T .1 .' ! . - -'ti! : ' r i- ' - ii" -. - .1 3- SUNliUUY, NOllTllUMBKRLANi) COUNTY; 1 A. -SATURDAY, MAY 2 4, 1856. KKW SKRTES, VOL. 9, NO. 9. OLt) SERIES ArOL- 113. NO 35 a :. , , - . Ji J i U 'i The Sunbury American, ' ' ' ruBtmncn nvgur Satvudat ' . BY It B. MASSES, Market Square, Sunbury, Penna. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, tV) DOLLARS par annum toli paid half yearly In lote'itics. No paper discniitii"ieU eutil ail arrearage are paH . ' All ei-iinirmrlications. orlelier on linsinrM- reMing to Ik o.Uca, u iniuia attention, nniat b ptb I" TAIL). TO CI.L'US. rhree copia it nns aditreee, tufl Vvea Tio Pa tli (hi Fifteen " l ' Po 41"" Fiee dollars In aitvanea will pay for.ttvrsa year' tub r. liptton to the Ameririm. Piaimuatra will pluaaa art as our Acettts, and frunlt etters eontuinine; sutiecriptlon money, 'f hoy are fcmill ti to du Ihia aiiiler th fust Office Law. TKIIMK OP ADVERTISING. tVi inuaie r fines, i tlina, Kvefysiilieequniit insertion, -tine ft-piate, 3 months, Si a nioiHns, .Cue year, ?i:iii9si Csr.ts of riva tines, par annum, ".ierlmiit ant others, oilvcrtniiia; ljr the le-vr, with the privilore ef Insetting A fferent advertisements weeltly. r.' .' Sua 10 W W iMTtot Advertisement! . tie per ogreemout. J O B PR.1N TI N G. Vv tin" connected with oar .eatalili.hifient a sre'i selected JOII OKFICT. WhirS will cri.iNe as to exeeuie in the neatest style, every v.irlety. f preei p. ATTO li N E Y A T I. A W , . agrTBUinr, pa. Huiinra attended to lit the Counties of Nc-r- thuiniirirland, 1'uion, Lycoming Montour er.J Columbia. . Jisfcrcnces in l'iilndel-.i-i Hon. Inh R. TtMl, f!ha.t'lliW.a, He-I-i' foruert A Knntlfiane, Lu't, B-.ui.ii & Co. LATEST APuliVAL, I&rcft auJ Bost As30vtmnit CHEAT, HANDSOME fc DUIIAULL! 'JHK auliecrit.fr U'kci plcniuro i:i in'ortni:! -" ruelomora nnl the pnliiic rmic nill.v La 1 now in rnociit of an uiiuautilly larpti ai. 1 Cpipadid Assortaient oZ Wow Gooqb. To e.iJpavor to enurr.Pittlo tiio c::.t n::.Jrfili art cf tiis n-titla noulJ !:0 ueeiita.:. t'-uC.'.cs it o any, ihy have '.foil seU.-tfiil wil'i thr greai'tl cnif, ni ..ty will lii Jiiitif ucJ of otar. U vi viriciti n t!ie an o ipiuiity ee-.t fcj urcliEsjJ litc-.vlijrc. My motia i lie tkv CiU JtidlUf J tf pier.ttnT l- l ubiie hie thViikfor t'.ia li't'C.-l pr.t.cnace fx!f: tiyj t.i Mir., ar.J Vy aiiict hUen'.i-ri to liuainrup, ha rre'iartfiiilv aiUcile a contiiitMiire of t!ie alv.f. It wilt be ailvisaiiio for jmrrhaaera to c;Il si:J fctamin h aortment before ptitci.aii!' c-t3' wltoie. All Uindeor prmlufe taken 1" fxrl.anf.. F.DVARO Y. UniGiiV. Sunbury, Peecmlxr I, 1855. XJ. S. OP -A-- "GoJ and vur A".(r Lam!.'' QL'SQrCMANNA CAM?. No. 19. c.t lit 0. 3 of lli V. S. At holJe f alatwl araainiia evrt) Woxniy eenitig intlieirNew Hall, fippoaita E. Y. )ii,ltt atara. Sunbury, Pa. initita!i'n and reaa'la, $3,00. t). O. E MAIZE, V- C. Eu'l Vilvit, R. S. Sn.ibury Jan. 18. IMS. oct 20 '55 O. OF XJ. -A 2.. Sl Nlll-KY CtJUNCIl., No. 30, O. of V. A. M. niPt every Ttf.iuv eveninc in the Ameiiian Hall, oppoaite E. Y. Driijlit'a al.i'c. Market atrrct. fnnbury, Pa. Memlwa of the rjr are reaperlftilly requealeJ to attend. r. M. SHINUEL, C. A. Hunrtn. R. S. A'a urv. Oct. 50, (S5. J. S. OP .A.. fXrAS'UNUTO.N CAMP.No. 13 J. n. "f A V holoa its ilatcd mec'.ii.i;.i evtry baluidiv ercniog. ill the American It'iil, M irr.et Kluil, Bunbury. II. CLErliiNT, T. Henry Y. Friiing. II. Buii'Jury. January , lbS-'.. tf. Cheap "NVntchcs 5 Jewel r; V7H()I.EAI.E and Hrtail, at tho "!,l:;ln!.t- phia Watr.b and Jewc'-y t5;ori-,M No. 16 Notth dccon.l rilroct, come.- i-f JJaa:ry, OoW t.ca-er Wal'hes, fu.l iewe 1H '.'! e-.'f ce. ti-.W Lepine tell. fr!t.l.::Fi!:! S.'Ver fi-n-er Leo. fit! jewllwl, .:J lin-ce.i a. H.WitC Lever, full jevi'd I'J ruon' O I iVr.j-'e. ar.uiiur tlvameia, T.:S.:vr fuii ;:ooa, set, : to i n I. to a,-.a tiuld SpeetiM-ies, "-'"I .. ,, . tivM Pens, with Pencil :uM s.'.vcr Ili .ii', I .J Guld Kinder fliiiga, 37J ccr,!i to 'en ; Vt.t:h Glas, plain, 12ceuta; IV.cut, 1 ; SS; o'.lter artic!a in ptspurti-iii. All KJ.a wt.r ranted to be what thoy are at-ld f-ir. KVAl'fFEU a i: VUT VY. "OnbanJ, aoine G )!i and Silver Lcvrra and 1-apities, atill lower than the alore jricv. 8cpt. C, 55. ly. The It't cflHectisi rf (Ilea ever Pi llhftt. TIP-TOP OLl'E & CHORUS EOOIT. A uew and choice e :llei-tion of Cop, rrishts uever ttf-re harm' iiizvd, and niKiiy of '.be t7e"na nf modern Ocrnmn f Itnlitxn Composeri Arranged in a faiuilUratylo, and B.!apled to the vaa of Glee Clulw, Mitiging Cluncti, and tho I'uu-.ily Circle, Ut C. JAUVIS and J. A. GHTZS. Thia work eontaiiia a g'cat nuinU-r t f new and favorite Song, barinoniiid in a rtylo adapted to general purposes, while many if t:a (inn of Hetidclsiiohn, AM. Kurhen, and otl.er ci iel-ratr.1 conipotara, are preeenleil iu.au Orij'uia! lorm. The great variety of mtsiial cctmpoaitioin here hitro uceJ. euiiiumtly adapts it la tho lane and opacity ol the Sinfiiii,; School, tae Glee Club, ai.d the Family Circle. CiTI'HICE ONK DOLLAPv.ja Ju.t publtahed by LEE & W A I. KEF., No. 188 Cheanut Street, and J. B. LIPI'INCOTT sV CO.. No. HO North Fourth St., I'hiladWphia. 1? Snmpie copi.a will be acnl by mail, free tf poatage, on receipt of $.. March fi, 1850. 4 in el I'OIl .SALE 1 FTEAM ENGI.N T.H 8U Horsa pawer each. jgg with boiiera. Would make excellent pump. lot anginea, together with 2 largo blowing cyliu tier, atiilable for a blaet furnace. Apply to UENKY LO.NGE.NECKEU i CO. Miamokin Iron Works, bhataokin, Pa. f bamakin, July 81, 1856,- ' FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. ntf 100 buahela Flaieeed wanted immediately at JL the Cheap Btore of E. Y. Blight, for which IU lugheat utarkot puce will be paid. Suiibure, October 0, 1855. tf STOVES- YOR gALE ao cieeUeiil'aeeond-hand Cook rn( ttuwa), alao aeveral Cylindat Coal rt-ae Willie m tnia oHla. THE SALAMANDER SAFES, .. - ,OP. . ; rtllL.DBI.rtlt AOAISST Tllfc wontD EVANS WATSON. . f Jo. 2G Sou'h Jhurtk St., Philadelphia. iF'$n-sS)'w "It Wate'Snd iSe unrert rtemnnatrn. 