Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 01, 1856, Image 4

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An Arkansas legistator.
A member elect of tlie lower clamber of
U Legislature of Arkansas, was persuaded,
by sotne wars of his neighborhood, that if he
Jul rot reach the State House at ten o'clock
jn the day of the assembling, lie could not be
iwnra, and would loose his sent.
He Immediately mounted, with bttntine
frock, rifle and bowie knife, and spurred till
he got to the door of the capital, whure ho
hitched his nsg..
A crowd was in tho chamber of the lower
Hons, on the ground floor, walking about
with their hats on, and smoking cigars.
These, he passed, ran up stairs into the Senate
Clminl er, sot his ritle against tho wall, and
bawled ont :
"Strangers, wliar's the man that swears me
in?" at the aauie time taking out hit ere
"Walk this way," said the elerV, who was
nt the moment igniting a real Principe, and
be was sworn without inquiry.
When the teller came to count coses, he
found that there was one Senator too many
present. The mistake was soon discovered,
tnd the biiDtsman was informed that he did
not belong there.
'Fool uho with your corn bread t" he
roared : ,-you can't flunk this child, no how
yon can fix it I'm elected to this ere Leg
islature, and I'll go apin all banks and eternal
improvements, and if there's ny of your
orratory gentlemen wants to get skinned, jest
say the word, and I'll light upon yon like a
nigger on a woodcock. My constituents
eat me hero, end if you want to floor this
two-logged animal, hop on, just as soon ns
you like, for though I'm from the back coun
try, I'm a little smarter than any other quad
ruped you can turn out of this drovo."
After this admirable) harrangue, he put
his bowin knife between his teeth, and took
tip his rifle with "Come here, old suite, stand
lyr mo !" at the game time pointing nt the
Chairman, who however, had seen such
people before.
After some expostulation, the man was
persuaded that he belonged to the lower
chamber upon which be sheathed his knife,
flung his gun on his shoulder, and with a
profound congree, remarked :
"Gentlemen, I beg your pardon. Hut if
1 did'nt think that lower room was a grog
gery, may I be shot."
We wore much amused by the following
colloquy between nn lrishm n nd .1 mous a I,
ed, CBi'tuiled specimen of the genus homo :
Scene Laid in a New York City car.
'att3 Lady wanting a seat.
.Dandy (so(us) It is highly disgraceful, to
say the feast on't. that a lady cannot find a
scat in an omnibus crowded with filthy tie
procs scapegrace Irishmen, I say, Fat, why
don't you rise and give the ludy your seat?
Paddy An' is mosel' ye are speaking to
in this disrespectful manner? I'itlii't niisel'
pay saxpence for the ride, and mightn't I
;it as well walk for nothing as resting mo
limbs on me toes for saxpence ? Get out, yo
Itandy Mighty independent, to be sure;
but the time is coming, and will soon be at
hand, when free-born Americans will uobly
exert their lawful prerogatives, and expel,
destroy and annihilate, in into and entirely,
every vestige, trace, and footstep of your de
tested race.
Paddy It's not mo that ud watt the
breath of life talking to ve but if Judv was
here, tak notico, Judy M "cUallngher, be jubors
onc't ud be tho last time you'd have to spako
ut all, at all.
Dandy What a low bred, ignorant fool 1
But they are all alike, and little better than
the beasts of the field. I say, Pat, they are
talking of introducing extra cars for negroes
aud Irishmen. How do you like that ?
Paddy Fni. I'd nttlier consort with La
gers than the likes av y) but I lie ird they
were going to put on linither car.
Dandy Ah, what for?'
Paddy Ah. what for, is it? Arrah, for
the loiig-tailed monkey, share ; and whin
theydn, mind, when they are after doing that,
I titnil me and you'll nirtr mate apain I
Hudden jerk of the strap, and discomflttcd
exit of two Shanghai appendages. Scene,
clones amidst the applause of the passengers.
Paddy triumphant, retains bij scut, Yankee
A Dahkkv's Die-iC'RimoN or an Elephant.
Him lo as big as u hay stack on four wharf
iles, wid u head like a flour barrel, wid a
vide of sule-ledder Happen on each side ob it,
and a ttuso six feet long, a squirniin' round
like do Inginerubbor hose, and a couple of
lovf ftirkiu' out ob de tnouf like two barber
poles a fcliekiu' out of a basement barber
When him walk liitn roll from side to side
like a naylor man jis landed ; an' I 'spect de
reason uni, 'cartso him feet am berry tender,
for him got corn9 on all bim toes, nim feet
am shaped something like a cullud man's, on
ly broader, but like de darkey's de holler ob
it makes a hole in de ground.
When him war made, it seem to me dot
him stood on four ob dem wharf-piles, and
deo pile on all de meat day could pile on.
Dei) dry made a graby of sandstones, gntta
peraa, brown dust, and molasses an' grey dog.
nn' pour it all ober de flesh an' dare luff it
dry. When dey come to de tail de ctufT gib
tut, and dey had to cut it short 1
A Metugdk-t Parson I.ooxixs for I.oct
Ehki". A Preacher of the Methodist
Church was travelling in oue of the buck set
tlements, and stopped at a cabin, where an
eld lady received him very kindly. After
setting provisions before him, she began to
rpiestion him : "Stranger, where mought you
be from ?" "Madain, I reside in Shelby cu'un.
ty. Kentucky." "Wall. Etranger, hope no
offonce, but what mought you bo a doiu' way
up here?' "Madam, I am searching for the
lott sheep of the tribe of Israel " "John,
John," shouted the old lady come rite here
at th;i tuinit; here's a stranger all the way
from Shelby county, Kentucky, a hunting
Hock, and I'll just but my life that tangled
haired old black rum, that biu iu cur iot all
last wek is one ofhis'n "
, . ,
We beard a "down souf" individual, who
only went to school three nights in his lifo,
(on the Erst night the master wasn't there,
the second there was ne light, and on tho
third the school house burnt down,) asked a
minister, "how John Rogers got burnt at the
stake, and whether he was trying to cook it
ever a slow fire, using his fingers for a grid
iron?" Pact. 6 b b
"Slocum, how is it to-day ; can you take
that note op V ' I'm sorry to say that 1 cant
ilever was so cramped in my lire." "You are
always cramped are you not 1" "I'm sorry to
say I am ; and yet there's a natural cause for
"And what is that?" "Why, I was
weaned on green apples and watermelons."
"What is that dog barking at?" asked a
JdJg buo" er' mor P0,i5hc,l an bis
'Why." Hid ft bystauder, "he tees another
puppyiuyour boots."
