Select $)0clrjr. LEARMOTHER WAS IT RIGHi r BY Al.rilFn Bl'ItNETT. In the grove beyond tlio mondow ' Whore tlio stream goes rippling ry( III the twilight yeslcr-even, Wandered young glenhold ami I j . And when the twilight deepened Into tho shades of night, Still iu the grove we lingered Denr mother was we right T Was it right, mj dearest mother, As we wandered calm nnd still, For his arm to be around me t (I'm sure h meant no ill.) And whilo n flitting cloud mother, Had hid the moon's pnle light, His lips ho pressed to mine, mother Oh, tell mo, was it right? Should I have then repulsed him, WIf n he promised to be true f In such an hour, denr mother, What should n niuideu do ? My heart was wildly beating As if with sore affright, Yet I felt more joy than sadness Dear mother was it right? Was it right that I should tell him 1 would lovo him nil my life, And both in joy and sorrow Trove a kind and lovinir wife ? And now dear mother, tell me, And make me happy quite, If I diil not yestei-even Act woman-like and right ? TAIUNO DOWN A LKRI&LATOIt. Any man wlio has been nt Albany during the session of the present New York legisla ture will believe, without nny great amount of extra evidence, that the story wo nro about to tell is true, and too good to be kept in tho drawer. One of tho new members of tho as sembly from one of the northern counties was on his way to tho old Dutch city a few days before tho opening of tlio session. In his verdancy ntij self-conceit, ns ho sat in the rail-car, hu was sure that every man must re cognize his claim to special consideration usa legislator on his way to the cnpitol for tho purpose of making laws for tho Umpire State and as the other passengers were quite as pood looking as himself, ho came to tho con clusion that he had fallen into the company of a number of members bound to tho same nxalted halls. Now it chanced that M r. Wil lium Russell, the newly elected State prison inspector, was sitting in tho scat adjoining our pompous friend, the now member, and on bis way to Sing Sing. As tho train paused nl one of tha stations, the rural legislator looked Mr. ltussoll in the face and said "I believe you nro a memberof tho Legis lature that meets next week ?" The inspector had been observing the member's motions, and read him resdily so fixing upon him n piercing look, and slowly removing his hat from his head, do demanded in a stem and indignant tone : "Do yon moan to insult me, sir? Do I look like a villain ? Have you seeu me pick nnv titui'.-' pocket, in the car 1" , ' he-atteMii.ii of vciy oi o was turned to luo two men, mid (heir emiosity rose as each i-a'ce--ive t;m-t:o.n vis propounded, with a . low? r.f voir..-, iiil Mr. 'Uuss.-ll dcinan- .iv, s.r. 'to yi.'i see :n. filing like a vag-e.-."ii.l :;. r:,y !wiL.-:V" "."So -I nono, T don't know as I do," i 'm'-red out the coiil'.iiinded rural member. ".No,'' lvjoineJ tho inspector, "I am bound fur the. tetute prison ; but, thank fortune, I am not going to the Legislature." Our windy represenlativd collapsed of a sudden, und .-u;:cL'ied in sileneo why any man should prefer going to the State prison rath er than to tho Legislature. Perhaps ho has found out before this time. How Tim Irisiikax Coxvkktsd thk Jrw. A "rale hard sinner," a native of tho Kmerald Isle, went to confession ths other day, to Lis parish priest, and so shocked tho clergyman with the recital or his sins, that he exclaimed "My son, did you ever da a pood deed in your life !" "1 did, said Put; "I converted a lew once." "Jlow was that?'' inquired the confessor. '-You sec," said Pat, "that long, noosed -poik-iiting murthering blaggard fell overboard, aud 1 put aft her his earcaso in a bote. 1 seized him by tho top-knot just as be was going down the second tir.te. and nul led his head above the surface, and ?avs 1, if l savo you will you lie a Christian ? '1 won't, says he ; and with that 1 deposited his head about three feet unther again; pulled him unco more, and put tho question anew will you bo a Christian ? to which he again re plied 'No,' trrullly. I wavo him another dip nnd brought him up, puffing like u porpois. Will you bo a Christian now? 'V-e-s,' says he, nnd his teeth were, chattel ii.g fur nil tlio world liko a munkey that had burned his toes Well, says I, you are now converted, and you had belter dio in the faith, and so saying, I held him unther until his spirit had dinar, ted." BnHon Post. Hide on an Elephant. IJayard Taylor in his book of Eastern Travels, just issued, gives bin first l' phant riding experience as follows : Tho liiijah had kept his promise, and his big she-elephant had already arrived. She lillell. nl. tllfl L''a nnimn.l - -...-.I -------- ... .. viMuMi.iu.,, mm a muuii ladder was placed against her side, that I ;..).( u .I ' i . niim. tmr.u upuii mo pa", as j nau Lcen un able to borrow a liniv.V.ili T lm.1 . .,i-.,., of bread and cold roast beef, to servo mo as u mini, uui was carelul to concw.l it rroin tho driver, otherwise himself and the elrpdai.t, with til her trappings, must have undergone purification on account of tho nnclean flesh. I took a reluctant leavo of Mr. Keene. seated myself askiiilo on tho pad, with tho driver be loio mo on tho elenhnnt'ii neclr m,i ed oil. Tho driver was a Sikh, in a clean bi-ariei oress, an.i ami a narrow hand kerchief bound around his head. His Ion-well-combed hair was anointed with butter and, as his head was just under my note, was continually reaaleil with tin. .,,,,.(,, , O ..u uiaiUUip odors. He earned a short iron spiko, with which ho occasionallv niiiu-lin.l tl.r, .'.!.. bead, causing her to snort and throw up her iiuuu, us sue ijiiK Keneu nor pare. 1 found the motion veiv like that, nf n I .. .... l.....,..!.. '-J .... BV ... WII.V ry, and by no means unpleasant or fatiguing. Thougti walking, she Went at the rate or about live miles an hour. 1 noticed that tho driver in.