3' 'il'ff fc t"111 brtlie following Curtifionlt l, ti;IS?sf'i! lhHl '' rmmirfai line "t fnta. ,7 ; , ! iimuii I ruin nun ji. ivitfi.ii inn. unrrnntetl the reprteiitrttint!! 'iif; have heen nimie of them V.i-.pr as-iiiiil tbe triiSe element : rnit.Anw.fmA, April izin ifji Mrnre Kvent A Va'aon ; tienti It airorrl. na the hii.heiit atifn;lion t.i nine to ynu. tlmt o ine m tl-.e very prnttTtive qitnlitiea of tw of the Sulamanilr fufca ehlrh we pnrchau'd nl yna iinne few n.onU'. n:ce, w e:ivtil a lirje prrtii'H "f fiir Jmvelry, ltoli, lprrs. A (v, exio eM tn theenlHitiitunua fire iri Raii8d Tlnce, on t1icm'rn ltir of the llth hint When we rcfl't thr.l these Pofea were lueated in the f-inrta slnry of tho tiiiiniiig we orrnplwl, ami thnt thi-y ft'li r-ihtitii,i!i!y iiit'-a heunof huming ruina, vinre the rat: en!i?e:itr::ti'm of'l.ut eauKi-il I'-n l.iis -::ii s to mill, we enii.i.--t hut refrfttrf i !.e jiresi-rr.-ii'iai of the v ihnihip cnn. t?;:s ;s rn-ri cnnvin.ing iirtn-f of tae gtti.t st-cm jy tiX't tin! hy your titfca. ' ye eha'.l tVe much pleat ure in reeorimenrling t'.iero ti men of hueti.tjta us u uie lei.anre tip.ocnt h.'r. C-OKJC W.S:MOKa ft Cno. Tklito-tzu, jril . 19SC. Misers. J.-ant A h.v. c t" f.T.r y. a r.iy fi r- timony in t.ivoi i.t i!:i prnt ecnrltv a.Tor If.l :o ivy i-i lite enrof jev. elry.-ta-. i'kj, pi-icrs 'i.iitif me rrctiii I'ir-.Rir.i.. eolith'-,- r.iiti;; i-i r..intU!J pi n-e. lr 'tii tlx fact t v :he run, -fri: u;t i;:;cil i:i two -f '. l.r ts.i.'.ii.i'ji.!t!r Snf.-a t.i4iit'fsr;ureJ iv tinvirg faileii lii.ai lira firth ;-iey ef the Artiesn RiitH ii where thry wi.e r rern.u;)- j":ai'-iit anil et(.osril ta v-itt J:nt for a I vr; tiir..-, the pru-rvn'. inn t'f I lie l;iiti:;!;'e til pontic rrt. t-1 to every line w'l" vitnrasnl the opi-niiiR i nd intcii 'i rxiirmt.t'.iioii, n rnaiter t f pruli-ujil as-.-niili. To all who mnv ri-ili ' H pi-rct protirt'on from the nvnp'ii.if f.r. I jifil hi-Bitiili; ti ri-cor..ini.-iul li'V use i.f o.:r M-uVf. i s I cutis; !er tiny l.ave li " imlirg no the rr.osit. yl. g uu. ti. K MM. PU'iLMUCPtltA, At"il It, !P"3. !.ferre. f'rni-i 1 VnU-n '.Itf.itlciiii ii No u ;nh: ; n v.-'i he ilf rtply pmtiiinl t.i Ifir i the it nl c ti'i; n in which I riirp.ivcr'nl inv li-i '. poh'-y of ; isu'.inrf , i rtiliintis if stiM'h. ii'id other WilLifiMe uopir.iii!U, ivhen on Kri'lny last 1 oMMie-i ihe .-it'e ini:e by your lirm. 'iViih n:y Wii'iwr'i i f :ts cviit c apo.nrp, h 'th lo the i.llv: Sltv r( t!. ht:r. fr Ti F h -t ? f l.s lint tl-hich rlf. ' yi-t the Ar:is.in I: ;ii';.-.e, ns !fl"i from tin- force of the fi'll from it. f Tiner rlry.ited ;vi;ion ui the th:r;l srory I Cti'il etitcr-iin Imt tii!-r v-oee pri"rto its ii terior in', sprction, th.'il thocor.tciiis tvhie'i 1 on.-e e.i hif.hlv pr.z-.ii w.iu ,1 rvv t'? r( unj cea'it cto pi-, ti-t ns tlir.r ferns t-.-e ii 'W h.r, ;v!y ri'l'i Vri!. J fct'l it on'v line t'l f:iv to y it t:,;:t I imi: h;n ef.-r;h rre-nnijieur! the ne t f your Pif'-s In .vho rr.-iV wish ; .i feci n iinf..lrvi.'e iiv the perfect si' c .'ri-y wl.icll such mesne fr-v:.ic, r.gninsl so I'righlf.i: nn rlrtnet.t. KtrtTAatt Gasrill, no-Vhinrler. Cnns'snily on h-rnJ Patent Ponder and Thief Primf I.o.-iis f-r Jtur.V. ett'-rre, Ac. Afiril wfl, ly FK1EM.S CE.NTKA'.. DUY GOi Ii JiTOKE, 6. E. Corm r KifiUlh tSt A:ch C-'.tccta, riin.ALui.rfUA. PiPI?E aubMiibcf liavic i.ia:'o eery io-triorlanl ti ailili iop to hij rala.Hiabmctil. by connet'tiiia t!: a first floor of hi Old H'.uio wiili t'.iat i:f t!u bcai'lifiil l.iur story buiUlia Hrijnitiiiig known r IIahmit (suriiiot iiteii with a hi,'!) Citpois, inrilv l.ia CM Cualisitiera faij .t'riaiii'a u an cstttiiiiitttim! of an Euiirciy New S ock of FAKCY AND STAPLc V?,Y GOODS, soli'clcd ciptcealy in reference t-J lie pteiciil Oj.er.iof;. The ttwrlmerit fnmpriaej: r'fas.ira'.i'c Drcna Male.iala, cf new at:J e!e rraiit Lir :lr, I'i.J loilift & Tilhck Silka, . t!)&v:lr, of ail liinJt. lioaiury, GioT Ac-Mitt, l'':tiliri'u!sTica &. Mnen Camiiri.-V Ilar.ulierc'fi, Ftirniihine lioc.l-t Oi'uil kimia, Irish I.inrna, Elannrla, Moreens. cVc.to which are milled New C-mos Uiiv, of .rh.tu e discrip Uwsg. CilAULES ADAMS. P. S. Fern'ine wieiiina; a aplettuintl view of the City and Vicinity, can aaceuj tile Cupola, '-y a private Stairway which will la found well wortli a .:t. March 'S, lSiS. 5m r .L ..... i 1. v... -.-J J. rfw j'ti E a:! s:ril.er it slit! e:'f;.Ti;rd in the innnu- orf.'S tf eureriif .' l.'.cliiofi Cirdi for t.Vt.c:i ei..l i'-. l;f:i r.-:..r:ej. 'I'i.c '. est cu.t'itr tt i- utej in rrmki::jt tl e ubjve, ier.ee of t.vn tv-t. e yes.-a, t r.t !!ic;n eau ti tn sny made in i .' i.r.ir r. ; j rvPurcJ j i'...;; cuiulr j I;.'a.!e, cer i ttirtt eit:t 1 Sii'ttsr ' j I.ee:i.cr T.rr.1 I tut slec- OciiinjC eitpeti.w Leather n-.et.ted t".d cpir nvited, t!:c atretcli t ly pctierfi.1 i.iuc'iiiery. Eleiutor C'ial -M ills alao. t 1Imi eif tispeHor rta!!fv, nude a JyU.N H. HAVKE.'.L, Nwi. S3 boii'.h IV.avr- f-! ic. E dthn 20, 1:.3.- 2 i.r t M,-.Tp'w DILWCXITJi', ERATfSON & CO. Hardware Hercliants, Ilnving te.novrr. fto.-tt fi'j, 3 U lij. V3 Mu.!'.t Street, J'iiliu Jeiohi.i, Are pr-pati-J,'vi;j greally incroaae-J frilita, lo till ori!e.- :-.t ii A K U Vt'A HE of every vjrle.v nrt best Icroi'., fro:n a Kill emorimrnt, inclu.'ir. Uiiii.