California Hctos. ARRIVAL OP THE DANIEL WEBSTER LA r Ell FROM CAMFORM.l. Proceedings of the Vigilance Commille in S Francisco Afocenient of the State Autho San of the State Authori- tin to restore Order Prnrptct of Ciril HVir The excitement in the Interior High lit Important from Aicaragnn Election of Walker to the Presidency and Herolt of liicus Capture of Leon by the Insurgent. New Orleans, July 12. Th steamship Daniel Webster arrived to. tiny, from Aspinwutl brings dates from San Francisco to the 20 tit of June. There bad been no decrease in tho excite ment in San Francisco. Very lew had responded to Gov. Johnson's proclamation of June 4th. The Committee had opened books, nnd Woro receiving recruits by thousands. Tho Vigilunco Committee hnvo now six thousand stand of nnns nnd thirty pieces of cannon. Tho force is divided into fix regi ments. Strong breastworks linve been constructed in front, of tho Committee's rooms, and 111; alarm bell erected upon the building, and several pieces of cannon placed npou the ad jacent roof so as to command all the approach es to their quarters. Gov. Johnson had gathered together a few bundled men, with whom he proceeded to Jienicin, with n view to getting nnns uud utn munition rVnni tho ursenul, but Uen. Wool refused to deliver them. l'ho Governor's forces are camped near the tho city. .Six more rogues have been banished by the committee, and numerous arrests continue to bu nude. On tho receipt of tho Governor's Frocln tnation, nearly all the principnl towns of the interior held enthusiastic meetings, endorsing the action of the committee, nnd in many cases forming organizations to assist the com mil tee in carrying out their measures. Crimes nnd casualties are numerous. No interest whatever attaches to political matters. The reports from the mines nro highly fa vorable us also are the agriculture prospects. 1 iiuio nuvc uueii no arrivals iroin inu ai lantic ports. Tun Indus War in Orehos. Tho Indian war continues. Uen. Smith's command has been attacked near tho Mea dows, the whites sustaining u loss in the skir mishing of 12 killed nnd 2.) wounded. The Indian loss was considerable. Col. Wright had lost fully one third of his men of his command in u battle with tho Ya kima Indians. Important from Nicarac.i-a. General Wm. Walker was elected Presi dent of Nicaragua on the 24th of June. Kx-President Uivas, accompanied by his Minister or War, left Leon on tho 12th of J nne, and afterwards appeared nt Chinendago where he collected a forco of six hundred na tives. He called in the outposts and then ordered the American troops to evocuale 'Leon, which order was obeyed, and Hivus took possession of the place with one hundred und twenty men. President Walker has Issued a proclama tion declaring Itivas and his party traitors. Most of the officers of the foiuier Cabinet stand by Walker. Ukvoixtios in Costa Rica. A strong revolution against tho govern ment has broken out in Costa Iticu, headed by the party which opposed tho invasion of Nicaragua. THE AMERICAN. EUNBURY. . SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1856. II. B. MASSES,, Editor and Proprietor To Auvertirr- -The ciriiiliillon of the Siniliuty Atnettcnn among Hie iliftVrent tnwut on the Pntqnehiinua l tint exceeded ifoquiillfd liy any paper published in North era Pennsylvania. Democratic National Nominations. FOR PHFIHFAT, JAMES BUCHANAN, OK PKXNSY1.VAXIA. FOR VICF.-PR Mill NT, JOHN C. BRECKINRID3E, OF Kt:XTl CKY. Democratic State Nominations. For Canal Commissioner, GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county. For Auditor General, JACOB FRY, of Montgomery county. WANTED. Ax ArrnKNTiiK to the printing busi ness is wanted at this office. All intelligent boy or good character would find a good situation. THE F.4SE OF Rift. BROOKS. Wo are indebted to tho Hon. James IT. Campbell for copy of the report of tho House Conimittco appointed to investigate the case of Mr. Brooks for bis nssault upon Senator Sumner. Tho rcportis avolnmenons document of 140 pages. The eviijenco fully sustains all the charges made against Brooks, and the ruffianly conduct of those acting with him. The conduct of those members of the Senate and House who weio present arid did not interfere is severely commented on Mr. Crittenden testifies that ho approached as rapidly as he could, to interfere, but the ns sault was over when lie camo up. The testi mony that Mr. .Keitt came in, brandishing his cane, and threatening any one that would in terfere is conclusive. The resolution of tho House, censuring Mr. Keitt, just passed by a vote of 1UG to 9f, places that geutlemtin in a position nlmostas unenviable. as that of Mr. Brooks. It is stated that Mr. Keitt will ul. so resign. The resolution censuring Mr. Ldmundson was lost by a voto of CO to IM. Strang, tho Mormon propliet in Michigan, who was lately shot und wounded, is still alive nnd recovoiing. THE COAL TIIADK. Tho Miners' Journal of the 12th iust., says: 'l'ho ily sent by Hail road this week is 29.04: 0(1 by Canal XiM2 00 for the week 02.705 0G tons. Total by Railroad ,08S,0.")0 02 against 1,PJ.V1C OS tons. Do. by Canal 4G.",044 19 against 474,310 Oil tons to same period last year. The trado falls off this week 12.0G.") 18 tons nil of which is by Kuilroud uud more too. The Canal gains, and lor the first time ex ceeds tho quantity sent by Railroad in a sin gle week. On. from Coal. A miner who has just urrivod hero from Burlington, Ohio, states that the bulk of the Caniul Cool now mined there, is at once converted into burning and lubrieutiug oil, producing also a very line Coke, which is sold to the Ohio und Penn sylvania. B. It. Co. for use in their locomotives. Considerable excitement on this subject is said to prevail in that country, und numerous oil factories ure being erected. One ton of Caiiuel Coal is said to produce fiO gallons of oil, worth $.10, at an expense of less thou ?10 ul tc r the factories are erected. Washington, July 13. Tho Wilmot Na tional Democratic Committee have culled a caucus of the Democratic, members os Con gress for to-morrow night, at the Capitol. Mr. Brooks leaves to-morrow for South Carolina. It it is rumored that Mr. Keitt will foll.iw his example and resign his sent Secretary Dobbin, after two weeks' illness, lias resumed his" duties nt tho Navy Depart ment. AVasIIINiton, July 15 Tho jury in the case of Herbert, charged with tile murder of Keating, this morning Bent in a nolo to the judge that there was no pr0!"