Mi,! ',n!MiiijwiiiifwiiajjiWMtity imronTAittrnqmrrDoaimoo. - A. nTrot"1etit p' t1? cw Tribrw rrtting from St. DowltipOi ttudt elate of fcUrch 14th, tuled tht the famous treaty that was mads orlffin illy by Mr. nd. Mr. Uuo noau with the Piiniioicn Republic now Completed liy Mr. Klliott, taw tjttitfiftteljr been approved or by 8Bntnn t tut it Iib been shorn nf nil its most important flanfe," nnd lias dwindled into a very limpltt And hnrnilan document indeed. In its now forrn the Urit ixh Consul, who hod Wn the strongest tip ponent of tho treaty in its former shapa, bat censed to oppose it but I am sorry to any that the French and Spanish Consuls have "not ohown (he same equanimity ) thny nre fu rious that President Santnua should enter in to a treaty (even a commercial one, for this cne is no "better) with the Yankees. I do not doubt that ere long this treaty will have buconfe the law of this land, for it has been presented to the Senate : and this shadow til popular representation in St. Domingo, con si.ti ir seven men not over-burthened with wisdom, is altogether under the thumb of Sun tana.,, What will he the fate of tho treaty, at Washington, I can only predict' but I should be inclined to believe that it will be opposed there by the Southern interest, were it only from spite r.fruinst the Abolitionists, whose cry has been instrumental iu causing the re jorticn of tl:e treaty as it formerly stood. The lata tictorios which the Dorhiuicane Lave gained over the Iluytiens under sonlou que have turned their heads crazy. They consider themselves the first nation in the world, nnd insult to the right and to the left The exequaturs of tho Hamburg Consul nnd or the Vice Commercial .A pent of tho United States Porto Plata (Mr. Ilotlie) havo been taken trnm them without Assigning a reason, nnd the Chancelier of.tke French Consulate at St. Domingo was the other d.uy arrested The bitter is in pood humid, tied the affair Lis been niado a prave qnesiicn by his chief, M. Durna.se, and his pi ievances have been also adopted by tho British Consul. The Ham !pihC Consul, insulted as be has been by the Dominican Government, and bcitipr tho rep - resent alive of a small State, appealed to the, ISritish Consul, and through the hands of that gentleman Ins gent in a most powerfully written protest ajrninst proceedings so un common in international transactors. But the case of Mr. Rothe, the United States Vice Commercial A pent, is more out rageous still, fur liu only learned of his hav ing lieen deprived of his oxquatur by BPcinr it announced in the olTiciul guzolte. His chief, Mr. Jonathan Klliott, Commercial Arent of the United State nt St. Domingo, now commissioned to make tho treaty, bas eete 1 n Mr. Ito'lio's affair without that pric e which one could have expected an Anvricnn would exhiliii when be sees his fljff basely insulted. Mr. llothe's honso was entered, no, withstuudinir t h ut the stripes and stars were fly in sr. and his dendrite violated in ennse iii.ciire of ltis defending the riirhN of an Ai; e:iriin ritizen by the name of Reynolds; y.'s an armed lone often soldiers and some uk'iMzil.s forced their way into Mr. Kothe's liinrt'-ile, (above which the American flag was ily'nxl and c arried away an old rickety piano which Mr. V- v. iio hud a claim of one New AdtertiBeznentB. 'o'.inorml clu'Iars tin-icon, lial Uepositeu mere. I understand Mr. Rothe bus protested, send in a copy of bin protest to his chief, and to the Department ut Washington. Any other person but Mr. ftiiio', after such an outrage, would have broken up all negotiations with thrf Dominican government until a proper re. paratinn had been offered for the insult, but I am sorry to pay that such has not been the ceur.se followed by tho American representa tive. You are nioit likely aware that Kng hind nr. ) France have sent a navul force, un der Commodiirn Kellet, to Port ait-Prince to olofkaile the H.iytien coast in caso hia Sable Mitfepty should ta!: anot her freak into hi? bead ; meanwhile the yellow fever has fhnwn itself on hoard of some of tho vessels, end I FtK'tdd think the Commodore must be really tired of watching Seulonque. who does not fVel inclined to'niuko peace with tho Dotnini-rns. Novki. Case. Tn tho Quarter Sessions, of rUihdelphia on Saturday, a novel case was brought to the notice of the Court, -in an- plication waij uoido.o!) a writ of habeas Cor i us., by a German Wuiiiiiu. named Caroline I-'uiht. to r cover the possession of her ehild whoiti the u!lui;es is iu the custody nf a buly napied .m. Ilihba. 1 lie tmnln r iimb r oath mid to the court, that in Jnmiarv, ld-19, be- in? coinntdltd bv great indigence and urged bv friendly solicitation, she. tool; said child, lie n sis week old, to the Pennsylvania Ho pital. ami gave it to Mrs liihhs, the respon cent, who was a nurse at luui iiu-uiuunn, TLiit since then shu has been unable to see her child. The respondent, a respectable Icily, iu nn-sw-er, said th it t'u no titer was inistakcu fi r she had never received a child at the Hos pital, a'.d had never the custody of tho com plainant's. Tho Steward of the Hospital said ta.it the mother had culled there for her child some two years since, but alio luiu-t bo mista ken, because to admit an infant under the circumstances related was contrary t' the rules of the Institution. Tbi-ro being a tic Bire by all parties to get a eluo to the real facts, the case wus postponed lot- further in-vertigation. TREASURER'S 8 AXE. A llt of nnteated lands. advertised fnrfale by Oeorjre Bright, TreasBrer of Northamber land County, agreeAble to an Act of the Gen eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, papsed tho 13th day of March, 1845, and the sopplemont thereto, nn act di recting the mode of aelliiiir nnseated lands fur taxes and otbc purposes, will bo exposed to public sale nt the Court House, in the bor 003!) of Banbury, on Monday the Pth Hh of Junr, 1856, at 10 o'clock, A. M., tho follow ing described tracts of laud, for'arrearages of taxes due and the costs accrued on each truct respectively, unless previously discharged, to wit j No, acres. Warrantees camet Am't due . Coal JWnship. AntU DTenry A damn Thouiss Foster Thomas 1187 60 1674 Jenkins Janes A litis Frnderici; Adams Robert Huff Edward Grier Jamos Crier Thomas 1779 Camplain Robt. 463 72 Camplnin Thomas Morrison irillinm Bailv John Nr. (U:i-4? for sale) 43 S4 Itoyd John (7-12 for sale) 180 1!M Brady John 167 16 Billingtnn Thomas 10 70 Bellas' Hugh If) CO Bower Christian 17 0- Cowden Jolin 122 4'.