a. CARPETS Attn OIL. CLOTHS, , At Eldridgo's Cheap "Warehouse. The subscriber, bring in n bye street, is under very low tent ami light expenses, vhlch enable klrntoaell at the VERY LOWF.t-T PWCE. Merchant visiting Philadelphia, (nil witling Id buy Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, ic, will do well to call and examine M stock of Beautiful Imperial 8-ply, Superfine, 1 Fine and Milium Ingrain, and Carpets. Venetian of nil kinds. ) " And OIL CLOTHS rf all width in grcnt variety. Also, VATTIXGS of every kind ntid various widths, together with a cncral asenrlineht of low-priced lnftrnin Carpets, nnd Entry and Stair Carpet. llearlll-Kugs, Door-Mnts. Table Covera, Floor Clothe. Raa; Csrpei. Cotton Car pets, &c II. II. El.DKIDOE. fs'o. 41 tttrawherry Street, One door almve Chesnut, near Sei ond St. March 15, 18S6. 3me Philadelphia. Nurserymen, Fruit Growers and Farmers NEW VOIK IIOiTTICULTL'RAI. REVIEW: A Journal of Suburban Art. Sujnrblg and Profusely Illustrated. Vn-oted to tht Adeancetnent of tht Jtural Interests in America. Tint Id olio nf the lrgtat and most slaborai workan the. soul iti the w. rkl. Ituml Aicl.irecture f .rma one of the principal feature Eacn tiuuiiici v lilnlu Ir-.ui iwit 1w f iur ensr,ivii-ire ft ni.Kltd t.,tl:.na fltmi desiut.a Itv eminent ni A akllllul r e III eei !, not! in Hlii' itesiuiil to the tuneful ait of 1imla- npe (jaidctiiug ; ei.gii'cd plan of gunlcna in everv lyle, anil adapted t tlio i'-cuiii ii iua id different orilesa vi nrviiuevi urc, cciitiiiiv iua was. tviunnvi'His of new Irulta. new rlnwera, new ycretiiMea Ae.a.e i.lustr itt-ri and il-s. riled na atoll Iheir respeclive qualities tun lie ilelerimtied. I' rump the in t v-nuli-lv and eleci.ill Manual of lliiral llralmmlry ever allcua. ted. An experienced c ups . f practical wrilei, arvra ill ntlllllH-r. lire cng.i;ed to fill il volutin. It cniuiius seteiuy Luge pages, ami in or'nied on tlir nut-si peilll-auifnecd pHpea. Itllinnnu tared exi'icssl. TsEMs per milium, vuli! ivtirml.lv in mlviinre. Pirtywiiu e- iniiiissi n .11 ci.eh mli-crmcr till wad to tho wil l ui-t us "cents. 81.01-0 wil, lie liltilulrl at the (ill !' the vent ntniHia ih'ie vh ' send uallie twcnly Inrireet Hail -f snlSH-riiieis. These I'fenuuii. will be paill ill Cuali The firat pirin n t will lie SjOU. Tbe fotinwinft nte wlecitil from hinirt reila of atmilar itolK-ea. voluuiaiy contriliuntt liy coiiit-mpotuiieoui pulili caliona Tlie Hortidtltiirnl Review tlrnvvra the mrai liuirnl pa tronnftr. It ia 111t011lye1111ne11tlvprncli1.nl, lull i" wittteti in a atyle Hint rquula tlie Uil ttT'-rla of Ilia kite A. J Pilwillg-KirKERB-K-KirR. The 111 wl elit-jiit 111..I naeful tk of the kind that haa ever come nmtifl our oliBervnlioil. HFiGlaTKR. Mr. Ho.ixli-a, llie Kilitorof ihe H -rtifullurul Review, it a pmelipnl nu l -g al, biiiI one -f the (inert ii'hi Inra our country It'iirtaof. He poaatm-a the gl 'Wiutt neat-riptive E'Weranf Uic'eua. the i-leg nit (liii of Wain -le, i- mo null wn'i 11 tliorou-li knowledge of rural art. State Police Tkipcne. Knrniera huy it f-r yom n huy it fr ynur dnugli'.era It ia n rich intflli-i-ruul Iretit ; a rare eoinbiiwlloli ol tna beiinlifill 11ml lln- iifel'u!. At-.iifa, N. Y. Wr h 11I 'h-.U't'i' tlii, in b iwiiinz'a death, the el ;iieiit aitV'iiuil,- 01 niml i.loMin'ei t'l ail N-c ineonlt a cheiiahn remeitinne,. : Imi in l lle-ulet we ili"ovei mi equullt ticll inineofiiieni.-il 'ih. IIM lietokena llie iilBuence i-f the aj.i'it tint 1- f .in- MoxiKoaK ThikiNR. Alvertiteu vit fid 'hi an uitmrpnaaeil mnlium of pnlilu-itv. a "!he llorlii-iilmral lieview ein-iilatt-a eiten aivelviu evr,- y-.'e ill the Union. Adterliavinei.la in a .Tied at the rate of flOper page. wood BKonAViro- Thmie tequir'n.e W.nd K.inrraving, can have their nrncra executeil in an u iriviiltetl iiinuuer. Spet-uil attention ia aivcn to viewa i f ANIMAL: an expetieuoed Kuti'iali Urauphrainiin ia eng igixl f r Una exprora Uire. In ona liviint nt diaance c;m forward n ilnguer-1 ype of the object by mnilj lliey wia'i engraved, which wiil he a anrTicieiit eu-tle t'i obtain a p-nect f'lt: aitr.i;e. .ftek Brenlera will be dealt with veiy liuerttl leruia. February 16, IMfl Oino VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE auhacKbcrg, Execntora of tlio estate of Henry Maaser, ilic'd., oiler Tt privato rale tl.e following property viz : A large two t,tory frame dwelling lioure, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND. Situate In Lower AuRuata townaliip adjoining lahtle ot Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kunliniin u a More and dwelling. The l.oune ia new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF MMF.8T0XF LAND, in said township on the river nboiit 5 roilet be low Sunl'U.y, adjoining land of .1. T. M'l'herson and others, containing, about SO ncrra. The aoil ia productive and contain limestone ai.d other mineral. Also a tract of Land, containing about acrenn the bill, about two miles below .Stmhury, adjoining tuuiJa of the lieiis of the lute John Conrad and othcra. There iat, on ihii tract, a mall orchurj of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the stibecribrrs. H. R. MASSER, ) P. U. MASSV:R. Executors. fraxcis i3U:nnn. ) Sunhury, January 19, 18.' 6 if B00KS!B00KS! Walk this way for Bargains- "HTEING dt.-irmi ol dispoeing of my entire Si 9 stock of I;.oU find Stiiiionery. coinprieing some 2ll,(iL'0 Volumes of Law, Medicni, Reli Binua Scientific, lilank, Musical, School and Misrellincous llo.iks. Also, ICO Reams of letter paper and a lot of Wall paper, sti cl pens, water, &c. I w ill dispose ol the whole ttock nt public sale (ale at my store, o; poeite the Court House, commencing on Mamliiy tlie 7th day of April, 1S3G at I o'i'Inck, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole atock is sold. WM. McCARTV. Per JOS. H. McC ARTY. Sunliury, March 15. 1S5G. tf Ts.rT XT IP. ALT. persons indebted t the Grin of Friling At Grant. 01. r"te, II00V account or othetwn-e are reapei '.fiillv r, qii. etf ,1 10 rome forward and pay up U-tween this and tl.e Iimtof April a they wish to go to the city to lay in their .S-iriin; atip (lies. FKII.IXU & GRAXT. Bunburv, March 15, 18.r.0 tf DILWOBTII BHANSCN & CO. Hardware Merchants, Haviiijf removed from No. fill to Xo. 73 Market Street, Philadelphia, Are prepared, with greatlv increased facilit'eii, (o fill order for HARDWARE of every varie.y on beat terms, from a full assortment, including Railroad Khovela, Picka, i c. tf.'oi-ntry -rerchknta u-iil others will Cud it to fore'picte-t to cat! and examine our stock Lo-Aprri"-'' !' fleew'iere. .. 