fllJlll, IMAftbT, S0 tlOAftfJ. 1 To tltoM who tat not cXtttnliih! the irta tNtlcal rotorna poMiSuod annually hj the OoTernmMit the amount pnld prery yenr for luxuries Kill appear fabnioni bnt th figure do not lie, no mutter who mny doubt. We boast of our ability to feed the world, and of the business we aro doing in that way noWf but we suppose that tho silks piece goods including ribands, bnt not buttons and nrnamnnts chioflv manufactmed of silks brought here for the adornment of Ropubli cans and their wires and dnnfrhtors exceed in talne, by eieht million of dollars, all the flnur that we send abroad. Yet snce is tho fac t. In the year endintr Jam 30th, 1855, w ex ported $14,783,394 iu flour, and imported 2'2.4"0.Jll in silks, leaving the b&lnnee we hae above stated to bo ennrped to the dif ference betwerri the pride of A mi'ricons and the appetite of all the world besides. Onr cornfields, particularly in the West, aro the occasion of much national boastinjr. We measure them singly by miles square, ami estimate their aggregate value lit hundreds or millions ; but the amount of this our national staple which we send abroad is overshadowed by tho cost of the cifrars with wh'ch, we poi son onr breath and rniu our health. In the period we hare named, corn worth $1,874,077 )ft oar ports, and cigars valued at 43,311, 935 were brought in. The herds of cattle and the resulting bar rels ol beef people never tire of talking of. They seo in them a large part of the material with which wo claim we can fill the maw of all civilized mankind. Our merchants who aro in that line watch the foreign markets with great solicitude, and guage their prices by the signals from the other side of the wa ter. Bui tho beef, tallow, hides, and "horn cattlu" we Bold for other countries only $2, t!l4,.5 1 in the last commercial year, and 'lu ring that t i mo we bought brandy to the amount of $3,241,408. We deal leargely in tobacco, raiso it in quantities, chew and smoke it without limit. It constitutes the third in value in tho list of -f.minodities which this country hns to spare. Yet we export only 811,319,319 iu value of this article yearly, and last year we received in return tea and coflfce amounting in round numbers to $24,000,000. Kven in narcotics the balance of trade is largely against us. Uacoti lard, and live hogs are not unim portant items in our commerce ; yd wo send abroad only enough of these to buy tbu linen that we wear. But "cotton is king." That wipes out the pecuniary efluct of the follies and extrava gances which all have conspired to commit. Of that we sent out last year ship loads enough to swell the agregate value of the ex port to $.1 09,450,000 an amount greater than the value of all other exports specie included. Chicago Tribune. Kncoi'nthr with x Wci.r. Somo two or three weeks sinci'. says tbe Cumberland Tel egraph, a very large main wolf, driven by hunger from tiio mountain forests, umdo Lis appearance iu the region of country in this i-'iunty, known as the Crossings Forks, lie rii;ti:iit:iv:utl llio depredations upon stock au iie.iii to le considerable of an annoyance to Jus nr. ah indineu of that locality, lie kept yut o hani;'3 way several weeks. At lust a v,Kiii.i inn ti named Christian LSeachv, who had -retj"ien:!y encountered his tracks in the deep K-n'.ly encountered his tracks in tlie deep r, declared his intention to give him chase I'll ow ;f'o ever came across him when hu (Beacby) ni on hid favorite horse, a powerful und swift .' '.i d lu.ini il, capable of endurauco und tible '.(! A'llhbtutid the hardships of a vigorous daub 'against tlie unscrupulous iuvuder of sheep folds aud stock yards. A few days sioco Beuchy, in company with another young man, also mounted, beheld the wolfs track in the snow. It was fresh, appa rcntly just made, and a pitch for hitn was at once determined upon. Tho snow was up wards of two feet doep, but nothing daunted, Ueuchy, on his powerful horse, plunged through into the fo:e t fo.lowed by his coin- anion, who was unablo to keep within hail ing distance. Tho wolf finding himself pur sued dashed boldly forward, but the gallant titced of Ueachy, after a rapid chase of halt an hour, bore him by the side of the wolf. Springing from his horse, he (being unarmed) ruuirht the animal by the tail. Then a battle c-iSiiud of a ueree character 1 ue won anupnua ...s povenu, ,,. - ii j l r..i : :.. I .v.k ...s... "" J v" -V j-"-s huoui, unu uuuniiisu.-inK, '"" opportunity, a poweriui kick who u neaj boot in tho sido, he managed to bold on unin jured until tho arrival of his companion, when Itie lorocious uniinal was uispaiciicd wiui one well &.mt.d biow from a club. lieuohv is a man of irreut muscular power end coiir:ij:i', and the two combined enalili-d biiu to retain his bold upon the wolf until tie w is d tiutchcd. Wheu his cocupauion arri ved in.' u.' nearlv exlianstod. Thf wolf woufd not have been so easily captured, but having been indiscreet in his young days, ho had put one of his feet into a ftet'l trap, und had thereby lost the entire foot to the tirst joint. A Hrtebk Resuks In the Democratic City Convention yesterday, when the question of nominating a candidate for City Solicitor was np, Mr. Oeorce W. Biddle, who aspired to the honor, made a desperate clutch at it by rising and boasting that be was the fmt person that had proposed the prohibition of the use ol the lSiule in the puhlic schools. The statement was received in profound and ominous silence, and when the balloting took place, ho was left far behind his competitor. , A more signiGcant aud crushing rebuke could not have been administered, and no one can regret the defeat of Mr. Iiiddlo. It is singular that in a community like this, a man eould have had tho temerity (for wo cannot rail it courage) to make such a declaration. The whole community take a deep interest in the question reforrsd to, and it is an