- Kvnns Smith 4 56 Fegelv M'm & Sulomon r 46 Grant Thomas 35 98 Gray Robert H3 60 Gray Robert 111 53 Grant Thomas 5 20 Gardener Archibald 3 90 Gardener Archibald 11 70 tlardener Archibuld 1 30 Hepburn James 86 96 Hunter Alexander & 34 Himmclrich Henry 92 03 Hepburn James 109 48 Jordan Robert 2 98 Irwin Robert 103 08 J ack.son Jeremiah 24 38 Kenna.lv Davi.l 130 98 Kroll Michael (19-48 for sale) 34 13 Lambert IVMIiam 117 54 l.:,ke Richard 04 Miller Isaac 45 G7 Maurv Peter (23-43 for sle) 45 04 Martin G. I 12 20 Myers Mary 9 08 M iiver Georg-e 2 CO Paul Jeremiah SO 21 Prince George 32 96 Rees Surah 34 f;4 Rees Duuitl KC tiO Rues Thoinus jr. 33 08 Rees Thomus (.1-3 for fule) 18 b2 Ruston Thomas 4 60 Ruslon Mary 8 36 Reynolds John 4 01 Uustou Churlotto 9 72 Rets Danitd 8 b Sheets Geotgo 9j 9'J Smith Peter 7G 24 Starr Merrick 3 60 Sheed II ni. ( 1-3 for sale) 15 66 Sassumaii Peter (23-48 for Bale) 40 22 lo9 447J 214 2o:i 40 344 3G2! I'kl 2f;0 173, 247 i M 100 300 100 2(19 207 221 413 ' 247 203 447 160 653 203 Vit 156 29 190 100 223 112 I0: 206 309 1U4 127 231 211 269 233 4G4 10'.JJ 16 96 18 333 33i:. 4U2 161 421 341 203 197 3114 21V 318 64 1 5 306 90 6 46 60 McfMerobn D - - 211 Noddtnott James ! Chilixqvoqvt Tbuxtwnp. 21H Noddenott ames 8 16 GEORQli BRIGHT, Trtaturtr. Treasurer's Cfflec, Snubury, April A, 1850, J A NNOUyCliS to the cl Iten of Hunbury, Northumlierland and vicinity, that he has opened an office in Sutihury, one door went of the Port Office, where he is prepared to attend to ill kimla of work belonging to the prnfetion, in the latest and most improved style. All woik well done and warranted. AIho continues Uum Work, which is very durable end neat. April IS, 1858. tf JOHNSON & BROTHER, CABINET 3VAII:EIIS, No. ?4 Aorth Second Street, first duor above Christ Church, Philadelphia. pKRSONS in want or Bureaus, Tables, Sofas, Chairs, Unlsicad, and every variety of household fninituie, would do well to mil, as those article are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April 12, 1S56. ly AUDITOR'S K0TICE. WTOTICE is hereby Riven that the un-lersienp;! Auditor appointed by tho Orplnom' Court of Nortli'iinberland county to make distribution of die ir.o'iirs in the hand.i of William V. Silver wood, Administrator of Adam Kenn, dee'd., to and among those entitled to received the same, will attend to t!.e duties of said appointment at his ofliee in the Borough of Suobury, on Friday, the iGilulny ot May, A. 1), 1SS6, nt 10 o'clock A. M. of auid day. at which time all persons in terested ninv atlend if they nee proper. WM. M. KOCKKKKL1.LR, Auditor. Banbury, April 19, ISSC 4t. TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. ' Tho Northumberland county Teacher's lu stitnle. will meet, tit McKweiifviile. on TUESDAY, the 20th of May next, at 10 o' clock A. M. Tho fullowing gentlemen were trppointed to prepare es-ayi or addresses upon the sub jects to which their names are attached, and by others who may del disposed. Alphabet J. R. Shultz, J, R. Joins mid J. Hanghanout. Orthography J. Dreher. W. Gilger, S W. Armstrong and .1. B. Ivntholomevv. Reading S. T. Tharp, C. KeK-hner, W. B. Taggnrt. Writing J. Vincent, ir.. J. Oberdorf. C. MeWiliams and J. A. J. 186. pn?INO JfANTIlXAS 1868 At WloleERle and Eetftll. . GSOHOB BXTX.IrtT Se oo. No. 174 Cliiwnul Street, Philadelphia. In cotutnlim with Cenrg Bufpin, No 361 Broadwny, New York. Are now prepared to supply the Trade from very ction of the Union, with tbelt Importa tion and Manufacturers for tho coming season, eninpriaing ell the lifmenl deilgns, from (too Dollar to tho most costly gurmenU nianufao lured. Merchant will find it much to their advantage to examine our atock previous to purchmiiig.' Clofe Buyer, purchasing for Cash or Shirt Credit, will receive liberat discount. GEO. BULPIN CO., 1R4 Chcsnut street, Philad'a, Between Sevenlb Kighlh ats. . April 6, 1866. Sni w WHITE HORSE HOTEL" POTTSVILI.E, PA. 'IHE subscriber reniectfully annnnnres tn Ids -"- old friends nnd llie public, that ho has taken that old and well known establishment, tho White Ilorso Ilotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo !b., in the Horocgh of Pottavillc. The house has ra cenlly been xery much enlarged and otherwise improved, reiidering it quite as comfortable as ony olIitT Ilotel in ftcbuvlkill county while the stubieaure large, in rooJ condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and ollicra who may stop at his home, he promises evert attention calculated to render them comfortable and tuiii-fieJ. JOS. M. 1EGKR. April 6, 185' .-If V, 1GE3G. BrtiiNa drocK op new goods. Fushiimabta feilks. foil line of block Eilks new stylo epring Shawls, dress poods do.. Linens of strong fabric Muslins of best lon(t clotha, staple housekeeping goods, Mens wear of all toe new styles. . t EYRE A LANDELL. ith and Arch Street, t'hilndelphin. Y. R. Storekeepers, , Pamilies end all Good Nett Cash Buyers ire respectfully invl Ji'd to rxamino this stool: of New Goods be furo tinrchasiuif, as we prefer Bcllinr? low. nnd jelling the more goods. .BiorcKeepers may often find erent jobs from Auction, as we ottond the Auction sales of JNew Kork and Philadelphia. Phila.. March 8. 