Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 02, 1856, Image 4

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    Ijumorais glutei.
i Mr. Crane Walks Out
We pive below one of Iho most amusing
of the Hmlntt pnper.' The widow hail nn
nfliiir with Tim Crunt nn rldftrly Widower, for
whom she had "set Iter cap," mid who wns
Xtremely polite to her becunsp he hod a fe
fret fnnrjr for her divnphtcr Melissa. Sir. U.
nUa n private inferview with the widow, when
tho following scene ensues t
"Oh, .no, Mr. Crntn by no manner o'
moans, tain't a miunit tew snon Tor you to be
pin to talk about pettin' married1 ngnin. I nm
nmazed you should bo nfornl I'd think so.
Seu--how long's Miss Crane been dead 1 Six
months T land o' Goshen !-why, I've knowed
a number of individdiwnis eel married in Ws
time thnn thnt. There's l'hil liennott's wid.
tier 't I wog tnlkin' nliout jest now fha 't
was Louisy Perce her liuhbuu' lindu't horn
deud but three months, you know. I don't
think it looks well for tmman to bo in such a
hurry but for a man it's a different thing
circumstances niters ensep, von know. And
then, sittiwated as you be. Mr. Crnim. it's a
terrible thing for your family to be without n
heud to superintend tho domestic cnnc.irns
and tend to the children to say nothin o'
yerself, Mr. Crane. Yon dew need acorn
pnninii, uml nn niistnlip. Six months! Quod
f'rievious ! Why, Spiire Titus didn't wait
mt fix weeks nrter lie buried his fust wife,
ufore he married his second. I thought ther
wan't no particular need o' his huri-yin so.
seeitr his family wns nil jrrowed up. Such a
critter ns hu piekt out, tewf it wns very on.
laitnble but every num to his taste I hain't
no dispersition to ineddlu with noliody.s eon
sams. There's old Farmer Dawson, tew
his purduer hnint been dend but ten months.
To lie sure he niut innrrted yet but he would
n been lonir enough ngo if smni body I know
on M gin him uny iniMirriiliruiont. lint taint
for me to speak (if that matter. He's si cle
ver old critter ; und na rich as a Jew but
lawful Eu'ius ! he is old month to be my
father. And there's Mr. Smith Jubiter
Smith you know him, Mr. Crane, his wife,
(sho 'twas Anrory I'ike) she died hist sum
mer, and he's been firpiintcn' round among
tho winimin ever since, and ho may squint
for all the jtood it'll do him its far us 1 am
consamed though .Mr. Smith's n respectable
man quite young, imd haiut nn family very
well oli lew, ami (iiito intellect ihle but I
tell jer what, I'm ruirty pertiekhr. O.Mr.
Crane ! it's ten year come Jinniwury, since I
witnessed tiio e.pirutiou of my beloved coin- I
panionl un uncommon Ions; time to wait, to j
be sure, but 'taint easy to find unjbody to fill
the place of ITezekier liedott. I think
ytu're the most likely husband of any individ
iliwul I ever ge, Mr. Crane. Sis 'months,
nun-deration 1 curns you should be n fen rid
1' think 'tWJ3 tew soo'n why I've knnw'd "
Mr. Crane. "Well, widder, I've been
thiukin' nbont Ultin' nnother companion, and
1 thought I'd ask you "
Widow. "0, Mr. Crsne. epscuse my com
motion, it's so ouexpected. Just hand me
that are bottle o' rariitire off the mantelry
shelf, I'm ruther faint dew put a little mite
on my liandkercher and hold it to my nuz.
There, that'll dew. I'm obleeged tew ye, now
I'm rnther more composed, you may proceed,
Mr. Crane."
Mr. C "Well, widder, I was ngoing to
ask you whether whether "
Widow. "Continner. Mr. Crane, dew, I
know it's turrible cmbnrrassin'. I remember
when my deceased husband made his suppo
sitions to me, he stammered nnd stuttered,
and was so awfully flustered it did seem ns if
he'd never (jit it out in the world, nnd I s'pose
it's generally the case, at leust it has been
with all them that's made suppositious to mu
yon- see they are generally uncertain about
what kind of ua onser they're ngwiue to gi',
and it kind o' mukes theav narvuj. But when
on individdiwul litis reason to s'pose his at
tachment's reciperuted, I don't see what
need there is o' his bein' (htsirntcri, tho' I
must say its quite embariasdin' to me pray
Mr. C "Well, then. I want to know if
you re wiiling I should have Melissr ! '
Widow. "The dragon !"
Mr. C. "l hnint sid anything to her
about it yet thought the proper way was to
jtei your cousuni nibi. l lciueiiiuer wlieu I
conrted lyrphenny, we were engaged some
lime ncturo -M oilier henipe knew anything
about it, and when sh found it out she was
rltiite put out. because I didn't so to her first.
Ho when I made up my mind about Melissy
thinks me, I'll dew it right this time, nnd
rpeaK 10 mo oni woman nrt
idow. "u,a woman, Iiey ! that s apurty
iiiuiio id tun me ; umuziu nerlite tew
- t..l: 1 n M' .lit..1.
i aui ineussy, ney r i riuuieuliou ! gracious
aks alive I will, I II give it up now ! 1 ul.
ways know'd you was ti simpleton. Tim Crane
but I must confess 1 didn't lunik you was
quite so big a fool want Melissy, dew ye 1
Jfthatdou't beat all? What an'evrrlast'ing
old calf you must be, to s'pose she'd look at
you! Why. you're old enough to be her fa
ther, and more tew Melisy uiut only in her
tweuty-onth year. What a reediekilous idee
for a man o' yonr age ! as gray as a rat tew !
J- wonder whut this world is a coniiii' tew ; 'tin
astouishin' what fools old widdiwers make o'
themselves ! Have Melissy, Melissyl"
Mr. C. "Why, widder, you surprise me
I'd no idee of being treateu in this way, after
you'd been so polite to me, and made 'such a
lass over me and the girls "
Widow. -Shet yer head, Tim Crane nun
o' yer sues to me. There' yer hat on that
are table, and here't tho door--uud the sooner
you put on the one and march out o t'other,
the better it'll be for yon. And I udvise you
alore yon try to git married ngin. to go out
west and see 'f yer wife's cold, and nrter ye're
atisfied on that pint, juet nut a little lamp
black on yer hair 't would udd to yer up
poaranre ondoubtedly, and be of sarv'ice tew
yon when you want' to Courish among the
gu!i and when ye've get ver hair fixt, jest
splinter the spino of yer back 't wouldn't
liurt yer lookg n, mite vou'd he intirely unre.
gibtable if you was a leetle grain straigiiler."
