s. TlllnTV.FOVRtlt COKOKEBS. First Session). WAstiiSditiK, Juno 2. SENATE. . Mr. Brislit bpintf ubsrnt, Mr. Stnort took tWInir. im1 laid before the Senate a lues from the Prosidrnt iu ndutinn to the tilf-urs nfCt'itral America, wliic bus nl v. avly born Jmlilislird. A revolution was oflored that when .the 8flnt niljntirtis on Thursday next, it adjourn to meet on MnnlnT. Tho.jires'Wiiiir oflierr laiil beforo the Somite atolrrr from Hon. Trenton S. Hrooks, ml dr'usn'd to Mr. Hrigbr. in which he disclaim ed in Intention of flpndinf? nnjr of the privi)upe of the Sennte by bis nssanlt upon Jv. Sumner, but snys he felt bonnd to elms tie him for insults to his Stato find to his relative, and having sought him in vain etsi. wlinrc. (twined it proper to inflict the punish ment hrt). The Senate not being in session, lie did not lliink he was committing any branch of pi'v lege. The letter was read, laid oil the table, nnd nrdercd to be printed. The Senate then adjourned until Thursday, liOt'PK OP REPRESENT ATI VRK. Mr. (Campbell, of Ohio, from the Select Committee appointed to investigate the rir onirist'iiipi'S nttelidiiKf the attack npon Mr. SuM'ntT, ii. ado report, conrbidinp ns follows : NVheren". The Sennto of the United Slates buve transmitted to this llnnsu tt mossitpi' coniplniniiiir that Preston S. Brooks, u l?ep r.'Hcnt itive from the State of South Our.ilina, committed upon the person of Charles Sum tier, u Senator from the State of Mnssiu-lni-sijtt, while seated at his desk, in the Senate clii'ntvr. after the adjournment, of that body on the 221 of Miij'last, n violent assault, tvlivli ilicnbled hiin from attending to his Utties in the Kriiute, and doclurinir that said ';. niH w:is n breach of the privileges of that fc.siV; and whereas, trr.trt the respect of the f Ow ilmise, thn S-'tiatn have de. j-hi red tin t ii,i.wHi s tli" safd 'ri'Stim S. Itrof ks in n iromlwr 'of ttiia House, tlf.V Can ii, t nrrert. nnd a fortiori, cntinnt try to isli him for a iTritili or their piiv;leges ; thdi ihey cHiie t ) roeeed farther in the rase than to l'nake their complaint to this TIoiifo. mid that the ov.rr to arrest, try nnd punish le vjvrs solely on this body i and whereas, npon u full invt BtV'atinn, it aipe.ars to this lousi that 'the said TrfSton 8. Brooks has been fiiiity T Ihe assault complained of by the Senate, with most aggravated circumstances of violence, and that the same was a breech of t'ie privileges not only of the Senate, but of the S. Tutor assailed, and of this llonse. ts a co ordinate branch of the Legislative depart ment of the government, in direct violation of the Constitution of thn United States, which declares that Senators and It. preventatives for aey speech or debate In either House, shall not be questioned in any other plero ! nnd, whereas, tin's House is oi opinion that it has the power and ought to pi nh ti e said Preston 8. Brooks, for the mid assault, not only as a breach of li e priv .' of the Senator ussailed. and of the Vnale ,nid llone, as declared by the Con Nation, but as aa act uf disorderly beba Vonr. A nl"wV.rsna. it, fnr'brr nppears from such i'-rsiitratioii that Henry A. rMinumWn. lireeiitiitive from the State of Virginia, ml I.awri'ncc M. Keitt, Ileptesenlative frtn Sonth Carolina, some time previous to sal assi.ult. were informed that it was the pnpife of said Crooks to commit violence tinjiitho person of said Chnrle Sunnier for wtrdMisrd by him in debute lis OKenutor in tri i n(e, nnd took no measure to dis ..ir .;. or piovent the same, lint oil the con friry, nmtiripittinjr tho commission of such viul. if .', were present on one or more occa-.i-.ioiis to witnepj the same us friends of the lf "'!. ni . Therefore, Hes.Ued. That Preston 8. Urooks be and : .'. r''i v, itli expelled ffoni tins House us a ii! n-'n nt'utiva from the State of Sonth '.'.HlvliliH. Ii- ,;'.'.ved, That the Heuse hereby declares liiys: probation of the said ret or Henry A. Kiiiminilsiiii and Lawrence M. Ktiit, in regard to said assuult. Signed by Messrs. Campbell, of Ohio, Spinner nnd Pennington. Mr. llonell Cobb submitted a minority re port, arguing that no breach of privilege under the Constitution had been committed, and that the House had no power to go be yond tie Constitution in deciding that u breach of privilege had been committed. lint ii reports were laid on the table, and c:d 'ivd to be printed. The House then adjourned. WAULIKK. Qn Saturday evening, between 8 and 0 o' clock, a difficulty occurred between John Ty ler and Win. F. Small, in Third street, below liiinoiiwi nd, which resulted in fislicufl's and the dchUuclUin of an awning post. It la sla ted (hat wliily Mr. Tyler was standing talk ing with two or three gentlemen, Mr. Small cuine up und remarked to him that he had ?enl h. in Small on u fool's errand to llar risbuig, und that he Tyler was a coward uml nu gentleman. Mr. 'I', turned round and making seine remark, struck Mr. S when the twu immediately rliirrhed, und falling tiguintt an awiiing.poet, it gave way and both fell into the street. Several blows passed lielwe. u them und they wer parted, without tieiutf i-atisfied, however. They again went to work in a pugilistic manner, and were a seconO t ,ino parted and the encounter terniiii. uted. There w,n but little hloud lost in the cons 't, notwiHislaiiding Mr. Sumll was scratched or rut in the lace, und the injuries inflicted in either side were trifling. These two gentlemen, it will be remember ed, ure ci slehtaiits for the position of briga dier Cie rural of the Second IJrigade. Mr. Tyler Luring on his side, as is alleged, the decision of Oenerula Patterson and Cailwula tier ami lh.' Supreme Court, while Governor Pollock aid the Attorney Ctiierul of t lie Stale are n the side of Mr. Small. On Sat urday lust Mr. S. was summoned to appear Uui'mv the Supremo Court, at Hurrisburg, to show by what right he continued to uct as Iirigadicr General. l olieclience to the 0 unions l went there, und not finding Mr. 