Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 03, 1856, Image 2

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Tkt tsabel at Charleston X 'atker Victorious
Capture of IiivnsSix Hundred Cotta
Iticant Killed Walker's Loss Thirty.
CRAKumo!!, April 29. The steamer Is.
dm ling nrrireu, bringing iNicaragua papers
of the 14th innt. .
General Walker hag had great bottle.
He captured the city of Itivnt on the 7th
instant, killing 600 Costa Ricam and losing
nly 30 of his men.
Mr. Wbneler had jtdMrerwd a letter to
President Mora In relation to shootinjr Amer
ican prisoners, and protesting against Lis
conduct in expelling tho Americans.
Arrival of the Orizaba Important and In.
ttrestinq from Nicaragua Covrt $lM.UaL4
VI v-m. ocvitcjiMiltcr U1IU fllS iv.
Walker's Attack 'upon llivai-gb1iged to
Withdraw hit Troop. . .
New York, April 29, Thi' steamship Or
itaba arrived this ewW(f, at 7 o'clock, from
tian Jnanbrlnt;ffi(Hlales to tho 21st instant.
The defe'sl bf Col. Schlessinger at Santa
Rosa istonfirmed. About 70 of his men are
reported mining.
"T"i)uring the trial of Col. Schlrjssingcr by a
Court Martial, and while on parole, he de
serted, and, as is supposed, went river to thu
Cost Ricans, having sold himself to thum
before the battle.
On the 7th Instant, tho Costa Ricans took
possession of Uivas with 2000 men. On tho
11th. Gen. talker, with COO men, attacked
the place, and, after a fight of seTeiitecu
hours and a half, ho was obliged to withdraw
his forces from thu city for want of ammuni
tion. Tho loss of the Costa Hicans is said
to be COO killed and a largo number wounded.
IKalker's loss is set down at between 60 aud
CO killed, and about 80 wounded and missing.
Among tho killed is Col. Marchodo, com
mander of tho native forces. "EI Nicara
yueiiie," Wulker's organ, claims it as a
j(!iinou3 victory.
It is snid that. the Costa Ricans, in taking
possession of Virgin Bay, fired indiscriitii
r.ivtely on every person they saw. killing S or
10 Americans in the employ of the Trutisit
On the 10th, Lieut. Green, with 15 mcu,
had an encounter with about 200 Costa
Ricans, killing 27 and dispersing the rest.
The American loss was one killed and two
It was rumored that Walker intended to
attack the Costu Ricans at Virgin Bay about
the 25th, having 1000 Americans aid 1300
natives under his command.
With tho exception of a few prominent
men in the former legitimate party, thu Ni
taraguans were acting with Y alker.
Honduras, San Salvador and Guatemala
are said to be in favor of peace, and that tbey
will not invade Nicaragua. They received
Commissioners from Nicaragua in a friendly
spirit, ard had discontinued enlistments, anil
disbanded some cf their new levies.
An intercepted corrccpondonce between
the agents of the British government and
Ccst Rica, ir. which the former agreed to
contribute 2000 stand of arms to the latter,
had caused mucti excitement amoug the
American s.
A number of Minnie rifles bad been taken
from Costa Riratis at Kivas. Several Kng
lisLmcn and Frenchmen were among the
Costa Ricans.
The Eurydice was the ou'y war vessel at
San Juan. Her boats we're constantly on
duty, watching the movements of the Amer
icans. The passengers who came down the
river were prohibited by thorn from going
Lnt aud Important (ram Mexico.
New Orleans, April 26. By the arrival
nf tho steamer Tonus, from Vra Crur, we
have dates from that city to the 22d inst.,
e-".e..j-Vioir Jj'Vb irvni
nil parts, and the country in a peaceful con
dition. Tamarez had escaped on board the
British war steamer l'enelope, having reached
Vera Crur disguised as a draymau. The
church property had been seized by thu
military, on account of the Bishop refusing
to surrender the same. It is said that the
Archbishop of Mexico Las offered General
Coroonfort SCOO.000 to have the decree re
voked, but the proposition was not accepted.
luc Atlirond Kiottat trie.
Buffalo, April 26. A despatch from
Irie, I'a., states thut a mob assembled there
latt night, and dcstroyid tho office it the
"Constitutional" newspaper, which had ad
vocated tho railroad interests and defended
the actiou of the i'ennsvlvauia Legislature.
in passing ifae act restoring the charter cf
the Erie aud Northeast Railroad Company.
The mob was also threatening to destroy the
railroad property.
Msr Troubles la Kansas Tit Military tilled
Cotcaoo. April 20. A despatch from
Leavenworth etates that, on the 22d inst.,
Sheriff Jones, while attempting to arrtht a
man, who wag implicated iu the late difficul
ties, was resisted by a body of 303 armed
men. Got, bbaur.on had ordered out the
poudent writing in the Newark
A corrcs
Adveitiecr eavs :
"it has been determined in the Cutincils of
the Tope to establibh nn American College
here, after tho munner of the English, Irish
and other foreign educational institutions al
ready existing, tor tho benefit of the Catholic
countries of tiflutV America. Large funds
have been proffered for the fonudution. By
the way, there is an on dit that a rich Ameri
can, on having the betel whern he had lodged
now mouths, provided each of the domestics
w.tu a Bible and certnin tracts, of which, as
mum as his back wus turned, tho grateful re
eijiieiits mude a bonfire.
Akothkii Anrrif! Espeditio PWosr.n.
itr. Henry Gnr.tiell has just received a letter
from-Lady Franklin, in which she expresses
h desire that Dr. Kane khould visit England
for the purpose of taking charge of another
Arctic Expedition. She still hopes that
ome survivor of birJohn Franklin's party
maybe living among-the Esquimaux, from
whom might be obtained the particulars of
her husbuud's fate. She proposes to Ct cut
a propeller at her own eipeuee and gire tho
command to Dr. Kane.
TJoRiiime SrrrrMNO axd Caxmbimsk.