Mr. C "Well. I never!"
Widow. "Hold yer tongue, you consarned
old cool you I tell ye fiere'i yer hat nnd
here't the door bo off with yerself, quick
metre, or I'll give yo a byst with tho broom
gtick." Mr. C "Ointment!"
Widow, rising. "Git out, I iy I a'tit
agwine to stun' here and bo insulted under
niy own ruff and so. git along, and if ever ye
darken my door agin, or say a word to Mel.:g
ly' it'll lie the wuss for you that'g all."
Mr. C. "Treemenjous ! What a buster!"
Vhlow. "Go 'long go 'long go 'long I !
you everhistin' old gunu I won't hear another
word (slips her cars) I wou't I won't, I
won't." Exit Mr. Crane.
Too Cot.o to Flt. A Virginia paper say
that twenty-eight wild ducks were run down
and caught on the ice on James river by some
sailor, on Tuesday, the 8th ult. The wings
of the ducks were' benumbed by the intt'UM
cold, and they could not rise int the air.
CiurTF.Hi6Tic Apoloov. John G. Saxe
bavin i been prevented bv th ttorin from
fulfilling an appointment to lecture in Alba-
J remarng. m a letter or apology: -l had
no motive to break the engHgement, and
ry tuolivo, eicept oco-uiolive to keep
Coal in CAuromti. Hie caal rein dii.
eoered soma motithi back nn h u.
pan aDlbraciU, remarkabW frurom for!t0
L b . mountains in California, about thirty
niiKi frotn Stockton, it now worked Profit.
tlLb.0Bt "V tont of C0B '
tnkan out, and the ou&lit I. A.riw.A
Ther has long minted a public demsnd for an
effective purgative pill which could be relied on
eure and perfectly tnfe in 1M operation. This li
been prepared to meet thiit domend, and an exten
aire trial of Its virtue hue conclumvely shown with
what success it accomplishes the purpose desif '
It is ensy to make a physical pill, but not easy J
make the best of all pilli one which should hart
none of the objections, but all the advnntaK f
every other. Ihia has been attempted here, .;
with what success we would respectfully aubmit i .
the publio decision. It has been unfortunate for
the patient hitherto that almost every purgative
im .-innnmni nnA Irritntinff to the bfjW-
els. This t not. Many of them produce so much
Kriplng pain and revulsion in the arstem at to more
than counterbalance the good to be derived from
them. These jrillt produce no Irritation or pain,
imlesa it arise from a previously existing obstruc
tion or derangement in the bowela. Being purely
vettctable, no harm can arise from their use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should
be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their
ue in the several diseases to which thev are ap
plicable are given on the box. Among the com
plaints which have been speedily cured bv them, we
may mention l.ivcr Complaint, In ita variom forms
pf Janrtilicc, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap
petite, I.istleseness, Irritability, Bilious Headache,
Bilious Fever, Fever and Agile, Pain In the Bide
and Loins j for, in truth, all these are but the con
sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an
apjrient, thev afford prompt and sure relief in Cos
tivrnesa, Tiles, Colic, Dysenterv, Humors, Scrof
ula and Scurvv, Colds with soicness of the body,
fleers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any
and every ease where a purgative is required.
Thev havo alo produced some singularly suc
cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Krvsipeln, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the
Back, Stomach, and Side. They should bo freely
taken In the spring of the year, to purify the blood
and preparo the system for the change of seasons.
An occasional dose stimulates the atomech and
bowels into healthy action, and vstores the appe
tito and vigor. They purify the blood, and. by their
stimulant action on the circulatory nystem. reno
vate the strength of the body, and restore the
wnsted or diseased energies of the whole organism.
Hence an occasional doae is advantageous, even
though no serious derangement exists; but un
necessary dosing should never be carried too far,
as evcrv purgative medicine reduces Uic strength,
v, hen taken to excess. The thousand cases in which
a phvsic is required cannot be enumerated here, but
they" suggest themselves to the reason of every
body i and it is confidently believed this pill will
answer a better purpose than any thing which has
hitherto been available to mankind. When their
virtues are once known, the public will no longer
doubt what remedy to employ when in tieed of a
cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they ure
pleasant to take, nnd being purely vegetable, no
harm can arise from their use m any quaniiiv.
For minute directions see wrapper on the Box.
Practical nnd Analy tical Cliemist,
Fries 25 Cents per Box. Five P-oxoi for $1.
lar Hie rapid Cure of
CKO.M IH I IS. V.I00P1X(.- (JI.H,
Tins remedy has won for itself such notoriety
from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease,
that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of its viitues in any community where it
has been employed. So wide is the field ot its use
fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures,
that almost everv section of the coutitry abounds
in persons publicl'v known, who havo been restored
from alarming an'd even desperate diseases of the
lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority
over every other medicine of its kind is too appar
ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote
to einplov for the distressing and dangerous affec
tions of the pulmonarv organs which are ir..-.dent
to our climate. And 'not only in formidable at
tacks upor. the lungs, but for the milder varieties
of Covohs, UoaiikKNKss, Ac.; and for
Ciui.uhln it is the pleasantost and safest medicine
that can be obtained.
As it has long been In constant use throughout
this section, we need not do more than assure the
people its qualitv is kept up to the best that it over
has been, and Hint the genuine article is sold by
tVeisei ,t Rruner, Stiulmry; liiid St John, Sliitin-ikiu
V. Vie'Ur. NorlliuiolM-ilioid ; J. F. Cuslnw, Miilon
and bv all lirncirists in Northern Pennsylvania.
Juliet!:), I;S ly.
S. IT. corner Sixth and Arch ttreetfi,
rHlUADI.LI'111 .
EAS ! Toa ! ! un unrommnnlv full 'd
huii'e of liUck and err en Teas
of all grades, from the extifinelv low price of
30 ctt 3") 40 SO CO 7i U7ActH. per Ik.
warranted to be (superior to any to lc had elr
where at the same or ires. We know and oonji
denlly reroininend them to he SO per rent i h cap
er than any for nafe in the city. Wa have aho
a very superior aortment of (,oiree. Old Gov't.
