Select )0cinr. BE GENTLE TO THY HUSBAND. !a pontic to tliy Tlnohnnd. Kemomlipr, nil rtny lonir, Amid Oip ilin nnrf tumult, lie baltlps with the thronp;. No wotnliT Hint Hie noble brow (trows crowded with the cam That pre psp on his brnrt nnd hands, Wliilo he is Rtrnpjrling there. And when tltu n'tilif 1ms paHvrptl homo Tlic loved one to his rest ; tto Gentle if no smile apprnrl, Tbero's sorrow in his breast. 'Tin true, yon miss the welcome voice, M'hnflo tones lire niwnys kind. And loiifr n niiso the cloud Unit easts A shadow on his mind. Yet never fenr, Hint thrmish It rll, Tliv prc-iencp is. not tile't i For like the sunshine, throuch th storm, It brings sweet thoughts of rest, And many times, when labor tossed, Thy gentle tones hnvo come. And nvido plwl music in his heart. 'ThatiUs bo Tor thee and home." Be sure, althonph he peals it not, Thou art the star, whose ray Mahes lisht. nnd love, and glidelb all In life's dark rttjrged way. And so be ever pontic?, Kind words and deeds from thee, Do more toward making labor light, Than ever thou conU'et see. Hoouuster, Sept., ISiC. tumorous. An Actrcsa' Lover. A correspondent translatoa tlie fc!!ivinR nnociletti from tlio Courier do kt'ils L'vn' or tlio most beautiful nclressca of tint bonlovanla revived daily for about a itiontli it little rwvv boqnet of violiits. Shti lotind tho liminnet in the box or with tlio doorkcep vr every cvi't.tnR s tbo play was ubont to begin, nnd this simr cHcring of an unknown luv'tf aTocted her in spitu l' herself. Wliilo Bcliii!it.h lool;ed cnrufully nionnd nt the boxes, the pnntiette nnd even be- hi'fl tlio seones but to no purpose; bin-saw r.othinj.' by which '0 'i oguiso tlienuin cf lioit tinets. ' And therctipon she g.ivn her iniMgi tiation free rein, and tho iin-.tcrin itioi) of an actress is verv similar to that of other folks. Was ho n'forei'.'ii princo who wished to enptivate her heart before placing nl !.er feet bin crown and troastirn. Or was ho fttt urlist too bashful to declare his passion 1 She interr..tU'd tin: box-keeper, tho tire woman in short, ever body employed in the theatre ; but nobody knew anything about it. j lit ill tho brutpiets ca.iie. Do they tell us that constancy ia a chi mera?" iminmired she. Tho .ther eveiiintr. as Mie entered tlm then tre, she received o fresh bouquet of violets, mid tin's lime tho flowors were accompanied by n letter. "At last!' said sho, and open iuK it by the light of a reflector, bho road as follows ; Mademoiselle 1 have loved you for n long time, for is not beholding and loving you the eauie thing J Kvery day I come to ndmite you. to applaud you, to delight myself with "tho brightness of your eyes aud the charm of jour voice " " He must bo in the house," thought the actress, and she peeped through a hole in the curtain. The audience had but just com menciid to ussonible. She resumed her read- "Of your voice. You arc indeed beautiful an 1 charming, and happy are they who may approach you. What would 1 not give to be naryou always? Would tho troasure of nil thu world be worth one of your smiles? No!" "Ah, that is nice!" she sighed ; nnd turn, iusj tho pae she continued : "No I And yr-t I dare to love yout.i Ml yon that 1 love you still more. 1 venture to b- you not to reject my homupe." "He begins, to espluir. himself." said (she to burself, ,"and I thai! know" and sti contin ncd "my homajie. If this expression of my lovo does not olVond yon, plueo this bouquet ofviuhti in your bosom. Oh! then I thall be the happiest of men '." 'Veli. said she, "no signature no name g'.ven ; but let us see here is a postscript." ! Si. If von tiro curious to know who writes to VOIl, look up nt the fourth tier my ieo.i wi!l han't over!'' "'J'lie note dropped from the hand of the ac Ircss. nnd her arms nearly dropped from her shoulders. . m A Lawyer rosed. "Willium, look np! Tell us who n ade you William. Io you know 1" William, who v:ts considered a fool, screw Jnif his face, mid loukinp thoughtful, and ai)iiiehat bewildered, alowly answered, "Mo e. 1 s'pose." That will do, now," f-nid Counsellor Gray, addressing the cnurt, "the witness says he supposed Mosts made him : This certainly is mi intelligent answer inure so than I suppo sod him capable of pivinjr, fwr it shows that he has fcOnie faint idea of scripture. Hut I, may il please the curt, that this is not sunk-ti nt lojuslif l is b i ij; i-worn as u w.r ness in this case. No, sir ; it is not such an answer us a wittier qualified to testify should (,'iiv." "Mr. Jude;e," said the foul, "imiy I ask the l.i wye r a qcstion !" "Ceitainly," replied the Judge, "ask him any question you pleuse." "Wal. then, Mr. Lawyer, who do you s'jiOFO matle you 1" 'Aaron, I s'pose," eaid the counselor imita tinif tho wittiest After the mirth had somewhat subcided, tl.O wilii' s tael liteed. "Wal, now, we do rcjd in Iho good book that A an ti made a rulf ; but who'd a thought Unit tarual crilt'T had (rot in here"" The poor cmiuijllor was laughed down. A eel ird preacher rloqetuly told his (food bre; hirrn tiny "would inotint on weagle's ilUK, and sore to de land nb citfih nnd eels. liar ile gruhr runs down tiofu siih s yer mouf. Yea, verily ile day will cum when you ail will mount on do weaj;l-'s in;j- uud play upon le harp ub a' strings "' "Arrah, Put. an, did y,u kn.iw how near 1 um to selliti' J), mi's my w t.- siiltetl p j; J'' "Faith an' 1 did uot. " ll.-w uear was it:" "Indado it was w. nd.-rl'iil hi ur ; so iniirh so that 1 nied a man it' he iiuuld buv him. nn JiMfaidtio; an" if he'd SaiJ ir, J d sowid 'iin." pAasixa a aiTKum Kil l.. "I.onk 'ere," aid a tipsy individual, who was haiic,;iiL' bv a lamp-post, "look 'ere ! didn't you know that you d ho nKht to Ro by me in n,at way ?" hy uot my friend ?" asked the person oudressed, wlu rocoSuigcd ia the "light "un" as an old acqtiaintanc. IJecause (hie) if, a(ri the law." "Asainn what law " "Why. you used to know Hill Nelson, hcu was a (hie) highly rliH'erent fellow to what 1.