Soiuthody has written a book on "Tho art
er making worda happy without money,"
Our -dey,,' taints be is iu a excellent coudi
lion to bt experienced upon.
SirixEsi ExTaiOEDixiBT. Last week a
man bolted a door, aud threw up a window I
War is a widower like a house in dilapida
te ? because be wants to be rtptirtd.
1 kiw Will iinituU'lT tuccMsrm remeay ut me
A eura .11 Iliiiot.a diseases Cosliveiies. lndi-
Settion, Jaundice, Dropsv, Rheumatism, Fevers,
out, Humors, Nervousness, Irritul.iiity, Inflamma
tions. Headache, Paint in the Promt, SidV, riu-k.
nrt limit. Female Complaints, .,. He. lulled!,
wj few art me diseases in wtiich Pnruitive Midi
tine it not ninrt or less reqniud. and nuiih tick
nwi and nilering miKht It prevented, if b;r:n
! I.iit ellecttiaj Cathartic wt-re lucre fn-r'.y ti-.-i
Hi ptrton cn feel well while a cntive htlit cf
bnrlv premla i beside! it Oon Mnersles senilis arid
i.ft.ii foul dii-autfa. which miitlit have ce-n kvuided
li the thinly nd judicious use nf a himhI pMin.aiie.
''hit it alike tint of Cuiin. Teveritli tvmpli'-ii.t, vi.d
Hilid-.t derarm-mentt. Ther iU tmil to l-et-r.-ti.t' m
pivtlur the i rp ted and fi'f.iiid il ! ilitiinpc!
iidi h ad the ht-.-reet all over the lnnl. llciu-e a
ttiiahlt faniiiv phvaic it nf tho tirxt impurtniicr t
the public hcrillh.'niid thit Pill hat heen pcrfecti d
wilh CKiiSiiinmiite tkill to niett that demand. An
tvti:tive riiil nf ilt rirtui't by 1'hyniciuin, Pmfea
tort, and l'alietitt, hat alumn reinllt aurpatsiii
arv thiiK hitherto knovtii of any medieine. C'urra
have l.atn rrtf-vtrd hfyond belief! vie they nfit tuh
itaiitittrl by pervert of tui-h einllrd pvailinn and
iavcttr at to fcr! id i'lt tui:rir,n of untiuth.
Anmrn Iht manv taiineM enllinien who have
itttmtd in favor of thete l'i'..a, we muy ii.sntion :
1'K A. A. 11ak, Am lticttH hemit, of Hotton,
a?id Ntfl Ateayvr cf Witmchutetts, whose high
pn-'itti"! al hiivir it endorted by the
lion. K:iw ti Evkhktt, Smator of the V. 8.
K mxhi C.W iMiiKoi'.Ki-Speaktrof the Uoute
of lltpr-ttiitiitivea.
Aasun l.twi.-v.Ni-r, Minister Plen. to Kin-land,
f John It. l'n?rTincK.Cn'h. Hiahnpnf Hnaton.
Alto, 1 1 H . J. K. t iiiitiiN, 1'iaclical I'uemitt, of
New Yrk City, endorhed tiy
Itos. . 1.. MAKiT, ecrlary 01 eitu.
AVu P. AaroK, the richest man in America.
S. I.ttaNU A Co., l'rcpr'a of the 1 rlri'poliUn
H"le1, ar.d ollurt.
Uid tp--e permit, we could ((' Tnary bundled
eartitiokttt. fiom all nartt where the Villa have
hern um d, tn:t f viilem e even more ronviiioinn than
the of eniineiit )mhiic men it found
in v.eir i fvrtt UmiI.
Tl ete I ilia, ti.e result of loni invettiBation and
ttuly, a--e offered to the p'lblie at the beit and
moat cmi.p'ele wh'u-h the prtfent state of lnrdii-al
tcienre can atfoid. 1 key are eoliiponiided not of
the druct thenitelvet, tiit of the lmdieiiml virtno
only of Vefc-etnile rcniediet, extracted by chcniit al
nrocett in a xtatt- of purity, and i-.iml.incd together
in such a manner as lo iotiire the lest remits. This
ytein f composition for medicinea hat been found
in the Cherry revtorul and Tills both, to produce a
H.nre efuifrit remedy than had hitherto been ob
tained bv ai.v p-oces. 'l!ie reason ia perfectly ob
viuui. bile y the eld mode of composition, ev
ery ii.edieioe it Imr.iuifd wilh nii ro or levt of acri
in:i!.iuiit aud inimiirtSF uuuiitiet, y thia each ii:di
vidi:l virtue only that it devired f.:r the curative
ertWct is present.' All the inert and otmoiioua qual
ities of etch tul.ttanev vinployed re Irft behind, the
curr.tivt-virtjes onlv beiiiti rdained. Hence it it
self-evident the eUects tlionUl prove as they have
proved to. ire purely remediid. and the Pills a surer,
more powerful antidote to disease thuii any other
medicine known to the woild.
At it it frequently expedient that my medicine
should be taken under the counsel of an attend. ; i
Physician, and na he could not properly judge of a
reuiodv without knowing itt composition, I have
supplied the accurate Formulae by which both my
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of
Practitioners iu the Vnitcd States and Hritihh Amer
ican Provinces. If however there should be any
one who has not received theiu, they will be
promptly forwarded bv uiuil to hie addrca.
Of ail the Patent Sledo ioet ure ottered, how
few would be taken if their com position wai known !
Their life consists in their nivtterj. 1 have no
mysteries. , .
The composition or mv preparations is laid open
to nil men, aud all who are competent to judge on
the subject freely acknowledge their convictions
of their intrinsic merits. '1 he Cherry Pcttorul was
pronounced bv scientific men to be a wonderful
medicine before its effects wero known. Many em
inent l'l.Vhiciant have declared the tame thing of
mv Pills,' end even more confidently, and are will
ing to certify that their anticipations weic mole
than realized' by their etiecta upon trial.
T Lev operate by their powerful influence on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into health action remove the obstructions of
the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the
hndv. rpst.irmi? their irreiriilar action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments as are the first origin of disease.
Heinir suirar WTanned thev are tdeassnt to take.
and being purely vegetable, uu harm cau arise from
their nae in any quantity
For minute directions, see wrapper on the Eoa
l'KKl'AKKl) BV
rrtu tirnl niid Analytical t ltesulat.
