I t. r .. it r- i -,i - - ; HTtl.ADRLrHIA. ' "RESPECTFULLY inform thx" cliiim, nf r fSuotinrv ami llm !.! i.iv t'l It tW hivOiu ' atora full ortmnt of choice a rl ea.iiulile ' fooJ which tliov nrj clnii it it V GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, '. prinhHy from th Great Auction Sale in " New York, ami partly of our own importation. . k SILK SHAWL DEPARTMENT. ' ' ' lPOO Ctrll Shawl, fiOO Blk. Silk Mantilla. 150 Cliaiitiliy If Freurk Lace, do., Berag Shawl Petf. s. ... on nnn . 1 Tt .... c : n . .ti:. - ., ei t ft a aud $1 (Id per va d. , ' 60U MaKiiif.ri.l Pik lute. Mark CioDe Tijen. '' p 4S0 Flounced Barce T!ref. Grenadine. Chall'y Organdie. Law lit, French t Eii(li,!i Chintz'. French worked 'Sell. CnllRr tint Pleeve. Cambric Hdlfa. RLfl!iig. Iadie & Cent Ki.l Cloves. Lace Alt'. MOLRNINO GOODS, Black Ecndayinc". (.ratiadjnr, TVracra. 1 Crap IV l:o'o tie. Lupine C 4. Mnuselitic. - Rnmcae (.'l ull. Brn?elltnea Mack and Purple Flounced I5e.br a.. ' Country Merchant and visitor, to Pltilidel Jihin. xre invited to call ami examine) our Spick, feeling rnufiJcnl that tviili ihe great fucilirie al forded Ui we can offer great indui niief t aunew a co 10 Chestnut Street, below tith. April SO, IR.'C. 3tnw. SDNBUllY AcTdSMy! PTM1E Sunburv Academy will open ils Sum mer Se.inii nn Monday- the fth dnv o' May.lPflO. un.lcr Mr. ISA C ULF,- na 1'iiii- tipal. Term per qiiBt'rr are Lowrr EiiKlih Brannhoa ft 00 Higher do do 6 00 Latin, fir. (1 (1(1 reraona Jeairinir tr enil Pclmlars will plenur apply to one of 1 lie Tnmteea fur a nte of at- mission . in4o the St-lio.il. All patrol a ill It fonaidered oliiiitjled tor one quarter uuliii3 ape- eial arroncpnient lie in iilr. i It in enn eal'.y IiohmI that the eitiiona of Pan. liury, will liberally piitronixe the School, and thereby wipe a stain I'ruin the racutcheu of our Lorouih. I. W. TENER. V. W. MON I GOMEUV. TETER 1ni W. I. GKEE.NOUfiH. IiE.V.1. HEM)RI(JKi, CHAS. Pl.E.4A.NTS, 8. R. PE LE. r May 3. lSSfi. tf WT rw n WT5W A NNOUIVCES to the ri izena nf Sunlnirv Xorthlimliorlatiil ntitl lieiiiiti- lltfil ti.i opened an office in Suiilmry. one door weal ol the l'ost Olfice, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work heloncii'C to the profession, in the latest and most improved M. All woik Well done, and wnrrnnted. Also continues Gum Work, which is very durable and ne.it. April 12, I $56. tf ff.Wf, fcliouider Cheese. Mackerel, Iiish Salmon and Suit for s.ile hv May 31 Vifi. V.. Y. 11 RIGHT ,V f0. J. STEWART DEFUY & SONS, Importers end Dealers in Carpeting:;, Masonic Hull, Clerlnvt St.. Ithiw Eighth, TcrOUEl iMpei-lfully invite ou lo i-a'l and ernmioe thpir Ip.rfe and well selerled stoi k of Carpet, Oil Chillis. Cocoa and Canton Ma' tins. rupEi'(s. Hearth Eucs. Dimr Mati. &e.. which they will sell to the trade at su- h prices ns will make it ilt-sir.ibie fur those uhowivh to pur chase, to cull and examine their stock, before piircliaiinpr clirwiiere. Philadelphia, April 12. 15C ly ' ILKTl'S ItKIS X TdliKVIIKU. H0LL0YAY'S pills. WHY ARE WE SICK? It hm Lefn tie!rt nf '.It hutrnn Tiict. to t wp'aiext J-wii hy iIikmi un-1 nr;rMig. l;OI,l OW.A Vf I'H.LS Ibrt t-uvitiilv n-Uii mi tf tin-n-licl' m tlir VK.K, id NERV(Jl", thf J. I.l.rCATK. Huil llir lM lK.M.nt nil cliiiipa pfcn, ftt-ira, ml c iifTiniti i i. I I H-tr IJolt "ity pert vml'v tju;'u-riii!rtti llir- n:i urovtine J Ihp iiirtl iMiit'i in t'tc Umiu-(1 l!tii-iT ii ml t'fltii it cm ( ft irrr ami Cii.tgNifiieti iop'r, i i tlie Im il ivu;vUy tl. wvikl vmt aw A r the leinuwtl xTtliia'.Be. TnESE PILLS PUlTTFy THE BLOOD. Theie famt'tit Pi I ore rprfly cnitihined n npnrate en the tnri(-i, the livt-r. It kitiif. rite lic't. tt.f tk:n ami tiie tiivis, crreviiiiu any (lriittt:rn;eiil if tlirir fnnr. tioan, pumyiiiK Uic lil .Ki. v veiy 'Untum ul' lifr. arid thus curin: Oini';ir iu u kl it fiimm. DYSPEPSIA o: L1YKU COMPLAINT Nearly hntf t)ie .Minan race liuve tnkctt htr ban tieeii pnivctt in n.i yrt tf tlir world, tl.m in (hniff tmi lMr-H ifUint fqdtil t.t tin in iii i'nt f ri'cri ( the liver, dyppp.a. umi t--r.tffh c 'ino'umtapfiierHlly. Tlrv p'Mi Kive n hr;il,t.y V' ir ! th iiieitu. I.i-we.'ti inucti oeraneit, rii wlit-n uii titlirr uicttni Uuv iV'cit. CESEUAL TiEHlllTY. U.J. HEALTH. Many oi' tlio rn"!l iK'piif GnviHniPi)tii luvn rpe-itf-il t)iejr Cur nn. II ui- ! iht intr-a r ji-n tf ttif I'liin. t.':nt tliy inny IirCi-'r.;'' It' :nc.lr!in' l" t'nt ni..fr I,r;(rn rl C('lt cm fi'lmit tl.Mi thn inntu w in fur I esl r-fn-ilT ever kn-iWri ( -i f dr.ic.iti JiJ'h, in vrhrrr ihf sytfin his U-en iiupmrcd, ii iiivi"iniih' j)ro.eilifi iiv?r fail f a IT irti re'ici". FEMALE C0M1 'I. A NT.?. So femr,!e, ynu'.ig or nhl. ahovl.1 1 with ut tlii ecte braled inclicine. It cornc's :md icK'ilates the mnillily cotirsfs Ql uil peii wtR. actinii in riany iMSt-s like n cinmii. )t is a Is i the belt und salrsl nicilicine liuit can lie civi'li In Children of e.ii nee, and fir nny cniiipluiiit ; ci'iitciiuently iu family siiuuld i wiih'-ut i;. Hollou'dy'i Tilt art the lent remedy I nou n in the tvorld fur th fnllnu-ilp ttitensr : Alttnr.s, Fev-r end Apne " Ptrtne and Grnvil B nvol Coiniiluiiits t-'rin-ik Cntnnitnts Sre. i.d iv Sin,i. Omrul Ilmrtarhrt I oxv-ifl V:lllllrra C-ilds I idiection - l.ivrr C ini-lsmts Chest Dicettci InCueiiU 1 "viiii.. P(in Cnstiveneae lnM.immitien Filva Ilyspepala Veiwrea! AtTi-e'lona Diarhtaa - Worms, of all kliuia Ororwy , PILS AND FISTULAS. , Sold at the Manufact iries of ITi.e,irTlIriLnwAT to Maiden Lena, New York, and ii!4 iMratsl. Imd -n. lir ell respciabte DrucRiata aud Iiealeis in Meoicine tiitoiipii. .nil the UnitH Stales, and the civtlixvd world, in Imsvs, a; Sis cents, JJ cent, and l eicn. . jy- I'ncrei, a uousiJarable saving by tukinf the larger ;. N. B Diraetbina for the rulilaiic of patients in every tfiarirder are affixed to ecu Ima Marck , leifj lyea VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ri"tIIE luViscriber. Execntora of the estate of A - Henry Masser, dee'd.. oiler "t private sale the following; property