-''! their agreeing, nud they were ailcor'''llt-''y dischar ged by the consent of- counsel on both sides. Another trial has been set dowu for to-morrow. From the 1'auiot mul I'liiou July 2. IIORIIIULIS Ml HI) Ell On last Sunday evening just before Run down, in Kcust Pensbuiuugh Township, Cum berland county, Mr. John Kissel, an old bach elor farmer, was shot dead while carrying his milk to the springhoiisu. The perpetrator of tho deed must have been behind the spring liovse, and when M r. lviscl camo within a a few feet of him, he discharged a load of shot in his brain, aud relieved him of his money. No clue has as yet been obtained of tho vil lian who did the deed. The deceased was u very eccentric mun, living entirely alone, und some distance from his neighbors. Ho was it mull of some means and carried all his mon ey upon ull occasions in n largo wallet fasten ed upon the side of his vest. It is said by llis neighbors ho had at the time some lour or livo hundred dollars und perhaps u great deal more ; tho wallet made prominence in In vest, winch uny one count notice and would notice on fust sight of him. Yuurs, ice., A SiTscninKR. Ai ciDKKt in tab Minks. A most shocking accident occurred in the mines of Mr. Chas. Hill, at West Wood, on Wednesday last by which two men named Michael Finn, nnd Kiuhurd McLaughlin, were dreadfully injured The former had unu of his legs broken and was also badly burned, 'l'ho latter was burn ed so horribly that his life i. dispuired of. Ha has a family, dependent upon his labors for their suiiport. The accident originated by the explosion of lire-dump Mining lie- gister. i 9 m A letter fiPUi ltuuitt ton Brussels paper iy: . ... "Among tho presents taken by Cnrdiu:.) Putrizzi to tho imperial family of Frunce, tin r J is ono that Unserves especial mention. It is a large emerald, but is formed of two parts lilted on one another, and it encloses a t'rair from the manger of lii.thltham I The J'riuep J;nperial is io ear this relic around liis WcV. The straw has been blessed by Y ! fiin IX." - ' - 65" Absence from home prevented us from paying much attention to our editorial col ums this week. tk'i" New Cou'xtkki-kits. There is u large number ol counterfet five dollar notes on the Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia, in circulation ull over the Stite. They ore a dangerous counterfeit, and well culculuted to deceive, persons not accustomed to handle paper money. 3 A Democratic Meeting was held nt Shuiuokin on Wednesday last. The proceed ings have not yet reached us. CaF Affray at Tkkyoutox. An Knglish ninn was committed to prison on Thursday morning on the charge of assaulting with intent to kill, ono of his countrymen, at Trevorton. The assault was made with a knife and a dangerous, if not fatal, wound inflicted in the region of the heart. The re covery of the wounded man is very doubtful. tJ-J?" Finn at Consixa. Another disastrous fire has visited Corning, N. Y. We learn by telegraph that fifty houses were consumed on Wednesday morning. AH tlio business portion of the towu is in ruins. It is only a short time since some forty houses were de stroyed by fire in that place. Rowdyism is rampant in this town. On Wednesday night a party of drunken young ruflians paraded our streets nnnoying and in.'ulting every one tliey met. No notice was tuuen of their conduct bv any of the olticcrs. These functionaries continue to be singularly deaf and blind. 63" Accident. On Saturday last Joseph Watson, who was engaged in harvesting for Mr. Lighoii, near Northumberland, was seri ously injured by 'falling upon his cradling scythe. In falling lie attempted to recover himself by holding on to the snath, which broke, und he come down on the edge of the scythe, cutting n deep wound around his thigh to the bone. The cut cunie within n half inch of severing tho femoral artery. The sufferer is likely to recover. Tiik Ciiors. We ure now in the mdist of our grain harvest and wo rejoice to say that the wheat crop will prove un average one. The extent of the injury by tho weevil is much less than was apprehended. The grain is well filled and the prospect is that it will ull be housed in good condition. Tho fly bus injured the rye severely in some places. The heavy and refreshing rains of last week has had un astonishing i-ficct on the Corn crop which was previously in a languishing condition. The com looks well, nnd although not so thick the product will be neorly an average crop, if the weather continues favora ble. 3" Mr. Hkiuf.kt Committed fob Mcr df.r. Mr. Herbert, memberof Congress from California, was indicted by tho grand jury of the Criminal Court of Washington, for tho murder of Thomas Keating, and committed to await his trial. CCflnjrcssional lctos. tiii iiTY-Forn in fo.uiEss. First ftuftflun. Washington, July 11. Senatf.. The Senate considered und pass ed several private bills. The bill amendatory of the uct to promote tho ellicieiicy of the Nnvy was taken up, and a desultory discussion ensued on mi miry amendments. At 4 o'clock an unsuccessful motion was made to adjourn. Mr. Toombs obtained the floor, saying, thut as