Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 31, 1856, Image 3

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    r r'
Bcuck, May 23. The largest mwlinft
fvor li"lI in l-aiifiiil II nil, assembled lusl
rvviri'ff. to cive expression to thf-ir ludurnn.
lion nt ti e assault on Senator Sumner. Five
thousand were inside the Hull, aud thousands
outride unable to gain entrance.
. .llovernor Gardner presided, assisted by
40 Vice I'renieeiits, including the most dis
titif nitilied men or all parties. Among t lie
ofticers were I.ient. Governor Bcnckley,
Mayor Itice Mr. Huker, President of tlie
Si-nnte, Mr. Phelps, Speaker of the House,
Kx-Oovernor Botitwoil, Hon. Samuel Wnlley,
Ex-Mayor Smith, Hon. Nullum Hale. Kditor
ortlie Daily Advertiser, Amos A. Lawrence,
Professor C. C. Fellort nnd Lyman Ueecher.
'J'lie meeting was opened with prayer by
the Rev. Rollin II. Nenl. Clov. Qurdner, on
taking the chair made a stirring speech,
-characterizing the assault on Senator Sumner
as uu exhibition of grossness nnd brutality,
exceeding anything written on the piigea of
history, nnd calling npon Congress to expel
he iissniluDts from its Hulls.
The Governor's sentiments were responded
to liy tremendous choerinjrs throughout.
J mil's Kiissfll To owed Willi u genes 01
The nieetinir was afterwards addressed by
.tohn C. Puck, UeurgeS. Hillinrd, K. C.
Hiker. Clus. A. Thelps, Summl It. Wulloy,
Col. Brewster, Peter XV. Chandler, mid
John A. Andrew, representing nil the politi
cul parties. Many of the speeches were
unusuully warm und defiant eliciting, in their
pri'iiiiiicnt points, most tumultuous responses.
The fnllnwiuif uro the resolutions:
Resolved, Thut we have heard with grief
anil indignation of the brutnl assault com
mitted unon our esteemed Senntor, Charles
.Sumner, for words spoken in debute, nnd of
the insult offered in his persou to the honor
of our Commonwealth.
Resolved, Thut in this outrage we see new
encroachments upon freedom, new violations
of State rights nnd a strange disregard of
ruivalrous princip es. while in the conduct of
such Mien as Senntor Crittenden we gludlj
recfignite proofs of the fact that in ull sec
tjirt's of the country there nre men of high
honor, of pure principles and of true patriot
ism. v ,
Retired, That thia attack is to be re
buked not only as cowardly assault upon a
defenceless titan; but as n crime against the
richt of free spi-fcch and the dignity of a free
l;r -nlved, Thnt, as American citizens, we
Oiei.iv anient the odiuttt which such nets
urt lipon otif country and npon the cuuse of
Republicanism throughout the world.
Resolved, Tlmt although sixty-eight mem
tiers of the national House of Representa
tives have voted thnt. they think no inquiry
eganlinc the nutrntrc is tiecessnry, still we
nel ciifideiit that Colore: will Tree itself
"rum the ;mii crime, by cxpelli.VJT the oflou
ii.r from the sent which he lins dishmd.
Resolved. That we regard every blow
uflictcd upon our Senator us a blow aimed j
.it ns ; that in our estimation his wounds are
loiiomble wounds ; that us citizens of Ms--uchuFctts.
without distinction of party, we
ledge him here, in old Funcuil Hall, our
ymput'iiy und support in the fearless und in
lepeiuieiit discharge of his duty.
The resolutions were passed unanimously,
itul tho meeting adjourned tit 11 o'clock.
Many Indict occupied the galleries, and large
VUgations wore in attcudunce from the
ieigl.boring towns.
Lowell, May 25. A large indignation
neeting was held here lust evening in relii
ion to the Sumner assault. Mayor Hun-'
inglon presided and speeches Were made by
he Hon. Homer Bartlett, S. P. Adams,
lev. K. B. Foster and others.
Wo nc est Bit, May 25. A popular demon
t ration was made last evening, at the City
lull, in relation to the assault upon Senntor
Saunter. The meeting was very large. The
Ion. J. S. C. Kuowlton presided. Charles
Vl'en and others spoke. A aeries of resolu
i'ii'.i was adopted, denouncing the outrage
i;iJ commending Mr. Sumner's course in
y. rgress.
The correspondent of tho New York Tri
)Ute gives the following account of ths out
rageous uttack upou Mr. Sumner, in the Sen
in Chamber:
Wasiiinuton: May 22d. Mr. Sumner was
rriling uniispectingly and busily at his desk
ilt. n attacked by brooks. Tho Senate had
djniirned earlv. on tin announcement of the
. Mill of Mr. Milli-r. .. Messrs. . Urooks nnd
lait approacheil him, euch with n cune.
tuvcral persons had been about M r. Sumner's
esk after tho adjournment, but nt the time
ho.'eii for the uttack he was uluiie Mr.
Yilson had just left him. on his way out pas
ing Urooks, who was setting in n back seat.
Jrooks walked up in front of Mr. Sumner,
i ii J told him thut he had read liia speech
w'ce, and that it was n libel on South Curo
uia. and a relative of his, Judge Rutler.
Without waiting for uuy reply, or asking
or any explanation, he immediately struck
dr. Sumner a violent blow over the head
villi his cane, while Mr. Sumner sat in hia
mi tiiiublo to cxtricute himself, cutting by
he blow a gash four inches in leng'.h ou hia
ii ad The cane was ot gutta percliu, un
noli in diuinetor. Urooks followed tins blow
niiiiediutely with other blows, striking from
twi Ive U twenty in ull.
Mr. Sumner had no distinct consciousness
tCter the first blow. He involuntarily strove
o rise from his seat, but being fustened by
lis poaitiou, tore up his desk from its fasten
ng in the attempt to extricate himself He
daggered under the blows and fell senseless
.i the floor, being wholly stunned and blind
n ii the first.
It is stated by a reporter who was present,
n it Keitt stood by and brandished his cane
keep off others. Mr. Morgan aud Mr.
urry of the New York delegation, were in
he front antd-roinii, and, hearing the noise,
viie1 in. Mr. Murray seized hold of Urooks,
had now broken his cane into several pie-
.'and. Mr. Morgan went to the relief of
hit., ouinncr. wiioni uu lounu posiruiu linn
arly unconscious,. . The persons present in
l.t Senate ero Mr. Suttnu, one of the re
porters, the Assistai.t Sergeant nt-Arms, Mr.
imoiiton. Senators Crittenden, lverson,
lAglit, Toombs', Doitglus, Pearce, and a few
.thers. No one oi thn. benutors seemed to
ffer to interfere but Mr. Crittenden, who
renounced it an inexcusable outrage.
Mr Wilson rushed iuto the Senate Cham-
rr on hearing or the attack, but found Mr
Mimner had been removed to the Vice Pres.
