Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 05, 1856, Image 4
t Great Arrlrnl of Frill and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT rjNFOHMS hi friend end rnainmer thit Le JI Jurt received an elefant orlmcnt of FALL AND WIVIER GOODS 1 1 At Id Ptore In Mattel Street, Hunbury, which ti offer to the public at the lowest price. Kit ftock coiiti! of a general Mortmil Dry Goods, viz : Clotht, Cassimin, Casvnrts, Jean. Drilling, Muslim, Linens, Cahcor, Muslin tit Laint, Lawns, Ginfhnm. Btrani. Also t large assortment of CLOTH ING. A Urge assortment of Boot and Hheee, for Men, Women ami Children. Silk Hat. Panama, rutin leaf nj oilier Summer Hate. iMiwicr. GROCERIES of every variety. .Sugar, Tea, Collie, Molasses, Clitew, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vlit Iron and fieri, Nails, Kiln. Raw, Ac. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setti, 1'latct, Dishes, Cupt, Savctrt, frc E7 Country produce of all kind taken in ! change at the highest market price. Oct. SO, 1855 GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING I JOHN "V. JVCLITIXr MERCHANT TAILOR, 6UWEUIIV, PA. Reepectfelly informs tho citirene of Sunbjry and the public generally, that he has just received from Philadelphia, a choice and select aasorrneiit of Clolhn, Cas-iinercs, Ac , vit Trench black Cloth, plain and twilled. Black Beaver do fr overaoat. Fine blue cloth. Clavct cloth. Caasimcre french black corded. do do do Dooskin. do do grey mixed Doeskin, Veering plain black silk velvet. do Figured velvet. Pluh velvet. do Black satin figured. Woolen Shirts and Drawers. Gentlemen' rocket Handkerchief. do Neck-tics. All of which will he sold or made up to order In the latest and style. Sunbury, Den. I, 1855 tf &u&m THUS Wff For the latest arrival of Fall Winter (Joods. J. P. & lalTsLINB. RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends BUll tb Tllllilii in irpnnrat fliat l,nA received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., at Klines Grove, their FA 1.1. an J WINTER Good, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and fane; Cassi mores, Sattinetts, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kinds of FALL ami "WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vest and Tants, Ac. Ladies Tress Goods, Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacos, C'o bere; cloth, plain and fancy all wool De .sines, Ca'.icees, Ginghams, Muslin, Comforts, Bay State Long Shawls, Trimmings, Ac. Also a fresh supply of (al'OrerlCA of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Queeusr-are, Cedarware, Brooms, c. c. Alro a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Halj, and all good usually kept in a Country Store. Call and Sen, Cheaper thun the Cheapest, Thankful for past favors we hope by strict reten tion to busineis, to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will be aold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at tho highestmarkel price. Kline' Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. Saddle ;and Slai iiesi ."iSnkci. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. IT'. Stroh, REPBCTFri.I.Y informs the citizens of Sunbury and the pub k lie generally, that he has taken establishment lately occupied by Geo. W. Stroh, and having engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in th's section of country. Orders promptly excreted and all kind of pro duce taken in exchange. Sunbury, October !i7, 1855. ly DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN DEEN, JB., Market Street, Danaille, Pa, 'J sHIS is one of the largest and most commo--- dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania, it has been recently fitted up, in excellent atyle, with all the modem conveniences, Danville, Sept. 22, 1855. THAOHEB Ss WODDBOP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE, A'o. 101 Arch Street, vp Stairt, Between Third & Fourth. 8n., upper aide, near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpel Bag and Valiees of all descriptions. CHARLES F. THACHF.R. ROBERT x. WOUDROP. Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 185B. tf STttAY SMOAT. tfAME to the pre.-aises of the aubscriber in Lower Augusta township, on or about the 15th of December 1855, a stray while nhost about ten months old. The ower is rfqu.-t.ied te oorne forward pay charges and take it awuy. JACOB RENN. Lower Augusta, Jan. 13 1856. 8m. g-OBURCl, FiUnch Merino, Paraixn c'.cih, Pari twill, Chintz. Dclan., L'ebeges, Alapacas, Bilks, Wool plaids, Mohair lustre French, Scotch and Ainericau Ginghams, jus received and lor sale by Hunbury, Doc. 1 '55. E. Y BRIGHT g" 1AMBRIC, Swias, Mull, Bobinett, French laces, Check, Collars, Undcrslceves and Chemisettes, lleak dreisos, Velvets and Velvet trimmings. Turkish eoucterpiacs, blankets, Broche, Thibet & Bay State Ph.twls, for sale by Bunbury, Dec. I, '66. K. Y BKICHT. TKICOrHEROL'8 6 dot. for sale by V..y 19. WKIKR A ItlC'VCE. Vrr'AI.L PAPER A large and splendrd assortment of Wall P(ier, Window Pa pir, aud Oil Shades, just received and for saia Sy L W. TENER tV Co, Sunbury, May 24, 6b FRENCH black clolh, plain dc fancy Cassi meres, Caaaiuelts, Overcoating, fiatin and Nik Velvet vest .atlerns, 8ilk and Wool Uats, Csps, fcarfc and Monkey Jacket, for sal by Sunbury, Pee. I '35. E. V. BHtdHT. "PT ADIES' Dress Good. Bpring and Suionii Hj 81, awls, Black ailk, silk poplin, De Lame, Ginghams, D baga, Lawna and calico, just re caived and for fa'e by WM. A. K.N'AUU. Lower August. May 6, 1854. BLACK Putty good article for aala by May WKlEK V BRLNEK. INBELLieiB INK at May It. W.l&KB DBCJTEB'S. I7TTW ! FALL AKD WINTER O00DI. I. W, TK.M H Ji CO.. ftimlHirj', I'A., UEftPF.CTFLi.l.Y ennnnnee that thef bav Just receive d Urn and varied trk of ileiiilld aoo.lnlid to lb ' an Inspee lion nf which iliry tillrll frrin llirlr Mend end lh public -they will ( ald at low price, they atill adlier It their old motto I "Small jfofilt nnd quick Sol." ThU In the end pa; brat, while It beat rve thrlr eil'ttmef. 