-qi.nuiy .npo.te to lier in a quiet, con versa tional tone. , -'tvi3 ui'uiii. tiiv i wanr and advising her how to proceed all of which una ceni.tiiil tn .....1 . i ...... , . ..... uinersianu iieriecuv, anaouey cd without hesitation. A IJllVUSTKR I I.IMi r. A .....M .r.... lis waa hauled up befsru one or the l'ulice -iKitiraius inr hissing n limulsomo girl, am kicking up a dust, und tho following examinu lion took place : Magt. 'Is yuui name John Hay!" l'ris. "Yes, your Honor, so the peoph eoy." Magt- "W as it yon that kissed tho gir ond raised the alarm?" Pris. "Yea, yourjionor, but I thought i was no harm." Magt. "You rascal, did you come ben in iiinkfi rlirmB f" l'ris. ''No, your honor, but it will huppcu Bntnn t imoR t" Magt. "Be oflj you scamp, get out of my Miif. i I'ri?. "Thank'ce, your honor, then I'll bid you good night." zmMi rmm watt For the latest arrival of Fall $ Winter Coods. J. F. & X.i ICLINC, bSrUUTFM.hY announce to ttifir inenui ud the miMic in cpneral, that Ihry have rccrivtd at thrir Old Stand, in Upper Auquftta township, Northumberland eminty, I'a., at Klines Grove, their FA I.I, anJ WINTER Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part f Cloths, lilack and fund Cassimrrrs, Snltinrtts, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirt, and all kinds of FALL nnd WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Kcady.mnde Coats, Vests and Tants, &c. Ladies Lres3 Goods, Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpneos, Co hcrg cloth, plain mid fancy nil wool Do I.nines. Calicecs, Ginghams, Muslin, Comforts, liny Stute Long Shawls, Trimmings, Ar. Also a fresh supply nf ('OCT! Ic. nf nil kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Queenswnre, Crdarwnre, Ttrooms, A c. Also a large assortment of Hoots and Bhocs, suitable for Men, Women and Children, lints and Cnp, 8ilk Ifats, nnd nil goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call and S're. Cheaper than the Clirnpcst, Thnnkful for past favors wc hope lv strirt atten tion to Inisiiicis, to merit a continuance of the same. A II nf the above named stork of goods will he sold positively nt low jiriees for ensh, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market prire. Kline's Grove, Nov, 3, 1855. Saddle mid llnriiCM) ITSnkci Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. IT. Stroh, KnsrECTFlil.LY informs the citizens of Sunhury nnd the pub lic generally, thnt he hns Inken cstalilishiucnt lately occiuiied lv Goo. W. Stroh, nnd having ci.gngcd scvcrnl good workmen, will bo enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in thts section of country. Orders promptly execeted and nil kinds of pro duce taken in exchange. Banbury, O.tobrr 27, 1855. ly DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN DEEN, Jit., Market Street, Dannillc, Pa, TU'IS is one of the largest nnd most rommo dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania, it has been recently fitted up, in excellent style, with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22, ll?5.r). THACHER Sc VODDHOP, WHOLESALE HOOTSIIOR ti TRUNK WAREHOUSE, A'i. 101 -lirA Street, up Stilus, Hetween Third & Fourth Sts., upper side. near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bags nnd Vnliees of all descriptions. CHARLES V. THACHER. ROIJERT S. WODUROr. rhilndelphia, .bin. 12, lS.rfi If Bargains at tlio Old Stand. FRZXiXNC- 6c GRAI-IT Kb now opening a new and very desirable stock cfFAI.l. mid WINTER Goods, cm iiracin; nn cnoiess varieiy. I ncir slocK con sists in part of Black & Fancy Ercadcloths & Cassiracrcs, Winter Wares for men nnd boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain ami Ivjurril P.lacl: An assortment nf Flaid Stripe nnd Figured Fan cy Dress Silks nt unusually low prices, Shellics, II razes, Drnzo He Lains, Mas. De Lains, Lawns, &c, GINGHAMS from (. to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 12 WHITE GOODS, Cambric, .Taeonotls, Swiss, Turlton, Mull, Hobi- nctt, I'renrh nnd Svi--s Lnces, Edcins, Ac. Drown aud blenched Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, ic. CIlOCKRir.S. HARDWARE and GUEEI7SWAEE, Cedjr-warc, Hollow-ware, Iron, SU'cl, Plaster Suit and 1 ish. Also a tresh supply of ii:u us ami Mi:rtci.Ni:s. Thankful for past favors, we hope by i.trii t attention a lid n desire to pV-UKr, still to meet Willi the appruva! of our friends. t"4 Country produce of nil kinds taken nt the highest market price Sunhury, Nov 3, I3.V. ly. BHE auliseribera oU'es o reward nf fifty dollar - for the ilin-ovi ry und conviction of the per son or Jiersons, who cut and destroyed the bands on the Machinery nf their breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Slumokin and .Ml. C'armi I, on the niiit of the 9th inst. The. above rcwaid will be paid to any one giv ing iiifonim ion that will lead to the convictioi of the oll'enders. CLEAVER, FAG ELY & Co. Shnmokin Oct. 27, H55. if. SEGARS' El Ni pluno, LI Dorado, El Duciido, Uio Hondo, Rccriiidiires, La Curiosidad, La Semiarinis, C'nnalos, l'lantation, Havana Cheroots, For Kale nt WEISER & 11 R UN ER. Sunbuiy, May 20, 1855. rpiiASK'S Magnetic Ointment nt - May i'J. WEISER ik URUNEIi'S. A Fin lot of Wall I'aperjust received nnd for saio 'V v.M. McCAKTV. Murket Street. Sniibury, .lime 2,1 R55. If ARDWAKC-Tablc Cutlery, Razors, Fork rt Knives, Hand saws' Wood saws in frames. Axes, Chisels, Dour Links, nnd Hingis, H ind Dells, Waiter, J e., just received nnd for sale by I. W. TEN Eli iV CO. Hiinburv Dee. 2, 1851. VUIDKIC. bwiss. Mull, liobinetl, French laces, Chucks, Collurs, Undershcves nnd Chemisettes, Heak