Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 22, 1856, Image 3

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Hon. John L. Dawson, from the commit,
ttio, reported the following admirable series
of resolutions ; which were road and Unani
mously adopted :
Resolved, That in the present distracted
condition of parties, in which sectional end
partial issues have been allowed to attain a
dangerous supremacy, we recognise in the
policy of tho Democratic party, that whittli
rests upon the Constitution as its basis ; and
that it is tho party which above all others has,
in the lungiingo ol the illustrious Madison
ever continued "to hold the union of the
states ns tho basis of their peace and happi
ness ; to support the Constitution, which is
the cement of tho Union, as well in its limi
tations as its authorities; to respect tho
riirhts and authorities reserved to tlie States
imd to the people, as equally incorporated
with and cssentinl to the success of the gen
Mai system ; and to ovoid tho slightest in
terference with the rights of conscience or
tho functions of religion, so wisely exempted
from civil jurisdiction."
lltvilrt't. That by tho general consent of
the wise and the virtuous of all nations, tho
l'ramors of the Hcpuhlic of tho United States,
exhibited in their individual characters and
in tin) result of their public deliberations, a
degree of virtue and practical statesmanship,
to which tho hi-t'ry of the world aflbrds no
p.iinllel ; tbat in no part of the Federal Com
part is the wisdom of onr fathers more con
spicuous, than in leaving the whole question
iT slavery to tlw states in their separate
ap icitii's ; and that in the provision tor tho
ru-delivery of fugitives escaped from labor or
service, thry demonstrated a sense of justice
an appreciation of the value of tho Union
an attachment to its preservation an
uvoid.mco or ono sided philanthropy, and
impractical theories of government which
present a proper example for tho guidance
and imitation of us, their descendants.
Rnolved, That wo look only to the Const!-
uMon. anil the exposition thereof which has
been afforded by the practice of Democratic
administrations, for the chart of onr poliry.
Tuat these constitute, till the fundamental
law is changed by methods which itself pro
vides, the hightt law of our obedience as
citizens ; and tiiat we utterly discard that
partial and cxaguerated sympathy, the at
tempt to carry which into practice, is at tho
' peril of our dourest iutorests ns a Nation,
unci threatens the inQiction of evils of ten
fold magnitude to thuso which it proposes to
llti'ilral. That the equality of the Statvs
i tlm vital element of the Constitution it
Kelt', and that all interference with the rights
ol the States by those who seek to disregard
the sacred guarantees of the past, and by all
tliers. should b rebuked with the san.e
sjiiiit that would denounce and repudiate all
iiiteinpts to erect odious distinctions between
those who are entitled to share the blessings
and Ipeia lilri of our free institutions.
J! cr'ilci , That tho cfVuit to direct the pow
cr of the Government by anti-slavery agita
tion, under tiie various names und phases of
l-'rwe-rioilisiii, Anti-Nebrasknisin. l'nsionism
iid Kepublicanii-rii ; and by interfering with
the rights of conscience in establishing a
religious test as a qualilication for otlice, by
the secret oathbound society of the Know
Nothings, is opposed both to the letter and
ihe spirit of tlie Constitution, and to tho
earnest teachings and practice of its earliest
and most honored administrators.
Jtrsaletd. That we are now n ever unal
terably opposed to tho doctrines aud designs
cf all organizations which contemplate the !
overthrow of the civil and religious rights of
the citizen ; that the equality of the citizen. I
l:t... ........l;n ..f 4 lw. .,.a la onf.ra.l '
nnd inalienable right, never to be interfered
with by factious parties and reckless lepinla
t i. n, without u subversion of the primary
olijects of our political Eystem, and a remidi
a'.iuii of the guarantees of the past and the
hopf s of the future.
Rtsolitd, That in the repeal of the act
known as the Missouri Compromise act, and
tlie passage of tho act organizing the Terri
t. of Kuusas and Nebraska; free from
unconstitutional restrictions, the last Congress
performed a work of patriotic sacrifice in
mu ting the demands of sectional excitement
by uu.ihaktu adherence to the fundamental
Risulccd, That this legislation cannot be
I'eemed unnecessaiy, but that it was expe
dient to meet the questions of which it dis
posed, and wh uh could never admit of n
more easy settlement than ot present. That
we recognize in it the application to tha Ter
ritories of the United States, of the rulo of
" equal and exact justico to all meu" of all
sections of the confederacy, which was de
signed by the framers of our government,
mid which was defined as one of its essential
principles by the immortal 'Jefferson.
7.Vsc-d.'That. tho Democracy of Toim
Mlvnniu, following tha coirs -1 of some of
tim wisest statesmen of the north and south,
were ready on more than one occasion in the
past, to extend tho Missouri compromise
Si ie to the Pacific, so ns to make it the basis
if a final settlement of the question of sla
.eryin the Territories; but when this pro
iiDsltioii was rejected in IS It, oil tho ground
hat involved an undue concession to the
mull, by the very men who now clamor for a
eslerati"!) of tho Missouri line, there seemed
be Lat oiu wise alternative left, and that
.j, to refer the whole question of slavery in
he Teiiitorios to tho people thereof, to be
egiiUited us they tnicht derm proper, and
ve th. refore cheerfully extend our hearty
upport to the policy of the government as
e;uiz-d in the compromise measures of
s;"0. and embodied in the laws organizing
ie Territories of Kansas and Nebraska.
Prslmd, That unerring indications point
the lion. J ish DicilANA.v, distinguished
ike bv his high personal character, his tried
viniic'raey, Ids preat experience and eminent
Miesiiiaiiship as the nation's choice for the
lieu of President of the United States, for
e term commencing on the Uh of March,
,'iT ; and that we do hereby iustruct our
legates to the National Convention to bs
inMo in Cincinnati! in June next, to use
i ir efforts to secure him the uomiuatiou to
at iRice.
Retu'ved, That at a period when sectional.
1,'in its worst aspects, attempts to under-
n'e th foundations of the federal constitu.
n. and-when an abolition majority aspires
supremacy in the popular branch of tho
ional legislature, and with the prospect of
Jculties with foreign nations, who for their
poses may seek to intercept and stay the
press of free institutions on this conti
,t in order that they may more effectually
s't the advancing footsteps or our rcpnh.
a example, the statesmanlike qualities of
Ut i hasas Ins "". l"ed
lefeiice or the constnuiion tus
I ,Ii-b of out relations with for-
. fouutiies and his Urge and euli htened
'rieiice point t him as pre-eminently
man to lead tho victorious columns of the
loersey in November next.
tuihtJ. That we fully eudorse th admin
.' .. r Pn-cidfiit PiKRik as national.
ul and eracient-fully equal to all he
,rta..t emergeucie. wmch the country has
o encounter, and that be has worthily
.tallied her interests at home and ,-
W.W. That in the rise at home of fac
in u.i.Ul to our government and const.
Tnd S he .tiffing snd warlike coud.;
"f "he times, we behold dangers to our
i and prosperity, if not to our perpetu..
hichs.oi.ld cause jeer. c!t,":?intn
,, well the ste,s of hi polilical ettion
ml earnestly invite the lover of his
v , f wh" e"er creed, to join
.5.0 Id?- be eoBstitutiotf in it, purity,
S&g itniPi tooursueees-
of the country, the nroner remcdv is to be
songht in temperate exercise of the right of
discussion, and the ballot box ; that all other
evils are insignificant in comparison with
thaVor danger to tho Union ; that nil others
can wait the sure amelioration of time, if the
Union1 be maintained: but that disunion
would s,t once prove tne destruction of our
present interests and happiness ns a people
and the death knell of our hopes.
