiMhnu llerinm," fume Inrlli Lhv lie
ktiiiwkihfivl vict i it not onlv nreservitiir their 'iitents in
excellent onter. tint heiiiL' ih'eiuseUes in li emvlitinii lo ut
thronph nuother.ovd. iii, w'nle the bmstnl 'iliimnmlft tt'of
other mnkeis me lnully lisi d in every liiril.tliee. nnd in
some eiirtes tlieji entire t. in'rnt i'uiip!i-ie!y deftroj i d.
To the puttlic we wonU imply nv, that, ilnrmg I In 1 1
years the I lei rii.u Safe has eru lul'-re tlieiu, ilinr.'lhaii
two liuudreil have parsed llir.'iiyh neeid ntal lil t s willvmt
the neeurrenee nt' h sieifle Us.
Wi! would, iheret'ore. eauii m purelinseri nLrah:st Urn
minrpreseuialiiiii of interested p-oties. Tlie Merrieu'fi
I'atent iat (rf nj'ily Tire-pro.'! S.if.! made lit this ei!V
wined in pnileeled hv n Parent Itijfht, and we will irimr
imtee it tn resist iimre than tlouhle the iiuiuiit of heui of
nny othet Safe now known.
I'ailoN & JITPI'-Hfm,
P"le Maii'ifaetiirers in t!ii Pta'e of
III U'nlriiitft., J'hUinln.
P. i-',vmi?i Wills-Hi's luipriivrf) Sn!:unriTirtr-rp.
(lllvrr Kvail's,1' I'. .1. liaylet's," ""-I fitt's AKln tns."
Iron Clii-ms. (u liirsiTiKsiirlini nt linviim l',.-en laki-ii in putt
jiayi'i'-nl lur -JlrMiiu-p1) will lie suUl al l"W piici-a.
I'hil-i.jJillie 21, l-.W Iv.
'"JIIK siihsei'ihcr respectfully his fiiemls
a nnd Ihe ptihlie Ri iiernlly that he has taken
th1' new ("hop nl Mr. H. 1'i tei's in lleer Mrceis,
near ihe l.iitheran Chn cli, where he is prepared
t.i make loonier nil kinds of
c.Mii;i iircim:. uopka wys,
llKAVy AMI I.ltillT U AIiO.Ns,
li;;'i:i,liAi(Koi, .vi.:.,
in short ever Ihiiiu in his line. Tho sul scriher
Ihanks his fiienils for tin ir lo; mer lilu-ral patron
ego nnd hopes to merit n loiuinunn-.-e of it in
Ki-paiiin of all kind done in Ihe hest ami most
cxpcdiiiuus inauuer.
NAMUK1, f?. liHUIX.
.Sunhury. June SI, lfln. Dm
Kdtlce Iw Tax-I'ajvr.i.
XTOTICK is herehy Riven In trix-pnyers of
Northumberland Cotinly, that nil those
payinir theirShite Tax lillcen i!ns prior to the
litst days prior to the first day of August liet,
will he allowed five i-i-nl'
rnii.ii I.T.W,
l'Kinir.KICK HAAS,
ClIA.-i. 11UTI 'KNsTIM-:.
Commissioners. Olhce, C'ouimissiuucrs.
Suiiliiiry, June N, ISfifi. i
6HEAFP &c 33r.A.CK,
I'rnin tlie
Big Motintain Colliery
Address .heallW lShtek, Sunhury. or Sha
mokiu, I'u.
Sunhury, May 21, lH.Ki. tf
To Builders ej Carpenters.
The subscribes arc ncents
the sale of
Doors, Window blinds, Window .Shutters, nnd
all sizes of Window Sash, ull of which we oiler
nt Ihe lowest prices.
May r2 'SR. E. V. UltlCHT A tO.W
Citrate of Magnesia
flHIS prepiir-itinn is reroinmeiuled ns nn ex---
eelli nl laxaiive nnil purgative. Il operates
inililly. isenlirely free from nnv unpleas.iiit Insle
n srmli.iiiu' lemonade ill llnor, prepared and sold
by WM. A. UKU.MCK.