Java, Luuuayra, Marooariho, Kio and Cap H iy
tien ColVee. iew Mo. I Mackerel mid Shad in
J and i bhl. or amav be deirp l. Chrome, Pine
Apple, bap affo, New York Creafn Cheese ol
waya on hand. Soap brown und vrhite ; aUo
H. h Kendell d: Co'a Chemical Olive Soap, one
lb. of whb-h will po at far aa 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. AUo Ktarcli of dilfrrent (jualiticn, pickles,
sauces, keU-huns, olives, olive oil, sardinea, an-
rhoveys, 6lc, witli a full assortment of Fancy
Goods, to which we invite the a tent ion of the
inb!ic to call and examine our extensive asvort-
mcnt of Fine Grncrrit for side bv
Wholesale and Retail Family Grocera and
Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch fits.
N. TJ. Good' delivered to all nurtt of the city
free of charge.
PhiU.. beut. 2?, t85. apt y
Trusses! Trusses !! Trusses!!!
Truss and Eracs Eetallishment,
S. W, Cor. of Twelfth and Uace Street,
JTMPOKTER of fine French Trusses, enmhi
8 ninz extreme lihlties, ease and durability
with coned coi.ktriiolioii. Hernial or ruptured
patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as
below : Sending number nf inches round the
hips, and Mating aide affected.
I osl of Single Truss, $3. 13. ti. S3. Double
$.ri, 16.$ and $ 10. Instructions as to wear,
and how to vliect a cure, when uosihle, sent
with the Truss. Also for tale, in great vurielv.
l)r. Banning'. Improved Patent Body Brnrr,
Fur the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props
a ltd Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest
hipamlcrs and Erector Braces, adapted to all
with Stoop Shoulders and Weak luncs ; English
tlaslic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes
male aim female.
7 Ladies' Booms, with Lady attendant.
Phila., Aug. i, 1HS ly P 8.
OEBItY & ERETV, invite the attention of
I merchants and others to their large stock of
elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer
Books. Albums, and rreseuiattou Hooks in all
styles of binding; Standard Theological. Medical,
Misceltatiaoiw and School uooks. which I bey
have received from J rude Sales and are selling
at extremely low prices.
Also direct from the manufacturers and Im
porters, even- kind of Plain and Fancy Writing,
Letter and Note Papers Envelopes, Gold and
Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstand, Wrapping 1
pers, Ac, A'C, at the lowei.t raali prtrea.
8. W. Corner, sth and Race Sts.
Beptemtter ti, 1855. tf
S of avry oWrintio)
WJLAN1C5 of evaey oWription eaa b bai W,
1 pp Ttn a4 Cm atfioa M tka Araaticao.
THE pnrity, fragrance
& mild emollient
properties of this Soap,
renders it especially tie
serving a place on every
toilet. For chapped hands,
and various diseases of
the kin, it Is uneiiualed. Each cake is stamped
WM. CONWAY, 168 South Second street,
Philadelphia. outlier is Genuine.
Improvsd Chemical Olive Soap,
'Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water.
This soap has pownlul cleansing properties,
which readily remove Oil, Paint,- Dirt, Ac, from
every dene iptfon of goods willi.iul injury to them.
For all domestic purposes it ia superior to any
other soap in use, and 30 per rent, cheaper than
the common rosin soap. Each bar is stamped.
168 South Second street, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Ksncy and Staple Soaps, sjierm,
teriue and tallow candles, importer and dealer
in sal soda, sodi ash, rosin, &.C.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Phila. August 25, 1853 tf.
i the Treatment and Cure of
Consnmptlon, Asthma, Bronchitis, find other
Dlscasea of the lieHpiraltrr Orguns, ujr
Medical Inhalation.
wiTti noti:"and additions
r Dr. Ch-s tiaxiNX.
First American edition, fnim fifth London edition, where
ll lias liuu an unpivceuemeu sale.
This is a vahinble work and should lie in the hands of at
Invalids, mid the Me.licn! Professinn generally. For
wantiii free of cliurge, by mail, on receipt of
rivif ChNTsi I'Mtn (cm; os dollar
C. W. VAN ItUlt.N fc CO.
-VrfA Xintli St., Philadelphia.
A e nlijniii few, from iTi-iny otnmnMmtitry nnticca
aiut rfv.twn fn'iii the L'it;iiflli and Anifiicaii Metiica
dihI utitrr Jmninli:
"lr Miiii'tnck is the B'iii of the lnte Hnirv Madiloclt,
I.tiq., M. I1 l he well Lnovvii barriici, niut pronMevn ut
rmf, in his own prof mi"ii, in na rmiiicut a tlcprw os h:i
ruircin me eyatPrn (Minuiutioiii proptiaeii an v.
in l i iTfL-tti i! mt Hi'ti tl apph nig a icinctly t'i n (vntnni f
the syeteiri wliifti wiiim.U (hrwrHy Ttuclirtl hy meilteine
it!!'. . . . V recttftnneiitj our r eat let o ptirclmte ths
Work." VeKle mi I linuiifl, Loutioti, Kel. VX IN3.
rtv; luiint'iirt tlif Work tn nur reuHers. til it appears
t le fully nittiiimt, c'liinly written, uihI enlirrly divfxled
nf miy quankt'ry or peli-srf king tfiittfiicy. 'i'h Work
well itfMtvfs prnual, uml the pair tier, as fur os our
knowlrilcc fiit'I I'xperieiiee extends, will repay ihtt only
n serum tMtriit-rQtj,in, hut a piirnt lrin! nl in merits1
Ujiirioit Mutiicni Journal, leeen:brr 13. I "IS.
Vc tiniik lliaf mo one t ;ni rise from its pe
unl, wiilmtit Iicin? tmi latiei tlmt it in the work nf n prue
teal nnd rxperiniml innn ; nnd thtit it nagM. for tli sake
nf llitte wtn sutft't tin Ctii8iimpii"ii. hmIhiui, or hroiiclii
ttit, t-i lie Itr'Mii-lit inttT fxtensive rircnlnii-Mi. It is. iti the
tnetet-t sen? nf t!i term, a valiinhle Work.7 Oxford
fnivetsity llfftil.l. (i-eiii!ier, 7. 1MB.
