Obdi0rcssional $Jcfos. THtATVroillTH COftOREIS. First Imlia Washington, May 20. . BtfVAf t.wMP. finmmnr p,anm1 Thfa ar.AAf.1i n l( ansae affairs, and proceeded to consider , ins various remedies proposed for the crime against iwansas, which be successively consid ered under different aspects. Fintlv.ita.Tha remedy of tyranny, in tbe bar 6f appropriation and troops toanforca .. iu usurpation, secondly, tne remedy or roi. It, bropomwl tT the Senator from South Car olina, (alf. Duller.) Thirdly, the remedy of "J."J"Me. ana civil war, purposed oy in- oen lor frwin Illinois. (Mr. Douglass.) and last ly. thfr remedy of justice and beat, proponed .fy lbn Senator from New York, (Mr. Saw. ; ard.) which last would admit Kansas at once With bar prefect population. All tba ohjec . lipns to such admission were considered, . whether grounded on want of population: pr irregularity of form, and the precedent or MlrhilraH wan niirtipnlsrl reviewed. In thil connection, air. iinciinnnn nmniona were in troduccd, who vindicated Michigan on grounds ' precisely applicable to Kaneas. In concla ' aion, the comparison was drawn between the , tyranny of tho President in Kansas and the . tyranny of King George III, and from Con gress co sppeuiuu 10 ia peopio iu wis couiiiig JFrcsideiit.kl election to vindicato Kansar. Let the Uaiivt bos of tlio Union, with multi tudinous might, protect the ballot box there. Mr. Cass said he had listened to Mr. Sum mer's speech With equal regret and surprise. It was the most tin-American and no-patriot-. ic speech he hnd ever beard on this floor, and be hoped he might never hoar such a speech Again here or elsewhere. . Mr. .Douglas adverted to the malignity which characterized Mr. Rumuer's and the .many personalities in which it abounded. lie compared it to a patch-work bed quilt, made ud from all the old calico dresses in the bouse, and uhounding iu classical allusions, most of which were from those portions of the classics which were suppressed in respec table and decent colleges. That speech was wr tlen, and committed, to memory, and prac ticed before a glass with a negro boy hold ing the eandle an J watching be eestures. . Mr. Mason defended Mr. Atchison, whom be was proud to call his friend, and said that when Mr, Bummer dared, in the presence of the Benote, to connect Judge Butler's name with an untruth, as he did. be presented him self as one utterly incapable of knowing what truto is. , in conclusion he accused Mr. Sum ner of falsification regarding the tatter's re marks concerning Southern institutions. Mr. Summer said he hud just been attack ed by three Senators, one of them (Mr. Cass) venerable in years and with whom he had been in relations of personal regard longer than any other Senator within the sound of bis voice. The Senator from Michigan must know full well that nothing could fall from bim (Mr. Summer.) which could possess nny th ng but kindness, and he would say to him that his sentiments regarding Michigan were founded on legal documents, and on the prin ciples of Jackson, Grundy. Buchanan, BeutO', and the-Democratic party of that day. Therefore the attack of Mr. Curs did not (ouch bim, but them. As to Mr. Douglas, be should leave to him the privilege of the com mon scold, the last word. That Senator hud the audacity to venture to charge culumny against him. Ho had said he (Sunnier) bud taken the oath to supjiort the constitution, ?'et was determined not te support a paiticu ar clause of that instrument. This statement, Mr. Sumner gave to his fhee the flattest denial, tayiujr that he replied to a similar charge iu June. 18o4. mid he read front bis reply as repuued in the Washington lobe,, in effect, that he hud sworn to support the Constitution 3 he understood it. no more nor no less, and the clause alluded to did not .iiipuoo wpuu a.iiu uiij uuiijibuuii IU laav JJBI , directly or indirectly, in restoring fugitive slaves, and yet iu the face ol'ull this, the ca lumny had been extensively circulated, dis cussed wmj criticised by tbe Senator from Illinois who, iu the swiftness of his' audacity bad presumed to arruign bim lie wished to administer to Mr. Douitlus a word of advice not l expend himself in gusts of vulgarity, and endeavor fn ohtiiiti that truth und char acter, whieh is tlie handmaid of wisdom ; and let him rememlier hereafter, that the bowie knife and bludgeons are not the proper em bivma of Scuutnriul station, that swaggering and ferocity cunmjf nibi" diirn-iry to this body. The Senator fiom Illinois hud been sweltering venom and bringing forth statements utterly wit'hout I'oumhition. and heaping upon hiiii personalities und obloquy. No person with VUe upright form of a hiuu . Here the Senuior paused. M r. Douglas say it say it. Mr. Sunnier, replying I shall say it. No person with the upright form of a man, cau be allowed-to discluirge from his tongue inde cent' personalities. Tho noisome, nameless animal is not u proper model for an American Senator. Will the Senator Uke notice. Mr. Dougluss I shall, and certainly shall not iinitutt- you iu that point. Mr. Sumner Ah ! tbe Senator again e witches his tongue, and again tills the Sen ate with nn otl'ensiye odor. I would simply say to the Senator frour Virginia- that hard words are not arguments, nor do scowls be long to Sunatoriu! duty. Mr. Mason wus understood to say The Senator is certuiuly non compos met.tis. j Laughter. . Here the war of words in the presence of densely