.ient'g rooms, and that a surgeon was in at
I'lidaiiue. lie then helped to put his col
engffe into the carriage, and went with him
7 hi lodgings. Mr. ftumner la badly injur
d. Waviujr two very severe cuts on the head
Ilia condition it considered critical, aud his
l.ysiciun allows mi one to see him. His
-lollies were literally covered willi blood
vhen he was removed Coiikiderable blood
.i also smittered on the adjoining desks
The correspondent of tlw Nw York Her
aid gives the :ollowing: .
Mr. Brooks waited at the Porter's I.odgu
it out an hour yesterday, and us long this
ncrniutr. hopinir to meet Mr. Sumner, with
i view to attack him. Failing in this, be
i.tered the eanate cbamber today, just as
bat bodv udiourned, nnd seeing several ladii
inwnnt. seated himself on the opposite aide
Mr. Sumner. Soon all disappeared Jmt
nil. II then requested a friend to get her
mt, whan be immediately approached Mr
Sum our.
firmt RawDrn. Heekih Conant, nf
Hartford. CI, formerly a printer ooy n
a,. ,..i. Mus.. ia renortad to have sold
f patont tor tust trtw trroccb loading rifle for
I New Advertisement,
New Goods for the People !
f ESPECTFCLLY Informs the public In pen
rral that he has just received and oiiened a
splendid stock of
it hia New 8tore. In Lower Augusta township.
Hia stock consists in pari of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and wonted.
Callrneaj, GliifflinniM, E.ntTu),
AIviiNKelliie De sUtiuea
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Geods.
Also an assortment of IlnriUvniC. Iron
and Steel, Nails, &o.
Aim an excellent assortment of
QUEENS WARE, of various siylesanJ
Also an assortment of HOOTS U SHOES.
HATS & CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, Kc.
And a great variety of other articles such as art
suitable to the trado, all of which will bt sold at
the lowest prices.
C7 Country produce taken in exchange a
the highest prices.
Lower Augusta, May Si, 1858.
Bargains at the Old Stand.
4 RE now opening a new and very deairable
"V stock of Spring and Summer floods, em
bracing an endless variety. Their stock con
sists in part of
Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres,
Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and
SILKS Plain and Figured Black.
An asaortment of Plaid Siriprand Figured Fan
cy lire Silks at unusually low prices,
Sliellics, Drnres, Hrino Dc Lains, Mus.
De Lains. Lawns, Ac,
CINCiHAMS from f.J to SS cents per ysrj.
CALICOES " 3 " Vl '
Cambric Jacouetta, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Uohi-
nett, French and Swiss Laces, F.iliririRS. Ac.
Urown and hlenclied Munlina, llrilliiiRs. Ticks,
Checks, 'Cowlings, Tnltle Diapers, ic.
Cedar-ware, Ilo'low-wnre, Iron, Steel, Plaster
Salt and Fish.
Also a treah supplv of
Thankful for psat favors, we hope by strict
attention and a deaire to please, stilt to meet with
the npnrova! of ourfrienda.
CV Country produce of all kinds taken at the
highest market prire
Sunburv, May "4. IS.IC. ly.
S. N. Thompson's Store,
In Lotcer Auyusta loicnshiji, tit tne Junction oj
the Tulpihovken and I'lum creek roud.
TVWWi subscriber having returned fiom I lie city
JL with a new and extensive aasnrtineiit ol
farhiouuble goods, reapectfullv calls the attention
of Farmers, iMi-diaiiies ami otliem to the same.
conaialiug in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimeres. Cassinets, Jeans. Drilling.
Jliuslins, rs.'riigs, i ireeus, ana uu kinas uj
Spring and Summer Wear,
Calicoes, Muslin de Lmns, Lavns,
Ginehams, Reraes, Ilulirs,
ll'oo.Vnf, Flannels, Ij'c.
jiuci:rii s,
Suyar, Teas, Ci ll're, Kiec, Molasses, Cheese,
Spires, i-alt, &c, Ac, Vc.
Nails, Screws, Files, Suwa, Knives & Forks, Ac
Queens and Glassware)
of Various styles and patterns.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
mru. women aud children.
Hits Cjf, Ac. of various sizes and stylra.
lU-Miles a large and general assortment of
faaliionalile goods. Call and f JsmiliS fur your
selves. lV Country produce of all kinds taken in
exchange at the highest mnrket p'iees.
Lower Augusta. 5 mo. 24, lH.'iC.
Ojfut opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa.
Prompt attention lo business in adjoining
By virtue of a certain writ of 'irf Facias
to me directed, will lie exposed lo ptiutic
sale, at thn Court House, in ?i unlnirv. on
MONDAY, the 4th d-iv of AiiL-nst, 18;")G, ut
I o'clock. P. M., the following described pro.
petty, to wit :
A certain half Lot or Ground, situate in
the JSorouuh of Sunbitrv, being the eastern
half purt of lot No 1C'.', in the general plan
of said town, fronting on lilackberry street.
nnd bounded on the east by lot No. 1C1, on
tho west by tno huir lot No. lbi, on t lie
north by an nlley, containing in front 30 feet
und 230 feet in depth, whereon ure erected a
two story log lmu?e, weutlier-boanleu ami
painted white, und some outbuildings.
feoizcil, taUen in execution, una to be sota
us the property of Jacob Ruble.
11. u j-.isi!., BDenu.
Piikriff's Offii'E. )
Sunbury. May 1", 185C. J
Ml. Cunntl, Northumberland County, lJa.
May 10, ISS0.
Ettate of Mary Updegrove.
Notice i hereby civen to Cusper Upde-
crovo. I' (Jttegrove. intermiii ried with
John ltrenisholtz, John Updegrove. Adam
Uiideirrove.'T.vdiii Updenrove, widow of
Knnwilen ltiint. I nomas L piieprove, Miniu
Updeiirove, intennorried with .lames l.vtle,
and to Suruh J., Levi, and Klizabeth. minor
children of Lsaun Updegrove, who have for
their Guurdiun. John 1'Jn iclit. vul t-o John
Kbi k'lit and hia wife, who was the wid
ow of said Isauc tialeirrove, heirs unl leirul
representatives of Mary L pilegrove, ileceased,
lute of Lower Agutta township. Noithuui-
berlaud CounlV. Pennsylvuiilii j that upon the
ni tilioo of Tin. inns Ulideprove, uforesuid. the
Urplians C ourt ol sain couniy inline uu orner
awurding un implesl ol paruiion nun viiiiui.
tiou upon the real estate of said Mary Upde..
grove, de'd., situate in Lower Aug-jstu town
ship, count v al'oresuid. udioining laud of Chris
I iuii First. Adam Christ, l.vdiu Starr. I't ter
Cohiruin. nnd Cusner Snyder, dc d., contain
iiiL thirt v-three and nne-nnurter acres more
or lets und that in persiiunco of said order
of said court, I will bold ail intuisitnn upon
the said reul estate or said .llary updegrove,
de'd.. ad Friday the twentieth hif of Jline
next, (A. I). 1656.) ot 10 o'clock, A. M of
that duy. on- the said premises, to inuke parti
tion and valuation of said reul estate, at which
time and place yon may attend if you tbiuk
of Notbumberiaud County.
