Lurm ritOM TKIjis. The Galveston News, of the 13th, pnb lisbes the following communication from Mr. T. A. Pwyer. of Corpus Christ!, by which it appears the Mexican citizens of Laredo have taken measures to avenge the Indian depre dations near that place, and along tho Kio Ornnde : The Lipan Indians have been continuing their incursions from tho Mexican side of tho Kio Grande, until the excitement and spirit of revenge amongst our citizens, who hove thoir farms and settlements along the river, can be no longer restrained. Almost every other day men are killed or wouuded near Laredo by the I.ipans, who cross over to commit those atrocities, and return to their encampments on the Mexican sido of tho frontier. Nor have their out rages been eon fined to this side of the river alone. They havp, while professedly at peace with Mexico, nod under Mexican proteetion, stolen a grent number of hordes from their so-called friends living in New Laredo, on tho west bank of the Kio Urnnde j and, more than suspicion rests on them of several murders over those at first attributed to Canmnches Indinns They have had the audacity to ride into New Laredo horses stolen from men living there. In ono instance tliey hud tho horses of the Alcalde, or Mayor ot the town, Don Juan Ramos, in their possession, and when claimed refused, on somo pretence, to ,'ivo them up, and left the town before they could be forced to do so. The desire of General Vidaurri to ascertain the truth of these charges against tho Lipans is well known ; and, his disposi tion to punish them has been recently evi denced by his official organ at Monterey, Mexico, I'.l Pestaurntor, in which, on tho iith of last month, he states that summary punish ment will be meted to the Lipan tribe ou as certaining the truth of the charges charged to it. THE AMERICAN. BUN BURT. SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1856. II. B. M ASSER, Editor and Propriotor To ADvntTiMM -The circulation of the Pwibury American among the different towns on the 9urnttehaiiim is mil exceeded if equalled by any paper published in North ern renntylvsniB. r.TMTOR'S TAItf.K. EDITORIAL CORREArOSDENCE. CATASTROPHE AT SEA. Captain Wood, of the packet ship Ger inania, arrived at this port yesterday, from Havre, has furnished us the following account of his voyage, together with some brief par ticulars of the siukiny of the John Jlutledge, by running into an iceberg, and the rescue of one only of tho ship's company : On tho 53th u!t.. observed' a shift's boat ahead j hove to and despatched a bont in quest of it. Ou approaching tho strange bout it was found to contain, alive, Thomas W. Nye, of New Bedford, the only survivor of thirteen persons, the reni'tindcr having perished of starvation nnd cold. They had been in tho boat nine days. Neve's hands and feet were very much frozen. "The boat also contained the bodies of Mrs. Atkinson and three others, names unknown, all be longing to the ship Juha Rutledge, Captain Kelly, of New Yoik. The John Rutlodgo li ft Liverpool for this port on the 16th of Jauuury; fell in with ice ou tho lSth of February, in latitudo 45 34 N., longitude 40 oG V.; 'got iuto field ice the nest day, but succeeded in working clrnr of it- She subsequently, however, ran into an iceberg, stove u hole in her bow, and was a bandoncd ut six o'clock the same evening. Five boats, filled with the passengers and crow, left the ship. It was the intention of Mr. Atkinson, tho mate, to havo left the ves sl ic the boat which was picked up, but she broke adrift, nnd he and several others weLt down with the wreck. It is conjectured that the other boats, which were well manned and furnished with compasses, would pull for tho Gulf Stream, as tho weather was severely cold. They may, therefore, be picked up by passing vessels. Tho compass of the rescued bout was acci deutly broken j and it being cloudy, her crew could not shape their course. After picking up tho boat tho Germania stood to tho northwest until dark, and then lay to during the night in hopes of discover ing some of the missing boats j but ns noth ing could bo seen of them, tho bore awuy to tho southwurd, keeping a strict lookout all tlio time. Imring tho forenoon u very thick snow storm prevailed, but the weather cleared towards iiocu. A barque came out of the ice at the same time us the Germatiia. She stood to the westward, and perhaps fell in with the bouts of the John Rutledge. From Rio Jaxemo. By the arrival of the barque Jane Williams, Capt. Urqucbnrt, at New Orleans, the l'icayuue has dates from the Rio to the '23d of January. The princi pal feature of intelligence is an account of tho dreadful ravages of the cholera. This discaso, which has been prevailing everywhere, had at length disappeared in Amazonas and Peru. In I'ernambuco it had not manifested itself with great intensity, and only in the southern portion of the province. Great fear vras felt in the capital of the province in an ticipation of its appearance ; but no well au thenticated case had yet been recorded. From Alagoas, accounts sent state that no province of tho empire had suffered so much relatively from cholera as itself. Tho ravages ut Fiss.ibussti and 1'enodo, especially, arc said to have been teriible. Happily, the peo ple did not lose their courage, but met the hc nurse, as best they could, with such mutuul aid as they could afford. The uumbcr of victims ut Fissubussu, containing about one thousand fouls, is calculated to have been tight hundred. StTrwso MixsKfot v. The St. Anthony Express savs : We apprehend but few per ilous abroad realize the astonishing rapidity with which