M"-- ..l , 6FRI1TG AND SUMMER GOODS. JU8T RECEIVED li I. W, TEKER A. Co., fiunbury, Pa., YYT W respectfully to announce, to our friend and the public that we ere now re ceiving e Very large end. well selected (took of gdodi lulted to the lesson, which we ere deter mined to eell cheep ee heretofore, finding our okl motto of "Small profits and quick Sales." to wort; well we ehall continue to adhere to it, our etock contiete pertly of the following via t LADIES GOODS. Groe De Rhine end 8ummer Silk, Chilli, De- bege, Berege. painted end plaid Lawn, Gingham Lawn, Robed Dresses, Va lencia Skirts and Skirting, Grass, Crrd and Crinoline Skirt. Jiconet, Cambric, Swisa f and Barred muslin, - Bishop Lawn Plaid, Dot led and Figured 8wis Muslin, Linen cambric handkerchiefs, Chemisette, Collars, Cull's and timleralrevea, printed cashmere, thibet and jother shawl, gingham and calicoe in great variety, Ready made mantillas, parasols, Fans 4-c. . GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. Cloths, cassi meres, tweeds, Veslings, sunmer goods in various styles fur coat and pantalaon shirt tosom', colfars, cravats, besidee a large as sortment of Ready mifde coats pantaloon and Tests, togather wtth a "general assortment of La dies and gentlemen Boots Shoe and Gaiters mens, boys and children Hats, and Cap Hardware, CJuorriswarc, Groceries, Ccdarware, Stone and Cnrthcnware Drugs, Paints, Fish, meat, call, nails. Tar, Oil Ac 4c. A good supply of school books and copy book with printed copies on each page. Come and see, no charge, ia made for show ing good. I. W. TENER & Co. Country produce taken in exchange for good, at tile highest market price Sunbury, May 10, 185S. AGWEW 3c CO. No. 19G Chestnut Street, nilLADKI.rillA. TJESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the vicinity that they bavein Btore a full assortment of choice and seasonable good which they are closing out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, principally from the Great Auction Sales in New York, and partly of our own importations. SILK & SHAWL DEPARTMENT. UlOU Stella Shawls, SOU Blk. Silk Mantillas. 250 Chantilly lr Frenck Lace, do., Uerage Shawls A Scarfs. 30.000 yards Dresa Silks, selling at 63, 75, 85 end $1 00 per yaid. " 600 Magnificent Silk Robe, black Gro De Kyen. 450 Flounced Barege Dresses, Grenadines, Cliall'y Organdies, Lawn, French & English Chintz'. French worked Setts, Collars and Sleeves, Cambric Hdkfs, Ruilling, Ladies & Gents Kid Gloves, Lace Mi's. MOURNING GOODS, Black Bombazine's,' Granadines, Beragcs. Crape De Espang, Lupines 6-4, Mouselines, L'amcse Cloth, 13 razel lines black and Purple Flounced Robes. Country Merchants and visitors to Philatlcl pliia, ire invited to call and examine our Stuck, feeling confident that with the great facilities at forded us we can oiler great inducemens.t AGNEW & CO 1 90 Chestnut Street, below 8lh. April 30, 1856 3m w. NOTICE. riMIE annual meeting of the Green Ridge Im A provement Company, will be held at Car penters Court Philadelphia, on Tuesday tlio ldh of May, at 12 o'clock noon, after which nn election for five directors to ecsve the coming year will be held. WILLIAM WISTHR, Sec'y. " May 1(1, 185f! GEORGE SCHALL & CO. M.tNUFACTUUEIl or BLASTING POWDEB, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Va. May 10, 1856. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuanco of an order of the Orphans' court of Northumberland county will be exposed to public sulc on TUESDAY, the 8th day of JULY next, at the public house of Peter Billmeyer, in llloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., the following described Real Estate, to wit : A Certain TRACT OF XiA.JM"I3, . eitunte in Beaver township, Columbia Co., Pa. Surveyed to Andrew Clark, on warrant dated August 23, 1793; adjoining lands surveyed to Jesse Evans, Jesse brooks, Catharine Longen berger, George Longenberger, Thomas Simon and Daniel Nyer, CONTAINING 372 ACHES, and allowance. Late the estate of John McCalla late of Northumberland county aforesaid dee'd. Kale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of (aid dav, when the terms will be made known by Al.EAANDEIi COLT. Adm'r fitvt tt st: nirmo nnnr?ou John McCalla dee'd. wra v ui , "mi Court, 1 Clk. O. C.S 10,1850. ) l)v Order of the ( ourt C. ll. PLR-EL. C Sunbury, May 10 NOTICE. v OTICE is hereby given that application will JSII be made by the subscriber for a duplihate if Land Warrant , No. 20,832 for 120 acres issued to Valentine Hannabach, private in Captain Hummel' Company, dated the lllh day of October, 1855, which said Warrant wa duly assigned by the said Valentine Hannabach in blank, and acknowledged before Fiederick Laza rus, Kfq., and certified by Jos Beard, Prothono tary of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum berland County Pennsylvania, and purchased bv the subscrilier from the said Val. Hannabach. That the said Warrant was lost ia the Mail be tween Sunbury and Philadelphia, in November 1850, and baa never been heard of. That in Consequence of aaid loss, application will be made to the Commissioner of Pensions for a duplicate a above staled, by the ubscriber. 