Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 12, 1856, Image 4

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    our cniLDnooD.
Ti mJ j-pt sweet 1o listen.
To the noft wind's Rontle swell,
And think we bear the music
Our children knew so well;
To gaze out on t lie even.
And tho bonndless fit-Ids ofnlr,
And feel afrnin our boyhood wish
To roam tike angel's there 1
Thpre are many dreams of plnJneel
That elinjj around I ho past
And from the tomb of feeling
Old thought come thronging fast
The forma wo loved so dearly.
In the happy days now gone.
The beautiful and lovely,
Ho fur to look upon.
Those bright and lovch maidens
Whf spomnil c fnrmnrl fnr bllse.
Too glorious and too heavenly
For such a wold as this t
Whoso soft dark eves seemed swimming
Inn sea of liquid liplit,
And whose locks of gold were streaming
0cr brows so sunny bright.
Whoso smiles wero liko the sunshine
In the sprinfr-time of the year
Like the changeful gleams of April
They followed every tear 1
They have passed like hope away
All their loveliness bus fled
Oh 1 many a heart is mourning
That they ore with the deud.
Like the bright buds of Summer
They have fallen from tho stem
Yet oh it is a lovely death
To fade from earth like them t
And yet the thought is saddening
So innse on such as thev
And feel thnt all the beautiful
Are passing fast away !
That tho fair ones whom we love,
Grow to each lovinr breast,
Like tendrils of tho clinging vine ;
Then perish where they rest.
And can wo but think of thes
In the soft and gentle, spring,
When tho trees are waving o'er os,
And the Oowers are blossoming 1
For we know that winter's coming
With his cold and stormy sky
And tho glorious beauty round us
Is blooming but to die 1
The Coal Mines of Turkey.
The Constantinople correspondent of the
Loudon Times, gives the following interesting
ncconnt of the coal minus of Kosloo, in
Turkey :
Thi'sn mines hare been now for eighteen
months worked, by the English Government,
and, considering the shortnefs of the time
and tho difficulties which were encountered
when the Turkish nd'nin'str.ition was su
perseded, the results are satisfactory.
On the 31st of October the shipping season
ceased j the returns extend, therefore, only
up to that time. The whrlo quantity ex
tracted during tho period of U months which
has elapsed was 42,812 .r.20 tons, of which
2?,533 5-20 tons were shipped for the use of
the English navy, 4,274 tons given to the
French, and ! .1,000 tons remuin reudy for
shipping early in tho spring.
Tn? costs, including the expenses which
the shipping of these remaining 15,000 tons
will cause, amount to X:t2.198, so that the
overage cost per ton is 15s, exclusive of the
royalty cf 10 per cent, payable to tho Tur
kish Government, and 10 per cent, which
Messrs. Iiurkley think should be allowed for
the inferior combustible powers of this coal,
in order to esiablish an equitable comparison
between its cost and that of the coal obtained
from England. With thco additions the
ton of coal on board ship nt Kosloo coFts
2 "s Cid, while the cost of English coal in
port at Constantinople was for the last year
Sfis. per ton. For tho next twelve months it
is hoped that 42.800 tons will be extracted,
which, with the 1.1,01)0 not yet shipped will
make 57,800 tons. Uut this is the quantity
which may be extracted ; the quantity which
can really be shipped depends on tho nuintier
ot mules and bullock carts which can be
employed for the conveyance to the shipping
staits at 'angelJuk, and thence to our do
pots at Kosloo.
For the 57,800 tons, 300 rinks and 100
bullock carta would be required, and they
can easily be procured in the neiclibnrhood.
Twenty lighters, able to carrv, in fine wea
ther, from 400 to .100 tons a 'day. would be
ufficient for their conveyance to' the vessels.
There has been a new layer of conl, of a
superior quality, found in t'ho neighborhood
of Kosloo, at Qozelniaz. It is now proposed
to construct a railway thence to Zunelduk.
The cost would be 10.000. part of which
wonld bp, according to the convention, repaid
by the Turkish Government when it shall
Bgaio take the ftdministratioo of tbe coal
mines into its hands.'
M.rxrco. The Government troops have
recently gained on advantage over the in
purrectionary leader, Haro Tamaris, who
held posr.etsion of Puebln. The former
pined possession of part of the city, Haro
being tuft shut up with one half of the forces
h had previously raised there. It is also
stated tbat Jlaro had sought a truce from
President Ootnonfort, with terms, however,
which were rejected, he being required to
surrender at discretion, with the sole promise
of sparing his life. New postal routes have
been established by the Government, new
and lower rates of postage have been fixed,
on the basis of prepayment, and a law fixing
the pnblie expenditure bad been issued.
This last is estimated at 814.228,324 93. A
railroad has been projected between Vera
Crux and tho city of Mexico, by the way of
the pluins of Apam and Pueblo. These
measures look like a sign of returning vigor
ia the Government.
spring, happening to run out of seed for the
gro-aud I had prepared for potatoes, I conelu.
ld to finish it with corn planted in the same
way, sav 2 feet acros and 8 inches in tho
row. The corn was worked nearly nt the
potatoes, and yielded well, nml by a, greater
camber of stocks than by the usual way of
planting. I had ul least one-third more corn
3l double the fodder. On a laree scale I
suppose corn planted in close would not ear
for want of sun and air: bnt I have never
tried it. I should like to hear from those
having experience hi this mode of culture.
Gtrmantovn Tel.
Gwrnxo x.Firt.rate (rraftinp; wax
can b. made or two part of ro.iu and one
Bartof beeswax, adding .mull quantity of
lard cr tallowoay one-third that of beeswax
I oe otiject is to bave tbe wax of such coiims.
tency that it will not run in warm weather
nd will not crack in dry, windy weather.
1 bee are the important qualities in grafting
of whatever it may be made.
