Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 15, 1856, Image 1

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The Sunbury American,
Market S-jare, Sunbury, Vtnna.
rxTU uni.t.AUS per Biimim !'' poid half wlr w
M,a,ios. Nil pa-isi diKoutii-ud are
. I.... ry,'u. In
Ik o
fins, Insure SII'lHllMl,
' TU CLltJS.
Tm..wpii""""1'l,e"iM lunn
411 Ml
p'" J '' i-i wiil ,my fr three .' aiib-
ssriptinn to the American.
P.i.invu-tcr. will !,! .t .t our ZZ
...l,r.l-..,,M,K.l.lTipli.M. in mry 1 nr. permit
ltd la d" tni under I'""' """" -
Oseliunienr It tines, 91. Hies,
F.rfiy tj'isr-itif nt int!rt;-ut
,ns 3 mie. 11 nuiilli,
iix in Mi'ln,
Ks.i.esVcard, of Flv. tinea, T ""
MM.-lnntiau.l ..llirrs. ndi-em-i"! 1'
,.,r, Willi O.i- .rivii-i! of m-fti,.f
A . :T-, aiH'eii '.'" .,.,
II w
I?" Large.!
lv . i,.ie,Tiri,"i.ii-' i-' -s
vr Imve. wniffiM wim our ii.i"
.V " ...utivvim wturh will ennrve mn
-, Ilia nfil'M atl.iii'y -'i r"'";"-
A T T O U N B Y AT I. A W .
st'Kctrnv, pa.
P n't,.. nlc. 1 la iii tli Counties of
1tiiini!'ri'ntiil, Union, Lycoming
Mentour ami
?fftrnci i'l rn7i7,; fu'a
B.i tnl. 1! Tun.
tiinuli A C.
Tfiirn-: am a nim it acitk cuai.
l imn Titr. l.iNCiarkii Culli Hit,
Noi Uui'ii!'rr!a:i.l ruuuty, 1'.,
''S'l'ir.KU e.c Iib e riv rxtciiHic im'iv-
' inrnls, ai: l ni .rri'iriil 1 1 uHrr to llm
itt!lir a vpiy aiii ftior nrlit-lc, p.-iitieuliir!)' siii!il
irr itic iiKTimlii1! ii:c uf buii biiU nuking ictii.
t3 jr kizf el C. mc :
I.tMl', fi.r Snii"'it" ig I'Urpimea.
I'l! A M IJUA'i', lor Jo. and tu uiubust
l'.iiOKiJ.N, j
I'.'JI!. . fr riuily u and Stru.
JilnVf!, )
f ir I.ime jurni-ri md Siiaaa,
9ir point of 8lii 'iirj5 ia Surilmir, vl ar r-l.nii-nif
nl ara mads la load baala atitlioul aim
J. J. CurnnA. I.ain'oitrr.
C W. I'rtu, is'.iamoUin.
8tu. Km Mini ii, l.anraater.
A. 1J t no i UHM.H, Co.
Rf Orders addressed to SliamsVin r Eanlurr,
will rncivc prmiipt allentioa.
l'b. 10. t S55. ly
TJ. S. OF -A..
"(!ni and our A'a'ice ZnnA"
M:SQI;RHAN"N rAMl Mo. Si. ef the O.
of the U.S. A. Iiolds its stated sessions eierv
kfsmar eeninj intheirMew Hail, appoaiia E.
T. Illicit store. Suiihury, I'a. Iiiiiitatiou and :
raja u, (2,00.
I). O. E MAIZE, W- C.
Ell':. WltVIHT, K. S.
eui hurv Jan. 14. ls?5tj. oct ?0 'tS
o. oif tj. -A. avc.
CUMUUKY t UU.N'CII., No. 30, O. of IT. A.
M. inreta every 'J'rkai AT evening, in the
American lla'l, npposita E. V. llriglil's store,
Markel a'.rcel, Snnlmry, l .i. .Meuilirrsof the
irs'cr ara icspecHulljr rciiirsled to attend.
1". M. SHIMJEL, C.
Sunhurv, Oct. 'in, 1 f)ft.
X. S. OF
fiirASHI.Nt.TON l.'AMP.No. 13 J. S. of A
luiliU its matfd mfeiiiiit" evrry Salunhiv, in tiis A inoricun Hall, M.irkel btiert,
A. A. SliiSSLErt, P.
John 8. BmrJ. R.
fiii"i!uiry. .I.imirirv ft, IS.'S. if,
Chi'up Watclios i5.1fvt;lr
..VllOMS AIT. n.l l!.-l;i, at the 'Phhadrl
' pliia Wiu-li and Jwlry Store," Mb. Hi
orth ecllld Strfft, cariirr of Ijiisrry,
!il Lever W uti'lira. iu,l jowioi. I rami rai'a. tat 0
ulLep i. a t;S. S'il M; I in Silver Siivucea. I. SO
,n l,. Cu" :.'i-. Hrsrelela. J (I
.ft Lover. I ill jriVi'd ii j! ndtra' lioltj reneill, I.UO
Mi-.r iiu.Tiii'M, 7. Silver Tea ap-Mna, aat, ,tu
il I'eu Willi l'e;'ei! an J S.iver II.Wt.-r, 1.00
io!d Kiiitjcr l!ing, 37 J cenls to $81) ; Watrb
ii.j, i.Uni, l-4i-e:,u; I'Htent, l.unet,
; olln-r urlii'irs in 'r. jinrtiuu. All gooJs war
led to la what they are sold fur.
D hand, some (!o!d and Silver I.rvris
..ii'i, still l iwer tut abovs priors,
fi, lH.r5. ly.
na rz, es::isv & Co.
o. 2'J X'litU Third Strut, VUladeij hin .
OKltC't'O Mami'srturris, Curriers and Ini
purtera ef FUEM.'H C A l.K-SK!.. and
ii in Ked and Oak. fcULK LfcA'l HKK 4:
Ii. 17. 16S5. w ly
rcsslus I'UMc .ilaitiiTui turrr,
V. ''. cur. rf I'oiirlh A' f'Kutuut Si$.,
v in hand a large and T-iH assortment o
t M.iiii aiea,
Vet Itoi.ks,
i.rrs t'jites,
. Holders,
t i'oiii s,
I ih!e l)ek,
iiig l'ae,
Work lioies,
TraieioiJ Bnc",
Iliirkg.iiiimaii Uotrda,
('lies .Man,
Citr Casee,
To-'kct Memni aud im Hooks,
i. a general aRAonineni oi i.iiyou, r renin
rmu Kamy fiuods, h'ine l'ocket Cutlery,
, IJnor Sirups and (Job! Vena,
sale, Second and Third Floors.
t .ir. Fourth A Chestnut fcts., I'bilada.
j. On the receipt of fit, a fiuperiw Gold
II lie sent to any part of the United frieles,
i; describing pan, thus, medium, bard,
,.. March 81. 1855. ply.
