Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 03, 1856, Image 3
JffOTICE. TSJ OTICS i be rebv give to all pereotis who i n atit fTlmk nf tlia Orirhatia1 imrr nu - - - " r " Court while he hld ssid other, either on hill, promissory note or o00 acrount or lor me TreordinsT of Feeds, Mortgsgee, Ac., tht nil hie accounts hsv'e been left in the hand of II. J. Wolvertoh, Esq., In fcunhury, for collection, end bey (re eo,Wted to cell on him erui pay the muunt of ibeir inJebtednen. ' JOHN P. UR8EL. April , 156. tm. NOTICE . IS brehy given that the subscriber will be in hie office to receive peymcnt of the, account referred to In the fore going notice (which ae rounti ere now in hie possession) from the dabs hereof until the eixth day of May next, and again from the twenty-eighth day of Way to the firat day of July next. After which time all uch aaid unsettled accounta will be sued indis criminately and without respect to pcraon. H. J. WOLVERTON. April I, 1856. Sm AUDITORS' EEPOET. Itur-ORT or thr Acditom or Notiioiibs LAND Cocktt, for Tut Year 1855. Francis Bucher, Etq., Trecsurer of KorOtum berland County, in account tcith the same. Dr. To amonnt of outstanding lax for 1804. and previous yeara " nmouut of tax assessed for 1855. " amount of County, Road and Hchool tax od unseated laud fi.r 1854. " balance doe Co. by Treasurer fi 1,123 33 n.ce 93 45 96 8,711 ;i t:i,971 93 Ilyamonnt of outstanding tax for 1855 and provioos years. 83,412 71 ' amount of exonerations al lowed Collectors for 1855 and previous. C2i Ci "amount ol commissions allow. d Collectors for 1855 and previous. 625 38 ' Cash paid ont on Commij. iotiera' ordors. 11,330 92 "Treasurer's commission oa 311, 330 92. 283 27 821.977 93 JVnnci Bucher. Etq., Treasurer of Sarthnm btrland County, in account with the same rt spieling Slate tax on real and pcrsinul. Dr. To amount of outstanding Ststo tax fur 1S54. and prcTions years. $1,585 Hf " aggregate amount of said tax assessed for iHbb. 1C.C10 H " uni(unl of estate tax received on unsouted lands 13 2IJ ' To error on Duplicate; 17 72 " Uallauce due Couu'y. 3.3(1 84 f 21,572 4SI Cn. Fy amount of outstanding tax fur 1S55 and previous. error in duplicate. " Treasurer's Receipts from State Treasurer, datud us follow. Jan. 26. 1653. June 6, " July 24, " " amount refunded by the Stato to thu lepal representatives of William Oulii-k. " To amount of commission oa 812,lfi3 36 nt 1 perct. " commission allowed Cwllee- tors. "F.ijuc-ritiens. 7,006 OC, 76 MO 43 199 00 11,791 61 C64 32 121 C5 S24 353 50 821.572 44J Francis Bucher, Esq., Treatvrer of fCort).un btrland County, in account uiih (lit tamt respecting Militia Fines. Vn. To tgeregatc amount of out standing Wx for 1854 and pre- -Tious yuars. 8777 24 " amount of tax assessed for 1835. " balaucu due Tieasurrr. 917 50 978 01 2,773 C5 Cn. By amount of ontstanding tax "for 18"ft and previous years. "amount paid Treasurer of Dew-art Guards for 1855. " KurtVd Troop for 1854. " " 1855. ' Shamokin Guards for 1S33. 'runner's and Mechanic's Ar tillery fur 1855. " Shainokiti Grays for 1851. " Farmers and Mechanics' Ar tillery for 1854. " Shamokin Guards for 1854. " Depper.vilio Cavalry for '52. WasliinKton Guards for '52. " J. II. Zimmerman, I'rigade Inspector for 1855. "J II. Zimmerman, Drigadu Inspector for 1655. ' J . II. Zimmerman, Brigade Inspector for 1855. " commission on CD0 44 at 1 per ct. . " exonerations allowed Collec tors for lbi5 and previous years. ""commission allowed collec tors for 1 8 15 and previous years " ameunt paid Assessors for making UU cf dcliuquei.t militia iucd. 61.C73 50 10 00 75 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 Ml 00 60 00 to 00 50 oe 95 CO 10 00 0 00 6 99 3:i 63 41 43 38 44 82 773 65 Francii Durhrr, Esq., Treasurer cf Sorthum lerland County in account with tes (tint rt snttting Jlttailtrs I.ictnces. J Dr. To aggregate amount o (aid i reuse al per list furnished Treasurer by Mercantile ap. pramer. " balance in Treasurers kaods from l&il as per Auditors' Report. 1973 50 886 39 $1,859 69 11,403 44 IS 20 12 20 12 20 36 00 48 67 330 18 Cr. IJy Stato Treasorera receipt ' amoatit paid John G. 4 A. A, Youogmau for publishing Mercantile appraisers list. " amount paid 11. U. Master, for same. " do German. " exonerations for 1.654 65u " Treasurers vonimiseiou on 973 &0 at 5 perct. " ballanco du by Treasurer. 81,859 89 Francis Buehtr, Esq., Treasurtr of Xorthunu otrlana County, in account ifiiA IHi same rt' tpecting Tavern Lictnsts, Dr. To amount' of said Licenses granted by tba Court for 1855 $530. CO ' balance in Treasurers hand from 1854 Pr Auditors Report. M Ctt. Tj 8t Treasurers' receipt.'' Tr"snrciV ccmitiistiua to ' 1,067 75 $1,010 3 ?7i? Fronds Bucher, Esq., 7rtatvrtr of Korthvm' Itriand County in account tciA thr. tamt r' ejecting Bttr Houses vndOysttr Shops. Dr. To amooot of said l.icenpes as p-r list furniehed Treasurer by Mercantile appraiser for 16S6. t79 00 " balunc from 1664 at r Auditor Report. 