PiiEaKRvitio Bi'TTEB.-The) beet plan of
oiling butter ia to use the purest salt only ;
heat it on the fir before using it, to drive off
ail tU mouttirt), and apply it warm, wbeo
aoiiinj Ui batur
I. vr. ti:ivi:r & Co., pHnimry, rn
TJESPECTFULLY announce that they have
just received lame and varied stock of
splendid goods suited to the season i an inflec
tion of which they solicit I'rcm their friend nil
tbe public (hey will be sold t low prices, as
they itill adhere to the'.r old motto:
"Small profits and quick Sales."
Thii In the end pays beat, while tt best Mrves
their customers.
1 heir stock now consists of Cloths, Csssimeres,
Vetting. Ladies' Drew Goods, in great
variety, of Silk, Poplins, Delaines,
Cashmeres, Coburpa, all wool ile
lains. Calicoes, eke., with a
large sortment of dress
trimming,-1) roche,
Thibet, Cash
mere, and wollen showls, worked collar, cuffs,
sleeves, chemisettes, 4 c.
A new dock of Ready made Coats, Vest, and
rntalnons, of superior style and workmanship.
A Iso, lists, Cnp, Boots and Shoes together
with n general assortment of Hardware, Queens
were, Groceries. Provisions, Ccdarware. Uinc.
on i ntt rfniis.
Come and see, no chargo Is mado for show
ing goods.
Country produce taken in exehange for good,
at the highest mnrket price
Snnliury, October 13. ISM.
E. t or. 7ih & i'li::inl M.
Tli it liiiiiiuiion, which wti firai
esiablislied in 9jiteinlicr. M't
MU'iihcri ntn m it graduates bun
liieds nl' the huaiiitss men in this,
ami other cities; wilt "il June 4tn,
lH5o, Chnrtertil. nnl csiuhHshvn' m
C -llepe, in accordance with Act nf
jilj i.rein.iiture.
The Coiuaior Instkcctiox isofa
lAfl Ml roliglilv irnclK-nl chaiactm m..l
f-T.1 '' artaiiis nil th-we brawnce necessary
I"' fir use in busim-m; besides which,
er-l 'tie pupils hai-e the irivilrae ..f mten-
IHim-e up in ii eniime of l.tX IM'liK
""red f.n llau especial use, by end
ev ll-nt iriiclili"iiert
) For ttie prenriit season, the lion,
loons Shir. wood's seivices are en
gaeil in this ili-pirlnieut
8 JI. CH1TTKNUKN, Prlneipal.
tV Catil '(jiiea will lie aent t i any
aildreaa, nil Hnnlicninn liv lellrr
KEKIMXG, on receipt per mini , f ifce
r. n J
price, vi,ou. Key u wirae 30 eta
Philadelphia, Oct. 13, 1S54 m.
No. 21 North Thivl St., below Arch,
COUNTRY Merchntits rao nave from ten "to
fifteen percent. hypurrhai,ip nl tnea'.-pve
stores. Dv importing mv own go ula p.i ing but
littl rent, and living economically, it ia plain I
can undersell those who purchase their (JouJ
here, pay high rent and live like priurra.
Constantly on hand a lar(e anrtniP!il of Pen
and Pocket Knives, Scissors dud linzors, Table
Knives and Forks in ivory, sing, buffaln.hone and
wood handles, Carvers and Forks, Ac, Dutchrr
Knives, Uirks, jUowie Knics, Revolving and
p'.ain Pistols, Ac.
Aln a larrce assortment of Aeeordeons. &.t.
Also fine English Twist and German (Suns.
Oct. 20, 1S55. ly. Importer.
M. C. GE A 1111 ART,
fJESPRCTFl'LI.Y announce to the citizens
of Northumberland ami the adjoining coun
ties that he has opened n Confecticnsry and
Kruit Store in MARKET SQUARE, Sunliurv,
where ho maiiufacluree and keep on banil, nt
all times, lite most choice Confectionary, Ac,
Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices.
Among his stock of Conlcctiunaric, maybe
found :
French Secrets,
Huriicd Aliiinnua,
Cream White,
' Knie,
" Vanilla.
Cnmnvm Secret.
Gum llripa, nil kindi of acenl,
l.nve Drone,
Mint lirnpp, red and white,
Jelly Cakee,
Fruit l)rnia,
Slick Candtea, nl all aeeuts
ltocle Candr,
Almond Caudy,
Nut of alt kind
CnrrnnlB dried,
AJmOMili, Raliom,
of a auperior quality, by the single or dozen. A
! superior quality of Separa and Tobacco, and a
j variety of Cotil'ectionarics, fruit, &c all of which
j ia oillred cheap at wholesale or retail. Come
ami see be will try to please. Order from t
distance promptly olti inle.l to.
Suiibury, An,. 4, 1S55. ly.
Bargains at the C1J Stand.
A RE now opening a new and very devirnlile
f- stock of FALL and WINTER "Good, em
bracing an endiiiss variety. Their stock con
sists in part of
Black & Taney Broadcloths & Cassiraeres,
Winter Ware fur men and boys, all styles and
SII.KSJ'luin and Figured Black.
An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan
cy Dick Silk at unuMiully low prires,
Shellie. B razee. Eiazu Ue I, sin, Mus.
De Lain. Lawns. Ac,
CING1I A MS from f.J to 25 cent per yard.
CALICOES ' 3 12$
Cambric. Jaconetts, 8wi, Tariton, Mull, Uobi-
nett, French and Swiss I. arcs, Edging. Ac.
Brown and bleached Mdalius, Diillinga, Ticks,
Check. Towlings, Table Diupar, Jj c.
mux r.stii-.x.
Cedar-ware, Ho'low-ware, Iron, Steel, Piaster
Bait and Fish.
Also a tresh supply of
Thankful lor past favors, we hope by strict
attention and a desire to please, itill to meet with
the approval of our friends.
IV Country produce of all kind takn tt the
highest market price
Bunbury, Nov 3. 1055 ly.
$50 iREv-iio.
THE subscribers offer a rewarJ of S ft y t-'ullsr
for the discovery and roiivit'-ion of tt: per
son or persons, who cut ii detru)cd '.ho Y
on th Marlitnery of liieir Co l t.rt.iU;r. at t::e
Mainmotb Colliery, between tbjm;kia ai Kt.
