Grcnt Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT ENF011MS hit friend and customer! that he just received an elegant asaortmrnt of FALL AND "WINTER GOODS ! I At hie Slote in Marxet Street, 8nnbury, which ha oiTera to the public at the lowest prie'et. Hit atock consist of a general assortment Dry Goods, viz: Cioffct, Cnssimers, Casstntfs, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linms, Calicoes, Muslin dt ' Lains, Lawns, Ginghams,, Also a largo assortment of CLOTH INO. A large assortment of IS opt and Shoes, for Man, Women ana (. liildren. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hata. IMasler. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Molasaca, Cheese, Spice. Fish. Halt, Ac. HARDWARE, TU) Iron and Steel, Nails. Fi'e. Saws, eke. QUEENS WARE, Tta Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ire Ce Country produce of all kinda taken In ex change at the highest market prices. Oct. SO, 1R89 GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING t MERCHANT TAILOR, efjNs-anv, pa. Bcspectfelly informs the citizen of Sunbury and the public generally, thut he has just received from Philadelphia, a choice and select assormvnt of Cloths, Cassimerc, cVc , viz : French black Cloth, plain and twilled. Black Ucaver do fer overcoats. Fine blue cloth. Claret cloth. Ca.siaierc french black cor Jed. do do do Doeskin. do do grey mixed Doeskin. Tastings plain black silk velvet. do Figured velvet. Plush velvet. do Black ealin figured. Woolen Shirts and Drawer. Gentlemen' rocket Handkerchief. do Neck-tie. All of which will be sold or made up to order in the latest and bent stvle. Sunbury, Dec. 1, 1855 tf For tho latest arrival of Fall t5j Winter Coods. J. T. &. l.F. KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to llieir friend and the public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Aui;ula township, Northumberland county. Ha., at Kline Grove, their FA 1. 1, an 1 WINTER Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consieting in part of Cloth, black and fancj Cassimere, Satlinetts, Check, Drawer and Under Shirts, and nil kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made CoaU, Vest and r&nu, &.c. Ladies Dress Goods, Conti.ting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpaco, Co berg cloth, plain and fancy all wool Do Laincs, Calicoes, Ginghnms, Mutdin, Comforts, Day State Long Shawls, J rimming, ac. Also afresh supply of ftroccriCS of all kinda. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- u-art-, Drugs and Medicines. Hard arc, Quertnswarc, Cedarware, Frooma, A e. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoe. aiiitflWe for Men, Women and Children. Hat and Caps, Silk Hata, and all pood usually kept in a Country 8 tore. Cull and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past furors we hope by strict atten tion to busirieis, to merit a continuance of tho ante. All of the above named stack of good will he old positively ,t low price for cash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the highest market price. Kline' Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. Saddle aictt ICru-nes .linker. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. IT. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizen of Sunbury and the pub lic generally, that he has taken establishment lately occupied bv Geo. W. Stroh. and having ci. gaged aeierat good workmen, will ba enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in tuts section of country. Order promptly excreted and all kiud of pro dace ;!:en in exchange. Suntiury. October 27, 1855. ly DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN DEEN, J" XI., Market Street, Danaille, Pa, TtHIS i one of the largest and most commo diou hotel in the interior of Pennsylvania, it hahon recently fitted up, in excellent style, with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. i. 16:5. THAOHEB Ac WODDROP WHOLESALE POOTeHOE & TRUNK WAHEHOU8E, .Vo. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, between Third &. Fourth Ht., upper iije, near Unica Hotel, rhiladelphJa, Carpet Lag and Valices of all description. CHAKLES F. THACHEH. ROBEUT W. WODDROP. Philadelphia, Jan. I Z, 1656 If SUMY SIIOAT. "AME to ths premise of the ubcriber in -- Lower Aujuala towiuhip, on or about the If.ih of December 165S, a atray white ahoat about ten mouth old. The ower is requested le coute forward pay charge and take it away. J A COD RENN. Lewar Acguata, Jan. 13 Hi6. 2m. CIOBURG. French Merinne, Perianc!cih, ' Pari twill, Chiutze. Delane, Cbce, Alaparaa, Silk, Wool plaid, Mohair lustre French, Scotch and American Gingham, ju received end for nle by Sunbury, Dec. I 'ft6. E. Y KIGHT CIA.MBUIC, Swiss, Mull, Dobinett, French J lace, Check, Collars, Unrieralceve and Chemitlea, Heak dretaea. Velvet and Velvet trimmings. Turkish counterpane, Elanket. Brochc, Thibet fe Bay estate Shawl, for sale by Sunbury. Dec. 1, '5a. F-. V. BUICJIT. TK1COPHEROUS 6 dot. forw'e bv May 19. WEISER A R"VIK. WALL PAPER. A large and aplendcd assortaaent of Wall Paper, W indow Pa per, and Oil ShaJes, just received aud for sale by I. W. TENER i Co, Sunbury, Mav !.. 1S5 FRENCH black rloth, plain & fancy Caasl mrrsa, CaaeinelU, Overcoating, Satin and Silk Velvet veal pattern, Silk aud Wool Hals, Cape, Scerla and Monkey Jackets, for sale by Cuubury, Dec I '65. E. Y. ARIGHT. TJ AD1EV Dresi Gooda. Spring and Summi. JjLal 8 haul, Blnckstlk, ailk p'oplms, De Laiue, Ojighama, De lge, Lawna and calico, just re ivJ aud for aale by WM. A. K.N AUD. Lirwtf Augusta, May , 1854. BLACK Putty a gHx) article for aale by Mae WHi-lF.R Ac BHI; ER. WEiER Si BBCNEH, "V rAHNCSTOClf I Verwi age, for aale by 1 May 10. W Itft R ft K UN I R NEW FALL AKD WINTER GOODS. I. W, TEKn K Co., tunbury, Pa., T ESPECTFULLY announce that they have just received a large and varied atock of splendid goods suited to the aeason; an Inspec tion of which they solicit from their friend and the publicthey will be sold at low price, at they still adhere to their old motto: "Small profits and quick Sales." Thi In the end pay best, while it best serve their customer. 