dresses, Velvets and Velvet trimmings, Turkish counterpanes, Elankets, Drochc, Thibet A: Day State Shawls, for sale by Suubury, Dec. I, '55. E. V. URICHT. RICOPHEROUS 6 dor., for sale by May 19. WEISEI1 Si IIR'IN' NER. XXTALL FA PER A large and splendrd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Ta per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale 17 I. W. TEN EH & Co, rJunbury, May 56, 1855 IRENCH Hack cloth, plain A. fancy Cassi - meres, Cassinetts, Overciiatinir. Satin and Silk Velvet vest patterns, fcilk and Wool Hats, Cups, Scarfs und Monkey Jackets, for sale by Sunhury, Doc. 1 55. E. Y. ARIGHT. SADIES' Dress Goods. Spiing and Summt. J Shawls, Lilack silk, kilk poplins. Do Laine, -ii":hams, De liage, Lawns and calico, just ro reived B,,d for gtte i,y VM. A. KNAD11. Lower Augusta, May 8, 185L B LACK Fully a good article for tue by Aiay YVtlsEK A llKI.NER. 1NDELLIDLE INK at May 18. WElER Ax DRIVER'S. AYERrS PIILS. roa all ths rraroEEs ov & FAMILY PHYSIC. There has long enlsted a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on a) sure and perfectly safe in its operation. ThU li been prepared to meet thnt demand, nnd an cxten aivc trial of its virtues hns conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purposa dcsiiJi'''4 It i easy to make a phvsical pill, but not ensy m make the best of all pills one which should have none of tha objections, but all the ndvnntnuct t every other. This has been attempted here, ',, with what success we would respectfully submit i' tho public decision. It lias been unfurtunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgntiva medicine is acrimonious nnd irrltatine to the bow els, 'i'his is not. Many of them produce ao much ripin pain and revulsion in the system as to mora than counterbalance the good to tic derived from them. Theso jiillt produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no hnrm can arise from their nse in any quantity t but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they arc ap plicable nre Riven on tho box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its vnrious forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- Crtite, Listlcssness, Irritability, Bilious liendnche, Hious Fcvrr, Fever nnd Ague, Fain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these arc but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient, tliey afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dvscntory, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of tho body, Ulcers nnd impurity of the blood ; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They hnvc also produced some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, (ravel, F.rvsipclas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Buck, Stomach, nnd Side. They Bhould be freely tnken in the spring of the year, to purify tho blood and prepnro the system for the change of seasons. An nccasionnl dose stimulates the Btomnch and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite nnd vigor. They purify the blood, nnd, by their stimulant action on the circulatory syncm, reno vate tho strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot bo enumerated hero, but they suggest themselves to tho reason of every body j aiid it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any tiling which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues arc onco known, the public wilt no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine lleing sugar-wrapped they are filcasant to take, nnd being purely vegetable, no larm can nrise from their use in any quantity. For uiinute directions sec wrapper on the Dos. PREPARED 1Y JAMES C. AYEll, r radical nud Analytical Clicnilst, LOWELL, MASS. Prico 25 Cents por Eox. Five Boxes for $1. AYKR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of On.!lS. COLDS. IIOARSEXKSS, MIOXl IIITIS, H HOOPIXU-I OIGK, t'KOIT. ASTHMA, AM) roxsiiairTiox. Tins remedy lias won for itself sxrh notoriety from its cures (if every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recnt tho evi dences of its virtues In any community where it fins been employed. So wide is tlio field ol its use fulness, and so numerous tho cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who havo been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. AVhcn once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing nnd dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which arc incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lungs, but for the mi'.ricr varieties of, Coroiis, Hoarseness, Sc.; and for Ciiildiien it is the pleasantcst and safest medicine that can be obtained. . As it lias long been in constant ue throughout this section, we need not do more than assure tha people its quality is kept up to tne nest inai it ever as been, ana max me genuine muiac is "iu uj WYiaor fc Jtrtmer, Simlmry; Uinl Sc Julm, Shmnokin V. WicHHT, Noriliuiriln'i'l.t'id ; .T. V. Oislnw, Milton iin-l by nil Dnt'Vjjt.-fn in Nurliieni l'tn;iivunia. June VM, -!y. COLEKAN'S CHEAP CUTLEHY STORE, Ao. 21 A'orth ThiM St., Mow Arch, PSilLAEELriJIA. "i'I'NTRY Mcrehai:H c:.n re 1'r 11:1 ten to : cm f . r t . Ev ; n- bv 'ill:' tit I If a'' :y ;nv:i oni'Illi'-:' pnr.d. r liul- r-U. :.:.! ! call 11 . . . i - I . her.', j- r r.- ; ' I K.d.vsM.l! i v: - ' .! ',1. ! wo.ld h.,ii , . I . . Mi ' lidtchrr Kiiives, l)irl,. J.r.vie Knives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, Ac. Also a large nssortment of Aeeonleons, Ae. Also line Englinh Twist nnd German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. CO, 18r.r) ly. Importer. NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. II. C. GE Alii I ART, IJE.SrECTFUI.LY nunoiince to the cilizcns of Norlhuinberlaiid nnd tlio adjoining coun ties thnt he lins opened a t'onf.