BEMOVA1. CITARLES MAOARGE k CO. HAVING REMOVED FROM NO.aaCOMMBRCRST. fO TNI South-Weil eor. of Sixth and Carpenter Stt. FlILADELAIliri, BEG to call tlie attention of Purchaser tu their extensive assortment of Paper, and Taper Maker' Material! t Printing Paper for Boek and New. Water leaf, aired, uncallen dered and calendered, of all qualitie and price, elway on band i Hardware and Manilla Paper, Trunk Board, Binder' Board, Hanging'Paper Particular attention 1 invited to their eiten eive afiortment of LEDGER PAPERS, From the most CeMtrated Maiwfactoriei in Jt7i Country. Among their WRITINU PAPER STOCK may b found Com. Note, Folio Port Atlantic Note, Thin Medium, Bath Po.t, Demy, Quarto Pot, Medium, Fool' Cap, Koyal, Flat Cup, Sup. Royal, Imperial. Plata Paper, of every description, izo and quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Paper, white, bulT, and gold, either laid or wove. Colored Paper, line glazed, and other varieties. Manufacturer are invited to exarcine their etock of Rag, Foreign and Domestic. Bleach, ing Powder, of approved Brands : Alum, ground or crude; Sal 8oda, Soda Ash Felt'ngs, Wire Cloths, Ultramarine, and Paper Maker' Mate rials generally. Cr7" They are also prepared to take orders of odd size and weight of any of the above desciip tion of Paper. January 10, 1S56. 6mo THE subscriber respectfully in'orms the citi tens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he hai commenced the manufacture of all kinds f EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in VVhortleherry Street, ore square east of tho River. II has engaged the services of Mr. Ill nr. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to rail. All order from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M. SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 18EG. tf MACKEREL. CODFISH, SALMON, HERRING, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES. SHOULDERS, LARD &, CHEESE, Constantly on hand and fur rale by J. PALMER & CO., Market Street Whaf, PUILASKI.I'UIA. March 29, 1850 3:n w TO R.-EHNTT. A STORE ROOM on Market Square in Sun bury, and two rooms adjoining. CHARLES FLEAS ANTS. January 2B, 18"i6. tf Cheap Fruit and Confectionary. RtiniCAM & frEM.KilS, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers in Confer.' tisnary of all Kinds. No. 113 North Third Street, below Race, Philadelphia. fUHE attention of dealers is reauestcd to an examination of their stork, which will be lound equal to any in this city. Foreign Fruits fall kinds in season. N. B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended to. February S3, 18o Sine KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market Street, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. S. F. JACOBY & CO., IMPORTERS of and dealer in the variou Foreign and Domestic Marbles, Statuary, Ac, have constantly on hand a large and select ortment of Mantles, Tombs, Monument, Table Tops, &c, of every description, not excelled by ny in the city for beauty, symmetry and finish Cabinet Makers, Plumbers and Marble Cut' ters, furnished at the shortest notice, with Mar' ble of every description and pattern, whether Foreign or Domestic, either finished in the Slab er Btock, on the most reasonable term. We rr spectfully invite attention to our stock on hand. March I, 1856 3m e MURPHY & KOONS WHOLESALE DEALERS IS FISH IHKESE & mo ISIOXS, Ko. 47 North WHARVES, below Race Streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment f FISH, CHEESE 6z PROVISIONS, which thrv are prepared ' o dispose of at the lowest Market rates. Orders promptly executed March 1, 1830. 3m w 1856. SrRINO MANTILLAS 1850 At Wholesale and Retail. GEonoE BXJLPiasr &c co No. 174 Chvsiiut Street, Philadelphia. In connection ttith George Buljdn, Vo 361 Broadway, New York, Are now prepared to supply the Trade from very section ot the Lnntn, with their Imports lions and Manufacturers far the coming season, comprising all tho newest dctigns, from One Dollar to the most costly garments manufac tured. Merchants win find it much to their advantage to examine our stock previous to purchasing. Close Buyers, purchasing fur CusU or Shurt Credit, will receive a liberal discount. GEO. BULPIN k CO., 184 Chesnut street, Philad'a., Between Seventh 4 Eighth its. April S, I860 Sm w Fashionable ITats and Caps. A.SHBY & R0CAP. Ko. 136 Market it., PHILADELPHIA, TNFORM their friend and the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment f hats, caps, &., got up of the best material and in the lates) and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and other will do well to tall and examipe belore purchasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, 1855 tf. 1850. grniNG Stock of new goods. Fatdiionable Silks, full line of black'Silks tsewstvln anrinp Plinula ilrms nn,li .in - ' - - wvue jv., Linens of strong rubric. Muslins of best lonrr cloths, staple hanseljeejjitig goods, Mens wear ei an m new givie. kYRE & LAN'DF.LL. ith and. Arch Streets, Philadelphia. f. H.-btorekeepers. Families and all tiood ieu Lush Buyers are respectfully invi ted to examine this lock of New Good l. for purchasing, as we prefer selling low, and tiling the 'mors goods. Storekeepers may often End treat Inh from Auction, as . atteud the Auction sales of ixew jgn una j uiiBueipuin, rhils,. March , l85S.-3m. w BIS OOTS, Shoes, Hat, Cap and Gum Shoes, just received and for eel by IBS. ... . TENER eCo BLANKS. LANKS of every description can be had kj anp vinr at tha atflea of taa Amanran - Fin lot ol Wail Faper just received and tat nit by WM. McCAJtTY,- llaW Mr. r, Mm fits. Bargains at the Old Stand. ' I FRILING 8c GRANT ARE now opening new and very desirable lock of FALL and WINTER Good, em bracing an emlles variety. Their tock con ist in part uf . . - Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimereg, Winter Ware for men and boy, all style and price. