3HEAP I CgHAPER I k CHEAPEST! ! , , ELSBEBO'Si CLOTIIIIVG SIOKK AUAIM UAVINQjuat relumed from the city, where 1 l id in an extrnaive and faahionable aup ply of ill kind of Good, whirh I (la receiving now, I would lg all my patron and the public generally to giro ma a rail, to that I can aatisly them that they ran nowhere buy aa great bar. trains aa from me. Indeed the indurementa I now hold out were never equalled In Ihia part of the country. I Intend to aell positively fur Caen only nnd that at low aam. Myalock embraceaa great variety of SPRING & SUMMER COATS made in all tyle and color, auch aa CLOTH, SIMlr rusRMP.RF.TTE. LINEN. rLAX BEER-SCCKER, plain, fancy, atriped nd checkfJ- . p..,i. .ml Vest of every atyleand pattern, all of the loteat faahiona, low and hlh priced, a suited to the want ot tne uuyer. a spioiiuHi 101 of HATS and CAPS, eucu a Tanam., Curra roa, Canton, Braid, Leghorn, Sennet, Straw and Palm Leaf all tasliionauie aijiee aiiu coiurs hi word and fur Hate, Ac, Ac. Alao a nice lot of Boot end Shoe, gaiters and Slippers. ' , M assortment of Shirt. Collar. Revolvers, single and Double-Barrel Pistol, French and all kinda of Cravat, Stocks, and Pocket HankkerclnV. Carpel-lJags, Trunk, and all kinds of notion for ladies and gentlemen, I..r,.n and will be sold cheap. i. . n. Int of Watchea and Jewelry, alt of which are warranted t the money paid for them cheerfully returned if not aa represented. a. II ..f which Good I will sell o cheap, that none should forget to call and secure some of the harirains at my old place in .viamet square -a couple t'oor below me rosi .mee. A. EL8BERU, N. n. I i)ppose it i needles to contradict 1,. r',,li,-.,lnii rumor mv enemies tried to rireu late of my having left the country ; just call and you will see by the bargain that I am t.i 1 found at the old place still and aell cheaper than ever. riunbury, May 3, I65C. tf NOTICE! V T' .TEALS to bo held a the following named places end day in the aeverul Townships ai d lioroughe in the County of -Northumberland for the year U65, to wit : .Pucr. Towssmr. IU-rr, H. Haas, for Northumb'd Joinl April 41, Mftfl. ruriliniHii, Clnlisquaque A Kiwinger. Turhut, st ac Reader, Lewi, 11 J Header. Delaware X9, 30, 1. May .1 M Huff. Milton " 3, " F Pryer, Lower Mahonoy 5. " Uanl Swarla Jo.dan " , " tieo Smith " 7, G B Rcbuck Washington 8, " Peter Ucisel Up Mahonoy ' 9, " rcltr Weikel, Cameron " 10, Jno Weaver Zerbe " 12, " Widow Raker, Litile Mahonoy 13, Elia Emtrich Lower Augusta ' 14, ' t'ommr'a office, U Augusta ii. Sunbury, May 15 School house in Rush twp., May 16. 1868 t'has l.eiscnrinp Shainukiii " 19, " Al.i.i OMiian, Coal 2. " Wm Leich, Mount Carmel - SI, PHILIP RENN, FKF.U'K H AAS, CH A3. HOTTENSTEIN. Commissi' Office, Coinmiasioiier. Sunbury, April 19. 1856. J Pennsylvania, ss. In the Court of C-m:non rltas of Lycoming County. In the matter of the petition of Charles Frazer, fur the specific execu tion of a contract, dated the I2'h day cf March, 1H 9, made wish Ezrkial W. Uull, since decea sed, py Captain John Boyd of Northumlnrlarid hi attorney, who is also deceased, for tlie sale and purchase of a tract of land therein nu n ttom'd. ThcCoiut did order in the 6t1i of May. 154, that not ce of the same to the heirs of the a.iid Kzckial W. Hull dee'd, should he published in the semi-weekly newspaper called the Ji-iins I vania, in Philadelphia, fixing a clay for the hear ing of the parties interested. That the said pub liration was not so made, according to the order of the court.. And now. to wits. April 25th, lS.Mi, on motion of Wm. Cox Ellis for the said 'hailia Frazer, the couit do now further order and decree that the hearing of the saiJ petition and all parties interested shall be upon the 2d Monday of the neit August term. That notice of the same shall ha given person ally to William Henry, Esq.. Administrator of I he said Ezekial W. Bull, dee'd.. and upn the Heirs ot the said Ezekial AV. Bull. dec'd., by publication of said notice for three weeks surces sively in the Sunbury American. April SJth, IB'iC. By order of the court. ROUT. HAWLF.Y, ProtVy, May 3, 1S5C at. Patten's Kew York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, '03 CAeimuf St., apposite Jontt' Hotel, rillLADl-I 1'HI A. Window Fhade, liilt Cornicea, lid If, W hite and I cell Hollands, Picture Cord, Falent Rollers, Curtain Pin and Trim mine. BricatM'.e.. Sitin de Lsines, Worsted Ihim.isks, Centre 'l'ase, Ciimp and Loope, Curtain Bands, Lac and Muslin Curtains, rice Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shade or Du pery, got up a the hortet nolice. Curluin cut, made and put up by the no.t experienced hands. Psttkx' .Niw Vokk Sroux, 303 Chestnut St l Melodcon Buildings. May 3, 1H50. iTOTici: IS hereby nivcn that a corporate meeting of the Zerbca Run and bhamokin Improvement Company will be held at the Girard House, in the ci'y of Philadelphia, on Saturday the 24 ill day of May next, ut 12 o'clock, M, of that day. iiuch meeting is culled by the Director of said Company, under and in pursuance of the act en titled "an Act relating to tha Zcrhca Run and ShamoLin Improvement Company,'.' passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and approved April 21, 165ft, and all the stockholders of the aid company are requested to attend the same. (ii.oaoe Ubooks, "j , Director of G, V. Bitutk, theZerbeRuu J oh J. FaaaatAS, f and bhsmokin J. 