Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 14, 1856, Image 3

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    MITTTSTHWWfmrTWK -nww.wr r wwTn!i'Trr.i?w i.t. ..u ftui'.r TVr 11 rr.-m-jt-nrTrgmi
fibw AdTCrtlsenienU.
latch. rnoM kan,vs-f nniER
oUTrtAat RrroriTto
Et. Locis, Juno P.-Anestftl of the West
port Times Onted the 6th ut., stole Hint
jelialdo nesrl lias been rectitnd of the liiirn
loir of the town of llornuns. Knnsns, by tin?
Free Hlate wen, on the tiijiht of tho 3d Inst.
From 812.000 to $13,000 worth of property
wns destroyed. It olo says a compRtiy
of 300 Abolitionist bad ctiptnroi) the town
tf Franklin, being opposed by only fil'tppn
fi pli till ff pro-s1ntpry mm. Mr. lislimton
und two others nre roportpil killed. It is re
ported Hint the fitrht lesti'd nn hour. The
"invntti;i;ilint Committee nre still here.
Tlie JniJi'pendKnrp cotrosptindi'tit of tin
TteptiWicnn. under date of the filh, snystlnt
AI archill Pnualilsnn ond fniir of his men,
svhilo in tliu dischsiiyo of ttii'ir ofllciul duty,
were killed tier lliokory Point on tho M
Inst. Tho Marshal whs in thp net of arrest
injr some of tho men oltuclmd to tho party
tindor Cript. Piite.
, Th Free .Stnte men Tumi been increased,
sunl they worn ileslroyititr house and driving
families from their home nenr Bull Crock.
pup hundred ami fifty inpn, under L'uptnin
Rood, hml loft Now Sunt Fe hi pursuit or
thi maritttd'ers.
Another report says, thnt tins town of
Franklin hn tiot bcpn taken, though nttnrkpil
by a lurjre putt. Captain Pate's company
bus been liberated.
Gov. Shannon issued a proclamation on
tho 4th, in which he commands the illoyril
rnititnry orirnniziitions to disperse, or tiny
will hn disported by Hip I'nited Stales troops,
il In calls fur vipilnuco in executing 'ho hives
and protecting persons nnd property without
dit-tinctioii of pnrtv. Ho tidiis. that the
proclamation of tho President of t lie 11th
iif 1 hi tinry w!l lio strielly enforced. A re
quisition had been served on Col. Sitmner for
h sufficient, force to ensure cbedieuro to the
t'ov. Sh.innon took Accnpany r.f drnfroons
and searched tho lionpcs cf the l'Ve f-'tato
rum f.T two days, tnking arms ond nnnicni
tioti wherever found.
' Co!. Sumner pnssed 1i'.ro'i!i J.cecrr;-tcn
. tin; -nil. er! route Tor Topi ln.
I: is retiorteti ?''t frnTl rernVstrois of
Fro-slaToiy wen ii.:i been nt
Pull Creek, rho, nmVr ei';r;'ni1 "f "ar'-'':"
UhittiuM. eonteinpluto a new nlf"b f
r'ticp. 'I'h"y expvtt to rotiriitid!.? tl ere
ftVont fj'Jd nu n. armed with L'niti d Sl.iv' t !
muskets. The Free .State men have resnlvcil
to set lb' the matter with tho bayonet. I'h'ii
F.vd to been forliitd lur a t::lit
It i t'l'mored that Ponnldfon and Jrnes
vi ro killed in a fijjht at Franklin, where n
eolliHion oecurrcd over tho goods stolen from
t.'ii:rAf!o, Jane 10. The Democratle t'n ss
bns a letter from .Lecompton. dat d lli" 4th,
v.hieh reports sevorul fkirmishes hetwei n the
I'm filavery nnd nnti-fluvery organization?.
The Kansas City KntPrprice, in detailing
the )reviins ndvici b ovk that, thirty S:o!ith-t-rm-rg
w-ro prieeefiinp from Westpurt under
the eomnviiid r.f Cait. Pate, to Bull ('reel.-,
when tie v were suddenly met by un equn!
) irty if Freo t.ite men, and after two hours
iliirniitiliing, Cnpt. Fato surrendered ui.con
tiiliuiially. A party of Pro-slavery men, inelndiiiR a
on of tiiiv. Siinnnon, made a nipht attack
ipmi the honse of (.'apt. Walker, fivo miles
from l.pcotnpton, but were fired upon and
repulsed, and ronnjr .Shannon mas taken
I'ricone,-, but releufuj the next day.
IB A VINO now fully rcplrnished my stack,
om to sell at the verr lowrsl pricti all
kinds el Uccds, uruong which am a large ensure
IJiClil of
for men nnd boys. Hats, Caps, fchon, CaitrrK.
1'cTjlvfrt and other pinto!, ArcOrdroii. travel
ling baits, trunks, natrhes, Jewelry, liofiery,
nniiona, ami a Isrge niimlirr of other oniric tno
ledioii la mitniino. Ad of tlii !r.r;c ond tvc!I
tilntid ieek will Ic o!J at frj low riie.
Come anil ret ; tj tee t to hvlievc. C'ume
anj mtixfr yourtvc that the the groatrnt l r '
gains ran he hnd at tny Keif, a few doer below
llio 1'ost Oliiee.
Punhery, June 7, 1F5C. tf
3. i3BOwisr3
Xorth'J, June 7, 1PCC Cm.
f 'KAI.liU proposals will be received at the
' hoiisa of Jueoh Doehlar, r., in L)eluwre
tntrnfhip. ISnrihnmlierlatiil rounty, Monday,
the SOtli liny nr June nisi-, l'elwren tlia hours of
I and 4 nVlork, J'. M., for rrimirin!; a hridirr
arrs Drlannre linn, the whole of th- timlier
miiht he new. and one nhutinriit and part of the
wing walls must he taken down and la rebuilt.
run, ii' KUN.N, i
FKKU'K HAAS. Com'rs.
Com frs. UIM,.
Sunheiy, Juiit 7, 1RD0.
lTZr.V7" GOOD3
P. W. Gray's Store.
A Itirge'asrorlrarnt just rereivrj from P!il!a
dljphia, and sold cheaj ar than ever for rn,h or
cnanlrf p roil u to. Among bis alock tvi't I
Farry ITrcss Gvo&a,
tf all kinks and the latest and most fashhintdde
utiles, lllnik and Fancy Press tf ilks, Challies.
Prslre Da I,aira, Ginchams, I.awns, Wiawls,
J'rints, lirtrs imuiii:i, Hose (ilnves, Plw-ks,
Cloths, Casidnifira, Vestin&s, I.inrn Hiilla,
Iii!i I. mono, Muslins, JtB.u!s and Ulnhrellas,
Ae.. 4 e.
' UD'iVAKi: a semaJ issoitnirnt.
;K()CI:IMI:S, FUh,Chec, Raisins, Totinero
and C'iuars, Queens ware, Hoots, tsliors, lladraiid
Caps, and general variety.
Hunhory.May 84, I8BC. If
SI'iCKH, ucnr, eoltee. molasses, Ira, cocoa.
Water and Hugar biscuit for sale by
May 8100. E. V, BHIGHT POV.
Stationery. A largo supply of
Faper and Envclnpes, Mournii
''FITTT Amerioat Evecutiva Committee of
' JNorthnmiienpiiii t. sintv, will meet in Sun-
I'uiy, on Monday the 4th clay of August, tS."iS,
nt tOorloc.;, A.Ai A ??!ie'nl stlcudanre is
rrcpiestrd, a h'.icinets of in'portsnra will le
trR.i'.urtf J
J. W. WEEKS, Chairman.
F. P. Potts. Mvcrrurr.
May HI, l.56. t4a
Flour, FcCC nnd Trovifiicn More.
nrcaihrcy, Ulu-een .V(.'7.-f.' ; fUacl Lerrj !
ffllESPECTrri.t.Y ii.form the citizens
Iw i. ;
fiudiurv and vieii-:v tlicv have just
rrn'iicl a liirge and wrll telericu assoriuient
of choice
f rt'ists'ir.B in pa't of limns, tS'iou'dcrs, Mackprpf.