't. it is uHiuo.K the case wan postponed 'A'hat the lesult of this quarrel will he, re iliuaiB to bi see u. Ledgtr. A Man vith Ni.vb Wivks. The notorious Nathan Brnwn, the most remarkable biga mist ever klown in America, was brought by ollicer YA io't. the other day, from rtear Jef fer si. in i lie, Indiana, uuder a recpiisition from Gov. Cliuse. He is repated to have nine living wives ! His practice has been to live vi illi each about three mouths, get hold of their 1 roperty and desert them. Ho Is now mIo in JJullet county jail, ut the instance of hi seventh wife, a resident of this city. The (?d fiump is fifty-three years of age, and has in. i nnd three wives within two years. Hamilton O.) Litetligtncer. " Artificial Propagation of Fish.-The Sandusky IteijUter says thut a most singulur plieui ineiion may now be seen around the ttm'kH. in the water, in that city.- hitmen's ii ! in r of white fibh last full were cleaned on the do(rfcs. hH the oflal and spawn thruwu into the Day. This spawn hoi hatched, and i:dw, iiroiiucl tbe doek may be seen millions of miniature wliile fish. Iter is a fact in p'h-cici.Iture. showing that from the refuse ;an, hutching c'ta he induced. An Old Deacon', whoft fyesight was none (if the bet, read ucertnn pa snipe of scrip. tur to astonished hearers iu (his wise . "uild f vohnan maw, bad ree huudicd porcn- Kcw AdfrcttJstntpnta. JNfii'W ARRAtJOEMiifjTl J're$h Arrival f DKt:OB, TAINTS, OILS, &c. riIIl' timlrrsignrd having lakrn the store fur M. nicrly kept hy V riser and ttiunrr, is now ready to till tidrrs and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fi cell end pure DRUGS, CHEMICAIS, t)jc-luiT, Oil, l'oiiit, tilun, Pulty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FBI" IT AND CONFECTION AllY. Tobacco and Imported Sepsrs of tho rbolrest trntids. Fai ry Natibns toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tuoth and Hair Biushrs of errv riety. Cumphine anil Ftuiil atwaytt on land. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising riiany articles it is impossible here to enu rnernte, noil all sold at. moderate prices. I.Vmeinher the place, next door te E. y. Bright's Mauiuioth i?Unt. WM. A. DC UN Eft. Sunhnty. May 31, 18111. " IIYUROLKUM PAI-TS. These paintssre mixej with water, thereby saving the coat of oil, for sale hy lay 31. 7)0. WM, A. BBUNlrB. IIBOWN'S and Breinie's Kssence of (jinger, and 11 iitanl' Magnesia at May 3l,'o6. BBUNKB'S. OAIsTns, Figs, Juiiihe Pate. Rock Candy. Jelly ('akesand tiuin Urnps for sale hv May 31, 'S6. WM. A. BBUNER.. IJOBTand MADEfitA WINES, Prhie.lsm " Schnapps, Willi Cherry bra tidy, Blarkherry and I.aveniler hrandica for medicinal purposes at May mfiO. V'M. A. BUHNER. fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass. Cnt ton and l.iiien l.iuea. tint Lines, fea Crass by the vsrd. inomls, Flie, Kiihy, Limerick and Car ia!e Honks, Rods, Ac., fi.rsile hv May 3l,ftG. VM. A. BRd'NF.R. ViJtQtioncry. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, ink, 8nud. Ac, at May 31, '50. WM. A. B It I N Ell'S. rjobucco und Ecgars. iOtiiiti lmpoitcd X s.tt,-ar of varinua laands. Biiloradu, Fig, Cavcinlisli dud line cut tobacco at WM. A. BUUNER'S. flunbury, May 31, 18SC. ' VAII.S, spikrs, hammered and horse shor nails, canal shovels, picks, grub hoes and mason hnmniers for sale hv M.y 31 'SO K. Y. BRIOHT k MON. SH.KS for Machinists, carpenters, Ac, Ice., Realty's nlge tools, planes and heuch screws for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT &. SON. May 31, 18!i8. CJAWN Sawa Sprara and Jackson's hand, pannrl, ri. cuiupans. tenant hrsas back, fraiuit), circular, crons cut hikI mill saws for sale hv E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. May 31, 1850. Table and Tucket Cutlrrv, a largo selection of tsrioua palierna f,r sale hv May 31 56. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. foaM'S I lifsi, grain, English and German grass, yl brier scylhca and snrall.n lor sale hy May 31 '50. E. Y BIUGHT & SON. INROAD A.ES, hand mtt a,!iis. Iialeheta, " hammers, chisels of all kinds, sijiiaros, taws, saw sells, unguis, planes, plane hits, files, com pusses, screw drivers, brace and bills, hand vices, lievrls, spirit letrls, tspe lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches, nippers. pUi-rs, spring callip prra, pinchers, oil slime iriml atones, cranks and fixtures, chisel and augur handle foraileby May 31 'SO. E. Y. BKIGUT & SON. PYEACK. blue and brown cloth, plain and Isn cy cuasinierra, Kentucky jeana, saltinrlts, atriprd rusting, duck linen, tweeds, grenadine silk, silk vclvuta. plaid ami figured vesting, for auie hy E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Mrv3185S. 6 nil'IH'tiUfr of all kinds, floor and t.ib'e Oil L'loths snd oil shades of the latest Mile fur aale hy E, Y. BRIGHT A fcON. 1EUAUWARB, Hollow-ware, Plass-waTe, auda large atock ol'QurriHware, embraciiig the nenesi patterns, lor sale hv May M ;6. E. Y. UK1GMT Ii SON. HAM, Shoulders, Cheese, Mackarel, Irish Kalinon and S ilt f,f sulo by May 31 '50. K. Y. U l.'IGHT SON. SI'ICl'S, suar, cnfTce. molasses, tea, ioioi, Water and Sugar biscuit tor sale hy May 31 '50. E. Y, BRIGHT .V SOV. JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, MANirirTCHsa or WIRE, SILK Si HAIlt CI.t SIEVES. Coarse, medium snd fine in ineali ; large, middle tize anil small in diameter. .MHrUU:- Cloths or lVovcn hc, Of the best qunlitiea. ai inus sizes of mesh, f.oru iVns. I to fsU inclusive, and from one te six feet in widih. They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, and cut Ic suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hind For Coal. Sand, Ore. Lime, Grain. Gravel, Guano, tSuniar, Nuaar, fait. Hour, GolVee. Spice, Drugs. I!ye-Stutr, Ac. Together with an as sortment ol brijilit and annealed Iron Wire. All oi Ihe abuva auld wholesale or ictiiil, by J. A. NTEDI.Ess, 54 North Front St., Philadelphia. May 31. 156. NEWONfCTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. G12AK1IA11T, VITAS just recfiveJ a new ami exct llrnt PBnort-- merit of nooiln at liii (inifecticiiary n ml Fruit Store in M AWKET KTKKKT, Sunlmrv. vvtitM he mnuufucturt'e &i J kecj-a on hand, at all limes, the most choice nii'ctionary, &c, Wholesale and Krtail, at IMitludeljihiu price. Among hie stock of Conlectionaries, may lw founil : French Morels, Htimrtl Aliitt'iitts, Cream White, l-eiii u II. Vanilln. Comm'in Hvciett. Liquurice, Gum Hrnpt, sti kind of scent, I .ore Dfori, Mint Drtipii, red and white. Jrlly fakr-f., Tmit hmpn, fuck ruiwttes, nf at! scents IWk Cntuly. Ahniiid Cundy, pruit. Prunei, F llli, CUHMiS, Raitmis, Nuts of all kinds naniiuns, Currant (fried, Abnujidi, 1.KM ON SYUCP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of ISrgars slid Tobacco, and a variety of Coufectionaries, fruit, ic, all of which is oll'cred cheap at. wholesale or retail, ICP OHEAM. He has alw opened an 'ce ('ream Saloon, and will at all times bs ready to serve his customers with Ice t reain. Sunhury.May 34, I8S3 ly BHEAFF Os ELACIt; utri isu auirrsMS or WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL. From the . Big Mountain Colliery SfiAMoKIN, NOHTII'U CUVNTV, -EN."A. Address. Uhrairdt Black, Kunburj. or fcSha mokiu, J 'a. Bunbury, Msy 4, 1850. tf GEORGE 6CHALL & CO. T UlAKtraCTVHCa : ..of tit,ABXINO POWDER, tjt. Caimtl, Northumberland County, i'a. Msy 10, llotJi. , . 3STJ!-W GOODS AT W. Gray's Store. A large kssortmrut just received from Phila delphia, and sold chrajer than ever for rash or country j roduce. Among his stock will bs found Font y Prcti Goodis, of all kinds and Ihe latest and most fashionable stiles. Black and Fniiry Dress Bilks, Challiea, Braise L)e l.aii.s, UiiiHhams, Lawns, bhawls, I'rints, Uress Trinunins:s, Hose Cloves, 8 locks, Cloths, Cassimeies, V'eatinss, l.inen Drills, Irish Linens, Muslins, Psrasols and Umbrellas, Set., J c. IIAKDWARR a (reneral assortment. CROCEKIBH. Fish. Cheese, Raisins. Tobacco and Cigars, Queensware, Boots, Khocs, Hals and Caps, ami a general variety. S3TLKASE CALLAAD8EEn P. W.CKAY. Sunbury, Msy U, 1856. tf To Builders AfCarpentera. The suhsrribe's aro agents for the sale of Doors, Window blinds. Window Shutters, and all sizes of Window Ssali, all of which we offer at the lowest prices. May 3i 'SO. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Fairbanks' rialform end Counter Scales for sale ly E. Y. BRIGHT & t-ON. May 31, ISSrt. W11EUM, fih, tanners, flaxseed and pine Oil, paints, glass, putty, copal varnish, spta. tui pontine, fluid and paint brushes for sale by May 31. 7.6. K. V. BRIGHT A SON. OlirilANS COURT SALE or VAr.TJA.I3LE LAND In the M'L'duley't Mountain Coal licyion. I.N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' court ol Norlhiiinlicrland county will be exposed to public aale on TCESDAV, the Hill day of JULY next, at the public, house of 1'etcr Billnieyer, in BliiomabiirK, (.'oluiiibia county, l a., the following described Real lClnle, to wit i A Certain TRACT OF LAND, On Mc(;aulcy'a Mountain, wiihin four miles of the Susquehanna and a short distance of the Cat lawiHSii Railroad, to which a connecting branch is about being constructrd, to allbrd lacilitirs lor getting coal to market situate in Reaver luwiihliip, Columbia Co., I'h.. surveyed to Andrew Clark, on wanant dated Auiruat 3, 17U3; j adjoining lautls surveyed to Jesse Evans, Jesse It looks. Catharine Lougenberger, George Lou geuberger, Tbemas Simoiia and Daniel Ayer, CONTAINIXG 2G6 ACRKS,' and allowances. Late the enisle of John McCalla lute of Northuiubcrlsuil county aforesaid dee'd. About filly acres of said land is cleared and under jullivuliun, will) a iSlnue Montr and Barn, JSpring House, Ac., Ac, upon it, and several spring of excellent water. Sule to coninieiiie at !0 o'clork, A. M. of saiJ day, when the terms will be made known by ALEXANDER COLT. Adm'r rum Ic.itnmnito annrrti of Joint McCalla dee'd. As lo title i'er to .1 imcs I'leibants, and Wm. I. tiret'enub, EFqra.. Snnljtir), I'a Jy I'Kier ol Hie (;ouit. r of ihe Court, i m:l, cik. o. c s Mny 10, IHSO. ) V. IS. I' IK bunbuiy New Goods for the People ! 1 J KX J A 31 IN II KFKN Kll OESl'ECTKI LLY informs thepablicin gen- eral that lis has juat received ana opened a splendid atock of SPR1SG AND SUMMER GOODS at his New istme, in Lower Augusta township. His a talk eotisuta in pari of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassiiiets. ot all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. AL!0: (alitor. Clutiltttnis), l.nivHK, ItluiiMMeliiie We I.iiIiich and all kinds of Ladies Dress (ieods. GrorerloN, Also sn assortment of !Fr(hvill'C, Irou ami bteei, naiis, &.c. AIko an excellent aaaortineut nf QUEENSWARE, of various styles and palleins. Also an axsortmeut of HOIITS tc StiOV.S. HATS & CAPS, a gooj selection. Salt, Fisli, ttc And a great variety of other articles such sa sre suitable to the trade, all of which will bs sold at the lowest prices. l.k tvouutry produce tsken in eichsnt a Ilia highest pri es. I, .wer AugiiKts, May 54, lBfB. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING &. GRANT A RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and Summer tioods, eni- brnciui; an endless variety. Their atock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimerei, Summer Wares for men and hoys, all styles and prices. DUESS GOODS. SII.KSritiin ami Figured lilaclc. An assortment of l'laid Siripeane Figured Fan cy Urcs Silks st Mliusiinlly low prires, tlicllico, Ilra7.es. Erazc I'e Laina, Mil a. He Lains. Lawna. Ac, (ilNOHAMS from ti t S5 cents per ysrj. CALICOES " 3 ISJ WHITE GOODS. . Cambric'. Jacnuetta, Swia. Tarltou, Mull, Eohi- neit, French and Swia Laces, Edgings. Ac. Drown and Idem hi d Muslins, Drilling. Ticks, Checks, Towliiitfs, Table Diapers, c. :iio ntii-s. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster Hall and I lab. Also a tresh supply of IIIU'CS AND MF.niCINKS. Thankful for luist favors, we hope hv strict attention a lid a desire to please, still to meet with Ihe approval of our Inends. IV" Country produce of all kinds taken st the highest market price Sunburv, May -.4, IPSO. ly. AT S. N, Thompson's St6re, In lower Auyustu (oii-imu', ut the Junction oj the Tulvehocken und 'turn creek riiudt. rtllE subscriber having relumed from ihe city wilh a new and eiteuaite asmirtnirnt ,n fiihhiouahle goods, reapectl'ully calls th attention of Fanners, Mechanics and others to the same. SPU1KU AND SUMMElt UOODS, consisting in part of Dry (Joods, viz : . Cloths, Ctusimtres, Cussiuett, Jtans, Drilling, Muslim, festttigs, Tvtttls, aitJull kinds tf Sjiring und Sunnnor Wear, LADIES DRESS .AND FANCY COODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lams, Luu-ns, Ginghams, lieraes, Hobet, MUmi, Flannels, tfc. ktugar. Teas, Coll'ee, liice, MoUsues, Chesse, bpices, fait, Ac, Ac, die. In I'll wiire,' Nails, 8crevr, Files, Paws, Knives cV Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various stvles soil patterns. BOOTS AND 6HOS. A large asanrtment of Boots snd Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cirs, Ac, of various siies'arid styles. . Resides a Urge and jeneral aaaortmsiit of faahionable goods. Call and examine for"your selves. V3T Country produce ol ail kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. . 8. N. THOMPSON. ' Lowes August,' J mo. ti, l68. . STJNBUEY, PA. f .. milE aul,srll.r rrianeetfnllv Informs1 th nuhlli X that she still eontiaues to keef the Uote named public hous. Kb has also received new supply of gorVl liquors snd wtnes, and trusts that sb will be able ts give satisfaction to all who may visit her nouso. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 54, 1856-lf. . ,' ' i M0UNTCARMEL IIOUSeT" MOUNT CAKMEL, Northumberland Cowitj, Pmntylvania. TYPHIS large and commodious Hotel is situs. M led nanrlv hull war between Sunbury and i'uttsvilln. 'I'be sceneiy Ihe salubrity of the aimnpnre ami the rnnl mountain meezes, make it one of the most deliahiful summer retreat in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. The pure muunlain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easy of areeas, being but One and a halt hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia sad Sun bury Rail Rosd. From Potlsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JKSSE RICE. Ml. Cartnel. May 84, lSSfi. tf CAUTION-. The public are hereby cautioned against the purchasn of a promissory note, for $115,. 00, tinted Mnyf), 1856, given hy Ilonjamin Mart ?. and Jacob Mowery, to the subscriber, ns said note was lost on the mnd hetween his residence nnd the town of Shumokin, and a new uote givou in its place. . DAVID MILLER, Shamokin, Mayl7, 18r6. 4t. SHERIFF SALE. By virtue ofa certain writ of Fieri Fnnciai to me directed, will be exposed to public sale ot the house of Capt. Huff, in Milton. Nor thumberland county, I'a., on TUKSDAY, the 10th day of June. lSfifi, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described property, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, sitssts in Tnrbut township, Northumberland county, Adjoining lands of Nathaniel Hiitton, David Lecland, Peter Kuiikle nnd .Samuel Wain, continuing five ucies, more or less, nil of which is cleared, wln-reou is erected a two nory Brick House, frame Smith shop, out- uuniiinps, ivc. Seized, taken into execution, and to bo soln as the propeity of Hubert (J. (Jirtonand Isabella (jiilon. IIKNRY WE IS 13, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Suiihiuy. May 17. 1 8.16. f EPRIKO AKD EL'BIMER GOODS. JCST RKCK1VKI) HY S. W. TWI K U Co., Miitlmi y, Pa.. T . ' 'R resi.ertfidly to snnnunco to our friend ami the public Cat we sre now re otiiiiig a veiy Isrue and well selected stock of aooils suited to the season, w hii h ws are deter mined to sell cheap as heretofore, finding our eld motto of "Small profits and quick Sales." to work well we shall continue to adhere to it, our stock consist partly of the following via: LADIES GOODS, firoa De Tlliine snd Summer feiika. Chilli, De beje, Itsrefe. painted ami plaid Lawns, Oi,,Al,nn. i it. U.J , v leneia Skirl and Skirling;, Ursss, Cerd and Crinoline tikirts, Jiconet. t.'ambric, Swins snd Oancd muslin, Bishops Lawns l'laid. Dot- ted and Furcd Swisa Muslin, Linen cambric handkerchiefs, Chemiselis, Collars, Cnjla and uudersleevea, printed cashmere, thibet and oilier shawls, ginuliimis and cnlicncs in Brest variety, Heady made mantillas, parasols. Fansc GKNTLKMKNS GOODS. Cli,il,. i cn! ii,,., b. i,.efila, Veslin(s, auumcr goods in variou styles for coat and paiitalaous birt bosoms, collars, cravats, besidee a large as sortment ol lieady made coats pantaloons and vests, togather with a general assortment of La dies and gentlemeiii Hoots Shoes and ! niters mens, boja and children Hula, and Caps Hardware, Qiiecns,arr, Groceries. Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware Diugs, Paints, Fish, meat, salt, nails, 'Par, Oil ,Vc Ac. A good aupply of hi'hu.il book a and copybooks with irinied copis on each page. Conic and ace, no charge ia made for show ing goods. I. W. TEXER& Co. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices Sunbury, May 10. !SSo. Estate cf Mary Updegrove. Notion is hereby piven to Cuspcr Upde provo. lOIizabi '.h L'dctrrove. intoi imiiried with John Jiivnishnltz, John Updeprovo, Adam UpdejiroTe, Lydiu Cpdcfrrovi', widow of Suiiwdcn I fiint, Thomas Cpderovo. SSarah Updeprove, i'llermariied with James Ljlle. and to Sat ah J., Levi, and Klizuhuth, minor children of Isaac Up'leurure, who have for their tiiiardian, John Lbright, tinl to John I'.liriphl and his wile, who was. the wid ow of said Isaac Updcprove, heirs and local representatives f,f Mary Cpdepiovo. deceased, late of Lower A (rust township, Northum berland County, 1'i'iinsjlvaiiiu ; that upon the petition, .of Thomas L'pdcjjrovo. aforesaid, the Orphans Court of snid coufity mndo an order uwuiViinp in; iiHjiicM of partition and valua tion upon the roul estate of eaid Mary L'pde jrrove, (ie'd., Mlunfo in Lower Aupusiti town, ship, county alurcsaid. ailji'iuinic laud of Chris tian Tirst, Adam Christ, f.vdia Stair. IVter Coldiain. und Cuspcr Snjiier, de'd., contain inp thiity-thrcu and oiiP-tpiarter acres more or less und that in pei'suanco of said order ol said court, I will hold tin iiHiuimlinii uncm the said real estate of said Maiy Cpih'provo, licit., on rnu.ivtiie twentieth iuv nl June, next. (A. D. lbfiC.) at 10 o'clock,' A. M .. of that day. on tl.e raid premises, to uiiiki) parti lion und Valuation of said real estate, at which tune and place you may attend if you think proper. IIKNP.Y WKISK. .Sheriff of Nothiiinberiand County. Sheriff's Office. Stnibnrv, .VLrj- 8, 1856. SHERIFF SALE. I?y virtue of a certain w rit ot .Fieri Facias to irie directed, will be exposed to public sale, ut thn Court House, in iiunbiirv, on MONDAY. Ihe4lh day of. Aupust, lSfiC, ut I o'clock. P. M., tho following described pro perly, to wit : A eeriaiir half Lot of Ground, situate, in the liorouh of Suubiiiy, lining the eastern half part of lot Nti.lGJ, iu thn general plan of said town, fion'liii) on Ulacliberiy street, and bounded on the eai-t hy lot No. Id, ou the west by the half lot No. 1C2, on tho north by tin alley, containing in front 30 fuel und V!3tl foot, in depth, whereon ure erected u two glory log house, weather-hoarded' aud painted wliile, um some outbuilding. Seized, token in execution, anil to bs sold as the property of Jucob Kuble. . . 11. WK1BB, Sheriff, SimniFF's OrncE. Sunbury, May 17, I85C. J JAMES F. CAIBREATH'8' l.ADtF.a fanct . SHOE STORE, No. &9 North Eifihth Street, Above Arch, , Lust side, rHII.A DELi'HIA, Ladies from the country, can have ahoes made to order iu Ihe very eat style and workmanship on few daje notice. An exce Ueut assortmiut to select from, always on bend. ; May U 1154.-1 , . XfCTICB. . rilllH Terideis and Retnler orforelpil arid -1. domestic Mercbundiize within tba cotiiity of Northumberland, will tako notice that they are) assessed and rated by ilia appraiser of Merchants' taxes, fof thn yuar 1850, as fol lows i Namrs. " '' Class. LtitKsB, . . Leu-is Tswmhip, Hattlo & ITefis, ' ' U '' $7 00 Rrinp A Bavidgfli . , ? 13 .10 00 .iJistl & Barrett- 13 10 00 .Delaware Totcnthip. ITays rt MeCoi inick, 12 12 .10 Goo. J. fi.J, rijiar ' I J K 12 Ml P. A. Fox. U 7 00 8. Wink. U 7 00 Siun'l llaitrRnrt, 3 to Joseph I. 1 1 031m, 13 10 00 S. Antrum & IJ011, 14 7 60 - ' Milttn &iH'gh, Cyrus Brown, 14 6 SO J. Murray Co. 12 12 50 Win. P. Knle. 12 12 fill 8teinr & Wlnss. 14 7 00 K mm 111 Wolf, ,. 13 10 00 (iooilnian & Moody, 13 10 00 llcini-ii & Uoiish, 12 12 50 Hawu & Chapniua 3 50 J. P. Caslow 14 7 00 Pryniire 4 Ilrother 12 12 50 Frick Sfout. 12 12 50 Dr. Longshore, 14 7 oO Swenk A Stickor, 12 12 50 Win. Filuher, 14 7 Oo John M. .Vood. II 3 00 J. Jt M Yount, 14 3 30 J. II. McCormick, 14 3 00 David Krauser 14 3 50 Hpencer Finney 13 10 00 J. P Ganger 14 3 50 J. AngstiKlt. 14 3 50 Swenk Sticker 14 7 00 Isaac Hrown, 12 12 50 Thos. Stadden, 14 7 00 S. W. Austin, 2' 50 Suruli Daviaon. 3 50 Chilisguaque Township. Chas. D. Cox 14 7 00 tieo. Haas 14 7 00 James Heed 14 7 00 Adam Conrad 14 7 CD Northumberland Borough. O. I. Taareert 13 10 00 Mark U. Priest! j 13 10 00 Wm T Forsyth 13 10 0(1 J. Tugua-t 13 10 00 Wm. Klliott ' 13 10 00 Wip. McCoy 14 7 00 A Ynungnian 14 7 00 0. llobbart, 14 7 00 Henry Wenk, 2 50 D. M. Drautigan, 8 (10 Point Township. Samnel Woods, 13 10 CO Sunbury Borough. 1. T. Clement, 12 12 50 Fi. Y. HriKht. 12 12 50 Fiiling A Grant, 12 12 50 1. W. Gray, 13 10 CO j John Younir, 13 10 IK) ' I. W. Tenet 4 Co., 13 10 00 j Weiser &. Bruuer, 14 7 00 ! S. Simons, 14 7 (10 j Geo. Dright. 14 00 Scasholtx 4 Tetery, 14 7 00 II. Zealenioyer, j 50 G. Weise 4 Clement 11 ..''.7 0:) Chas. Jiriifht, 3 50 Albeit LNLerp, 14 7 00 Upper Augusta. J. r . 1. r. Kliue, 14 7 00 J. C. Morgan. 14 7 00 Lower Augusta. B. llelTnsr, 14 7 00 A. J. Conrad, 14 7 CO P. F. Zimmerman, 14 7 00 Isaac Martz, 14 7 00 H. N. Thompson, 14 7 00 dial Township. Bovd. Bosser 4 Co., . 