About thd Ut of December, three U. 8
soldiers, named Itigert. Wicker and Cornell,
deserted froui Fort Fierrc, Nebraka Terri
tory, aud started down the river. Orrrtuking
party of four civilians, they agreed to keep
together, aud proocedrd fur several duys,
liOtil heavy tnoa and intense ci'ld set in,
tod continued without intermission for 30
cr 40 day. during which time they made little
cr no progress, and suffered terribly rrcmi
burger. One soldier, namad Cornell, died,
od tho next day ene of tho civilians, mid
upon these two bodies the starving met) fod.
Hoon artur, two more cf the civilians died,
when tha wretched surrivors were found Iv a
party under Major Howe and taken to Lis
camp, whurc, by care aud attcutiou, tbey nil
Tde Morhoki ealcnlato to establish an os.
team express to carry the California mails,
inakiug the trip from Independence, Mo., to
ban Francisco in twenty days; lk0, that in
b short time tbey will be able to place coaches
( 8 tbo route, and wouopolize most of the
rseoger businees between the Atlantic and
J sei'jo r-ontjj t0J thu o tit ycar ttoy
v.- ,i .;. s , ;:- r, t .r,..t j ;n rvrat!r,u
'SATURDAY, MAT 3, 1856.
tt. B. MASSES, Editor and Proprietor
To Aovxntutm - .Tli circulation of tlie Sutibory
American aroung the different In win on the Puniuehanti
is not exceeded if eqtMlle by my paoer puUuhed in North
rn Pennsylvania.
rrr Cnual Commissioner,
GEORGE SCOTT, of Columuia'cou&ty.
For Auditor General,
JACOB FRY, of Montgomery county.
fir Surveyor General,
TIMOTHY IVES, of Potterconnty.
CJ" At AppnrKTicE to the printing busi
ness is wanted at this office.An intelligent
boy of good character wourajoM a good situ
ation. CJ Bonds for applicants for Tavern licen
ces, properly prepared according to the roles
of court, cun bo had at this office.
5" We refer oar readers to a number of
new advertisements, which the crowded state
or our columns, prevents us noticing more
fully, this week.
63T The River is now in excellent rafting
order, r.nd immense quantities of lumber is
now floating down the Susquehanna.
(3T FiriK in FHiLAiF.i.riiiA. We learn by
a passenger from tho city, that a terrible fire
broko out in North St , early on Thursday
morning. That it extended over to Com
merce St., and then to Market St., and when
the cars left a million of dollars worth of
property was already destroyed.
tJJ A correspondent sends us some ftric
tores on the conduct if tho Count' Super
intendent, and S. A. I!., in their recent con
troversy in the American. As these gentle
men iiryo dropped the subject, wo do not
feel onthorized to disturb their quiet by
criticisms or censure.
6bT"Tiik NoRtnEB.v Railroad.
We noticed last week the allotments of the
sections of rail road between Millersburg and
Trcvorton bridge. The different contractors
are preparing for a vigorous rirotecutii.n of
the work, and some havo already commenced
operations, and we have uo doubt the line
cau be completed to Trevorton bridge by the
beginning of September, os designed by the
company. On that portion of the road be
mtunceTTcn' liiiiesriVlferBBnH(r Sunbnr''
sections but much of the .oiT
done. As frequent inquiries ui ."J..l
regard to the completion of this portion of
the road, we have only to say. that Messrs.
Lauman & Co. requested bs to state two
weeks since, that this work vfould be let in
sixty days from that time.
The packet boats, and per consequence,
the Sunbury and Erie rood, are doing a heavy
business at the present time. The boats are
making two trips a day and come crowded
with passengers. A few days since one boat
brought o load of one hundred uud ninelv
passengers, who took the cars of the Sunbury
and Eric road, for Williamsport, at Northum
berlaad. The rail road, we understand, hue
been carrying from 400 to 500 passengers
per day the patt week. The hardy watermon
who a few years since used to toil over the
weary road, between Columbia and tho Sin
hemahoDing and its tributaries, a distance o'
about 200 miles, on foot, requiring five or six
days for the jouruey, now reach Lock Haven
on the Wctt Branch, a days walk from home,
in about thirty hours, and Elmira on the
North Branch, in mncb less time, by means
of rail roads and canal packets. When the
Northern Central road is tinUhed, between
Sunbury and Harrisbnrg, which will be the
case before next spring and the Sunbury
and Erie is extended from Williamnport to
Lock Haven, about the close of the present
year, our readers may expect to soe sonic of
the longest passenger trains running over this
road, that they ever witnessed ia this or any
other section of couutrr.
Latt rpring nearly all the walei-men froo
the North ond West Branches of the Hubquo
hannn, returned home by way of tho Dauphin
and Susquehanna, cud the Cattawisa rail
roads. The t;dt of travel has, however,
changed. Fii:ce the completion of the Sun
bury and Erie road to Northumberland and
Sunbury. the greater portion take the Packet
boats at the Junction for Northumberland,
where they take the cars of the Suubury and
Erie road to Williamsport.
The distance, from llarrisburg to Williams,
port by the Dauphin and Susquehanna, and
the Cattawissa rail roads is 150 miles. From
Harrinburg to Williamsport by way of North
umberland 93 miles. The hitter route being
ouly half as long, is, ofcourte. the cheapest,
but wc uiiderstanJ thut the Williamsport and
Elmira road, discriminates iu favor of passen
gers over the Cattawissa road, charging thfin
only cn dollar, and those over the other
ronte two dollars and twenty-Cvo tent.
This teems hardly fuir. ond is done, perhaps,
to induce passengers who return by way of
Lock Haven, to take a mora circuitous rente
by way of Elmira.
3T We copy the following from the Eaa.
ton Daily Express. Mr. Weitxel is from this
place, and graduated at the Eastoo Law
school :
Admitted to ins Bab. On mottot. of H.