crowded galleries, ended, and Senate adjourm d. . Sr. Lous, May IC The Kansas corres pondent "i ibe Republican, of this city, writes that Uov. Shannon haevfcut an up rets to Lexington, My., with thf papers necesury for the urre.t and return of Mr. Robinson. The Com mttee of Investigation are in ses sion at Leaveuworth. It is understood that Mr. Oliver will present a minority report when tbe couimitue return to Washington. Chicago. May 17. A letter from Kansas dited the 9th iust., slates that the Missouri ans having threatened to destroy the testi stony of the Investigating Column ten, scahAl packages of the proceedings, up to the time of the depirttrre of M r Kobinson, were placed in ch-rge of that gentleman to be conveyed to Washington. These despatches were not d'scovered in possession of Mr. It. after his arrest at Lexington ; bis wife, at his reguest, having proceeded with them. Had it nut ben fer this, the would have remained with bar husband. Bl'R.MNO OF THE St. LOL'lS llosi'ITAL St. Lou it, May IC There were 98 patients in the Hospital, yesterday, when the ore com menced, but,' with one 'exception, they were trtl 'rescued. The building cost $100,000. aed was onl insured Tor $35,000. Tho putients were removed to the county farm, on whieh the U ti- Marine Hospital is located. ' J 1 J- Onr or thk Family. An Excnange grave ly tells us that Mr. Thomas King, attached to Kowe & Co.'s Pioneer Circus, iu San Fran cisco, California made a leap iu the pavilliuu of said Uircns, over' 10 horses, the distance cleared' lathe accomplishment of this feat, being thirty ftur ftct antl jioe inches I Our cotviaporary is -evidently mistaken in attributing thia feat to Toui King, as we are certain the ' man who tu:J be perforn.ed it iBest bat e been Jo king. A tiaiui" Imovemeht. Ia Sardinia. wbicb te nawona of the most liberal govern menu in Knvope- there was a regal decree i-' aued ia 1114, that no one snould be allowed" to read and writ who wt not io. poaaetsion THE AMERICAN SUNBURY. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1866. H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor Ta AavnTttiKi .Ttit eircuitlo of the Buhjurjr Anttneu amniT tlt Jiff-reiit towns ( th Butvieliauna It not 0MI-tt lfUl!iril tijr any pP puUiiknl in Nurlh (to rMUiSvlriiiiiai ttMOCh.ltib fcTATE SIOMItliATioKa. Fur Canal Cpmmisnnnrr. GEORGE SCOTT, of Colnmbircounty. or Av titter 6 "?.', JACOB FRY, of Moutgomery conntr. TM0TKY IVK9, of Potter ccunty. riiiron'-i taulk. Oailnrn Katlrrs. Ltwatxf it Hjvic -Mti. Ttiorapioa mf.Tiri tht paV- lie, and tarr frUiala in fmirnl, ttit nhr h-s rrcrived a newiupplf tif choir liquors fr uu rhiltdeililu, :it hci Hotel in this plies. S. N. TiMMMm hat just received new ttck nf Dry Ooudi, Oriceiint Jtc., at hit Store near tho junction i'f the Tu!pel!clmi and Pluui Crrtk rouJa iii I.uwcr Aujuiu Bin.'taix Htrrsta of Lower Auuata hat ai juat received a Irrah turpi)' Dry Oixvla, lineerita, tuecnt- wtie, ft , at hla a'.nre, to whka he invitua the aiteiilion of hia frientla aid cusLomeia. ' Cosnctiosiat, A!tuJrtt:r tosi We neglect laativeek to mention that McCIjy Geaihean had received a ftcah ha 01' Fruit anil C'eiifretionary ul' every -ariely to auit the teuton. Mr Ourhart, himaelt', maaulHclurea Coufcciioimry of all kiada equ-il M any that can b had in Philadelphia. In actdiiiou to hit at'tck o1 Truit, conrec tioiirr, See , he hr,a opened nn Ice Cieam Sioun and far nial:ea a tuperiur article of that luxury. Movst Cakmsl lloctc Our Teadvrt will e- by the advertisement of Mr. Hire, that he haa taken thia excel lent Hold, locnted in one of the moat heiillhy and deuahl fut uiouatain ngiout iu PeliiiFylviniu. CuCK't I.ad)'t 'llot-.k for June c nni t" ua, fillej na uaiuil wiililhe gutd Ihi.i of the teaaon. The lending mutter it by eoiau of thu beat vonirilnitora of periodical lileruture. Aa a Ijidy'a B'mk it hat no rival and always coiituini tonuHluiit- uielut and iiiteitaiing loi ItdUt The Farm Journal eoniet to hand with iu ut.ial vuriely f iutereitinf matter. It . a ruiiuible Juurnul end lie" aerret eniuumgeuieat. Tut S-rcDtNT ami Srimoimute for tl.e prciint mnalh kit been received. Ai uaanl, it it filled with mutiei of the nvt iaatructivc and iiitereaiiiig kind. Aa a work for achooli it itJndi unrivnlled. IJKi.tnioi's Notice. The F.ev. Mr. Marr will preach in the I'realiyteriuii rhiirch. in this place, to-morrow (Mundny) at half past ten o'clock. W ANTED. 63" An ArrsKSTU'E to the printing Imsi ness ii wanted at this office. An intelligent boy of good character would find a good situ ation. C3T We are indebted to Hon. Ilichard Drodhead, Gen. Quitman and Gov. Bigler, of the U. S. Senate, for public documents. A lo to J. C. Kunkcl for hi rpeech on Kan sas aOairs. CT" The I'ost Master General has appoint" ed Mr. James. 15. Falls route agent between Tort Clinton and Klmira, on the Cuttnwissu. Williumsport and Elmiru Kailroud, at a sal ary of S"00 a year, in place of Joseph llouiihawout, resigned. 6a5 The President has vetoed several im provement bills that had been passed by Congress, for tlio impVovement of the navi gation of rivers in Michigan and Mifsissippi. The Proti lent wain u quandary, us the veto will make him many political enemies, C-iV Coiionkr. The Governor has appoint ed Juntrs Covert, Ksq., cf this place, coroner ."or Northumberland county, in place of Aaron Kellv, resigned. The appointment is a good one. Mr. Covert was formerly sheriff of j this comity, and therefore will be well (jnali- ' uud for tue duties of the office. C2T Boitocon Ki.kctiom. An election for Supervisors and Assessors of the Borough of Sunbury, was hfc'ld at the court houto on Monday last, and resulted as follows : I'C'K SlTEUVJMiR. Samuel Gobin, fc3 Sainittil Alspach, cd Charles Ilineliart. 