Sheriff's Office.
:. HirubnrY.Maf MW.
riIIE subscriber respsctfully infrrr-s thoohlie
X that she still continues Is kssp the above
named public house.
She has also recsived naw aapp'y rf freed
liijuors and wines, and trusts that she will '
sble to give satlafaction lo all whs may -4a1', her
Sunburv May . 1856-lf.
ttorthumbtrland County, Ptnnsyleanin.
TWMMi large and commodious Hotel Is situ
JL ted nearly half way between Sunbury nd
Pottuvillc. The aceneiy the salubrity of the
atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make
it one of the most delight l" I summer retreats in
the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four
stories high, fitted up with all the modern con
veniences. Tho pure mountain water is intro
duced into every chamber. The plare Is east
of access, being but one and a hall hours ride
from Nunhury, over the Philadelphia aaJ Sun
bury Rail Road. From t'ottsville. it is ITmilrs.
Lvrry attendance will be paid by the proprie
tor to make gucats comfortable. Charges mode
rate, jkssl; KICK.
Mt. Carmel, May 24, 185(1. tf
The public arc hereby cautioned against
the purchase or a promissory note, for $115,.
00, iliited May 5, 1S5C, given by lieujamiu
Mart?, and Jacob Mowerv. to the subscriber,
as said note was lot on the road between his
res?dence nnd the town of Khumokin, nnd a
new note given in its place.
Shnmokin, May 17, IS'iC. 4t.
fMIE subscribers wo. .Id respectfully announce
JL to their friends and the public in general
that they have taken the Steam Giist Mill. Sit
uated in Upper Augusta to nahip, Northumber
land comity Pa., at Klines-Grove known as
Klines Mill, and would solicit the pslrotiago of
the public having confidence to he able to give
entire satisfaction to all. w ho will pulronixe them
being able to aecninmnJute their customers at all
limes, and at the shorteal notice.
Al.SO.-Wheat A Rye Flour, Drsn and Chop
of all kinds. Alsa wheal rye, corn, oats, Ac
All of which will be sold low for caab. Call
and eive us a trial and satisfy yourselves.
N. 1). Grain of all kind wnntrd.
L. CAM It E I. L It CO.
May 17, 185C 3t.
TIIK partnership heretofore resisting be-
tween the undersigned, under the firm of
Weiser & Kroner, is dissolved by mutual con
sent, this the 14th day of May 1856. AM
persons having unsettled accounts with os
will please call and settle the same without
Sunbury. May 17, ISfiC
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended I would respectfully solicit a
continuance of the same, nt the store, next
door to K. Y. Height's, Market bt. win re a
fresh supply of Drugs &e can ulwnvs be found
M. A. UKCNtlt.
Sunbury, May 17, 185C
wo i ten.
kLL peraona are hereby notified not to pur
ennse or meddle with a certain promiaary
note, drawn by the subscriber, payable to A. J.
Toul. at the flank of No: thumberland, fur the
sum of Two Hundred dollars, dated the S9th
day of April 18515, as he has net nceived value
theiefnr. and will not pay said note unless com
pelled by law.
Ma? 94, 1856. St
Py virtue ofa certain writ of TTferi Fancias
to live directed, will be exposed to public sule
nt the house of Cupt. IIutT, in Milton. Nor
thumberland county, i n., on RwHAj,
the lOt Ii day of June, 1856, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., the following described property, to
wit :
A certain tract rr piece of land, titaate
in Turbut township, Northumberland county,
adjoining lands of Nuthnniel lirilton, Duvid
Lvelund, Peter Kuul.lo and Samuel lilaii:,
containing five acres, more or less, all of
which is cleared, whereon is erected a two
story Brick House, a frame Smith shop, out
buildings, Ac.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be
sola us the property of Hubert G. Gittonund
Isabella Girton.
1IKNKY WKISE, Sheriff.
SherifTs Odice, 1
Sunbury, May 17. 1836. J
JUST 11ECK1VK1) 15 Y
I. W. Ti:.M It & Co., uubtirj , Pa.,
rU beg respectfully to announce to out
' frienja and the public t .at we are naw i
oeiviiig a very h.rRS and well selected stork ol
goods suited to the season, which we are deter,
in i .. r J to sell cheap as benloloie, finding our uk
inotio of
"Smalt profit) and quick Sale."
to work well we shall continue to adhere to it
our stock cunaiala partly of the following via:
Gros De Rhine and Summer Silks, Chilli, De
bege, llarege. painted and plaid Lawns,
Uinghnm Lawns, Robed Uresea, Va
lencia Skirts and .Skirting, Grass,
CVrd and Crinoline Skirts,
Jiconet, Cambric, SwUa
and Hatred inutlin,
l)i.hops Lawns
1'laid, Dot-
ted and Figured Rwias Muslin. Linen cambric
handkerchiefs, Chcmifctte, Collars, lulls and
undernleeveK, oriiited cashmere, thibet and othcr
sbawls, giiighunis snd calicoes in great variety
Ready made mantillas, parasols, I unsc.
Cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, esliiiES, sunmer
goods in various alvle fur coats and psutalaons
sblrl bosnma. collara, cravats, beaidie a larus as.
sortmeut of Ready made coats pantaloons and
vests, toigalber Willi a general assortment of l.a
dies and gentlemen UouU Shoes and (Jailers
mens, bovs and chndreus Hals, and Caps-
Hardware. Queeusware, Groceries, Cednrwarc,
Stone and Earthenware Drugs, Paints, Fish
meat, salt, nails, or, Oil Jc Vc.
A good supply of school hooka and copy book
with printed Copies on eavh page.
C nine and see, no charge la in ads for show.
ing goods.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods
at the highest market pricea
Sunbury, May 10, 1855.
Patten's New York'
203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel,
Window Bhades,
Rilt Cornice,
Bull'. White snd
Picture Cord,
IMsnl Boilers,
U rocaiellea,
Bstin da I, since.
Worsted Dumasks,
Centra Tassels,
Gimp and Loops,
Curtain Uands,
Lace and Muslin
Curtain Pins snd
8tore, Stesmlwal and Church Sbadea or Drs
rery, rot up a the aliorlsst notice.
Curtains cut. made and put up by the most
esperienceu bsnds.
PiTTsa'sNsw Yoas 8ros, 903 Chestnut
fit., Mslodi)n Builduiga,
Mar . IM
'.,. " irOTicti-.-if,. -
rtllTli Vendejs and Retaleri ot foreign and
JL domestic Merchandise within the county
of Northumberlnnd, will lake notice that they
are Assessed and rated by the appraiser of
Merchants taxes, for the year 1856, as fol
ows t
Nimrs. Class. Lickksb.
Levis Tsvinthip,
Bardo ft tTess, 14 Js7 00
Uaup k Savidge, 13. 10 00
Disci tt Darrett' 13 . 10 00
Delawart Tvwnttiip.