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, May 3, 1856 Ct LOCUST MOUNTAIN COLLIERY SUPERIOR WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE 'COAL, From the Mammoth Vein, for Furn aces, Found ries, Steamboat and Family use, Mr. CABMXt., NoMTHCMBEBLllO ('OCITI, IV SIZES OF COAL. LUMP, for Blast Furnaces and Cupola, STEAMBOAT, for Steamboat, Hot Air Furnace and Steam. EGGK E'N' X ?ot Gnttl' 6iove nd 8tm- STOVE, ) For Stove, Steam and burning MI', J Lime. PEA, for Limeburner and making Steam. Order received at Mt. Carmel or Northuin berland Wharf, will receive prompt attention. M. B.BELL, D. J. LEWH, WILLIAM MUIR. May 3, 1858. tf 1 JATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for Dar Domes ior sais uy tl. II MAeOEK, 8unbury, April, if, 1856 NOTICE. All perwoae' knowing themselves indebted t Ire T. Clement, on Book account, note or other wise, are requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their account will c placed la the band of a aaegtcuate tor telleetwit. . abury, IT, 18M - CHEAP I CHEATER Ifl CHEAPEST! 1 1 fcLoi'ilixO STOIIE AGAIN I HAVING just returned from the city, where I laid in an extensive and fashionable sup ply of all kind of Good, which I am receiving now, I would beg oil my patron and the public generally to give me call, so that I can aatisfy them that they can nowhere buy as great bar gain a from me. Indeed the inducement I now hold out were never equalled In thi part of the coantry. I intend to sell positively for Cash only end that at test low iitii, My stock embrace a great variety of SPRING & SUMMER COATS mad In all (tyle and color, uch a CLOTH, SILK, CASHMERETTE. LINEN. FLAX, SEERSUCKER, plain, fancy, striped and checked. Pants and Vest of every style and pattern, all of the latest fashions, low and high priced, a uited to the want of the buyer. A splendid lot of II ATS and CAPS, auch a Panama, Curra coa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sennet, Straw and Palm Leaf; all fashionable lyle and color in wool and fur Hat, ire., Ac. Also a nice lot of Boot and Shoes, gaiter and Slipper. My assortment of Shirts, Collar, Revolvers, single and Double-Barrel Pistol, French and German Accordeons, all kind of Cravata, Stock, and Pocket Hankkerchicfa, Carpet-Bags, Trunk, and all kind of notion for ladies and gentlemen, ia very large and will be sold cheap. Also a fine lot of Watches and jewelry, all of which are warranted ; the money patd for them cheerfully returned if not as represented. All of which Good I will sell so cheap, that none should forget to call and secure some of the bargain at my old place in Market Square a couple c'oor below the Post Office. A. ELSBERG, N. B. I suppose it is needles to contradict the ridiculous rumor my enemies tried to circu late of my having left the country ; just call and you will see by the bargains that I am to be found at the old place still and sell cheaper than ever. Sunbury, May 3, 1856. tf NOTICE! VPPEALS to be held a- the following named place and day in the several Tuwnships at d Boroughs in the County of Northumber land for the year 1855, to wit i Places. Towxsmr. Datk, H. Haas, for Northumb'd Point April 18, 1856. Pordnman, Chilisquaque 29, A Kissinger. Turtiut, sane Reader, Lewi, H J Reader, Delaware 30, 1. 2, May J M Huff, Milton F Fryer, Lower Mahonoy Danl Swartz Jordan Geo Smith G B Rebuck Washington Peter Beisel Up Mahonoy refer Weikel, Cameron J no Weaver Zerbe Widow Raker, Little Mahonoy Elia Emerich Lower Augusta 3. 5. 6, 7, 8, , 10, I a. 13, M, Commr's office, U Augusta Sc Sunbury, May 15 School house in Rush tvvp., May 10, 1856 Chas Lrisenring Shamokin " 19, " A bin Osman, Coal " 20, Win Letch, Mount Carmel 21, PHILIP RENN, FRED'K HAAS, CHAS. HOTTENSTEIN. Coin mi sir's Office, Commissioners.,, Sunbury, April 19, 1856. J Pennsylvania, ss. In the Court of Common 1'leas of Lycoming County. In the matter of the petition of Charles Frazer, for the specific execu tion of a contract, dated the 12th day cf March, 18 9, made with Ezekial W. Bull, since decea sed, by Captain John Boyd of Northumberland his attorney, who is also deceased, for the sale and purchase of a tract of land therein men tioned. The Court did order tn ihe Gtli of May 1854, that notice of the same to the heirs of the aaid Ezekial W. Bull dee'd, should he published in the semi-weekly newspaper called the Pennsyl vania, in Philadelphia, fixing a day for the hear ing of the partiea Interested. That the said pub lication wus not so made, according to the order of the court. And now, to wit: April 25th, 185G, on motion of Wm. Cox Ellis for the said Charles Frazer, the court do now further order and decree that the hearing of the said petition and all parties interested shall be upon the 2d Monday of ihe next August term. That notice of the same shall he given person ally to William Henry, Esq., Administrator of the said Ezekial W. Bull, dee'd., and upon the Heirs ot the said Ezekial W. Bull, dee'd., by publication of said notice for three weeks succes sively in the Sunbury American. April 25th, 1856. liy order or the Court. ROUT. HAWLEY, Proth'y, May 3, 1856. 3t. Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. Window Shades, Brocatelles, Satin do Laines, Worsted Dumasks, Centre Tassels, Gimp and Loope, Curtain Bands, Lace and Muslin Gilt Cornices, Bull, White and green Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Roller, Curtain Pins and Trim mings, Curtain, Piece Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, got up a' Ihe shortest notice. Curtains cut, made and put up by the most experienced hands. Pattkx New ioii Stork, 203 Chestnut St., Melodeon Buildings. May 3, 1850 THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION 91 UK CHANT, No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where the following goods are received and (old on commission : Dried Apples, Peaches, Plum, Pear, Cher jies, 4 Cm Green Applssin Barrels or by the bushel, Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, l'eas, Shell'arks, Raisins, Cranberries, Chestnuts, Figs, Onions, Ground Nut, Prune, Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, Grape, Poultry, Egg, Butler, Cheese. And all kind of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 12, 1856. ly J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetings, Masonic Hall, Chestnut St., below Eighth, WOULD respectfully invite you to call and examine their large and well selected stock of Cornets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, dec, which they will sell to the trade at auch price a will make it desirable for thou who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April 12, 1856. ly NOTICE TS hereby (riven that a corporate meeting of the Zerbe Run arid Shantokin Improvement Company will be held at the uirard House, in the city of Philadelphia, on Saturday Ihe 24tb day of May next,, at 13 o'clock, M. of that day. Such meeting ia called by the Director of said Company, under and in pursuance of the act en titled "an Act relating to the Zerbe Run and Shamokin Improvement Company," passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and approved April 21, 1856, and all the stockholder of the said company are requested to attend the aaine. Gxoroi Baooaa, 1 Directors of G. W. Brian, I the Zerbe Run Joaa G. FatauAVl and Shamokin i'. T. 8ecTa,' J Improvm't Co. May 3; 1856. 3t. , , . j. HUSBAND Materia -fe ' My I V' JSI8ER & BRCKER - NOTICE. TV OTIC2T 1 hereby given to all person who X became indebted to the aubaenber a Keg liter and Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan' Court while he held said office, either on due bill, promissory note or book account or for the recording of Deed, Mortgage, Ac, that all hi account have been left In the hands of H. J. Wolverton, Esq., in Sunbury, for collection, and they are requested to call on him and pay Ihe amount of Ihelr Indebtedness. JOHN P. PURSEL. April 29, 1856. Sm. NOTICE TS hereby given that the subscrilier will be in " Ilia office to receive payment of the account referred to in (he foregoing notice (which ac count are now In his possession) from the date hereof until the sixth day of May next, and again from the twenty-eighth day of May to the first day of July next, After which time all auch said unsettled accounts will be sued indis criminately and. without respect to person. H. J. WOLVERTOX. April 26, 1856. 2m AUDITORS' REPORT. Report of tur Auditors, of Northumber land COUNTT, FOR THE X EAR 1805. Francis Iiurher, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account Kith the same. Dr. To amonnt of outstanding tax lor 1H34. and previous years 1,523 33 " amount of tax assessed for 18f5. 11,664 93 " amount of County, Rond and School tax on nuseuted lands for 1854. 45 96 " balauce due Co. by Treasurer 8,741 71 e21.977 93 Cr By amount of outstanding tnx for 1855 and previous years. S?,412 71 ' amount of exonerations al lowed Collectors for 1855 and previous. 325 65 "amount of commissions allow ed Collectors for 1855 and previous. 625 38 Cash paid out on Commis- sioncrs' orders. 11,330 92 "Treasurer's commission on $11, 330 92. 2.-3 27 $21,977 93 Francis Hucher. Esq., Treasurer nf Northmn- berland County, in account wtth the same specting State tax on real and personal. Dn. To amount of outstanding State tax lor 1854 and previous years. " aggregate amount of said tax assessed for 1855. " amount of State tax received on unseated lands "To error on Duplicate " Bulluuce due County. $1,585 14J 16,610 14 18 24. 17 Tl 3,341 84 $21,572 48i Cr. By amonnt of outstanding tax ior l c.m amurrevious. " error in HHfiW-ate. " Treasurer's Receipts from State Treasurer, dated us. follows. Jan. 26, 1855. June 6, " July 24, " " amount refunded by the State to the legal representatives of William Uulick. " To amount of commission on $12,165 36 at 1 perct. " commission allowed Collec tors. "Kxonorations. $7,006 06 76 510 43 1W 00 11,791 61 664 32 121 65 924 75 353 90 $21,572 48 Francis Ducher, Esq., Treasurer of Northum- berland tanmy, i account tcita (Vie same respecting Militia Fines. Dr. To ogsrregate amount of out standing tax tor 1854 and pre vious years. $777 24 " amount of tax assessed for 1855. 917 50 " balance due Treasurer. 