'I heir atock now consist of Cloth, Casimere, Vesting, Ladies' Drcmt Goods, in great variety, of Silk, Poplin, Delaine, Cashmeres, Cobnrgs, all wool de lain. Calicoes, &c, with large assortment of drcs trimming.-11 roehe, Thibet, Cash more, and wollen shawls, worked, collar, cuflo, sleeves, chemisette, 4 e. A new tock of Ready made Coats, Vesta, and Pantaloon, of superior tylo and workmanship. Also, Hats. Cap, Boot and Shoes together with a general assortment of Hardware, Queen ware, Groceries, Provision, Codarwaie, Drug a, Paint. Oil end Nail. Come and see, no charge i made for allow ing good. Country produce taken in exohange for good, at the highest market price Sunbury, October 13, 1855. S- E. Cor. 71 h h Chcsnut Sts. This Institution, which wss first eslaWislied in September, 1N14, aad iniinlier. among its gruduittes hun dieds of the tiuMiiess men in this, and otl-er cities; was on Jtina 4lli, IMS, Chartered, ami esliihlislurf as a 03 jw S IW.2 is. College, in uccorduac with Act of I.effiMntnre. '1'he foCHSC OF TN!TrcTTO!( is of Mi el ' thiTnuclilv i nict'enl chnrneter and contains ell tiioso blanches ueccssiiry for use in Imsiness ; hesittcs which. the pupils have the privilecs r.f nttcn dnnre np-m n eoirne ol I.KCTTKKr l l'O.N COMMKIirlAI. I, AW, de livered tor tl:eir eirHXinl use, by cmi- nrin nieiiii,iiers. Fur the rreent senann. the Ho. J t'ri Shavod's services ar eu- r'ifred in tins ttcimrtinent. H. rillTTliMUv.V, Priiielpnl. I Cnr.i;. iru-- wtH tie sent to any addrem, on fi;jliertinn lv letter. An.. CHI T'l'KNDKNS' HOOK KKf.i'lNO, on receipt per of tba itrice. Sl..r.II. K.'V tt. -jime .'1 rim 1 Philadelphia, Oct. 13, ISM. Cm!. COLESIAN'S CHEAP CUTLERT STOHE, Ai. 21 Xorth Thinl St., below Arch, rnii.ACEi.pniA. COUNTRY Merchant can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above store. Dy importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it U plain I ran undersell those who purchase their Good here, pay high rent and live like prince. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissor di.d Knzors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, sing, butlulo,boue and wood handles, Cnrver and Fork., !tc, Butcher Knives, Dirks, .Wowie Knives, Kevolving and plain Pistols, &c. Also a large assortment of Aeeordeont, eke. Also fine Euglifch 'IV i- t and German Gun. JOHN M. COLEM AN, Oct. 20, 1855. ly. Importer. NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAltllAllT, RESPECTFULLY announce to the citiien of Nrrthumbeilnnd and the adjoining coun tie that he ha opened a Confectionary anJ Fruit Storo in MARKET SQUARE, Sunhurv, where he manufacture and keen on hand, at all, the most choice Confectionary, &c, V holcHale and, at Philadeliihia price. Among his Hock of Conlectionaric, may be found : French Petrels, Burned AiintMtia, Cream White, " I r-,uu liose, Vanil'j. Conivi iii tecreta. Liquorice, Cum Drops, all kind of soent, I.OVC 1TOPS, Mint Drop, red and while, Jelly CtUM, Fimt Drops, Suck rundtea.ol all accul Bnck Tandy, Almond Caudy, num. Prune, Fnta, Cilions, Rniins, Null of aH kind "as, Tl.t'.n. Cuiriitits dliMl,, LEMON SYRUP of a superior qunlitv, by the tingle or doren. A superior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confections rict, fruit, &c, all of which la ottered cheap at wholesalo or retail. Come and see ho will try to please. Order from a instance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au. 4, 1R55. ly. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING- &. GRANT A RE now opening a new and very desirable ttockofFALL and WINTER Goods, em bracing au endlehs variety. Their atock eon cists in part of Black & raucy Broadcloths &Cassimeres, Winter Warea for men and boy, all tylo and price. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain anil Figured Black. Ah assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dren Silk at unusually low prires, SLcl'icf, Brazes, Braio De Lain, Mu. De Lain. Lawna, Ac, GINGHAMS from to 25 eanU per yard. CALICOES 3 " 1!J ' WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconette, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- nttt, French and Swisa Laces, Edging, Ac. Brown and bleached Mushn, Drillings. Ticks, Check, Towlings, Table Diaper, Jjc. r:itocntii:ii. HAHDWAEE and QUEEITSWARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster Salt and Fish. Also a trcsh supply of WU.G AND MF.PIC1NK9. Thankful for past , favors, we hope by strict attention and a detira to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. tV" Country produce of all kinda taken at the highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3, 1855. ly. $50 FdlE mbsciiber olTor a reward of Cfty dollar for the diacovery and conviction of the per aou or persons, who cut and destroyed the baud on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Shauiokin and Mt. Carniel, on the night of the 9th intt. The aloe will be paid to any one giv ing itiforma ion thst will lead to the cuuvictior of the ollcnder. CLEAVER, FAGELY i Co. 6hamokin Oct. S7, lft6 if. ATTORNEV AT LAW. Ojfict eppniice t'u Court House, 6 anbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining '.V.mtie. jig ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with ll fi lonka,i nk, and all ctonplete, just rcived, aud for aale by H. B MASSEK. Sunbury, June 4, 1S11 JATENT BHITTANIA STOPPERS for 11. 