'P. Sot TBsa, J Improvtn't Co. May 3, I85G. 3t. LOCUST MOUNTAIN COLLIERY SUPEiriOR WHITE ASH XlSTTIIRA-'ofTB 'COAL, From tlie Mamiuolli Vein, for Furnaces, Found ries, blvambjat and family use, Mt. Cmmii, NouTHUMatBtsNO Cvvmn, Va. SIZES OF COAL. LUMP, for Blast Furnace and CupoTaa, BTKAMHOAT, for bteamboat,' Hot Air Fu.-nace and Steam. tuuf EN' For Gru, Stove and Steam STOVE, For 8tove, Steam ahd burning J u l , ) l.une. PEA, for Limeburoera and making Steam. Ordara received at Mt. Carmel or Norfbum terland Wharf, will receive prompt attention. M, B.BELL, ii. 1. LEWI, WILLIAM MCIR. May S, 1656.-.tf INLELLIBLE INK at Mai 18. WEtSER cV BRtJNER'8. nL'SBANIVA MagMi for sale tv M,v tt. V'EISER ft BH1 THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF Wl i PHILADELPHIA AOAINST TUB "fTORtD. , KVANS 4 WATSON, Ko. 26 Sou'k Fourth St., Philadelphia. Ilsvs had the anraft rleraorutra lion in til following t'll6cales, that their manolavtare of Haht- i' "..Taf msna r Hnirs ass ni iriigui luny T"t9 Warranted ihe rvrTesriitRtioiis LA iiT w hit kv lsn ninrls of tbeia 'J. . iciHlrrln an ulHlouotrU Secuillv "ii-i.i aaailMt Ui teniae clement s : Msrs. Evans VTsrmi rUeiits It afloiria na Hi htpriest ntiafscttun to stale rn xta, that owing to Ihe very protective qualities oi two m tne raiamanuer nies v,-itH-n we purcnaeeo or ytm son? lew mourns since, we saved tare aertion or nai Jewelry, linoks, rnpers, &., eipo- sen io tne enisrnnii'ais are in Ksnsteua I'lace, on tne morn, in of the 1 Ith int When we reflect that lhee Safes were located In the fourth story of the buiMing we occupied, and that they foil sulisen,uriit)y into a heap of burnm ruins, wliera the v.int conrentratnai ofnent eansed l!i tirnn pj'itrs to melt, we enilllot Lut rc!ir(l tne preservation ot tne vnlunlile eon. tests ss most oonvinciiic ornui ol Ui ireat serum r ou t ded hv vour ?afes. e stinii tase mucii piessure in reeommenamg mem to men oi Business ss a sui reiiHiHe scuitn are. Gsosus W.SinoasIc Pro. ti, .but sni. Anrit 19. tft.piA. Meurs. Kvsns k Wnts 11 I have to nffer yu my tes timony in fsvoi of the ereat security afforded to mv enilrs stock of jewelry, book, papers Ac, during the recent aiMsirous cnnnngrratlon In Knnstend ptuce, irom tne tact that the same were contained in two of the Salamander Ssfea manufactured by yoa. Having laden irom the firth story or tit Artisan Build in, where they were orevioutlv nlacdd sud csnnsrd to a vast heat for a Ion time, the preservation of Ui valuable deposits seemed to everyone who witnessed the opening. anu inten-jf exainuiatitiii, a mattar ol profound astonia meat. TY all who mav require perfect protection from the ravages 01 are, i anun not hesitate to recommeno tne uss f your Knfrs, as 1 consider they have now juilrrRnue the most trying test. n. r. .iloaiinx. rntLADn.rius, April 14, IRfS. Messrs Frans ft. Wntsnn fientleinen No doubt von wiil be deeply ciutified tolenrn the gisid condition in which I discov-erfii mv Ikh'W. noliev of insurance, eerltfirslf-s of tock.and other valunble docmnenta, when on Friday last i owii.hi me sate mane ny rour nrm. With niv knowedee of na eirat einoeure. both to the inieneny oj me neat In m J hot lire a lliat winch (le slfoved llie Artiatn Ftllililine. n nln fmm the fnrre lit tire ian mim in lormer elevaied position In the third story, 1 c-'iiM entertain hut slender uonea nrirto its interior in speeti'ii, that theecintents which I once so hiKlily nrized w.ni'd ever I of atiy servi-e tn me, hut as these feais are now happily remox-ed, I feel it m!y due to say to you tMt I can henceforth recommend the iie of your ?nfs to wryt amy wta to leel a cmifid-.ure la Ihe perieet so ;tc wrich such means provides asninst so frishtful an cieir.eut. Fbwsas nt'stlb, Flookbinder. fonstantly on hand Patent Ponder and Thief Proof Locks for Hanks, Stores. Aa. Aj.ri! W, ta.Vl y -A. HUMAN LIFE SAVED I lliiwuuc, Mu h., Mar. h 11, lfS3, J A t!HODi:9, 1q.: Pear Sir 1 took y-ur mnli- cine to sh:i mi consiffiiuieiit, cure no 4iy," I lake plraii:-e in Mntina its elTocts as reirtcd to aie Ity tlnett bn.ih. is who live ta this place, and their their ttMummy is a lair Speettien ol ail I have received : v. 9. CoasiiA told me "I had taken nine hollies of Chris:ieTs Apue Balaam, and eimtmuliy run down win! using it un'il niv luucs and iivei were Contested tu tint decree thai Mood machMrged irom my Mouth and b wtls, s.i that alt thmirhl it inipoksible fjr ine to live llir UbEli auoth'.-r chill. The d ciors ta did all tbey could foe nie, but IhouirM I must die. Nothing did lae uny aood until I it ItiifKlt-'s Fever and Ague Cure, wnichut once reiii!Vd me or the distress ana n.-tutea:l my stomach and nuia m my head and bowels, and produc-ada permaiieiit cure in a abort tunc," II. M. CON KLIN says: "1 had been tak in medicine of a go-id a d.a;tol aa wc hat a ia our et-unlj , mid t.