Resolved, That it was upon the soil of
Pennsylvania that Independence was de
clared, nnd the Federal constitution con
Rlrnrtcil, and that it tlierelore becomes hi a
special sense the duty of Petinsylvnnians to
watch over its safety, as secured by the great
charter of the Union ; to resist tho first ap
proaches or danger to its perpetuity, nnd
forever to cherish nnd maintain it inviolate,
as the palladium or our happiness, political,
social and civil.
Resolved, That all vacancies that mny take
place in tho delegation to Cincinnati!, now
selected, shall be filled by a majority of the
whole number there present, and that the
said delegation shall have full power and nu
thority among themselves to repulato by
whom and how their votes shall be given iu
the convention.
Resolved, That the Democratic State Cen
tral Committee shall require a pledge from
each elector, to vote for tho candidato for
President and Vice President or the United
Stntes, who mny bo nominated by the Cin
cinnatti Convention, and in case of the neg
le t or refusal of any elector so to do within
a reasonable time, the State Central Com
mittee be nnd they are hereby empowered to
substitute. on egos.
The following is copied from the Yu-ka
Union of February 2d :
Particulars ok iiir Kooi e Rivkr W.ui.
Captain Abel (Jenrge is now in town, petting
recruits for the mounted volunteer service in
.Southern Oregon. Capt. (Jeorgn is aetinp
nndcr the authority ol' the enrolling ofliecr
at Jacksonville, W. J. T. V unit, lisq., nnd
in accordance with tho lleneral Order. No.
25, of the Oovornor of Oregon, which ot tiers
the enrolling of three now companies for the
above service, each consisting of one captain,
one 1st lieutenant, one 2d do., four sergeants,
four corporals, nnd sixty privates. These
compnnies will be joined to the regiment
upon being reported to tho colonel or com
mandiug officer; nnd when the respective
muster rolls are transmitted to the Aojutuiit
(ieneral's office, they will be mustered into
The Captain furnishes us with tho follow
ing intelligence from the seat of war. lie
says, on the evening of the 20th ult., Major
Bruce attacked with eighteen men, a body
or about forty Indians, on one of the tribu
taries of - pplegate tho number of Indians
beiim greater than was anticipated, the men
were instantly surrounded, whereupon they
were compelled to secrete themselves in a
thicket near by. It appears that Lieutenant
Arm! Irons, with a body of volunteers upon
a point adjacent, meditated an attack upon
the same Indians early Monday morning,
hiach company was ignorant or tho proximi
ty or the other.
"'Upon Armstrong's first assault, he was re
pulsed. The second chargo proved more
successful the Indians were routed, two
squaws taken prisoners, and their runcheria
destroyed. From the two prisoners it was
ascertained that seven Indians were killed,
number of wounded not known. Smiley (.'ash,
private in Alcorn's Company, was killed.
Tho loss of the whites in property, was es
timated nt g2."00, consisting of 16,
and horses, saddles, blankets, ice.
He also states that the Northern Datallion,
under Col. McMartia, was attacked at tho
Big liend on Crow Creek, and sutfervd a
del'eiit, with the loss ot two or three men
killed und seven wounded. The Colonel's
company consisted r seventy men. The
number'or Indians was not given,
KtssAS. The telegraph has mentioned
the rapture of two cannons anil a lot tf rilles
at Lexington. Mo by the bonier ruffian
party, which had been sent from New Eng.
laud to the Yankee emigrants in Lawrence.
Tho capturo turns out to be a useless one,
for the arms had no locks, the sharp fellows
in lioston huving taken the precaution to
send the locks by another route, anil they had reached Lawrence. A telegraphic
despatiVto the St. Louis Republican from
Lexington mentions a rumor that the United
States Deputy Marshal had left Lawrence to
arrest the members of the Stato Legislature
nt Topeka, but another despatch of the same
date ft-oin Independence asserts, on reliable
intellrgence, that the Legislature was in ses
sion nt Lawrence, and that Oovvmor Shan
uou Imd gono thither to ascertain what they
were doing. The legislature seemed to be
animated by a determined spirit, but gov
ernor Uobinsou in his message btroi'g'.y re
commcuded submission to the federal author
Tnv: Nioara'H-a Link. Mr. Vnnderbilt
announces iii tlie New York Courier, that
the Nicaragua Line is withdraw n, for the pre
sent, iu consequence of the extraordinary
conduct or Uen. Walker, in oeizing or taking
bv force the property of American citizens,
lie says be deems it a duty h.i "owes to I lie
public", to tho country, and the Transit Com
pany, to reniuin quiet by letting the ships ol
the Compunv lio ut our wharves until our
(ioveiumeiit has suflivieiit time to lm.k into
this outrage committed upon their property."
This last account or Walker would appear
to bo a most suicidal one fur the project he
has in view As the Nicaragua boat s will be
withdrawn on both sides of the continent, he
will be deprived of every means of leeeiving
accessions to his uriny, which he most needs
now to retain his fuothold,
A La'!.v is ok a U. S. Fort.
Lieut. Montgomery, of the United Status
Army, not long since lost his life in the ser
vice iu Oregon. His death left his widow,
formerly Misd Narthrop, of Akron, and one
child, in comparative penury, as is generally
the case with those who devote their lives to
their country's service. She returned, and
Gen. Jessup, with the kindness of heart and
chivalry which characterizes a brave sohlier,
immediately gave to' the trust of Fort
Cratiot, now unoccupied by a garrison, a
duty which she can fulfil, and tho pay of
which is very fair.
New Advertisements.
VI. I. peraous indebted to the firm cf Frilini; A
Grant, of. Note, book account or otherwiac
ara respectfully requeated to come Inrward and
up ltwecn thia and the Crat of April aa they
wish to go to the city to lav in their .Spring sup.
(dies. . FRH.LNG &. GRANT,
hunbury, March 15, 1456. tf
Hy virtue of a certain writ of Levari Fa
cias to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, on (SATURDAY the 6th day of
April, at 'I o'clock iu Hunbury, the following
described property, to wit :
All that certain piece of ground or out lot,
situate in the borough of tiuubury, bouudod
on the North by J'okeberry street i Fast, by
a Lane ', South, by out lot. No. 42, and Weat,
by an Alley, and marked in the geuerul pluu
of said borough of Sunbury. oat lot, No. 41 ;
containing Five Acres. One Hundred and
Twenty Four perches, be the same more or
less, or thereabouts, together with the bare
.nefita and aDurteuunces. Seized, taken
in executfoh, and to be sold as the property
of Dr. Jacoo i. Nur,
HKNRY WtlSE, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, 1
rjuubury, MtrcU 15, J
IV OT1CE is herehy given ihnt the sothtbI
L ' Court of Common Pleas, (icneral IJuRTtM
Sessions or the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
or Oyer and Terminer and Cieneral Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Norlbumlierlaml, to
commence at the Court Hi uw, in the borough ol
Sunhury, at lOoVloek, A. M. on Monday, tha
7th day of April next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of tbf Tcace and consta
bles in and fortlie county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then nml there in their premier per
sona, with their rolls, records, inquisition!, ind
other remembrances, to do those things to their
wvrrnl oflicra appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses proaeeutinir in Iwhulf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner arc nlso requested and
rommnndr d to be then and there attending in their
proper persona to prosecute ncainst him, as shall
he just and not to depart without leav at their
ril. Jurora are requested to hr punctual in their
attendance, at tha time appointed agreeable le
their notice a.