Sunhury, June 21, IrS.'iR.
illl!!l!t i(-;i
I j st received by
I...... , 1 1 l(;i;
;12IS. A fresh assortment ;
.M. A. UIIL.M'.li,
1. I1IIV , . 1 t?. !
.!. 1. .M.VSE,
Justice of the Peace.
Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
All business piumplly attended to. Monies
collected an, I all ordinary wirings done.
Mount Cariiicl,. lune I I, l-i.'ili. ly
giliOAD AXL'S, ham! axes, adzes, hatchets,
" hammers, chisels of all kinds, squares, saws,
saw si lts, itunnrs. planes, plane bits, tiles, com
passes, sciew drivers, brace nnd bills, hand vices,
bevels, spirit levels, tape lines, drawing knives,
monkey wrenches, nippers, plyers, spring callip.
per, pinchers, nil stones grind stones, cranks
and fixtures, chisel and augur handles lor sale by
.May' :il Tin. L V. liiiliillT A SON. '
SLACK, blue nnd brown cloth, plain and fau
" cy cassimcres, Kentucky jeans, nitliuetls,
striped dialing, duck linen, tweeds, grenadine
silk, silk velvet, plaid and I'murcd vesting, fur
sale by 10. V. IIUIGUT A SON.
May HI, lHfifi.
'I'HK Americnr. Lxecutivp Committpp of
Noithnmbeiland County, will meet in Sun
Inn y , on Monday the 4th day of'August, I8M'i.
nt It) o'clock, A. M A general attendance is
requested, as business ol importance v. ill be
J. W. WEEKS, Chairman.
F. I!. Purrs. Secretary.
May 31, LS.-)0 1L1
N 0 R Tlll'MUEUL A 1 ), PA .
Norih'd, June 7, IH.r(i. fini.
VOTICE is hereby given that nppliealion will
' made to the next legislature of IVnnsjha the session of l.r7, for the creation of n
corpuraie body with bunking und discounting
privilege, lo he called the "Su imiikiy Ii wk,"
localed at Sliamokiulown Northuniberlaiiil Co..
I'u., with a capital stock of i 1 oD.HlH), with the
privilego of increasing the same to $;UuV00(
if necessury.
Shainokin, June 1 1, lN.'.G. dm
SH 'Ull(J of all kinds, floor und l.ible Oil
Cloths and oil shnih s of ihe latest sis le for
aic hy i:, v. niiiuii r a st')..
lTIT I. Patin and Fimev liid' on. Si';,
Vorsted and Linen Ilraid, Mohair He id
Dresses. Mitts, Gloves, Stockings, French eiu-hroideiili.-d
un-1 Flourishing Thread. For sale hv
E. V. UK1G11T A SON. '
Mav 31, Ir7o
NDKMSLEEVES, Chemisette, Crotchet
and Needle Worked Collars, Flouncing,
Thread Lnce, Inserliug and n it Edging.
For sale by E. V. UKIGHT A SON.
May 31. 'o0.
riobacco r.J Scgara !0 C0u
Segar of various htai.ds. l.ljorm'.o,
Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at
WM, A. llllDNEU'S.
frJnnhury, May 31, 18..0,
KO I KE TO 0Tll rfoiTsT-
UOP08AI.S will he received hy the sub
tciihor until Ihe first of July next, for
building a School House complete, in Mount
Carmel District, Northumberland County. For
further particulars apply tn
Mt. Carmel, June 14, l5(l.-3i
itotf known
III I! iene (
A. J. CONRAD. ' i
hollowing run. !
rsiTCPFnM.Y Inform the puhlic thai
i he has purchased Ilia fcloto rerenllv lient
hy .1. li. Katillinan, and that ho lias replenished
the same hj nn rxeellt tit assortment of I'ew
(Ioods just received Irom rinladelphia, which
he will sell on terms ns reasonable as any "Iher
rstuhlishineiil. His assortment eonsisln in part
Bummer Warca for men nnj hoys, all styles and
Lnillen tires, (aoocl.o.
(.'onsislins or IHack Silks, Merinns, Alpacas,
iJe I, nines, (.'alieues, l,'inhaiiis, Muslins, 'J'liin
minus, A e.
Also a fresh supply of CROC'ElilES of all
Cediirwuie, II rooms. iVc. Alsoaare assort,
meld of llnols und Shoes, suitable for Men Wo.
men and Children. Hals nnd Caps. Silk Hats,
and nil oonds Usually kept in a Country Stiirp.