. . . fl...'l.l. !. l
bushels Flsiseed wanted immadiately at
Cheap Store of E. V. U right, for wbiib
est niaiket price wilt be paid.
n, O. lober , 1855 If
JALH an excellent SBt-ond hand Oapk'
tovc, also several Cytimie drd
faW'ii'e l!J 1ice, v .
iiy Ai.nuKt pikr.
O tlinn delicious Spr'np !
Nursed In the lap of tliin and subtle showers.
Which full from clouds lliut lift their
snowy wing
From odorous beds of light-enfolded f ower?.
And from etimassed boxyer?.
That over grassy walks their greenness
Como, gentle Spring !
Tlion lover of young w ind,
That Cometh from t he invisible upper sea
Beneath the sky, which clouds, its while
f'lum, bind.
And, settling in the trees deliriously,
M ukes young loaves dunce w ith erleo.
Even it) the teeth ofllmt old, Sober hind,
Winter unkind,
Como to us : for tlum firl
Like the fine love of children, jrentlr Kprinc !
j l nucliilii; tlie fiiiiTeiMi'i llti'j: it the lic.irt.
t r uKi! a virjim rf plensiint wi leoin.iijr;
An-.l thou doftt-ver tirinp
A tide r.f penile but resistless urt
Upon the lieiiit.
lied Antnnin from the Sotttlt
Contends with thee; ol.s ! n.ny be
chow ?
What nrr. his purple stain'd nnd rrsy month
And browned cherl;?, 1o thy soft li:c( ol hiiow.
And timid, pleasant (.'low
Giving earth-piercing I'owcrs t'ueir primul
prow t!i.
And greeiit-bt y&Mtii ?
Car Fitmmer conquer? the-i;
And yet he lias no beauty seeli an ibiim ;
What ia cvtr-streainiiifr. 1h iy s.-a.
To t he pure (.lury thul with thee iloth sliine?
Tin ii si iisnn mo! t d, vim .
V,'l:at may his dull ami hl'el. -j tjiinstrtlry
Compare with tl.i u ?
Conir, sit upon the Y.W.i.
And bid the wuhi ijc k'.rif.iius le.ip down their
And preen the vales, willi toeir sliglit-souiid-ii'.if
rills ;
And when the stars upon the sliy shall glide,
And crescent 1'ian ride',
I Xtb will breatho of thy delicious thriili!,
Ma grassy hills.
Alas ! bright Kpiinp, not lung
Shall I enjoy thy pleas;.nt iii'iim.ce ;
b'nr thou gbult die tlui Suuuner li?at umcr j
Subliined to vapour in bis iii'e intense,
And, onu forever hence,
Exist no nuiie : no moiu to earth belong1,
l'xcepl in song.
So I who sine shall die :
Worn onto death, perchance, by care and sor
row ;
And, fainting thus with an unconscious
J3id unto tfc pour body a pood. morrow
Which now snim times 1 borrow'.
And breathe of j, n ance kutiiur itud
t'easiu to siifh 1
Select JTalc.
Vi ra n.orei's M
1 was studykif, fuiokiiiK, ftr.d trenrraily vu.
iuiut,' my const.tuiioii in urn in sic eoilepn
town of N , cue iieive winti r, when n si .'.
lied apathy took possis.-ion of me. 1 lort my
iuteriist in everytliiiii,'. b'reipiently. to roi;.-c
my doniialit encrn s, I waiked down to the
beach, and plunged in the icy miic. !nt it
availed notiiin;,'. l!onks. cigars, all w ere in
i llectual. I.ilo looked a dreary waste. The
eoid. objectless lield,'., covered v.jth snow,
seemed to me tu jwnjre forth ths fiitiiie.
Liko most very yutiiip men, 1 had exhausted
smisation. As I ml by my little table (ne
evening in Juniiary, I ran nvi r in my mil d
the .possible, stimulants I could use to la: h
in v dormant sensiiiilities iulo !
j I ; lu 111 l.lllll.. Ul'l 111.-1". 1IKI1 17,111
A.viveller, I had taken to that before. I
could not take opium; that made me deadly
sick, and. subsequently, tlocpy. Wim there
uu iiieniai siiiniiiant, sueii as love, Hale, re
in orse, that I hail not tried? No. I hated
every body. I had been ill love with ull the
"college widows." and several beside. "Man
pleasured mu not ; no, nor woman either."
lie morse ! I bad disobeyed my f.itln r, nnd
grieved my mother. 1 left. 1 Mippuse, suit.i.
bin remorse IV.r these tliiiirs. but they were
peccadillos, and did not un.-.ivcr.
KeiiKTse! the uord pleased mo. Should
I ktivlc a knife iuto the fat sides of my landla
dy ? Would Ltr innocent blood crying to
Heaven, and l er last gasp, calling me "nmr
deier!" make my pulse beat quicker? No;
iriho would liuve hud jio innocent blood to cry
with. Shu could not have eiiod "murderer!"
audibly, on account of tho asthma, nnd I think
fcho wouli have wtli'oined death a an ugrea
bleoxrliange from a UU sient in taking board
ers. Where wad the victim whom 1 could
offer up to my dyin sensalions ? What lidii
renin knelt before tlie ibdl (ileum X my lan
guid knife ? Where 'lap, tup. tap! us if a
ghubtly linger tutichi'd iny wiiidow-paue.
1 alarlcd ! yt-s, 1 actually stinted. The
ocean in January had greeted my numbed
frame aj if it hud been a warm vapor-balk.
Tiiought of murder, of poison, of love, of
fame, hud crept through my veins as languid
ly us u thought or paying uu old debt. U'hut
these thiugs hud not doue, a tap did.
1 looked oat nothing there, 'i lia cold
moon looked down on tho cold earih; the
cold snow surrouuded the cold white houses;
tno leullesa trees outlined themselves ou the
cold ky ; the cold charity student, shivering
m his thin coat, went by, making coldness
Tap. tap, tap !
Forthe fiibt tune I saw would that I had
tierer seen it again I saw the tree ! An old.
iKbtnmg-struck, dead sycamore, with two
brauth loft, and a charred ton with one
hole burned in il by the lightning. There it
flood, t horrible cyebp, tossing its two skol
etou arms j0 the ir, and looked at tno willi
its one eye. One arm leaned over toward my
Thei'ira'' '"'DO forefinger tapped oil
I know what it waa. A demon livd in 1
thkt tre. and waited to make tny acquaint. J nodded to tt.a tree. I should be
happy to make the gentleman'! acqoaiutauce.
A gust of wind surged throngb and throu"h
tha tree, aud ft Lortiblo "H I hs 1" died ftwity
iu the air.
I bad seen tho tree bafore, of course.