Given under my hand at Rinibnry, the latdny ol
March in the year or our Lord one Ibousnnd
eight hundred and fifty-five and l!ie Inde
pendence of lint United Slatea of America the
God save the Commonwealth.
HENRY U EIME, Sheriff.
List of Causes,
rnu tri..i ;.. .).. r i',.. ri.-.
1 of Northumberland County, a! Anril T.
A. P., 185C.
Ceo, J. Piper,
Allen Schrayer
Fliiaheth Uright
Chaa 1) Wharton
Samuel KMe
Wm lladdens et al
Kane and llcutv
(.'has S Engle
McCoy A Patterson
Ininca Marshall
Win E Mny & co
Ulack for Miuman
!Yhnii I Mn rliirs of
Sha.nokin f.
a Sain'l Pcnrineml, Ac.
va diaries Weaer
vi Daniel Druckemillcr
vs Woc.d, Baldwin at al
M Jfenj (irillev
va Joseph 1. eland
va Fngcly Robins 4 co
vs Milion Allium
va D C Caul
va Milton A 111 it in
va Jamea Cameron
va Milton Tronel
v Jesse llensj!
Sarah Sideiiey
va Charles Neuhurt
V II Polls n sui.Lury Canal At bomber Co.
J li Mnsser
va John Hummel
Michael l'laeherty
va Wm E May
vs T Uunigardnur el al
va Abraham .'huinan
va Chaa ewbarl
va John 1 Suimneia
va E N Craham
i J U Mioxtr
v same
va Ira T Clement
va J E Vanhorn
va J Karr.HWiirlli
va 1) J Wood rt al
va V Preckcniillor
va Vamlvke
va Jacob Weitel et al
Patrick Machan
Joseph E l.eilj
Milton Tioxcl
Sarah Sweney
Jacob llanrr
Ephruim iSc.itt
Jacob llarnhart
Kaseiia lluill
(ieo P A'ueis Ac.
Connelly ..r Cramer
IJarbara Weiaer
Win Coleman
Henry KhKb
A 5 I'enn
va Jciscnh Gaibtick
Matthias Heed
va Juliii F.ilw
J K anhorn 4 wif vs l!..clla Mioll.
Prothi notary's Olfice. I
rionburv. .March 16. 1856.-
4 LI, persona nie hereby cautioned not to pur
chase or rrcciva from any person or persona
except the undersigned any n. tc or notes ofauv
description, draw n bv the Philadelphia and Hun-
bury Rail Road Company in favor of IJ .tn.
Marlz fc Mnsser; and they are imrm ulaily cau
tioned not to purchase or receive from any per
aim er person", other than the undersigned eilhar
of the two following miles, alleged to hate been
drawn by said Rail Road Company in favor of
Uowen, Mari7. & Maser. one tatd February
19th, l.r)fi,nt4 innnilia tor Sli.14 M, and trie
other dated February lllth, 8fif, at 5 months,
forf.VJl H. The whole indcbtednesi of the
said Coiupanv to the aaid Dowen, Marlz A; Mas
acr, ia due aud belongs to the undersigned, and
no other person haa any right to receive, nego
tiate or assign the anme or any part I hereof.
Sunhury, March IS, 18j(j. .'!t
The fnct abo set forth are not fne. I bold
the initea for tliu payment of dehia due bv the
firm, and if I owe them any thing I am able and
willing to pay.
J. Ii. .M ASSER.
March 15, 1850 Ut.
Walk this way for Bargains
LING desirous of disposing of my entire
stock ol Hooka and Maliuueiy, comprising
SMii.e ZO.libO Volume of Law, Medical, Reh
Kioua isi-ientilic, DUnk, Musical, Stluul and
MiacclUneoua l!ok.
Also, IdO Reams of letter paper and a lot of
wull paper, utrel pens, walera, Vc.
1 w ill dispose of Ihe wli.ile mock at put tie sale
sale at my store, opposite the Court House,
commencing on Monday tha Tlh day of April,
IS56 at I o'clock, I' M., and continuing, every
alieruooa und (.veiling until lie whole stork ia
ir jo, h. Mccarty.
fsunbury, March 16, 156. II"
ini'KTS IM) Oil, I.OTIl!,
At Eldridgc's Cheop Warehouse.
The subscriber, beiuj iu a bye strael, ia under
very low rent and lic,l.t etprnses, which enable
him loac'.l at the VERY LOWEST i'lilCEs.
Merchants visiting 'hiladelpliin. und wishing to
buy Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Ac, will do
well to call and ciamii.c his stock of
lieauliftil Imperial 3-ply, Supurliue,
Fine and Medium Ingrain, and Carjiris.
Venetian of all kinds. )
And OIL CLOTHS ofallwidlha in great
Also, MAT'IINGS of every kind and various
widths, together with a general aisonmant of
low-priced Ingrain Carpet, and Entry and
stuir Carpet, Heaith-Rug, Door-Mat, Table
Covers, Floor Cloth. Rag Carpet. Cotton Car.
pet, &c. II. II. EI.DRIUGE.
No. 41 Strawberry Street,
One door above Chvsnut,naa.r Scond fct.
March IS, 1856. Ume Philadelphia.
VEINS No, 3 and 4, acvenleen and thirteen
feel in thick ueta of pure White Ash Coal,
on the Green I'idge estate at Ml. Carmel, both
Veins driven to marketable coal. For further
particulars enquire of Chaa. W. Churchmun.
Philadelphia, P. W. riheatl'er, J'ottaville, or 0r
Mt. Carmel. Northumberland Ce., I'a.
March 15, 1856 6w
The uudenigned harcby givoa notice that ha
will make application to the Court of Quarter
Senior. of the Peace, to be hidden in and for
the County of Northumberland, on Monday tha
7th day of April next, lor a bcenae to sell Vi
neua, Hpirilou, Malt and D.ewtd Liquore in
Trevorton, in the townahip of Ztilu, in the
County of Northumberland.
Trevorton, March 8, 1655 3t
The ui deraignad hereby give notice that they
will make applicatiou o lha Court of Quarter
Seaaions of Ihe i'eace, lo be balden in tod for
the County of Nortaumlieilanu, en Monday the
7th day of April neit, for a licena to acll Viui
oaa, Bpirituou. Malt and Brewed Liquor ia
thetownahip of Ml. Carmel, in lb County of
Mt Carmel tp., Marco , St
1 Il'Wb AND'B Magix.i. for ..! by
I Mil la. VF.lNl:n a. nui
VtlbtR V DatUNKI
IN ipursuaiiM of an alias order of the Or-
phana' Court er ijiorthumlierland ivouniy,
will be expoaed to puMic ial by Ihe underaigned
Adminislrntrix or Joseph !'.. Mather, late of the
city of 1'l.iladeli.hia. decM.. en FRIDAY the
4th day of April, next, at the public house rf
win. m. Weaver, x the town ol fiiaronai".
