' ARRIVAL OF THE ' ASIA. ' . LATER FKOM lillKOPB-' 1 The Excitement on Ajrmican Jffiiirs-Peac Address from Munehtrt' rypinton oj tne t I'rest on Mr. Crampton $ insnntsui. , . Tl ulefcnipr Asia arrived t New York yesterday from Liverpool, with dates to But nerlav. 1 ba 141b hint. Th steamer Fo.ltnB, with Mr. Crampton . onboard, amedet8pnthHiiiptn on the Mill, the dav the Ania sailed Ifr.tn i.iv. rponi. i - The' Fallon took out Mr. Cramptnii; Bad mUo the official not ire of hi dismissal. There is still mucbexctlemeiit with regard to American affairs. "' ' , The commercial n mannfiielnnnit classes re filled with anaiety at the terrmie rnnw quencHi of wuf with the United Stali-a. and are moving, actively to avert that calamity. . ... , The Cities of Liverpool and Mancmster issued peace addresses to the ritizwis & 'mertt-u, and the feulinjr of the people is active;,. fUV(,r 0f p,.nce. The Manchester address Tecived 8,000 signatures in few honrs. , . Lords l's?rton and Clarendon Mated in Parliament ovrjduT, that the dismissal of he Amcricau ,jst"erhad not been decided on. Lord John Rasse4Ve 0tjce Pr motion of inquiry into th inttiniia of Government. Inasmuch as the fliiit,,r lne people wus in favor of peace. In the meantime severahipa.of-war t,nve been tflepraphed to prepary;,), possible 'despatch Tor foreign servire, y) xheir ,i,.t.ti. , tuition is supposed to be the 1nntic roast . .. All the coiumandtrs of gun-ho ui prte month have also been called to ije p,,rt . admirals, as it was rumored, to revive in 4 Uructions fur active service. it'' A light squadron of despatched ffymirs afl irrin.tinfltt tirtHnp I Viltillifiil.il- .... artived at Falmouth on Sundav, to rtjvo crtl and provisions. - Tha North American fleet to be ntut by England, will consist of the follow vessels : The Nile, 91 guns; Powerful, 8; llopcutven, 70, (flag ship ;) I maun, 72 : Ten broke. 60; Cornwollis, CO; Riirytiles, M Amphion, 34; Vestal, Knfydice. "fi ; Araclino, 18; Malacra, 19; l'aloon 17; Archea, 15; Mariuer. 12 ; Espief-le.12; Aral., ., ti faring, I.'; li'iizard. Uj Arus, C: Uitmisk, 6; Scorpion. C. I he 17-trnu slouti are fitted with new long 22s. The (i-guti steamers' guns are all new, and of u long runge. If the gun boats are to be taken into account with the above, 80 new guns may ue aiurd to the compulation. A. public meeting hud beili held at the munsiou iinuse. London, m uni ol the eul forers by th inundations in France. The .Lord Mayor said hu had been iiil'uriiu-d that Frutioe hail 1230 Kngliah milos amler wutor. and that 40,000 people were entirely stricken down. . . Mr. Ilegaelin, the Governor of the Hank of England, stated thut the cfctiimiles of the Oainuge differed from COO U 1200 miles, and it was difficult to form a proper idea of the amount of the loss. lie was informed thai 40.000 habitations' had been destroyed, und crof s which were approaching maturity had bei n totally cut down. Tlia Lord Mayor announced that be had ulreu.ly received between four aud five thou, sand pounds. PuIiiht, the poisoner, was executed on the 14th. On the scaffold he declined to nay mijth'ng, hot when subiequently pressed to tell the tutb, and not to face his Maker with a falFohood or a concealment of the truth, replied, nlowly and solemnly," 1 say di.-titicily that Cook was not poisoned with Mrychnine.'" The high-Siieriff uud chaplain begged that I he would not, for the sake of his immortal soul. (!iiU,Ie oo the verge or eternity, lie relumed to answer At ,thj foot of the teuf fold he was again urged to tell the truth, but inuile no rei:Iy. Under all the liicmiift.ti -ces, the chaplain hud refused to uJminiMei the sacrament, and the culprit was Hot pur- j liculuIy solicitoux thut be should. A Paris U tter apsertu that lillon. lutely appointed French Consul at Purt-uu-Prince. Lus instructions to intimate thut France will not permit the Euipiror Soulouque to iuviule Dcniiniia. At Constantinople nntho 2J inst.. a report wus spread that the Russians hud destroyed the fortress Isinuel uad the defcuces of 'the city of Kara. The French Civil officers will be charged with the organization of the Customs duties iu tho Turkish Empire Although the Anglo American question still occupies a large share of public utten uon, commercial men seem to have not much 'r of any real disturbance of relations he. twe,, England and the United States. Mr. Jiul.u9.it ja understood, will not be diitiniFSed, even shouj Mr. Craruptoo be so. Such, ut least, is the rumor which our correspondent repeats from Liverpool und Manchester, oUbocgb it is not confirmed by the conversa turn which took place iu 1'urliament on the evenihjr preceding the steamer's ileimrtnre when Lords Clarendon and P;uierston gave the country to understand that the govern, merit h"d not come in ft.