-.e.i tii.o.ili, I'icke. i t. Cour.l-v pieivbant and other will and it to their i ;t reft to cii! tt: 1 ;a.i.i;ie our stotk le- jte cvr.v.5'!rc rlnew'.e.c. Aptil '.I, !hC6. !y T-" "1Tf t. VfT-v "iT7 . vTI rj ti" AT fiCUUCED FlUCEa. J 13. J. VII.I.IA5iP, No. 13 North bixih Hi., Philadelphia, ' Oriflismtoref nil new elytra of VENETIAN E'dN L).S, lutid Eoruered an.l I'aititct! yhailen, nl If nutifi.:! ilcsiiira. Unir. and all other whir of 'llsnd, uneu" for .Shades, Futures, 1 ni!ioii:.,;8, STOKE SHADES TAINTED TO OK DEI!. H. J. W. thatiktul for past patronage, re.pecl- fully I'.i-ita the ritizei.a cf Nortiiumberlaiid Couii'.t to v.i'.l and eia-v.ine l.ii lare aa.jituunt before p up-hnsittu elsewhere. Wlitil tUV 1U M.tiASL. Ayrii 5, 1650. :iin c BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk th3 vray for Bargaini- EING lU'f irons ol ilit-poalnir uf 111 V entire ctock of lloo.aatid Hutionrry, cnmprii.ing soino O.liCil Voluiiica of l.uw. Medical, .leli liioua tScieittilie, Uljuk, Musical, bchool and Misi'elUneoua Uooks. Also, luu Iieaina of letter paper and a lot of wail paper, steel pen', waters. Sic. I will dispone of the whole stock r.t public sale fat at my i-tcie, opuoeite. the Court House, ruwmriiciiig on Mon-'iy the 7th dny of April, IE56 at ) o'cluck. P M., auJ continuing, every aftrrnooti and evening until the whole stock is sold. VVM. McCAKTY. Ter JOS. II. McCABTY. Bunbury, March 15. 1658. tf A LI. persons imlebtr J to the firm of Frilinar & a a. Grant, oi. Nolo, Uk account or oihciwisa are reactfull lequestad U com iorveard and pay tip uelweeu this and lb flratef April as they wish to eo to lb city to lay in their tfp.-ing sup. pliea. FRILINO AGKANT. eiinliorv.IsieH M, Hfnlt-tf OJ1 FdOLS AND WISE MEIf. Whpti at the festive lonr:l JOtt tit Wht'ro flows thn epnrkling wine' Rompmbor, tliougli to drink bo swt-ct," T hut tt nlislitili ' divinn j Thnt imtiire's bpyernpi) sbtmld snffico To clifi-f both prciit uml miiull ; Thnt Itidlsi will drink tlm maddening enp', ' Hut vvite nii'ii not ut ull. In t.ork or piny rempmbrr too Tliie snctvil rnlo to minJ. Yonr work 'thnnlri bo lor nnble ends, Your plonptnvs purti in kind ; Thou, though ymi huve a merry hcnH, . 1'oifift nut, lvt jou lull, Tliul funis will Kport in wickod ways, Jll.t ttifO 11HMI i.ot, nt ill), i And v.ln n in ynntli's ri.lvitncJng; Jiours Yon fi'i'l yotireclf ulntip, Ami si!ok soini) woman's trusting henrt, TIii'ii pivn bcr all yon own; ni-mt'inl'pr, if your ;nis?ionp ronm, Tlinsp pli-nsnvi-8 poi'ii i.ittst mill. Th.il r.iida will court tin1 wanton's s smiles, Lnl wisp men not ut all. And if dpcpivrid by fair prpicr.oo Of f:-ii tii!sh:n in yonr kind. Li-urn thi'iicn to judgo yonr fellow men With n tlifco ninir mil d ; A faithful friend fOuil! bring ynu blinf, A l'ni.- oiio only gu ; Imh Is trust tlifir all to Ireaclierouti knave, Hut wise men not at ull. A::d f.i'.- yo'ir !i(-iol,l:or'. weal or woo E'er I: ttve a kindly care ; Rotr.iMiiher wh it i anfe for yon Mtty ict'.ii li:ni to despair j T'lon pans-e bitforo yon t.nkij it s!ep Mnv ctttiso n brollier'.- fall. For lot. Is live for themselves c!cut', But wic-c men live for nil. In nil yonr iiitrreonr?e with mon He thia yo.ir rmistniit Kt t. To help the piotl to walk tiright, Tho WiHiilerii'.o; to reL-laini ; Each lia-ur apiit lite t.-Mitck. Left it ahoiild work yonr thrn ; l or iVinU iiiilnlre i:i sordid lust, L'ul wi.io moil not al ail. Select Calc. THE FIRST BRIDAL VISIT. ' PART FIRST. CONTINITO. Tta stooped and kixncd hi it little vifo nitllo leiiiieriy 1 v.-as b!,i:-h! at pratSi-i' v.bi'ii tho eervutt'.s throw open tliu d;.iv.ipo;. j roon rjoor ijrtis. w hat n lirela 1 end all e-yen t.tnied to n.e ! Then I was i'irii:.-;!!y in- irocttreti to tv -rytiorty ; tn'jritiMiiig .t,i .Mr. iUut:i.ster. iv.y two liitces, and three ne-ihevvs, who (tared ut tr.u r.itiFt iii-.iiiero'.l'u'.''. In the uiiilfl of the fray, I looked round tor Lanris- : ton. lie was ut the LtLer eh ! of tho world. ' tiu'riiiir; a-.vt-.y to a hari:ltontp pei:ileniun i:i tlio vt iiiiluw. 1 r.arcr knew the i'tstl r!:jj;;:t; su:d relief of b.ti:if married till Mr. lianiiister. i when dinner wss annnuticcd, led me in before ! .til those ct'lier tall liulles. Ol'tt'tt ai.d o'.!e:i my niiters and I had vonnttd heads, tvor.i'.tr- ; i:i(f if. in the scraii.Ue. we. sih.nid pet any body to take ltd in, or u seat wliuii arried thos.u days werm at an end. Thu hat'.Uiomu mart fat opposite ne, next my eldest niece, who looked wooden and uncor.eerned. ai.d cumin ualiy flared nl r.ie. So del the gentleman ; iitit I did not mind dim so mueh, (or, if I looked lii, he t;tr:ied away Lis cyt . It was very t.eMoHi I had dined ut rejitt'ar rtate ptir t ioei. The wholtt evi lutioas of the t.tlde ini presstid me wiili j; rout w. 1 did not liku ilrinkiiifj wine wit it people at firt; a sudden stiii'ness Seized just that joiiit in my neck which iniKht to hnVu been Miple. Lutterly 1 j-rew Iiu.il. am! annuel felt inclined to make? it orimaee ii:?lead of an uuuieaiiiiijr little to'.v. llt.t thttre wua a fate ajMin.il ttiy uituitiii.g a we.'1-lo-d eotutiosare. JiihtRS t'n y were ur riiiln tiin secutid course. 1 Celt soiiieihin j pulling tit ttiy litud. I turiiL-d end taw that a tititxiin h..d caught lus btuton in my hair, i apokc to Mm. auJ I pat my h.,;id to my he.-.d. and iili'l !;e Irii-.l in bieaU uv.av, ipiito iaiioi-i't.'. wli-.-re llm l.lteii lay. 'i'l.eii 1 scie.to'.t fl l'..r 1 f...;',d bear it no longer. Up Himped Ur..riitnii from liio bui'o:ii of tl;n ta ble. Every eve was on mo. Thot uukward in in ha.l ivieiiched down ail my hair, and it bainf i:i tmtsw over mo. '1'liu Inttideoiiin s;.i:ile;tiaii find ncmvtu.n ulutit 'golden tresses," to t.iy tiiece, load eiitmh for mu to hear, and Mr. ll.inni.-ter caileii his ilaut;hler to I've,', p.m the li.ir i::nie., tay'.a;' kindly, it v a.-i nut every lady v.l.o ivoalii I.avo felt .!:e 1 -j of her hi-ad dre.ss. I!i went on to tell a many story uoout lumseii, i.ir.vo:;ee, in a liio.ii ttitnl, ho hut l.ls hat and wi . !,Vn'a.-lilie, in the r-tratiil, uiid was o'ltied to walk liotuu j..l'.i-hi..iili.d. "Cv.i muie a tiiveiiion. and t v. ery ems t.il.iinieil. ut the natural tipje.