0 MAhSER. Sunbury, April, IS, 185'. f1ROCEKIES Pepar. Coffee, Mo!a.c H.M c pices, Uils, brandy. Gin, Wine, MacVar. j el, Hemjjgand Salt, just received end for aale ty a. tvrsAttu. Lower Aogusta May t, 1654. HARDWARE-Teble CuUery, R.aora, Pock vt Kuivea, Hand ajwa Wood in frame. Aie. Chiaela. Door Leek, and Hineee. 1 Hiu J Bella, Walter, ir-, just received and for aale by I. 'v. TEN ERA CO. Wtmowy D. , l?J. "''7'iiiribiii' ;i i,iii''-M" AYEll'S PILLS, I krw and alngulaly ueeessfu1 remwly the i cure OJ BilioiiK diseases Costivenom, Indi gestion, Janndii'e, Dropsy, RlinntnaHsm, Kevere, Gout, Humors, Nerrontneis, Irritability, Inflnmnm tions, Headnche, Pnin in the llreatt,' Side, Itiiek. nd Limbs. Female C'omplnints, e., Ac. Indeed, very few are tne disease in which a Purgative Medi cine is not moro or less required, aud much siek ness and suffering might b prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely tixcd. No person can feel well while a costivo habit of body prevails ; besides It soon generates serious sunt ofteii fatal diamiacw, which might have been avoided cy the timely and jurlleinus use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Cold', Feverish svni'tnins, and Bilious dcrnnireinents. They all tend to beeomo or produce the deep seated and furmidablo distempers vhieh load the buiirscs all over the hind. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected rtifh cons intimate skill to meet that demand. An e tensive trial of its virtue by Physicians, Frofea sors, and Pctients, has shown ril-ult surprising any thing bilhertu known of uny mci!: 'iiic. Cures have been elfeetid beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated hy persons of ueh exulted position and character a to forbid the suHiiieinn of untruth. Among the mniiv eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of II. esc Pi'.'., we may mention : A. A. 11a yrs, Atu-L) tieal Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whoso high profcufiiovnl character is endorsed hy tho 1'os. EnwAtin KvKHirrr, Senator of the V. S. ItoiiKttTC'.WiM iiuor, Ex-Spcitkerof the House of Representative. Aliliorr LAviiKKrt:,Miiiister Plen. tn Knirland. f John 11. l'iTl'ATUii K,Cath. Hibhopof Boston. Also, Hit. J. it. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hun. W. L.'Maiu v, Secretary of State. Wm. li. AsToit. the liehest man in America. S. l.r.i ANn Co., l'ropr'a of the Metropolitan Hotel, nud others. Did iace rennit, we ceuld give rrtntiy hundred certitiesti's, from all pnrt where the Pills have been nsetl, hut evidt-nee even more eimviiu ing tlian the eNperiencc of eminent public men is found in their eii'c-U upon tri:l. 1 hew Pills, the rcn:!t of long Investigation and tudy, are odi-red to the puMic as the best tmd most ecmpkte vl.ii h the present st ite of medical scieme can alford. laeyine eompouniicii no; ol the drug theuii-civcs, but of liio medi.-inul virtues only remedies, extracted by chemical procets in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner a In ii.s'ure tho best results. '1 his system of coiotmsilion for iim dicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral oud Tills both, to produce a more erticien't remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv kiiv process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the eld mode of composition, ev ery iuedii.ii. e is burdened with more or less of aeri mou'ous and iniurious imalitic, by this each indi vidual virtue only thrtt is det-ired 'for the curulive ellect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the etlects should prove as they have proved ninre purely remedial, uud the Pills a surer, more powerful luiudote to ilistuae than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient thnt niy niedii ine should be t.iken iiuder the counsel of an attending Physician, and m be rould not properly judse of a remedy without knowing its eoinposition, 1 ba siiipliid the ewurate Formula; by which both mt Pectoral ami Pills are mnde to the wnole body of Practitioners in l'w Vnitcd Mates and llritish Auur iean Province. If however there should he any one who has nt received thorn, they wid L promptly forwarded by mail tn bis address. Of all'the Patent Medicines that are olfercd. bow j few would he t Aw. il their composition was kuovtn ! , Their life cotiists in tl.tir myttery. I have no ; mvsteriea. 1 'The eoms)ition of my preparations is l"iJ open to all men. and u!l who are competent to jui.-c on j the subject fric'.y acknowledge their conviction of their "intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was i pronounced by scientific men to to a wontlerlul i medicine before Its e!fcets wcrv known. Many em- ii.ent rhy-ic:aiis have declared the aame thni! of I my Pills,' and even more conltderlly, and iure .ill- , ing to ceruty that tner were mo.e than realiied'by their eli'ects upon trial. Thcv operate ' b) thcr powerful influence on the internal vii.ccra to purify the blood and stiioul.'