'I heir Mock how funsUt of Cloth, Csltnere, Vesting. Lailte' lrrs Goods, In great arlrly, uf Silks, Paiplina, Delaine), Cashmere. Cehtirrs, all wool ) tain, Calico, Ac., with a large aaaottmeiit nl tire tilnitniiia.-Rrrclie, Thibet, C' mr, and wolten shawls, worked eoilara, ruffs, sleeves, t hcmiseite, le. A new toik of Ready Coat, Vtslt, and Pantaloon, uf superior stylo and workmanship. Also, lists, Cap, Bouts' and Shoes together with general assortment of Hardware, queens ware. Utorerics. rrovision, Odurware, Diuus, rainla. Oils and .Nails. Come and see, charge is made fur skew ing fronds. Country produce taken In exchange for goods, at the higher! market purrs Sunhtiiy, October III, lri5.. S- E, for. 7lh k I'hrsnut Stj. This lii'tituiiiin, which mis fir eitnliliiliid in Ncptejuhrr, aH, numhers nnioiiK im Kruilnnirs hun dili of the liunineis men in this, suit mhrr cities j will ni June 1bo', Churtereil, mid eaiulilishail as n " C lli-se, in accordance with Act of l.eia.ature. Jj' i'lis Cobbsi of IsaTBecTioi! Is of a Ih'iriiltifluv iriictlenl rhnlncler and pnnlniiis nil th branches neecsanry ' rr na in liuameas j Iwaides which. W.2 6 ajnrl 'he pupils have the privilege of stlen 1 ibnee npm a eourae .if I.KCTt'Hr.H Ll'O.N lUMMLItCIAj. LAW, de. n eren i.n uirir capeciai aae, by emi nent pmctitiuners. For tha preaent season, the Hoi. J iron a Hit a a wood's sei vices ars en gas.1! in this dernirtment. II. ClllTTKNUKN.rrinclpal. f7a'Cntnls;uewtll be saiit to any address, on applientinn liv letter. Alan, CR1TTKNDKN9' HOOK KEbi'lNfl, on receipt per mail of His pries, i,siu. Hey to some ov cut Philadelphia, Oct. 13, l&M.6m8. COLEMAN'S CXIE-A.!? CUTLERT STORE, A'o. 21 North Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. C COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to J fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but liuh rent, and living economically, il is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stng, buffalo, bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, Ac, Butcher Knives. Dirks, iiovrio Knives, Revolving and p. am t'istols, ivc. AUoa large assortment of Aecordenns, At. Also fine F.uglish Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. SO, 1S55. ly. Importer. NEW CONFEOTIONABY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAKIIART, rjESPF.CTFl'U.Y announce to the citixen of Northumberland and the adjoining coun ties that he ha opened a Confectionary and Fruit Store in M AKKET SQUARE, Sunbury, where he manufacture and keep on hand, at all times, the moat choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale und Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hi stock of Conlcctionarics, maybe tounu : French Seereta, Burned Almnnds, Crenm White, " l.e'nuii Hon,., " Vanilla. romm"rT Secret. I.iquoiice, Gum Drops, all kinds of soent, live urnps, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Dropa, Puck Candtea, of all seenta Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. rrnnes, Fiss, Tjatea. Ciirmnis dried, Alniunds, Rsisrsis, Citrons, Nuts nf ail kinds LK.MON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segar and Tobacco, and a variety of Confcctiouarics, fruit, &e, all of which is ollcred cheap at wholesale or retail. Come and ace he will try to please. Order from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, An,. 4, 1855. ly Bargains at the Old Stand. FRXLINGr & GRANT A UE now opening a new and very d. sirnhle stock of FALL and WINTER Uooda, em bracing an endlee variety. Their tock eon siits in pari uf Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimcres, Winter Ware for men and boy, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of Daid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress iSilk at unusually low prires, fheliie. Graiea, Braze De Lain, Mus. De I. sins. Lawna, Ac, filNGH A MS from t to 25 cenU per yard. CALICOES 3 " 12J " ' WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetta, Swtts. Tarlton, Mull, Rohi- nctt, French and tsvis Laces, Edging. Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Check, Towlings, Table Diapers, 4c. ratut r.Rii-N. HARBWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster bait and Fish. Also a tresli supply of DitUGS AND MEDICINFJI. Thankful for p&st favors, we hope by strict attention a nd a desire to please, atill to meet with the approval of our friends. Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price biinbuvy, Nov 3, 1855. ly. npH E subscribers offer a reward of fifty dollar for the discovery and conviction of the per son or persons, who cut and destroyed lb. baud on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Hhamokin and Ml. Car me I, on the night of the Oth inat. The a'.