"A lie-l'itnt of llie i'llitiiiit of Mr. Mmldtx-k's
V,iik "n Coiiktnnption, Urimehuis, Ac.; Willi
Notts. &e.. hy In. Chas, (ireene This Woi k will he
found worthy the nttciilmti of our readers, for they mny
learn from it whnt ean he expeclrd fioin this mode of
Irethig Conntn,iioii nitl oihtti ntrec:ioiii of the oir-pns-settes.
Ir. ,M. m pvitUiul i .tu..i ol ' cmsideintile inti'l!i
genre nnd wlutleeer thetft is of s;imhI in inhulntions of
medicated vapors, he seenii to Imve nlaiity to extraet,
nay. we ; lurtner, and sav. Thai we tear trmt the Pro
fevsinu have not frieeit sniTicient atteiiti-'ii to this mode
of olleviaimp the untTerinirs of those lahoring under this
cl-iss of diseases." lew Jersey Mcdicul Htpoittr, June,
(From Pn-fess r.Tas. IJrynn, Kditnr of tl 14 Philadelphia
Medical nnd Journal.'
"Dr. Madi h k'si bo"K on hthaliilton iioneofllie few
winch have hefi istned from the KiiR!i:h press on litis
suhict. Its repuiilieniioii hi this country, with the
judicious Notes of J)r Hrceiie, will add t tlie medical
litrratnre of the United States, and, :t is hopitl, excite sirn
interest in the inedimt I'rofcscion on the ftnhjcet ofltihn
Intmn, ns n means of t real inn pulmonnry ulfectious. Wnh
tli4 ruMiiioii of in ulurn diseocencs in t'hiil'CV, tlm
uvxte of treat mi? Ihece diseases should have a fair trial
und some iiioiieiueat made for the long neglect which In
hnlutimi his fullered at the hands of medical men.
Jamks Hrtak, M. I) ,
Truf. of Surgery in Philadelphia College of Medicine
rn. cnrFA'ir trent iisi-:asks of thk
I.VNOS an.l Allt-PASSAGK. aireeohiy to the nnt
a i snccessfuIK iidoplrd in the pnieliee of Dr. A. It. Mart
d'tck. nnd other eminent physicians nf 1'nrope. Oy this
in de of tre iiment thedisettsetl surface of the llriWhi nnd
litmus are ditecily acted upon, the vathms mHicated vn
for being carried t- the most minute ramificntions nf I he
.utnrs. pr wincing henlihy actiop ; where a complete
disorgntiinn-tn hns not taken place the liesl results nlwnys
attend thie feature of Practice ; in fart, with snitalde
a.'jiinets, it is the mile reliable form of treating diseases
of the Iteainratory Organs. He intends c'evoling his sole
irteuti.-n to this particular hram-h of his pn-fcssiori.
Those desirous ol" consulting him can do so by letter ad
dressed to
chaw. rirtrrvR. m. d.
Bnx eCQS, Pliila&i. P. O.
Philada , June 91, 1E55, Cm.
We respectful!)' s .licit the attention ol" Die public to our
aiworiuieiif of
r Stores. Hulls, Cliurrlira, I'nrlors A .Wurrnnlett t"
ive in re licul Willi one third die fuel. Iliuu anv oilier
lleiiliiin ?t-ive in use. The In rir! iiiiiiiImt wlncli !uve
Iteeii slit in ihis niift other cities iin't t)e e i.sniii hmi1
inereiishis iletnniiit for tliiit. is suiTieient a11 irnutre of
tiieir siiiienurirv over nil oilier He;itioa Si iws. nuil we
ch-erfuiy .nvile the strictest iiii'estisiiti"h of our c!ailns
the ni 'sl per'cet srhe e the knl m use.
We uls Imve n su eri -r CAl'I.DIiON. fr ftirmioe
an4 elifiiiietil piiroosts. nuiHe on llie s-ime principle, fur
wltieh we elniin "ii!v s truill i bennpreeinteil.
We kern eoiisr it.lli ru luintt uli ni Tluieot if llie
leaitiiic f'OOX nmt I'Altl.OU STOVKS; and are sole
Agents in 111 s S'n'e fir
Hi 1. 1.'! 1'tio r.Aifi.r; r-iiidii js.
ntTK' PATt: r rodKiNn hti,tf.s. mitt
UAiisriiv! fpivt.i.i;n cook PAiit.nn
KTdVI S Wli .'esaie Dealers will l sun"lieilul
ttis lowest foundry pneea.
Vli'le!ilf (V RetMil Sinvr Denl- rs.
N. F. Tor ofti!0iD 4 HACK Sis. I'liiuiu'a
rSForsHleby H. II M.ASKR. of llui plucs
l'tliladclplnu, August 25, 1-55 .tin.
El Neptuno, F.I Dorado,
El Ducndo, Rio Hondo,
liecreadores, I.a Curiusidad,
Seiniarmis, Csnalos,
'lanlalion, Havana Cheroots,
For Sle at WF.ISER &. BRUNER.
Sunbury, May 20, 1855.
Annuity and Trust Co.
5. E. corner 'third and Chestnut Sts
CAPITAL. S't.10.000.
MONTY is received on ilrposit itnily. Tlie amnuiu
dcixiiiited is enteretl in a IJeootfit llotik nitti irivn In
lh brixHiitor. or, if prntrrrH. a ernilituie will he eivn.
A ii sums, uti and suull, are rreiveu, simI Hi amount
punt back on tlvnittiid, withiaii imtica.
Intcivs. in inl at tha rate of nvs rsa cNr., com-mi-,ii
iii( from the dav t ilrotit, and cv.isiug fonrtern
lns pirvioiis to tha of llie inoiu-y.
un ine ursi any ol Jmimir)'. in enrh viar, the intern! of
eanh deposit is oil to ibedvposilor, or added to tin- princi
pal, as he may prefer. m
i ue L.ii,m,v imve now upwards of 3,500 deuitors
llhe C'ny i f I'liiluilelphm alone
AtlVaddili-tllUl inUtrilUtiiin Ivill li trivn t, iwt.lraai
the TasnvKia.
ttihen tl. Crawford. I'irs'i, XVillium M. Ot.lwin,
uiwreiiee J liosoii, Vice l'res't, l'uul H timliiuid,
Arnhrose V., (. irae Mi-llrtirv,
Hentsmiii W. Tinvler. Jnnia llcfnv
Jacob 1.. Fluraiiec. UuKvus Kimlisii.