viz : A la rue two story frame (Swelling house, together with about ' 0 ACRES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Auttusta township adjoining ' land of Daniel Kaufman and other hour iu the . occupancy of John It. Kaufman aa a store and dwelling. J he house is new and the location a goad one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONP LAND . , in aaiJ township on the river about 6 mi'es be low 'unl'U.y. adjoining lands of J. T. M'Phersnu and other, containing, about 90 acre. Th oJ is productive and contain lioiesione ai.d otliermineral. . Also a tract of Land, containing about lift ere on the hill, about two milea below Sunbury, adjoining lands of th beiia of the late John Conrad nd others, There is, on this tract, a IDiull orchard of choice, fruit. . " I'df fu.ther particulisra apply to thf ubscrihera. . H. Ii. MASTER, P. B. M AH!BK, Executors. . FKANC1S UUCHEH. . Eonhnry. January 19, 4H.S6. tf HORY LOaNEL, ATTvORJEir AT LAW, . ".OJic opposite the Cour House, - ;t .,' r Bunbury, worthTuaberlaad County Pa. . Pran.pt KilenlioO' tu buiua in adjoitiing Cuunlre, T 4 '., . . I AND VI AKJIANT l b bigheat prire Aedwill b aivam fai Laaul WairaaU bv 11 ,ub- to by ti e u War gerymen. Frcit Growers tod Farm V .. NEW YOHIt ItOIITICt'LTURAb RKVIW 1 Juurrml of Suhurhmi Art.Suverhla u I'mfuftlg llluHraled.- P.vottd to ,Mj Advar.cemtnt of th Kurul Inttrtitt , i.( in Am t nca. .-' 1 This is one of the targtM ami most tMjorale werka o tilt- kiiul In Hie w .rid. . , IUii.h Anlittwiure f.ma one "T tl prinei(al fesiures. & cb number nirnui lr.nn l wo to four iHtraeiil nf latnivl ei'ttuffia from dtsis by rmi'ieiit aid skilliul ar ehi ecta Hrsce ia ali tmiaind to tlie tiisii-inl ail of laiids ne U:uue:ilnff : enslaved runs ut rsrilt-ns in even- eta'v, tuiil aUiiptial to lha irrutiuriuea uf dUfcraitt ordeia ul nrtliitty-tiirc, bt'iiuiify the w rk. tngmfiiwt of new iruits, new flowers, new e(tettilfS, Ac , lire illuttniteit and drti-rilK-d Ha s.n -ii ttirir ii-iipecllva qiiHlities euti lie . determined. f rminfr tlie Mu st cuinpti-te and tlegi.nl Manuiilnf Kurul llt:aiaiidry ever alli:iiibd. .n vx(VTiciiieti c 'ipi -l (init-iKMi wruvis, t-tt-ii 111 tllimlH-r, lira eniifrrd to fill it enluinns It e.lllUnna MfVeutv Iniirf iintfMI. Hint is nrlntrtl on the fiinst peiiil-RtnrncvLt ,iHer. inniiuliicturcdrxprespl)'. i irxi er niimiin, mniinf iiinirniiiiy in mivnm-r. Fiftv ee.'its e.iiiiti'iKsi -n mi eiu-h sutuH-tiber nil wed lo tnse wh.i aul ii nfteiils. 91.HU0 will lie diatritiuleil at tlie end nf the vein tnniMic lh"te wh srnd iisllietwi-iity Infect. lifts -f stililk-rihcrs. Then- nremhlins will be nunl in cusli- Tha first itiiniuin will lis Soi'U. The fntlowinr nte ei-li-cted fr m hnndreus of simltHr w-ticxs eoUtntury contributed by eiiitrnipoiMiis.us nubli entiona The II 'rtieultuml Revii w deserves the must liberal pa. tr iiejre. It is n t only eminently )irnet c-iil. but is written in a style tlmt pqimis tiw kiat en ns oi me sue a. j. l"Wllif( kirKf.BB CKKS The in t rii-Rui.t ni.il ur.fj bu'k i f the kind tiiat hua evrr e mw unit-) 'Mir nljservali II llr.lTK. Mr. t.'e ittr". the IMit x ' i llic II -itieiiltntal ItiV.ew. IS a piiH-'unl pnni I '(t-si, ami "ins nf Ihe finet s-ln Inrs nnr unlry li.Miils ni p,.MvFSi-s tlie (fi -wii-fr i;-ii-ripii.B p -wrrs nt DiekeiiB. the i:h-piint a BMi alp li. f III-itii-H with a tiiorimrri knnwlrdue ruial art Srsra 1' t.irat Tr.nra. l- nrniei bnv it f.'r Ml S IIS hUT it ( t Tiflir da-ishters Tt is a lit'li iiitr-lit-i-lutil trent : n rure ei.tiibniAli -u f tlie beautiful nt'd the utrtul A Rcr. N. V. We h id th ineM th illn I) wniite deitli. the elmm-nt adV'N-ntt- of niml tidnu , tl atil bi-c tnt nn'y a ehtiishir rrnieinlirjiiei-: h'U in Mr. K-.ittlfSwe dib ivri ntieqniiHy rich mine ul' in-ntHl wt-ulih. thur hirl-ikens the i.ifijetics of t'n- s;iirit that i e -ne MoxinnsK la aihs Adreitisers will find this an lli!Mir;liMfil meilinm o' pul.llrilv, a'lhi- llintiriiliiirnl Itevicw I irt-uliil s rxtfli" ivtv ill M-i-rv tts-p in tlie fiihiil. Advertisements in s-rtIat theme ufSIPper page. WOOD ENOHfiVIKG. Those fqnirii'S W "vl Kinrravins. can bnve then rTners esiM-ntrd in nn nnrmillpd tnnnnet. Sieci:il ilenli"ii is C'Vn to vi-s if A M M I : 'in ' X -M niiei d l.nsliso Llmiiciit(i:i-iii ii etif iired ( t ttiis .x.-ri-rs r-urp-'Se. I'rr s -iis liviiicnt (lim.ee inn f'rwtnri n itnirii"r tvr-e f t-e nbji-'t liy mill U.ey wish eneoiVeil. tvhieh will he s riiifn-ieiit I'liidt 1 1 oi'luin n p' rti-t fie simiie. t ck Bri-ira wilt be di-ilt with very liwral terms. I'cbruury 16, ISiO 6ino WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTsVII.l.E. PA. THE suliseriber res eetfullv announces to hia obi friends nnd the public, that lie his taken that olJ and we I kno.rn o-t.t'ii'rne it. the Whito Horse Ilotcl. At the corner of Centre and MnliBiitojjn sts., in the HorniiR'ii of Potlsville. The lioiie has re. eriitly bien very tntich etil.irced and otherwise imprint; I. remlerinv; it n,nite as coiiiforlable n any nthir Hotel in frhuvlkill rnunty while the stiiblesnrc larsrc, in good im' dili ui. mid at teiul by Arefnl, attentive, pimlent hollers. 'Ii travellern and ntlters who may i-t'ip nt his hoi.se, be prrmies i-verr atteittinn ertli-iilated to render ttiein comfortable ami snti.fied JOd. M. I'KGER. April 6, IBS' .- tf 1855 Special Express Notice. 