.tc it into healthy action remove the obatruction of the,, liver, mid other oiirans of the bodv, restorinff their irri'Kiilar action toj.ealth, and hy ccrrectinft, wherever they exist, auch derange menu as are the first oriirin of disease. Lcina: suar wrapped they are phasfiit to take, sud heiiiK purely ve(;etahle, no cun arise from theu: use in anv ouantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on tl.e Boa. ritiU Aiifcu iiv .TAMES C. AYE 11, I'ructicnl Hint Atml) licail CIicmiFt, LOWELL, MAFS. Price S Caats pr Ec.i. rive Eoio for f L snt.K hv Weiter X Jlraner, runbur ; llird Jl J hn, Slmni..kin W. Wioiner, Nortliaiii,'erbud ; J. V. Cuslow, Milioa and hy all I)rn?sta in N'jrllicrn l'eur.s)lvuua. June 113, liS ly. CIIEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. irjEKRY cV ERETV, invite the attention of a. merchants anil others to their large slock ol elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Po d,, Prayer Hooks, Albums, and Presentation Doolis in ail styles of binding ; Standard Theoloijicai,, Miscellaneous uud School Hooka, which they have received from Trade Sale and are telling at extremely low price. Also direct from the manufacturer and Im porter, evere kind of Plain and Fancy Writing. Letter and Note Paper. Envelope, Gold and Steel Pen, Pencil, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa per, d:c., Ac, at the lowest cash prices. PERRY A' KKKTV, 6. W. Corner, 4th and Race St. Philadelphia. September it, 1855 tf ..VISE'S CHEAP WATC II AND JF.WF.I.RV STORE A'o 7J Xorth Second Strut, (rppoiite lit iilount f'criiGii House.) Philadelphia. !JOLD Lever Watche. full jeweled. 1 K, ca " e, 5iSS; Silier Lever do,, do., Jj IS; Sil ver Lepine, do., : Qnarlter. $5 to $7 : (Jold Spectacles. 1 50 to 10 ; Silver do., .f 1 fcO ; silver Table Spoona per sett, $14. to lt; Silver Desert do., do... $11 to S i I ; Silver Tea do., do., S4 7S to 7 60 ; Gold Pen and Gold Ca sea, iJ3 85 to $5; Gold Pen and Silver do. . $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Cuib , Guard and' Fob Chains. All gociU warranted lo bo aa represented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the bp.t manner. AUo, Ma onic Murks. Pins, Ac., made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 22, 1655. lyw. NEW MASONIC HALL, FIUI.ADKLPIIIA- AflKNTS WANTF.D in every Iowa and eountjr ia ths tailed States, lokrll lb beautiful piclur of Uis GRAND LODGE KOOM. In the Ns-w Moic Mill. Philatlelpliui. Ttui Plata is seilina vtry lapully, and tlieiu ths admiration of all, for Ilia eorreeliitu and fidelity with which the HrTuv, I'nuca rirriN j- ann I'eSNaeas are raprtwnteil, nud thaarlislic hulv and huriiit iiy of til color. Bile of Plate, li X aS. Price 1 01). lio.iiMi;rr ant Piclur Dmler wiahlur lo take seen eiesfor it, will plas aJ.lrns, lor further inf . rumn I.. N . it OKI v'l'IIA!., Lilh.'rrupaar, PuiiadwIuUia. Ovtihera7, 1W5 If GREAT MASONIC EALL. TI1E f.AKOKST PIANO FWITE, MKI.OHKON AND MLSiC blOUi. IN TUB t'MTt.U STA TtS, Will be opened 1Mb IM4, in the Mssosie CMLBir.1li . L?:'," rt'"".r-v haveiun, plntadclpHia. By JOHN MAIinn, ih. H ,. A.ct f,',r uM,uwn, lray ti. etlf.praied Iloic Can,ivu Altac'.menl I'lanoiortrt.aiid C VV. Pi.k it Co'. Premium .Vlalo. d nis. Also, 1'iuno F. nle and aleUsJo.,,,! of oiherdis lu.cuitha.1 makers. J. M. haa .itxaiued a l-.'.s. for sereral vmr. 111 th. new, mu(aifieit and weU k.siwu M.iie lisikliiig , wbere h intend, keapin the Urcest atoek and aw yimeut of Piano Port.., MMudenns, MUII. ,nrt Mu. icol Imtriiment. .f .vety dMcnpuon, all of t,1(.b .elected by taiinwlf, and wuriaaiei to !v par. Let Mtiiaction in svary aisuMica, Oc bar S?th, 166. if BLANKS. BLANK 5 of every description can be had app riae at the office ef the American TA9K'8 MagoeUc Ointment at May 19. WEI&ER A BRUXER'S. Arm lot of Wail roper just received ami for by WM. MeCAKTY. ...... Market btreel. Bunhnry, Jue J,IW. THE TJNIVERSITy'8 FAMILY REMEDIES, 1PStTI ander the Seal, Sanction and Aathnrlty of th University of FKKU Mt'.UICINK and f-nplnr know ledse, Chattered by tl.e rlnte of Pennsylvania, April 99, 18.V,, with a Capital of 1100,000, mainly lor the purpose of arrrilmr ids eviis of S"piu ious nnd worthless Nostrums) Also for supplvino. the Community with relislil Feme die wherever Cnmpetant Physician estmot or will ivt b( emolovnl This Institution lias purchased from Dr Jou.l R. Howard, his Celebratrd niviMl'i Tolc Mlxtnrr, Knwn for upward, of twentv-five venrs ss the only sure and s-ife cure lor FI'.VK.fl aiid AOl'E. e and his ines timable Keinedy fur MIlWMI, COMPLAINTS, Rowaml' Compouml Syrup of ftlneklierty Knnt, which liiglilyap. prnvisl and popular Remedies, toeether with The University's Remedy for Comphints of the Lungs; The University's ltenusly for T)vsepsia or liidi(retion ; The University's Itemrdy for Costive-How-els; Also, the University's Almanac maybe tie bud, at the Branch Dispensary, or Slore of WILLIAM HUPP!, Nov. 3, IMS. Mahnnoy P f). SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jj'rames, "jtTATHEMATICAL Instrument separate and in cases. Thermometer of varions aiiea, Spy Glasses of every description, Platina poinisfnr Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns with eriptural, astronomical and temperance design. Microscope and Microscopic object, Galvanic Butteries, Electrical Machines. Surveyer'a Com passes, Surveying Chain Ac. Ac, McAllister & hrother. (Established in 179G.) 194 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (84 paces with 150 illustrations furnished on application, anil sent ny n;i." ".-e of charge. Phila.Sept. , U'i:5. GENUINE HONEY SUAP. THE purity, fragrance & mild rn,nl'itit,,S',JV,,' properties of thi l i'fetm' '' render it especially de- .a:S'& serving a place on every j223a toilet, t orchappet. Vgjaa and various diseases of JEff3 the kin, it is iiueiiiale.l. Each cake is stumped WM. CONWAY, 108 SSouth Second Hreit, Philadelphia. No other isGenuinc. Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap ho powerful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, &:, from every description of good without injury to Ihriu. For hll domestic purposes it is superior to any other aoap in use, and 20 per cent, cheaper than the common rosin soap. Each bur is stamped. WILLIAM CONWAY, ICS South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm, Hteuriue and tallow candies, importer and dealer in . 1 1 soda, soda ash, rosin, Ac. Order by mail promptly attended to. Phila. August 25, Kri tf. A.VI1TG ZFTTIXriD I IF 111". UNITED STATES INS CHANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. 