Kecretarv anil Tesiiirii-. PI.IS.V vikst
Tn-Lta d laTBsracTEK, J. C. Oi:ULSCtll.AUKR.
Philadelphia, br. 8, Ih.M.lj P.
XMIE subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers
that he baa greatly ininroiiied tha aualitv of
. - -
Super Phosphate of Lime,
And now confidently recommends the article
manufactured by him, assvrtaiua to any in the
market. Tou ara invited to call, examine and
try it. Also Peruvian sud Mexican Guano, Oils,
Canutes, boep, &c, at tha lowest market rales
Successor to Tho. V. Mortran.
No. S and 10 South Wharves. Philadelphia.
t f Faruiera can load on two private alleys,
ana avoid me crowded wliart.
Phila., July tl, 185.V c6m.
Land Warrants Bought.
HIGHEST cash prica pabl, ami money remit
ted by first mail. Tho heal reference cat
be given. Apply or address
No. 00 North 6th street. Philadelphia.
Mr Bounty Lands and Pensions procured
suu tv arrania locaiou as usual.
October 6, 1855.- 3m3
GROCERIES Scg'ars, CorTeo. Molaasw
Spices, Oils, Brandy, Gin. Wine. M acker.
I, Herring aud Salt, Just received and for sale
Ltvwat Augiiata May ft, lSoa
Flour, Pood and Provision "tore.
BrnnHwoy. between Marltt Blackberry Stt.
RESl'KCTFLil.bY Inform the public that
thev hV lust reieived a large and well
selected assortment of tholcS Family firoceries,
consisting in part iif Hams, ShnnUlers, Mackerel,
Herring. W hite Fish, Cod r in. Salt rrcserveu
Fruit. PicVles, Crackers, Chee-e, Molasses, lure,
Sugar. Coffee, (green, roasted and ground.) Im-
enal. omig II yson, Uunpowder anu uiara
Teas, Cedar-ware, fitonc-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tobacco,
segars, &c., together with eveiy anMe usually
found in a first class firo'-ery Store, all of which
will be sold at the Inwesl prices, either for cash or
country produce. We also keep on hand choice
Liquors, Port, Lisbon, cVc. Porter, Ale, licer,
sarnpaiilla, i: We are also prepared to sup
ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pics,
pretzels and cakes of every kind.
N. D. The highest cash prices will be paid for
butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
Sunbury, July 7, 1855.
cstablisheJ as the best urtirlc ever ofl't-rcJ for
Blueing Clothes. It is entirety frca from acid or
anvlliins injurious tn the finrst artirles. All
housekeepers will find it murh cheaper anl lesa
trouMe than Imlign or any olher article. The
great demand for it has brought out several t'nu.
lation. Storokcepers and consumers will lis
careful to pel IUsjimi Bahuiw's, put up at
Alfre d WillberRer'a l)ruu Store, No. 163, N.
Second Street, I'hiladelphin, Storekeepers can
Kct their supplies from the Urocers and UruifRisis
they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit.
Drugs, Chemicals, PainM, Varnishes, l)y
Stuffs, ire., with a first-rate assortment of every
thing in the line. Storekeepers, riiysicians and
manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates.
1GU N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 1856 ly.
rriHE subscriber respectfully informs ilia public
JL tlmt rhe still continues to keep the above
named public houre.
She has also received a new supply of good
liipinrs and wines, and trusts that she will be
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbury June 23. 1835. If.
MiMr.Ks smrrons or
Uc& OVs!) 2Vntl)raritc oal
From the
Lulce Fiuler Colliery
Shamokin, North'd County, Pcnna.
A'Ulress. IJnyil, Kosscr & Co., Sunuury, ra.
D. m. iinrn. j. iinsscn. jas. num. T. nossxa.
Sunbury, April 7, 185ft. tf.
"kEAI.ERS in Watches and Jewelry, will
coniiiiue the business at
tire old stand of
James B. Fidlcr,
Ail. 12 Smith Serond Street,
Where they solicit an eiamination of their large
nnd varied stock, feeling assured that the expe
rience both of tlicin have had in the business,
and the facilities they possess for procuring
goods nn the most advantageous terms, will ena
ble them to compete favorably with any other
establishment in the city. They have now on
hand a fine assortment of
Silver, Fluted and Uritlania Ware, Cutlery,
Fancy GaoiIk, &c, Stc.
N. It. Rcnsirinir of Watches and all kinds nf
Jewelry attended to with promptness and the
greatest care.
Phila., April 7, 1855. tf.
tEf PFCTFUI.I.Y inform the public that
they have leased the new colliery, called the
Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of
superior quality, and nf a variety of sizes prepa
red nn their new coal rrenker. All orders prompt
ntlrudt'd to by addicting the firm, either ut
Sunbury or Mmntokiu.
Sunbury, June 3il, 1855.
Fhotogrnrihy ! Daguerreotypes ! !
J. E. tfcCLEES,
ISiicresfr to MefVecs .V Cermon,)
VtOCI.l) call the attenioii of the public, lint
' only li the superiority of the Ujuerreo
tvpes the 11 m!ojmiiIi, (l y som rnlled AmbM.
I y !) uml tbe wirioua kI'ck nf Pliotou'rii by on
paper; 1ml to llie Met, mat parties at a distance
fo"esiiiir a small dieuerreotvpe, may. bv neml-
ng it to No. I til) Chestnut St., have niude from
it bv tbe means of Photoerapby, and the talents
of the best Artists, a portrait nf ah size, from
a small l.oi ki t to the full size of life.
A small book curtaining description, prices.
Ac, &c, will be sent gratis to any psrson ma
king the request.
Philadelphia Photograph Estiiblishnient,
No. 160 C'hestnut St., below 7lh
Phila., July 21, 1S55. tf.
k)500 hbls. of the most superior manufacture.
Also, CL'AMf) of every description, Cal
cined Plaster, Cement, &c.
(V Produce of all kinds bought and sold on
Forwarding and Cotmnibnion Merchants, No.
65 North harves, between Race and Vina
streets, Philada.
Philadelphia, Auaunt 4, 1855. 3inc.
Shamokin White Ash Anthracite CoaL
Worn the '-Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery.