1856 HOWARD 5c GO'S EXPIiKSS. HAVIXG oittait e i full oxiri"s privileres over the CATA WHS . SfXDI'BY AMI KIIIK nnd Il.I.I AMtiPOKT & EI.MIUA i;.ll.l!0. U, we "le now (.reputed to fnrward hII descriotinus of Express (iniids by Pnssnnsrr Trains, dally, between Philadelphia nnd Elinira. eounrctini; at l'lmiru with ai' the Western Ex press Coir.pnnies. All frond for Tamnrpia. Summit, Caltawissa. Danville. Milton, W'i linmspnrt, Eltnira. nnd also to Norihuiulierhnd and Sunlnirv and till inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Enrh train in vhurge of our own Ppri-iul Messenger. l'liitinli lp''ia Oll'n e. Oi Cliesntit Street. Oir.ce I'.linirs at I'nited State Eiprcss Oll'ice. Airil .3. IS.ifi Iv BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this vrsv for Bargains. EING ilcsiniu ol dispiwlm; nf niv entire stock of ItooUsaiid Stalionerv. couipiisiiiti me ICO I (111 olumefc ol l.aw. A.eilica!. Iieii Eioti S.ieiiiinc, 1 ia nk. Musical, Sihool and Misi-ellaneoiis Honks, Also, 1(1(1 lleains of letlrr paper and a lot ol wall paper, aticl pens, waters, Ac. I will nifposc ot the whole slock nt public "-file sale at my store, oppni-ire the Conrt Ilmise. oiiiinencini; on Monday the 7th day of April. IPfiG nt l o'clock, P M.. and cotitiuiiiiip. every nttcritouu und evenim; until the whole block i sold. WM. M.CAItTV. Per JOS. II. McCAKi Y. Siinluiry, March 15. S5(i tf tITJ-MA3Sr LIFE SAVED I llmVAiil.C, At It'll., .March il, l-iJ, J A. I!II0DI, KM.: Di-.ir Sir I i k y lir n.tdt eine 1 1 n-'.l mi c-ii-i'si-ia-iil. 'ti'i cure i, ia,," I uur pt'-.nurr in slillnc it, irt.r I I.I r(i.ittd in me ! tlltrr tir ilits wo-i live in ihu plic-e, tin;1 th?ir lti,u tt.soiii ny l, a Tiir s ici-ni a. I ii' 1 1 itiivf iciencil : V. . I'liNKUIS Ml 111 "I hid ln.cn line h'tllrS i' Chiisln-'s Acne Hii earn, int-i c nruui illy iuii .1 wn wtiil nt,:i. il if tit j 1 niv i-iiiua an.) livi-l were L'in.s;,d In ili-il llrc'en lh.it bl i il iiisc.Mr,:ed lr in Illy 111- ntli and Ii wi ts sitlcit ill tlii'ltttt il liiiHMtMc t r me to live tlir ujh nimthel l-h'll. T:ie it ClO'S I "i del nil llley C II . I f C lllf, t nt th niirhi 1 iiinut ilia Nmliiim tint n.t inv a-.'it inii.il i (f.'t I : t tti's Krcr und Ane I'nif, whii-h at nnc- reln vc me l Ilia ili.tr, a.id li.'U(M .it iny sr.nitieli mid pnlii in no hiMd ninl bowels, Ui.d .liduirdu pti'u.inteiit cute III a Ii. it lime." II. .M. CUN'nl.lN snvt: '1 hat been tuliinr nieilieine nf ns i!i; i.l a il elm ul wtt nave In nur cnutit , mill taken at y i,uaiuy nl tiaiiiine unit S fellies utiiunii any p no r-sal., It iu li'iui Aatill in l7'll Leeeittlier. lint sei-intr Ii w l.tctl. n iiiemu'd i n tny bmllitr. I a "t a billle"l Uliuul J' Kl'AKiv AM) Alil'l". t'l'lli:. ul.H h i;lecti.-d a '-t il.aiic t erne iiy usii.- lint thirds "I n h-'tile.1' . d. M. Cci.NKId was und here, but b th ihe "tl'r br.nht.r, say In cin-e was Ihe saine us 11. M: I Id II e liieUictne l i b i1 II the a one liny.iui.t I he eare w is us S' eeity fr .iu tlie iri.lie S'li.ih Oil Hill'. . hud 1 Uii -lit S ' s-ee'f : ! nan w t.i r.s. eit, A. IlLMl.Mj lo.N. The id. ivu SjHsaks lor utril". Co -d pincess it t. ii is nf U i UcUrr tcunl than the vaiM fn:nilr of liia like certiScattis I have uliuiily puliiiaiii-d. mid til tnll greauir ain iuiiI Usit is ei-iiiniuali piiurinj in Ui inc. Uns itiiii ui ra laoa -urI hud nceaii ia to Cuuitmi the Piialn- in ibesn wolds: -l ii tire ne firm wh have taken one nf my general rirenlars, salistiliileil the name of iheir u strum I -t my medicine, and then wild tmigen im, ud. iu-c ri-d Ihrir iaiu. phiel Willi tl.e cxi'tamili ii, latl tii pmi-riet' r ' I unv other ineilieiiiv say us muell II he dales'" Ac Now I take plensure m eo i-i that the uuiion refaried t ithe same 'lir Chris ie's Ague Uulsi.n." Uut ia men ti ind in tlis all ve eeriitlente. Th.ra are several other industrious peopte wh-i ara ai ptyins: t't llieir poiS'lcais tiush all tlmt I palSisb uh-iul m Fevi rnerl Ajrns Care, or Autidnte to Mulariu.t-xeent lite f ertificaiemif Cures and lbs t'erlifnfite of the relehrnted Chemist. Dr. James H hit of .New Y 'rk. iu favor of Its pern-ell)- IIAHMI.Kf CH All AC I'KH . wiib h is al. taehe'l In every hnMla Thesewill atwujB Strv t'ldis tineiosh my meiticiiie fr 'in imi'titi ins. For sate hy UiueaUte eetieraltv. J.8. A. KHODi:", rmprirPT. April CO, l&ttJ. 3m I'rovid-iiics, U.I. THOMAS PALMER, C0.1lilllSNIOW M II ST, Nn. 35 North Wharve, Philadelphia, "IVhere the following good are received and anlil on eominissiou : Dried Apple. iVnche. Plum, Per, Cher jles. 4 cCi. cn Apples in ISarrel or by the bushel, lleana, ' Sweet Potatoes, I.etnona, Peaa, She T aiks, l'aii-iu. Cranberries. Clicktniits. Fit;. Onion. ("round Nul, Prunes, Mercer Potatoe, Oiange. (Irpe, I'oullrv. Edits. II utter, . Cheese. And all kind of Foreign and Doineatic I re duce. April 13. IRSC 1 FOBSALE1 gpWO HOIibES cheap forih. Ap l to 1 , J. B. M ASfeEK. . March , l6. , STOVES- IORrALE an xsllent eond hand Cock iug tit iiv. also aeveral Cylunhir Coal Kune. Eiapiire at thi nlRca. . . i IJATtfNT BRI'rrAMA STOPPEUS foi bar bottle for sale by ' . ' , , H. fl HAER. Kab7, Apitl. It, lM . ' ,: in 'akt'd lto,aiVdiiTf,,i To ' l'uiir imii -il( h:tiiU4. t: Wilkin 66nRcnn,. Respeetftill announre that their hae t . k-n ' tlir atand lalnly oreupu d by. lienree Rpun. wfire they are preiared to manulaiture all kinil of ', FUllNITURb Ay a C HA iris Of the most Fashion abU Style. 'T'HE auhaeriher respectfilly rati the atteutini of th public to their larco and splendid as sortment nf every quality Mill prle at" . ' imi-a in: which rsnnot fail to ret ommend ilsrlf torvi-ry inn who will etninlne it, nn niTiniiit of its ilurnhle orkmnnship Htid ileiidid tin lib, made up of the best stock to lie hud in the city.' No elliirt is spared in the manufacture of llieir ware, mid the anbscrilaira arc determined to keep np with the many improvement which are constantly lieiinr mnde. Their stock consist of Mahogany ' Nolan, lilt HUM tllllt I .Ollt (T4 Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. RIIFA, (lilt iKFAST nil IIXI, UlilK and also VEAE I IAiN IU.IMi.n, rull ,,, i; j ,. delpbia uiaiiutarture. HEltSTEAllS, nf every pattern and price CPPBOARDS. WOliK AM) CANDLE. STANDS. TOII.KT TAIII.ES AND EXTENSION TAKI.I'.s, In short, every article in tins line of their busiuesn They also Hiauufacturc all kind and tpialitu-s CIIAlIiS. licluiTiuK varieties never belore to be had II Sunlnirv, such n Miiihhot. Ili.tra iVilmi Xtl Cl'IILKII MaI'I.K I ill El I in ; I Ml WlVI1lli ('HAIh'S, asii ri- i t mi Si dims, isliicliart of the IuIckI styles, mid warrantiil to la- exirllei by none manufactured in the Cities or rjnt-wlicre. The subscribers are