Prict 25 Cents par Bos. rive Boxes for $1.
sol. i) by
Weiset .V Bruner, Simhory; Bird A- John, Sluiniokm
W.Wiemer, .N'orth'imberhiid ; J. K. Catl ivv, Milton
and by sll Drupgnii iu Northern l'eniitylvuiua.
June 23, trio ly.
S. II', corner Sixth and Arch itrettt,
rillLADF.I.I'Ill V.
fllEAS! Teat!! an uncommonly full and
1. choice asaortment of black and green Teas
of all grades, from the extremely low price of
30 cts 35 40 50 60 70 ta 75 cts. per lb,
warranted to he superior to any to be had else
where at the same uricet. W e know and conli
drntlv recommend them to )e SO per cent cheap
er than any for sale in the citv. We have also
a very superior assortment of ('olTee, Old Gov't
Java, J.Rcuayra, Maracart'io, Ktoand Lap - Hay
ticn ColVee. New No. I Mackerel and Shad in
J and i bhl. or at may be desired. Cheese, Pine
Apple, Sap Sago, New York Cream Cheese at
ways on hand. Sonp brown and while ; also
H. L. Kende.ll A Co't Chemical Olive Soap, one
lb. of which will go at far as 2 of ordinary brown
boa p. Also Starch of d'.flcrent qualities, pickles,
sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an
choveyt, Ac, with a full assortment of Fancy
Goods, to which we invite the a tention of the
public to call and examine our eitensive aseort-
oicnt of Fine Groceries for tale bv
Wholesale and Retail Family Grocert and
Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch att.
N. IS. Goods delivered to all partt of the city
tree of charge.
Phila., Sept 31, 1855. apl J
TruBuos! Trusses!! Trusses!!!
Trust and Brace Establishment,
5. II". Cor. of Twelfth and liact Streets,
MPORTEH of fine French Truttet, rnmbi
ning extreme lightness, ease and durability
with rorrect construction. Hernial or ruptured
patients ran lie suited by remitting amounts, tt
below : Sending nuinlier of inchea round the
hips, and stating aide alluded.
Cost of Single Truss, $2, f 3. H, SS. Double
$5, f6, $3 aud$IO. Instructions at to wear,
and how to clfect a cure, when possible, tent
with the Truss. Also for tale, in great variety.
Dr. Bunuing'i Improved Putrut Body Brarr,
For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri j Spinal Propt
and Supports, Potent Shoulder llracct, Chest
Expander, and .rector Uraces, adapted to
-.! c-. ul 1.1 .,.1 M'.b i .
with Stoop Shoulders and Weak longs; English
Elattic Abdominal Belts, 8 uspentories. Syringes
male and female.
t7 Ladiet' Itooma, with Lady attendanti.
Phila., Aug. 4, 1855. ly P 8.
PEKRY A ERETV. invite the attention of
merchant! and others to their large stock of
elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Bookt, Prayer
Dooka, Albums, and Pretentaliou Book, in all
stylea of binding; Standard Theological, Medical,
Miaccllaneoua and School Bookt, which they
have received from Trade Sales and are selling
at extremely tow prices.
Also direct from the manufacturers and Im
oortera. ever kind of Plain and Fancy Writing
Letter and Note Tapers. Envelopee, Cold and
rJlecl Pent, Pencils, Inkttandt, wrapping ra
pert, Ac, Ac, at the lowest caah price.
S. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sts.
September (3, 1855. tf
LAMK5 ef" every ateecriptton aaa be had ky
LV fT TOg at tbe affloa of ke Amttfeu).
IWUED ander the Baal, Ssmetlun and AatHnf Ity of the
University of PHiCK MKDIl'INK and poplar know
ledge, Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, April fit,
1836, with s Capital of 1 100,000, mainly lor the purpose of
arresting the eriieofttnurimia tnd worthless Nnstrumtf
Also lor supplying the Community with reliable Rente
diet wherever a Coinneteut Physician ce'nnnt or will not
bs employed. Thit Institution' hat purchased from Dr
Jonn R. howiltD, hit Celebrated
Rowand' Tonic "fixture,
Known for upwards nf twenty-five years as the only tare
and eafe core for FKVI H and Ant K, Ac., end his inet
timnble Remedy for HDWF.I.CO.M HLAlMK, Rovvnnd't
Compound Hyrun of Ulaekherry Rist, which highly ag
proved and popular Remedies, together wilh
Thcejuiversiiy's Remedy for ('oinplniuts of tlieT.tmrs;
The University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion;
The t'nivertity't liemedy forCotlive-Boweit;
Also, the University's Almsuse lusy be be had, tt the
Branch Pispeusary, or Store of
Nov. 3, 1P.-5. Mahnnoy p o.
In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jt'rame,
MATIlKMATlOAt, Instrumonta separate
and in cases. Thermometers of various, Hpy (Hastes of every description, I'latina
poin.tfor Lightning Hods, Magic Lanterns with
scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs,
Microscopce mid Microscopic objects. Galvanic
Datteriea, Machines, Kurveyer's Com
passes, Survcving Chains Ac. Ac.
McAllister & ukother.
(Extablished in 1790.)
194 Chestnut Htrnot Philadelphia.
Our Triced and Illustrated Catalogue (t i pages)
witli 150 illustrations furnished on application,
ami tent by Bit.'.' ee of charge.
Pliila. tiept. H, lr&5.
r"I1HE pnrity, fragrance
& mild einoliicnt
properties nf this Soap, r,.
renders it especially de
t especially de- a-t-sfcst
.place on every
ir chapped hands,
serving a
toilet. For chapped hand
and various diseases of
the skin, it is utieciualed. Each cake is stamped
W M. CO.NWAY, 168 South Sccend street,
Philadelphia. Mo other is Genuine.
Iinprovod;Chemicai;01ivo Soap,
Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water.
Thit soap hat powerful cleansing properties,
which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, Ac, from
every description of goods without injury to them.
or all domestic purposes it it superior to any
other soap in tiso, and 20 per rent, cheaper than
the common rosin soap. Each bar it stamped.
16S South Second street, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm,
atcaiine and tallow caudles, importer and dealer
in sal tmla, sod ash, rosin, Ac.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Phila. August 25, 1805. tf.
In the Treatment and Cure of
Centumiition, Asihma, llronehltit, and ether
nf the Itesplratory Orgyns, hy
.lledlcul lulialallun.
Firti Amrrirti pr!ir:iM, fmm fifth I.ond-ii edition, whtrt
H tM U& ma unpi ecrtJenlcU late.