encour aging thing to find that even tho Democratic party will not encourage the sentiments ko tool sli.y uttered in their representative body. JLveinny ISulletxn, April IP. Arctic Seas is NoRTnr.BX Lakes. Mr. James J. Strung, the "monarch" of Beaver Isle. Lake Michigan, the celebrated Mormon lea ler, in sending to the binithsoman Insti tution his meteorological returns, says "Ai j.im mail is sent by a man on snow shoes eighty miles and back at my private oipenbu, 1 do not cot off but one or two a mouth. Our winter so fur Las boon very fine, though a lit tlo cooler than usual: but tho field of ice is immense, bevond all oiamr.lc I think there is two thousand square miles more of ice north of the Maniton Islands than bavo been known before within the date cf tho earliest tradition. Nine feet of ice was f.iund by cutting through off South Fox Island, where ice was never seen bofore. This is to be attributed us much to tho btill tiess of the water as the severity of tho cold. Very little ice is banked. Most of it remains undisturbed where first formed. IIoi.loway's Ointment and Pii.lb an in fallible Itemedy for B otches on the skin. Edgar Mortimer, ased 25, of Tbird-etreet i iiiiauoinnia, was lor nve years a severe sufferer with blotches on the skin, the whole ..f his face, neck, arms, and hands, being dishptired with them like sinall-poxt he con- siltud several very clever medical men. who told him is wa3 the predicating symptoms of fcOiu,a oiaeaae, wnicu murnieo. mm exceeding. W s however, he took Hollow', piiu im. gsediately, and rubbed tbe Ointment on the parts effected, and in two weeks tbe whole of the blotches disappeated, and his health was considerably improved. Tbes. remedies ill eare tbe mott deeply seated old woaadj aui ulcers, even ot. twenty yen's e'aeC.i'fr New Advertisements. TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. Tlie Northumberland county Teacher's In stitute, will moet, at McEweosvillo, on TUESDAY, the 20th or May next, at 10 o' clock A. M. The following frenltemen were appointed to prepare essays or addresses npon the sub jects to which tbeir names are attached, aud by others who may feel disposed. Alphabet J. ti. Shulte, J, 11. Jones aud J. Haughnwout. Orthography J. Dreher, W. Oilger, W. W. Armstrong and J, B. Bartholomew. Reading S. T. Tbarp, C. Kolehncr, W. B. Taggart, Writing J. Vincent, jr., J. Oberdorf, C. Ileecher, D K. McWi.liums and J. A. J. Cummings, Arithmetic W. W. McWilllnms, J. S. Patterson, J. W. McWilliams and D. S. Truckenmillor. (Jeography P. McWilliams, J. 8. Mc Williams, L. Allimaa, W. Fegley and D. O. Bush. English Grammar S. K. Gilger. J. W. Weeks, S. F. Hafley. 8. E. Britlain, H. E. Marts and J. T. Mervine. Astronomy J. Hofl, W. P. Teitsworlh and J. W. Weeks. Philosophy W. P. Teitsworth, J. W. Weeks, W, li. Taggart aud Woods McUuiro. Phisinlnjry. Anatomy and Ilygeue J. W, Weoks and W, B. Teitsworth. Algebra C. A. Iteitnensnyder and W. B. Taggart. Mensuration J. Iloff aud P. S. Trucken miller. School government and discipline J. Hoff, W. P. Teitsworth and E. Oold. The importance of clu? sificatien V, M iles. Female teachers are respectfully invited to prepare essays on subject of their own selection, W. P. TwTswor.rH, Chairman. April 12th, 1856. 3t. Adjourned Court. i N Adjourned Court will be in held Sunbury on Monday the fifth day of May next, ai0 o'clock A, M.t when applications for license un der the late act of Assembly to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors and to hear objection!, Strict compliance with the act of assembly will he required. f; traded from tho Record and ccrtif.cd April lOlh 1856. JAMES BEARD, Frothy. Suhbury, April 12. I8i6 Diiiw6iH7EnANS0N "& "ca Hardware Merchants, Having removed from No. 69 to No. 73 Market Street, Philadelphia, Are prepared, wilh greatly increased facilities, to fill orders lor HARDWARE of every variciv on beit terms, from a full assortment, including Railroad Hhovels, Picks, J c. Country merchants und others will find It to their interest to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. April 12, 1856. ly 1855 Special Express Notice. 1856 HOWARD &c GO'S EXPKKSS. flAVINO J,ti, e.i full express privilege, over II the CATAWISSA. KUMJI.'RY' AND hRII. and ILLIA MSPORT it ELMIRA RAILROADS, we ore now prepared to forward all descriptions of Express Hoods by Passenger Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Eimirn, connecting at Elmira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All goods for Tamsqua, Summit, Cattawissa, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Elmira. and also to Northumberland and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia Office, 02 Chesnut Street. Office Eliuira at United Slate. Express Ollice. April 13, 1856 ly tho'mas palmeh. co)ijiissio ni:itciu?(T, No. 35 North Wharves, .Philadelphia, Whrre the following good, are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples. J'esches, Plums, Pears, Cher iics. A c. .Green Arildsa in Itarrpla or Itv fh IxisKf ' J Bean-i Sweet plltll0M Lt.moll9 reas, bhclrarks, JiuiMns, Fins, Cranberr y. Cheitnnts Onions. Ground Nuts, Prunes, Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, Grapes, I'jiiltry, Egtf, I) utter, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 12, lr!50. lv J. STEWART DEFUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetiugs, Mjsariic Hall, Chestnut St.. Icluv,' Eiijhth, lTOL'J.l respectfully invite ou to call and examine their large and woll selected slock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Kugs, Dour Mats. &c, w hich they will sell to the trade at such price, as wi.l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to rail and examine tbeir stork, before purchasing elsewhere. 