1856. ilm. w EAETHESWAEI?. ri'IIE subceriber repeelfully iri'orir.s (lie citi- m. rn 01 rsniiliury ami the public eenerallv, that he has commenced the muiiufiicturii of ill kinds ef KARTIIKN WARE, at hia manufactory in Whortleberry Plrert, one qnare east of tbe Hiver. Hj Una enirarjed Ihe services ol Mr. Ilinr. and you can tberefnre ileprml on liain(j a good article. The pub.ic are resl'ectfullv invited to rail. All ordera from a dintanco will be promptly attended to. P. M. SHIN DEL. Kiuiburv, Feb. 2, 1R5B. tf 3LI1TD3 JA1D ClAZS, nr at RnuircED rmcus. 33 X3. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North xll) St., l'hiltolclphin, Originator ' nil new styles of VKNP.TIAN 1H.I.MJ, Gold lonleri'd and i'aiuteil Suades, ot beautiful Ocmiih. Hull', and all other color nf Holland, used lor .Shades, I'l.vturtJ, Trinimii.'js, &c, C4C. HTOH13 SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER. U. J. W. thunklu! fur pust palroouue, respect fully olicit the v1li7.ru ol Nc.Wbumbeiland TO IFIEISJ'T. A PTOI?E ROOM on Market 8piore in Sun bury, and two room adjoii.ini.-. CHARI.ljS i'l EAPA NTS. Jannnry ?fi. 1 S.r6. If 1 JPJ.T TJ3?. I.I, persons indebted to the firm of FrilinR A Crutit, 01. Note, Bonk a.-ci;uitt or otlicrwie are respectfully ri qurstcd to renin forward and pay up between ibis and Ibo fin of April as they wish to go to the city to biv in t'ie!r .Spring sup plica. FKII.INt? & CHANT. Kunburv, Mn-ch 15, lSftfi. tf $ LI. persons knowing themselves indebted to the aubsrribers, 011 note or book acrount, aie respectfully invited to call and pav tbe same on or before tbe lOlh of Auril next. 11s mnwi County tu call uud examine hi large aasartiueut ) hnve nionev to buy our Sprins and .Summer rsjT ra eh: isom foGictiFsr.n. 1 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARK Wll BICKt It h hem tbe lot of Ihs humnn tnca to t V-tirtir1 down by (tlai-Bus m.d sutlrrinn. II01.I O AAY'f riLLS nrn riwii,lly mini ltd to Hip relief "f th WK Mt, Hit NEItVOl;!!, the llKLICATK, suit the INI IK.Vt.uf nil rlimra, afra, scapa, and ennaiituti'ivia. pr-tfnaor Hull", way ptfraoiully ii)riiits;ul the inaimrnoiuie of nia mcl. Iciuea hi Hi.! United StniM, and iillnra llieiri to free ami enli(lilruri) pmnle, na the lieil lonipdy the world aver aw lor Uia lemuvnl of dim'ase. THESE PILLS FU1UFY THE DI.OOD. Tbcae fumnna PI la are Mprer 'y eomlimad to npmte on the aiiiniarli, Hie lifer, the kulneyn, lur liniga, tli "Ion and llie linwela, cifrertiiiff nny deranpmunt in tlmir fune tiiin, piirilyinn die hlo l, the very fountaia cf Ill's, anil thua curing diauaee in all iu forma. DYSPEPSIA & LIVER COMPLAINT Nearly half the human race have taken thaar filiii I liMhwn pmyed in all parte of the world. Hint anti.l, "una equni in tnerii 111 1'naea of dia irdera uf the liver, flypj-ipsin, and atntiinch eomj.'htinla genritliy, i'liev a ion rive a halihy traio to thuan ri;ii, imn-evef riia-h ilurniifixl, and wiiwi all other niuuia have failed. GENERAL DEUILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many nf the moat despotic Oovernmenta have opened lhair Cnaioni Ilnuaea tu Iho liitr..dnctl"li of tlrea I'iII Ihntthey inny brromelho medicine of the inaiaia. Learn l Collegca nilinit ihnt Una 'm-deane ia the heat rnudv ever known I it peiannaof di-ticntr- lieulth, ;r wlieic uii ayalern hna benn impaired, aa ila ir.vig.)riiti:, r.:opartii never fail to affuid relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No femnle, ynunir or i.hl, ahotiM he viihnct xhi ele hrnlud uie.licine. It cnrrceia mid i-qnilnlrs the tn mthiv rouraoa at nil peilcda. actiuir in ninny c.-ian lik- n ( linrin It inula llie heat and anTrst irn-.llf ino tint can civ.-n t'i Children of all nir-e. and for any complaint : cjnaequviitly no lamily ehoulU be without it. . Ho!hu-ay's Pith ore the. I est reWy Inzu-n in the world far the hlliiAnq dh&ue: Asthma, Fever and Ague f-ione ri'id OrnvW ..-'.i..uiiir.ajiii.,-niri.. .-einniwnia ic..i.i,.tfv vnin- Iiiw.ud VS'ealuicaa i I.iver C iini Ini'its I.nrnt0ul SipirU IIkhIuc Indiit''tlon Iii1luen7ji Inlhiiiimiillnn Venereal AITeclinnn Worma. til' nil Itiniia Tilia : iiiroccn. , 11) ih'K' : lo; : before purclr.isinir eUewhere. WE SI LEY TO PLEASE, April 5, 18C5. :ini c FOR 1 rswo uuiibEs. cheap lor caali. Ap lv to J. B. MA8SEK. W. McWilliams, J. McWil!iam,a and X. Mi WiUiani?. J. S. ! IVgh-y and D. . (jiljrer. J. W. Eiilluin, II. H. '. P. TeitBWorth 935 r 1 la C8p 14a bfip :;ca t'O c3 f.0 34ai j aw ! -JIU 60 bd 80 I'A) lid f.'O 60 rihuiiuon ll'illium Is in i til Mary bteeduntn ll'in. tcott Ah nihil tu bcott Heeler Tuuis Richard Titsworth John Tuggert Robert IVline John H'.ison William IVttlker Lewis Yoxthcimcr Henry Ziegier Isaac i'iiiiinei'niaii Muthias Mt. Carmel TownMp. Camplain Robert Camplain Thomas Morrison IPillinin Stevenson James Davidson Mary Consort James Ncfl Isaac Camplain It. Camplain R. Duvidson Mary Davidson M iry Elliott I'-'ni. l'atiely Reuben Rees S;arah Cameron Township. Riiyle Luke JiaUoii Samuel ll.ii't John Did John Durr Mmy Darr Peier Durr Luke Deir Lawrence Fiio Luke Grunt Thomas Hairiton It'illinni Hunter Alexander MeduliiiK Jtdlti 'S3 2 0b 7 :n 2. 46 7 56 60 .10 1 84 3 12 10'J 54 1 i'i Tl b8 19 60 21 32 4C0 98 17 .10 17 4 tic 4 G6 3 23 S'J 28 46 How Lopis Napoleon Comuxteu Mim liEi.r. In ilisciiEjiiiifr the quei-lion that hns been started in regard to the manner in which Louig Nupoicou conducted himseif i while in New Yotu. tie Tiuits of that city says : j "As Louis Napi h on wus in London du-! rinx a residence of many yearn, so wu Ei:p-j tiose ho was here. There ho lived in a real 1 en.al! house, in No. 2 King street, St. Jan es, whe,"o ho kept a handsome mistress, a la.