13 10 00 C. & I). Chiehester, 14 7 00 Cochran, Ponle 4 Co.. 13 10 00 Anun.Tniiin. Zuurne 4 Co., 13 10 00 Josiah I'.eed, 13 ID 00 Zimmerman 4 Pursel, 13 10 00 H. Longenecker, 13 10 00 flird & John, 13 10 00 Weaver 4 Fagelr, 13 10 00 A. Durlacher, ' 14 7 00 W. 11. Cherington, 14 7 00 Ovster 4 Ernes, 2 50 Weikel 4 Jillman, 14 7 00 Henry Straine, 14 10 00 Jacob Wagner, 14 7 Zerlt Township. Ii. llelfensfein, 12 12 f.O Sears 4 Forsyth, 12 12 50 Marcus Strause, 13 K) (10 Alexander Lil 14 5 00 Isaac Keifer 14 7 00 D ilolshoe 14 3 (Hi Jacob Kenn 14 2 50 Malan Manly 14 2 50 Reuben Kline It 2 50 Shamokin Township, Tapgart. Furinnii 4 Ilniton 12 $10 Fai row 4 Wellington 14 7 S liergatn ser 14 7 Hufl'4 McWillisms Ii 7 Siinnii l John 14 7 ('lemei.t 4 Mart 14 7 John Vanzant 14 7 Zimmerman 4 Maury I t 7 Rush Townsttip. Jonas Slin 14 7 Little Mahanog Tottnship. 8 Kolu.Miiul 14 7 Washington Township. Wm Kehres . 14 7 Upper Mahanog Toienshlp. Daniel Heim 14 ' Daniel' Kisenhart 14 7 Isaac Karl 14 7 Juekson Township, Win Deppin 13 10 J G Strieker 14 7 Isnuc Fiiii l 14 7 Loner Mahanoy Township. P Burrell 14 7 Isaac wilmer 14 7 Klias West 14 7 Andrew Ditty 14 .7 Jordan Township. Joriah SwarU 11 7 J Wurt 14 7 Cameron Township. Ilerrin? A Han t 14 7 thus Weikel 14 7 jV. Carmel Township. DIIis?r4Co. 13 10 Bell. Lewis 4 Co. .i 1)1 Seushollz 4 Fcgely 13 J Chus Aycrs 14 7 UfcSTAl'RAKTS, OlSTKR AXB E ATIXO liolSKE WlllllX Till! Cot .STV, Names Township t. Yeaily Rent. Jos. F.cMiert, Miltou, J"os. I Iarrid. " Win. Ashman, Trevoiton, Sarah J Davison, Tufhut, Sinick .4 lilniun, Suiibur, f:io :io 25 20 75 50 25 3 0 5 5 3 50 5 5 I. Uwuril Uu.ss, J. M. Kepei litis;, David Doehler, Jacob K rain, Kobf rt DuttoD, II. Gibson, Simon Mails, M. Geaihurt, Notth'd., Milton, Class 8 bliUiiiukin, ffunbury, Geo. Williunis 3 COALANB A Ul f.R Y AKVS W1T111M THK Coi'NTT. Sitmnel,i;lir. (Coal) Milum, Jt.hn Kuukt'J. (Lumbftr) , SO llt'ury lioliiu, ' bonburj, 3 '0 Henry Vuite,' " 3 50 BaivWKBe WITU13 TUB COIMT. O. Fritf. A 0. r'iiiiip', Shnmokln, . fiO Win. J. Philips, ' Zerbej, . " 60 PKKSOKfl KNOAORD III RBPTtrVIXO ANtlRt.UKa WniHkKT W11HII 11IK C( tJSTT. John Kolity . Mit'on, . f,0 Alt 1 nn.,,1 wu.11 I. A 1...1.I 1,rk Cm im sinners Cfllc at Suiibitry, 011 the 21sl (lay of diinnnext, nt 10 b cluck, A. M., ot which time and place those interested may nt Intnl. GEO. Y. WHISK, Her. Appraiser, Hnnbnry, May 17, lBo. 'iliE l.A'iEdl AKK1VAL OF SPKINO AND SUM M KB GOODS. j. r. st x. r. KLvstu. Reapeciliilly sniWiurire to iheir friiitida sn'd the public in general Hist tbey have received si their Wtore in Upper Augi.sla township, Northumbrr laud county I'a., at Klines Grovo. Their Spring and Summer qocils are opener) to the public a fall assrolment ot merchandize &c. Coneistiajf in purl ol Cloth, black and fsncy Cass mera. HaiimUs, Checks, Kentucky Jeans ami all kinds nfiSpiing and bninmcr Goods, A lot of rrsdy mde Cloathing, suitable for men and hoys. ladies Bress Goods, Shawla. fiingliaini, Iterage Delsins, Calicoes, black Xilks $ a. Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicii.es, Grocerins (fc, of all kind. A new supply of Hardware. Queensware, wooden ware Lrooina c. Also a large nmnrlinent of Pont, and Shoes suitable fur men women and children. Hals and Caps, audi ss Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn. Wlli Vc. AIo an asorirtietit ril Books, Stationery, ink. Picluroa ,t lid I'ictnre frames Ac. Fish, Salt, Cheese eVe., and si I goods usually kept in a country store. Coir and see, Conic one, coine all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hope by sirict at tention to business to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of gooda will he s ild positively at low prices for cash, or in en change fur country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klinea Grove, Ta., May 17, 166 tf BISSOLUTIOIT. THF pnrlnershii) heretofore exsislirar be. tween Ihe undersigned, iimler tie firm uisor 4 Hnitmr. is liss0.vei by tn ut 1 ni cii. sent, this the Mill ilav of Mav I8."i6. All Jiersoiiii having unstttb'd iicco'iinls with ns will picas cull and settle lhl same withuut delay. GK.O. B. WKISKP., WM. A. DKUNEB, SHhbnrJ, May 17, 1856 Thankful for the liberal natrons hrrelo. fore extended I would re?pocll'uliy solicit a : - 1. , , . . 1 10111 inuauce 01 1 ne same, at II, e s'.me, next door to K. Y. Driyht's, Market H. whue a ficsli supply of Drugs 4o. can nlwnvs be f,, und WM. A. U U'C N hit. Siinhttry. Mnv 17, 150. . SiJIJETJilY ACADEMY. 'fpHE .Sunbury Academy wiil open its Puni. nicr SesiiMi on Moialav Ihe .'nh duv ul Mav, lS.'i6, under Mr. ISAAC HLFK, as Prin cipal. Term per ipiarier arc J.ower L1njl11.l1 iirnnehcs f 00 Higher do do Oil Latin. Ac. l! 00 Persons desiring to send Scholars will please apply to one of tno Trustees fur a noie;ol' i i. mmstnii into the school. Ail pstrons wiil !.e considered oblij.iicd Jor one uuarler uhIl-hs sue. cial airn'iigeini iil he iniidc. It ia earii6tl b,i i d thn tbi eilizetif of pdn- bury, will liberally .iitiiini.e the School, and thereby wipo u stum liom t ho eaciilchen of our borough. I. W . TBNKIf, W. W. MONTGOMERY, PETl'iK ltultN w. 1. ("iRKKxnrrnii, VKSJ. II K.V DliK'K.s, CH.AK. l'liKSAN J tJ, S. It. I'liu.K. May 3. I 85b if CHAF.IES GASIUGEE, gl'.Sl'KCTI'CLl.Y aninninrc to the citirens nf .