-. tinnary and Fruit Storo in MARKET (JITARE, Sunhury, where hu mamifacturi s and keeps on hand, at nil times, the most choice Confectionary, Stc, Wholesale and Retail, at I'hiladulphia prices. Among bin stuck if Cnufcctioiiarics, may be found : I" rcui li Pci rcls, Ouin, all kinds of scent, ('renin Wlntc ituu-u iiii'mu.', J...IC I'Olps, .Hint I'mps. rca and while, Jelly Cukes, I'niil L'rops, ti.'k Caiulics, of nil scents K.iek Candy, Almond Cuiiily, EIIL'IT. " Vllllllh. l.iqiitirn-c, PrniU'S, Carh, Nut of all kinds Currinitu diji-d, Ali'-u'mJs, l.K.MOX KYHUH of a superior cpuiliiy, by the single or dozen. A auperinr quality of ISi gars nnd Tobacco, and a vuiicty of ('oufeclionarica, fruit, Ac, all of which is oH'crcd cheap at wholosala or retail. Come nnd sec ho will try to plensc. Orders from a distance promptly ntteuded to. iiuiihiiry, AuB. 4, 1855. ly. HENRY DONNEL ATTORNEI' AT LAW. Ojfice opposite the Court Hume, Sunbuiy, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt atteulioii to btibiuess in adjoining Comities. M 13 ANN'S LETTER PltRsSF? with ifilhooks,! nk, and all complete, just weeived, and for sale bv H. B.MA5SER. Sunhury, June 4, 1853.- ROCERIE8 Scaars, Coffee. Molasses "B Spices. Oils, llrniidv.tiin. Wine. Macker el, Herring mid Bait, just received and for salo "y VM. A. KNAUB. Lower Augusta May 8, 185L VERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Coin Starch just received by May I'J, I .--. WE1SF.R St Ilk UN EI!. f lAMI'HIKE and Fluid of the best quality For sale by WElBER 4- BRUNEIC Sunhury, May 19. 1855. "liliANKS. nLANKS every description can he had y UV c?V vine attheoOice of the American 3IiDC3SM3BS. BURTON & FENTON, S. J!'. comrr SixlTi an rl Arch streets, rim.ADF.Lrim. TEAS I Tens!! on uncommonly full nnd choice assortment of black nnd green Teas of all grades, from the extremely low price of 30 cts 35 40 50 GO 70 t 75 els. pet lb., warranted to be superior to any to be hod else where nt tho snmc prices. We know ond confi dently recommend them to be 20 per rent.chenp er than nny for sale in the city. We have also a very superior assortment nf Coffee, Old Cnv't, .lava, Lii'iayrn, Marnraribo-, lio ahd Cap- Hay tien ('.Mli c. New No. 1 Mackerel nnd Shad in i and . I id, rr tie may be desired. Cheese, Pine .Apple, ,tp S,ic;o, lew Yolk Cream Cheese nl-w-iys un : in;. brow 114. nd white nlso II. 1 .'ri.Tll ,V Cr Chemical Olive Soap, one Hi. el which will ro as far 11s 2 of ordinary brown p- Also March of dillerent qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, nn rhovcys, &c, with n full assortment of Fancy (foods, to which we invito the a tcntinn of iho public to call nnd examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for sr.Ic bv BURTON & KENTON, Wholesnle nnd Retail Family Oncers nnd Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth nnd Arch sts. N. 11. Goods delivered to all partt of the cily free of chnrge. rhila., Sept. 22, 1 855. npl Sy Trusses! Trasses !! Trusses!!! -Jfl C. II. NEEDLES, m. T TJ.t.l l.'.l.- 4. S. II'. Cbr. of Twelfth and Jlace Streets, Philadelphia. JMPORTER of fine French Trusses, comhi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating side allcclcd. Cost of Single Truss, $2, f :1. f 1. $5. Double 5,'5, Jfi, iiS nud ?! 10. lnMn.rtions ys to wear, nnd how to elKet a cure, when potable, scut with the Truss. Also fr sale, in liiricly, Dr. niinning's ImpriiD'tl i'litrnl Doily P. nut, For the euro of Prolapsus Uteri : Spinal Props nnd Supports, Patent Miouldcr llraces, Chest bx panders and 1. rector Braces, adapted to nil with Stoop Shoulders nnd Weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes mnle. and female. tV Ladies' Rooms, with Lndy attendants. l'hila., AG. 1855. ly F 8. AYXSE'3 CHEAP WATCH AND JKWF.LKY STORE iVo 72 Kortk Second Street, (opposite tli Mount J'cnion House j Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea ses, ."jiSS ; Sil.ver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepino, do., $9 : Hunrticr. $5 to $7 : Cold Spectacles. 1 50 to $10 ; Silver do., 1 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., 4 75 to 7 50 ; Cold Pens nnd Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fino Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard nnd Fob Chains. All goods wnrranted to re ns represented. niches nnd Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac., made to order. N. If. All orders sent by muil or otherwise, will he punctually attended to. Phila.,Srpt. 22, 1855. fyw. NEW IIASCNIC HALL, rilll.ADHI.PHI.V. AGT.NTS WAXTF.D in every town nml eniinty in the iiun-u slates, it) ecu uie ijciiuuiui picture 01 tlio GRAND L0D4ER00M. In Hie New .Mosic Halt.. I'liilndclpliia. This Plato i seltiiior. very raputly. anil elicits the. ailiiiuiitinn uf ull, for lliu e jrrccitu'Rs mid fidelity with which the Statcary, Frksco Paictinos An Fcrmtcke nre represent. -il. niul theiirlifliic lit'uuty unit Iririii'iny of the colors. Size o! l'lare, V'J X 2. rnce no. ntsl Picture Dealers winliinr? to take nrcn eics for it. wiH;ilcnse adUress, fr funher iiif'.ruiaii.)ii. i..x. i(ii:riiAi., l.illi igraiihcr, Pliiladeli'liia. Oct.ibcr27, tf GEE AT HASOIIIC HALL. TIIK I.APfir.riT PIANO roP.Ti;, MKI.onr.nN AND nil ML' STlIKi: IN Tilt; LNH1.1I 1 A I Kr, Will lie opened Octiln-r l.illi 153, in Mm Misomc liuiLDiN'o, i.nesiiiir rsnent, m.ive r-uvt iil 11, 1 '0 1 n :u. liyJUUN MAKSU, the Sr.Ic Ajrent H.MrdiiKill, (ray .V I'o.'s eclt-lmiteft n.lce liinpima Attnclnnent I'iiino 1'nil.B, unit C W. Kisk .V C.i's I'rellliiltn Mclo- ileuiis. Alio, INauo r.ntcs and :ilel..lenns .f other .lis tiiiuislicit ni:i!cers. J. M. h:is o'.tnined 11 leuc for several yentK in the new, iieiir.ii ticcnt imtl well known M:is'nie ittiildmi;. wb-re lie intends keeping the Inrirest stock ami nv'rtnienl ol' Piaun l-'orles, MclodcoiiK, Muic, ati.l.Mu ical tiilruiii.'uti of cveiy (leferipti-in, nil of which nre e:irtiulty s.'lt-eteil hy himself, and warranted to give pcr lect irttiiactioii in every iu!!iiicc. tlc-t' -JTtll, Kij If CJiKAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. " "E.'ii V A- El.ETV, invite the attention of 1 n. r. t:;:r; ri nd ''t!i. i.i to their lar'je stock of 1 b'lr.mtly I--v.i..! JtlMrs, Hymn Hooks, Prayer I' '"k.