132 67 due 8211 87 Cb. , By siaUTrtASurer's recelpti ' exonerations for 1854 85 " Treasttrvra commissioo 00 879 00. " balance due from Treasurer. 8163 50 27 00 3 95 27 42 8211 87 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer, in account tcith tht same respecting DislilUrt, Brew ers, and Rtctijiert licenses. Dr. To s mount of said license as per list furnished by Mercautile appraisers. $13 00 " balance from 1854 as per Auditors Report. 12 35 825 33 $12 3S 65 12 35 Cb. By State Treasurers receipt. " 1 reasurers comuiissiou ou 813 00 ' balacce one from Treasurer. 825 35' Francis Bucher Eq., Treasnrer nf A'erMum btrland County, in account with the same re specting licences granted fur places of amvstntnt. Dr. To amount received from Circoa 850 00 " received from Billiard Tables. ;a 75 " balance from 18J4 as per Au di; vrs lit port. 76 00 8204 75 876 CO e 43 122 32 Ci. Ily State Treasurers receipt. Treasnrer' commissi!! on 8128 73 " balance due from Treasurer. $204 75 Francis Bwher, Etq., Treasurer of Xortlum Itriand County in orcoiir.f trt'M the tame re specting licent. s granted by tht Court to re tailers to tell liiTut r. To amount of licenses granted " by court. 8160 00 8180 00 Cr. By Treasurers connnirsion on 81h0 00. " balance due from Treasurer. 89 00 171 00 $180 00 Expenditures "f Sorthvmlerland County. Prothonotary Fees. (630 374 muting. Viewing Roads and Bridges Building and repairing bridges Constables pay for diffo rent set rices. Commonwealth suits costs. Assessors' pay. Refunding. Stationery Public buildings. Grand, Troverso, Fttit and spe cial Jurors' liar. b'J4 313 25 3:223 25 335 69 223 2Si 790 02 953 46 49 75 398 11 1.872 99 8233 69 22 50 Geo. C. Wuiker, 'Sr.. Chas Weaver '54, Jos Nicely, 54, 81 00 '55, 40 15 .'0 15 137 20 34 00 155 50 221 46 PhllV r.cnn, '55, yitnon Snytler, iuty Siates'AttBincv Incidental expenses. Clerks pay '54 8-8 65 " '55 313 C2J 402 27J 29 G2j 69 00 180 00 579 03 47 74 1,132 50 78 00 25 46 12 36 100 00 51 12 618 97 126 03 98 31 Premiums &nfox scalns. Coart crier's pn Attorney s for the county, Ac. Klection officer's pay. Prison expenses. Damages for roads Auditors' pay. Road tax on unseated land. Silool tax Agricultural Society. Coroner's Inquests. Sheri&'s fees. Kastern Fttiiteutiary. fuel. 814.009 55 Outstanding Taxes fnr 1653 and prev Kibh f CVI.cet ir. T.)Urnhlr.fl. Michael Kvert. . , l-pper Augusta, Northumberland, Coal Delaware, Lewis, Delaware, Northumberland S uii bury, Chilircjuaque, Turbut, Suobury, Cameron, Lewi?, Lower Mahanoy, Cameron, Nortliumberlaud Milton, Turbut, Chilisqusque, Delaware, Milton, Lower Augusta, Rush, Turbut, Lower Mahanoy, Shamokin, Sunbury, Zerbe, John Leisenring, John Leihig, Uav.d htalilnecker, I bomas lsarr. David Stahliiciker. John Iisenriiig, Jacob Birk, I'e.nns Liuov, Geo. Ktiu'.i, Con rail, John J line. Ddvul ilson. Jacob Dingatnan, John lline, Fetor Rucb. James Buov, Abraham Kissirgcr, D. P. Caul. W. B. Irwin. James Buoy, Daniel I). Conrad, Henry R. Johnson, Abraham hissinscr. Martin Rachmuu, Samuel Hales, Peter Hiiuman. Jeremiah Penuepacker, J tl. Kaulman, John Sitnpsou, James Beard, Joseph FiCkbert, Upper Mahanoy, Chilisquaque, Delaware, Milton, Upper Augusta, Jordan, Coal. Chilisquaque Cameron, Delaware, Jackson,, Jordan, Lewis, Lower Augasta, Lower Mahanoy Little Mabauoy, Milton, Mt. Carmel, Northutnberlnd. Point, Rush, Shamokin, Sunbury, Turbut, Upper Augusta, Upper Mahanoy, Zerbe Mickael Keefer. Daniol D. Bohner, Klias Kiseubart. John Simpson, Joba Boyer, James Beard, .N icolas Drumbeller, D. M. Bwartx, Frederick Fox, Jacob R. Clark, Martin 7?achman. Isreal Dunkleberger, Joseph F.ckbert, George Keeler, Jacob Paul, George P- Marti, Philip Ilile, James lynu, Perter Pursul, Jacob Stamm, Michael Keefer. D. Maliclt, .. .... Aaroo J. Conrad, 89,112 70 87.006 06 81,673 96 WE the undersigned Auditor! of Northumberland County, ia the Cbmmouwealth of Pennsylvania, do certify that, ia pursuance of the 4tb soctioa of an act entitled au act regu lating counties and townships' passed the 15th of April, 1634, we met at tbe Commissioners OCice in ejuubury, ou the 7th day of January, 1856, and adjourned from time to time, and did audit, aod teUle tbe several accounts required of oe, agreeably to tho several acts of Assembly aod supplement thereto, according to tbe best of our Judgments and abilities, and we do further certity that upon a due examination of the expense book of tbe county, the iadebtedueit of tie same yet unpaid, In orders aod other obligations, is 88,240 60. lp wltoeei whereof we. hT hereunto set enr bands aod seals this 2tb day of January, A. D. 185$ JOSEPH HOOVER, IL.8 J JOHN Y0UN0MAN.JL.6l Amovnt of Omi t. Fines tmd Jury Aiiks, and to solum paid. , rwiatlffi, Com'wcalth Uohner Com'wealth DefeniiaU, T4 whom paid. Vall;iea not paid 84 00 Urosioua, " Kihort. (Smith A Barret " Beuver " V A It Fegely Deard Longnocker et ol " Foy AVeisa O. Fegely Beard Bond Weisn - Iteachcm Ceurd 4 & 0 6 Friling. McCarty Reiser 8. Fegely 