-ovu reward will he paid to any one i Ing informs ion that will lead to the conviciior of tha oHVaJers. CLEAVER, PACELV Jr. Co. Phamokin Oct !7, 1855. tf. HENRY DONNEL, TORNE1T AT LAW. A Vjjxci opposite th Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. riompt auenlion to boameas w adjoining vonntie. ANN'S LETfER TRESSES, with i , n books,! iik, a ad ail mplete, lust rr cetved. and for aale by H. B. MAS6EIL Bunburv, June 4, 18SS.. TENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPER8 fo bar bottle for eala by H. B MAS6ER. Sunbury, April, IS, 1851 jTi ROCERIE8 Segara, Coffee, 471 Spice, Oils, Rrandy.Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring end Salt, just received anil for aale by WM.A. KNAJJB. Lower Augusta May t, 1854. UAKDWARE.-Tabl CuUery, Rator. Pock ct Knivee, Hand aawa' Wood saws in frame. Aim, Chiael, Door Lock, end llingve, Hsu.l Osibt, Warier, or just rerivsd and tar sal by .1 W. TENER A CO. 13 Vi bury Pea. f, 1154 AY MI'S TILLS. FOB Alt THI mrOSIl Of A FAMILY PHYSIC. TitKM ha lont atl-fen) pul'lfe itemstid hit an efTvrtivt pttrasllTs pill whlc h could bt fallen) nn are and perfectly anfe In Us oper illon. 'I his n been prepared to meet that dimisnd, snd an esteii le trial nf Its virtues hsa eimrhi.lvclf ahtwn lth what anreess It seeompllahes the fturpow eai, ' It la taay to mud a phyalesl fill, but tint en.f make lbs beat of all mis which should have nun of the nl.jeetimia, tml nil the advantage f rri-jy This hn been atlempted lu re, Willi what sneeeas would reapeetfollr submit , th piiMie rleeiaion. It has hern nnfurtimate fur the paliriil liitberln thai ahiinit every piirgatlf medicoe is aeriinonioua and Irntutnig to the bow els. 'J his ia not. M.111V nf tbeiu iniliire an mil' h Kriplng puln anil revulsion In the system sa tnniort than covmtCThilniica the good tu lie ilerived from them. '1 heaa ;n produce nn irritation or pain, m.lras It nrlne fiomatireviniiilvexilinil oliatrnc lion or derangement In the bow'cN. ll"ii.g purely q'lantity but it la letter tint any inedii ine should be tnken Judieioualy. Minute directions for llirir uae In the sovcmI tliaeaaes to hu h they i p-p'.l-rblo am given on the font. Ani""g tbi com plsliit which liavo been sweedily cured by them, we iimv mention l.ivrr Caniplaint, in lis various forms of .laundien, lndigesrion, Languor end Loss nf Ap petite, l i.tlesrneas. Irritability, Bilious llenrl.iebe, UiV.oiis Fever, Fever and Ague, I'um In tho Hide and Ixilus t for. In truth, all these nre but the con sequence of diiensed netion In the liver. As nn sp 'rietit, tbev afford prompt stid sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, K. rof tila and Scnrvv, .olds with soreness of the body, Ulcer and impurity of the blood i in short, any and every case wliere a purganva is re'tuireu. Thev have also produced some sincui.iriy suc cessful cures in Kheumatism, Oout, Drojwy, (Jravcl, Krvsipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains In the Ua'. k, Mtomaeh, and Side. They should be freely token in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occ-iaional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the apjie tite and vigor. They purify the blood, ami, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and rostore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be curried too far, as everv purgative medicine reduces the itrength, when taken tWxcess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they' suggest themselves to tho reason of every bodyj and it is confidently believed this pill y.i.1 answer a better purpose than any thing which ban hitherto been available to mankind. When thcir virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of s cathartic medicine. IJcini suar-wrupped they ars pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no barm can arise from their use lit any quantity. For minute directions ee wrapper on the Box. I'REl'ARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical nnl Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Prieo SB Cent par Box. Five Boxoi (or SL AYEll'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For (he rapid Care of fOrCIIS, I'OLDS, HOARSENESS, MIOM IUTIS, U HOOPIXti-rOtUH, t'KOVP ASTHMA, AXD d'OXSlMII'TIOX. This remedy haa won for itself sach notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so' numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidntt to empiov Tor ine aisircaaioK whu.iwuo ... tions of the pulmonary organs which ure in.-'.dent to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upor. the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Cm.ns, Couoiis, IIoaiwknrsr, &c. ; and fur CitiLliiiEN it is the nlcasautcst and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, and tliat the genuine article is sold by Weiaet V flruner. Pnnbury; Biid A. J ihn, Plimnnkin VV. Wietm-r, Norlliuinliei land ; J. F. rmlnw, Milton and by all Dnmgists in Northern reuunylvunia. June 23, ltSO ly. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. lOEKRY ti ERETY. invite the attention of i morchants and others to their lare stock ol elcRantly bound Bibles, Iljmn Hooks, Prayer Books, Albums, and Preseululiou Books in all styles of binding ; Standard Tbcologicai, McJical, Miscellaneous and School Bonks, which tbev havo received bom Trade- Sales and are si lling at extremely I nv prices. A It-o direct front the mantif.vtm ers nnd Im porters, even- kind of Plain and Fancy Writinf;, Letter and Not Papers. Envelopes, fluid and Hleel Pens, Pencils, fnkslamls, Wrapi ing Pa pers, &c, Ac., at the Inwct cash prices PERKY KRKTY. 8. W. Corner, 4:h and Race SLa. Philadelphia. September 55, 1S55. tf AaTTSE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o 72 North Second S'reet, (opposite th iiJount Vernon House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, $S9 ; SiUcr Lever do,, do., sil ver I.epine, do., $9 : Quarticr. if 5 to -1-7 : Gold Spectaclea, $150 to if 10 ; Silver do., 1 50 j Silver Table Spoona per sett, $14 to 418; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to SI 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 75 to $7 50 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, $3 55 to 5 ; Gold Pens and .Silver do. , $ I ; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by muil or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. I'bila., Sept. S3, 1855. lyw. NEW MASONIC HALL, Pllll.APF.LrHIA AOENTM WANTKD in everr rown and county In Ihs Cnited Blutrs, to sell the beautiful ictura of tho GRAND LODGE ROOM. In ths N'sw Maosic, Pl.iIuJ(!t hiv 'J'liia Plate is sllnia very rapidly, and elicits Ilia admiration of all, f..i the correctness and 6.lelity wnh whien lb, l auco PiicTtso. ami Kiasinss ars renrcaented, ami Ihs artistic beamy and liarniouy of th oulors. bic uf riste, Ti A VI I'nee aj no. Uookaellers and Piei ura llealers wishina to Ink ageit eles fur it, will pleusa adireas, fiv funhar inf-innaiiuii. I..N. HO.KV'I Hsl LithoerapUer, piiiittdclpbia. October 17, ISM tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. THE I.ARGF.fT PIANO PORTR, MFXPTH-OV AND MLS1C Sl'tiKE IN THE tMTI.U (.TATtS, WiU bs opsnt Oci,lf l.lih ljssa, i th. Msosic Dill.Distl, llioanui Blreel,sMvs evventli, Philadrli.lilu. By JOHN MARrsll, tha H,.. A cent f..r Biauriinsn, Orsy A C'o.'i eclel,roied Il.-lea Canipana Atln.-h.a.nt I'lauo Fortes, and C VV. 1'iak A C.'s Hrem.uia dsons. Also, 1'iaiio Fmics snd Aklikltmia of oilier .lis. tiiHcuishnl makers. J M run olsaiurd a lease for several yeais iu ihs new. nuauificeat and weU known Maa.mie DUlM.Mf , waere as luleiul kerpn Um lurvat sliwk and asaot imeut wl" Piano Fortes. MeliMbfcma. Mii.i. nibl Kl... sieal Instruments nt eva-y deacriplion, all of wlm h are ...iwci,, hiiu wiirianioa to site tawi feet saufuotMHi ia every insiaocs, Uviubar t7ta, tail il BLANKS. LANK5 of every rieat-rlption can be had ky tpp vine at tha office of ike Amaru-eat TRASK'8 Magnelie Oinimnit at May 19. WEISER et BRIBER'S. A Fin lot of Wall Taper jut received and fur -Heed be WM. Mci?ATV. Market Utreaik Banbonr, Jura 1,1191. THE UHIVEU1ITTH FAMILY l'iiirtrur itf ffff P. Mf'lil IM1, Aft fq.M fcft". I A. tk-lllf II f AnrtmA ,i ftlili ia)tTi f.t lha nMtt-sM f ! fff )tr. ,at fthll . f mtt-m lM. -.ffl () N stlMII I A' T'4 tt ttf th l!"WtiniH' Mil fr'' H ' wh-fr frr m i'.tni-tfnf 'htrmn w hi rri'i ' l Tht Jm tufi n 14 ft' ir'! fi.tM Ui Rrvn ftf nfiwriftU r f h ii(v.fl tr m,f tnf i .! rttff f tt f , l A til ' f , ..( h i fr. I ttniftilft fl'Mly r . II'M,( r r ( r I, ( M X, V v -".'II ' nl4 ft ffMllMf PpTrrlrt. K'lrt'f JT H 'I'hf I llltrriif v lUttlr li f'tf I'-rlftpHti't r.f 1h ,ntff ( ; T f 1 fit r r)if Mrmrttf f f f) ) ;,.) nf nwl(i n J ' 'Fttc 1 " tit vr t 1 v ( "inrlv f"f 'im f M'Wfl; J tr rnnfttf-.H'- Aifti-'nitr Mny In I (rt hn PntiiPti i)iinrir,ff !fsTt rr i GPECTACLE3 In Gold, Silver, and EIrhIo Steel frames, j1 ATHKMA'I'lt ,M, li.-lrinnenls -;.srsie and In Cae. 'I hrriiioiurlr rs .f tnri.iiis sitr, fpy fihiaesnf eif .le '.riptinn, PlnliiM l.ightinng II. nN. Majic l.:illcirn wit't scrtpltiral, ntroirninii-nl uml t niii'rtti' e .1. auns. Mii-rncoie and M irm -cm ! nl i.'i ti. ti.ihiinie , t.,i(, KU-. ln, j M,i. hint-., f , yef's Com- passes, fSurvring f'hniis A KK ,v i:i:t)'CU!:lt. ii:-i..iii.ii..i in r.uii.) 114 f'liistiiiit :-irct i i : ; ..! ' Our Priced nod llluslraltd '.ilalngue (St !!.) ilh 150 illtialrnlioiia l irniine l on a jipllcilion, an I srgl by it,..' of vhargr. I'biln. Kept. H. le'ij'i. GENUINE 110.7 LY SUAI. ''EIII! pnrilv, franr-iuce -I- CV mild emollient ..JTV: properties nf this Snap . Vs,"ysA rcuncrs n epeci.iuy uc- fi r-,taj serving a place on rvciy H&$f$p.j- ...i.e.. r orrini, pe.i nniioa gBT and various iltseaacs of J T;.:E-05 the "kin, it is iiuciti.ilri1 1'ach cake stamped WM. CONWAY, HiS Smith KcchiiiI street, PhilHilclphiii. No other isfi. iiiiine. Improved Chemical Olive Sonp, Warranted to Wash in hard, soli, or salt water. This soap hns powerful cleaioting properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, Ac, from every description nf goods viih.ini injury to thern. For all domestic purposes it is superior to nny other sonp in nap, and 20 per rent, cheaper than tho common roxin sonp. I'.nch bur is damped. WILLIAM CONWAY, lfla South Second street, PhihuU-lphia. Manufacturer nf Fancy ami Staple Soaps sperm, Hluarine and talloiv t amlles, impoiler and dealer in sal soda, sod.i a.