di tcriuiucd that there slml1 be no excuse fur persons to piircbane luruitnre in the cities, as every eoiifnlriice can be I'liteilnineiJ nliou' tlie ipialttv ami Inii.sli ol their mire ami (Uinirs. . , . . Their articles will U dipnFed of on as irmn1 terms as they can ln piiri-!iiis,'d CimcwSito. ('oiiii try Produce taken in payment for work. Cer- i:NJ)i:iJ'i'AKI.ti. llavinn provided iheuiselvca with a handsome llkinsi. they aie nou prepared for I'lidcrtakiiiR. and alteiiiiitni lu nerals, in this vicinity, or at ii'iy couveuieul dis tance from this plai .. ly 'I'hc Ware Km in is in Pawn Street, be ow Wrutrr's Hotel. WILKINSON ft r.ENN. Sunburv, March 8. I.r: tf. New Wholesale Drug 1ST. SPENCBB THOMAS. No. "6 South, Sccoinl Sn.it, I'liiiadeiphia. '1 M 1'OIJTE I!, MaiiUlaiturer and Dialer, in Drinis. iMcdicinis, heinicals, Aeiil. I'e stiills, . Paint. Oils, Colors. While Lead. Krem h and Ameiicau While Zire. Window II , Cl'isovtarcs, Vail.ilici. Ilrii-lu s. tnsti lilin iit-. (round Spices. Whole Spices, and all other ar ticle usually kept bv Priinin-os including Un rax. IndiKo,(iltiB. sbellac. I ntiifh. A c. iVc All orders by mail or otherwise preniptly attended to. Country Merchant are invited to cull and examine our slock belore. purcliiiNiui; .t l- wl.eie. (ioods sent t.i any of ibe U liarve or ll.ulroad stations. Prices low ami good wurrautc J. March 8, IHflB ly l'l. U OIt;i fit . l.l E etcry description, snitahle for Hail Roads eVe., for weiiihiuir Hav. Coa', Ore ni:d Merchandi-e ucuernlly. Purchasers run im risk, everv si ale is Guarauieed Correct, iiud if, a- r trial, not bmnil s.itisiacni , ..... t... .,r,..l withaut ' hartte. IV Factory nt he Old Stand, cstalilishe l fur n.oret'inli twenty ears. enri.er nf NINTH and Melon Streets. Philadelphia. AliUuTT & CO. March t. IR.'C. Hine KE3VTOVAL. CITAMiES M A(rAI-!r(E i CO. having iiE.Movr.D rnoi no 5ct'.iMi:nt ir. T TIIR South-IVest coir, nf Sixth awl f'arjieuter Sts. PHILADELPHIA. 1E(J to call the attention of Pnrehaer t.. ti'eir exten r-ifl asAoituunt of Paper, at. d Paper Mera' Materials ; Printing Pupei" I'm liook nnd Nes. Wau-r leaf. ied, uni-allcu-dered und callendcred. of nil pmlitiee and piin'i. nlwavs on hand : II irdivare and Manilla Papcis, I runk liuatd. liinders' ISoarda, llaiigiiu; Pa pi rs .tc.iVc. I'a'in nlur attention is invited to their evtcn sive Hs-.orinieit of LEDCER PA PEES, From the must l!tlratnl Mitmtfarttrie in the i 'ountry. Among their WEI PINO PAPER STOCK inn he fniiiiii (Join. Note, A tlanlie Note, Filin Post Thin Medium, Bath Pn.-t. Demy. (Quarto Post, Medi' tn. Fool' (-.ip. Royal, Flat Cap. Si. p. Royal. Iillpeil.lt. Plat Paper, of every descriptinn. ,i.e and pialiiv. Map I'apeis. in ij'eat variety. En velope Papers, while, bull', and gn'd. either la d or wove. Colored I'jper. tine (jime l, aud oilu-i varieties, Maii'if.ictnrers are invited to exatr ii e their slock ol Uait. Foreiun and Doineelic. 11 leach lllf," Pnwilei. ol npproM il inaiids: Xli.ni. urnuiid or' crude; Sal Sotla, ."-'mla Ash Feli'iirf-, Wiie (,'loliia. I'ltramaiiiie, and Paper Makeii." Mule, rials ueoerally. If 'i'liix are also pieparcd to take orders ol odd fires and wciiihls of any ol the above dem rip tinti of Papers. Jaiinnr-, V (J no ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNUCRV. PA., Aided by onie eight year experience in the unrlii e nl the Law, will attend with fidelity to ull inatier appertaining to t wit' iu the line ol Ins iii.ili'ksinn. Oll'ne with Charles J. limner. hup. Market etreel. Sunl.ury, Sept. IS. IHri&.-ll DiEsolutton of Partnership. X'OTICK i herebv given ibal the psillier.lup ' hcietofore exisliiiff betnei II Sain I A Berg sttesser & Jim. llolT. ill the Mercantile! biisides at 7;iyliuig, l as In en diKSolved by mutual con Htlll. KM'I. A. nF.RGSTRESit.H JOHN HL'FF. j The arrounts of the lute firm will be etthd by 8. A. llergstresser who will continue the bu siness al the Id stand. 8. A. BrnosTBti'Si. rivshurg. April IS, ISSB 'tUAIt I I. US. Horse Bucket. Painted Buck Broom. Das.. Yankee ( lucks kela. Children' Wagona, and ul received aud for ale bv - May gn. ln-Vi. I, W.TENFP SLIITDS JLHD SHADES,' iy AT REDUCED PPICES. jp 33. J. WILLIAMS, No. IS North Sixth St., Philadelphia. Originator f all new tyim f VENETIAN BI.IN DS, tioiii Bordered and. Painted Stiadus, u U'aulilul design. Bull, and all other colors of Hollaud. used for Shade, Future, Tiiianiing, 4n., o;e. .-.... STOUE SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER. II. J, W. lhauklul for past patronage, respect, fully anlieit the citizen of- Norlliuinberlaiid County tn call and examine hi Urge assortment belor porch aaing elsewhere. WLBTUDVTO P EA6E, April 6, 1856 5m ..' '.;. J BOOTS, Fhoeo. UlCap aad Guv Soc. juat received iid tut aal by , Ox, t IM. TBNER C) y.j. l AYER'S I I '.'!!' if 1 . ' I t P I L D.S , rox Ait ras rrarosEi or a FAMILY PnYSIC. Tnatti hn loi existed a pnblie demand for an elective purgative pill which could be relied on sure and perrectlysufe In Its operation, 't his b , been frvpnni to neat that demand, and an extea sire trial of its virile ha cuncliwivelr shown with what ancecsa It aeomplishe the purpose desi, n It is easv to tnakila phvsieal pill, but not easy . make the best of rtl pitU one wljieil should tare nnne of the obiectims. but all the adTantiuie f every other, 'lhis ha been attempted1 "here, with what aueeess would respectfully submit . the public dectioa It hn been unfortunate for the patient hitherts that almbst every purgative medicine is acrimnuou and irritating to the bow els, ibis is not. Many of them produce so much trripina- pain and revtlsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good tube derived from them, these fx lit produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from i previously existing obstruc tion or derangement In the bowels. Benin purely veiretnblc, no harm ern ntise from their nse in any quantity j but it Is bitter that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directiun for their use in the several diieases to which they are ap plicable arc eivon ox the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention l.ivrtr Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Iavnguor and Ixiss of Ap petite. I.istleaeness, Irritability, lliliou Headache, llilions Fever, Fevor and Agiio, Pain in the Side and laiius; for. in truth, nil these are but the con-se-quenee of diseasei action in th liver. Al an aperient, the, arTnrd prompt and sure relief in Coa-tireness,- Piles, Colic, Dvsentery, Humors, Serof nla and Scurvy, Colds with snrenes of the body, l lcers and impurity of the blood s in short, any and everv case where pure-stive ia reqiured. 