8echner Ilorten Rockefeller 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Car Ran Imp Co. " Fori! man et al Parks et al Lot paid Sifffried SirauFcr Coui'wealth Wilson llolTamii County for it ewe uet pttid 15 00 Fox Adtim Mutirur Fisher & 00 Teas Haas Forenter R Miller Benrd t)0t paid li. R Mliler Ludwii; Knee die & Co. Sliipinan " Grady Thompson A Eiaely " Smith 8 avid Re et nl Deurd J Boger U V Buyer uot pnid Maitm Reck " Good 4 Miller Be via " 4 00 4 (0 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Com'wealtb Wauipole " 6 00 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 00 Meloy AViddecomb " Bhull Garinger " Coin'wealtk Conrad iluny Gusnler " 1852 1853 1854 1855 July fines for 155 00 180 uO 390 00 285 00 Cash account btticeen Francis Bucher, Trea surer, and the Connly nf Northumberland. Dr. To amount of cash received on county for 1855 and previous. $10,239 72 " Amount reluniled try stale 10 legal representatives of Wil liam Gulick. " Jury funds. " County road and school tax on uuseuted lands for 1854. " balance in Treasurers hands from 1654 us per Auditors Report. 664 32 28 00 45 96 477 3Cj 811,455 36 Cr. By cash paid on Commissioners orders. 811,330 92 " Treasurers commissions ou 8ll,330 92 a2 283 27 811.614 19 11,455 36 " Balance due Tress, from co. 158 M 6'fafc funds. Dr. To amount of stato tax receiv ed for 1355 and previous years. 813,663 25 " amount of stato tax on un seated lands fur 1854 18 24 . " balance in Treasurer's hands from 1854 as per Auditors' Report. 1,083 35 $14,764 bi Cr. Bv Slate Treasurers receipt da "ted Jan. 26, 1S.'5. 310 43 June 6, 1S5S. 199 00 ' July 24. 1855 11,791 61 " State Treasurer's order in favor nl the lopal representa tives of Wm. Gulick. 661 32 " Treasurers cor.iinis.Hion on 13,165 36tttl perct. 131 65 13,297 01 " Balance in Treoaurers band 1,453 16 " Treasurui couiuiUsioii 00 balance. 14 67 11,764 84 Militia Fins. Dr. To atvnunt of ensh received ou " Militia tax fur 16.' 5 and previous. " balance in Treasurers hands from 1854 as per Auditors' Report. ' bulauce due Treasurer Cr. By cash paid to different com panies Brigade Inspector, As8e63ms ie. " 1'reasurers' commission ou g6'.'9 44 at 1 perct, 8C16 41 75 96 12 04 706 43 8C&9 44 6 99 706 43 i'ruj years VCITB, 1646 IS Id en the Zlst December 1S35, 843 07 Mi'itli 34 00 16 00 1 95 13 00 S4 50 31 43 45 00 1W9 4 02 61 42 30 66 11 50 45 53 1850 127 59 19 29 12 Si 139 72 25 13 1C9 45 1651 6 00 13 30 24 60 6 50 4 58 59 50 69 60 60 00 9 70 17 50 44 60 42 00 55 00 4 05 60 00 32 60 16 15 13 73 145 ftO 36 72 19 50 99 60 39 00 40 00 20 00 53 50 68 50 13 50 33 50 28 60 22 Oil 22 00 4) 00 64 50 bi 00 20 50 19 00 16 00 44 00 IS 52 17 28 297 9a 1853 I 33 368 94 153 51 J 132 59 1854 76 67 70 19 163 45 230 98 37 62 85 00 153 87 59 60 62 23 260 (1 1853 445 22 783 02 143 11 151 28 61.) 69 104 26 407 16 173 91 86 62 66 84 238 37 317 87 106 19 263 49 215 91 61 01 507 39 83 70 281 26 3b6 67 204 85 432 81 155 32 465 01 52 2i: i:i 57 88 f9l 84 536 22 640 32 101 99 383 30 285 9S J 52 60 476 92 268 11 343 71 437 26 634 68 464 48 215 26 S95 95 FRIEISDS' CLNTRAL DKY GOOD STORE, 8. E. Corner Eighth At Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. T'I,E subscribe! having made very Important M.'ions to bis ntabliubmenl, t'T connecting the fir floor of his Old Store with that of the besntiful tour story building adjoining known as Ha ii Most Hill, (surmounted with a high Cuoola. invitee bis Old Customers and Friends 00 00 to an oamination of an Entirely New 8'oekof 00 FANCY AND STAPLE. DHV GOOD9. selected etpreesly In reference to the prawnt opening. The assortment comprieeei reasonable Drees, of new and ele gant kinds, Plaid India h 13 lock Silks, Shawls, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves & MitU, Kmbroidrrie A- I.inen Carahrick Handltetc'fs, Furnishing- Goods of all kinds, Irish Linens, Flannels, Moreens, Ac, tu which are added ISew Goads dsilv, nf choice ileserip tions. CHAKLEh ADAMS. P. 8. Persons wishing a snlendind view of ttio Lily anil Vicinitvv rsn esrentl the Cupula, by a private 8tairway which will be found well worth a visit. March 20. 156. Jm w rE3STTISTS,"7xr. A''OU'CES to the ci itens of Sunbury, Northumlierlnnd and vicinity, that he baa opened an office in Sunbury, one door next of the Post Office, where he is prepared tu attend to all kinds of work lielonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved it vie. All work well done and warranted. Also continues Ciura Work, which is verv durable and April l, IH!6. tf JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET 3VIA.Z33IS, No. V4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Chuich, Philadelphia. nERSONS in want nf Bureaus, Tables, .ufas. Chairs, Bedsteads, and everv varictv of household furniture, would do well to call, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at tbe lowest prices. April 13, 1H50. ly H1ACKKRF.L Constantly on hand and fur sale by J. PALMER dt CO., Market Street Vhf, 1'jiLieSLeun. M CODFISH, SALMON, HE It KINO, i'OKK, HAMS AND .SIDES. IiOL'LDEIiS. LAUD ic CHEESE, March 29, 1856 3m w 11. it. FLssr.1.1,, TJmbrolIa end Tarasol Manufacturer, No. 3 North I ouiili St., N. V, Cor. of Market, rnil.ADKI.PlIIA, Has now on band an extensive assortment of tbe ncet and mott desirable kinds, including niinv NEW STYLES not heretofore to be bud in this market. An rinniinatinu nf our stock is solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Vr Trices as low as eny bouse in the city. March S9. IK56. 