the Senate was anxious to discuss the (ticstioii now, he would proceed to give his views ut large. Mr. Hunter Will the Senator yield the floor for n motion to adjourn ? Mr. Toombs. No sir. The Senate has just refused to adjourn. I intend to speak on the subject, nnd when tho Senators get tired of hearing mo they run go home. 1 hope, however, the reporters will keep their seals, for my speech is intended for the coun try as much' us for the Senate. Alter 1 have spoken lor tlirei) or tour hours the Senator from Virginia can make his motion. Mr. Toombs proceeded to give the history of the rise und progress of tho Navy, going back to the foundation of the government. Very few Senators remained in their seats, und there was much conversation going on in audible tones. Tho Speaker several times railed tho Sen ate to order, when Mr. Toombs said, "the talking does not disturb mo in the least. 1 am glad to hear Senators discussing the sub ject. It ought to be discussed on this rtoor, behind the bur, and ull over the country." (Laughter.) At a quarter past 5 o'clock. Mr. Crittenden obtained the floor, by leave of Mr. Tjombs, and moved that tho" (Senate adjourn, which was ngreed to by two majority. Adjourned. Hni'sK. Mr. Cliiignian asked thut the resolution uf tho Hoimiu liviuj; ihe day for un adjournment be considered 'Mr. Dunn snid ho would oi'jrct till the Kansas question was settled. Mr. Houston Fix your own day. Mr. Letcher prol'oirod that the House should go on with the trial of one of its members. Mr. Clingnian moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of taking up the resolution. Lost yeas, 110; nays, ill, two-thirds being requisite. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, asked that the further consideration of tho report of the Committee on tho Sumner assault might be postponed till Wednesday, for the reason that the majority of tho Committee have had developed to them some facts ufleetiiig one I to ovorv citizen, whether a mcinliev of tho parties implicated, nudtliey desired to , consider the tiromiet v of offering un iiincnd- 65" Timothy Ives, tho Democratic candi date for Surveyor Ccneral, has declined being a candidate, and tho convention is to assemble at Chainbershiirg on the 8th of August to nominate another candidate. The declination of Judge Ives gives rise to many conjectures ns to the cause. C3"Tho friends of Mr. Fillmore nre deter mined to stand by their man, as will bo seen by the following orticle from the 'Amcricun Banner. Ono thing must be conceded by ull parties, and that is, that Mr. Fillmore is a candidate, creditable to any party that might nominate him : AMtllllANS, WILL YOU KVYAI.LOYT THE ru.L? Will the friends of Millard Fillmore in Pennsylvania vote for Fremont Electors' Will they a llil iu to with u parly just us hostile to the American party as the l.ocofocosT Wo think not. Yet, a treaty" is already con summated which calls upon Americans to vote for a "half-aud-liull" electoral ticket composed or Americans and Republicans. plan Id tins, the Americana ure to liso 'I'll. a ilillerent colored paper from the cans, ond whichever polls the most, the whole electoral vote is to be so cast. Are you prepared to (.wallow that pill Americana? Let the result bo as it would, you would ho voting for ynur opponents. Should the Republican color lead, Americans would virtual! j bo voting fur a Republican President. Should the Fillmore ticket suc ceed. Americans would still bo convicted of voting for Republicans on tlio electoral ticket. Wo can inform tho huckster? of the plot, that tho masses will not la so E'.jaine IWly cheated. Nfl better plan could be sug gested to elect Burhur.aii. Thousands would leave the Aiiiciu'un parly in disgust. Americans, "row" your own boat," uud use vo-ir own our i. meiit to the pending resolution objection was made. Mr. Meacham moved the previous question, which was ngreed to. Mr. F.dmundson, by general consent, made n statement all'ectiug himself. Mr. Kdinunsoii said he did not complain of the conclusions of the Committee as to the effect of his testimony, but objected to the grounds on which they proposed to celiMiro him. While he had been interrogated on all points concerning his knowledge of the affair, was it nut singular that the Committee did not serve a notice on him to uppear iu his own behalf? The Committee sought to celi suro him because, having bton in'onnid of the contemplated assault, he did Hot lake the means to prevent it, or inform Senator Sum ner of his danger. Now, he thought if any one was iu danger, it was Mr. Brooks, who hid only a walking stick, while the report had cone out that M r. Sumner was uriued. He would have degraded himself if ho had re vealed what hud been privately suid to him by Mr. Brooks, uud the condemnation of the llotise could produce no chung.i iu his mind on that point. If he was to bo punished for not turning traitor to n friend, if degraded for this, then be was ready for his sentence. He had no idea of taking any pait in the oc currence, unless som.! third party should attempt foul play on either tide. In that event ho would have adopted the Kentucky und Virglnfii doctrine, und insisted upon fa r play. He was there to do justice or nothing, flu's was the only ground on which lie wus invited to be there, nor would ho have been there on any other terms. Tho committee, in their report, say that his conduct was rep rehensible. This was un unjust word, und wounded his Sensibilities, lie said, iu re spouse to n question by Mr. Dunn, thut the first intimation lie hud '.hat the committee designed censuring, wus from the correspond ent of a newspaper, and further, he would have satit-lj d the committee, had he had uu opportunity that he wou!d liute interfered only iu case of foul play. Mr. Pennington said, so far as be was Con cerned, he was anxious that Mr. Fdiuundsoii should bu heard bel'oro the committee, hulas the gentlemiin had made no such request, Mr. P. cume to the conclusion that lie hud nbuu dolied the desire. Mr. Ldmiinds.'U replied that it was too late for him to avail himself of that courtesy after the character of Ihe report had been determined upon. As justice had been denied him iu the tirnt place, he preferred uppculiug to the Douse. Mr. Orr desired to know whether Mr. Sumner's te stimony was, on the evening of the same day it was taken, furnished to the newspaper press by the uiilhoiity or conni vance of the comuiil tee. M r. Campbell, of Ohio, gave this an urn - qtuvocul uud omphalic denial. Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, corroborated this statement, saying that tho testimony alluded to was not procured from uny ono connected with the Comiiiitten. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, said, Mr. Orr had made a charge which involved his integrity us a member, namely, thut the Committee had sought, by this report, to muko political capital. Mr. Orr then replied, thut ho did not im. pugn the motives or the gentleman or his ussociates but the report itself looked us if they" hud gone into the investigation to make Presidential capitul. He stuted expressly, that ho did not intend to reflect peisonul'y on tho gentleuiun. Mr. Campbell expressed himself satihficd. He said that up to this morning liu bad not only been willing, knt anxious that gontlo mnn implicated in this transaction should present facts. He argued that the real question involved strike nt tho very exis tence of tho government, whether the people pliull havo the power to govern or whether tho Constitution and laws shall bo on one side, nnd the freedom of the cudgel on the other. Tho llotisn then voted on Mr. F.nglish's substitute, that the llonse declares its dis npprohution of the assault on Senator Sum ner, nnd deems this a lit occosion to express Its disapprobation of the use 01 lanuiiiice in debate iiersonallv oS'ensive to individual members of Congress r Slates of the Union, and it wns rejected veas do, nays 1 Tho substitute of the minority of the Coin luittee for tho resolutions reported by the mniorilv. vi ; that, tho House bus no inns. diction over the tissual! committed by Mr. Brooks upon Senator Sumner, nnd therefore deem it improper to express nny opinion on the subject, was voted on nnd rejected jeus C.ti. nnvs 145. Th" House then voted on tho resolution of the mniorilv. dechirinir that Preston S I! rooks be and he is forthwith expelled from this House ns n Representative from the State of South Carolina. The vole resulted as follows Yeas 121. nnvs P3. The Sneaker said tho' (louse lias refused to agree to the resolution, there not being two-thirds in its favor us required by the ( oustitution in such rases. Mr. Brooks rose to a question of privilege saying that he had felt that tho lights of his constituents uud the rights of members have been violated by tho action of the House. Mr. (iiddinus I wish to know what the ques-tion of privilege is. Mr. Brooks 1 will state it. Mr. Dunn 1 ask that by unanimous con sent the gentleman from S iuth Curolina be heard. M r. fiiddiugs For one I shall give no sncli consent. I object to anything out vf onlt from that conth-ninn. The Speaker The gentleman from South Carolina states that ho rises to a privileged question. Mr Dunn I trust tho House wi'l enter tain n motion for the suspension of the rules M r. N ichols Delicacy may have prevented the sciitlcinuti from sneakinir heretofore, and it. is proper he should bo heard now. 1 pro test, in the name of truth und justice, against keeping him silent, if he desires to speak. Mr. Ilustis It would be u cross violation t.r courtesy and decency to deprive him of his privilege. Mr. Florence The gentleman from South Curolina had risen, and was stating Ins ques lion without oliiection. It wns not in ord for Mr. Oiddings to object to his proceed lug. Tho Speaker U was competent for the gentleman from Ohio to ruisu the question of order. Mr. (lidding? We have voted nnd did our duty, and ought not to listen to a speech out of order. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, earnestly appealed tn Mr. (iiddings to withdraw his objection. Mr. Brooks ought to be heard, as iio was vi tally interested. Mr. Comins likewise appealed to Mr. (iid dings to withdraw his objection, nnd Ml'- Oid- tiings yielded only on the ground ol sntislytng his friends. The members crowded in the neighborhood of Mr. Brooks, and the spectators intensely interested, leaned over the galleries to hear him. Mr. Brooks said that Mr. Sumner had ut tered a slander on his Statu and n venerable relative, who nt the time wusnhscut; nod not content with this, he published the libel on his State and blood. Whoever insulted South Carolina insulted him ; be stood readi ly nt ull times, humbly und modestly, us a son to perforin his dutv. lie should have forfeit ed his self respect, nnd the good opinion of his countrymen, if he had permitted the of fence to pass unpunished. It was a personal nll'.iir. and in taking the redress into his own hands he tveunt no disrespect to the Senate or House, ucr -"d he mean any disrespect to Massachusetts'. Ho was aware of the per sonal responsibility I..- incurred, and was pre- pared to meet it. liu Kti.v tic was aiuenuoie to i lie laws, which oll'ored tho s.'