973 91 $2,773 65 $1,673 96 50 00 75 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 95 00 10 00 C 00 6 99 351 83 41 43 38 44 Cr. By amonnt of outstanding tax lor 18;; and previous years. " amount paid Treasurer of Dewart Guards for 1855. " Nortb'd Troop for 1854. " " " 1855. " Shamokin Guards for 1853. "Farmer's and Mechanic's Ar tillery for 1855. " Shumokin Gravs for 1854. " Farmers and Mechanics' Ar tillery for 1851. " Shamokin Guards for 1854. " Deppenvillo Cavalry for '52. " Washington Guards for '52. " J. II. Zimmerman, Brigade Inspector for 1H55, "J 11. Zimmerman, Brigade Inspector for 1855. "J II. Zimmerman, Brigade Inspector for 1855. " commission on $699 44 at 1 per ct. " exonerations allowed Collec tors for 1855 and previous years. " commission allowed collec tors for 1 845 and previous years " amount paid Assessors for making lists of delinquent militia uicu. $2 773 65 Francis Burlier, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County in account with thes ume re sneaing Iletailer Licences. Dr. To aggregate amount o' said li cense as per list furnished Treasurer by Mercantile ap praiser. $973 50 " balance in Treasurers hands from 1854 an per Auditor' Report. BS0 39 $1,859 69 $1,408 44 12 20 12 20 12 20 30 00 48 67 3S0 18 Cr. By State Treasurers receipt. " amount paid John G. & A. A, Youngman for publishing Mercantile appraisers list. " amount paid 11. B. Masser, for same. " do German, " exoueratious for 1,854 85. " Treasurers commissioD on 973 50 at 5 per ct. " ballance dtie ty Treasurer. $1,859 89 Francis Bucher, Ssq.. Treasurtr of Northum. berland County, in account wirA the same re specting Tavern Licenses. Dr. To amount of said' Lioeoses grauted by ttaa Court for 1855 $550 60 " balance in Treasurer! hands from 1854 as per Auditor Import, ' 511 '3 1,067 75 $1,040 23 27 Q Cb. By State Treasurer' receipts. " Treasurers' corainrseiott on' $550 00 1,067 7 Francis Bucher, Esq,., Jreaivrer of Northum. berland County in account H'ith the same re. spectiny Beer Houses andOyster Shops. Dr. To amount of said Licenses as per list furnished Treasure1 by Mercantile appraiser for . 1855. $79 00 " balance from 1854 as per Auditors Report. 132 87 $2118T Cr. By slate Treasurer's receipts ' exonerations for 1854 85 " Treasurers commission on $79 00. " balance due from Treasurer. $153 50 27 00 3 95 27 42 " $211 67 Irancis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the same respecting Distillers, Brew ers, and Rectifiers licenses. Dr. To amount of said license as per list fdVflished by Mercantile appraisers. $13 00 " balunce from 1851 as per Auditors Report. 12 35 $25 35 $12 33 65 12 85 Cb. By State Treasurers receipt. " Treasurers commission on $13 00 ' bulance due from Treasurer. $25 35 Francis Bucher Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account with the same re specting licences granted for places of amusement. Dr. To amount received from Circus $50 00 " " received from Billiard Tables. 78 73 " balance from 1854 as per Au ditors Report. 76 00 $204 75 $70 00 6 43 122 32 Cr. By State Treasurers receipt. ' Treasurer's commission on $128 75 " bulaDce due from TreiHurer. $204 73 Francis Bwher, Esq., Trrnsurcr of Northum berland County in account with the same re specting Hern t granted by the Court tn re tailers to sill liquor. To nmoutit of licenses granted " by court. $180 00 $180 00 Cr. By Treasurers commission on $180 00. " balance due from Trearer. $9 00 171 00 $180 00 County. Expenditures of Northutibeitand Piothonotary Fees. Printing, Viewing Rnads and Bridges Building and rejmlrin bridjp Constables pay for ditTerem bf vices. Commonwealth suits costs. Assessors' pa. Jlufunding. Stationery Public buildings. $030 37 894 12 213 25 3:223 25 223 ' 790 02 953 481 49 75 398 11 1.872 99 $233 69 22 50 Grand, Traverso, Petit and spe cial J uroTS' pay. f Goo. C. Welkcr, '55. Chas Weaver g Jos Nicely, "54, '54, $1 00 '55, 49 15 f.0 15 137 20 34 00 155 50 221 46 Philip Retin, 55, air imon Snyder, Deputy States Attomey incidental espouses. Clerks pay '54 $86 65 " " '53 315 62 402 27 29 62 89 00 180 00 579 03 47 78 1,132 50 78 00 25 46 12 36 100 00 51 12 618 97 126 08 98 31 $14,009 55 Premiums on fox scalps. Court crier's pay Attorney's for the couuty, ic. Klectiuu officer's pay. Prison expenses. Damages for roads Auditors' pay. Road tax on unseated land. School tax " Agricultural Society. Coroner's Inquests. Sheriffs fees. Kustern Peuiteutiary. Fuel. Outstanding la, Names of CnUcvtors, Michael F.vert, John Leisenring, John Leibig, David Stahluecker, Thomas Burr, David Stahluecker, John Leisenring, Jucob Beck, Dennis Buoy, Geo. Kuntz, Conrad Kershncr, John Hine, David Wilson, Jacob Bingauian, John lliue, Peter Hucli, James Buoy, Abraham Kissinger, D. P. Caul, ir. B. Irwin, James Buoy, Daniel D. Conrad, Henry R. Johnson, Abraham Kissiigcr, Martin Buchmau, Samuel Hales, Peter Hilemun, Jeremiah Peimcpackcr, J. 11. Kaufman, John Simpson, .Zanies Beurd, Joseph F.ckbert, Michael Keel'er. Daniel 1). Buhner, Eliaa Kiseiihurt, John Simpson, John Boyer, James Beard, Nicolas Druiulicller, D. M. Swartz, Frederick Fox, Jacob R. Clark, Martin achinan. Isreal Dunkleberger, Joseph Kckbert, George Keeler, Jacob Paul, George P- Martz, Philip Ilile, James Lynn, Mrter VurM, Jacob Stamm, Michael Keel'er, D. Malick, Aaron J. Conrad, re