-aranre ol i..i wijj. imlied, no one couhl have t-nesM-d 1 it v.as lul.-tr hair," Arc.; and. meanwhile, my j handsome vis u ii.' sent a servant to ask mu to drink a yhivs of i'hamp:ii;i!ii wit It l.iin. . i There waa no initialling the l-.ml; in Ids eve as he dra:ik It ; it saitl, r.a pluiidy as uu eye could speak, -Here's to our better actpiaiJl auee," And He i!H improve it. Nuboily knows what tlio jnr.n1 cnea er. tlare of dult;e.-.a asi-.l ins piility iluriiijr tic reij;u tf matn aj unit i!otva!eri uftcr tinnier, f i.o cbaiilablo nod ; tho seam a otis keep themselves awake by racy ane.ciJelcs ol friend uml lieiyhooia ; young In ides talk Ci.nset;i:eti tially ol si lvauUui.il l.oaetvil'ery. Aluek! 1 did not know Vial IiLiu mutton. 1 never could "play pretty" in my life, lint 1 bet all tlie- young ones u"g uliout a ftinious btictie. tho palleiu of which 1 pnssc-si-d. 'I'heiv never Was audi a sensation ! In the middle of It, while tl.tnie und mite, (oh, I must except my bisler-in-law, she o.ilv smiled iudiileuily,) were tiptoe un.uic.i me, uml 1 naa lusiiimnui; my iioekel-liaiiukerchiel' into tho shat.e oi tint liuliu, ill cauit! thu jenlleinell. Tim ladies looked U4 il cauuhl in the act. Ilu'.v was it I 1 urew nervous, lor I stood alone in the mid. die of liio room, Uouri.-liin the liamlkerchiel' 1 was invpialilny prompted to reveul thu mystery. Oil, company ol masons ! y never looked move uhapl, wiicu jo discovoied tiiu listener in tho clock case, limn did these wor thy women, as the gentlemen roared uml lit tered at my diM'losurv. I took courage when 1 saw i von niy hu-baud bitiiij; dowu a smile. ISut i wauled chair, and di-mure feimtle fa ce hedged ma in on ull sides. "To the res cue 1" 'I Here stood the knight of the hand some countenance motioning to me. I dar ted into the empty chair, and was well High buried in Us depths. My knight was mod est man. J,wus by degree ocly that he iDfimisled liicnrelf into Tight, sportive rertv, I ara sure tin tor.it me (as I wasl for r rustic lately snared, and put Tirritms lending ques tions, which I pairiui't lnuxhi'd ni as the Iitlnior took mu. At last I fairly asked liim "And prny who are you t lo tell uie your llnnin?" He looked so amused, tlmt I blushed and hung my head for shiuno. However,' he said ho was "one Ered Vernon, of the ." tin I asked him a proat ileal about .Spain, lor I had heard cnouirh of these matteis from my liusbaiitl, which J told him, und lie said some thinrr about Desdomonn. and gluni'-ing at Major Lnuristuii said, in an under tone, flflie loved me for the druia-crs I hnd passed And I loved her that ehe did pity Ibem,' Addinrrr, most sitfiiificnnt "Eli 1'' I did not half understand him. Hut this strain of badi n.ige eontintied, and lie by some menus found out my nnmf). "Rose !"' Wdl, lie certaiiily was skilful nt fUOtationS. I listoneil, amazed nt till the fino poetry lif spoutr-d ; in d then he wits so infinitely nmnned to find I had nev. r rend Lalln Hnolh. nnd prnmisiMl to briiif; it for ino the next day. He told me the prettiest stoiits idioiit the rose nnd a bout the Ilnlbul. only I was nsh.init'd to h obliped to nskhimtvho thts I'tilliu! was? There was u ffreat deal of nitisie, fur the Miss Bannisters piny etl duets "con fj'irit.:." to al! our immense flowed lifxhily on, und norm thu wiser for il but ourselves. I was quito sorrv whin the pnrlv broke tin this still' pnviv of sii anrers which I hud t-o n.nclt dreadt d. Captain Vwiirtn was full t.l' plnr.s for pic-nice, n:-.d boed hard lo .c al lowed to be my ktiipht o:i u'.l cccnsintts ; and I told him be must hiltle matters himself. 1 called him -Sir Lnr.ctiot the I'lcure of Chi valri ," nnd he su!:! I was a second Queer. Cite never. Alnsl mr Kiiur Arthur w.s somewhat sterner nnd more viriotnt than the bold prii.ee i of old. 1 w.ts fji.ito fi i'.'litenrd at his black, inlleit visape. v.lieii only the family party re- i mniiied. 1 sth'tlenly toil I had been foolish apain to some purpose. What !ir.! 1 doiip to malin him fo nn-riy? I looked round. My sister-in-law was sur-h a (.'rave, proper sort of person. The cirlti looked as cold as stoma. The boys seemed my only r.'.lit s nnd I thought they medituted future frolic! with their skittish aunt. 1 v. us quite plad when Mr. nani.isiir returned from htindinj; the fat rid lady to her eurr::i(:t He always l.ioketl jolly and compl icen'. I thimght they were all still nnd frijiid to the lowest ilejrrce. 1 had not been used to stud) ways. 1 almost burst out crying when Mrs. jiannister for mally wislied me pood nii;li!. And then I had to emlnre Lilis' cross iptestiotiin.cfs, and her Sjdee!! about the areideut to my hair. I ecrluimy have contrivi d to displease every body ta.niht.- N'b I I pliuiiLcii my ff.tlicl, tears nut everybody '. for I remembered me of that deep blue eye. p.ml tho siiipularly ex rptisilu month, tli.tt. tmi!;'d snhuwitchiuply on tr.e. I am urrcid I wiflied Heaven had made masuch :i man." Then iti cr.me. my lord uml master, in his bluo dressiiig-jtown, which I told him made iiii''! look ns if he had been playir.tf at snap-ibapon : where.it. i'l a very t': v rr. hn said, "por h'S i-.rt he had left off cii'ildish foliies." That ctrtvitaMn Ellis looked us if she e.Tperted a curtaiii lecture, bo 1, jIad to have a sate subject for my iriilathm, rrave her a tart notiiv to ipiit the room. Yet, when I found loVM-if it'oiie with my tull, pr'un liiisbnnd. wished her back ;m.ii!i. I shook in my slippers as ho 1, gun, in ucoid, deliberate tolit- "Eosamond !" N ow he never before had culled mo aiiythiiijr but Uose, or his ' wile." "Itiisamond, I did Lope mv nine j v.'iie i would know siifiieientlv how to conduct her. self us not t inukia me inhumed of her in the I l e r.f on. . ti f...iiilt' tie oi.i -. il v fill too firut ! ;" " ". ''-' '0.01..T, .