-pe collar and a Kinall library. Tho pocicty 01 which ho mixed was fust and ileshy, but not by any me.; tin what is termed tho high society of England His chief resort was Gore lluu.au, the beautiful sent of Lady Dlesaii!? ton, near Kingstown, where the moat bril liant men in England met, but which no woman could enter without leaving her rep utation at tho pates. When not partaking of these practful hospitalities, which he par took ff bi "fit abundantly, and most unfrate-i-illy repaid, his favorite bauntwas Dabourg's Cute, ut tho Hay-market, whore he dined and dreamed over his destiny with lVrsigny and -"tiiers of his followers. N3 ore, not even Count D'OrKjy, who was s keen auualyser of iiurn. could even then, after the inlensest scrutiny, read that hard, mean, sinister, stir lain iuuo without one nohle lineament or ceni il i itnreiitiion. The feutures most marked in his character wpre, however, a most de ' terininej personal courage, a strong will, . end much habit of ineditution. He had neitl sr vtenius nor even refined education. fir. liia works and conversation thowed, but a WiObt profound cunning, lie differed from iher men more than be surpassed them, and ia tnysirry there . much, lie bus, however, mcceeded : and, aa Talleyrand rays : Noth, ' inz succeeds wc.il but succeed. 9 t 78p Moyey Henry I r is understood that our Minister to Spain, Mr. .Jod":e, finds himself unable to procure u -gettlenicut of our many claims upou that go. verninunt, beyond tbe mere shadow of a promise. lie writes that the Suauisb go vernment have admitted the jnstice of oar demands, bat thut their treasury is exhausted by home demands, and that they have not means to pay off their indebtedness to this rmentrv iust now. and ask- for an eiteni'.on of time. And this, notwithstanding th Waihlr.pton Union, has. ou several occasions stated, as if by authority, that all American ClalV'.S 00 cpaiu nao oeu yiompnj ii.lou Thu or?an is as mendacious u the adoiinis. tritioa is weal ani inefficient. W know sot wUtber tba adcaiuifcU-at'.oa i rersL, i.u tKa liu of it ore an. bnt ws oo liccw tbat it ia 4tia4 to Ha joatti it ia ; e?"j'.os. ZouinilU JeurnaU i'i'r Biiulh Luke 107 .Smith Abciiil e8) r-mith Evens Sliamokin TownMu. 125 Rettertoii Uenj.iiniil 2.i;3. Riuniiy ll'in P. (1-2 Tor sale) I'M Hunter Alexander 2b? Jackson Jeremiah Luke Richard 171 kfcntt Abraham U.! 'i'ilswortli J'ohn 197 laggert Robert 1U0 Young Hauiuel Lower Augusta Toxcnship. 15 Prady iralter 19CJ Dewait IVT.liam 143 lewart John B21 Hunter Alexander 218J Hull Charles Upper Mahanoy Tencnship. 130 Did John 100 Darr Mary 1C9 Durr Peter 181 Darr Luke 100 llarriuon H'illiam 40 Houpel yohn U1J Meddling John Little Mahaney Tatonship. 197J Dewart U'illim 250 Dewai t Juhn 200 J Gardner Archibald 300 Gurdner U'm. P. 42CJ Hunter Barnes 219 Hall Charles 288i Kiddohn MM Luke K a bard 1474 Smith Daniel 202J Trickel Charles O. Zcrbe 7'oicnthip. 1 9C 6 76 15 CO 10 28 9 1 96 3 12 9 3 90 21 96 9 76 1 96 1 96 18 12 40 7 66 2 88 1C 4G H I 92 2 60 11 86 2 72 1 b4 f 48 3 .12 1 80 15 60 10 20 7 68 1 96 5 70 10 14 7 60 12 40 14 16 7 0 3 12 8 80 5 18 6 f)0 .1 20 3 90 5 68 5 72 15 06 3 90 2 62 3 C2 Bcccher, D X Cumiiiings. A lithnietic V," Pat lerson, J. W Truckeiiniiiler. Geography P, illiams, L. A!!i;n:in, W Bu-di. Euglitdi Grammar P. K Weeks, S. P. JLifiey, S. E. Martz and J. 'V. Mervine. Astronomy J. lloiT, Vi and J. W. WcekR. Phiioaonhv W. P. Teitfworth. J. W. Weeks, A', 1$. Tiiircart and Woods McGinn. PhisioloL'V, Anatouiv and llvuene J. W. "eeks and W, B. Teitsworth.' A!gel.m0. A. Ucitncusiivdcr and W. D. 1'apgiirt. Mensuration J. llod'aud D. S. Trueken- niiihr. Sehool poveriinient and discipline J. llofl. W. P. Teitsworth and E. Gobi. The importance ol clailicaiien W. M ilee. Female teachers are respectfully invited to prepare essays ou subject of their own selection. W. P. Teitsworth, Chairmnit. April 12lh, 18S0. ?.t. Adjourned Court. I N Adjourned Court will be in held Sunhnrv on Monday the filih ilny of May next, at 10 ocloclt A. .M., wlien applieationa lur bceiue uu der tbe lule urt of Assembly to reRulate the mle ot intoxicating linuora and to hear objection, Strirt compliance with the act of aescmijly will be required. i'jtlraeted from the Record and certified April JAMES BEARD, Trothy. unbury, April I'i. 1856. DILWORTH, ERANSOIT St CO. Hardware Merchants, Having removed from Ko, at) lo Ko. 73 Maikct i'lreet, Philadelphia, Are prepared, with rurally incTeai-rd fucilitira, to fill ordera for 11 A !( 1) XV A '.HE of evrry vniie.v on best terms, fiotn a full saortmrnt, including Itailroad flinveN, Picka, i c. Country mercliuiita ali i othera will find it to their interest to call and examine our atock be fore purch.isii g elne !ie:e. April IS, I 8ff. ly 1855 pecial Express Koticc. 1SC6 HOWARD Sc GO'S March 29, IS.' 8. SACKKP.Et.. -a COUI itiil, S.M.MOX, UEltHING, POIIK, HAMS AD .SIDES. 1IOLT.DEUS, I.AKU CREESE, March S3, IMG. 3m w suplv of goods. J. P. & I.F. KLINE. Klines Grove, Pa., March 22. fljO If CouMnnlly on hnnd and I fut mle by J. PALM Kit &. t::j.. Market Straet Wlmf, PuiLaniLvui x. 13. It. Vtt'SSEIX, Umbrella and Pameol Manufacturer, Ko. S North fourth .St., N. W. Cor. of Market, PHILADELPHIA, Has now on hand an extensive assortment of the new est and morit desirable kinila, incltidiutr many NEW STYLES not heretofore lobe had in this market. An examination of our ktock ia aolii'ited iHf.trtf iurvlMwiiH olduwb0,. IV 1 rices a low k bhv bouse in tho city. March 20, IfjSO. 4we T rt n en W ,'JoT f? riJI E aubscribcr ia atiil eiiRiiged in the "np- fucturiat of aui'crior Maclilue I'aidB li.r fotion and NVoollin 1'octoriea. The beat quality of Leather and Wiie ucd in nii.kinii the above, and eller an expejinnre of twenty-five years, i prrpared to warrant them ciU,il to any made in this country. I am also making superior Leather Bands, iciocnted and copper riviied, the stretch taken out by powerful machinery. Elevator Klrujis.Ur Gnat Mills nlto. Leather Hoar, of euoerior qualilv, made a above. JOHN 1L H.'KEi,L. No. 33 South Putaw Stiect, Baltimore, Md. March St, Ufto. 5m BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains. KING desirous ol disposing of mv rntiro stock of liooksiind rjlationery, eoinprisiiirj some 20, COO Volumes ol Law, Medical, lieli- uioin S'ciciilific, Blank, Muaical, tiihoul and Miacellanenua Books. Also, IU0 Beams of letter paper and a lot of watt fppr, stcrl pens, wafers, Arc. 1 will dispose of ttieblo atock ut pub'if aulc enle at my ttore, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, 1S68 at I o'clock, P M., and conlinuinir, every afteruouu and evening until the whole stock is old. WM. M.CAKTV. Per JOS. II. McCABTY. Sunbury, March 15. 