Carmel, on the night of tb i'li in.:.
1 he above reward will be paio to any one r.i
in C inform ion that will Uaj to tue tonnctior
of the olfuiiJcrs.
Shamokin Oct. 27, 155 if.
Ojjict opposit$ the Court House,
Suubury, Northumberland County Pa.
Troiript attention to business in adjoining
17 H bouk,i nk, and all a.plete, jmt rr cetved,
and for sale by H. 13 MASSE R.
Aunbury, June 4. 18.S3..
bar bottle fur le by
11. 0 MABSER.
Suubury, April. U, 1851
IROCERIES Segar. Coffee, Molasses
VB Sll'lCC. Oils. Untidy. I Jin. U'ina M.L.,.
eC Herring aud Salt, juat received and for sale
Lower Augusta May 8. 1854.
II A I?D WARE. -Table Cutlery, naiora. Pork
A et Knives, Hand aws Wood aawa 4n
frames, A xJSTCbisel, Door Lock, and Htngr.
riiiu osiia, rvaiwr, 4c, luat received and far
I. W. TB
.1 EN Ell tt CO.
Hunbory IW , Its
Anew Mid slnpiilo'ly successful remedy ror the
cure .1l Uilioua discaaes Costivcncaa, lndi
ination, Janke, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fever,
Uout, liumors, Neiroasneas, Irritability, Inflamma
tinns, Meadnche, Tains in the Itrcast, 8ide, Back,
and I.imbs. l'einale Complaints, c., Ac. Indeed,
rory fow are tne iliscnscs in nbieh a Purgative Modi
cine, ia not more ot les required, and much sick
ness nnd snflerina; miirbt be prevented, if a harm
leas l.nt eliectiiiil Catrinrtie were more freely used.
No person can feel well while a costive habit of
body prevail j borudes It aoon generates serious and
often fntul diseuaes, bich minlit have been avoided
hv tbe timelv and judicious use or a good ptnyauve.
'I'liis is alike true of Co!d, Feverish symptom, and
hilimis dnranirements. lliey all tend to become or
produce the deep acatsd and formidnblo distempers
whirl! load the henrscs nil over the land. Hence a
reliable family physic is of the first importance to
the public health,' and Ihis Pill has been perfected
ilh couimm.ite kill to meet that demand. An
extensi or its virtue by rh)aiciana. Frofea
aora, and I'nttenta. baa shown results surpassing
any thiiix hithurto known of any medicine. Cures
ha'o been effected beyond belief! were they not sub
etuntbtcd by persons of such exalted position and
character as'to forbid the suspicion of iintmtb.
Anion? tho liiniiv eminent gentlemen who have
tct-tificil in furor of these Ti'.., we may mention :
Int. A. A. Hayrs, Annlyticul Chemist, of Iloston,
anil Btiite Asanyer of Maaaachusetts, whoae high
professi inal chancier Is endorsed by the
1 1 iin. KtiwAtin Kvlrutt, Senator of the IT. S.
ltoiicHT f.W'isi HHOf, F.x-Spinker of the House
of KcpreKcntMiYca.
AmioTT I.AWiihNCK, Minister I'len. to Fnolnnd.
t Jonv 1!. l'rrzrATUKK.Cath. Pishopof Hoston.
Alan, I'u. .1. It. Chilton, 1'ractical Chemist, of
New York City, endorsed by
l'os. W. I..' M Alter. Secretary of State.
Wm. H. Astok, the richest man in America.
S. l.t.i.ANii ,t Co., Frnpr's of the Metropolitan
llyt.-l. and others.
Did since permit, vre eenld give many hundred
cerlirii:ite, from all parts where the rilla have
been ned, hut evidence even more convincing than
the experience of cuiini-iit public men is found
in their t'lit'cts upon Iriul,
Thei-e i ills, tl.e result of lone, Investigation and
study, ate otl'eiid to the public ns the b?st and
nini-t eomii'.rte which the present state of medical
scienvt can aMVrd. They ore compounded not of
the ilrui?s tiirir.seive, but of the medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable remedies, extracted ly chemical
proceM in a slMe of purity, and c'Jir.bincd together
in fcuch t manner as to insure the best results. Thia
sVB".em cf cor.:iimitii:-n foi medicines has been found
ui tbe Ci.-rry i'cutoral and Fills both, to produce a
more efficient icuiedy than had hitherto been ob
tained by .v.iv process, 'i he reason ia perfectly cb
vior.s. Vbil'j iv the eld mode of composition, ev
er mciioi.-.e is turdri:cd with more or less of acri
tnoroous and uijnnoua ualitioa, by this eacii indi
Tiuual vrtue o:ily that is desired for tho eunilivc
e!lect is pen-r.t. All the Inert and obnoxious rpnil-itit-s
r,f ej. h suSs'.nr.ce employed are left behind, the
cvi:'!:ve vivtces beirg fct.:ined. Hence it ia
sr.f evident t:.e et.ccts ahould prove as they have
proied muo t urelv remedial, and the Fills a surer,
more puvrfui ant:dote to disease than any oilier
medicine known to the world.
As it ia Irequently expedient that my medicine
should b taken under the counsel of an attending
I'hvsician. and us he could not properly judge of a
remody without knowing its composition, I have
supplied the accurate Formula; by which both my
Pectoral and Fills are made to the whole body of
Fractitiouera in the United States and Rritish Amer
ican Frovinces. If however there should be any
one who has not received them, they will be
nrnnmtlv forwarded hv mail to his undress.
Ot all'tbe Patent Medicines that are offered, how
few mould be taken if their coinnosition wss known !
Their lite consists in their mystery. I have no
'The composition ef my preparations is laid open
to all men, and all who arc competent to judge on
the eubieet freclv acknowledge their convictions
of their inlrinaic merits. The Cherry Pectorul was
pronounced bv scientinc men to be a wonacriui
mediriue before Its effects wero known. Many em
inent Physicians have declared the same thing of
mv Fills, and eveujeVBfc'conhdcntly, and are will'
ing to certify that . J anticipations wcr more
than realised by these -eaVsota upuu trial.