-iken ar y iMa.it of quiiiiua und ar-rifie witliout any g .od risait. Mom itfiu Aauit ,o 17th l'eemtwr. Jlut a.:cinfr how oicl-Iv it opciated on mv hroiher. 1 aot a bottle ol KIK.UIKS' Fr.VEIl AND AliL'li CVUK, which eflecied a perms, tent cure by uaing two thirds ol a Utie." M. CON KLIN was and here, but b I h the ott er brothers sy bis sase was the same as H. M's J sold the ne.t:ciue to Uih I lie same dny,nmi llie cure was na speedy from tiie lume m:,.i1i quantiiy. and I niii'ht siief ifv: Yours with r-aiet, A. HUMTINCTCN. The above je.-,ke lor itself. Go-jd process it M, it is of no beltrr trnoi thauthe vast number of the like eerlifiuates 1 have atietoty pubnslieil, and tile slill grcaltr amount tliut is eoutinual: pouring in to me. One thins m ra Last )ear I had ocension to Caution the Public in tin-se 'Xoids: 'l u -tice tne. arm who have taken one 'f my jreneral circuiars, attliStitnted the nsme il their nostrum lor my inr'iiciiie. and then w.tli binzen impudtnee end their pntn piet with ti ejA'lamelioii, 'Let the proprietor if any rer m. iUcine say as much it he dales ' " itc. Now I take pleasure in saying that the I nuiinn refsrred to the same 'Dr. I'hrisiie's Ague b.;saiu" that is niea tn ned ui ihe above etrtificate. There are several other industrions people wh." sre an plyinf to their poisonous tiash sll that I publish ubout my Vcver and Arue Cure, or Antidote to Miliaria, earept the CertiSeules of Oures. and the Certificate ol the. relebnited Chemist, lir. James R Chilton, at New York, in favor of Its perlectly HAKMLKS t'HAK At "I KK. whirb is si. tached to every boM'e. Tiiese will always serve to dis tinsniph my medicine from imitations. Pol sals by Dlllggis'.s reuerully. j A U. A. RllOPUa, Proprietor. April 'si, 1854 3m Providence, It. I. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Northlimberlaud county tn make distribution of the monic in the hands of William V. Silver wood, Adminiotrator of Adam lienn, dee'd., to and amung those entitled to received the mime, w ill attend to the duties nf said appniuimntit at hi ollire in the Borough of Sunbury, on Frid.iy, the i blh day of May, A. V, 1 850, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at which time all persons in terested may attend if tliev hch proper. WM.M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, April 19, 18.r6. tt. List of Causes, For trial at the special and adjourned Court of Common Ph-as to be held in Sunbury, commen cing May 27, 1 MSG. Lower At Barron vs Ira T Clement John W Peal Martin Irwin's adm'r W illiam Perslng va Peter Adama , , , . The Sharnokin Steam Ferry .raTt lenient v. ,nJ Tow Uoat Company E H Archmutyet al v Jesae Archmuty Jacob Voiiida v Zerby Run Imp Co laaac Elliott C Garretson same v aame vaine va um same s same John Knotise vs Charlc Robin et al Prothf notary's OtTice. ) Sunburv, April 20, 185C 1855 Special Express Notice. 1850 XIO"WIT3 Sc GO'S EXPRESS. nA ING obtdii ed fullexpress'privilege over the CATAWISSA, SUM J CRY AND ERIK and WILLIAMSPORT cV ELMIRA RAILROADS, we are now prepared to forward all description of Express Good by Passongcr Train, daily, between Philadelphia and Slrnira, connecting at Elmira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All ajooils Tor 1 amaqua, summit, t. attawiesa, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Ehnira.aud also to Northumberland and Sunbury and all inter mediate place, delivered the same day. Earh train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia OlTice, 92 Chesnut Street. Office Elmira at United Slates Express Ollice. April 13,1856 ly CtjiWailSSlON IllUICCllAKT. No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where the following good are received and old on commission : . , Dried Apple. Peaches, Diuns, Pears, Cher iies, 4-c., Green Applss in Barrels or by Ihe bushel, Beam, Sweet Potaloea, Lemons, Peas, bbU' arks, RaUina, Crauberrica, Chestnuts, Figs, , Onions, Ground Nut, Prunes, Mercer Potatoes, Orange. . . . Grape, Poultry, Egjs,- Butter, Cheexe. And ull kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. . April U, 18S6.ly J. STEWAET DEPUY & SONS; Importers and Dealers" in Carpetings, Masonic Hall, Chestnut St., leluw Eighth, WOULD respectfully invite you to call and examine their large and well aelected stock cf Carpeta, Oil Clotha, Cocoa and Cantoii Mat. tings. Druggets, Hearth Rug, Door Mats, &c., which they will aell to the trade at such, price a wiil make it deairable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April It, 1856 ly ,7. . m LATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS foe bar bottlee for eale by H. B MASftER. PujiWt, April I. tlf NOTICE. OTICi? I hereby irlven to alt -rone X became Indebted to the eubeeriber aa who Reg ister and Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan' Court while he held said office, either on due bill, promissory note or book account or for the recordini of 3ecd, Mortgage, Ac, that all hi account have been left in the hand ol it. J. Wolverton, F.sq., In Sunbury, for collection, and thry are requested to call on him and pay the amount