-'!:on whether M r. Joct. tho -Anierlcan Government considered that there were somd parts of the question which might. with advantage, bo m ide the sllJect ot arbitration but, upon tbo whole, tliey tnoliglit Unit the entire questioc couir, be pel tied by direct negotiations bctw ;en the two governmetits. . .'m. ' Loti Pulmerston hud made eubstantiully the same stutumelit in - the House ol Com nuing. . i. i : ... . Mr. Baillie snid that, its he had given notice of a moliinr on the enlistment qnuslion, lie wished to kii:v whether tho olile l.onl would lav on th table the ilcsputeh sent by- Mr. .M.iri-y. Unless ibut wus dune, he should leem-ii hi'a duty to brihg on the Yjutstioti on Lurd" Pulmeistnn said the Government de sired lo give all the correspondence that i ould lairly be pi'ornreil. mill the Hon. g. tiiieinun might tuke his 'choice whether to bring on the quest inn on Mmiday or Friday. . Mr. (Jit. sr. n said hi? tinderslood th noble Lord thai Mr. Dallas had made a communi cation to Lord Clarendon with regard to the Central American question, ns well us thai relating to the recruiting question, lie now wibhed to. know whether, in that conununieu tinii. an nser was tiven lo the proposul to submit the Ceutrul Americun question lo arbitral inn. Lord Palmerston said it would require time to enter into h lonir detail to give the explanations upon that point, lint he nduhl sav that thn general tctmr of the coinmunica t on nas, thut the United States Unvi mini lit were of opinion that the quest inh would be belter S'-ttleil by direct negotiation between the two governments. Mr. Gibson Iiionired whether, in ease direct negotiations (ailed. I ho American Guv eminent refused arbitration. Lord Pulinerston replied that there was no Md'iiKul nf arbitration.. Mr. Il'Istaeli expressed tho hope that the mible l.ni,l wnnlil place the ih sputch upon Hie talile betore the debate on Sir. ISul lie f oiotieo (link place. Lord t aliuerstou replied that would tie. peiul upon the miitnier in which the Govern ment might reply to it. 1 he subject wus tin II lu'joni lied. FOt'lt DV8 I.ITKH FltUM Kl IIIIPK Mr. I)tilln.t not to be tlismiised Amicable Stttltwnt J'robuLle. Qt'Ki EC, June 30. The steamship North 'America arrived this evening iroin Liverpool, villi dates to Wednesday, I lie lBlli mst. aim tinng8 the important intelligence thut Dallas is not to be dismissed, mid that. thmiflieultiea between the two Governments williroliulily be umicaldy settled. L'-d Clarendon stated in leply to the Karl of lb'tiy, iu the lliiuso of J.onU, that it was not IhiSutei tion of tho Government to ad vise the tyuMi to suspend diplomatic relations with the Uiited Slates Government. The announcement w us mobt lieui tily cheered. 'i'he H.irl nfjeidy expressed his satisfac tion, but ut lie same lime regarded the course tif the C.vi i iiiiielit as humiliating, virtually an ucketwledgineot ol erroi. Lord Clareiidoiiiippeuled to the House not to join in the iiintiu, f ihoEurl of Derby, pressing the quealioi. The motion Was then dropped. The announcement hul un iniinediute effect upon the funds. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE ! Ira T. Clement A'0. 1. CO.'AViA' OF M AUK El SQUARE. O AYS cooly, ho'd'y and delilier.itely, thut h O takes iho loiemcst stand nn the crnd caval- cade of Drv floods Merchants uf Munlmry. lie ahull continue to it'll Dry (inndi and Ciro cerii CM K Al'KK ihm ever, in his guod are imugui rneup tiiev will i aold clienp. He feela cenlideiu wlili Ida experience and ability, that he c..n compete with the "World at large and Snn'onry in particular. II would rnnnif rate uriicl. a if limo anJ anace would eriiiii hut as any t:i)U.NTEi:.Ji:.MI'IXG .NOVICE can do lhat he will leave it lo the verdanls and i.niniu.ili i', it U inoiigh toay thai he bnaevtrv tiling in i lie iineot Biy Goods, Groceries, HOOTS AXi SHOES. $:., jr.. that is ko,.l in any other a: ore in town, and Ilia banner is on the breeze. And long; nuiy ii Wave O'er land of die free, nd die b 'lne of the brave While her Stars and her Stripes Shine nut like the Sua, Tcllinff all nationa That Freedom'e beg uu. Tld is a free country or at trust will ha an when nil are free, therefore it is free for all to do their tr.idins where they can lil'.Y be CHKAI'- KS regardless of the cms and anur looka ol old fngv merchants. All are invited to cull and see. Til E COUNTRY. sa well ai the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hih or low, bond or tree are invited to cull. Come one come e'l and atop ynur kjier I have pMids enough f ,r all ia need ; The bova themselves are at their nnsts, And they alone can aupnly a kst. Cvcr "tl.tr dealers 'u the town These etiutr toys hnve w m renown, telling the Cheapest aiMl the best, Belling more than ull the reat. Iurn,h ! OVr hill and plain, v thanks and cull again ; wrtinent you'll altvaya Sud, ui please the miad. ' -ilwjys willing, ' I eiitn a shilling, ' r line thia way, ' , you any day , oppoaita the Court lly underaloo,), that man or combina wing gooda. n exchange fur utce co. PA. Mercian 'nga, and L. v. , ; . ; HEBEWO'S SAFE j . ; e I THB Clt AaviPIONIJ .. ! Tht nntg Snft irhtch, in trmry innlanct, pre . . serierf their enlir conttnt in tin tut , j . . Ex(entis tint. . i T lha b. I A Hnimm The CttE VI burning of Ui Aftiaaa ulinlis. April lodi, and in i. I r l kn in AlaikLt n.. May let. IbM, the lenuf ne Herring Safe pieaeiveil the Jewelry Ueo. tV.Simraieui' Bru. ( llo ks, Pa- Itert. ic. of Fisher Bio. and dwnrd Seiiiaas St Co., ufter re inaiiHna; axed in lli(4Mriiiiig ruins for imirly Forty H'Hra, mi. pMviug 6 uclusively vt bol vtahave iihmya cLnnir.1 fir llieoi, llirit area', euitle riti over all lecariiies now known. , , , In these fire , lha tlKltUIXh'S SaFK. etanllni ante by aide wilh ih 'He advertised as "WarnosKU lo aunid l per eaiit. more fiiatban Herring's. rnmalortli lha sc kiciwledged Vlftol telt only preserving their contents iu excellent enter, bnf being thetnaelvea in a condition to go through anolber ordeal, while the faceted Salamnnne a' of other mnkera ate bmlly used up in avery invfaoee, and in aume easea their entile eonlenta aomplriely deatroyeit. 