83 Geurgo IIarrio:t, fco r'on AssKseoa. Wm. A limner, 01 George f. SraLb, 01 George I.jon, 7 Wm. T. Graut, 73 W A new locomotiro called the "A li. FisKk." baa been- placed on the riiiludL-lphiu and Suuhuiy Itailroud. It is a coal bmnerof tLiM hugest class, built on a new plan, ut l'al tereon, N. J., und cost tf.0G0. The improve, tnent is thu invention of Mr. Fi.ke, the uUs superintendent of thu riiiladelphin uud Sun bury rail road, and from whit IT we can learn, will obviate nil the difficulties heri ti.fore en countered by coal burning locomotive. The fire box is nearly-double tho usual width, und the fire surface will accordingly be twice us great. 1 liere nrc other important improve ment!:. The engine will britrga train to town on Friduy. tw 63" Ma. Ilwiikr', the President of the WiHiemeporV and Hluiira Kailroud. was iu tewn-ou' Wednesday eveuiug. Ho was at Shamokin during the day, making arrange ments far a wore extensive and tfticient coal trade between- Eltuira ond tho blanioLiA region. . ST The coal business, at this place, it uot as brisk as it should be. ontl is, in this reapeit, similar to the trade' iu bthet regions. There is, however, no raaon why the'evaf trade should not be active, as the stock on baud is smaller than last year, and before long we may expect a rush for srrpplMts of an article that cannot be dispeused with. Mr. t'hurles W. Fealo. of ahamokiu-says that tae collier, ies at Sbamokin are cupable of prodacing 00,000 tons per annum. Tea collieriei are already ptnjfcd, and four icere are adr way. MAIL ALLOTMENTS. At the recent mail lettings at Washington city, the following allotments, for mail ser vice, on the routes in and near this vicinity( were made, for which we are Indebted to Amos E. Kapp, Esq., of Northumberland : North 13 ranch route, B. F. Wells'. Com pensation, ' ' $2,800 Compensation previously. $C10 Water Street, Michael liuoy. Compensa tion, (,B'26 Compensation previously, S2,M9 Lewistown route, Small and Stedler. Com pensation, ' $7S8 ' Frevious compensation, 800 Washington route, Sheriff k M'Conniik. Compensation, $283 Trout Hun route. 0 Fuller, U l.cwistowd and Dellefobte, J. T. M'Cor mick. Compensation, ' $300 Frevious compensation, 200 Fottsville & Donald.-tdrii T. Dornan. 349 Tottsville & Sunbufy, do. 3.048 Previous compensation, S75 Williamsport and Hellefonte, It White Comfiensation, $940 MiOliubiirg and Selinsgrovc, J. 11. ToJdi C'c.l:fe;-,i:ation, 475 Frcvioua compensation, 200 I)nncan's Island and Xorthomherlnnd. A. E. Knpp. $f,C00 Previous compensation. - 800 Sunbnry and Milton, Walter, Murphy A Co. Compensation, si,00U Ou thcee. roiitet the mail it new earned on tba rail road. Tlio greater portion of the increased pay oh the Fottsville route, goes, we presume, to the Railroad company, as the pay allowed for rail road servicers rriuch higher than any other. The until between Sunbnry and Mil ton, will also be carried on the Shnbury and Erie rail road. From Milton, we prpanme the mail will bo carried on North and East hy the Express train on the Cattuwissa road. (ii.AKrsc; rnoMuin AricdBarts'. I.KWianr no. The Chronicle nys, "wo want most of all, just now. a family grocery and provision store." Our neighbors must bo getting hungry. If they are short in Lewis, bui-g, let ihein come down to Sunbnry. Lewisburg used to be fainotfs for its abund ance of tlour. pork and whiskey, but that wits before they had thu Utrifefsity and the Cnuft house. Thu borough authorities areclenniug the streets, a necessary operat?6a iu all 11 or ongln. Milton. The Milttninn hits several com munications in relation to thu county nsscss- rneuts, and rates of taxation. The writer thinks Sunbury has been assessed n't fee low a rate, and quotes the Sunbnry (7!:-ite to sustain him in the charge. We look upon the whole system of asseeKments and taxation as defective. For many years the li'orough of Sutltlliry VfU-f uescneirt) tnglior than U' other district in the county. In equalizing thu assessments, it maybe possible that some townships tnuy have been reduced too liHuio but as a general average, there is no ques tion but the lower end bus been taxed higher than any other portion of tho cou'iity.' We are pleased to find that our neighbors nrc improving. The editor says, "never haa our town presented so many evidences or int. provement heretofore unknown to us. In every direction wo see buildings in the cours" of erection, and extentive preparations for the building of more. The frame work of the fii'rge Sleum Saw Mill, above town was raited this week The company is composed of good und reliable men, and expect to have the mill in operation at an early date. Thu steam Sash and Door Factory is iu an ad vanced stage of progress, and is ulso under the control of good men. There are many other improvements deserving of notice, but we have not the time or spuce in this week's issue." D.t.Nviy.t.t. Tho DtttMcrat informs ns that the F.ev. Mr.