public lands iu the Territory are being taken up bv ucttiul settlors. While in Washington recently, we were informed by Mr. Rice that the records in tho Land Office Department showed that the umouut of lands nre-empted in Minnesota Territory last year, exceeded thut of all the other States and territories together. Think of thut not more than in uny other territory or state, but more thau in all of them together. This ig tin exhibit of which, as Minnesotians, wo may justly bo proud, us it show that stran gers are beginning to appreciate the advan tages here offered. We presume the records would show another fact not less satisfactory, numcly. that as small on amount of land bus been entered iu Minnesota by speculators, us in ny state or territory. The reason of this i, thut but little. Lnd can be found for such a purposo, actual settler keeping ahead of the surveys. Ilnatneia Xotlcea. We neglectrd )nat week to nolico the April number of Gonr.r'a Linr'a IIjok. Thin period ical has already attained wide snd lush a reputation that it acctns almost uprrfluoua to selort any single number ai the subject of apecial notice. They are all rcm. Any one who tukei the 'Book' is well aware of Ihr marked im provements which yearly take place. Mr. Godey's liberality anil extensive experience enables him to make it superior to any othrr thing of the kind. Tho riiihtdrlphia MvairsL Jnrasti. and Re vcw ia the title of a new paper published by Evans Ic Moore at $1.S5 per annum. Tt in handsomely got up and looka well. We winh i' success. Tus Stiiikst and S'tHootMiTE for this month ia before us. Aa uual, it i filled with useful and instructive matter, suitable both for the school room snd the home circle. We refer eur readers to a numlier of new jj. vertisements in this werlti paper. Ukitkd States 1Totki t Philadelphia, M nrch 25, 1855. J The weather is a subject which every one is ready to disease, nnd of which every One complains. The present season Is at least from three to four weeks behind the average this spring. Yet somo early vegetables are to bo seen in the markets, brought from tlio sunny south. Fresh shad too, can be bad, but by tho time they get hore, they look more attenuated nnd collapsed than any Jnno shad that ever float ed in the Susquehanna. Within the last two weeks, much of the ice in the streets has dis appeared, but the depositos of blnck mad still remain. Tho accumulation of filth and de cayed vegetable matter, in some of the nar row streets, is a fruitful source of disease. Even nt tho present time, some of tho streets in New York were, to me, almost insuforn ble. Tho poor, in the country, who can at least havo free access to fresh nnd pure air, have no conception of the rich blessings they enjoy, nnd for the want of which most of the humble class in largo cities nre suffering. In this respect New York is worse than any city in the Union, Tho number of families and individuals cooped up iu one building is ustotiishing. The subject is, however, begin ing to attract the attention of the legislature. These tenement houses, ns they are called, were once considered quite an improvement, bnt they are productive of the worst charac teristics of coiuaiutioisni or Fotirierism, with out any good result". The legislative com mittee, who havo investigated the matter, say that more than half the population of the Fourteenth Ward, it is estimated, live in tenement-houses somo of the most crowded of which nro these : seventy million dollars. This Is nothing more or less than a tribute by our pcoplo to the labor of other nations. In the arts Philadelphia no doubt stands at the bead of all the cities In the Union, and In somo brancht s of mechanics she is nnri vailed. In fact, tho town is ono vast work shop, and in this consists tho wealth and prosperity of this great city. Ferhaps, in no part of tho world, has tho great discovery of Dnguerre, been brought to such perfection. If any ono will viFit tho gallery of W. A. Root, in Chestnut street, he must como to tho samo conclusion. His Photographs, or portraits on paper, are very much admired, and exhibit a degree of perfection littlo dreumcd of some vcurs since. Somo.of these pictures, finished by nn artist, in pnstello or water colors, are reully beautiful, iqnul to the finest miniature painting, and in truthfulness, superior. In my last letter there were several errors that must have puzzled the uninitiated in mechntiicul terms. For "clyendrical" read cylindrical, for "chunk" read chuck, und for piece" rend pier. CjrTiin Ice still continues firm on the Susquehanna. L'ntil within a few days, heuvy teams have crossed it safely. It can not hold out much longer under the warm sun shine of this week. The pnow is melting so gradually us to lessen the fenrs of those anti cipating a destructive freshet, and the faith of some in tho nlledged prediction of the vener able Mr. Dow is considerably shaken. Plmnnioiis. No. of Teft. Fumiiin. SO by KK) C'J 2.") by 100 40 25 by TiO 24 23 by 100 41 50 by 73 4S 30 by 50 20 Tun B.u.timokk Annual Conkkhknti: of the Methodist Episcopal Church closed on Thursday last, nfter a session of fourteen days. The following ure tho appointments made for the Norvriu miikkiand District : T. Mitchell, P. K. Williamspovt C. P.. Tippett. New Berry J. S. McMurniy, one to be supplied. Muncv E. Il.Wuring. II. S. Mendetihall, E. K. Allen, Knp. Milton Franklin Dyson. Milton Circuit J. ti. McKcihan, Aarou M. K ester. Northumberland J. A. Ross, T. Sher lock. Mil'.linburg R. W. Black, one to bo sup plied. Lewisbtir? John 11. Dnshicl. Stinburv T. Tutiyhill, N. W. Colburn Caitawisfiii