-'iinSnrv and ihe uciuhlioiini: couutr that they have opened a in Water street, in the rrnr of the wharf and are ady Iu sell ut icas jualile prices the tolloning lii.t of incrchandif.c, viz : llniir, (irnin and rrrd, Broad, Fish and Cheese. Ilains, Sbnijldcis nnd Herring, Ci lli e. ! gr and Molaaes, '1'caS, itpieee and I'rnils Nuts, Coufi', tioiniries of all knul--, Umiti an. I lhwes, Ladies (iaitcrs. Mi-e aipi Children' hoes, also Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware and Notions, A c.,Ar. C'iti.cus are requested to sen J in their orders for 1'h'nr, Ketd and Groceries and we will de liver tin 111 'iMporlv. Nui.hury, May U, IS'.C tf 3STOTICE. O'l'lL'K rahereby irivcn that application "ill S be linide fiy the snliscriher I. r a iluplibile of Lund VS arrant , No. SU,k32 lor ISO acres issued t i aleutine lliii'imiliai h, private in Ci(p',.iin llumincla Liniipuiiv, dnlc.d lbs I I ill duv ol Ihtolcr, Ift'ft.'i, which ssiil. Warrant was dul abincd by the snid Valentine Haiinaliiich in Hunk, anil acknowledged beforoFir.lcrijI. Liizi ins, Lm , and scrlili'd by J.in lieard, 1'i'iiihniU: lary ol the Court cf Common f lens o Norihum be.rlntul County 1'cuiisylvauin, und purchatej hv t'.e suba'criher from ihe suid V'ul. ilannabacii. That the said Warrant was losl in the N II hc tweeii Sunliury and y'liiladclnhni, ,11 Nnve-ubcr 165.1, and has never tu rn bund i.l I I it h- coitKcqucnre of anid loss, applM-Mtna- v 1 I !, made to i1,e Coniinisiiiuer ,f I 'ni-i n,i 1 ' ilujdicute us above atalrd, b the ri;'ic 1 ' 11. It S'l'ld urv. ?ill , ll".Mt. 1. ratieu'B Kcw Ycrix YIBrCW SHADE &CUETMN STORE. 203 C heft-nil St., upptsiie Junes' IloUf, , nuLAui.i.rinA. Window Shades, I ii! I Conii'v.i, llti!'. While and (reen Hullaiida, Picture Cerd, I'.iicm liuilera, CuiUiu l'nia and Trim- IllilifcS, li r.icairllrs, balm da l.uinrc, Wursll'd iluillliSnS, Centre 'i'ufcscls, (iimji and l.uu)it, Curiui.i liuuda, l.aie sc.ii Muslin CiuiAius, riece Sluslins. flore, Stjai.iln.iit and ChurMi Shades or D a jicn , if, i.l un a( Ihe shoiifrt i.olic?. t. ur'uiiis cut, niude and t ut uf 1 v tlie most evp'ricuced huncb. I 'attkx s r.r VonK Sroaf, Z(i3 Lhrstiiut ft., Mrlndeyi liuildings. Mav S. I.,C J. BT W AST L'K?UY A tCiM'?, Iirportera and Potilers in Carpstingc, Miisomc tlufl, C ft est nut .V . Kthxc ht'jlth, UrOiM fpniifrffullv invito ou to full tttitl fx;itiiiii' tl'.r tuao hiM tipII f't't tc.t stuck of Carpels Oil i'iotlie. L'ucca un.t ('tin'mi linn. l)rui.i i, Hrjiih Kriif. t-tiur H!b!s cVo., wliicli ny will tiC'i to llie lr,t ;it nu'-'li piicc ai tvt.l msW il lii-simi.le f.tr ltiot who ilh to ur ;l.ae, lo call mul cxoiuine lleir iiuck, Lflurc purrliBMiie 'l wiiere. lMiiUilelihiu, April 7. IS.Tfi. Ty . 2D3i, So U EIBSTS, A.N.NOL'NCCS to the ci izr-ns of rtun'mry, Nuitliumlit-rluiiil snd viciuit)', tiiat bs lias dif ne,l n of.'.co in Kuul.u'y, one Jnor wvst of the J'mt Ola.'r, wl.rrr he ia ,r ieJ to aitrud In all kiiuls of work leiongin tu tlie irftsi.in, in il.u latest anil miut imroveJ tv. All vrotk well dm.e s'l'i warriintcd- Also coiitiiuias (iuui Woik. which is vsry duislile and neat. Aytil i, IW.-V i -ta-i w" Sc co. i.m rirsrntr .vfirrti . Is Illt.ADF.tiPHlXi 7-' ". JlFPir.rTl t.11 (,oin;..P ,rt'u. It tt i Ht, nilibvlcii,tiyii,h4uj 1w)n stoie s lull suoitu ttit 61 flulc-ei.d sessvnstle td wl n h ll.cy sic cln.inu nni si GREATLY REDUCED HtlfcEE; 7 principally frcru the Crrat Auction 6k In New Vork, and (ailly of cur own In.pimaiiona. IsILK 4 611 AW L DEPARTS! ENT. ICOO Mails Slmtvls, f,(!U Ulk. tilk Msnt'illua' S50 Chantilly 4- Prcnck Lace, do., Bercge 6hawla A Scarfs. f , . , 3O.0U0 yards Drtss Silks, telling at 63, 75, S8 and il 0(1 per yaid. ' . 600 Msgmllcclit Pi!k Kubes, black Gro De Fjena. - , ( 4S0 Floi tired PnreRfl Dreses, tlrcniidincs,i Chall'- Orr.atiihcs, Lawns, French & Lnglish Clii.iia'a. , Prcncd wnrlod: Sells. Co' In H ani Sleeves, Cambric Hdkla, ltuflliiij, Ladies & Gent Kid Gloves, Lace Mi's. ' , .- MOURNING GOOD, , , , . Black Bombazine's, Grsnsili'iies, Berngcs, Crape Do ' Kapah'B, Lupines 6-"l, Mouselines I'auiese Cloth, llrazellinrs black and Purple Flounced Robes. ' . , Country Merchants and visitors to Phitadef phis, ire invited to call nud examine our Ktnck feel in a; confident that with the (treat facilities af forded us we can oiler great induremens.t .li.MJW rt CO i 190 Chestnut Street, below 8th. April 30, SJS6. amw. . i:t is rc k .Si TejKTii r.u. . IIOJXOWAY'S PILLS. WHY AUK WIS SICK? It has tien the lut of I ha Inimsn rs- !o ba wlufil 'W, by iliavase ami suili:riiir. lltlll.OW.tV'S 1l!.l vm tpwiSitj- ailopinl to in- rclier (f tl, WKAK, tlia .NKUVUL, the Drt.tCATK.aiid l be INj-'1K.M,oi a l! clinics, uh'S. at'iei, a, ill cnitttuiit t,a. i'ti ltair liiik vvny ptia..,iiill' mijriiilpiiiit. lite ni,i:i!inctut -l t.i mcd. i'-'iim in ihr L":i;tfil Sialri, and oners llitia to a Ircc unit ciilmiitciiiil p-i.pl , iri the Inst iuntiJy lie wuild eaf wiw i'it Die leinuviii vf diinsc. TJiESK J JLI.S I'UJtlFY THR BLOOD. 'I'tice tii m. hi Hi Ib nr esi-rcoly ccnibiiid tt nrfite' 'll liii- fll..inn ji, tiiM hftr. lhe'ki:jM' p, tl:r luiigi, thr (SKlfi niid Hit h t-rJA. curirciitif miv dorrut nnt iiiti.t ir fu: c-ii-hh. j iiMivitir lite Ihe f!ty uiitnin t life, oik! 'lnt ci.rihfi i!in'(tit- in nl! its IVtii.s. ' ' i'Vaal'LI-lA & LIVKIi COMPLAINT Ncitrly hull" the liiunnn rnc hBTe tnken lliufe ViWn. ' lias liceii pitivcil iii nil piirta nf ilir . world, iliul nclhiiig. Inn hern ft-inul rqunl to llii'ln in ciri t.f cliai-Tdftin of tbtf li r, cUtu cpfJii. ihkI .Fich ''im,.iiiin'i jjtfiiur'il'.y. Tho)' i pun (itve a hraifliy tout in th -h flr'titi, Imtvcv er n:udi niiift'(1, mid wlii-n ml uilief iiiffli'i hav lailed. GEMCKAL DEMLITY ILL HEALTH. MiiiiV ic ihr-rri isjt iirsp'-il ic Gfieirienta liare cip-'M llifir Cufh.ti, H-'UF.ii i t tl: ii.ir.idtn limi nf thf- Villi, tii.-itihcy nuiy hrruiiR tl.e cifflicnip of t!:e ntK,s. I eirn' e.l C itk-gea Rilinit thiif this mi.tlii inu in tl.tB bssrt rcnifedf ev?r known I'm iifinuiiof (!e!iiytt? hcishh, nr where ih t siein hue bepii it'n(,ftii-i'd( an iu hivifciating rmjisjrtiti iifffcr tail t itfl .nl re .itf. FAM !A I E roifPI A 7.V7 'S. No fi-niu'e. yoiiny or '-111. Ei-'ni!.! iiiil t!ii hrntL-il iLeil'i-iiu'. 1 1 ci.nc.a nnd irniiiMlrs llie im m-iI .v., c, ,,:',.., nl nil peiiola. acli'iv hi niS'-v f .pi- III e a i l'tniti It iMil-ti l,.'it and eol. tt YTn.