- WilHard of the Lulheran Church, of Danville, preached his farewell sermon, mid is about removing to I.oysville, Ferry county, to take charge of the church at that place. The Danville Troop, Capt. Ilably; the Montour Hifle Company, Capt. Zuber, and the Columbia Guard, Capt. Forrest, purude.T on Saturday Inst Thu l'oiough authorities have passed am ordinance leipiiring property holders in cer taiu localities to pave iu front of their pr'a'mi-' 61V. Danvii.i.i: Gas CoMPA.vv.On Monday of last week, at an election held pursuant to notice given to the stockholders, the follow, ing named persons were elected Directors for the ensuing year, viz : Dr. W F. Diiimwskv.Win.il. Magill, V Heat. Wm. Henri. T.'O. Van Alen. E. II llaldy, W. Jcimison, M. C. Crier, Fan! I.eidy. Dititir.;; Company. At an election held at tho office of the Treasurer on Monday, of last week, the following officers were chosen to serve for tho ensuing year : President Jacob II ililer. Munagers Philip F. Mnus. Valentine Htst. Andrew F. Hussel, IJobt. Moore, John Olierdorf, James M 'Connie k. Treasurer uud Sec. J. G. Montgomery. Wn.uAMsroRT. Tho Cluzettt finds fault, and very properly too, with thu school direc tor for building a new school Louse in a In. cality where the rail road ooirudj'one side of the lot, and the new Gas works on the other. Between the puffing and blowing of the loco, motives, and the odors emitted by the gnsonr eters, the scholars will have a delightful time. We should think it mach better adapted 'fo a deaf and dumb institution, where scholars, if they could not hear, could at least smell. The Williamsport ur.d Klmira Kailroad Company are' niakinr-prcpurutious to build a large addition to their machine shops. The room in the extensive buildings already erec ted is insufficient for the amount of work re quired to be done thura. A stranger iu towh atterrpted" to commit suicide, while irrw fit of temporary' insanity, by throwing himself into the river'oW Sunday evening lust. His intention was suspected, however, by'sboto persons who were watching bim, aud who'sncceeded in getting him out of tbe water before be was drowned. SKUNsoaovi The editor of the Demerol urges the importance of inanufuetoriet to a place, and states that the firm of Colsber Moj.r, boat builders, have done much for Belinsgrove. A cooticai ieboo! bus just been opened la the place. - MtDDLRBL-aa. The editor of tbe Snyder County Journal has just returned from an ex cursion to New Berlin. Among other nota ble observations, he remarks that i -. "Along the road we perceived alt kinds of trees in bloom aud from present appearances there will be apples, cherries, and pears in abundance, bnt very few peaches, the trees having been tilled tv much by tbe severe cold this winter." We should like to know if any of the killed trees still lum're. Tlllt PANAMA KAILROAD AtCIDKST- . AttWLlST HY A PAatKSOliK. The accident that occurred on the Panama railroad, on tho 6th of May, wns far more disastrous than we we hi ld - to believe from the uccounts published In the Aspinwal! and Panama paper, iiotir which V gave on Sat urday. The train,' wiih the sievruge passen gers who went out with tho Geor(jo I.uw( hud nearly reached Panama when the Superin tendent discovered that Ihey couid not reach there in time for the steamer, and fearing to expose the nnnsentrers to tho Violence o,';ai.i of the Panama, outlaws, it was sent back, when the cars ran off, iu consequence of an irregularity at the joint of the mil. Thero were three trains r;:i the line of road nt tho time, two of which hnd br'.!;"-.) Jo" All of the trr.!t: were fnr!:i"d inro or.f and con sisted of twenty cars. The engine was a powerful one, and drew the cars along at full speed, without diQiculty. One of the pusse ti gers describes thu accident as follows : I wus seated iu thu seventh pusseuger car from tho locomotive. The train wus going ut uti unusually high rate of speed so much so that tbe I'uct was a subject of remark among the pnssengers generally in the car iu which I sat. The speed was commented upon as dangerous, from the frequuut und short curves in the road. 1 felt somewhat alarmed, und put nij head out of thu windows. 1 did not have my head out more than a minute when 1 saw the front passenger ear (us the truiti was passing a curve) suddenly force the outer rail from its place, and darling from the truck, instantaneously turn a complete side summerset. All 1 recollect from that moment is feeling a sudden crash and crying out, "We are ull killed." I saw the passen gers jump to their feet, and I made a jump myself, but how or where I know not. 1 only know that 1 found myself iu an instant lau ded upright on my feet in a pond ahmg-side the truck. 1 either jumped or was thrown some twelve feet from the track. ' The scene that ensued it is impossible to describe. Thu locomotive and first baggage cur having retained their place on the track, proceeded some distance, us if unconscious of the sudden sundering of the link that con nected them with the remaining curs of the train. The seven cars succeeding the one first thrown from the track were a mingled mass of shattered fragmei. to. They had been thrown sideways, lengthways, crosswuys, bottom side up. sides up, ends up, mid in every imaginable way Portions of the j wreck weru submerged in the pond of water i on either sidti of the track. The cries of I ugony that nroso from umid the ruins were heart piercing. Hern was visible nil arm, ' mid there u leg. with no other appendage. Iu another place was presented the sad spec tacle of a head separated from the body, and again the trunk of a h.nn-JU body shorn en tiiely of its