-h,, cVc. Order by mail promptly attended to. Phila. At:gut 25, 15.). if. SAVING IFTTKTID OF THE UNITED STATES IXSUKANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S, H. vomer 'third awl Chestnut .S7., rillLAUKIslMIlA. T t ON KY in received mi d'pM dnilv. The pm ti' li I dei 'f itnl in eult red in it Deji ItimRiuiil kivcii to the !)t'p.)it'ir, nr. if .ri"lrr( d. o rertitifiitu will Iw1 civn. A I! Bums, lirgv mid viniill. nre rrt't-ivi-d, und Itte uuu-unt paid htii-k on dt'niMtnl, without itotif-r Intpifs; it wild ut t'lft r;it- -f r?vr ri:R 'Fmt , c "tt- inrticiiitf from tr iluy of depofiil, mid cciisnm i-iirit'L'ii dfivn pieVM'UB t Dip witlidr:ittl t" th' limiH . ; On itju fimt d;iy Jiimiui y, m f;i"!i ytnr. ft- ir.'tTf t nf ' pui'li dfp'it l piiid l tliMlt p')pilr, vi atiticl t. tin pi mci- 1 jinl, n 1 h may prefer. Tlie C "np!tn h.ivt- iviw tipwardg of di-jonilt if ; in the City -f l'hi' i'li-!phi:i a! nit Auviid lili 'mil i.iturtiiuli u will be fjiven ty hMk i.ii the 'J'HKASCHiiK. , DfKlXTtm. 1 Stfphen R. Crawford . Vrr'r, Vil!;ain M. O'-dwiti, Liiwrt-nct' J hns hi, Vi'-r I'reb't, lu! f ' fM tn!, ! ltiij:itnin W.TiPRley, .liiint'ti lli'ViMeim, j Jac-'b L. rioruiici, Uuvtsvua Kiil.-ii. j Sirrliry and IrMimirer, ri.fY I'ltlf. 1 Tm.LKlt AM lNTKiBKTM5. J- C. HIM tX-'II I.Mj 1 'AX . riiiiadiJj.J.ia, Sept. ?, IMS. !T. SEGARS' r.l Neptuno, El D '.rsdo, El Duen.lo, liio Hondo, Hccrcailores, La Curinsidad, La Seiniaruii, Cousins, l'ianlation, Havana Cberouts. For Sale at WF1SEK oi BRL'NER. Sunbury, May 2ti, 1855. BURTON & FEMON, S. II. corner V.rri n. .-IrcA street, I'llll.ADKI.I HI v. riv-EAS! Tens!! an iincnuiiiionlY full and 1 choice nssortmcnt ofbhick nnd crct ti Teas of nil grades, from the extremely low price of 30 cts 35 40 60 fill 7: tJ75ct. pi rib., warranted tu be superior to any to be had else where at the same nrices. We know and confi dently rcinmmen.l them to l e "0 per rent cheap er than any fur sole in toe cilv. W e have also H very superior assortment of t'ollcc. Old (.ov't. Java, I.ajuavra. .Mararuiilio, Riouml Cap 1 1 a v -lieu Coilcc. New No. I Muekeu l and Miail in J and i bid. or as may bo de.-ircd. Cheese. Pine Apple, Sap oayo. New Yoik Cream Cheese al wnvs on hand. Soap brown slid uhile; hm II. L. Kcudcil & L'ii'h Chemical iliiteKoap, one lh. of tsiii.'h iv i !l r.n as f..r as of i, miliary brown Soap. Al:.,i Starch of diilerenl quulilies. pici.lei-, sauces, kelrhups. olive., niivc oil, sardines, mi chovevK, &c, with a I'uil nKs.irtineiit of Fancy Giimls, to which vn invito tho a tentiou of the public toeaM and examine our cxtciihite asil inent ol Fine Groceries fiirnulo bv BCUTO.N A FENTON, Wholesale and Ketail Family Grocers and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Ar. h sU. N. B. Good- di-livcrcd to all parti of the cily free of clinrce. Phila., Sept. 53, 1855. apl 8y Trusaeavl TruBses-!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment, S. IP. Cor. of Twelfth and Jlace Streets, Philadelphia. MPORTER of fine French Trusses, eombi nine extreme lightness, ease and durnbililv with correct construclion. Hernial or ruptuit'd patients can be suited by rcmilting amounts, as below : Semling numU r of iuchca round the hips, and slating bide ulli cled. Cost of Single Trus, $, f ;i, f, S5. Double $5. ?IH and lf'10. Ititr-clioiis ns to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, m-ut with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. L'r. Banuins'i Improved rattnt Dutly trai'f, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spin il Propa and Supports, i'n'.enl Mioul.Ur Braeea, Clnt E spa mlcrs and Erector Braces, a.lupted to all witii Stoop Shoulders and Wrak Iui.l's; Eutilh Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes male nnd lemale. tV Ladies' li.ioms, wilh Lady atlrudants. i'bila., Aug. 4, 1855. ly P li. ItEBERINE, Yeratria, Ciiinurdine and Cin " clionia, j.i s received by May 19. 1K55. WElsEK & BKLNER. "WJANTLLA BEANS just received by V WEJUEK dt BHl.'NER. Wunbory, May 19, 185e TILEVSCDIG CAXDY. An ncel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For aale at this otlice. Decemlier 4. 1 BSt. . C HI A I N PL M I'd, A email nuiabcr of these I - excellent pump have Imoo received and are eflaarr 1 fur aale by II. B.MASbER. Sunrnjrv. June 4. 15. t EUAR I I IIS. H.ue Buckels, Painted Buck eis, Meal Te'ndaiiera, Coin Brooms, Bas kets, Childreu's Vaoaa, and Yaukse f 'iocki Usl received and lor aale by May So. U5&. I. W. TENTH i HOOrLAND'3 Bitters at May JI. W113EM 4 BRL'NEB'8. NKW f AMH7 ultUfTKT, riftttf, feiet vM Tiftrlfcl'Vii atnfo. fcKAHlOtlZ A I'M 1.2 ', Urml'i-f,,, l.twft Mntl-t ft Jtlnrlhrry$i. fCrtpLCTri'l.l.T inform lb p.ibiic lliel I Ibey hsv just tf reived a Urgs) and wl selected aaarirlnient o' find' rsriiMy flf.erie. enmistini In pfl of ll ims, srlirtii'.ters, Msekr.d, Herring, White I'i.h, I'nd Hall, Hall Prea.fve.1 Find, I'lekle. t'rukers, I liee.e, MnlaanM, I; ire, f iidir, Colfee, (itrecn, tussled sh ! i'nnri I ) lm Knsl. Vrmi.j lll.on, (lun n .1. r and Illa. V 'l ess, Ceitsf rs e, fH ine.yi are, Soap., bruabi plow an I wsli llnea, bints and slows, Inbsceo, segsrs, eV , lri ilier Willi every article nsnaHy fmiiul in firal rims Grocery Nure. all nf which will l s.ibl af Ihe lwel prices, eirhef f.if eiah nf emiiifry pfialnrsi. We alaokeep on hand choir! Liquors, Port, l.islmti, Ac, Purler, Ale, beer, stranpsrilla, fVe. V art tlaei prepared In an p. plv the rilirens wilhfrrah bread, Iwist, tolls, pies, pretrla slid eat r of ever y kind. I .N. I). I he bigne-l fn-li prices will be paid lor I biill. f and ett, corn, oats, rye ami wheat, ! !mibur, July 7, l.5.'