-V ...... occasion of her iiitrotl.tc!;;):i." If ho had bei 'i the least kind, the small re mains of my t.i.iiiui strength uml my spirits (never valiant Would have given way, but ins lini.-h words made i.. think of Olhi ilo. ntol I told him sharply, "If ! wer- dis.ippoiiiled, so was I ; 1 did expect my husbuml would have shown soma consideration for h.s little young wile, but as ho did not, mid us his sifter and her family had evidently taken a dislike to mo. and k -ft me quite in the lurch, 1 should cerV'in'y shift for myself as 1 best could, i hail been used to kindness, and I had no doubt I should still pet it some". here." 1 trembled at my own huriiihocd. Conceive my astei'isliment when my hus band, finding 1 was no mck (Iriscldu. sud denly tamed down from the lion to the Iamb. Ho assured me that he had no intention of no-rU-rtiiig me, that it v-as not the thing at u'l to pi ty the tpiwinuwiiratv in public ; thnt I must know ho would ride r talk to n.v, and have mo uil to himself, thin any ot.e else. I'o. ild I say the saine ? 1 pouted and sput tered a ":rrut deal u'.intit cxclo.-ivi-iiess l.lld j jealousy, and unbearable reserve. lie read mu p. lecture on discretion and matronly ' behavior. How funny we must have looked ! j 1 tearing out my long hair, ami perched on i the stool : l.s liMi.iiig .li'ii O.iixote-like utraiiirt tao wall, the very iiin.ge that j "knight of Ine f oir.iw.ul eoiiiiienanee. ! Alas! I was yet in lh" l.mtl t f flowers, and he had sleppi'd I'.tr into the barren wastes of iil'e. Ki iiily. thot-i-'li, he spoke in such a kind i iligiiiltcd way, and looked so sad, 1 longed to I beg his pardon. Instead of lining it sub. I missively, 1 jumped on my feet, und putting ' my mouih tip to be kissed, said, ball-crying I und Inill'-laUL'hili'.' "If 1 hud oiily some name to cull you by, I Ibink 1 could "love ymi very much." Thereupon ho took ma upon bis ku.-e and pett.-tl me. Can't irti eidl me .Tuiitis? Why not my own Cbii.-tiua name li" Christian ! 1 should think of that swarthy lleniun who put away his wife! Julius! the very name sins tip war! Nn. no, not Julius 1" r-o our iirst ouai rel Mulshed in it very lover like w iy indeed. E'lt, us 1 lay uwake, thought seriously of the oeetin of troubles on which I had embarked. This was to be mar ried '. 1 n.i.st not speak, r look, or move, without refening mentally to my husband, l.who had never rcllected for noy two mm utts consecutively In my life 1 lo bo sage, staid, circumspect, j. ivo up lay buttcrtfy life 1 Ami he who set mw these rules? hut did 1 l;no.v i t mm r Ali i it Id upon me I. he a crash, that 1 h id iie.i.de.ssly joined myself to one 1 knew no: ioti tf. How could 1 know him? Hh uud to shoot wtlb my father, ride with mu ami my sisters, listen to our soirgs, read to its a lillle, eiauce with me, und give me jewels, und on this I married hint. We had been engagod for three mouths, uml here i.a.t 1 lied to hi. it (ir life. B it could 1 hive known him better ofler ten years' actptuini. unce T lit those days was be not bent on pleasing me? but 'notv it was 1 who must please him. I felt I knew no more of my own husband's peculiarities uf temper and taste than 1. kueiv of Julius Cm.ar 1 hud just glanced on thu outside, 1 was liable to ulfuiid Litis every moment, through sheer ig norance and inexperience ; und I was so wilful, I knew it. 1 had beeu chidden for thoughtlessoesi from a child. Why didu'l Sosso inarTj bim t Crave, geo4 ittf fiotrtn, who always frol me out of scrapes, and never was in one herself! 1 wept bitter tears over myseir the tomb "of my youth. Youth, pleasure, and fraiety vanished t and I be tiioitfrht me of the old song, . . . i . ; . "What can a young woman do with an old nan?" Yet he was only in the prime of life r a hand some mail, kind, and pood withal. Oh. 1 for nly suko and his, wo must lore- each other j we must bear nnd forbear. I grew philoso phical us I became more and more drowsy, and fell asleep drentninfr of the Eontunatu Isles; of man ied lire that still blocmed for the virtuous. Hy some spell' of ulamotirie, dark eves melted into blue, blnck hair clumped to clustering chestnut curls. I thought he had thrown bimsejf ut my feet before them nil, vowiil:"llt!;is'i If my f;nlj;ht for lire, and clasping my hand in his.-' My hrtsbund Blond with a slorinful brow opposite. I nwoke. Tho drops stood on my brow, my teeth chntieird. There lay my husband asleep, holding my hand in hi?. ' I-A.XIT II. "I dreamed a ilrmry ilrenin lent ni'J. liml keep us a' lute sorrow.' It wns Sundny morninir, nnd I had been warned Inst night lo be in time for prayers ut liuif-tiui-t eiitht. At my honie a viritor, on her t'rst montin-T utter a b i. joui-iiey. would vettaitily hare been excun-d coming 'down i:t nil ! but Mrs. Bai.nisUr did hot look as if she hud her breakfast in bed in her life : so I stumbled .oat cf mine, though J fell as if I had uot'Tet ti 'ns.lei p ut uil. I blundered through the ireliiniiiaiies cl'th-J toilette, und seated myself on liio ufu lo put on my slue mi-Lstttikiiitr. , My eyes w:t as Jjnavy tu lead. 1 seemed lo he.n Mrr.. Hannister's pro t isL'Voreej that bust, prim hottsewi'e, with stiueheil mob cap, m.d hatidkercliief pinned across her chest. Whr.t hud 1 done itunr ? Oh, what a laugh idiouting in try ears I I sprang forward, my husband imd fotun i:i r.nd found me fast asleep, "one Ktockit.g i n und one stnekiner on." The bell had" run ; for breakfast, what was to bo done? Hu'cnly Liupiird, und said 1 looked ns snug ns kitten coiled up in the sunshine ; but he lim it down and gallantly ussi-Wil ut the rA,t!i.'