4wc rill K auliecribcr is slid enguged in the manu facturiiig of suerior Machine Cards for Ci.tton and Woollen Factories. Tbe best quality of Leather end Wire liked in milking the above, and after an experience uf twenty-five years, is prepared to warrant tlicui eqiul to any made in tin country. I sm also making superior Leather Bands, cemented and repper rivited, the stretch taken out by powerful machinery. Elevator Strnpsfur Grist Mills also. Leather Hose, nf superior i.stiev. nude as bove. JOHN H. HASKELL. No. 33 South I'utaw Street, Baltimore, MJ. March 8. I5fi. 5m Adjcurncd Court. VN Adjourned Court will be in held Sunbury on Monday tbe filth dav of Mnv, st'lb o'clock A. M., when applications for lireiue on der the late act of Assembly to regulate tbe title of intoxicating liquors and to hear objection. Strict eomplinine with the act of assembly will be required. TTuracieil from the Record and certified April 10th 18.'.6. JAMES HEARD, Trothy. Sunbury, April IS. 1856. DILWORTn, BRANSON & CO." Hardware Merchants, Having removed from No. 19 to No. 73 Market Street, Philadelphia, Are prepared, with greatly increased facilities, to fill orders for II A Kl) WAKE of every v.irieiy on best terms, from a full assortment, including Railroad Shovels, Picks, dc. Country merchants and others will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. 13, 1856. ly 1855 Special Express Notico. 1858 HOWARD &C GO'S EXPRESS. HAVING ohtaii el full express'privileges over the CATAWISSA. SUNBIRV AND ERIE end WU.LIAMSl'ORT & EI.MIRA RAILROAD, we ne now prepared to forward all descriptions of Express (ionds by Pasnmiger Trains, duily, between Philadelphia and Elmirs, connecting at Elmira with all the Western Ex press Coir.punies. All goods for Tamaqus, Summit, Cattawissa, Danville, Milton, Wiili.i 111 sport, Elmira. and also to Northumberland and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia OibVe, 93 Chesnut Street. Office Elmira at United States Express Ollice. April l!i, 1856 I y THOMAS PALMER COMMISSION Mbit HI 1ST, No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where tbe following goods are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples, "caches. Plums, Pcsrs, Cher jies, 4c, Green Applss in Barrels or by the bushel, Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peas, SbeT arks, Raikius, Crsnbcrries, Cbettuuts, Pitt", Onions, Ground Nuts, Piunes, Meicer Potatoes, Oranges, Grapes, Poultry, Efj. Butter, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 13, U5S. ly - - J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpeting, Masonic Hall, Ckestuut St., btluw Eighth, WOULD lespectfully invite you to call and examine their large and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings. Druggets, Hearth Rug, Door Mats, Ac, which they will-sell to tbs trade at such prices as wi.l make it desirable for those who wuh to pur chase, to roll and exsmine their stock, before purchasing elsew here. Philadelphia, April 11, 1868 ly DtooluUon of Partnership. NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Sam'i A Uerg. stresoer A Jao. Holf, in tbe Mercantile busidees at JTlysburg, has besa disoolvsd by mutual con sent. BAM'L A. BERG8TEXB6ER ) ' John iivrr. $ Tbe serounts of the Ute firm wi', be eelUed by 8. A. DergstreaMi who will eenlioue the bu siness at the M stand. , , . K. A. Sswssvsssssa. aV!- j. Ami: ;:, ,toc. ... I860; ;. - SPRING STOCK OP NEW GOODS. Fashionable Silks, full line of Mack Silks new style spring Shawls, dress poods do Linens of strong fabric. Masllns of best long cloths, staple hoiisekeiing rood, Meue wear of all tbe Dew styles. ' ' KYRK LANDKI.U ith and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. P. a. Storekeepers, Families -and all Good Nett t'ash Ruyers are reepectfnlly invi led to etamine this stock of New Goods be fore ptirchasinr, as we prefer aclling low, and soiling iho more poods. ' Storekeepers may often find great Jobs from Auction, as we attend the Auction sales of New York and Philadelphia. Pbila.. March 8, 18.16. 3m. w EARTHBKWAB3B. f IH E subscriber respectfully in'orms tbe cili Kens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture uf all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of tbe River. Ho has engaged the services of Mr. lline. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SHINDEL. Sunburv, Feb. t. lRofJ. tf TO UTHEISTT. A STORE ROOM on Market Square iq Sun. bury, and two rooms adjoining. CHARLH3 PLEASANTS. January 56, 1 SSfi. tf otii:i:. LI. persons knowing themselves indented to "lie subscribers, on not or book account. are respectfully invited to call and pv the same on or before tbe 10th of April noxt, as no must have money to buy our Spring and Mummer supty of goods. J. I . & I. r . KI.I.NE. Klines Grove, Pa., March M. I'Cfl tf BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains. BEING desirous of disponing of my entire stock of Rooks and Stationery, comprising sume VO.OOO Volumes of Law, Medical, Reli gious Scientific, DIank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Books. Also, I UO Reams nf letter paper and slot of wall paper, steel pens, wufers, Ac I will dispose of the w hole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite tbe Court House, commencing on Monday the Tth day of April, IS: at 1 o clock, I.M., and continuing, every afternoon end evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. McCARTV. Per JOS. H. McCARTV". Sunbury, March IS. 1S58. if 185G7SPRING MANTILLAS 185G At Wholesale and Retail. QEOROE 33TJLPII-T 5c CO. No. 174 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. In connection irith Gorge Bulpin, Ao 261 Broadway, Xew York. Are now preps led lo supply the Trade from every section of the Lilian, with their Importa tions and Manufacturers for the coming season, comprising all the newest detigns, from One Dollar to the must cosily garments manufac tured. Merchants' will Uni it much to their advantage to examine our stork prcwons to purchasing. Close Buyers, purchasing for Cash or Sburt Credit, will receive a liberal discount. GKO. BULPIN A CO.. 184 Chesnut street, J'hiladV, Retween Seventh Ligliih Us. April 5, 1866. 2oi w WHITE HORSE IIOTEL POTTSVILLE, PA. 'T'HE subsciiber tesfctftilly annnonees to his old friends sinl the public, that be has taken that old and well known establishment, the White Horse Hotel. At lb corner of Centre and Mahatitogo s's., in tbe Borough of I'oltsville. The house has re cently been ery much enlarged snd otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in .V lu, Ikill cvunty while tbe alahlcsare large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, ultentive, prudent hoatlers. To travellers and others who may stop at bis house, be promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. 1ECKR. April S, 185''.- If t3" AT REDUCLI) PRICKS, jrj 33. J. "WILLIA-lVtS, No. 12 North sVxth St., 1'biUdelphis. Originator ef all new styles of VENETIAN UI.IN U-, Gold Jordcred and Painted Shades, of beautiful ilesmus. Bull', and all other colors of Hollund, used for Hhsdes, 1'ixtures, Triuiminj;s, rkc, Ac. STORE SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER. B. J. W. thanklul for past patronage, respect fully solicits tbe citizens of Northumberland County to call and examine his largo assortment before purchasing elsewhere. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. April b, 1856. 3m c KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market Street, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. S. F. JACOBY & CO.. T.MrOR'I'ERS of and Healers in tbe various 1 Foreign snd Domestic Maibles,6'latuarv,&c, have constantly on hand a large end solect as sortment of Mantles, Tombs. Monument, Table Tops, Ac, of every description, not excelled by any in the rity for beauty, symmetry and finish. Cabinet Makers, Plumbers and Marble Cut ters, furnished at the shortest notice, with ?rt hie of everv descriticn and pattern, whether Foreign or Domestic, either fiuisbrtd in (!,io'ij or lltock, on the uinat reasonable teims. We rrspectfully invite attention t- cur slock on baud. March I, 18S8 3m e , FOB ! nVO HORSES cheap for rash. Ap N to J. B. MASSUR. March 55, 18JU. MURPHY & KOONS WU0tKSM.E DEAtLhH IN FISH HKfSC &. IltOTI$IO.0, No. 47 North WHARVES, below Race 8treets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on lutiol a large assortment of HSU, CHEESK Sl r-ROVlSiONS, wbicb they are prepared o dispose of at tbe lowest Market rates. Orders promptly executed. March 1, 1856. m w ATT0RHEY AT LAW, bL'NBL'RV, PA., Aided by some eight veers experience in the practice of the Lew, will attend wiUi fidelity to all matter apperlaiuing to or will in the line of his profession. Unice with Cborles J. Druaer, Esq.. Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15,. I860, tf B0TICE. All persona knowing themselves indebted le Irs T. Clement, on Book account, notes 01 other wise, are reqeeeled to cell and pay up without delay, otherwise their accounts will be placed ia the kende of a msgistrale for eollecliest. Sunbury, Nov. 17. ISM. tf NDELI.lBLlT INK et A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A iMAHTELfiOCS AtsEI! HO LtOW A. Y'S OINTMENT. TUB MlANB KXTKRF.AI4FKMF.DT. By Mm aid of a mierosxxlickwt in scillions of litl's nnwlttiis on ike sarfnea .f ihii tyalies. Thn.uth lliti tbis Oielmertt, wten rotw on tti sblir. iw earr.M to nny nrgae ot Inward faf(r I'lsntsnS 'if li Kidios, disorders of ike l.lrsr, 8tlrns nt, it r, luSsmmatlmi rf iha l-anes, Asthmasf CiarsUarsrCiTUs, sfehr K nm .fine. tua curitJ.'