'I her have also arodured some singularly ane cessfnl cures in Ilheamatism, Gout. Dropsy, Gravel, Krvsipelas. I'alpitatinn of the Heart, Psins in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for th change of aeasons. An occasional doss stimulate the stomach and bowela into hcaltht action, and restores th appe tite and viiror. They purify the blood, and, 1 y their Btimulaut action oil the circulatory system, reno vate the stiennth of the bodv, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose ia advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduce th trngth, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a phvsic is required cannot b enumerated here, hut they' suggest themselves to the reason of every IkkI'v ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purjHise than any thing which has hitherto beeii available to maukind. When their virtues arc once known, the public will no longer d iubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic nieilieine." Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYE 11, Practical and Analytical Cbcutist, LOWELL, MASS. Prlo i Cent per Box. Fiv Box for-gl. AYE lt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For I lie rapid Cure of I0K.IIS. lOMlS. HOARSENESS, i,ito. turns, u'lioorixu-roivii, iKOlP. ASTHMA. AXD lSliHlTIOX. Tuts remedy has won for Itself such notoriety from its cures lir every variety of pulmonary disease, il. ,i ii i. entirelv unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its viitues in nny community where il nns lit r II e r ; j i a . " r,,lne.. d ui' mmieroua the case of its cures, that ahiiust everv section of the country abounds oi net-sons iinliliel'v known, who have been restored from slarmittg aiid even denperato diseases of the lungs bv its use.. When once tried its superiority over ,-verv other medicine of it kiud is too appar ent to eac-ap ekarrvation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote mnnlim for the distressing and dangerous arTec- tiona of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tack upm the lungs, but for the milder varieties nf Cui.na. Coiioita, Hoahhenhss. c. ; and for Ciiiliihen it is the nlcasantcst and safest medicine tlmt can be obtained. a. It h IntM ti.rn In ennstant ns tbrouohout this section, we need not do more than assure tne peopl" its quality is kept Ui to the best that it ever in,, been, aiid that the genuine article is sold by Win A. Hr-ner, Hrmliitrv; Ibid J hn Sir. in 'km IV '.Viemei. N.iriliiiiiii eilt i.l ; J. I". Cns -w, M.U in; ami ! all lirneg'ia m Nor, hern I'euiis) Ivaina. June!, In55 ly. JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET IvI-A-lCEHG, V4 Nniih ce, i. no Sttiet, first door nbove No. Christ ('hutch, Philadelphia. 'r JERsi 1 (.'bait ONS iu want i f Bureaus, Tables, ofas. an, llciletead", anil every vanetv ol hoiii-elinld fiiiiiiuiie, would do well to call, ns those article arc made up in the bet styles aud old al the Inwe-t prices. April Ift0. ly 'IIID fid scriber reepectfully in'orni Ihe riti 1 lens i f Sunt nty nnd Ihe public geuerallv. that lie has commenced the manufacture uf all kind f EARTHENWARE. at hi mnnnfi" tnrv in Whortlel-eiry Street, one rapture eat (' the River. IU has engaged the srrvue nt vtr. iitae, anil you can mcreiore liia ml i ti having a good article, Ihe imli.ic nre resprctfullv invited to coll. All nn'ei Irom a Uislauce will tie promptly ilieudid to. P. M.SHINDEL. Sunburv, Fib. lBftC tf CKERF.L. '( OliFIH. sl.to. HRIfi I.(J. POIIK. HAM AND flDEs. HOUI.DF.KS. LA HI) A CHEESE, Constantly on hand and f.r sale by J. rALMER & CO.. Murkel Street Whaf, . rmiAiitiriii. March 23, IR.16 3m n HI5DW ARE.-Table Cutlery. Baiora, Pink et Knives. Hand aaw' Wood aws in frame. A xe.' Chisel, Dour Locks, and Hinges, 1 m l Bells, Waiter, dC, juat received and for ,, by I. W..TKNEK & CO. Sunburv Dee. 9, IBM. THACHER S WODDBOP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE. A'o. 101 Arch Street, up Stain, Between Third & Fourth St., upper aide near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, , , Carpet Bags and V a lice of all description. CHABLESF. THACHEK. ROBER'P s. WODDUOP. hiladelphis. Jan. 13. 18..B.tf Fin lot ol Wall Paper juat received and for salahy WM. McCAKTV. Market Htrart. Siinhnry. June S.18SS. . I LANK Parchment Pier Deeda and blank Mortgage, Bond, Execution, Summons Ac. fin sulcb 11. 11. MASSE K. stunhiirv Ainrl 36. 18.S DANVILLE HOTEL. . , JOHN DEE3ST. CTB- . a J . Mtu-l et Strut, QamilU, I'a, v i TIHIS i one nf tha Urgeat and mot commo- -- dious hotel in th interior of Pennsy vnu it luishueii receutly ual up, in excellent atyla, with all tha modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. fX, IS55e . ' ILEY'S COVGU CilNDY. An excol lent remedy for cough, colda. For sal it this ntHee. December 4. 18S." I JU;ANKS. ' BLANKS oUwrj dtwnptioj) aa b had Wy af p TOUJ at b rujM of leu Aaiiii : V . AME$cClitfTOOk, M.D, Laii, f' PkliPI'.Rffim .l Afinfmitt aiid txurirrv hi th I hit delUia OmK t4 llimiif, mm! Auif lroirr irf MWIwilery ; one ol' ih Coneulthin PhyaUt-tuit I Un I'hii etieljihifi ilipi1al. Illorklry; late mrmlM-r fH'the NiiiV'iih (finirrii ww ia.