I7nya & McCormick, 12 12 50
Geo. J. A J. Piper, 12 12 50
P. A. Fox. U 7 00
S. Wenk. 14 7 00
Sam'l llartranft, 3 (.0
Joseph P. Ilogue, 13 10 00
S. Antrum Ik Sou, 14 7 50
Hilton Borough.
Cyrus Urown, 14 50
J. Murrav k Co. 12 " 12 50
Wm. F. Nngle. 12 12 60
Steiner & Slugs, 14 7 00
K'ramm k Wolf, 13 10 00
Goodman k Mood, 13 10 00
lleinen k Knush, 12 12 50
Kawn & Chapman 3 60
J. V. Caslow U 7 00
Frymire A lirother Pi 12 50
Prick k Stout. 12 12 60
Dr. Longshore, 14 7 00
Sweu!; A Slicker, 12 12 50
Win. Pilchcr, 14 7 Oo
John M. .Vood. 14 3 00
J. & M Yount, 14 3 50
J. II. McCormick. 14 3 00
David Krauser 14 3 60
Spencer Kinney 13 It) 00
J. V Ganger 14 3 50
J. Angstudt, 14 3 60
Sw-cuk k Sticker 14 7 00
Isaac Drown, 12 12 50
Tlios. Stndden, 14 7 00
S. W. Austin, 2 50
Sarah Davison, 3 50
Cltilisquaqut Township.
Chas. D. Cox 14 7 00
Geo. Haas 14 7 00
James Heed 14 7 00
Adam Conrad 14 7 00
AorMuniirWand1 Dorotigh.
O. I. Tuggert 13 10 CO
Mark IS. Priestly 13 10 00
Wm T Forsvthe 13 10 00
J. Tagca-t 13 10 00
Wm. Elliott 13 10 00
Wm McCoy 14 7 00
A Youngman 14 ' 7 00
0. Hobbnrt, 14 7 00
Henry Wenk, 2 50
D. M. Drautigan, . 3 00
Point Tovnship.
8amnel Woods, 13 10 00
Sunbury Borough.
1. T. Clement, 12 12 50
P-.. Y. Bright. 12 12 50
Kriling k Grant, 12 12 50
P. XV. Gray. 13 10 00
John Yonnp. 13 10 00
I. XV. Teller Co., 13 10 00
Weiser k Druuer, 14 7 00
S. Simons, 14 7 00
Geo. Bright. 14 7 00
Seusholtz k Petery, 14 7 00
H. Ze.'tlemover, 3 60
G. Weise AClement 14 7 00
Cbas. Dright, 3 50
Albert Elsberg, 14 7 00
Upper Augusta.
J. F. k I. F. Kline, li 7 00
J. V. Muigun. 14 t OO Augusta.
B. lleffner, 14 7 00
A. J. Conrad, 14 7 00
P. F. Zimmerman, 14 7 00
Isaac Martz, 14 7 00
S. N. Thompson, 14 7 00
Coal TottnsMp.
Bovd. Rosser A-Co., 13 10 00
C. A D. Chichester, 14 7 00
Cochran, Pcale A Co.. 13 10 00
Ammerman. Zucrne A Co., 13 10 00
Josiab Iteed, 13 10 00
Zimmerman A Purstl, 13 10 00
II. Longenecker, 13 10 00
iird A John, 13 10 00
Weaver A Fugcly, 13 10 00
A. DurTacher, 14 7 00
W. II. Cherington, 14 7 00
Ovster A l'.nies, 2 60
W'cikel A ."illtnaa, 14 7 00
Henry Stranse, 14 10 00
Jueob Wagner, 14 7
Ztrhe Touinship.
K. ITelfenstein, 12 12 60
Sears A Forsythe, 12 12 50
Marcus Strause, 13 10 00
Alexander I.sib 14 5 00
Isaac ICeifer 14 7 00
D liolxhoe 14 3 00
Jacob Itenn 14 2 50
Malan Manly 14 2 50
P.cubcn Kiine 14 2 50
Sh anwl in Totensh ip,
Taggart. Fttrmiiti A Burton 12 tlO
Farrow A Withington 14 7
S Bergstresscr 14 7
Huff A McWilliams 14 7
Sumiul John 14 7
Clement A Martz 14 7
John Yunzant 14 7
Zimmerman A Manry 14 7
Rush Township.
Jonas Stine 14 7
Little Mahawy Township.
S Rotharmel 14 7
IlVisiuijron Township.
Wm Kehres 14 7
L'pptf Mahanoy Township.
Daniel Ileim 14 '
Daniel Kisenhart 14 7
Isaac Kurl
Jackson Township.
Wm Deppin
J G Strieker
Isaac Earl
Ltwer ifahanoy Township.
P Burr'eir 14
Isaac witmer 14
Klias Weist 1 1
Andrew Ditty 14
Jordan Township.
Josiuh Swart 14
J Wert 14
Cameron Township.
Herring A Ilaupt 14
Chas Weikel 14
Mt. Carmel Township. .
DTleiserACo. 13 10
Bell. Lewis A Co. 13 10
Seusholtz A Fegely 13 10
Chas Avers 14 7
Restavhants, Otstkb. and Eatino Hoists
Xames Tmcnships. Yearly Kent.
Joa. Eckbert, Milton,
Jos. Harris, -"
Win. Ashman, ' Trevortonj
haruh J. lbivison, lurbut,
Smick k Hileman, tiunbury,
Edward tiass,
J. M. Keperline,
Milton, Class 8
bbumokin, 8
David Dovbler,
Jacob K rum,
P.obert Duttoo,
11. Uiltson,
Simon Matt i,
M. Gearhart,
Geo. V.'illiums,
Coalaxo LuHitts Yakdi vrtrnia tui Cointt.
Samuel jjlair, (Coal) Milton, A
John Kunkel, (Lumber) 3 50
Henry (Jobin, ' Sunbury, 3 10
Henry Weiae, f . 3 60
. Bsewem W1TBW tBI.COUHTT.
O. Frll k C. rbilipj, Shamokin, 50
Wm. J. Philips, Zerbe, ( 60
Pbmohs KfroAnsn m RgrtirTiitrj Ad Skluko
WmsKgj W-tTUIN tub Cocmtt.
JohnKohr, Milton, 60
An Appeal will beheld at the Com ris
sioncrs oOico at Sunbury, on tho 21st day of
June next, nt 1(1 o'clock, A. M., at which
timoand place those interested may attend.
Her. Appraiser.
(janbtiry, May 17, l8.i.
J. F. &. I. P. XCZiXIffB,
Reaiertfiilly to their friends and the
public in general that they have rereivnl at their
Store in Upper Anptmta township, Northumber
land eotinty i'a., at K lines (irove. Their Spring
and Summer goods are opened to the public a
rail assrolment of merchandize Ac.
Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy
Cans men, Satinetls, Cheeks, Kentucky Jeans
and all kinds of .!piing and Summer Goods.