'I'o the public we would aimply any, thnr, during the 14 years ihe Herring 'a Snfe htia been lwf-ra ihem, more thnu twn hundred hnve pesarri thrntigh aecadeiital fli es without Uie oceurreie-e of a single losi. We would, therefore, rnution purrhascrs ngninal lha mtsrepresentnlion of intereated perties. The llrning'a I'nient is the only Fire-proof Hnfe made in this city which ia nrotneted bv n Pntent It iehr. and we will guar antee it to resist inore Ihnn double the aroiaint of heal uf any other Safe now knuwn. Parrels & Ilorrlnir. Sole Munufai mrers in tliia Sla'a of 'nERRIXG'S PATENT CIIAllTIOX mtS," 34 Walnut $.. I'hilaHa. N B. oy.-ynug Wntson'a Improved rVilamniutera." Oliver Kvwi's." 'C.J. 0:ivlei'.n and Siott's Asbetis " Iron Chi-sls, pi hrgenssiirtnient having lieen Inkeu in iart pavnient lr --n iuk'') will be Sold at low pucea. riiilu.,Junelll, I.-6U iv. . CAERIAGE & WAGON M A N U FA CTOUY. I'llf! sul'gcriher respectfully info ms his fiirnda and the public r nernllv that he has taken Ihe new tbw ol Mr. H. 1'eter's in Peer fc'lreeta. near Ihe l.uthernn ( hu rh, win re he is piepared lo make lo older all kinds of CAIIkMACF.. UlTflCII's. KOCKAWitVS. 1IKAVV AM) l.KilIT WAI.ONS. HAKI.UAKIiOWP, AC, in short e'rr thing iu his line. The sul acriher thnnl.a bis liiends lor thi ir lo mer liberal natron- ige und hoprs lo merit a Ci.ulinuuncc of it in future. Itcpahincr of all kind dune in the beat snd most exicditioua manner. SAMUEL S. CODIX. Sunhurv. June 51. IS.'ifi 3m m:im.i. oi p at os r. riHE auliKcrihrr reapecifully informs the pah 1 lie that he is now Bellini of Ida . STOCK OK CLOTHING at reduced pricea, as he intends going into other Immnem. .Persons in want of Cheap C'lolhinc ahniildnot fail In call rerms inilibtcd lo the subscriber are re quested toe ill and settle. MEiiMUND SIMON. Sunlniry, June 2S, K."G, Citrate of Magnesia Olt T A S T K L E S S SALTS. rTTHIS reparation ia recommended ns an ex cedent laxative und purgative. It operates mildly, ia rn'irefy free from uiw iinplensaiit taste n scmhiin? lemonade in llavor, prepared aud sold l W.M. A. UKU.NEli. Sunhurv, June 21, 1856. 'UTuillllu Irt'tiliaj A fresh saaortment f j st received by W.M. A. UKCNUK. June 21, 1 8.6. Stiiiiiiiniis in I'ai'lilion. No. OS, Auguet T. 185ft. Martin Weaver, " vs. I Summons in William McCarty, William f Partition. Shannon & Itachael bU wife. J . Northtimbi;raiid County, es. The Cumvimiwealth uf 1'ennaylvatiia to the Slierijf of Xorlhumbcrlantl County, Urkftino : JK Martin Weaver moke you secure of proaa culing his claim then w coimiiand you lhat ou huinnnin by good and lawful aunimnnera Wllllnin Mct'arly ain! William ishannon and U.ichael wife, lute of your county, so Unit they be and ainr liel'ore our Judgra nt Sunliury. at our County Courl of Conitiioii 1'lean, there to he held the first Momluv of Aupuxt next to aliow whcrefote. wliereaa. Martin Weaver and the aforesuk' William McCarty, William Shan non und K.irhael his wile, toetlier and undivi dcil do hold all tliat certain piece, parrel tenement and Tract of Land, siluaie in Coal township, in aid county, containing Seventy Acre or there ubouta. bounded .y .,n,a now or late of Ludwig Oaaa. Martin (iaaa, John ltrady and others, tl.e aaine William McCarty, Willinm Shannon and liacnuel his wife, partition thereof between them to he made aroordititr to the laws and customs of Una commonwealth in such rae made and provided. And the same he done a will not permit injustly and contrary to the laws, and customs, and to the statues aforesaid as ia said, &c Witness Ihe Honorable Alexander Jordan. President of our raid Court at Sunhury , thi 1 9th day of June. A. l. I5t. JOHN S. HEARD, Dep. Proth'y. Prnthonotary'a office, ) Sunbury, Jung 21, IS.'iG. Ct oi in:, OTICE ia hereby piven thai application will made to ihe ncxl leultlaluiu of I'eiinavlva nia, at the aeaaion of lS7. fur the creatiou'of corporate Imdy with hankina; and diacoimliiiK privileges, to he called the "Shsjioki Him," liH-uted at Shaniokiiitowu Noi tliuinberliind Co., Pa., with a capital stock of I5U,(I00. wilh the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokiu, June 14. ln.'G. Cm .VO'lll i: 'III l O.M'll AC'TOIt s. KOI'OSAI.S will received ,T the ,ul, scrilvr until Itin lirrit i.f Jul r... building a School limine complete, in Moinrt-I t-armcl District, Nnrihuniberluud Countv. Por further particulars apply lo THOMAS 8CHALL. Ml. Carmel, June 14, 185C 3t LATEST AEBIVAL OF NEW GOODS. CHEAPEST A3STX) BEST. TIAVINU now fully replenikhsii niy stuck, I am able to sell at the very lowe.l prices all kinds ol Uooda, among which sre a Urge usaorl meiit of COATS PANTS and VESTS, fur men and hoya, Hala, Caps. Shoes, Gaiters, liev.ilvera aud other pislola, A rcordeoua, travel ling lags, trunks, watche, Jewelry, hosiery, notions, and a large number of other aitirles too tedious o metilinn. All of thia lurge snd well selected stock will he sold at very low prices. Come and aee; to see ia to believe. Come and aatialy yourselves that the the greatest bar gainacau I bad at