Green, Esq . Mr. I. K. Weitxtd, was admit
ted, on Thursday morning, to practice at an
attorney and counsellor at law is the several
conrtt oi tuis county. XJr. . is a young
gentleman of sterling qualities cf heart and
! ojidJ. sad Is cur frft
Tbe present is a delightful time fpr travel
ling, and many embrace tho Opportunity to
visit Philadelphia, which at the present sea
ion it peculiarly attractive. On Satnrdny
last we left the Quaker city and atrlved at
Pottsville at non. After partaking 'of an
excellent dinner at Col. Johnson's Pennsyl
vania Hall, we entered Friend Dornen'a U,
S. Mail conch, fast line, 17 miles for Mount
Cartnol, at a quarter till ono o'clock time five
hours and three quarters, or three miles per
hour, fare $1,50, or 9 cents per mile. Before
starting we attempted to convince Tom that
81,f0 for 17 miles, was piling It on rather
thick, aud that 25 years ago. John Weaver
carried passengers over the same road in half
the time for SI. But Tom is a logician as
well as a philosopher, and knocked us, if he
did not convinco us, by contending that he
made up in timo what he loBt in speed that
he charged but little over 25 cents per bonr,
while rail roads charged from 75 cents to $1
that it was contrary to morals and good
policy, if not unconstitutional for rail roads
to carry passengers at from 2 to I cents per
mile, ond that stage proprietors were perfect
ly justifiable in charging double rates when
ever they had an opportunity. We caved in
at once got into tte'eoach, and precisely at
half past sit, were landed safety nt Mount
Carmel, from wlience we wcro carried to
Sunbury, 28 miles, in one and hulf hours,
over ono of the smoothest and best conducted
rail roads in the country.
The reception of this distinguished gentle
man since his arrival must have been highly
gratifying to hiin self and bis friends. Mr.
Buchanan has represented ns with distin
guished ability at the court of Great Britain,
and his reception without distinction of party
at New York, Philadelphia and other places
on his way home, shows that his merits and
high character are properly appreciated. We
were at Philadelphia on Friday last, when
M r. Buchanan ifrrived in that city. Tbe pro
cession thnt passed through Chestnut street,
to the Merchants Hotel in 4th street, nt 11
o'clock in the evening to serenade. Mr. Bu
chanan was very large, blocking up tho street
for a whole square Mr. Buchanan, Colonel
Forney, and several others came out on the
bulcnny and addressed the assemblage. The
action of the city councils in refusing tho
Hall of Independence, for his reception, wa?
justly censured by ull liberal minded men of
every party. Uu hutniilay .Mr. Uucuanaii
left the citv for his houirt at Lancaster, under
a committee of escort from Philadelphia, and
one from Lancaster, and was received ut his
home, after an absence of three years, as
Minister to England, with great rejoicings.
The Lancaster Intelligencer thus notices
his arrival
The engine which brought thu train from
Philadelphia, wus the "Young America." It
was gaily decoratod with flags, and on the
front of it tliora wiu a Urgu liAliner. on which
was iiiBcribcd : "Welcome Home Pennsyl
vania's Favorite Sou."
As thu train approached the I.ocomotivo
Works a salute of seventeen guns was fired,
under the direction of Col. John 11 Duthinuti
and Captain Henry A. Hambright, and the
bunds struck tip the National airs, playing
them in fine ttyle. Thu crowd of people at
the Works and" in the vicinity was immense
tho upper windows of the . Works, and those
ladies, who 'wit fi tnuVavfug of their hand ker
chiefs, and the cheers of the great crowd be
low, made sneli an enlivening scene us we
have never before ttitnesitcd. At this place
ho was handed over to the chairman of the
Reception Committee, Dr. F. A. Muhlen
berg, by the Chairniitu of the Escort Com
mittee, i
A procession was then formed, with two
splendid bands of music in attendance, heuded.
by Uol. Uucliman. as Llnef.Marslial, ant Col.
Carmany, Richard McG rami, David Reese,
and Michael H Locher, all monted. Mr.
Buchanan took a seat in a carriage in compa
ny with Dr. Muhlcubf.rg, Chairman Commit
tee of Reception, his Honor, Mayor Zimmer
man, and Col. JoFcph B. Baker. " The follow,
ing wus the order iu which life procession was
farmed :
jChief Marsha! and Aids.
Hon. JAKts Bltiianan, in company with the
ahove named gentlemen.
Committee of Frrort.
Comiuittco from Philadelphia.
Committee of Reception.
'Ml sic Heptinp's Itaud.
, Aldermen of the City.
Ux Mayors of the City.
Select and Common Councils.
Tidily of Franklin Marshal College.
,Mcmc Feuciblcs' Band.
Citizius in general.
The procession, which was very long, then
moved t:p Plnmb to Eatt King i-trect, and
thence to Centre Square. WhiUt on the
march, thu bells were rung, cannon Crcd.
flaps displayed at different points, and the
enthusiasm of the people knew r.o bounds.
In East King tlrcet the wiudows, doors and
steps of tho dwellings, stores and Court
Houio wcro lined with ladies, who, by spark
ling eyes, pleasant smiles and waving hand
kerchieft!, showed their delight in welcoming
uomo our tuninguittea lellow-c;ti7.en.
The streets were lined with persons, eager
to catch a glimpse of Mr. Uueimiian. Centre
Square presented the appearance of a perfect
sea of Leads. The stores, City II all. and
other buildings, in that space, were crowded
with ladies, anxious to seo and hear the
great Bicbanan. He bowed repeatedly to
the cheers, and other enthusiastic demonstra
tions with which ho wus greeted.
Centre Square ti us handsomely 'decorated
with flags, ut the diflurent corners of the dif
ferent streets leading therefrom. The stand,
from which the speeches were delivered, was
fitted up iu Cue style, over tho top of which
wus placed a large transparency, on which
were tbe following words: "James Buchanan
Welcome Home."
On tho arrival of the procession at the
Square, Dr. Mchlkkpeho, in a very happy
und appropriate munner welcomed Mr. Bf
cuanan buck to his old home.
C3T The woatlmr has been delightful the
past week, more in character with the balmy
dajs cf May th in the fickleness of April.
On Monday tl.s thermometer indicated the
temperature cf Jure. The crops look well,
and the wholo vegetable kingdom scemi to
be iu flourishing condition.