J. Y. Rothrock, J. W. St Danville T. M. Reese. Montour Mission C. C. Mabce. riloomsburg G. Warren, S. Barns. Oraugevillo J. A. Demnyer, J. Gups. H'.oomingthih T. II., S. Shannon Luzerne .1 . ('urns, Nathan Slmffer. Berwick T. Bariihart, M. L. Drum. IREADFTJI. AFFAIR IN CAMDEJI. A terriblo event occurred, yesterday morn ing, in Camden, resulting from tho net of trespassers upon private property. A short time previous to 10 o'clock in the morning, three men, believed to be Frenchmen, were seen along the river firing nt some kinds of gnme. Mr. William J. Hatch went towards tho men alluded to, it is snid, and after an Interview, took a o-un from nno of tho nnrtv. and demanded tho two other gnns belonging to the Frenchmen. This demand, it appears, was not seceded to. The tresnasscrs started towards Cooper's Creek, followed by Mr. II. A hen about half wnv nc.rnaa tlm creek, a sctiflle, it is said, ensued between the deceased and one of the men, who had a gun in his Hand, wliiru terminated in the tleatli of Air, Hatch, who was shot through the head, and his body left lying where ho fell, upon tho ice nnou Cooper's Creek. Tho shot killed him instantly, blowing his brains completely out. J lie iircnetriitors ol llin act immediately neu nnd two of them made their escape. Tho third man, Adolph Delso, wus arrested nenr Cooper s I'oint, wlnle lying in t lie street,, pretending to be nsleep. Mr. Hatch was 15 years of age, resided on the corner of Sixth and Cooper streets, anil has left a, wifo and four children, lie was a member of the City Councils, nnd for three yours represent ed North Ward iu that crtpacity. Dining the afternoon, Ollici r Johnson nr rested one of (lis parties, who. it is alleged, participated in the nflair, at the Kensington Depot, where he was just about to purchase a ticket lor New York. Alter the commis sion of the filial net. he had shaven his mous tache and whiskers off. He is a shoemaker by trade, and kept Iioum' at No. Hi Locust street, where he rented rooms to others. He is a married man. Courseer Erliend, tho other one in tho parly, was arrested at the house of I .en mi liard't, in Locu.,1 street. He is n Frenchman and a shoemaker. The two were taken to Camden and had u hearing before Mayor Shroff. Two Germans, who reside on the place, testified to seeing the transaction, and also slated that the three arrested were the parties endured in the allinv. They were Stout. J5" The Litrkakv Sociktt met us usual on Tuesday evening. The lecturer was S. R. Peal, Esq., and the subject, "Action" was treated by liiin in a very happy manner. All who listened to him were extremely well pleased. Tho debate was sustained by Messrs. Cornyn, Wolverton and Clement. II. J. Wolverton, Esq., is the lecturer for next Tuesday evening. Am Auum e. A very respectable ship owner atssured us, several days biuce.that he was in possession of evidence goiuq to prove that tha government of I'rosident Walker, of Nicaragua, had been recognized by Great Urituiu. which had likewUe concluded with bis representative at the Court of St. James, a treaty consenting that tho Mosquito terri tory be annexed to tho Nicaraguuu Republic. We regarded the story as a piece of gossip, and did not publith it. The same gentleman ruiterulvd the statement yesterday, and of fered his personal rtr-poinobilny for iU truth ; but we still think it probable thut there is somo mistake about the mutter. We do not doubt tho mora than willingness of Great DriUin to get rid of the Mo.squitos in any LouorabW way but we can hardly believe tbu would duuin (A is method of accomplishing tho object a feasible one. the would uot like to play into tb Latwls of American fili busters. A'. Y. Jour, of Com. IxTKRKVriNOj ISO CHINA Til AVMrland Hong Koug to Jan uary litU At Macao tao very larga fires broke out on the 4th and 5th Instants, and destroyed the greater portion of the t.'hiness town, iiiclmlmif iUa hj.r I'nu.i.r.i- ,.r thousand houses ara said to hava been de stroyed, snd property to tits exteut of n.oie iJrTiiE TitusTEFs'of tho Academy'met on Saturday 'evening last. Tho members ure Rev Wm. W. Montgomery, Rev. P. Born. C. Pleasants, W. I. Greenough, 1$. Hen dricks, I. W. Tener and S. R. Peale, Esqrs- I. W. Tener, was elecledJFresident ; Rev. Mr. Montgomery, Secretary, nnd Rev. Mr. Rorn, Treasurer. t" The Elkction on Friday last was a spirited contest. The parties were nearly equally divided. The result was os follows : Justice of the Peace. E. G. Markley. Cunstalle Elias RrosiouR. SchotA Directors James Pcard, Francis Bucher. i'oor Ocerscen Francis B. Potts, Henry A. Uucher. Judie of Elections Samuel Fetter. Inspectors Samuel Snyder, C. Weaver. Assessor John (J. Fry. Auditoi Peter W. Gray. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS). The following is a correct list of the Justi ces of the Pence and Ceustables elected in the different townships of the county ou Fri day last : Justices of thk Peace. Sunlury E. G. Markley. Push Alvin Hughes. Cameron J. II. Kramer, Solomon Dun" kelberger. Mt. Carmtl John II. Jumos. Upper Muhanoy G. Adam. Jaclson R. W. Zartman. Washington Peter Reed, W. D. HoSman- CONSTAILES. Sunha ru Elias 1? roc to u s. Northumberland Jas. D. Slater. Hfiltrm Joseph Hougeudobler. Chilistpinque John Simpson. Ihdu ware J a mes J oh nson. 