Northumlierland county, the following described
real estate to wit :
Situate in Coal townihio.. Northumberland
county aforesaid, surveyed upon the 3d day of
vrreinlier. I7S5, in pursuance nl a warrant
granted to Thoniaa Hamilton, adjoiiiiua; lands
aiirveyed in the names, respectively, of Mar.
tin Gas, Wm. I Brady, John Uoyd, Wm.
Wilson, John Cook and Richard Lake, con
taining by rejurvey made by Kimber Clearer,
Sept. iSi'lH.'ifl, 4:)t) acre mid 86 perches, strict
measure, l.alc llio extato ol the aaid Joeph T.
Mather, dee'd. Pale locuminence at 10 o'clock,
A.M. of aaid day, whrn Ihe terms will be made
known by.
lly order of the Court.
C. U'oj d Purse.. Clk. O. U.
March 8, I860.
N. 1). The above tract of hunt lie in the
valley between llu '-Little" and '-Ilig" moun
tains, upon tributaries or the Shamokin Creek,
about eijui-distant from the two flourishing town
ol sjhaniokin arid Treverlon. It isall exceeding
ly well tin.liered with white and Chestnut Oak,
white and yellow Pine, Chestnut. Hickory and
Poplar j ami a portion, larce enough to make
tw o good l:riiis, i susceptible of cultivation.
I hereby give notice that I huve pnrchased
at constable sale the property of Benj. 0.
C'uiirnd, in Lower Anpusta township, North
umberland Co., tho following property to wit:
one Stove, Bedstead aud Jieddinir, ti chairs,
one rocking chair und one cradle and have
loaned the said property to B. B. Conrad un
til 1 see proper to remove it.
Sunbury, March H, ISiiG. 3t.
' 1858.
Fiishionabie Silks, full line of black Silks
new stylo spring Shawls, dress foods do..
Linens of strung fabric, Muslins of best long
cloths, staple housekeeping goods, Mens wear
or all the new atvles.
ith and Arch Street', I'hiladeljihia.
V. S. Storekeepers, Families and all
Good Nett (ash Buyers are respect Tally invi
ted to examine this stock of New Goods be
fore purchasing, us we prefer selling low, and
selling the more goods.
Sturekeppersjmay often Cud great jobs from
Auction, ns we attend tho Auction Bales of
New York and Philadelphia.
Phila.. March 8. 156. 3m. w
'- o Voiti Own 11 re ha ii i a.
Wilkinson & Renn,
Respectfully announce thai they ha'a taktu the
sUnJ lut'ly orrtupiaJ by (ieorge Reno, wber
they arc prepared to manufacture all kind ef j
Of the most Fashionable Style.
rPUE subscribers respectfully call the attenMO' I
of the public to their large and plenJiJ iu
sorlnient of every ipialiiy and price ef j
t viti vi: i-u ahi,
which cannot fail to reioinmend ivself ta every it
who will examine it, on account of ita Jural.':
workmanship and splendid finish, mada up e1' t' I
best stork lobe had in the city. Ne elbVit i j
(pared in the manufacture of their waie, an Jbo !
subscriber arc delermined lo keep up wit'v lb !
many improvements which are. constantly k-isg j
made. 1 l.eir stork c.nsiii of Mahogany
Solan, IMiaiie mid Louuts
- Bureaus, Secretaries, EideboarJi,
and also VENE I'l AN BLINDS, e.pjal la ."lii'a-
deldiia inanufactura.
BVDSTV'ADs, of every pattem at
STA N I S, TOI I . F.T TARE KS - V 1 )
In short, vry articla in this Una of the ( Hiaoiiw
They . manufacture all kind at .,ual. ui
ncluding varietiea never be,.r 1... i has' w
Sin.buiy, auch a Mhi.oi, Hl. '.ViLtiT
ivn I'l ULIU MirLiliau un; its Win
('HAIRS, asi nor I'uiu Siwit, whit j r
of til iatesl atyle, and warranted 17 i-o v plied
by none nmnufiu lured in ihe ( in, rW-'zrrm.
I Th ubscribera are drli rininc.l ilm -t;tn ,
be no excuse for person to purclims d.rrutnre ia
the cilie, a every coiili.lruce rai. 1 rained
about the quality and finish of :i.e t vr:v: aud I
Their arlicUa will la disiiowil .,i an t good '
term a they ran be puichusi'd Cuuu
trv Produce taken in paviuen,; f..r wo-1.
ttT rNDERTAKl.Vli. llavuif providej
thoinselve with a handsome Hlsi they are
now prepared fur l'ndcrlkni. aii.l tt indit.n Iu
iiera'., in thia vicinity, or al c. .,s uu, nt Ji.
tam e from thia place.
ri" The Ware Room i ia 'w,4 Street, be
low Weaver' Hotel.
eunbury, March Ih.SC. it.
liow Wholesale Urug Stare.
14". BPENCEH, 1 IH3MAE5.
No. "Ii rou.h, (second 'ict. I'liilaiieipbia.
I 1 IM-T. 1, MaiibfaeUir ,i, J liealer. in I
Drill!, Medicine. 1 he.iiicait. Acid, live i
stiill. 1 ainU, Oil. Color lo r bead, Trench
and American While Zne. HukIdw Cla,
(lasaware. Varnisher,, lirusl ia. Inatrunieiila.
CrouiidiSpice, Whole ''pi.ra, Hid all other ar
ticle usually kepi by Prin'nn w, incti.d.iig l f
rat. Indigo, (ilue, Khellv, IV as!i, ike.. c. All
order by mad or olhru r,aipy alien. led
to. Country Merchai.l a I iv;u-. i call and
eiamine our atock belwr pi,r idiuiini elsewhere.
( to any of Hi. v Halve or Radread
ktatiou. Price low tmr giioj warranted.
March N, IS50 I;
Frciuiutu I.'ujroved
Tin: oxi.v s.iLt(: mi
Yet awar.lad ly A rir'ilti is I foririie wa given I
lo liiia riupeiior A i.n ir. lt!i l.v.t IVun l.auia
Mate Fair, al llrrib:ir . mt (emitter of the
besl quality lor Vi .w.i i,, Oat, lira aud
i'otal.iea. Rsi.iu,; Urv. e p. and greatly iim-
proving lh aoil 1 he -u-erilwr lesiwclfully,,. M. vi. a ,:.. ii. 1. prep.j
to .upply ?l '' !"
ir bbAH . IMtll-A liberal die-
C0111.I aliuweJ.
A I.M .-.. I I r i.iii ei J
oud.etl .,! !, ,.. Pl..r. C,l. f audi. a,
" iH".Oi ioi uiaaaa
l.-i-'i. !,. P()M KKOV,
9 and 10 Soul H'anrrr Jj.nlcl Strut
ril'i.AuKL r::...
Farmer ran ic-J two f!vt r."., and
avai.1 th crowd. J Wbarf.
March 8. ! 56. 3mc.
A STORE ROOM 011 Market 8uare in Sua
bury, and twe ruenia a.ljoiiiinj.
Jauary t, l5i if
A II pron knowing themaeWe indebted to
Ir P. Clement, 011 Uook account, not or other,
wia. ar requested to call and pay up without
delay, othrwie theii accounu wdf be plci ia
Ui kind of 4 magiatra't fo eolkrclioB.
Kuatsury, Xov. It. 1J5. W
Pentnylvanln Wire Works.