They operate by their powerful intluence on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy action remove the obstructions of
the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the
bodv, restoring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments as are the first origin of disease.
Heir.a- suirar wratiDed thev are pleasant to take,
and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from
tnur use in anv quantity.
For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box,
Practical and Analj ticnl Chemist,
Friea ?5 Cent por Box. Five Boxes for SL
gnt.n r.Y
Weiser & Bruner, unbjry; Obd k John, Khamnkin
W. Wiemer, Norlliumlierliiuri ; J. K. Caslow, Milton
anil tiy all uruciriita in ,Nortt.era rcansyivaiita,
June V3, le5o ly.
TjJEKRY A ERETY. invito the attention of
l meichnnls and olliers to their large stock of
elcRantly bound Bibles, Hymn Hooka, Prayer
Books. Albums, and Prcrntutiou Books in ail
styles of binding ; Standard Tbenloirai, Medical,
Miccrlianeous aud !rhool Books, v. Inch they
bave received from Trade Sales and aie selling
at extremely low price.
Uo direct from the manufacturers and Im
porters, evrr" kind of Plain and Taney Writiiip,
Letter and .Nolo Papers. Lnvelopes, Gold and
Steel Pens, Pencil, Inkstands, V ranninc Pa
pers, Ate, &c, at tbe lowrntcah pricea.
PJ-lilJY & VAityi Y,
8. W. Corner, 4th and Kace f ts.
Eeptember 55, Sli tf
.Vo 72 North Sctond Strtet, (opposite tk
.ifrmrtf X'fif,.nn ffnms 1
' -" "-
GOLD I.ever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K. ea
ses, $25 : RiUer I.t ver do,, do., I2; Sil-
ver I.epine, do., $9: Qnarttcr. 5 to iS7 : Gold
Speriarlen. 41 f.r to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ I AO ;
Silver Table fcpoon per elt, $14 to $1S;
Silver Desert do., do., 9 to S 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,
do., !1 75 to 7 bO ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca
se, $3 15 to S; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1:
tov'eiher with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry,
Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods
warranted to be as represented. Watrbe and
Jwe.!rv, rrpuirtd in tbebest manner. Also, Ms
sor'c M nrs, Pins, &c., made to order.
T Ii. All order sent by mail or oiherwise.
nl be punctually attended to.
Fhili., Pept. 21, 1S55. lyw.
Ar.rrNTS WANTED In sverjf town and emity la ths
(.'.. via Staiei, Until tl.e beuuliful lietura of Ui
In (k Vw Masonte Halt, Phitadclekia. This Pht la
cl.:: j vary mpidiy. and elicitr ll.a adtnui.tipn of for
th e.-rfcuiftMi and 6delity with w liieh tne tAtatcaBy,
FsSkCo PirilNO Attn FusniTOKB ara ranreMiiud. and
the.vrti'ie beauty and harmony of the Colon, tjize of
I a-a, v- A in. rixe B J INJ.
II viknel eis and Picture Paalers wishinf to taka agen
eira for it, will plaaaa addrcas, for further informaiiou.
Lithoaraniier, PhUadakihia.
Oef V, IS-54 if
Will ba opened Oetoher IStta 184, in tha Masokic
d-jii-o'mj, i.neii!ii niraet,aiyiv ravanm, nuladelnnia,
Bv JOHN MAHSH. tha H lla AM for H,r.liila,i.
Oruy 4. Co.'s calabrnted D"lcs Campana Attachnwut
Tiain Foitea, nnd C W. Fisk t Co'a Premium llalo
dnona. Alao, Piano Foitei and .tIaln.leona of other dia
tinguithed rnnkcrs. J. M. hai obtained a leaaa for aaveral
yania in tha new, magnificent and wall known M.taonie
Builiiinit, where ha iuianda kpin( tha largrat alocJl and
aaaortnient of Piano Forlaa. Malodaona. Mnaie. iBTlVu.
aieal liiatinments of avaiy deaenpnon, all of which ara
curaiunv aeieetra uy aimaeir, ana warraulo la glva pec
feet aatifaetinn In every ioatanoa.
OekHier S?lh, 1646 tf
ITJI.AXKS of every description can be had Vy
m W app yinr at ths oltie of tbe Amencaa
TRASK'8 Magnetic Ointment at
May 19. WEI8EK it BRUNER'8.
A Fins lot of WU Paper joat received and for
- by WJL MeCAfiTY,
Mark 8 tract
SunVury, Jikm 1,I55.
TWt'ED ender the Seal, Sanction and Aathmityof the
Univeraily of FRKK MEDICINK and poplar know
Msa, Chartered hy the Plate ft I'enneylvania, April 90,
18S5, with a Capital of f 100,000, mainly for thepurnoee of
arresting the evueiif Slpuiinns an worthleea Nnetramsi
Alan f,nr supplying the Community with reliable Reave,
dies wherever a Competent Physician cannot of will not
l employed. This Institution hss purchased from Dr
Jons H. Howano, his Celebrated
Rowand'M Tonic lvIUturc,
Known fnr upwKrria of t wenty-five years as tlie only sura
son aale care for suit AU1 K, e aim ma mea
linmble Ilemedyfnr HOWF.I, COMPLAINTS, Kou-uud'a
Coinpoiinrt tiyrop nf nineklierry Root, which highly ap
proved and popular Remediea, together wilh
The Universiiy's Remedy for t'oniplaiuta of the t.unss;
Tlie tlnivenltv's Reineily for Dyspepsia or Iiuligeation j
The t'niversity'a Remply fnrCotlive-llowelaj
Alan, the University Almanac maybe li had, at the
Branch Dispensary, or Blore of
Nov. S, 19SJ. Mabsnoy l. O.
In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jrramea,
Jf ATMEMATICAli Inlrumenl scfiarate
- and in cases, 1 heimonieters of various
ilea. Spy Olasses of every description, Piatina
points for l iiUtning Rod, Magic Lantern wilh
scriptural, astronomical and temperance design,
Microscopes and Microscopic objects. Galvanic
Dsttcries, Electrical Machines, tSurvcver Com
pulse, Surveying t'hni &c. cVc.