1: nS'J. ly 5LI1T1- nr at ke;. CED PRICES, 13. J. -wri No. 12 Xonh t;lxlnIAIS, OriBinatorof all new etOt 111 VI, j . .... . PlnliiilelpVia, DI.IX US, i.oi.1 Uordered and t VLXETIAX beautiful desiitiia. 11ml' -.,.1 -ii l Hhades.nl Holland, u.ed iur Bbadts, Fixturcs. 'i'ff"1" nf uc, Ck c. -uuua, STORE SHADES PAINTED TO OHDEU V: manklul Tor past patro..se, rcsucct fully sohct. the citizen, of Northumberland J-ountv t, call and examine hi large .a, ," , ? Ulore purchasina: elsewhere. ""-ueut Wt STfDV TO P EASE. April 5. 1850. of Leather and- Wji. !" '". ...d after an experience of' .''j1''' "ve- prepared to warrant Ihem elui ' " fhia country. I am .I? 1 lo ,,1tl' Strapa for Grist Mills aUo i-lalvf-Uather How, of ., eri.,r qu.l-ty.' nilJ . . JOHN H. HAbKEU.. " No. 33 BoutU L'ulaw Btieat, M.reh miMft, V'o,., Md. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. Wilkinson ft Renn, Respectfully announce that they hat taken the tand lately occupied by feora:e Renn. where they are preiated to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the most Fashionable Style. TH K stiliscribcra reapectfully call the attentioi of the public to their large and splendid as sortnient of every quality and price af ujivir-u iftt: which ennnot fail to reiomntend itelf toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up nf the bet stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and tbe subscribers aro determined to keep up with the many improvements which are eonstitntly being made. Their stock consists of Mnhopany SufilM, DIlMMM (Mil! I.IHIIIrte Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, Sim, r.i:i.KFlST l)IMG TACI.B and also VENETIAN' BUM), equal to Phila delphia manufacture. UEOSTEAUS, of every pattern and price CITBOAMDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In !mrt, every article in this line of their business. 1 hey also mauulai-ture all ktntls and qualities CHAINS, I'Ciuillng varieties never before to be liad II bunburv, Hih as Muorir, Hr.aca WsLXti l 1 1I (VtlLt.1l M Wl.k t IUM M ; MM WlMISOII t-'HIIS. tn 1 n t Pi tin r-ro,ii.a, which are ol tbe latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by nolle iiuiiitihii lured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are delerniined that there sholl be no excune for persona to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence ran be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Cdinirs. Their articles will he disposed of on as good terms ns they can be iirclinxei elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. CP UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves with a handsome Hkshsk, tiiey are now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this plai .. ty The Ware Itoi.m ia in Fawn Street, bc ow Weaver's Hotel. WILKINSON i RENN. Snnhury, March R, IBfiC tf. New Wholesale Drug Store. 1ST. BPENCER THOMAS. No. 26 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. IMl'OUTEll, Manufacturer nnd Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stn!r, Paints, Oils. Colors. While Lead, French and American White Zinc. Window Glass, (i iSHunrcs Vnriii.hi r, llriislics. Instruments, Ground Apices. Whole Spices, and all oilier nr title tsually kept by Druirnits. including Uo rax. Indigo, Glue, shellac, i'olai-h, Ac. Jc All orders by iniil or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine O'.r stock hcf.ire puri-hnsitig ils,-iviere. Goods sent to any of tho W harves or Railroad stations. Prices low mul goods warrntitcj. Murch 8, IS.'iG ly OF every description, auitalde for Rnil Roads. fcc, for weighing Hav, Coal, Ore and Merchnndiip generally. Purchasers run no risk, every stale la tiunrauteeti Uu,,,,,, n,.j ;r, ni,., trial, not found auiisfactory, can be returned without hnrge. ter Factory ot he Old Sland, established for iiioret!;an twenty vesrs. corner of NINTH and Melon btrcel. l'hiludelpbis. A1JUUTT & CO. March I, Ifi'C 3in c 1S5S. SPRING STOCK. OF NEW COOPS. Fiisliioiiulili1 Silks, full line of li!tii k Silks new Mylo spring Shawls, dress pnoils do.. Linens nf ft rt.njr fiibric. Muslins of host lonir elolhs, Btnplu hiuiyt-kt'ejiiiiij ;ols, Mens wear of all the livw ft Ics. EYRE & LA N DELL. 4th and Arch Street, I'tilaile! hit. T. S. Storekeepers. Families untl all Good Xett Cash Buyers me re-'pei'liiilly in vi ted to examine this stock of New Comis lu'-f'oi-e iinrcliitsiiio, as we prefer sulling low, and selling the more (roods. Storekeepers may oitrn fi.iJ prertt jobs from Auction, ns we Attend tho Auctiou tales of New York 11 1 1 (t I'liiiaih-ipiiiii. I'hila.. -Maich 8, l;.rjo. Sin. w IVnnylva:ila Wire Work). No. C3 Arch Street between Second and Third, (Oppoiiv Broad Strict.) Sierw, Ji'uhllt, Sertent, ll'woi II"i-e of all nicuhv ami width, with alt i)idi of j.luhx and fancy Wire Work: Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens ; Paper Maker' Wire; C Under and Dundy Roil covered in tho best manlier; Wire and Wire Fencing. A ery sopeiiur article of HEAVY FOUN DERS &IE ES. All kinds of Iron Wire and Sieves. BAYLIss. DARBY &. LIXN. Phils. Mari bH, I H.iO. 3m c FOE S-A.T,E 1 "WO HOI.'SES cbeau for cash. Art ly to J. U. MASSER. March 59, 1356. OOT5. fhoes. Hats, Caps and Gum SUoei, fi ft just received and for sale by On. 7 lM. TKXF.R oVOo ATTORNEY AT LAW, tiUNUURY. PA., Aided by some eight year experience in the practite ol the Law, will ntiei d with fidelity to all mailer appertaining to or will in the line ol Ins profession. Oliice wnh Charles J. IJruner. Et-q.. Market street. Suul ury, Sept. 15, ISC5, if Dissolution of Partnership. OTIl.'E is hereby given that tbe puttnership ' heretofore exiling between iXaiii'l A Berg, tiesscr ,t Jno. H..f. in tl10 Mercanliie bii.iile. ainburg, baa beeu dissolved by mutual con u.t. SAM'L A. BF.RGSTREtfSER JOJINHtrr. I The account of tbe late firm will be settled by S. A. llergstrester who will continue the bu siness at the 1 Id stand. S. A. D knciTB(sar.a. r'vsburg, Aptn 13, IHiti JOUNEON & BROTHER, CABITTUT MAKEBS, No. V4 Notil tsvconj Street, first door above OiriM Chuieh, Philadelphia. PERSONS in want ,-f