my aloie, a few duors below Ihe I'oat Office. - A. EL8UERG. Sunbury, June 7, 1856. if 1 FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY STORE. CHARLES GA RINGER, J) ESPECTFUI.LV informs the cilisens of I Sunbury and the neighborine; country thai he has purchased the Grocery bture in Water street, in ibe rear of the wharf, recently kept by Veiae it Element, and that he has juat rrplen iabed bur stock which be will sell at reasonable prices.. He will keep a conatant supply of riuur, i. rain ana reed, . (iread, i t wu and heea, Hams, Should aud Herring, CuiKe, "gsr and Moleaaea, Teas. Kpicea .ami fruits, N'uts, Coiifcclionariea of all kinds, UooU and ihoea, Ladies jailers. Misses aai Children's hoes, alaa Queenawns, Cedarware, Hardware nd Notions. otc.,&c. ' 1 I Cltiaena are requested to Send in thiir 'orders flr.fUiur, feed aud GrocerWs wod t ( will ds- ier Ibea firoptrly, r . ; 1 -btiejr, June'li, iKlti r A. J. COURAD, IIOLLOWIIG RUN.. RESPECTFULLY bfonne the public that lie has purrbSaed tie Store recently ke,,t -by i. K. Kauflrnan, nd at he baa replaniehed Ihe.same by an excellest asaortrhent -of New (Joode- just received. Iron rinladelpira, wbk-h he will aell on terms as ronsble as any other i ealahlialimenU- Jiis aasoaiueut conaisia ia part of j. c ' J , t t ' . W.OTH8, OA8SIMERI8 A MATTINETT8. Summer Wares for men and boys, all sty lea tnJ ' . prica . ' ' I,alici llrts ootls Conaisting of black Silla, Meriuna, Alpacas, Lie Lainea, Calicoes, Ginrfiama, Muslins, Trim- miiiga, At,:- ' . i Alaualresh Supply of CRi iCERIES of all kinils.'J. . '' i HARDWARE and ftUEEKSW ARE, Cedarwsre, ll rooms. Ac. Alwislarue assort niciil uf Boots aud Mhoee su'lable for Men Wo men and Children, llati aud t'apa. Silk Hata, ami all goods usuallv kf)it in a Country Store. All the above named soick of goods will be sold pnaitiveiy at low prcca for raah. or in ex ebaiiKS for couutry pmduce, at the bightal market price. i Hollowing Run, June 14, 1850 lr NlSWATtRANaEMENT I res A An tral vf DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. 'PIIK iiiidersigned lisik'g taken the store for m. merlv kept by Weiarr snd Uroiier. ia now ready to till rulers and ftcrriptiuna at a mo- ineiiia notice. He hue a large and well selected atuck of fiesh and pure DRUGS, CHIMICALS, Dye-atulTs. Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicine . FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported (Sen lira of Ihe rhoireat I randa. Fancy Notions' unlet articles, and Per". foniery of all kinds. Toctb and Hair Urushea ofevrry variety. Catnfthint anil Flviil always on hand. Customers will linj his stock complete, com piiainr many articles it is im possible here lo enu merate, and all sold at moderate piieea. Remember the place, next door to E. V. Ilrighl'a Mam moth Store. WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 31, 1656. YDROLEUM TAINTP. These paintaaro mixed with water, thereby saving the cost of oil, for sale by May 31. '56. WM. A. BRUNER. R AISINS, F'ifrs, Jiijiilie Pate. Rock Candy. Jrllv (!aUes slid Uum llropa for sale by Mav3l,'5G. WM. A. 15HUNER. rORTand MADERIA WINES. Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Dlackherry and Lavender brandies lor medicinal purpnsrsal May3l.'S6. V'M. A. BKUNKR. I Wishing Tackle. Red Cork, (irasa. Cot ton and Linen Lines. Out Lines, Sr (irasa by the yard, JSnonda, Plies, Kirbv, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rods, &c.. for sale hv May 31, 'SO. WM. A. URUNER. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC, MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT or rilHIC subscribers respectfully invite the public S M J ...iniiT. Ihmr Pluk NEW GOODS, embrscing every variety. Our ISoods have been selected with the greatest care, and our assort ment coi tains the lateat styles, notli of foreign and domestic manufacture. We have also made arrangenvenu o receive -50! rJirect from Phil adelphia every few weeks, by this means we will be enabled to keep up our assortment. W return our thanks for the liberal patronage be stowed during liie past year, aud tms that hy strict attention to business, and s desire to please, we will continue to rereivn a share of the same. K. V. II RIGHT tV BON. Sunbury, May 31, 1856. NOTICE I S hereby given that letters of Administration to the estate of 'I'hnmaa Updegruir late of Point township. Northumberland county, de ceased, have been granted lo the aubscrihera. All pernona indebted lo said estate, are rripieatej lo make payment without delay, and all having rliiina, to prevent ihem in proer form for scale, menu SARAH UPDEliRAFF. Adm'trii. W II.LIAM OS.MUN. Adm'r. Point township, June 81, 115(1 Ct Rot Ice Iu Tux-Payer. TVOTICE ia hereby given la tax-payer nf A-v Northumberland County, that all those caving their State Tax fifteen ila prior lo the first days prior 1,1 the firat day of August next, will he alluwed five rent- PHIUi RENN, FREDERICK HAAS. ( HAS. HOTI ENSTINE. Commissioners. OMice, ) Cuiomiaaioiiera. Sunhury, June 14, 1650. ( .1. II. .I.VT1I, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CAHMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business pinmpily al'ruded to. Monies collected and all ordinary wii'iosa done. Mount Cannet, June It, li.SC ly NOTICE S hereby given lhat the following peliiinns for 1 License for l