McAllister & muri-HEii.
(Established in 1T9B.)
194 Chestnut Street 1'hiladelphia.
Our PriceJ and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages)
wilh 100 illustrations furnished on' application,
ami sent by n:I of charge.
Fhlla. Sept, H, Ir 1.5.--
fTHn pnrity, fragrance
fic mild emoliient
properties of this Soup. vm-jf L-i5a
renders it especially tie- Mt5a3iPiAsv
.rvi . t . iBZiswevi
. .. ..... . , ... .v.,
toilet, forchapped bands Sta&a&f
ami various diseases of 'TftJbrK&f3
Hie "kin, it is titieiunleil Each cake is stamped
WM. CONWAY, ICS South Second street,
Philadelphia. N'n other is Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olive Soap,
Warranted to Wash in hard, suit, ora;tlt wnter.
This soap has powetlul cleansing properties,
which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, &c, from
every desc: i tion of good wilh. mt injury to them.
r or all domestic purpose it is superior to nnv
other snap in use, and 20 per rent, cheaper than
the common rosin soup. Each bsr is stamped.
1C9 South Second street, Pbihulelphia.
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Snaps, sperm,
s'.esrine mid tn'.low cnndlcs, importer and dealer
in sal soda, soda ash, rosin, &c.
Orders by mail promptly attended to,
Pbila. August 5, 1H5S. If.
Annuity and Trust Co.
S. E. comer 'Ihini and Chestnut Sts.,
CAPITAL $'t!tO,000.
Ti TONF.Y i rweivwl on deposit daily. The amount
if 1 depoiiied if enter!! inn Dep"it M-Hk mid given to
the Dtp mUttr, or, if prrferrrd, u certihcute will he givm.
All Burnt, larpr nnd amnll, are nveived, and tiie uiuouiit
paid hitck on demand, without notice.
Inteit-ti it pmd at the rule of fivk tbr rsNT., com
mtH'tng from the dny o( dapi8tt, and ceuniii; fonrteen
dnyi pirviom to the wilhdruwiil of the money.
On the first dity of Jnmiary, in each year, the interest of
encli dftviBit ii piiid t tiicdcpoBitur, vr adtied t'J the pi inci
us he mny prefer.
The CompHtiy huve now upwards of 3,500 depoiiton
in the City of IMiilwIetphiH alone
Anyndditi'timi ujfuunuuttu will be given by addrrsiing
the Tkkasursk.
Stephen R. Crawford. PreVt, Wiltinm M. Oodwin,
I-nwrence Jlnifcn, Viee ITe't, Iul li J'ddiiid,
Amhroat; V. Thiunpn. ft-ree Mrllt-nry,
Itenjamiit V. T nig ley, J:imes Deverrnx.
Jacob L. Florotice, GuvtviiB EiigtiH.i.
Recretnry and Trrntnrer, PI.IMV PIRfC.
Philadelphia, Pepl. 8, 1M5. lyP.
EI Neptuno, El Dorado,
El Duendo, Rio Hondo,
Recreadores, l.a Curiosidad,
I, a Semiarmis, Canalns.
Plantation, Havana Cheroots,
. For Sale at WEISER & BRUNER.
8unbury, May 26, 18S5.
S. II. corner Sixth and Arch strtett,
fHEAS! Teas!! on tincoinmonly full and
ft choice assortment of blin k and green Tens
of nil (rrades. from the extremely low price of
30 cts 35 40 50 60 70 tJ 75 cts. per lb.,
warruiiled to be superior to any to be else
where at the tame prices. We know aud confi
dently rc'.ommend Ihrm to le 20 per cent cheap
er than any for sale in the city. We have also
a very superior aFsortment of Coflee, Old Gov't,
Juva, I.anusyra, M.iracaribo, Rio and C'ap' liny
tien Coflee. New No. 1 Mnckerel and Shnd in
and J bbl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine
Apple, Sap bago, New York Cream Cheese al
wavB on hand. Sjap Wown and white; alao
II. L. Kendell rV Co's Cltcrnica! Olive Sonp, one
lb. of which will go as as 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, picMes,
sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sanbiiea. an
choveys, A c . with a full assortment of Fancy
Goods, to which we invite the a tention of the
public to cull and examine our extensive assort
ment of Fine Groceries forsele bv
Wholesale and Retail Family Grocers and
Tea Healers, 8. W. cor. Sixth and Arch ati..
N. B. GooJf delivered to all pant of the cily
free of charge.
Phila., Sept. S3, 1855. a pi y
Trusses! Trusses!! Truesos!!!
Truss and Brace Establishment.
. M'. Cor. of Twelfth und Jlace Streets,
UMPOr.TER of fine French Triin-ea. combi
S ning extreme lightness, e:ise and durability
with correct construction. Hernial or ruptuied
patients run be suited by remitting amounts, aa
below : Sending number of inches round ihe
hips, snd atuling side Directed.
Cost of Single Truss. !j2, f3, 4, S5. Double
US, f 6, ijit) and S 10. Instr . rtions as to near,
and how to elVoct a cure, when possible, sent
with tha Tru&a. A Uo lor sale, in great variety.
Dr. DBnuing's Improved Putciil Body Draet,
For the euro of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props
and Supports, Patent Shoulder Drucca, Cheat
Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all
wilh Sloop iShoul Jits and Weak lungs ; rnglish
Elaatio Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes
male and lemale.
IV Ladies' Jtooms, with Lady attendants.
Pbila.. Aug. 4, 1655. ly P 8.
"OEBEWNE, Veratria. Chinordina and Cm-
chonia, just received by
May 19. 1855. WEISER A BRUNER.
ANILLA BEANS jut received by
Sunbury, May 19. 1855
lent remedy for coughs, cold. For sale
at this office.