1'hlladelphla, April 12, JS5G. ly Dissolution of rartnorshtp. V"OTICE is hereby Riven that the partnership . Iieretotora existing between fcam I A Uerg. stresser & Jno. 1 1 air, in the Mercantile busidess at iTIysburf, lias Iweit dissolved by mutual con' kilt. SAM'L A. BERC.STRESSER ) JOHN HUFF, I The accounts of the late firm will be settled by 8. A. Bcrgslresser who will continue tho bu siness at the old .land. 8. A. DxBosT.rtsis.. ZTlysburg, April 13, 1866 NOTICE JS hereby given Uist . special meetinjf of the storkholders of the Trevorton and Susquehan na Hailioad Company will be held upon the 18th day of April, 1 856, at 'i o'clock, V. M., at the Girard Hous. in the city of Philadelphia. This meeting i. called in pursuance of an act approved March S4, lfiSO, entitled "an act to authorize tho consolidation of the Trevorton and Susque hanna Railroad Company, and the Mahanoy and Shamokin Improvement Company, and to take into consideration tbe agreement entered into between the Directors of said Companies, provi ding for the terms, manner and conditions of said consolidation, aud the mode of carrying the same into effect. By order of the Board of Managers of lb. Tre vorton and Susquehanna Railroad Company. F. L. JOHNSON. Sec'ry. fuila., Marcn o, IHsB. It. 1TOTIOB IS hereby given that . special meeting of th. stcckholders of th. Mahanoir and Shamokin 'improvement Company will b. held unon th. :HlU day of April, 1X56, at 13 o clock, M., atlh. Girard House, in the city of Philadelphia. This meeting is called in pursuance ol an act approved marcn '.i, itt.iA, entitled "an act to authorize tbe consolidation of th. Trevorton and Susque banna Railroad Company and th. Mahanoy a ad ouamoitin Improvement Company," and totak. into consid.r.tion tb agreement anter.d ifO between th. Directors of said Companies, provi ding for th. terms, manner and conditions of said consolidation, aud tb. mod. of carrying the so in. into effect. By order of th. board rf Director, of tb. Man- anoy and baanokui Improvement Company. F. L. JOHN6HN. btc'tj. FuuV. April 6, leoo 4t OATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottle, for aU by 11. B MAWIR. KvxV.-rj, April, 'StS 1856. SPRING MANTILLAS 1856. At 'VvTiolesale and Retail. GBORQE 3BtnIirT c CO. No. 1T4 Chesnut 8irt, PhitadelplitnT In connection vtith Georgt Uuljiin, A'o 361 Broadway, A'ew York. A re now prep, red to supply the Trad, from every section of the Uni.n, with their Importa tions and Manufacturer, for the coming aes.on, comprising .11 the newest deiign., from On. Dollar to the most costly garment, manufac tured. Merchants will find it much to their advantage to examine our .lock previous to purchnsiug. Close Uuyers, purchasing for Cash or Bhort Credit, will receive a liberal discount. GEO. DUI.PIN A CO.. 184 Chesnut street, Philad'.., Kctween Seventh 4- Eighth sis. April 0, I860. 2m w WHITE nORSE HOTEL. POTTKVILLE, pa. r1!iIE subscriber respectfully .nrmtinre. to his -0- nl,l fripnd. and the nubtic. thnt hn has tuken that old did well known establishment, th. White Horso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mshantogo sts., in the Dorough of l'ottsville. The hous. lias re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any olhir Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables aro large, in good condition, and at tend bv careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them cimlortable and saiiKUeo. J03. M. FEGER. April t, 185'.- If BLI1TDS SHADES, &?' AT REDUCED FKICE8. ja B. J. WILLIAMS, No. IS North ttxth St., Philadelphia, Originatorof .11 new stales of VENETIAN lil.l.N Dei, Oold iordcr .'danl l'.n.toj Suades, ol beautiful deiiiuus. Huff, and all other colors of Holland, used for Shades, fixtures, Trimmings, &e., &cc. STORE SHADES PAINTED TO ORDEK. B. J. W. thankful for past patronage, respect fully solicits the citizens el Northumberland County to call and examine hi largo assortment before purchasing elsewhere, WE STUDY TO PLEASE. April 5, 1S56. :iui e FOE S-AJLiE 1 rilWO HOUSES cheap for cash. Ap-dy to Jl J. U. MAHSEK. March 20, 1856. MACKKREL. CODFISH. Constantly on hand and lor sale by J. PALMER &. CO., Market Street Whaf, PulLAbSLnilA. 8A1.MON, II Eli KING, PORK, HAMa AND 5IDES. MIOULDEItS, l.ARD i CHEESE, March 29, 1S5C 3m r IU. It. Ft'SSKLL, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer, No. 1 North Fourth St., N. V. Cor. of Market, Hns now on haiul an cxlennive anortment of the tic we t ami moat tVtsirable kiinJn, includine many KLW STYLES not hrretofore to be had in thie tnurket. An f xaminaiion of our Block ia aolirited before purchasing elsewhere. 17K I'rices a low aa any houac in the citv. March 20, 1S58. Iwc rtll II subscriber is stiil engngrd in the m.nu JL fucturinfj of superior M.cliine L'srjs ftir Cutton oud Woollen Faclories. 'J'lie best quality of Leather and Wire used in making the above, and after on experience of twinly-five venrs, is prepurcd to warrant the in equal to any made in this country. I om also making superior Leather Bauds, cemented and copper rivited, the slretrh taken out by powerful machinery. Elevator Simps for Grist Mills also. Leather Hose, of superior quality, mado as sbove. JOHN' H. HASKELL, Xo. 33 South Uulaw Slioet. Ualtiuiore, Mi. March 39. 185C Sn FRIENDS' CENTRAL DRV GOOD STORE, 8. E. Corner Eighth & Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. rPIIE subscribe! having made very important X addhione to his establishment, by connecting the fust floor of his Old Storo wilh that of the beautiful tour story building adjoining known as HiHMosT Hail, (surmounted wilh n high Cupola, invites his Old Customer, and Friends to an ciumiiiation of us Entirely New S'ock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRV GOODS, selected expressly in reference to the present opening. Tho assortment comprises: Sensnnable Dress Materials, of new and die gunt kinds, Plaid India &. 