for 1855 and prct Township, Upper Augusta, Northumberland, Coal Delaware, Lewis, Delawure, Northumberland Sunbury, Chilistmaque, Turbut, Sunbury, Cameron, Lewis, Lower Malianoy, Cameron, Northumberland Milton, Turbut, Chilisquaque, Delawure, Milton, Lower Augusta, Rush, Turbat, Lower Mahaaoy, Shamokin, Suubury, Zerbe, Upper Mahanoy, Chilisquaque, Delaware, Milton, Upper Augusta, Jordan, Coal. Chilisquaque Cameron, Delaware, Jackson,, ' Jordan, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Lower Mahauoy Little Mahauoy, Milton, Mt. Carmel, Korthuuiberlud. Poiut, Rush, Shamokin, Sunbury, Turbut, Upper Atjfcsta, Upper Mahunoy, Zerbe $9,412 70 $7,006 06 $1,673 96 WE the "undersigned Auditors of Northumberland County, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do certify that, iu pursuance of the 4th section of au act entitled au act regu lating counties and townships' passed the 15th of April, 1834, we met at the Commissioners Office in Sunbury, on the 7tb day of January, 1856, and adjourned from time to time, and did audit, and settle the several accounts required of us, agreeably to the several acts of Assembly and supplement thereto, according to the best of our judgments aud abilities, and we do further certify that upon a due examination of the expense book of the county, the indebtedness of the same yet unpaid, in orders and other obligations, is $6,240 60. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our. bands and seals this 26th day of January, A. P. 1856 Amount of Court, Fineijind Jury Funds, and . to whom paid. . FlaintiSs, , Com'wealtit Bohticr Coui'wealta Pefendnsls, ' To irtorK paid. Wallace not paid $4 00 Brosious, 4 00 Nihart. " 6 00 Smith 4 Barrot " 6 00 " Weaver " 6 00 Friling. WAR Fegely Beard 4 00 McCarty Longnecker et al " 4 00 Reiser Foy Weisn 4 00 S. Fegely O. Fegely Benrd 4 00 Sochner Bond Wciso 4 0(1 Morton Bcachem Board 4 00 Rockefeller Car Hun Imp Co. " 4 00 Forsman et al Parks et al not paid 4 00 Sigfried Strauscr " 4 00 Com'wealth t Wilson County for it 4 00 Weise 15 00 Hoffman Fox Adam M aurer Fisher net paid Teas Haas Forester 11 M iller Beard not paid K R Miller Lndwiir Knee die & Co. Shipman ' " Grady Thompson & Eisely " Smith Savidge et al Beard J Boger tl P Buyer not paid Martin Beck " Good & Miller Bevin " Com'wealth Wampole " Mcloy Widdecomb " Com'wealth Slinll " Conrad Garinjrer " lluoy Gussler " Jury fines for 1852 " 1853 " 1854 1855 4 00 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 00 155 0(1 180 til) 390 0(1 285 00 Cash account between Francis Bucher, Trea surer, and the Comity of Northumberland. Dr. To amount of cash received on county for 1855 and previous. $10,239 72 " Amount refunded by state to legal representatives ol il liam Gulick. " Jury funds. " County road nnd school tax on unseated lands lor 1854. " balance in Treasurers hands from 1854 as per Auditors Report. 661 32 28 00 45 90 477 3C $11,455 30 Cr. By cash paid on Commissioners orders. $11,330 92 " Treasurers commissions ou $11,330 92 a2 283 27 $11,614 19 11,455 36 " Balunce due Trcas. from co. State funds. Dr. To omount of state tax receiv ed for 1855 and previous years. " uniotint of state tax on un seated lands for 1854 " balance in Treasurer's hands from 1854 us pr Auditors' ReHirt. Cr. By State Treasnrers receipt da , ''ed Jan. 20, 1855. " June 6, 1855. .uly 21. 1855 " State Treasurer's order in favor of the lecal representa tive or Wm. Uulick. " Treasurers commission on 13,165 361 1 per ct. 158 82 $13,603 25 18 24 1.083 35 $11,704 64 $510 43 199 00 11,791 61 6C4 32 131 65 13,297 01 1,453 10 14 67 " Bulance in Treasurers hands " Treasurers commission on bulunce. 14,764 84 Militia Fines. Dr.. To arwount of cash received on " Militia tax for 1853 and previous. " balance in Treasurers hands from 1854 us per Auditors' Report. ' balance due Treasurer Cr. By cash pnid to different com panies Brigade Inspector, Assessors &c. " Treasurers' commission ou $699 44 ut 1 per ct, $C18 43 75 96 12 04 706 43 $099 44 C 99 $706 43 ious years on the Zst December 1853. Years, Cuoiirr, Stale, Miliils 1846 34 00 184d $13 07 16 00 " 1 95 1849 4 02 11 50 43 53 13 00 34 50 31 43 JS50 61 42 127 59 43 (JO 19 29 " 59 50 1651 30 00 12 54 7 35 139 72 -" 6 00 1852 17 28 25 13 13 30 297 95 169 43 24 50 6 50 1853 1 33 4 58 153 51 J 368 94 59 50 132 59 69 50 " 60 00 9 70 17 50 1854 76 67 59 80 44 60 70 19 62 23 42 00 " 168 45 230 98 233 41 55 00 37 52 4 05 " 85 00 153 07 200 51 50 00 32 50 " 16 15 18 73 1S55 445 23 151 28 145 50 ?88 02 64(1 59 36 72 " 143 11 104 L'6 19 50 " 522 24 . 407 10 99 50 " 212 55 J 173 91 39 00 " 57 68 66 62 40 00 591 64 CO 64 20 00 " 536 Tl 238 37 68 50 " 540 3'2 317 67 58 50 101 99 106 19 18 50 " 363 30 263 49 33 50 285 93 215 91 28 50 152 66 CI 01 22 00 " 476 92 607 39 22 00 " 258 11 63 70 49 00 343 71 261 26 64 60 ' " 437 26 386 87 52 00 ' 634 68 204 85 20 60 " 464 48 432 64 19 00 " 215 26 155 82 16 00 " 395 95 465 01 44 00 . JOSEPH iroOV'EH, L.S JOHN YOUNGMAV, L.M.1 11'. H. FORSYTH. fl.W THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF FIIILADfXPIIIA AGAINST TUB WORSD KVAN8 WATSON, ., . , No. 26 Sou'h Fourth St., l'hiladslphxa. Y.mhe'tmtii 1 tun in na rnllnwhw Cenitmte. im. iiii. inii!.ii..t!T v, ..