--yBii itai irivnun-T in iitv nnirtieipniB nirwi cnl iocirty ; menitet rf the Mailiv vChiiarfical College (if yiiiltMlrlphia fttrnierlr Preaitlent and lmfrw r f mtvny am Buttery in Outllei.n Mflritrol Ci4w, Vet numi nnd alrtn, hue PrnatM of Atmlomv and Phv-4 " .v)ry In Brrkthira Medical liiMitulimr, ritltAuk Muia., he c Ac ' Hoa tntely.intMdttred in i rlir form nf )vii rnmrita vrrMr'lfti'i f' prutclpMl diiy of thia timnti". The imm of men artirl will imply: dnwnw for wltirh it it httnd-M k le uat-d DWM-eLINTwiK'! XMAI.1VRP. rrifrW I)K. MrCI.INTOCK'rt COl.0 AS'J COirflll MIX TITR K fr'or C l.ln, 1,'ntithe. l'rie rta. DK. Mcn.lN-TOCK'i AiTt!MA AND HOOPINb CJIUJII HKMKDY. Piiw.Vr ii. Dr. MrOM.NTOCK' TOXIC A T ,T K H X A T 1 V h YlirP- For Piirifvtnrr tf. Hl.wwf IHmi- 91. dii. .Mri.iT K . iiYn;i'nc i;t ixir r.r fflviur t itr tt tho t rn!H'h rrlirv:.tt iMna tVr enimr. hPHrthurn, atid nil di ifriveii.4r mpU'tj irirting fr m iitiliirtfaii'ii Pricfltl DII . .McCi.lXTt vK' HIF i'M ATlO MIX Tl'HK-A PitrtK VVir1liihtr llcmilv i-t intirtvil lrnf So rti. DM. MiLlsIX rorK'it it M;r.M TIC mmaii m- r flheninutiain, t. nut. Hwrllirikt". e, Ar. Prin 60 ppn s DU. M.'CUNTOCK'! WUIIYNK MIXTI'RfV-F. PuiiiR, T'N'llmRlte, IIchuhcIh'. Nnirnliiiii, Ar. Ac. IMcr 50 riiia. DII. Mr-C,TtfK'! FI'VKR A A!) I K fl'i:. CIFIC-A ifrtititi riirri'r all Iiiiinniiriitn PrirrPI. DH MrOl.lNTiM'K'OI SltlOUKI COltDIAI. AND rilol.KHA I'ltl'.V I'lX'I'l VKX nnV r.-m.ilv DII. MrCl.lX I'OCK : Vi;(iKTm.K I'l ROATIVh I'lLLf l-'-.i il Mivriwuf.. Iliiifl..rhi. Ar PrirrH'iitji, dii. Mcn.ixroi-K's AXTMin.inrs ru.i,s-r, f Irrfjrnlnniv iti ihf rntiiiiti.fi - i tlif l.ivrr tnl II iweia lh tnni livr Pill tninlr Pri J rm. a It Pot mlf l.y Df. J Mrfl.lNTOrK. at hin VMiml p f, V r fiti-r nh'ih ittiil l-'ilt-Tt him . rhit:i lr; Inn. mnl tit M I)ni2t7t"te mill )fultri in Mfiliciin i. All Drueuivii1 ami Dftl'Tet in M'-iliripr vh wit1! ! I.t tic tir. M'lll plfUftt niMilrfU" Dr. MrChut . fMrniohiiig rrferfur. m;iif fil r w-i ITicp. n iii tv mm "Of 1 r.r -i1 l.v Viin-r A Mniir. S'ln.wrv nnd Phn in-tkin: W'm. Werner, N-'ih'iinnfrtHtirl : lUnn. Mil rm ; K. P. ,ulz, W Miidb'ujr : J'l'nh HMrri, Itukti m ; I'Min vnnieri , I.tn'it Mf'ot ; I mmrpieaa at n-'ii, v.;itn- KHtrmifT P. fl. BURTON & FENTON, 5. IF. cumrr Sixth nntt Arch lrett, I'HII.AUKI.Pill . EAS! Tea!! an tinvnniuiniily full and cnon-e ftssnrlineiit nt tilaek nnil green I ens of nil grades, from the extremely Ins.- prii c nt 30 cts :t.r 4(t SO no 7 laTScts. pirlb. warranted In be rupecier to unv tn he had else where at the same nrices. W kiiiiw and cnnli deiitly re. ommeiiil Ibem to be 20 pel cent cheap er than anv fur sale in the eilv. We have also n very superior assortment of ColTee, Old liov't. lava, l.iaiiayrn. Marncarino. Rionnd ( ap Hav tten Coll'ee. New No. I Mackerel and Shad in J and J bid. or a muv be ilesired. Cheese, Pine Apple, Sap .Man. New Yuik Cri-am Cheese nl wavs on himd. S.ian brown uud bite; ns. II. L. Kendell V Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of Inch will co ns fur as S of ordinary brown Soap, Also Stnrch i f diircient qualities, pickles, sauce, ketchup, olives, olive oil, sardines an hovers, cVc with a full nssortmeiil nf Fai ry (nods, to which we invite tne a tentioii of die puhlir to call nnd examine our extensive airorl nient of Fine (irm-etie for side bv BCR I'ON FENTON. Wholesale and Retail F"iily (trn-er and Tea Dealers. S. W. cor. Sixth ami Arch sts. N. II. Hood" delivered to all partt of the cily free nf clinrs. Phila., Sept. Si, 185ft. npl By Trusses ! Trusses ! I Trusses ! ! I C. II. NEKDLES, Truts a d Prace Es'aHiTime:.t, S. M'.Cnr.iif 'ii-elfthit nl Jiace Street?, Philadelphia- MPOIiTF.lt ol fine French Trusses, enmh;. ning extreme lightuesi.-, ease ami durability with correct construction Hernial or ruptured p iticiits can lie suited by remitting amoiiiiN. as tlo.v . Kmlinn mimher of iiu-lic rotiuil the hips, and 'taling side iilli clcd. . Cost of Single i'mas, 8. S3. 4. $.V Double .fill, fit. !tH ntul $ 1(1, Instr .eiioiis as tn wear, and how to clli ct cure, when pnssihle. sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. liuiiniii?'. Iiiiprovi il I'ntriit limly Knur, For the cure of Prolapsus ITleri; Spiu i I'rop and Supports, Patent Should, r Braces, Chest Kxpnuder and Krector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; I'.nglhdi Elastic Al'ilntiiiiial Bclts.Suspensoiies, Syringe male and feinate. t V1 La'tiert It... .mo, with T.mlv Mlteti Jiaot.. Phila.. Aug. -1. IK5.'i Iv P 8. NEW MASONIC HALL, riiii.Aii:i.i'iiiA AOKNTl WaNTKI) in rvety town and entity ill ths L'niicd States, to sell the beantifiil picture nf the ortAND i.odci-: koo.m. In the New Ma-oi!C Hal'.. Ptiitu ifii'tii i I Ui" rt i ia flfMinaT vcrv titii(IU . nnil lu-ie the atl 1 1 1 1 rut -i' nil. f r rtir ISiwriNG and KuitN tch k ur ru, rcsfoiril, .in I thr nrnfio he-nntv mitl h inn 'iiy r the C'llitm ue T ir. J X 18H Prii-r if: I lf. II i -kni'l mb hikI Piritiri Ur iltTt winliittif tn fakf nccn ci- fur it, wilt ploinw luMrem. i r (urthr itif -mwii n. I. . Ix,ft-, I I I Is, IJlh jriHohrr, I'hituttrlj'liia. Oct .her ir. f-,3 tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. THE l.tlinrST I'l Wtl PIII1TI-". MKI Olll 'IV AND .Ml SIC Kl'dltl-: l. TIIK U.M I T.ll STATIC. Witt be nt'Ctied ( ct tw-r l.'illi !.a.', in ttie .MashsiC Hull n vil. Clieiuil Si reel, all ive eeventh, t'liilni1elihia. KyJuIlN .M.VIISI1. the S'le A;ril f r Bnal'l I. rnv A On.' evlel.mleil I) ilee Cji i'uu At'selinicitt I i hi K"TleS. ini't C V. KisH At Iremitilil lel.i. deons Alsn, I'liilin F 'lies ami .tlel Ve ms 1 n'her dis tilieui.lieil tmikers. .1 .M . has nblauteil u tense f.