Bureaus. T,l,, Sor. 1" ". B.d,.ead-. a,,. every v.rieiv ,.f AniiM-holJ fninnure. would do el ra Mioseariule are made up in ,h. U.t aiyle. ind "Id at I he loweet prices. April 14, ImMj. ly (JEDAPTllltS. Horse Buckets. Painte.l Buck kets V'b.n"'. u-'l0"'r-Cor" Ur"um ke . Ch,l.l,e Waous.and YaiAea Clocks usi reene, ,n, for e , lay W. IH.1.V 1. W. TENF1I i I , T ILEY'S UGi cXNUvTT-, .hi. orne. "mrdy ,0' OU,"', ' lecemlr 4. I HAS. ULANTCS LAXKS of every description can be had I,. -rjrTaiwortieajef tta Anieairsvri REMOVAL. CHARLES MAOARGE k CO. RAV1.N0 REMOVED PROM NO.SSCOMMERCF.ST. TO THE South-Wt.fl eor. nf Siicth and Carptnttr b'ti. PHILADELPHIA, OEO to rail the attention of Purchasers to " their cxten sive assortment of Paper, ond Paper Makers' Materials Printing Bujiers for Bonk and New. Water leaf, sized, iiiicallen- dercd and callendered. of all qualities and price , always on hand : Hun! ware and Manilla Papers, Trunk Boards, Binder' Boards, Hanging Papers dec., 4 c. Particular attention is invited to their exten sive assortment of LEDGER PAPERS, From tht most Celebrated Manufactories in the Country. Among their WRITING PAPER STOCK may be found Com. Note, Folio Post Atlantic Note, Thin Medium, Balh Post, Demy, Qunrlo Post, Medium, Fold'a Cap, Royal, Flat Cap, Sup. Royal, Imperial, Plate Papers, of every description, size and quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Papers, white, bull", and gold, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, lino glazed, and other varieties. Mnu-ifactiirers are invited to examine their stock of Itsgs, Foreign and Domestic, Bleach iur; Powders, of approved lirands : Mum. ground or crude; Sal Soda. Soda Ash Fellings, Wire Cloths. Ultramarine, and Paper Maker' Mate rials generally. r9" Thry are also prepared to take orders of odd sizes and weights of any of the above descrip tion of Papers. January SO, IS56. 6mo Tl,HE subscriber respectfully in'orms the riti I zens of Sunliury and the public generally, thnthehas commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. Hj has eneaged the services of Mr. Iliac, and von can therefore depend 011 having n good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to cull. All orders from a distance, will he promptly attended to. P. M.SIIINDEL. Snnhury, Feb. 2, I8S6. tf MACKEREL. CODFISH, SALMON, II RR RING, PORK. HAMS AND SIDES. -HOULDERS. LARD Jk CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for rale by J. PALMER & CO.. Market Street Whaf, PlIILilll tl-llll. March S3, I8!i(i 3in w KEYSTONE MAKULE WOilKs Market Sireet, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. E. P. JACOBY & CO., IMPORTERS of mul dealers in llie v-trinus - Foreign nnd Domeelic Marbles, .Statuary. Ac, have constantly 011 ha ml n l.iriie nnd select as sortment of .Mantles. Tombs. Monument. Table 'I'jps. &e.. of every I'esciiptiou, not excelled by any in the city for beauty, symmetry and finish. Cabinet Makers, Plumbers and Marble Cut ,. c, r..,i.-i,.i ti.. .i...,...., m--i, Mir. hie of every description and pntlcrn, whether Foreign nr Domestic, either linihcd in the Mali or Block, on the must reasonable terms. We rtspectfully invite attention to our Mock on hand. March 1. 165(1 3in c MUIU'IIY & KOONS whou:sai.i: df.ai.kiis i nsii hki:su &. rRovisJo.s, No. 47 North WH ARVES, below Race Streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on lund a large assortment of FISH, CHF.Ksi: At ntUVIsiONS. which lliey are prepared o dispose of at the lowest Market rates. Orders promptly executed. March I, 1SC6.--3m w 1850. STRING MANTILLAS 185C At "Wholesale and Retail. GEOHGE BTJLPIN te CO. No. 174 Chetnut Street, Plnlaui-lphia. In conufcii-j'i ii;"i Ot-.r'je r. iUnn, Xo 3ol Jiraathrri!, .Wu Vork. Are now prepa'ed lo supply the Trade from every section of the Union, with their Importa tion and Manufacturer for the coming season, comprising all the newe-t detigus, from One Dollar to the moht costly garments manufac tured. Merchants will fir.J it much to their advantage to examine our stock pre ions to purchasing. Close II uvers, purchasing for Cash or Short Credit, will receive a liberal discount. GEO. lil'LI'iN ,t CO.. 11 Cheeiiut aired, PhiUa'a., Between Scit-m!iir Eljjhlh its. April 5, lSAO. 2m w Fushionablo Hats and Caps. ASIIBY & ROCAP. .Vj. Ufl Market it., rXIILADSLPHXA. J X FORM their fricn-1 and the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a largo and extensive assortment of hats, raps, Ac, got up of llie beft material and m the latest and best et j le of wuikinamdiip and finish. Country mcti'iant and other will do well to call aid ex amine beloie pun basing el-ewhcie. Phils.. Nov III. less if. ffH A IN PUMPS.- K small number of ihes excellent piiru have beea received and are o!fer I for sale by II. B. M ASSER. Sunniirv. June i. IfclW DAMVILLE HOTEL. JOHN I JEEXsT, J., Market Sired, ltun.nile. Pa, "EMMS is one of the largest and most coinni.v. -- dious hotels in llie interior of Peiinsy Itania. it lias been recently fitted i,p, in excellent style, with all the modern conveniences, Dauviile, Sept. 22, IRISS THACHER Ss WODDHOP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE ii TRUNK WAREHOUSE, .Vo. 11 Arch Street, tip Stuirt, Between Third & Fourth St., upper side, near Union llotil, Philadelphia, Carpet Bags and Vnli - s nf nil descriilions. H ACLESF. THACHER. ROUEKT N. WODDROP, Pliihulel) bio, Jan. 2. H.-iH if COLLINS & M CLEESTER'S TYrE FOUNDRY and Printers Fiirnifhing- Warehouse, Ao. 1 Lodye Alley, hack of utw Matonic Hall rhiladelphin. Pb a'.. Jan. 12, I8.M ARDWARF..-Table Cutlery. Raror. Pock mM- et Knives. Hand use Wood saws in frame Axe. Chisel. Door Lock, .ml H:,,ae.. Han-t Belli, Waiter, Ac., just received and lor "'''J' I- W.TEXERoiCO. Sunburv Dee. 9. 1H.M. 1 r me lot of Wall Paper just received and for al by WM. McC'ATY. . Market Hi real. Snnhury, Jan t.1855. HLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank Mortgage, Honda, Execution., Sumn.ona Sunlrory ,AtrI -t. l5 AYER'S PILLS, AKRW and sinrtula'lT suceessful remedy fot the eure's OJ B.lr,v, diseases Cos tivrness. lndi- pesUnn, J.e.ndice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fever, tl'iutj Humors, Nervnusness, trritabilitv, InAamma tinns. Headache, Pains in the l.lreast, Side, Hack, and Limbs. Female Complaints, Ac, Ac. Indent, very few roc ttie diseases in which n Purgative Medi cine is tint more or le-s reiuirt-d, nnd much sick ness and fullering might be prevented, if a hi.rm less but ellecttU'l Uatliartic vu-re nunc freely med Xo person c-.n 'eel vre'l while a coitive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates aerintia and eft.'ti fatal diFiises, which miglit have been avoided bv the ti.'ticly end judicious use of a good purgative. 