or their indebteilnes. JOHN P. JTRSEL. April SO, 1353. Sm. IS hereby given that the euhscrilier will be in his office to receive payment of Ihe account relerreil to in the foregoing- notice (which ac counla are now in his possession) fioin llitt date hereof until the sixth day of May next, and again from the twenty-eighth day of May to the first day ot July next. After winch time all uch said unwilled account will be sued indis criminately and without respect to person. , 11. J. WOLYEIUUK. April SR, I85C 2in AUDITORS' REPORT Report of thr Atditous of Nopthumber- LAND Cot.NTV. FOR TUB YKAlt 18o3. Francis Durher, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland Luunty, in account tnfi Me w7ii R. To ninonnt oroutstandinir tax lor ls.)4, and previous voiirs " mtintinl of tax nssesst-J for 1855. " nmotint of Count-, Rood and School tax ou unseated luuds Tor 1854. " balunce due Co. by Trousur:r 1,523 33J 11.C64 1)3 43 30 8,741 71 821.977 93 Cr. By nmotint nf outstanding tux for 1855 and previous years. 9,412 71 " amount of exonerations ul lowed Collectors for 1855 nnd previous. 225 65 "amount ol commissions nl low ed Collectors for 1855 ond previous. C25 39 ' Cash paiJ out on Commis sioners' orders. 11,330 92 "TreaMirHr'a commission on $11, 330 92. 2S3 27 $21,977 93 Francis liurher, Esq., Treasurer of Korthnm- bertand C ount;, tn account with the same re specting State tax on real and personal. n.t. To nninunt of otitsttttiditij Shite tax for 13j-1 and previous years. 81,585 141 " iiL'prcpate amount of suit! tax assessed for IHdS. 1G,C10 14 " iinionnt of Statu tux received on unseated lands 13 211 " To error on Dupliento 17 72 Duliuuoo duo Cuuuty. 3,311 bt 821,572 4ti Cr. By nmotint of outstanding tax tor iaua una previous. " error in duplicate. " Treasurer- Keceipls S7.00G 06 76 from a State Trtasnrtr, iluted follows. Jnn. 26. 1855. Jitna C, " July 24, " " Uluouut refuinled liy the State to the legal reprtseututives of William Gnliek. ' To amount of commission on 812.1C5 36 at 1 perct. " toiimiiiSion ullovit'd Collec tors. "EiouorttioDs. ftlO 43 199 00 11,791 CI 664 32 121 C5 924 353 J 90 S21.572 43j Francis livelier, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland I'uumy, in account with the saint respecting Militia Fines. To opereprnte nmotint of out standing tux for 18i4 und pre vious year. " uniouiit of tax assessed for 1H55. " baluuce due Tieasarer. $777 24 917 50 978 91 S2.773 65 $1,673 96 50 00 75 (10 75 00 50 00 fill no 50 00 50 00 50 00 5(1 00 50 00 95 00 10 00 6 00 6 99 351 83 41 43 38 44 $2 773 5 Cr. By amount of ontstitnding tax for 18"5 and previous years. " amount puid Treasurer of Dewart Guards for 1855. ' Nurtli'd Troop for 1854. " ' " 1855. " Shumokin Guards for 1853. "Farmer's and Mechanic's Ar tillery for 1855. " Shumokin Grays fur 1854. " Farmers nnd Mechuiiicb' Ar tillery for 1854. " Shumokin Guards for 1854. " lepp nville Cavalry for '52. " VushiiiRton Gnaids for '52. " J. II. ZiuiuiPt'innii, lirigado Inspector for 1855. "J H. Zim'nierman, Brigade Inspector fur !855. " J II. Zimmertnun, Brigade Inspector for 1855. " commission on 699 44 nl 1 per ct. ' exonerations allowed Collec tors for 1855 uud previous years. " commission nllowed collec tors for 1645 nnd previous years " amount paid Assessors fur making lists of delinquent militia men. Francis Dueler, Esq., Treasurer of Xvrtlnim btrland County in account with thes ante re specting itttaiters Licences. 1. To aggregate amount o said li cense as per list furnished Treasurer by Mercantile ap praiser. ' balance in Treasurers liaaJa fC(iml854tt9 per Auditors' Iteport. $373 50 88 C 39 $1,859 E9 91,408 44 12 20 12 20 12 20 36 00 48 67 330 18 Cit. By State Treasurers receipt. -" amount paid John G. A: A. A, YouiiKinan for publishing Mercantile appraisers list.. " amount puid 11. B. Masser, for same. " do German. - - , . " exonerations for 1,854 85. " Treasurer commissiou on 973 50 ut 0 tier ci. . , " bullauce duo by Treasurer. Sl,59 89 Francis Ducher, Esq.. Treasurer of Northum, bertand County, in account with the sanie re specting Tavern Licenses. Dr. To amount of eaid Licenses granted by the Court for . 1855 . ... $550 00 ' balance io Treasurers hands' from 1851 as per Auditors Report. 517 75 1,067 75 ei.040 25 37 50 By State Treasurers' receipts,. "Treasurers' commissiou on $550 00 . . 1.05" 75 Francis Ducher, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland Cbtinrv in account with ih tame r tpectmg Beer Houses and Oyster Shops. I'r. . . . , . To amount of said Licenses as per list furnished Treasurer .' by Mercantile appraiser for 1805. . , 79 00 "balance from 1654 as per Auditors Iteport. 132 87 21l 87 f 163 SO 27 00 9 95 27 42 On. By slate Treasurer's receipts ' exonerations for 1854 85 " Treasurers commission on $79 00. " balance duo from Treasurer. 211 87 Francis liucher, Esq., Treasurer, in account tcith the same respecting Distillers. Hretc ers, and Ilectificrs licenses. nit. To nmotint of said license as per list, lurnisneu ty dicrcuniue nppraisers. $13 00 " balance from 1854 as por Auditors Iteport. 