-rsever-ll US III lle ew. Ill iCiillieetll tlllil Well kll"WH Mas Ilie Ibltlitll'g. V il-re he intends lceeiinir the larCr-1 Bl'e-k I'll'l iiss'Ttiiienl - I'l'inn F 'ties, Mel sle 'ii. Mane, an I Mil sic il I'ltlinineiits 'f el-ety ite ciipu in. nil of whieh Hra e-ir.tii'lv se'eeteil bv himself, and warranted to fie per. feel sni ii net ton iii everv instance. tlct iher li;th. Isi'i if COLEMAN'S OXi33-rV3? CUTLERY STORE, A'o. 21 .orth l h,r ' St., hi loir Arch, rniLADEtrniA. COI'NTIIV Merchants can save from ten to fifteen percent, by puriha-in4 at tlioalnn stores, Bv tiui.ortiiig niv owtrgnnds it'ivnig but littl rent, and living .'coiinMiiealle, it is plain I '.in undersell ilmse who purchase tlieir (ioods here, pay high rent mid livo like prince. CnusliiiitTy nn ha i id n large assortment nf Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissor di d Pn7.ora. Table Kn'nes and Forks iu ivory, stag. luifTihi.!'orie and wii.nl handle. Carver an. I Forks. Aic. Butcher Knives. Dirks, U iwie Knives. KrvoMug and p aili Pistols. Ac. Also large assortment of Aeenrdeona, Ae. Also fine Eugliuli Twist and Herman (inns. JOHN M. CO I. KM AN. Oct. SO, I'.iS. ly. Importer. $50 REWARD. TH E auhscritiers oiler a reward nf fifty dollar for ihe discovery and conviction of the r fcon or persona, who cut and destroyed the baud on Ihe Machinery of tlieir Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, la'tween shainokin and Mt. Car nic I, on the niilit of the Dill hist, The above reward will be paid to any one giv ing inform, ion that will lead to tha, conviclioi of the olfcudcr. CLEAVER. FAGEI.Y & Co. Shamokin Oct. 87, 155. if. SPECTACLES In Gold, Surer, and Elastic Steel i rames, AM ATHE.MATICAl. liwiriimeiiU ojiart J-'JJ- and in case. 'I liei.,.,neler of various iae, Spy Glaaae of every dem-riptiiui. Pl atiu poiiii'lor Lichliiing liod, Mngiu Lautern wil criptural. aslronoinical and temperance design MierocoM- nd Microscopic object (ialvani Bstteries Electrical Machines. Surveyei' UuD nasae, Surveying Chaie, eke. Ac. ' McAllister cv brother. . 1 - - ' " (Eduhliahetl in I79B.) 1 ' " 194 Chettnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (sit pag with 150 illustration furiiished on applicati ami enl bv n.." of charge. ' ' Phila. Sept. tt, tr'i.6. ' 1 1 - - - . COLLINS & M CLEESTER'S TYPE FOVNDRY , , , .nd Printer Furniahuig W&rehonsi Ko, 1 lody Alley, btk of isete Mufnie h PhiladripM. -" ' '.: - III coiitiutie th lusiueae at tii olJ alaud of Jainea II. r idler, ,,.,. Ko. 12 Sout Sfp.mil Street, PHILADKU'HIA, Where they anilcit an examination of their large and varied atock, feeling assured that the. expe rience both nf them have had in the business, and the facilities they pnwea for procuring goods on the mrM advantageous terins. will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have no on hand a fine assortment' (if WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Si.ver. Plnted and Brillnnia Ware, Cutlery, Fancv fJoods. eVe., eVe, N. U. Repairing of Welches and all Und of Jewetiy attended to with jfToinptne and the greatest erc-. Phila., April 7. I fift. it TOIOAL DEALERS, AMMERMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL F.sPFCIFI inform the public that thev have leased the new colliery, railed ibe Lambert colliery, and are rcn lv .1 ih'liver coal nf superior quality, nnd ol a variety of sir.es prepa re I on their new coal breaker. All nrflcrsspriimpt iittindcd lo h nddirssiiig the linn, either at Sunburv or Slismokin. Suubury, Juno 30, 185ft. , rhotojrnphy ! Daguerreotype's! I A NEW ERA IN ART I- ' J. E McCLEES. ( ' V (.?uref..ori ,Vff Vec.s (V 'Vermon,)s YVTOl'I.D call the aMetiinn of the public, not only to the superiority of the Diiguerren tt pes the IIalmiilpli. (h snme eallcil Airfhrn tyi e ) nnd the varinus ht les of Plmtograpby on paper; but to the f.iel. llril parlies pt a itisltinci IsiHsessing a small daguerreotype, may. bv semi in IX it to No. Kill Chestnut at., hac made from it by the menus of I'liotographv, and the talents ol tlie best Artist, a portrait oi in izk, from small 1 .nckd to tb full site of life. A small lamk 'taming description, prices. iVc, Ac, will be sent gratis to any p'rsoii lim ning the request. MrCt.EES' Philadelphia Pli iTriL-ralill Eslablisliment. Nn. Kill Chiatutit ,t., below 7th Phil., .lulv SI. Im.-.S. tf. JAMES BARBER WIHIl.KSAI.K ft Itl'.TAII. CLOCK ESTAULLSIIMEXT, 5. E. corner of Secnml J Chestnut S- nut. n d nt-rii t v. Where nny be foil d, one of the larg'' (""' 'wst assortrnent of Clocks uud Time Pies in the I'liitetl Mi.ti s. in quantities to suit ,irelmer. of trom a single 'ia-k. to one thoiisi'id Ciochs ; enibraciin.' everv variety of tlnd manufac ture. suHalle fur Chnrcliea. 'Halls. Counting House Parlors. Seeiiiiigntinnieiits.ni.d Kitch ens. Steam and Canal Boats, ind Kail road Car. X. It Clocks lii'ti.tire. and Warranted. Clneli 'I'rimuiinirfl fur sale. Also. Manufacturer of Hurhr'ti Celthrattd Fine GOLD PENS Embracing all the riiititie of lb finest quill pen. in addition ti whcli the durability of the metal is lull v asso -i.ti"l and developed Hold and Silver Pencils, and Pen Didders. Plated Ware. c windcale ud retail. Tliose wish ing to purchase ire united to call. .1 .1 lis B KBER. S. E. corner Chestnut and Stmtid Sts., Phila. Philailelphia, June VA, Itio.i. Iv. - THE UNIVERSIIY'S TAIillLY KKMED1KS, I PSl"i:D nuclei theSertl. Aineti'Sl and Authority of Ihe t'liiverslty ol FKI'IK MKIill'l K and p iplnl kli w leitue, Chiulrreil bl Ihe Mule l t'etiiisylvnuia, April VII. Iti5. Willi a Capital ol Slmi.tWO, limiidy l"r Ihe pilrp se f urreslini: Hie evits H r,iui i 'its unit worthless N arriline ; Ais mr ntpi'lviiie the t'.auiniiiitiy with reliable Iteinc dies wlierever s Cnlili-eleiit physician eami-it oi will ma b-rnipl'ivei This lustiiitti u' Ins purchased fr-an lir awn It. ItnWAND. hi. Cclclirateii I' V !( IlX'Ufv. Kil 'Wtl for unwinds nf tweutv-ttve vt'tirs MS lltr ntity rare mid sale cure I'm KKV11II nnil Alii K. fte.. anil hn me. tiui it.le Reine.lv for HtlWKI.CIIMI'I.AIN TS. Hnwiiiul's Cmii miihI SviUt' m' Iti'iekbeiry It'sit w'-ieh hlgrlily a;i nr ive'l tilr.l n n'lll ir Iteiiitilles. b eether With 'file I'niversity's llenieity f ir I'.'inplaiiils uf Ihe Lnitps; Tne t niversitv's llenieit lor nysprpsia nr iv.iiajepi,. -ri I he I itivetstu , Keiuritv t'-rC iBtlve ll'iwels: Also, the ('niversitv's Alinnnae maybe be had, at the nraucli Uisnensury,or Slor, of W1I.I.IAM OKIM'IN'. Nov. S. IMS. Mahaii.iy I' O CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. I7E1HY ti I'liETV. invite the attention of I merchant and other In llieir largo stm-k nf elegaiillv bound Bibles, Il xnin Honks. I'rai cr U AMiumi, hoi Presi'iitatioit Books in all sty les of binding ; Standard I lieologlcni. Medical. Miscellaneous and Scluml Books, which tbe have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low price. io direct from the manufacturer find Im porter, ever- kind nf Plain and Fancy riting. Letter and Note Paper Envelopes. Cio'd and Steel Pen. Pencil Inkslantls. 