av. rn-. tinder the Ula Act of As Bern bly. have been filed, and that I hey j ,a prt sented to the Court for approval on Monday the 4lh day of Aug 1st next : W ili.im SU.idul, Jordan township. Tavern, ' ' Daniel Swarlz, - Jordan lewurhip, JAMES BEAR U. rrotb'y Sunbury, June 31, 1856. OROAU AXES, hand axes, adzes, hstcbels. " hamiuera, chiaela of all kinds, squares, saws, saw sella, augura. planes, plane bits, flies, com passes, screw drivers, brace and bilia, band vices, bevels, spirit levels, tape lines, drawing kuivee, monkey wrenches, nipper, plyers, spring callip iera. pinchers, oil stones grind atones, cranks and fixtures, chisel and augui handles for sale by May 31 '6li. E. V. URIUHT i SON. LACK. blue snd brown cloth, plain snd fan. cy caaaimercs, Kentucky jeane. aatlinelta, striped coating, duck linen, (weeds, grenadine ailk, silk velvets, plaid aud figured vesting, for sale by E. V. URIUHT 4. fc).. May 3!, 1856. lTOTICE, fPlIF. American Executive CommiHee of 1 Norlhumbeiland County, will meet iu Sun buiy, 011 Monday Ihe 4 ill day of August, 1856, at II) o'clock, A. M A general attendance ia requested, as business of importance will be trauiacled J. W. WEEKS, Caairsiau. - F. B. Potts, Secretary. - - - May 3.1, 1856 14 a. : WASHINGTON HOTEL, ,- nouthumbeiiland; pa; . . O. S. J3ROWN, "Proprietor, Norlh'd, June T, 1858. m. ' LAWNS, Buff Chsmbraa, Clulli.,1 Alca. Psptin. Silk Lustre, Uelsoes. Prints, De begea, B aregas, Tiaauea, Black aud Fancv Silks, Scutch, Lancaster.. Fiaoxh. -aud laiglbdi. ijiug bams. Justtecsived by , - t vE.Y.kBRICltT490.N, . 8obr, M? 91 liitjm. ' ' -! I rr. !... .. , t a.L.tv if t a I ' . Bargftini at tte Oil Stand. . rnxisiNo & GRANT ARE 110 opening new and very desirable slock of Spring and Summer Gooda, e Bl earing an endlnsa variety. Their stock con sists in psrt of Black & Fancy Broadoloths&Cassimeroa, Summor Wares for men and boys, all sty lea and :i '.v i' . r Dress goods. ' SIT.KS Plain and Figured Dlaci. An saaortment of Plaid Stripe and Fignred Fan cy Dreaa Silks at unusually low prices, Shellies, Brszes, Brszo Del. a inn, Mus. De Lsins, La woe. Ac, OINf all A MS -from ti to 25 cenu per yard. . CALICOES " 3 " 1SJ ". . . WI1IT14 GOODS. Cambric, Jaeonctts, Swim. Tsrllnn, Mull, Bob! nett, French and Swiss Larea, Etlirings, A-c. . Brown and bleached Mulins, Drilling. Ticks, Checks, Towlinga, Table Diapcra, 4 4. :ro i:itii s. HARDWARE and Q.UEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaatcr Salt arid Fish. Also a tresh supplv of DKIJOS AND Mf.MCINK. Thankful for past favora, we hope hy strict attention a nil a desire to please, atill lo meet with the apnrova! of our friends. FV" Country produce of alt kinds tsken at the highest market price Sunhury, May !14, 1856. ly. Flour, Feed and Provision store. SEASII0LTZ & PETERY, tlroatlu-ay, between Market HhicVuerry St. RESPECTFULLY inform the cilisens of 'unhury and vii inily that they have just rrieived a large and well aelectcd asdortnicnt of choice -FJLVLILY G?sOC!.?kISS, ronsiating in paitof llama. Shoulders. Mackerel, Herrintr. hite Fish, Cod rish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molsaars, Rirr, Sugar, Coll'ee, (green, roasted end ground.1) lni. perial. Young Hyson, (iuupowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Sonpa, hrusliea plow and wash lines, boots anil shoes, tobacco, aegars, Ac, together with cveiy article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will he sold st the Jowest prices, either for rash or country produce. We sre slsn prepared to sop ply the citizens wilh fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and rakes of every kind. N. B. The highest rash prices will be paid for butter snd rg&s, corn, on is. rye and wheat. Sunbury, May 31, 1856. AT S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyuxta ImcnuMit, at the Junction J lie 'J'utjieliocken and J'lum creek roatli. THE subscriber having returned from the city with a new and extensive assortment ui fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same. SritlNO AM) SU-MMKlt GOODS, consisting in part of Dry (jootls, vi : Cloths. Cassimerts, Cufsinets, Jeans. Drilling, Mushns, 1 f J.'nigs, 1 weeds, and all kinds of Spriiig und Summor Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Ginahamt, llrran.es. Ilnbes, troo:ens. Hairnets, tfc. (iiiK r.itns, 8ugsr, Teaa, Coffee, bice, Molsssea, Cheese, Spices, Salt. Ac, Ac, Ac ICn ril 11 :i re. Nails, Screws, Files, bawa. Knives A Forka, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various atv les and patterns. SOOTS AlJD SIIOT33. A large asaortment of Boots snd Shoes, for men, women and children. H its Cars, Ac, of uriona sizes and sty Ira. Retidca a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. nr Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. . N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta. 5 nm. 24, 1850. 3NTEW CONFECTION A-IVy. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GE.MJIIAUT, AS just received a new and excellent aasort nieut of goods at his Coiil'ei-tii.iiary and Fruit Store iu MAKKET STUEET, Suiiburv, where be manufactures ai d keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice ('mill ctinnary, Ac, Wholesale snd Ki tad, at Philadelphia prices. Among bis stork of Coulecliouaries, may he found : French Serreta, Cum rir .pa, all kinds of seem, Itiiruert Almonds, lve Dr-irs, 'ream While, stint Drops, red and white, " l.ein -n Jrily rkra, . Knee, Flail Ilrops, 11 Van' lis, Mu-W CuiiiIics, ol sll srenta CmnavHi 9.wata. Kmik ranav, Liqiuiiice, Alnunid Caiidy, FRUIT. (Uavnae, rrui.es, limes. Fics, Ctirranle dlied, Cur-Mis, Alimiuds, Ralsnua, Nuts nf all kinds LK.MOX SYKUI' of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Srpars and Tul ari n, ai d a variety of Conlcclinnariea. Irnii, Ac, all uf which is ollered cheap at w holesale or retail. ICE OHEAil. lie has alio opened sn 'is Cieain Saloon, slid will at sll limea be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May tl, 18SS. ly GEORGE SCH ALL & CO. - M lM FACTl Hl.ll . 1 or . ' 23TJA.STIJSTGI- POWDER, Mt. Carmel, AvrthumUrland County, I'a. ' May 10, I858. CJHERM, fuh, tanners, flazseed aud pine Oil, painta, glass, putty, copal varni.h. spts. lui pen line, fluid sud paint brushes for sale bv May 31, 'SS. E. V. UKIOUT A SON. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OS VALUABLE LAND In the M'Cauley's Mountain Coal Jlrtion. . pursuance of sn order of the Orphans' court of Northumberland county will be exposed lo public sale on TUESDAY, tiie Klh dav of J ELY neit, al the public house of Peler Bdluieyer, in Bloomsburg, Cultuiibia county, I'a., llie following described Ileal Estate, to wit 1 A Certain TRACT OF LAND, On McCauley'e Moun'sin. within four miles of the Suaquchaiiue aud a abort distance uf Ihe Cat taw issa Kailroad, to which a connecting branch ia about being constructed, tn a third luciluies for getting coal to market aiiuale in Beaver township, Columbia Co.. Pa., aurveyed In Andrew Clark, 011 warrant dated August 3:). UU.); adjoining lands surveyed to Jesse Evans. Jese U looks, Catharine Lnngeuhergrr. lienrue Lou geuberger, Themes Simons and Daniel Ayer, CONTAINING 266 ACHES, and allowance. Late Ihe estate of John MrCalla late of Northumberland county aforesaid tlec'd. 1 . About filty. acres af said land ia cleared aud under sukivation, with a Sione House aud Uarn, spring House, 4c upon it, aud several springs of excellent water. Sate te coipmenre at 10 'o'clock, A. M. of said Jsy, when the terms will h made known by ALEXANDL'H COLT. Adm'r cuss MIaware saner a of Johu McCalla dac'di As lo (ills refer (o J:imrs Pjejaanpj, and Wuu I. Oresnougb, Esqra., HuHtTUry, ft,' . " By Order of the Court." 1 C. B. Pt'RSEL, Clk. O.C.J ' ' ' ; . ! .. If ow Goods for the People I ' BlSNJA M1N llKFFNfeU UE8PECTFIlJ.Lt Infuims ths piibllcla gin ersl that he has Just received and opened a splendid stock of - - ' SritING AND SUMMER GOODS st his New Store, In Lower Augusta lownebrp. Uis stock consists in pari of . Cloths, Cassimers, CnssineU. ef all kuuda, of linen, cotton sad woratod. ALSOt - .' . Cnllroea, Oliiglinnia, Lnwns, ' niuiinsjcllisc Ue I.Blnee -and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.' , Crocerlesi, Also an assortment of llfirdvrare. iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Alao an eseellent aaaorlment of CTJEEN S WAKE, or various styles and pailerna. Also an sasortment cf IIOOT9 & SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fisli, t$c. -And a great variety of other srtirles auch as sre suitable to the trsde, all of which will be sold st the lowest prices. C7 Country produce tsken in eirhsngs a the higheat prices. Lawer Augusta, May C4, I8S6. "ISrE"W OOO 3D 3 AT P. W. Gray's Store. A Isrge SFKortment lust received from Phils delphia, aud aold cheaper than ever for rah or country produce. Among his stock will be tound fancy Prcssi Goods, of all kinds alls' the latent and moot fashionable tiles, lllaik and Fancy Ulcus bilka, Challies. Drair.e le Laii.a, Oinsliams, Lawns, Shnwla, Prints, liress Trimmings, Hose tilnves, Stocks, I Inlhs, l usunicies, Vestinia, Linen Drills, Irish Linens, Muslins, I'srau!s and Umbrellas, Ac. $ c. HA KDWAUEs general saaortment. (HOC El! I ES. Fish. Chcce. Ksiains, Tobacco snd Cigurs, Queenaware, Eouta, Mines. lists Slid Csps. and a geuerul variety. GTLEASE CALL AND SEESTI P. W.CUAY, ctunbury.May 54, 1858. If SUNBURY, PA- r'lHE subscriber respectfully Informs the public JL that alie atill continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply ef good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be sble to give satisfaction to al! who may visit her house. MA HI A THOMPSON Sunbury May 21, I80G if. JAMES F. CALEKEATH'S i.adiks FANry SHOE STORE, X: 53 North Eiihth Street, Above Arch, East tide, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, ran have shoes made to order iu Ihe very lest e-t vie and workmanship on s few days notice. An excellent assortment lo select from, olw.ivs on hand. May 10. IWifi. "ly new SPBIKO AKD BUMMER GOODS. JUST RKCKlVKt) HY I. W. Tr.