A lot nf ready made Cloathing, suitable fur
men and boys.
ladies Dress Goods,
Shawls, Oiiighatnt, Ucrsge Delaine, Calicoes,
black ftiiks (Vc.
Alao a freah supply of Drugs and Medicines,
Grneerios A., of sll kinds.
A new supply of Hardware, Queensware,
wooden ware Brooms 6c.
Also a large assortment of Roots and Shoes
suitable for men women ami children.
Hats and Caps, such as I'slm Leaf, Panama
Leghorn. Siik 4 c.
Also an assortment ol Books, Stationery, ink,
Pictures and Picture frames Ac.
Fish, Salt, Cheese 4 c., and all goods usually
kept in a country atore. Con-e and see, Come
one, come all. Cheaper than the Chespet.
Thankful for past favors we hope bv strict at
tention to huainess to merit a continuance of the
All of the above named stock of goods will he
s ild positively at low prices for cash, or in ex
change for country produce at the highest mar
ket price.
Klines Grove, Pa., May 17. 156 tf
Xo. 59 A'orlA Euhth Street, Above Arch, side,
Ladies from the country, can have shoes mads
to order in the very lest style and workmanship
on a few days notice. An exce llcnt assortment
to aelect from, always on hand.
May 10, 1856. ly
Importers- and Dealers in Carpetings,
Masonic Hall, Chestnut St.. below Eighth,
VlOL'LD tespeetfully invite you to cull and
' examine their larc and well selected stock
of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat
tinea. Druggets, Hearth Bugs, Door Mats. Sec,
which they will sell to the trade at such prices as
wi,l make it desirable for those who wlh to pur
chase, to call and examine their stock, before
pnrchaiing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, April IS, 1S5C ly
THE Sunbury Academy will open its Sum
mer Ses'ioii 011 Mondav the 5lh dav of
Msy, 185G, under Mr. ISAAC ULIT, as Prin
cipal. Term per quarter are
Lower English Brsnl-.. f 00
Higher do do 6 00
Latin. Ac. C 00
Permits desiring to send Scholars will plcnse
apply to one of the Trirstees for a noleof ad
mission into the KtJhkiI. All patrons will he
considered obligated for ore quarter unless spe
cial arrangement be made.
It ia earnestly hnied tliat the citizens of Son
bury, will liberally patronize the School, and
thereby wipe a stain from the escutcheir of our
I. XV. TEN Kit,
XV. I. GUKKNounil,
S. It. PEU.E.
May 3,
I 856 if
Esl'ECTIT'LLV announreto the citizens
Sunhurv and the iieiglihuring country
vital they bale opened a
in Water street, in the rear of the wharf and are
ady to sell at reasonable prices the following lit
of merchandiiie, viz :
Hour, drain and Feed, Bread, r ish and
Cheese, Hams, Shoulders and Herring, Colli e,
Si. car and .Molaases, Teas, t:nices and Fruits,
Nula, Confectiouaries of all kinds. Boots and
Shoes, Ladies Gaiters, Misses and Children s
Shoes, also Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware
snd Notions, &e.,&c.
Citizens arc reuueKted to send in their orders
for Flour, Feed and Groceries and we will de
liver lliem properly.
Sunbury, May 3, 18."6. tf
From the Mammoth Vein, for Furnaces', Found
ries, Steamboats and Family ure,
Mr. Cauhil, iNoiiraixui.uLiSii t'oo ri, P.
LUMP, for Blast Furnaces and Cupolas,
STEAMBOAT, for Steamboats, Hot Air
Furnaces and Steam.
FGKEX' For Crat"' St0Kt Slcam
STOVE, For Stoves, Steam and burning
NUT, ) Lime.
PEA, for Litnehurnrrs and milking Steam.
Orders received at Mt. Carmel or .Noillinin-
LciUnd Wharf, will receive j r .:..: I uiienliou.
May 3, 1800. tf
JOTICE is hereby fiiven that application wiil
be mudo bv the subscriber lor a uu iiinaie
of Laud Warrant, No. 20,832 for i0 acres issued
to Valentine Huiinabach, private 111 Uaptain
liumiiuTs Company, dated the lllh day of
October, 18S5, which said Warrant was duly
assigned by the said Valentine Hannabacli in
blank, and ocknow ledgcd before Fiederiik Laza
rus, Esq., aud certified by Jas Heard, Prothonj
tary of Ihe Court of Common Pleas of Northum
berland County Pennsylvania, and purchased
bv the subacrilier from the snic ul. Uauiiaiiacti.
'I'bat thesnid Warrant was bl in '.. Mil
K.o.i.nrv and 'hiliidcli.Ui.i, in November
1850. and has never been uearu
That iii
consequence of said loss, application will be
made to Ihe Commissioner of Pensions for a
duplicate as above staled, by the subscriber.
1 11 11 ft i A IKS l-.R.
11. MJ. - '
Sunbury, May 3, 1858 fit
No. 85 ortli Wharves, PhilaJelplna,
Where the following foods ars received and
sold on eommisaion i
Dried Apples. Peaches, riums. rears, iner
ies, sVcCreen Applss in Usriels or by the bushel,
Mercer Potatoes,
Sweet Potatoes,
Shell' aika,
Ground Nuts,
i... i sm. ii utter.
And all kinds of Toreign aud Domssltc 1 ro
dues. -e
ArU II. ltv-lr
TAVINGjuat returned from the city, where
1 laid in an extinuhe and faaliionalile anp.
ply of all kinds of Goods, whii h I am receiving
now, I would leg all my patrons and the puMie
generally to give Ine a rail, so that I can sstinly
them thnt they can tinwbero In jr as great hart
gains as from me. Indeed the inducements I
How hold nut were finer equalled in this part nf
the country. I intend to sell positively for Cash
only snd that at Vstit tow T.s. i
My stork embraces s great varicts of SPRING
& SIIM.MKU COATS made in all styles and
Colorn, such aa
plain, fancy, striped and checked.
I'antii and Vests of every style and paMcrn. ail
nf tho luteal Isohlniis, low and bi;;li priced, aa
auiteil to Hie want of the buyer. A aplemliil lot
of HATS and CAPS, such as Panama, Curra-
i ns, (,'aiiton, Ilraid, Leghorn, Kennel, Straw and
I'alin Leaf 1 all fasltionnble u')lrs and colors in
wool and fur Hutu, Ac., Ac.
Also a Hire let of Hoots snd Shoes, gaiters
and Slippers.
My annorline nt of Shirts, Collars, Revolvers,
sinnle and Donhlc-Uiirrel Pistols. French and
(ifrmin Acrordenns, all kinds of Cruviiin, Stocks,
and focket llatikkerchiefs,, Triitiks.
and all kindaof notions for ladies nnd gcnlle incn,
ia very large aud will be sold cheap.
Also n line lot of Wiilches and Jewelry, all of
which are wnriantoilj the money paid for them
cheerfully returned it not ns rrpr.seiited.