6'. '. corner 'Ihird and Chestnut Sts., l'lIII.Alil'.l.l'IIIA. CAPITAL S',tl00. MOSKY is received ml (Icjvisil it:iily. The M!l"uit ileositctl is eiitcie'l in a lleporit ltsa lout civtil to Hie l)''vsil')r, or, if rcl'errt.l. u eeriiticate will l.e civ-en A II sums, Uir iti.,1 miiii1.!. lire receivt.1, mill the ulinul pni.l (.nek on ileinaiiit, wiliioul notice. liiti les. is isnil tit the rate of KICK fktt rnT., cin-nii-.s-iiii; ironi tlie il:iy ol ilcpi-sil, timl eensmg forrletn Cus mcvi'sis to tiic wi!lilninl ,il the inoncv. On the li'st il-iy i,f Jaimnry. in eni-h yiui. Ilie intcrevl of cueii Ccsisii is (soil to ttiedc'Fltor, or UildtU lo the pi inci r.i!. :is lie mav preu-r. Ti:e (''iliit'iv h-ive ii'ivv upwards of 3,5TsJ dcj oit"ts in'tie I'itv "f Pln!iii.''p!m ne Anys.i.liti 'icil inl..iiii:i!i'ii will l-e given by adihessolg the '1 utAicita. DIRIXTHHS. Stephen Tl r'riwf 'T.l. Pr.-s'l, Vi:!,iimM. r.r.lwin, l.-ivvrence J hi- ,n. Vice Pfts't, I'mil 11 li 'ilttiutl, Am'a.isc W. T'l-'iiris si, tie rce M'-iiciiiy, liiMj itnin W. 'f ntlcy, J'Mncs bcv'i.c.-x, .liic-'h I., t'i'irance, Uu.l-.viis Siereiary mid TreBiiree, I'MW FKTf. TttUi aae hTr.rt.s, i. C. Oi.Ul.!Clll.A(.l.!:. I'hih.leli hin, Srpt. , 1n'5. lyl'. SZOATIS 11 Neptuna, LI Dura.In, LI Duendo, liio Hondo, Kecreailores, La Curir,jdad, I. a Scmiaiiiiis, Canaloa, Plat.lalion, Havana Cheroots, For S,!o at WI'IsLl! i 13 Kl'.N I'. K. Sunbury, May SC., 1S55. n i" "t 'T EUR T0H & PEKTON, S. II'. tvu'tiT Sir'h a-id Arch streets, rti'i.AiM.i.i'iu . 'EAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full and choice assortment uf black and green Teas of all grade, from the exti enielv low pricu of y els ltr Ill 00BO 7u tj'75ct.. per IU, warranled to he superior to any to be had else where at the sume prices. Vu know and confi dently recommend them to be SO per cent cheap er than any for salo in the city. We have also a very superior assortment of Cotlec, Old Gov't, Jivo, I, sunny rn, Maracniiim, Rio and Cap-" lla tieri Coffee. New No. I Mackerel and Shad in A and hh. or as may be desired, t'tirese, Pine Apple, Sop lm;o. New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Snap brown and white; nl.-o II. L. Kendell A ('i)'i Chemical Olive Soap, one II.. of which will co as as 2 of ordinary brow n Soap. AUo Starch of dilfcrclit iUalitiea, pickles, sauce, ketchup, olires, olive oil, sardines, an choieys, Ac, with a full assortment of Fancy Gonds, to which we invite the a tentioii of the public to call and examine our cittiisi.e astorl mtut of Fine Groceries fm sale bv m ii l'ON A FEN TON", Wholesale and Retail Family Grocer and Tea Dealers, S. W. enr. Sixth and Arch sts. N. U. Goods delivered to all parti of the cily free of tliari'e. PhiU., Sept. S", ISS.'i. apl 8 y TruGBCs ! Trusses ! ! Trusses ! ! I Truss and Braco Establi;limoat, 5. )V. Cor. of T'cclflh uud liace Ztretts, FhUadelplua. fMPORTLR nf fine French Trusses, combi. liing ritrtmo lightness, case uud durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients ran be suited hy reiuiitiua; amounts, as below : SenditiK number of inches round the hips, aud stating side ail'ectcd. Co.t of Single Truss, $3, ?3, f4, 55. Double "$5, Jd, $S and $10. Iiistru etions as to wear, and how to ellect a cure, when posuibtv, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, iti great arirty. Dr. Bannins'i Iiuprored Patent Budy Brarr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Prop and Supports, Patent Shoulder llruces. Chest L'ipaiidcr and Lrector lirnees, adapted to all with Stoop ShouUWrs and Weak lunss t L'nglish ElaHic Abdtiininal Ilclts, SuspciKories, Syringes male and female. tf" Ladit' Room, with Ladv attcudatita. i'hila., Aug. 4, 15S. ly P 8. KEDEKINE, Verulria, (Uiiuordme and Cin cbonia. iust ruceivel bv May 13, IboS. WLISER i DBl'NER. WJANTLLA BEANS iu.t received by V WLISER 4 BUOER. Sunbury, May 19, lt(,i 7TLEV5 COVGU CAXUY. An excel lent remedy fur counhs. cold. For aale at thi otlice. December 4. 1S52. - PJ'TAIN PL'MPS.- K amall number of theer excellent pump have beea received and are offcr for aale by II. B. MAS8ER. Sunnurv, June 4, 1855. rCDARTL'BS, Hor.s Buckets, Paiutod Buck et, Meal Tenderer, Corn Broonie, Baa keu, Cbildreu'e Wa.-ons, aud Yankee Clock nst received and for aale hy May , 1855. I. W. TENFR 4 HOOIXAND'S Bitter at May 9. WtKUR & BKL'NEK'8. NEW FAMILY UKOUEBY, Flour, Toed ttnd Provision tore. . BEASII0LTZ& PETER Y, ! Hrnadway, biu-ven Market i; iSlackberrg Sts. latBi-wjiriibLX inform the puwic mat they havo Inst received a large and well aelectcd assortment of choice Family Groceries, consisting In part of Hatr.a, Shnnlder, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, 8alt Preserved Fruit, Pickle, Cracker, Cheese, Molanae. Rico, Sugar, CofTcc, (green, roasted end ground.) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Ulack 1 eaa, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushe plow and wash line, boot and shoes, tobacco. segars, &c., together with every article usually found in a hrst das Grocery More, all ot which will be aold at the lowest price, either for cash or country produce. Wc also keep on hand choice Liquors, l'ort, l.tslion, Ac Porter, Al, beer, sarsaparilla, c. We are also prepared to nip ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pie, pretzel and cakes of every kind. N. 13. The highest rash price will be paid for butter and efgs, corn, oat, rye and wheat. Hunbury, July 7, 186S. l!4RI,m'8IfC.O It 1.1 K. TMRLOW'8 INDIGO BLL'E, is now we I established as the best article ever offered for Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest article. All housekeeper will find it much cheaper and leu trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it ha brought out severat imi (iid'ou.t. Storekeepers end consumers will be careful to get Dksjamis Uaiiluw s, put up at Ailrc it viltticrger a Drug Sloie, lo. Hi'.), IN. Second S-trecl, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocer and Druggist they deal w ito, at price yielding a good profit. T)iiig, Chcmiralr, 1'ninl.i, Varnishes, Vyn fluffs, rVc with a first-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physician and manufacturer supplied at reasonable rate. ALFRED WILT MERGER, Druggist. IH9 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, lti.