. j iuiii.ou'.miif;i ik.i i:, I-lt!,OW. IMiKJM II 1,1 1'.. is mew wsl r-t ibbahed as l!ie l st iirlicle net offered for j lllueiiig Clothes. Il n entirely f'r. n from acid or Miivilimg injii'i'on In ibe fined articles. All i ..Ali'I'.'l" will fin, I it llllirll rdrnpir Slid leas trnn1'!! than lo.ligo or ntiv oiber atticie. 1'he ; sr.-..t ileriuind fir it has brought out several f;ri latiini fstiireliei-.rrs and I'nnaiiirieis wilt be i r iiefol b eel Umiin lltnuiw'a, put np at J AU'rc .1 Willbergm'a Drug l.ire, Nn, C,:, N, ' Slieet, I'hiliirlelpbi t. Mine keepers can I'l l llieir supplies fr"iti Hip Grocers and llriitruiats ! tbev deal mill, nt prices vie'. ling a good profit, j yi't'., Cri.riviv, l'fti't'li, Ytirmt't-i, l!y Sli ffi, .Vr-., v illi a first-rate aorlinenl nf every I thing in Hip line. Hinrekei per, i'bysiri ins an 1 I niiimiliifiurcr aupplieil nl re iaonabln rates. ALFI.'KII WII.TIILKGKK, Drugci't. Hi!) N. Second Mrect, l'l.ibul. l.ii.1. July 7, 1H55 , e "r-f -T r-rf n 'J SUaVBUEY, pa. t jl! I nn' prrH't r rr-tj irtltiily ihfonn puMir JI llint Htilt rontiiiuo to kci-j) Ui uli ivr. llUIIM'tl MJ ! I if Iiihmo. HI it Hlt fdiivp! ft new ftnpjify of rnml liipiorft ntut wined. athI tniU Mutt ulit will It nldo hi give PjtUf.irtioi. o all n!io m.iy virtil hvr house. MA HA THOMPSON Hunburv JuniS.1, H.rfi. if. EOYD, rwOESEIl & CO.," I ileb -utS)vatitc Cecil T'lom the Ivy." Fidlrr CcliiTy Ghftmokut, Iforih'd County, Tenra. Address. ll.ivd, Knsscr A' ('., M.iiibury, l'a. II. M. Molt. J. Ili,".. JlH. IKIin. T. ROSM.ll. fci 11 1 1 1 1 1 r v . joil7, I'i.'i.''. tf. IIAYDOCK & I'lLLEIl, j u 1. 1, 1, in v nrc.ien uml Jrurirv, ill t 1 con roritinue t;:e Ii!t-i:ic--s at I.. I .:...- of! James 11. Fiill. r, .V.i. TJ Sr,-t Street, l iin.i)i:i.!'in.i, Where t'n-v s-Uiril nn ey.fninatinn of their lareje ninl vancii :..i t-, le. !::' unsure. I that the ppe ri.'nce both r.f lii.-.n lute had in tb.e bnsim-ss. and llu- l.icilii p.oy-ei-s l',;r pnir;i,in j coiids en llie iiin.-t in!. a::t.i.'.nH I. rms, tii! rna I It- them to cooiele!v with any other eitnbii-'ii:iieiJt i;i v. Tiny l.ave, now on hand a tir.e Mtiiictit of v.'A'i n i:.-. en ickh, j r.wKi.r.v. c-ilver,- Ib.i.i! ni.. i' mta Ware, (J ut Ic .. t Fain'v f.ooiN. .Ve., . N. B. I'epniriiijr nf Watches and all liio'of Jewelry i.'ienit;! to with ptinpii.Cra and the yr.-iit.-Hl care. Piiil.i., April 7, 13.-i5.-tf. TO COAL DEALER1?. AMKERHAIT, RU33P.K L WEITZEL j BJEsri C-i ! I t'.cv I.LW i rn.i.Y i;.!.M- .1 ti..- ic.i.iic Unit ; 1 t'li' im .t . -ill:, rv, . aii.d the I.ambi rt c- li;-iy. anii a.c rca !v t :iv. r ei.r.I nl : Sl:-clinr l;'.;''i?J. . i I'll i.f a va:i- i.f k'V.I:' -repa- j red on t.n: m--.v i. . 1 t-.r .kr-i. .!! oi.'cr.. j.ii.iuj t- j alleiidid t by nddiesMiis the turn, et Sniiloiry or Mi iiookiii. Sunbnrv, Jul;.',.')!', Is.'i5. Photoi-fipliy ! ! ! A NEW ERA Uf ART I J. E. McCLEES, ( .'nie re.t.tor (o MrChes .V fiVrmon,) TOri.D call the stlenion of the public, not ' hnve IPe-r acs tu ue : l . H. Mint. I'bilaila ; . ' only to the supi-riniity uf the II ijuerro- ! Farmeis' and Mechanics' Bank, l'hils ; Samuel tvpes Ihe'llvaltiRraph, (bv s me called Ambro- Allen. Iq.. llich Phila: John H. Hen Ivpe.) attd the vaiious sttles of Photography on I der... f it) Conlroller ; Caleb Cope J- Co., No. paper; but to the fad, that parlies at a iliataticr i I Hit Market Si. ; Ri.-hard Norris ir Men. I.HO possessing n sf.all lUtrnernvtvpe, miv, bv r.-ii.t. j motive butldeis, Pbilmla ; Bancroft A- Sellers, ing it tn No. IliO Cbcvftit at., hmemade from ! .Ma.'hiui-ts. corner If'tli and Junes Sts ; Fran it bv the mean of l'tuilonrs;.!iv. and the tautils ' klin Fire lnM,ranro Co.. Phila.; Pennsyltanta nl li.e Ut ArtitU. a iioi'tra.t ail t a x sizk. from ! Railroad Co, Phila ; Lai ev aj- Philips, corner a an. nil 1 'i k.-: to Ibe lull i-io. nf life A small book i ,.;!t liniotr d.-m-ription, pri'-e Ac, tVc, will be s.'t.l g 'stis 1 1 any p-rson m kins 'be request. McCLFES' Philidc'n'tia Pbut.Kraph I'.slahlii-hment. No. Ibl) Ch.atnut t., below 7 lh Thila., July ai, l5a. If. Ehamcbin Vhite Ath Atthracitn ConL I'mm the '-Old IVi'.a" i i '. Hun CiHury. T M. ZIMMERMAN At JNt. P. ITR.SEI succe -sort t-i Kac, I. c! A C. liuue ininiiii!. rl.ippiu; ai'd eelilnj c. nbiite well known ColUort, tiinl.r will con- il Irotu t'.r I lite I'.rin of; Ziuinierniuii A I'lira-I. Tin- point ol 'shipment Is at tr,c loiter yvn.ui iu suubmy, rtr"---i;:iibcr- i laud coiiiily, l'a., where ull onlers for the vaiious ', tii: I.niup, BioUpii, E, Mote. ) and Chestnut C.iul, tt ill be thankfully icctived j and promptly utten.Vil In. Sunbury, July I I, S55, Sr ariiy, Jrn 5, t S55. The firm of Ksjp. I'.'e.l .V Co. I.aviuj; sold th.-ir lease in the ti. p Colliery and interest in the wltaif at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman fi l'uisi I, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our cur-louii-rs und otha-rs tal the new linn, a. they will be able to sell them prepared Coal of the beet iaiul.iv, KASE, KEED& CO. JAiIES BARBER W'lkil.r.SAl.F. A liKTAIl. CLOCK KrfTAliLlSHMEXT, .9. i:'. corner of S'-cmd .y Chestnut Stt. pniTjAnst-yntA. Whero may be f in d, one a. f the largest and Vl n.M. ili!i. iit of Clocks and Time Pieces in lb? I'niled States, in quantities to suit purchn-ers, nl Ir uu a ainglii lock, to one thouauii.l Cloa ks ; embracing every tsri. ly i f s:lcand instil. lac tore, Mi't'illx f-r Hull,, Cuuiitiiig Il.iuaa a, I'ai lors, Sle, iinj Kil. U eus. Sleaiu id Canil B ills, and Rail ro 'ars. N. II. Clocks l!.