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress Silk at unusually low price, Shellic, Rratea, Brazo DeLains, Mu. De Lain. Lawn, Ac, 51NGHAMS from Bj to 25 cent per yard. CALICOES " 8 " 124 " " WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jacouetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bohi- nett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings, eve. Brown and bleached Munlins, Drilling. Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diaper, q c. OROC'EKIIlf. HARDWARE and Q.UEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster Salt and I' ish. Also a lresh supply of DKL'OS AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. IV Country produce of all kind taken at the highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3. 18.15. ly. Great Anlvul of Fall and Winter Goods ! IEA T. CLEMENT a NFORMS his friends and customer that he Jg. just received an elegant assortment ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! At his Store in Mar:;et Street, Sunbury, which he otters to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Btrases. Alo a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. FtUMter. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Cotl're, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish. Salt, Ac HARDWARE, Via: Iron and Steel. Nails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENS WAKE, Tea Setts, I'latcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, $c Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Oct. 20, 1855 GREAT EXCITEMENT I Latest and lent arrical of the Season, At the Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Sijuare. las just received lis Stock from 1 htladelphia, consisting of Fall and Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress aud Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part a list of my ex tensive and elceant stock, which for variety and cheapness cannot lie excelled in this market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres. BNck Sattin and Fancy Silk Vesting. Shirting Muslin Drawers and Under blurts, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Blankets, &c. FOR THE LADIES. RUck Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored Bnd plaid all wool. Muslin de Luin. a large lot of Prints, of the bent brands and styles, brown and bleai-hcd Sheetings, twilled and plaid I.tnieys, I lamiel., red, yellow and white, grey Drills, Tickings ambries, Dross trimmings, ribbons, bices, gloves. hose and Irish linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS if CAPS, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, CEDAR WARE, FISH 6l SALT, Groccrle! orevcry variety Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasnes, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Candles, Soap, Ci acker. Urooms, Lead, Shot, Ucd Corils, Plough Lines, Glass 8x10 10x15, lix!6, Starch, Fluid, Dairv Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigars, Matches, Mustard, Csm'.le Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment uf QUEKXSWAltl-; AXD GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, Oct, 27, 1S55 tf. DANVILLE nOTEL, JOIIXsT DEEN, J-JR,., Market Street, Danuille, Pa, TTCFIS is one of the largest and most rommn. dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania. it has been recently fitted up, in excellent style, wiin ail tlie modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22, 1855. THACHEH S WODDROP. BOOT SHOE St TRUNK WAREHOUSE, No. 101 Arch Street, tip Stairs, Between Third ct Fourth Su.. upper aide, near Union Hutcl, Philadelphia, Carpet Bags and Valires of nil descriptions. CHARLES F. THACHER. ROBERT s. WODDROP. Philadelphia, Jan. 12. 1S5B If I AMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late flf Allfltoinv anil Kurvrv in th I'Kil sdripnm .uiivae u Mtilipme, unU Aeli.ig Proinsor ul Mi.lwiltry l unc of the Conullli;tf I'liymu.n of tho Phil (lcllnu llni,iial, LU'Ckley j lulc men.licr of the National smiii-ai amociiimoii ; memlier ol tliu I'luUileljilmi Mnli cat Socieiy J ir.ciiiljer of the .Mcdico-Clmuriiicjil Collfui nl rinluiicipliia j loruierly I'reaiilent nml I'mlcsaor it ivh liny u i I suritcry III uutncl ill .Medical VMrfu, Vei. mniti ; and uImi, Ule Proieasor of AiiuImiuv hih) I'hvii ,!, osy in licrkanir .Medical Instituuuii, i'liisSeld, Mass., ic,c. 4c. Has lately imrniluctd ni a popular form several ct his r.ivorits prrseripti'iii for the iirincipui iliseube of tint .,,.,..c. , !,, .mine in rueii ui new win mi i v t le aisciu ii wioi'ii ii is itiirnut-u to tie nam. i)R..MiCl.l. Tiii.'K'S PIXTOUALPYRfP. Price ! nit. MrCMNTucK'tt eii.u avii :oi;ni ativ Tl'H E For C"Ms. Couuhi. A n l'rk- i'l m. lilt. McCl.lN'ldcK s as'I'IIma a x ii imripivr. CtifUII RKMF.UV. Puce 50 on. Ur. McCl.l.TOCK'Bi T(lIO Al.TKttVATIVR SYR VP- For Purifying the HIokI. Prue 81. un. aicwi.i.M ut'ii s Uijti'KrriC Kl.lXlIt For living ton to thcitoHiach rvlievinar pains sfler ealimi. beurtburn, aiid all dtsaKreeable symptoms arisina fioiu 1R. MpRMM'ucK'O RIirt'M ATIC MIXTCRF A rureiy vrf rlulile Keineily lur liitrrnul nie. Pni e 50 rls. Ult. McULlXTOCK'S HUIX'.MATIC I.IXI.MK.NT- ror Itlieuinatlsia. Biiruins. mweliiima. Ac . Am. Pri, ov penis. Dll. McCUN'TOCKiS ivnnvvR Miv rrnrP.,, Puiiis, T.Kitluiclie, Headache, Neuralgia, Ve. Ac. Price DK. . McCMXTOCK'8 FF.vr.R AXD Afil l". PPF CI FIC A eerlain eur for all liiiHrminnta lri,.sli PR. MeOI.INTOCK'S Ul KKIIO.A Colt DIAL AND CllOI.F.RA PHKVKNTIVKA ssfe rrmnly. V)R. MeCLIXTOCK'fs VFIjKTAIJI.E Pt RG