head and linils. As f ooii as possible alter the crash, those uninjured turned their attention to discover the extent i f loss of life and wounds sus tained. It was found t!;a. brVi.nJ too first eight cars, the injnry to the pussengers did not cxti nd, except k; occitioi.al Loiei, to those occupying thu two passenger cors di rectly following tho eight, lioth of these latter cars weru thrown from the truck, and the occupants received moro or less contu sions. The remuining cars of thu train re tained their places ou the rails, and the peo pio inide received iu injuries other than tome slight bruises. While those having es caped peisonul injury were aeeking to recover from beneath tho wreck those sti!l giving symptoms of life, the locomotive detached Irom the train which bud come back to the scen of the disaster was dispatched to As pinwall for help to bearch fur tbe dead and wounded. The piace of the accident was near Gatun's bridge, only nine miles distance from Aspiu wall. The track lor some distance was com pletely torn up, so that the cars still remain ing on the track could not be attached to thu viigino in front. At about 4 1. M., a train returned from Aspinwal). 1 n tho inter val the wounded passengers suflorcd dread fully from thirst. Many of them drank from tho muddy pond on-either side of tho truck, though it was red with human blood. For tunately, a supply of witter was brought by the train, which greatly nrleviuted their' sufferings. Fifty-three wounded pussengers were placed on the cars nml taken to Aspin wall for medical ami nii'iric-ul treatment. No physicians came with the train, though the reason why none were sent wus not ex plained. Thu bodies of the rleud, as far as recovered, from the wreck, were not removed. It waa about 8 o'clook iu the evening when the first train returned to Aspinwull. I remained to ussist in digging out the dead bodies. The night was dark und with the dim light shed over the ground by a few hiutc rut, showing visibly hero in d there heaps of deud bodies, and tho increasing moans and shrieks of tho wounded, udded to the mournful countenances of those ut work in the removal of the shattered wreck, made it a seti'u never to l forgotten. At four o'clock in the morning, a second trliin-nrrived from Aspinwnll. und curried buck more of the wotnidrid. 1 left in this train. The bodies of the dead und some of tho wounded still remained at tlut scene of the disaster. I did not vet the mines of uny of the killed or wounded. Two young men in company with myself, and occupying thu seat dire.Vy in front, of me, were instantly killer).' Their names were Win. Mc3tillen and James Crawley, of Rochester, New Ymk. The former leaves a wife and two children. I learned t hut ull the iirnkcsinen of the train were killed. Over eight hundred persons were ou the train': Of these 1 should pre sume that three hundred were killed and serionslv wounded. Col. Tot ten wyitos, MVe 0hn only: count, u yet, fifteen killed und sixty wounded badly. The wounded have nil been brought to our hospital at this place-, where they aro receiv ing the attention of our own surgeons." Mr. Shew, a passenger, savs. "1 was seated in one of the rear curs, und lliu Grst fcensatiou I felt was a sudden jerk, and immediately looking out of the window . J could tee tbe cars rushing Jipon each other until nine in number were completely demolished. Every eur wus crowded with passengers, contuiairJg' at, leual sixty persons,' - Hollow ay's Oistmk.vt and Fills the best P.emedies for the Cure of Feinule Com jduints.The extraordinary effect these Pills have upon" nil complaints peculiarly inciden tal to females, would appear incredible to the citizens of the Union, if it were u6t con firmed dl;ily by the wonderful cures they effect in the vurious States.' It is an unques tiDiiatils fact, that there is not uny remedy to equal idem for exterminating suffering from the. softer' sex,"- particularly for young girls entering into womai hood, therefore ull are requested to give them a tria?, which will in suro their rccoiuuituJuiiou. iii ., ' uroaadee Raoacr. BAi.TtHoak. May 2. There is a ramor prevailing here to-night that' Mr. Fillmore ia dead. Aa there has been no European arri val, the report mubt be falsa. It waa given oat on the arrival of the train front tbe North,' Affaire la Wathlaton-Th Dlaulaeal af Mr Craanptea. Wash!moto, Moy 20. Notwithstanding what may have heretofore been published to ine contrary, it is understood that the ties patches recently received from Lord Claren don heither refuse categorically, nor ustcnt to, the demand of this Government for tbe recall of Mr. Crnmpton and tho British Consuls. Our Government, it is believed, has not a copy of the British Ulue Hook in the enlist ment case, although several are known to be in the possession of the members of the- roreign legations, especially the frencn Minister. These copies were sent here .in advance of their publication in England. The Cabinet was again in session to-dny. If any decision has been arrived at by the Executive, it seems well understood it will not be communicated or officially Intimated for some days to come. Later from Kantat. St. Iiouts, Mav 20. Tho accounts f'oiri Kansas represent the people as responding to wov. wnannon'8 proclamation in large numbers. Over nix hundred had assembled at Leiiompton j four hundred nt Franklin ; and a large company would leave Kicknpoo on S-atnrduy for Lccoinpton, with 