-.ri ly. ;? s t,-r?"')''fi,.f;'p -rT r SUIIBUrvY, PA TSII E subscriber respectfully informs the public JL that she still cnnliutit to keen tlia above named public, house. She has also received a new supply of good ll'iuors and wines, and triisls thut she will be able to i;ie satisfaction to all w ho may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June II!. lSoo. tf. EOYD, BOSSER &CCU . XINEKi A0 HflPlTKt Or Ucb Vutljvttcitc oal. From the Ink-? Ficilrr Colliery Sbamokm, North'il County, Pcnna. Address lioyd, Roser A Co., Sunbury, Pa. d. m. no in. j. iiiisskii. jas. no in. t. nussaa. Sunbury, April 7, 1N5.. if. HAYD0CK & PIDLER, EALF.i;S in M'atcbes and Jewelry, will continue the business at tho old stand of James U. Fiiller, .Vu. 1 '-' Sniilli Second Street, l'llll.ADKI.l'illA, Where tbey nlicit an examination of their large and varied . -tuck, leelint; assured that the expe rience bii'.h of them have hud in the business, and the facilities tbey posses procuring coods on the most ail v ,mtu jeous terms, will ena ble them to conipeie f.ivorably with any other establishment iu the city. They have now on hand a linn as.-iirtineiit of WA'l t'HKrf. CLOCKS, JF.WF.I.RY. Silver. I'h.tcd ami liiiu.uiiu Ware, Cutlery, I ancy Gooils, tve, te. N. II. Rci'uiritu f Watche and all kind of Jewelry utiended lo with promptness and lb greatest care. Phih., April 7, 1335. If. TO COAL DEALERS. AKMEIillAN, ZUERH Si WEITZEL JTjESPI't Tl'l'LLY inform the public that have Ic.ifi d the new colliery, called the Lomneri cn'lieiy, nnd are rcatly to deliviycoal of sujeri'r qt;aiiiy, nnd of a variety of size prepa red on their new coal meaUer. All orders prompt attended to by adibessing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shauiokin. Suiihuty, June 30, 1S.')5. Tliotography ! Daguerreotypes I ! A NEW EEA IN ART t J. E. McCLEES, I Successor to fcCiecs Grrmon,) 1 VWLD cull tho atlcnion of the public, not ' only lo the superiority of the D.iuerreo types, the livaluifrapli, (by some called Amhro tvi'C.) and the vtrioua styles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that p.irtii at a distance posscs-iiir; a small ilauorreulypr, may, by ciul init it lo .No. Kill Chestnut si., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents nf 1'ie best Artists, a portrait ot tit sizk, from a small l.oektt to the full size of life. A small book i u-'!Miniiifr description, prices, fie, cVc, will be sent gratis to any p-rson ma king the rcpirst. McCI.FF.S' Philadelphia Phot.-ijinpli Kstabliehtnent, No. Inn Chestnut .t., below 7th Phila., July -:, 15S. tf. Shainokiii White Ash Coal. Pnnn tlie "Old Vein" in the Gup Colliery. H. ZIMMERMAN cV JNO. P. PL'RsKL, huccesir to Kase, Keed elt Co., will cou linua minini;, shipping and selling coal from the iil ixe well known Coliierv, under the firm of Zimmerman A Purse I. The point of shipment is ut tho lower wharf in Sunbury, Nurthuinber land county, Pa., where all order for the various kinds of cual, iit Lump, llroken. Lei;, tove. nnd Chestnut ConJ. will he thankfully received and piniiiptlv fiticndcd to. Sunbury, July II, l.i5, SrsBCHi, Jcit 5, IS. 15. The firm of Kasc, Reed V Co. havinjr old their lease in the Gap Colliery uud interest in the whaif ut Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman & Puisel, w ould lake (Treat pleasure in recommend in.r our customer and other t tho new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal ol the U't quality, KASC, RF.KDcV CO. JAMES BARBER Wllol.i:I.F. A KKTAIL CLOCK KSTA1JUSIIMENT, .9. E. comer of' Second J Chestnut Sts. Where may be I'nu id, one of the Inrprnst and 'wst assottmeiit of Clock and Time Piece in the United Slates, in quantities to suit purchasers of Iroui a singlo Clock, to one ihousaud Cloel; ; fnihiai int,- every variety of style and nianufuc tore, suital le for Churches, Halle, Counting Houses, Pallors, Sleeping apartments, at. d Kilch ens. Steam and Canal Boils, and Rail ruadCurs. N. II. Clocks Repaired end Warranted! Clock Trimmings for sale. Also, Manufacturer of limbers Celebrated Pint OOLD PENS EinbraritiR all the qualifies of the finest rjnin pen, in addition to which the durability of the metal ia fully auocislcd and developod. Gold aud Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holdera, Plated W are, &c., wholesale end relail. Those wish ing lo nun-hate are iuviicd to call. JAMES BARBER, 3. E. corner Chestnut and fctaeond tt., Phila. Philadelphia, June ii, Isoi ly, 1I7EUMICELLI, Maccaroni and Com buret V just receind by May IK, 1655. WE1SER & BKUNER. PJAMPHINE and Fluid of the bast eu.lity f a!o by WEISEK BKLNEK. ouiiiiyry, aiay ia, is.vv 0 fcOQJ.5, Khoea, Hats, Cape and Guru bhoas, B 0 juu teceiyed and for aale by tXi. T 1854. TENER C New Goods for the People I, BENJAMIN I1EFFN15R RESPECTFULLY inform th public i gere eral that b has just received and opened a splendid stock of Full and Winter Goods at his New Store, In Lower Augusta towaship. Ilia atock consist in part of Cloths, Caasimers, Caasineta. of all kititls, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Callro?j, UliiKlinn), I.awm, 9Iuui(sClliie De l.alucs and all kind of Ladies Dress Geoda. GroccrleR, Also an assortment of HnrdWRre, Irou ami Steel, Kails, &c, Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various at leg and patterns. Also an assortment of ItOOTS & SHOES. H ATS & CA PS, a good eelectidn. Suit, Fish, ts-p. And a great variety of other article such aa are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest price. U Country produce I'tkcn In txebanie a the highest price. Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Xtrert, abort Fourth. PHIlASEtFBIA. fl J- MacLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hotel.) ha the pleasure to inform hi friend and ha traveling community, that he has leased thi Hons for a term of years, and i now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advsntagesof this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Fnrniture have 1 ecu pu ia first rate order: the room are laree and well j ventilated. The Table will always be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges kimself no effort on hi part shall le wanting te make the 1'nited M.itt riiial in ceinfoiU to ary Hotel in the Quaker City. Phil., Julv P. M.r4. SAMUEL? S. FETIIERST0N, DEAl.KR IN Lamps, Lanterns, Cbamidirriaml rndclah.-fis. A'e. 112 S. 2i itrect, afuvr Spruce, PH I LA PELMU A. Javinj enlarged and improved his tcre, and haiiiitr one of the largest assortment of Lamps, in Philadelphia, i now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camphene, LuruiiiR Fluid, Lard and Oil Lumps, aud Lanterns of all patterns, Glass Lamps hy the pacitags, at a small advance oyer auction prices. Beiiij; a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pir.e Oil, Burning FluiJ and Alcohol, which will be furnished to Merchants at urb price that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tion at the lowest market prieee. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, ISoi. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS A WATfON. .Yo. 25 Sou'h Fourth .St., PhVudtlphia. B7TTTV GREAT TIKK, Chestnut S: fifth irec-u, Frit!.-y a stn.iniiir T.i.aini... - -C I s. . l.vans aton a ti.HSi -.1 t .sl vi 'v K.tlr s Ttisia. ! tr- fi'-i phant. a they aUav are &!S?k33 when put to the test." Pn ii.Ai'r.i mu, IVe. 15, 154. Messr. Evv (r Watsok, Ne. !9 South Fourth St., Phil ld.dphia. Gentlemen : We take much p!estre in re commending j our Sal imandcr Safe to Merchnt and other in waul of a secure m ana of prcscr- vinir their bnnks, papers, etc., from rVo, as the one we purchased from you abnitt scvon mouth since ha prrr.cned our rook, paper and rash in a k'I a condition as they were when put into it, before the crest f,re of thi morr.ini, which iestroveu t:ie enure hi ck oi nuiliiins corner ol Chestnut and Fifth street. The shove safe wis in use in our oPice, on tlia second floor nf our huildins, from which plsce it fell into the cellar, and remaiuesl thcte un'il the fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of ut least lOnO persons, who witnessed the rood condition of the contents. Will yon please have the Safe and Locks repaired, aa we intend to put it in use again, havh.g ptrlcct confidence in its fire-proof qualities. Your, Respectfully, LACY 4 HUMPS. Evans cV Watson tVc pleaatire in referring to the following, amoi.g the many hundie-'s who have thnr Sales in m e : U. . Mint. Philada ; Fanners' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila ; Samuel Allen. Esq., Il;(;b SneriiT, Phila; John II. Hen dcrfou. City Cot.lroiler ; Caleb Cope 4 Co., No. 1SU Marine: S. ; Richard Norris & Son, Loco motive builders, Philada; Bancroft ,V Sellers, Machiiii-ts. corner lih and Jnmea St.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Peiinsylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.; I.arey ir Pliilips, corner 5th and Minor Sts; Sharpless llro., No. 34 South Second St..; Jsmt Kent Ai Santre, No. 117 North Third St; V H. Horstman & Son, No. M North Thinl St.; Smith, William cV Co., No. K7 Market St.; J. es. li. Orne, No. 164 Chestnut St. A larr;e assortment of the above Safe alwv on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more fire than any H.-rrin's Safe now in use.) EVANS A. WATSON, also manufacture and keep for rale, Iron Shutter. Iron Doors and Iron Dash, fir inakini; fire-proof Vstilt for Bank st ires, puhlic and i rivate buildinc. Seal and Letter CopviiiR Presae . ; Patent Slat Lined Re- fiiirerat..r,'elc. Pleae ?ive ua f all, l No. Si Soulli fourth St., rbiiadelphia. April 7, 1855. rlv. 10. DOC I OIt VOl itStil.Ft THE POCKEV.KSCl 'I-APIVS: OB, EVER ONE HIS O'.VN rilVSICIAN. T MIE FIFTIETH Edi- tirm, with One Huinhed Enjfiaiui's, tbiining Dis eases and Malformations cf il the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseasea of Femalea, being of the highest importance to 1'iarritd people, or those ciii't'iunlatiii marriage l.'y Br Vi lli. Yoiiiih" It no fattier t.e s.haniiJ to ptssent a e.;'- of ths .TS CL'l.A'.M l '! to los clnl i. It liriy MVS foul from an early rruve. Let u.i yi'O'iit msn er enter into lie recra oliln;:iii.iiit of lusriie.l ins without rsa.lii.jr il.s PDCKI- T .SSCt'l.APll'S. Il no one siiTerihg Irou) hucsmcsl Cout;li, Puni in ths srie, restless n.iiiia, ncrvon feeling, unil the wliold train of Dyspeptic swisntious, auj iveu uri liy llieir ptivsieian, te another inoniiii witlsjul eon. sulinis ilia .lCL'l.APIL'a ll.ivtl.';. rmutied, oi th.M uts.ui lo te married uny nnrisli.iitiit. reat tins tr.: y t.lul Issik, r.a it lias heeii trio means of ssvuir th-iifcuids ji un f utnnate eieaturcs froi.i tee v.rv law. is' S.vuli. lfAi.