HerrhiP. White I'i-h, Cod I'Mi, rnservn!
Krirt, r'el.h's, Craikrr", Cheep, rdlisr, h'iic,
t'ligir. Cofifp, (ureen, rnnnted atid groiiiid. Im
erial. Voum; Hysop, tinnpowdrr and lilac!;
'l'ea. Cedar-ware, 8lopp-'.vrp, t?oaps, hrurlus
plow and wauli lines, hoot and shoe?, tuhacpo.
srgarH, Tc., together v.i.!i every article nsualiy
found in a first rh'sa t!roeery Ftore, all of which
wi.t Lc foiJ nt thejowevt prices, either fur caah or
country produce. We arc uhio prepared to sup
ply toe citizens nilii frts'.i hrca.l, lt,iil, lolis, pier,
pretels and eakv j of every hind.
I). Tho highest cash price wiil le l uid for
J huttcr and egg", coir., o;its, rye and wheat.
runhury, .May SI, ISfjfl.
fancy Aote
inc. J.cucr,
and Cap Paper, Pen Ink. Sand. Ar., at
May ai, '66. WM. A. II liHNKK'S.
"ObaCCO ai.d ECfitJrS SO.CIKI Imported
Hcgar of starioti liramla. EUorado, l ij.
('avenJinh and fine cut tohscco at
WM. A. UtlUNEira.
fiunhury, Mav SI. I K.'ifi,
spikes, hammered ami hnrao shoe
canal shovels, picks, grub hues slid
mason hemmara (or site hv
My at 'SG E. Y. 1 RIGHT & i'O.V.
tH.ES for ltaehiniats, carpenters, Ve.. ic.
l.'eotlv' cJge tools, planes and heneli screws
for ssle bV V. Y. DIUGHT r S..
Mny 3', 1 S5C.
CJAWS Saws Kpesr and Jackson's hand.
jaunel, lip. compass, tenant l.rsa hack,
Irsmins, circelar, cross cut and mill ras fir
tale hy E Y. I! IHCiHT A fclJ.N.
May SI, S:C.
Table and Pocket Ci-th rr, a laige aeleclion of
various pattern f r knle hv
May at i6. E. Y. BPKJ.'IT A POX.
brter rcy Ihea and siicath lor ! Ir
Mny 31 'Cfl. E. Y ElU'.iUT ,V KOS.
To Builders '& Carpcntern.
The su'iscrihcs are anent f,,r the tale of
Poors, Window h'hels. Wiiulnvr .S'huttpra, and
all sizes cf Window ash, all of which we ollVr
Hi lh hmrst prices.
May r.l 'rc r. Y. II KKJ II T A SOX.
Fairhaiika' Plutform and ("oiititer rcale for
ale I V E. Y. ERIUHT A r-uX.
May 31, ISof!.
trn V.HV., tl-jh, tanneis, f isrrrd an, , ine Oil,
paints, class, petty, copal vnrni.h, ;,ts. tm-
pontine. Hon nm: minl l rtis:rs lor sr.le 1 v
My :st. TO.
J-. t. bUHiH'J- ft SOX.
Ifonso I'oiiumltec of lnvestitrntion into the
r.s?ault cotnmiited by Mr. ltrooka on Mr.
Kit inner, have prepared their report, am! they
recommend tho expulsion of Hrooks for hia
unmanly and disgraceful ronduct, tu.d the id
3 censure of Weitt and Kdimtron- A mi
nurity repott argues that thpre wiif nobreach
iif privilejro cftho Honsp, and the'llotise lias,
therefore no iurixdiction. The iiirisdiction
Appeurs toJ;e properly with the Kennto. l!
was their privilege which was Invaded, nnd
they have the rijrht of protecting; themNvlvcs
nRaiiit-t such otitrages. Tho Ilcmee hri tx
idnsive jitnriiie tioti ofcoscs of dif orderly enn
t'net, nHrHvsi or tumult, by it? own member,
ficeiirrinir in its own prcsenie, but il i doubt
ful if t li 13 exelusivo privilege extends to
breaches of 1 he peace committed ilsfcborPj
The Senate has, hnvvuver, in deference to the
lloiiFp, of which Mr. Erooks is a member,
loft tko subject to tho discretion of the littler
body, and t!i House may consider tho out
r.ipo as iiiterfprinjr with lenisdr.tive fnnctiuiis,
and therefore un offence njtaint itself us well
as against the b'enule. If the House tnlte
this view of the case, it will eudenvor to ex
pel Mr. LSrook, in which two-thirds of its
members are required to concur. . Jt is very
'oubtfiil if that number can be obtained, nnd
hence Mr. Hooks is likely to cscariie punish-
meni iiy unnirress- J Here is still, UowcVer a
recourse to the Laws of tho country, to which
he is liable (or a breach of tiio public pence.
-Tliiit The people of tiio town of ie.
Fa.,' appear to be very much dissatisfied with
the art passed nt tho last session oftha State
Lppis'ntnro, which provides fur a compromise
of tho railway difficulties which have so loop
nfllictrd tht locality. They have held a'
public meetinp. at which the act was bitterly
denounced. As it provides for a subscription
of 3100,0(10 to tho l'ittshurjf ami Kria liail
rond by the Frio and Northeast Company,
we do not see bnt tho peoplo would do best'
to be sutihUud. Tiio time will come when tho
New York companies will bo glud to avail
themselves of the facilities for Ink trade
afforded by tho capucious hurbor of J'rio, nnd
the only way we see to hastPtt tho arrival t
that iioriod is to urpo forward to cotnplption
the .Sunbury, Fittsbur, und othtr roads.-.-ISiiUimnre
Am ti icon.
J rali Arrival of
flMlE undrrrinrd ha". ipg taken the etore for
JL inerly kept hy V. riier and inner, is now
ready to till cniers ami ler rj.tif r.s si inc.
iiieuia notice, lie hat a lare m:d well sclcclad
stock hi fiCfchaud pure
Pye-tuiT. Oil, Paint. Glass, Patty, and all
kiiids of Patent Medicine.
Tobacco and Imported FcEars of the choirrst
hrand. Fancy clioi.s' toilet prtieles, and Per
fumery of all kind. Tooth and I!uir Euishes
of avcry variety.
Cumi-Kine owl FluiiJ o'tc-ro nn Lund.
Customers will find hi stock complete, com
prising many article it is impo'siMe her to cnu
mcrste. and ail sold at moderate piicra.
Kemenilier the place, i.oxt c'oor td E. Y.
Uright'a Maiuir.olh ytnre.
Sunhur'y, Msy 31, lf5.t.
ICcwCoci'ls for the Fcf.j-Ie t
JE8PF.UTFHELt infurms lbs public in ran
A ersl that he hi just recaived and opene.l
aplrr.did nock of
at bis New Biota, tu Lower Augusta township.
Hi stuck consist In part of
Cloths, Cossimew, Cassinetj.
or all kind, of linen, cotton and w orntcd.
ALSO i .
Catlrocaj, tniiiRHnma, I.ntTnc,
MouMMcilne De l.uinc
nnd all kind of Ladles Dres Good.
Also an assortment of Ifltrrtivnrc, Iron
and Etcel, Naila, &o.
Also an pxeelh-nt assortment of
QUEF.KSW ARE, of various styles, and
Atsaan sesortinent of lttlOTM & SHOTS
II ATS & CA P8, a good splectian.