1 his is t.liko true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and bilious tl ranccmcnls. They nil tend to become or produce tho deep seated and' formidable distemper which load the benrscs all ovrr the land. Ileni-e a rci:r.'jc f .n..!y pbviiic is nf tbe first impnrtnnre to the public heiilth.'nnd tliis Pill has leen perfeeti-d with riinsmiintate skill to meet th-tt dcinatid. An extensive trial of its virtues by l'bysiriaua. Profes sors, ttnd Patients, has shown it-suit surpassing any thing hitherto known of r.nv medicine. Cures have been effected beyond beli'-f, were they not sub stantiated by persons of Mich ex.-.Hed position and elinradcr r.4 to f.itbid the siisnicion of untruth. Amal;i the nu.iiy eminent jj-.-ntlenscn who have testified ::i fever t-f tbese we may mention : VK. A. A. Hatxs, A' t;..r.! Cbemis't, of l5-itim, and (State Aaviycr of Mi'isi-achur-eits, whose high pr'fr!ssiiut?.l clirir.t-.-'. r i-. en-lorseii l.y the Hon. V.iiwauii Kvviii.rr, Senator of tho V. S. l.)l!l!llTC.V:I;il:l, Ka-!?pe:-.kcr (jf the House rf Hcpresentativ,-2. Aaii-r.-T I.aii;m7.. Minietcr Pn. to Vr.rland. t JonN IS. FiTxrATitifK.l'aiV.. bishop nf H'istoii. Atr, l)n. J. 11. (. hii.ton, Practical Chemist, t f cw lorK t ity, ei:doree:l by lios. W. I,.' Maiii V, Secretary r.f Ftite. Wm. 1!. AsTiilt, the rich.-st nn,n in America. S. l.i:i ami) Co., l'ropr's of iho Metropolitan Hotel, r.ad others. Did apace pcrniit, we could give many hundred eertincates, front all liarts wtiere the Pills have been used, but evidence even more e.myi.,cii.g than in Ibeir etfrcts u;nn trial. -jcr.cii These I'il'.s, ti:e result of tnng iiivestigation and study, are oflcred to the public as the liest and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They ure ciniiiouudcd not of 1 the drc.es themselves, but of the iiic-.licinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chcn-iral process in a state 01 purity, nul t unbilled together j in such a niuuncras i-i ;..si:re li:c best results. '1 Lis : system of eur.iiinsit; r. f,ir nrJit ir.es ha been furid 1 in the Cherry l'ei lor;.i and Piiis both, to produce a ' more efHcii iit remedy than had hitl.i rtn been oh- j taincd by any pmces. 'l'iie rca--on i perfectly ob- j vious. Whiie by trie wlfl mi.de of ciiiii-osition. ev 1 ery medicine is bur b ucd with ni-ire or less r.f a:-.i- ', mimical a;id in-uricus uai.'ri'--, :,v Ihir. e.'.h it.di- ' vid'ial virtue only that is liesired ftr ti.e turutive i eliect is pre-n.t.' A':l the iiicrt and i.-buoxinus i.ual- itics t.f each suimtance cnr.il-.ved are left hentiid, the 1 curative virtues only licing. retained. Hence it is 1 self-evident the ellccU should i.rove as they hr-.ve ! proved mere purely rimcjuil, and the Pills a surer, 1 ; more powerful antidote to disease than any other ! a medicine known In tiic world. ! t As it is frequently expeait r.t th.-.t ray r.edu-.ne should be taken utid'.-r t'ue counsel of 1,11 attending Physician, slid as l.n ennui not prr.neriy judirt- of a remedy uiihout kiioivlri- itH co:i:r"isitj.n, I have aupplii-d the a-c. irate Forum: I v uhi.-!i both my Pectoral and Pilis are n-.ar'ie to ti.e ivi-ole bndy of Prai titionera in the Caitt ii Si..;cs and liritish Aiier ican ltoviiu-ev. If ltowecr there sh-jnid he auy otie wiio has iiot r-:cr.ivf.d then:, they wl be nroiutitlv forwarded bv m ill ta l.i : Uf all'lhe Putt :il Me-linaes tV.i.l are ottered, how few wouid be ti.kcii ii' lln-ir L-oii.7.r1.it;..n ,as known ! Their life comisti in their invsUiy. 1 huvc ::o mysteries. The co:t posit;,-n of my prenari. lions is lid oprn to all men, r,r.d a'.l wh.o i.'re coioc'.rnt to jucVe on the s-il je -t ficely r.cknnnhdire their convotiona of Iheir intrinsic merits,. The Cherry Perioral was pronoiiiictd by scieiititic nun to be a wv.r.d'-rfnl medicine before its effects Mi-r,' kno'n. Many t.p. inent Physieiniis have diclart-d the same thing of ia- Pills." ami cvi-a r.-o:; couiuienttv, i.ad are will ing to t'-.'it. y that thc-r Kl.Uc:; alitms nets tuoiC than rc.ilijr.l hv their t U'ctU upau lri:.l. T hey o;TeiaU !-y tivlr o-.-cr:':il intti. cr.ee on the intiri.-.d iiocr.i to purify ti.e i l.-.-i-i and stimi-l.-.te it into iv. -il'.i.y :irti. ii rcaiovc the ohatri:c'.i';T:s ef tnc stun.: -h. t ...ivchs, Kvi r, ard otiier organs of the bedy, rsstcr.r.g their irriv'.hir a.-tlon to health, and by 'ei.irc-;:tii!g. wi.revt-r thi y c:.Kt, si.-.h us-range-rrieiits as are the 1.1st oriiiiu tf ilisr;,se, r.euiff M-i'ar wiii(-pt-d t1::;: are l?a.eit 'o t:ike, ami bcin pur.1.;.' v. ctahl.', no buna caa arise fr-na their l-e i-i r,T.- r i- .a, Ity. For minute dlicc-.l :i.b", re wrapper on tl.e Dux. llilU AUtli UV JAMES C. A Y E 11 , I'rsiClirili I Atllllytii III ( IietlltSt, LOW Trie 25 Csnt per Tit. Ptil.'.) !-"i7 JJoin for S'l. itv tVelaei .V flrj ie,-. Sim-.nry ; Tiol A i -ini, Shs n ikm W. IVn-inci. N-irih-itnl-.-i :-nil ; .1. V . I'ksI-'W, Millou, and l.y nil l-lrii.-iT.iMs in rvl.ii Uicrii I't-nnsj Ivruila. June .!.., l-j. !y. j JAMES 2I0CL1NTOCJC, M. D., Lato Pill 'it lit ;.f .i,l;;..ttiy nn.l i,rj,cry . ,f ptni i B-h l.ti.-i C'lin-se of Mt-a...:iic, an I Arlinf. 'rii.'rsa..r ,;l ( M .i-w::ery ; - o: ll.r t-tnsiiil mg fill Kii-aiis ,.' llie I'lnl i inli lpiua II iij-.i'iil, IhncUcv; liiU liic.iincr ol Hie N :il i-uul Medical A....I-I.U.O.I ; nicui .in.f the Pliila.lelplna .Mnii c-j! Soci.ty ; taci.ii.er ,.f Ine M -'i'-,-Clill urcicil College 1 ol l'l.il.iiif Ij'iiia : formerly I'l-csaliit anil Protea n if I ll It uny u.i 1 filiuery In c'asl'et n Mulicul Uoilej-e, Vei i l.a.nt ; anil !-.., Inn- I'r.ifeaaoi ,,f .ii.,..i-i- ami 'ini... j itty ia Mcrkfiiire .Me-hca! liKlilullon, PiUntivlil, M isa., A. , Ji' , Il.ia -itt- 'y i.ilr's'ii-ed in a fny.irili; p'f--ii!.tioils tor siimediua e-M,a!ar form aevernl i f his itnu.s lor i:li priuciii.il itisviioc ,.f tin, clnni'l-. Tii;. iinine of ea.-a arti; Li wnl ililnlv the d. sense for vl :-.-li il is iii'.cii!;,-!) to i.e urn I. DH M. CI.!.'