There it had stood a year before my chamber
wiarrtnr, but I bai never seen it ta I saw it
to-tnshf. .ormrrly fo rtm it wan n burned,
'b.rl tree. Xr Wil t UmVar. rompnaia.
bin demon, i cl8ermined to get something
out of tlmt tinn. "
dnFt n I had ndmitted the tree to inv con
fidetire . the door-bell ritnp. L0,i, impoitu
nate to be let in. the l inper spake throeuh the
tliverinr wire, uud 1 was rmivinccd it was n
iiew-comcr. No one who had been quenched
in thti ntmoppboie or that house rould rine
:n Mat war. Presently 1 heard trunks
lironclit in, then ftruiirrn voice, then oi.i
"P M.iir.. i inoUe.l out t th tree. He
wared ii c-aiint Knurr nt me.ns iiukIi ur to snv,
" tin down, nnd find out."
Cleii miiig ! I f,.lt curiosity nlivnva a gn
or vitality. I etifonriiL-ed it bv wailinjr. I
enriiiirnr.-d it by waiting. J 8aid to nivseir,
' e will Pml nut to-morrow, mv pood fellow
kei p quiet" nil the while sM'v uieaninr? to
a.. hiisnn. the rh.inibrriua'd. whom 1 beard,
w;t!i n Taiiy foctfalin. afcendin-' mid descend'
m;r the stair?.
"'ui had n preat cortmpt for nir.
Uhelher reveial year f in
a bonrdinif-house hn.l piven Siifan n disrivt
for her STrci.-s. or whether dm wm npinilin
' iin..i i i I n ii nv i ni. I wil- ii n m i.i I i.r I ...
: ,. i , , i . in no-
i mui.- oiiiiian race, unci laili.l to j iti j r f. the
mind of Huenn with my siipmior claims to
I rerpi ct. certain it wa 'that ,v'imiii bud not
j that Rineiiity of manner or aflivitv of service
when.' I was rrtic. rnd. w hirli wr.uhl lmve
j beeneSircted from our ivlai ive posit i.uic, f
i my pilcln-r. were ever full ( f water, mv boots
j ever at the door w!i it they shuuld have been.
I I llllll' IMhV III snv It was llm m..1
i in l ine. Mi-ati s manner Inn .!' .!-...
i ' i xr a T.ii su'en w-m iil,ri-i, .,,,,1 ,.( ,,.,,.:,.
I I .-..I . I .' ... '.' .
...... ,. , , pin pin,., I
I opening my ib.r.r and nddresii..e tonid inter.
1 1-ni.Mt. I t to .Seri.n. to iheeliVet that I should
. l.!e to know who bud :. livt d. thai the should
j u:..-tvor somewhat in thb. v.i. :
l "iln away. Mr. Si. leer, d-n't be a-'.oth-ieiin'
me, who tired ;nn cir.ietei to death
I I lowrnTi'. :-ih:hi r.-ns u woui-in
i not resit I the pleasure cf teilin r
find could
a piece of
j ' 'I'heie is a pel
' sick one. null hi)
t.eivnu, find
: of trunk" :
.1 holy,
and tin
and a
! one has !u. Mid niv.ic, ,u t!,,.v js a.-j,...i'
! her to."
I I s uit mv door and longed r.t.t at the tree.
! lie ion!.!,.. winked his one eve tit me. nnd
; tvs, il his br.inch. s in wii.l il 'Iili'. We un
i derstond each other perfectly.
! , , 1 phii-'eria had anived ; 1 s'mv it nt a srlance.
! This fiii'tinir person was evidently 'a sick
! til', who had been brouulit t. this house bv
her t areets. S he would recover slowly. I
w-oiihl lasrinnte her. break her heart . nnd. ir
j she il,, t.,,1 then die. 1 uen'.l till t ..r ' V...-
1 in the dead of iiinl.t 1 would ascelel to
the third Ih or wake her from bet child- ,
I like sleep, ar.,1 then c.ilinlv, i oollv. like Mr. !
Il-orreiit m the HiiL'e. I would idnnse mv i
L 1. 1 1". . ; .. i,. i i . 1 . .
r'lio oosom. nn.i wain nwav.
"wrappinjr Wy mantle round me." end "keep
mv dieaillul secret to eat m.t mv heart." I
I made my prcpni ntions with 'fiendish cool- !
!. I looked lonif and steadily in the depths i
ir the Inokiiifr-ulass. makin.!; m'v ronntetiiiuee I
us interestiiifr as the case would permit. I '
puded out of a drawer a blue cravat, which in !
moment of previous despair I Imd r, ;i cted, j
but which became me much. 1 spent nn
hoar or so over my hair, and curled my lip nn-
til it was quite hono. These preparations i
over. 1 h id i.othiiiir before me but the num. !
cane necessity of jMiiitr to bed. As common
lile. with list perpetual cried oT buttons, and
boots, and shaviny. came b ie!; to me, 1 re.
lapsed :iH:iin npatliT. nml be...m to tire
even of the idea of killiio the uirl. The tree '
kept me up. however, and tapp. d. and nod-
' "o v. m.icil in a uncommon
Kiie wni r.ot at breal;i'as1. no, ror at dinner.
I heard, too. to my disjjnst, 1 hat she was mar
ried a Mrs. llrinvn ! How the tree pibberi d
and point, id its skinny lineis nt me.
nin came, and ul in my room 1 tried not
to nee the tiro; but let ine leok where 1
would, ra firmly was it daeiieridrlypeil on n.v
mind that 1 .could but si e it. niu'l i vi r mill
anon came tl u tap ti p. if id ,;nj ,e
was not id. me.
Mrs. ltrmvn was Ir.ivelmrr with her nnre
and physician. Who or where whs Mr.
llrowii did not appear. One dav 1 stopped
the nurse in the hail and iuqui'ied for her
mistress. She tchl me she was heller nn.l
, , . " . 11 1 "ir
VII I COtlll. I one ,,, .. .1.... I . I- .
I cm.o. iloiw:
........,., ,, ,..,.., ,,,
he was a very silent, ilisugrcca-
Lie fellow.
wna ffrav ban and a vinm.r l.i..,.
couiianiciory sort i.r.txpn fsion, and
of I U S V. hil il ll. Vel- In. l i.,i,n
As a proof that I got" belter nT mv u path-
nboiit tai-s time. 1 will mention i'h;,t, in
lug liironh I he I,
s, I henrtl the muse '
ous.iu who that voini"
man was who I
ejioue in lier. Ml an r, plied ;
"Oil, a uii-:er.ib!e kind uf a ilv
he don't know unvthiu,' "
ep;ia fej'er
As psyehiib.gicaJ bu t. and proof tiat 1 had
com,! to have s.uue r.-iling. was ,-ry (ibid
to ob.-eive that this remark arou.-ed in' me a
con.iidei.ildc degree ,,l wrath.