ATlYb PILLS. Foi O'Sliveiiiif, Hmiliiclie, fce. Price 5cis. 1U. McCI.IN"l'()(-KS AV'I'lllll KlI H I'll I Irresjulaniy in the Funciinm of the l.iver and llowels uib wh i,iver rin mane rriee jr.i eis, no Fi.f by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK, at his Mnlionl De pot, N W corner niulh und Fllherl its ,l'liilBilelihi. and at all DrnaTRiaia and Dealers in Medicines. All Drug-gins and Dealers in Mwlicinea wh with to Iw agnna, will please aiMdreia Dr. MeClinUick, furnisbnif rsferenos, uenie of Poat-drBce. eounlv and atale OT For Sale by Wciaer A llruner, Simhary and Pha. nokin; Wm. Weimer, Northuinberliind ; C. Brown. Mil toa ; E. P. Luis, Hloomahurt; : Jner.b ilarria, iJuckhnrn ...u.i vauiieciu, L.uiii B'.raei j i Buarpiea . sou, cat' Koiiruary 0, era. COLLINS & M'CLEESTEE'8 TYPE FOUNDRY and Pr Later rnrnistine Warehonse, Ao. 1 Lodge Alley, hack of new Muffnie llall, PhiladelytU. rvas. h. it, iml AYER'S PILLS, AKRW and sinBulaflv successful fctnrdy for tlie cure e 1 11 Bilioiin diseaaes Costivenessj lnill- gestion, Jaandico, Dropsy, ltheumatimn, Fever, lout, Humors, N!rvoH!iness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Htwdnche, 1'nins in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limb. Female Complaints, c, rlc. Indeed, very few are tnc diseases in which a Piirprativ Mt di ' , . i : a ...4 ...o, t'lie la nut mure or it-nn icif iiii en, nuu . ... noss and mi rlcrina nirht hm prevented, if ahami Isca but e'ectmil Cathartic were more freely nand. No person can feel well while a costive habit of bodv prevails ; beaide K soon generates serious and ofte'u fatal diseases, which misfit have btrn avoiiled bv tlie timely and judicious use of a (rood pmyativ. fliis is alike trae of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious deranitemcnts. They all tond to liecoin or produce the deep seated and 'formidable ditmper which load the hearses sll over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public hriilth.'and tliis Till has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An eitensive trial of its virtue by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has ahuwn results surpaiiin any thiiijr hitherto known of any medicine. Cure have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such esaltcd pavilion and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have tcstinod in favor of these Pil.s, we muy mention : Dll. A. A. Hayes, Analytical Chemist, of lloston, rd State Assaycr of Masaiicluisetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the Hon. KnwAi.ii Kvekktt, Senator of the IT. S. Hohkut C.Wisi limn", Ea-Speakor of the House of Ueprespntativcs. AanuTT I.nwnr.NCK. Minister Plen. to F.mrlnnrt. f John 1!. rrrzi'ATnii K, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also, Dn. J. K. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. V. L.'Mahcy, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astoii. the richest man in America. S. I.KI.AND rX- Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many himdred certificate, from sll parts where the Fills have been used, but evidence even more convincing limn the experience of eminent public men is found ui their eltri ls upon trial. These Pills, the result of lone Investigation sin study, arc orlerrd to the public as the best anil most complete winch the prcfnt state ol niemeai science can afford. They are compounded not of the dmgN themselves, but of the medicinal virtues onlv of Vegetable remedies, extracted bv chemical process in a state of purity, anil combined together in such a manner a.- to ins'uie the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in Hie t. ucrry i eciorai ana i ins nowi, iu promu-r more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While bv the eEJ mode of composition, ev er)' medicine ia burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue mily that is desired tor the curative etl'ect is present.' All the inert and obnoxious qual ities or each substance employes, are leu rcninu, curative virtufs only beinit retained. Hence it is self-evident the ellrcts should prove as they have proved mi re purely remedial, and tlie I ills a Mirer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other l. - l .1.- A niC'llcine Miown ill menuiiu. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an" attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula? by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the wnole body of Practitioners in the United ijtates and British Amer ican Piovinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptlv forwarded bv mail to his uddress. Of ull'tlie Patent Medicines that nic olfered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life cou.lsts in their mystery. I have no mvstrrita. . The composition of mv preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowhdgc their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine befiu'e its ellccta wero known. Many em inent Physicians have declared tlie same thing of my Pills! and even more confidently, and nr will ing to certify that iheix anticipations wer more than realized' liv their eil'ects upon trial. They operate bv their powerful influence on the internal viscera til purify the blood and stimulate it into healthv action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowela, liver, and other organs of the bodv, restoring their irregular action to health, and by "correcting, wherever thev esist, such derange ments us nre the first origin of disease. Being sugar WMpprd they are pleasant to take, and purely vegetable,. no harm can ari:-e from their use in anv quantity. For minute ilire otions, see wrapper on the Box. l-KF.l'AKF.Il BV eTAMKS C. AYE