--far)r kouae-wile kssiwe Stist n:ifm iraeijr throonk none nr maat nr airjr sfcirtness. rwthi "WMil wig Ointinnii far mum raadrtf piKrntM Mironch attyS boner Rsskf psrt of tbe living body, curing tlie mij dsiigernua inward eomplaiuta, lhal osunot be re.bilf 1 tRVSIPLLAS, SAW HflFt'M AND SCOtfDUTIC HUMORS. . . f To remedf has ever iVaw as mocB fdsthe etire of dl senses of Uia Skill wkstevsr form they rosy nssmne, as IJis Ointment. No rasa nf foil Rn'im, Scaivr, B. re Hnails, Scnifull on Erysipelss, eui Ions withstand Ha ill. ""ei'M. The inveatof has travelled over many parts of glob, visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice aa tn its application, and has thus heeu Die mens cf restorii g oounUtaa nnmbara to SOKE LEGS, SOHE RF.A8T9, WOUNDS AND ULCI.HS. Horne of ths mst aciivitiAo aurjeatn annve rslv anlcv on lUe usa of thia wondrrlul Ointiutnt. when hnviny t'3 e ipo w tin the worst esses of mm, wound., ulcers, Un. rhilar swelims, and tuinara. Professor llolioway has. by command of ths Allied Governments, ilnpn'c'inl n tlia hoSiitalsnf thn Kust, Inrga sliipmcnii of this Oint ment, to ha usad un.ltf the directum of tho M wheal BiofT, in the worst casea of wousds. It will cure any ulc-r glandular awelling. milTncss of coiitiactian of the mime, evn of J years standing PILK3 AND F1STVLA9. Tliese and other similar distrwsing comp!sints enn hs effi'dunlly end if the Ointment he wrll rn'.SM ovrr fie psrts sfffctrd and hy otherwise following tliu printoddi. ectiaus around each pet. Both the Ointment and Pills should le use. in the fnlloww g casts ; Fluains Lvmhago R re Irfirs Hw.-iKt Olands Bnins Mi-rcuiial f.irc Krenata - ft,fT Join's Chapped Honda F.ruptiona fiire filceis Chiibhiiss Tlies Sore Throats Vrw-rn! l.w Fftlulae lihenmntiam S rra 01 a,l of Oout Salt Rheum kinds kiln's Skin Diseases Sprains Senilis Sr.ld at the Msr,o'clories of PMfrtsT Hoi tovy 80 Maiden ljine, Krw Vcrk. and 414 f'rtinl. I,.n1.,ii. hj n!l rapectahv Drutijisis aud Dealera in Mt titine tlirourli 0111 the Unil'J tavt, and the civi!:in! world, in boxes, at 8" cents, Svj ccnta nnd l eacn. There is a vousideiabie saving by ukmr the larsor aii-. u .N II Directions for the rnidsnee of patients in every disorder r affixed to each boa March W. lHiO lyca "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your Own Median. t. Wilkinson ?l Renn, Respectfully announce that they bae tnken the stand lately occupied by George Heiin. where they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'lIE subscribers respectfully call the altentioi of the public to their Ur;;e and splendid as sortment of every quality and price ef C:ARI.I2T-WAKI2 which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account cf ila durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tl.e best stock lobe had in tlio city. No cllbrl is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and tbe subscribers aro determined to keep up with tbe many improvements which are constantly beiag tnsde. Their stock consists of Mahogany' Sofa, nivalis) and Loung Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMM) TABI.R and also VENETIAN DLIND.s, t,jUal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pricr, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOIi.KT TAHI.KS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of their husiness. They els msnufuctura all kinds and qualities ' CKAUKSe nrfiiding varieties never before to bo bad it Sunbury, such amoIsHoeinr, lltica Wairut xii C'fULtn Maple Grscia ; Vimiann CHA1KW, n rAxci I'isko cJiools, winch arc of tbe latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in Ibc Cities or elsewhere. I jThc sutaicribers are determined t'lat there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furnilure in the cities, as every confident can be entertained about the quality and finish of their waie and Chairs. Their articles w ill be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavtuent for work. 15 l.'NDEKTAKINO. Having provided themselves with a handsome Hkabsi., tbty are now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, in tbis vicinity, or al any corneuieiil dis tan'? from tbis place. IV The Ware Koora is i:i T awn. Street, Jie low Weaver's Iletel. WILKINSON ct RENN. Sunbury, March ft. 185C tf. Kew; Wholesale Drug Store. IsT- SPENCER THOMAO. No. 16 South, riccond Street, Philadelphia. MrOUTEK, Manufacturer und Dealer, in Drups, Mrdirines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stuffs, I'aints, Oils, Colors, While Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window tiles, Glasswares, Vsrnbhe.r, l'rushcs, Inslrunicnts, GroundSpices, Whole Spices, snd all other ar ticles usually kept hy Druggists, Including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, l'olueh, Ac, Ac All orders by nail or otherio promptly attended 1 to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purcliasing elsewhere. GoodYkenl to suy ' of tho Whsrvesor Kailrosd stjtiouii. Prices tow and goods warranted. March 8, 1806 ly Cheap Eruit and Confectionary. in Bit" ii &. sr.i.i.r.iis, i Wholesale Manufactures and Dealer in Cnnfer- I llonsry of all Kinds. No. 1 lit North Third . til rest, lelow Race, Ibiladalphia. 