Ne. 66 Arch Street between Second and Third
(Oppoaite Broad Street,)
Sievtt, lHddlen, Screroi, Wovtn H'ire
all methet aud vidthi. vith nil l inds
nptuin and fancy Wire Work.
Heavy twilled Wire for -Spark Catcher; Coal,
Sand and liravel Screen ; Paper Maker' Wire;
Cylindur and Dandy Roll covered in the beat
mann?ri Wire snd Wire Fencing.
A" vrrv, auperlor article of HEAVV TOVJt.
DL'RS K?EVES. All kind, of Iron Wire and
Phila., March 8, 1806 ,1mc
OF every description, auitable for Rail Roada,
&c, for weighing Hav, Coal, (Irb and
Merchandise generally. Purrhaaara run no risk,
every stale ia Guaranteed Correct, and if, alter
trial, not found aaliafaclory, can be returned
without charge.
tV Factory al Ihe Did Slgnd. etblihed Tor
more than twenty year, corner or NINTH and
Melon Streets. Philadelphia.
March t, 1 8S6. Sine
Market Rtraet, weal or Twentieth,
M PORTERS or and dealer in Ihe virion
oreinn and Domestic Marble, Ntatuary, Ac,
have constantly on hand a large and aclert aa
cortnieiit or Mantles, Tombs. Monument, Table
Top", Ac, of every description, not excelled by
any in the city for lieauty, avmmetry and finish.
Cabinet Maker, Plumber and Marble Cut
ter, furnished at the ahorteat notice, with Mar
ble of every description and pattern, whether
Foreign or Domestic, either finished in llieSlab
or II lock, on Ihe mnt reasonable term.
We rrscctfully invite attention to our atock
on band.
March I, 1856. S.a e
In th OaiuiaaL Hiir Chists,
In Rotes, of 6 and 12 pound, and in Metallic
Packages, of J, J, 1,2, A 4 Pound, for aalu by
msrnz &
(nnioirL iirvaaTOK or th mittillic th
Wholesale Dralera in Tea Only, .V. W. Cor.
of Market & Ninth Hi., Philadelphia.
Tea in Metallic Parka put up in Half Cheat,
coe'aiuing e variety or both lilack and Greun
to auit buyer.
Printed List or Price. Terms, Ac, rurnlshcd
by mail to all who order then).
Ati Tea warranted to please, or no
due and ll.e aatne price ami term In all, and
one onlv .
I' ill I hests ..f Ilia, k roioaiu jhoul 35 pound
in.) of l:een. .So iioumi each,
-Ity 'ch I, l OH. :'l p
MlMil'llY Jt ktA'JXS
v.'i'i.ri i: ti:ti.i.i.s is
risr iicii: ijtoviNioK,
St. KX ciar.e, WK ARVir. he Hurelt,
Pl,i!..!.' ....
Keep isiislantlv oti l.aiel laro assoitrnent
of nt J, C!iEIE A PROVIHONK. wba.-li
I ! lit prepared'" lip'se if al Ihe lov
M rVei r ite. Order promptly etecuted.
star .si t. l:.r..Sro w
Tfow Wull Tftpor Warehouse.
Maiitthii lore and Irnfor'rr, No. I'l t rrb
M v-s-t, mmiiiI Joor alinve friiih. l'lnUile!p',( a.
' til ERE may be I.. nr. I the largest anJ ind-
i r... -I assortment in Ihe I lly.
ureba-er Irom the country will fine ',1 In
lie 1; a.banla; to call at our a'ore, alin.1 tiiey
j w 1! be uitt.l with a superior srti. !e, at tlia
J 1. vt.i .,e. R t R I I IN A I. V. .N i.-:s.
.o. I.f Arch Mreel. aboe f-mh, l lula.
Pebruarv V3. IHOtf. 3in c
Cheap Fruit anil Couectiou-Ty.
ru mm m K sKi.i.r.u 4,
V h.dsalo !:mit'ic tnrrs sod Dealer ' n I'ot.fee
Hoi. arv ol al! K.n U. .No. I I.I .r'h I liiiJ
tstrt ct. U II a, r, V,'.Mf 11.
' jli E a"entiiii of drill is is ii.rtd loan
riJiiiMi.iiitiii of ihe.r, nbi li will bv
I01111.I e.pisl lo any i.itbisiilj. Pe t'tgn Eiuit
ul all kinds in sens.ui.
N. II. iliiinsbv M.l or o:(n re promptly
atleielr.l 1.1.
Keb.iiary S!t, luMI H-.n e
tlTII'E it hereby irirn that tellers ul AJ on Itie rl. r ol' Al'iander
I j!d'.t, late of Coal louu-bi, N'irlhiiiiiber
laud oiiniv. drcened, fcrseied lo ll.e tub
ult on Ilia I'.'ib duy of t'rliri r-v, I ".'16. All
lrsou iu.lel.ied In sai l estate . II make y
lorot, and lli'is. havii.g 1 iaima , II prexnl Itirin
pioperly autbei Heated lor ..-ll!e -m.
W M. W. M WI1.I .'i.MM, Adui'r.
Shamokin, 1'eb. IS, Iv'ni. tt
f"!!!! ulwri!f y in'ornn the citi
i yen ol Sunbury and the public generally,
thai ha I.ta roininriiced the uianufaiture of all
kind al
at hi inanufai t.xy in he 'tlelierry fil.eel, one
iume rssi of ll.e River. iU lias engaced ihe
service of Mr. lliar. a'. J you ran therefore
depend oil having a r.l liliclr. Th pub.ic
ara re.-pecifully iu.iled Iu 1 ,11.
Allor.b r from a distal ce will la promptly
attended lo.
hniilury, Feb. 5. lK!i If
lr ANTED, to c.t sli ish an Auemy for Ihe
' wle ot WimmI Mo, blnigs, of which there
i are from f-0 10 if'JOO r urth used in every bouse
I dial ia built. Ilur edv ullage, in the use of a
J Maihiue that will w(f b a whole hoard into
11, million; al mie ration, and the large a
I mount of lapitnl ciiifl.yed by the Company,
I euablti us lo give u Ills. 1 al roininiksion. Pattern
! hook lumivbrd. conUi.'.ing '.'Ml pattern,
Adlrrs J. D. Iltl.i;, Willow Mrtet, above
Tuillth, Philidelphik I'a.
Jar.ua7 l'J, iHj,--eut e
1T A NTED T m II the Right and Machine.
for a Kular; Planing, Tonguiug and
Crooving Machine, for board and plank, under
the Nurroa 1'st.v I. Alax, Ihe all achuicill of
11.. M...,i.i;,,., M l;. i, .
,h,.,J .M., ulslt ig. at one operation. Thi
psiant ba been ' ,.e.l. and decided ill the S.
,, 1 OUI, , VVeahiiigloii. ti be no infringe.
,r,lt Ih-iii. .1 ior ta Wood.arnrlb'a Machine.
I A,.,,y u ., DALE. Willow Ktrert, above
, Tw. lllli. VWtlt plua, where lb Machine can
, k, , , 01-.F iioii.
January W, 1 56.rai
.'Ji On BALE,
Pecoo4 hanJ Ul'CillV cheap. Apply
fHi'ibory, H ,rrh V, ltA6 41
Aided by aome eight year eiperienr in th
practice el the Lew, will attend with fidelity to
all matter appertaining to or will in the line ef
bi prolesaiou. Ullue Willi Cbarl J. Urunar,
Markat at reel.
bunbury, Sept. 13, 1855, tf
HAI.!.ENHEKUR'8 l'i 1. 1, 8 A ecrUia
3 cut Ut Fvr aorl A fue. or wt by
SisaUiy. ly .