-. I ( n-K'S rilCTi'lt.M. SVWI'P. 1 l)it. Ji.-Cl.l'v VtlCiCsJ CDI.U AM) i-ill '.-ice?! .Vl. 1 l itc. I or Lo.-Js, L.'.li IS. .Ve I'ri.-C i f-la Dlt. M-i l.lN i l.c:; S A-TIIM.V AND lloOPINf, C'U'iiil IMAiKDV. Ci.cu .in n. l r. .ti. u.lNTor:c, TO.N.C A I.THIINA Tl VE SsYIUY-IVr !'ar,fvi,.tf !l- ll;,.o,l. Vr.,e HI. Dit. .McLl.l.N TliOK DPKPritl I'.I.IXIR For yiiiK '..lit- (o tiic tr-.iuacii rrlit-VMs paina sll-r eating. 'sil..,rn nt.il all iM.ii'ri-ea!iir a licLoii.s urikimi lio,u i,u!.-;,'!i'.:i Pr.,-.- . Dli. .Mel. 'I.I N I', H'K'M li IJKi'.M ATiC MIXTTltK A Pjr.-:y , u- i-it.1,. f;,-in,-.iy ..e iitleriuil "ia,-. pr ..-e "ti ,.,. D!i .McCl.l.X IVH'h IMIKIMIATTO I.IMMKNT Kor Ii Kcuui'iiisiii, s-ruu a. eu ehtnua, ,Vc, Ac. I'ricr Sfleenta Dit. Mi-ri.ivrocK'is ANfiiivM-: .iixTrisn r... P.iiiJt. T.Kili.ictie, llcaitaclie, .curniyij, Ac. Ae. Piice 50 '-en's. nit. McCi.i.NTorK's KKvr.n and auck ppi:- CH'li? A c.-rtn.ii cure tor nil Inleraiillriila 'r..-i-?l III! M (T.INTOt'K'f III AltllllOlA t'tlltlilAt. AND CIIDI.I.ltA PHI-.VI A l'l ': A .,.er,. ly. I'll. M. ri.iN rocK s vi.iit-iT.ti::.!-: iM itt; n k l'M.I.S l-'.ii 1' aiiveiiess, lleii'inci.e. Ae. Price -J c's. I Ml. M t'l.lVT. " K'S A.VI'lliil.M il S l-II.I.S l-'or j Irrfpic iT,.y in il,-. i-'itiieili.Ms oi l.n.- l.n-er tiud- U..we.s i Ilia hesl l.iv.-r Pill ii, Lie Price '.'. cla. a i'X . For s.!e l,y J),. J. Mi.cl.lN'I'Ot'lv. at Iua Medici! Pe. j p-s'. V c.rner llllitll 1,11,1 1'litnTt s' - . Pl,i:i.iUlnilia. I.l'll 1.1 all lr.ii-.'is' and Oeiera in M,"iviiivs. A.i Drinjiti-ia 1 imi l)eale-a m M.ic,,.a u no wli I., ha u-n.',, will !e:;se !-' '.Ires., ir. .M,-C!i.i.i ruimaliing reference. tiane ,.f P. . st. 1 iia...-, c.-inilc ni-il ht-.te ' ' t for Sal.-l.y M ,-is.-r A llra.ter, S.uri.iry and Si.n-n--km; Wm. W'ei.ner, .Xi.rtiiiiuit.eriioiil ; C Hr..wn. .Mil On i 1-1. P. I.uiz. Hl ioiiistnirir ; .laeol. llama, r,iH kii..ru ; J-bn Vaiiiei'iu, l.iylit y-r-et : I i-iiarnleaa Jt Sun, Culu. Vt m. rel.ruary 0, If-aQ. G.d. Groat Aiiltul of Fall and Winter Goods! IRA T. CLEMENT fNFOKMS hi friends and customer that he just received an eleirant assortment if FALL AND WIVIER GOODS ! ! Kt his store in Market Street, Sunbury, which e oiler to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consist of a general assortment Dry (Jooils, iz : Ck'ths. CuHim'rs, Casmoets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, I.ixuiis. Calicoes, Muslin dl Lains, Lairns, Ginghams, th rases. AUo a largo assortment of CLOTHING. A lar;re assortment of Boots and Shoe, for Men, Women and Chiidreu. Silk Hats. Tafiama, Talm leuf nnd oilier Summer Hats. Pl.tftfer. GIIOCEHIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Collee, Molab.se, Cheese, Spice. Fish. Suit, Ac HARD WAKE, Vk : Iron and Steel. Nail. File. Saw. Ac. QUEEN6WARE, tea Setts, 1'latcs, Dishes Cups, Saucers, 4'c ITT Country produce of all kind taken in ex chtuge at the highest market price. Oct. 8(1. I8S.V . . ' iK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and a ao Con gr ink for aale, wholesale and retail by Hee,.lKr IH.10. H H MAS.SKIt. iyALI' HA PER. A large and .plendcj aasortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shade, jut received and for aale bT I. W. TENER ec Co, ttunbury, Mar . BURTON ft FE2JT0N, 5. IP, corner Sl.rth and Arck aire, I'lilkAtKM-NM. TEAS! Teas!! an uncommon!? full snd choice assortment of black nd green Teas "fall grades, from the extremely low price of au els H5 40 50 CO Til tJ 7.1 eta. pet lb., warranted to In superior to any to I had else wdiere nt I be same price. We kniw and confi dently recommend them to I 0 pj-r cent cheap er than any for sale, in the city. W hae also a very superior assortment nf Coffee. Old Gov't, Java, Lasuayra, Maraearibn. Rio and Cap - Hay- Hen Collee, New No. I Mackerel and Shad in J nnd i bid. nr ns inav be desired. Cheese, Pine Apple, Sap iSngo, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. S.iap brown and white ; also II. L. Kemlell A: Co s Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of which will go as far a 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Ktarch of dill'crent qualities, pickles, sauces, kelehtips. olives, olive oil. sardines, nil choveys, &c. with n full assortment of Fancy Gooils, to which we invito the a teution of the public locall nnd exniniue our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for side bv BURTON FKXTOX. Wholesale and Retail Family Grocers and lea Healers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. N. II. Good delivered to all partt of the cily I iree ot t h.irge. I Phila., Sept. 25, IHA.V pl y Trusses! Trusses ! ! Trusses ! ! ! C. Ii. NEEDLES, Truss and Erace Establishment. S. II. Cor. of Ttetlfth and Jiavt Utreeti, Philadelphia. MPORTER of fine French Trusses, rnmhi ning extreme lighlness, ense nnd durability wi!h correct cnnstrucliun. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of incite round the hips, and sliding side affected. I'nl i,f!:!i. Teins. 2 :V U .",. hmilil. f fi , $ u(. nMr.f,jon, as to wear. and how to elli-ct a cure, when possilde, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Dunning' Improved I'lilm, Roily Bracr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Brace.', adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders n.ud Weak lungs; English Elastic Ahiiominol Belts, Suspensories. Syringes imilo and lmn!e. ViT I. amies' Rooms, wiilh Lady attendant. Phila., Aug. 1, 1H55. ly P 8. SEW MASONIC HALL, I'iili.AUf.I.PlIIA. AitKNT .VAN' Tiiil 111 .vi v town nn.l e. -unity in the L'nac i Sia-.i-a, t- si-.i :i,e .e.-ui'if .i; jictiire , ! t..fl GV.AND LODGE KOO't. the Nkv .iosic !!,;.:.. 1M.:! 1. !, :,!. ai. Taia P!.-ite ia Sf-I.inr vry in.uilly. ea-i el;ciiti the icl-inrm-ui uit. for II..- 4 irr. a-i-i i':?;.ry wca wiii--ti the Stat-:hv. fusto l'itTi'i-a- r-.-'".!.. are r..r-a-iil.-tl, an I ;.r!.IK- ! eriutv iiP-' -.:iriT,.'.i -f tin: c-!cra ts.lEe of Prate. S-J X 4s. IV--e S I l.-.i. Ii-iis'r.e.:tr!i am! rii-Ia'e ie-ira wishii to talte nreil cica l r it, v.';.. i.lraat: uiiU:,:si, t ir fa':-:;-r .rf V r.UM.VIIlA!.. IV: ' g.-ujiticr, Pliilai'.tli-'.iia Oct tier 57, i?-; i GREAT MASONIC KALL. ' Tlir. i.Ai;nr.jer pi mi portk, Mi-:i.nrKov and i Mfsic siToiti: i. Yiir. i Nrniij si a na, ! Wia he oien,Hi Oct .her l.'il'a ls.V,, ia tl;e Maosic 1 I2'Ul.D!Nr.. C m-BiiiiI Srrei:t. ft! 