A II of which Goods I will sell so cheap, that
none should forget to call and secure some id
the bargains at my old place in .Maikct Square
a couple t'oora below the Post Office.
N. B. I suppose it is ncedlnns tn contradict
the ridiculous rumor inv enemies tried to circn
late of my haviiia; led the country ; jtii.1 cull and
you will sec by the l.iuin that I am to he
found at Uc old place etill and sell cheaper than
r.ninhury, May 3, 1 806. tf
.A.G-IXnEW' tSc CO.
A'o. l'Jtl Chestnut Street,
RESPECTFULLY inlorins the eitizens of
Sunbury and the vicinity that fhey l.mrii.
store a full assortment of clioKp and seasonable
guoil which tliey are clodtri; out at
iriucipally from ihe Great Auction Sales in
.New York, and partly of our own importations.
1000 Stella Shawls, oOU Blk. Silk Mantiil .s.
S.10 Chutitilly ff Freuck Lace, do., Utrug..
Shawls Sc Scarli,.
U0.000 yards Dress Silks, selling alC2,?5, Hr
aud !f 1 (Ml per Mt d.
500 Magnilicent Silk Robes, black Gro De
4."0 Flounced Barege Dresses, G:enadines.
Chall'v Organdies, Lawns, French ic Juglish
French worked Setts, Collars an I Sleeves,
Cnmhriu Hdkfj. Rufiliug, Ladies & Gents Kid
Gloves, Lace M l's.
Black Bombazine's, Giiiiiudiues, Beraces.
Cinpe De EHpang, I.tipinea 6-4, Mousclines.
I'atiiese Cloth, Brazelliucs black and Puqilo
Fiouuced Rnlics.
Country Merchants and visitors to Fhil.idel
phia, are invited lo call aud examine our Stuck,
ii'L-liiig confident thnt with the great facilities at
forded us we can oiler great iiuli.ccmens.t
1H0 Chestnut St.-cet, below 8th.
April 30, 1R5C. onw.
JVb. 2G Sou'h Fourth St., Pliladitphia.
Have litul sirct ilpiTinnstni
txiit in loUntving Cfitihf Mil,
1 hut llicir ituniniHcliiTf i f So! i
inuiul r itts tins at IfTith i'-jHy
Witi rnnl t-tl Ihe rrfirvseututiuiis
wtiich Ifive !f t-n iiiintf ot" tlit'iit
icinltTii'tf uu uiiiliu)iirl arcunty
nt;.iiiitt tlic tenilic ilciiu'iit :
Pint a:ht. nil. Aj-rji i-M i"0
M!)irii nv:in A; V.if .;" : 'vruta: 1: nituiii hi t'.ie
hictii-ni ni ifii'-M-:i t" niafc yt u. (nut nw me f-i tlie very
prnlrcllVL: UiDilMH-S ftl" Iff." '' INf Sm ! i illlimliT 1SH; IvlllHl
we niirc)t;inetl ft' you imne few iiUHillirt siiii-f, we saved u
l.irt?i unrtinn m' tuif Jcwflrv'i H.t'k. I'iincrfi. tVc. cxiki-
i-tl hi ilier:itnmitu)u lire in UiiusleuJ I'uief, u Uiemoiu
inir r tin 1 h:i ins:
VJ--n vc n lii'ct tlmt tl.ejie SiilV Vvere ItH-'tlt! in the
("iirih )t!iiry t'f lit.4 liuiMitiff vt K'PUiiitil, iumI t hut lhy
ft-!i suliSiiU'titly iiiin ii lit'iip it hiiniutc nun, whr the
vnM ''iu'-riilriili'u iftnyt c-miRtit ihe lirtit-i .l,tl' tn uirll,
wv rniinut int rt'iiiiriTt prfsrTVJiIt'Mi t't'ilie v;ilu:i'.iie vtni-tt-itiBii
lu it c nvi. icing jutmi' tf the greiit iccuruy nft'.r
tlrtl liv Vnr Srtlt'H.
We siiiHll tHhe ir.'Kii v'.en.itr in reMjnmi'ituuig tlicm to
men of Luihii-m us u tuie reuum c jip:iinf lire.
UKoKCt: W.imo.siV Pro.
rniLAi Ki.Pi'i) April 2. lt-6.
Mrstrs. Kvftns Wutmni I Imve 'lTt r ymi my trs
tintiny in tuvMi oi ihe gri-ist security int'-rilt 4 hi my t-:vrire
murk f( teweirv. Ust-Ks. rnncts Ac, ilnri ic the ri'fcnt
I'ls-'ifroiit ciiiilliiurtiti-'it in U.'iitmeuil l)e, Hvin the I net
ttmt llivj eiiine w-re f.iiidiiiicd in lvo o! liie fealuiuamler
Siu-b nuiiuiiit lurtt! h- y.t.
Hiivinir inllt'ii liiiiii tho lifili shry of the Artitmu 1 Rmltl
inir, wlierv they ver previuiily pluctiil untl vx vi I a
vtai htit fur u l.iiig nun', ihe yr v v;iiiuuuf the vulimMe
t!e:uiitii reir.iif tn evety i vv w U wmiiMnl the upenina
aitil ii.Urii'i vjuiuiiiulKni, u nnitler vi pruKiutid uil.-mii-llient
To nil whoiTtiiy irquire ti perfect p terti'n frim tlie
rnvHifist lire. I k'uijl ni'l tu Mttife m rtfumnii-mi uie une
nf ynur SitVi, 1 LMiiihler t-iey have lew iii'h rr ine the
m st iryihj test. N Moiwan.
rinntun.ritiA, April It, IS'jO.
. Mrwr Evans Wntna t.f ntienu-n X ct nltt ynn
will he deeply pnmli-M mlfjiri Ihe tc MuHti n in winch
l tlis? r.-rrl v.iY l. i.., i ! : f-y ut iitf..mnpe, vi'iiihi iius (
rnck,iirHl utlrf'r vuluitiile lii;uiuei.t, wnciiu;) I'rultiy last
I o-ir: hm1 the rale minle hv ytr film.
Willi inv kti-nvedce ui "its yiiat epusnre, bh ti the
intensity "( ihr licit f n m t lii't h liie i.a I hut whuln
siruvc:! ihe AriiKin Kui.Mtr.C. l' "'" Hie I'mrtj l the
fu:i ifuiii ii iini.-r eievHteti p"Sit..ii in the third s: ry. 1
t: "u!.i .-iiu rtniii I ut sit mi-r unp's prior m itai iiiirrmr in
speftinii, Ih.-it ihecuiiieiiiB which 1 tnira hrphly prize! .
w.'uid rver he nf nnv serviep tn me, but us these feais
nrc ii"W (mppilv removed, 1 hel it nnty due h ' t V"U
Hi.a I t in heiu-i f rin iccHiiuH i.d the ue i f ynur S dVs J
nil tr. V wisii t feel a r uifideure in ill pert-t r
etiriiy wliicli Such m-niis pri;vid i-ynmst si irigluful an
eicinrut. . ''
EowaBD GariM., no nvftiiuler.