It, rrstt'lictil mimI AiihI) ti Hl tln iutst, LOWELL, MASS. Trie 25 CnU per To. Five Box for SI. HOLD BY Veiscr A limner. Sunbury; Biid 9c J.ihn. Shamoliiii W. Wienn-r. Northumberland; J. F. Caslow, Milton and liy nl! Ilnieif in Northern l'eiuisylv.iuia. June iM, Irijo ty. IDJEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. OEARIIAKT, RESPECTFULLY announce to the ritiaens of Northumberland ami the adjoining coun ties that he has opened a Coulei ticnary and Fruit Store in MAltKET KQrARK, Sutiburv, where he mauunictures ard keeps on hand, si all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and lietail, at 1'hil.idelphi i prices. Among his stock uf t'oi.lci liuua. iit,, ins) be found : French Srcrets, himcd Alnioiiiis, ('renin White, l.enwn Km-. " Vi'iills. Conuiem Secieis. Liquor ies, Gum Drops, sll kioils of vuf, l.'ive llr-M'S, Mint llr i.s. reit suit while. JMlV 'kr'S. pru'l l)ro.s. &ni'k Cs'iOteii, ol 'l srcn: It. ek I'sny. Aim, 'ml Csiiilf, FRUIT. TruiiM, Fitr, CitfiMll, Pairs. Curianls iliied, AlmniiiJi. Raiioni, Notinfall kMulc LEMON' BYltl'l of a superior quality, by the sinjrle or dozen. A superior ijuulity ul Sejisrs and Tobacco, and a variety of Cunlection.'irics, fruit, Ac, all of which is oll'ered cheap at wholesale or retail. Come and see he will try to please. Orders from a dintmice promptl) attended to. fciuuhury, Au. 4, 1K55. ly. HB uhseriher olt'er a reward of fifty dollar for the discovery and conviction of the per son or pen-oils, who cut and destroyed the hands on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokin and Mt. C'armel, on the night of the Oth insl. The above reward will be paid to any one giv ing informs ion that will lead to the conviclior of the otVcnJer. CLEAVER, FAGELY fc Co. Shamokin Oct. 87, 1855 tf. SEGAKS' El Neptuno, El Dorado, El Llueudo, Rio Hondo, Kecreadore, La Curiosidad, La Seiniarmf, Canaloa, Plantation, Havana Cheroots, For Sale at WEISER &. URL'NER. Sunbury, May i!6, 1655. TRACK'S .Magnetic Ointment at Mav 19. WEISEK eV DR UNER'S. I A R U W A KE.-'l'ahle Cutlery, Raiors, Poek et Knives, Hand saw' Wood aaw in framea, A xes. Chisels, Door Lock, and Hinges, Hand Dell, Waiter, ,Vc., just received and for sale by I. W TEN Eft & CO. riunburv Dec S, I S.St. rf"1AMURIC, Swiss, Mull, Bobiuett, French laces. Check, Collar. Underslceves and Chemisettes, Heak dresses, Velvets and Velvet triramint;8. Turkish counterpane, ElankeU. U rot he, 'J'hihet Ac Day State Shawls, for sale by Sunbury. Dec. i, '55. K. V. UKICHT. pEDAR TL11S. Horse Bucket. Painted Buck eta, Meal Tenderers, Cora Broom, Basi keU, Children' Wagon, and Yankee C lucks ust received and for sale bv May 86, Un.r. I. W. TENFR i LAND WARRANTS. The highest price will lie given for Land Wsrisuu by the sub eili H. B MASKER. g'KOCEKlEeJ Segans, Coilce, Molasse VJI Spice, Oil, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herriu and Salt, just received and for sale 7 WM.A.KN89. Lfwar AfwN My I, IWW - BURTON & FENTON, S. W; corner Sixth and Arch itrette, . 1'HILADF.I.I'IIH. rTPEAS! Tea! I an uncommonly full and choice assortment of black and green Tea of all grade, from the extremely low prica of 30 ct 36 40 60 60 70 U 7S ct. per lb., warragteil to he superior to any to I had else where at the same prices. We know and confi dently retoinmeml them to lie SO percent chep cr limn any for safe in the city. We have also very superior assortment of CofToe, Old Gov't, Java, Laguayra, Maracariho, Rio and Caps Hay. ten Collce, New iV'o. 1 Mackerel and Shad in 4 and J bbl. or as may he desired. Cheese, Fine Apple, Sap Sago, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Sjap brown and white also H. L. Kendell 6c Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of which will go a far a 3 of ordinary brown Sonp. Also Starch of different qualities, pickles, sauce, ketchup, olives, olive oil, sardine, an choveys, eVc, with a full assortment of Fancy Hoods, to which we invite the a tention of the public to call and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for scle bv HUKTON eV FK'NTOX, Wholesale and Ketsil Family Grocer and Tea Peslers, R. W. cor. Sixth and Arch ts. N H. '.!iind delivered to all partt of the cily free of charge. Phil.. Se(t. 22, IP65. apt Ay Trusses! Trusses 11 Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment, S. Jl'. Cur. of Twelfth and lluce Streets, Philadelphia- of fine French Trusses, eombi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients caii'be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inchc round the hips, and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, f;l, ti. So. Double .fi.r), 6, iiS ami 10. Instructions as to wear. and how to elicit a cure, when possible, aent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, l)r. Biiimiiig's Improved Patent Body P.rarf, For the cure of Prolapsus t.'teri j Spinal Tmps ami Supports, Pntctit Shoulder ltraces, Client Expanders and Erector Unices, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders ami Weak lungs ; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes male and female. ITe?" Ladies' Kooms, with Lady attendants. Phila., Amr. 4. IH53. ly P 8. NEW KAS0NIC HALL, PI1II.AIJI;I.PHIA. AOF.NTS WAXTI'.D in every town and enmity in ths United sMsics, tuscll tlie beautiful picture of the GUAM) LODGK ItOOV. In the Niiw Mkokic Hall, Pliilailelphia. 'J'iiis Plnte is seilme verv nipiilly. nml elicits the lulnniiitii'ii of nil, for (lie e"rn'etiit8 nml fi.lelirv Willi wloeli tlie Sta icaft, Frk-co I'au nsB IVbnitui'. ore rcireFi-i.ieil. nml I he. uriimie l-miiv hiuI liiivni-Miy of tiie colors !?ie of Plan;, ! X lit. I'riec .l 00. H .lokielieis nml Picture I 'enters wis'iinc fo take nan cics fur it, will please address, for further int'ormiitioii. 