13 lark rUlks, Shawls, of nil kinds. Hosiery, Gloves oV Mitts, F.inbroideries & Linen C'ainbrick Handkerc'fs, Puruinhins; Goods of all kinds, Irish Linens, Flannels, Moreens, &c, to which arc added New Goads d.iilv, of choice descrip tions. CHARLES ADAMS. P. 8. Persons wishing a splendind view of the City and Yicmitv, cm ascend tha C upola, by a private Stairway which will be found well worth a visit. March S9. 156. Sm w MUltPHY & KOONS WHOLESALE DEAIXttS IM FISH UEEfeiE & I'ltOTISIOYS, No. 47 North WHARVES, below Race Streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of FISH, CHEESE St. PROVISIONS, which they are prepared o dispose of at th. lowest Market rales. Orders promptly executed, March 1, 1856. 8m w Cheap Fruit and Confectionary. IU HK AM & Ei.L,r.US, Wholesale Manufactures aud Dealers in Confec tionary of all Kinds. No. I 13 North Third Street, below Race, Philadelphia. 'PHiE attention of dealer, ia requested to an examinniion of their stock, which will be lound equal to any iu this city. Foreign Fruils of all kinda in season. N. II. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended to. February 83. 18..A 3me PAUL OOITiTlSr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNUURY, PA., Aided by astne eight year, experience iu ths practice of the Law, will attend wilh fidelity to all uiatter appertaining to or will-in the line of m. prolAwiou. Umca with l-barie. J. Urun.r, Esq., Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1866., if W"OOTS, Shoes, H.U, C.p. aud Gum Shoes, 9 just received and for sum by .Oct. 7 1854. TENER 4Co afEDARTUB8, Hum Buckets. Painted Buck ts, M.at T.ndsiers, Corn Drooma, Bas- keu, Children's Wagons, and Yanks. Clucks list r.c.ived and for .alby May 36, ISfiS. ITW. TENER LAND WARKAMB Tit Mgb.st prie. will L. sT.t) ftf lt4 Warrant, by tb. sub- MDtstt. li 0 siaE.K The bett cotlectinn tf Ctcei fw PvWUheA TIP-TOP GLEE St CHORUS BOOK. A new and eh'iirs eollertion of CoryrTiStr ncv before ruiriDoriis.'d, sikI nmiiy of the Genu nfmotltm German J' Italian Gompntere Arranged to familiar style, and suhipted to the ne of Glra CIuU, Singing Classes and the Family Circle, By C. JAEVI3 and J. A. GETZE. Till work contain, a greM number of new and favorite Songs, liarmonm d in a style adapted to general purposm., sHiile many of the tieins of Mendelssohn, AU.Kncbcn, snd other cr.lebr.ted composers, .re prevented in an Origins:! lorm. The great variety of musical compositions here introduced, eminently adapts it to the tnste and capacity of the Singing School, the Glee Club, and tlie family Circle. OT PRICE ONK POlXAR.1 Just published by I EE & WALKER. No. 188 Chesnut Street, and J. B. LIPPINCOTT 6c CO., No. 20 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. t3T Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of $ I. March 8S, 1850. 4m c4 NOTIOE1 VOTICE Is hereby given that I am not a ' member of any partnership in tho firm name ef Massrr Si Bowen, nor iu the name of Buweii & Masser. and that I will not be responsible for any acts of either of said firms, nor pay any en gagements entered into by any other person in either of the names aforesaid. JOHN BOWEN. Suubury, March S3. 18G0. 1856. STRING STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Fashionable Silks, full lino of block Hilks new style Bprinir Shawls, dress (roods do.. Linens of strong; fabric. Muslins of host long cloths, staple housekeeping goods, Mens wear of all the now stvles. "ICY RE A LAXDF.I.L. 4th and Arch Street, Philadelphia. V. S. .Storekeepers, Families aud all Good Nett Cash Buyers are respectfully invi ted to examine this stock of New Goods lie. fore purchasing, as we prefer Belling low, and selling the more goods. Storekeepers may often find erent jobs from Auction, us we attend the Auction sales of New York und Philadelphia. I'hila.. March 8, 18.)G. 3m. w EARTHENWARE- Tlin uhm.'rilicr TcpecifU!y ln'Ormi tlie citU yen of Sunbury am, the public general. v. that bo ban commenced the manufacture of kinil f EARTHENWARE, at hi manufactory in Whortleberry Ptrvet.onc square Ctut of thf Uirrr. Iia ban cj.tied tbe aervirea of Mr. Hamp. and you can therefore deppiul on bioing a good article. Tbe pub.ic aro reppcctfully invited to call. All ordera from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.8HINDEL. 8unbury, Feb. 3, 1856. tf TO lEtEnSTT. A STORE ROOM on Market Sqitar. in Sun burv.aud two rooms adjoining;. CHAltLBS PLEASANTS. January 26, IPfio. tf LL persons indebted to the firm of Friling St Grunt, oi. Note, book account or otherwise aro respect ful I V requested to come forwurd and pay up between this and the first of April as they witth to go to U city to Iny in state AFpring sup plies. FRI LING & GRANT. Sunburv, March IS, 1800 tf oti i:. A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to XbL. the subscribers, An note or book account, are respectfully invited tn call and pay the same on or before th 10th of April neit, as we must have money to buy our Spring nd Summer suply of goods. J. F. & I. F.KLINE. Klines Grove, Pa., March 22. lGfi tf BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains. EING desirous of disposing of my entire stock of Rooks and Stationery, comprising some '20,000 Volumes of Law, Medical, Reli pious Scientific, blank, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Hooks. Also, 100 Reams of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, &a. I will dispose of the whole slock at public Sale sale ut my store, opponile the Court House, commencing on Monday the Till day of April, 1858 ut I o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon und evening until the whule stock is solJ. VM. McCARTY. Per JOS. H. McCARTY. Sunbury, March 16. 