-. .M', 1 n. I Presentation liooks in all -'vies r.f binding ; Standard 'I'heologicni, Medical, Miscellaneous and School IJooks, which they have received from Trade Kales and aro selling at extremely low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers nnd Im porters, evcrv kind of Plain nnd Fancy Writinp, Lettor nnd Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Sleef Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, &c, &c., at the lowest cash prices. PKliltY & l'.KKl V. S. W. Corner, 4 lit and Race Sts. Philadelphia. Keplemher 22, 1955. tf 3SXEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, i. W. Tt.EK & Co., Snnlitiry, I'a., OESPECTFULLY announce that they have i' just received a largo and varied stock of splendid Roods suited to the season ; nn inspec tion of which they solicit frcm their friends and the public they will be sold at low prices, as they still adhcro to their old motto : "Small prnfts and quUk Sulci." This in the end pays best, while it best serves their customers. 1 heir stock now consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies' Dress Goods in Rrcat varieiy, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, Coburps, all wool de tains, Culicoes, Ac, with a larjc assortment of dress trimmings.-Hroche, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollen shawls, workeJ collars, cuffs, sleeves, chemisettes, iyc. A new stock of Ready made Coats, Vests, and Pantaloons, of superior stylo nnd workmanship. Also, Hats, Caps, Hoots nnd Shoes together with a general assortment of Hardware, Queens ware, Groceries, Provisions, Ccdarware, Drus, Puints. Oils and Nails. Come and see, no chargo is mado for show inc; goods. Country produce taken in exohange forgoodt. at the highest market prices Sunhury, October Itf, 1855. IEIIEKINE, Vernlria, Chinordine and Cin- chonia, just received by May 19, 1H55. WEISEIl cV BUHNER. VANILLA BEANS just received by WEISEH & HKL'NEIt. Sunhury, May 19, 1855. flLEY'S COVGIl CMNDY. excel ' lent remedy for couzhs. colds. For aula at this ollice. December 4. 1853. QHAIN TUMPS.- A small number of these v-' excellent pumps have lieca received and are offer 1 for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunnurv, June 4, 1855. nOOFLAND'S Bitters at Mai 19. WEISEU AV BRUNEU'8. IAUINESTOCsf I Verini'iige, for ssle W M.i) UJ. A E1SEK Al BHrtVER TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEHMAN, 2UEBN & WEITZEL UEsrFCTFUI.LY Inform tho public flint they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert Colliery, and nro roady to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a vnriety of prepa red on their new cont nrenker. A II orders pron'ipt nttended to by addressing the firm, cither at JJunbury or Shamokin. ' Hurib'ury, Juno 30, 1855. ' Photography ! Daguerreotj'pes ! I A NEW ERA IN ART 1 J. E. KcCLEES, I Successes h McClces German,) WOULD cnll the' attenion of the public, not only to the auperibrhy of the Dnguerrco tvpes, the Hynlogrnph, (by some called Ambro typc,) and tho various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, thnt parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, tuny, bv send ing it to No. 100 Chestnut St., have mode from it by the tnrnns of Photography, and the talents of the iK-st Artists, a portrait of ast aim, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A smnll book containing description, prices, iVc, Ac, will be sent grutis to any person ma king the request. McCI.EES' Philadelphia. Photograph Establishment, No. 100 Chestnut st., below 7th rhila., July 21, 1853. if. Shamokin White Ash Anthracite CoaL Prom the "Old Vein" t' the Gap Collier;. Jll, ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. PURSEL successors to Kase, Recti & Co., will con tiitue mining, shipping nnd selling coal from (he above well known Colliery, under the firm of Ziinmennnn & Pursel. The point of shipment is nt the lower wharf in Sunhury, Northumber land county, Pa., whero all outers for tlio various kinds of coal, viz: Lump, Urnknn, Lag, ftovc, nnd Chestnut Coal, will bo thankfully received nnd promptly ntteuded to. Sun. ;ury, j u!y 11, lo-i, St s;ier.,.ti i.r 5, 1855. The firm of Kase, Reed & Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf nt Sniibury, to Messrs. Zimmerman & Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others t" the new firm, as they will bo able to sell them prepared coal of the best quality. KASK, Kh.l'.U & UU. J aTm E S BARBER WIlOt.K.SAI.K A I1KTAII. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, .V. P. corner of Second Chestnut Sts. Where may be foii'id, one of the largest nnd iest assortment of Clocks nnd Time Pieces in the United States, in qunntities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; embracing every variety nf style nnd manufac ture, suitallo for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping Kitch ens, Steam nnd Canal Boats, and Rail road (Jars. N. If. Clocks Repaired und Warranted. Clock Trimmings fur sale. Also, Manufacturer of Hurler' Celebrated I'ine GOLD PENS Enbracing all the qualities of ihe finest quill pen, in addition to which the durability of the metal is fully associated and developed. Gold nnd Silver Pencils, nud Pen Holders, Plnled Ware, &c, wholesnle nnd retail. Thorc wish ing to purchase ate invited to call. J AMES BARBER, S. E. comer Chestnut nnd Second Sis., l'hila. Philadelphia, June 2a, 1855 ly, EOYD, ROSSEE & CO., MINERS AND SIliri'EKS OF Uct si) SlntljvacUc tfoal. From tlio Luke Fidler Colliery Dhnmokin, North'd County, Pcnna. Address. Boyd, llosscr St Co., Sunhury, Pa. 11. v. Horn. J. uossEn. jas. Horn. T. iiosseh. Sunhury, April 7, 1855 tf. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY HEMEDIE3, TPJ' Kl) tiiiiti i the Seal, Sanction sn.l Anth.aity of Ihe I I'l.ivcrml)- nf FHKK M I'.UIC'INK nnd p.iplar km.vv-I'-.lue, t'liiu tcrcil liv the Stntt. i.f I'ciitisvtviiiiiii. Anrit'JO. 1S55, with n t'npitnl nf SIIHUHKi, mainly fur tlic pnrpwc "f urrcMii. niti cvnsoi r-Hiii.iiis una worthless Ahu'miiiis ; Al8.t t'-ir fflltlyill the CoillTiiiiuil y with rclial.le Iti-nti1-.tics wherever :i Cniniieteiit rhysiei.-in caiinol ..r will n"t lie rmployisl. This 1 list it lit ' has purcliascd fi.iiil IJr John U. ltowi.Nii, his C. Miiutetl Ilownntl' Tonic nilxlciro. Knvvil for upwards .f twenty-live years nu t (it nnly sure nnd iriiVeiire t'..r Kl''l'.lt sii.l Aiiri-:, Ac. nml Ins ines' Iteine.lyl'.ir III IWMI. f.l ll ', At N'I S. It.imiml's I' pound r-ymp n" lll:ieklH.rry l!.it, Whiell highly ii,. pl'.ve.l nnd v .pillar IteiiieitieK, t..eliier with Tin- I'liiversity's Iteii.tlv ft.r I '.ilnplaintM nf the I.uiejK ; The 1'iiicerMly's Itemetly Py;epvia or lii.tieblii.a J The University's llenieily t'.-r Cniitive-l!..welK; Also, ttin t'nicerr-ily,ti Aiinanac may I lie had, at the Uraueli lJiupcrtsniy, nr sUiru ,.' V1I.U.M m.l'PIN, Nov. 3, I'.-.l. Maliaiioy p (l. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel i-'rames, ITATIIEMATICAL Instruments reparate aud in cases, Thcinonirtcrs of various sizes, Spy Classes of every description, l'latina poinisfor Liithtuiiii; Rods, Mntjic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical nud temperance designs, Microscopes nnd Microscopic objects, lialvaiiic lf.itteiies. Electrical Machines, Surviyer's Coiu panses, Survevini; C'haivs Ac. Ac. McAllister a ijrother. (Ehtublished in l?tlli.) 11)4 Chestnut Street Philudelpbia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (S I pnges) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, and sent by n:al' '-e of charge. Philn. tjept. H, lc'C'5. GENUINE HONEY SUAP. FTHE imrity, fratjranre A mild emoliient nli$i jiioperurs ui iius nun p.. renders it especially de- iS&fejt sorvinjr a placo on every l3S3j23)Pv toilet. Forchnpped hands, JL.'IiS, and various diseases of 'rZSlSSSi Ihe skin, it is uueiualcd. Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, HiS South Second street, Philadelphia. No other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water. This scap has pointful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, lJirt, Ac, from every description of goods wilhout injury to them. For ull domestic purposes it is superior lo any other soap in use, and 30 per rent, cheaper than the common rosin soap. Each bar is stamped. WILLIAM CON WAV, ICS South SeconJ street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sicrm, steoritic nud tallow cutnllcs, itnpuiUr und dealer in sal soda, soda ah, rosin, Ac. Orders by mail promptly attended lo. l'hila. August S.1, 155. If. sjvv-iisra- zfttistid or tiik UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trtwt Co. & P. corner 'Jhird and Chestnut ,it., rMiii.Ain:i.i'iiiA CJil'ITl. $'430,000. MON KY is recelvt-it on deposit daily. The nnioniil drpogiltd is etiti-ii-d in lcp.fcit U.H.ti snrl stven t.i the LeMmtor, nr, if preferred, s rerlilK-ate will l itivcn A II mini, large and mnall, uit rui-t'ived, und the uiiiomil iiit hucll ml driimiid. williout luitice. liileivirl is miicJ at ihe rule of viva ri.n rtsr, ineiicijig Iroiu the day .l iliM'it, mill ceutni; funrlein days pu-vions to the willulimval ol Iht: lui.nev. On the til st day tit Junuary, in emit yfar. the of eudi deisiftit is paid to the diHitort oi added to tin- princi pal, nt lie uiuy rel'er. The Cmiiuiiv luive now upwiiirU of a,oou deioiloi in I lie City ol !liila1.'lliia uloue Anyadilitioiial inluiuutioii will Is given by addruin ths TAUEK. iHBECTOUS. Sicphru R. Crawford. I'r. I, M illmm M n.Klwiu, lnvriaicv J'.lil.boii, Viit l'rv't, Psul II t.xtri.ld, Ainttfiis4 W. ThoiniuNin, George Mell.-iiry, lienjaniiii W. Tingluy', James llrv.fti.ux, Juuob L- Flurunce, OukUvus ngtikli. Kecrelary and Treasurer, l'l.liV I'lkK. asb ISTusrliKrl.K, J C. fJIUll. JllLAlihR. PUiiaJvti'liiu, ti'.-pt. , Itjj. 1 r New Gooda for the People ! j BENJAMIN IIEFFNER TlESPECTFl'LLT Informs the puhtielii gen eral that he has just received and opened splendid stock of Fall and Winter Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. 111s slock consists tn pari 01 Cloths. Cassimers. Cassinete. of all kinds, of linen, entton end worsted. ALSO 1 Cnllcocft, Gliigtinniff, I.aiTun, ItlouMgcIIno Io Lnlncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries Also an assortment of Ilnrdwnrc. Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WAKE, or various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS U SHOES. HATS & CA PS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, fcc. And a great variety of other articles such as arc suitable to tho trade, all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. tar Country produce tnken in exchange the highest prices. Lwwer Augusta, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. rillLADELrHIA.. 