Nurserymen, Fmit Grotveri and Fanneri
NEW YOItK HflltTtCt'LTt'ItAL RBVliyw 1
A Journal of Suburban Art.Supcrily and
Pmfuiehj lllNttratid.D.votcd lo the
Aduancrmtitt if the llurul In'cr'ttti
in America.
Thia I on of Ihs larjtat and nut alsuriratt v( ork 0
lha kind m Hie irnul.
llurul Ar.:leiMeiur f. ru. ens tif th preic:.t frsiture.
Ksch nuinU-i C'liitut iri-iii iwnto f'".r tiYiimis ol
iiHslel eutnijs fiom ilra.iii br eniin-nt ..d tkilllul ar
cliiiceia hjNi(!8 m mt,, iit.i.'n, rt 10 tlia bisirlul art of
winds ape ttnidci.ii g j eiir.tvil ili.u 1 1' gii'i.n in ovsrv
tle, ami siliintni to tlia pmuiMi niea of dirTsreiit ord'-n
o. aivli.i"eiure, l.esii!:fv tin w is
Enrn'.'iiii', 01" nuvv iruits, nriv flower, nvve vepctsHf.
Ac . nrr i:.'u.;rited nnd s .hi ii.rir lesfcc'-ive
quuliln inaii 1.1 d lermmert, 1 .rmeip ti e un it e ui... to
and eli .Mnnuiil f Hlirsl llmlu dry rvn sf cin.od.
An .ieiiu:nccd ..ijr ..f pructic-nl tsril.u, acvea III 100 eiigsjisi t,. hil itse'-liiinii
It eoiitiiui is-veiity lioae siea, nnd i nrintsrl on t tie
.T,01 ""incnl iiaptr. iiiiiiiulni'luie(ir'; Tnit v.
I !; 'J pr i.iiiiuill, puyul'l liivMrii'i-lj- in udva::r;e.
Fifty ei-iilt P'Miiiiiis,i..ti ,.,1 ertfli s'ubfclilier nil wd Iu
I Ii. vcli.i set us sj,-,.u. pl.KKl will lie rlisiriluilt.l nl tue
ciiii ol Ui yr-n Rtnoii!.' those Is. ssiid until twciev Isrircst i
l.s.Si.r Ki.l....rii...-. r.... . - i' .-... -i :
,,. - ' i'iw 1 iuiiis .viii oc rsou 111 CSSil
InefirM ,ifiiii.nil will he SWO.
Tle f..!! wi'ir nto .Irctsd fr .ru hundreit of iimilnr
ii"ii;T, vu'u.iniry cmiiriLutisl by cntiteuipDr.iiici u :ulli
eauons 1 .
Tiie Uonicuhnnl Itevirw dcacrvra lt,r m"t libera! ri
triillnae ll ii n it nn', cirutisinlv prjict'eHl. l-lil IB
III a ! le tlmt eipmls ttirt Urft'uToria et th late A. J
li'.veiii. K't::Kir sen,
T!io 111 ir t cky-nit "isl useful b -l of tlia kind that ha
e-.r ceuif nndfi '.i.i-i.i-'.i.'iMiii 11 n.-,isrrt.
Mr. Itei.-: , l.e Kdilor ..f ll r II rt,.'.nlur:il Rvii is
1 piH.'ii.-al i.ui'.l'-tiisi. niul el' ins nnost m-liclsrs ei;r
e.iuntry h is'S .f. Jlc rsisirssr i;,e p! .wnnf des.-i iptivs
P'Wrriof JMck-". till' ell itllt 5"SM i! W al; !:, v
I.mtd wei n ilure.'ijii Uivw vea .1 tl:j1 jil-uu
1 i.ic T;ni..vB
Kaimi-r miy n fer yoni s sis I uy it f"r your rlu'ieblen
It is a r itli iii'.-!;i'cu:i' t c:it ; u runs cum'-inutU'li ul I uc
keuiiiii'iii m.d tlie 110 nil . Akui-i. N. V.
We In., I thought Vt m Jl
;i ni'a it.iili, th elrtTl'il(
tlvot.ilt" t,l rurnl (I.hmh Jul i,t-t: me ftn!y fhriijr.y
imciiil.riiiii-r : liut;i.Mr. It ty'-a u e d,Sfu i n-i t'JiiUv
rich mmrf iiifiiuii Mia i'h. tit;i l-i.ihrn in ii-3uei.c cf
tdf PHM thHL 1 K M"l..iftt Tr. htM?.
Ailvriivin will fi-itl i'nj on nttmiri;i.ip'l m'-Oium (.f
Pi-.Ukmv, n'tlte flurtiriilhinil lirviow ircn'rli rltii-ivdy-iu
fvTV Willi! tn t!ie t'niuii, AUvfr.iDcmriiii ut
Kcrtttint ti.e rule of iO per prge.
Tlmsn rrqui. injr VihI l'nJ'tviiin, mn Jmve tlirir nrnvrt
rrutr. in an Hun v:il: t i.iHtmci. Spcritil HtTrti'mn 11
piVf-u to rii-wf .-f AMMAl: in rsMCTirMV-d Hngliih
Diniiglitmnan i cj-.p-rj f ir ihK v.rvs iirvf-. '(i
mis Itvinir ut tliU'itiir-j inn i""tv:inl i d;t Mrr i -j c cf t!ie
iihit-rt !,) nr.ilj Utv with cim' '.'ii, wl';--h will hen
tlirTti'itrllt eil In t t.H R plir 't f.n 'Uii,0. fit'ck
llrcvtem ivll h d";i!t 'r''.i ery ! Itrms.
Fclruury J6, fi,in
rnorCSSOll of Am.iI miy n u! f'lojrr;- 'n the l'lnl
Hilelilnu C"u:'git of Miwlirins. lent Aiiu l'nilcss'r ,,i
Midwiicrv : one ot" ili r.ii.suliihe l'l,sit.nii mi rue p:nj.
nttrlohia ll.Sj,itol, ll.'rehley ; liilt'iiii-iu'ier "I the tei-iiti.'
M.umI An s intii..'! ; nicmhrr f tlie t'iiil.ideli.hsi Msdi
eal .s-iety ; iiicmll ef l.'ie M ei'ic '-Clin lirir College
of l'lnl idc!..ii,i ; l-utiieriy lrs;.:C'U mid I'mlr ssor f
11 ituiiy no I SMira.iv ni Cnnlltt 'ii Mediisl C"lk!s, Vrl
lliout ; 11ml slso, l..te tn.:ex..r ol A'iul uh und I'uvsi !
') in JI- rksiioii Mcdii-Til lnttituti'Ui, I'n'hfuM, Mass.,
Ac , Ac, Ac.
H.i hit, ly introduced 111 a p ipu'iir f.irtn osy-rsl i f hii
tlivnn's j,rw,-r 1 .t li n.r I : (Mlliei':'l tlisi- 'SC et t1-!.
i-fiinatc Thp name ol snoh nitioi.. wil ini,i!y Ihe td.-cu.e
f1 r wlin li :f is t-. hs 11, "I.
