i THE FARMER. All the toil of summer o'er, Peace and plenty round his door, Who on saith eo bleat and frca AS the Farmer T Like tha lea, All the sweet of life ore hi Large mid full his cup of bligg Who ciin envy throue to kings, When the Plough auch trcnauro bring! T See his works with profit crown'd liars with buy stacks huddled round, Like a 1'umily, whom fenr Draws within a circle near J btntely vteeds ntid cuttle neat, L'ribn of corn and mows of wheat, Thickly peopled in bis fold Harmless sheep und lambs behold, Like the Christian 'midst the din Of a noisy world of sin Powls oviparous cackling ronnd, Pois'd wilh one foot on the ground, Meet their master as he conies, Cluck their wants, nnd shade their plumes. When at midnight all is still, Jlcnr the geese with voices shrill, At the slightest thought of harm, Hai?e the tocsin of alarm ; While from all the barnyards round, Echoes back the screaming Bound, Spo the lofty turkey-cock, Monarch of the feathered flock, Like a haughty potentate, bt rut ting round the yard of state, Pilled with anger fierce and dread, At the Eight of daring red, Swell'd and gobbling as he goes, Piro destruction on his foes ; Hut like other tyrants, he boon will loose bis bead, you'll see. F.re the morn unlocks her doors, Whence a stream of day-light pours Kro the bacchanalian goes Prom his cups to seek repose, Hear the game-cock's clarion peal, lireuking sleep's mysterious seal, Like a summons from the skies, Calling mortals to arise : While each faithful sentinel Answers' loud that "all is well." Industry obeys the call, Kises, hastens to the Rtull, And replenishes with food A II his stock, and all his brood, Who around him gladly fly To a bountiful supply, ltoc.k the hiisnrunttntin returns, Where his fire now briskly bums, Where the partner of his joys, lluddy girls and healthful boys. Kneeling with him round the chairs, Send to heaven their matin prayers: Thus the year with him begins." Thus tbo race to heaven he wins. Successful Cultivation of the Prune in Pennsylvania Mr. Victor Scriba, of Pittsburp, Pennsyl vania, states tlmt ia the heart of Germaiiv, from which he came, plume, and esptcialfv the Zirettcht prune, are grown in great nbuu- uance lor noma consumption, nmi lor expor tation to Hium, Ilollnud,and the northern parts of Germany. Soma farmers raised there from eighty to one hundred bushels, and in some cases more dried prunes. The trees are generally planted along the banks of Iartre and small streams, along the water ing ditches of the meadows, und in the shades of orchards, between apple ond rear trees. They grow there most luxuriantly, and the fruit attrins a larger size and aeepvr color man in more elevated una exposed locations. This observation induced Mr. S., four renrs go. when he reuted a neighboring orchard, in which some large plum trees stood that scarcely erer had produced any ripe fruit oeiore, to aig nine noies around tlie trees, and to fill the sumo occasionally (say every tureo or lour days during tlio warm season) with rain-water, dish-water or sonp-suds. He found the trees prowitis more luxuriantly than bbfore, and every year a good crop of most excellent plains remunerated turn lor the little trouble. Last year the crop was larger than any he had seen iu his life, on account of the wet, rainy season, the plums hanging liko clusters of grapes on the trees. One tree of the grafted-prune kind had about ten bnshels. They sold readily for eight cents a quart in the market. In 1854, when scarcely anybody raised any plums in this viciuity, on account of the great heat, he had, nevertheless, a smalt crop, which sold in market at twenty-fire cents ft mi art. Du ring ull this time hu had not much trouble with the curcnlio. Iu his native country plum trees aud cher ry trees are never pruned ; only the dead branches are occasionally removed. Even in transplanting the knife is not used, except in trimming the roots. An old piroologist in this neighborhood, of whom he had pur chased some choice peach trees, advised the wrif.,f In ranenlanf ntr tUn cmia nr.t . ... on the braucbes as injurious to the trees. This . a , -v v advice was strictly followed, and the trees grew most admirably, some bearing Sue fruit the same year. The writer planted some prunes wh ch he procured from Mr. Schmidt, of Winesbure. jioiines county, ymo, wuo nas done a great , 1 . . l , . deal in propagating thii luscioui fruit thvongh the greater pnrt or Ohio and western l'euii rylrania. The grafted budded prune degen erates. and is not so highly valued as thnt raised by the aeed or the shoot. These ob- aervations are corroborated y those of the economists of Heaver county, Pennsylvania, wln imported the genuine scioas of the prime and gralted them on plums. Mr. Pfeifl'er, of maiana, rennpyivanm, who raised prune trees in large numbers, and sold them ut exorbi tant prices, some as bigb ns 85 aud $10, and wno i;aa some oi toe iruit at the f cmisylva nia State Agricultural Fair, held at Pitts. burgh, which sold readily at 50 cents a quart. Mr. Schmidt's prunes are of a like kind and quality, the writer having eaten at his house, a few year since, gome of th most delicate and highly-flavored fruit he had ever tasted. Union. 