CiT Decline ik Fira.Tbe Persia's
newg bai created a panic in New York ameng
tha flour dealers. Tbers was fall iu all
kinds of broadstuffs.
The growing crops all over Franco present
tha most cbaering appearance. Tbe d fjcien
cy in tbe produce of last year officially esti
mated at 7,000,000 hectolitre. bss been ia a
great mews taads op ly foreign importa-
The Pottsville papers say that indications
in the coal region all point to a limited coal
business this season. The PottsvilU Oattltt
says t
"This stagnation Is not produced by a dl.
mlnished necessity for the coal, but appear!
to bo brought about by a movement on tbe
Dart of F.imlnrn il..nlpr to control nrices to
their advantage, and to the detriment of tins'
producing interest. This movement will,
in the end, be disastrous to themselves and
the consumers. The producers will not be
able to chip as largo a quautity as the market
for the entire year will demand, nor or much
at it would be to their interest at paying
prices to supply t while with the dealers aud
consumers the short supply will, towards the
close of the season, force prices to an exor
The' Miners' Journal says s
'The trade is in a complete snarl there is
but little demand for coal, with tho markets
nearly all bare. Tbe wuut of an understand
ing on the part of the transporting compa
nies, and the delay iu fixing the price of tolls
and transportation by railroad and canal, has
largely contributed to the present state of
affairs. We firmly believe thot it is utterly
impossible to supply the market this year,
owinir to lateness in the commencement of
tho trade aud we state in advance that no
fault will rest with the coal regions tho
market is, comparatively speaking, bare of
coal and many of our operutors have scarce
ly any orders for coal. Shipments from
Tort Richmond have nlsO-considerably fallen
off. It is a most singular state of affairs,
and the consumers will lave to pay for it in
the end."
The coal operators at Pottsville have
called a meeting, to be held to-morrow, to
take some steps to protect themselves, and
remedy some of the present evils, if possible
Some of the operators havo found it neces.
eary to suspend some of their hands. It will
require four months, or until the first of Sep.
tember next, nt an increase of 10,000 per
week, 4o-"tiuke np the deficiency of the
Schuylkill region. Last week there was a
loss of npwurds of 71S0 tons, and from
present appearances, there will bo a further
lobs this week.
ear The PiiF.siDrj.vcv. The question of
the Presidency is becoming every day more
aud more interesting. There are a number
of aspirants for that distinguished position,
who are only awaiting a favorable opportuni
ty. The prominent candidates now in the
bold tire. lion. James liuchanan and 1 resi
dent Pierce. Judge Donglus is uUo making
efforts to secure the nomination. Gen. Cass,
it is believed, will not bu a candidate. A
Washington correspondent of tho Ledger
savs :
It is tho intention to endeavor to substi
tute tho majority for the two-thirds rule in
the Democratic N nional Convention. This
will render certain the nouiinution of some
on of the men prominently before the public,
mid will preclude the necessity of resorting to
a compromise nomination ot some man pre
viously not mentioned in that connection. Of
course tbe friends of the outside candidates
will oppose this move ; but I venture the
prediction, that it will receivo a larger vote
than it ever bus before, and may possibly bo
The Hon. Jesse D. Bright has declined
candidacy fur the Presidency. If General
tiuence will b iu.ut'uecuret!ie noniina
tion of Mr. Hunter. It is not known nl to
gether certain, that General Cass will not be
a candidate. A distinguished Senator has
said, that General Cass will accept the nomi
nation if bestowed upon him. Mr. Bright
would nave no objection to the positiou of
ice i resuieiit .
SoiTHFRS Emigration to Kansas. Both
the Charleston Putnot und Wiunesboro' (S.
C.) Register take ground against Southern
emigration to Kansas. The reasons given
aru that the South cannot compete with the
North in this sort of emigration; that it is
extremely problematical whether gains in
Kansas will ever be invested in Southern
slave property ; that the old slave States are
decreaaiug in political power because so se
verely taxed by tho loss of citizens to popu
late other States; because emigration to
Kansas may populate a Government Territo
ry whose future admission as a State is so
wrapt in doubt as to "make it prudent not to
carry slaves there yet awhile at any rate."
The Charleston Staudurd adds to these rea
cgds the following :
'The South bus long been tasked to the
nccomplisbmentof inconsistent objects. The
ono has been to expand her material develop,
ment, builds towns and cities, uud maintain
respectability in tho eyes of the world ; the
other wus to march with equal puce upon va
cant territory and preserve equality within
the Union,"
New Jersey Pnpers say the prospect is
tl,;ro will be a heavy crop of wheat in that
fc'i NBVKY, April 28, 1&56.
II. B. Massrr, Esii. Dear Sir Next
Monday tbe citizens of our Borough elect
Burgesses and Councilmcn to serve during
the eii3uing year. Having served us Chief
Burgess the past year, it is with no little
gratification that 1 am daily urged by my fel
low citizens to again become u cundiuute for
that office. 1 regret to state, however, that
my engagements would interfere materially
with the duties belonging to that post should
I be ngaiu elected. Tim importance of a
proper selection of competent pcrsuus, b the
object of this communication.
During the last year much of the financial
business of the borough bus been pluced iu a
way that if properly attended to, will cventu.
ally be of great udvautage. Thu uccounts of
many of the old officers are in state of settle,
ment, many leusec and contracts for leases
have been made for thu river bank, and nu
merous other matters that should engage the
atuntion of those that aro familiar with tho
last yeurs proceedings. I understand that
nearly the whole of the members oi the pres
ent council will be again in the field for re
election. Without knowing who their pppo
nents may be, I have no hesitation in saying,
that a more competent and intelligent set of
gentlemen conld not bo selected, than those
that have served as either second, assistant
burgesses or common couneilmen during the
last year. I assure you that 1 found them
always ready aud willing to do anything that
was calculated to advanco the interests of
the Borough. They were always willing to
work, and would meet for the transaction of
business on tbe shortest notice. Tbey having
at this time a thorough knowledge of the
borough affairs, and having been tried, I ear
nestly recommend their re-election. To elect
a ow council every year is certainly cot ad
visable, s nless tbe old one bss been dsrllict
lo its dtir.