1)11 Al. CI. IN Ml) l Pl.t 'l'i SV tt 11' 1'iieeSI
int. m ei.iN ToiK S ctn.u and 101 ail .u.
'M II ti K.r l '..;.i.. r.ui 'hs . I'r..-e -M ela
l'll (ill III. Ml IIV. Pine '. s
Hr M i l.lTni K-i T'iNiC ALTCHNATIVli
Mitt I' -r.- I'm 11 viiu.- tin- H' ., .t fr. s l
lilt .M.'i t. INT. H.KS liVM'KI'TIC KI.IXIH 1'nr
ri.-i.i l" it-1. In m 't'.i.ii'h tfiics-'i iiuius inipr eu'iep.
it.-iifthii":, m'iiI a!' 'I.i i'i.c:i'.t!e r) lul t ins nnsu.g Iniui
In.iiircsfti.u l'i .... 1 .
i)ll. M.i I.INI11. K SKIif.t MATIC.MINTl I.V. A
o. lv V. t.s' Il-iit. ilv i"r i.arn.-d use IViee SO ctt.
HI! U. VI.IN TOOK'. l:?K! M ATIC l.lNIMf.N T
-H It sm, Si-eiin. hwrllings, Ac, Ac. Vnce
4o cries
I'il M CI.INT. u li-f ANC-HYNi: MIXTtrRE-F-H
I'rfin. t',ei.iriie, llrdiiacht, Neiirj-'-1, c Ac. 1'rwr
AO rrlils
rlKIl' A,, u i-i.cii i li!ini.tie:ir. Trice i.
1)11 .M. Ct INTiMK'S niAliUHiDA i: HI DIAL AND
( Ill'i ritV I'UI A r N I'IN'I' s-e'r rrmi'tr.
mt ni k m v!:ui:t.iii.k ri.iinATivi.
I'l 1 .1 ja I'- 1 I' stilcu. ss. Il. I irhc. A c Price ?-.(.
IiK. .MrCI.I.N M'l k ANnilllKll M IMI.I.S I-'or .
Irrrfi.r,,ii. in 't.H t'-uiicii'ii s .'f the t.iver nnd H-.n-elf
tn Vst l.ii r I'd. in ..Is IV'.-e rj.s i-is. 11 ti ix
Ki.ri.Vlij llr.J lcfl IN WlK. .11 Ins Mldil-ll Dr.
P'i. N '.V i- .r: cr 'ii"'ti I Kiilwrl sti, , lij;.Kl!pliin. nml
st sll t)-u.:ist. snd lliv.le.s in .Msilu 111.S. All Drtisitts I
a t DriVi, 1,1 Mrdii'iu.-s whs wull In lie agents, will
P'.-a.p itd.sups. In Mn ii-O'.i-ii, fuiinsiiiiijf reicrei;t:.
us us .11 I' '(tp. c. n"tv ,ii..l :-ile
IV f 'l,.!.V 'Wi'A t'l.lrer. pindvp- and Sh-m-ikii.
: Wm. W'k .-nrr, NooreiuiWI ind ; C. llrotvn. Mil
ton , V. I' 1, 11'. Ll "..'i.i'Hir ; r-'.-.n llsrri. ttoeshoro ;
J 'l.n,", I. .,!,: :r-.'t j 1 M.arjile 4. Ski, Chta-
rt-truiity 9, tP.'!. 61.
ciiahlks magahgt- co.
iiA:.ii itKMovro rm.'.M commlrckst.
S' i'VUii cnr. rf Suth nnd Cur tr.ter i't.!.
IK; lo call the utlentioii of l'uichascra to
Iheir ('(tensive assortment of l'u er, tilnl
I'aper Makers' Material ; I ri 11 ti 11 tT Paper lor
Hook and .News. Water leal, nbe I, uiiculleu
ilereil ui' I callr nb reil. ufall ijU.ililies nii'l pricei,
alwnv 101 Hardware nnd Muuilhi Papers,
TrunK Hoards, binders' Uoards, llatiiiiii'Pai'Cr
Ac. Ac
Pa'tiiu'ir alteniion ia invited lo their exten
sive assortment of
L!:nii:n r.vrKP.s,
From the mutt Celrhrnted Jfunufictoi its in
lhe ( 'nuntry.
An,oi:g their WUITIMi PAPEU STOCK may
be found
Com. Note. t IVIi.i S'oat
A t'auiic Note, 'J'hin Medium,
liaih Poal, Ucniy.
Qunrlo Post, Medium,
Fool' Cup, IJoval,
Flat C'up, 5up. Royal,
Tiate Papers, of every description, siie and j
quality. Map Paiers, in ijieat varirtv. tn-
velopi- Pr.pers, white, buff, and gold, either laid ;
or wove, to.ored Papers, bno g.azed, and other
Manularturcu are invited to examine iheir
slo.'k of lta-;;, Forci.i and domestic, llleaih
inj Povvilers, ul appro. d riraiijs : Alt'.tn, yronnd
or crude; Sal etodti, 4'od.i A.'h Fellings, Wire
Cloths, l ltramaiine, and Paper Makera' Mate,
rial Kenerallv.
rV "J bey rc also prepared to take orders of
o.ld sizes and weights of any of the above descrip
tion of Paper.
January Sfi, It? nil CmO
HAT larye and coinniodiou )101.'.F 1
aituulrd in the east end of Market Smut,
Muii' uiy, puj uieiit to Is made to cuit purcha
ser th premises will be shown by the subscri
Kunhury, February J, ltt.'iG 3in.
MMEUIATKLY ihre in lustnou liiil to
leuril the Milluery busiuea. Unjuiru ut lha
Millncr Moi of
M. I.. Ct'SSLER.
Runbury, February It, lsA8 if
fllll I. aubscribera, Execnloi of the estate of
1. Henry Maser, dee'd., oiler ut piivato sale
the follow iii properly via : A bi'ge two atory
frame dwelling bouse, together with about
Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoiuiug
laud of L'sniel Kautinsu and others now i.i tlia
occupancy of John R. Kaufman m sio;a aud
dwelling. The bouse is new and the location a
good one for businei.s.
in wild towntbip on the rivtr abot.t ft mile le
low .iiiiliu.y.aJj lining lamlaof J. T. M'l'hcraon
and otheia, roiilaiiiing. atuHit 90 a 11 c a. Th
toil Is ptnducliv and conlaiiia limestone ai.d
other mineral.
Also a trad of Laud, containing libout 3S
acre on the hill, aV-ul tare milea It low Sunbury,
adj.'iiiing laud of the beua of th lat John
Conrad and olhera. There if, on thia tract, a
mall orchard of chou fruit.
For further parti, olar apply to tb ubKribcr.
P. Ii. M ANSER. S Executor.
Suubury, January 19, 1859. u
May It.
wei!ct ft nnvifsrv
FiMhionnblo Tlatjt ancl Cftps.
ASM 7 & EOCAP. '
Ac. 13t) .Uurifi '.i'
INTOilM iheir frieua and tlie puMie.
5ntlly.thal thev eoiuinu to keeo at
their J ,ti,j, a nTim itrdeatenait atAAltneiit
01 uats, rap, are., gr,l op cf lha best maWrial anil
in tb late,, ,j )H,t of wo,iirns.i!,ip ami
linish. ' , . . ...