1.. . HI ,!... I II -I I,. Lithographer, Pliilailelphia. f)i tolier 57, l'5. tf GREAT "MA SONIC HALL. Till: I.AROi:T PIANO F(RTK, AND Ml SH' S TUItK IN TIIK FXITliD fSTATK!, Will he opened tietober I.Vh 155, in the Masonic Rt.'ll.TliNli, rheninit Street, nli'ive Sevflltll, Pltilmlelphia. IlyJUHX MAKII, the S.ile Acent for Ho'itilinnii, timy it Co.s eelelirnted llolee Cnoivnia Attaehnient rhino Koites, iitnl C W. Krsk Co's Preiniiuil Slelo ileons Also, Phino I'oitrs nod jtel.,,teons nf other ilis tiiiriiiKlieil m.i.,'rs. J M . hus ohiniiieil tt lense for ceml veins in the new. urifiiii fieeiit mid well known MnS'iiiie ifoii'linir. whoe he iiiientls kipinc fie l:iie.-sl sloek nild it Tin, .-nl nl l'i:.i. i Fortei, Mel'HteMiis, Mm'e. noil Mu. sit'itl 1 1 st i : , ii i 'tits of eveiv ilffienptiop, nil of which lire etirHmtv setre eil liy hioiself, nml wiirnillLeS to glvs per. feel sttit.-.ettoii in everv iil-luiae. (Ii'l.iher S7i Ii. IM.",. If SPECTACLES la GjH, Silver, and Elastic Steel Frames, V 1 ATHK.M.V 'IT CAE Instrument separate anil in crises, Thet ..uineters of various sites. Spy Classes of every description, J'lstina poiii'Sfur J.ialituiug Rods. Magic Lanterns with hi ri t n rwl . ai trouomiral and teinrrance designs, Mieioscopes and Microscopic objects, Calvanic U.itteru.. Electrical .Machines, Surveyor's Coin pases, Surveving Chains itc. &c. McAEEISTER & liROTIl ER. (Established in 1796.) 104 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Itlm-trated Catalogue (Si pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, anil sent by n.!" '- of charge. Phils. Sept. (t, li- v'5. COLEKAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STOHE, Xo. 21 Xorth Third St., hclow Arch, t"iOI"NTRY .Men hauls ran save from ten to J fillcen percent, by purehaning at lhea!ioe stotej. liv iiniinili'i; mv own goods, paying but liltl rent, m il living economically, it is plain 1 can uii'lerre'l tlioe who pir.'hao their (ioods here, p-iv l.ih reins it I live line princes. Coii.tunily on 1iim)h ire asborlmeut of Pen and Pixkit Kuivi'N Sciswra lnd Razor, Table Knives arid Fmks i i"r -'ag, hufl'alii.lione and wo , t K i ivi h i ' orks, like, iJiitchcr vi , Kuvulving am -f Aero! .'eons, Ae. enn.iii (iut.s. .f ; '..'.'I.IIMAX, Importer. Oct. il, ly. ILEV'.S CttCti CAS 1)V. A n excel lout romedv lor coulis. cuids. For sale at this oilier. Decemlier . 1K.')2. ANII.J.A BEANS just reeei.ed by WEISER &. ERL'NER. My 19. is.ia. Sunbury nODFJ.AN U'S Hitlers at May l. W'EIsER : RRFNER'S. .AHNESTOCF L May 19. I Virnii ng. for fs'e bv VEISERrV HRI'NER AltlES' Ifress floods. Spring and Summt, Shawls, Black silk, silk poplins, Do I. sine, Ginghams, Le hage, Lawns and calico, just re ceived and for sale hy WM. A. K.N A 1313. Lower Augusta, May 6, 18S4. BLACK Putty a good article for sale by May W RISER A URL'NER. I JAINTS of every description just received hy Mvl9. WEIKER eV HRi'VEK EKM1CELLI, Murcaroni and Coin Starch just received by May 19. IH.I.S. WEISER & BRCNER. HENEY P0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Kcrthumbexland County Pa. Prompt attention to buamexg in adjoining ouutins. lirALL PAPER. A Urge and splendid assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shade, just received and for aale by I. W. TENER ot Co, 6unhury, May M. 18ft TRENCH 'black cloth, plain & fancy Csssi - meres, CassinetU, Overcoating. Satin am Silk Velvet vest patterns. Silk and Wool Hats, Caps, Scarf aud Monkey Jackets, for sale by Sunbury, Uec. I '5. E. Y. JJRIGHT. CHALLENBERGER'S PILLS. A cerUiu cure for Fever and Ague, for aala by WEISER cV IIKUNER. 8uubury. uly 92 - COBURQ. French Merino, Per sis a clcth, Pari twill, Chintiea, Uelane, Delieges, Alaparaa, Silka, Wool plaida, Mohair lustre French, Scotch and American Ginghams, jus received and for aal by ' Bunhury. Dee. 1 'ftS. , E. V BRIGHT MANN'S LETTER PRESSEsTwlth books,! ok, and all et rnpleU, just received. t lor sal by M, V- MAJSlj R, Hiaaainy, Vnj 4, Itasjsws TO COAL DEALERS. AMMIEMAN, ZUERN St WEITZEU RESPFCTFUI.LY Inform the public that they have lesseil the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of size prepa red on their new coal nreakerV All orders prompt attended to hy addreasing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1866. Photography I Daguerreotypei ! I A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to McClees German,) WOULD rail the altenion of the public, not ouly to the superiority of the Daguerreo types, the Ilyalograph, (hy some railed Amhro tvpe, and the various styles of Photography on paper) hut to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ine it to No. 160 Chestnut St., have made from it hy the means of Photography, and the talent of the best Artists, a portrait nt ur sua, from a small Locket to the full sue of life. A small hook containing description, prices, ere, &c, will he sent gratis to any parson ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut st., below 7th Phila., July SI, 1855 tf. JAMES BARBER, WHOLESALE A; It F. TAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of Second Chestnut Sts. FHIX.ASSX.FHIA. Where may be fou id, one of the largest nd Scat assortment of Clock and Time Pieces ia the I'nited States, In quantities to suit purchasers of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks etnbracitiL- every variety of style and manufac tore, suits! le for Churches, Hall, Counting Houses, I'arlors, Sleeping Kitch en. Steam and Cnnl Boats, and Rail road Cars. N. 11. ("lock Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. Also, Ifanufacturer of Barber's Celebralei Fine GOLD PENS EmhraVing all the qualities of the finest quill pen, in addition to which the durability of the metal is fully associated and developed. Cold and Silver Pencils, aud l'cn Holders, Tinted Ware, &c, wholesale and retail. Those wish ins to purchase are invited to call. JAMES BARBER, S. E. corner Chestnut and Second St., Phila. Philadelphia, June 83, 1855 ly, BOYD, BOSSEB & CO., mi nisi ssd smri'ias or Ucb 3ol) Anthracite Coal. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Tcnna. Address Bovd, Rosser eV Co., Sunbury, Pa. n. i. unto. i. iiosstn. jas. uorr. T. liossm. Sunbury, April 7, 185.r. tf. THE ITNIVEESITY'3 FAMILY REMEDIES, "I PSIT.D under the Seal. Sanction nml Aathority of tie 1 I'niversuv of FKKH MlllllClNE soil poplar Know leilse. C'liailereil liv the Suite of I'enlisvlvanin, April Sil, IMS. with n t'npitnl of SItsl.txiu, nniinly for Hie purpose of srrestii'ir the evnsol Spuunua nml wirthlrss o9lnuns; A l. i fur miimlviiie the Coitiinniillv with rellnhle Henie- itirs wherever u 'Oinpelent Phyr-ieinli eninmt or will not lis employed. This lustiintion lius purcnoMd iroinur Jolia It. 1! swi Mi. his Ceiehiateil Know-it for upworils oftwentv-five years as the only sure Hini safe i nre I'm r'l'.VK.U nml Atit p., e nml los inr. Iinml.le llenilyfiir HdWKI.COMI'I.AIXTrt, Howsnd s Compound siyrup ol Mlaektierry Hoot, willen inglily sp priive.t anil popular IteinPtlles, oetlier won 'J'he Piiiversity's Itemeily for Coinplnintt of the lamps ; Tlie I'niversity'h ftetnwfy for IlyspepAiu or liiihgeale'ii ; The rniveiSi'.'y's Itemeily forOostiie-ltowels; Aiao, tiie University's Almiinric nisy be be hud, at the Uriiuch Dipentarv, or Store of WILLIAM m-ppiv. Nov. !, tPM. Mnhuiiuy 1' O. CH.EAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. TJJERRY & ERETY, invite the attention of 1 merchant and others to their large stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentation Books in all (tyles of binding ; Standard Theologicai, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Bale and are selling at extremely low price. Also direct from the manufacturers nnd Im porters, ever'1 kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa per, A'c., Ac, at the lowest cash prices. PKRRY & ERKTY. S. W. Comer, 4lh and Race St. Philadelphia. September 13, 1855. tf GENUINE HONEY SUAP. ffHE pnritv, fragrance 1 eV mild emoliient iAfc55SfV,V ' ' properties of this oP'r,-;" I ! emlers it specially de servum a place on every tOyffiiHiMt toilet. Forchapped hands, gL"u.,J.?'jl-'t and various diseases of S5WsW the skin, it is utieipialed. Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, ICS South Second street, Philadelphia. No other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap hns powerful demising projartics, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, Ac, from every ilesc"iitioii of goods without injury to them. For all doinei-tic purposes it is superior to any other coup in use, and 3U per rent, cheaper than the common rosin soap. Euch bar is stamped. WILLIAM CONWAY, 1C8 South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm, steariue and tallow caudles, importer and dealer in sal soda, soda ash, roidii, &c. Order by mail promptly attended to. riiila. August S3, 1W05 tf. SA."VI3STG- FXJ2STID or TUK UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. terrier 'third and Chestnut Sts., l'HILADKl.PHIA. CAPITAL $430,000. MONEY is received on tlepoiit rlnily. The smount te,"site(f isenteret in u iieposit liuok and given to tlie flepoiiior, or, if preferred, a ccrliliMute will he given. A ll sums, large suit small, are rectived, und the amount pniil hack on elenrniri, without notice. Jnteieii is pniil hi the ruts of riv ria rcsr., com meneing from the day of lU-pusit, and ee:itij funrtcen dava nievioas to the withdrawal of the mouev. On the firtl day of J miliary, in euch yrur, Ilia interest of each detmsii is to the depositor, oruudeu to the pnnci nal, as lie muy prefer. The Ooiniwiny have now upwards of 3,900 depositors ill ths City ,,f Philsrlelphia stone Auyiiildili'insl itiforiiiutiou will be iv eo by aildressiag ths TatAi.saa. DIRECTORS. Htephen H Crawford, Pres't, l.uwreiice J ihnson, Vice Pres't, Auihross W. 'l'hoiiiisiiil, Ileujainiu V. Tiugley, William M. Godwin, Paul Ii tinddiiid, George Mellenry, James llevereuk, Gustsvus LnijliAh. Jacob It. r lorsaee, fcecrelnrv and Treasurer. rLINV I-IKK. TsLLxa ir. iTtsrsiTES, i. C. OLHLSCIlLAtiER. PlnlaJJphls, Sept. 8, Wii lyP. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 7? iVorA Second Street, opposite th ietount Vernon House ) . Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, II K, ra ce, $28 ; SiUer Lever do,, do., $15; Sil ver I.epine, do., $9i Quartier. $5 to $7 Gold Spectacles, $150 to 10 ; Silver da., I 50 ; Silver Table Spoon per ett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert'do., do., $9 to Sll Silver Tea do., do., $4 75 to $7 60 ; Gold Pen and Gold C tea, 3 25 to $5; Gold Pen and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted to be .a represented. Watche and Jewelry,. repaired iu the beat manner. A 10, M a eonic M ark, Fin, eke., mad to order, i N. B. All order aent by mail or otSeYwiaa, i will he punctually attended so. ruitv, wtpk urn, Ynamif New Goodi for the People I BENJAMIN UEFFNEIt TJ ESPF.CTF17LLY inform the ptahliein gen eral that he ha just received and opened splendid stock of Full an4 Winter Gqods at hi New Store, in Lower Augusta township. nis siuca aousists in pari Ol Cloths. Cassimera. CftuMnfita. of all kind, uf linen, cotton ud worsted. ALSO i Callrocfi, GliiKiianifl, JLavrns, Bloiisjiiellne De l.alitc and all kind of Ladies Dres Good. Orocrrlcn, A Is an assortment of Hardware. Iron mi steel, Hails, &e, Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, or