2 cannon, ull well nrmeil nnd provisioned. Great ex citeme;!!. irovailed. nu a battle was nntici pn(od. The Vigilnnce Committee of Kansas City, on Saturday, took from the steamer Orobla, a large field piece, consigned to Lawrence. It is reported that Gov. Iteeder hud suc ceeded in making good his escape. Communicated H. 15. Massir, Esq. Dear Sir : Inns much as many of our citizens do not get to see thu School Journul, in which the decisions or the Stale ISnperintcnduiit are published every month, and us the May No. for 185G contains a correspondence between members of the Legisluluiu anil Hon. A. U. Ciirtiu, thu present State Superintendent, which proves to a demonstration, that an increase of my salary would uot huve been taken from our county appropriations, us some asserted, uud thus made, lully informs thu public and serves thu cuusu or truth, I concluded to re quest you to publish it in your valuable paper. Yours iu esteem, J. J. It u M E.S S.N Y PKft. llARitisniRO, April 19. 1856. Hon. A. CI. Ccktin Dear fcfir, As there has been much dispute in regard to the man ner in which the school fund is distributed us regards lh4 salaries of county superintendents und there is still some misunderstanding ex isting iu regard to the same, will you please inform ns, how the school Department con strues the following clause of the 2t)th section of tho net ol'&th May. 1804, "which said com peusution shall be paid by the superintendent of common schools, by his warrant drawn on the State Treasurer in half jearly instalments, if desired, and shall be deducted from the amount of slate appropriations to be paid to tuu sevural school districts lor saul county. Truly Yours, J. Iloi.covrt. H Lapohte, Wm.M. FiATr. Ojiiee of the Srcrelnrt of the f'ovinnt.ueai'iii, llAHiusia-1'.o, April ID, 180C. Ck.ntlkmkx. Your note of this date is before me. In his Inst annual report, my imiueitiatu predecessor, Hon. C. A. Klnck, st'ited that "tbe addition of thirty thousand dollars made Inst year (1804) to the usual amount appropriated to common schools, was intended for the pay of county superinten dents, although not so expressed in the act." When I ussumed the official head of tho school department. I found the appropriation for the school year ending June. lsO.1. made out and entered ou the books of tho depart ment, in aecorduueo with the opinion thus expressed by Mr. Black, and partly paid. (J aided by thu precedent thus set me, and regarding it for obvious reasons us sound, the payments for that year were continued as in dicated, uud the appropriation for the present year is now being disbursed upon the same principle. You will thus see that the appro priation to the school districts of thu respec tive counties is not affected by thu salaries of county superintendents ns commonly suppo sed. Your obedient servant, A. (J. Ci utin, Superintendent of Couimou Schools. To Messrs. li. I.AroKTK, I Wm. M. Piatt, Senate. 2tf A' BRIAGES. On the 1.1th inst.. by Kov. P. Born, Mr. William Pah., of Point Iom nhip, to Miss M a no a at x Smith, of Nonhuuie."'.and. On the 14th inst., by Daniel Ueckley, Esq., Mr. Enoch IIiunkwoi-.tii, to Miss Cakolink Pnu.roTTS, both of Treverton. DEATHS. In this place on Saturday last, MAGDA LENE SC11LAP, wife of C. Schlap, aged '.'4 years uud b days. In this place on the JTtli inst., Mr. WIL LIAM II II. I. IS, aged about 34 years. Iti th:s place ou Sunday morning last, OULANDCi, son of Einaniiel and Margaret Wiivert, aged 3 years ond'4 days. Philadelphia Slaiket. May 21, 1856. (Jkain. The supply of Wheat about equals the demand. The city millers are buying all the prinui lots offering, but inferior ilej-crip-lions are hard to dispose of. Sales of Dela ware und Penn. ul 8lf)0alf2; Jersey nt 1 55. and choice Southern whito at $1 6.rial 75. Rye is in fair demand ut 72 rents. Com is arriving freely ; sales ol Southern und prime Pennsylvania nt Hi'., afloat, and 6? a h'i rents iu store. Oats are dull ; sales ruugc from Hla34 cent. Whickey U firmly hekl. Parrels at 28c, und hiida at 27 cents. SUKBUKY PRICE CURRENT. Whsat. . . 150 Ht: . .mo dm. .' . . 0 Oati. . . jb PotrUit, . . 37 Hkcswix . ' 2.1 HtcavLtu I'tn, . 0 Uuttku. . .30 Eane. ' .' 10 Pon. . is FLliettnl ' . SS Tallow.' . 10 Hew Advertisements. ALL persons are hereby notified not te por ttiaee or meddle w.ilh a eartaia jtrotpiaaFY. not, drawn by the aubaeriber, payable te) A. Jt Taul.st the Bank of NeMhuauherland. fur the sum of Two Hundred dollar. tinted the t9ia day of April I8S6, as lie hat ntt artiwl value therefor, anil will not pay aaij uote unlets eo no palled by law. J. P. ARMSTRONG. Me t4, 18S. Ct NEW O-0O2D3 P. W. Gray's Store. A large amort men t jutt received from Phila delphia, and sold cheaper than ever for cash or country produce. Among lit stock will be tound Fancy nreHtioods; of til kinds and jth tateat and moat faahi-wnihle allies, DUrk and Fancy Dress Bilke, Clialliet. Braite De Lain, Ginghams, I.awnt, Bhiwls, "Prints, Drett Trimminga, Hbte Ulitvrt, Storks, Cloths, " Cataiineiee, VestinRt, Linen Drills, Irish Linens, Mualins, Paraaols and Umbrellas, etc., 4-e. HA RDWARE a general auorlmrnt. GROCERIES, Fieh, Cheeae. Kaieine, Tobsrro and Cigars, Queensware, Doott, Shoes, Hat and Caps. nd a general variety. E9TLEASE CAI.L AND SEE j& P. W.CRAY. Sunhury.May 84, 1850. if New Goods for the People I BENJAMIN HEFFNEU It1 ESPECTFFLLY informs the public In gen rral that he hia jutt received and one ned a spier.tnu mock oi SrilIKG AM) SUMMER GOODS at lu Nrw Piore, in Lower Auguata township. ii ia aioca sonaiata in part Ol Cloths, Cassimers, Caisinett. fall kiuda, of linen, cotton aud wonted. ALSO : CallroPN, niiigliama, La wus, niouHNCllne lie I .til ties and ell kinds of Ladies Dreta Geods. Groceries, Alto an aeeortmeiit of Ilnrdtvare. Irwa ami isteel, Nails, &c. ' Also an eicrllent ntanrtment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Alto an ataortmenl of ROOT". & SHOES li A J a ic CA PS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, t-c. And a great variety of other articles such at are suitable to the trade, all of which will be aold at the loweit prices. 