'V.J r'eve-ith, I'll il nle!.tiU. liv JIMIN MAI1SI1. in,- S I- A.-M f .r His.id-ei'ii. , Cray .V Co. eel .Uriitr.l ll-lrc t'al.,;.-! ..a At:i.-hi:- al ! I'i-iii-i I-',.,:, s. ai. I t' V. Tiai t' I's'l'ri'in.iiiii i Oet.ii A. so. i'i i r.-i'cs an I ii .:-..Uo,.a of other ihs. I nninw'ie-l iii.ilo-rs. .1 . M . i.s t'l-lrunct! : ! -asi- for scvt-iat ' : " i-e la :tn- now, in .fci.irn-eitt iilt.l wt il k mr.-.i Mns-'nie ! IJ.iit.liii. M b -'c lie i.u? :i's k---pita: the i:i'L'-st sUm-k uihI I . i.ss.trt'ii-f of l,'.,:c, I'm-ti-s, Mei-.!e ma. Murie, anil Mu- i sir;.! !pie:n. aa ma -f c.'e-y t'e.cii-,;i a, nil ,.f v.-hii-li are ; eiiieliuly ;aelee!eil l-y loairra. :m 1 v.-ar.-au'.i a to give .cr . f-ei saliracli'fi in e .-,-rv iii"lo,ire. Uctolier SJtii. lkiS. 'f ; COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLEHV STOHE, j A'o. 21 .YortA 7 '.!' St.. l-e!.e Arch, T10I"NT!iY Merchants ecu save from ten to i 'J iii'ieen percent, by purchasing at the above ; sloies. 11 v importing my own giods. paying but I litll rent, and living economically, it is plain I can iiniierscil thoe who purchase their Goods i here, pay high rents ami live like princes. Coiislniitlv nn ham a larire assortinent of Pen and Pocket Knives. r-Viswua dial Rai irs, Tiilde Knives and Forks in ivory, slag. buirbi.l.niie and wood handles, I'srvers r,it. Forks, Ac., lititchcr Knives, Dirks, yiowic Knives, Revolving and p am Pistols-, , c Also a l.i.-Lre Bssoitment nf Aecnrdeons, Ae. Also line English "1'isi-t and (ieroian Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 10, IKS',. ly. Importer. 'jjllll tul'fcrihers o(li-r a reward of lifiv dollar I Iur llie ili-covery and rnnviclion of llie per I son or persons, who cut and destioyed the bands J on the Machinery of thi-ir Coal breaker, at tiie i 1 "inerv. nciween r.u.iniol.111 anil .".It. ; C-irmel, on llie niubt of tho Ot ii iust. J he above reward will bo paid lo any one giv ing inform ion that will lead to tiie i-onviclioi of the uilcndcrf. CLEAVER, FAGELY & Co. Shamo'.in Oct. 157, lx.OS. if. SPECTACLES In Geld, Silver, and Elastic Steel Frames, MATHEMATICAL Instruments separate - nnd in cases, '1 IiCLwomeler of various iiici, fpy li'asM' of every desi rip'.io-i. J'ialiua I pinn.sfor 1. 1!. t iiug Rods, .Magic. Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs. Microscopes nnd M icroscopL' oliiecls. Galvanic Batteries. Electrical Machine, Surveycr'a Com passes, Surveying (.'liaise &i-.,Vr. MJALI.IaTKIi .V BROTH CR. (Established in I7&0.) KM Chestnut Sireet Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (H4 pages) with IStl illustration fomi.iied on application, and sent by n.ul' '-ee ofchurgc. Phila. Pcpt. H, lii.5. TO IEISIT. 4 STOKE ROOM on Market Square in Sun bury, and two room adjoiring. CHARLES PLEASANTS. January I S.'ifi. if Cheap Fruit end Confectionary. ItllllCAJl & fifl.M.ltS, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers in Confec tionary of all Klu is. No. 1 13 Norih Third Strer', below Race, Philadelphia. fIHE attention of dealers is requested to an examination of their slock, which will 1- found equal to any in this city. Foreign Fruit cfall kind in sensi.n. N. 11. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly atleuded lo. February S3, lS'fi .tine "JAM BMC. Swiss, Mull, Bobinelt, French lace, Checks, Collars, Umlcrslceve and Cheinieette, lleak dresses, Velvet ami Velvet trimmings. Tuirkish counterpanes, Elankeu, Broclie, 'J'hibet . Bay Slate Shawl, for sale bv Stinliuiy, Dec. I, '')'). 11. Y. U RIGHT. jsOBURG, French Meiino. Persian ch-ih. Pari twill. Chintzes, Delanes, LeUget, Alupaca. Silks, M ool plaiJ, Mohair lustre French, Seoti-h and American Gingham, ju received and for stile by Sunbury, Dec. 1 '.15. E. Y XRIGHT ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with Ixxika.i nk, and all cc tr.plete, just received, 1 lr,J 'eale by H. B. MASSER. 1 O 1 ,.. Sunbury, June 4, 18A4U I FRENCH black cloth, plain & fancy Casi meres, Cassinetls, Overcostinc. Satin and Silk Velvet vest pallerna. Silk and Wool Hal, Cap. Scarf ami Monkey Jacket, for sale by Sunbury, Dec. I '.VS. . Y. BRIGHT. GOLD PENS with and without eases, ef very uierior quality, jual received. Also a fresh supply of Wining Fluid, for sale by 11. It. MAaMER. eWwy, D.C. JT. 164 U HAYDOCX k riDLXR, I D BALER in Watcbee and Jewelry, will continue thit buaiaeasj at the hi viand of Jama U. Fidler, iVo. 13 South .tmd Strett, PHII.AUK.I.I-Hl.t, Wksre the? aolicit an taamination of their large end earied stack, leelinf assured that the ei pa tience both of them have had in the business, and the faeilitie they , posecaa for procuring goods on the moat aihanlageous term, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand fine assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated nnd Brillauia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. N. B. Repairing of Watches and ll kind of Jewelry in tended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 18 AS. tf. "T0 COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, 2UERN 81 WEITZEL rjESPFCTFULLY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, cnlled the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new cool nresker. All order prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunliury or Shuniokin, Sunliury, June 30, 1835. Photogrraphy t Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ArtT ! J. E. McCLEES, (StictY..orJo McClec J Germon,) VV'OULD call the atlenion of tlie public, not ' only to the superiority of the Daguerreo type, the Hyalogrnph, (by some railed Ambro type.) nn.l the various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that parties nt a distance possesion a small ilaguerreoi pe, may, bv send ing it to No. IdO Chestnut St., have made from it by the means of Photogrsihy, mid the talents of the best Artists, a portrait of ant sirs, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, prices, fie., cVc, wilt be sent gratis to any perion ma king the request. McCLFES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. ltd l.'lu smut st., below 7th Phi!., July 21, IS55. tf. JAMES BARBER WIKH.1.SAI.K A HKTAII. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. 7i. comer of Second ft Chestnut Sit. Where msy be f.ni d, one of the largest an I Vst assortment of Clocks nnd Time Pieces in die United e-tnfes, in ruantities to suit puicli.