12 35 25 35 $12 35 65 12 35 Cr. By Stnte Treasurers receipt. " I reasurers commission on $13 00 " balance due from Treasurer. $25 35 Francis Ditcher Esq., Treasnrer of. Northum berland Luunty, in account with t it same re specting licences granted for places of u muniment. l)n. To amount received from Circus C30 00 " " received from Billiard Tables. 78 75 " balunce from 1854 as per Au ditors Iteport. 76 00 $204 75 876 00 6 43 122 32 Cr. By State Treasurers receipt. ' Treasurer's commission on SI 28 75 " balaiico due from Treasurer. ..204 75 Francis Rwlier, Esq., Treasurer of ftnrthum herland County in account with the same re specting licensis granted by the Court in re tailers to sell liquor. To amount of licenses granted " by court. $180 00 $180 00 Cr. Bv Treasurers commission on 180 00. " balance due from Treusurer. $3 00 171 00 $180 00 Expenditures of Northumberland County. Piolhonotarv Fees. $0 37J IViiiting, Viewing Roads and Bridges Building nnd repairing bridges Constables pay for diilereiit ser vices. Commonwealth suits costs. Assessors' pay. Refunding. Stationery Public buildings. Grand, Traverse, Petit and spe cial Jurors' pay. e'J4 12 a 113 25 3:223 25 335 89 223 28i 790 02 953 48 J 49 75 398 U 1,872 99 $233 69 22 50 Geo. C. xVelkcr, '5f, Chas Weaver '54, Jos Nieelv, '54, $1 00 '55, 4 J 15 50 15 .137 20 34 OU 155 50 221 46 Philip Renn. '55, Simon Pnyder, Deputy States Attorney Incidental expenses. Clerks pay '51 $r6 G5 " '5 j ill. i ti'J 402 07 J Premiums on fox scalps. Court crier's pay Attorney's for tho county, ic. Flection ofliier's pay. Prison expenses. Damages for roads Auditors' pay. Koud tux ou unseuted land. School tux Agricultural Society. Coroner's Inquests. Hherifl's fees. F.nstern l'euitentinry. Fuel. 29 621 h 00 160 00 579 oa 47 7;i 1,132 50 78 00 25 46 12 36 100 00 51 12$ 618 97j 126 08 98 31 $14,009 55 Outstanding 'J:xesfjr 1855 and previous years on the 31 st December 1855. Names of ColUtl irs, Michael Evert, J -:li" Leiseiiritig, John I.eibig, David Stahluucker; Thomas Burr, David Stahluucker, John l.eisenring, Jacob Beck, Dennis Buoy, Geo. Kuntz, Conrad Keriiutr, John I line, David Wilson, Jacob Binguuiau, John lliue, Peter Ruth, James Buoy, Abraham Kissinger, 1). V. Caul, II'. B. Irwiu, James Buoy, Dauiel 1. Conrad, Henry R. Johnson, Abraham Kissinger, Martin Bachmau, Samuel Hales, Peter llileman, Jeremiah Pennepacker, J II. Kaufman, John Simpson, .uines Beard, Joseph F.ckbert, Michael Keel'er. Daniel D. Bohner, Klius Eiseiihart, .olm Simpson, John Rnyer, James Beard, Nicolas Diumheller, D. M. Swurtz, Frederick Fox,. Jacob R. Clark, . Martin athmtm, Isreal Dunkleberger, Joseph Kckbeit, George Keeler, Jacob Puul, George P- MarU, Philip II lie, . James Lynn, Perter Pursel, Jacob Stumm, Michael Keel'er, D. Malick, Aaron J. Conrad, Tuwnsliipt, 1'pper Augusta, Noilliuuibeilund, Coal Delaware, Lewis, Delaware, Northumberland Sunbury, Obili.-.quuque, Turbul, Cameron, Lewis, Lower .Mahanoy, Cameron, Northumberland Milton, Turhut, Chilisquuque, Delaware, Milton, Lower Augusta, Rush, Turbut, Lower Muhutioy, Shutiiokin, Sunbury, Zerbe. Upper Mahanoy, Chilisqmtque, Delaware, Milton, . Upper Augusta. Jordan, t?oal Cbilisquaque (Jameron, Delaware, Jaclison,, Jordan, Lewis, Lower Augustu, Lower Mahanoy Little Mahuuoy, Milton, Mt. Carmel, Northuuiberlnd. IVint, Rush. Shamokiri, Sunbury, Turbut, Upper Augusta, Upper Mahanoy, Zerbe 9,412 70 7,006 06 $1,673 96 WE the nnderaigned Auditor of Northumberland County, in the Cbroraopwealth of Pennsylvania, do certify that, in pursuance of the 4th ectioi of an act entitled an act regu. lating counties and townships' passed the 15th of April, 1834, we met at the Cummimiouers Officii iu tiunbury, on the 7th duy of January, 1856, and adjourned from time to- time, aud did audit, and settle the neveral account required of us, agreeably to the several acts of Assembly and supplement thereto, according to the bett ol' our judgments and abilities, and we do further certify that upon due examination of the expense book of the county, the indebtedness of the same' yet unpaid, iu orders and other obligations, is 6,240 60. In witness whereof we have bereuutoset our hands sod seals this 26th day of January, A. D. 1856 - . - - - yOSBPH HOOVER, fL.S.1 : . JOHN YOUNOMAN, IL.8.1 IV. H. FORSYTH. f L 8 Amount nf Court line and Jury Funds, io u nom puta. Dsfendiiats, To whom Wallnce uot raid raid. 1 00 riainiifrs, -Com'wealth Bohncr Com'wealth momou, Nihort. Smith A Barret " Beaver W U Fegely Board I.ongnecker et al " J'oy Weira . Fegely ' . Board Bond T'eisa Beaeh.ern . BearJ 4 00 6 00 6 00 5 00 Friling, McCariy Keiser S. BVitely Sechner Morton Rockefeller Car lion Imp Co. " Forsman et al Parks et al not paid Sipfried Strauser Com'wealth Wilson Hoffman Coonly for It Weise liet paid Fox Adam Manrer Fisher Teas 1 1 aits Forester It Miller Beard not paid E It Miller Ludwig Knee. die A Co. Shipmnn " Grady Thompson & Kisuly " Nmilb Savidge et al Beard Bogcr O V Buyer uot paid Martin Beck " 4 00 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 155 180 Good & Miller Beviu '" Com'weultb Wampule Meloy 'Widdecomb " Coin'wealtb Shall ' Conrad Uuringer Iluoy U ussier " Jury fines for 1852 185.1 lUM I8i5 390 00 2Si 00 Cash account between Francis Buchr, Tren surer, and the County of Northumberland. Da. To nmottnt of ensh received on cotinty for 1855 and previous. $10,239 72 " Amount, refunded by state to legal representatives of Wil liam Gnlirk. 