.l'n protection nt Con gress or in the private walks ol life. ItO did Hut then believe that ho could be punishoii 'omins, quoting his remark, ttiat Massachu setts would take her own time for tho reme dy; bnt. he would never plead the statute of imitations against the wrath of that stale. He Quoted from Mr. Woodruff's speech, so strongly condemnatory or his rondnct. saying thut he thought that the gentleman littering such sentiments as n foe m an wortliy of his steel, and related, in the language of his friend Colonel Savage, how Mr. i oodrtin nnd de clined meeting Mr. Brooks in the manner re- oL'iiized hv gentlemen. I I he narration occa sioned laughter. lie then said to .M r. W onclrnll, ' io, little wretch! there is room enough in this world bir you nnd me." In his judgment, thn cock that crows und will not tight, is despised even by the hens nnd pullets, laughter. Al luding to the remark of .lames W ntson ebb which hud been quoted, that the net of the assault deserved death, bn said iflhoso who endorsed that sentiment wished the game of chivalry, let them, with thu whole republican crew, come und take the life the say is forfei ted. If his opponents were satisfied with the resent stnte of the case he was. lie returned his thanks to llis friends, especially tho good Northern Democrats nud gentlemen who hud the manhood to stand by him, not forgetting John Scott Harrison. Some gentlemen, he believed, had voted aguiiift him contrnry to their wishes, bnt were operated upon by out side pressure, and be spoke in commendation of those who gnvo their Votes without indul ging in villi Ileal ion. He concluded by saying, .Mr. Speaker. 1 announce to you uud the House, 1 am no lunger a member of the thirty-fourth Congress. f.V scuie or confusion ensued, nnd udmid a storm of npphiuse and hisses .Mr. Brooks retired. A long time en sued before order was restored. Mr. ( ariithcrs snid that, if ho had been present he should have voted against the ex- mlsion, believing that no otl'cnce to the House mil been committed. The resolution or the Committee, declar ing disapprobation of the conduct ol Messrs. F.diiinndson iir.d Keitt, was taken up. Mr Campbell, of Ohio, desired n division or the question, but the Speuker suid it could not bu divided, A motion to table the resolution was rejec ted yeas '.Hi. linys 11 1, and pending the ques tion, the House adjourned. CoiTcspouimtcc. New Advertisements; NOTICE 13 hereby aiven Hut Mterg of sdiniuintrntinn to the eMnlt of lolm Sherry, late of Wh inijlnn tewosliip, Northumlietbiud county, dee'd , have been grnuiel tir Ihe tuhnrrilwr. All per s ms indebted to said eotnlenre rpqupntrd totnnke payment wilhnut-delay, and all hnv'uiu claims to present tliem-in proper form fr seiilrutent. WM. SHKItKY, Adin'r. WmhiiiRtnn tp.. July 19, IH.'iO. 6t of to this b- a a court of law and hero bv a majority the House at the same tune. If he had committed a brtech of privilege, he was answerable in thu Semite, which had no right to present him to the I louse for pun ishment. The question not only involved him and his friends but the whole House. If the consequences were confined to himself he would be prepared to meet them here or else where. Others, however, must not suffer for him. He had felt more for his frii nils, Mr. Kdmundson uud Mr. Keill.tliun for himself. They are blameless. F.ach has proved n friend, that sticketh closer than u brother When (he remarked) the people of the great North speak of me us a bad man, they will do me the justice to say that a blow from mi nt this time would be followed by n revolution nnd they know it. Applause, seemingly con- ii m il in me galleries. j jui no net oi miiiu shall favor the revolution. 1 uni not willing to see the Constitution wounded through me. He would sav to the House, that the axe up lifted over him may fallen them, lie had only to say that ho could not retain his seat consistently with his self-respect uud his rights under thn Constitution. During this very session, u member from Pennsylvania charged n colleague with an at tempt ut bribery. Where were the proceed, ings in that case? Bypassing it by silently, the House hud declared that bribery i" excu sable, but simple'iissaiilt uud battery is not. lie s; aku of Massachusetts ns being in rebel lion against the laws and constitution of the United Slates, while silting on him, nnd de manding his expulsion without a hearing. He had never been called to order, nor had he oll'eiided uud oflicers, Ji t a rote had been taken to-day. transmitting him to posterity ns unworthy a seat here because of disorderly behavior, and iu IhU connection he spoke of Mr. Pennington us thn prosecutor, th Ful staflian member, for which the Speuker called him to order. Mr. Brooks snid Mr. Pennington charged the assault as murderous, and that with a bludgeon, 1 had attempted to kill Mr. Sum ner. My friend from Massachusetts, over there, has n pretty good sized stick, 1 would thank him to raise it and submit it to the inspection of tho gentleman from New Jersey. Mr! Do Witt, the gentleman alluded to, held up his stick for u moment, (laughter.) Mr. Trufton here rose nno usked that the disorder in the g tileries be quieted, uud that thev bu cleared. (Hisses from thu galler ies. The Speuker said that if tho disturbance was repeated, he would give that order. Mr. Jones, of Tennessee Why I don't hear und up there just now. Mr. Brooks, looking up. If! have any friends in the galleries I appeal to them to be quiet. If 1 desired to kill the Senator from Masssachusetts, why didn't I do it? You ull udmit that I had it im my power. Let me tell the gentleman from New Jersey that, expressly to prevent the taking of life, I took un ordinary cane, presented to me by a friend in Baltimore; I went to the Senate deliberately ; 1 hesitated whether I should use a horsewhip or a cowhide ; knowing the strength of the Senator to bo superior to mine, I thought he might wrest it from me. If ha hud 1 ni'ght huve done n hut I should have regretted for the remainder of my life. A Voice He could have killed him. Ten days ago foreseeing what the action of the House would be, my resignation was put into the