Thii i valonb! wrk and thoult. heintlifl hnudt of a!
uivnliilt, :i'J ttie Mmlicttl rrofefniidii Rencnilly. hir
wnr-:f-l ftce of ciitirgp, by mail, on rereit vC
ViFTT CKMIi; Cl"tll (gill) OM M1LAR
tiYo. 32 North Ninth t.t 1'kiUifielphia.
W ml; tin ffr. from mmiy cinmcmlitorv niti'M
mi'l review! finn it-e L'tgluli and Auitrieau Medica
oiid other Journal ;
Dr. Marttlork it Hie of tlie W Ileurv .M iUti-vk,
I'f., M. 1 , llie writ knnwii bnnintct, mid pr hiup. t
nir, in hit own pntttiwii. in rminrnt a itturrr n Ina
parrnt The aytTfin (intuUitiou) nropnl am the
m t f iTtft'tnal rrn thod of uppiying n reiiteoy l- h p nti"ii of
the iNireni whii-h cannot he (iirnlly reachw.1 hy nmticine
ituctf. . . . We rtxMiiinieiid tmr remlcri to purelmM the
Work.'1 Wculeyun Chn-iude, I.'iith, I ch.
We rrcoimiieud thn Wurk V oat revitrp. n it uniimn
to be tulty mutureil, vleunly written, and entirely diverted
of any quankery or pcti-ieekinK tendrney. Ttie Work
well deserve! prul, end the iiwctur, fur ai our
kiinwlttltre aiu expenrm-e exiernJ", wm rejwy n--i oniy
lenout ('HBiUtraU'ii, int u omiein intu "( hi menu"
Lcmlon Mvlicnl Joiirn il, I)eieinher 13, 145.
'Wc think thiit no one can nuetroni vn pc
uial, without bcinp nntirtl that it istlte woik of h prut.
tc;i! Httd exoerit-iiced : and that it ouvht, for the wike
tf tine who lullr! from convnmptioii. atthnin. or lnonrhi
tit, to he brought into extensive iircu!;tii"n. u u. in ue
rirtcBt icnfce-ul the triu, a Work. I'xlord
lnivetity Herald, iovinir, 7,
'A ice-runt oi the imuvxi iv.:iiton oi Air. .mhiigock
'Wtiik on I'oiiftiiinplion. Hronolutia, Athmn, Ate; with
rsotti. Ac, Itv lir. t hm. oreene iiuaoiKwt.i ie
found worthy the nttentit'ti oi our T'-nderg, for they limy
lenrn from it whnt can he expfffrd from this n"de of
treating Coniiiin;.ti.n nnd tlrr ntTctione of the mr-i-n-4igr.
Dr. M i evi.Un.i) nun ol cniiieruS!e mtel'i
genre nnd wlniever thrte n nf god tu itiliulHtin id
nietlirn'-M vapirn, he reini to have hi!ity to extisi.-t,
n:ty, we go tuither, add ;iv, tint we ( far ihut tlie Pnv
ffimi m h:ive n t riven uftieinii otienTi-n t thii ni"i'
of allevi itmpr the tufT'rinpi rf thoPr Inhering under tint
chs of dneHSn." New Jersey McJu-al Kcporttr, June,
(From rrofeMor Ja. Hrt-a t. T!it r of the t;'hiladrijdiia
.Medirul itti'l Mfjiif.ti J-'umi.i. '
4,Dr. MaI'D vk' B-i a mii inh diti "ii ii one .if the f-v
wlnrh Imve heeu iNtmil if. ni the Lny ish pit-rt mi this
iihect III reMHihlientimi in tli'H rountrv, wnti tho
indifi "in Nttt of Dr. ftreene, will add to tlie mclitvil
lirenitiire of the I'nitrd tit'i. nnd. it in liopd, iicitmie
interett in the meitical rr-.trMiou mi the foiniTt ot nha
hti'ii. ;oi ii mcanaof t rent it g pufin-niary tfTtMi:. Willi
tlu ad lition of m tlern tlietvene8 in I'lijut-l-'ey, una
m de (if trnitiiig ti.ene tliienra vtn uld have a fair
and a mie atonrment iiutde I'm the long neylect wJmh In
hk 1st ion hai tutfered at the landaof niedirol men
Jamki Mwyan, M. D ,
Trof. of Surgery in riiiladfibia t'olirga of Mtdicint
DR. GKHKNR will trmt DIRASKS OP Till
I.l'NUS and AIU-ltASSA(xLLS, agreeahiy to the m tie
ao successfully ado p lt d in the pruonre of Dr. A. B. Mud'
d'K'k, and other eininent physieians of Kurope. liy this
mode of treatment Ihedikeused snrln-e of the IJronrhi and
I ..lines are niiectly noted upon, the vuiiouh me.hcatrd va
nor lieing earned to tne intt minute mmificaiioiis of (he
IsUiigs, pnidnriug henlthy action; where a oinplete
diaVirgunittnnor. 1ms n't taken plaee the heal results alwavs
attend this feature of I met ire ; in fact, with auitattle
at1 nutria, it is the on! v reliable form of treating disensee
of the Respiratory Orpins. He intends iVvotuigr his sole
attention to in is rmnicuiar i.rancn it his nroiession,
Those desirous of cfinauUiiif him can do so by letter ad-
arrssen iu
C H A. r.RKr.XK, M. D.
U'i3jG9, rbllaia. P. O.
rinUda., Jons 91, t.V5(ni.
Ws respect full) a iltcit tlie attenlitn of Iht public to our
for Ft-ires. Hulls, Churches, l'srlors Ac, warranted to
e-ve more hrat with oe lliird Iht fuel, liutii auv other
Ifralli't Prove lo us. The laree number whirh aava
been sold nt this and oilier citiea and tht oiiaUnt and
incrpfisint- drniand for them, is smticieut gUHraiitct of
their suiierinrity over sll oilier llentiitir Htovrs, snd we
cheerful) invite the strictest invest ifnition nf our claims
to tlie must perlect article nf the Kind in use.
We slsn l-avn a superior CACI.DRON. for farminr
and chemical i.uiposra, made on the aaine principle, fur
vrnirn we cinuu ciliy i.rittiij ur ttirecuiicu.
We kern tvinsruutlv n hand an assortment of Iht
leading COOK nnd PARLOR STOVES j and art tolt
Agents iu tins Pilate for
ti i.i-. : run i AMi.r. rimur.?..
PTOVI'tt. Wholesale Dealers will b tunnlicdat
tht Uwest foundry prices.