'IHE attention of dealer ia requested to on -sl examination of llit ir stork, which will be lound eipual to any in tins city, Foreign Fruits ofsll kind in season. N. II.- Orders by Mail or etherwiie promptly attended to. February 53. 1 Sort Sine l.AltrUTS AMI Oil. C I.OlTl, At Eldridgc's CUcap YVarehouee. The subscriber, heiii in a bye street, is under very low rent and licbt expenses, which enable, him to sell at the VF.IiY I.OWEST MJICEX. Merchant iiliiiB 'biladelpbia, snd vihbing to buy Carpets, Oil Cloths, Maitm;, Ac, v.ill do well to call mid examine I'ii atock of IJoautiful Imperial 3-p'.v, Superfine. ) Fine and M odium Ingrain, and Carrots. Venetian of all kinds. And OIL CLOTHS cf all width in great variety. Also, MATTINGS of every kind anJ various width, tor-ether wiih a general assortment of low-priced Ingrain CsrpeU, nnd Ln'.ty snd Stair Carpets, Ileartb-liiiRn, Door-Mats, Table Covers, Floor Cloth. Hag Carati. Cottcn Car. peu, ic. II. 11. FLDUIUGK. Vo. 41 Straw bjrry K'-.ect, One door above Cheanut, near 8i-oml St. March 13, 1856 time . , Pbikiuclphis. Slew Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & L ANING , Mauufaclures and linporteis, No. 124 Auh eJtreol, second door above Sixth, Philadelphia. ' WHERE may be found the largest and hand somest assortment in the City. Purchasers fiom Ihe country will find it to their advantage to call at our atore, whore they will be suited with a superior article, at ihs lowest prices. BURTON &. I.AMNG. No. r.4 Arch Street, above Six'Ji, Pbila. February 23, J8o6. 3m e . ALL persons indebted to the firm of Friling &. Grsnt, 01. Note, book account or otherwise are respec'.full requested to come forward and psy up between this and the firat of April as they wish ta. 10 the city to ley in their Spring si: p. plies, FBI LI Mi V CH.VXT-. runbaer, Marrti IS, irc tf Xfuriftrjmenj Tnlt Giro wen and Farmed rlBW TORC HORTtCUI.TiBAURBVlF.vV ' A Journal of Suburban Art. -Superbly and Profusely Illustrated. Dtvoltd to the Admanctmtid of tht Jt'ural htm eels . ' ' ' tn Ann tea. ' . . Thhi le tf:i" uf tile largest and m art ektanaie words n Ilia kind 111 1 lie W"rhl. t.. Iluial Arnliitei-tnrc forms row of tba prlnolpnl faators. Cuch iHtrarsrr eonuiius from iwu tu four iifrrsvhys 1st modal cottages .fiorn desiftisi by cmiiiciit a, d skiuiui or chr.ecu B0 -ii is also amisntO to the tnsirint art nf -tsHidseTe liaidcniiig 1 efigriiycd plans d eurdana in every stylet end adapted Ui tu f.cculis-Hlas o( HiJeiajil ordeia ofjrcl-.ltcctars, bsnulify tiis work. EinrrsTTtmi of new fruits, nsw fowcs, nsw VfaUib'ss, fcc , are HirMtrMad and drserited aa eoiai their rasDeeilve quantise aan te de-crnunrd, f.rmlne II: nn-at eomple and alevniut Slanntil of Itural Ht'SUandry cvar attBAd. Aa esiiermnced e-s of practical writers, vsi la number, sr enimicit to Sit its column It contains seventy latge pa (tea, and la nrlnted on the finest pol ajifni-M n,snut ,clurcdeiriiri'M!v. Tsums SS rnir snuuin, psrabl o.Varndjly.iu'sdvtiro. Fitly eema eommiaaioii on iah snlneriinr allowed H those wh'j act as a(teirs. 8l,ij0 wrti Im distributed at tee end-oftrie yrsrsrkaiir ihowi who srnd us the twenty lsry;e liata of nulwtil-c.-s. Tins jiremiurua will b paid in cssl.. Ill (ret piermam will h C0t4l. , . The following are sclactad from htirstrads ef sicf '.r notice, voluntary couuibalcd ly eonKrnpniauei'U puuit calionti , The Horticultural Review deserve th most lioert n. tronage. It ia n-d nniy eminently practical, h'U is wiiiicn In a aiyla that eqnal the best clloris of Ui kite A. i Uowiiig Ka'cisas'icxta. The nrt elegant aid useful bv s of lh kbu! Ut h ever come uikIci ournUorvnir'n. ItKuiaiaa. Mr. KimsI-h, ihe IMitot of the H irnr'icral )'--vi-n, is e practical )im'fiogsf, and oca nr-ttr fioiat crhi-lsrs our country litr sisot. H-s poaxirfs th 'i,iw dcscrip'.iVM povenof li-VcrS. the ClrcUTt V 'Bfc.p of 4!jli, t'lli hincdwnii a thorocgh knoivledge of rural art Ststs l,tnT.r:.i.K. . I srmcra buy it for your buy it.f vn'ir ("aojh'.ars 11 ia a ru-h i-i'.c'l-.v-iuM ircnt; a rare c-niUiialiuu X trie beniitiful and the ni'fu!, Avars, N'. V. VV hud tlvn.j'it thnt in Dowiiin's doth, tl-.seleqne.nt 01" runl a-tornwuFiC1!..! hrci.irc on' a f.iiiis!,e rcnieinorimcc : ImtinMr. Rcjylca we discot:l a'l rc, iM!:y r!cl mineof rncnifii wen'-h. that botolrns tti infiucne uf tne s;nrit tdt is gone. Mom aota Ts iBt !s. A'lvertifirrs wiil find tliii en unsnrpaaaed mrdinm cf pulilicllv, a-'l'ie lloiu'ii''c.7til Rc-.