Country merchant t'n.1 other will lr well la
call and examine. bel.iia pun-titituig elscwher.
I'hila., Nov 10, ;f.
'JHi: suliscriSer ntTer at p'ivnte ule, I .
VALU.VHI K'ir.'.'CT Ol-' LAX!?:,
iitiale iu Sut;ar valiey, Vr-etn timnsliin, Clin r
rouiity, j, about I inile f)m l.nrsansviilo, nn - V
miles Irom Lock Jliiven, a.l'iniiig lamlsnf An-;
thony Klrckurr, Cieo. C'tutii'.y ami tlyn. tsnnokV
C'jnliiiiiitig Si I acres, atriet iiiaaauti', all of whierr
is eicclitnt l.imciorie I urfl--rbo:it '.n acre i.f,
winch ere clrarrJ. and the hila.'re well li.nhereil
ami watere.). 'I'iic unproveaftenle are a two atory
Log House and a log barn. ner lha western end
of ll its raid tract, and an evceP'nt j-ioinj orchard
of choice fiuit trees. Also noptlicr eitellcnt
two story Log House and b'g b-.rn on the east--c.
n portion of aaid tract. The si I premtiea are)
i siiunte.l aa to make two excellent Karma, and
will be Bold leather or t-paratc, 1 auit iurclia-
1 ersmis drsnous of pnu-lijMne llie above
pro.rriy will please call on the sulwcrilier, resi
ding in I'ppcr Aurusta tp., Noftbtmilirrlanil
oounty, S milea from Sunbury, who will accom
pany tlicm lo eaid premises. Terme rrasoniihlo .
lVcrmber S2. "16.53. tf.
Worthy tho AUenliou of Every Mau.
lAVI.NCi positively delermined to leave Sun-
bury 011 i!ie 1st of February nmt, I Ir.trml '
selling my !ari;e ytneit of t'liul,tng atid other
lioods at und br lj-.y rotit at private ale, and nejt
month nl Auction. .My iock einbrace a larqe
variety of very dcsirntile good of different kinds.
CLOTIIINfi of different at y lea and make va
rious quilitic and prices, auch aa Winter roata rJQ.vs upwaida ; Overcoa'a from !f :l,00 end
hiir'.ier ; Pants and Vr.t in proportion; Mat
and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, thins, I'nderelo
lliirip, Uo " Clutliifrg, pi .tels, jewelry, hosiery,
and all nilsrr kinds of goods generally kept in e
Clothing I have also 011 iiaiid A
vrricty of Summer Coals, vests nnd pant; also
Sumui-r Huts ol dilti rcnt slylt-s, all of which I
wi'l sell at tremendously low price.
The Auction will commence on the 7lh of
January next, and will continue through that
week every day and evening, afterward on
Monday Wednesday and Saturday. The public,
will find it tn their mtv aii'nun lo call early and
buy .11 ji: ! vate sale; tiny drive, then a Rood es
lurtincru lo pick from, and slia.ll buy Hood at aa
low pricra as they will jitoba! 'y lie aold by Auc
tion. .My ator is in Market tf.iuare, is knwn, and
can hardly Le missed.;r,T klsjikkg.
Kunbury Pec. SJ, lSo.").--
To Merchants nnd Storekeepers.
The subscriber desiro'J of lenvinir a on aa
possible, will acll lo Mi reliant J ot'ier who
niy favor him, at wholesale, loser t!;.vn I'hila
delnhia rate, any or all his con Is en hand. Hi
stockcouipries a aariety ot pood ad iptcd to th
season, is pretty I j rite yet, ?o thut be can give u
Assortment of sizes and qualities to buyer.
Merchants will find ll to their aJttiitj-c to
cull earlv.
Ai.m:r.T ni.sitLr.t;.
Largest aud Best Assortme i't . .
C'llKAl', llANPfiOMr, 4 DL'ltAtiLE.
'JII U subacriber tnkea jdeaeure in informinR
hi customcra and the public generally that
lie is now i:i rcrsipt of an uiiuauaily largi and
i.'plcndid ABsortment of New Goods.
'l'o endeavor to enumerate Ihe one liuudretli
part of the a. licit s woubl be useles.. Suffice it
to kdy.thry have been selected with the greatest
care, and lliey will I e disposed ofataa low ( ricea
ns the same nuality can be jiurrliased elecvhete,
My motto ia
"Quid Sales and Small JV.yto."
lie take this method of presenting to the
pu'-'i.- hi thank for the liberal patronage exteu
drd to him, and by stiict attention to business,
be respect fully solicits a continusnce of (he tame.
It will l e advisable for purchasers to cull and
exnminc hi assortment before purchabiiiij else
where. All kinds 01" produce tcktn in exchange.
fitntury, Hccembet I, Is.'io.
La est and lent arrival if tin Season,
At ihe Htoro of
P. W. Gray,
JuTv ef Si'tire, ha just received .i.i Slock
from I'lti.'utiil'tlti'Z, consisting cf
Fall and Winter Goods,
Ktnbracing a great variety of
Lady's Dress nnd Fancy Goods.
The following comprise in pa t a list of my ex
tensive and elegant stock, vvh'ch for variety and
cheapiintf cannot lie excelled in thia market.
Dlnck and Fancy Cloth end Cassimorrs, llhrlt
Nattin and Fancy Klk Vesting, rihirtiiig Muslin
Iiriwer and l'mJ:r 8hirta, Kentucky Jean
Velvet, Blanket, Ac.
Dla.k Silks, Alpaca, Merinos' eolorej nd plai.l
all wool. M uslin de Lain, a large lot of Print,
of the best brand and styles, brown and bleached
Shce'.inrt. twilled and plaid l.inscy, Flannel,
red, yellow and while, grey Drills, Ticking,
(.'ambries. Ores trim mines, ril.lsins, lace, glove,
hose and Irish linens, and other things too lediuua
to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal
si. ore of their patronage.
Boots & Shocsi 4 large assortment.
Groceries of every variety.
Tea, ruffe, Sugar, Molassea, Rice, Cheese, Vin
ear, Candic, Candles, Soap, Ci ackers, lirooma,, IlcdCutds, Plough Liuca, Glas 81IO
0ii, 11x10, Starch, Fluid. Dairy Salt, Smok
in" aud Chewing Tobacco, FineCiitara, Matchee,
Mustard, Candle Wick, blacking Water Proof,
ar.) 1 (jrnerjl assoitrnent 0
Country produce luken at th highest uiaiket
bunbury, Oct, 27, 1SS5 tf.
and Fruiters Furrasbin Warehouse,
.Ve. I Lod'je Alley, lad of neic Masonic Hall,
rhila.. Jan. H. lt.r.C
riHE Auction of th Subscriber will commence
. next Monday morning at ten o'clock and
will continue through the day, will also U halt!
from 6 till 9 o'clock iu the cveuingv F-ry day
and evening next week. The weak following,
only Monday', Wednesday' ard f alardava.
Sunbury, January 5, 1S55. if.
19 hry iven that the partnership of Wa,
H. Cherriiiglon & Co., be been disohd be
mutual consent. All persona haying gacount
Willi th Giia will please cell on lh attbaeriber
fur etllQ)eiit.
Shauiokio, Fabruary t. lS&vWs-StM
A.NU WAKKAM'et Tb highaet pru
will ae tia for Lena Waxraau by tb a
.: ! .. . " " .l1i. .