'J evening ls.iw.Mrs. Urnwn ! As I
came home at twilight 1 went up to mv room, In-lore entering it 1 sprang back as il
Irom un electric shock; for coining nt of il
was a woiaau the ulraugest w, nian ! A
small, pale, gaunt woman, with bhu k eves
and great hollows round them, dressed" in
black, with a white halo round her throat, she
seemed all bhuk and white a stormy sky
with a moon shining in jt.
" Excuse me, S.r, I have mistaken vour
door ror liiiiie," said a voice which liez." the
marrow of my bones.
A low, dreadful voice, ns if roming Troiii
tombs. 1 scarcely remember what .followed.
1 knew she fasi inali tl me. I knew 1 loved
her. She was lik,; the tree; 1 could not is.
cape her. She had but to ink ine a question,
and I turned to listen to her. hhe held me
spell bound. How strange, how woiidnfu:
her talk ! Shu spoke of dre.iiiii. of tinens.
oT that wonderful power of the udiun jug.
ler who could compel dreams. She believed
in trances. Common life did but appear to
touch her. Some sirocco seemed to have
blown over her. and withered all blooms. Bo
strikingly did she make this impression on
nie. that 1 once involuntarily asked lier,
' Weru you ever struck by lightning."
She did not show uny surprise at the ques
tion, but immediately answered.
" Yes, uud completely scathed."
She was dreadrully ill. Sometimes she
was brought down and put in a carriage by
her nurse, almost like a child. Sometimes
inoaus oT ugouy reached me from her room.
Once I accidenlly touched her hand it
burned mo. Yet now und thun she talked
willi almost si.pcrhtmiaii energy, grappling
with great social problems, aud thinking und
working like a strong man.
I loved her ! No cue knew it but the tree,
and ha only pointed a skinny arm at me in
derision, "byingt" he seemed to uioao
Dying !" echoed the wind, that went sobbing
through his branches.
Ou night, when the ware of life seemed
to surge more strongly in her breust, and she
had a Bash of strength, 1 told ber 1 loved
her. I took one of those burning, attenuated
hands, nnd said, " Live for me I love youl"
Rlir looked nt mn willi unutterable pity.
" T'oor bov. you lad better never have been
I did not attempt to nnswer lier. As soon
would I havn answered the ocean, had it
thrown me like a weed on ti e rocks.
Still I sat by her side slid I sfrovo to
move her oasy'ebair to the most sheltered
comer still I marked with anpnidi
the fadiiiv: lirlit of face. On eveninir as
I was sa occupied, my landlady burst into
the room, nnd uttered, " Murder ! murder !"
nnd sank into Imr chair, drying Bnd sobbing
" Who is it ?'' wo bnlh said.
"Mr. Montairne I,ewis has been found
murdered in his bed. Nn run wnt to bis
room till an hour arjn. when his servant rot
alarmed, opened his door, nnd found him
dead slabbed ' Oh dear! oh dear '.''
" Was he quite dead T' said Mrs. Erown,
in her culm, sepulchral voice
'Quite. Oh, what a family! and Mr.
Clifford not here j nnd whatovt r became of
his wife, 1 should like to I-now? There is
souii'thinr; wronir somewhere," and with this
t ... i n ... r
iTinnuiiii rr iieciiou pur n
and uslhmctic iu-
ronnant left
These rrenth mrn the murdered man and
his brolher bileliped to un old Tamily in
N" . They were the Eedirnnnt h ts of (he
ne iglibm hood. Handsome, aristocratic-look
ing men, they were reserved to nn uncommon
decree; and shunning every one, were shun
ned in their turn. Hieadi'iil stories of bud
passions of the rare lingered about in the
neighborhood. Hi id cold men. with com
pressed lips, they walked occasionally llivoiich '
tlie strci ts. or were seen in t he library, bow
injr di.-taiitlj .n;i acquaintance, uiel frequent
ly disappearing finm the town for n year or
so, from!; t.n one knew whither.
ClifTonl Lew is, ibe younger brother, wri
not at home when the murdi r tool; place. ,
lioi.r old housekeeper was alone in the hone.
She said she had heard a noi.-e ill the night,
had ri-en, and looked oer the stairs,
" I saw a man," she said. ' going or. I T my
inasir. s roniii ; I calieil to linn, ami he nn
swered inn in my m.ilc"'s oi 'e. sayi
is I. to In era, i'o not tear: Co to your room
air. in.' J thi ti"ht then it was a smaller per-
son than ivy marter, but then 1 knew bis
voice so well, nnd so I went to l ed. In the
morning he did not come down : but that oft
en happened, and he always told me nut to
wake him. he was such a" poor (deeper. I
waited till night, and then Oil that Mr.
Clifford would come 1"
In a few days Mr. ClifTonl came. The
community was' shaken with fear. All that
money and the law could ln to ferret out the
murderer war, tried inefi'cctiiallv.
Mr. Clifford is. emit run to his wont.
wei.i mm ii to puniic places, stimulating
i mis i i o.i 1 1 e:r only, ami showing; capacity
and md. He was a strikingly band.-oir.e
man. and hud one of the most beautiful voi-
ces I liml ever In ard. Ilo impressed me so
much that I came homo deteimiiied to de
termined to describe him to Mrs. Urown.
I began describing him. .She listened iii
silence, wi!h lu-r long dai!; lashes resting on
her wan. pale cheeks.
I was Hvi liiiii? ou the concentrated enorirr
is inanity, mid the contrast in the sol't
mellow to.e- of his voice.
" 1 .-hoahl think such men would be irresis
tible lo women," 1 toiiil ; "strength iu re
" A n ! so 1 Ley are," said M r. Drown. ' I'.i.t
have you ever thought what that manner in
dicates? Ho you know what becomes of the
poor victim win, is grasped by that iron hand
in a vilvit glov, ? will'leil jon. she
shrinks. -.he trembles, she crouches iu ndn.ii-:.
sion; but she escapes and turning, she
stings hi r tyrant, as a playful, tortured,
MNed su-peir. turns and stingi !'
How this woman'-i voice, 'thrilled n.o
through! What terrible quality had it that
ininle my bhiod freeze iu mv veins.
"They sting ! they sling!' she reiterated.
Night came again. The tree told me n
l.orrib.'u secret that night. It whi.--p.ered a
word that kept sleep from my eyes. In the
dead of night J liquid n root on iho stairs
I heard a door shut ubove lav head. These
sounds confirmed ine worst imaginings. The j
tree beckoned me out into the stoimy night j
it threw one arm widely up in the air, und i
poiukd to ,( r w indow.
The demon beckmied me up. I climbed I
up the jagged trunk of the old tree, reached I
cue of the long arm-like brandies, and ciept
along il.i fiail ;m,l swaying support. A dull j
i. i. u,o(- iu uu- room si.oweil ine tl.ul vn
"' bor liiilii hands bloodv. her iieison i:is.
j guiscd in men's clothes, iinii her eyes gleam.