Siilf, Visli, i,r.
And a grcnt variety of olhar arth lrs such a are
suitable to the trade, all of which will b sold at
thp lowest prH-t-s.
t7" Country p'oduc taken in eichanjt a
tha highest privc.
Lkwer Augusta, fdny S-I, ICoS.
Iiirgn::is at tho did Stand.
A 1! B now iipeniiis; a new and very (Wimble
slock of Sprint and .Summer Goods, em
bracing an einllei, variety. Their ilock con
sist in part of ,
B1rc!s C: Fancy EiTacidothi&Ccj.'iiTr.erfs,
fSiiminer V.'arcs for men and hey, ail style and
S.TKS l luiit a:il t'iriurtit Woel.:
An assortment of Plaid Stripe ana l'isncd Tan
cy 1 tress SiM.s at uiiu'iiuliv low prircs,
t'hcllics. l!res. ISraze Mc Laitis, Mus.
lie I.nins, Lawns. iVf,
fHNO'.I AMS from f ,1 to 85 cents pjryarj.
CALICOKS " a ' IS) "
t.'amhrie. Jiconvtis, Swi.'s, 'J'nrllnn, Kail, Pohi-
nrtl, French Boil Sv.ihS l.acrs, lohns, Ac.
l!rav?i and I h-adi-il Mii-liiis, lliipings. Ticks,
Cluck, Tovviin js, Table Ivin prra, oj c.
rrAItr.VAHE f.ntl GUEENSvVAnr,
Cedsr-ware, Hollow-wnre. Iron, Steel, Piaster
Sjlt and PUk.
Also a fresh st.-pplv of
Diifits an it Mr.niri)ii:!.
Thankful lor ost favors, we hope by strict
attention ond a desire to'plcAse, still lo nnel with
toe approval offlur friends.
I V Country produce of all kinds taken at the
highest maikrt ( ri.-c
Snnhurv. May V4. 1 S.-.C. It.
ttWI R suhsrrilipr roepectfully informs tha public
a. that aha otill ooiitinuc t koea Ui above
named publie honsS. ,
has no recpirci) a new supply of ood
hinra and wines, and frost that she will be
able tu give aatial'ictioa to all whs may visit her
flunburr May SI, lssn. tf.
. , ( I! Order of the Court, )
DIJOI.ELM PAIA'TF. These , aintsaie c ml., Clk. O. C. (
inizej with water, theieby saving the i-o.l bi.nlmry, May 11), I.C. )
of oil, or sale );y
Way 31, T0.
fJAISrXrt, Pias, Jiijooe jfantr. Kock Candy.
Jelly Cakes and IJuiii Drops for sjle hv
Mav 31 . '.5i3. WM. A. Ui'b'M'R.
tJOKTand MAliF.Rf A W1XP."
KrhnntMitf Willi (Mirrru t.rnrii!..
I and Lnvenjer tiranJies for medicinal purposes at
May 31. '00. V'M. A- Kit.
t fishing Tackle). Ped Cork, Crass, Ci
. ton and l.iueu Lines, Out Lines, Sea (iia
by the yard, MnondaFliet, Kirhy, Liuieiiek and
Carlisle Hooks, Ucils, Ae.. f.r sale. 1 v
May 31,'sn. WM. A. UKl XEi:.
lil-VOItKO fiKStCN TO ATTACK lift. Ur.f.cfirii's
Ciicncit. It was rumored ou Huturdnv und
fnnday. tho New York Cornier fays', that
Jlenrv Ward Jleechor's Church, ou Hrunklvn
Hei-thtP, wus to be attacked last cveniiiff. i,y
nn organized baud of thosu who lurd taken
lTt rtfe. or employeil by those who hod. lit tho
very plain I upunio in ivbich Mr. Heucher
Iihs discused thp e.tcitine; events that have
recently occurred in Washington, nnd in
Kansas. Tho rumor reached Mr. Ib.-cchcr
nnd Henry C. T.owen, nnd was deemed (d'
suffieieut itnpnrtunce to cull for the adoption
df infasurcs to. repel tho at lack if made. A
larr ?ilioe foreu whs in the church, but
nothinc ncciirred to disturb lh quiet of the
Tho Hovprend Sydney Smith onPe said, in
vcriting of kissintt : "We tire in favor of a
certain amount of shyness wtcn a kiss Is pro
posed, but it should not be too lunp ; and
when tho fair ono give it, let it tv adminis.
tcrcd with warmth and enerpy. . Let there be
a soul in it. 11 sho clor.o her eyes and
deeply immediately after it, tho effect is
(rreater. She should be careful not to slob
ber n kiss, but (;ivo it as a humming-bird runs
hi bill into a honey-suckle. deep, but deli
cute. There is much virtue in u kiss, when
well delivered. We have hid the memory of
one we received in onr youth, which lasted us
orly years, and we believe it will bu one of
the lust things wo will think of whu wo die."
What is Lost. H is estimated) that the'
eost of the past two years' wa in the Hast,
to the three principal Po'veis etijiaed them
in, is tijjhteeit hundred' million uf dollar!
This is more than twice the'whtile value oi
the eiJate, real and peisouul, cf the city of
2'tiW York. . '. . .
5Ai.te or .LKCOHTf.Tbis-celebrated horse
Taus bt'couis the property of 11. Ten liroeck,
fctq., of Nw York.- 'J his gentleman it also
the owner of Lexington, Lecomte's onlv rival
la this country. Tire jiricvi paid was $12,000.
"V -A.ZjU.A. 33 X. S I.VX3
. i M'Ctiulfj't Muuniuin I'vul ISrgion.
SX pursuance of au order of the Orphans' rourt
ol -Northumberland county will be exposed to
public j!ioii 'll.'LIS !A Y, tli bill djyol JULY
net, at llie pnblic hoiise of l'tttr i!iitioA,-r. to
li t i.otn "'-JH ' fj. Colilllibl.MOUlily, I'a , lor to lulving
deiuri'ucj Kcal it.itc. to vvii : A Ci.tjia
On Mrl'uidcv'a MouuUin, wi'hin foi.r liii'c cf
the tnisipie iuiuna and a short disience ol the Cst-Uwi-kv
ilailroad, lo v.hicli a conneiiii, Insnrh
is about bring constructed, to aller.l iJiilities
lor getting coil to maiiiet sitintte in liiwcr
township, Coluudiia Co., Pa., aurvejed lo Andrew
Clark, on v.airnt dated August S3, 1703 i
adjoitiiiij; lands Kiirveyrd to Jcsmo llvans, Jese
Itiool.s. Catharine Longenberger. (Jeorge Lou
geuhcrger, Thomas Simons and L'aniel Ayr,
and a'lownnif . Lai? the estate of John McC'alla
late uf Xoilhunibi rhmd pnnnty aforesaid dee'd.
About lii'V acre of said laud is cleared and
under .nil'ivultcp, will! a More imuse ami i;rn,
t'fiint; llonsp, 4 c, ic., upen il, sud evil
spc'iiiRauf rxcl:P,,t water.
i-Ve to cminanre st 10 p'rlork, A.M. of
said div, when the terms willbe made known by
et:yi testtitptrir ct:nTa of John Vc('il.i ilee'd.
As to title i:'er to Jamri Pie.oants, andWm.
1. reeoiniu.'i, I.siirs.. ftunliury, J'a
HAS just ifrnveJ 0 n-w excellent u',ort
inciit tf o.'.Ih fit Ins IVi.t't di, navy ami
luil Store in .M.MIK1V1' S'l'UUls'i', Suuiiirrr,
vlitr tic nKiiititsii'turfft ai:tt k?vy on liuiul. at
ill! tiuirf, the inmif finU'A Cnnlrrtionury, &c.v
Wliulrs-.tlt uiiii.Ki til, nt riiiliiJelptiiii rucst.