-tKIl & t o., 'iinbnry, Pa 1V1! lec respectfully to announce to our Iriends nnd Ihe publ.u t at we ate now re ceiving a veiy lutce and well selected stock of goods suiled to Ihe scaium, winch we arc deter mi. .id to tell cheap as heretofore, finding our old motto ol "Small profits and quid Sales." lo work well we elmll continue (o adhere to it, our stock cnusislH partly of the following viz: LAD IKS GOODS. Gros De Khine and Summer fr'ilks. Chilli, De bepe, llarege. painted and plaid Lawns, Ciinuhani Lawns, Robed Dreeses, Va lencia fkirt-i and cliinins, Cras", Ccrd and Crinoline b'kirta, J iciMii't. Cambric, Swiss sud Hatred muslin, Hi-hups Lawna Plaid. Dot. ted snd Fisured Swisa Muslin. Linen csmbric handkerchiefs, (.'beinUelts, Collars. Culla aud unilerleet-eH. printed cashmere, tliibet and 'oilier shawls, ginghams end culicoea in great variety Heady made mantillas, parasols. Funs IfC GKNTI.KMKN3 UOOIbS. Cloths, cawsiineres, Iweeds, Yeslings, aunmer goods 111 vuiioua styles lor coats and pant.ilaona thirt bosoms, collars. cravata. I'esidee a large as sortment of Keady made coals paulalooiia and vests, toatlier with a general assortment of La dies aud gentlemen Hoots Slides and Gaiters iiieiis, hoys and rhildrens Hats, and Caps Hardware, tuec nswurc, Groceries. Cedurnare. Sl'Vie and Enrlhenuiire Diugs, Paints, Fish, meal, salt, nulla. 1 ar, Oil r Ac. A good supply of kchool books and copy books wiiu prinieu cojmcs on cacli puge. Come and see, 110 cliargo ia made for allow ing goods. I. W. TENERA Co. Country produce taken in exchange fur goods. ai llie lutlicsl ir.Hii.et prices Huubury, May 10, 1S55. SHERIFF SALE. lly Virtue of a Certain writ of Fieri Facias to ino directed, will Im; exposed to public sale, at thn Court House, in Sunhurv, on MONDAY, the 4th il-.y of Aupu-t, ISiiG. at I ocluc.U. I. M., tho following described pro perty, In wit : A certnin half Lot of Gronnd, situate in the tlorouVh of Sunhnrv, lieii! the eastern half part of lot No 16U, in the ire nc nil nlnn of niiil town. IVontinj on lilucUberrv strt-ut. nml iHitindeil on llie east by bit No. 161. on Ihe wist by the Imlf bit No. 162, nn the north by 11 11 iilley, cntituiuinK in front 30 feet tlnil z.W leet in ilepth, whereon tire erecteu two story log liouse. weuther-bonrded and puinted ulnte, and souio culbuiMincs. Soiml, l:iken in execution, and to b sold as the property of Jacob Kalile. JI. WE1SE, SbeiiflT. SitERirr's Okfice. 1 Sunbury. May 17, lEfiC. Puttcn's New York WIKD0W SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., oppcite Jones' Hotel, I'HILAUr.LltlU. Window Shades. 11 rocairllre, balm de Lainea, Worsted Dumaaka, Centre 'J'asaels, tiiiup and Loops, . Curlaiu Bands, ' Lace sud Muslin Gilt Cornice, bull'. While and green Holland., Picture Cord, Puteut Holleis, Curtain I'ms and Trim mings, Curtains, - Pieca X(i.-!in. 6tore. Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, gut up a the shorteat notice. - Curlaina cut. madu ami i.ni .... I. th M.t " I 4- J " esperirnred bands. I'iriis's Nr.w Von Krt, 3113 nt.i... St., Melodeou Uuildiugs. way a. inoo. EHEAFF cSa Uts-rVCIC, HISII.HS ikli n'lllirllii Uf ' WHITE ASH AXTHR.ACTTE COAL.' From the. Big Mountain Colliery SIUMDKIM, NOKTU'PjCOljM V, PENN'A.' 1 Address bheafl" A Black, Sunbury . or fclba inokin. Pa. . .,. - Sunbury. May S4, IdSOlf - CPH-'ES, sugar, coil're, molasses, tea,-cocoa. Water end Bugar liiacuit lar aula byi TIlEXAlEST ABWVAt. OP SPRING AND BTJMMEK ftOOM. J.'F.&X.F. KLINE, . Respectfully sumiunre lo il.eir friends end (!. p nblic in genrrsl that Ibey have received al Uieif Store in'L'pper Augusta township, Norlbiin, tier land county Pa., st Klines Grove. Their fipring' snd r-'umnier goods-are rndloth public a lall aesrotmenl ol Rierchstidire Ae. Consisting in part of Cloths, black end fancy Csas triers, fealinelts. Checks, Kenlnrky Jean and all kinds nf Spring snd rH'tnnter Gur-ds. A lot of ready made JLIosthirc, auituple fof men and boys. ..-... . ' ladies Cress Goods, , ? fihawls, Ginghams, llerege Lelsins, Calicoes',' black Silks 4c. . .1 A Isfi a fresh sdpply of Drugs and Medicir ee, Grorcrins 4 c, of all kinds. -1 A new supply of Hardware. Queens sre, wooden ware llrooma c. . Alao a large assortment of Pools and 8hoee suitable for men women and children.. lists and Caps, auch a Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn. Silk fyc. A Iko an assortment of Cooks, Stationery, ink, Pittures snd Picture frames Ac fish, Salt, Cheese 4., snd sll goods usflslly kept in a country atore. Cotre snd see, Come one, come sll. Cheaper Ihsn the ChespeiU Thankful for past favora we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a eontinusnce of the same. All of the shove nsmed stock of goods will be sold positively at low pricea for cash, or in ei cbsnge for country produce at the highest mar kt price. Klinea Grove, Pa., May 17. 16G tf - DISSOLUTION ... ; TIIE partnership beretoforb exsii-tinK,be." tween tho undersigned, under Uie .firm of Woit-er & I'runer, is dissolved by mutual era sent, this the 14th dnv of -May 1856. All persons luiving unsettled accounts with ns will please call aud settle the sum without deluy. tJF.6. IJ. WrEISER, WM. A. DRUNliR, Sanbory, Moy 17, 18C6 Thankful for tho liberal pntronnpe heretoi fore extended I would respectfully solicit a continuance nfllie tamp, at the store, next tloor to IS. Y. Ilright's. Market St. whirea fresh supply of Drugs ic. cun always bef..nnd WM. A. Bli'UNER. Sunbury, May 1", 1856. MOUNT CAIIMEL HOUSE, .MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. FH1I1IS large and commodious Hotel is ailus M ted nearly hall way between Sin, bury iid foltsville. The acenciy the salubrity of Ihe atmosphere and the cool mountain hi rexes, ma ho it one of the moFt delightful summer retresta in the country. -The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted lip v.itl) all the Inndeni cm. venienccs