-L,1C? tbtr'u''Pn of the Yankees leg ri sailing Yaukw-dt, shoald be 'tf6d. m Kngieud, u Yaiikee.dooiJI.. COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! SECOND YEA It. ft!? ANOtMnXTS fot lheSconc. Anpanl Collection J tf Ihia new am. luatiluliuii fur tht dirTuaimi of l.iUTHiure an J Ait, buvc beeu ina-Je on ihe must f licit ive mule. Amutift worVt already en en pad, it the faf.fnrofcd : "GENOA ORUCIFIX," which orif iniilly enM Tew Tlinoaaiif. Dol-nra. In formin the new Colk-ctimi, th tlifTuaion rf wmki of Amktca Art, mid the enc"urrig.tmeitt of Amerlcnn (emu, have not leoii ovnlkrri. Commiaaiona hov heeti ismml o many of Ihe- mmt dinlinpml AinerK-nn Artiatfl, who will cntiilmte aoittvol their Am-at produc tion!. Anion thein nrn ihree Marble Hunt, executed by lUa freatput living Sculptor Hiram Fowkiu : The. Fnther of hi Cnunlry t BENJAMIN rUANKLIX. Tha PhiLther; DANIKL AVKRSTER, , The Stntemuan. A pefil agant hoa viiilrJ Rnrnpa and mndecarcful aiut itv.tifi.'Ui tt-irctiona of foreiim work of Art. both iu llronze nml MaTltle Httitnarv nnri choirs rnintlitit. Tha win tie ft'Timi'iif a l:ire;e nnd vnttiftMe collet-lion of Cam. una and SuiMary, to he diitritmtctl rat among tli lnenihria oi me AmochiUpii lor ine reeoiu. i cur. TI'jRMB OP MKMtU.HS.I.P. Tii Mrmcnt .if litres' Hnllnrn rontt llulea anr rniCR mem- t'tr ii thi Asa'fitiiim. and rntillra linn to cither una of the follow, he Mnc.iztiiri for cue Vfir, and ala n ticket in tin ilittriLuti ii o (he Si Miliary and P:tint inpai . The Literature iMitetl to antticrilirra minima of the fol lowing .Monthly Aliicnz'tM'R : Ilurer'a, 1'utnMin. Kmvker lHtkrr, libu-kw-iKl'n. tinilmni'a, ijinle) 'a IjmIj 'a IIok, Hjid lliiuitlhild Won!. lr na tnkina five mrmheraliinanrc entitlnl t" any fiva of the Mnpiizinri fT one ieur. and t atx lu-kuta in I ha UiDirtbuti.'ii. m'VU mt proceptlflilrrireilfrotn the an It nf memlrahipa, are devoted to the purdiaae of work! of Aft fr ttie amu irtf yeur. THK APVANTAliKS SKCVKKD by hcrinninjr n mernlter of tlna A'B'M-'tition, nr ' Itt. All ptTfrina ivi-vive the full vulue of their auhterip. ti'-iiant Uio aurt, in Hie aluie o atrlint Mntfnztue I .He rn tu re. 21, lifh tninhcr ia nntrihutiny towarda pnrrh;iain(f oh K-e Works of Art. whiih nm t.i hi: d"irilnird niimna tliini'lvta. ami me tit the s-nne tttite rnnntr-ipitiif tb Arta of lite I--'unit disbursing tlt-uisunda of dollura through its Ogl'iilV. I'fTB HiK in rrmilttnt? funds for memnerfhi;!, will plente iite thctr fM"lTn'e nddrrws in full matin the iu-miHi thrv vi?h tlie M;nriine tncmmnMice, nnd hnve the letter n-fcitleutl tit the t'oMttilica to prevent l'a; on the re. rrijit of whirh. a pvi lificnreol" niiinM'thi, t"Ct'her with the .M iiT'iiio drsired. viil be forwarded lo any part of the eomiiry. ThitFe who p'lrrhnae M.iff.-'zini' m n'fkrt(irf, wiTt oh iorvf thnt hy j iiiim-f tln Apsnciution. t!iy receive tlia ,Mim;)7.ine toid five lit-ket tn theannunl dinlrthnti'Mt, all at the .nnr price they now pny for the Mnpaznie ahme. H'-mi'.nnl'v ilhiMmtH C:iiulma, giving fyM Vr:p tins. amt free on iipi)iom inn. For MeintK'tFiijp, addrera C. I..T)r.RBVt Actiury C. A. A. At eitlier of the principal mncfa 'Knirketh'ickvr Miff-i.ine" o'Tire, HI ProTi.hvnv, Ne f York, or, Weaiern OiUi'r, !M Water auctt, SanJukky, O. Nov. 17, IKiJS. lritislt l'erioilii'itls E.iiiLV coi'ibs sntvrteo. Premiums lo l:ev Subxribers ! ! '.EOfiARD SCOTT .V Co. New York, continue to r putiisa Un tallow ing Uiuikii lt;ris.K', vis. : THL LONDON QUAliTERLV(ConseratiT, the r.niNiiuiiGii nkviEW (whig.) THE NOUTHBKITISli REVIEW ( Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S ElMNl'.URG MAGAZINE (Tory). Tlie prrsent crition! tate of r.nmpan tfliiiri will rriclcr tliri.j ub!ifiitiiti unucvtilly inirrcitma ttunug itis initti Cinnus yiir. They wi'l in-oni' iiiutl! prouml brlwemi liie lia:ily wnten urv-ticms, 'ntwiv rccukai"ii-fMi(1 ity u iff pjintMS nl" tht il.nly Jtiurtiul, nml lh xiitlrriis 'J'omt ! ihe future hiKtori.ui, writtnt nftrr the living ii'trrcftl nml e.icilHiiiMit it ihr crrnl polit icut event ! llio tun fiiull have luirMMtl awny, Jl is ti tlifp IVritHJiciili thai reailfra mutt 1-K'U t' ir tti nuly rially intHigiljlc uik) rrlia Me hict try if current rventt, ninl m sue h. in oililili ui t i!:Lir vilJ-etahli;ir-f1 liteitiry tcientifi:. niul tlieulcjjicHl ciiiirtit tn. we urge tdem upou the cuiiiicralioii oi tke rctt'fi ntr pu'.iih'. IV Airaiiitemeut nre now permanently made- f"f Hit receipt nl Knrty S.tectn (mm the Hiiiifh Vul'linhen, Uj tvhich we nre uitbtetl to place itl cmr Itcprinm iu the lian1 (' i)lmn jliem, ulnut ixmi or they can he funtmlietl with the inrfiijii c pics. Although thii "involve n very t:trt;e otitliiy fn iui (xirt, we ehnll ctiiiltiiiie t lummh the IVh tlifuis ;tt the run Uv ratej i heiettfret t getjq With the (tjlU'Wiu Premiums to new Sultn-nSeii. TKH.MS AND I'HKMIU.MS. Set list of Premium Volumes heloxe Ter !! Tor eny rne of ihe fain Cevievi-innd one Viem. 10G I'or Qbv two ' one " 6 o I'm nnv three " two 14 7i Fur all f'-ur nf the Itevicwa " two " fc Hi VtiT Ht:ifl wt-vl'sj Muputme 11 eute S t-'O I'.tr Hlii- K w-nmI niil ihrecHeviewt three 14 9 W P'T Iliiit'AWf'Oil & the ur Keviewe three 10 00 Payments tote made tn all cases in aJvanet. Mmey current ia the State where issued trill he received at par Tliv l'remiiiriii Cusin cf tht fulwinp Wf:V, V-a.W v- !:U-.f of which will te given to new SjUP.-nheri ee-tr-dip tt the number if pefuxhen! orJereil, uhave ex-plamf-tl ; rar.MiuM volumes. Fonr-fiN QKARTirr.i.rr Rtvikw ( "lie yen? ; ItLAi iw'm'iii'i .Maokinb (six innth). Irtixh if i'au i emlv Kkvikw ( ine ycet). Kiim p.i; Hjtvu.tV (-'lie jt-ar). MTttrii.lTAN Miuzim; (mx mnntht) WKiTMi..riik HFtiKv('tiic yent). Ltmsecuiivt; I'lti.iiiii'n volumes immi'H in eatt he fin niti, cil, t-xi-ei't of the l-'oreie.i Chcirterlv Keview. To prevent clinpi"iiHtiurut Ihi'tfhire, whete thnt w'lt i tl nltme wnatel, Sutiw ribew will ptenne uiAi-.t ri many iliflet- ; cut worl f..r premiuuisus tliers are vicuna U wlnck ttiey muv he eaUtictl CLrEEIKG. A t1ieoun nf tw cutr Lie pi r rent, ftoifl the eh"ne pri. eet will l-e iilduveil to t-'ltihi onlering f-uir or rn tie e iiei of itiy one or mure of he ulfve worki. T hnt: Kour cipit- ri ItU -kw-'Mti, t.r of oiie Keview. wiM he eeiil to one n.UtrcKii f.T ; ftur ropiee of the four Hevicwi ti,d lliackw'Oil for b'W, l "it. POSTAGE. In n!Ith prin.'ipal Citice int T -wne theM w-.rVt will ?.e dehirereit. I'roitj Airente. FRKK OK I'OSTAOK. W hen ne-it t hy ina.l, the TokMice to euy iurif the Cnitetl if-itce wilt Ih hut Twenty-Pour I rnti a yeur f r 'HllkwN'l,,, nml Nit Twelve lentt t year for etib nf the Hcviewe. Kemittnuee and e immuuieHtione ihatild alwtyt be di!u-e. p iiupuid. to tlie I'uMnhere, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. 