Ainonx liu rtoik of CoiilrcUuimrirs. limy w
f-MinJ :
rriK-U Secrets. Ouin !)rirs. ulIkiiKl. of goeul,
Itnn.t'il AI'M'tiiUi, l'vr lmi t,
( r:iin VVIiii. Mitti J)r tpt. rrtl imhI whttot
l. iiis-n Jrl'y (Hkcii,
! V 1 11 it Hri; r.
" Vnuilia. .. .icla fi.n.itea, 01 hQ rrnu
Cn.ttm 'it fcrfit'.s. Hiacii CHH'ty,
Li4UMiiktf, Aim mil Cnmiy,
) ;t1 ft. i'ia,
l'niTHH,l i'i!V', CilP'ii,
Alnwiitfr, Hnison), Nnttnf !! kmt'.a
of a auperinr quality, hy the single or dozen. A
supei'ir ju.ilily of fe'egars and 'J'ohacco, und h
varii-ly. of CoiifeelionaricH, truit, A.c, atl of which
is ulleied cheap at whole-.. do or retail.
P. H. Tliornpson'c Store,
In l.-iu tr Au''tstu tirinilip, at lie Jnnrlinn vj
Cut 'TuljitUm len taut J'inni vriel: rondi.
fgtlll' subscriber havin; returned from the eiw
with a new and exten-ive assortim-ut ol
fisbinncb'ic pood, respeclfollv calls the alimtion
of Fanners, Mcvliuni. and other to the same.
srr.iNti and summ 1:1: coons,
roiitfi'fti'ix in a ol
Xortfwmbei land County, I'cnntytvanin.
rnHla larce and commodious Hotel I rtu.
.d ted npnrlv half way between Punhtiry .nd
'ottsvillp. The aceneiy tho ralubrity of tho
almophere ami the cool mountain breeres, make
It ono oftha most deliubtftil summer retreats in
the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four
toil Idyll, fitted up with ail tho modern coi,.
veuiences. The pure mountain water la Intro,
dneed into every chamber. The place is msv
of access, being but on and a hnll hours tide
fiain Kuutiurv.ovpr the Pbilsdetnlii n,l Ron.
bury Hail Uuad. From Pottsville, it is lTmiles.
Lvc ry attendance will he paid hy 1,0 proprie
tar lo make guest comfortable. Charies mode
'' Jl'tfsli KICE.
It it. Carn'fl, M'ey H, 1 850. if
JAKE3 r. CAIBrtEAf iri
A9. 53 AV.'i Liithlh Sheet, Alnre Arch,
I'.Uft fide,
Ladies from the rountry, can hnve shoes made
to order in !! very lest atylc and workmanship
nn a few du) a noiice. An esre Unit arsortmciil
to select from, aiirnve an hand.
May 10, Ihfir. 'y
Hy virlne nfa cerluin writ of rUri 2'nnrtis
to me directed, will lip exposed to public snip
nt the Ionian of Capt. IluiT, iit MIUin. Nor
thr.nibcrhind county. 1'u., on TUICSHAY,
the Mill day of .luue, L?f:f, ftt 10 o'clock,
A. M., th f.ilowiiij; described property, to
wit :
A certain tract or piece cf bind, silaate
hi Tin but township, N'oi iiipnilierlaml comity,
iiiljoinin l.'inls i f Naibniiii t Liitton. David
l.iflunii, I'eier KutiMe und Samuel Plain,
containing live ncivs, iiiiire or Us., nil of
which is elea.-ed, w hereon is i reeted a two
story lir'ck llojjC, a frame t'milli bhor. out
buildings. Ac.
tieized, taken i;:to exrcutlr.n, nj to 1
so'u as the property of Li bert O. tiii Ion und
I4ljellu Union.
IIKNP.Y WF.ISi:, ShtriT.
.SherifTs OR'n-e, )
Siinbury, May 17. lfi.16. j
-T.-j" 23 "VT"
I. YV. TI.AI.K &. l o., MHiburj-, l'n..
JiTL lee resprrtfidiv to snnounre lo onr
' friend and the public t at we are now re- j ' r -
ceivii:;; a very larga and well rclectrd stock of i Weiser L Lniner,
eooti suited to the sranon, which we are deter- f-'. Yimous,
mi..ed to rell cheap as here lofure, tiiidiin our old Geo. l'rifth!,
ffnB Tendpjs shd ntuluts of fun in and
X domcstio llcrchaudiizo vvitliin the county
of Northumbarland, will take notice that thov
r assessed and rated by tho appraiser of
Merchants' tuxes, for Um onr lbj'i, ai fol
lows i
INAanr,. Class,
T.ttci Tuctislif.
Hardrt Tlpsa,
Knnn & Ksvidgs,
liisel tc Uarrctt'
iz :
., , rr;,-ocn,
Tmtxh. ai't'ult kinds if
inl Fatiintpf AVcitr.
r u n
i. a puis p;;.'V
Caiicof", i':.!: ne i.nns, i.niens,
6'it-Ain-, ll.-rapes, Kulvs,
H'o '"t. I'inti.rh, kc.
Suar, Teas,, I'lce, Molasses, Ch'cs,
Sjiices, ffti, Ac., Ac, Ae.
Nui!, Screws, Files, fviws. Knives A Fork, Ae
ftncpns and mascoflre.
of various sly le end pe'tcrn.
A lartc ass irtrju i.l of Loots and Alices, for
men, women and children.
Hats '.'ats, etc., of various sixes on. I 'vlc.
Peidrs a l.irge and jcucral isiT'.inei!t of
fashionable goods. Call and rxaaiine for your
self e.
IV Country, prodnre ol til kind taken in
exchange at tho highest mrr'krt p'ires.
Lower Anoints, ft mo. 24, 1S50.
llaya & McCorn.itk,
(ieo. J. ft J. 1 iper,
1. A. I'ox.
H. Wenk.
Sam'l llnrtrnnrt,
Joseph I'. HoKtiii,
8. Antrum & Hon,
S.'iUan liortvgh.
Cyrns Ilrown,
J. Murray A; Co.
Win. K. iVat-le,
Htoiner & Slurs,
K ram m ft W,.f,
il ond man ft Moody,
lleineti & Kous'i,
l4nwn ,fe Chiiuiuan
J. 1'. Ca-skw
l'ryinii-o Sr. L'rolhsr
l'rick A .Stout,
lr. Longshore,
Hwenk ci Slicker,
Win. l'ilcher,
John M. A'ood.
J. A- M Younl.
J. II. McCorniick,
I'avid K rn user
Spencer I'lnney
J. K (LiPfxi r
J. Ar.jrMrllit.
.Swonlt & Sticker
1 t jC Hrow ii,
Tlins. Madden,
S. W. Austin,
.Sarah I'mon,
C7n7i':;iicjo 7'uicn.v,
CLr.f. P. Cox
C-'eo. Jiaas
James ll ed
Adam Conrad
Nurth ur.ilerlanu Horsv
C. T. Taysrert
Mark U. Priestly
Win T I'nuylha
T. T.f;a-t
v.-m. r.iiioit
Win MjCcv
A Yoiitienian
(i. 1 l.d, bait,
Henrr Wer;k.
D. M. Urautij;an,
1'oint lonatliiji.
Ewmuel Woofls,
St.nlury Bavovgli.
I. T. Clement,
F.. Y. Lrkht,
Krilina k .irai.t.
I.. W. (iray.