1356. if C'AIIPKTS AZ Oil, f.OTim, At Eldridgo's Cheap Vnrchouso. The subscriber, beinj in a bye street, is under very low rent and nsbt expenses, :vbich enable Vibn to t 11 nt me VKKY LOWEST i'KICEs! Merchants visilinfr i'bilstlelphia, and wishing to buy Carpels, Oil Cloths, Mattintt-i, Ac., will do well to ru!l and examine bis stock nf Bcauliful Imperial 3-plv, Superfine, ) Fine and Medium Ingrain, and Carr.Hn Yon. iiu,i ol all Kind '. ) Ami UU. CLOTHS cf all widths iu great variety. Also, MATTINGS nf every kind and various widths, together with a cenerul assortment of low-priced Imrrnin Carpets, and Entry and Stair Carpets, Hearth-lings, Door-Mats, Table Covers, Floor Cloths, Hag Carpets, Cotton Cur- pcts, &c. 11. H. ELUUIDCE. No. 41 Straw lierry fStreet, 0:i door abova Chesnut, Uf ar Second St. March 15, iH.'iC. 3me Philadelphia. EXPRESS. RAVING obtaii e.i lull express privileges over ike C.VIAWIS.SA, KUNBCRV AND LRU-: and M ILLIAMspoiiV At ELMIRA RAILROADS, e re now prepared to loiwaid all descriptions of ExpreKs Goods by I'aesHiigcr 'J'rains, daily, bcUvcen Philadelphia and Kluiiia, coiiiieriini; at Klinira with all the Western Ex press Coir, panics. All (roods for Ts'marpia, Hemmit, Catlawissa, Daiivilit), Milton, Wiiliainsport, Elmira.and also to Nurthuinbcrbind and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the none day. Each train in charge of our own Special .Messenger. Philadelphia OlPice, 92 Chesnut Ktreet. Office Klmira at L'uiU'd Btntes Express OHice. April '-), 18.16 I y TII03VrA3 PALMEB, t O N .11 I S S I O V Si ilitt'Kt .-V 1' , No. 35 North Wharves, 7'l;iladelphia, Where the following raaia are received and aold on commission : Diied Apple.. Peaches, Pluias, Pears, Cber jirs, ftc , Green App'ss in ltariela or by llie bushel, lleans, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peas, Mie;l aiks, Raisins, Cranberries, Chestnuts, 1 igs, Onions, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Mercer Potatoes, Oiauges, Giapes, Poultry, Eg', Butler, C'bccse. And ail kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 12, 1K50. ly FRIENDS' CENTRAL DRY GOOD STORE, 8. E. Corner Eighth & Aich Street, PHILADELl'HIA. rjI.'E subscribe! having made very important A uddi'ions to his establishment, by connecting the fust floor of his Old Store wiih that of h? bcauliful lour story building adjoining known as Ihinii'M 111.1., (surinounleil Willi a hiiih Cupola, invites his ( lid Customers and Friends to an examination of an Entirely New S ock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, selected c.t rcssly in reference lo the present opening. The assortment comprises: Keasot.al.de Press Materials, of new and ele gant kill'1.'. Plaid India Jt Blac'.i !?ilL3, S'lavvls, of all kinds, 1. ooicrv . Glove iV Mitts, l'.iobro'i lciics eV Linen Cinnbiick Ilandkcrc'fs, Piirnishintf Goods of all kinds, Irish Linens, Fl.nincls, Moreens, &c.,lo which aie added New Goads dailv, of cb iii e ilesi rip tiens. CIIARI.KS ADAMS. P. 8. Persons wishing a splendind view of tho City and Vicinitv, can ascend the Cupola, by a private Stairway which will be found wed worth a visit. March i9, 156. 2m w Kcw Yholesalo Drug Store. KT. SPENCER TIIOJUTA.?.. No. 20 South, Second Sticet, Philadelphia. IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer, iu Drops, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, D e stall's. Paints, Oils, ('clots, W bile Lead, Preach and American White Zinc, Window Glass, (ilsssw ares, Varnuher, lirusues, L sirumeiKs, (ii'ound Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticles usually k t by Druceists, including Bo. iax. Indigo, t.lue. Shellac, Potash, Ac, AC. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent lo any of the harves or Railroad Mullens. Prices low and good warranted. March H, 1800. ly O't'irlia Colds ChrM Diseases C tivciitaa Dyspepsia llmrl.'ru ilropty ,..! ,M,M '' Mm"foeT-!T of Pp OssorHaLinwAT sll MhuIi-ii Pane, New vm an STn;,il. r.,ii, ! ,m, hy n-i",- liruuuisiH nun titnltis I), ,l,.:,r,i ' siulie f niieil l!iea, and tin- civiiizcd world '-.us, o:'. fenra. ami ii ,,mi. IV Tiitrc lb u cnimuieratile aiivi'-t; liy tnliii.T tli N. f! Dire'-tfii.s for tbe pui,liuico of pul'.iMi'.i in every rlifi, r,ler arc tifi'iM (I to each box Match as, P-f,0 lyea "AID AND COIirOTlT," Wilkinson h Eenn, Resperlfiilly announce that they hare taken the stand lately occupied by George Renn, where thev are prepared lo manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the most Fasliior.r.lh Styte. rpiJE subscribers respectfully call the altenliui of the public, to tliirire nd splendid a snrtmcnt nf every ipiality and price ! lAi,5yr-VABJ! which cannot fail to recommend itself to every oat who will examine it, on account of ils duiablc workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No elfort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep tip with llie many improvements which itie constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, nivalis nul I.otiiigo Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, S0F.1, DKKMMST AM) JJISM TAELB , and al-o VENETIAN 15L1NDS, eipial to Phila- dclphin niaiiul'acluie. UEUSTE AlJS, of every pattern nnd price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION' TABLES, In short, every article in this line of their business. They elsa irjanufactuie ull Umi. ..t ..u,tl.