51 GOLD STUI'KT, XKW YORK S R I. k On hive re.'entlv puhl'iihed, mid have ow fur ;iie. Ihe 'FAKMI.U'S iI IUi:tM hy Hrr fjirt phf ne, i if IMinhiirh. mid Tiof. Norton, of Yule 0'ilcne, lluven.e.impletc iu two volt, rovnl'ielnvo, oontntnjtif tfiisli prices, i si eel end 0oO WtMil ei gravirg. Prwe tn inn!nt hmtlifij. ft Q. HP" Ta it workieH'T the nkl "Book of the Farm leie'y KKroeiTiFtimid thrown u pi -lithe Aim lie I. New York, lletemher 51, 154. rilllK sui'teriliers od'tr a rewarJ ot filly lU'llar fur the diiicovery and romietion l tl.a per ton nr perKoiiv, rIki cut and ilintioinl the bund, on tlie Maeliinery uf tlieir Coal lr.'aker, at the Maininolli t'ollicrr, liettveeu .Imaici.iu anJ Mt. (I'arniel, nn tlie night uf tlio Uih inst. 'J'lie abovo reward will lie aid to any one giv inq iiifurina ion tliat will UaJ to tlia convictioi of tho elfi ii Jtu. CLEAVKIt. FAGELV & Ca. !j! Oct. 27, lf5. if. HEIiRY SONSELi ATTOXLNEST AT XiAVT. OjJ'ict cpposile tlie Court House, Sniibury, Northumberland Comity, Pa. Prompt ultentioik to busine-a in ailj(iiiiiii; rountits. irs OOFI.AXD'3 Bitters ot jy 19. u kii:r a BRi'XEn's. ANN'S l.I'TTnn PRKSSCS. tailh nk, anil ull e m;-lete, jual rrceived, ami for sale by il. U MASfR. 8nnbiiry, June 4. IS53.- B-JATENT BKITTAMA STOPPERS foi liul'.Us for aala by II. B MA8SF.R. unbury, April. 12. ISM SILVER WATCHER A ftw double ease I'n;lib bllver Watrhes. for sale at very low t rices by H. U M ASM' II. Mnnbury, Apri II. IM 41ROCERIE3 Recara. Ci.fl'ee, Molaasea Spices, Oils, Urandy. (Sin, Wine, MacLrr I, Herring an J Call, iut lereived and for aula by VM. A. KNAUD. Lower Augusta May , 1854. ' rEUALTL BS. Uorsa Buckets. Painted Hue. au, .Meat Tanderers, Corn Brooms, Baa ksu. Children's Wag jus. and Yinksa f looks qm rackivad and for rala by May II, lid, I. W.TEC8 4 AYEll'S PILLS, Kw nd ninaida'ly (ueepnfnl remedjr for tlie euro Bilim. disease CosIiycne, lnili Kfstion, Jur.ndii'e, JJropKV, Ilhpiiniiitisni, lcr, liout, Humors, Nervfmstirlw, lrritibiiity, Infliiminn lions. Ueadnrhp, l'aiiu In tlie Urrast. Side, Hack, nnd l,mil. Oninle CHinlnint, Ike., Ac. Imlwct, very fw ure tncdiseium in wliich ritrqative Modi cino ! not mnrp or lrsn reqiiirail, nml mmli i'k fiii unit unflorinn inij;lit be prevented, if a hnrm I pit but ellcrtunl Cntlmrlie were, more, freely nwd. So penon run feel well while costive habit of dy ptcraiH : bcic!c it noon aeneratM serious mid often fatal disenMn. wbirli miKlit Imve been nvoi,lr.l br the timi lv and iudii'imw mo of ood purpntive. 1'his U nlike true if Coldi, Kererinh nvinptonm, mid Bilinm ilvraiiircmcnU. They all tend to liccomn or produce the deep neated and formidntilo diBleinicr which load the hc;ire nil over the land. Hence a reliable family phvaie ia of the first importance to the public hciltli.'and thia I'ill haa been perfected with conauminate akill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of it virtue by rhysiciKtia, Trofea sora, and l'Hlicnts, has ahow'n renulta aurpassinq any thinK hitherto known of any medicine. Cure have been elfected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persona nf such esaltcd position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Anions the manv eminent gentlemen who have testified In favor of these l'i'.'.s, we may mention : lu. A. A. II AVKa, Analytical Chemist, of Huston, and fla to Asiaycr of Massachusetts, whose high urofcKional cliar irtrr ts endorsed liv tlie Hon. Eiiwaiiii Kv vkkktt. Senator of tlio V. 8, KonnnTCWiM niior, Kx-Sneakcrof tlie House 01 Heprexentalivea. AmioTT I. An iikncp.. Miniater Plen. to 'Fnaland. f Jotl"C H. l'lTirATHK K.Cath. Uiahopof ltuaton. Alio, dii. .1. jl. imi.TiiN, I'ructical LDcmibt, ol Sew York Citv, endorsed ly llnx. W. I..' Maik y. Serretnry of State. Wm. It. Astou, the richest nmn in Ameriea. S. J.K.i.Axn Co., l'ropr'a of the Metropolitan Hotel, and other. Did anarc permit, ire eonld ffiTe manr hundred eertiticntea, from nil parts where tho Villa have been U'.ed.lmt eilcnce even more convinrinK th:in the experjenre of eminent public men ia found in their erteeta upon Iriiil. Thee Tills, the reault of Inns: investigation mid atudy, are ('tiered to the public a the best nnd most complete which the present atate of fccienee enn ntrnrtt. 'i'faey are compounded n'Jt of the drms themselves, but of the nicdiiinal virtitcn only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, nnd combined together in auch a manner aa l:i insure the best results. 'J bis system of composition for medicines has been fi.uiid in the (.'lu rry 1'ei tond and 1'iils both, to produce a more eflicien't remedy than had hitherto lieen ob tained bv nnv process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. Vhile by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious iiu:ilitiei, by this each indi vidual virtue niily that is desired for the curative effect is present.' Ail the inert nnd obnoxious ipial itiea of each substance employed arc left behind, the curative virtues onlv bcinir rotuinrd. Hence it is self-evident the elici ts should prove ns tlu y have proved move purely remedial, nnd the l'ilrs a surer, more powerful antidote to disease, than liny oilier medicine known to the world. Aa it is fieiiucntly expedient thnt my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an ntteudina. Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied tlie accurate Fonnulie bv which both my Vec'toml and l'ills nre made to the wnolc body of Practitioners in the Cnited States and British Amer ican lovtnccci. 