Very respeetfnllv reon,
Mail and Passrkokr Line Across rna
Plains. Measures are being taken in tbe
West to establish a mail and passenger line
between Independence and Sacramento,
through tho Great Salt Lake City. It is es
timated that the trip can be performed in
twelve days average time.
When Machaoo. the Greek Physician was
I slain, Homer said of him, "a good Physician
"i- - I . . ', ,L-.- -
is worm os mucu as a wuoie aiuiy. ' ueu
good medicine liko Avkr's Cathartic Pills,
is worth a great deal more, because it cures
ns well, works wider, and lasts longer. Tho
circle of the best Physician's labor must be
narrow, while such a remedy is available to
all can be bud by ovory body, and is worm
On Thursday, the 24tU ult.. by the Itor,
Mr. Weiser, Mr. W. A. Covert, of this
place, to Miss Lvdia J. Adams, of Selins
The hands in the office tender their thanks
to the happy couple for their kiud remember'
au:e in the way of good things.
On the 10th ult., by Daniel Becklcy, Esq.,
Mr. Anthony Bock, of Trevorton, to Miss
Harrikt Wksskl, of the same place.
On tho 27th ult.. by tho Rev. P. Bird, Mr
all of Shaniokin.
In Jackson township, on the 9th ult.
MATILDA BAKER, daughter of Win. R
Jones, of Lower Augusta township, this
Whkit. 150
fits. 100
Corn. 60
Oats. - J(,
Potatoes, ... 37
Beiiwii S.'i
HrcKir.n Fiat. 10 - 20
r.nin. H
I'.iPK. ... 12
pLAKKrn. .12.1
Tali ii w. -10
Hew Advertisements.
Rnnrl Tntpnt. Tire Hon-mamr
A MEETING of the Good Intent Fire Comp.
ny will be held at the Court Houne, on
Monday evening neit. Punctual ltenJanre it
Hi Onnr.n or Tn FatsmisT.
Sunburv. May 3, 1SC-6.
PIHE Sunbury Academy will open it Sum
A rncr Sesjien on Mondnv the Mil dav of
My, lSr.C, under Mr. ISAAC HUFF, a Prin
cipal. Term per quarter are
Lower English flranche $ 00
Higher do da 6 00
Latin. Ac. S 00
Persons detiring to siuid Scholar! will plesse
apply to one of the Trustees for t note of il
mission into the School. All pntrons will tie
rontitlrrrd obligated tor one quarter unless spe
cial arrangement be made.
It i earnestly linked thit the citizens of Sun
bury, will liberally patroniie the School, and
thereby wipe a stain from the rscutchen of our
I. W. TENKR. 1
May 3, ISS6. if
ESPECTFULLV announce to theciliien
of Sunbury and the neighboring: country
mat tiicy nave opened s
EW mihu:,
in Wster street, in the rear of the wharf and are
ily to sell at resonble price the following list
of merrhanilisr, vii :
Fleur, Grain and Feed, Dread, Fish and, Hams, Shoulders and Herring, Coffee,
Sugar and Molsie, Teas, t'pice and Fruits,
Nuts, Coufei'lioiiKrirs of all kinds, Uoots and
hhoep, Ladies Gaiters, Misses and Children's
Shoes, also Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware
and Notions, 4c, Ac.
Citizens are requested to send in their orders
for Flour, Feed and Groceries and w will de
liver them firoperlv.
Sunbury, May 3, 165C tl
CLoriu.xG SToui: tti;ii
SAVING just returned from tli city, where
1 laid ill mi e.tciiMe and fashionable sup
ply of all kinds of Good, which 1 aru receiving
now, I would beg all my patrons ami the public
generally to give ine a call, so that I ran satisly
them that they can nuwliere buy ns great bar
gains as from me. Indeed the inducements I
now hold out were never equalled in this part of
the country. I intend to ti ll piwitively tor t ali
only end that at Tint low hatcs.
Mv stock embraces great varict of SPRING
L SL'.MMER CU.W tf made in all ttvlr tnd
colors, such a
pliin, fancy, striped and rhecked.
Pants and Vest of every style and pattern, all
ef the latest fashions, low and high priced,
suited to the wnnt of the buyer. A splendid lot
cf HATS and CAPS, such a Panama, Curia
cos, Canton, Draid, Leghorn, Sennet, Straw and
Palm Leaf ; all fashionable sly )e and colors in
wool and fur Hats, &c, &c.
Also a nice lot of Uoots and Shoes, gaiter
and Slippers.
My assortment of Shirts, Collars, Revolvers,
single and Double-barrel Pistols, French and
German Acrordenns, all kinds of Cravats, Stocks,
and I'ocUf I Hankkerehiefs, Carpet-Hags, Trunk,
sud all kinds of notions for ladies and gentlemen,
is very Urge and will be sold cheap.
Also a fine lot of Watches and Jewelry, all of
which are warranted ; the money paid for them
cheerfully returned if not a represented.
AH of w hiih Goods I will sell so cheap, that
none should forget to call and secure some of
the bargains at my old place in Market Square
a couple i1 oon below the Post Ollico.
N. B. I suppose it is needles to contradict
the ridiculous rumor my enemies tried lo circu
late of my having left the country ; ju.t call and
you will see by the bargain that I am to bu
found at tiio old place still and sell cheaper than
Sunbury, May 3, IS5S tf
ITOTICE is hereby given that application will
JJ be made by the subscriber for a duplibate
of Land Warrant , No. 20,832 for 120 acres issued
to Valentin Hsnnabach. private in Captain
Hummel' Company, dated th II lb day of
October, 1855, which said Warrant was duly
assigned by the tid Valentine Hannabach in
blank, and acknowledged before Fiederick Lata
rua, Eq-, and certified by Jaa Beard, Prothonj
tary of lb Court ef Common Pica of Northum
berland County Pennsylvania, and purchased
bv tb (ubecriher front th mii V al. Hsnnabach.