" successors to Kase, Reed & Co., will con
tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the
above well known Colliery, under the firm of
Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment
is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber
land county, Pa., where all orders for the various
kinds of coal, viz: Lump, Broken, Egg, Move,
snd Chestnut Coal, will ba thankfully received
and promptly attended to.
Sunbury, July 14, 1859,
Hi'BBi'ar, Ji'Lt 5, 1855.
The firm of Kane, Reed St Co. having sold
their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the
wharf ut Sttnbory, to Messrs. Zimmerman 6c
Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend
ing our customers and others to the new firm, aa
they will be able to sell them prepared coal of
the best quality,
tJTfjlLEY'S COVGU CitNDV. An eicel
y lent remedy for coughs, colds. For aale
at this office.
December 4. 1852. .
fMIAIN PL. MPS.- K small number of these
excellent pumps hsva been received and are
offer -I for aala by
Sunbury. Juae 4. 1855.
"WTEKMICF.LLI, Maccaroni and Coin Starch
just received by
May IS, 1655.-
TRAMK & Magnetic Ointment af
fEDARTUB8. Horse Buckets, Painted Buck
eU, Meat Tenderers, Corn Brooms, B as
keta, Children's Wagons, and Yankee Clocks
st received and for aala hy
, Mas-SS. 155. . W. TF.NFB
BOOTS, Shoes, II eta. Caps and Cum Shoes,
Just received ed for sale by -Get.
1 I8t- TENEK sVC
Northumberland county, Pa.
rpHI3 large and eommcdltlui Ilofef Is situated
A on the top of the Locust mountain, nearly
half way between Sunbury na Poitsville. The
tcenery the Salubrity or the atmosphere and
the cool mountain hreeses, make it one of the
most ilelighl'ul summer retreats in the country,
n'be Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high.
r.n.l on ixiih all the modern conveniences. 1 ne
n, re mountain wster is Introduced into every
chsmher. The place is easy of access, beng
but onesnd a half hours ride from Sunbury, over
the Philadelphia and Ptinbury Kail road, rrom
Pottsvllle. it can be reached by the Mine Hill
l!uil road to Ashlond. end from thence to Mt.
Carmel 4 miles, hy Omnibus.
Evcrv attendance will be paid by the proprie
tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode
Mt. Carmel. lune 83, 1855, tf.
No. 26 Sou'h Fourth St., Philadelphia.
GREAT FIRE, Chestnut
Si Fifth Streets. Fridsy
mnrninir, December 35th
1854. Evans A-Wstson's
Salamander Safes Tnum
pliant, as they always arc
when put to the test.
PniLinri.FHi , Dec. 15, 1854.
Messrs. Fvas A- Watso, Nf. 19 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re
commending your Salnmsnder Ssfcs to Merchants
and others in want of a secure means of preser
ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the
otic we purchsscd from you about seven months
since has preserved our hooks, papers and cash
in as good a condition as they were when put
into it, before the great fire of this morning, which
destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of
Chestnut and J'iflh streets. The above safe was
in tiwe in our office, on the second floor of our
building, from which place it fell into the ecliar,
and remained there until the lire was out. The
Safe wns then removed and opened in the pres
ence of ot least 1000 persons, who witnessed the
pood condition of the contents. Will you please
have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend
to put it in use again. havi,.g perfect confidence
in its fire-proof qualities.
Vourn, Respectfully,
Evans A Watson tike pleasure in referring to
the following, among the many hundreds who
have their Safes in use: V. S. Mint, Philads ;
Farmer' and Mechanics' Rank, Phila j Samuel
Allen, En., High SnerilT, Phila ; John II. Hen
derson, City Controller! Caleb Cop A; Co., No.
1 S3 Market St. ; Richard Norris A Son, Loco
motive builders, Philnda; Bancroft ir Sellers,
Machinists, corner lGth and Jaines Sts.; Fran
klin Fire Insurance Co., Phila.; Pennsylvania
Railroad Co, Phila.; Lacey A- Philips, corner
fith and Minor Sis; Shsrpless Hro No. 32
South Serond St..; James Kent & Santee, No.
147 Norlh Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons,
No. 51 Norlh Thinl St.; Smith, Williams A Co.,
No. 8? Msrltct ft.; J. & U. Orne, No. 184
Chest net Ft.
A lurire assortment of the above Safes always
on blind (warranted to stand st least 10 percent
more fire than anv Herring's Safe now in use.)
EVANS & WATSON, olso manufacture and
keep for sale, Iron Shutters. Iron Doors and Iron
Dash, for making fire-proof Vsults for Usnks
stores, public and private building. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re
frigerators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. ti
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7, 1855 cly. 10.
rrsuz FIFTIETH Edi.
lion, with One Hundred
Engravings, showing Dis
eases and Malformations of
the Human System in every
shape and form. To which
ia added a Treatise on the
Diseases of Females, being
of the highest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
y l)r .1 in. Yuiiiitr
T.e t no father le nshsmed to pri-sent B copy of the
Cl'I.AtML'S In hiscllhd. tt iniy suv-e hun from an early
grnve. Let ir young man or woman rtner into the serre
oliiicnlions o ninnim hfe wilhuut reneiii Ihe IMIf'KKT
.lllH l,AlIl"S. I.l no one snffr-rinc iri'm liat-kmed
Cmu!i, 1'niil 1 1 the Sile, rMIMi nights, nei vons leelinss,
unit llie wh'le Irnin of Llyspeptic sensiitioiis, uml given
n;i l tlo'tr p'' riiaii. Ir nnntht'i iirment without con.
fMil'ttnr tlie .USCt'l.AI'ICS Have the mii.ticd, nr timse
ib nt to lie ilrirrteil sny iinp.-det.ent. read Ihis truly useful
i tk. us it Iihs hern the niruns of kiviiik thousands uf un
f.iitnimte ereHtures from the Vrrv jaws of d'-aih
tVAi y pers n rendinc TWKNTY-KIVK CENTS,
ettelossil ill It letter will n-ceive fine c ipy of this b-wik, by
limit. or fiv e no'S will be sent f a oni. d'.llni. Aritttess,
I'.K W Yfil'r, .No. Ij-JSrUCCK Street, PHILA
DF.I.riltA." l'..i nnid.