'J'Mbat Abraham Kissinger. Lewis John Lamphar. I'oint W. Leaker. Viper Auousta Michael Kciffor. Lower Augusta J R. Clark. Push Thomas Woodsido. SliamoLin James Lynn. Cnal Elias Eisenhart. f 'cr il'lhanny Daniel Dunkelberger. Lower Mahany Murtin Bachinan. iirve Mahaniiy Adam Lenkcr. Jackson Isaac Albert. Jordan Win. Keniple. Cumeron Samuel Long. Zerle Anthony Gillespie. Mt. Carmtl George A. Keeler. II u.7ii'iioii Solomon Iiilhua i. IK-atiim 9 nnd 11 Crosby street 135 Crosby street 38 Elizabeth street 219 Elizabeth street 31 Marion street 73 Mulberry street And six stores. Another establishment well known os the 'Barracks" iu Gc.rck street, included two houses, three stories high, on u lot of ground one hundred feet front, It contained one hundred und twenty families, consisting o' about five hundred and seventy persons, 270 being German and 230 Irish. Another, known as the '-Cottage Place," containing a whole colony of German rag pickers, and was eo filthy that tho committee shrunk from ex amining it. Another, known as 'the Bigdad Hotel, alias the Match Factory," contained fifty families of all kinds und nationalities. The rooms in theso miserable dens rent for from three dollars to eight and a hall dollars per month. In tho first one, the rents range from four dollars to six. In the Bagdad Hotel they rangn from six and a quarter to eight nnd a half dollars per month. Another building rents for 400 per month, or 8-1,800 per annum, and in a majority of instances theso houses aro made to produce from forty to ono hundred per cent, on their fair asses' sod vulne. An additional distrusting feature i nines a coon full of chickens and four young committed to await Tuesday in Ma v. a trial on the second Thk St.Avru CArri-nro at X YotiK. The schooner Falmouth seized at New York on the rharge of having been fitted out for the slave trade is a beautiful clipper, of about 2M tons measurement, and arrived at New York on the 7th inst., from Baltimore. She was sold inline liately niter arriving, bv Captain Warren. Iier owner, for S3, 500, which was paid, cash down, pi go!.!, by parties to him unknown. The Tribune savs : The schooner is a rakish schooner or 2..0 tons, painted black, with a red fillet around the base of her bulwarks. She is lilted up with all the appliances of a regular slaver, and in her hold, which runs clear lore and aft, could stow away 5(10 or COO negroes. A large quantity of rice, beans, and pilot bread was on board. Her hold was stowed full of casks of firewood, ami lumber for n sluve deck Two imniensu coppers were lso on board, together with a number of spoons nnd dishes. The medicine chest, from Milhnu's. was stored with lint and castor oil enough for an . . . f . F .....I urmy. A large tiuniuer ot can oi picM.-rM.-u HuM RoM.rr) nt Enftfi.n. Monday morning M r. Joseph Howell was knocked down nl his distillery at this place, and robbed of his pocket-book containing live hundred and eighty-seven dollars. The outrage was perpetrated by two men, (stran gers) armed with n slung shot. They escaped. Fifty dollars reward is offered for the arrest of the robbers. Finn at M i.skrsvii I v. A firn broke out in a block of old frame buildings in Miners ville. on Friday niulit of last week, which threatened ut one time to be quite disastrous. The lire was communicated to the flour and feed store of .Jacob Shlareman, and to the Drug store of Dr. Gibbs. who is at present away from home. The office of tho JUilletin was also on fuo at one time, but the flames were speedily extinguished. We have not learned the amount of loss occasioned by the sad calamity. Mining Pi yitter. signify bis Intention to the Chief Burgess to lease the premises for another term, u snaii m his duty to select ono person, and the Chief ucrgess tor tho timo being slioll select, one Person, which two persons so selected and chosen shall have power to select and chose a mini person, whose duty it sunn peioua lair anil reasonable vearlv value on tlio promi ses, and the amount so fixed and certified by them to tho town council shall be the nmount of rent which the lessea shall ny to tho bor ough for such future term. The persons so selected ns aforesaid shall bo first duly sworn beforo a justice of tho pence, to do lustice between the parties, according to tho best of tnoir judgment. Also Prsolved, That tho limn for the erec tion of tho wharves on the premises leased shall bo fixed as follows : "to bo commenced within two months from tho date of tho lease and finished within six months," and if not finished within that time, the lease shall bo void, nud tho council ut liberty to lease tho same to other parties. Adopted ayes i, nays .1. Tho following proposition was then offered: New Yntk Middle coalfield, and Locust Mountain Coal and Iron company wish to ob tain a lease from tho corporation of that part of the river bank between Market street and Dewberry street, for the purposp of shipping coul, to lay down tracks and erect wharves not to interfere or obstruct the public land ings J. M. BfCKEL, Prcs't N. Y. M iddle Coul Field Co. J. ANSI'ACH. Jr.. Pres't L. M. C. i I. Co. On motion ef the Chief Burgess. Ptsnlred, That tho Chief Burgess bo in strueted to enter into leases with the said companies, forull that part applied for, so a not to Interfere with any other lease that may have been heretofore granted the rent to bo ten dollars per nnnnm for every 115 feet, ex tending along tho bank, and the lease to be in accordance with the form adopted by the council. On motion of J. Haas, Ptsnlrtd. That the Chief Burgess be nil thosized to collect the rent, now dim from George Lvon and Samuel Mantz for a lease which had been granted to them by a former council, for the fishery below the Shaiuokin dam. Mr. Hans laid beforo (he council a memo rial from B. Hendricks in regard to lenses granted him, which on motion of (J. B. Wei ser, was laid over until next meeting. On motion of ,1. Hans, P, snl ceil, That tho Supervisors of the bor ough of Sunbury be authorized to repuir the river bank nearly opposite John ami Allen Hopper's, ho to do tire work ut the expense of tlio borough. ; On motion adjourned. LM L WII.Vr.RT, Clerk. SUNBUKY Whiat. nt. Cnss. Oats. IVtatom, . UaxawAt HacKt.r.ii Flax. Buttss. l'.mn. . 