December 4. 1853.
rjHAIN PUMPS.. A small number of these
-- excellent pump have been received and are
offer i for sal by
Kunnurv. June 4, U55.
rEDARTUBS, Hon Buckeu, Painted Buck
- eta, Meat Tenderer, Corn Broom, Baa
keto, Children'! Wagons, and Yankee Clock
ast received and for sale by
May S. 185. I. W. TENTR r,
HoorLANira Bitter u
May 19. WeUER & BRCNXR.&
Flour, Feed and Provision store.
flroadway, bttn-etn Marltt lilackberry Sti.
ESFK(JTFUI.LY Inform the public that
they have just received a large and well
selected assortment of choice Family Groceries,
consisting in part of Hams, Shonlders, Mackerel,
Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, fait Preserved
Fruit, I'iekle, Cracker, Cheese, Molasses, Rice,
8ugar. Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Ulack
Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco,
scgars, &c, together with every article usually
found in first class Grocery Store, all of which
will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or
country produce. We also keep on hand choice
Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &c. Porter, Ale, heer,
sarsapnrilla, fi-c. We are also prcpnred to sup
ply the citizens wilh fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
prctxels and cakes of evory kind.
IN. U. I be Inchest cash prices will lie paid lor
buttor and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
Kunhury, July 7, 18o5.
It Mtl,OU'.SIiU4 I.Ll'E.
established aa the beat article ever otTered for
Blueing Clothes. Il is entirely free from acid or
anything injurious to the finest articles. All
housekeeper will find it much cheaper and less
trouble than Indigo or any other article. 'Flic
great demand for it h is brought out several imi
tations. Storekeeper ond consumers will lie
careful to get Beminis Umt.ow's, put up st
A I fro il Wiltbcrger' Drug More, INo. 169, N.
Second Street, Philadelphia. Storekeepers can
get their supplies from the Grocers nnd Drueuist
they deal with. t prices yielding good profit.
JJrrtgfi, Chemicals, 1 antfs, V artnshfs, Dye
Stuffs, 4'C'i with a lirst-rate assortment of every
thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and
mtnufHcturer supplied at reasonable rates.
A LI Km), Druggist.
IG'J N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 1855 ly.
r"MITIj subscriber respectfully informs the public
1 Unit she still continues to keep the above
named public bouse.
She has also received a new supply of good
liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbtiry June 23. 1855. tf.
Ucb VdI) Vntljvacitc onl.
From the
LuItp. Tirllor Colliery
Shamokin, North'd County, Penna.
Address. Boyd, Hosser & Co., Suubury, Pa.
n. m. novo j. iiosseii. jas. Horn. t. uosskii.
Suubury, April 7, IRSft. tf.
nCAI.ERS in Watcbe and Jewelry, will
continue the business st the old stand of
James B. Fidlcr,
No. 12 South Second Street,
Where thev solicit an examination of their large
and varied stock, lecling nssured thnt the expe
rience both of 1 1 10 it) bave bad in tbe business,
and the facilities they possess for procuring
goods en the most advantageous terms, will ena
ble them to compete favorably wilh any other
eatabliahment in the l it v. They have now on
band a fine assortment of
Silver, Plnted and Brittania Ware, Cutlery,
Fancy Goods, Scc, t;c.
N. I). Itepniring of Watches and all kinds of
Jewelry attended to with promptness and the
greatest tare.
Pbila., April 7, lf55. tf.
RESPFCTFUI.LY inform the public that
thev bave leased the new colliery. CHlled the
Lambert colliery, and arc ready to deliver coal of
superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa
red on their new coal mealier. All orders prompt-
attended to by uildieMig the firm, cither at
Sunhury or fshmnokin.
Suubury, June HO, 1R55.
Fhotography ! Daguerreotypes I !
(Successor to McCleesfr German,)
lirOULD call the altenion of the public, not
" only to the superiority of the Uagueireo
tvnes. the llvalognipb, (bv some colled AnibrO'
ivne.) and the various at, les of Pbotograpbv on
paper; but to the hVt, that parties at a distance
possessing a smail ilaiierreotvre, may, hv aenU
ing it to No. Itill Chestnut sl., have made from
it by tbe means of Photography, and the talents
of the bent Artist, a portrait ot awt sizk, from
s small Loekct to the full size of life.
A smail book ii.!lainin)T description, prices
Sec, Sic, will be scut gratis to any person ma
king the request.
Philadelphia Photograph Establishment,
IS'o. lbO C hestnut at., below 7th
riiila., July SI, 155. tf.
Shnmokin White Ash Anthracitft Coal.
From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery.
' successors to Kasc, Heed A Co., will con
tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from tbe
ahnte well known Colliery, under the Gun of
Zimmerman & l'uri-el. The point of shipment
la at the lower wharf in Sunliurv, iSorthumber
land county, Pa., where all orders fur the various
kinds of coal, viz; Lump. Broken, Eijg, --love,
and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received
and promptly attended to.
Suubury, July 14, I8.'5,
SrsBi'HT, Jolt S, 1853
The firm of Kase. Reed 4 Co. having sold
their lease in tbe Gap Colliery and interest in the
wharf at Punl-urv. to .Messrs. Zimmerman A
Puisel, would take great pleasure in recommend
ing our customers aud others t" tho new firm, as
they will be able to sell them prepared coal of
the best quality.
S. E. corner of Second CViwtmit Sts.
Where mny be fou d, one of the lorgest and
'icst assortment of (.'locks and Time Pieces in the
United States, in quantities to suit purchasers,
of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks j
embracing every variety of style and manufac
ture, suitcil le for Churches. Halls, Counting
Houses, Parlors, Sleeping Kitch
ens. Steam and (.'anal Boata, and Rail road (.'ara.
N. U. Clocks Repaired and Warranted.
Clock Trimmings for sale. Also,
Manufacturer of Barber's Celebrated Fin
Embrscing all Ihe qualifies of the finest quill
pen, in addition to which lb durability of the
metal is luliy associated and developed. Gold
and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holder, Plated
Ware, ic, wholesale and retail. Those with
in: to purchase are iuviied to call.
S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sla., Pbila,
Philadelphia, JuueS;), 1855 ly,
"WTERMICELI.I, Maccaroni and Coin biarch
just received by
May 19, 1855.