-iser". i of from a single Clock, to our thousand Clocks ; ! embracini: every variety of style and inaoi'fac j lure, suHhIIii for Churches. Hulls. Counting '. Houses. Parlors, Sleeping apartments, a r.d Kileh ! ens. Steam aitd Canal B ints, nnd Rail road Curs. ! N. B. Clock Repaired and Warranted. I ("lock Triiniiiiniis for sile. A I'. Manufacturer r.f Jlm-her's Celtbrated l'ine GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest qnil! pen. i:i audition to wuicii the iliiralulily ol the inital i I ti ! ly associated and developed Gold and Silver Pencils, nud Pen Holders, Plated W are, &c. wholesale and rcinil. 'i'hofe wish ing to purchase are invited to call. J WiEs B -VKBER. S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sts., Phila. Philadelphia, June 211, lis.').'). ly, TIIE UNIVERSITY'S TAKILY REMEDIES, " S1'11D umlii i ie Sen;. ft...ij,, nn.l Aiithnrily nt llie 1 Linveraity o, I'I; I-:: : MIUiirlM'. ti-i.l popiur kn .w-i-.iue, Clmiti-rr.l l.y the Mi.'e - f IV'ias-. H-.ii.i, Ai.nl VT). lsja. iv Hit a Cni-itul of SI ! Ul.i;c-(l. ui.nnly ir fae pu.-.,..at! f urrraiing the cvi.s of :',.!, i ,i a no,: w'rIUSess Noatruu. ; A ' " - -r fill-, ;. ii.C tl.e tl.-c ncntv will reli-lt .c Itl-II.e. lllCS Wl,-r.-V-l- l l' ,i; e'f lt I'll' ,!.-iil C!l.l..t WLi ln-t eni,:; v ts-t. Tins It-sr iuii,.,,' ln.a purclciied fr.uu Lr John i. :-.,-au, lov Ci-!....rc.id Rutviiiiir-" Tonic ?.IIvlitro, Ka-iyvii n.r u;r.vr.r.i- o-' r -:-.y-t;. e ve-.rs n :he oiilv sure I.;:.! e:-le cur,- f'.n Kl.t'lltt a-i' l Al.TH. A'-., ami ins mes t iiuii.h- l;. ii:.-,i, f .r HUM l.l.il.oM I'l.AI VI S, K.m-auil's t.'..i.i.,ian.l rtynq. i.r tla.-kl.eiry It.i-it, wnivn Ingiilj-a;-pr iy :ii..i ii i(Ki;.u Itee.eta-s. lotti-tlier wila 'P'lS i'ii.vers.l-, 'A Kellieity f-.r t'. 'l,-'.niti'.a nf f lie T.;:nas ; T .e I ii'VL-is.'. 'A Keuie,l lor Dyai-epsiu . r liiiileatieii ; Tl.e I : ..risir.'a Keiue ty f. -r C. s-ive-ll---.ve ; Ala.,, ti.e I nn'vtiiy Ai.rin-ioe may ue lc had, at the lirau.-h Duaeuii.iry, or btt.rs of WILLI A'.t Dill l'lN. Nov. 3, ie:s. ' .Mutisn-iy p. o. I CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY, j TE.'KY A; El! E I' Y, invite the altei.tion of ! A Uicrcha'itii and otliers to their largo stock of eiecanlly bouinl liibies, ll vtnu Books, J'r:i,.-r Ijo. ks, A !i.iiui, nnd Presentutiou Books in all tt Ics of hi ml lug ; -s-Uliilnrii 'I'! 'htvloni.-.v, .Medical, Bonks, which lliey ! MisceHauco.is and School i have received from Trade Sale and are acllii; I at extremely .,w prices. j -U. o direct from Iho manufacturer nr.d fm ; porters, even- kind of Plain nnd Fancy Writing, Letter ai.d Note Papers. Envelopes, tiold and j Steei Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, ac, iVc, at tne lowest cash prices PERRY i ERKT'Y. S. W. Comer, 4t!i and Race St. Philadelphia. September S3, l?.1f,. tf or :::k UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. earner 'Jiird nud Chestnut Sts., PIIll.ADI-ll.l'lllA. ( API l .tl. Vl'io.n.io. MOM'.Y ia rec.-.v. d ...i ihp..a.l rim: . Tlie am-iunt ,i..i,isii,.. .ae.iieret ,i, a ile.v su ! .,,k:,,al tivta to tiie I ).-!--.t. ,r . i,r, if prrivrrc.l. u ecru:, ate w-i.l l.e given. A t: amns, birire and ainaii, are received, unit llie amount ia.,1 lack on ih-iiiaud, without notice. Ii. i. iii u,iil at 1'ie rate i f riv ena cent , com-nn-. icing f.-oni Ine day o ilrp. sit, ui.d censinj f wrtceu diia pievi-.ua to ll.e wiil.driiMiil of llie money. tin the first day of January, in eacli y.ar. the interest of each dep. -ait is Ji.d to llir Lk.r.Sil. r, i iid lcd t" tlie prinei sil. ua he may irel'cr. T'ae ( oiiisiii, ti ive ii.,w upwar.'s of 1J.K10 dea,ait,.r ill tlie Ci'v ( Plnlii.leij.lila -1 ne Aiiviel.tili .nut iiiit,riiii,ti -ti wili he piveu hy addraaamg the Tabstl'lir.. DliUlCTOIiS. Stephen It rriiaford. Prea'l, M ilhniu M. Cislwin, J-iwrcuce J 'lina ,ii. Vice pres't, Pent 11 losMant, -Aun.li W. Tlioilliiaoll, l- ire .M.-ll.-nry, Iteiijililllli M. Tingle-, Jaines lleveie.is. Ja-j-.li 1, Klorauce, Gun ivus llasliah. Secrelary and Treasuree, I'MW 1'is.lC. Txt-LKS SND IMSSIEEIE, J. COI.liLSCIil.Alil.lt. 1-liilauslphia, tept tf, l-M lyP. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 Noilh Second Street, (npposttt th itlount Yei hnn House ) Philadelphia. (OLD Lever 'ntches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, .'Ji'S ; Silver Lever do,, do., I2; Sil ver Lepine, do., Iji'J : (Junrticr. -15 to s7 : Gold Spectacles. 4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., I SO ; Siivcr 'Fable Spoon per sell, $14 lo $18; Silver Desert tin.. '!o.,. 'J to $1 1 ; Silver TV do., do., $1 7.1 to 7 AO ; Gobi Pen and Gold Ca se, :) t2S to $3 ; Gold Pens and Silver do., $1; together wilh a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as lepreaenled. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. A I so, M a onic Marks, Pins, ic, made to order. N. B. All order sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila.. Sept. 88, IRAS. lyw. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., Mixes, snu auirt'iK or UcD f.l) Vntljvacitc OTortl. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Enamokin, North'd County, Fenna. Addre. Boyd, Roaser Si Co., Sunbury, Pa. ii. m. imi. j. bosses, us. aorn. t. hubm. Sunbury, April 7, IH5A. tf. SILVER WATCHES A few double can s3 English Silver Wathea, for tale at eery low I"" ly H. B UASSkK. suiiu . Axi l, Docrron TornsKLFi mB POCKET MSCULAPIUS: OKI BVRT OMR HIS OWlt TOTStCIAft'. ' . rpiIE FIFTIETH Edi' A tion.with One HundreJJ Engraving, showing Die eases and Malformation f the Human Svetein in every; liape and form. To which' ia added a Treatise on the Diseases of Female, being el the highest importance married people, or tho' contemplating marriage ly Or Wm, YoniiK- t.M nn father l aahnmeil to present a copy of tha AJ"J. CI'I.APIL'tJ to Iua eliilil. Il may savn him Irmn an early grave. let no youn man or woman tn'er into lite aeers olilitnliona of mnrrieO life without renninp llie I'df'KKT A-lH'I.APIL'r. It no one sufTerittc fr.