604 32 " Jury funds. oj ou " County road and school tat on unseated lands for. 1854. 45 00 " balance, in Treasurers bunds from 1854 ns per Auditors Report. 477 3?i Si 1,155 aCi $11,330 92 Cit. By car.'li paid on Cominir-sloners orders. " Treasurers commissions on $11,330 92 U 2) 283 27 $11,611 19 11,455 30 158 82 " Balance due Treas. from co. Slate funds. Dr. To amount of Rtate tax receiv. ed for 1855 and previous years. " amount of state tax on un seated lunds for 1854 " balance in Treasurer's laands from 1854 per Auditors' Report. Cn. By State Treasurers receipt da ted Jan. 26, 1855. June 6, 1R55. July 24. 1855 " State Treasurer' order in favor i.l the legal representa tives of Win. Guliek. " TreiiPtirers commission on 13.105 30 at 1 per ct. $13,663 25 18 24 .1.083 35 f4,7ti4 84 $510 43 199 00 11,791 61 CC1 22 131 C5 13,297 01 1,453 16 14 07 14.764 6t " Biilunee in Treasurers hands " Treasurers commission uu bulauce. . . i'itia Fines. I. To nn.ount of casli received on "Militia tux fur lb.ij iiml previous. " lialatiee in Treasurers hands from 1854 as per AuditoiV Report. ' balance due Treasurer Cn. By ca?1i paid to different com. panics Brigade Inspector, Assessors &c. " Treasurers' commission oa $699 44 at 1 pur ct, $613 43 75 96 12 04 706 13 $699 44 0 99 :700 43 Years, ltvtO 1843 County, State, $43 07 Militia $34 00 16 00 1 95 13 0(1 34 5l) 31 43 45 00 59 50 7 35 6 00 13 30 24 50 C 50 4 58 59 50 69 50 60 00 9 70 1849 4 02 11 50 45 53 1850 61 42 127 59 19 29 1851 36 66 12 139 -J 1S52 17 297 23 95 1.3 15 169 1853 I 363 33 94 153 51 1 132 59 j 17 44 42 50 60 i?n 76 67 70 19 168 45 230 98 37 52 85 00 153 07 59 60 62 Ti 233 41 00 00 05 260 SI f.O 00 32 50 lb' 15 15 73 145 60 3ti 72 19 f.O 99 00 39 00 40 00 20 00 68 60 68 50 18 50 33 50 28 50 22 00 22 00 49 00 54 50 52 00 20 50 19 00 16 00 44 00 1855 445 22 783 02 143 11 522 24 212 354, 57 8a 591 84 536 22 540 82 101 99 383 30 285 93 152 66 476 92 258 11 343 71 437 26 534 58 464 4S 215 26 395 95 151 28 640 59 104 2ti 407 Id 173 n bo e'i C6 84 238 37 317 fc7 10C 19 2G3 49 215 91 61 01 507 39 83 70 281 26 3BG 87 204 85 432 84 1j5 3'i 4U5 01 and FRIENDS' CENTRAL DRV GOOD STORE, 8. E. Corner, fcighth A. Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. IVIE subscribe: Imvi'hrf made very Important . additions to bis establishment, by connecting the first floor of hi Old Store with that of the besutiful lour story building adjoining known aa II s ti Most Hali, (surmounted, with a high Cupola, invite hi Old Customer end friends to an examination of an Entirely New 8'otk of 00 00 00 Oh 00 00 00 III) 00 ,. , FANCY AND STAPLE DR1T GOODS. ealrrtcd expressly In refer enc to the present opening, v The assortment com prises i 1 r-'ensonalile Drca Materials, of r and el. 00 00 00 gant kinda, Maid India h Black Silk, Shawl, of all kinds, Hosiery, Glove Ai Mitts, t'mbroideries .V Linen Camhrick Handkerc'fa, FnrnisliinK Goods or all kinds, Iriah Linens, Flannels, Moreens, &c.,lo which are added New Goada dsilv, of choice rlescrip. tio"- CHARLES ADAMS. a- Person wishing a splendind view of tho City all( Vicinity, enn ascend the Cupola, by a private Kiairway which will bo found well worth a visit. March 29, 1S56. 5,n w 00 00 00 00 DENTISTBY. ?TT 0 TP i,f 'e? t--w't-i-r-: "rs NNOI.'NCES to the cniien of 8ui,bn.-y, Northumberland end vicinity, that hn has opened an office in .Suiibury, one door west of llie Post Ollice, where lie is prepared Io attend to all kinds of work bcloniiiR to the profession, in Ihe litest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. Aim continue Gum W'oik, which durable and neat. April 18, IHfiU tf very JOHNSON & BKOTlIEit, CA-BIIsrilT MAESKS. No. 4 A'nrth Second Street, first, door nbote Christ Church, Philadelphia. Hjr.RSONS ill want of L'urM us, Tablet, Sofa. Chairs, Bedsteads, and everv variety of household furniture, would do well Io call, us llmse articles are tnado up in the best styles and owio ui iiiu lowe.-it prices. April IS, 1856. ly SACKEREL. v-" CODFISH, SALMON. IIEKIilNG, I'lili'K, HA.Ms AND 51DE. MIOCLDEKS, LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for rale by J. PALMER &. CO., Market Street M'haf, FiiiLiDi.