.t.'i-e. 1 did not half like Lint for my maid, so rent him nil', and rang for Ellis. ' That s.iteful El lis ! this was la r way id' paying ciVa jirwdge, us il she could not have c.ime up lo see why 1 did not ring my bell. came down looking us peuitei.t us Jai.c Shore. Mrs. Bannister will, somewhat roundly, she hoped 1 did not l.iind Cidd tea and toi:g',i toast ; she punted to tho teapot, bill me lock up the ttigar when I hail done, said her pirLa had pone to the school mi hour uiro, ami trolled away topath er her liubaiid his .Sunday nosegay. 1 ttu ready far church. Thctu I tt Vuiut ibui Homing out the dread of my sister-in-law kept me up. That wr.s a "u-is'ii" Sunday for me. They were ull so well uml so brisk, and I so good for nothing ; I could scarce choke down the tears. In fact I was tired. My husband said it way only my way, "Eose was ulwavs either up or down." and I was ashamed rto bay how ill I felt. That evening M rs. Ban r.ister said a fireat oVu! ubout the duty of serenity ami cheerfulness, ami how essential these ttui.lilies ivero to the comfort of l.fe, especially the married slate. My husband asst iiU d. I knew she was lecturing me. I don't like side-hits. I drew back sullenly into the dark comer of the sofa, and cried in silence, Mrs. HannUier prosed on about spirits and tho r riety of tempers she had met with. M;n talked well, but 1 wished that night thut the old man's biack pudding in the (ui.y ulu would stick to her litis, "she knew sf.io.t to nlo " kIim .,;,! ollhi. ilia 1 -i .-I.- nl... never would harmonise with the p.r-pect of others; so vivid in their spriog-dnvs. as to others overpower their neighbors, ao conspicuous in j their sadness us tn attract u'.l eyes to their t excessive show c f grief. Extremes were ! bad." If I had liti-ncd to tho res! of that j exordium, I should h ive hud St. Vitus' dance. I 1 hastily wished ge; d itifcht, was in bed, and ! pretended to be asleep before Major Lauris i ton came no stair". Was he, fors.ic.lh, to sit by and hear me shnltit like thai? I wouldn't endure it, and that heshouid know. 1 wouldn't j stay in u laiuily v. lio despised me ; I would j go home j there I was never treated with j contempt. Cousin Ai.'ck, Susan, my own ; no. th.-r, taku back yonr little Rosy ! I rried half the night, mv husband snored. 1 hud Hint more tears s:iicu 1 married, tliitn ull those thnt stained my sptdiing-bi.ok and dir tied my woik in tLe days of stocks and back boards. t-oap-biibbles ! to be sure I could Iilnw soap-bubbles ; but whcio could wu pet the soup? "Ah." said my nephew Pick, 'i'ei-te's the rub ! Mother has the key of ti e stern loom!" "Won't tho give us a bit V "Not u shaving; Han't yon know my mother better than thai? She wouldn't give old Mi lily Tucker a cut to wash her old Han-iii-ls with; bat soap bubbles ? litllu uunt, you're mi !.ou.-ewi:'e !'' Hut 1 was bi nt on blowing sop.p bubbles with the boys, so 1 sent Eliis t the tilingo shop t.i bay pipes und toap. Eliis tinned down her lips and regarded me .ith gentle coutenipl": never! l.-h ts, w n itiude ii -aullful sr.a py v. .lor, nn k.d o-.ilsoives li.to school room, uml tilew ImbUc s ait the morn ing. Mine worn thebeit. They wer-J the largest ; they flouted like fairy balloons in tin) air. The gi-ittleiueii were shooting ; my good r.iects iieitructlng lliejjchisses ; si-.ti r-iu law, of course was uctir.g I'Lii!::. Our wimio-iv was dose to the. ponl.-. lleighho! some body was ruling up the drive. We kept Ve ry still. The gt iitleniatl rode leisurely up to tht dm. r. He litt e knew how many eves .-f.l wi re u ou hi:n. He roue tt sujciu givy llOllil'. Why, il' Captain Vernon !" said Dick. "So il was. i blew such u line bill. hie. It lichted just upon tha horse's ear. Ho (the captain) stal led and stared. 1 chipped my hands ami the;:, jumping tT hii huie, he si; oped his arm tliiotich ll.e Iniille, und came under tho whitlow. Robert olVen d to lead hi horse to the stable, if I.o would come in und blow l.i.lil.les. Nctliiiig loth, he put his hand ou thu sill utid vaulted into the room. 1 thoughi ho locked mole giaceiul und hand some than ever, llesjeuie.l to 1 ku blotting i- . i -1 ' i : I j 1 . 1 1 3 as Weil uu the bnyn, but I..' Used up ail my soup, and kept taking my pipe itistuad of his nun. Wu were a n erry qu.tr trtte j but alter a while tho nt ur-couitr tired, und proposed a stroll in the garden. I was always i caily tor change, ao we tigrei-d to sipnil the soupy water over tins geruniiinis iu ti.u gi evil-house. Kubcrt puvo us the slip, tie wanted to inspect Unit gallant grey. Hick went to hum for the stpiirt. Cupiuiu Vernon uskvd me if wo were going tn thu bull at South wood? Oh, yet! Sir Edward was Major Lauristou's old brother-officer. Wu were going to spend tho woek at Suuth wood "how charming !" so wus he j and then bo engaged ine, 1 don't know how many deep, for thu ball. T broke oil' a beau ill u I rosebud by accident ; ho caught it, aud said, wilb a look that ) could not meet, ihut there was nu Sower like tho rose. Suddenly I re numbered tnj btrsbwel's Bdmoiilllmis tftos my tasl persillage ; I grow confusetW am such a simpleton, to this day I cannot help blushing at the merrst trifie. I Mid "I must gn." ' Ho begged me tn stay a few nilnutes only a few minutes. There was nobody at hoiite; why should I huiry awny? Ho.t. did he know that? 1 asked. "Why." sanJ he. "you don't suppose I did not" find out so much before I came?" However, 1 would not be coaxed nor laughed into staying, though he did onU. me about Petrnchio and Othello. I ran oil, and bade him follow at his peril. I was in a complete flutter all day. Expected every moment that the boys would say some, thing about Captain Vetnnn. I had nn tinea sy fear about the mentioning of this morning's frfak. At dinner, whenever conversation paused. I grew red and pale, and thought, "Now I'm in for it j hern it comes." I watched Mrs. Eannister piling up each sep arate crumb of cheese, on hor square piece of bread In a nervous agony. Down fell a morsel of cheese, and my eyes were riveted on her till the little pyramid was leisurely conveyed into her month. Then 1 thought she never would have done scraping the plum st.itr.es. 