CAMPHINE snd Fluid of tho beat quality
For aale by WEISER 4 BKUNER.
Sunbnry, May 19, 1S.VS.
FAHNESTOCK I Verml'nge, fat sals bv
May l TEbSEit As B 2 UN Eli
New Good for the People I
RESPECTFULLY Inform the public in gen
eral that he ha just received and opened
splendid stock of
Fall nnd Winter Goods
at hi New Store, in Lower Augusta townahip.
Hi stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Casslnets.
ef all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
Cnllrocg, (Sliipttianift, Lnuns,
Itlousjtscllne He lvalues
and all kind of Ladies Dress Geoda.
Also an assortment of Hardware. I roil
nnd Steel, Nails, &o.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENS WARE, of various eiyle witS
Also an assortment of HOOTS ti. SHOTS.
HATS & CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, isc.
And a crest variety of other articles such as are
suitnble to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
CrAintry produce taken in' eicbunj a
the highest prices.
I.Hwer Augusts. Nov. 10, 1855.
United States Hotel,
Chestnut Street, above Fourth.
i J- MacLEl.I.AN, (late of Jones' Hotel )
has the pleasure to Inform his friends and
ha traveling community, that be hss leased this
House for a term of yenrs, and is now prepared
lor tlie reception of Guest.
The Local sdvantnuesof this favorite establish
ir.ent are too well known to need comment.
The House and Furniture have been pu in
first rate order t the rooms are large and well
ventilated. The Table will always be supplied
with the beat, snd the proprietor pledges himself
that no ell" irt on his part shall be wanting to
make the United States equal in comforts to nuy
Hotel in the Qunker City.
4liihv. Julv R. 1854.
Lamps, Lanterns, Cliumlilimand Candtlabrat,
A'o. 152 S. 2d street, above Sprua,
I living enlarged and improved hi store, and
bating one of the largest assortments ot
Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur
nish Pine Oil, Campbene, Burning Fluid, Lard
aud Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns,
Glass Lamps by the package, at amall advance
over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and
Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohol,
which will be furninheil to Merchants at such
prices that they will find it to their advantage to
buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip
tions at the lowest market price.
l'hiladelpt.ia, Oct. 14, lb54.
No. 26 Sou:h Fourth St., Philadelphia.
CREAT FIRE, Chestnut
& Fifth Streets, Friday
morning, Derembcr 35th,
1854. Evans cr Watson'
Salamander Safe Trium
phant, as they alway are
when put to the teat.
Pim.AiiKt.rHi , Dee. 15, IK54.
Messrs. Etas Jr Wirios, N. 29 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
Gentlemen : We toke much plcosure in re
commending your Salamander Pafes t Merchants
snd others in want of a secure means of preser
ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the
one we purchased from you skout seven months
since ha preserved our books, psper and cash
in as good a condition as they were when put
into it, before the great fire of ihis morning, which
destroyed the entire block of huildings corner of
Chestnut and ifth streets. Tbe above safe was
in use in our ollire, on the second floor of our
building, from wliich place it fell into the cellar,
and remained there until the fire was out. The
Safe was then removed and opened in the pres
ence of at least 1(00 persons, who witnessed tbe
good of the contents. Will you please
have the .Safe and Locks repaired, a we intend
to put it in use sgiin, bvi.,g perfect confidence
in it bre-proot qualities.
Yours, Respect fullr,
Evsns 4- Watson take pleasure in referring to
the following, among tbe many hundreds who
have their Safes in lis: U. tj. Mint, Philads ;
Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Phila j Samuel
Allen, Esq., High Bm-ruT, Phila; John II. Hen
derson. Cily Controller ; Caleb Cope 4- Co., No.
1 S3 Market .St.; Richard ISorris S- Sun, Loco
motive builders, Philada ; Bancroft Sellers,
Macbiui'ts, corner lClh and James Bts.; Fran
klin Fire Insurance Co., Pbila.; Pennsylvania
Railrood Co, Phi!.; Lacey ie Philips, cornor
full suJ Minor Hit; Shsrpless Bro., No. 3!i
South Second St..; James Kent cV Suntee, No.
147 North Third St; W H. Horstman cV Sons,
No. 51 North Thiid St.; Kmith, Wrlliarr.scfc Co..
No. S7 Market St.; J. & B. Crne, No. IS4
Chestnut St.
A large assortment of tbe above Safe always
on band (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent
more fire any Hnrnng's Safe now in use.)
EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and
keen for sale, Iron 8huttera, Iron Doors and Iron
Dash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Banks
ttoirs, public and private liuildinga. Seal and
Letter Copying Prem-ea; Patent Slute Lined Re
fi iterators, etc. Tleise give us rail, at No. 26
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7, 1S55. cly. 10.
-- tion, with One Hundred
Engravings, showing Dis
eases and Malformations of
the Human System in every
shspe and form. To which
ia added a I realise on the
Diseases of Females, being
of the highest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage
lly Ur Wm, Youug-
l.rt no father oe ashamed to present a copy of tha J-'d-Ct'LAI'lt'S
to bis eliilJ. It inay aava huu irom an early
f rave. Ia;t no youiut man or wuinau enter iuR tha aiicra
otilianliona of marriris lifa without rua.ling the TOCKKT
,Ct'I. Al'IL'S. no one suttering from haekmed
Oiiffli, Tain in the Sula. rrallvKS mglil. nervous feelinpa,
unit ilia wh ile train of Dyspeptie aenantioiis, und f iveo
lieir piivsician, ne aiiotti
ther moment withoat con
suliing the .liSL.'1'I.Al'IL'S llava ths inamed, or those
nhoiit to lie marnetl any impedioient. read this truly useful
h iok, as it has heeii the means of auving thousands of un
foittinata ereulurea from the very jaws of death.
trAiiy pers n seiiiloif TWKNTV-FIVK CENTS,
enelose.1 in a (viler will rix'eiva ona copy of thia book, by
mail, or a ve eopiea wiU ba aent fot one dollar. AdHiesa,
Da. W. VOLNG, No. 10J 8PULCB street, PHILA
DELPHIA.." Poat id.
rhilaiiclpbia, 8eptemter S, 1M ly
(At the old Stand of S. N. 2'hompton.)
fpiIE Subscriber respectiully informs tho peo
4. pie of Suubury and vicinity, that ha has ta
ken tho Store Room lately occupied by S. N.