All Iho- above named s.oek of pnods w ill he
sold positively nt nv prices for rash, or in ex
ihnnue for country produce, at tho highest
market price.
Hollowing Kim, June 1-1, 185G. ly
M. C. GEAltllAUT,
I B -'s j,lst received a new and excellent assort-
incut of moods at his Confectionary nnd
i uni enure in iii.iui, r . 1 Kr.l.i , ftiuiliKrv.
where ho manufacture and keeps on hand, nl
nil limes, the innht choice. Conrcclioiiaiv, Ac,
Wholesale und ISetail, nt I'hiliiilelphi,! pi'ices.
Among his stuck of C'onlccliunnrics, may he
fniiiid :
rr.'wh Si-erets, Hum Dmps. all kinds of scenl,
llarncil A SiiiiiiiiIs, l.v Oruitit,
Criaun While, Mint lr,M,s. red nnti white,
" l.rMMll ,1,-Mv t'akis,
1 Hose. Plllil rrip!.
" Vanilln. fli'-k t'ni',.l'es,of all seriila
romni'iii Scen-ts. Ititck Cniaiv.
l.i lion ice-, Aim. .n-l t'.-l'atly,
Dainnns, IViiim-h,
1'ati-s. Kias,
'ui-r.-ni1s tliii-il, CuriMis.
Aiiiioiiils, lliiisniis, N uu nf all kinds
of a superior quality, hy the sinsle or dozen. A
superior quality of Separs and Tubncco, and a
variety of Confei-lionaries, fruil, iVc, all of which
is tillered cheap at wholesale or retail.
He hns also opened an 'ce (.'ream Saloon, and
will at. all limes he ready lo serve his customers
wi:h Ice (.'renin.
Sunhiil-y, May 51, 1 sr5. ly
Mt. Ciirmel, ni tliiniili.r!uiul t'uuiit;, l'u.
May 10, lfi.r.(i
tf-JH KK l. fish, tanners, flaxseed nnd pine Oil,
paints, uiass, pulty, copal varnish, spls. tur
pentine. Iluid und mint brushes for sale hv
May HI, Viti. K. V. UKKiHT SOX.
Patten's New York
lidu Cltcshint 't fO.o.viVe Jones' Hold,
Window Shades,
Salin de I, aims,
Worsted Damasks,
Centre Tassels,
Chop and Loupe,
Curium Hands,
Lace nnd Muslin
(lilt Cornices,
Uull'. White and green
Piclur Cord,
I'.ilent Kol lei
Certain I'ins and Trim
Piece Muslins.
Store, Steamboat und Church Shades or Dra
pery, got up ai the shortest notice.
Curtains cut, made und put up by the most
experienced hands,
Pattkn's Nkw Yoiik Stouk, 203 Chestnut
St., 1! uililingJ.
May 3, IH.'ifi
Fresh Arriral of
D II U G S, P A 1 N T S , 0 1 L S, & c.
flHE undersigned having taken the store for
1 merlv kept by W 'riser and limner, is now
ready to fill unlets and prescriptions nl a mo
ments notice. He has a large and Weil selected
stock ol fresh nnd pure
De-stufl's, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all
kinds of Patent Medicines.
Tobacco and Imported Scynrs of the choicest
brands. Funcy Notions' toilet articles, nml Per
fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Huir Urushes
of every variety.
Caiuj'hiiie anil Fluid always nn hand.
Customers will find his stock complete, com
piising many article. it is impossible here to -numerate,
and all sold ai moderate prices.
I'einrmher the place, next door to E. V.
Uright's Matniuoth Store.
WM. A. 15 RUN EH.
Sunluiry, May 31, 18515.
1 mixed willi water, thereby saving the cost
of oil. for sale hy
May 31, TiO. WM. A. lilU'NEiL
.IsINS, Figs, Jujube Paste. Itoeli Candy.
.Icily Cakes and Gum Drops for sale hv
Mav 31, 'fifi. WM. A. LIM NER.
pORTnnd MADEKIA W INES, Schiedam
" Schnapps, Wild Cherry brnridy, Iilackberry
and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes nl
May 31, '50. WM. A. BIU NEI!.