101.1. Evil. For the good of these who have or may hereafter lave bonus that bavt poll evil or fistula, 1 would say, don't sell the animal for a triflo, or give him sway; but cure him sound and well. 1 care not bow long it has been running, it can bo cured with one dime ; yes, oue diuiu'i worth nf muriatic acid will cure the worst case of poll vii. First waah the sore well with strong soap suds, theu drop eight or ti n drop of the acid ia it twice day, until it has the appearance of a fresh wound j uftt r which it t-Uould be washed clean with udi, made from Castile scop and left to heal, which it will quickly do if tbo acid has beeu used long enough; and if it does nut gt well apply the acid again until it does cure, for it is a core remedy, and will nut fail if it is applied nntil the disease is all burnt out. Washington Cash. Ono cap of butter, three of sugar, fire of flour, five eggs, the yolks and whites to be beaten separately, one cop of iweet milk, one tea spooufnl of soda, two of cream tartar American Ag. IIistt Bikad Pi'DDijro. Put one qnart of milk in a kettle, batter few slices of bread and crumble them io till thick, theu beat up three eggs, aweeteg and spice, and wbn the milk is scalding bot, pour io the Kr. stir well, take it op, and aerre (Mio iuHtvuitr, Ft.? IaoKi. If rough or emoky, will cot eMck Ut suretied surface, if rubbed OTcr a flat - aurfaeo I ! laid on a Uble. . AY'ER'S TILLS. 70S ALL TEX TVS.T0UM 01 A FAMILY PHYSIC. rmwwn haa tnnv misted a cubllc demand for an effective purgativ pill which could be railed on a aura and perfectly safe in it operation. Thla uj been prepared to meet that demand, and an cxten ire trial of ite virtual hat conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose design- It it aaty to make a physical ptu, out not eaay w make the belt of all pillt one which ahould have non of th objection, but all the advantage f very other. This hot been attempted here, Vjf with whasncces w would respectfully aubmit n th public decision. It has been unfortunate for tha natient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to tha bow- ele. Thil it not. Many of them produce to much griping pain and revulsion in the system at to mora tnan ccaimerDaiance tne gooa w u ucriTtu uwa them. These pillt produce no irritation or pain, onlesa it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowela. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; out it ia Deuer mat any meaicine siioum be taken judiciously. Minute direction! for their, use in the aeveral diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the eora plainta which have been tpeedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in ita varioua forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Losa of Ap- Setite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, iilinui Fever, Fever and Ague, Fain in the Side and Loins s for, in truth, all these are but the con aequence of diseased action in the liver. Aa an aperient, they anora prompt ana sure reuei in vua tiveness, Tiles, Colic, Dvscntcry, Humors, 8crof 1a and Scurvy, Coldi with aoreness of tha body, Ulcere and impurity of the mood ; in snort, any and every caso where a purgative ia required. They have also produced ome singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, rains in tn Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the atomach and bowela into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their timulant action on me circulatory jsu.-m, reno vate the ttrcngtli of the body, ana restore mo wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, een though no aerious derangement exitta; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, at every purgative medicine reduce the atrength, when taken to cxceia. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but body ; and it ia confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine, Being sugar-wruiiijcu pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directiona aee wrapper on m PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Trio 85 Cents per Box. rive Box for St AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For th rapid Cure of COrGHS, COLDS, HOAKSES, 7 ... a an Ik' a"s illll'illl BKOM 1IIT1S, liowriiiii-i uiuu, CROt'P, ASTHMA. AND CONSUMPTION. Tutsi nmrt YiAH WOT1 for itself auch notoriety from its cures ot every variety oi iiunuwm; """""". i u ; .t,tjl, nnnecessarv to recount the evi dences of ita virtues in any community where it has been employed, so mac is ine nciu oi m uc- that almost every section of the country abounds in persons pubhely known, who have been restored ..i.,;., cM e.en desnerate diseaaca of the lungi by iu use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of ita kind is too appar , ..,;. observation, and where its virtues ar known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote iA tr.w iattreasinQr and damrerous auec- tion of the pulmonary organ which are im-ident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lung, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Couohs, Hoarseness, &c. ; and for Ciuldhbn It is the pleasantest and tafeit median that can be obtained. A it hai long been in constant us throughout this section, we need not do more than aasur th people its quality is kept up to th best that it ever ha been, and that the genuine article ta aold by Wcier Ac Bruiier, gunlmry j Uiril John, Shnmokm W. Wiuiner, NiLliuinberkuii1; J. F. Ca.S.iw, Milton and by all Urucgisis iu Nurllicrn Pciintylvauia. jane aa, itoa ly. BURTON & FENTON, 5. IK. corner SirtJi and Arch ttrtttt, riULADKLl'lllA. rjEAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full anJ M. cnoice assortment oi uiacK ana green i eaa of all grades, from the extremely low price of 30 eta 33 40 50 60 70 tj 75 ct. per lb., warranted to be superior to any to be had else where at the tame prices. We know anil confi dently recommend them to be 20 per cent cheap er than any for sale in the city. V have also a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old Gov't, Java, Laguayra, Maracaribo, Rio and Cap" Hay lien Cofl'ee. New No. 1 Mackerel and Shad in i and 1 Mil. or a may be desired. Cheese, l'ine Apple, Sup Sago, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Soap brown and white ; also H. I,. Kcndcll Sc Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of whirh will go as fur a 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, picklei, "auce, ketcbups, olive, olive on, sardines, an sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines choveys, &e., with a full assortment of Fancy I izrt.i. . . ... 