Constantly on hind Paiei.t rowderoiid Thief Prjuf
l.(i?iv! t'ir Hin.kt, Fti rrf, 4c.
..pnliO, If?. it- ly
lej' OTICE is hcrchy given to nil persons who
iNl t.eruiuc ii:ilolted tn the suhtcrilicr as lieg
tsler sin! liccnrder slid C'lcik of the Ori.hana'
CourUvhile he held said oilice, either on due
tiill. i,r..ii,i..rv note or look account or the
recording of Picdn, MortgnRcs, &c. that all his
accounts have K-cii left in the hand ol II. J.
Wolveiluii, Kfj., in Sunhury, for colleriinn, and
Ihey are re.iteied to call on him and ay ihe
aiuouiil of ilieir indeUidness.
April 26, ISitf. m-
IS herrhy given that the suWrilier niil he in,
his oliii-e lo tecciie pa) ni it of the accou,,i I
A-.rrcil lu In the f.reK'iing iintke (whj.- "'"
munis ate nuw i.i In 1'osaesriov) from 'he oats
hereof until the sixth Jay i l May next, and
agiiin from ihe twenty-ciahth rt ol May ti the
c.,.1 .1... .if Julv nexU After vSiich ti "
such said unsettled accounts will he sued nidi
criu.iiiately and wilhoul ! W'-
il. si UtUIWlvni
3D3i, S. S 2ESS3
ANNOCNCES to ths ci'ixens ot Suntiury.
Northumberland and vicinity, that he has
opened an oilice in Sunbury, one door wee! of
It's Post Office, where hs is prepared to attend
to sll kinds of work lielongiug lo lbs profession,
in the latest and mosl improved sltle. A.I work
well dons and warranted. '
Also continues Uuia oia, wuuii is, erT
durable aud neat.
AytU I, la-
A Marvellous iiemijdy'i
ton M.4HVILI.01S AClll
Till? ORAM! I XlhRliAt.iWrTJT. V.
Itytha aid ma micron .M, we ur n nf 1 tile
ripnnea mi lt.e MlrfHee tf ! b tif. ! hr nti ll'etle
tlnaOiiiimrtil, wlicn n-Wieil ii ilia skin. Is err:H to n-S'
1.11101 ihM arfl H.rt. Ilian-aea o( lire K.tfi f j, it'Sntdi'ftl
"I tlio l.ivrr, Bllor-ll .l.l ..f Hie lifi"!. If It'll. itSlion I 'M,
l.imct, Amliiinia. CoiirliK nml Colds', art- ht It Aif -na eff4-'
tiiiilly i iin il. Kvtry h iiw-vvife klows lliat S(.!l rar.
fierlv tlirimul, Kmn ,, mwlt , .,T hlcliM. ' lif heal
luf O111111..111 fnt n,,,ta T-nli; pnijial.s tl.ii'.i)rh nnf fl?t.y pnrt ni tlirlls h.1, mrirg tie nical
rtiiniri-ri.ns iiiwanl toini biin'i, csnrcl. uc ieu h4 lr
t.tltur ini.nia. ..
No remeity Ima evs floor so n.neh f r Ihr ea ef dl
Scams 1. f the Hkiu whatever f im they n..v awnn.1, as
ttna ijntmriit. No case of Si;t Ithiam. e-cinvv. !..r
Hi-nils. t;cr..ful.i 1 11 Fi prlii, cftn Iniiff vvitl ai if Its in
tluriicf. The liivi-lilot hue trnvcllcil nv. r n.i.nv fmli of
Kl' ti. , vinUins' Ilia piincipnl tiotpiuils, ili.iien: Ins thai, ; sr I -i list ailvi'ia va to its M. I.i,t a t , ant I:, a
thn twfu (he tnui.i t.t' reaioiii g ct.uniiisa 1 un.tta to
l l,i;e.l,!. . : . .. -
inie of ih rnoai ariciiiitic surge n rr-if . soly
en ilie nap of ilila wm ricifiil Oimii Mil. when hninp to
cope Willi Uu- worst cai-s of ante, woniii's nlcMi, pl'tn
dulir aeltiint, nmt Pnfiin.r lb. II. wy tn.,
l.y roftiiimiKt of ilia Alli-il n.ivrrnmeiita. ilmp'tlrhc'l l
the hospitals nf the ban. Inrtr shlpirwiils rf ilea Oii -nie
il.toh; used mulct thetti.i;ii 1, ihr. Mi rtiei l f a1",
in the worst cacs if woiiufs. It Wi!l cere any l.'ct-r
Siai.iliilur awi ll'its. slifliH'VR ur cui.Ubcmuii of ths j 'iiitSj
even ot fl.) yt-nrft si'iiii!nis
Thcae mnl oilier stiiiilur ilistrcwins com; tuinta e- he
cft.vtiiullv cnrcil if the (liiitnit-nl l.e vm II ne l.e.1 -.vcr thv
rirts tifTi-ctcd mid hy liierwiss following. t:ro .t i..icJ (Ii
tecti.'iia iircimd tucli p. t.
Doth tht Ointment and I 'ills should le used
til the fnUoniny i:Osc : '
Pi!ni"iis l.iiriilinco l.ea flwe'W s('."
Itin iia Mcrcufcil lreltretlrs 1 i,il'
t'hnppeil Hands Kritpti-'iis Si ire C'lceia
rli.ll.iiiiiia Piles .re Throats VeucteM Stores
rialulns liheiiinalisni us ol ull W.-umla of alt
Gout Stall li iieum Mi.ila kinds
Bkiu Diaeima Sprains Scalds
Sold nt the Manti'fiiMorirs nf Pr-ifesscr IIi.lii.wat
SO Mnidni I nne. New Vork. and I4 "INM lvr-m, liy
all ri-specrnhle Onict itis amt beiiler in Mettu me tt.rousii
out (lie t'uitetl stitea, and the civilized world, in uoxea,
at "ifi re.tta. tf-. centa. and SI each.
There i a consitlerahle aariug l.y taking liis brger.