' iug with supeiliuiiiaii luslro and fiendish tri-
Morning came, nnd with it crowds of ng't.i
ted. pule men, and women shii -kiinr with ler.
j ro :'. and newa of iiiioIIilt luurder.
Ves. CI. Il'ord Lewis, wilh bis liuudsome,
cruel face, lay murdered in his bed.
In aimt in r from thu d.scoery 1 was arres-
. ion lis , i ii tiro: let-
I as l.ii intiru. ier
'J'he I. roof was tliisan inou'j t,-.w.t- .....o
, disCoVereii J
W i.' pi.-l the old iroe.iiiuii tl,.-
1 house iu which lie J.ved to mine, and near onu
l of the truck-, and clinging to the Uuu balk
I of w.isaiiy h.Hulkercliief.
J only asked one I'.taor of tliu crowd of un
gry men who seized upon me us if J were a
wild boast, aud that wus that I might wrii0
a uuto.
They assented ; but when they saw it was
addressed lo the poor ding Woman up stairs,
, hey all said "No."
"The mull is mad." said one, " we wid not
allow the poor invalid to bo uluruied by his
Jtui tho i-'ray-haired young physician offered
to take it for me.
I wrote to, her these words : J5() jrm
the dead sycamore and 1 alone know; Vv ure
both incapable of speukim.'."
i sat ou the sstoiie Hour of the prison, await,
ing the morning. J knew that 1 loved a moii.
slur, but 1 loved Hill. No thought of bo.
4 raying her cumo to my mind. All othe
thouirhm home, friends, good name were
drowned in thisull-conqiicriug sea. 1 recalled
my morbid sensations before saw her- 1
compared that night's reflections with my
present state of feeling. Wus I not a mur
dererut heart? Was it not just that 1 should
be punished for the siu J had conceived but
iiot committed ?
Morning enmo, and with it my release.
Mrs.Urowu had couTessed the crime, uud was
dying, bhe wished to see me. She was ly.
iug on a sofa, and by her sido a grave old
man l.eld her pulte iu one hand, and his watch
in the other. Ishe opened her eyes, uud held
out a Treble hand to me.
" I'uor, generous fool, did yon think I would
let vou die T" she said. No j I have killed
all I wished to kill. I kept silence till my
poor tools, my soulled nurse- and physician,
could escape. I needed theui.aud used them :
but they are innocent, exceptor knowing me,
and tbey are gone. How long liar I r she
asked of the physician.
" Not au honr," ha answered, aolemnly.
,.''Mo,rV'8" 00h.. I am tha wife of
L fjord Iwi. JI wou mw iiti
voice which yon admired ; lie crushed me with
Unit lion hand which you snw. 1 was hish
fclriinir iinpetiiouc, passionate. I loved him
--JJoii knows how mnel,: l,i,t 1 defied him.
I did not want to bu ruled. 1 ihis ,.vil hour
I'ls brolher Monlaeio eBn,r ( ,v v.jth u.
Ho treated me l.indlv. ami 1 I rusted him
I tol l ;,., ui,lnp,.v-f:,.p, w,.;,k ,.
tes.Mii 1 J J0 was a mean creature. Ho loved
me he nsked me to fly will, him. refused.
I told l,;.n I hated him. lie wen', a-.vav, but
dniiow. II,. (,,1,1 his brolher
I hat I ,.nl confessed hat 1 loved h,m,uml he
tlerl to save our happiness.
"How nriislicaliv he his revcr.rre !
When n,y husband f.,,,,,, ,lMt ,v .,,.;,,. ,;..
Sliuid hm cruelly. !, fUy.rk dec,e'r. We h id
ii cbnd" hcri. the .binp woimn, strup-lcl
""a oeaiii, ami Willi nironr wl
1 1 f 1 1 !S
hi reel heaniilnl I, 'up
tiiat is pcml iuia:r.ol in I,'
blight. Ly his inhei itriici
eve, Ley
fare, uinl
of t V.I.
with id!
Dot Jet
I'.' ceil e
ut lo,i;!:t, win n I .
he is dead I have
" I could not die
hfl for le.e to ii.
cle.ili-,; (I,,. ,,,
N o , th.-r v. i cm,
!e t in i; y arms. I o . e
iievi r f. u i-.'m s:i i e."
; but I he- e we . lie,. i';.r
I 1 1 hi kid ! i v...,.:,"!
C. 1 ..; , t .
t u'd ii-tb.i' a:' 1 b. d
I had a dim cr nveii tisi.e-s 1 :! Il e r. otii
was lull of people, iJ.,,1 t,; ,v,., .1V (!. :, ,
on ii could m.t collect mv senVi s'. 1
dropped on my knees bv her side," and stri ve
to say a praver Tor her 'snul M.r fiiiltr soul.
I heaid a cry id agony, a eoiivulied biviitl.iiig.
and 1 remember un more.
A dark rot m, the same crave old eetitle-
man, thu too fninili.,!- face of Susan with n
HIW I of cruel ill bee hand Tl.i ..leler.. c..
ci ci., ,1 tlie last.
I tried in vain to p enuedo the
"There, su is to le.e he lin ks sciisibler,"
s.i.d Siliau.
The dorter (so I imagiiiei-l stinted up :
" rs, here is a change fir the belter. .Mv
dear young liieiul, Ik w do yen f, el V
1 an-i,iied Willi the eho'st r a ei,o, that
I did m l l uow.
"Aviry bud typhus a. v,ty cr
It ' f.-ietid. thn rfch'lhe I !,
rmpur.'nut case. Yi u :n. idn,.
n.v one
-:to.' of t;..t
at tvj.ln.s ?
i.l.U sue-
and Mrs. j
i ful ii'-'iiii a! tn all: i
"And the Ire. i,; ih
i Hi
own, is she typhus ?
lil'il It. ill
'd all
that, lorn lv t 5
'Malignant typhoid, t: y dear ronp-r friend.
Jre:tt irr.'lHtien f the brain, proceed aln.r-st
always by low spirits, t range fancies, deli
riiini, and ton often dentil! L'ut you are
alive, nnd, my friend "
"Mrs. I'rown wishes to know how tho gen
tleman is," said a voire nl tl.r door.
'IVcideilly better." said the d, rtor. "Vocr
woman, I wish she had better advice !''
il turned out that I bad net Mrs. Erown
! at my chamber door, wi-h
he fever rirruhi-
; ting in my vein, and had f dh n ,h,j-n m cm
; scions. 'I'he snbsi (jiient cyrr.ts hail e.,st, d
i but in n.y livpted biain. ,a, tiaiisinuie.i
I two very respectable, snuffy old bat heh is
i into my nun, bred mi-n, and Mis. Eri wn
I pioved tn be a very nice, though rntherehh
j ly and plain invalid lady, for -hrni I have
: the highest rfcspcct.
The tree it was the merest old wreck yon
i ever saw. No res pert., hi,- demon arcus-
tomeil ton warm climate would have tin. ii-l,t
, io: n uioii.elil ol tailing up In.i abode 111 it.
paitieular'y his winter-quarter.