bauds of tho Uovernor of South Car olina. M r. Brooks replied to several members who bud suid Laid Ihmga id' him, including Mr. For the Jmi!iiiry Aninicmi. I'iittsvii.i.k, July Slh, 1H3G. Mit. Editor: Thus fur the question of who shall be our next member of Congress from this district, bus created but very little excitement. It is true, a few trimmers to head olf thu immaculate Colonel, at our last county meeting procured the adoption of a resolution conceding the next nominee for Congress to Northumberland County. This pel haps is not very far from justice, had it been coupled with the idea who the nominee should be, iiiusniiich as the frieiidsjtnd oppo nents of Unit resolution, with few exceptions, nre decidedly in favor of thu nomination of omo person belonging to the Democratic iii-yiu Norlhuiiibeiland (..ounly, w ho pos sesses the requisite talent, integrity uud re spectability, ami that such u person may be found uinoug our friends there no one here doubts. Let this be the only requisition ol the nominee, nud my word for it. our friends iu the county will stand by it manfully. If, however, on thu other baud, our friends in Northumberland County should determine ollierwiKe, nnd nguiii think of fiiisliug upon lis one. who has mil lung to recommend him either at home or abroad but n cnllh instead ol abil ilies, they will most assuredly find their error upon a count of tiiu ballots on the second Tuesday of October next. Such n statu of things we would all deprecate, nnd no one more than the writer of this mH oing. lor such is what is intended by thu writer oi this com munication. May wo hope then, that our friends in Northumberland will take this us n friendly warning und drop the notion of again impos ing upon us a cuudidatu rejected twice already, and get up some new mun of good standing in the democratic parly; one who has never run against the ticket, nor as sisted to defeat a pol l ion of it every Fall for Yjcr? one who is possessed of talent ami integrity, .;nd whose character lor industry and sobriety ivor.'d bear the strictest scrutiny uud public investigation. (Jive us n man, Sir, that will come up to this Mandurd, and we will guarantee, instead of defeat, that Schuyl kill wiil give nt least fifteen hiuiilri d majority for the nominee of Northumberland county. JACKSON. NOTICE. I.Ti pfron knowing themselves indebted ft to J. 11. Kaiillinnn nn llnok account, INote or otherwise, are requested to call and pay upon or until the lirt of Di tn'jer next, nnd if not paid until that lime, the nernuiiK n ill be placed in thu hands of a Mngisliiitr for collection. J. It. K A UK KM AN. I.. Auirustn tp., July ?2, P.r.B 4t. Last lYoticc NOTICE is hereby Riven Ihnt the etdwrriher, oilininUtrntnr nf (ieurge linns, ilec'il., will Ht the lute residence of said deceased, in ('hilisipiaipie. township, on Tlnmd.iy. '.he 3Ut day nf .Inly, iust., for the purpose of nuking settlement)!. All persons knowing thcmsclv ea indebted to the cttalc will please ultcnd nnd save costs. J. A. MKltTZ, Adin'r. Chilisipinqiir, Inly IS, I8"(i. at. 1'oi ti iilt of .ItiiiicN ItiKiiaiiaii. 'Yltr most correct likeness ever made ; execu- - led in the highest style of Art, nud printed nn fine India paper, published and for sale, Wholcsnle and lielnil, hy .. N. I505KXTAAL. l.ithrogrnphrr, A'. II'. corner Fifth and Clusliiu .Stn ets, rmi..ur.i.riii.. Size nf nnncr. li x'Jfi. Ilclnil price, $1. A liberal discount will he aliowed Ihose wishing .-II ngaiu. I'hilndclphii. July l!, 1850. Ht. NOTICE IS hrri'bv given ihnt ihe fnllowin; prtilinns fur License for Tavern, under tho late Act of As semhly. have hern filed, and ihnt liny will he prcm iitrd to the Court fur approval on Mouiluy the 4lh day of August next : Willi on Nlindel, Jordan tow nship. Tavern. Dunirl Mwarlx. Jordan township, " I'.lins Wrist. Lower Mshmioy, ' Win. KchriM, Washington tp., " (jodfriid Itubuck, du " Hkst.U'Haxts. Jan. Onslow o Jacob .S'hipinan, Milton, William Fisher, II. K. Hans, Turl'tit Township, Jacob Staid iV Nullum .Shell. Lewis tp., JAMBS DBA It I), Prulh'y Siiiiburv. June 51, lS.'fi. BEBItYSBURG SEMINARY. The AcDilemic year of this flctirishirg In dilution will commence on the 2d Monday or August next. It is located nt Perryshnrg. Dauphin Co., Pa on one or the hi nl'tliiest and most beau tiful valleys in the old Kejstolio State." The design or tlio Institution is to proparo young Ladies and Oimtlemou Tor the respon sible duties of life, nnd for Insl'itntions of u higher grade. lOvery facility will be afforded to those w ho nre desirous td preparing theni- cenea ior I'ueuiii. 1 ho government of the Sf honl will bp strict ly parental, and it shall wlwns bo the pli-neing duty of the Principnl to instil into thu mind oi ins pupils such sentiments, m, if followed, will lend to honor und happiness. i iiiiiimi ier oession (ii weens. J. Greek nnd l.nt in, Modern language (Kxlrn.) Common F.nglish (1st (iradn.) ('Jd Crude.) Sciences, (Surveying. Chemistry tec, Printing nud Janitor Services." Music (Piano Forte) 3 (jy F.xcellent ISonn'ing cm be had from Sl.fifr to 2,(1(1 per week. Lectures will be deliver' ed every week on "Chemistry Philosophy" Ac. to which the pupils ure udmitted lieu of charge, There is a good Library connected with' the Seminary to which the'students have nc" cess for a small fee. Thn School will be ex ercised in Composition nnd Declamation onc-v every weed. The princiiial being a rr.idmilr of one of the best Colleges in t ho Union, and having experience us n Teacher Hatters himself, as heretofore, to (live general satisfaction to alt who ure placed under his tuition. JOSIAI1 F. KF.NNKDY A. It. Principal. Perry.