1 J- MacLELLAN, (late of .lones Hotel,) has the pleasure to inform his friends and he traveling community, thnt he has leased this House for a term of years, nnd is now prepared lor the reception ol itursls. The Local advantages of this "ivoritc establish ment arc too well known to need comment. , Tlio House nnd Furniture have been pu in first rale order: the rooms are large nnd well ventilated. Tho Tables will nlwnys be supplied with the best, nnd the proprietor pledges himself that no cnort on his pnrt slmll be wanting to make tho United States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the (junker Uity. Fhilii., July 8, 185L SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DKAl.Ell IN Lamps, Lanterns, Clianildicrsani! Cantlclubras, Ao. 152 S. 2d street, nAoee Spruce, ritll.ATELrHIA. S"Javiti(; enlarged nnd improved his store, nnd " hnviusr one of the largest nssortmcnts of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now nrepnred to fur nish Pine Oil, Cnmphcno, liurning Fluid, Lnrd nml (Ml Lamps, nud Lanterns of all patterns. (ilass Lumps by the package, nt a s"iall advance over auction prices. lining a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pino Oil, liurning Fluid nnd Alcohrl which will be furnished to Merchants nt such prices that they will find it to their ndvanlngn Is buy. Also, Household tilassware of all deseri tious nl the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Out. 14, 1854. TIIK VOCKKT.r.SCULAPlUS: Olt, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. ,f?t;- rpiIK FIFTIETH F.di 1 V -NV W JL linn ivil It (Ina II I ,-n.l . liiii "im vim iimiiuuu Kngravinfis ihowinc Pis- virfi rnsK'! nml Malformations of llic Human feystfin in every happ nnd form. To which is oiMcd a 'iVcatise on the Dienwrs of Females, hcinc of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. T.ft futlipr )ie nF'innifd to prfucnt n copy (if the A'.& Ct LAlMt'S tn his cliil.l. It tuny kivu Iuiii irnm hu ctnly (ir;ive. lift ni youib' 111:111 or wdiiihii enter into ti nrtt nliiiirtiiiniiR oi inarricfl lift; willinut rtvulins the IMM'Kll't' .1-ScriiAIMt'r. rt no one sntTt-rini; from ImckiiittJ C'tuuli, I'uiu in the finlr. rt-nlIecB tiriihts, nervous fteluipn, nml the whIr trrttn of lyppenlic sciiKitioiiRt nnd (jtvcii up bv their pliyBii-inn, lie rniotiier inoinent without cou fiiillinij the J.SCl I.APU'ri llnve the innrf iect, or tlm! tilHHit Lo he ni.irriiil any hnppditiinit. rrml this truly usnlul tfHk, ns it has n'r the infiuia of saving ihousnndi of uu f' trtmitile rrcrittirrs from ihe vrv htws of il-nt h. I-Auy htiih unHtiiiiT TWKNTV-I'IVK TEXTS, cnclf.fic.l in n U tter will receive one copy nf this IkmiK, hy m;iil, or five opied will he sent fn one (toll.n. A'lluvs, l)n. W. Vfl NCi, No. m ntt.'CK Streei, I'ilU.A )i:i,1MIIA.M I'oht pnhl. Phil;iih-lii!n:!, Septemher , 1o.. 1 y " NEW FAMILY I! HOC EH Y, Flov.r, Food and Provision .store. SEASIIOLTZ & rETSSY, r,rnadirai. luluren Marked .V Placl hemj Sis. rjEssl'KCTFL'LLY inform the puldic that they have just received n lare and wrll selected aivortmetit of eiiohe Family Criieeries. eonsistin;: in pint of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Hurrinir. White Fi-h, ("ud Fish, Salt Preserved Fiuit, I'iekles, Crackers, Cheese, Molnsscs, l!i e, Sus;:ir, Colfec, (tireeti, rousted and ground.) 1m perinl. Youti llysoti, Ce.npowder and lilack Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, .Soaps, liruslies plow and wash line.:, I100U and shoes, tobacco, sears, Ac, together with every article usually found in a liisl class Crocery Store, all of which will lie sold nt the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We ulsokeep on hand choice Liipiors, Port,, cVc. I'nrber, Ale, Peer, snrs:i urilla, ,Vc. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh liread, twiist, rolls, pics, pretzels nud cakes of every kind. N. 15. 'I'he hthesl rash prices will he paid for luttl.r aud ef.s,, corn, nals. rye und wheat. Siinliuty, July 7, 1X55. 1MRMW 'S I!)IGO i;i.t i:, IMU.OWVS I.MJICO HLL'E, is now we I estahlished ns the hest urtii le ever olfered fur Dlueing Clothes. Il is entirely f'reo from acid or anything iujutioiis to the finest articles. All i . i. r... 1 u , uuu.scr.rf.irii win nun ii iiiui'ii cnetiper anil lens Iruulile than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has hrought out several inn- lutions. Storekcejicrs und consumeis will lit cnretul to Ret Uknj.imiv lUnuiw h, put up at Allrc il utlierRcr s XJrupr More, IVo. Iti'J, .. .Second Street, l'hiladcltihia, Storckcenets can get their supplies from Ihe Grocers and Hrusgisis tncydcul with, at prices yielding a good imilit. Vntgt, Ciemieut, J'niutt, Varuisltt, J)ie lux, Sfc, with a lirsl-rale. assoitiui'iit of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFUEl) WlL'I'IJLKCLlf, Druggist. Iti'J N. Second Street, l'hiludclphiu. July 7, 185.1 ly. SUNBUllY, PA. f Illin sulf rilier resieelfully informs the puhlie L that she still continues to keep tho above named public house. She has nlso received a new supply of good Ihpiors und wines, and trusts that she will be tilde to give satisfaction lo all who may visit her house. MA III A THOMPSON Sunhuiy June?:!, 1855. if. IIAYDOCX & FIDLEH, IILAI.F.IiCi in Watches and Jewelry, will ' continue the liuaiucss at the old stand of James It. Fidler, Ao. 1 2 .Srtii Second Street, lilll.ALlKI.rilU, Where they solicit an examination of their large and vi ied stock, feeling assured that Ihe expe rience both of ihcin have had in Iho business, and Ihe facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, w ill cna. blu them lo compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now oil hand a fine assortment of . "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Ifrittuiiia Wato, Cutlury, Fancy Goods, &c. M. 1). ltepairiug of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry alluiidcd to with promptness and the greatest care. l'hila., April 7, 1855.lf. PAINTS of i cry description just receive.! In WEI.