The pure mountnili water ia iiitro dueed into every chamber. The place ia easy of acccaa, being but one and a hall hours ride from Sunhury, over Ihe Philadelphia and Sun bury Kail Itoad. From Polieville, it ia 17 miles. Every attendance will he paid by Ihe proprie tor to make guests comfortable. I'ha-pe mode rate. JKSSE IUCE. Mt. Carmel. May 24. lRSn.tf TIIE SALAMANDER SAFES OF rillL.AbEI.PIHA AOAIKftT TIIR WORID. EVANS & WATSON, No. 2S Sou:h Fourth St., Philadelphia. WQfrt-ZZJ'$ii WHiranted ll.tf rtri rrnentnti.. SLkim9 Ra,uit l,ie ur,:,it-' cement ; ircunty riilLADKi.Fiir a. Anril ICih Messrs F.VMi-t .V Vfm : iivnim : It uflt.rda 0i hiclit-ar KHisi'iirtioii t nre Itt y . itmt nuittp t the ry prutrctii'e fjii!i!itiii of twn oi the Sihiimtttler S'lei n Inch we purphnsed fil" j-tm mime few iii'Miilm fnucu, we sartd a liiruft pertitn. nf oui Jeivelrv, Uiki, I'upL-n, Ac-, fij o. ct! t tliei'iituiuiiuitus tre in Kunetcud l'lace, un uiemru in? i tie ltti Jtut Wlim we rrfltci ihfit tbes &ifs were Jccnted in t!m t"iirlh thtry of die builditig we wuiu., ui'U thut tliy fell ml.equt-iiLlv into 11 hip nf Ihiriinti? ruin. where too vufct rttiK'HMtrntioii it "h cut cuuneil Hie l-ni? pl.iu t n-eli. w raiimit lut reKinrihe preservation of ihe vuiuuble (v.11. tev'sns ini'St c-'iivii.ciiib' pruof uf lue greut securily uTui dri tv ynr Sure We !ml) Inke much pleiui in rcfomnift'dii'g them to men uf buiij.cfct 11 u suia ieliui.ee nnmit fire. Gkubck W.S.mo.t k Bbo. riiitOKi.PDTA, Arriiia. 185. Tear,T. I'vani St Wuinoit I hnve t ffer y ;u my tri timony in fn vol nt the Bleat eruntv ifT-rilpil ( u y ei.tir gtfck f jewe.ryy ho kt, (vnpera At:, d.irn.E the recent diictB'rout coitfl;iprnti' n iti 1'nunend pture. from the fr et thnt tho .ime wt r e.nil;nneti in two ol the bulaniuurier C-;ii" munufuciurcil Uy you. IKivini inilt-n in. in Uie hflh story of llie Arligan IhiiM iiiC, where they were prei ioiii!y placUil wild eipogcd tt a vut heat for h l -ng time, the preservation ,f the valuuino deps'iiTt aeemrd to everyone wli witneweU the o:eunig find intenur examination, a inutter ofproiuuud uttoijui. nient Tr nil who may lequire n perfect pmteetion from tho ravnfrraof fire. 1 ahull i;nt lietiiHie M retMrnmend the uao of your Sit fee, oa I coniiuer tliey have now niderRniie tho m at trying teet. N. K. .Mogn. . rHiLOrLPrrA, April 14. IM. Metara Kvana k iVotson (ieiiileiuen No d'u.;t y.n witl be deeply gianlird Mltiirii the g h1 cnditi"ii in w huh I dinnvered inv l lc. polU-y o( ii.ft'inmce, certificati-a of nRk,Q-td other vulunhle documente, wbeiuui prulny bit 1 nriird the pii"e mcde bv yonr ftim. With tuy k no wedge of ita fffeui expoenre, b-th th ii.teiinty nfthe heat fr m a.- hl fire ea that Une7i de al roved the Art .ami Hull iii, aa nlanfnni the force of tho full from it firmer elevntert piti. In tUa tl.irdii.-rv, I C"ii!d cjitrriiiin !-ut alenrier uopet prinrio iia inUnor in aprti.m, thnt tin contents which I one ao highly prized would ever he of jmy tervii e to roe, but aa ihea i lire now happily removed, frel it only due ro mi to ya thnt I cun henceforth reenmmend the tisr f yoiirVt.fa u all wh mivwiah to f eel n curld.tre in tha perfe-i v curiiy which such meant prcvitlea ogemat ao frightful au clem cut. Edwarb GAacit.l.,Bivskhiiidr. Constantly on hand Patent XVudcf and Tbicf rroof lOcWt for Hunks. Stores, Ae. A.inl ifj, titi. ly ; JOSEPH A. HEEDIES,. MiuncTcm or WISE. SILk &. HAIR-CLO'J If SIEVES, Coarse, medium and fine in mrsli ; large, middle size anil small in iliaireler. Metallic Mollis or Vovcn Wire, Of tbe best qualifies, various sites of mesh, from N.is. I lo tiO inclusive, aud from one lo sis feet in wiilth. Tbey are nnmherej ao many spaces to a. lineal imli, ami eut ic suit. 'I'he subscrilier slao keeps Constantly on Uand SCREEN13, For Coal, tSaiid, (lie. Lime, (iraii. Gravel, liuano, Kumar, euar. Salt, Bone, Collie, Spire, lrug. re-Slutr. Ac. Togellior twin er aa sortmeiil uf luiglil and annealed Won. Hire.: Ail 01' Ihe abuve sold wl-.ok-ile nr irtail. l-y J. A. M'EDI.ES, 61 North Frout St., rbilaJeli hta. May 31, IHS6.-. jfJKUAUWAKt. llollow-ware, t-lass-ware, ami a largo stock ol Qnrenware, embracing tha tienesi aiterua, for sale be May 1 't6. E. V. UKICI1T A KON. fcilk, cr.iton and linen Jlsnilke'cliiefa, fanry netk lita. gfnU' collara. rotlon, opera sack snd Welh'o Flannels, ttnrt nmt.nla .1 .1..'. i . - - - nu ov ncai as euri.iuent of Hats end Caps in town for ssleliv r. ui in.! r v ii,...-..... "j " . union t tsiirt. To Builders & Carpentera. ' The subarrilw's are agents for Ibe sale of Donra. V imlow blinds. Window hi,ii. sll sisea of Window Bash, all of whicU na oiler at Ilia losvest t.rkss. May 3 'SO. B. V. BRIGHT 4 QOTt, Fairtianka' Plalfnrir. ami t'.,i,ni.,a..i r. M,, , y E. V. BHIGUT&bO.V. May tl, 1848 ' ' rHrnetlnit of all kinds, floor and i,U!e oi Cloths SUld oil ah. I ,1,. I..... ... r sale by ; . JS..V. BRIGHT .V feOV -Ut Llueil, muslin, cbeika, tivkiiie, table - diaper, lurnitora eh.,ir ...j ...i.. i. jt-trayaaTfVK. Have bail the surest demons1. fTi ' S'lifi . j "- """ l"lt" lo'siwiiig Ceiiificiitra, ifkl' ViV I'iafi Sl """ "" (nutueluie i t mia. t-?Wsti:. lriiind r tvil-.s I ns ut I. iibiIi fu'iv I . . .w.TOMU ryiaiau OUIlKr. 1 paiiea for. sale ba . ,., .... ' " .... r- i.piusai ct avs w- .. ,f ..... 'W - s, jw v fin. t. m t. r:tai sav