'rap in; Pa per. Ac. Ac, at the lowest rash price PEUKV k ERETV. 8. W. Corner. 4th and Race St. Plulailelphia. September SS, 1S5!. tf or TIIK " UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S, E. earner 7 liiril ntul Chestnut Sts., PIIII.Aill'.I.PIIIA. Ctl'l I' ll. Si'iO.OOO. T w OM'.V is reeeived on dep -sit daily. TV 11 I dep ',ited is entered in a llep 'Sil It ail ttte lep 'Mt T, or, il preferiid. a etrtltli'.l' A ll sains, larce anil surill. lue recellri juud back im demand, without itortee. Iiiteies. issiulal Ihe rule of rjv imatenig irom Ibe its; ot ,lei .,;r. daB ptevioiis to the ivithtlrnwtit iln the fi si tin - "I" Jaininry, l cileh dep sit IS uiiil I llied'-p sjI. as he may prefer. The C lilpam h iv u iw in the Cilv f PhiWIelphc Anvaililiti -iuii luiontv the I auiDKia. r Htetihen It Oiawf inl liwrence J hn -II. Ami se V. Th-iie lleniamiii XV. Ti Jae ih I. Fl irait ee et'iiy ' TtLLXB SND I I'hiuulHphl' a: ST ur Janu - fAEAI.ERS Im Watchca and Jewelry. OR, BVEttT OrfEJllS XjWN ntTUCIAW ' nniiE rirnETii tai. lion, with One H undred Engravings, howing Di enae and Mnlformations'ef th Human System In every shape 'and form. To wbidi i added a Treatile on tl. Dtseases of4Femala. being ol the highest impot lane to tnorriod people,, or thvaa coiileniplntinjt marriarr. y Or Wm. Voirntr. .f no father bs Sihnmed to present a antiy of tha Cri.Al'Il'si to hia ehiffl. It may save him from nn eitrir grave, l-t iei ynunontan or wniflnii ncrr into im- prcre iiWiinffitts f msriieu life without renr'itig ihe TtiCKKls AOL'l.APIUri. It no ins- suflVrinr from hneki.i',d b toil ram in inn r-inc, renwss nienia. nervous fee III si a it r n t irti n o l);Bientle Sennit bus. and give lll bv.their nhv le nn. b titiMhel lm ment Vithotlt eon sitltiu the .IJSWUI.APItrsi ,ne the mVnt to be mtirrietl any impcdinienL. read ijiit truly nselnt lik. ns il hrr l ent the means is saving ih itstiiids of o i.nm.e erriitiors irotii mr verv 1HWS 1'f fleta ff Am- pert n Sending TtVr NTY-FI VK Cr' eeeii'se-t in a letter will reeeive ne c ipy.nf this I-'. -T tR. w YnfXO. Nn. Uil dPItLTE Ho... miLA. DPI. I'dl A." Post. mid. rhitiilrlpltia. Peptember , IPRS. ly . H i I C I O 1 ' H I X I I G o 1 K. BMtljiW'S INDIGO Bl'c i now we I rstablialied as the best n"c TTrT cfTerH for Blueing Clnlliea.' Il iscn'''.v fr, e acii"or anything injurious to t, fil""st nt tides. All ' housekeeier will find ' ,"u',, cheaper and lea Irnu'de than Indigo ' y ")cr article. TL crest I'einaml for D"" I'rought otit cveral t'mt roro.. Sloreleirr" consumer wiff I. iniefiil to get Bmiow's, put rn Mfi-e d WiHI-"r P""? s,urc. No. IfiO, N Second Snee 1 lidudelphia. Storekeepers rr get tlieir snii'1'0" ,rom ""' Ornrcr and DruggiJr " thev de-"1'. at prices vie'ding good profit Pri': Cfirmirnf. J'ainlt, Vanrishe, yi Plrff ore., with first-rate assortment of evy thitii'tt 'h line- Storekeeper, l'hysicianni iSilfactiirer supplied at reasonable ra'cs. Al.FUF.Ii WIl.TBnilfiKl!, D,u?Wrt. IG9 S. Second Street, Phiiadelili July 7. IS'.5. ly. . . , BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. . 'Illi; Aul'scriler bavina; received the necessary f.irms and iiisrucitions trom the Department. at W asliiggtiiii. is prepaid to procure Bounty I. nnd Warrants at the shortest notice. ' II. U. AIASOEI). .9'inburv. Af" 7. IRSft, cm-.ia.tKiji White Ash Anthracitn Ccrd. From the "Ol'ii Vein" it the Gap Colliery. . Jll, ZIMMERMAN .V JNO. P. PURSEL, ueeeor to Kose, Reed t.'o., will con tiulie mining, shipping nnd selling coal from the almie well known Colliery, under the firm of Z.mifterinan & Pursel. 'J he point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Siinluiry, Northumber land county, Pa., where all order for the various kind of coal, viz: Lump, Broken, Egg, Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully jeeehtd and promptly attended to. Sunburv, July 14, 18... . SrBmy, Jny 8,'lRiS. The firm of Kase. Reed a Co. having o!d their lease in the (Jap Colliery and interest in the wharf ot Sunbury, lo Messr. .uumerman et Puisel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and other tn the new firm, a thev will be able to aell them prepared coal ol the best quality, KASE, REED & CO. DR. If. II. liKJBI.E'f remedy for eottgh cold, and riilinnnary disease. A supply m ibia value le medicine just received and for eale by 11. B. MASSER. Sunburv. June 4. IS.i.T li.NoLD'S. WRITING FLUID and s aive and legal envelopes, for alo by II. U. MASSr.K. Sunburv. Inn 10 United States Hotelf Chesnut Strtet. abore Fnwth, P i L IDELPHIH. ri J. Ma.LKI.I,N. (iate of Jones' Hotel.) has 1 lie pleasure to iufottn hi, f.irnds ami t. e traveling cninmunily, thul he has f.astd tbif House lor a term uf e..rs. and ia now picparei. for the recep ion of tiuc . The I. en advatitagnoi ibis favorite establish ment are too eil known to need Comment. The House Furnituto have been put ir fi-s. rate order; the room are targe and wet veutil iicd. T.i Table wi I a way be s ipp'i' t vi h It. b' t und the proprietor pledges l.imse. ln.it no eibirt 01 hi, part still lie win ing tf make tlie L'ni ed states equal in comforts to an; Hotel 'n the Q inker t ity. I i ila., July H, 1 .54 SAM ULL y. !LTllERti(JxS, BSitKR LAWS. LAXl'EXXS, CnASDET ASD CAXHELBltAS aVo 162 S. 2d Street, ahnv Spruce, PHILADELPHIA, nWIN'H enlarged nnd improued irt and havinu one of the Urgiat assor racnw of La op in 'liiiad l,.bli. is now prepe'ed b luri ish Pine tii, C.implmie, Bund"S Fluid Li dainlcil Liimpi and Lantern oi'ali patternr til.- 1 nrjp by the package, at a mall auvant over aur 1 'I- " ' ... --s- ies'