1'tiriK. Ft.ixsKr.n. Tit low. I'UICE CUKKENT 15C 10(J 60 jd ! 37 sr. in 20 IS 13 fir, 10 New Advertisements. FOR S-fVLE 1 flWO llORbES cheap for cash Sl March 2!, lSfSG. J. U. Antly to MASstlt. acki;kei 8A1.MON, HEKIiLNU, POKK, ham am) mdbs. iioi:lui:uk, laud &. che bse, March 29, IS30 3in w Constantly on hand anJ lut mlc by J. I'AI.MKK A. CO., Market Street Whaf, l'llILAHl LFilll. II. II. I I.SSIXI,, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer, No. 2 North I ourth St., N. W. Cor. of Market PHILADELPHIA, Una now on hand an extensive assortment uf the newest and mot desirable kimla, inrlui'in -many i'EW STYLES not heretofore to he had in tliis market. An culmination of our stock u solicited before purchasing clicwherc. rr" Price n low aa onv houte iu the citv. March 20, ISoC 4wc ' (Lommuiucalcb, For the Sunbury Aiiif-nctui. Xkar Mii.tov, Pa., March 23, litfC Mil. Editor: There is so much lowness. meanness anil absolute falsehood in S A 'n I'mtiti St vti :s A'litiri-t.Ti, Society. j uncalled fot attack ou me that any farther A meeting of the Executive Committee of attention to him. is like casting pearls before the I'nited States Agricultural Society was ! swine. Seeing that he cannot answer the held in Philadelphia, on Thursday ol last ; proof of my reply, which showed that hu had week. The object of this meeting was to ar ; charged me with what was notoriously fals. raii'.'e certain preliminaries for the next An- ! he makes other insinuations equally false. I I mil r..Mi)liitloii, wlneli lias Heen lixeil to take place in Philadelphia, on tho 7th of October i next, and which it is proposed to crnduct on u scale of unexampled splendor. It was de i t ided to embrace, as objects of the Exhibi- liave proven so Hilly m several comnuinica tions that an increase of my salary would not have increased our tax or diminished our ap propriations, from the declaration of the state superintendent and the tacts iu the case, tual is that theso human pens havo m many in- j stances a story underground, in which all the unwholesome filthiness of the upper stories is I aggravated, by darkness, dampness, and tho j drainage through them of the entire bnililingsi Tho whole "cellar population" of the city is estimated by ono of the journals at from fif teen to twenty thousand'souls. The laboring poor havo truly a hard time, especially during the winter. Life is to them but a constant struggle forexistence, hence the great and increasing number of children and others, begging in tho Hotels und streets. This evening, while writing. 1 have been ti proached by at least twenty littlo boys mid girls, for charity. Some of them apparently not more thau six years old, nre out as late as 11 o'clock ut night, several miles from home. General Janie?, the United States Senator from lthode Island, has introduced into the Senlte, a new tarift It'll which if passed w!Ii mako an important change in our revenue system. Gen. James has himself been nti extensive manufacturer, and is ouo of those sound and practical men whose opinions will huve great weight iu congress on this important subject Mr. James' plan is briefly this. All com modities to be divided into four classes ; the first consisting solely of spirituous liquors to pay 80 percent (instead of lUOas at present;) tho second, u large and comprehensive c!assi comprising almost everything in which Amer ican industry comes into competition with that of foreign countries, to pay 3(1 per rent. (instead of CO, SO. 40. H9 and 2." per cent ;v tho third, comprising raw materials, nnd the old free lit. to be free; the fourth, including all articles lot emimuiuUd, tu pay 20 per cent ad valorem. Ono of the nni: t important mollifications is on wool, which hi hill proposes to put on the fieo list uftcr June, lb57. The object is to enable our manufacturers to import tho cheap eoarso wool, to mix with our ok n, unti thus enable them to compete with foreign manu factures. Tins modification, it is baiJ, is de rired by PciiBsylvaniu and other wool grow ing states. The Report elicits many important facts, ono of which, tdiows that the quantities of foreign dry goods thrown upon the market since 1st January last, amount to no less thau .ISjl.tXi, viz. : sheen, agricultural implement, cereal and meat were found, together with spirits and , vegetable products, poultry, and native fruits (.rami Jianqiiet, in which la tion, horses and horned cattle, swino and j no one but a stupid igiioramiis. or an imlivid-j t;I1K iu tlo fry LK1TII OF C'OMMOPOBK CONNOR. Coill- modore Connor died in Philadelphia on Thursday last, after a service of forty-six years. J le entercu me L mica Males ,avy as a midshipman in 1809, but was too young( at thut period, to gain much distinction. He wus in the engagement between the Hornet aud the British sloop-of-wur Penguin, when the latter was captured, aud iu the action re ceived a wound. lie acquired, iu the service, the reputation of thoroughly uuderatuuding his profession, of beiug a brave officer, aud of possessing great sauvity of manner. la tbo Mexicuu war he was selected to command tbe naval attack, at tbst time believed to be ne cessary, against San Juau IVUlloa. Ho helped to plan, with Gen. Scott, tho lauding of ths army at Vera Cruz, and bad every thing iu raadincss for carrying oat this design stheu bo was