Wholesale at Retail tlove Dmlrrl,
N. R. Cor. of ?HC i U k HACK Sts. I'uilad't
MT Tor nle hy H. B M ASKKH. of Hut plact.
rhilnloljihia, August 33, USS 3m.
El Neptuno, El Dorado,
El Duendo, Rio Hondo,
Recreadoret, La Curiosidad,
La Semiarmii, Canalot,
Plantation, Havana Cheroott,
Sunbury, May 16, 1855.
Land Warrants Bought.
HIGHEST cash price paid, and money remit
ted by first mail. The best reference can
be given. Apply or addreat
No. 80 North 6ih street, Philadelphia.
17 Bounty Lands and Pensions procured
and Warrants located at usual.
October 6, 1855.- 3m3
BEBERINE, Yeratria. Chinordina nd Cio
chonia, jutl received hy
May 19, 18S. WWHER & BRUNER.
VANILLA BEANS just received by
Huntmiy, May 19, 1851
TRASK'S Mi-neu Ointment at
PA INT8 of every description Just reetvd by
Mst l. WWSTER oV 9SV'ER.
riour.Tood nd ProvlBlon ator.
liroadwny, between Market lilaclberry Stt;
3 ESTECTFULLY Inform the public tWat
they have jtut reteived a largo and well
telcrtrd assortment of choice Family Groceries,
consisting In part of Hams, Shnnldcrs, Mackerel,
Herring, While Fish, Cod Fish, 8a1t Preserved
Fruit, rieklct, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Hire,
Sugar, Cnffre, (siren, roasted and ground.) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black
Teas, Crtlar-ware, Stnnc-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tobacco,
tegars, eve , together with every article usually
found in a firnt class Grocery Store, all of which
will be sold at the In-west prices, cither for rash or
country produce. We also keep on hand choire
Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &c. Porter, Ale, beer,
sarseparilla, c, We are also prepared to sup
ply the citizens wilh fresh bread, twist, rolls, pica,
prct.els and rakes of every kind.
Is. 13. The highest rash prices will he paid for
huttor and rggt, corn, ojts. rye and wheat.
Punhury, July 7, 1H55. '
11 4 It LOWS IHDIflO It LI K.
established as the best article ever offered for
Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or
anything injurious to the finest articles. All
housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less
trouble than Indigo or any other article. The
great demand for it hat brought out several imi
tation. Storekeepers snd consumers will be
rnieful to get Besjjswi Bijilow's, put up at
Alfre d Willherger's Drug Store, No. lf.9, N.
Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can
get their supplies from the Grocers and Druggists
they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit.
Vrug), Chrmicalt, raints, Varuishe, Py
ftvffs, 4C, with a first-rate assortment of every
thing in the line. Storekeeper:!, Physicians and
manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates.
109 N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 1855 ly.
flIIE subscriber respectfully informs the public
JL that she still continues to keep the above
named public house.
She hat also received a new tupply of good
liuort and wines, and trusts that she will be
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbury June 23, 1855 tf.
ItlKtRt AND sairPBRt Of
Ucb Vci!) Anthracite Coal.
From th
Luke Fidler Colliery
Shamokin, North'd County, Penna
A ild rest. Boyd, Roescr & Co., iSuiilmry, IJa.
n. m num. j. hoik ten jas. nnin. t. husmi
Sunbury, April 7, Ifl5. f-
THEATERS in Watches anJ Jrwclrv,
cniilintia the business at the old
Uiid of
Janict 1). Fuller,
iVo. 12 South Second Street,
Where tlit'T solicit an f lamination nf tlirir lare;e
ami ancil stnek, feclin? assured thnt the eine-
riencc both nf them have had in the businrss,
and the facilities they possess for procuring;
goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena
ble them to compete favorably vtilh any other
establishment in the city. They have now on
hand a fine assortment of
Silver, Plated and Urittajna Ware, Cutlery,
Fancy (ioods, &c, &c.
N. 11. Repairing of V atchea and all kinds of
Jewelry attended to with promptness and the
greatest care.
Phila.. April 7, 1855. tf.
rESPF;TFI'I.LY inform the public that
they have leased the new colliery, called the
Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of
superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa
red on their new coal oreuker. All orders prompt
attended to by addressing the firm, either at
Sunbury or Shmnokin.
Sunbury, June 30, 1835.
Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! !
(Successor to McCleet ft Gcrmrm,)
, Y'OFLD call the attcnion of the public, not
only to the superiority of the Uuguerreo
tvpes, the IIvuloi;iapli, (bv some called Arnbro
tvtie.) and the various styles of Photography on
paper; but lo the fact, that parties at a distance
poHseiMiiiia: a small daguerreotype, may. bv send
ing it to .No. I(i0 Chestnut St., have made from
it by the means ot Photography, and the talents
of tlie liest Artists, a portrait nt im tizr., from
a small Locket to the full size of life.
A tmall book containing description, prices,
Sec, &e., will be sent gratis to any person ma
king the request.
Philadelphia Photograph Establishment,
No. I b0 Chestnut at., below 7th
Phila., July 81, 1855 tf.
Shamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal.
From . "Old Vein" in the Gap Collier;.
successors to Kase, Reed & Co., will con
tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the
above well known Colliery, under the firm of
Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment
is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Nnrtliuinber
land county, Pa., where all orders for the various
kinds of coal, via : Lump, Broken, hire, Move
and Chestnut Coal, will lie thankfully received
and promptly attended to.
Sunbury, July 14, 1855,
ScNacar, Jolt 5, 1855
The firm of Kase, Reed & Co. having told
their lease in the Cup Colliery and interest in the
wharf at butibury, to Messrs. Zimmerman tv
Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend
ing our customers and others to the new firm, as
they will be able to sell them prepared coal of
the best quality.
kase, ec uu.
Annuity and Trust Co.
S. E. corner 'Jhird and Chestnut Sts.,
CAPITAL 8't0,000.
MONEY is received on deposit daily. The
deposited is entered in a Oenosit book and
given to
tht Depositor, or, if preferred, a certificate will lie siven.
a ii sums, nrat ana small, are rei-eived, and tut aniouni
paid hack on demand, without notice.
Inleiest is paid at the rale of viva rsa nsi., com
mencing from the day of deposit, and censing fourteen
daya pievious to the withdrawal of the money.
On Hit hrt day of January, in each year, the interest of
each deposit is paid to tbedepotitor, or udded lo the princi
pal, aa he may prefer.