That th aid Warrant was lost ia the Mail b.
tweeu Sunbury and Jni1sdlphir, ia November
ItM, and ha never been lieard of. That in
consequence of eaid loss, application will bj
mad to tbe Commissioner ct Pensions for a
duplicate a etarvt stated, by tb cobtcriiver.
fir' 'IT, Ma- !, IttC-fT
From the Mammotli Vein, for Furn aoae, Found-
lie, 8te ambMU and Family lice,
Mt. CaBVXI, NoBTacnatBLASB CoCSTt, Fa.
LUMP, for 13 last Furnaces and Cupola,
STEAMBOAT, for Steamboat. Hot Air
Furnace and Htetm,
KGo!tEN' For 0'Ki Stove and Steam.
STOVE, i For Stoves, Steam and burn in
Rlil, ) l.ime.
PEA, for Limebumer md making Steam.
Order received at Mt. Carmel or Northum
bcrlaud Wharf, will receive prompt attention.
M. II- li r. I.L.,
1). J. LKWH,
May 3, 1850. Lf
19 hereby given that a corporate meeting of tbe
Zerbe Hun nd shaniokin Improvement
Company will lie held at the Oirsnl Hour, in
the ciiy of PUiladelphia, on Saturday the S4lh
day ot May next, at 12 o clock, M. of that day
Such meeting is called hy the Directors of naid
Company, under and in pursuance of the act en
titled "in Act relating to the Zcrbr Run and
Shamoliin Improvement Company," passed by
the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and approved
April 21, ISftfi, and all the stockholder of the
aid company are requested to attend the same
(inoiion b hooks, 1 Directors of
O. W. Urtat.a, I the Zerbe Kun
Jiiiin Q. Fiikkmak, fund Hhtmokin
J. T. fSoi Tiisu, J Iinprovm't Co
My 3, I8f6. 3t.
Patten's Now York
'J03 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel,
Window Shades,
(ill Cornice,,,
Uutf. Whit and gTien
Picture Cord,
Ptent Rollers,
Curtain l'in and Trim
mings, Urocatelles,
Satin de I.ainrs,
Worsted Damaska,
Centre Tassel,
Gimp and Loupe,
Curtain Uands,
Lac and Muslin
Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra
pery, cot up a' the shortest notice.
Curtains t ut, made and put tip by the mast
eiperienced hands.
Pattkx's Nr.w York Stork, SH3 Cheatnul
St., Melodeon Buildings.
May 3, 185G
Pennsylvania, ss.
In the Court of Common
Pleas of Lvf.ommn Count'.
In the matter of th
petition of Charlns Frazer, for the specific elocu
tion of a contract, dated the 1 2 ill day cf March,
18 9, made With biekial W . bull, rinee ilecea
scd, by Captain John Doyd of Northumberland
his attorney, who is alo deceased, for the sale
and purchase of a tract of land therein mrn
The Court did order n .he Clhof May 1HS4
that not re of the same to the heir of the said
Exekial W. Dull dee'd, ahoulJ be published in
the semi-weekly newspaper called the Pennsyl
vania, in Philadelphia, filing a day fur tha hear
ing of the parties interested. That the aaid pub
ligation was notso made, according to the order
of the court. And now, to wit: April S5th
185G, on motion of Win. Cox Ellis for th eaid
Charles Frazer, the court do new further order
and decree that the hraring of Ike said petition
and all partiea interested shall he upon the '.
Monday of the next August term.
That notice of the same shall bo frt.n person
ally tn William Henry. Esq., Administrator of
the said Ezekial W. Uull, der.'d,, and upon the
Heirs ot the said Ezekial W. Dull, dee'd., bv
publication of said notice for three week eucres
sively in tbe Suubury American. April tith,
18.')G. l!y order of th emirt.
ROUT. UAWLliV, Proth'y,
May 3. 183B. 3t.
fl'lir storkbolders of the Philadelphia and
a Sunbury Telegraph Company are hereby
notified that the annual election lor Diiectnraof
said Company will be held at the office of Ik
Company, in Sunbury, enna between the
hours of ten A. M. and two P. M. of Tuesday,
the 6th dav of Mav nrit.
Secret rr.
April SC, 1656 te
IT Americtn iTxrrutiva Committer of
A NorthumlrfrUnd county, will meet in Mi!
ton, on MONDAY, May 5th, 1856, nt 10 o'clock
A M. A central attendance ii rqucud, m
tuine9 nf importance mil bo tranHncUd. Sy
onlrr of tha CUA1KMAN.
April 26, I85C 2t.
VO TICE ia hereby given that the unJersijneJ
' Auilitor 5ipointed by the Orphan' Court
of Noiihhm'.ieridinl county to make distribution
of the monies in the hands of William V. Silver
wood. Administrator of Adam Henn, dee'd., to
and am;ns thoce entitled to received the aame,
will attend to the duties ol said appointment at
his office in the llorough of 8ui bury, on Friday,
the i6tlnlay ot May, A. U, 1856, at 10 o clock
A. M. of said day. at which time all xrsons in
ttrtftcd msv attend if they see proper.
W.M. M. H(K KEKELI.tR, Auditor.
Sunbury, April 19, 18.S6. t.
No. 25 Sou'h Fourth St., rhiladtlpkio.
turn in the fciUownig CsrtUievws,
tnst tasir msituiacmre oi riii.
muiid i bufes tiu st knsth fuily
warraiits tbt rsprsenuu-ins
wnic-ii nu ueen rusue oi tnem
lenderittp aa undoubted security tns leu. fic eJsaiciu :
PuiLASU.rHiA. April 19th IU
Messrs Evsns 4 Wauou Gci.ts It s.tbrds us the
hlfrhrsl satlsfsrtlnu to state to -u. tnat uwinjt tu lit very
protective qualities n( two of the galutiisudsr iires which
we purchased of you sonic few mouths since, we saved a
targe sertiou of nui Jewelry, Books, I'npers, 4c., expo
sed tn the celiimituous gre in Kaustcud Ptsc, uu the moru
ins; of the I Ul) Hint
When ws reflect th:it these Bsfss were located in the
Mirth story of the btiitilmg we occupied, ad that they
fell butifcqurollv into n hrup of hunnoa ruins, whrr tha
vast concentration oi'hcal efiused the hrss pUtes to mek,
ws cannot Lul repurd Ihe preservstiou of the vsiusbie con
tents ns most convincing proof of the great security affor
ded liv vour Safes.