-p.iiii'al and Wananled. Clmk TriiuiniiiKS for sale. Also, l'liiir.iifiirr ff Harhrr't CtUbrattd Tine COLD 1'EKS Eaibraeine a'l Ibe qualities of Ike finest quill pen. in a. I. Il ion lay. Inch tha durtbiiilv uf the metal is fu'ly associate I and devrlod. (iol I and bitter J't ucila, aud 1'eu lluhlois. Plated Waie, &.C., vaunlcsate and retail. 'I hosava.tU. In,; tu pura.ha.-e are l..uieJ lo call. i V M L l RPEU, S. E corner CI.e.ti.ul aud aejui bis , l'hils. Phtla.lelphis, June 4J, lr. J V. It M It." F.I.I I, Mai'ijtui i at. J Com lurch just rec. itt j .y May l!. Is55. WEISFR A IIKI'NER. CMriIINE and Fluid of the best quality -'Furaaleby WEISER 4 BKI'NEU KuulHiry, klay 19. sV IAHNEUTOft I Vcruiie,forst by Msy 1. WEISEUA DUl'NEK "- ! - J. ! f -i OoevW for tht 1 topla I IIKIS'JAMIN IIKFFNKIt 1 1 KM r Tf; 1 ri, I.I.V lnff m tb public in . a, eral thai k'bisjuat rstsivasj and pana spleMlid atirk nf I'm 1 1 mid NVIntrr ( at III New Hlr. In l.n-tar Au(ul Inwaal His aim k ron.ists In art uf Clothi, Camimcr. Cfnlnt. of all kind, of linen, rofinn and worsted. AI.HOf Cnlltnrn, f4litRlinmJ f.nin)f .llfiiisarlln le ltilut and all kind of I.sdies Ihest (I mJs. Carol f i left, Alan an a.sortioent nf Mm lwtrc, Ir)B und Etcri, Kaila, &o. Aim. an ee!lpnt aaaortrnerit of QTJEEKCWAIir, of tarion ii)lea tn4 pailerti. Aien asv.rtnienl of ItOOTA h. MIOE7 II AI M k I! A I'M, a guv.) Mloetion. Halt, Fish, iN tul rent variety at other article eneb a art suitable to th trade, all of which will be sold I the lowest prices. fV ('otintry product taken in irhang a the higbert prires. Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, IDAS. United States Hotel, Chtsintit Street, clm-t Fourth. rHILAEELPUIA. sf1 J- Mael.LI.I.AN, (lata of JcW HaUl ) x- has lh plejsure to inform hi friend hs trsvcliug community, that be ha leased lh llou fr a term of years, and i now prepare! for lb rcccj.ti'Hi of (iiicsls. The Local advuntagesaf this favorite establi merit nre to,, tve! known to need comment. The il"Uaa and Furniture have lent pa is first rate order: the rooms era large and we J ventilated. The Tables v. i'l ci ways leennplirl with l!ie lipsl. and l!.e prnpiii-t. r pledgee biinsc f that m pft'.rt on his part sV.II be wantirg ti make lb I nite I MsIck e.ttul in eeiiil'mU to an-r Hotel in Ibe (junker l.'ity. ri.iia.. July ?, IN.',!. SAMI.TL S. KJiTIIKRSTON, inLr.k i Lamps, Lantrrr., ClisniliiirrssaJ CnnJfltbras., A'o. Ii2 S. 2T jfrfii, o'oie .S';.rn, run i i.Lrma. F Ti aving en!arj:i J nfd iin.rnvej W s'pr. an.i " bating one of the b.r.jest s.e.r'uenU of l.aiti', in rijbuli-lj.hia, is now prcps-rit la fur -ui-li I'iiip Oil, l 'iini'.iet e, ilurniiig Fluid, and O.I Lniip4. and Lanterns of til f a'.'.er;;., (.bus L imps ly tho p'c',K;;e, at a -v.all a.haiiri over am lion p i a. H. ing a Mar.LOctitier an.: Dealer id I'ii.e III, lluriiiiig Fluid and Alcul.fl. which will be Iurr.i!,c-. j M.r. hauls at surb prices they will find it to their advantage ti buy. Ab.o. lliiu hol.l (iUsswar uf ail desciip ti.. ns at the lotvct rn.irLet price. 1'hils.lelphia, Oct. 14, ISM. iiALAM ANDElt 55 A FES. EVAN.S A WAT.-ON. .V. 2? Sju'h I'uvrth St., piiHadtlvhin. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut A Fifth Streets, Fridaj moriiinir. ierem'Hr 3 il; 1N.M. Etaus A Watson i -, slUi, ..T , tf-.--s rx- Sulun andir rsfe. Triuin pliant, as thev alav sr. tvhe-i pr.t lo the lest. P.ill l .1 IKI l'-ee. 15. 1N54. j .'1er. Fvsa V Wiriiu, N. S Suat'.. Fonrlh Si., pl-.ibnb'lpl.ia. j (.C il.eincn : v, e take moeh pi. atp m re I ; coiniiiendiiie V our NKUniar.lcr Cii'ii lo Mercitar i ; a : 1 i-il.c -.-iu want nl' a rc.-ti e miihus of prrpi ; I tit e i' . ir boki. papers, etc., fs.irn fire, sa the j .iu: i- p-.r. ...r r, tr;,;.i v..u He. 'ul seven rniiiiu ! .cine has pien-rvril our books, papers and c-ali j in as cood a cdiiiiitwn as iter we.e when put into it, I el'ore the die it t'ne of Ibis ii.'M'.iin. which ilcUot cd tiie enitrc biork of!i.i-s ci.rner of Chc-'.'-ut ;:id ,f:h st-eets. The ab.itr s.its wa. ii. IT..! in our rlKec. on the rnc old fljor of But bni'.ii 'i;:. Iro n nl.i.h place it I'c'l inio the end ten lined tln-to nii'tl the file ii out. The S .fe v. is then e.l and o -e. 1 1 in the prra- i l at bati KhIO petsons, v. bo witnessed the Cvioil c. -nihil. Ml ol l.-e colitellts. tti'I you p:ea- i hate tite Site Locks r-'pjir.-d. as v a ii.tentl j to put it in tiie itrain. It iM..g jcrfejt rciif.Jrnce I in ils fiv-piuol' ii!..litirs. You.-s, nc-.;r-::uly. j i.acv rmi.irs. ! I.vsr.s .V Watson lake pleasure in referring f t i the following, amonn the miny hiuidie-!s vho. j .l.ii and Minor tMs ; Sbarplraa Urn., No 3? .