1. L ..I. : Goods, to which we invite the a tention of the public to call and examine our extensiv assort' ment of Fine Groceries for sale by BUKTON' & FE.NTON, Wholesale and Retail Family Grocer and lea Healers, 8. W. cor. Sixth and Arch ttt N. B. Goods delivered to all partt of the city Ire ol charge. Phila., Sept. 23, 1855 a pi Ry Trusses I Trusses!! Trusses)!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment. S. IJ". Cor. of Twelfth and Race Street; Philadelphia. ff MPOBTEIt of fine French Truse, combi H. King extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patient can be suited by remitting amount, a below : Sending number of inclie round the nips, nd atatiiig aide affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, 4, 85. Double " $3, f6, $8 and $10. Instructions a to wear, and how to c fleet a cure, when possible, sent with tha Truss. Alio fur tale, in great variety Dr. Ebuuiuf'i Improved Patcut Body Eraff, For th cur of Prolapiu Uteri : Spinal Prop nd Support, Patent Shoulder Hrtces, Chest Lxpandcr and Erector Bracea, adapted to with Stoop Shoulderaand Weak longs; English Elastic Abdominal Belta, Suapensorie. Syringe mala ana leinal. (7 Ladies' Kooma, with Lady attendant. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855 ly P 8. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. PERRY U ERETY. invite tb attention of merchanta and other to their Urge itock of elegantly bound Uiules, Hymn Book, Prayer Book, Album, and Presentation. Book io all stylet of binding j Standard Theological, Medical Miteellaneoue and School Book, which tbey have received from Trade Sale end, ar selling at extremely low price. Also diract from the manufacturers and Im porters, aver kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papera. Envelope, Gold aud Steel Fens, Pencil, Inkstands, V rapping Pa' para, 4c, 4c, el th lowest cash price. FERRY 4 ERETY, I. W. Coraer, 4th and Race St. Philadelphia. September SS, U6.t "RT. AN17.Q A4Ji .4VUI BLANK tt awry uWriptioo eas b aj PP ln at the otttc ot tha Aaariuit : THE ITNITERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, IPft'EDnnJei the Seal, Sanction nnd Authority of Hi University of FKEK MEDIOINK and poplar know Mtt, Chattered by th Slat iA Pemtaylvaiiia, April M, 183ft, with I Capital of 100,000, mainly for the purpoM of arresting the evulof Hpuiiout and worthleaa rvirurrii Alto for upplylnff Hie Community with reliable Heme- dirt wherever Competent Physician cannot or will not bi employed. This Institution has purchased from Dr Jous H. IiowHD, hit Celebrated Itonand'K Tonic Mixture, Known for upward, of twenty-five yenra as the only tar liu micvuie l"l r 1 1 T I Ml nun Al, u n, c, wiu m nira- timaWe Remedy for BOWK I. COM PLAINTS, Kownnd's compound fyrun or BlncKlierry Knot, wnicn mgiiiy ap. provnl nod popular Remedies, tovether wilh The I'niversity'i Remedy for Complaints of Ihel.unr.j The t'nlver.ity't Remedy for Dyspep.it or Indigestion; The Univeiaily'i Remedy forCostive-Bowrl.; Also. lb. University's Alinnuae may b I), hud, at tha Branch Ditpentar',o"r Stor of WILLIAM DKPP1N, Nov. 9, 1S.VI. Mahanoy P. O. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastio Steel Frames, MATHEMATICAL Instrument separate end in caaes, Thermometers of varions sizes, Spy Glasses of every description, Flatina points for Lightning Hods, Magic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes and Microscopic object, Galvanit Batteries, Electrical Machines, Surveyor' Coin panes, Surveying t.'hnins Ac. etc. McAllister & brother. (Established in 1798.) 194 Chestnut Stroet Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, ami sent by n:al' ran of charge. Phila. Sept. H, lt05. GENUINE HONEY 80AP. IIIE pnrity, fragrance - & mild emoliicnt properties of this Soap, render it eapccinllv de- , cervine a place on every , toilet, r orchappeu bauds, and various disease of the kin, it ia tilieqiialed. Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. No other Is Genuine. ImprovediCliemicalOlive Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap has powciful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, dec, from every description of goods without injury to them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other soap in use, and 20 per rent, cheaper than the common rosin soap, l.acb bar is stamped WILLIAM CONWAY, 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soap, sperm stunrine and tallow candles, importer and dvaler in sal soda, sodj ah, roam, &c. Orders by mail promptly attend J to. l'hila. August 25, 1855 tf. DR. A. B. MADDOCK'S CELEBRATED WOHK ON INHALATION In the Treatment and Cure of Consumption, Asihmn, lironehltis, anil alhrr lliica.es of the Meapiratorr Organs, by Medical lulialatioa. WITH NOTr.U AND ADDITIONS at Dr. Out Gasixa. Fitst American edition, from fifth London edition, wliert n hit baa an uuptrcctiemcii una. Thit it a valuable work and thonld beinth hands of 1 invalids, and the .Medical Profession ;enera!ly. tor. wsnini fne of cluirge, by innil, on receipt of nut cinu; cloth (aili) os doil. C. W. VAN HORN CO. Xo. 32 AVM A'iiifA St., Philadelphia. We sulijoin a few. from mny ennmendntory nntief s and reviews fiom tin lviglish and American nieuica and oilier jonrnnis: Dr. Maildoek is the ton of the late Heury Maditnek Esq., M. P , the well known barri.tei, ami ironims t rift, in his own profession, in as eminent a degree as Ii parent The system (inlmlution) proposed os the most eltectunl nirfhiKl of Hpplying a remedy to a portion of the svttem which cannot be direully reached by medicine iisl-Ii. . . . We recommend unr readers to pureh;ise tin Work.'- Weslevan Cnronii le, Lmdon, Feb. 111. 