-K1! &. B1U NF.R V-.- A US' FIRST ARRIVAL Of At S. IT. Thompson's Store. In Lnu ir Auvusta townshin. nt lit Junrtin oi the Tvlvehocken and l'lum rre.b t-nnH. rpiIE subscriber having returned from the eily A with a new and extensive It fnshionnble goods, respectfully calls the attention oi i armers, mccuanics anu emers to the same. BrniNG and summer;goods, consisting in part of ' Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Cassincts, Jeans, Drilling Muslins, Vcstings, Tweeds, and all kinds of' ci : i ci nr ' cpuiig anu cummer near, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Loins, Lawns, Ginghams, Jipragcs. Roles, Woolens, Flannels, Ire, Sugnr, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Mslasses, Cheese, Hjiiccs, 8alt, Ac., Ac, Ac. Ilnrdivnrp. Nuils, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives At Forks, Ac uueens ana uiassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, iic, of various sizes and styles. Hesides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. VsT Country produce ol ell kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. S.N.THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. S8, 1855 Furniture ! Furniture ! A'b; 157 Smth Second" (aZoi'eSprvcc,) east side, . PHILADELPHIA. rtlHIT ruhscrilver would respectfully inform the leaders or ihe Simiiiry Amrrimn nd the public generally, that he has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, ond well made Furniture at reasonable, prices, lleing a practi cal mechanic, and having nil his goods manufac tured nnder his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on gelling just such articles as are represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns or Sofa Bedsteads. Thorny who aro about going to housekeeping would d well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, 157 South Second street, rs. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April28, P55. w8 ly. E0UNTY LAND WARRANTS. fpHE subscriber having received the necessary - forms ami insructtions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Bounty Land Warrants at ths shortest nntir. II. B. MASSEPi. 5unhury, Af" 7, 1S55. I. L. BE VAN, SHAIrSOZIlT HOTEL, Ehamokia Pa. rilllE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends JL and the public generally, that he hns taken the above well known stand, and will lie happy to necommodatc all who may givo him a cull. Sliainokin, July 8, ISM. NEW DEUG STORE! WEISI3R & CRUNBR, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Market St., vext door to E. Y. Eright's Store EUNBUSY, TA., FFER to tho public the largest and best v selected stock ever opened in ihis section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PTJRE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Ppires, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-sluHs, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth, Nail nnd Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck aud Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams T ohacco, Segars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con-' fectionaries, FLTiE WINES AND BRANDIES Tor Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every a.-ficle kepi by 'Druggists generally. ZIT Prescriptions Carcfidh) Compounded. GF.O.J5. WEISEH, WM. A. BRUNEI!. Fiinhiiry, May 51, IS.1I. TOBACCO, &c. Nrawcriv, Congress, Eldorado Fitr, Eldorado Cake, Snrsnparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut Andersons For Sale nt WEISER & BRUNER. Sunhury, May 28, 1855. AR. H. H. HHHIEE'S remedy for cough.. colds, and pulmonary diseases. A sitprily .f this valuaHo medicine just received and for sale . , U. MASHER. Siinbnrv. June 4. sr,a RNOLIl'S WRITING FLru7urAdir. ' ive and legal rnveloies, for sale by , , H. B. MASSER. Siinhurv. Ian 10. 1 852 CMI0E8. All kinds of Boots Shoes and sliT- pers for sale by G. ELRBERG A CO, Murket street, opposite the Post Oilice. Sunburv. Oct. , 185:). NOTICK To Trespassers oa the Telegraph Lino. " JVT0T1CB is hereby given, that all person found trespassing upon, or iiijiiring the line of tha Phibulelpliia and Sunhury '1'elcgraph wit. be dealt with according to the act of Asenibly in such case made ai d provided. II. Ii. MASSER, p-t l'hila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co Sunhury, June a, 1H51. tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISKR & BRUNER. This prepaiation is recommended as an tj cellenl laxative and purgative, it operates mihllji , is entirely free from any unpleiisaHt taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine i highly heticficicl for diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather. Sunbuiy, July I, 154 JNIC Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink for sule, whobsale and retail by Icen.ber IHMI. ATS AND CAPS. A splendid lot 0f fashionalda Silt- W also Clth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and M Hilar Cup tor sale low by G. ELSBERG CO. Market street, opposite the Fost Ollice. Sunhury, Oct. 8, 185a GOLD PENS with and without cases, f a very superior quality, just received. A Iso a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale y H. B. MASSER. 8unliurv.J)cc. 27. 1851 TJLANK rarchmeni Taper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Execution, Summons Ac., for sale b H. U. MASSEK. Huuliury ,A.ri S6. 1S5 1 EWELRV A nice assortment of Gald and " Bilver Pencils ami Pens, for sals cheap by U, ELSBEKU A CO.. Market street, opposite the Post Office Bunbury, IM. 8, 185.) SILVER WATCHES A few double cs Enitub Silver Watches, for sil at very low Btict by . . H. B M ASifc'lL buiibuiy, Apii II, ilil t v