I'hilvlelahin, September S. IM5 ly
(At the old Stand nf S. .V. Thompson.)
rHE Subscriber ref pcctitilly informs the peo
L pie of Sunbury and vifinKv, that he has ta
ken the Store Room lately occupied hy S. N
rtioinpson. in Market iitrert, Sunbury. below
Weaver's Hotel, and tliitt he has just received
and opened a handsome assortment of
Consisting in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Quecnsware, Hats S, Caps, Boots fk Shoes, Fish,
Salt, Meat. Ac.
All of whic h will be sold st the lowest prices.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th
highest market price.
Surhury, Nov, St, 1855 ly ch
WIlol.KPAI.e; 11KTA1L
S. E. corner nf Seeond ir Chestnut Sts.
Where may be fou id, one of tha largest and
Vst assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in tbe
I. nited States, in quantities tn suit purchasers,
of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ;
embracing every variety of style and inanufiic-
tnre, suital le for Churches, Halls, Counting
Houses, rerlora, Meeping apartments, ar.d Kitch
ens, bteam and I anul Hoats, and Kat! roudCars.
N. li- Clocks Repaired and Warranted.
Clock Trimmings for sale. Also,
Manuj ucturer of tiarher Celebrated Fine
Embracing all the qualities of tlie finest quill
pen, in addition to which the durability of the
metal is fully associated and developed. Gold
and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holder. Plated
Ware, &c., wholesale and retail. Those wish
ing to purchase are invited to call.
8. E. corner Chestnut and Second but., Phila.
I'lillaOelpbi, June 'ii, 1855. ly,
UJJue opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa,
Prompt attention to business in adjoining
UOOFLAND'S Bitterest
books,! nk, and all ct B.vlete, just rrceived.
ami lor sale by 11. a. MAoSER.
Sunbury, June 4. 1853-
oar Doiuaa lor aala by
Sunbury, April, It, 1851
CMLVER WATCH E8. A few doublet c
Eaglish Bdver Wstcbea, for salt at my low
f H. HAmCR.
mBiu7. Ari It, t1
At S. N. Thompson's Store,
7n Lover Auyunta townthip, at the Junction oj
the Tulpehocken and Plum creek roadi.
rjillr; subscriber basing returned from the city
-- with a new and extensive assortment of
fashionable goods, respectfully calls tha attention
of Farmers, Mechanics and athara to tha ssms.
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, z :
Cloths, Catsimerts, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling,
Muslins, resting. J wieas, en a an kinds oj
Spring and Summer Wear,
Caiicofs, Muslin de Lmns, Loums,
Ginshams, Berapes, Bobs,
Woolens. Flannels, ft.
8 agar. Teas, Coflee, Rice, Molasses, Cheaea,
Spices, Salt,' Ac, Ace, eke.
Nsils, Screws, Files, Ssws, Knives A Forks, &c
Queens and Ulassware,
of various styles and patterns.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
men, women and children.
IT.ts Ciea. Ac of various sires and styles.
Besides a large and general assortmeni oi
fashionable goods. Call and examine lor your
IT" Country produce of all kinds taken in
exchange at the highest market prices.
Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855.
461 Mil-lei street, btlow 13ft, nortA side,
Phila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly.
Furniture ! Furniture !
Ko. 15" South Second (above Sjmicc,) east side,
rXHE subscriber would respectfully inform th
- readers of the Siir Ameriean and th
public generally, that he has on hand a constant
supply of elegant, fashionable, and well ma
Furniture at ressonable prices. Being a practi
cal mechanic, and having all his goods inanufac
tured nnder his own superintendence, purchasers
msy rely on getting just such articles as are
represented. Lounges with removsble arms,
also new patterns of Sofa Bedsteads. Those
who sre about going to housekeeping would do
well to call.
157 South Second street.
N. B. All orders thankfully received and
promptly attended to.
April'28. P55. w8 ly.
'TMIE subscriber having received the necessarr
forms and insrucltions from tha Department,
at Wasliiagton, is prepared to procure Bounty
l.anu t arrants at the shortest notice.
funbuta, A"' 7, 1155.
Shamokin Pa-
riHE subscriber begs lesve to inform his friends
I. and the public generally, that he has taken
the above well known stand, and wnl ba happy
to accommodate all who may give nim a call.
Slutnekin, July 8, ISM.
"OTICE is hereby given thst application will
-L ' be made to the next legislature nf Pennsvb
vstiia, at the session nf t56, for the creation of
a corporate body, with banking and discounting
privileges, to be called the ''Suimokiw Bakk,"
located at Sbamokintown, Northumberland Co.,
Pa., with a capital stuck of $150,000, with the
privilege of increasing tha same to JUO.OOO if
Shamokin, May 32, 18.'5 6m.
Wholesale aud Retail Druggists,
Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright' Store
rVFFEU to tha public the largest and last
" selocte J stock aver opened in this section of
country, consisting of
Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Dve-stufls, Window Glass,
Patent Medicines, toeclher with a complete as
sortment of Paint, Clothes, II sir. Tooth, Nail
and Shaving Urushea, Dressing, Side, Neck and
Pocket Combs, rency Soaps, Shaving (.reams
Tobacco. Segars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con
For Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri-
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip-
tion. in short every article kept by Druggists
Prescriptions Carefully Lompounnea.
Bunbury, May SO. 1854.
Strsw'ierrT. Congress,
Eldorado Fig. Eldorado Cake,
Sarraparilla Fina Cut, Pressed Fine Cut,
Andersons - For Ssle st
Sunbury, Msy 38, 1855.
TR. H. H. Hlfi BEE'S remedy for roughs.
colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply ol
this raluakle medicine just received and for sale
by H. U. MASSER.
Sunbarv. June 4. lRftl.
aiva and lea-al envelnnes. for aale bv
Sunbury, Jan 10. 1851.
SHOES All kinds of Boole Shoes and slip
pers lor sale by
U. Ll.BULritj ct Ll),
Market street, opposite tha Post Office.
Sunbury. Oct. 8. 1853.
ATS AND CAPS. A splendid lot of
fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats,
sUo Clath, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Caps for sale low by
Market street, opposite the Post Office.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853.
41 OLD PENS with and without cases, af a
HJQ Tery superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aala
I'y i. B. MASSER.
SunlMrry, Dee. 87. 18?'
T)LANK Parchment Paper
x- Mortgages, Bonds, Execi
Deeda and blank
ecutions. Summons
ic, lor sale li H. 13. MASSER.