7isllil1K TaCiilO. Red Cork, Grass, Cut-
- ton nml Linen Lilies, Out Lilies, Sea Grass '
bv the yard, .uoods. Flic, I-iirhv, Limerick and !
Carlisle Hook, Koi!
May 31, 'Sii.
, Ac. for s-.ih
M. A.
M A M M 0 T II A S S U 11 T M K M T
I"JI1K suhseriber respectfully invite- the nblic
A t0 call and exuniine their stock of
embracing cverv variety. Our Goods havo bii-n
selected with Ihe gre.ilest care, and our assort
incut cot tains Ihe latest styles, noth of foreign
and domestic manufacture. W e have aho made
arrangements !o receive goods direct from Phil-
udelphla every few weeks, by this means we
I will he enabled to keep up our assortment. Vt
i return our thank for the liberal patronage l e-
stowed during the past year, and Iro' that by
' strict attention to business, mid a desiieto please.
wo will continue t" receive a share of Ihe same.
Sunhury, May 31, I Si6.
IS hereby given that letter of Administration
to the eMatr of Thoma I'pdegra.T late of
Point township, Northumberland county, de
ceased, have In en gi 'anted to the subscribers.
All persons indebted to said eslale, are requested
lo tnuke payment without delay, nnd all having
cliim, to present thrm in proper form for settle
ment. SARAH I'l'D EG I! A FF, Adm'uix.
Point township, June SI, IS50. Ot
AWNS, liulT Chambras, Chilli. Alpacai
A Paplin.Silk Lustre. Deluues. ."ilnts, Ue-
hcgc, Uarcge, Tissues, Ulack and runcy Silks,
Scotch, Lancaster, French and English Ging
liuma. Just rocuved hy
Sunhury, Mav 31 l5fi,
Barr ains at the Old ter.d.
fir. now openlnir n new and irl) rJpsirahle
stock of Sprrntr ami Hummer (rooiln. em
brncinj an en, Hess variety. 'Iheir stock eoi
sists in pnrt of
Black & Fancy Broaclclotlis & Casslmerci!,
Summer Wares for men anil leys, all styles an4
I Slf.h'S I'lnin nnd Fiynrett ll'lact;.
An assorfnien( of Tlauf S'lripe rtnd Flured Kan
ry Dress Sil'ts at itnn-iinlly low fn-ieci;
Shellies, llrnr.r-a, Uiflr.c Dc l.ains, Mus.
Ke I.nins. I.nwns, ir,
OliTUIIAMH from tj to 23 ccnta per vnri.
CALICOES " a " I2j " "'
Cnmhrir. Jaconetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Unfit
tielt, I'ret:cli ami Sw iss Laces. r;daini;s, iVe.
Ilrown nml l-leached Muslins, llrillirs. Ticks.
Chei ks, Towlinss, Table Diapers, 4'
Cedar-ware, llolluW-Ware. Iron, Steel, Khisie
Salt nun Fislt.
Also a tresh supplv of
Thankful for pnst favors, we hope hv strict
i ntlentinn and a desire to please, still to meet with
the approval of our friends.
I v country proiiuce cl nil kinds taken at lh
highest in it i k it price
Sunbury, May -4, I80O. ly.
Flour, Feod and Provision store.
llimiilim;, hetirrcn Market HIwHcriySlii.
f Lsrr.CTFrLLY inform tho ritizens of
Sunbury and vicinity thai Ihey have just
reieived a largo and well celictcu assorlmeiit
of choice
con-i.-lii;K in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel,
Ilerrinir, While Kbh, Cod Kish, Salt Preserved
1'ruit, I'ickles, Crackers, Chee.-n, Molasses, Hire,
Sugar, Coffee, (ttreen, rousted nml ground.) Im
perial. Yotinir Hyson, Cunpinvdi-r and Ulack.
Tens, (;edar-waie, Slnnc-witro, Soaps, hruslies
plow nnd wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco,
sejiars, Ac., together with, every article nsunllv
found in a first class (,'rocerv Store, all of which
will he sold nt Ihe lowest prices, either for cash or
country produce. We are also prepared to sup
ply tlie citizens with Irish bread, twist, rolls, prs,
pretzels and cakes of evcrv kind.