The Company have now upward! of 1,500 aVpatttoi
in the Cily of Philadelphia almis
Anyaridiiional mfurmatiou will be'girtu by additMing
tht Tausvssa.
Stephen R. Crawford, Pret't, William M. Godwin,
Lawrence J hnon, Vice Pros' t, Paul U Hoddaid,
Ambrose W Thomnann, George Mi-Henry,
Ueniaraiu V. Tuujiay, Jamea Dvvertuz,
Jacob L. Florence, Ouatavua buglisii.
eereUry and Treasurer, PLIWV FIK.
Taxiaa sd IsTssrtiTta, J. C. OEHLSCULAGLR.
Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 16A4 lyP.
GROCER I E8 8egarii7CoireeM olattes
Spices, Oila, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker
el, H erring and Bait, jutt received and for tale
by WM. A. KNAUB.
Lower Auguaea May 1, 1854.
CEDARTL'BS, Horse Buckets, Painted Buck
te, Meal Tenderers, Corn Broome, Bas
kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee) Clocks
net received and for tile by
May 18, 1165. I. W-TESirR C
Northumberland county, Pa.
f fIIIS larpe and commodious Hotel It situated
on the top of the Locust mountain, neirly
half way between Sunbury and Potttville. The
scenery the taliibrity of the atmosphere and
the cool mountain brecics, make it one of the
moat delightful summer retreats in the country.
The Hotel, is a new atrtirture, four stories high,
fitted up with all the modern conveniences. The
pure mountain water is introduced into every
chamber. The place is rsxv of access, beng
but one and a half hours ride from Sunbury, over
the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. From
Potttville, it can he reached by Iht Mine Hill
Hail road to Ashland, and from thence to Mt.
Carmcl 4 milct. by Omnibus.
Every attendance will he paid hy the proprie
tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode
Mt. Carmel, June S3, 1855. tf.
iVo. 28 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia.
CHEAT FIRE, Chestnut
& Fifth Streets, Friday
mnrnina;, December 35th,
1854. Evans 4 Watson's
Salamander Pales I num
idinnt. at thev alwavt era
- when put to the test.
rilltSllSI.FHI , Uec. IS, 1N34.
Messrs. F.ts lr Watsok, N. 89 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
Centlrmrn : We take much pleasure in re-
commending; jour Salamander Safes to Merchants
and others in want ol a secure means ot preser
ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the
one we purchased from you about seven months
since hat preserved our books, papers and cash
in as good a condition as lliey were when put
into it, before the Brent fire of this morning, which
destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of
Chestnut and Fifth strcett. The above aafe was
in use in our office, on tho second floor nf our
building, from which place it fell into the cellar,
and remained there uniil the fire was out. The
Safe was then removed and opened in the pres.
once of at least 1(100 persons, w ho witnessed the
good condition of the contents. Will you please
have the Safe and Locks repaired, at wa intend
to put it in use again, havi,.g pwrtcct confidence
in its fire-proof qualities.
Yours, Respectfully,
Evans Watson take pleasure in referring to
the following, among the many hundreds who
have their Safes in use: U. S. Mint, Philada i
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Pliiia ; Samuel
Allen, Eso., Hih SnerifT, Phila; John H. Hen
dersnn. (,'ily Controller; Caleb Cope 4- Co., i"o.
183 Market .St. ; Richard Norris iV Son, Loco
motive builders, Philnda ; Bancroft Sr Sellers,
Machinists, corner lfith and James Sts.; Fran
klin Fiie Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvania
Railroad Co., Phila.; Lacey t$- Philips, corner
5th and Minor Sts.; Sharplcss Pro., No. S2
South Second St..; James Kent cV Santce, No.
147 North Third St; XV H. Horstman A Sons,
No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams & Co
No. 87 Market St.; J. Sc 1J. Orne, No. 184
Chestnut St.
A luruc assortment of the above Safes alvrayt
on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent
more fire than any Herrina't Safe now in life.)
EVANS cV WATSON, also manufacture and
keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron
Dash, for making hre-proof suits Tor Hanks
stores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; I'atcnt Slate Lined Re
frigerators, etc. Please irive us a call, at No. SI
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7, 1S55. cly. 10.
out: i on roMisKi.ri
tion.with One Hundred
Entrravings, showing Dit
enses and Mallorniations of
the Human System in every
! shnpe and form. To which
it added a 1 realise on the
Diseases of Ec mules, being
married people, or those
contenipluting mnrrioge.
liy IM- Win, Young'
I.ei im fniher he itsSnim-d t.t present a cry if the A'.H-
CI' LA PI I S to his cinut. tt iii-.iy rtive him I ruin an early
srnve. Let n- yonn ui.-in nr vnunui enu-r inL llie s:cre
nltlietilions of imniril hie vvii1kuI reiulini! Ihe I'tU'KI'T
.1-'SCl'I.AIlt,f. n-i one en.Teniia- lr-m Irirktned
Couch, 1'iiin in the Sid. restlefs mollis, nervous freinifrs,
mid llie whole Iriiiu of Dysprplic ti-nsiiMoiis. und given
mi hv ihrir I'liMiii'inn. I"- nnotlifi ni-tnent without imii-
snllitn: tt:e .1-Cl'LAPtrs Have the ir.n-n-il, or those
tilKMit lo he iiiiinifd liny liiiptHlinient. rt-nd Ihislruly tisrtnl
liook. as It has been the means of saving th.-iiwimls of uu
foitimate creatures from tlie very jaws of dt-aih.
nTAiiv .r -ii semline TWK.Vry.KI VK rKNT!,
em' in a li-ltrr ill receive one copy ol uns Uook, t.y
mail, or Ii i-1- c- pn-s will he sent f-n oni' doti.n. Ail'iieini,
Da. W. YOl Mi, -No IM Sl'Kl Cl-: Strtcl, 1'UILA
UK.I.I'HIA." Postpaid.
I'lnU lelpInu, feptrinner S, I?55 ly
(.4f the old Stand of S. X. Thompson.)
'"MIE Subscrilier respectiully informs the peo
L pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta
ken the Store lloom lately occupied by S. N.
Thompson, in Market Mreet, Sunbury, below
Weaver's Hotel, aud that he has just received
and opened a handsome assortment of
Consitting in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
(jueensware, Hals If Caps, lioolsi Shott, Fish,
Salt, Meat. ic.
All of vvlii. h will be sold ut the loweat pikes.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th
highest market price.