Sonbury , Acrl S. 185
fJROUND and whole Pepper, Cloves. Cinna
mo". Nutmeg, Maca, AllUpiee, Ciuger,
iuuiil-, uc., ac, at
Nov. 18, '54. YOUNG'S 8T0RE.
.1 "'biti nice assortment of Osld and
- Oliver rencila and Pena, for sale cheap by
Market street, oppoaite the Poet OSes
Sunbury, Oat. 8, 1S5J.
rtiusntvf a 7, i .
t r.. J 1 """-J.iyj1"!. 1"JT
:. . " BKL'NER.
M.,y. ei ay iv. IBM.
A rine lot t4 W. P.pwjurt riyd ,Bd
aale by WM. MeCAJiTY,
Uuksl IS..
Itseesiry, June t,16M
Haw Goods for the People t
JKSPECTFtrLLTinorma the publicist gss
ploudid stock of
Fall and Winter Good
at Ws New Btore, in Lower Aagiuta towaebhv
11 is stock eonsitta In part of
... Cloths, Casgimers, Cassineta,
fall kinds, af hnan, wtton and worsted
Callrotft, Klngliamit, I.aTTQt,
niOtlsaClliie Do
ana all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
Also an assortment of Ilnrdtrnrc. Irsss
anu steel, Nails, &e.
excellent assortment of
aUlENSWARE, of rarioui style. tn
Alsoan assortrnent ofnoOTS & SHOE!.
H AT ) k CA PS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, -c.
And a great variety of other articles such aa are
suitable to the i,.d., .l 0f which will la sold a
the lowest prices.
Cuntry P'oduca taken In exchsnts
tha highest prices.
Lower Augusts, Not. 10, 1855.
United States Hotel,
Chestnut Street, above Fourth.
J-MacLEI.LAN. (late of Jones' Hotel.)
has tha pleasure to inform his friends and
ha traveling community, that he has leased this
House for a term of years, and is now prepares!
for the reception of Guests.
The Locsl advantngesef this favorite establish
ment are too well known to need comment.
The House and Furniture have been put In
first rate order! the rooms are large and well
ventilated. The Tables will always ba supplied
with the best, and the proprietor pledges hirr-sslf
that no eflbrtonhis j srt shall be wanting to
mske the United Stales equal in comforts ta aay
Hotel in the Quaker City.
Phila., July 8, 1854.-.
Umpi, Lintfrni, Chamti lirrs and fandflnlrnj,
2Vo. 152 S. 2J street, alovt Spruce,
TTaving enlarged and improved his store, and
having one of the largest assortments of
Lsmps, in Philadelphia, is now nreuared to fur.
nish Pina Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard
anu un Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns,
Glass Lomps by the package, at a email advance
over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and
Dealer of Pina Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohcl,
which will 1 furnished to Merchants at such
prices that they will find it to their advantage ta
buy. Also, Household Glassware or all descrip.
tions at the lowest market prices.
Philadelphia, Oct. It, 1851.
Market Street,
JUST received and for sale, a fresn supply f
fur 8ittging Schools. He is also opening a.
this time, a Isrge assortment of Books, in every
branch of Literature, consisting of
Poetry, History, Novels, Romsnoes, 8cientifia
Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's
Books, Bibles j School. Pocket and Family, bolh
with aid without Engravings, and every of vari
aty of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds.
Also just received snd for sale, Purdons Di
gest of the lawa of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851,
price only $6,00.
Judge Reads edition of Blackstones Commen
tsnes, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at f 10,00,
and now ofl'tred (in fresh binding) at tha low
price cf S,G0.
4 Trati... . ll, t r H .
.. . ........ w 0, j-cnnsvivania re
specting tha eststes of Decedents, by Thomas T.
vnmon, price only i,uu.
Jrsvels, oyeges and Adventures, all el
which will he sold low, either for cash, or eu.
try producs.
r0Tusry, 21, 1852. tl.
Your Own Mechanic.
MA.NlTAc;Tl'ER or
ox tne most rashionabl Stvl
J-HE subscriber re.jwtfully call, the attemj,,,
of the public to Ins large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to reiommend itaeirtoevery on.
who will examine it. on account r :
workmanship and splendid Hnish, made up of th!
best stock to ba had in tha citv. v l.r.... :
sjiared in the manufacture of his ware, and th
"""'i urirriiiineu 10 kMn ..n .L
many improTeuienta which are conatantly bein
made. His slock consists of MahocariT
Soraa, Divan and roungo
Eureans, Secretaries, Sideboards
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal t. Phi!.
uvipma manuiacture.
BEDSTEADS, of everr pattern .n.t
In short, aver, article j this i of i,:'
He also manufactures all kinds ,J qualitira c
ncludmg varieties never before to be hsd I
Sunbury, such B. MnoAy. BL1c, Wir
CHAIKS, n ,axrr P,i,o Stools, which at
of tha latest styles, and warranted to be eicelle
uy none manufactured in the Cities or elscwher,
I he subscriber is determined that there sha
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture i
the cittea, as every confidence can ! entertaine
about the quality and firii.1, of his ware an
Hia articles will be disnose.l nf
terms as they can l purchased elsewhere. Com
try Iroduce tuken in payment for work.
. . . . , ""'NO. Having provide
himself with a handsome II,.... V.. :
prepared for Undertaking, ,d B,Ieriliul fun.
.... ... ..... v ein ty, or at any convenient di.
tance from thi. place.
. f'1 W,r Room iB Market Strea
Ulow Thompson's Store and Weaver's Taven
Bunbury, Jan. 10, 1851 tf.
To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line
V'OTICE is hereby given, that all peraoi
' found tresnassiiiff unon. or ininrin. ih. nn
of the Philsdelphia and Sunbury Telegraph wi
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly i
ssieh eases made and provkled.
H. It. MASSER, Prcs't
Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Ce.
Bunbury, June S, 1854. tf.
or Tasteless Salts,
Prepared by
TU!a prepaiation ia recommended a aa e
cellent laiativa and purgstive, it operates ruildl.
I .".. i ree iron, any unpleasant lasio, r
aembling lemonade in flavor. This waduaae-
highly beneficial furdlart
Ilseases peculiar te S9B
to, W
1 .1
Sunbary, July I, IBM.
.Brniraan's eelcbrated ink. snd also Cm
ns ink foe a. wkotseele sad reUil by
lW.f ItM. U I W.I3T.J.