11 however lucre auouiu oe any one who has not received them, they 'will ba promptly forwirded bv mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life, consists in their n.jatcry. 1 have no uvstirics. 'The composition c.f my preparations ia laid open to nil men, and all who are competent to judae on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Tectoral was pronuunccd hy scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its etlccts wcro known. Many em inent Physicians have deekre d the same thinit of my Pills,' and even more confidently, and are will in'c to certify that their anticipations were more than realized' bv their effects upon trial. '1 hev operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscua to puiify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orrrunsof the bodv, re: .taring their irrcnular action to health, and by correcting, whe rever they exist, such derange ments ns are the first oriisin of disease. Heina; stiRar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and bcuitf purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use ui anv iprwtity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. l ltKPAKK.I) BV JAM K S 0. AYE It, Trill ti nl :inl Aniil) ticnl CIiciulM, LOW I'll., MASS. Piicj 25 Cunts par Ecu. Tiva Ecxos for 1. SOI ! !'Y Weisr'A niiiM-r. 3iiti!"irj ; tliul .V J -tin, Sli-on-'liia V. Wiener, NoritniinticrlniiJ i J. F. t'tist'-w, Milwil and hy all Orimv.sts in Yuliicrii Peiuisx Ivatiia. June ill, leJi ly CHEAP BOOKS &. STATIONARY. 13KrV & LlJl'TV, invite the aiiention of merchants ami others lo their hrite slock of elegantly bound Hil ls", Hymn l.too!,s, Prayer Hooks, Alhiiuis, and Presenlaiioii Hooks in a'i styles nf binding ; Standard Theological. Medical, Miscellaneous ami School llnoks. which Ihey have received f'om Trndo Sales and nre selling at extremely low prices. Also direct froui the manufacturers nnd Im porters, evere kind of Plain nnd Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gobi nnd Meet Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, Arc, ic, at the lowest cash prices. PEKKV A; KKICTV. S. W. Corner, 4 1 li and llace Sts. Philadelphia. September 22, 18.r.5. tf CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOKE So 72 North, Second Sheet, (ipoute Ih i'tour.t Vernon House ) Philadelphia, f OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, cs ' ses, -S5it ; .SiUcr Lever do., do., I2; fil ver Lcpinc, do.. i;iU : Qunilier. 45 to $ 7 : Gold SpecHcUts. M .10 to 10 ; Silver do., I SO; .Silver Tabic Spoons per sett, $14 to 18; Silver Desert do., do.. 11 lo S I 1 ; Mlver Tea do., do., $1 7."t to 7 .'ill ; (iold Pens and Gold Ca sc.. :) 25 to .'1 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; toer Ihcr with a vauety uf fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard nnd Fob Chains. All goods warran'el tn le ns represented. Watches and Jewelry. repaired in thchest manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, At., made to order. N'. U. Allnrdera sent by mail or otherwise, will ba punctually- attended lo. Phila.. Sept. S2, ISu.'i. lyw. KLW MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. AOFNTO WAN'TI'D in everv Iowa snd comity In lbs doled flutes, to sell U.c Iteauliful picture of ths GRAND LODGE ROOM. In ihvNcw MisnMi' Ilttr., l'tiilaijrlliiu. Tlii Tlntr U ftftiun very mphliy, imJ eiiciu llm uiltiiirftlioii all, f.r the c ircr'ti:t-u uimI ftilclily Willi wituh ttic trAttiltlf. KltUrti lAll I INC. AU I'i'ltNtTl'BI r rt'prrus'iits'H, utttl ilieuriixic ls:iuiv uii'l harm my uf tlie C"iH. Htzssiii Piute. X Vnrt t"i tKi. Ukrlfis nt id 'ioiur lirtili ri to lake men rii- fur it, will nlsMnie iiJf, lr tori)if ntfof nuitini. I.. . KOSIATH Al.. I.itb'flrapher. I'tttunlclutia. Oct bT 27,1 ;f GREAT MASONIC HALL. THK l.AROi:T PI WO FORTE, MKIJlEON AND MIHC rT0UK N TUK t'M I'KU &TATI., Will be f.iei.d Jrt..hsr l.vh iu ihe Mcokic fU'ti.Mxa, ii-niU Mr- rt.rv.v Seventh, Flnliitlplpliu. fly JOHN MAHSti, the h-le As'it ( i H sokIhiuii. Urny A Tn.'e rrMtruiJ l.'lie CeniiMiui AiturhniPtil lwii'" Folic, "ml C W. Fuk A I'rrmium Ms? In- detsiia. AUo, t'lanu Fiiitra uiiil .TIKlmiia if olher die tiiiffuiiheti imtks-ti. J. M. Iihb iaine.t a Veuve fnr aeveral ni the new. mifruiticeut nuti well kitowii Miiavmic IuiIJiiik, where he iiticuda Iceepiny the lartteat atiK-k aiiti tfiMtirtim'iit of I'iiho Fttrtea, Meiisdeoiia, Munu, nnd Mu aieul liiatrnmenia e-vetjr deaeriptinii, all of whteh are earefuiiv aeilerird Uy huu'elf, ami warrantee, to give per fci it.n Tho lion m every iiitiauce. (kt.-Ur 117th, 1953. tf BLANKS. IS I.AXKS of every description easj I had Vy app rinr at uieainc oi Uia Ameneaa rilKASK'8 Magnetic Ointment at May l. Pin. lot of Wall Paper just received and for -t- aala h Wit VeCAKTY. ' a MvrkM sHraos. titsticry, iw ,164. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY 11EMEDIKS, IStn'KD aitilol thePisal. Suirlion and Aulhorilyef ths University nfFHKK MKDiCINK suit poplar know Iclue, Clmitrred by the flute 4 I'eniiM'lvoina, April!, KV, with a t'nnitol of (100,0110, nminly fur lliepiurrsw of arrest nip the evtif of Cpuiious snd worthless Isolriittis i Also lor sunplviiis: the t'oinmiuiily with relcihle Ucmc rtics wherever n 'Compeipiit Fliysieina eannot or will n ht eniplovcsl. This jnstiiiition has purchustMt from lr Jons It. Howand, his Celebratccl IO(waitl' Tonic Kllxtnrr, Known for upwards nftweiitr-tiv venrs as the only sure and safe cure for FKVKIt niicl Aljl'l'., kr , ami Ins hies timnble ncm'.lvfor IK IWF.I.CKMIM. AIM'S. Kownnd'a Compumit styiiin or niaeklicrry Hoot, whi' U IngLly np proveil nnd n.nmiur ftemeilirs. tnrelher wilh i ne t.'niverstty's itcmeity for ('oinpmintl oi tne lamps; The University's Keiuisly for pysprppisor lii'ligeslioii ; The Univeisiiy't furCostive-Howela) Also, the University's Aimtomc may bo be had, at the Ttrauch Uispensnry,o'r r5tors of WILLIAM flKPPlN. Nov. .1, IftM. Mllhniioy (). , SPECTACLES Is Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, 1Y1 ATH E M A TIC A I Instruments ae-parate and in cases, Thermometers of various sizes, Spy Glasses of (very description, Plntina poin.sfor Linlitninir Rods, Mmiic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes anil Microscopic oljects. Galvanic Uuttcrii's, Electrical Machines, Surveyor's Com passes, Surveying Chains cVc.cVr. McAllister & drotiier. (Establisltcd in 1 7911.) 