"l'ut Hector," said J, afu r I go well
I cnongh to go down Mair. "1 don't I, he the
i looks of Mrs. Erown's physician, after nil."
". Ln -.v the reason, my dear young bi i;d ;
: ' "r instincts are very apt to he ri'jht." said
the dnctor, who :n a t wo and 1 r, ci,t v-i;raiii:-.
I of-ralomi 1 man. "Ye n do w. II to'dislru-t
I his countenance tvi:d I im he is a 1U: o-i;ii.-.''.i'.s,
i The lindor r.f the calomr-l find of 1l;e
! tlet lor's awful anlhnriiy w.i over n.. ! ti'l, so
j 1 did not argue the mutter, but took his ex
planation meekly, and with a show of c re
da! it v.
Fresideut Pierce on Iilannrc3.
Some time ago Viv.idciit Tierce delivered
an agricultural address in J'l.lhid. ! hia. The
follow ing are c.tructs fiom it : I Vr i uioiis.
carrots, touiiitoi s, und the like which ro-
1 qui.e niiich ummonia apply guano, hen hoi.e
and hog manure. J'or potaioes, fas, beiiiis,
I beets, mid Vegelubli s of like charai ler, up.
ply guano and Miper.phoepl.ate of lime if
the land is lit t over chare, d willi iron, or
I sulphuric acitl ; if overcharged w i: ',i acid use
j phosphate oT lime only, as the sulphuric uci,l
! in the foils is ahnrady to great, the ao'ditii.n
j of that iu the siipcr-phoj-phute of liino will
oe a po.-iiivu injury, i or caoiiag, p, melons
and tliosH i f bku character, no guano nor
slrougl.v niliogeiiizid in nn u con should be used,
aud but little in the growing of turnips. l'i r
this class of vegetables siipher phi -spicule ol
lime is good ; but if the land is acid use the
phn-phate only To pteveiit r, t in ot..toes
sow six bushel, of salt tn the lo r,', ai il i,h.i
Il in l.elore il.i n t !.'. i ll n in. lhistb.i,
ei I n. 1
, . tie
of lime, oi s iper-pii.isp
destiiiite of arid, i r
.1 .'i d
nuxeii w itii guano ill ron .1 . noili,-: -. imii
applied at the rsti- i f two !.!.': d ; - , is t
llm acre is the In t inar.u: . ; ;l sli -' ! !...
put in the hill ut the time i.f p' n:': j. Liu..
should never be used with u! r I'lauuns. ns
it disengages the nitrogeti. u-ml i.l.ows it to
escape: plaster should be s.sed with aiiimii
or vegetable manure, as it absmbs the nitro
gen or ammonia, and ib-taios it fur the use of
the plants. In the u.-.o or guano and phos
phate, or super-phosphate r lime vegetable
mutter must also be applied, it exist in the
soil, us it rcquiri s the carbon in the v, g table
matter to form kernels in seed bearing plants.
If vegetable matter is not applied, or does
not exist in the soil tn a consider. d ie e.t, i,t,
ull the guano phosphate, or nun r pliosj h.iic
in the world w .11 do but little goi d. 'J in y
can put into uc.iive life the principles air. ;,dy
existing in the soil, but they cannot cicate
Kansas. The Savannah liejuihlicun in
tiiuiites that several coiupaiiios of euograi.ti
from that State ure ubout procecdiiig lo
Kansas, but says that few, if any of iheiu,
ure slaveholders, aud that no k!ui mcom
pnny them. Thu Uepnblican donbts if evi u
the votes of these meu can Ih) suli ly relied
on, and mentions the cao of a puily of nine
who went lust year from one of the upper
counties of Georgia, eight of whom uller
wurds voted wilh the Free State men. The
Uepnblican concludes its article as follows
Conduct this straggle as we may, our opiniou
is very decided thut Kansas will erentuully
come iuto the Union as a free Statu, and
that too, by the legal votes of its own citi
zens, under the law or Congrere organizing a
government Tor that Territory. So long us
the homeless and penniless mendicants of the
old world are ready to furnish abundant in '
strumrnts in the hands or northern Abolition
Societies, and are admitted, when wholly ig.
norant ofnnr government and tongue, to the
high privileges of America citizenship, just
so long will the South be hindmost ia the
rsee uf empii.
Thank God f.
or li.ei treat cr I
('hunt !'. mer:-v lil's '
ter:-v i
A rid clap '-.Mir bn
Ye e(iliiiir Id
Is torel her,
T'l itr; f Mat. teeiioiic
'I'h.if.k Ii:m, fii:if
Tor the iri'lden siiH
And the silver In i
vadey ;
nl plaiu !
Tii ink Cod. rr r"'"l the C-rr I
Shoot it. po1iv bi'.-e.-n !
Hi" pond, oh tunefe) river !
To th en Mini trrtu.
That,!; Him. ,,,d b'irrjlinjj
A y crow nnd linj- J
... : r'e ;n liiaiiKi'!
Kve-y irvi. -a- th':
Tha-,1; tl.!. rh
w "f love.
lift:! spirit,
1 I llr tiro.f ",
i- o N-it:?r:'
'' her I,,
do .re!
i JTnd.
:o p'oav.i't 'r-nnther,
Smiles epon the t aril
11 , , , ,
T-t-,f n ,
V. 1 nt fVo P encan l.tvy I'.rs Doe
As it w deemed nr, rnsy maMer in Enchind
to crush the American nnvv from tho
... r-ll .. v..
j show how difficult that tack was in 1S12 The
j r"'!"v;;!!' is n list of ship, f,f war ard Eritii-h
iii inn- ii-ii sumiiip. it seems tn In. i i
!'" nil-Hi les-iis r;ipniri! I
dur!ntr iho war of l.r12 ;
I t'nt'j'h .?'-.. r-toi.e. f',i I'irc.l h.
t.'uerrier. fiieate .'5 ('i i-a iiiii.-.n f.;,.nio
ioiniitt. on.
t't United Strtes. do.
-11 t'onstitutii.n. d;. I
40 Ib'strrivnl in Canada, j
"0 Wnsp.'slm.p. j
'.Ti rsex. I
1J Kutrri li-P. !
50 IIon-.t.
50 Uei-.c-i, !;. I
IV w
rr -rat"
j Poxer.
' k,
Tor r' ier.
A vnn.
Hi ruier,
I i vai't.
"M. Lawrence,
50 Wn-P.
10 V,'iHl.
lh-sir- ir-d in Mobile.
l'i Pocatur.
i l'resident.
1! I'ilienl. privateer.
1" t'has'eiir. do.
10 Cmistitution.
S l'errv, tirivateer.
I'ow n: bond,
I ni;,'i-,;i.
Mi rL'innn,
I .apw -tig.
t Viifu!ci:co,
I im I.
l.-tr I.