'IT.py v.rre to be cracked, she said. I thankfully listened t n famous receipt for tioyenti. and then Mr. Eannister said kindly. "Ah. she'il do at last, so skittish as she looks ! 'I iere's oiio v. ritiklo for you ; rc-.t msy pet mat-y more from my w ife." I f. nt w she nnd tho rost o them were wrinkling my brow be fore i'.s time. Al last she made the sign to depart, uml T bounded so joyfully out of the room that Mr. 1!.. muster" said he hud uimost a mind lo go to Southwond ufter nil. if it was only to s.'ct me dance. Mr. Iiannister ut a ball! I was divided between I his ludicrous notion er.d the fenr r.f s. natural concatena tion bo'veen Southwood and Captain Vi-r-r.nn. To try irfinite relief. I found the Hun nlsters were not going to Rrmthwood. The evening passed away without mention of soap-bnbbtes uml Captain Vernon. The boys had tticir tears ns weil us myself, in tins lienthumilo vimant such a prodicnl waste cf soup would have been ns severely ecr.surrd ns a flirtation. Joy, joy ! my nephews were lo o buck to school' the next day. They would be o!T early. I was safe. Dreams sometimes go by contraries. t.'.O.NCI.t.lJKD NKXT WKEK.) U o 1 1 r i. COffRTINO. Rays, when you court, You should deport Yourselves willt circumspection. 1 1 Is u sin, 'To seek to win And tritle wilb affection. Nor wheu sincere Tho men appear In ptiUuulry und wooing. Can woman jot Without the guilt Of similar misdoing. Too many court In thoughtless snort. Nor think when they have parted On what they've done Tho loving ona Left courted broken-hearted, Tro many jilt Willi equal guilt. Nor think while thus they triflo. That mks havu heurts To fuel Love's darts, Though they their feelings stifle" In nil ws do We should be true, Nor raise an expectation, Unless 'tis mettnt, To full exlei'.t, To meet tho obligation. Dr.iTii or ri::'.civ.-ii., tub Pott. The Tel errrnph brings v.i intelligence of the death of .lames O, Percival, the poet ; he died ut Hiizh-green, in th.e Stale of Illinois, on Fri day lust. Mr. Percival was ooru in lb.ilin, Connecticut, in the year 1T(I.". aud graua.iti d at Yale Collece in 171"). He wrote verses at a veiy early age, but his lirst appearand as an author was in 1321, when he published his Prmneihnts and other poems. He pub lished another volume of poems the fi-ilov-iat year, and nt that period be was the most popular of American poets ; the tendemesa and melunchory sweetness of his verses being in accord with ll.e prevalent t.:ste of the cl.'.y. Iti lSii he was appointed un assistant surgeon in the L'nited States Army, und stationed at Wi st point to lecture on chem istry; but he r signed his commissi hi after holding it it few nun. . l.s. He published a third volume of poems in 1P27, and in 1841) appeared his Jieini nf a Mry. Dr. Perci val '.va a mat) of puiely scholirly testes nnd eccentric hal i-. at 1 ) c unii. d u rea-aiki ble love of teii-ntilic ptirsitits with his taste for pot try. He possessed gri ut linguistic uc litiirenieiits. and assisted N't ah Webster in jihii compilation of his gte;it Hiclionary I He 1 -ail m.id-j a gcoli'jjicul stHev cf the State of Con;. eetii-tit, nnd at-t'.e time of hi.', ileal'.i hu held tile ollice of Ht;ito Geologist of Illinois. He was never married. Tho ov.ner o" one t.T the princely palaces on Blctcker street. New York, s.-mo lime ao leafed it for Severn! years for two thou sand dollars a yi nr. The tenant failed, and his surety wished tho oiwrh) resume pos session of the premises, which ha refused to d.i whereupon the surety opened a fa hi fro ble negro Loanling In .use ia thi pivmi-c , stuck un a sion of ('t.loi'i'd Peoj le's Hall," eslablisVied a rest uaraiit for thu rnlurc I pop ulationend has balii li.lice a week for the "upper ten'' of sjble.lo.n. l'roni these he is iciiii.-iiig u thi'iisaiid dolhn"' a year, ubi ve rent uml ofliet- txpertn-s, and hi his turn refusi s the oii'.-r of I ho owner to lake the pieuiiscs off his bauds. Ho won't pay lent until summon ed before a Couit, when ho appears jusl u warrant cf ejectment is ubout In tie issued The owner h is tried to gt t the house itid ict ed, but the neighbers Won't com, lain of it as a disorderly house ; tney rather enjoy he full, and many of them pay their tweuiy-tive cents lo Bui- Ugh life umtjuj the colored ,jeil- t-y- iMPROTE-er.MT ix Soap. Tlie wife of an Amoricuu agriculturist has been experiment ing iu soups, und finds that the addition of three-cpMui'teis of a pound of borax te it pound uf soup, melted without boiling, makes a saving of one-hull' in the cost of soap, and of tbreo fourths the U'tior of washingim proves thu whiteness cf thu fabrics, besides the usual caustic slfect is thus removed, und th hunds are left wiih a peculiar soft aud silky feeling, leaving nothing more to be iv. sired by the most einhilioua waslMrtwoinuii. Why ought a fisherman tobcj very wealthy? crcfaase bis U tl wi jrcflt. ItEAVTIKS OP SIOR WONISM. ' Among party of nine hundred Mormons,' who recently left comfortable liftroM In Kng land, to surn-nder themselves to the sway of Urighatn Young and his hopeful', associates, came two girls, whose transfer to the UtaH bind of abominations has very much thecbaf. ucter of kidnapping. The stofy of Hteit flight, as related in the Etiglish papers, Is as fallows t Their father wns a men in middle life, well to do and industrious. His labor had placed his family, consisting of wife and several children, in a state of decent compf tence and happiness. Satan came auioiifr. l hem in the guise of a Mormon emissary, and beguiled tho eldest son, who made a pilgrim nice to the land of rogues. Trite to their In stinct the cruTty elders of halt 1.ke mado Mormouism