-.Ii.i n tfiut run he f iv,T. Cliildrrii nl nil iiii, ,,(! for miy conii iatiil ; eunraqucuU no noi.il' elioulU te willioht ii. Ilullnwny's Fills are the lest remedy known, in the wot Id for the foUontig r7i';!?i.? ; Asllnna. ' I-Vvmt nml Acvi ' Mnt and tlirve.' U 'V"el Cdnpliiillts.!Vmitl Cnmpliiati ndnry vnip. 1. 1 :iir ia j i H(i.i, ,.t s liiwnrd Wciiiiiiiil ,ies Cln-M Disfsea i: r'tveni si 1)1, B ,P,llij ! : rtrliTMi lndiyeMioa lnf1iiL;.za ixfl'.iiiin.ition Vei..-rcal A (r- :.. Worms, of all Klndu l.ltiT Ooiiirlaiiita nets ul ffpirns liropsv rtold nl the Mninifnol mil nf Prf.fr-:!', -irllnr.tnWAT e'l .vltndirii Inn,., ." Vi,r, ttii'.t tilt S.vniul. Loudon, liv d'l rflp. cI.,Ii!m pniyiiilill, lint li-nlriH in Mcilk llie Uliotgh. , in uic t nilHfl Mnlri,, nnd llie civilized world, ill bo,' a; i. tfiift, (iji ceinvHiid isi eacli. s, IV There ia cninderubla auving bv talcing- tlie higee Si'S. ,. R rirpctiont for ihr (riiidjucs of patiants ia every disorder nr.' nflWrd to ench box .Maicli a-.', Ir-ai l)CT THE SALAMANDER SAFES -.'.:'. OF Flt'll.ADFIHIA AOtCVliT HIE M'OttSIT KA'ANS it WATSON, . No. 10 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. lASyitt&i!?'?w Have lind Itie lurcit dctnoiuitrK- iiituiiiiiu'iuie tit'tali- hug it ItMgtii ftiNy rriirtschli.il llsi C ,..).;.. I, T .,11,. .., .,' Pku.adh thia. April lOih lSrt MewT r.vf:ii . V.'ni .im : J.iit : t mli .tin iik itio hljlir sl srtl i -,'in'liiin t ; rim? in t ,,. ilmt tt u.e I. , tl; ,( ry fv'p.'i'r'ivK qtciliiicH nf iw l i!'e S.i!-nunir.t;r f:i 31 m-i 1 Wft plirchll'Hl 't Vfll Ktlinff fnV ITV'I till fiVl'M'i V.'tt 8lHtt M Itrgti icrti 'II m oni J'.Vr'ir, U.l. I'tpitf, Arc., 'T , Ritl tn r;iUni it until tire mi itmiRirufl Plue, tlrj i;i jt ii'ff nf t hi? Mill itmt V!n we reflect ll'iii iVf P-.r-o wee 1--r-nlsd Ui lV,e t Minli ninr-1 f ihe lml'!ii)t wn -ui it:", n : ilr.i .1'V ('!! Kill pqiirntU' in h nf hii. iiu,; rui:'. wn I 3 usi c tiiff icr-iti-'ii nii,sit cHiinytl 1 nifs f. t- x ri w Puiui'ti hii rc.irti 'lie jrirKervii'inii of tin VuluiLi" t tt 111 t c 'uviiieiiig r f vi the great icunij utU d-it lie nr Sufi . We iviiiiii tn Ve much p!i'fln'" in reonrnmuilicg theia men t( busiiifiB bi u cum it li .i c i ut fire GRnivOt; W.lSiMOHi A CfiO. ruiLDKi.PDiA, April 13 IPO. Mectri. Kvnnt h V"ut hi I Lave t tflV?r y- u mv tei tim -in in I'livof ut tln (frciit Bccuntv tlT -rtl-! t ' my ei.iire B' t'ic -if j we'rv, ho. kt. r-n-Kiii r.. during Ihe rwent HiKMfrniisi i.mH:i'-Hti.in in linnplcnil plncc, iri'in the liict thut lh Biimo wci'- coiilnhird in two of the tfaltuiiaiiiler C.i!'"t. HiJiiiufticliirPil hv ycrt. IImvu.k taMcii frmn t'i fifth tiry of the Artisan B"rtd inif. where ihey vti prcvi iiin'y p'nctl. I ami expew :i to a vim1 IWt for h i 'njt time, the prt i rvrm-ii f ihe vuhiahU i'iV tiis rrunied r. rveyone who witneMcd the opeiiniif iimt mteri-i extuiiiuation, u nmittr vi pri-finim niloiiih lliewt - i nil wlin mnv inquire n perfect Tnteetion from the rn'.MsTi't.if tir 1 tlMill mil Ii-iHa-1 rtc.initiM-.d the u of yotir hiit', e 1 cojiaifler XUvy have icvv jn.'erfiroiic the iu ;t tnii.g tet. N- A- .'ti.ttAtt. I'H LiMPniA, Apri; M, l'fl. Mernrrj T'-Vrrti ,t ":i' il 'litleill'Mt-.. y d t:l v tt vl e "i'. y jrujtiht-d t-. :iiit ':v ';t .iii',iti n !: a '.v I ' 1 ,r ., c 1-! i..v I. - k r-'.u v f i,,surntet. eeitii-i. 1. f' t"t a si "l-f- v.iln.il e rt n .ipfts, wlit; f on Y ru'. r H dt I o tl 1 1 n'e i'ti;d- hv v t,r f-rii. Wih n.v tii.-.-.vt :pe . t i' nfn-sir e.t(v.iuif. !h"H ic t'.e iiiu,.ite -i Hi he'i! fr ins, hot A fir, fir vh"h 'ie- i ' n f-.i i.e A 1 listen IluM 'ii :;, "i !! f.- in 1 1" f ' 1' tlie f.ttl fr .111 1' (' ntvr .'isvfiicil rvxiti n in the it::r.l rv, I c "U'li'crtnin l.ut !i;iulir nnpc prinr t - irs ui'eti' r ir :.'P!i' i, l'l'H In-" M's which ' "jhii n hiphle r& $ v Mdil ".'rr ! f uv w-vicf t' tnt, imt nu 1 '-o fe.it nrt- .iv happilv rt-rti 'Vi'd, t frtci r cijlv ''ii'' to snv t ."U ihtn I imii heiicrf -riii-vivoi.tiiiffi.-t ''.e ufe ( vur ri-uVa to 'ill h iv wie'i t fee! a eon?: lehit in iho perfect "J i-urnv wi.icii such iiirnni pre vale oitiint frightful au vlrmriit. EmT;.6 nicttL, nooMjituler, C'Vin'iim! on lrn Parent Towder oni Tliiuf Tt'Xit T.ocJi f t Ifeiike, f tores, c. April -0. lb.ti. ly roncr. . OTI-'.E it l.rsl.y jivrn lo all t-crsons wlio i iriime ii.ili li t.l Iu tlifl siibcribt'r as. ;. istrr uml Tti-i i.rJi-r ai.il ("!6ik of IK t:tu . ' is' C.inri wliile Iii" lirl.l sai.l oflire, citlifr on i!ue lull, i riiniiasorv noie or look account or Tor ti s leionline of Iih-Jh, .oitimsri., &c tlut ail li. an oiinta li lei n Irt'l in tli l ui.il of 11- J S'ol virion, Ksq., ill Sunliun , l.ir oili , 'I , and lln-v are veitiralrii la rail ou t im aim ty '' amount of itisir iiidslitrilnsas. . JU11N T. "GSEL. April S5, 18J6 ffS lirirliv fiivfii tlist tli sii!i.r.rilicr will Le in J- hit iii.it M rrori.vc oymint if t'ne arrounts ii ffi ri d tj in tli fnKjuirig i.otirr (vihich ac? counts ore imw i i l.i oi asos.ion) fiom ll,o date lirri-nf until the siirlli ilay of May irfxt, and aaain troin llis iwrntv-cigblh day ol May to the tii'sl da v of July nejit. After which tlins all mi, ii Kaiil uiisf lile.i accounts wi'.l hs sued inJU rriiiiiiiutely anJ without resnei I to prraon. II. J. WOLVERTON. April S. 18S6. ?m , HENRY imNEL, ATTORN33V AT f,AW. OJrct opposite the Ccxrt House, S-jTibury, Northumberland Couny Ta. . Prompl attention to business in adjoinii.f 'dunlins, STOVE?- FOE eAE an aioallei,' atHuiid-hand Conk. ins; biova, also sevnal Cylmdor CossV kWivsv )itwjuu at this pftkv, 1?'. '. v"-'.:it ll'JI' nil1"? loll -ih,!t:iM' W iliat iK-.r .n. J,4.T'-i:.,V'-.'',r3l' liatiMl Ifam si'K'H'i't wurrmilrd t