Thompson, in Market tilreet, Sunbury, below
Weaver' Hotel, and that he ha just received
aud opened a handsome assortment of
Consisting in part of
Drj Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Queeusware, Hsts 4 Caps, BooUi Shoe, Fish,
Halt, Meat. Ac
All of which will be uld at the lowest price.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange st th
highest market pric.
Surbuiy, No, t. 189S ly eh
PA INTS of everf dewaiptioa Just reserved by
At B. N. Thompson'; Store,
In lAiwtr Avyvtta township, at the Junction of
the Tvlpehocken and 1'lum creek roads.
rpiIE subscriber having returned Horn the city
with a new and extensive taaorUneDt of
fashionable good, respectfully calls the attention
of Farmer, Mechanic and other to tbe at me.
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Casrimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings
Muslins, Vestings, Tweeds, and all kinds '
Spring and Summer Wear,
Calicoes, Muslin de Lmns, Laitns,
Gtnehams, Rtraats, Holts,
-r vutrn, j l(iri7IC(J,
8 agar, Tas, Coffee, Rice, Mslasm, CUaat,
Spices, 8alt, &c., etc., dec.
CI art! ware,
Nail, 8crew, File, Saws, Knives & Fork, 4.4
Queens and Glassware,
of various styles and patterns.
A large assortment of Cool and Shoe, for
men, woman and children.
Hat Cam, cVc., of various size and ty!e.
Besides a large and general assortment of
fashionable fioods. Call and ejamiuo for your
selves. IjT Country produce o all kind takes ia
exchange at the highest market price.
Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855.
Furniture ! Furniture !
No. 157 South Second (abnve Spruce,) east side,
TIIIE subscriber would respectfully inform tbe
leaders of the Kxviury American and tbe
public generally, that he hss on Land a constant
supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made
Furniture at reasonable piices. Being a practi
cal mechanic, and having all his goods manufac
tured nnder his own superintendence, purchaser
may rely on Retting just such articles as are
represented. Louugea with removable arms,
also new patterns of Sofa Bedsteads. Tho
who are about going to housekeeping would d
well to call.
157 .South Second street.
N. B. All order thankfully received and
promptly attended to.
April S8. "55. w8 lr.
'T'HE subscriber having received tbe necessary
form and insructtinna from the Department,
av n asniKgion, is prepared to procuie Bounty
Land Warrant at the shortest notice.
Sunbury, Af 7, 18tS.
Shamokin Fa.
ri'iIIE subscriber begs leave to inform his friend
1 and the public generally, that be baa taken
the above well known stand, and will be happy
to accommodate all who may give him a call.
enamrikin, Jul? 8, 184.
Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
Market St., next door to B. Y. BrigW'f Slor
"1FFER to the public tbe largest and bent
clected stock ever opened in ihi section of
country, consisting of
Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Fpicea, Paint.
Oils, Varnishea, Dje-stetia, Window Glass,
Patant Medicines, together with a complete as
sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Hhaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and
Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shsving (.'reams.
Tobacco, Ssgar, Port Monisa, Stationary, Ca.
Tor Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri
can Terfumery, Fancy Goods of every ilesrrip
tion, in short every article kept by Druggist
Frestriptions Carefully Compounded.
funbury, May 26, 1854
StrwVrry. Congress,
Eldorado Fig, Eldorado Cake.
Harssparill Fine Cot, Pressed Fine Cut,
Andersons For Sale at
Runburv, May 26, 1355.
)R. II. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for cough.
-'eolds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of
tbi valuaVle medicine just received and for sale
'r , . H. B. MASSER.
Snnbnrv. June 4. 1R.'.3
4 kn old's Writing pli id and Adh.
i and Jegal envelopea, f,)r s.i'.e by
Rtinbarv, Ian 10, lftf.3.
All kinds of Boots Hhoes and slip.
pcrs lor saJe by
G. ELRliEKG &. CO,
Market street, opposite tbe Post Oihce,
flnnbury. (Vt. 6. Ih.'i.i.
To Trespaseers on the TelegTaph line
jOTICE is hereby given, that all person
A' found trespassing npon, or injuring the line
of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph wif.
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly ic
such ease mada ar.d provided.
H. B. MASSER, Pro.'l
Thil. and Kunbury Telegrph Co
fbllibnrv, June 3, 1661. tf,
w Taateless Salts,
Preparrd by
This prepaiatlon i recommended a an es..
eellent laxative and puigative, it operates mildlv
is entirely free from any unpleasant teste, re
sembling lemonade in flavor. Tbi medicine i
highly beneficial for diseases peculiar to summer
and hot weather.
Sunbuiy, July 1, 1854.
JNK Boureau' celebrated ink, and alao Con
gre ink for ale, wholuale and retail bv
1 We, her 1RO. H B M A S.SRR.
ATS AND CAPS. A plndid lot of
fadiionable Rilk. Wool and Fur Haia.
alao Cleth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Cap for aale low by
Market street, opposite tl.e Poat Ollire.
ffunbiiry, Oct. 8, 1853
pi OLD PENS with and without eases, of
very superior quality, jnut received,
Alao a frcb supply of Writing Fluid, for uU
by H. B. MASSER.
Siirtl.ury. Dec ST. 18S'
"V) LANK Ptrclmicni Paper Deeds and blank
- Mortgagee, Bonds, Executions, Kummon
for sole b )1. JJ. MASSER.
fcunbury , Atirl 16. IRS
EWELRY.A nice aasortmenl of Gald and
Silver Pencils and Pen, for sale cheap by
Market street, oppoeita tha Port OOioa
unbury, Oral. 8. 18A3
CILVER WATCH E8 A few double
J EngUaa bilvr M'stclies, far sals at rsrj sow
viraa by H- D M AI R.
SanVury, Apfi I. di