143 "We reconinieiid liie Work to our renders, at it apieari to be luily malnred, cleanly written, nmi entirely uiveslei of anv ouukerv or relf-seekina; tendency. The Worl well deserves oeiiiKil. and the nmctice. as fur ns ou knowledge and i jperience extendi, will repay not only a serious consinrrntlnn, lint a patient trim oi nt .neriia" t-.ndin Meilii-nt Joiirnul. December 13. "ve ttmiK mill no one can r'-eiroin os pw ml. without heiue miislinl that it iilhe wink of a pnic- Rul and experu iieel mini i and that It oir.bl, for the ink I those wlm toller ironi consumption, asuuiia, or dioiicio- s, to be brouont into eaiensive rireniaiion. ii is. in mo riciest sense of the term, a valuable Work." Oxford niversiiy Hemld, November, 7, ipio. "A Ke-I'nnt of the London Kdition of Mr. Maddoek't Work on Cunsumntion, Hronelntit, Aithnm, Ac.j Willi Notes. Ac, by Dr. Clint. Orecne This Woi k will be found worthy the ni lent ion of our rendert, for they may learn from it what can be expected from this mode of treating Consumption and other nlfectiniis of the air-pnt-saaes. Dr. M. is evideini) a iiu.n of considerable intelli gence sud whatever ihrie is of good in inhalations of menicaiea vapori, ne leeim io imvo unouy io anwi, nay, we go further, add snv, that we fear thnt the Pn- flsion have not given tumctenl aitenuon to mil mooe f alleviating the lunVringl of those laboring under thit elnss of diteuses." New Jersey Medical Reporter, June, 155. (From ProfesnrJnt. Brvnn, T.dilnr of the "Pliiltdelpliia .iienieai aun ouriricai journui." ;Dr. Maddock's sooa on lulmliilion is one of the few winch have been issued from the F.iiglish press on this subject. Its re-publiention in this country, with the judicious Notes of Dr. Ureeue, will add to the medical liternlure oi tlie uniteil mates, and, 11 is nopen, exeuesoine interest in tht medical Profession on the subject of Inha lation, ns a menus of treating ptrlinouarv unetions. With tlu addition of modern discoveries ill Physiology, this mode of treatinr lliese diseases should have a fair trial aud tome atonement made for the long neglect w hich In halation hat tullered at the hands of meiiical men. James Usvan, M. I , Prof, of Surgery in Philadelphia l ollcgt of Mcdicin A CARD. DP.. GKKENE will trenl DJ9KASL8 OF TUB A'NOS and Alll-PASSAOKS, agreeably to tlie mod i suceesslully adopted III tlie praetiee ot in. a. l aihu ick. and other eminent phvsieians of Europe. Uy thit mode of treatment the diseased surface of tlie Hronelii and Lunes are illici tly acted umiii, the valloul niedieated va por being carried to the moil minute ramifieutiont of the l.uiiri, producing heutthy aelioii; where a complete disorirsnizaunii hai not taken place tlie liest results alw.ivt attend thit feature of Traetiee ; in fact, wilh tuilulile ii'junelt. it it the only reliable form of treatina; di senses of the Inspiratory llrtrsut. lie intend! Cevotiug Im sole attention to tins particular iirnnea oi nit proietsion. Thot dirous of eonaultius; hmtcail do to by letter ad dretted to CHAS. ORKK.NB. M. U. nox UW, Philada. P. O. rhilxia., Jan II, 1)SJ, m. STOVES ! STOVES I V respeetfully solicit the attention of Die public to our assortment nr MncOni.GOU IIKATllNG STUVK, for Stores, Hulls, Churches, 1'nrlort Ae, wurrniited tn ve more hrtt with one tiitrd the fuel, than any other Heating flove iu uaa. The large number winch have been sold in this and other cities and the constant anil increasing demand for them, is sufficient guarantee of tlieir superiority over an inner iteming rnoves, tun we checrfuiy invite the strictest investigation of our claims to the most perfect article of the kind in use. We nlto have a auoerior CAULDRON, for fsrmine ant! chemical purposes, nuide on the same principle, fur winch we elnim only a trial to ue appreciates. V keep constantly on hand an asanrunant of the lendina COOK and PARLOR bl'OVLS ; and ar ol Ageiltl in lint Mate lor 9 .i'L.t..via u.iiiTAriT 1? vnRRi.va hlirW't) PATENT C'OOKINO 8TOTE9. and BAHSTOW'S UNRIVALLED COOK It PARLOR STOVE. Wholesale Pollers will b supplied at tha lowest loundry prices. rr..iiA at hhii.ika, Wholesttle at Retail fttove Dealers, N. E. Cor. of t-t-iOOSD ft RACE 8it. Pailad'a IT Eor nit by H. B MASMI.H, or tint place. Philadelphia, August 83. le 3al. SEQAES- Kl Dorado, Rio Hondo, La Curiotidad, Canaloa. Havana Cheroot. El Neptuno. El Ducndo, Recreadorea, La Hemiarroia, Plantation, For Sal at WEISER & BRUKER. Bunbury, May 26, 1855. Land Warranta Bought. TJIG1IEST cash pric paid, and money remit- --L ted hy Crat mail. The beet reference can b given. Apply or addrea SAMUEL BECHTOLD, jr. No. 80 North 6th atraet, Philadelphia. 17 Bounty Land and Pension ...l " i i . r arranta tocatea aa utuau October I, 1865.- 3mJ 1EBER1.N'E, Vr.Uia. Chinardin and Cin- chonia, )utt received by May I. I83. V BBUVZR. VANILLA BEANS just racid by WEI8ER V BRUNIK. Bunbwry, May It, tU-. TRASK'B M(aUe Ointmant at May 19. WEI8ER V BR BRCWER'S. I 1 I ' . JT. jJZir y dtacrimian jaurt reetrlvatl by ,Ua4??V,V NEW FAMILY OROCERY, Flour,' Feed ;tuid Provision store. SEASHOLTZ & PETER Y, firoartway, lelween Market Blackberry St$.' RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they have just received large and well selected assortment of choice Family Groceries, consisting in part nf Hams, 8hnnldera, Mackerel, Herring. White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pieklcs, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hvion, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &e. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsaparilla, AC We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pie, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will he paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. eiunbury, July 7, 1855. lillt LOU'S ISDIGO II LI E. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now wel established as the best article ever offered fur Dlucine: Clothes. It la entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest article. All housekeeper will find it much cheaper and lea trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it hu brought out aeveral t'mt tatioii.i. Storekeepers and consumer will be careful to get Bkxjamir Baihow's, put up at Alfre d Wiltbergcr' Drug More, INo. 169, IN, Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeeper can get their supplies from the Grocer and DruRcints they deal with, at price yielding a good profit. Drvg, Cnemteale, I'aiula, I annshet, Vyt Stuffs, AC., with a first-rate aasortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable ratea. ALr KEl) W II, TUEKUEK, Druggist. 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. BUNBURY, PA. nptHE subscriber respectfully inform th public JL that she atill continues to keep th above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liiUors and wines, and trust that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her nous. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury June S3. 1855. tf. BOYD, KOSSER & CO., MtKKM ADD SHtrPXR OF Hcb Vs!) Vntljvacitc Coal. From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Perm a. Address. Boyd, Kosscr & Co., Sunhury, Pa. n. n. nnni, j. iioiser. jas. boid. t. aossta. 8unbury, April 7, 1855. tf. HAYL0CK & FIDLER, PVEALERS in Watchc and Jewelry, ill js continue the business at the old stand of James ts. r idler, iVu. 12 South Second Street PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stork, feeling assured that the ex re rienee both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will cna' ble them to compete favorably with anv other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, r ancy uoous, 6ic., ixc. N. B. Repairing of Watchea and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855 tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUEHN & WEITZEL O ESPFCTFl'LLY inform the public that tney Have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new t ool nreaker. All orders prompt- ttentled to by addressing the firm, either at Sunburv or Shamokin. Sunhury, June 30, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. . McCLEES, Successor to McCleesfr Germon,) "IVrOri.D call the attenion of the public, not v v only to the superiority of the Uagueneo- tvpe, the Hyalograph, (by ome called Ambro lyiie,) and the variout ttylet of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that parlies at a distance posseaaing a small daguerreotype, may, hv send- ng it to iNo. lnO (Jltestnut si., havo made from it by the means of Photography, and the talcnta of the best Arlisls, portrait ol axt size, from a small Loekct to the full size of life. A small bonk containing description, prices, 4c, etc., will be aeul gratia to any person ma king the request. McCLEES Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut St., below 7th rhil., July St, 1855. tf. Shamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Collieru. J1I. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PL'RSEL, aiiceessora to KasA. lleetl A fo.. will en.,. tiuue mining, (hipping and selling coal from the atoe well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmernnin & Pursel. 1 he point of shipment is at tlie lower wliarl in bunhury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all order for the varioua kind of coal, vix ; Lump, Broken, Egg, Stove, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received nd promptly attended to. Bunbury, July 14, 1855, ScKBl-BT, JfLT 5, 1855. The firm of Kase, Reed d- Co. bavins (old their leas in the Gap Colliery ind interest in the wharf at Sunhury, to Messrs. Zimmerman ic Purtel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others tn the new firm a i hey will be ahl to sell them prepared coal of ma nest quality. KASE, RKEDdt CO. OF TUB UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner 'lhird and Chestnut Sts., riilLAUKI.I'lll A. CAPITAL 8930,000. it TONRY it received on depot!! daily. Th amount ir I denoaited it entered in a Denoait Honk ari iv,. m lb Depositor, or, if preferred, a eertiBiale will h given. A II tuint, large and small, are received, and the amount paid luck on demand, without notice. Iiileietl it paid at tha rat of riv Ft nut., com. meucuix fnaa the dav ol deooait. and msiiiu fonrtAn dayt nievioat to the withdrawal of tha monev. On the brat day of January, in each rear, tha interest of eacn deposit it paid to the depositor, or added to the princi pal, at ha may urefar. The Company hava now upward of 8,500 depositor in th City of PhikutclphM tloua Any additional information willba fivao by addratainf M. ,.MtV.M DIRECTORS. Stephen R. Crawford, Pret't, William M. Godwin, Lawreuca Johnson, Vict Prat't, Paul B Godriaid, j&iaorue w . i nomnton, . uaorge menenry, Baniamin V. TlnaUv. Jama Devareua. Jacob IV Florence, Cuaiavua Engliah. aecretarr and Traair. PLIlslY FISK Tuna tut iBTttrasTia, . J. C. OEHL&CHLAGER Philadelphia, Bent. I, lM.lyP. tT1 R0CERIE8 Scgar, Coflea, Molaua Jl BpicaM, Oil, Brandy, Gin, Win, Macker. al, U erring and Bait, jut raeeivad and for aaht y . nn,A, aVUASU Lewat A u gusto May a, IIMe- IEDAR TUBS, Hort BuckaU, Painud Buck at. Maat Tendsmra, Cora Broom. Bi iota, CrnldrM' Woa. atwi Yaaka Clocki t racMvad amd fox by May M, 1151. - U W.TINtR Co MOUNT CAItMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CAEMEL, Northumberland county, Fa. rTMIIS large and commodioua Hotel la situated . on the top of tha Locust mountain, neirly half way between Bunbury and Poltaville. The ecenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and tha cool mountain breeze, make it ona of tha most delishtful summer retreat in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with alt the modern conveniences. The pure mountain water is introduced into every chamber. The place is eaay of acceis, beng but one and a half hours ride from Sunhury, over the Philadelphia and Sunhury Rail road. From Pottsville, it can be reached by th Mine Hill Rail road to Ashland, and from then) to ML Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. Every attendance will lie paid by th propria tor to make guetts comfortable. Cliargci mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Carmel, fun S3, 1855. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON, No. 28 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Cheatntt & Fifth Streets, Friday morning, Uecember 35th 1854. Evans 4 Wataon' Salamander Safes Trium phant, a they alway ar when put to the test. Pnitaiir.iPHiA, Dec. 15, 1854, Messrs. Ev tK ir Watsor, N. 89 South Fourth St.. Philadelphia. Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safes to Merchant and others in want ot a secure means ot preser ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the ono we purchased from you about seven month ince haa preserved our hooka, paper and cash in as good a condition as tney were wnen put into it. before the ereatfire of this morning, which destroyed the entire Mock of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth street. 'J he above aafe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, nd reinnincd there until tlie fire was out. 1 lie Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed th good condition or the contents, win you please have the Safe and Lock repaired, a we intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence in it fire-proof qualities. i ours, Kespectlully, LACY 4- PHILIPS. Evan !r Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safca in use : U. S. Mint, Philada i Farmers' anil Mechanics' Bank, Phila; Samuel Allen, Esq., Hish PuprilT, Phila ; John H. Hen derson, City Controller i Caleb Cope A; Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Richard J orris d; Son, Loco motive builder, Philada i Bnncroft Sr Sellers, Machinits, comer 16th and James sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsyivauia Railroad Co., Phila.; Lacey A Philips, comer 5th aud Minor Sis; Sharplcsa Bro No. 32 South Second St..; Jatnea Kent & Santec, No. 147 North Third St; W H. Horstmnn 6c Sons, No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams A. Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Ornc, No. 184 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safei always on hand (warranted to stood at least 10 percent more fire than anv llerriim'a Safe now in us.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Unsh, for making lirc-prool suits lor Haul stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re' fricerators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. "I South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7. 18,r)5. cly. 10. liOC'TOK YOlIlSIvI.F! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS: OR, EVERY ONE HIS 0rs TIIYSICIAN. rpHE F tion,wi FIFTIETH Edi- itli One II utulred Engravings, showing Dis eases ami Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which ia added a Treatise on th Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or thost contemplating marriage. lly lv IV ui. l'oiing Let no fnilier te ashamed to present a copy of the Cl' LA I'll a to his child. It may save him from an early grave. I.ct no yonn-. mnn or woiikmi enler into I lie seere olilieiitions of mnrrieo lil'e without retxline the Ptll'KKT .l.CLLArU. ;v lrft no one aitncrins; from hnckiiied Couch, Pain iu the tide, restless nichts, nervous feelings, aiiiUMe whole train of ilyspeptlc lensutioiis, anil giveu un hv their physician, he another moment without con- sultiit? the .'l'.SCl'f.APIL'd llnve the mnnied, or those ahout to be mtirneil iiuy impeiltmeut. rend this li uly usetul hook, us it hut lieeu Ihe mennt of wviua; tliousnuds of mi rorriinntc creatures trom me very jaws oi nentn. rtrAllV nertoil temlina T Y r.. T Y -r 1 V r. CENTS, encUiseii in a letter will receive one copy of thit book, hy mnil, or rive eopiet will lie sent fu one dollal. Anriiess, Pa. W. YOUNG, No. 15i 8PKLCK Street, riiil.A DKLPHIA." Host pnid. Philadelphia, September 8, 1855 ly NEW STORE. (.4 tht old Stand of S. N. Thompson.) flHE Subscriber retpectlully informs th peo- JL pie of Sunburv and vicinity, that lie lias ta' ken the Store Room lately occupied by S. N Thompson, in Market Street, Sunhury, below Weaver Hotel, and that he haa just received and opened a handsome assortment ot FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats 4" Caps, BooUdi Shoe, Fith, rialt, Meat. &c. All of whirh will be sold at th lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchang al th higheat market price. 11. II. V AS 1 1... Surbury, Nov, 54, 1855 ly ch JAMES BARBER WHOLESALE ft RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. earner of Second j- Cliestnut Sts, rBXX.ASBX.Z'HXA. SVhere may be found, one of the largest and bett assortment of Clocka and Time Piece in the United States, in quantitie to auit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clock ; embracing every variety of style and manufac ture, auitatle for Churchea, Hall. Counting Houaea, Parlor, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch ens, Steam and Canal Boat, and Rail road Cars. N. B. Clock Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimming for tale. Also, Manufacturer of Barber's Celebrated Fine GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualitie of Ihe finest quill pen, in addition to which tha durability of the metal ia fully aaaocialed and developed. Gold and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated Ware, &e., wholesale and retail. Those wiah ing to purchase are invited to call. JAMES BARBER, S. E. comer Chestnut and Second Sts., Phila. Philadelphia, June 53, 1855 ly, HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJUt opposite Ihe Court House, Sunburv, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to bushiest in adjoining Counties. UOOFLAND'iS Bitter at May II. WEISER & BRUNER'S). MANN'8 LETTER PRESSES, with book,i nk, aud all ccmplete, iutt received, and for 1 by H. B. MASSER. 