5 f3T Country produce taken in exchanje a the higheat prices. Lower Augutta, May St, 1858. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRIX.ING & GRANT 4 HE now opening; a new and very deairible stock uf (Spring and Summer tioodt, eni hrncing an emlleta variety. Their ttock con tistt in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassineres, Summer Wales for men and boy a, all ttvlet and prices. DRESS GOODS. SII.KS Plain and Figurtd Mack. An aanortment of Tlaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Drens Wilkt at uuuaually low prices, fcihcllies, Brazpt, Braze De l.aint, Mut. Dc Lain. Lawns, &c, UINGHAMS from Gj to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 ' 12 J " WI11TK UOOD.S, Cambric. Jarouctte, Swiaa, Tarlton. Mull, Bohi nett, French and Swita Lacet, Eduings. Ac. Brown nnd bl'ailud Munlina, Drillinfra. Ticks, Checks, Towlinct, Table Pin pen, ,-c. (iittH r.itlt:. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-warc, Hollow-ware, Iron, SSlocI,' Tlaatcr Salt and Fih. Alto a truth supplv of ; s DltCG? AND MF.DIC1WK). Thankful for past favor, we hops by strict attention and a desire to please, tlillto meet with the approval of our friend'. (V Country produce of all kiuda taken at the highest market price Sunbury, May Vt, 1856. ly. NEW CONFECTIONAB.'Y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. 0. GEAIUIA11T, HAS just received a new and encellrnt natort inent of gondt at Ins Coufei tiunarv and Fruit Store in MARKET 8TKEKT, Sunhiirv. where ha manufactures ai d keept on hand, at all timet, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Kclail, at Philudlphia price. Among bit atock of C'outrctioiiariei, may be found : French Seprela. lfurned AhlMiida, Trtrara Wlule, ' imiii i How, Vanilla, CYimwie.n Seeiata. Liquorice, Cam Dropi, all khult nf tcent, lve Drops, Mint l)ro.i, red and white, Jelly CaKft, Kiuit D-'tjts, Puck Camliea, of ail teentt ltncK Cinrfr, Afmeixt Caivly, FRUIT. Pruiiet, CitroM, ltHanaa, Diu-s. Cnrranta dried, A nnunat, LKMON" SYItL'P of a tuperior quality, by the tingle or doxen. A superior quality at Segart and 1 obarco, anil a variety nf Conlectionaries, fruit, &r. all of which ia otfered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CHEAM. lie hat alio opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to terve hit cuttomert with Ice (. ream. Suiibury.Mny 24, lt35 ly AT S. N. Thompson's Store, Jn Lower Augusta township, ut the Junchun u) the luljHliM-ken ana I turn creek rvudt. rTMIE aubscrilwr having returned Irom the city --- wirn a new auu extrnaive aatortmeut ol fashionable goode, reaprctfully rails I lie attention of farmers, Alccliauic and othcra to the tau.e &P1UNU ANl)..SCMMKlt UOODS, cuMtitting in jiart ol )rj? Goods, viz : Cloths, Caysimertsj Cassihtts, Jean 's, Drilling, Mustins, l-Vsftiigs, Ttrteds, and all kinds of Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES pit ESS AND FANCY GOOD?, Calicoes, Muslin de Lixins, Lawns, Uinchams, B f rages, Kubrs, U'odens, Fla'tnejs, Ife. (iii)(t:tiii, bJugar, Teaa, Coffee, II ice, Melnsnet, Chefae, bpicea. Salt, &c, cVc, &c. Ilnidnn re, Nailt, Screws, Filet. Sawa, Knites cV Purkt, Ac - Queens and Glassware, of varioiiattylea and patterns. BOOTS AMD SHOES, A large aaanrtment of Doott and tslioet, for men, women and children. Hats Cart, Ac, of variout tint and ttylet. Beeidee a large and general attortnient of faaliionable goods. Call and rxaaiine for jour sel vra. TV Country protluce of alt kinds taken in exchange at the higheat market prirea. B. N. THOMPSON. Lower AugUkta, S mo. 14, 1856. BU'EAJFF Se BLACK,' atiaaas tin tuiniii or WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From the Big Mountain Colliery ftrAMOKIN, NORTH'i) COUNTY, I'ENX'A. AddrettSbeatr Bfack, Sunbury. or 8ha nokin, Pa. Sunbury, May t,' I85. tf HEIfRY DONNEL, ATI'OXINXSV AT LAW. OJice opposite the Court House, Su&bory, tVorthuuberland County Fa. Prompt attention to busintos in adjoining SUNBURY. FA. fllHE subscriber respectfully Informs the public X that she still continues te keep the above named public houae. She has alto received a new annul of aood liquors and wines, and Uutts tint the will be able to give satitfsction te all who y vitit her houae. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May St. 1856. if. .. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.' fipilIS large and commoJbut Hotel ia tittle I ted nearlv half way between Sunburv and Puttsvillo. The sceneiy the salubrity ef the atmoeohrre and the cool mountain Ureeien, make it one of the mntt dclighifut summer retreats in the country. 