various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS It SHOES. HATS ft CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, iNc. And a great variety of other article uch a are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. CtT" Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHIIADELIHIA. sO J-MacLELLAN, f late of Jones' Hotel,) has the pleasure to inform hi friend and he traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of jear. and ia now prepares! for th reception of Guests. The Local advantogesof this favorite establish ment are too well known toiieed comment. The House and Furniture have been tm in first rate order! the room are large and well ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with the best, and tlie proprietor pledges himself that, no efl'ort on his part shall be wanting to make the United Stales equal in comfort to any Hotel in tlie tuakcr City. Phila., July H, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, Untrrns, Cliiinli licrsand Cnniitinhrrit, No. 152 S. 2ii ttretl, ahovt Spruce, riiit.ADELrtii. TTaving enlarged and improved hi tare, and having one of the largest ar-sortment jof Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Campheue, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamp, and Lantern of all patterns, Glass Lamps by the p ickage, at an) advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pii.e Oil, Burning Fluid and Alrohcl. which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. DOCTOR TOMSSKI.ri TIIE POCKET .ESCUT.A PIUS: on, EVERY ONE HIS own rilVSIClAN. rpHE FIFTIETH Edi tion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases anil Malformations of the Human System inevery shape and form. To which i added a '('realise on the Disease of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or thoe contemplating marriage. ty lr Ui, Yoiiusr Let no fnther ! sshsmed to present s copy of the -l-'rA. Cri.APH to lot I'inlil. Ii inny snve him from nu enrly ainve. Let no yoiin insn or wnnmn enter into ihe seere ohliirritiinis of nirirrieil life witliont reJnlini: the POCKKT .l'SlJt'l.ArlL'S. Let no one snfTerin from liseknied Cotnrh. Pniii in the trifle, restless mghla. nervous feelinffi, und the whole trniti of ilyspeplic sunsntions, and given up hv Iheir plivfieimi, he Hnother lO'itnent without eon- miltiua the .'lf'l'I.API L'rt lluvethe mnniei), or those IIU"lll III lie llliirrien liny iiiipeiiunriii, renn inn iruiy Utfllll hook, ns it hns heen the menus of saving thoiiBroius of ua fiirtniirite crentnres from the verv jnws uf rlenth. IT" Any pers m semlin TWK.NT V-FI VK CENT. enclosed in a Ur-tter will receive one copy of this luiok, hy innii, or live copies win lie sent toi one aonsi. AoitieAt. Dr. W. YfH.Mi, No. 15i SPKfCE Sliest, PHILA' IjKI.PIMA." Poatpii.1. Pliitaitelphin, September I, 1?.55 ly NEW FAMILY GH0CERY, Flour, Fee A and Provision store. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, Broadway, between Market A' Blackberry Sti. IJESPECTFLLLY inform the public that they have just reteived a large and well selected assortment .of choice Family Greceries, consisting in pait nt Hams, Shnnlders, Mackerel Herring, White Fi-h, ('oil Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickle. Cracker., Cheese, Molasses. Rice, Sugar, l lt, (green, roasted and ground.) Im perial. Voting Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Sops, brushes plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tobacco, aegara, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We also keep on hind choice l.ioiiors, J'ort, Lisbon, etc.. l'orler, Ale, beer, mri-.H'ui il's, iVi". We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pie, pretels ami cases ot every kind. N. B. The highest cash price will he paid for butter ami rggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, 1655. Shamokin White Abh Anthracite) Coal From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery. T II. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. PCRSEE, successors to Kasu, liced & Co., will con. tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, unaer the firm of Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Norttiumbrr land county, Pa where all order for the various kinds of coal, vii : Lump, Broken, Egg, stove, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, Srjtarnr, Jtlt 5, IS55. The firm of ICase. Reed i$- Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Monsr. Zimmerman A Puiscl, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others t the new firm, as they will he able to sell them prepared coal ol the best quality. KASE, REED 6c CO. SUNBURY, PA. flHE subscriber respectfully informs the public X that she atill continue to keep the above named public house. Sho ha also received a new supply of good liquor aud wines, and trusts that she will he able to give sitisfactiou to all who may visit her houae. . MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June S3, 1855. tf. HAYD0CK & FIDLER, vwirrtiQ :n i'...-i.-- .-.i r- i -n I uniooii i, ""jl wiiSi,t4ju, vtiK vv Attn Lo. A tew double cam continue tu. busin at tlie old Hand of Jamea 0. Fidler, No. 13 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they anlicit an examination of their large and vaiied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have bad irf the business, and the facilities they posses for procuring goods on the roost advantageous term, will ena ble thent to compete favorably with any other establishment in tlie city. They have now on hand fine assortment of "WATCUE8, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Jliiltauia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Good, eke., eke. N. B Repairing of Watche and all kind of Jewelry attended to whh prumptaeasj aaV the oreerteet oar. ' m avpm r, itbvs-w. j FlhsTARHIYAL . ' ' stjzsOvsjns crricp cd hd At S. N. Thompson'. Btore. In Lower Avyuetatotvnaip, at the Junction ot the Julpehotlen and l lunr.u ' rpilE auliaeriher having returned from tlio it . . . W",h, . "r"1 ",'ive assortment of fashionable good, rerfpetlfullv call. iL. .,roi;.. of Farmer, Mechanics and other to the sum SPIUNU AND SLMMKU U001J3, . Consisting in part ot Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimens, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling. If... lr.'