-bnrg. July 12r Ti.'C on 00 (10 0(1 f.0 Estnt3 of B. D. Cocklcy. Notice is hereby given toall persons inter ested, that the undersigned appointed Audi tor to make an apportionment and distribu tion of the nssets of F. D. Cocklcy. in the hands of Win. W. Kuiikin his assignee, to nnd nmoiig the creditors entitled thereto, ac cording -to law will attend tn the duties of his appointment on Saturday, the '2d day of Au gust next, nt ten o'clock A. M., or that day nt bis otlice in the llnrenuh id' Siiiiburv. W. 1. OliF.KNOUOII, Auditor. Siiiiburv. Julv 12, lS.-,d. ..It. Estate of Adam Ncidig. Notice- is hereby given to ull person inter-ci-tcd. that the undersigned, appointed Audi- tor to make distrfliutiun mid apportionment i ol llie a-.-i ts in t ln hands of David lleeser. uilmini-lr.itor of Adam Ncidig. dee'd to and j among the creditors of the said deceased, will 1 attend to the duties of his appointment out Tuesday the 2'.Mh day id .Inly inst.. (la.'iC.) nt ten o'clock A. M.. of that day at his ollice in ' the l!oroti!;h of Siiiiburv. I W. I. (JKKKNOUOll, Auditor. Sunbiiry, July 12, Is'ill. 'M. ir"r'rriTV'rKrJ f:J n ' J.!.A.).l'. vi' 3JJi liy irlur of sninlrv writs nf Vkn iuthi F,x ro.N As, issued out of ihe Court of Common l'lca. of rSiiilloiiiil'irliinil rniiniy, to me iliiectid. will be exposed l public sale, nt the ("mnt lloii-e, in Ihe h.noui;li of Sunlinrv, on 8 A 77,'lillA Y, lk "ud il iv of Auuusl next, Hie following de.iriUd property to wil: All the iJclcndnnts interest nf nnd in a certain h,t of around, siumtp i.i ihe liorouuli of Funliurv. Northumberland county, ironling on .Market street, nud nnuked iu the pcm-rul plnn of Fnid lnMouuli, No. -In, houiitli'd 011 the west by bit No. uu Ihe cast by lot No. -17, nud 011 the North by nn ullc) ; ciuit.iiiiiniiejt UU Iret in Iront nud 'I'M in dedtli, whereon are erected n Two Storv Log Dwelling 11 huso and Kitchen, weather' hoarded, 11 Irauie HiociioiKit's Shop, nud aflame stable, Out I! uiiilings, f ruit Trees, Ac Al.s-0- A icrtoin lot or piece of ground, si' uate in Upper Augusta township, and county nforivnid, hounded on (he south, by the ('euirc. Turnpike; on Ihe tiorlh, by a let uf lleorv Weiic, Esq ; on Ihe east, by the Miimukiii l. reek r un! ; oil the wvst, l y the (Jutiawi-sa mini, 1 ni res, more or less. ir-'ei.ed, taken in cxeniiion, nnd to le sn. os the properly of Daniel linn kciniller. A IX) At the same time nnd pi ice, the tlirrr umliwdcil f.nirlli part i.f a certain piece nr lot i f ground, sittietf ill ihe horouU of Niinhury, Nor ilium' cilarul county, Iron ioi; on Dewberry street, ni d marked 1. ll i tlc-iiiniol upeii the eri.ernl plan of said horofyh 11.- (lie wis ern half part of lot number I '',). mid hounded nn the wist, by bit No. 138 ; on the i-aM, by the eastern part of said lit. No. 1 1)!); mul on the south. Iv an alley ; coii toinin 3d feet in wiil ill nml :,'(! feet in dcpih. wl. croon nre en eti il a Two sti ry lirlck Duelling Me use, to which is nltnchoil a Mone Kitchen. 'J'heie is alo a Irauie st.ihic niton said lot. fS-iii il. taken ill execution, and to Ik- sold ns the property of ll.iniel Driu kemiller, with nulico to Jnsnvs (i. Mc.lCechaii, tcrrcleuaut. ALSO: (CommtiiucaM, I'nr the Aiut-rii-iin. Mil. KniTort : The time is ut hand, when the ilill'eri lit political parties are oil the alert to find their best and most popular men to fill the ilillerent olliees in the gift of the peo ple. And as this is thu fall for the election (if CoiigiVBSinen, permit nu: to name Mr. SAM ULL JOHN L.-q.. of Shainokiii, us a person every way ipialitied to represent this distiiet in the Nuliotiul Congress. Mr. John is uu intelligent uud practical farmer, uud knows thu wants of thu people, uud will, if nominated und circled, represent I heir wishes to the best of his ability. Northumberland county will be entitled to tho candidate this fall, uud should the ilillerent parties opposed to the present Administration, form u Union ticket, 1 think Mr. John is the man for the contest. AN OLD LINK WHIG. Klysburgh, July I I, Its'id. DEA T 11 S . Iu this place, oil the lOlh inst., Mr. JA COD PAINTKK, aged fiK yeurs. Thu deceased in the different relations to his family, the community und church, sus tained the reputation of a kind father, a use ful citizen and liumblu christian. Truly, "un holiest mail is the noblest woik of Cod," and may Ho who took him away from our midst console thu bereaved family iu this their uf. Iliction. This death is a great loss to our community and regretted by all. Cjjc Tarhcls. Philadelphia Market. July 10, 185C. Prime Wheat is in moderate du mund, Sales of L'lOO bushels good old Poena, red ut ' .r5al TiH and white at from $1 50 to $1 7(1. liye ;s in demand ; und has advanced to "i(i cents. The market is bare of Corn, and it is wanted nt tiHadlc, afloat. Oats are iu steudy demand ut 38 of 40c per bushel for Pensylvunia, iu store. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. WuKAT. 113 lilt. 62 Cubs. . 37 On. till I'otatoK", ... 37 Uecswix 2."i HecKLFU Km. . 10 IliTTia. 18 Km.. 10 Puna. ... 12 Kitisstn. iiS 'I' i 1 1 u w . - 1 ? LIST Or JURORS. Of Northumberland County, for August Term, A. D. lSoli. OIiAND JUKOUS. Pelairnre Jacob C. II oilman, James llauijhliii. Suiilmri Frederick Merril. I.i wis Samuel Stahlnci ker, Samuel Cald well. Win. lliirr. I'j'irr Augusta .town Fry. (W Ca.-per Slinll, Joseph T. llird. Ih lim in e Cyreliues llnuiboy Point Isaac lleidelspach, Jefferson Stain, (Im. P Martz. Shaiunk-in Joseph Hoover, Saiuuel Hale, I It nry Leisenring. Milton Joseph Hound. I''jicr Muhwtoy Peter Lenker, John Sherry. Ciiilisijuuii:c Adam Conrad, Jacob Kre mer. jr.. Andrew Keller. .Xmlhumlifiliihit Wm. H. Wapples. I.nvir Muliunog Isaac Kepler. TKAVEIisK JUKOUS. l''j"'r Augusta John ',. Haas, John Uurus, Samuel Savidge, sr. Sunhurg Henry Umber, Ceorge W. Smith, Charles Kiu'chart, Charles Keck, John Deiiuer. Cuul John Sober, Daniel Haas. l.tu-is (Jen. CiiMiian, S. P. Kurrowes. James Tweed. Jackson (I'onrgo (i.irinan, Henry Rogers, j and thirty-live feet iu Christian .Miicrl. Ii liiinn e Win. 1. Krysan, Wm. hVnrd, Jos. Irwjn, Itobt. M. Knssel, Win. Smith, sr. ('iHisiuiniie John I!. I Idler. Jacob Key ser. Peter Wulhorn, Saiuuel McMachcn. Unfit I.