-m linekmed Coiieh. I'aiti in the sjule, restlera nights, uer.vnns fceliuat andile whole I'uin of Dyapeptie acnsatioua, snd given ii- hy their plivaieinn, he nuolliet moment without coil- i'iImmi tl.e AlsJCbT.APII.'rt Have the ma.ijed, or tho nbcut to he in-irried any inipedinieiit. rend lliillrtily naeful Issik. ns it lina heen Ilia meaiia of saving tlioiiaarfd of an fortnnate creature from the verv jaws of death. r Anv ners-n eitli,ig TWl NTY-I IVH CENTS, eneloae,! in n letter wni receive one copy of this lK,k. hy mail, nr five copies will lie sent fot one riollni. ArMreaa, lis. W. Y)l'NO. ."so. 152 Si'RI.'CE Suett, 1'Jlll.A DI'.I.I'IIIA " Pott paid. I'liilsilelpliin, fepieinlwr S, 1F.W. ly flARI.OW.S IXOlfaO It LI' I'. IARLl)WS INDIGO IT,tT., t now wet established a the best artfe1 ever clferej fur Blueing Clothes. Il is entirely fro fr.-pi acid nr anything injurious to the finest ailiclrs.. Ail housekeepers will find it much chr.Tf-r apd le trouble than Indigo or any other erfr:'. The great demand for il ha brnimbt nut several i',ai tatien. Storekeepers and consumes will be. careful to get Bksjmi! B ininw's, put np f Alfre .! Wiliberger'e Drug ?iore. Ko. IfiD, Second Street, M.dladelphia, Storekcenerj can get their supplies from tho Groren and I'rucgieta they deal wilh. at prices iclding a goo-1 piofit. Drugs, tShetr.ical ruintfi, Varvhhrx, Dye ftufft. o-c, wilh a f.rst-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physician and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rae. ALFRED WII.TBERGER, Drucgist. 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 1, IS.'iS ly. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. IHE subtcriier having reeeivej the iirt essnry forms and iiisructtions from the Drjiailnient, at Washington, is prepared to procuie Bounty Land Warrants at th shortest notice. II. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, A r :' 7, 1 85A. NEW FAMILY G HOC ERY, Flour, Feed and F-rovision tore. EEASKOLTZ & PETERY, I'roadicaii. le'neen falktt ft Illucklerry Stt. ejKsPECTFL'LLY in'orm the public that sl they liae just ieciv,.! a larte ard well seleitnl nssortmeiit of ihoire Family Groceries, consisting in part of Hams, r-'hon'ders. Mari.ercl, Herring. White Fieh, Co-1 fish. Salt Preti r'ed Fruit, Pickles. Cracker. Checre, Molasses, lliie, Sugar, ColVce, (areen, roasted and ground.) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cci!ar-war, Stone-ware, Soap, hruthr plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco. j 1-0nr"v together with every article usually f i'.inil in a first class Grocery Store, i,! of which will lie sol I nt the lewest prices, either for cash ct country produce. We alsokepp on hsn-J choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, Ac. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsnparilln. J-c. We are a'ao prepared lo sup ply the citiin with 'resit hrrid, twist, rolls, pies, pr, tzels and cake of every kin,!. N. B. The highest asst priies will ha paid for huttor and egtrs, corn, oat, n e and wheat. Sun'. ury, July 7, 18.',,'. ' Ehamokin "White Ah Anti-r.'.eitn CcaL Frrnn tht '-Old I Vi'u" i'i the Gup Cmli r'j. H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PilR-JEL, , succcison to Kasp, Reed ia; Co., wi coii tiuue mining, shippin-i and seilirnr coal tr.oa the ah-ne well known Co'liery. under thcli.mof .iioiiieriu-in !t Pursel. 'J'iie point ol shipment is nt lh lower wharf in Sunbnry, No'lhuuil-ei land county. Pa., where all order for the various kiln! of coal, viz: Lump, Broken, Egg, Move, ami Chestnut Coal, will be t!iKi.s.fuliy ieccivs.d ami promptly atteu.'ed lo. tunbury, July 11, !e5.r', Si-.s HtnT, Jrr t S, Si3. Tb ll'm of Knee, Reed 4- Co. l aviup; Sold t!.eir!e-ii in the Gap Co-iiei) an I iu ercsl in the ""'.ii'f ut Snnbury, to Messrs. .iinmeruian ce i'ti si I. would take great pleasure in i oiinnend" ing our riis'omers and other t- thu new fln,j, at the., e il! l.e a':.!e lo c.I l!ie:a preparrd coal ot the beet quality, KASE, RKI'.D it CO. j H. H. if. HIGIICE'S remedy fur coughs j --'co!d, and pulmonary disease. A supply : tlila vr.luii'-l mediciiie just received sin! for sale ti. U. MASSER. Sun'iiirv. June 4. if.'il ARNOLD'S WRITING 1 LI Ji) ami ive and legal envelojies, I'...- s4!. ,y II. P. M.-.s;-Sonbiiev. Inn 10. ll. V -t. United States Hotel, Chestnut Streit, ahre i'ouiih. eO J- Miu-LEI.LAX, flate of Jones' Hotel.) has tlie plemure lo inhirm hi liiemla ,,id he traveling community, that lie ha leased thi House f,.r a term of jeur, and is now prepare lor lb reception of Guest. The Local advantngeaof this favorite establish ment are too well known to need e nmie.il. The House and Furniture have been pu ir lirsl r.iiu order: the rooms are lurge aim wel venliiated. The Tuble wiil nlw ay be uppl:et with the liet, and the proj.rii t,,r p'le-Jgt hip sel that no eft'iirt on hi part ahull be wauling ll make the United Stale equal in comforts to an Hotel in the Ijimker City. I'hila., July 8, S54. SAMUEL S. FETIIEItSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Lnntfrii., Cliandi lien and CandcUini, Ae. 152 S. 2d street, r.ioi Sprutt, Miti."C: ruts. Faving enlarged and iu.prote.l hi lore, and baling one of llie 'araot ssswrlmenls ol Lar:i,s. in Philadelphia, is now j repared to fur nish Pine Oil, Cnuipheiie, Burning Fluid. I urd and Oil Lumps, and Lanterns ol all pslierHs Glass Lamp l.y the package, at a ".all advance j over auction price. Being a Manufacturer and ireuier ol I'm Oil, Uun.ing Fluid and Alcolu l which will be furnished to Merchant at such price that they will timl it to their advantage ta buy. Also, HouseholJ Glassware ol all descrip tion at l'ie lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, lr).)4. NOT1CK To Trespajscrs on the Telegraph line. OTICE ia hereby given, that ail p ruon ' found trespassing upon, or injuring the lit. a of the Philadelphia and Sunbury 'i'tlegraph wit. I deutl wit!) according to the a. I ot Ascu,biy iri such case made ai.d provided. H. B. MASSE K, Prca't Thila. and Sunliury Telegraph Co Sunbury, June a, 1S54. if. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by .. WEISEU& BRUNER. Tina prepaiation ja rcconimeiided a an et. eellenl laxative and purgative, it operates n.iidly, I entirely free from any unpleasant tasle. re embling lemonade in flavor. Thi nn Vicin, i, highly benelieial for disease peculiar to suiumer and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, leSL 1 KWELRY. A nice aaaortmeiit of Gold ami IfUver Peucila and Pena. for aale cheap by O, EL8BERG V to. Market lret, opposite the Pus Ot&o tntu , Oct. , 5J WW