Ws sh!l use much pleasure in recommending thcra t(i
mcu of business as a suie ie!isnt fifainst tire.
OtoKos W.BmoHS 00,
rainDFi rnu, April U, IBS.
Messrs. Cans it Watson I huve to offer ytm my tes
timony in fsrot nf the ereut aecurily afforded to my tntire
stock nf jeweirv, hooks, psners Ac, during the recent
diwsrons confrigration in Ransteed pince, from the fee
that tha same were nmtained in two ol ike tielainaadei
Snfef manufactured by you.
Having (alien from the hflh.stnry of th Artissa Build
ing, where they were previously plucdd sud espoeed to
vast heat for a long time, trie preservation of the vetuahei
depita seemed tn every one who witnessed th opening
and mien Ji ejumtnatioii, a matter ul profound aata nan
ment. To all who may require a pertoe proleetlno from Usa
ravages of fire, 1 shall not besnate to reooumend the aaa
of your Sufcs, as I consider tbey have now 'jitdargoa Uw
raittoii g test. N. E. Hos.a.
Pan.Mxrnti, April H, 18M
Messrs. Erans A Watann OenUemerv No doubt yu
will be deeply granted to learn the gl condition in wbk-a
I discovered my hook, pone? nf insurauc, aertifceejiea e4
stork, and other vulum ie dcumetui, when on Fridny last
I opened the eule mHne dt your aria.
Wiih my knowedge of irsrirat etponre, both ti tha
intensity of the heat fn m hot a ire aa that which de
stroyed the A rtisna Building, as alaifrora the fitca of tb
fait from iu former elevated position la tb third tr, I
ooald entcruin but slender upea prir to Its interior ut
spectioti, that the enn tents whiek i once so tig bey prised
would ever he of any sarrie ti me. Nit ss Ikes feeis
are now happily rsnvwed, I feel at onJy dot to say tn ynej
that I ran henceforth. rc"insasil the e nf yver eWe tn
all who mar wish to feel a ennMenee la tsia rsrfeet sa
euruy wnich itiuh means provides faia so fiifWsl
EvwiM OeltnA, eVktts4r.
Oneutntly rr ban IVt firta ari ThJaf Ftarf j
r:. v", it-'-- - ty
3 hereby given that an election will be bell
l the office of the Shaniokin Steam Ferry
and Tow boat Comrmnv. in Sunburv. t 10
o'clock A. MM on the fifth dy or My neit.
to elect five Director for said Company for Ilia
April Mi to.
List of Causes,
For trial at tbe special anj adjourned Court of
Common Pleas to be held in Sunbury, eomuuu
cing May 7, 19&6.
Lower oc Dirron v Ira T Clement
John W. Peal vs Martin Irwin's adra'f
William Pining vs PcUr Adams
Ira T Clement ts Tbo Shamokin Pem Ferry
, and Tew Unit Cnmptny
E H Archmuty el al vs J ewe Archmuty
Jacob Voiiida rs Zerby Run Imp Co
Isaac EUioU s C Ganeuwa
am stro
name v hidi
same v mm
John Kiiouk v Chirlee Robla t 1
Protlx notary ' Otr.
8unburv. April 20, 1956. C
V7" O U r hereby , com m anded
meet at th Armory, on
MONDAY, th Oh day of M.y
at 10 o'elock. A. M., fully equip,
ped for drill. Each member lo he
( repared with 10 rounda of blank
tartridgr. Uy order of the Captain.
f-unbury, April 56, 1356.
P. 8. The last Court of Appeal willb held
on this dav.
DoWi'iuc, Mich., Much 11,
J. A. RHODE, Km. : Dwf Sir I trxk r ttiii
eme t ci cMig.itneM( ,,tie cur no pay," I ukt
pleasure ia tutiHg its cutr: ua ro;rua m ny throe
GrothfTi who hve m ihli pirtee, and thnf Uivtr tf autumn j
ti a fnir aprriiien it' ait 1 have revived :
W.8. CuHiLi.t tfU ur-"l Iuv1 takn UHOa-f
Chrirtio'a Air- Balaam, ami c.iitmMy run dtrnn wo; la
minp it utt'ii my hii-ffP mvl iivrt hcic LVngrilrd to t lint
kfrr r.a t'fat M.-1 ditcnarg! frm toy muuih aid b-we.a,
o that Ml ttiourM it niifju. f r n.e lo live inr-'Ug
another chill. T d n".ri tm did ail liny uld f b.v.
tut tSoufht I rrutat die. Nutatng did tar any poi until I
yot Kbodu'a Ffvar ind Asue l're, which nt oitce rcitcvMi
mr "f ih (iiirtM arwt iisattii nt my atotnwa ainl fnnt m
my hnud and Uiwv!, and (iuducad a ixriiuuteDt care ma
hurl time."
H. M. CON KLIN 1 ha-i been taking mediefna
nf ut good a dloi hi we have iu oar county, aud taken
ary quality uf quimna am) ipet-iftea withtmt nny
riault, fn'fn 'ih Aa(utt km 17th Dec em bar. But aeemit
h"W iiictrtv ii tipriutrd rm my brnthcr, I (tnt a bottle 4"
a crmaiaiil cure by uaing two thirda ol u bottle."
St. M. CONK UN waa aitd herr, but b tb tba t the r
brtxheraany ata enaa wna the auineaaH.M'a la-Wte
mt-dicific to tth the an me day, and the cure whi ai apey
from the aame amaU qtiwi.ttty, aud I mii'ht a inwify;
Yuura raatet, A. IIL'N I INGTOS.