.lelili T OUl'V
1-4 $7 00
13 10 (10
13 ID 00
13 52 r.o
13 U f;0
11 7 00
11 7 On
3 00
13 10 00
U 7 C0
H c ro1
M 12 fit)
1J M u)
14 7 01)
13 10 00
3 3 10 00
i-j n bo
a ft'.i
U I do
Vi U fi()
Vi 12 60
14 7 00
11 12 CO
1 1 7 0)
it 3 On
14 3 ."ill
34 3 OH
14 a .t
13 10 00
14 3 SO
14 S f.O I
4 7 lid
12 12 oil
li 7 (10
2 nti
3 00
14 7 00
II 7 Oil
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 If) 00
LI 10 00
13 10 00
Lt li) to)
13 10 00
14 7 00
It 7 00
14 7 00
2 :,o
,1 CO
13 10 00
Fi:OAl hand axes adzes, hatchets,
haiiiiiers, ehisrln of all Limit, square, saws.
SiW se'ls. aurora. t ; . j-, Line bits, lilts, com, screw drivers, brace and hilts, hand vices,
I.eveU, spoil leiels, ti lines, drawiog k livcf.
nicnkey wrenches. Iiip;ier. pi, ers, i:;.rnm callip
prrs. pin-, hers, oil al-uiea a:ruid i.-nrs. crank-i
and IKtines, churl and ao-jur handle f t sale hv
ETLAC'K, blue and brown cloth, plain and fan-
cy castmeres, Kentucky jeans, satiinelts,
striped coutiitr;, dock linen, tweeds, grenadine
t-ilk, silk velvet, plaid and figured vratir.p-. lor
.ale by E. V. lililCillT & SUN.
Muv 3', I8.-.i
niello of
'Sv.all prrH nnd quiet: Suln."
til work well we. shsll cnulinua to adhere to il,
our stock consists partly of the fuUowiuj viz:
. LA U IKS coofiy.
Circs Pe phine and Siiiien.r Siltro i 't.itl,. r.
lf fr". llarcfe. psiiilrd and phiiJ l.awis,
Oinham Lawns, liohed D.-rscs, V.
L'licia tl.irta and .vkirijii". (fras,
Crrd and Crinoline tkirt.
Jaconet. CanibriC, fni.
am! Lured muslin,
Lisliops Lawn
i-i.r.i ii-.
ted and Fisured Musl'n. Linen eamhric
haudkerchiefs, Chemieitti, Collars, Cull's and
uuderslcevcs. printed cai.hmere. tht'-et and '.oilier
shawls, giio;hains and calicoes in reat variety,
Keady made mantil'.is. parasc's. Fans )C.
gi:ntl km !:::. S ccHHif.
C.'otlis, cjssii:vres, tveed, Vcliu'e.
joo:U in va'ious a'vles ( eoets and iiautalaous !
j siiirt bos..ins. collars, rravais. hesidee a large as-
' nortmeiit ol b'eady nade coats psitalooiji and I
I vets, to.ilhrr w.ih a general asiorlni'iit of La- I
j dies and f.ciitlemens Hoots Shoes and Cvicr -
j mens, hois nd rhildrens lists, nod ('aps I
llnrdwe, foeclisivare, ttroceries. t.'edarware, !
(Stone slid Larlhenvvare 1 11113s, Pa;uts, 1'irdi, 1
I meal, salt, nails. Tur, Oil A- A.-. j
j A ffooil iijip'.v i f school books and Copy hoot
with printed copies on e.n !i r :e. j
(.'nine ai'4 see, no vliar;; 3 made fir !iiw-
1115 good. !
I. W. TLX IT. Co.
Country praduce taken in txcliange lor foods.
St the hiRl'.fft maiket prices i
Kunlniry, Mar 10, IC.'S'. I
asholtz t retcrr,
P. Zcltleri.r.yer,
j. eio A Clement
(.'has. Plight,
I'l'ptr Aug-mta.
T. r. ft T. r. K line.
j J. C. Morgau. .
I t.Qiiir Avffutla.
I M. IL lTnpr,
j A.J. Conrad,
I 1. I", 'iniinertnan,
Iauac Mart z,
j Cool 7i)VRS)iyi.
I!nvd. lioF?er ft Co.,
I ('. '.t' 1). Chiehesler.
j Cochran, I'e.ihi i. L'o..
Ammermaii, Kuerne & Co.,
a s
1 1
"Ill I' ubscribers ropci tiolly inviie the public
to call and examine their stock cf
emhrscinj; every variety. t)ur (iood have been
selected with the gie iUvt care, and our asoit
meut col tni. .a tile latest styles, iioth of f,.reipn
1 1 r..- v- 1 : i" ' 1.
aim i.iiiiitsi 11; nitiiiioiii ion:. vie nato 110 inat:r , , , i . t v
a..i . , :. a rf,.i. r.. ( ii -i I ne na aio opencii an -ev v. ream oaioon. ano
K. ...-..w ...... ...m on- . 1.. .....K. , ,,.
Will 11, III! Illll' ! I J K'J .I.HWVW.U(VI
of M kiinls. floor an! tdhle Oil
oil shades of the latesisivle for
t arietl;
- t.'io'hs am!
sle hy
EUKVAKB, Tlollow-ware, Olaware,
and a lare lnck ui Qureiiware, euoraciug
the in west 1 silt ills, lor m'e bv
May 1 "ii. L. V. PKKillT fi sOX.
Sh,iuldeis, Cheeup, ML'kare;, Li!i
'innn and 6 Mt lor r ue I v
My 31 '-fi. K. V. i; lIIUiiT .V SDN.
aiitljihirt C "ery lew weeks, by tins mean vve
will he enabled to keep up our assortment. W e
return our thank lor the liberal pa Irons ire be
stowed during the. past ear. mid triis. that .y
trict attention to b usiness, i.nd a delicto please,
we will continue to recrip a slisre of the saine.
!'.. V. I! PI (JUT A .SDN.
Suubury, May 31, ISoO.
H" A WXS, UnT C'hainhraa. Chilli, Alpaca.
3 A PnpPn, Silk Lustre. Dclunrs. PrUxU. )e-
I cri s, I) aretes, Tirjoics, lilack and Pancv Silks,
Scotch, Laueaatcr, French . and Lngli.h Ciinj
hama. Just received ty
' H.V. BUICHT tc 80N.
Sunhury,Mv 31 1850.
with Ice Cream.
tM.iihury.Mny SI, lsri.j.-
"T.'.iNSOOK, UUlmp Lawn, Camlwie Mna-.
Xi liu, Jaeanetl , Hook Muslin, Plain and dot
ted wiss, Curthiii Muslin, Corded Dimity and
lion net Curd. For sale by
E. Y. lHHtillT & SON.
May 3, 1806.
XDKItrSLEEV F.S, Chemisette, Crotchat
ami Needle Worked Collar. Flouncinir.
1 bread I .ace, laterttne: anil wis KilRint
Fo aale hy . E. V. UHIGH'P & SON.
May 31. 'fi6.
jiacrCTfiia cr , I
Coarta, meoiuui and fine in mcr'.i ; large, middl
kixe and siiu'tl ill diameter.
Metallic ClfliMia) or IVttVrn Who,
Of the If t"()Uulhics, various sizes of mash, f.oin
Noit. I 10 h0 inclusive, and from one to aix let I
iir'widih. .
'J'hey are nnrrdiered so many spaces to a
lineal inch, and cut tc suit.
1'ii subscriber alsai keep cointmtly en hand
For Coal, Hand", Ore, Lime, (Lain. Gravel,
(iuanu, KuirHse., riusar. Salt, Done, CotTee. Spice,
llrugn.Uye-Mulls.4e. J oetlier witli all a-
aortme'nt ofbrigntand aneeated Iron Wire.
Atl of the above ld Wliolesal or retail, hv
4 North Front St., Philadelphia.
May 31, 106 .