104 Chestnut Struct Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue. (84 pas;es) witli ISO illustrations furnished on application, ami sent by n:z'.' f-rnn nf charge. Phila. Sept. 8, It'iVS. GENUINE HONEY 6UAP. THE pnrity, fragrance A. mild emoliient . ,fe?SV, ' properties of this Soap.; renders it especially dc- Jg&i&.Q'k.t serving a place on every i- 1ST ?S -1 "-7. toilet. For chapped hands. and various diseases of r-5 the skin, it is iine.iialcd. Each cake is stamped WM. CON WAV, 1G8 Sooth Second street, Philadelphia. No other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap has powerful eleiinsinir properties, which readily remove Oil, Piiint, I'irt.&c, from every desciption of goods without injury to tli'cm. For all domestic purposes it is superior lo nnv other soap in use, nml SO per rent, cheaper than the common rosin soap. Each bar is stumped. WILLIAM CON WAV, 10S South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm, stcarine and tallow caudles, impuiterand dealer iu sal soda, sod j ash, rosin, tVc. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Phila. August 23, 1835 tf. UF TUB UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. 5. K, corner 'Ihinl ami Chestnut Sts., rmi.AnKi.pniA. CAPITAL $4.10.000. ,...,.. . , .. , , . . 1 TONHt IS receiver! on itcposit (lallv. Tll ftlll'ant 11 il.po.iir,l iseotrrr.1 ma ie.,it n..kan.l irivcn in! the l)'P'ilor. or, il' pr Trrr'nl. a ecrl.Hi-.ite will 'ie i;tvrti. A l si. ins, larce unit small, are received, tl.e uniounl psitt Lack on cleinuit'l, without notice. latere; is prml nt lite rate of riva era rrsT . coin niriieiiic Iroiu Hie ttay tit tlcpt sil, ami censing fonrlecit tin the ursl nay .l Jaiuiarv. in eacn ytar. ine uueresi oi j each itrii .sit Is iot t.i tlteilc,iositor, erailtltil lotiieprinei- l pill, ns he may pr. ier. The Conianv h-ive now npwarils of 3.000 dctos;ti rs in t Ite Citv o' I'hila tclplna vl tne A n v Mtltlii I'.mti inl'oiitlulioii will be ;i veil by ftJressini; the iKKAicsca. DIRHCTOnS. Stephen n OrawfrirJ. l'res'l, Williatri M. Rnctwin, I juvreiice .l.-hos -n. Vice Pres't, Paul It It. tt !:otl, tmliiosii W. Tifiiiits -a, Oe tree Mcll.'iiry, lienjriiniu W, Tinfley,;es llcvetet., Jscoh I., riorance, Guitsvm Kncliih. Recreinrv nml Trensnrer. I'I.IV I ISK. Tei.Lta AM) I.NTCRriiKrKR, J. C. Ol.lll.sCIII.Ac.l.l!. Philadelphia, Srpt. 9, IMJ lyP. . 6EGARS- F.I N'eptuno, J;i Dnratln, Kl Diiemlo, liio Mombi, Kecrcailorea, La CurinsidaJ, La Seminrniis, Catialos, I'lanlation, Havana f'hrronts. For Sale at WF.isER ot UKL'M'.P.. Sisn'.itirv, Mav 58. 18. VS. Land Warrants Bought. UIGllKsT cbmIi price paitl, and ni iney remit ted by first iii.iiI. The bejt rclercnce can be gnen. Apply '" ail Ircsa SAMCi:!. IIKCIITOLD. jr. No. RO North fitll street. Pbiiadclpiiia. Hounty Lands nnd Pensions procured ami Warrants located as usual. October 0, 1 S. '!).- Ilm'J BUETON & I'ilNTON, . IP. t'tiniiT sixth nnd .liv.'i sli ttH, Pllll.ADI.I.I'ill . EA.S! Teas!! nn tinconimonlv full snd choice assortment otbhiek nml crecii Te:is 'fall grades, from the rxlrrincly h'W price of 30 cla ar 4tl fid TO 70 U7Scts. peril'., warranted to lie superior to any to be had else where nt the same prices. We know and eonli. dently recommend them to be 50 percent cheap er than any for sale in the city. We have nlso a very superior assortment of t'olTee, Old (inv't, J.iva, I.iicuavra. Marncaiioo, Kin und ' :i ll.iv lien Collce. New No. I Mackerel and Slunl in nnd J bid. or as mav be desired. Cluei-e, Pine Apple, Sap Sago. New York (.'ream Cheese al ways on hand. Soap brown and white j also H. L. Kendell & Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one Ih. of wliich will iro as as 'i nf ordinary brown Soup. Also IStarch nf dilTcrriit iitlities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an choveys, cVc. with a full assortment of Fancy Goods, to which we invite the a tenlinn of the public In cull nnd examine our extensive assort ment of Fine (iroceries for side bv HI.'!. TON cV FIINTON. Wholesale and lietail Family (inters and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. N. It. (ioods delivered to all partt of the c i ly free of charge. Phila., Sept. S J, 1855 p Sy Trusses! Trusses!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment, S. II". 0r. of Ticeljth and Jluce Streets, Philadelphia. MPORTEttof fine French Trusses, comhi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured pvttents can I suited by remitting amounts, as Mow: Sending number of inches round the hips, and staling side afl'eeletl. Cost of Single. Truss, $2, fj, f I, 5. Double $o, f6, .i8 and $10. Iiistr .etions as to wear, and how to c licet a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Dunuiii;'t Improved Patent Cody Emir, For the cure of Prolapsus Clori ; Spinal Props aud Supports, Patent Shoulder Unices, Chest Expanders and Erector Unices, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Beits, Suspensories. Syringes male and female. nr Ladies' Kooma, with I.sdy attendant. Phila., Aug. , Itttft ly P 8. BEBERINE, Veratria, Chinordiua and Ciu chonia, just received by May 19. 1855. NV EISER A BRI XER. VANILLA BEANS just received bv WEISEU dt BRL'NER. Sunlmry, May 19. 185S. BAILEY'S COVGll CAXDY. Aa ascel H y lent remedy I'm coughs, colds. For sala at this orlioe. December 4. 1811. . P II A IX PL MP3- A small number of these eieellenl pumps Lava btwa receivaJ and are otXri for sala by . U. ft. MAsWER. fcmtsarr. Ium i. VS3v NEW FAMILY GROCERY, Flour, Feed nnd Provision store. SEASHOLTZ & PETERY, Ih-naitivnv. hftwtm Market PAackbftry SI. RESPECTFl.LLY inform the public that lliey have just received large unJ well selected assortment nf choice Family Groceries, consisting in part nf Hams, ShnnMera, Mackerel, Hcrrintt. While Fish, t'od Fish, Kalt rreserveu Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar. Coffee, (urecii, roasted and (Jround.) Im perial. Vouiir Ilvson, Gunpowder anil Illnck Teas, J.'edar-wnre, Htonc-ware, Sospa, brushes plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tobacco, acijars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will he sold nt the lewest prices, either for cnah or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &c. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsnparilln, iVc. We are also prepared to sup ply the citiens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and enkes or every kind. N. U. Tlio hiiihest ensh prices will he paid for butt, r nnd eggs, corn, outs, rye and wheat. Hunbury, July 7, 1855." ii uilow iiic;o BARLOW'S INDIGO IILL'E, is now wel established as the best article ever offered for Blueing Clothe. It is entirely free from acid or anvthiug injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper slid less trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great dcinnnd for it has brought out several fmi liitmti.i. Storekeepers and consumers will be careful to get 1!kJ(Mii I) ah low's, put up at Allre cl V Htlierger s Drug More, Io. 103, W Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocers nnd Druggists they deal with, at prices yielding s good profit. Drug, Cifmiciiy, 1'aint.i, Vurnishtt, Dy Stuff, cVc, with a first-rale Bssji'-o.-i.t of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFIJEI) WII.TI1I:KGI:I?, Druggist. 10!) N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, IH55 ly. wU.ll il SUNBURY, PA. fllll 1 subscriber respectfully informs the public A that she' still continues to keep the above named public Imnve. She has also received a new supply of good liiuors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her bouse. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury June S3, 1855. if. BOYD, ItOSSEIt Si CO., M'NEf ash stnri aas o Ucu- 3ol) Vntljrncitc Coal. From the Luke Fitiler Colliery Shnmokin, Worth'd County, Pcnna. Address Hoy.!, Itosscr & Co., Sunhury, Pa. n. m. Horn. j. iiosst.n. Jas. nam. T. uosheii. Siiiiburv, April 7, IS55. tf. HAYD0CK & FIDLER, ., . , , , , J &l',Al.Mv. tn Watches and Jeivelrv, wi 4 jS , , . ,, - , ' eonliiiiio tlic business at the old stand of .Ijnu's U. Fiiller, So. 1 '2 South Second Sh eet, riiu.AUi'.i.i'iiiA, Where they sulieil an examination of their large .-t, n,..i , ii ih4 .uny tout coo ri pe rieticc both if ihcm have had in the business. and the l.iciiit cs ihey possess fur procuring liOotls on the nio-t n.W .mt. icons terms, will eiin ble tiiem to compete favorably wilh miv other i stalilisliinei.t in the city. I hey have now on hand a line a-wii nt iit of WATCH 1-:?. CLOCKS, J i:VELRY. Silver, I'lnled an.l lirill.'.nia Waie, Cutlery, F.mev fititnU, tVe.. N. 1!. l!ri.iiiri:i of Watches ami all kinds of Jeweby n'teudt-d tj wilh promptness and tlic greatc-t care. Phila., April 7, 10-i.V tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMXERIIA5T, SUERN &; WEITZEL jil'.slTl'Tl TI.LV inform the public that tliey bnvi! lease. 1 Ihe new colliery, called tlie l.niubeit colliery, an. I are ready to ileliv, r coal of i;i:aliiy, and ef a vaiiely of sizes prcpa- 1 red on their new it al nreakcr. -All orders prompU attciitlid to by tiilib cssing liie firm, cither ut j Sunhury or Shainokiii. I Sti!iln;ry, June 30, 1 SN.1. ri-ctoiriapliy ! Daguerreotypes ! ! AKEW ERA IN AKT ! J. E. McCLEES. Siu-c, .!.,.! t:i Mi. ( '.'"'$ (iermon,) 'i'T0!'l.l) call tlie ntieuinn of tlic public, not ' only to ihe superiority o the Uaiiucrreo Ivpes, tl.e I!yitb'siap!i, (by some called Anilir.) tvpe.) and tlic aii ins nI b-s of Photography on paper; but to the l.iet, liiat patties at u clistiticc ptiesiiej a Miiall ilauericttv pe, may, bv seiitl iitir it to N.. Kill Chestnut si., have in title from it I v t!tp iiie.ius nt I'hoto'rapliv, and Ihe talents of Ihe best Artitts. a pirlrait ot avt siit, from a small I.ockct to the full sire of lilt. A small hook icrttaiitin description, prices, Ac, A c, will be sent gratis to uuy psrson uia h m if the rctpjest. McCT.EES' Pliiladetuliia Plimn;raph Lslablishnient, No. I Ml Chrsinnt ., I c low Till Pl.ila., July SI, 18.-15. if. Ehamokin Wlute A:h Anthracite Coal. ,Voih the "trfd i'tin" in the (lap Colliery. JH. ZIMMEKMAX & JNO. P. Pl.KsET,, suceessurs to Kasr, I (Veil tV Co., will con. tiutic uiiiiini;, shipping and selling cuul from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of ' Zimmerman A I'ursel. The point ol shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunhury, Xorthiiiubcr l.iitd county, I'd., when! nil orders fur ihe various kinds of coul, viz: Lump, Hroken, EiK. tove. and Chestnut, will be thankfully received ii'ul promptly nttcuiUil to. Sunhury, July 14, 1855, Stunt-HT, .leu IS, 1SSS. The firm of Kae. IJecd ,V Co. Iiavinir sold their lease in the (i.p Colliery and intcict in the nliatf at Sunhury, tci Messrs. Zimmerman A I'uiael, would lake great pleasure in recoinmcud in,' our cii'toincrs and olhcrs to (ho new firm, os they w ill be able to sell tliciu prejiarfd coal of the best ijiialiiy. KASE. RKED Si CO. JAMES BARBER WIIOI.IISM.I-: ft UK I'M I, CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, V. 7. comer of Stroud tV Chestnut St$. pmr.ADB.T.riiiA. Where may be fou cl, one of the largest and Vst assortment nf (.'locks and Time Pieces in the f oiled States, in iiiaiilitie. to suit puicbasers, of Iroin a single (.'lock, to one thousand Clock. ; eiuhraciuk' every variety of style and manufac ture, suitul le fur Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping Kitch ens, Steam and Canal Bouts, and Kail road Curs. X. II. Clock. Repaired and Warranted, ('lock Trimming, fur sale. Also, Manufacturer of limber' Cthhrattd GOLD FENS Embracing all the (iimlilics of the finest quill pen. in addition ta which the durability of the inclul is lull)' associated and doveoed. Gold ami Silver Pencils, and Peu Holders, PUted Ware, ke., wholesale and retail. Those wish log to purchase are iuiucd to call. JV .MES B .RBER, S. E. corner Cliestuut uud Second Si.., Phila. Philadelphia, June 