IS'. 13. The highest cash prices will he paid fcr
butter nnd circs, corn, oals. rvc and wheat.
Sunbury, May ill, 1N50.
S. IT. Thompson's Store,
In I.
I.mrer Aninstu township, at the Junction uj
the Tulpehiicl en ami 1'tum creel,- roails.
fffIlK subscriber having returned from tho eitv
- with a new and extensive assortment if
fashionable (roods, respectfully calls the ntt-ritiou
of Farmer, Mechanics nnd others to the same.
eonsislms 111 part of
j;rj isoo(i.i, viz :
Cloths, Cnssimcrts, Cassinrls, Jeans, Drill ina
Muslins, f'cs!ins, Tweeds, and ull kinds vf
iprinp; find Summer AVeiir,
L'nlicors, Muslin dc Lnins, Lawns,
G'liigtiims, llerupes, Hubes,
l'nojciik-, Flannels, 1C.
;ut i ;ts is. s,
Sugar, Teas, Cofli e, Kicc, Molasses, Cheese,
Sjiices, Salt, Sic, Acc., Alc.
Nails, Screws, Files, Saws. Knives A Forks, 4c
Queens anil Glassware,
of various styles and patterns.
A large assortment of limits nnd Shoes, for
men, women and children.
H its Caps, Ac., of vnitous sizes nnd styles.
Upsides a large nml general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your-si-Ives.
lT Country produce of nil kinds taken in
exchange at the highest market prices.
Lower Augusta, S mo. 24, ISoG
XorthumhcrUind County, l'ennsylrania.
THMIIS large nnd commodious Hotel is eitua
ii ted nearly halt way between Sunbury and
J'utl.iville. The scrt eiy the f altd rity of tho
atmosphere and the cool uiov.niain hn eres, mnk
it one nf ihe inosl i!i lii.-hHtil summer retreat in
theconiitty. The. Ilottl, is a new structure, four
stories high, filled up with all the nioikni con
veniences The pure mountain water is intro
duced into every chu'ul i r. The place is easy
ul access, being but one nnd a halt hours lido
from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun
bury Rail Road. From Pollsville, it is 17 miles.
Every attendance will le j n id hy the proprie
tor to make guests coinlottalilf. Charges mode
Mt. Cantie!, May 54, lR."il!i-tf
New Goods for the People !
15 EX. A 31 1 X 1 1 1 : F FX VAl
OESPECTFI'LLV informs the puhlic in gon that he ha just received and opened a
splendid stock of
at his New Slorc, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consists in pari uf
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinetd.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
t'nllcoex, fiiiishaitiK, Lnunn,
niotiimcUiie IJe Lit I lies
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
Also an assortment of Hart Wal'C. Il'Otl
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also nn excellent assortment of
QUEENS WARE, of various styles nd
Also n assortment of HOOTS U SIIODS.
HATS & CAPS, a grad selection.
Salt, Fisli, (('.
And a groat variety of other articles such a are
suitable lo the trade, all of which will ha sold nt
the lowest prices.
I'sT Country produce taken in" e xihang
the highest prices.
Lwwer Augusta, May 81, 1850.
P, VI. Gray's Store.
A Inrge assortment just received I'min Phils,
delphia, and sold cl." aper than ever fori ash or
ri.untry roduee. Among his aloik will le
l aury Dress (ioot!,
of all kinds an J the latest and hiost fs.liionnlilo
stiles, Ulack and Fnury Dress Silks, Chaliics,
!rni.e Do I. air., Giimham, Lnwns, rjinvls.
Prints, Dress Triinmins;, Hose Gloves, Stocks,
Cloths, Cassimeics, Vestings, Linen Drills,
Irish Linens, Muslins, PurasoU and I'nihrcllj,
Vc.. e.
HA RDWARE i Reneral asortmnf.
(irOCEl!IES, Fish, Cheese, Kanins, TolmSco
and Cigar, Queensware, Hoots, Shoe, Hate and
Caps, and a general variety
Suniiury.May S4, 185C tf
Silk, coaon and linen Handkerchiefs, fupy
neck. cic, genu' collar, cotton, opera aek ami
Welsh Flannel, port monnai ud the t i
ortment of Hal ami Cap iu town for ssl.i by
May 31 'Mi. V. BUIGIIT A. 0..