!1 sXTI' t, e'alin and Fanev RinVmPilk
A!- V or sled and Linen Braid, Mohair Head
ltresne, Milts, (.loVes, fstorkine, French em and t lukrishing 3 bread. For sale hy
c. x.itlilUltl otbOX.
Mav 91, ISS6..
Irish l.llttrll, muslin, check, ticking; table
diaper, furn'nnr cheek and Turkish counter-
panes for sale by
May a 1 'ct
lJltOVX'K and lireinisr's Esnc of Ginger,
and IlnsUarxJ a Ms jnesis St
UaySl,',' BBUNER'rt.
1 - .
Estate of ITary UpJeRrors. J
X'i'tlce is hereby ?ivsn to I'pde.
p-rove. Klixabeth I'dejj 1 nve. inieniii ncd villi j
.Lihn llrenUludtx, Jnhn U plp;,'isi, Adam I
t,'"i''j;i''ve. Lydia I'pdecrowp, vido'T ol ,
Fiitwdi-n llopt. Thomas I'pdeirrisr. i'i iali j
1'inli yrnvo, intermarried with duties I, vile,
nnd tu Sarah J., Levi, ami lOliubttli, miner
children of l.ja;n! I'pticfjrciw, v. ho hnve f: r
1he:r t.iiaiiiii'll. ui.lm l.t i.'.l.t, iipI to Jo::tl
Ly virtue of a certain writ, of I'ifri F;cin.i
to me cireeti'd. will bt; rxposed lo public
sale, at the (hunt lleuso, in Siinhinv. on
MONHA V. the lib day of AiibiiM, 1nV. at ;
I o'clock, P. M tliu follow ill" ilescribcd pro- j
petty, to wit : , !
A certain half Lot d ( round, sit jafn in j
tho Horoujili of Snnbiii-y. Iieiuj; tho I'Ok'.ciii !
half part i f lot No 102, in the fi neral plan !
of mid town, IVoiilino; oi klii-ny street. I
nnd bi'iimbtl oil the fin-t by lot S. 101, 011 I
the weft bv l tie half lot No. l!'i2, on tin? I
uni t Ii I y nn alley, containing in front 110 feel
and Uyt I'eet in del. til, whereoii 111 e 1 tveteii a
I .i stnrv 1 1 ' ir house, weal hrr-hourilfd and
painted w hile, nod sunn' outbuildings.
Seized, taken in exccnlion, i.tnl to be schl I
as the propel ly of Jacob Knlile. i
11. WKr;r'i:, j?iiir. I
Sitrnrt's tirrn-tr. )
f'.m.btity. May 17, Ifif.G. f j
i TVyOTlC'l'. ijherehy iivcn ihat ai plicriion will
W in, Wiili,, Zerbe,
1 rasot.s r.xnAor.D tir RtrivYiNfl s.vt rf
A fits r tsntiti liu; CoiNtr., Mill on, r,0
An Appeal will be held at tho Com ni.
sinners aihee nt Kiinbury, 011 thn Jin ditJ 0f
JnnetiMt. at 10 o'clotlv, A. M. at wliiclt
liuioetid dace thoso Ititercstnd may attond
I, , ; Ahr- Aimrauer.
bnnbtirT, Myl7,
J. TP. &. t. r. EaiME,
res,cci.i'ly enro,,,.,,. ,,,;r f. !cin! and tha
pnhhc 111 pet ersl that the, lis e ti r'iivrd nt theit
More In ' ( pt Anpi sla township, rorthun,l er
land county Pa., at Klines I ! rove. Their Pp,i
ami Snmrner Roci's ere opemd to the r uLlios
fall Rraioli'irnt of mer!'ndire Ac.
Consist'!, i part of Cloths, l iael: Uncv
Cassmers, raiinrtls, decks, Kcnto-I v J.ons
end all kind er.' iinir m,, f-i,iini:er (.'.jf
A lot of rrsdy made Cloatl.ii.j;, tuitahla fof
men and bey..
Lp.(Hs 2rc?s Goo:!?,
Ehrwlo, Cinrxhains, Ucrajn Lelains, Cah'eort,
black f ilk.i i a.
Also a firr-h supply of Drugs and Medicires,
Gro. iMiris fje., i.r nil kinds.
A new supply of Hardware. Quecnsware,
Warden wre llroornsi c.
Also a larac tusnrlinrnl ofl'nots and tVhues
suitable for men women and children,
tlats sud Cn(is, such s Palm Leaf, Tanama
Lerrhorn. fciil; c.
Also nn ausorti.ient of TIi-Im, Stationary, ink.
Pi Hires and Picture frames A c.
Hch, Salt, Cheese 4-c-, a'l rofds i;sc i!'r
kc t in n country stole. Correal,.! .ore, Conic
one, c.iiTie ail. Cheaper than the Ciipaptsi.
'J hanhlul for past favors Ave hope hy strict a:
tenti in to hiieiue ta merit a cunliiiuance of th
A II of the nhovp nnnied stork of pv. js v.;;
s dJ positively at low prices lor cah, or in r.
chanue (,;r country produce at tha liijj'.jjt mar
kct price. ...
Kiims Grove, Pa., May 17, lCS if
12 .'i0
12 50
l'j fit
10 00
10 no
10 00 i
7 r.o!
7 uii.i
7 on ;
7 (!')
r, f.n
7 00
Zimmerman ft Purse!,
II. LmipiMiPcVrT,
nu & .Ldin,
otiver Pattelv,
A. !iir!.i.'!:Pf."
W. II. t'lieriilon,
Ovster ft l'.uies.
W.iUel ft fl.l!ian, 14
i Hi my S'rausp, 14
1 Jacob Wuptn r. .14
! iriis TeisutMp.
IC. Ilpifenvleln. 13
! Ser. ft Fi.rsythe, 12
' Maictit Wmii'-s, 13
j Alpxamler l.eib H
i lsnae K oiler 14
I 1 lloblioe It
1 J M-ob Kenn li
j Malan Manly 14
; Keubcn K line 1 1
I Slfrtr.nlin I'oiinship,
Tsfr,",-irt. Fiirnuin ft llarton 12
Fiiuow ft Withinglon 14
S JJc.-ssf rower - 14
Hull A: McWiliiaths U
Samuel Joi'ii 1 (.
Clement & Marts 4
John Vun-ant 14
Zimmerman ft Maury 1-1
?.: A 71:!;'j.
Jonas ft? tine M
Little Mahanoy Totuuhip.
S P.cilliaruu l 14
lia;i(';ii;oii Township,
Win Kehres 11
I'pper Mahanoy To'jrntkip.
10 CO
7 On
10 00
10 00
)'l 00
10 00
in 00
10 0i)
10 00
7 t.l!
7 on
2 ."i0
7 on .
n 00 !
-Till", pnrtnei'ship her'.cifore c.rsis'iin bp
twppti the nndprsiptif 1, under the firni of
Weisei- ft limner, is oiesnlvoil by mutual con
sent, .this the 14th day of May 1856. A!)
perious hnviiicT m:?( tiled accounts with n.i
will plenie cail and settle ti e same wiVhou"
(ir.O. R. W1CL-KR,
.... W M . A . H U L N Ji li
Snnbarr, May 17, ISSO
Tlirinknil fur Hip liberr.l pnlronace hereto.
for exti iided I would fesp-cl fully soiicit a
contiiiuiiiiep of the same, fil the t.''or. nut.
door to K. Y. Hrt;;ht'?, Mavlcet fcjt. wlnroa
fresh supply oi'Lruj"; ftc. can ahv.ivs Ii,. round
pniihury, May 17, 1E5C.
""gilK S'uiibury Acsdemy wi'l open it 5um.