'IS, lHo.V ly, J'LliMIl'Ll.l.l, Mactaroni and Coin Starch lust received ly May 19, 1455. WEISF.H dc BRUXER. CAMPHIXE and Fluid of the be.t quality For sala by WIMSEK UKI NEK. buubury. May 19, lW IK Oi l. T OOT3, Shoea, U ata. Cape aud Gum Shots, just recanted and Ut sad by 184. PCXES C New Goods for the People I HKNJAM1N HtiPFNKR RESPECTFULLY informs the public In (etv eral that he has just received and opnl splendid stock of Fall ami Winter Goods st his New Store, in Lower Augusta towaship. His stock consists in pari of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinet. ' of all kinds, ef linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Cnllcoetj, GliiKlinma, LaiTtM, ItlOUMCllllO l)e aUllllt)) and all kinds of Ladies Dress Geods. Groceries, Also an assortment of IlnrdtTnre, Irou ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also an eieellcnt assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various stylus airU patterns. Also an assortment of HOOT) k. SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fisli, tNc. And a great variety of other articles such ss sre suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Cy Country produce taken in'eicbenfS the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Not. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chtslnxit Street, above Fourth. rillLADELFHlA. fl J-MocLKLLAN. flate of Jones' Hotel,) -" has the pleusure to inform his friends ana he traveling community, that he has lessee! this House for n term nf veors, and is now prepared for the reception of Gucsls. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been pu in first rate order: the rooms sre large and well ventilated. The Tables will eltvavs be supplied with the best, end the proprietor pledges himself that, no ellort on his part shall be wanting to make the I'niled Stales equal in cemfoits to any Hotel in the Quaker City. Fhila., July 8. 1831 SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTOX, DCH.Ka IN Limps, Liturrn, Uiamlilimani! uiiJiluur:t, Ao. 152 55. Jci jfreei, above Spruu, rHH.ADJCI.PHU. TTaving enlargej and improved his store, and having one of Ihe largest assortments ot Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nisli Pine Oil, Camplieue, Burning Fluid, Lard ami nil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns Glass Lamp) by Ihe pickage, nt a s";all advance over auction prices. Ueing a Manufacturer and Itealer of I'n'.e Oil. Uurniug Fluid and A Irohel which will be furnished to Merchants at surh prices that they will find it to their advantage te inly. Also, Household Itlassware of all dsnrip- nous ni me lowest inarKet prices. Philadelphia, Oct, I I, 1834. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS WATSON. A. 26 Sou'h Fourth St., rhiladelj-hitt, CKUAT FIRM, Chestnut mm mm & Fifth Streeta. Fri.lay morillliir. December Zr 18.M. Leans ,V Wa'son Snlnmaiider Safes Trium pliant, ax tbry always are when put to the test. 'PiiiLAiir.i.rui , Hoc. IS, tR.'l. M"r. Evtxs iV V iist.j, Nf. J'J South Fourth St., Pbiiatlelpbia. (ientlemen : We take much pleasure In re commendintr your Salamander .nles to Men hams and others iu want of a sceuic inr.ius of preser ving' their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the one wo purchased I'mui you about seven months eince has picserved our books, papers and cash in a. good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great (ire of this morning, wliich destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut nnd Fifth streets. The above safe was in usn in our ollit'C, on tho second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there uiiiil the fire was out. The Safe was then removed nnd opened in the pres ence of at least llllll) persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, havi..g psrfcct confidence in its fire-proof qualities. Yours, Jiepec;fii!!v', I.AC V 4-PHILIPS. Evans t Watson taVe pleasure in referring to the followiiKr, among: the many hundreds who have their Safes in use: I'. S. Mint, Pbilada ; Farmers and .Meelninies' llank, Phila ; Samuel Allen, Estp, Uii;h Snerill', Phils; John II. Hen derson. City Controller; Caleb ('ope tf-Co., No.! 1 S3 Market ft. ; Richard Nnrris cv Son, Loco motive builders, Philada; Ilancroft 4- Sellers, Machinist., corner ltilh and James Sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., t'hila.; Pennsylvauia Kuilroad Co,, l'lnla.; l.accy If Philips, corner nth end Minor Sts; .Mmrpless l)ro., No. 33 South Second St..; James Kent A Sanlee. No. 117 North Third SI ; W 11. llorstman A Sons, No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith. Williams A Co.. No. 67 Maiket St.; J. A I). Oine, No. If 4 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more lire than anv Herring's Sale now in use.) EVANS A; WA'l'SON, ulso manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron llash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Hanks stores, public and private building.. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined lie fiigerators, elc. Please (live us a t all, at No. St South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1S5.V cly. 10. nix ion vos it!si;i.K! THE rOCKETAlSCCI.APlCS: OR, EVERT ONt: HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. .nfi. mMIE FIFTIEPH Edi- 1 ...ill. ii.., ii 1...1 K; L.ngraviui;., snowing Uia- S3A M s.l -1. .1.11. ... i ue iiuuuu .-'VKieiit hi rvcrj 1 -I I '! ffi '3 JfJ 'J'rraiirt on the r f f jy ol lie '"s'l- i'liportarire to jkj$$ poojile, or tlmsc LJtSii coiiU'inpliiiiinr mnrriiice. 