so delightful to the neophyte, and ad vn need him so rapidly in their frater nity, that he returned to Englund as a preach, er of the delusion. The father, whoso env ploymcnt took him away from his fafiiily fof periods of a week at a time, retntfned to ihe house one Saturday from a business excursion to find it deserted. His whole family hni disappeared, with whatever pnrtublcs tbeT could lay hands upon j and his wife bad sto len his money to no inconsiderable amount ull that she could coliect ot pilfer. He Ire cod the fugitives to Liverpool, and rencheJ" that pluco to discover that they had ertibnrl:. ed, under tho pet suasions of hs Mormori S'o, in an emigrant ship, the Enoch Trail Tha distracted father chartered a steam tug, nnfl t.iking with him a police officer, overlook tho vessel. A fter an iiifini te dml of pi-rsuuaiou aided bv the master of the shin, and oppose- by the Mormon leaders, he succeeded in in ducing his w-if,) to go buck with him. He al so, us a matter of great favor, cbta'ned tho surrender of his infant children. But his two eldest daughters refused to return with their parents, ami the heart broken father went without them. Their fate, going thus nn protected to Utah, may well cause a shad. iter. A community tlirs replenished is maturing measures to upply for udniissi'm asono of tho States of this toiifedcrucv. We were never amoi g those who "calculated the value 6? tint Union." rr who dream d Tlmt tho possi bility of its being tund jred was titnong con tingencies to bo considered in any case. Hut the possibility lhat our fathers may havo fought to establish a shield for a community of adulterers and bigamists, and their proge ny, makes ns pause. That all which we bold sscred tn religion, or virtuous in sociul and family relations, may be t'.Bnpled under foct by a Stiite represented on equal terms with those founded by Penn and the Pilgrims, by Oglethorgo and'lhe Cavaliers j that the Old Dominion and tho land of the rurituns may be allied with a lYutesnity of licentious an debauched rogues these possibilities, should they become facts, will leave no value to the Union for any body to "calculate." If otliing has cn-t so grout h doubt over tb futm-e of this country as thn . Mormon plaeuo spot. And if the State of Utah is to be admitted inlo our er.tlstel lution. the sign will lose its ptesent proud SignirVntice, understand--? stars sometimes do ill an equivoque the rep resentatives of something- too foul to be spo ken or written Mn. Joiiv A. Washi- an' SIwht' Vkrno.v. The Charleston Mercury, speaking of the result of recent attempts to pUrchuse the burial placd of Washington, says : "But there must be an irrepressible feeling of indignation ut the conduct of Mr. Wash, ingto.i in this wholo affair. With him it seems to huve been u cold speculation from the first. "As s"nn as he found there were several parties in the field for the purchase of the birth-place nnd burial place of the most rev. i-red man of North America, he seems to have had but one idea of making the ftrea't-gi posib e amount of money out of tho dust ol liio man wuose Dame ne bears auu u.e honors. "if he had refused absolutely to sell the property, wo should have understood that there was u motive before which all men mvrst bow in respect. Hut thocircuiustunces do not allow' us to attrihtrte to him anything but mercenary motives, with a small mixture of .amily anc State pride, to his proceedings. The Ladies' Mount Vernon Association aid compelled to denl with a huckster for the privilege of consecrating the bui'ial-p'iaco of Washington." To Ci.CANsn tub lxsir-E or Jars. There is frequently some trouble in cleacsing the inside of jars that have hud sweat meats or other articles put in them for keeping, and l hut when empty were wur.ted for future use. This can be done in a few minutes without scraping or soaking, by filling up the jars with hoi water, (it need not be scalding hot.) and then stirring i.t a tenspoonl'ul or icoro cf pearl a-h. Eao a.ni M:t K. Take a fresh egg. Lreak it in a saucer, and with a three- r uige.) fork beat it until it is us lilck u hatter. Havo ready half n plot of boiling milk, sweetenej with white SJgir; stir the egg into the u.ilk. ! au l servo il wnlia piece of Fpongo ead:e or s ice of tt a-t. It is cmisid red very light, u.inrisi.iug io.ui lor un invahj. bomo preler the yo'k uud white el' the egg boalio stvps-r-tcly. ; . Wkhstkii IiociKits AMI ClIOATI!. The Neww burytiorl (Muss.) Herald says truly Hint few ton sons say mote good tilings than Rufus l.'l.ojle. lie gave a lecture in Htmlon a lew weeks ago. upon the hist days of Samuel Ro. gcrs, for whom he expiesjed good aieul of admiration, ami whose "Table Talk" bus been recently published. Mr. Choate' greut per sonul attachment lo Mr. Webster, und aulnii rulinii of l.n'.i. are ulso well known. It is said hu was recently asked how I.o thought trio conversatioiiul powers of Mr. Rogers would comare with those of Mr. Webster. He replied, ".Is a. fiddle to lico hundred Organs.' A Noui.kma in Sr. Lous . -The St. lbouis H'-publicuii says : Count Beaufort, at) old Ereuch nobleniun. who dieting'ti'i-lied himself at Seva-topol. has concluded to resign ther filigue nl military life fr a lime, and is now in this city on his Way to thu Upper Mifi-. sippl. He and hit suite consisting -j- sixT young French- nobles, some of whom. 'ere ao" compiMiiad by their wivci riYt4 iu this, cirj ea Salnrday.'' An afflicted husband' was returni'.i? from the funeral uf his vufa when friend asked him how he was. "Well," said be, putheti cally. -1 thiu'i I fail thu better far that lilUsv Walk I" Why, Jim, how pale you look t what's the, matter Oh? got no sleep last nijijit,' "Ilow wits "that ?." "Why, Jon sei eoMiKe-p feller Uok my cellar door ai' so ) had t . u.e "uoibar, toni tQ rrmjf rust .