- iner Sesjion on Monday the .llli Uv of
.May, itjoo. under ."..r. ISAAC HCFF, a Piin
cipul. Term per quarter nrc -
Lower English L'ranehes f4 00
Hijhcr do lio 5 00
Latin. (j 00
Poisons deaiiin? to send Rciiolars will plcaso
apply to one of the Titflces for a notrof ad
mission into the r-'chool. Ail patrons will be
considered obligated or or.c quaiter unless spe
cial arrangement he made.
L is earnestly hoped that the ettrens of Sun-
j huiy, will liberally patronize the School, and
lliereby wipe a ataiu lioui the cscutchen of ur
1. Vi. TENKP, f
rii.-iM.-p ttnitv i 2
w. t. GKhK.irc:n,
h. It. PL Lli.
Mav 3. 18.)0. if
:i:i..i;ri.piii 1 aovixst Tnn tvossi.
li VAN'S W V l oON".
-Vc. 2C Snu'A Kiir'i t-t., 1'hiladflvhuu
12 r,fi
12 ."itt
Id no
IS (ill
1 ?. (Vi'Jir 'v
t :' .' iisi . '"H
Ki':-::-'st mi-
r.lV' -Tr-rvja' -'" i vein
Y'live ii.nil tlie fitrfsjt tltnonv;r.i-
111 lite m!ltiv'ii.r Ct-ini. iiic,
it lueir li)iiliuf'ii: 1 t
' iur.i .1 rnnr i s ,! It'infilt 1'nlK-
f Wi"t"itiU' llie r- n H JiilLli i
WI'if-H MtvOUt "!! ii:.,,c t I Inst:,
11 n . :r ? .''.ijd . p-'.my
Pl1.AD-T PlflA. April I'M) 1 p.,!"?
--US V.VtlH" Will t.Hl C t .1 1 1 il :u'lC.i II tj llifj
t :t1 !": .cn 1 t-'--: f-i j. Ii.j t iip 1-. tj,- cy
fiv" ri'.":l'l t-s n' ir xi" liu- Sil niLiuiIvt S-f.-!:ii-ti
1 r.-lm.-il mi' v iu h -iii few 111 iiili fii,', we v vert :i
(iU j ItiP.'C wrrtii'ii nf ,lt ui!ty. 1 Ws. I'-ips ri. X
,y. st-(l to the r;r,itiii'i':u fire ill I! miblt'ld TUli e, oil tiiC III Til-
.M' W.i.h we r. V-l that I'.it w rmVy w re iocntM in the
f.( J I Mitih,- i tu- T,ui(,:ii.g .v , crn(ictl, :n tl tii'it tl iy
e.A I l'f!l n'ii.B'iiifitiiv inii' n li.-.tin.n.niniiit' iiiin. vli-i i.e
."J t ....,..,: .. is... i !.. . .
1 wr l-ii!i it 'nit rrciirftltB !'rcdcr;itM t f !!n .ilimlili: .
I m fi o iLViiifti!' irK vi l..c gie;il v.jrny ull'i-r-
Vift 1 iU"! n mir S.tit-n
i VtV 'p II Mk"" inuc'i v''n,f tu rr ninfinliiig tlifm t )
mou l( hv.tmtht v u auiu iriiuct iijruin tiro.
' Urur.n'.: W.Si:m. St Tko. 4
1 I Hii4DiLrar. .?t lCf. 8-"C
J. j Vfnin. F.v!r. iV Viit tt 1 tfve " i ;T- r i u ui i-v
tim ny in itivnr ( iIip iriwif crtinty ntl-.rtlitt to my tntira
7 1 R'"'W m' jetvairv, Imi kst, jmi-s'ii r. . t!nrinj: ine rw. nt.
lUsLitt ri itu cotitl iiuli ii in l.;iirsiil pl;n-e, in-tii t'tt met
j (h it t!i k-'iliiH u rt;tt:iiMtd in two ul the tNilumui:d-r
feiilf roiDuH'iKltirttt iiy y. v..
Hiivikr litlit'ii from Ms?, lifOi tnry nf Ariinn Jui!
114., wIk i' tiicy weie'tily jiint'iH m:i e p-'netl t i it
. ViiW fur n f HH liliiv, iil ,i"' '". '.',,( i i, i " ,a ;ilu;il-lo
I (Vc'imlg fteiiitd ti rifi y .'iii If v.'iliP tin uptxiin
- j nntl'u ir cxjiiiii;ati.';i, u ci iilci uf j-rttt und t:sit:ti
I nil yhr rrjiy Tf;uir n j frfni cT.f'.oH frmn thss
1 rnvii jrs if firt. I (i;tll mil licniit.f ) rce iimt-in( i1' ma
i uf y tir Siifi-B, u 1 rnutnler they Ji.uve n w in i rp-nc tli4
IH-lUf,iliJ tCCt. N, K..MtiI.G4N.
i .o iiin'c lv tiio fu'im rilitr lor a Juulibal tT (i Strti'Kfr
(l I.r -..I Wariunt, io. for 1U0 iiirtrf isiuil I.SiiUC l'.'Mm
.:iih..e I i i-iitiL: ;. , invuio in L.ijiUtin
liiJi!itnt'!'(i C'or.ii!sii.v. liatt't, 1Mb I:V f
fiiiii'l Tf-'iin
I 1 1 1 it-1 KiM'iihurt
isu:ic Km!
Juc:son Townthii.
Octal cr, 1H.VV ,Iih:lt we U7
; MlhtRal iVll VHirPKHi itW
Prom the
Bf Mountain Colliery .
Addres. SUeaff ii black, 6unhury. or tttia-'
woViu, Pa.
Suubury, May ti, 1856 tT .
Jtl4'trACTl,BI.H : .
blasting! powder,
Kit. Carmel, AorthumlnrlmnU Qmury, tu.
Mar 10, lo-
Llniylit mid liis nil,, wui t Tit
uit of said Isaac L'idejrifive, l.oirs and lenl
rotneJtflit;iliv(S of Mury l""!t,Kr vi.',(!eeeiised1
lulo of Lower Aunta tuv. il ip, Noitlmin.
Iiei In nd County. IViinsylviinia ; llirv. upon the
tietitiott of 'f Jmikiius I'lideoi'iivo, nrofi'snid, tiie
(.)ri!i:uis Court of tail n.nnfy nmdti nn order
awarding un inquest of jinrlitlon mid valua
tion tipoit the real estate of said Mary Lpde.
prove, de'd., situate in Lower AnpMa. tnwii
slilp, county iifaresaid. uiljuininy lmnl of ( 'In is.
tian 1'irst, Adam Christ, Lydiu Ktiirr. l.rter
Coliirain, Cusper Hiiyiler. dc'd cutiluiii
ins thiity-thres and one.oiiurter nvrcs inurr
or less und mat in poi'Jiinnee of said order
of said fourt, J will hold un iixaiisition npmi
the said real state of sanr Mmr L piiepri v,
de'd., oo Vrhky the iwentietli day of diiiie,
tifxt. (A. I. Is.'iC ) nt 10 o'flook, A. .M .. of
that day. on tie said promise, to make parti-
lion unil valmtion ol saul real m-rnte, ut w lueli
tune iid jduos you may ut tend if y oil think
IIEXr.Y WEIS'E. Sl.c rirT
. ot XolliiiinUiriaDd County.
SheriCT'i OlSce.-
tjunbnry.Muy 8,185(5.
Silk, cotton md linen Jlsiulke'eliii fs, funrv
neck tiea, geutr' collar, totlon, opera ack and
Welsh Planus, port motrmia Slid lli Ut a,
sorlinent of Has and Cap in town for aala hy
May 81 'iii E. VKWHT tON.