4 ly Or Win, T.Pt ho fnther . aihnmetl lt pntcnt a cnfiy of the .f'.S Cl I.AlMl S to hn eti i It ni.iv uv liim Vrnin nu early gmve. J.:t w y"uu man or uonuhi uirr mtoiUts aVH-ra otilie-diiMit t uuriied I110 williout rentliiig ine 1'iH KKT -KSCl fsATll'S. I,n ihi one snitrriug trorn liutknirj I'tHieh, liti in thfitMiti. TfUles-i iitjhif. nrvoiii iVrliugi, atitl Ihe wlioie train of lyttie fi.uiiona, h:u! given up hy iht-ir ilivstH-i;iii, he uit-t)i i iiiniiieiil wuKoul cn Bultiiitt tin LA.'ll S Htiv the itiiftied, or lfnt sit Hit to le iiiiirrittl any iiiifirilinu'tit. renJ ihia truly uoHut Utolt, aa tl liaa tee th nifuna of atiivinar tliius.iuda uf mi fisTttiitUiltf crcaiuici imm Ihr verv jhwi of dt-.uh. IT" Any pmm mwn TU'KNTV-KIVK CKTS, enclose I in a It-rter wilt rt-seive fii ropy of thia lKlt, hy mull, or five rpiea wilMx ent on ri'illnr. A1'(ieim Da. W VMIWO. N. I.V4 M'UUCK Biraci. TllILA UKLPIIIA." It id. INuiiflelplna, 9eptRiiier 9, ijr newTtor At tht old Stand of S. .V. Thmipton.) ffHE Subscriber rc.pectiully inform the peo. L pie of Sunhury snd vicinity, that hs ha. la ken the Store Room lately occupied hy ti. X. Thompson, in Market tlreet, Sunhury, below Weaver's II itei, and that he has just received and openea! a liandsoino assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting in pari nf Dry aootis, Grooeriea, Hardware, Queensware, ltata Cap., BooU & Shore, Fish, Salt, Meat. Ac. All of which will be sold st the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchange al lh highest market price. n. n. VA8TIXE. 6ur bury, Nov, 94, 134 I y ch PMNT8 efetary daarriptron wt reoeivesl hj tt 19 . WaUSEB A BRVMfR- FIKST ARRIVAL At S. N. Thomtinn'. f In Lower Autmita tou,.!.:. . .i. . ' the TulpeXotl en and JUum 'ZlT V fashionableVou: Z&STZll T'" ofF.rmer.,;nic7r, ' h7 ,lo i;:';",ion consisting in ..... J wi t), , rJi.g, Mvtttit, ami U klnds car, LADIES DRESS AND FAXCVGonrw Colic, MusUn d. L7,L Oinehams, lirraes. i?0tV, ' ", Flannel, kt. citoci:KiiV S.gar. Teas, Coflee, Rice, M.I..M, fkee-. 9iices, Salt, Ac, Ac, &e. . ., 18 a ' ni nre,, Screw,, Files, Sa, Kniie. A Fo.Vr As Queens and Glassware, of vnnous styles ami patterns. BOOTS AND SHOIS. A Urge assortment of Donts and Shoes hi Wome" tnA children. of v''ous sizes and stylea . large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and exami,,. fur IV" Country produce ol all kind, taken U exchange at the highest market prices. . , s- TIIOM PSO.V. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, lH.Vi Furniture! Furniture! A a. 157 South Second alore Spruce.) ea,t,idt rillLADELPUIA. milE subscriber would respecllolly jfurln lh. A leader, of the AmeraH Bn() i I'"""1 K "ei.iiiy. inai no lias on hand a co supply or elegant, fashionable, and well a constant liiade , , V juices, iicing a prurti- nl IT. - B"'a m.n,,fc turcd n nder his own superintendence, purchasers ms, rely on getting jui, ,url Mrlit . rprffthttd. Lnu turn. also ti st nr Tinllnr.. C fj f "Ull n'MinVtl i srin. I u "oia tictlstends. Th wr.i.,'.o,,t "4u"k"ni "ouidd. JOHN A. DALER. n in , '7 South Secendstrrel. f. .in icers lliankfo . promptlv attended to. ApriUS. P.15. wilr. and BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. WW subscriber having received the i,,. '." snd tnamriiions from the nep,,,t, Van Bu!"S,on' ' PTsreH to proem. Rw, Land U arrant, at the shortest notice. . ., U. R. MA S3 JR. nnbnry. A r 7, 1653. I t. BEVA17. Shamokin Pa. mil E subscriber he, leave to inform bis fn'.rHa 1. snd the public sonei.llv. !,. . ,, in. above well known .tnj, ,,, b , to accommodate all who m-v giv. him . 1 P' Shamokin, July 8, I8.S4 MEW DRUG ST02E Wholesale and Ectail Druggist. Market St., next door to E. Y. Cr,;,f, J;,r, ' tCNnnsv. ra 0FF,ER .,0 ,!,e r"l'lic the largest selaciaj ock tyrr j,, l!i;t country, consisting of n i host section ( EEESH AND rUlTS LHVG3, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spies., P.jnK Oils. Uy.-.l,.r,., W.ndow (,!..., stent M.dicni.,, together with a conpl.i. sortment of Paint. Cloihes. Hair. To. th, Nail and Shaving Brushes. Side, N.,k . se, con,,.., r.ncy Soaps, dhavinjj Creams, Tobacco, Scjara, Port Monia., Ca lactioiiaiies, PL'KE WINES AND PRANDitS ror Medicinal use. English. Trench and Am.rt can 1 erfumery, Fancy Good, of ceiVclfscri, Hon. in short every ..-lie!, kepi b, DrujKi.a. generally. Prticriptiont Carefully Compound,i GEO. H. WEISEK, . . WM. A. BR L'X EH, anbury, May 28, lgX(. TOBACCO, &c. ."trwV,rry. Congress. Eldorado F.g. Kldorad.i Cake. Sarsspirill. Fin. Cut, Tressed Fin. Cut Anderson. . rr !o f WEISER A BREXER. Kunbary, May Jg, .J5J, jn. ii. H. Hlfi BEE'S remedy fr cour;h. and aulinonarv die,. i t r- 8, 'colds this raliiaVle medicine jim received and for 'sale , , , H. U. MASSE!!. Sunbnrr. Jinie . A N " 1 V W K ' T,S l' sTdU. stve and legal envelopes, sal, hv , U- MASSER. Sunburr. Ian 10, I8M LJHOES.-Ali kinds of Boot. S7oe, jTh7. pers lor sale by r . EI.SBESO CO, Market .trect. eppo.u U '0, OiUe. Kniiburv. Oct. 8. Itts.l. To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. VOTICE is h.reby given, that all person l,,l,no trespassinj upon, or injuring the ,ue of I be 1 hil.delphia aud Sunbury tcleyrapli ml, be dealt with according to the uet of Assembly m such ease, made aril provided. JL B. MASSER, Pres't Fhila. and Suiihu'y Tt'eiiapU Cu Sonbory, Jtne 3, j-iai ,f, 1 CITRATE OF MAGNESI A, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by & BIU'NF.R. Thu preptialion is recommended a. . ... ccllent laxative and purgative, i, 0p., ,,,,,. I. entirely free from any u,ip,as ,.,;, aeuibling lemenad. i flavor. Thi. medu ine i. hishly beneficicl fordueas. pe.uh.r to .cnun-.r and hot weather. ." Sunhury, July 1, 854 JXK Boureau'a celebrated ink. and also Con trre. ink for .ale, whnbsale and retail bv lteeen,!, S.. H m AS.vEfl. tBAPS A X I) CAPS sj.leii.l.d .,t Kt U fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats, also Cds.ll,, Fur, O.lclolh, Xavy and A. Hilary tape for sale low by O. ELSBEPfJ 4 CO. Market .treet, opposite Ilia Post Office. Sunhury, Ocl. 8, ISM GOLD PEXS wilh and without rases, af a very superior quality, just received. Also fresb supply of Writing Fluid, for aala U. B. MAsfER. BuribBry, Pee. 87. IBS' l)I.AXK Parchment Paper Deed, and blank Moitgacrea, Bonds, Executions, (Summons Ac, for sale b H. B. MASSEK. tunbury , Ai.rl 98,194 f "'KOCXD and whole Pepper, Cloves, t niiia uion, Xultneg, Mace, Aillspice, Umgw, Liquorice, Ac., Ac, al Xoe. IS, 'S4. YOEXG'S STOKB. EWELKV, A nice assortment of (iald suJ Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale ebeap by O, ELSBEKO tr C(s-, M.rkel s-traxt. sevttet thw Faa 0s Baatnry, O. a, t3rJ