Uiii'i n 'I'.nr'o' te
Lady I'n vist,
1 il ti,. llelf.
( 'aledon.'a,
'i'i m, do.
Ilii'kor, d3.
?yrei. do.
S iratri'i, ita.
I ox, thi.
33 1
Id ,
ii ;
it i
Tulien bv Coin TiTp.
itonotiL'h on Lako
I'liken ly Com. Per
rv on L:
ike Uric.
i .,iie in ij.oucrsu r, 14
Melville, 11 I Takrr, by
i laednro (
r"1:''- 3 I on Luke
lire w l. r. ;i
Ni'iiry. a 'Taken on
'l he fnih.w'ioe TiritLli Jiarkcts.
about ten ens ei'.cll :
1 1 . i ,-... . . .
1. iuiu-iv
:,ke Jla-
I i n ce Aeo'ld.n
(!ov. M civ can.
A naceio'a.
Gov. Toiiipkins,
1. in t , i
111 nil,
Mmv Ann,
Ann. )
M iiiiehester.
Little Catharine,
Tiir.cess r.:.:.'i.bat!l,
Do. do.
I ' Maiy .Vibam,
Windsor Castle,
Puke of Montrose,
In all ."0 vessels ?C.
Merchant ships, !
ers. ;C0 : sli rps. K'."i
I'lipture, I'.O making ;
A mci lea.
llogi 1-
F.s-eX, flig-ti".
! guns.
; I : i ii:S. f 10 : schoon
vaii. .us classes, tc
!C If Vessel, caiYviie;
r-t I J guns.
To this i:t to be nd'r.d 20 vessel,- rf rar
bii by wreck or oiherwise. carrying ubout
Mi'.i puns, und v.e have an aggregate of
vessel.-, c;uriug tl'.TT gnus.
familiar -boat
OX TIIK Ml.'slssll l l -l
the who took
The story is
pussago in n
torn Tillsburg bound
for New
! l-nssul many
ilrearv. listless
his .i down the Ohio mi. I Missis.
inn! ti iu , d lobe desponding for u nut
i.i e.Vell,
and iin.'i
l-l-.'d I .1
mi nt. Mip.'tliciuiiy. he ouiet
ns ve; J nictieidly, i,e wj3 perfectly
'red and h.iid'y d.spos.'.l. Ju thu
':mc. I lu craft ui.uii he w.n
i i put into N.ipo!o,.n, iu the fctuto
i.s. "fur ei-. c i i. a." At the mo-
ll .:.
Ill-ti I tl.el
aim -u the
w is a gi urral bgl.t cxtoiidiiig all
In nl of the tin.n." which at ilmt
t'lue roiiSi.'if e.l i
a ale house.
I he uiiUappy passenger, after fidgetfing
about, and jerking Ins. f.-et up und down, as if
he were wa kinif on hot bricks, turned to a
"Used tip Spectator," and observed :
I'Strunj'cr, is this a free light ?"
Tno reply was prompt mid in the point.
"It nr. nml ir you wi.h tj go in, don't stand
The wax surer d.d "go in," and j, ..;,tii:e
th in we cm n 1 i.t. tho, he xvus
liter.dly cha-'id tip. tiroping Lis wax down
to the H it. lo ha. r gone, h i eyes closed, his
dps Mvulle.ii, uinl b s face geueially man; i d
Ut," he sat himself ilo-xn oil a tliickcn-eoop
ami soliiirui.ed thus :
"Sn this is Na-po.e.oi, i4 it? upon my
Word it s u lively place, and the only one ul
which I l.uxii hud any fun since 1 b'ft home."
Lii,r.KATins o, SLAvr.s. Tho New Orleans
( Vuiiccrciid liulletiii tells oh that casts of
the voluntary eiuni.t ipstion id slaves aru con
tinually oecmrit g in li e conns of that citv,
and that the slaves thus liberated, in almoM
every cane, fully vindicate the t-ood policy ul
theireinaucipulion. The liulletiii observes:
. 'Many ol'thene slaves thus set free become
the owners of property, and some or them
even rich i and, singular ns it may appear,
ninny ut theiu become in turn slaveholders
The mode of leal emancipation in New
Orletins is peculiar. Every case
must be decided on by a jurv of twelve slave
holders. It must lie thu voluntary act or the
owner, who must prove to tbe satisraetioii of
the jury that the slave is or good charucler,
aud capable or self-support. Jn some other
Southern State the pmaucipatimi of sluree
ia aoairely prvhioited.
dinner's Brpaiimcitf.
i'Oi T
ram rr-.r-i'.t rri'o
:iik. 1!'. thin f"ir,
- ft.,. rr. R fl
routrh a '!:'.? de' ln ef tt
miilr is to re'ai" ill
hcu'ni l-.o nut jut.-) deer. rirr-,v d!si. r.rd
.1' il he r'c.ill.l to !Vie it ,.;, C..D, I ',!-1 1 ly of
rr!,r it shofld prion i! into hi ,-j.d, 'lift
d -Ii. i.ot niech eTecdii otie im-h in drpfii,
l'',' ev.j'i'lieii o! crcum is faeilii-t.-'l 1 y a
Hrr, and reti'rded by a ;.;. rtrsioii of te:J.rr.
ai've. At llie 1:-ii.tieiuliir of t!i
d'lit'r ffl ll.i'jrei.n ,l" b :.t i orl .
.ii r.:! tun
-ix lonr.;
i ' in hrlf
l.r'i t.iai'
rnant will rii. in Ihir!
b"t r.f
that t
I ho IV.
TO di
eft it v ill j eiha) :
when lh it.ilk i
me i
ng t o lit, the cnar.l v. i'l ri'.e erv
S.O'.vly, ImCI.I.S.-' it lieooun sciidir-.l.
In wet and coid wenlhci- the trilk ii !
r'cli thiie, in :liy and w-ito, n"d on this re
rur:! more checi. is t.i.!;.!ni .1 in ro!0 th.' :
ill Warm, tl.ei;"!i not i,i !iii,ibiv wintl.rr.-.
sr.or.n its efleen. The mdlt i'l
". i; rnt-rr.sed In b the best h.r drtiilr.
ing ; !