-icw ein-ulaics cxte,v sivclv4 in ! everc RM'e In t!ie l.'nion. AilreniBoinciits in serted at the rite of 610 p-r ices. WOOD ENORAIflKIr-. Th-ae requinpff Wno.t Kiiirrrviiie, can hnve ero- evicuirti in nn u:uicalicl pcc'nl arrectinu ia kivrn to vievs of ANIMALS: an experienced RneD'h irauchtsmn:i ia c!ipipi:d I't this t-xprora rurpife. I'r so-ii ltvi'ije st d: inc enn forward a naurr' tjre nf lb oiiirct (!' ml!J t!iev wish cnvpn"cd. which will he e ancicnt ciiJe to ol.a!n a pcrfict fuc s:n,i,u. St clt llret-f'era will !v? dralt willi very liberaj term. February 16, 16-jf . Oino rrcmimu Iruprovod SUPER PHOSrilATE OF LIME- THE ONLY PlLVr .'THDAL Vet swirJn l hy Agrictillurnl .Societies wuci- e to this Superior Article, ut Ihe lat Pennsylvania, State Fair, at Harrisbur?, as a iortilirer of the besl quality for Wheat, Coin, Onts, Grass aui Potatoes, liui.iiiig henvy crops, and greatly im proving tin.' soil. The sttbsrriber reepcctfully. informs fanners end dealers that he is prepare! to tbe Sp'inir demand at the old price. .4GKNTS WANTED. A lilral dis count allowed. ALSO. No I rcrnvinn and Mexican'Gunnii' Poudrctto Land l'inattr. Oila, Candles, aioap, Ac, of th: bci ; quility, at lowest ma-'ket ru'.es. j::o. i,. roMEnoy, 9 and iO South Wharves, brjmv Market Street rHlLADELPHIA. rZTarmcra can loc.d en two private til"?, an avoi.i the t-rowded Wharf. Maich 8. lf5C. lime. I'cnn)liaiilia Wire Work. No. 56 Arch Street between Hecond and Third, (Opposite -li road Strtet.) PKILADELPIIIA, Sieves. Bidilles, Screens, H'orfit Il'tr nf all meshes and kidths. with all kinds . of plain and fancy IV 'ire Work. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coai, Sand and Uiavcl Screens; Paper Maker's Wire; Cylinder nnd Dindy KolU covered in the beet manner; Wire and Wi.-o fencing. A very enpeiinr niticio of HEAVY" FOt.'.N UER Mi: ::$. All kinJa of Iron Wiro snd Sievce. IiAYLISS, DAUD Y & LINN. I'bl!., March 8, ISfiG. Hinc F every description, suitable for Rail Rondr dec, for weighing Hsv, Coil, Ors and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk; every scale i Guaranteed Correct, nnd if, after trial, not found ealiufiictory, can ho returned without charge. . LV Factory at the Old ftaud, established uii n-.ore than twenty cor, con. er of NINTH and Mclcn eitlCOts. I'biUde'pbin. All BUTT & CO .'.lurch I, 1 S.'.f . 'dm e ' "VALUABLE PSCPEIlTY ICR SHE.' riHE subscribers, Exerntors of the estt'.s of 1. Henry Msser, rii!c'd., oiler nt private sab the following property vizi A iare two stcny frame dwelling bour-e, tocibcr with about ' CO ACRES OK LAND, Situate in Lower Autjosia lownsliip adjoining lands' of Daniel Knufinan and others now in the ocrtipr.ncv of John R. Kaufman r.s a store and dwelling. The bonne is new tr.d tbe location a good one for business. Also a Tit A CT Of LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on tbe river about 5 miles be Ijw NunMu.y.adioinivg landsof J. T. M'l'berson and others, containing, about CO acres. The soil is productive und contains limc.uuie at.d other minerals. Also a tract cf l aud, containing about ll.i rrron tbs bill, about two iniies below Siinbut '', adjoining lands of ihe l.ei;s of t!,c !!: I -!;:; Cou-.t.l si, 1 o.iicrs. 1 here i, cu tU:. tract, a Fin jII orchard of choieo fruit. Tor further particulars apply to the subscriber's H B. MA..SKK,' ) P. U. MAs-SKU, J E-vscutcrs FRANCIS II CCHER.J Sunbury, January 19, lSfl.--if WAVItB. IMMEDIATELY industrious fiirla i- learn the Millittry buL.nrssl Millncr otore st jCioj jtre at Ue V. L. OrSPLER PrmlniT, Ftbrmn- C.l, 156. if J kelzit enlltetion of Gleet ever Published. TIl'-VOP GLICE 4s CHORUS BOCK. A nctv a.ia c.n.-e rr'i'cii"ii of H-pvrrieSts never jtfi-ra hatinonutu, and r.tuny of liie 6'oiu .-if modern German Laijan Composers. Arrr.nced in a famibir s'yle, and adopted to the use of ('re Clubs, 3,ngri:g Clssses, snd lbs l iaii'y Circle, Dv C. JARVIS in4 J. A. GETHJ. Tins work contjirn s great n jmber cf new an J favorite Songs. liarnritt'd in a stvle adnpteJ to Ki neril purj osre, tvhi'e many ef the Cvrr.s of Mrn;ieisiiil.n, Abf, Kuchcn, and otbe.i celclnate.l rrmpoi.eri., arc pteienle.l in 1.1 Original fjrm. 'l'be great vai iety uf tnuaical composition here introduced, emin ently s iipta it to tbe 'arte and capacity of lbs finding febocl, the 0,'te Club, ri.Z ih? Family Circle. OT I'M IC K OX V. DOLL A I jjy . , Just published by LEE 6. WA-KER, No. 18gCbesriUl Mreet, and J. D. LIPPINCOTT cV CO.. No. "0 North Four'h St., Philadelphia. Cf Sanijde copies wiil bs ssnt l y msil, frte of postage, on rcc3i;,t of 3-1. March 82.185G. 4m ct- 'TORLE ASE.' TrEINSNo, S and 4, seventaen ac thirteen lect in thickness of pure White Ah Coal, on the (trwen Bidgs estate at Mt. Carmel, bout' Veins driven to marketable coal. For ft;;lJr partk-ulare enquire of Chas- W. Churchman. Philadelphia, P. W. cihraiVer, J.,ttsvj;i. or of J08ETH 8. DlX.Ot; Sup't. Mt. Carmel. Norlhumbsiiand Co., I'a. March 15, 1856. Cw rot iSscond hand BIOOY cheap. Apply." iVt0 , CHARLES PLEASANTtt. fiunbury.Msrch I, IB?.- 41 t'eBAND'l Meartesta for sale v wrrYF .v bkitier:. May 10. v ElrLI! , PHt.rVF.F,