-aac Campbell, Ceorge Hums. iltUUiol.iu Isaac (ioiisert, Ceorge Miller, Isaac Sober, John Fisher. Turbul John lluag, sr., John Sliidden, Milton Thomas Swi nk, Abraham Straub, Daniel Dougherty. Liucir Muliunng Jacob Witnier. John Witmer, John lluirel, Jacob Shaller, Udbeit Kumberger. Xcrbv Uenj. Knonse. Ml. Curiiul David Lewis. I'pier Maliiumy Felix Maurer. l.onvr Augusta Isaac lingers. Xortliumljerland John Leisenring, Amos H. Kupp. V Valuable farm, nituale iu Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, adjoin., ing linios ol llaruiun Miipinnu, Hr. Henry Kras tor, and John curs, coiituininn! 43 acres aud some perches, will In' exposed to public sale on ihe premises, 011 Saluulay (he 2:td day of Au gust. 7'lie land is of good quality, about 50 acres red shell and plenty of meadow, well wa tered. One hundred acres cleared, aud die rest well timbered willi chestnut nml ruck oak. The farm is plentifully stocked with good fruit ot all kind. 7'lic impi uviuneiiU are a I wo story frame House, aud a frame Unrn, til) by 3U. Terms luadu kiitfw u al time of sale. John Kniiiuiir. Lower Augusta tp., July 12, 1856. U. Distribution of proceeds of real es'ato sold as tho property of Dr. J. B. Masser. Notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested that the subscriber, appointed Auditor to make distribution of the money in the Or phan's Court, arising from a Sheriffs Sale of real estato of the said Dr. J. U. Masser, wUI attend to the duties of his appointment on Wednesday the 311th day of July inst., (IS.'iC) at ten o'clock A. M.. of that duy at his ollice iu the Itorough of Sunbury. W. I. UKKF.NOUCH. Auditor. Sunbury. July 12, I836.-3t. 1JATENT UKITTANIA BTOPrEUS for bar bottles for sale by IL 0 MASSER. 8uubuy, Julv 10, I8SC j liy virlno f.f s certain writ if Yrnli!io I Esji'Has. to- me directed, will h im prised to ; public sale, ul Ih Ctrt llun-e, in thu bo--I rough of SnnWy. oi MONDAY. August j Jth. lN'ifi, ut 1 o'clock P. M the following renl estate, Tin : All ths two certain con tiguous bits f ground, siruat'e iu the borough ol Milton, N01 fhuK'jiievhuid county, in that part of said borough i-umyaoidy called Upper I Milton: hnmidorl tut tho South by upper Market street ; on the Kosf, ly lot belonging ; todoor.'e Curry ond othrr. atd on the West bv Second street ; being Wl'. 'Jl and 2,1 in tl.o plan of said borough. ciitnm:ig one tpiurter of an Acre, morn or less. ALSO Upon that ceilai list of ground, situate in Turbut township, roiiaty aforesaid; hounded on the north and east bv hind of IJ. j ( and by lot of John M idillefoir; wist 1 by Third street ill Mill till, coutuioi Jar Olio j ipiurti r 1 f an Acre, more or less, on which me erected TWO SMALL FKA.MK MDU I SI'S, one nnd a quarter story high, nnd other j small out buildings. Seized, taken in execn I I in 11 . 11 ml to be Sold as the pioperty of Joseph ' L. Autcn. ALSO! ! Hyvirlueofa certain writ of Inia Fa i ciaus to me directed, will be exposed to pub I lie sale nt the Court House, in Sunbury, on i Saturday the 2d day of August next, ut 1 o' j clock I'. M. A cerlain two story Steam j Saw Mill nnd Kngine House sitnate'on i.'m-k i Kidge in coal township, Northumberland Co.. 011 lands, udjoiiiing kinds surveyed in the name of Kobert Cray uud others, said Steiiui i Saw Mill building being si.My feet III length 'III. the'MHo llouie fifty two feet iu leneth and fifteen in width, more or less, the said Saw Mill and I'.neioe House being uttaihed, making 1 110 building, together with the lot or piece or tract of land und curtilage nppnrteuaut to said building. Seized, taken into execution, nnd to b sold as the property of the Dig Mountain Im provement Oompuny, ow ners or reputed own ers, Samuel Kyle, Contractor. ALSO, liy virtue of a writ of V. Fa., to me di rected, issued out of the Point of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, w ill be ex posed to public sale at the Court House, in Sunbury. oil Saturday, the 2d day of August, ut one o'clock, P. M., a tract piece or parci 1 of land, situate iu Turbut township. Nor thumberland county, bounded on thu Lust by thu Sunbury A; Krie rail load, on the VVtrst by the Pennsylvania Canal, on the South by hinds of Philip ililgi it. on the North by let of Paul Mustellcr, containing live uens uio'u or les Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as tin) property of Kachuel Vergy. ALSO, liy virtue of a Pluries Vend Fxpinaa from the Court ir Common Pleas of Nor thumberland county, will lie soMatthe Court House in the lioruiigh of Sunbury, in said county, 011 Saturday, the 2d day of August next, -it one o'clock. P. M., ull the iuteusl of Dr. Leu W. HulTnigton (supposed to be one undivided fourth.) uud ull thu interest ot Jacob Loose (supposed ulso to be one undi vided fun) th) iu and to n certain tract of laud, situate in Coal uud Zciho townships, Norlhuiiibeiland county, adjoining lands sur veyed iu the iiuniu of John lioyd, William Wilson, Michael K roll and Frederick Kra mer, containing 307 uerus, t'H perches, more or less, of un acre of which is cleared, hereon is creclnl a small log house. Sur veyed on a warrant to Mutthias Zimmerman, supposed to be a first rate coal tract. Thu said interest seized, taken into execution, and to be sold us the property of the said Lee W. liuflington and Jacob Loote, each fourth to be sold separately. IIKNKV WKISK, Sheriff. Hiikbuf's Omen, ) Huubury, July 9, Ib.'.C. ( Table and Poekel Cutlery, a Urge selection of various fiatlrnia for sale bv May Ul 6(i. K. f. UlilCllTiL SON.