N. B Hireciinns for ihe fruidniics of pstisnls In eviT
diet.rUt'r are nfnxed to each Imx
Mincli -JJ, b-su Ivca
DnwsciAC, .Muli., Murih M, i.'O,
J. A. nilODKS, Kk.: Dear Sir! toufc y ur intdi
cine U sell nn rftuJugi)iHeiir'( 'no euie n. ; ay(M J
ple.iFi're in Stalin its t dec is hs re(.irtrrt hi me liy tiiiej .
brut hers who lire in tin pines, mid their their lesinnuiiy
ih ii fair Si eeriien of m ! I h'tte received :
W. S.Cunrli.n tulit me i hail tal.en nine hntlles oX
Christie's Aine l);i siiiu. ami cnntuiujhy run i! 'v while
UMtifr it intiil in y tulips snd livei were OnrcStcd h ihul
d'-v-rt-e thnt Id vn) disriiiirged irm my intiuth nnd l iwels,
s i ih it ah thiiucht it iuintffilrlc f.r nis to live thriu;.h
atK-thci chill. I'hed vtiirs hi did nil (hey c-uid f- c uto,
Init thnuuht I must dit. Xmhlnt did i e miy (f "1 until 1 .
ir-it I. h'Hle's KevertiiHl Aitue Tuie Which nt nuee reliev-ti
ni f' t ihe intrens tmd nnut' ihy st aunch Hiid rain m
inv lirtid and iwt-s, Olid Licduccd ii pcrn-Lm i ciirciIVO
kli 'il Hii.r " 4
II. M. COXKI.1N suys. 1 ha-l lienh lakiv? mxtiV;!
ul Knml i U . i ns we have in nur oiunt.. Mild laken
ui y iUj;iiy ft q ii mm and upenlieii without nnv ftti
result, h ail stilh Aufint vt t?ih he emhei . Uut Bteiun
Ii 'W ui'-i'lv il ii eiuted un inv, I s:'t a litHiT
llllOUO' I'KVhK AXU AOL F. CLUE, which efTteled
a pcriuuneut eure hy using two thin s nt a Imtile.''
M. iJO.NKId.N whs nad here, tut h th the nt!.er
hriaheriSiiy his caje was the suiiieus 11. 51 "s I -ld the
itii-dii itie tn u uli the a.nue day. and the are was us upecdy
frmu tt'e S.-1111L' ma; ili qijaiitiiy, aud 1 inicht ;H-r!iv:
Yours with n e. ect, A. HL,N1 INGTO.X.
Tlie nh ive speaks lur itself. G' d process it i, ir ii of
if Inner t cunt than the taitt numler f the like cedifirntes
I have nhearty ptihinli. d.-rttrd the Siill greater rimbuiu, tiiit
is ruutiliUHll mi ring in In me.
Une thini tTfre lnst eurlhad occasion to Caution
Hie lutlif in llit'en wonta
"I n tire linn who have tuken one nf my ger.ernl
I'iirii'nrs, the name of their in suuin h r iny
iiu-dicine. und then Willi luazen impudence end their pum
phlrt wiiii the fXcLiiniitina. 4 1 .et the proprietor f nur
Itier itifoiciue any ns much if he dnres ' '
Xuw I Uike pkasnre in aijr that the t aiu.ioa cefsrred
Mthettitne l)r. C'Im in U rs Ague UuISaiis" i?:ul is ti.n
lit iit-d in the uh ve eernfirnte.
Tin re are several uther in!astiMiis peuplu whn ar( nr
plyin? to their runs iii'-us tiah ail lhai 1 ptil.'ifrh nhiti nw
l'evcr and Ague Cure, or Amid n? Ut Si alarm, except tue
Certififiifesut Cures and the Certif-Tiie ui thj cc:,Vard
Cheuiivt. Dr. .lames H l.hiltmi. of XVw Yorl;.' fn't'uvor nf
itapenectly IIAUMLKf C1I A H Al TKU. whn Ii is st
ttt'hcd lo every Untie. These will u I ways serva to dis
tiiillinh my medicine fr-aii iniitatiiiiis.
I'm mie hy Uiuguists cenrrallv.
JAS. A. UIIODES, Troprietrtr.
.April C0( IS30. 3m l'rovidcuce, H I.
1855 . EpociaJ Express Kottce. 1850
0"W-A.I133 5s GO'S
n A VINO olili.ii e i full express privileges over
KHir. and WH.I.IAMiSPORT ft KI.MIliA
UAU.r.O Ur1, we "re now prepared to fnrvvnid
nil iWiriptimis of Express (Sood hy rasi-at'jrcr
'J'r.uiiii, il , lielwren Pliilmlelphia und IvInnrH,
connecting at Klmira with all the Western Li
press Coir, panics.
AH Roods for Tsrmiqtia. Summit, CaltawiVati,
D.itiville, Milton, Vt;linm.irt, Klinira. nn.l aU
to Niirthumherlatid and Sunliury am! oil inter
uic.liiite places, uvlivcred the same day. Larli
train in charge of our own Spcciul Messenger.
Hiilndelphia Oince. 02 Chcsnul Ktreer.
OiTice IHnrira at United Stales Express OlRce.
April 13, 18'6 ly '
'"IIIR suhacrilier respectfully annnnnces lo hi
old fiienda snd Ihe pul lic. thai he has tukeu
tliat old aud we'd known c-laMisltiiient. the
Wliito Horso Hotel.
At tho corner of Centre and MahanlnjO sis., i.i
Ihe llurnugh of Puttaville. . Tivie. hfu-e h.ia r.!.
I'i'iiily hecn very much enlarged and otlieiwise
iuiprovcil, rinn it quite na r.s
any otlur Hotel in Schulkill county while
I he staliles are lurge, in Rood cordition, and at
tend hy careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. ,
To travellers and others who may sloa at his
house, he promises every attention calculated to
render thciu comfortable and satiated.
iOa. M. FEGER.
April 6, 185p.- If
8. E. Corner Kishlli & Arch Streets,
fpilE suhscrihei havinir rmtdj very important
I adtli inns to hia rsialilialimciil, by connecting
ihe hit ll.ior of his Did Store wiih that of the
beautiful lour story building adjoining known
us HunM Hall, (surmounted with a higtt
Cupo'a, invites his Old Customers snd Friend
lo an examination of an Entirely New S oe'
selected expressly in reference lo
The assortment comprises:' u, )(W ,n(j te.
ricnsonable Dress Mater
gant kinds, , -
Plaid India & 13 lack
Bhuwls, of all l in Mitts,
Hosiery, Glove j'p,, Camhriek llandk'erc'fs'.
Enihrnnlcr jlMlll. of 8) killJf ,
rur,,ls!i; is. Flannels, Moreens, &c, to which
Irifc!fcd Now Uoads dailv.or choice descrip.
T. S. Persons wishing a splendind view of
theCiiv and Vicinitv. can ascend the Ciipols.
by a private Stairway which will bs found will
worth a visit.
March '29. H5C 5m w
nnual meeting of Hie 'reen Rides Im-
X proveincnt Cont;any.
neuters Couil 1'hiladelph
ill l held ul C ar-
. on 'I'ucs'.
on "I'ucsJsy the
fiT.fU.V'ti l l u'cloA noon, after which an
elncuon for five direciors
r " v ' i: ... ili comma'
to sesve
year will be held
Msy 10, 1856
WARRANTS. 'lb b'g-. P"f
Iwiilb. for l.sad by the sub-
NOTICE. , , .
AH persona kno- ,ng ihett,sLfves indebted te
t.. T ilrmsp nn HnnK eouot. nolss or other-
1 wise, arc renuestwl to call and pay up without
I J.lav. oiUe'Wiss their accounts will bs plc4
. : i f.. UoslLin..'
imN-- tt lsrA-tf
V 0,000