--iiiilli Srrninl ft .; Jtiues Kent A. haiilee. No. I 117 North Third Si ; W H. Ilorstnian A. Snr. j No. 51 Nor'h ' tt Sr ; Smith. illtama 4 Co.. No. (1 M.i:ket St.; J. A R. Ome, No. 11 I lieatiitit St, IA larje ana. i" merit of lh above Safes a'ttays on band (warranted to stand at les.t 10 percent more lire iluiii any llennn's rtate now in use.) ! EVANS V WA I'SliN. also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters. Iron ll..ors aud Iron D.ihll, for makinil lire- rool Vaults f . r Banks st ncs, public and pritate buililir.j;. Seal and t I.fltcr Copt itit; Praters; Patent Slate Lined K. t. i-cr'-. il.'. I'iw..; X. i N. ; ' South. Fourth M l'o.laala'iplai. j j April 7. I "55. el y. 10. Lut'ica ums;:i i : the ptcK i:r.i: -i laph's.- cr, EVEny his ow.x rnysiruN. rV"Z FIFI'IETII lldi jfiiy'T'K Due Iloniiie.l fj YA Engra. in;s, showinj Dis Lf YjJ, e ases and Mnlfoin.attona of ft? ; '8 the Ilur.nn Svatem Itutery tS i- .i! -haps and f .11,1, To yah; U I iT. "ft H' '3 " J lfd Treatise 011 tl.e 1 t '( IM "f Ptu.ales, U-!i. V'j T j $! of the hifchesl importance to V:-'Q' Ii.sniid people, cr llioie rJi-.Vjf? coTitpini latin 1 marriag.'. j1------ l. j lit- H 111, loitu;- T.rt i.-i f clier ta aKal"t 10 r-a. . h e.'. y ' f .t.o Ct'l.Al'lt S 10 h.a 1 'J ltmnla kuil tr.'in an ui.-.e J lr.ive. I.rl no ',.!, 1 I'UliI or tl,ii..u.. et.ier ml . 1 ie St-.e j .. '.u'.i i-s.a 01' in. .ft ..-j 1.1. va.l'i.iat r.-M l. i lb I'm kr.l' .l,'l'l,Al'il I.--I 110 .'lie SUL'-ll-if 1,-U1 riekii.OI (' .tli, I'um 1.1 ti e .Ir. realms niith-.. iie.v.-us lets.. Z9. si.,1 li w II .'a- tftiai ot liy.(et--:ic a.-i.Mli im, gi'.r't j u, t. thr, .pi,., I- a a -.i.e. 111 -auei.t tt .Itii.ul r..n. 1 ..tun'.- tl.e ,ltri.AIMI'S ll.ive !'.,l, ..f th..- . itU-tit ( t .iii.r.K',1 b-y int,.edi,..r..l, rettu lata truly w nil I, ..k, u il lact tlie n.ans ol e..,'ing Ib-'amnJa a l uu I f..rr-1'.iaie .lira fn.m ttie vrrt 1 ... ..1' dea. ! I'yAav ptaa-ai aeiHioiit I IV I.NTV -t'lVK CKNTS, ' t'i.. l,r,l ... truei rf-rtia ....a v-t')' "I ir..a hy l.cui, .-.pare wall lie aw-el f . one H"!laa. AiMie, lis. VV. VIM Mi, S lil SPIU'Ct, I'lill.A. lilll'IIIV" ('.aitpall Pu.l ..Ic'his, Se.-eui'a-f S, fsW If NEW BTORE. (At tht old . landof S. .V. Thomson.) CIlIE (tuhaertber reepecliully iuforma the peo. L pie of Hunbury and vicinity, that he has la leu Diet Htore Koum lately occupied by t. N Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, below Weaver's II Had, and that he has just received nd opened e handsome auoriment of TALL & WINTER GOODS. Consisting in art of Try Goods, Groceries, llardrraro, Queenaware, Hss ir t'a, B.uA Shore, Fi.j, hall. Mr4t. Ac Alt of whirh ill I aold at the lowest price. All kind of produce uketi in eacbauge et tU hit;h.l market pi r. ' II. II. YASTINE. Rui bury, No, tl, 1?1 ly rh XJMtT ef ery deaerlplic just received ky !- UEDJKit WIU Nt ' UnST ARISIVAL At S. 1. )l7.ompaon'a Slre, in Avuutlalrnrnt'hi, t the J'n T till 7u7'Wcfj and Vium vrir'jr 'IJIK wil'sinlcr hating r. ti)-.ned Jf wilh a new and e tensive rf fa-lili.nabl oik!s, teapi ctfnlly rul!' ui farmers, .no. lie lm and ullni. j KI'HINO AND fci:.MMl'.l! (i co.isrslirig III part nl Dry (ioods, viz Cloth. Catvmctrt, r.sinef j, Jiun i Aluitinn, rf:ii;;., I vecCt, tr. : i l . LADIKS DKKSS AND FANCY itf Caltcoes, Mutlin tit l.tnn, La, OtntKim, V.trus, i'.t,.s. H'oo.Vni. J'lannelt, tft'jjr iM i:stn.i, 1 annr. Teas l-nll' l.'i... m.i. . e'.? Bpices, Pult, Ac, A Nil, Screw, Files, Caws. K'tf o( vsrioustvbTl vij.o j x. J. 7 k.oifH.r.1". usi lift All Tjnev.:;-3, ' furas, .S;., nr-t J, jr fo .;. y. i;,",r$'s:rt - o-jo x . r". i . W LJ VrFCR t-j t;.p ,,..),'lC. ,!, I.,,,,, . f'i ..-.. 1 .look e.rr oj.riied in il.i, siliB'a e niLity, csr.j.t;:i,- of FPvil'JZI At) V1"!?7 pv-r. Alarge assortment .(, r, r7l jt't'txT " si t Go t 4 & li I "r,Jafc Jail tistel.ijjCC tA - Jj J t.:r???w n t.'!' ct:, ;. i I , I! .1 f., itJ(XA I atcitt M ."i.e. i . a. t t s in orrt i-Mj a .J Sba-i.; llu ro"kst Coinbs. 1 i i t..irrt, Hcar net.-.- tn.s, Pl'PJ For Mnlicu. e.-.n i rrtLiWt- t; in. in short g ii'sriUv. 51"" Pie,cri I. W V. A. fifCNt. yur.hnrT. Ve.y 8 r,.( T013ACCO. c- c. ' Vtr.-V,,r. I'mic.-pw, Fl.lors.lo r-t. Ei.!,.r -.!.. Pake, irsaparilla Fine Cut, Piejjt j Fire Ci.t. n.lerson f r h .Ip (,t . r.isKr; a till m:r.' ."jtibo-v. May !, DR. H. 'Hl'fasVt tlii. talu.tVTal-f,F,, w.mb '4k FN;fSr .i Hun' A. '" fair' '.V.1 'Ti Trc?r&5ft? 't'orici: ia 1., ' ' I jun.l t'rsp i 1:... 1 h:is.icij,. li dealt wr.ii . 1 Men case made rh;i F' Jin.. :l i;..ri" CURATE z or M.-uiNfciv cr Ttttc!css Scits, J Pre: , tt Ki: i l.ia pTPT-etatiim isric. iri rilenl lavni.e and purgjr-.'J reoi ielv Ircc from any il. irbi;iig leuiontrfH in or. jhiy I a i.t-fi.-ii I lot d:t'B.s pa. i d hut Kvjti,er. Sui.Ihhv, July 1, t stT- '"1 6 J N'K Bourtau's cel. biaud 1 . ...1. t tu. 11. a o sale, t(iw.v,j,pr IS.' fI.TM AND C.U I e fahi(ir:ablc Silk, 'O Clih. Fur. tiibl,' t p for sale lu Py G Market alravrt, ct Fnnbnry, flct. 8, J.?.:?. 7 iOLD PENS with and win.? s IsJ very superior oualitv. ii.t r." Also freah ajpply nf V "urine;? r H it .inl unr. Dep. 7. llf 1 lll.ANK Parchment Paper Deeds Mr.itvaSpa, Kt, Executions, fii' ier I'ce.ta aecut.oiia, LJ il. B. MAcvJ fa'r salt b olibiirv , Apri . DV I1WELKY A nice ess.iime,r of (!ai( jlV t - W . 1-. II . 1 I 11 ... l. . Ll 1 - , e.iri.e eai.1 t era, i-ia ataia rural. ti. I XSBEKG it t it... 1 kiarket artnat, etf aea'le th I'.iet l)iRc l:et jwjy'"' r J .. 4 1 t. tunl.ury, O.4. 41. Sj . . 4 tl.VER WATCHES A fcw JouH -- I-;!i.U f titer Wawliia. fir r.le at 'cry lo r by H.B M AsSt'b- tuuhjy, Apri It, A1 5c I I ; - a. IT