Sut bury, Nov, 24, 1855 ly ch
S. E. corner of Second ft Chestnut Sts.
Where may be fou d, one of the largest and
best assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in Ihe
United f tales, in quantities to auit purchasers,
of from a tingle Clock, to one thousand Clocks ;
embracing every variety of style and manufac
ture, auilal le for Churches, Hulls, Counting
Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, at.d Kitch
ens. Steam aud Canal Boats, and Rail road Curt.
N. It. Clocks Repaired and Warranted.
Clock Trimmings for sale. Alan,
l(iiiurucr ot' Darker Celebrated Fin
Embracing all the qualifica of the finest quill
pen, in addition to which the durability of the
metal it fully atsociatcd and developed. Gold
and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated
Ware, &lc, wholesale and is tad. Those wish
ing to purchase are invited to call.
S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sts., Phila.
Philadelphia, June S3, 1855 ly,
Ujjice opposite tht Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa.
Prompt attention to business iu adjoining
HOOFLAND'S Bitters at
May 19. WEI3ER tV Bnt'NER'C.
books,! nk, and all ccnr,;lete, just received,
andforaaleby H. B.MASSER.
Sunbury, June 4, 1853.'-
M . DM ooiues tor as it vj
Sunbury, April, IS, 1851
CJ1LVER WATCH E8 A few double case
English Silver Walcbea, for eel at very lost
triors by H.B MABSER.
Siaihury, Apii It, iSftl
New Goods- for fh TeopU t
nESrECTrULI.T informs the public im getv
eral that he has just revived and optatd a
splendid stock of
Fall and Winter Goods
at his New Store, In Lower Aigusta towaahip.
tt is siocs consists in pari m
Cloths, Cassimers, CaisineU.
ef all kinds, of linen, eotton and worsted.
Callroei, Glugliama, Lavrua,
nioumellne De lnlnei
and all kinds of Lsdies Dreai Ceods.
Also au assortment of Hardware, Irow
mil Steel, Nails, &o.
Also an eirallcnt assortment of
UTJEENSWARE, of various stylet an
Alto an aaaortment of ROOTS Sl SHOES.
HATS It CAPS, a good ttlectien.
Salt, Fish, ftc.
And a great variety of other articlea tueh as are
suitable to the trade, all of which will be said al
the lowest prices.
U7 Country produce taken in exchange
the highest prices.
Lower Augusta, Nov, 10, 185S.
United States Hotel,
Chestnut Street, above Fourth.
r J- MacLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hotel,)
has the pleasure to inform his friends and
he traveling community, that he haa leased this
House for a term nf years, and it now prepared
for the reception of Guests.
The Local advantageaof thit favorite establish
ment are too well known to need comment.
-The House and Furniture have betn pu iu
first rate order: the rooms are large and well
ventilated. The Tablet will alnaya be supplied
with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself
that no effort on hit part shall be wanting te
make the United States equal in cerafoits te soy
Hotel in the Quaker Uity.
Phila., July 8. 1854.
Lamps, Ltntrrni, Clundrlicrsand Candilabrii,
JV. 152 S. 2d strut, oiovs Sfrust,
Taving enlarged and improved his store, and
having one of the largest assortments of
Lamps, in Philadelphia, ia now prepared to fur
nish Pine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard
and till Lamps, and Lanterna of all patterns.
Class Lamps by the package, at a email advance
over auction pneet. Being a Manufacturer and
Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and A Irohcl,
which will be furnished to Merchants at such
prices that they will find it to their advantage te
buy. Also, Household Glassware ef all descrip
tions al the lowest market prices.
Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854.
Market Street,
TUST received and for tale, a frtsa tupply
far Singing Schools. He is alto opening a
this time, a large assortment of Books, in every
branch of Literature, consisting of
Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific
Workt, Law, Medicine, School and Children!
Books, Bibles; School. Pocket and Family, both
with and without Engravingt, and every of vari
ety oi Dinning, rrnyer Hooka, or all kindt.
Also iutt received and for tale. Purdom Di
gett of the lawt of Penntylvania, edition of 1851,
price only SS,00.
Judge Heads edition of Blackttonet Cammta
taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly told at $10,09,
and now otiered On iroah binding) al tbe lew
price of $fl,llO.
A Treatise on the lawt of Penntvlvtnia re
specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F.
Cordon, price only 81,00.
Travels, Voyagea and Advtnturet, all el
which will be told low, either for caah, e was
try produce.
l ebruary, 31, 185". tt.
fo Your Own jtlccltnnlcs.
Of the most FashionaWa Btylt.
HP HE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiat
of the public to his large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price ef
which cannot fail to reiommend itaelfte every eve
who will evimine it, on account of its darahls
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
l-.ol .Irulr ... 1.. k.,1 I.. - r..
u,, , i gjjort is
pared in the manufacture of hi. ware, and tbe
eubscribcr i. determined to keep up wilh the
many improvements which sre constantly being
iMuue. ins aiuta. constats oi aianogan,
Sofa., Ulvnns nud Lonng-
Burcaui, Secretaries," Sideboardi
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal te Taiie-
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of ever, ptttern and pri.a,
In short, every article in this line of his business.
He alto manufacture! all kindt ud qualiUtt ej
nciuuing vanetiet never before to be had It
Sunbury, euch aa Msiiobssi, Blace Wusri
tan CraLSn Matli Gnariia ; u Wianaoa
CHAIKS, axu racy l'nto Stools, which art
of the latest atylct, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Citiet or elsewhere.
The tubtcriber it determined that there ahall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the citiet, at every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will lie disposed of on as good
terms ss they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself wilh a handsome Huasc, he is new
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in thit vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from thit place.
17 The Ware Room is in Market 8treet,
below Thoinpton't Store and Weaver'a Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1653 tf.
w T lot remedy for coughs, colds. For aal
at this office
December 4
PJHAIN PUMPS.. A email number of thete
w excellent pumps have btea received and are
o(TcrH for sale by
Runtiurv. June 4, I8SS.
VERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Com Starch
just received by
May 19, 1855. WEISER ii BRDNER.
fAMPHINE aad Fluid of ihe bst duality
For tale by WEISER t) BRUNER.
Sunbary, May It, ItfA.
A Tint lot of WaH rrerjuet received and for
sale by VTM. MeCASTY.
Market Street.
Sunbury, June 8,1861.
BOOTS. Shoee, Uata. Caps and Gum Shoes,
jtut reerivtd aud for saVa by
T ibji. lily ER 4C
ttZSnX&sr GH-CDCDt3DG53f
At S. N. Thompson's Store,
h T'!a to"V. " th Junction
nl,tJvThoclen and i''" ertek road.