1S56. tf f AIU'ETS AI Oil, CLOTHS, At Eldridge's Cheap Warehouse. The subscriber, leing In a bye street, in under very low rent and light expenses, which enable him'toaell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Merchants visiting Philadelphia, aud wishing to buy Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Sec, will do well to call aud examine bis stock of Beautiful Imperial 3-plv, Superfine fine and Medium Ingrain, and Cartrr. enetiuti ol all kind. And OIL CLOTHS of all widths in great variety. Also, MATTINGS of every kind and varioua widths, together with a general assortment of low-priced Ingrain Carpets, and Entry and Stair Carpets, Hearth-Rugs, Door-Mats, Table Covers, Tloor Cloths, Hug C arpets, Cotton Car pets, ic. II. H. ELDRIDGE. No. 41 Straw berry Street, One door above Chesnut, near Second St. March 15, 1858. 3m. Philadelphia. Now Wholesale Drug Store. 1ST. SPENCER THOMAS. No. S6 South, Second Stieet. Pbiladeluhia at w ,,.",Tvn . w . i.iu i.tu .ii, .iiBiiuiaciurer ami Dealer, in Drutis, Medicines. Chemicals. Acids. De atulfs, l'aiuts, Oils, Colors, While Lead, French lid American White wc. Window Glass, Ulssuwures, Varnuher, ISrushea, Instruments, Ground Spices, hoi. Spices, stid all other ar ticles usually kept by Druggisia, including Bo rax, lntligo, Ulue, Miellac, i'otash, Ac, 4c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. iouniry Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere Goodsent t.i any of the Wharvea or Kailio&d stations, i'nees low and goods warranlej. March 8, 1S5C ly FOR LEASE. XTT.IXS No, 3 and 4, seventeen and thirteen ' feet in thicknesa of pure White Ash Coal, on the Green Ridge estate at Mu Carmel, Iwlh Veins driven to marketable cnai. For furlher particulars enquire of Chas. W. Churchman, Philadelphia, P. W. Hhratler, Pottsville. or of JOSEPH 8. DIXON, bsjp't Mu Carmel. Norlhumbvrlani) Co.i'a. March IS, 1856 6sr IFOE QAXS, 8econd hand BUGGY hesp. Apply to CHAKLES PLEASANT A Sunbury, March. 1, 18."G 4t HUSBAND'S Magnesia for sale by May I . VKJiER dt BKt'NER NOTICE. Alt persons knowins; thcmselvae Indebted to Ira T. Clement, on Book aocueal, note or other wise, are requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their account will be flatted in U kt.r.de el a ill? '.mass fa c.leltij. twifcu-y, Nov. ir. 16t5.a A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! II0LL0WAYfS OINTMENT. THE GnAND RXTKRKAf-lRFsMrDT. Ry (he aid of a mteniapirftlr. wi ( rnMllnna nf tlllle 0niMU on tlie amfttff nf vut lic. Thrmigh Itiwe Ittin Omlint iit, wl.cn rnl tl mj tltp akin, f crrii t- niiy vrjnn f tim nnf pnrt. Dm'-JtupB of the Kidney, tlinortlcrs fl me Mvtir, nlluftioin . lifrhmrt, InflnmmntltMt of the I. una. Anilililii. CfiutTlifnnc. Colt). arliv iti mnfliii elTnc UiaUy rrrd. K.very h.tii!s.ttHfe known thnt i!t pbii HwIt throtif(b bona fir mmt of uny l)Hoknt-ti. This heal ins Ointment fDr mtira rwilily non'-trntc through any hitHor flrthy purt of llmlivlnft IknI, rtirin the nrnm itfiiigeronft iHWkud eumpbii.ui, that cannot I rmcli4 t-y tujur mm lis. URYBirKLAS, SALT ftriRUM AND SCORBUTIC IHJMUU8. No rrm1vJin erpr 1ane ao mneb f-tthf rtire rf dl- AffimeM of tho Skin whatever form they rimy nwarae, at i mm wimm. nn ohm oi rmii tthcuui, Scuivyt pmmo Henda, HtT'tfuia oti lryMpdH, cn kiiiif withstand Ha in flur(ic. Tlie inventm hun trnveltcd over manv uttrta of g 'be, vimtiitg tha triitiptt) hpitnln, r1if( Anting h Ointinc-irt, Khina; advicn n t) ita upplicaiiim, und him tnuf iitx:n tiiu nicona l.1 reaujriig ouuutlcaa naBiuara to health. SORE LK09. BORE nnr-ASTS. AND Bt-ma nf th: moat Mintitifti aitrcam anw relv aolet on tin ti bo if this wtimkriul Ointment wlitm kiivin tit enpe wilh the worn i-aaea of fi, wnumln. uttera, gl.in dulor avrfllingFf rtnd tnitiut. proftMur Ifnllowny hn, by commnnd of the Allied 'Jovennnentn. (huptitcfiad to the h pituli of tbe Kaat , binrn ahiprnviila of tint Oint ment, to ho umiI amler tho direction of the Meiltcul aifl", in the wornt vnw.m of uuum!. I will rwre any tilerr fTlnndtilar Rwrliin. atitTTiet or i-uiitractif of the joints, evvn 01 v hih iTinaiti MI.KH AND FISTULAS. ThcBP nnd other irnikif dntroifiHg complninti can bi rdW'tUHlly furt-ii if the (Jintmr-nt h wr'l rnlitiv) over the wma ailertcd and !y i.tht-rwinw following the pruitod di i eel i nun uround eticii p t. Both the Ointment nuU I'M should be usef in the following canes : Dunitin I.nmlinjro Rre Lt'sri Swelled Glnnda Huma M'rtaurial Sire Hruihta fnfl Jomta Chnpped Ilnijilit Kruptiuns r re Mead if 1'ictta Childlniin TiWu SreThr"ati Vfneronl Sores F'lstnlna nhenmntium of oli Wttomlnuf uii Ouut Suit Kheuui kinds kinds Skin DiS'-iiiL-s Spruma ScuMs Sold at the Manuftirtorlea of Profnjaor HoLlowat 80 iMnidrn Lone, New Vnrk, and 414 Strand. JmMi, d nil rcRjiifclnhio lruKgists and Dewlt-rs in Metliciiie t.iirmn!i. out the Untttl Stitte, und Ihe civilized world, in Itojtc, at Cfnta, cents, and 1 earn. IV There is a considerable niving Ly taking the hirg;r sizes. N. B Pirrrtions for the guidarypa of pntietita in every disorder ore affixed to each bt.t Mutch atf. IH60 I yea "AID AUD C0MF0HT," to Your Own iflc ( hinio. Wilkinson h Itenn, Respectfully annnunce that they hare taken the stand lati'ly occupied by George IJenn, where they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subscribers respectfully call the attentioi ot the public to their lure and splendid as sortment of every quality and prico ef t?AI!I.ET-WAItE hich cannot fail to rctonimend itcell'toeverv onr who wifl examine it, on account of iu durable workmai'.nliip and splendid finish, made up of the best, stock to be had in the city. Na elHirt is pared in the manufacture of their ware, uud Ihe subscribers arc determined to keep up with the muny iniprovements which arc constantly being made. 1 heir stock. consists ol Mahosany 8nfa, llauM and I.tigip:o Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST A0 DIMNC TASLB and aUo VENETIAN HI.INDS, e.iual to Phila delphia inaiHilHi'tiire. BEDSTE.yjS, of every puitcrn and price, CUPUOARDP. WORK AN D CANDLE STANDS. TOII.KT TAISLES AND EXTENSION TAI'.LES. In short.avery article in this line oftlieir business. 