superseded by Coin. Perry. tJT Tus Columbia. Democrat appeared lost rck iu an nt ire new dres. grantors. From every package ana oarrei all direction marks, as well as other signs which could lead to the contents being traced to the store where they were purchased, or the person to whom they were sent, were carefully erased. Indeed, nothing could be found on board, so far as we could see, which indicated who she was owned by or where she was hound. After giving the necessary instructions, Mr. MvKeou went ashore, where he was soon followed by the Marshals with the crew haiidciilled, on thuir way to the Kind's Cotmtv Prison. It is blso stated by tho samo journal that not less than thirty "vessels ae titled out for tho African slave trade, at that port, every year. Ai-riioitiTY ok Railroad Comhttohs. A Worcester (Mass.) Court has decided that railroad conductors havo a riijlit to put any j passenger out of tho cars by force who re-j fuses to comply with the rules of the coin- pany. A pa.-.-enger wis-liccl to remain on me platt'oiiii tt tho cars, (a very dangerous posi- j tion.) und refusing to enter tlm car tho con- , doctor put hi'ii oll'utthe next station. The! Court said that us the rules of tho Corpora tion, forbidding riding upon tho platform ol ! the cars were reasonable and necessary, and were several times brought to tho utteiition of complainant, the conductor had a right to prevent complainant from tiding upon the cars and ihe right to use reasonable force in ejecting him therefrom, lor lion-Compliance. CoMi.vri to tiikir Si:xsi;s. Gov. Robinson, of the Topcku Government, in Kansas, acting in oppo.-ition in tho territorial government, appears to be fully awure of the delicate position in which ho is placed, lie wisely recommends that no ineusure shall be adopted iu opposition to the General Government, or the Territorial Govcrnnieiil while the latter remains with the sanction of Congress ; tunl a joint resolution has been adopted by the Legislature, thut the laws passed bv that body shall huve no eifect till a future Legis lature declares them ill force. This is de claring iu plain words that tho Topcku Gov ernment cutisi'iors itself an unauthorized and illegal assemblage. With this returning good sense, the d.tliculty will be more eusiiy urraiiged, so that a t'lto expression of public opinion in tlio territory may bo speedily reached. ind wines. A dies will participate, was also settled as part of tho programme, and it was ugreral to np proprialo from lJ,(Mt0 to 10,001) dollars in premiums. Laxcastkr City. They have a Market Master in Lancaster cily, whose business it is to seize ami condemn, for the benefit of the poor, nil butter, bacon, ham, lard, Ac, brons.'ht to town of less weight than offered fur. Ho is doing quite a thriving business. Nkw Cot vTi:ni kits. There is another new counterfeit afloat, of which persons should beware. It is a Five, on the Erie City Bank. Vignette two females with a shield between ; on either side a medallion head. The vig nettee of a genuine Five is a steamboat, ship and other vessels. .Settlors Accidvxt. A serious accident hap peued nt Rending on 'llinrsdav evening last. As tin" up passenger train was passing Ches ii ii t street, mi old eentleman bv the name r.f Rhodes, attempt d In lump olithe cars, while they were going at the rate of fifteen miles i an hour, which resulted in tlio curs pas.-ing over and cutting oil' one of his feet. Wr.i.l. llr-rKVEii Ti:'HMol u.s. Gold me dals to the value oft.'ino. have been ou'.erel by the City Council of l'oi t.-iiioiith, Vii., to be presented to the Surgeons of the Naval llop,tal there, for their attention to the sick during the yellow i'. r epidemic. a an, tot t,lii.".,tj a.a,ens 8IJ,C36,(W 7.4rs.9.w 7,315,87S Mautli of January Month of february Tliraa wkU iu Mmrh Of this aggreguto of Twenty-seven millions iu less than three mouths, uo less than six millions were in woollen goods. 'Ihe inade quacy of the production of domestic wool to our home demands may be readily shown by the statistics exhibiting the import and coo sumption of wool and woollen manufactures, also the product of wool iu 18o3-4. Dunieuic wool pruduccl, Iba SU,OUO,000 laipoflol, IU. ...... 21 lyrKI vFoolWu ManuJactuiea Imported . . j itt.oou.uuo The merchant mills of F. E Harrison, nt A ui'.ersoii, S. C-. v.' bun, e l down ou the IJihin-l. The) co.-t ln.i.iiil. About lllll) hii-diels of wl.t ut Htm bui in d. iusuni! tor C jucil. Hoit.o'.Tvv's Oimmi:m ami Pii.i.s certain Remedies for Rhciiincli-ni. lleiny I'm t. uged ;.'J, of Natchez, M ississipii, wus a se vere sufferer from this complaint, und tried u number of r: -puled remedies, hoping they would bent fit him, but hu becainti t-o bad at ho t, as to be entirely confined to his bed, ami he ua unable to move either hand i r foot. While ho was in this horrible condi tion, a r.eiid brought him a quantity ;l llollowav's Ointment and Pills, which he immediately comiiit need to use. he soon found himself gradually improved by them, nod by persevering With them lor eleven weeks, he was entirely cured, and has since enjoyed the best ol' health. ual fond of falsehood, can any longer, luce ol such testimony, harp on that. 1 am glad to know that the public, general- 1r tlllilerstalul the neittec niul liint S ll'j false chargii-s can only expose his hollow, rot ten aud degrading intentions. Ilo commen ces his last article by thinking that as many mistakes might bo detected in my letter as are found in his. Now S. A. B. if you can think such a notorious falsehood in regard to my letter, it is no wonder thut you can think and write falsehoods on