IHE subscriber having returned from th. rli-
t i ui ' n'.W ,,,d t'va attortment f
ft.h.onable good, re.p.ctfully csll. the attention
ef armert, Mechanics and ethers to the same
consisting in prt of '
Dry Goods, viz :
Clothi i, Ca,simerts, Cnssinsls, Jean$, Drilling
JJusi.ns, Ff,nj5J) Tud,andail kind,
bpnng and Summer Wear
Calicoes, Muslin di Lnins. La-en, '
CincAanu, li,rats, RoU, '
onlent, Flannel, it.
tsger. Teat, Coffee, Rice, Mela.tes, Caoe
Spues, Salt, Ac, Ae., Ae.
., IBarilwai-c,
Nails, fccr.wt, File.. Sswt. Kuivtt cV Fork. A,
Oueens and Glassware,
of variouattylrttnd patten,..
A large assortment of Boots snd Shott, for
women children.
t.T' , '' of y,riou "iiet and ttylet.
Beside. . Urgs and general as.ortmrnt ,f
eK.n " 1 ""1 e"min for "
rr Country produced all kind, taken ia
B. .,. itinesv marK.t prices.
Lower Augusta, 4 niu. 23, IS55. .
Fiirnitupe! Fiipniiiii-ot
Ao. 157 South Stroud (abort "pruct,) tatt tidt.
T1HE subscriber would respectful!, inform the
reader, of the Sirv Amtticm ,nJ
public generally, that he ha. nn b.n.l ' !
supply of elegant, fashionable, tnd well made
I mnittire at reason.!,!, price.. Being . pr.rU.
cal mechanic, and havirs all his .nn.l.'..r...t.
Hired nnd.r In. nwn ttiperi.itendence, purchasers
may rely on gettmg ju,t au,!, article. .. .
represented. Uun.-e. will, removal,!, .rmt
al.o new pattern, of Sofa Bedstead,. Those
who are about going to housekeeping would de
well to call.
Jon:,- A. BAUER,
1S7 Sli.lK.,-...l
.v. u. ercer, lisankiuilv
received and
promptly attended to.
April J3. fi5. wg.!y.
"IIIE tubtcriber having received the nrc....,y
- forma a.. ;. .,: r . .
....... .,,.,, inons irom me Uepsrtn.tnl,
at .sbi.gton, is prepared to procure Bt.alr
LenJ trrantt tt th, ahorlest notice.
. , E. B. MASSES.
5aabarjr, At l T, 183S.
L. I. BETA Br"
f jTIIE aubscriber be Ss leave to inform friendt
u. a:iu nit puldic Renerallv. that l,t his Ukta
the above well known ttmd, ar. i will be !,appy
lo accon.modala t!l who may gift h;. a till.
r-iiamttin, July I, IM.
"Wholsiale and Retail Dnijrpisti,
.Worarl St ., ntzt door to E. Y. HrhVs ?ier
FFER to the public the largest tnd beat
selected ttock ter Aliened in ibis teetiea el'
country, consisting uf
Medicines, Chen.ict'.t, Ground Spirit, Ptiate,
Oilt, Varnitlitt, Dyt-ittif!, Window Oiatt,
Patent Mediciuei, together w ith a complete as
sortment of Paint. Clothes, Hoir, 'J u,ih, Ntil
and Shaving Brushes, Dressing. Sii'e. Neck tad
Pocket Combs, Vtncy Sosps, Bliisving I'rssrat.
Tobscco. Segtrt, Tort Mouias, ejittionary, Cta.
Pur Medicinal use. Erijlisli, French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fafirv fSor.Je cf eer desr.ip
tian. In thort tver a-t!t by Druggist
. V, H"tlt,
, I:KL'N ERr
uBbarv, Mtv '.'.
'trswerrv, C j:s-,
Eldorado Fig. P'.:,..--ti. ."ek.
farsaparill Fin, Ct. Trsi.J ?':ne f'et,
Aiideraent " ' frr ?a!t tl
wp:eh i riKiNts.
Sunbary, Msy tt. ;- .
IR. h. H.'.;:;-;? unriv fr rtog'.s.
-'coldt, and ai,;t,i,-i K: ,!mv trs. A supply ef
this valuable mejuint J,'t lairived and fr n't
W H. 11. MA33ER.
Runbarv. June 4. Mlft
'i RII OLD'S WRTi'INO Tl.Tli 7-Td Adbe
sive and legal envtiopet, fir sale ty
Sunbury. Ian 18. ISM
JtJHOES. All kindt of 3ools frhots and f.p
;ert lor tale by
Market ttreet, eppotiit the Post Office.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 113.
To Trespmitri ou the Tclfgraph LIa.
ATOT1CE is hereby given, tlist ell person
found tiespttsing upon, or injuring iht line
of the Philadelphia and butibury irtph wil
be dealt with according to the s. t of Assembly to
tuch asset mtde t:.d provided.
H. B. MAS9EK, Free I
Phils, and Sunbury Telegraph Ce.
Banhnry, June I, 1654. if.
r Tasteless Salts,
Prepared by
Thit prtpatation it recommended tt an c
cellent laxative and purgativt, it op ernes roiidlr,
it entirely free from any unpleasant latie, re
sembling lemonade in flavor. Thit medicine 1
highly beneficial for ptculiar te .urn a. el
and hot waalhtr.
8unbury, July I, lsSi.
JNK Bouretu't orltbraled ink, anJ s!to Con
fve ink for sale, wkeleaale aed retail by
IW, ain. H B UAfStH
ATS AND CAPS A splendid let ef
fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hals,
also Cleth, Per, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Capa for talc low by
G. EL9BER0 4- CO.
Market ttreet, opposite the Pest Office.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853.
GOLD PENS with and wilhaut cases, ef
very superior quality, just received.
Alto a fresh tupply of Writing Fluid, far sale
by H. B. MASStill.
Buntnry, Pee. ST. US'
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank
Mortgagee, Bolide, Executions, Summons
Vc, for le b H. B. MASSER.
Sunbury ,Apri 88.185
aO HOUND and whole Pepper, Clovee, Ciima-
Mac. AllUpic. Gti)r,
Liauorirs. Ae.. Ac. tt
No.. 18, '54. TOCNO'a STORE-
JIWELKY A nice assortaienl of Oeld and
Stiver Pencils sad Pens, for ta e cheep by
Marlnl street, opposite tb To Oftve
Suubury, 8, ISM.