1 uy &iso uiunutai luro all kinds and ottalities of CHAIRS, neluding varieties never Irefore to be had ii Sunbury, uch baM ai(m;jst, Black Witsin isn Ci klkii MaPt.k Gncct.vN : ami WiKiiann CHAIRS, ask FAser Piano Stools, which are of th. latest styles, mid warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. I (The subscribers aro determined that there sliul! lie no excuse for persons to purctmso furniture in the cities, as every coiilidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Conn try Produce taken in payment for work. CST UNDERTAKING Having provided themselves with a handsome Hsahsk, they are now prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. I if I he are Room is in Ttwn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. WILKINSON Al RENN. Sunbury, March S, 185C tf. KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market Street, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. S. F. JACOBY & CO., IMPORTERS of and dealers in the vaiious Foreign and Domestic Marbles, .Statuary, Ac, have constantly an hand a large and select as sortment of Mantles, Tombs, Monument, Table Tops, Are., of every description, not excelled by any iu the city fur beauty, svmmctry and finish. Cabinet Makers, Plumbers and Marble Cut ters, furnished at the shortest notice, with Mar ble of every description and pattern, wheiher Foreign or Domestic, either finished in the.w!ab or Btock, on the most reasonable terms. We respectfully invite attention to our stock on hand. March 1, 1856 3m e New Wall Toper Warehouse. BURTON Si LANXNCt, Manufactures and Importers, No. 124 Arch ritreet, second door above tSixih, Philadelphia. WHERE may be found the largest and hand somest assortment iu the City, Purchasers from tho country will find it to theij advantage to call at our store, where lliey will be suited with a superior article, at the lowest prices. liLRTON eV LAMNO. No. i'.l Arch Street, above Sixth, Pbila. February 3, I8SC. Jm c TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. "SrAN'J El. in establish an Aijency for the s.ile nf Wood Minililiiis, of which there are from f SO to ijiSCti worth used in every house that is built. Our aih uiitaj:es, in the use of a Machine '.'.;. it w.ll work a whole hoard into )nouliliiitTi at oim o,ei.iiirii, and the large a mount of capital tmpinyed by the Company, eu.ible us to give nl l.crul coininissiou. Pu.tteru took furi.islved. cviiUiininr; S'i0 psttfij. Add ret Jr. II. DALE. VVIuw Street, above Tweliih, Phil tdelphia, Pa. January 19, 1856, 3u e NOaCROSS' ROTARY PIANINO WANTED To sell the Riybu snd Machines for a Rotary Planing, Toiiguiug and Grooving Machine, for boards and plank, under the Nocrusa I'utojit. Also, the altachineut of the Moulding Machine, which will work whule board into mouldings at one operation. This patent has been tried, and decided Hi tha Su preme Court in Washington, lo be no infringe ment, bring supciior to Woodsworth's Machine, Apply to J. D. DALE, Willow Street, above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where the Machines can be seen in operation. January 19, 1866. 3m e ' WAI1CD, IMMEDIATELY three industrious Girls to leeru the Millnery business. L'nu,uire at the Millntr btoieof m. i-.ccesi.ER. NurserjTttotuFruit Crowori and Farmers : NEW YORK HmiTicRLTURALJREVlEnr: A Journal of Suburban Art.Svpftrbty and i'rnfusety Illustrated. Devoted to ft Adpofiemerti rf the Rural lnteret$ , in America. This la one of.' the targcat and moat etoborata wrls a the kind in UietWortd. Kuial ArefilUKiiure forma nn of tha prinripal featurea. EjicK iiumlier ettiunua fntin two to fiur engravinps n( nndel othiff'1 from duaigna by eniinetit at.d akilliul nr cltiects bout" is uist i asuinid to the ttislflal ait f LandsV.are OHrtlctiiny j engiuvtd pluns vi g'mtrns in evt:rv style, and '.ln)twi to the peciittiirilies of different ordeis of archilecti-.to. beautify ths writ Liijiavinis of new fruit, new H'iwort.new Tfgctnblos, Ac , uie iHustrutod and dt-scritjed as bxmi their isfsiwciiva qualities can n determined, torining tha tiutt Cofiipiru and uliHiu ManuHl of Kurul Husl.to dry evr aUatnpttrd. I rtii jtrrn;!! ou corps 01 prHCiicui wrutis, savuu w "'""t UII'lVll III Uil HH I I'IUIUII. ll contains ativeuty Inige pagns, and it nrlnted on tha anesi pourl'SnifRced paper. man'utncturcdexiHtwsly. Tkumk BJ per nnnnm. payable invariably in advance. Fifty cenla cmnnussitm on eaeh subscriber otli'Wi-d to thosu who act as qwnte. Sl.OtlO will be dislributil ut the end of the year unions thoae who rend us the twenty luraeat lima of RiilsHerlbera. Tln-ae premiums will bepuid in cupIi The first pieiniam wiJI ho $500. Tho f'llnwiut ore selected frm hundreds of similar notices, rntuntury contributed by couteuiputanc'jus cations: The Ilurticurtnrnl nview deserves thom-'st lihrral pa. trouiigc. It is not on'y eniineiiUy ptticiiml, btit is written in a style that equals the bust' efforts ot tha la to A. J. D'Willff. KMOKJ-.hBuCKliR. The inoBt eltant and usefiil hook of tha kind that has evT come undi iuro''Sertiii"ii Hkoisirr. Mr. Henfh-s, the Kditor t.f ihe Horticultural Review, is a pitflicul poni-il'ipmi, mid (ne of the btteit acbnlurs our country li i.its of. II poaet;iiL-B the glowiiifr dt-fr-riptive p iwcrs of Dickens, th elcrtut g"Sip of WalpoU?, coin hiind with a thorough kuuwledu ot rural art- Stats PoLICR TntHCNK. t anner buy it f"r your ns buy it for tour dr.URl.ters It is a rich intPili'ftiMl trcnt ; a rare foinLiuutioii of tlie benutifnl and the upetul. A aors, N. Y. Wr Imd thought thnt in I wninp's deith, tha etrftient advnfstn ot" rur;d adoi nmt't'lmd become only a chriisheV rcmeinlirmice : but in Mr. RJils we list'ovei an rqtmllv r it:li mine of nifitinl wealth, thnt bel"keiis the intlucuce of the spiiit that in gone Mucinosa- I ntbLNK. A'lvwtiser will find this nil unsurpassed medium of puWh'itv, as 'the Morticulturfil Iteviow ctrcuiairs exten rivriv- in evurv bitHie in (lie t'niou. Advcrtiremenis in. setttxl at the late of $10 per pne. WOOD ENGRAVING Thrf Tcquirintj Wood Kiiirrnving, can have thetr cmers executed In on unrivnilfd manner. Special nttentmn is piven to views of AMMAl.S: an eipcticnced Rnaitsli lirnnchtsinnn is entr-ircd f r this exprcia puvpie. Ir i)is iivine at ilifnncc t!in torwurd a dscupn tvim of the t(tiri in tnrilj Uicv wish ciiRravcti, wnicn will ht n pi'lTii:it:i(t guide tn nljtHiii n p rf t fuc simiie. Stock Urrndcrs will he not It wilh Very huernl terms. February 16, 1550. 