! r-.'ve.i
i c'leea-j
r-Cti it v.nnLl be the 1 est for tha
in Slir-i';."- it ;s 1 -;; Sll'te-1 for
and in a"tunm the butter leeteee is
I bet
r than i.f siir.iu ti i i-f:n s b st
' r,
rrqiiemly p nke.l. cii-c- lieher mi!!:, nn.l con.
i soouontly m, r,. -liter, i'l.,. r (.rviny's mi.k
i is richer thi n the t vi tiir'-'s. The 1,'t draw n
j milk of cel. milking. t .,;i time., a,
! sons, is richer than the fi,t drawn wheh ii
I the nnnreot 1I'.,.,., I .1
,, .,, ,,,,
Tiik Eiisr Cow ruF.v. Tho vvcrtuldo I
wish in recoiiimiii.l us thi bi-s(, all tidnei
con' ifered, for nd'.cli cows in winter, iiwldto
flat turnips; some persi ns v.i!! obxct t" thn
turnip becanso it y.i'd .nT-i t the taste i.f thu
milu and bulb r. So it does if fed raw ; thi,
can b avoided by boiling. ',. erch cm,-,
boil," a busht I of turnips mil, while hot
nihir.veer six quaris of shoi is. which wil;
swell, and von v, ,;i get lie woith i f il
-,. 1:1 . I . -
i.i'-ss iik ui.s io a ci ,v i i.oe u i:.,y v.n!
lime ni re in 1 1 i i a j.'1'i.i.i qi'ai.ty than
o'.her (' at ih,. same r ,;r. Tu:nii s f
tois way do l.i t taint oil... r milk or butter.
mo Uni.g iii la, or o I lurnij.s ns L ed for
cov.s is that they can be sow n in August, or
as lute as September. I sowed soii'.o as into
s Septi mbir hut. v, hich were verv line.
Turirps nr.; ubo v.-iy profituble 'food for
Iul's, boiled in tlie siiix way ns for cowf.
Voir, Lm ci:l Aunt.
CitAXOFior Fr.;-; rort Hobses. TLo kind
of food for animals shonlii be chaiojeil Ite-
q-i'-ntiy. A hone lonir k pt on shells, will
I 1 e e;
rtoil by a f-vor in his U-i-s and lot'..
. ro,,u in..' a result simihir to f.
nlcr. Sh. its,
, corn ii cul. or Cob meal, sin uld
rievt i he snv
I en except in a mixed statu wit!
draw. This wiil teoiiir-; them
ci.t !uy or
to eat slower
ami n.o loon i.5 hotter pi'ip ucl lor die,, slii ti.
I if given alone it f.rniei,ts rnpidly in tho
-oiMiiain, p.rou.ici-s a geifrui it v. r, n.jurti
the d.x'PMiye power, and orodu", e - t.
st iT,iess tlimfigbor-t tiv littil.j. ' Wl.c-n thesa
resclts mr d.seovere.l. th" r, i.iedy is ., c!-i.n:;e
Ol I,.,,), t'olitiliued fcediiip en Oals liloi.e,
w '!l proilnco t he same ri-nlts ns shuits, cr
n. eel, ami many a founder is caused l-v it, a 3
by feeding nnd li inking ul.e:i ll.o ho: so is
n-irtn. If con. ).,'.- i-e:on to feed
u horse or, shi,rs, i-(-ia ,..,
or i
ln( i.
i r-i.pply ot s iM should be added toprev
I'ic'itatien ill the stomach. 0.;., ',,
'-i:t f. r.
C'C.AL .
Cieil ren i
; rr.z. T fa rmi n who reside in thn
his have net t r?. .' 1 .. b.-n.-i't , i , ., - I
a- lies on their c'lierrv trees I he s r.''iu tin'V
do Sil the belter. I lecoli.ct well win :i Ii
hey, rf cany ing th" coal ashes from the ci at i
.mu 1 inn.u' Itieiu iiroiiiid lk tn.0- wl iih
l.l'.MVII by ,.U t;,. family. IIS th-!
.tie o:-.
p.ian. on account i f it.
rciilno; from il.r
root ofau o'd nve whvh
l.tid the
peculiar loud t :no it had
in end, avenue to
io reach to r stature rf , ven a Thn
retu rn r after ti e coal asln s v.eiv drjuisited
n-cciid it hiis.. It pt foi-ih v:gro:is.'v. and in
thr.'o years was quite a thiil'tv tree." heavily
hiden with dciicioiis fruit My futhe.- sr. int.'
the good results ol tho ashes, a wagr-n load
mii thrown around the base of ear',, ireo oil
tlm farm, and the effect was astonishing.
Ohi trees that were fu-t decaying were r..'sii-
cilated, and sent feiiii new' branches, and
f.ilit i.biindaiiliy. Let those who Lave
ashes test its virtues upon fruit treea.
Wheat in Illinoir.
The Alios; (111.) Cuiiier. ..; eculaling in r.
sard to the prospect of wheat, says the crop
of lust year i.i not all loin ketcd', und that
pait of it which has b'.'t the j roducer,' hands
is fur from being in the Lauds of the conn.
mers. It liiiticip ,les a viiy fine crip the
coming mushii. both ra account if tho In.
creased number or acres sown and the laxor
able winter for the cruiti r.nlnteneple I coid
weather and snow b, ig go. ,1 lir thf giain.
The Chicago J inn ual saxs;
The siioxv whiih ha., lu leii dnrinr" the pa.-t
CO days is equal to f;e inches rf manure.
IVoptd capable of tstiiiniliii'.' n afters iina.;
iiie limi i he wheat crop of lS.'li will be tlm
!arj;c.'t ever harvested in this ciuntry. To
estimate the xainu of the sti. w i p, u thu
lii'oiii'd at ten millions of dollars, woi.ld be a
loxv fisiire. The l'coria Tlcsji sux s ihe qna.i.
lily of grain in store in that city is -iiiu.bnO
bushels. It nd.lj : "Tl-u country is stil
('died with yruiu, nnd exeiy day tho reniot
are increasing. Wo presume t litre is net
town betwee.i Chicago mid St. Louis, thlii
can show us good a r. cord of the r w.'utx
I run suet ions us Tcoriu." These sp, ci l.iiioi
a in i i his uu ve in impoilatit lu.iiiii'.
Mv Kxi'Ftii-xi r with Tkxiis "A Fr.r-
ir." in the '......;. t.entit nun, idTers the (,
low ing remedy f ir pi ex cut iiii; grubs uinl mi.
from ilestivyi'.g fnit treis. "Tul
t;n or shift iron, bent round like a stoxc-p:
six or cij.lit inches long, not so.lder-.d cr Ta.
toned together let the sides slip by
other or lap over, so as the tree grows'it ca J
ex) and; then spring npait and set it ronn
the boltoin nl the tree, one end crowded a lit
lie iniothe ground ; till it up with powdered
chiiivoal. He sure to have no grub in when
the charcoal is applied. This I think will la
a sure preventive,"
Colonization Find. The Ilenre of Hep.
resent. itives of U.oigia Las pusied an tt
that the tax now imposed in that Sit ate upon
free persons of color, shall be set apart as a
fund to be applied to transporting this class
of peiq In voluntarily beyond the limits cf
thu United States, mid those so disposed may
voluntarily return to servitude.
A JcsT PrK'inuEHT. A man, named ITon.
ter, has been fined ilOOt'. and forfeited sir
slaves, at New Orleans, for selling them i
such a manner as to separata not ler aro
tbtld, rxatrarT to tbe ! of LokUieca.