-niu, March 89, 18CG. 3m w lit 3 and a Her an experience of twenty .five years, is I'tcpared to warrant tliem eiiial to any niude in mis country, i urn ulso inakniir superior Leather ' Rands, eementcJ and copper rivited, the atrclch ! taken out ly powerful machinery. Elevator Straps for Crist Mills also. Leather Hose, of suprrior quality, made as ! novo. jfJli. H. HASKELL, No. 33 boulii Cutatv tstreet, ' Baltimore, Md. Nfarch 29, ISoC 2m dFlWORTII, BRANSON & CO. Hardware Merchants, Having remoTed from No. 59 to No. 73 Market 5ircet, Philadelphia, Arc prepared, with greatly increased facilities, to fill orders fur HARDWARE of every variety on Lest leriiia, from a full asjorliiicnt, including Railroad Shovels, Picks, A c. Country merchants and others will find it to their iiiterert to call and examine our stotk be fore pure hrisiii); elsewhere. April 13, Ik'6. ly KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market Street, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. S. P. JACOBY & CO., IMPOHTKHS of and dealers in the various Foreign and Domeslic Marbles, iSlatuary.vtc, have coiistanily ou hand a large and select as sortment of .Mantles, Tombs, Monument, Tal le 'I'jps, t., i.f every description, nut excelled by any in the city for beauty, svmmetrv and finish. Ccl'inet Makers, Plumber and Marble Cut ters, furnii-ht'd at the shortest notice, whh Mar ble of over description and pattern, whether Foui 'ti or Doir.e.-.tic. cither finished in the .sb.li or Utoirk, on Ilia iuot re:iiiiable terms. Wf rrspectuilly invite attcnlion to our stock on hr.ud. March 1, ISofi. 3m c POK SILE 1 rjpWO HOKsLS March 29, t5G. cheap for cah. Apnlv to J. K. MAeWER. Muuriiv & KOONS WHUI.P.SAI.K UKAI.KHS IN l ist iii:i:si. & l'i?ovisis, No. 17 North WHARVES, below Rata Streets, I'hiladclpbia. K.'cp contant!v on hand a lari;e assorlmnt of Fi-ll, ( 'HEEV02 A PROVISIONS. vthKh ! tliev are prepared 'o dispose of at til lowest I Market rales. Orders promptly executed. .March 1. 1;0. 3m w Dissolution of Partnership. V'OTICE i. biioliv iiiven that tha parlner.ihip ' hcietofore rotating between Sam'l A lierg sliesser k Jno. 11 oil', in the Mercantile: ..LuiJe at l.'lj bburg', lias been dUsolved by nu'-.ur.l con aenl. SAM'L A. UF.R(;STF.ESSER JOHN HUFF, T'.:e accounts of the lato firm will be settled by S. A. Bei(ji.tretr who will couliuue the bu ei::esa at the old stand. S. A. Btinnsrai.ssi a. JJIysburR, April 12, lho6 AV 1 1 lTElU)lSarnOTEE POTTKVILLE, PA. rJHE subscriber respectfully announces to his obi friends and Ihe public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, tha Wkito Horso Ilotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo st., in the Uorough of l'otuville. The house ha re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite ua comfortable a any other Hotel in 6'ehuylkill county while the 61 aides are large, in Rood condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and other who may atop al his house, he promises every attention calculated to l.der them comfortable and fatisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 6, 185f.- if reran i. ....i .... ... j. . .u,,criner is ami encaged in ihe hiann- now stylo Bprinif ShawlK, - iuV,o .,, o superior viuchine Uarda fur Linen. "of Btrong fuLri. ,",," , "' , ' . quamy cloths, startlo lio'ifekurii : of Leather and W no used m mult nc the ali.ivn. I r u ... . 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, bUNllURV, PA, .. Aided by ome cl-ht year experience is ike practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity .to all matter appertaining to or will iu the line ol' hi profession. Ollice with Charles J. Uruuer, Eaii Market street. . Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1865, tf KOTICE. All person knowing tb.emie.lvee indebud te Ira T.Clement, on Hook accoent, note or other, wise, are reiiueated to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their account will be placed is the hand of a magistrate fer eolleeliosv PrB.rirT, N. IT. ISIS f ...J LET tfTRKASOft "tOGKTHr.fi. HOUiO WAY'S PILLS. WHY ARK WE SICKt . It has hem the l"t of the humsa taM fo be wu liv disease arnrl atifferiaa. NOLfiOWATI I.rSr."PT'""v "l,"l'"'J " tl'e re'iaf nf the WK.AK, U.s or.KVUIf. ItaDbMCAT'. aid tl IN fllt.M. ,f ail chraes, aea, sesrs, and coiisliliiti.iMs. I'rofrssor IIolln way perainialiy saperinlanHs the msnuraetuie nf his me't. euirs in the tailed rlialea, ana offers them to free an.l ealijiiiened people, aa llie best leoierly ma workl aver w for ths femoral of tliseaso. THESE PILLS PCrTfY THI? BLOOD. These f imoea l'i Is sra expressly' eonibineil to oparstii ""Jt , 'l"m"' h ,n" I'ver, the kidneys, tne lonav. the skin anil Hie h iwels, inrroeliiie any Oniiir'nnent in Iheir func tions, pariiyii,gn,et,i. ,ht viy feaiitani of life, and .U..,.K ni-srnftrj mail in TfrtTlf. DYSPEPSIA A; LIVER COMPLAINT Nearly Imlflha human rare have taken t!itss PiUj. t-hasln-en proveil ill sll parts of Ihe world., tl.st aothipif tins been fimnd tqnn to ihem in tm of lini rs -f ilia liver, itysp"p"il. and sMmscli cmplaints generally. The.- "" aive a hcallliy ti.nc t ih'.se arganr, Imwever much deranired, and when sll ntlier means have fa'ileil. CiF.NEllAL DEBILITY, JT.L HEALTH. Msny of the m'Wt detrstic loyeiBir.nts- have rpeneil tneir Casloin Houses to the iiilr.ifVirlicu ia" taeae fills. Hint they iiuiy 1rconu- the medic'!. et' tils inesnes. Learn ul Ci'lU ft.