0:no AMES McCLlNTOCK, M.D., Lato l'lt(I'I:g!JOIt nr Anatomy nml Surciry in th' Phil iiHt'liiina College of Meilicme, and Acting Proless r nl iVl ill wiiery ; onu of lh: Consulting Pliysii.infl of flm Piiil uitelplilu Hospital. HlorkUy; lnt int1 ;iibcr of thf N'ntional Mi-dical Association ; member of Itiu PliilnMt-lplini Mli r'll S' icliuy i n:nn!;ei of Itiu Mijilu o-Cllii urgn::il Coiigs of I'hiluilrlphiH ; formerly President runt Profiihar of n.tt niiy an i rt'irtfery n, Castli-t 'ii Mritii'at t:o!!c?, Vei. ttiont : mid also, lute I'roffsi.or of Anntoniy nn.l PMsiot otiy in Iji.-rksLura Muiiiuil liisliluluul, PllUiirM, Muss., SlP , &c, Sec. H;s lately introdueit tn a popular form sfve-nl of his fivorit presc-iiitions for Hie principal ilisrsse of lliis climate. Tlie name of each urtii'Ui will imly Itie disease for which it is intended to be usnl. lill.McCI.IXTtK.'K'S l'IX:TOIlA!.SYRl'P. Price?! lilt. M'CUNTOCK'd COI.U ASl) t'OCOU .MIX Tl'IlK For Colds, C'-mebs. Ae. Price 5 . IHt. Moi'l.lNTOCK'rt ASTHMA AMI IIOOPlNb CDI'UH KK.MKDY. Puce Sit ela. lr. McrUNTOCK'S TOXIO ALTERNATIVE SVIil'I' I'or I'urifvinjr the IH'hkI. I'riwe i. lilt. MeCI.INTuCK S DYs-l'KPTlC 1,1.1 XIH For Kiciiik tone to tho sti lunch iflicrinjr piiins after eating, licaniinrii, and all riiaugi cellule symptoms uiialug nun imliyestioii I'rice Jgl . lilt. MiCLIiVrocK'S KtlF.t'MATIC MIXTURE A Purely Vegetable Peniedv f'T internal m l'riee 10 cts. UK. McCI.INTUCK'S KIIKL'.M AT1C I.INIMK.N'T For Rheumatism, Sprains, dwellings, Ac , A.e, price 30 c;nts. Ult. M.-Cl.INTOCK'S ANOliYNi: MIXTVltE F i I'nins. To vilmche, Ileudschc, Neuialjia, Ac. l'rirr 50 cents. Id). MiC'MNTOCK'S FEVKR AMI AOt'F. Pl'F. Cl F1C A certain cure lor al! Iim nniitents. Prii-e $1 . Ill) McCI.ITOCK'!S DIAItKIKKA CORDIAL AND CHOl.KUA I'll I. VKNTIV ):. sale rcmtklv. Dlt. MeCI.I.NTOCK'S VKOKTAUl.t; I'LltOATlVh PW.I.S, Foi !"RiiveiiisN, lleadiiclie. Ae. Price '2."cts. lilt. M.-CI.INTUCK'S A.NTIOII.ILIL'S I'll.l.S-For Irregularity in Ilia Fuiietioin. of ilia L.ivcr mid It.welS. tlie bet.t l.iver I'lll made l'riee .5 em. e vx For sile by Lr. J. MeCI.lNTriCK. at his Mediesl Do pot, V eotoer iiinih mid Fill'-rt sts , Philadelphia, nnd at all DrnceistK and fleuiers in Mt'dieitus. All Drni.-'giAt and Dealers in Medicines whn wish to t'S (ce:it?, w:ll please sd.hlress Dr. .MeClintoek, furnishing rcfctence, nriTnr of Post-Office. county and s'ate ti? F"r San- by Weii-er A; Itriiner, Pim'isry and Fhs. m'sin; Wm. eimcr, Northninberlnnd ; O. Rrown. Mil ton ; K. IV I.utz, ttl vunHhur ; Jncob Harris, Hurkhorn ; lohn Vunleeio, l.ijfi.t Susct ; 1 bharjilesa Jr. Sou, Cnta- February 0, 15G. 6ra. Premium Improved SUPER rilOSPIIATE OF LIME. THE ONLY SILVER MEDAL Vet awarded I y Agricultural Societies was given lo this Superior Article, at the Ins! Pennsylvania Slulc Fair, st Hnrrisliure. as a fertilizer of the best quality lor Wheat, Corn, Oats, Grass and i'otatoes, Kuising heavy crops, and greatly im proving the soil. The subscriber respectfully informs fnrmers and dealers that he is prepared to sot.lv the Sprinit demand at the old price. ear Agents wanted. a HUrui count allowed. ALSO Nr I Teruviun and Me.x ican'Guano. Poudiette and Land Plaster. Oils, Candles, Voap, ic, of ll.e bect ijuaiily, at lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMEROV, 0 and 10 Sooth Wharves, below Market Street PHILADELPHIA. 15 Farmers can load on two jiriva'.o alleys, and atoij tho crowded Wharf. March S. 186C 3mc. I'eniiHjlvault. Wire Wotki. No. 60 Arch Street between Hecond and Third, (Opposite liroad Street,) riJILAEELI'lIIA, Sie-es, lSddles, Scree is, It "mm Wire rf all meshes and widths, with all kiidi rf plain and fancy Wive H'cirfc. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; CftaJ, Sund end Gravel Screens j Paper Ataker'a Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner; Wire end Wire Fencing. A verv superior article of 11KAVV FOI.'N. DERS rilUVES. AJ1 kinds of Iron Wire and Sieves. BAYLIES. DAKTiy St LIA'N. Pliila., March 8, 1RCC 3m c PLATFOIIM SCALE F every description, suitable for Rail Roads, Ac, lor weighing Hav, Coal, Oie and Morc!i'iidne generally. .Purchasers run no risk, every stale is Guaranteed Correct, and if, alter trial, not found satisfactory, can be lelurned without charge. tiT Factory at h 01J Stand, established for more than twenty years, con.er of NI.Yl'H and Melon Sited'1, Philadelphia, ADBuTT St CO. March 1, 1 6.' 6. 3m e VALUAEL2 PROPERTY Tor. GALS. t IPHE subscribers, Exerntors of the estate cf JL Henry Master, dee'd., olfer at privuta ss'o the following properly vij: A large two story j frame dwelling house, together with al.oul 00 ACRES OF LAND. I Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lauda of Uanlcl Kaufman and others now in the orcupancv of John R. Kaufman ae a store aud dwelling. The house is new and ihe location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONR LAND, iu fcaid township on the river about 6 miles be low i'unbu. y, adjoining hinds of S. T. M'l'herson and others, containing, about 90 acres. 