- C.IIAT15S, nrlituirff verielim nevtr lPtlre to be u Sunluiry, uoli "c$ Mahou a s t, Uiack Walii'i ; A1 ('l. HLKII Ml ll-K (iHlil IAS AM WlSOfiOH ClIAIHiS, sv fisrr Tuno jtooi.i, t:ivli ure j of the latest sty!.:.?, lid waTvto:! tn he excelled i ly none inanufacli'Tcd in the .'itie- or cUftwhere. -The 8U.iscrilcvs nrc determined that t!err ninili be no exenso lnr icrsons to pun lirffO furniture in j the cities, as every confidence er.n he enter mined ' nhout the (luality and finish nf their were end '1'licir articles will It? dinpnKed cf cn Eff rcod lerniK as thev cnii he nurcl.ased else w hero. Coun try I'rodnce ln'-cn in jinvmenl for wurk. 'IaT i;Mi:UTAKha. Having pmvidvd i themelved with a handsome IIk..;sk, they hre j now j.Tfpared for U'nderuUin, und jtlemling fu- lierals. iu tliU vicinity, or at u:iy coiiToiiient die- innve from Vaa placr, W 'I'lieW arc Houm to in Fawn Street, le low Wcaoi' Hotel. IMCINSON A REN.W. fcunhury, March 1 rtot!. if. NEW YORK noaTIOULTURA.WnKVHJW . A Journal of Suburban Art.Supm-htf and Profu$9ly Ilhitrutd.-2)wQted to th Advancc:n4 of tht Rnrat Ittrtt9 in America. TVn tB one of tht f-j'.at ruU ma laK-roKi r-;kj o the k.jrl in u f w nA. liurwl Ari.liite"ture ftiTM of ir?fip-l femur. Et!h titiifilM'r cunkiiuB C't " 4vp tu foitr "ruvita jf m'fClci t"-U .gf (torn dim t;'' by ctTiuifcMi m l Lilliul ar On.vm Hprtiift ia usyij'iiitl o tl;e t-j'ful ail ut Xtnlniitnt O.mleuicg eiigriivi'l pUm of g?i "1Bti hi oa onf ctyt, ..tl tu the prev'i'jrtUM of uiCnraut nrdwi ul Hruhi'.-rciiirn, Lounttfy th wr.irl. Ktigiiviiias nf iiuw innu, mw fiowera, ntvf rt,iiiLiftl V:,, i.rn iWusi ruted ami ilir-ril)i nt tti:r r-Apwiiva qb-'liliw can be rieierniihrd, f-rntig llie twW. ocmplrta airJ clufc ml Mnnuiil nf Huiu HuiliBt,(ii y tvr ftltirnpled. Atl MpeTiriieud cirpa of pmfut-iii wntiii, $tw Ut niM:.'.fr. tre ej?gii(f-KJ tn ftil hi enlu-.!io Jl CDiituina rsviii'.y iitige P"?"! "1 i prlt.lid OB tkt ftri'wl pft-irltuirncnil puper. nm nut suit nn-d cipTcstly. TitTiMt iwil1 perBiiiiurn, pHyuMu inVRiml'ty hi mlvnricv Fifty ctiiln cmnrnbi"ii on enh iiil-Tihr elluweri tn ttii'Bt; wliu art na nentv. wilt h tli(irilitj'Bd at th i't "f the yen i amune tlitw wh" m-nd tic U-e twrn-y larpeH :19 f fuliriiit-n. Thvp r"niiuriit will be tmitJ in v.. 'Llit. fintf prr.miom Wili -jc tW., Tl.e fj-ilnv.Mi'.g ae K'-let.l it-jm hundroi'ls of Bimi'fl: , nnt!p.-a. vjirii!ry cotiinhiUrtl hy cmiUmr.uiar:(.ti ik'M cntiuiiR ; Tlie Hurliciiltiir)') Rovus'flr (Jtsrvrf tha uv.f;t I '. r; .', y$ tMiKige. It iff njt mil cifii'itnilv pnr.'tic.!, Ij'.U (i vt;-'.i.r in a Blyla tli.it ftM"- ilm Ursl " tJ--na of tfce Into A. . D-iwiiifj. Ivn icKi.it anrrtiin. The tm-Rt ticgaht and iiK- fai hook of tlie Vintl Hial hA8 e'r come mifb-t "tir nl.ffrvM n, HT.ifTf3. Mr. HengifR. tlie Ki'it T uf Ino Murticu'tiOHl R"v!tw, ft pffl'.'tiful pf-ttl)i'gfP', Mll'l Mil- of (he lil.'-'i-t Fij'l'I'J.R '-IH fioUjilry li-'---t uf. II xi&ai rt'.-f tli" s'. vi? rl- -r: ( jwtv.i.r of DickSna. tt rl.-tnnt g-'Stip' i.f V1'i!h. cs-m-t ineii wiih- a tlmrouirh kt'ii-.viuy ,f rami a't. n j P' T.rs 'J'a:nuNH. Fan;it:i lny If for your a nr--l:-.r il j'ttr 'Ci;T f:i'-i;e-f It It n ri h iiittr'Icrtuiil tii it; n r-.i rf.ir.bii-'iiiun i f tli htnntifii! ni:H tli iispfi:!. Ahurp, N.' Y. ' l,:ul fhn'niit I It-it in 1 wiiini' tkatli, t!i i i'twrii i ri(ivi'cyfp of rt!:;,l ;i.li'ii)inei t"tmi! biMmonly i cl.ciiai:'V j r'-ni'-ii.l.r:iiic : I n! hi Mr R.rjr'.f-a wo iia?ov nn ; -i i;, :.rh niint')( tiientu! W'.'alf!'. tlmi ItcMkeiiN tne iiit!uiaoe -f t!.u ;.irit tiiut m g me Mr,;rm;Jbi 'I r sl;'5. A'Kt i timers wiM t-nd tliis an ui-.-.:. i-h: '-t-- m;;on of put! iri I.-, Ml1 IInriirMlturff! Pcii..' fir..? "it'Ui-ai-. t'iyin fvifrv h-i1" in tlie f n i : u . Aih'rtls-.r.ieiii in asriti at tl: n;c of S 10 per p;'?e. Ti.e ipqiiinnp W h i'i Krjfravn.g, eii (we t h . i r or-icre exerto. iii on mirh:M' M ciMurcr". S;m":'i1 nrp'i'.n if pieii to vit n t t A.!M.i.S: an t xt-uf tied Ci'ifh LHHiKviH . -iii i Mried fur Wv.r. f j riKB ui ;r i t nous fivn t" t-m i'.rvniii tiu-1 .yr-; ' f t:.a i i ' t i-' iii-nij tlu-y wuh enj.ri'.'rd, v. l.i:!i v. ii! ':r inTuMt'nf itii.-te t L;ain a n- r"t fiift e n-'; n. P.tc.r ij.'--Vrs w-ifl if H-'ilt vi'ii very tciira rt'jrmry 10, f..no A213 McCXiXlTXOOK, 11. D.( Lato f' PIUU'CHSUK of AndMiny and Sarrry iu the Ptnl a;!u!;'!it:i ilu'.ieuv u( M::.l'-,'-, oiiJ ..ciiiiij rr-iV'-S'ir ur Miuvii'er ; one ot Uit- l i'iisuitiiij' Pf-ynicHtis nf t!n: VhiU ti'lelj lna H- t-piial. Hlupklr;. : UU: tn:. ,ur ni i!u- N.iti .nni .Mi' Ht;il A'-iB.nMn!i"ii ; uif iil.or if tiie p:'tl;i'Ifl;.lin MeJi t'Ml S-' ioty ; lutiitlitT nf the Medic i-Ciiii urgn ul CoJI'.'i i f riiilii'l-iiid::! ; f.-itiicrly P:-,-r.j(J( nt nnd iu.f '-,ir if ii'it 'iiiy j i t Sjrirei y in tnt:c.-t M'.-i'.n ,il C"i;i'i, Vt inu.t ; Mi 1 u'n-o. lain Vr-itfiH-ii .f Aikituniy nn-i I'f-.fU-fpy in li',rt;ih:re .Mfui-.-;il liiEiiU'.i ji, l'l.if-iic;.!, ut.t Sn' , Ac, A,':. , H.ifi fuit'ly ii;tr'x"i?oi! m r p'ipu':ir Orm rvr' of i'uv.iritj iTtfcriiiti-'i!! for the pnnciniii diavn'te of ll'ti iim:ie. Tup n i n of r;ic!t ui : . v.'iil un,; tl'T ' llH'li 11 IR 1 1 1 ; 1 !r(I t - liT llkld. M :t; i.i XI t .lvri VI' C I'OIf A I. SYflLT. Trif . i)R. M.CIJNT M'K's COLD A!. CuUGII .MIX Tt'lMi v'nr ('.!. Cmifha. & I Vice e?s. MU. leCM.iN TUCK'S ASTHMA AND I'COPili'C CCH OH ttKMI'.OY. Price. 'HI eta Dr. McCl.lNTOCJC'S Id.MO AIw i-I'.NATIVK AYIM'P- Kit Pimfviiur tbe -d. Pra c !. rut. .Mc-ci.i.NTot:: .1 i"vsprpT!c r.i-iKin-rot e. vinif t'-ne to tltc Hi'-m icli rfheviv. pnim aiier entniy, b'-.irii-urn, un't nil Hin.iyreculjie a iiij-luiiis uiising fit-n: iii.1:jt'Hi-t!i Pi icr 1 . 1j It- .McTldN T )' :vS niL'l'M ATIC MlXTTft K A Puri'U Vcg'Mutiif Hrn!dv l r iiio-riK'! '1 ' J'riro -.d r;ti Lilt'. MrtJMNTOt'K:t li U !'