other matters con cerning me. I defy you to show errors in my ! letter. On this subject all who know me and ; see your urticle, know that you think on that i point, what, if you knew anything, you would I know to be I'aLo. S. A P.. says : who ever heard of such I wild tlateiiii-nis? Lancaster, Berks, Chester, See., paying no more tax than Northumber- j land ! Well, who did ? I never made such u ' statement and your insinuation thereinto is. untrue. I said a had to help these comities pay high salaries for their superintendents which is true; nud that our county ought to have a larger sum out of the $o0,llu0 which is also tine, and to show my honesty in this matter 1 said fiolu the beginning if the bal ance of i nr share would be given to I ho schools of our i unity, I would not ask a dol lar more than I was receiving. As the mat ter now stands every tennblu man knows it to be The lion. C. A. Black, Secretary of the Commonwealth under Govcrnot Bigler, tt most distinguished man, and certainly iu favor of what he thought fair nnd honorable says in his Report to the Legislature in Januaiy 1 ".;, "some of the counties a already inti mated, having put down the salaries nl an un just, if not absurdly low standard. This fea lore of the law should f think bo remedied. There should bo some power given ts the hool IVpartment to increase such salaries fMI E subscriber ia sliil engngej in the iiinnn factuibi? of superior Machine Cartls fur Cotton and Woollen factories. The best qii ihiy of Leather and Wite used iu innkinn the almve, and alter tin experience of tvcnlj-lie years, is prepared to warrant iheui eiutl to unv made in this country. I am also mukicg superior J.r,i;licr Bands, cemented and copper rivitei!, the stretch taken out by powerful niucliiiicry. E!tali.r Mr nps for Grist .Mills also. Leather Hoof, of superior qnantv, made as above. JOll.N H. HAmKELL, No. It.') Eolith I'liLtw Street, lla tllilorc, Md. March "', IS.1C. Cm PKIEMtsi CENTRAL LEV GOOD TOi:E, 6. E. Corner Eighth & Aich Street, PHILADELPHIA. TI'MIE aiih&rrihct havinrr matic tcrv important JL ailiii ions to his establishment, by cuiinc, l,n the first lljur of his Oiil Morn tvilh that of the beautiful lour story building ailjoiniiifr known aa II tRioT II ti t., (surmounted with a Cupola, invites bis Oli' Customer! and Friends to an oauiinatioii of an Entirely New S'ock of FANCY AND STAPLE HI! V GOODS, delected cipresly iu rrfer euce lo the present opening. The assortment compri-es: caiiiiiable Diesa MtitcrinK, of new and ele gant kinds, Piai.l India J: Black Silks, Shawls, of all kiinls, Hosiery. Glovrii A Mitts, Ein'.iroidi-rics A I. (.'amhrick HauilKerc'ls, Furnishing ( of h II kinds, ! li is!, Linens, Flannt-ls, Moiceii. Aic, lo which air utklnl .ew liouil ilittlv, ot elioicc ilcscnp- CIIAKLEs ADAMS. P. Persona wishing a splcnJind view of tlip City and Vicinilv, cm ascend the Cupola, by u private Siaiiway which will be found wrll wotili a vivit. M;wcS 5: . f.-Sm w at least to a sum rynd to irhct a particular j Emanuel St rob KTOTICE I OTICE ia hereby gitru tlut I n:n not n ' ' member of any partnership in the firm name of M.isser it Ilowen, nor in the name of li aweu St Masscr, and that I will not be responsible f,.r any acts of either of saiJ linns, nor pay any t'li iMLteuicutit entered into by any oilier person in rillirr of the name alorcsaid. JOHN F.OWEN. Sunbury, March 2". ISiC. LIST OF JURGF.S. GKANH JCKOi;. .'ir..irv. Paliicl Haas. E'i Iien;er. I. over Auiju.-ta. II "iil.u:-.i Malick, IVter Reeser. J,iu!. P, Gibbon?. Chili.-juapic. B ui. ,'art.l,;:l t. MiUnn. llngli 1. y.'arr. 1 1 iris. Andrew Ki-rshuer, Fred. Murray. Torl.f.l. A--1 Everett. 'flan-are. Thus. 1. Arnold. Push. Sianly Geurhart. si.o:,-nkin. Horatio G. Taggart, M.ililon ((iichniT, .'oh u Fugely. ( '.,.; Peter Hoainier. Wash. Smink Jordan. it. II'. Trontuiaii, 'eter Troul iiian. John k. II ei-t. Z,;rhe. . B. Reaver. I'fpir MidnHi'i;,: Soloman Folk. lover Muham-y. Jacob 'l.illips, Jt,hn Beit. TRAVEKssE Jl'POK. bury. C. O. Bachinan. John Hopper, Total 2H0,OOU,uuO From reliublo data, it is estimated that the total eonsawptioo of Wool iu the I'uited States is equal to 300,000,000 pouude, and of this ouly si'xty millions are produced in tbe United States, leaving two hundred aud forty million pounds to Is supplied by foreign couo tries, for which we pay annually, estima ting the value of tbe raw material only, about ' ffccl on gardeus l!.iKscr.K of Niw York. An editorial statement in tho Journal if Commerce in forms us that tho niitioiiul government las been for many months past, engaged in strengthening the fortiticatiotis of the harbor of New York, by substituting guns of a very long range aud large calibie for those pre viously in use. The new guns ure tuunttfuc tured ut West Point, iiud distributed to the various militurv works in tho neighborhood of New York us fast us they uid ready. As re gurds tho material of war, tho Jouiuul Fays that there is always a large nmount of it ac cumulated in tho depositories near that eity, and another paper fays that ut present the store is unusually great. The existing works have been much strengthened, und ure kept in a high Mate of tmcieucy, and additional defences are proposed to bo- constructed. This is one of tbe lessons taught by tho Rus ciuti war. We uro glud to see that our gov ernment has bud tho sagacity to appreciate those teachings, and trust that the sumo ac tivity manifested to put New York in a com plete state of defence will be shown towards other important points, which ut present are but poorly cured fur. As'TlirtAcui Asuks. It is now generally well known that outhracito, or bard coul ash es long deemed us worthless to vegetation, aud as un actual injury to the soil ire en docd with properties which render them valuable wiieu uiinlicd aa manure. 