..n ''........- j ..ft i , , Spring auil Sumiucr Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. qalitoee, Muslin dl nins, -Lavmt- . Gtnchamt, Beragei, Robes, mL e:ei, Flannels, tc. . ' CttOCERIEO, ' Sugar. Teaa, ClTec, Rice, Mela! CbeaMe, Spice, Salt, Ac., Ae., At. ., u Hnrilware,- Nail, 8erw, File, Saws,' Knive A Fork, Vc ftueeng and Glassware, of various stvlesind pattern. boots And shoes. A large assortment of Bnotsand Shoe, for . men, women ?nd cl)ildren Hat Caps, V., ofvarioV sizes and styles! Besides a larzc and irener.l ......m...., lasnionauie goons, selves. Call aud examine for your' fiT Country produce nt all kind ae is exchange nt tho highest market p'icts. , , S. N. THOMPSON.. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855 ARLuW'.i INDIGO BLL'E, is now we -"established as the best article, ever olfi-rci for Blueing Clothes. If is entirely , free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles. All housekeeper will find it much cheaper end les trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several im,. tattons. Storekeeper and consumer will be 7i'r f"'i w ff ' V1"" Blow's, put up st Alfred VV Htbcrger' Drug Store, No. 1C9, N Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocer, and Drugcist. they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit Vrg. Chemiratt, Paint,, Varnishes, Dy, "J7, 4 c, with a first-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physician, aiid manufacturer, supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WILTBERGLR, Druggist. 1C9 N. Second Stieei Pl.;i...i.i. i.: July 7, 1855. ly. Ur''""" BOTJSTY LAND WAM ANTS V h ,u,""ll'r having received the necess.ry form, end tr.sructtions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bou.,t ........ ., ....inn i u sourly 0ire - , .... H. U. MASER. 5unbury, Ar-' 7, IMS. NEW DETO STORE! Wholesale and Retail Dniff"-istg Jlar. St., next door to L Y. Briefs Stor, ,.r.T, SCrJCCKT, PA., 0 L?.ilX,,thl ,ul,,ie the '' d best tected stock ever oj.ened in this section of country, consisting of PRESII AND TTJIIE DRUGS Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Point, P..entMm,'8,:"-' Uj-,uni' VVi1"1- 1 atent Medicines, together v.itb . t.., .... .or ment of I a,t Cloth,, Tooih, Nail 1 oekct Comb., h.ncy Soaps, shavi,, ;. Tobacco, Seg.r., Port Moni... St.tioo.rv. 'un tectionaries, ' ' PURE WINES AND BRANDIKS For Medicinal use. English, French and A meri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of rveiy ,le., ri. g,"nB;r,.nii;IM,r,,V'rJr rlicU kfl'1 b"V l,Ui;" O Prestations Carefully Co;r.Tou,-d,J GEO. B. M l::sj'K . . WM. A. BRL'NER. w unbury, ray SO, 154 w VU rrV' -nngre. Fig, Eldorado f'sle Sar.aP.rilla Fin Cut, P,Mfl ,., Anderson. .. For Sale' ., i w - W E IS E It ek B R L'N E R. Bonhnry, Msy 3(1, lgss. T)!!. II. H. H If! BEE'S rcmeTly 'for eongh.p. this r.lua.l. medicine just received ,'d tii' '',, i.i'ni. snu nuiinonsrv rli...... a . by II. Ii. MASSER. Stinhurv, Jon 4, ARNOLD'S W' KITING FEl'ilJTIid"A jiie nd legal envelos, for sale by B , , H. B. MASSER. funhurr. Jan 10. 185a NOTICK To Trespasser on the Telegraph Line. TV OTIC E ia hereby given, thst all person lound trespassing upon, or injuring the lit. of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph wiL he dealt with according to the act of Assembly in uch cssss made and provided. U. B. MASSER, Pres i Phila. and Sunhurv 'i'ele.ikt u Co Simhary, June 3. 1851 it'., CITRATE OE MAiIXKIa" crTastelcg Sails, Pnparcu bv WEISER 4: URL'NER. Thu preptiatinn is recon.meiided s. ,, rx eellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant t.sie, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is highly beneficial for diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1,154. JNK Eoureau' celebrated ink, and also Con gre ink for aale, w hol.isole and retail bv Keeerklwr IS.M H R MASNER 3 1 AT!S ft fish in AND CAPS -;,.!eti,li,l lot o i donahle Silk, Wool and Fur 11. i. nio uiatii, fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Milita tars . ps ior sale low by G. ELS BERG 4 CO. Market street, opposite the Post Otfice. 5unhitry, Oct. P, ls53 iTIOLU J'E.N'S wild and without cases, f tjjtl very superior quality, just received. Alo a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for ! y H. B. MASSER. Sunbury. Dec. S7. 1 85' 13LANK Parchment J'aper Deeds and I'lanL nrlDn... II., ...1, V . : 4; eiutnniona. Ac, for aula b 11. B. MASSEK. Sunbury Aprl 8. 185 EWELRY. A nice assortment of Geld and Silver Pencil and Pens, for sale cheap by G. ELK D EEC A CO.; Market street, opposite the Post Office Sunbury, Oct. 8. I8V1 ... . ........ .... . . .. -- Enslith 8i English Silver Watches, fur sal at very low price by II. II MANSER, ftiinhury. Apri 13, 1A.M BEI1ERINE, Vcratria, Chinordine and Cin cbonia, just received by May 10. 1855. WEISER A BRI'NER. sTJHAIN PUM PS- small numlier of these eicellent puni have beea rureived and are offer"! for aale by 'II. B. MASHER. Sunnurv, Jan 4. 188.1. CAMPH1NE and Fluid nf the tst quality For aale by . WEI3ER 4 URliNER. Suoliery, May 1. 185. HTRrCOPHtltW 4 dot. fhy nl cV