UlinYTlS Embroidered Crape, 'printed cash
t mere, (amy Stella, white liarege, trench
border, ailk long and figured ailk shawl jual
teceivad by . Y. liBiUlif 4. eJUN.
! a- siaed l y ti.o find Valentine U iiinnlincli in
; l l.ui!;, m:il ac'.non li'.li;eil l eture. I leilin. K l.uza
! ran, )vi , mid cntinrd Iiy Heard, ProthmiJ'
I tarv of tan Court of Cor.rnnn Pleas nf Noiilinni.
Nerlaiid County Pcinisylvonia, and puri lim-r d , JoriaVi f: BSi fz
j hv l!;e r u'.e'ief r fr.m the raid Val. l!:iiiii.ili. ( J" Welt
1 That l!'rs:iid Wurrr-nt was lost in the Mini he. :
tween t.Minliury and J'hiludidphiii, in Nin riuhrr j
IH.IS, and has never lieen lu iird of. Tlmt id I
reririiiiei!i-e nf said loss, n;i;i!1miiin will he
i . . : . i " , . e II - I.. 1
llisns xn ino iimillisi'iiiiier n l eiisiniia n
dujdirale a ahave atuled, hv the ruhseri! ft.
'H. 1J. MA8SKK.
fun) nry. May .1, IK.IC lit
Li ver .Va.'.onc'y 7'oif
I Purrell .
rrtao ss. it ui r
l.lias 'ei,t
Aildicv? LUlty
Jordan Jertvi.n'.
7af n
ratteu'a Kew York
Cttftnut St., opposite Janes' Ihlcl,
11 inrniellr,
hstin du l.ainrs,
W'orste.l lluiuasks,
Centra TatM-l-,
(imp and I, nope,
Curtail, Ponds,
Late and Muslin
Wiiti'asr Sliadra,
(iill (.'iirnirs,
liulV, Miite and yreen
Pielur Cur it,
Patent ltuiieis,
Curlsiu Pin and Trsin-
Blinds, . .
ricce Muslin.
Store, Steamboat end Church Sliade or Dra
pery, gut tip a the abortet notiee.
Curtain ret, made and put tip hy the most
e perienced hand.
PiTTV N'aw Voaa: 8tobs, S03 Chestnut
St., Mtlixisjo liuildiiiga.
May 3, 15C
10 U fiALE an excellent seoond-hsnj Cook
lug Slosa, also aeveral Cylinder Ooal
, tSois. Efim at tbtaeOv
f uoie.'MH
Herring i llunpt ' t
ChttS U'i-i!:el U
' Mt. Carmel Township.
i) Heiper A Cn. 1 ?,
lieil. Lewis i- Co.' lo
Senshnltz ,5: lVgoly 13
Cli3 Ayvrs II
Umtavrams, OrsTrti akh Estino IIchses
ll 11 IN TIIK Cof.TV.
.Viimfs Townships. Yearly
Jos, r.el.lert, M lit on,
,los. Harris. "
Win. Ashinnh, TrovB't-r.Tt,
Surah .1. Piviton, Tiirlmt.
Nmiik - Mileiiiaa, jriiiibniy,
Ldv.aid (lafs, ."
rair.inr.rii'A. Aniil It. tsvt
M-,rs A Wiit, in Im iiiIi av'ti Mi tl u.4 yu
veil; tin iIiti Iv piaiuiril in I. :u ii tin- nil o i lini ii iii ivl.ii i,
I e,v Jii-'k, i. .lli'V ui" i,.iiniiu-n. e.-ll it'i-..rii ..I
klnt h, n nl nihir vld:i! le it.-uiiii H, wt.tiiua t'ri.liiy lui.,
t . .".n il tiio s (e lui.ik In v ,ir Inn .
l',!li ire- -.ii 'W.'tn- i l' ils aunt mpisurr. bni l I'. a
j iianmiM- ii Hi.' l'r ::i . leil a fit n r.s li.-.t u liu-lt il,--
.lr.'r.l t!it Artis..ii Hn:l.Lfi-r itt& ri-a IV ...i li e r ice ! ths
lull freni i'-i I' nii-r el-v:ile.l p ifcltl in in 1 1:0 ll ir-1 stirv, I
j r lit! eiili-rt-'ini l-ut ,I.:l'l r nop,- .ri-T l-i i' iieefi-ir in-
I fineli -e, lliiit llir ii. litems wl e-li I mi -e i i.rizi-a
w 'uit ever I. hi' nuy fcer M nis. Imt ss il eae fe.its
! ti'it ii. v iini.iii'y r. tii .veil, t tcel it elv ilni- 1.1 t.iv I v- u
l:i.i I i-.ia lu'iirpf iflli rir 'lliiiii 'l-llie utis i f y-'iir S.i;V I-.
nil ivli i in i v.'i-i'i tu IVi, i:.i.,'S iu Ihc jn?r0-. sf
citritr wln'cli such nasns pn i.ti Sj'.-iinut i ip-l-iful aa
KpvvASn Cask ;.I., ItiM'kbiti.'cr.
C,-ins'.nil!y on lianit Tsteut faivitcr anit 'J'liujf Vuot
L'x': I'.r llnnks. fi.r, Ae.
A,r.i .a. Ic Mi. ly
I. M. Koperlinjr, Noi'.ln!.,
l'avid Ilneh'er, Milton. Ci'rr
I Jacob k ram,, " li IUttoil, " " on
Jl. Cilisnn, 3
Simon -Muitz, Sttnlitti-T, " 8 fi
M. OearliaTt, ' " 8 &
tio. W i lian a, " 3
Calanti Li' Yaucs t. itiii:; tur C'oi srv. : "7
OTIC J? la herthy given tii all prons hr
1 ' Leonine iilt'ehted tu ll:e subferiher as Hca-
! istcr and I!s.triVr ai.d Clerk uf the OrpLnV
If) j Court vvliile he held sail, either eu duo
10 i bill. rtimist-orv note nr 1-nrU n -eoiii.l or fur tin;
It). rreonlinir of l-'rejls, Voiiitnei-s, , ihat nil Ms
7 ore.. i. nl havr iieen Irtt m li e li.inJ i t H. J.
Wolverti'ti, p.ti) , ii t,'ui.Li.ry, for cel'ierliitn, and
lliry are irije.e-.ud lo rVI on him und pay the
amount uf iheir i:.dtUi!nr-is.
Ar;1 5(3, 185C tm.
ff hrrrl'T fivfn lT at the siil ;i-r!'if V nill le in;
his flliie lo rfeeivr p. v merit tf i! arnniiita t.i in tha tnr.'gc5ft,? notiee (vihich c
eoiiin are nia i i in, p.nsr i.ion) fiuin ilm ilatu
hsrrof unlit the sixth day nf May in-si, mm
a jain from the Ivrentv-eixhtli dav f .t:i; lu the
Ihsl.Uy of J! rut. Aftfr wl.i.h lie.o ti j !
siieh ssid unson e.l si'1-o..rts v;M is ir..;..
eiia'.irutrlv una vi','. n.t reft -.t la i.r"..n.
ii. i. ' oi.v.::irr..v.
An.-!! Irt. 'C.-.C.-Sn
Hey.t. !
tl i
Saniin-1 flair fCi aPt Tdiltca, fi
Jnlin Kunki-I, (I.iiui'.oi) ' ri
Itvnry (, " t.-i.b'.irv, -A
llcury VVfUc, ' ,
I Qtorss IrieelrfF, M-'ttfUi, 60
;."i '
iii r
Ft. j. .. kj
ifputt ins Cot-rt .'o..jf.
Sunbury, ittonhamborliud Covuty Pa.
rrotppt tter.iiofi 40 Vo..,,,. in iji0jia-