1 he Hotel, it a new structure, four atoriea high, fitted up with all the modern con veniencei. The pure mountain water la intro duced into every chamber. The plare is eaty of access, being but one and a halt hours riJa frem Sunbury, over the Philadelphia asl Sun bnry Rail Hoar). From Pottaville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the propria tor to make guettt comfortable. Chargea mode rate. JI'SSG RICE. Mu Carmsl.Msy 2t, t8.V tf CATJTIOIT. The public are hereby cautioned a;nintt the purchase of a promissory nott", for $115.. 00, dated MayS, 1856. given by Penjnmin' Mart und Jacob Mowerv, to tbe subscriber, as said note was lost on the road between hie residence and the town of Shamokin, aud a new note given iu its plncr. DAVID MILLER, Shamokin, May 17, 1856. it. rit i:. fllHE subecribert wo M respectfully announce 1 to their friends and tho public in RCiierat" that they have taken the Steam Gritt Mill. Sit uated in Upper AuKUsta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Klinet-fjrave known si Klines Mill, and would solicit the patrontgt of the public having ronlidenre to be able to eiva entire satisfaction to all. who will patronize them being able to arcoininolate their customers at air times, and at the thorteil notice. AI.SO.-Whet A Rye Flour, Bran and Chop of all kin Jt. Alan wheat rye, corn, oaU, Ac All of which will be told low for cath. Calf and five ut a trial and satisfy yourtelves. I). Grain of all kinda wanted. L. CAMBSKL it CO. May 17, 1856. 3t. DISSOLOTlirk t THK partnership hercfofore fciaisifng be tween the nndersipnet), under the firm at Weisrr & Drnncr, is dhisolved by mutual con sent, thii the 14th day of May 1W6. Alt persons Iiuvidlt nnstMled uccounts with us will pleae call aud settle the same without delay. f.Y.O. B. WK1SKB, WM. A. UULNLH, Sunbury, May 1", 1S06 Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto, fore extended I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, nt thn store, next door to' K. Y. Hright's, Market St. where a froe-S supply of Drugs Ac, cau ulwnvs befnund WM. A. Blt'UXER. Sunbury, May 17, 1S5C. GEORGE 8CKALL & CO. MAMFtcriHe.lt er BLASTING POWDEB, Mt. Carniel, Northumberland County, ta. May 10, 1856. SHERIFF SLE. By virtue ofa certain writ cf "i'r Fur-ciat to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho houae of Cnpt. Uu!f, in Milton. Nor- -thumherland county. Pa., on TUK.SD.VY,. the Itrth day nf Juno. 1856, at lOo'clock. A. M., the following described property, t wit : A certain tract or piece of lnnd. situate in Turbut township. Northumberland comity, adjo'tiing lands of Nathaniel Biittou, David Leelniid, Peter KuuUe nnd Samuel liluia, coiitiiinin: five acres, more or h ss, all tf which is cleared, whereon is erected a tw story Brick House, a frame Smith shop, out buililiiiKH, iiC. iSeiied. taken irifo execution, and to h sidn as the property of Robert U. Uii ton and Isabella Oil ton. HENRY WEISK, Shsriff. nherifTs OBifc, . 1 Sunbury, May 17. 1856. j SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facins to mo directed, will be exposed 1o public sale, nt tbe Court IIoiisp, in biinbnrv. on MONDAY, the 4th d ty of Antrust, 1S5C, ut 1 o'clock. P. M., the following described pro perty, to wit : A certain half Lot of Ground, situate in the Borough of Sunbnry, being the eastern half j.nrt ol lot. No Ibi. in the pencral plan of said town, fronting on Blackberry street, and boiiiidei on the enst by lot No. 161, on thu west -by the half lot No. 1 bJ, on- the north by nn nllfy, contniiri g in front 30 fept nnd 230 feet in depth, whereon uro erected two siory log lou e, e ithe;-bonrded aud painted white, ond some out buildings. Seizi d. taken in execution, and to be sold ai l he property of Jacob Kuble. II. WKlriE, SoeiifT. Sur.Rirr'a Orrit-e. ) Sunbury, May 17, hS56. . Estate cf Mary itpdegrove. Notico is . hereby jriven to Casper Upda s;rovn. Lhzabeth Uih'erove. intermarried with John Brenishnltz, John L'pdcgrove. Adam I'pdefjrove. Lydia Updeprove, widow of Snowden Hunt. Thomus L'tulegrove. Sarah I'pdeprove, intermarried with James l.ytle, nnd to Sarah J., Levi, and Elizabeth, minor children of Isaac Updejrrovo, who have for their Guardian. John Kbripht, and to John Khright nod his wife, who was the wii. ow of snid Isaac Updvgrove, heirs and legal representatives of Mary I'pdcpreVe.njiceartd', late of Lower Apusta township, Noithum berland County, Pennsylvania j that upon the petition of Thomas Cpdesrove, aforesuil. the Orphans Court of said county made an order awarding an inquest of partition end vulua tiou upon the real estate of said Mary Upde. grove, de'd., situate in Lower Augusta town ship, county aforesaid. adjoiniii(r laud of Chris tian Pirst.'Adnm Christ. Lydia Starr. Peter Cohirain, nnd Casper Snyder, de'd., contain injr thirly-lhree and one-quarter acres more or less and thnt in pcrsnawe of said nrder of suid court, I will hold an inquisition upon, the suid real estate of said Mary L'pdeprove de'd , on l'ridu vthii twentieth day of June, next. (A. D. 156.) at 10 o'clock, A. M., rf that day. on the said premises, to make parti, tion and valuation of said real estate, at which time and place you nay attend if yon think proper. HENRY WF.ISE. Sheriff of Nothumburiand County, Sheriff! Office. Sunbury, May 8, 1856, JAMES F. CALE HEATH'S " . i,AtnF.s rAN.cr . , . , SHOE STORE,' -Vo. North Eighth Street, Above Arch, East tide, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes oitdr to order in the very best ttyle and workmtothi(i ou a few davt notice. An eice ilent tjtueht te select from, always on btntV May IO,MiM y . - - .