'The soil is productive and contains limestone ai d other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 ones on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the bens of the late John Conrad and others. There re, on this tsact, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.B.MASSLK, ) P. B. MAdSL'K, Executor. FRANCIS BL'CIIER. Eunbury, January 19, 1866 if C0UIN3 & H'CIEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers FurBishing Waie&ouee, sVo. 1 Lotl'jt AlUih back of new Mxiovo. Unit, Phflwlcljlua. Phi.' , Jan. 13, I8i6,. Great Arrival f Fall and Winter Gcg&s t IllA. T.'CLEHTEWT ; SISTORMS bis friends and cu.ton.ors that h Just receWe-d aa elsga'ni toeo-.trirEnt of FALL AKI WINTER C00S8 !1 At his Store in Marlot Birce. Ruiibury, wliiils Se ofliirs to the public at th lowest pri . His stock consist of a genera assoriinonV Dry Goodf, iz : Cloths, Catiimers, Ciumvett, Jean.i, f)r'.t!".i'i, Aiustiris, r.iiienj, C'iiIico's, MuAnt ! Ltrint, l.uieuf. Ginghams. Herat. Also a larno assortment, of CLOTH UNO. A large assortmVnt of Hoots and bines, f r Mon, Wfttnen a nil Childrei.. PltB HtTP. Panama, Palm leaf and o'ther Jiimmer Hans. Ilas1r. OROCRHIES of every variui-,'. Sugar, Tea, Colfce, Molasses, Cheese, Spire. Fih. S't die' HARDlvARH, Vii i Iron and Steel, Tsnils, Tiles. Sown, &c QUEEXSWARE, Tea Stttf, Plates, Dishtt, Cups, Saucers', $i 17F Cpuntr produce of all kinds taken iu change st the hiahest market prices. Oct. 20, lSifi ' GENTLEMEN'S CLOTIITNG! John ivflr.iTXisr MERCIIAMTA1I.0R, stmEirnv, fa. . Rcspeelfelly informs the ciiens otSnnliory and the public generally, that he hn just received from Philadelphia, a choice and seloct assoimein of Cloths, Cii.mimeres. 6e , viz : French Idack Cloth, plain and twilled. Black Beaver do fer overcoats. Fine blue cloth. Claret cloth. Cassirnercs french black eordrnl. do do do Doeskin. do do grey mixed Doeekm. Vesting plain black silk velvet. do Figured velvet. 1'luah Telvai. do I!Iui-k satin iigursd. Woolen Shirts and Drawers. Oi;ntlcon's Pocket Handkerchiefs.. . . , , do rs'eck-lieo. All of which will be sold or rnede up to ordor its the latest and best stylo. Sunburv, Dec. 1, 18.j3 tf PEMOVAt. CHARLES MAGARGE fc CO. HAVIN'O nCMUVED FROM N0.3COMMERCET. TO TBS SovtA-Wesl cor, of Slrh and Carpn.tcr Stj. rill.ADELAHIPI, DEO to call (he attention of Purchasers tu their cxtensi"e SBBortinen. cf 1'apsr, and Paper Makers' Materials ; Printing Papers f r Hook and News. Water Isnf, sized, unca'len deved and calleudered, of all qualities and pricef, always on hand! Hartlwaroand Menilla Papers, Trunk lioards, Diudcrs' Boards, HaugingI'apers &.c, 4 c. Particular attention', is JuvivJ to thiir extsn sivo aesortnient of LEDSr:i! PATERS, ' From the most Cclehrated Manufactories the Country. Among their WRITING PAPF.R BTOCK rr.ay be found Com. Note, Folio Post Atlantic Note, Thin Medtum, Lath Post, Di.ny, ' QuaitoPost, Medium, Fool's Cp, Hovol, Flat Cap, Bup. Hjji'i, Imperial. Plate Papers, of every description, sits and quality. Map Pipers, in great variety. En velope Papers, while, buff, and gold, either laid or wove. . Colored Pcpcrs, line glazed, aad uthej varieties. Maii'ifiiclurois are invited lo exalting their slock of liutfs, Foreign and Domestic, Blench inj; Powders, of approved Oram's : Alum, I round or crude; Sal Soda, Soda Ash rel'.i-iigs, Wira Cloths, UIirHiiiarine, and l'a3r Makers' Mat liuls generally. ' . tT" They are also prepared to take orders of odd sizes and weights uf any of tho uliove descrip tion of Papers. January 5C, 195?, Cmo i'aehicnablo Hats end Caps. ASHBT & E0CAP, iVo. 136 Market si.. rillLADrLPKIA. INFORM their friends and the public j$f Keuerally. that they continue lo keep st their old stand, a large and ex.'.T.sive assortment ol'h.itB, CHps, cVc, got up nf tha best mute-rial and in the li.tes; and best sl la cf woikinatisolp and finish, , Country merchan's an? others will do well to. call ni-tl etatniiie belore purchasing elsowheiew l'l.ilo Nov 10, U55. tf. GTtE-A-T m-rCJITEIv2:E3STX X La tat and best arrival of the ScCtton, ' At 'the Store of P.W.Gray, In Market Square, has just received his Sloek from Philadelphia, consisting of Fall and "Winter (ioods, Embracing a. great variety of lady's Dress end Fancy Goods. The following corjprjica iu part a list of my sx ter.sive and elegant stock, which for variety and cheapness cannot tie excelled in this market. FOR Till: GENTLEMEN, H'.ark and Fancy Cloths and Cassimerrs, Black. Sattiu ar.d Fancy fcilk Vestings, shirtiiig Muslin Drawers and Under Shirts, Ucutucky Jeans, Velvets Blankets, Ac. FOU Tlli LADIES. Blark Pilka, Alpncas, Merinos' colored snd plaiJ- all wool. Muslin de Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the best brands and styles, brown and bleached1 bhectings. twilled and plaid Limeys, Flannels, red, yellow and white, prey Drills, Tickings, ('ambries, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves hose and irish linens, and other thinustoo tedious In mention. I would rarnca'.ly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Baota & Shoes, large assortment. HATS !f CAP, HARDWARE & Cl'TI.ERV, CEDAR WARE. FISH & SALT, Grorrrteii of every Tnrtcly. Te.ie, ColT.-e, Suiiar, Molssaes, Rice, Cheese, Vin eijiir. Candies, Caudles, Soap, t.'i ackers. Blooms, t.f ad. Shot, lied Cords, Plough Lines, Glass 8x10 lOiTJ, 11x18, Ktar-h, Fluid. Dairy Salt. Smok-. irig and Chewi;ig Tobacco, line Cigars, Matches, Mustard, Caudle Wick, Blacking Water, Proof and a gciiefa? assortment of ql'le.xsvji:e axd glassware. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, Oct, 57, IP35. tt rou wai.i:. FHinAT large and commodious IIIl'SE, Jt situated iu the east end of Market Street, SuubuiY, payments to be made to suit purclia-. sors lis preicises will be shown by the subscn bet. MARY MARKLE. Suubury, Tt'oiuary J, 1856 8m. C 11 ALLEN FtERGER'8 PILLS. A oertalu cure tor Fever and Afire, fVr sale by WLlsER St BRUNER Bunbury. uly SJ C'OBUKO. French Merinos, Far sis n elctb, ' Pari twril, Chinlxee. Dclanes, Deliegee, Alapacaa, bilks, Wod plaid, Muhair lusirs Frencit, tcotcb and Aiaeiican Ginghams, Jaa reacived and for ealsby Fur.bur, Deo. 1 '55. E Y tlGHT;