( persn seiilnif TWKXrY-FIVU CENTS, euclietl in a letter will reeeivs one co.y of this l., t,y mail, or five eipies will Ijs Mill loi ona d"!jit. A4t'e, lis. W. YOl'Mi, S i. lit sl KlCt Biisst, I'lilLA DI1I.PH1A " IW.i4. rinladrlpriia, .Vi'tctni'cf S. t'vSS ly NEW STORE. (At the old Sta:d of S. .V. Thompson.) fl'lIE Subscriber respectfully informa the peo L pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that ha has ta ken the Store Room lately occupied by 8. N. Thompson, in Market t lreet, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotol, aud that be haa just received ana opened a nandsoma assortment ol FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting In part ef Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Quecnaware, Hata tr Cap, Bootatt Shoes, Fiah, Salt, Meat, 4 c. AU of which will he void at the lowest prieee. AU kinds of producaj taken ia exchanjre at th tigheat ttaxkart price. H. H. VA8TINE. Surbury, ?fee, t4, IBM '7 Ctt , IJAINTS of very description just reeeiwsd b May Hi. WEISER VBRUNER. FIRST ARRIVAL At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Loiter Auyusta township, attiie Junction c the Tulpehocken and Plum creek roads. rTIHE euuecriher having returned from the city - with a near and el tensive assortment of fashionable good, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanic and ethers to the same. SPUING AND SUJlMEK.fJOOD.S, consisting in part ol Dry lioods, viz : Cloth, Cassimcres, Cassintts, Jeans, Drilling; Muslins, I'cstings, Txceeds, and all kinds fopiiniv and bummer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Loins, Lawni, Oinchams, linages, Holts, M'onlens, Flannels, it. GROcniu 8jar, Tea, Collbe, Rice, M lasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Ac, Ac, Aa. I n rd wart), 8crew. File. Saws. Knives P...V. A . Nail Qtieem and Glassware, of various style and pattern. BOOTS AITS SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoae, for men, women ond children. Hire Car, Ac, of various sizes and styles. Ttesides a largo and general assortment ot fashionable goods. Call and examine fur your elves. . ' HT Country proJuce ol all kind, taken in exchange at tho highet market prices. . . 8N.TH0MPS0N. Lower Auju', 4 mo. 2fl, U55 Furniture! Furniture! Ao. 137 '"fh Second ih,H.tSrrucei),atj supply of elegant, fashiotiable, and well ,.,' Fu.mture at reasonable prices. Leis " " turrJ nnder In, own superintendence, put. baser, repressed" '""' " - u:: ' . '.'M "Mletend. Tl: lose V . , a0'1? W househeej we!! to cell. 1 would de JOHN' A. PACER, V t, i , 1&7 'Uth kecnn.Ulrcet. . J. Ail orde-, th..uv rcrflvfJ , promptly attended t. April it. t55. wHly, flU. subscriber having rerei,,. U,K Land arr.nt, xUe thorrt ,; lire. II . II. MAS ffcr.hurv, At'1 7, 1S.1S. ;er. L. L. SLanokin rpiIE auhcri!r hej, leave to infom, his Iri.nd. th..l,' ul '-r-My. that:.. !.., Um the.lwy.wel! known slHnd, and i;t !,.. ' HEW DE1JG BTOBSir VTioleiJeRadlttlaiiriui-ittj., -Vararf St., next i.-or to J )'. B,7Skt'. Sw, Orrt-r. W'ZVK7, IVi., FrF.R to the j.Ll,;ic i:se ir!,,t, Mj heH ss.c ted slock ever , tisia. siclivii f country, ron:r linjr of FRESH A2TD PURE DRUG?, .vieotrtnes, t. Iiemtcals, Ground Spies., Pain Oils, Vs.nishe. D.r-tu!fr, u. ,.-,' sitiU, .is., 1 aunt y.t iticnea, ti.Lether ytiii a rom'-lele ss- l nri r,e it nt t ainl, l : i' cs. liatr. Tooth. or., N, ck. and r.d Shaini Krui'hrs, 1'itrsi Porkrt ( omhi Fsticy Sout.s. S::aii-a f',.. ToViaeco, Segars, Monias, SlaUot.ary, (.' feclior sries. Pl'IIE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. Enijlt-h. French and Amrri ean J'erl,,iiicry, Fancy Good tf des.-rip-tinn, in abort e.cry article kept b 'Drunjiate Ijener.illv. UT i'resiriprioni Cart fully Cnmroundid. t.'KO. II. WK.iEK. WM. A. niil'NEK. f'lnbrirv. May S. !.M. T03AC MrawKerry. Eldorado fp, Sarsaparilla Pine CA, Andersona " " CO, S.O. Corirrcs. ElJ'.rai! i t 'aVe. Pitsred !'i-ie I ut. For Sale at wnisr-R a urunej. Pui.t ury, May 5., lr-.'.3. H. H. HKi BEE'S re-nedy tr col ls, and hn!m.u:r,rv i! A snr i lv nf this valua'slc lasJinre j in t-'eeived and f-r sale b7 H. II. MASSE R. Sunbttrv. June 4. 1 A KNOLlVs WKn-JNG' H.'l ni',uYAiU siva and Iri-s! emclojs. for sule hv 11. IS. .A.SMJ',R. Sunburv. Ian 10. IK.".. tJHOES. All I'r.ds of Boot. Shoe and aiin pri tot n.c !y o. Ei.sii r.ur. i ( o. l"'t' n!'l li" r. st vS.ce. ,"n'''f- h- XOTICK To Trc'pfta'era ci: tue IciisrapU Lice. l"TI( E i hereby fttrcn, thai all prison finnd t'eepas'ini; upon, or nijiniiiK the ;r. of l!i I'iiilai'.elplna sn.l Sutihury 'i'cii'Kiupu wil, he deslt with according to the set of Auviuwly i uch caec made ui.d provided. . H. B. MASTER, Pre.'t Thi!. an. I hui bcry Tr'etftaph Ce Punbury, June 3, 1J.- -if. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or TaatrJei.8 Salt, Prepurnt hy WKISF.n RRINEK Thi prepstaiion i recotv mended as su ri' eelient Uistive and purg.iive, 11 operates mildly, i tntiroly fioe from any np!e:ir.!.t lasie, re. sembjing lemon i Is in flavor. 'J'lus mniicii e ia highly leneiicitil lor disrates pcculiai to sumirer and hot westber. Kutibury, July 1, Ie.1L NK'a cclebrali d ink, and n.'so Con ares ink for sale, wli.-l-sjlu am' ieta.1 iv tWeixber KSil II B M W.f-Il. H J ATS AM) CAPS. A splendid 1 ef H 3 fashionabl Wcoj and I cr Hata, also Cleth, Vat. O.lclolh, Navy and Mihta-y Capa fnf al low ry (1. ELSriERU i CO. VarVel f.i.vt, opposiu ti.s Post Oliice. 0nnhnry, Oct. , IS" 3. CIOLD riiNS with snd without casrs, ef a JsJ veiy superior ipiao'ly, received. Also a frosh sjpt If ot V Flui!, for aale by H. B. MASiJiH. PnidinrT, Dec. i7. IS.' HLAXK Psrcbment Paper 1'ecda anJ blank Mortfiage bonds, Executions, Suatmona 4c, for aalub II. 1). MASSES, fuiibury ,Airi tn. S 1 EWELRY-A nice aaortmenl of Celd and Silver Peucila aud Pens, f..r sale cheap Isy (J.ELSHERGar CO, Msrle street, O.poaila tne Post Orfioe iunbury. Out. 8, IR.V1, filLVER WATCHES A ttm double EngtUh Sihw Watches, for sale at very low re hj H. B HA5BCK. Junkury, Apri It.lMl