The ilwve ipuka t-x ittf H. 04 prortu it u, it ia f
no Uttter tenr trmu the vai. numbrr tli like ceriificaii-a
1 hnra alirnrfy puhliarird. and ihe a;iJ grtu'.cr iq.'Lk; U.a',
ia ceruiiiuall Jniunrg ut to nte.
One ihinfi m.-re L-net )enr 1 had tc?A.on t1 Caution
the PuUic in tha wot da :
"I iii t ice fwe Crm wh- hare taken y jenefnj
eircM'ara, aulwtitiMrJ the nanx rt' tfceir iioitrum l r my
rrtedtrine. Mid then wiUi biazmt impudrace eid their paw wub tha evrmU..fl, 'lt the prnetor U nj
vthcr mc'licme iwy aa murh tf he darra " Ae.
Nvw 1 toae p.rbimre h mi nip t.'mt the autton TefrrreU
totbe aaraa lr. Chnati-'i Ague Balanit." tlat ii mete
tinrd u( tha atre tNtnitcHie.
There ure eeverat nihar ird.iatrUua pvp:t who are ap
t'f)'iri?. t th'r pii' nuua tiaah nil ihttl I puUnh
l'vrr und Atrue Cure, or AiiidKeto Muwtria, eirt the
Certificated cl Curea Mrvl the Cantata f the ceiebnted
Cheniiat. Dr. Jamil K ChUf n. of .NVw V'ik. in fnvnr tf
Vt perirctiv IIAUMI-K?r C UAH AC i'KR, whieh a at
ticirfJ tj every bo'.i.e. Th-i' wiil ttlwaji aerve Iodic
tifwrimh ry muu-m Tr m imtfH.
fi-t ao W me;ji!a inwrmty,
4 AW- A
KIK'rUS, rrerirtnr.
IVnW,re, K. 1.
Ai!l, 1e. Ja
VVT.Al.H to U held a, lU fallowing nimoj
places and dya in lh streral Tuwiishi(
ard IK-roughs in the County of Nsrtbumber
land for tba )ear t t, lo wit I
J'licts. Tiiwiimr. Ptb,
H. lUai, fjr Northurufc'd roini April is. 1b5.
I'-'iimiii, hiltsquiqa
A Ki'finger. Turbut,
hhte Reader, lcwis,
il J Reader, Ielawar
J M JIufT. Milton
Y Trjer, Lower Alahoooy
l.'snl Hwartz Jordan
(ieo miih
O 11 I'cbu-.k Waohir.gtoa
Peter Heieel l.'p Mahonuy
ruer WeiVe!, Caruercn
Jno Wrtror 7rfrbe
Widow Rater, l,tt:ie Mahcnoy
i;jias Kmcrich Lower Augusta
Commr'a olTic, V Augusta A. Sunbury, May 15
School house in itush tup., Mty IS, 1868
Chi Leisenting Hhamokiit " 19, '
Abm Osmaii, Coal " 40, '
U in 1-eich, Mount Carmel 31,
rrtnu'K haab,
Cminlr' Ol'rlce, Coinmissionera,
Vuiibury, April 10. Ia36. J
IS hmby p-vrn thnt thn fidlowitijir pclitiong
fur Lict'ijc for Tatrrnn ttnil KeHtuurauU,
tindfr thu Into Act of Atftembir, hav hi-t-n
fiMd ami that they will bo prest-ntcd to the
Court fwr thfir approral at an adjournuJ
Court on tho i'.b day bf May nelt.
Name. RreiJrnc. Tuhc Hotel or Tavsr.
John Frrroir. Turbutvil!, ' "
William Tarrow, Snydfrtown. "
II. J. Roader, MvKv,rn6villr, "
C. l.eisenrinjf, Hhamokin tp., "
H. D. Hi-avtr, Trt-Tfrton, ' '
Eli WiiKt, Jiickorytown. " "
C. 8. Hronn, Korthumhori'd " "
Isaac Header, Tnrbuttrilii', " '
J. ltingaman, litergi-tovin, " "
(. H'. Arboftaft,
U. W. Snyder, Shamokin tp., "
tJcn A. H. Ulair, Miltcn,
John M. Huff, " " "
lOlizaWeth Sticker. " ' '
Jcn) n.e, Mt. Carmel, ' "
Goo. Riffl, Chilisquaqn, ' "
Abraham Ocmnn, Uhamokint'n, " "
l'ttor Hanselman, Xorthnmb'd, " "
Jacob Leinenring, Ifcar Gap, " "
Wm. M. Wearer, Sbatnokint'n " "
John Htarer, Trevorton, " "
Kliiabctb Raker, Lit. Mahonoy" '
II. J. EEbert, Millon, "
Chat, ll'carer, Sunbury, "
Thomas Search, Chilisuuaqtt, ' "
urriet Uihton,
Annie S. Burr,
H'm. Cuoner,
Miunickiut n., " "
Nor'.humber'd " "
Northumber'd " "
Edward linrKf,
I'eter 8. Yeaeer, Coal townihin " "
Henj. KnaucR, Trtorton, " '
Maria Thompson, Sunbury, " "
Jamea CoTert, " ' " " '
Eliai Erne rich, L. Anpueta tp, " "
Jonathan High, Lewis tp., " ' '
Judith Rotherucl, L. Mahonoj," "
Henry Haas, Korthumber'd " " ;
Daniel Heim, Up. Mahonor, " "
Benj. Perk, Cameron " i
Peter Weikel, " M
Dnniel Herb, ' Up Mahonoj "
Godfrey Rebock. It'ashingtoo " "
Haniel Li.enhart, Up Mahonoy " "
rPm. Lerch. Mount Carroe'l "
J. Galen Bmith, Jackson " "
,5amnol Harttf I, Delaware- "
John M Keperling, Nortbntnb'd, Restaurant
Wward Gas, 6nnbory,
Smkk k IJilemao, " "
Wm. Asbnion, Trerortct, "
Joteph Etkberi, NiltcB,
Joseph Harris. ' "
Z Stench 4 J. Airman," '
8rb J. Davidson. Ttirbal,
JohnKcbr, Niltcn.
nl cevtaa
txtnctetl frma tb Recora
ArrH t?b. J8;.