-murmur) r HAfi-i has st lensth fully wnrranlrd ths rupreswitnlNmi which hnv Ueen nisne of iSsm teiulenng sn uiidouMrd security against the inline cismuii i Pntt.AnaT.sttTA. Anrft 13th lftft Hfiin Fvnns A Wolnon : Ocnis: It nrToids us the MsjIirH sntlnroctioii to state lo yon, thnt owing to Ihe vwy protective qualities of two of the rtelnninnder Soles which we purchased of ynu some few mouths since, we saved a large scriinn of oui Jewelry, Books. Papers. Ac., expo anj ui inn caiamitnoua lire In Kausteud I'lncc, on me morn in of ihe 11th inat When we reflect that these Safes were located in the fourth story of lha buiMmn we occupied, and that tley fell siilFflcqtiently Into s heap of hnrmin? ruins, where the n concentration ot'heut ransca lha bmn plnlcs to melt, wr cnntini oui regani me prepcrvimon Ol inc vnlual con tests as most convincing proof of the great security aifor ded hv vonr Kifcs. We aliali take much plennnre in recommending them to wi uuaiiieaa auie lennnce against nre. (ilOKOS W.SlMOMl A BRO PniMnittMi. Anrll 10. 1Rr.n Messrs. Fvnnft A tVutaou I have to offer vou mv tes timony in favor ol the grent security afforded to my entite bm-cr hi jeweiry, inniku, pnpera. stc, during the recent disastrous minAngmllon In Hiuirtend place, from the fact thai (he snuie were conutined in two of the Sulamauder cinea mnniillK'lureu ny yon. Having (alien from the fifth story of Hie Artisan riiiiVt. Ing, where thev were orevioiiflv nlnctld and eitnoiied inn vast heat for a long lime, the prcnervnlion of the valuable deposits seemed to everyone who witnewed the opening aud interior examination, a matter of profound asioiiih meat. To all who mny require n perfect protection from the ravages of fire, 1 shall not hesitate to recommend the tt3e of your Safes, sa 1 consider they have now undergone the ""- ') uig icai. i. ti. ,iliiiii).t. rHinrjFtPiitA, April II, 1SS. Messrs. Even A Wution (JeuUi-meiiNo doubt yitl will be deeply gratified to learn theffiindrniiiliti.'ii iiiwliir.li I iliMMvereil iny hook, policy of inauraiice, certificalea of "uicu, aun outer valual.le tlocumenta, when on Friday last I opened the safe made bv your fiim. With iny kuowedf-e of us oicat exposure, both to the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire us that which de stroyed the Artisan Ituildiiig, n also from the force of the fall from il former elevated ponitioa in the third atorv, I Could entertain but slender nopei prior to ita interior in apei li.m, thai, the contemn which I once s i highly prized would ever be of any service to me. but as these fuitu are now happily removed. I feci it only tlue tn snv to you tint I can henceforth ri commend the rise of your'Saleii to all whi may wish to feel a confidence in Ihe perfect se curity which such menus provides ngiuuit so frichtful an element. KmvAnTJ Gaskill, Bookbinder. Constancy on hnnd Talent Powder nnd Thief Pruof Locks for Banks, f-tores, Ac. April 20, lejd.ty -A- JitJIvIAIT LIFE rjAVED I . , noWAouc, Mich., .Murch II, lt-ctt, 3. A.RftODES, Ksq.: Dear Sir I took your medi cine to sell on consignment, no cure no pay," 1 lake pleasure iu staling ill cllectsas reported to me bv three brothers who live in this place, nnd their their testimony Is ft fair specimen of all I huve received : W . f. Colis told me "I had taken nine bullies of Christie s Aiuc Mtilsntn, and continuully run down while using it until my lungs and liver were Congested to that degree that blisd discharged from mv mouth nnd bowels, so that all thought it impossible for'me to live throuirh another chill. J'he doctors too did nil they could fnc me, but thought 1 must die. Nothing did me any good until I got Khodets Fever and Ague Cure, which at once relieve me of the distress and nausea nt my stomach aud pain in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure in short tune." . . , . II. M. CON KLIN says: "1 hud been Inking medicine of us good a doctoi as we have in our county, and taken hi' y (Utility of quinine nnd specifics without nny g.wl result, Horn 'JSth Angmi to 17th December. But seeing; how nicelv it opeiuled on mv brother. I got a bottle of HlluliKS' I K 1011 AND Alil K (.THI-:, which effected a permanent cure by using two thirds of a hotile." S. M. CUNKLIN was and here, but both tha other brothers iy his ease was the same as II. .M s I sold the medicine lo itotn lliesame day, anil the cure was as speedy from Ihe same suiali quaulily, and I mielit so specify; Yours with respect, A. Hl'NTl.NOTliN. The above speaks lor itself, f.ood process it i. it is of no belter tsuor than the vast number ot the hkocciWictitcs I have nheady published, and Ihe still greater amount thnt is continuall pouring iu lo me. One thing irsore Ijist year I had occasion to Cutltijii the Public in these words: 'l notice one linn who have taken one of my general circulars, substituted the name of their nostrum lor my liiediciue. nnd then with biuzcu impudence end their pam phlet wilh the exclumntioa, 4l.el the proprietor of amy oilier medicine say as much if he dates ' Ac. Now I bike pleasure in saying that the I aution refarred to the same -'Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam" that IS men tioned in Ihe above ceriificute. There are several other industrious neonle who are mt- plying to their poisonous Hash all that I publish about my Kever and Ague Cure, or Antidote to Mularin, except the f erlirieatesof Cures, aud the Certificate of the celebrated Chemist. Dr. .lames H Chilton, of New York, in favor of nspeneciiy iiai,i.iij",ivs I I1AI! I I-.K, which is at tached to every Wtile. These will always serve to dis tinguish my medicine from imirnth.ns. For u!e by Druggists generally. JAS. A. KUODK3 Proprietor. April SS, 185G. 3m Pruvideiue, K. I. List of Causes, For trinl at the special and adjourned Court of v ominon rieas to ue neiu in nuuuury, commen cing May 27, 1856. Lower & Barron vs Ira T Clement John W Peal vs Martin Irwin's adin'r William Perking vs Peter Adam Ira T Clement v. The Shamokin Steam Ferry and 1 ow Boat Company E H Archmuty et al v Jesso Arclimuly Jacob Voniila vs Zcrby Run Imp Co Isaac Elliott vs C Garretsou same v same same vs same fame vs snme John Knoiise vs Charles Kobius ct al Prothc notary Office. Siinhurv, April 36, 1S.SB. 1855 Special Express Notice. 1856 EXrilESS. 1TAVIXG olitaii ed full express" privileges over tlie UATAWISSA. SINBLRY AMD KRIE and W1I.UAMSPORT &. ELM1RA RAILROADS, we nre now preiarcd to forward nil descriptions of Express (Joods by Passenircr Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Elniira, connecting at l.lmira with all the esteru Ex press Loir.pames. All Roods for Tamaqua, Summit, Ccttawissa, Danville, Milton, Willininsport, Elniira, nnd also to rvrrthuinberlaml and sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia Office, 92 Chrsnut Slrcot. Office Elniira at United States Express Office. April U, 1856 ly WHITE HORSE HOTEL. FOTTSYILLE, pa. r jilE subscriber respectfully announces to his -- old friends and the public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, the While" Horse Hotel.' At the corner of Centre and Mahnntogo sis., in the Uorough of Pottsville. Ihe house has re. cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite a comlortable a any oilier Hotel in Schuylkill county v. bile the stable are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostler. To travellers and others who may stop at hi houso, he promises every attention calculated to render them comlortable and satislicu. JOS. M. FEGER. April i, W.- If JPJTJTu COIFt UNTWIST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA., Aided by some eight year experience in the practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or will in the line of his profession. OH ice with Churles i. Bruncr, Esq.. Market street. bunbury, Sept. IS, 1855, tf Difesolution of Partnership. "VOTICK i hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Sain'l A Iterg. slresser & J no. lloff, in the Mercantile busidess at ilysburg, ha been dissolved by mutual con sent. . . SAM'L A. BERGSTRESSER joiin Hurr. j The accounts of Ihe late firm will La settlej by 8. A. Dergstresser who will continue the bu siness at the old stand. . 8. A. BsaosTBissta. flysburg, April 12, 185S FOR S-A-IjE 1 IWO HOR8E8 chetji far cash. Api lv lo I ,. , i.V. MAUSER. VWcrt 29, IMS. V'PI A MAtiyELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A RIAHTELI.OIH ACiKll HOLLOW A YSOINTMEN': THE GRAND MTERF.AL.RKMFIiV. i By ths aid 4t a mtrTosemlic. we see millioas of In'ls openinss nn US ntrfaee of our bmlies. Thronjh these tliis Oistment, When rubbed on tlie skin, Is earned tosny ornan or inward part. Diseases of lbs Kidieys, disnrdes of the Liver, sITeelion of tbe heart, Inflanimation of lbs I.unss, Aaibmas, Oaigliamid Colds, sie br its means erfee tually enre,l. Kvery hwse-wile koaw that salt passes freely through none or rneat of any thicl'hosa. This hel. 'ntointmeiit fur more reilily peneltStes through siry . boas r fleshy part of Ihe living body,nriiif the rmsv dangerous ihwaid eotnpaiiiits, that cannot bs lenhsd by o'uer means. . - . '. , , EirfIPt;LA9, SALT hMFTW AND SCORBUTIC . .. I'U.MOItS. ' , No ewetly hat ever njnra so niaeh for1V of ill' senses of Hie tkin whatever form theywnav sssurhe. s this Ointment. No case of f3sl Rheton, Setnvy, 9orsf Heads, Hrrofuls on Erysipelas, crii (nnf wilhuaod It fluence. Tiie inventor has travelled over irat?y earts. of ele, visiting -the principal hospitals, dispens, ng th.s Ointmetrl, giving., ntlviee ss to its spplication, nnd hag; thus been the means of restoring countless uuinbers UI henllh. PORB L1509, eORE' BnKASTB, WOl'.NDS AND i;i.(!t.Kt. Pome of the most setentinn snreorl srtrtti re1j sol.