-a admit that this liiiliruie in the heel rnn-dy ever known lot peisnni of delicate henlih. or wlitre lii system Ims tiecii iin:.ineil, ss i;s iuvisoroLin pr'prriivs neor iiui to atlvri. rein'. , FEMA I E CO 'XI 'LA 1XT.1. N'i fenn. yonni or old, should lie withonl 'his eels hiMl' iiiHi'.ine. It eiartcls and lcyilltes the monthly coiium at all peiit. avtiiig in many nm like a -burm. It iF al. the hi'st ai.d ru'eut uirjilieine that ewn l.e given to t'hiiilrra of n,l niffn, and for anv complaint ; C11.K1i Je.ltly no laniily should Le without it. IMhte'ly't FUli are the best remeity Inoun in the world fur the folloirinq disease: Asthma, Fever nnd Avne SMone and Gravel H Coinplan.is Fenirts Coaafhin! XenMidaiv viiib-' Conalis Hen.lafhea Inward Wenknea . Ind.i'ii"ii I.iver Conipuiinta Chest Pisease InHuenxa latwiratlol'riuuj iVtiveness hiHaniiKitmn l'ilci ljS;,epsia Veiorea! Afffcliona lliarhoa Wur.tis. of ull kinds Urimky S.!,t nt 1, e Tiiiinfurrorlf of prmfeMor IIoi.lowjiv f Maiden ,n.ie. New Vo V, a-d 514 timiid. London, liy u!i rrpjv ". Urusi,., .,n jienlrrs in Metlicine throucli "nt the fniM,i Slates, and llie tjiviitscd world, in boxes, ut ll. ri-n',, fi-.'t rt,,,. ,.,) rr1cn. IV Tin. re is, u consmeiaL.e saving l. tainz llie Lirgr flZ'M. N. II iJireclions for the cuidnncs of pa'-lento in every dirdr arc utTired to each bo. Matcb.tM, If-Mlyca ' Cheap Fruit acd Confectionary. Rl HRiM & S!:i.Li:Uf, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers in Confer. tionary of all Eln.ls. No. U3 North Third" btrect, hclow Race, I'liiladvljihia. HPHE attention of dealers :a reitieatcd to an -"- examination of their stock, wliich will be found equal to any in thiscitv. Foreign Fruita of all kinds in season. '. N. B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended to. February 23, IRfi 8ine . 1858. SPUING STUCK OF NEW GOODS. Ftiahionublu Silks, lull lino of black Silks dress foods do.. C Muslins of best long ng goodt;, ilona wear EYRE & LAN DELL. ith and Arch Street I'hiladelphia. P. i. StnrKk(; pt'is, Families und all Goo.,1 Nott Cath Hiiyei-s lire respectfully itivi tt'd tu exaniiuu this'stnek of New Goods be fore pui-cliusin)f, os we pruior selling low, and selling the more good.". Storekeepers may often Gud great jobs from Auction, us we attend the Auctiaa oaius of New York and Philadelphia. Phihv.. March 8. IS'iC :iin. tt . TDK subscriber respectfully iiorms the cili 7.en of Sunbury and the public generally, that he haa commenced the manufacture of all kinds f EARTHEN WARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, onn siUarc east of the ltiver. Htf has engaged tho services cf Mr. Hinp. and you can thereforo depend on bavins good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M. SHIN DEL. Sutoury, Feb. 0, 18.'6. tf ' .TO IFtEISTT. f, 8T0HE KOU.M on Market Square in San bury, and two rooms adjnii.inir.. C II A IM.ES PLEASANTS. January Sf). IHSC If A LL pernons knowing themselves i'l.lrbted M XJ. the suliscribfrs, nn note or book account. are r"s pectlullv liivi'ed to can nnu pay trie same "ti orbefoie U.e Huh of April lux:, as we nitn-t I have money to buy our fct.rira and Summer iuply of goudj. J. F. A- I.F. KLINE. , March 22. l.'.O If Klines Orove, Pi BOOKS! BOOKS! ! . Walk this w?.y for Bargains. fJrKINti d 's'.rous cl disposing of niy cntira stock of Books and rStatioiierv, emiipiitiiiii' sumo SO.HCO Volume of Law, Medical, Reli-, yious Sciciililb', ll'ank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous B loks. Also, Kid Renins of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, ,tc. 1 w'.il dispose ol the w hole stock nt public sale si'.'e . at toy hlcre, opposite the Ton."! House, conimei;eir,'ij on Monday the 7th day of April, lo3. at 1 o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. Mcf'AKTV. Ter JOS. II. McCARTy. Punbury, March Io. lS5J.--:f 1850. SriUNG MAKTILLAS fl?5C At WLola'ie and RetaQ. GEORGE BtTLPIN Ite CO. No. 171 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia . In connection with (jiorge Unlpin, No SCI IlroaJ-iay, Ntw York, Are now prtpattd to supply the Trado from every sretion ef 'he Union, with their Importa tions niid Manufacturers for the coining season, compiling all the nencet dctijns, lioni One Dollar to the most cosily yartnrnts manultiL turi'd. Mcr.-liants will find il much '.o their advantage to examine our stock previnua to purchasing. Close buyers, purchasing for Cash or fehor. Crvd;t, Will receive a librmi disciuut. CEO. IU l.l'IN A CO.. lHt Chesnut street, Puilad'a., llttneen !'eveuth 4' Eighth at. April fi, 1856. 2ni w GT AT REDUCED FlilCES. a 23. J.' WILLIAMS, No. 12 ii'orlh aVxih St., Philadelphia. Originator of all new atyle of. VENETIAN IiLl.N La, liold li ordered aud Paiuted Shades, ol beautiful design. Uulf, and all other colors of Hollaud, used for Nhades, Piiture, Trimming, &.ct, 4;c. i 8TOKE SHADE3 PAINTED TO ORDER. to. 3. W. thankful for past patronage, respect, . fully solicits the citizen of Northumberland County to call and examine hi large atortmout before purchaaiiiK elsewhere. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. April 6, 1856. 3m e s . A LL person indebled to the firm of Friling & Ciraut, ot. Note, book account or otherwise are respectfully ree, anted to tome forward aad pay up between thia and the first of April a they wioh lo go to the city to lay in their Spring sup. plioax KRILINO & GRANT. Kunhorr, March 5, 1S5 tf VI Ull .U3 LiOW btlC1.