1 ersoBS residing iu the wciuity of cities aud sea port towus, would do well to bear this fact iu uiiud, aud to collect as large quantities as practicable fur the beneht of their crcits We bavs pleuty of cvideuce cf tbeir excellent I KOll 1- DIOS Ol' llOltOl C.II COIM IL Ct)t Nt ll. ClIAMHKII. ) SiMii KV, March T2, L-jG. Siixiii. Mi:i.tim: Council met at ij o'clock. Present, Messrs. Rockefeller, Chief Burgess ; S'nindel,', Pruckemiller, Beck, Covert, Beard, Snyder, Clark, Haas und Smith. Tho Chief Burgess stated the object of tho meeting, and remarked lhat the timo has now como when tho pcoplo of tho Borough are called upon, through their representatives, to decido whether they uro ill fuvor of confining the business created by the coal trade, within tbe limits of the Borough, or whether they would prefer sending capitalists so remote from their own places of doing business as to render the trade of little or no benefit to tbe community, and in in uny iustuuees drive that very business uwuy which tho people have so loug und anxiously looked for, thut it might reiider our flourishing town more prosperous. That it wus idle tu talk about the river bank being kept uny longer as a mera matter of pleusuie or ornuiucut thut the business of the place must necessarily interfere with any such object, u fact thut bus been manifest for the latt three, or four yvurs. Ho thought that tho river bunk might as well bo yielding a revenue to the borough, as to be lying in a state of iuuctioii and decay. He also stated that in a few years the bank would pay all the Borough debt, aud all ordinury expenses. Tbo Chief Burgess thou ulTurcd tho follow ing resolutiou t PtsulrtJ, Thut the Chief Burgess shall Lavs power to insert a clause iu all leases of the river bank, "That if three mouths before 1 the eii iiili'jfj of the teiui, tbe letsce ' nnntv would be etititlcd to rtceice out ot tht thirty thousand dollars, f c." It was doubtless in view of this very recom mendation that a law was passed authorizing directors to increase the salaries of superin tendents before tho expiration of their term. Now for acting under a law which doubtless hud its origin in the recommendation of so distinguished u man us Hon. C. A. Black, the convention, which nu t ut Simbury. and which had it not happened to bo ou Saturday, and besides a very rainy dav, would havo becu numerous, U meanly called by S. A. B. a Puinn Convention, und I am slandered. Wo never intended to ask for more than what we thought our county would be entitled to, out of the thirty thousand dollars, which was hou orable and just, und 1 regard it low nnd meuu iu S. A. B. to ussert ony thing else. 1 con clude iu remarking that in all 1 have said or written ou this subject I meant no reflection ou tho whigs or tho Know Nothings as a purty. but intended my remarks only for such individuals of those purties, who manifest iio regard for deeenry, honor or truth, nnd who would if they could crush every one who does not btdong to their party. Without replying to ull the silly, mean und littlo insinuations of S. A. B., 1 now bid him adieu, und whether aB he says, ho is still a whig; a natural or a manufactured Know Nothing, 1 am satisfied that all the articles hu writes, or troubles others to write for him, will be of littlo or no service to him. compared with a good spelling school, and that hu will suit such a school much belter than the Senate or tht House or Representatives. J. J. R. Cjjc IJlarhfts. Philadelphia Market. G bain. Wheat is in better supply, but prices aro uncnatigcd. Sales ol giodredgl 65 a t 15. and 1 75 a t 83 for prime wheat. Rye is dull w ith sales at SI per bushel. Corn is iu fuir requost j sules of yellow at 59 cents iu store. Oats uro tclliug at 37 cents per bushel. WuisiiEV is held Crmly barrels at 23 a Cvu'.i, ai-i LLdo. -t icaU. Snrtlnudnrland. Joseph B". Hare, Henry ll.tas. 11 'in. Elliott, John liunham, Il'm. Forsythe. I'l'.ini Baniel Ililbish, A iktn Ynndling. Chilifjuaipjc. S o 1 o in u n I e u 1 1 e r, Thomas Allen. Milton. Samuel 1. Joitlan, John outz, Jacob B'heeltr. ,((' David .Montgomery. John Frymiie, John Klupp, Robert Moutgumerv, Samuel Shade. Turbut. David Marr, Chatles Polluter. J'tlaicarc. James Durham, II. J. Reeiler Jacob Brown, Daniel McKaue. l.iacir Aityu.ta. f'asper Stflair. I'fper Augusta. Charles Gaiinger. .yliam-din. John Campbell, H'm. Shull Daniel Aimmel, H". II'. Y'erbing, B'm. Farley, Daniel Conrad. Coal. yenry YauGaskin, John Caldwell y.irbe. Andrew A. eim, Jacob Gass. Cameron. John eim. Jordan. George Guise. Jackson. John Galen Smith, . nry ,iff tnan, Samuel Mulick, Jacob i!b sh. Lower Mahanon. Michael Linker, Jacob. Spoils. J.ittle Mahanoy. Isaac D. Raker. PETIT JLKOr.S. Sunbury. Francis Bucher. JVtcr iilc man, Geo. C. H'elker, 'hibp Reno. yorthumberlamt. I avid ilkert. Chihsijuaixt. J. M. Nesbit. Mtlton. Charles Stout, David Grouser. Lewis. David B. Montgomery, Samuel Mengis, Daniel keller, Fertliituud 'iper, J( nn F. Derr, Aduin Shoylcr, jr. Vtiu'a-c. Amos Auderton, Couily E. Vincent. Lower Augusta. Georgo Fuushold, John Zimmerman, H'm. Reeser, A-nry Sbipc. I'pprr Augusta. Pvlvt Coble, Jacob StMH boltz. Push. James Bryson. Ani'iA. -Solomau rogely, Simon Boh iur, fl'iii . Muenth. Coal. Daniel Epldin, Il'm. Cherrington. Mt. Carmel Johu . Yarutll, iVler Stroh, IVlix Lereb. Jordan, B'm. Shndo. Comeron .H'm. Kramer. I'jper A.iAuny.--'hilip Roitie. .'.( jo Johu Uuhiier.