-y on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when -having to cope with Ibe worst cases of soles, wounds, p!;-"1) rrnJ rhilnr swellings, snd tuntuis. l'rol'essur Ilollowny has, by eominnnd of the Allied Governments, dispatched to the hospitals nf tiie Knst. Inrge shipments of this ritnt menl, to l used umler the direction of the Medical Stair, in the worst enses of wotiads. It will cure nnv niter . glandular swelling, stiffness or contraetioti of the Joints, even of 20 rear' standing. riLftSA&D t-ISftXAS. Tlicse and other similar distressing complaints can b elTectiinlly cured if tha Ol ill meat be well rubbed over the pans affected sail by otherwise following the printed di lections around each pot. Both the Ointment and Fills should be used in the following cases : Rnnions Lumbaro Sore tgs Pwelled Glands Bums Mercurial Pore llrensta Pt in Joints Chapped Hands Lruptions Sore treads fleers Chilblains I'lles Pore Throats Venerea" Pore's Fistula lthetimalism rVes of all Wounds of all Gout Sail Kheiim kinds kinils PkJu Diseases Ppralua Scalds Pold nt the Manufactories of Professor HollowaT Pi) Maiden Ine, New Vork, and 344 Strand. London, by nil respectable Drnne.nl" aud Dealers iu Medicine through out 'he I'nitH Mutes, and the eivilizeil world, in boxes, at cents. 6JJ cenls, aud PI each. tV There is a considerable saving by taking the larger SiZeg. N. n. Directions for Ibe guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. Mulch 2-2, It-OG. lyca Books; Booicsir Walk this way for Eargains. KIXG desirous of disposing of my entire stock of Uooksand Stationery, comurisiirT some 20,000 Volumes of Law, Medical, Keli gious Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Books. Also, 100 Renins of letter popcr and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, ice. I will dispose of the whole stock nt public sale sale at my slor, opposite the Court .House, commencing on Mc'nday tlie 7th day of. April, 1858 at f o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. Mi: f! ARTY. , Per JOS. H. McCARTV. Sunbury, March 15, 1856. tf FRIENDS' CENTRAL DRY GOOD STORE. S, E. Corner Eighth & Aich Streets, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribe! having made very important additions to his establisHment, by connecting the first floor of his Old Slore wilh that of the beautiful lour story building adjoining known as Hab.mont Hall, (surmounted with a high Cupola, invitee h'i Old Customer and Friends, to an examination o on Entirely New Stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, selected csprcssly in reference to the p.'oscnt opening. . , The assortment comprises: Seasonable Dress Materials, of new and els gant kinds, Plaid India k Blsek Silks, Shawls, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves & Mitts,' Embroideries & Linen Cumbrick Handkerc'fs, Furnishing Goods of all kinds, Irish Linens, Flannels, Moreens, 4c.,to which are added New Goads duilv, of choice descrip tion. CARLES ADAMS; . , P. S. Persons wishing a ffplcndind view of tlie City and Viciuity, can ascend tbe Cuoa. by-a private Stairway which will bg found well wsjrth a visit. March 29, 1850. Sm w lea,. So , :e!st-. A NNOLNCES to the citizens of Sunhury; Northumberland and vicinity, that ,he ha' opened an office in Sunbury, orie door west of the Post Office, where lie is preparal to attend to all kind of work belonging to the profession, in Ihe latest and most improved style. All work' well done and wurrnntcd. Also continues Gum Work, which i very durable ard neat. April 12, 1850. tf JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. H North Second Street, first door abovs; Christ Church, Philadelphia. DERSONS in want of Bureaus, Tables, Sofa. Chairs, Dedsleads, and every varictv of household furniture, would do well to call, a those article are made up in the lest tyles. and sold at the lowest price. ArlrillS, 1856. ly rpil E subscriber is slid engaged iu the manu , facturing of superior .Machine CardJ; for Cotton and Woollen Factories. The best quality of Leather and Wire used in making the above, and after an experience of Iwenty-five yezris prepared lo warrant them equal to any made in this country. 1 am also making superior Leather Hands, cemented and copper rivited, the stretch taken out by powerful, machinery. Elevator Straps for Grist Milla altso. Leather Hose, of superior quality, made a above. .JOHN II. HASKELL, . No. 33 South l"uaw Street, Daltimore, Md. March S3, 185(5. Sm DILWORTII, BRANSON & CO. Hardware Merchants, Having removed from No. 69 to No. 7?' Market Street, Philadelphia,' Are prepared, with greatly increased facilities, to fill order for HARDWARE of, every variety on best term, from a full assortment, including Railroad Shovels, Picks, 4 c. , Country merchant and other will find it to their interest to cul! and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. April 13, ltC6ly C3" AT REDUCED TRICES, jrj 33. jr. WILLIAMS, No. 12 Xarlh Sixth St., lstrtUdelpni; Originstorof all new style of YENETl'W B J.I. MM, (told bordered and Paiia Shaded, of beautifnl- design. U ulT, and all otf,er colters m? Holland, used for Shades, Fixture, Triaiiumg., cVe., &c. STORE SHADES PAINTED To'oRDEK. , ,?' J' Y?' thnkful tot past pfooage, resneU fully (oltcit the eiliien of Northumbeflani CoUlltV tO call an. I e..n.i. 1,1. . before purchasing elsewhere". . wis STUDY TO PLEA8E; April 8, 185P: 3fr'e &ryr txiv LLI, person indebted to lha firni of Fttiiif & lifHHl nr. Kntm IIaaL .Mn.inl n. --p. n - - , wwv,.,, wi uiiservtliaej ar respec'-fuiiv requested to com forward sail Te . i n lutuu. ll.;. J . L. - . . f . . .. . r iuh iHu tnv oui 01 April as they wish to bo to tha citv to lav in their .v, ..;.. ... . I-''"- FRILIN'tt & GRANT. artburr, March I. U.5fl. U