.' ' MA TIC I.TM.MLN": -Fr Ulifui.tittnin, Hpruom, Swellings, A.c, Ail. Prw 5i eetim. " McrMTfH:Kf ANODYNK MIXTUHC For P:utiP, Tiwuhiiche, Headarhe, Neuralgia, Ls. y?.. lnc 61' rnita. DIt. McCIJNTOCK'S FI-VKR AND AO'JE SPH-' CI IMC A rfrimii cur.- ftr nil l;,liTin.ttetr. Pri'-e &1 . DU. .M-C1JN rOfK niARKIWKA COHT'IAI. AND CIIOLKKA Pin;Vi;N'l'VI-:-A afr remti.lv. D!i. M'-CMNruCK'? V.-'-uHTAIJ!.!; PL'ROATlVh ri!a!.. I'i'I C ! E V-li:-. H-lf!; fh''. .V'J. Prioi 2rM!t. DK. M.if'l.lNTtJCK'S ANTIiill.lOCS PJ 1 .1 .ft For Irr.-miiji'-i1 y in I'r.n '.tit.,tr, of 1 tie l.iVL-r hi. 1 B i nci s t!i-- ht-Hi l.ivrr Pill rr.'nic Vrir- '.Vi rt, n li x For nli-by Lr. J. MeGI..NTfH:K. iii ida Medient P pn, V f;.jjji; jiinlli :m.l Fl'i-rt rn , Pliiln-iflri" !,"d nt a!! Driisrt.'.fiJ .md De.era in Mnlicinoa. All Dni-isii and Hci.Ii':- in Mi-1irii;-M wli -t wihh tfl be iip-nn, v. p;eue nH !:;r'6 Dr. Mc-01i.it k-'c, f nrniabni rrfcrrnce, nr.ir. r-f pu-jt-t ifKi'e. r"tintv ioid a'n!e CV" F.r Suic bv Weiar V Hrnnrr, Sne.t'arv nrfl Pha- .uu aii.frm, I. .grit , vj tun. FeViiary 9, IP5 3ru. , Mil- r.-irj ; j;e,.r. Il.irrl, 1 'n, K h' r l : Alltel ; 1 iiuaruicas s.,. c.iia. Pi'cir.iun." j.n3proVTO" Cheap Truit and Confectionary. VIio!psj!b ?f pii'if.tcturcs oti;l Dealers in t'onfec timury "fall Kin, Is, So. 1 111 Xurlll TliirJ ftrct, Lcliuv Kaie, I'liiUJi'ljitiia. fS'IIR ullenlioii of ilealera ia rcqueiilcJ to an -- rxiiiiiin.niiiii of tluir a'licli, wliiih will l-o , inn, I tiuiil to any in lliia city. Foreign l'ruin of ull kind in season. K. B. Orders Ia- Mail cr otUeiwisa pron'ly alUiidcd lo. Ftl'i uary 23, 18.R Sm c KLYSTOKH MARBLE WORKS, Market Etn-M. wf?t of Twant'eili, PHILADELPHIA. IMr! B. P. JACOBY & CO., fa 87 43 44 80 33 71 36 Kroll Michael (19-48 for Bale) 14 08 2.'i9 (Jrnnt Thomaa 104J Ilublev liuruard 193 HiiiuiK'Iricb lienrj 313a imp li hi lr Jacob 65 25 Ziegler Isaae Juekion ToxcntKp. ICC Garduer Win P. 108 i Leka Hicbanl 203 Tncktl Cb&rlei O. Point Tbumihip. 300 Gardner Archibald 129 Gaulur Wm. P. 20 Unlriog Abraham 200 K.132 Esa'tiiel U MuTHu PuteT 9 94 142 70 1 80 6 20 5 20 62 6 20 5 20 22 J. STEWAET DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetings, MJtonic Hall, Chutnut St., Lelow hiyhth, MTOL'Ll) tcs)ieclfully irrvito you to call and ainiiie their larse and well ailctled aloik of Carprta, Oil Clutlia, Curoa and (.'uuton Mat. tinga, lJruEgeta, Hearth Kuga, Door Mala, &c, wlncb ibt y will sell to the trade at aucli price aa w i.l mike it dueirable for thoaa who wish to ur chase, to call and examine their stock, lelo'.e l)iiri'Uainf claewbere. Philadelphia, April 12, 1S56 ly Dissolution of Partnership. OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing hetwern bam'l A Iierg atreaaer & Juo. HolT, in the Mercantile busidess at flysburf, bas been dissolved by mutual con- ent' 8AML A. BERG8TRESSEB JOHN HUFF. S , Tbe accounts of the late firm will be eettled by 8. A. Bergttresser wha will conlinut tbe bu aineas at the old ftand. 8. A- Ottemtstit- JTlveVnrf. A'rril 1, W INTO TICS IS hertiliy Riven that a apcrial mretin(t of ihe aliirklmiih-ra of the 'i'lf vo lon and Sui,ut hin na Kuilioad U'ominy will lie held unm tlieiiHih day nf April, 1 15G. at 2 uVlork. P. M., at ll.e (Jirard llousfl in the city of l'lalmli'l;'hii. This nir-i'tirii ia ralU-il ill J.-urannnre u an acl approved March Ut, IPili, eniillt'd "an act to authorize the corimtlidalion uf the '1'rcvorlon and funqur lianna Railroad Companv, and the Mahanoy and hun'jl.in linproveincnt Companv, and to tuko into cimtiiU-ralion the agrreinriit enlortd into tiilwren the Dirrctura of aaid Companiea, provi ilinir fur the Icrins. manner and conditions of said consolidation, and the mode of carrying tbe came into ellcc-l. Uy order of ihe Board of Manageraof the rre vorlon and Susquehanna liailroad Company. r". L. JOH.NSON, Sec'ry. Phila., March 6, 1850. 4t. NOTICE SS hereby Riven that a special meeting of Ihe atcckhohlcM of the Mahanov and hbamokin mproveinent Company will be held ii"on the SSili d.iv of April. Ih56, at I'i o'clock, M., at the liirard Ilouae. in the citv of Philadelphia. '1 bis mieling ia called in nnrsuance ol an act approved March !-t, I8SS, entitled "an act to aniliorire the conaolidation of Ihe Trevorton 'jd Kukque hanna Railroad Company and the Mahanoy and tihamokin Improveuient Company," and to take into consideration the agreement entered iuro between the Directors of said Companies, provi ding for the terms, manner and conditions of said consolidation, and tbe mode of carrying the same into effect. By order nf the board rf Directors of the Mah anoy and bhanekin Improvement Company. Y. L-JOHSSnif. fcee'ry. Phila.. April 6, 1856 4t. MURPHY & KOONS viioi.i:pai.k Dr ai.khss in rjsii iixt:!: &. i'iuTissos, No. 47 North W'lAllVES, helow Kace blrcou, Philadelphia. Kerp constantly on hand i lurje aaaoitmont cf rlMI, CHKlE ft PKOVlSlONS, which tluy a') prepared o ilifposn of at the h,wttt Murki-t rated. Ordera promptly excculed. Mai. ii 1, I8f)6. 8in w orcifrn end Domcatie Maihlca, Staluary.A c, ! have contt.-ilitly on hand a lair-e and select as- j aortmenl of Mantles, Tombs. Monument, 'J'al le 'i'jpa, &c, of every ilescription, not oxi-elled hy j any in the city for beauty, uniiiK try and linish. Cuhinvt M:ikcr, Plumbers and Marble Cut- j tern, furnished at the ahort-t notice, viih Mar- hie of every drsrriplir.n and pattern, whether Foreign nr Domealic, cillicr fini-hi-1 in the .'.'luh ; on r:c m t reaarMiii'.a m-ih.i. ec'.i'ullr invite o-.teiilion to our atoch SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME THE ONLY SILVER MTD.VL Vel awarded l y Agricultural Societies was piveri to this Superior Article, at the last Pennsylvntiirt State Fair, at UarrUburir, aa a fertilizer of iho best quality for Wheat, Corn, Catsj Ci,a3 aud J?otc:- es. Rai ling hr?.vy cro o, anJ greatly im rirovintr the coil. Tho sithi-ertber tc.