8unbury, June 4, 18S8.- PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fw bar botllae for aala by H. B MA89IR. Sunbury, April. IS, 1851 SILVER WATCHES. A few doubl eM Engliah WIvwr Watcbaa, far al at vary low H. a HAsan. OuttVory, Apri It, 1851 . Hew Good for tht Veoplt t BENJAMIN I1EFFNER O ESPECTfULLT inform th nubile ia n. eral that ha baa just received and opened a plenum mock ol Fall and Winter Goods at hi Nw Store, in Lowr Aogusta lawaship Iln auct consists ia pari oi Cloths. Cassimen. Cassineta. f all kind, f linen, eotton and wonted. ALSO i Cnllreei, Cluaiianui, LawiM, Itlouaacllne De Lnlnet and all kind of Ladie Dreti God. Groceries', Alt an aasortment of llftrdvraro. Brim and Steel, Nails, &0. Also sn xcollent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of variout style anfl paltmns. Ala an assortment of BOOTS & MIOE. HATS k CAPS, a good s.Ucti.n. Salt, Fisli, N-c. And a great variety of other article auch a ar uitabl to tha trad, all of which will b sold at thlowet price. IJr Country produce takan In azchang a th highest price. Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELrVIIA. CJ-MacLELLAN, (late of Jon. s' ntl,) ha th pleasur to inform hi friend and h traveling community, that h ha letd thit Hous for a term of year, and ia now prepared for Ilia reception of Uueits. The Local dvantngesaf this favorit establish ment are too well known to need e lament. The House and Furniture have ltn pa in first rate order t the room sr large and well ventilated. The Table will slnaya b aupplied with the best, and the propria r pledge himaalf that no effort on hi part shall b wanting t mak the United States equal in forts t any llotel in th Quaker City Phila., July 8, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETI1ERSTOX, DEALER IM Lamps, Linltrnj, Clisnddicrsaud Canditabrit, Nt. 152 S. 2d strett, ahovt Sprutt, PIIH.ADRLFHIA. f aving enlarged and improved hi ator, and -- having one of th largeat assortments" of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pin Oil, Camphcne, Burning Fluid, Lard unu i ma uii, auiineiie, uurning r luia, i.ara and Oil Lamps, and Lantern of all pattern., Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advanc over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Put Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohol which will be furnished to Merchanta at auch prices that they will find it to their advantage t buy. Also, Household Glasswar of all dtitiip- iioni at in lowest tnartiet price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. WM. M'CAltTY, BOOKSELLKR, Market Slreet, ETJITBURT, PA. Tl'ST received and for aale, a frtsa aTy ,i.i..t,i,ijAii jnav)aj for Singing Schools. H j so pnina this time, a large assortment of Books, in vry branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romance, 8cintil Work, Law, Medicine, School and Children' Books, Bibles : School. Pocket and Fmilv. both with and without Engraving, and vry of vart ty of Binding. Prayer Book, of all kinds. Also just received and for sal, Punlons Di gest of the law of Pennaylvania, edition ef IBS 1 , pric only ud,uu, Judge heads edition of Blaekaton Commen taries, in 3 vol, g to. formerly old at S10,0, and now offered (in freth binding) at tfa low pric oi so, uu. A J reatis on th law of f ennsvlvanla sperting th estates of Decedents, by Thomas T. uoruon, pric only 91,i)U. i raveis, oyage anil Advanture aJI al which will he old low, either far cash, a svaaa try produce. I-eliruary, 21, 1155 If. "AID AND COMFORT," ! Your Own Mechanic GEORGE RENN. MANUFACTURER. r FURNITURE AND CHAIM Of the most Fashionabla 8tyl. 'THE subscriber respectfully calls th attanlloi - ef the public to hi Urge and tplendid attorl mint oi every quality and pric f CARIXET-WARB which cannot fail to recommend itself tery si who will examine it, on account of it d arable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of th best stock to be had in the city. aTort i pared in tlie manufacture of hi war, and lb subscriber is determined ta keen ud with tha many improvement which ar constantly being maiic. ms aiuca consiaia oi .vianogany Sofa., Divans and L,nag) Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINUQ TABLB and alto VENETIAN BLINDS, qual ta Phil uripnta manuiactur. U EDS It. A US, of every pattern and pritt, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every articl in thi line of hi bust nee. H alia manufacture all kinds and qualitie ef CHAIRS. neluding varieties never be for ta ha had kr Sunbury, such a MiRoatav, Black Wilucv ana Curlid MarLi Gaaciaa I ill Wmpana CHAIRS, iao ratrcT Piaxo Stool, which ar of th latest sty lei, and warranted to be excelled by non manufactured in tha Citie or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there ahall b no excuse for person to purchaaa furniture ia th cities, a every confidence can be entertained about th quality and finish of hi war and Chair. Hi article will be disposed of on a gead term a they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ty UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome IUirsk, ha is nw prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer. al, in thi viciuity, or at any convenient dis tance from thi place. OT Th Ware Room i in Market 8trt, below Thompson Stor and Weaver Tavern. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1855. tf. VVTILEY'S COI GII Cj4NDY. n excel V lent remedy for cough, cold. For sale at tht office. December 4. IMS. . piIAIN PUMPS.. A mall number of these excellent pump hava been received and ar floral for aal by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv, Jua 4, 1855. VERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Com Starch just received by May 19, 1855. WEISER it BRUNER. aTAMPHINE ad Fluid of tha but quality For a la by WEISER a-BRINISH. Suabary, May I. 18ni. Ann. tot ef Wall PPr jutt racaivtd and far aala by WM. M.CAJJTY, Markat Btt. Sunbary, Jan 1.1MS. OOT tSynrt Oct. T I i rjevd and for 1 by ' ' 154. - TKNERajC FIRST ARRIVAL At 8. N. Thompson's Storev In lower Auyvtta township, at the Junction a .... - ..r7, u'iu rum creeic react. liHE ubicrlber having rttumcd from tha city with a nw and aitenaira ..i,.i..-i 'r fashionable good, r.pctfully cslls lk attentibo aiujura, inecnanic ana lhr to th n. SPRING AND SUMMER U00DS consisting In part of ' Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Catsimertt, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillinuu Jriisfint. Vt,nvt 7mj. j i, , . eT . e-i .....I, unu an xinai idling auu oumracr vvear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. Cinenamj, Berages, Itoltt, Irooitnr, Flannels, Irt. finoiLRits, agar. Tea, CofTee, Rice, M.latws, Ch, Spice, Salt, Ac, dtc, &. Ilnrtiivnifo. Nil, 8erw. File. Kawa. Km... A. ,. a. . Queen and Glassware, f various styles and pattern. SOOTS AND SHOES. A larg assortment of Boot and bo, fw men, women and rldl.lp.r, liar Can, &c, of variou tiiet and tyl. Betide a larg and general aitortmenl f rathionabl goodi. Call and exarnin for your elves. ' tdT" Country produc ol all kinda taV.n i exchang at th higheat markt prices. T , . iN.THOMPBOX. Lower August, 4 mo. 38, 1856 Furniture ! Furniture ! Ve. 157 SeurA.?econrf(aoov.$)5rtc,)aif iif, PHILADELPHIA. rpiIE aubscriber would respectfully inform th readers of th Swiur Anuncan and th public generally, that h haa on band a ,nn npply of elegant, fashionable, and well mad I Furniture at reasonable nrices. Bein a nr..ii cal mechanic, and having all hit goods manufaav lured tinder hi own superintendence, purch may rely on getting jutt uch article, .. itsert aa ar represented. .ouna-e with ramni,L ..... ilto new pattern of Sofa Bediiedi. Thot' wno ar aoout going te housekeeping weuld d well to call. JOILV A. BALT.R, , T 8oulFtcnd atrat. X. B. All rden lhankfullv raeeivad anJ promptly attended to. April 8, 55. wl ly. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. mur. . .. . V aubscriher having receivej tht neceistry v" ln,ructl"' 'm th Departmeat. ! i ".""lon' " r'I'ard to proeur Btuuiy .,,u arrttlis l in snortetl nolle. H. B. MASSE. ab7, Aft T, 1S5. L. L. BE TAN, SEAlIOKIlT HOTEL, Shamokin Fa. mH E mbieriber begs leav to inform his friends A nd th public aenerallr. that ka K.. i.l.n the ahov well known atand. and will ba haoew to accommodat all who may giv hiaa a tall. onanickin, July I, NEW DBTJG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Drutrtriata. Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright' Bfrt NBOSY,PA.. rFrF,R to th public 111 largest anJ Urt v lrctJ tock vr pnd iu this eetioa ef country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicin, Chtmicals, Ground Spices. PtinU. Oila, Varnishes, Dye-stuffi. Window Gltt. Patent Medicines, tofether with a compltte - orttnent of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Sid, Nick aid I'oekat t omba, liner Hobos, bhavina Craaia. Tobacco, Began, Port Monias, Stationary, Coaw faetionatiea, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES for (tdicinal ute. Englith, French and Asatri- can l erlumery, ranry liooJt of ererr descna- lion, in thorl vry a.iicl kept ky Druggiit generally. C7 Prutriptitns Carculv Comeouna'i'. GEO. B. WEISER, WM. A. BRUNKR. ttakurv. May IS, 1854. TOBACCO. 4e. StrwSrry. Tongrea, Eldorado Fir. Eldorado Cake, Saraaparilla Fin Cat, Fretted Fin Cat, Amlerian " " For Pal it WEISER BRCNIR. Sunbary, May IS, ISM. "JR. H. II. IIIGBEE'8 rtmedy far cough, 'cold, ind pulmonarv diieair. A atipplv f thi vain til medicin just received and for sal H. B. MASSER. unbarv. June 4. 18SS.. 4 RitOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adh sir and legal nvilopet, far al by H. B. MA88ER. Sunburv, Jan 10, 18AJ. SHOES. All kind of Boot. Shoe and ilip Bers tor aala bT 0. EL8BERO& CO, Market street, eppoait th Poat Oflic. Sonburv, Oct. 8, 1853. NOTICE To Trespassers on th Telegraph Lis. JTOTICE is hereby givea, that all paraon J-Wound trespassing upon, or injurinar tha line of th Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph wis, b dealt with tccording to th act of Aeiembly an uch aset mad and provided. Jl. M. MASSER, Pr.t Thil. and Sunbury Telegraph C. Sanhary, June , 1854. tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, r Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISF.R k BRUNER. Thi prpaiiion ia recommended aa e ellM laxatrv and purgative, il operate mildl l entirely Ir from ny naplaittnl last, i (sibling lamentd in Haver. Thi medicine highly beneficial far diwas ptialiar I lumai and hoi weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1814. TNK Boorau' oelebralad ink, and alto d gre ink for tale, wkalatal and retail by TW.hr last). H. B- MASSER AT8 AND CAPS K plrdid let fathioiiahl Silk. Wool and Fur H also CUth, Far, Oilcloth, INavy and Mill Cap for salt low by O. EI.SBERfi It CO. Market afreet, oppoait th Peat OfBc Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. ati OLD PENS with and ithoul ca tea, t roaivd. 4JH very superior quality, just reivJ Alio a frash upply af Writing Fluid, fci H. U. MASSti Smrbory, Dee. ST. BLANK Pirchmant Paper Dead and I Mortgage, Bnda, Executiou, Sumt Ac, for aal. b H. 9. MASSI Sunbury , Apri t. 188 GROUND and whole Pppr, Clovaa, C ntoa, Nutmeg, Mac, Alllspic. G LWuorio, Ac, Ac, at Nov. 18, '64. TOUNO'S T0 JEWELRY. A aic aaMrtmaat of Silver Pancileesvd Pen, for ala ehaai O, ELSBERO A Ct Markat atrV ay piu tha Tort C BHiubury, 0f. 8, 1453- , . tt ,