-peelfullv. ' infonna farnicrs and dealers that he it pre;irei! to hup lv th wprinir demand at t!:o old pr.ee. i ' AUN'i'j. V.' AN TED. A libera! JU- couot allowed, i AL0.-Nol Peruvian and Mexican'Ouniio. j Poudieite and Land Plaater. OiU, Candles,' j Kuap, izc , of the beat quality, at low-:t mrrki! . ratea. JNO. 1.. POMEROY, j 9 and 10 South Wharver. below Mnrkft Strut niii.AULi.rai a. j !." Farmers con load r:i two private allays, am' avoi.1 tbe rro!ed Wharf. ' March 8. IHjr.2;nc. ! K'i'iiiiylvanlt M!ro Vt'oi-kf. I No. 56 Arch fcVroct Uei.veeu Sec uiJ and Third' (Opposite 11 road fclnet.) or 1 r re or. 'mud, March 1, 16S6 -Sm c l-Te'-v Wall Fnpcr Viarchouse. . orc-vr- n!.-? e. T a -PTTItTW. iAUIX X JA (X. lfiaV.J.s Sieves, Kiddle, .SVrc-'x, Woven Wire ef nil mcsifc.s and width, n iih nil V i.-w'.s r.J'j.'.iin aud fancy II ire Ho'.-. Heavy twilled Wire for Spir, k CaMhcra, Coal, fMi,d und d'ravel Screen,' ; Paper MvLci's Wire; C lin.ler and Dandy I.'olla cnver"d in the beat moutier; Wi,ea:id W ire Fencing. A verv auperior trliele or' MSAVT FOiTT I E lid SIEVES, ill kir.Ja cf Iron Who end ic:a, EAVI.I--.-, DAPIiT eV I INN riii!., March 8, lKi.C 3rd e and Importers, No. U Arch , tf f'',,1 Joor above isiJ""., Philadelphia, j V-- v be f.n.nd tnc liir.rej'. a.id I.l!...- ! '".L. '''.'' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, SLNBLKV. PA., Aided by some eight years experience in the practice of the Law, will atlend with fdelily lo all mailer oppritaiuii.g to nr will in the tine of his proff-Ksiou. (I If, re with Charles J. Bruner, Ear;.. Market etreet. Hunbury, Sept. 15, 1865, tf Manufactures iSlrtet, necoud d. VHKKE may be f.n.nd tnc bir someat aauitn.eut iu tbe t'ity l'urcli iseia from tl.e counliy vm their odvantn e lo cill Ki rvr a!cre will be suited with a fipeiior a-i.-'-, it : lowest prices. BURTO.V I . -M.. N,i. lv.4 Arch Sired, above Sixth, Phila February 2:1, 18,"ii. am e 1 fmd il to j '" vhi-ie locv i C fi A 'E' S-'C 52 J Si CI .'-i L' eiory descrii titir, si. ita''Ie for Iv :ii . l.-.'i.t.i, lor fip:i,:ij ili;v, i'. i.i, Oie and a::u.e .-.icra.iy. i jicnascra i uu in m, ctu.e I. l.uaunieej Uo:rt-ii, u.u n, nnei nc !Vu:;J ca'.l'uCt.-r , can h- irli'.i.it.. ihoul rHrf.. 1 if. ,ry :.i i.s tJ.J :a:ii, eaiab.n .'..-o lor. ...L.e than iwt.,lv ear.i, ct-tucr of NINTH aud Mc.jii Siiei.ta. I'l.iuue.jiun. AUEUTT & CO. Merrh 1, tgfiO. 3m ly-AJVrtD. IMMEDIATELY three Induttnotia flifli to learn the Millnary buaines. Enquire at tht Millreof M.nGCm NOTICE. Ail perarin knowing thematWet indebted ts Ira T. Clement, on Book account, notes or other wise, are requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their accounts will lie placed in the handa of a magistrate tat collection. Suiibury, Nov. 17. lUfilS tf FOE, LEASE. "rEINS No, 3 and 4, seventeen and thirteen leel in thickness of pure White Ash Cosl. on the Green Hidge estate at Mt. Carmel, both Veins driven to marketable coal. For further particulars enquire of Cbas. VV, Churchman. Philadelphia, P. W. ShealVer, Pottsville, or of JOSEPH 8. DIXON. Sup'L Mt Carmel. Northumberland Co., Pa. March 15, 1656. 6w A FOR BAIZE, Second ban4l BUGGY cheap. Apply to CHARLES PLEASANTS. Sunbury, March 1, 18M1.- 41 UL'b BAND'S Magnesia for eale by Mar 18. VlilSEK St BP.UNER 1KCELUBLE INK at - ... Thebefl collection if CUei tctr Published. TIP-TOP GLiE Si CHORUS BOOK. A uavr mid cle.ira c,.leelu,n of C,)rrii;Ma never btfors hanrriiiizi il. ami runny 'i 'be Gam of modern German A- It'dinn Go'rr-OHr:, Airaneed in a familiir style, and adapted to the use of Glee Clubs, bulging Claaaea, and thj Family Circle, By C. JAKVIS and S. A. C-ETZE. This woik eon tains a prcal r timber of now and favorite Kniiga, harmonist d in a style adapted lo general purpoaea, while many of the Gem nt Mendelssohn. Abt, Kuchen, and other cell biated riimpoaers, are piesenioil in sn Oiiainnl torin. The s;reat variety of musiral coinposiiions here inlroilured, eminently adapts il to the i-is'o and cajiacily ol the Hinging bchool, lha Glte Club, aud the Family Circle. BTPR1CE ONH. COIXAR ja Just publisfted by LEE &. WALKER, No. 188Cbesnut Street, and J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. No. 40 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. fW Sample copies will be sent by mail, frte of postage, on receipt of $1. March 82, 1853. 4m c4 NOTIOE1 OT1CE is h-rely given that I an not niemher of ary partnership in the firm name tf Manser &. Bowei'. nor in tbe name of Fov.eu & Masaer, and that I will not be reFpcnsiiue for any acta of either ol' said firms, r.or psy any en gsgements entered into by any other peison in either cf th. name. nv Hunbury. Maish. lft.-- valuable PAorraTTroa bale, r!1!!!!'! mhKcril era, Executors of tb.e cslato of f Henry Ma.-ser, -L-c'il., o.T.-r ".t private salt the following property vii: A large two atj.'7 frame duelling ln'U,s, logalhci -with a'uout 50 ACPES OF LAND, pjtuste la Lower Aouat ti'wnil.'p adjoining land of D.niel Kn:f:i.ini and others now in the occupancy of John li. Kai.f:un es a store and dv-cPinir. The house is new end ihe location a good one fcr hu'.nes. A lo a TKACT OF MME3T0NP LAND, In eiid townthip on the river about 5 miiea be low Sun'iu y,e.!jo;.i:rglandeol J. T. M'l'ueraor' and c-.j.-rn. containing, ab.iul 60 acrea. The s..il is productive and ccu'.eini lioeatone si. oilier miiieia'.a. ' Also a tract cf laud, containing about JS acre on the bill, about two miles Lebw Suubury, adjoining lands of the beisa of the late Jobr Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard cf choice fruit. For fuither particulate fit'. to the aubscrtbert--H.B.MAS3ER, ) P. E. MASSER. SEx:-tore. FRANCIS BECHER.) eoabury, January 19, 1818. tf COLtlXS : TYPS rOUNDIiY anii IrjotBrs ruixUhir.g WsJe'uCBSS, No: I Lodge Alley, lack of nete Mtuom ILa'l. Philadelj-liia. Phila., Ian. 1, -