THE EXTIlAOnDINAnY fOISOrllKQ CAB Frauds on the Life Insurance Companies. Tbe. revelations In tho London Timei, the Lltftrpool Jonroftt, nnd other Engligh panors, nf ths crimoi mpposed to be committed by Dr. Falmer, a surgeon end pentlemao of the fancy, are causing a high degree of excite ment in that country. Tho facts were first made publio at a Coroner's Inqnent, held at Rugely, England, on the body of J. Pardons Cooke, a sporting man, and owner of the fa mous racer Polar Star. The investigation showed that Palmer had entered into heavy bets with Cook, by which he feared he would be a looter. Either with the object of wining out this debt death cancelling by the laws of tim turr in England all existing icts ana past losses or with a view of possessing hini selfofasum of 1000, which Mr. Cooks had won at Shrewsbury race, and carried about With lnm which was missing ou nil Decease, or with both purposes, as is most probable, Palmer, tho accusation is, commenced to sub ject him to a course of poisoning which termi nated in his death. The circumstances under which his sudden death took place, tho mys terious disappearance of his belling book which he invariably carried abnnt his person, nod tho absonce of tho 100 he was known to have had on cntoring the house where he was last seen ia company with Palmer, and where ho was drugged, fixed suspicion on Palmor as Uio murderer, and ho was arrested. Case on case has since risen np in cnmiiln. tive horror, surpassing in terrible darkness of incident anything the annals of crimo for several centuries uufold. Palmer entered on the turf some years since, and becamo a loser beyond his tue.ns. In these straits he adopt ed" the course usually resorted toby men on the turf, and had recourse to a notorious biil discounter in Queen street, Mnyfair, hy the name of Pratt. The debt, whatever it was, doubtless doubled or trebled in a year or two, Pratt's usual rate of interest being Bbont 120 por cent. In this sinking condi tion, catching recklessly at every means of escape, and possibly, as it now appears, hav ing committed forgery to extricate himself in tlw mad effort to escape from his difficulties. jt t!ie consequences of his crime, some such horrible idea as that he has since carried out stole on liis senses. The Erst victim appears to have been the mother of bis wife, upon whoso death became in by right of his wife for a considerable sum. Pour days niter coming to residn at his house she died. The next victim was a Mr. Puffy, a com mercial traveller, with whom he had business transactions, nnd who is supposed to have been buried in a well in Palmer's garden. The next was his own wife, who, wlien a ward with considerable fortune, had married him against the desire of all her connections, and whose life he had previous to the per petration of his crime insured for 13.000 in Lhree different English offices. After his wife followed his brother, whose lifo he in jured in different offices for 23,460. On the jccakion of the first two deaths ho contrived ,o elude the suspicion of either his own rela tives of the public, but the death of his irother following so closo upon that of his wife, naturally roused a suspicion which a nropos;d to insure the life of his servnnt, one Kates, for no less a sum than 25.000, natu 'ally increased, and a few days before his ur cst for tho murder of Cooke, they had, after iiiltiiry, declined to pay over the amonnt. it has since turned out that the usurer Pratt ecuivod the amount of Mrs. Palmer's insu rance, and would have received tho greater sart of that on William Palmer, had it been aai'J. Since Palmer's committal, Pratt has resonled to his mother, a lady of some for une, bills to the amount of 20.000, to which ut name had been forged by Puluicr, nod liich he, doubtless with the full knowledge f the fact, had cashed, in the confidence thut ?n thct account they were more valuable, as 'orcing Palmer to stop ut no crime in taking hem up. rcr tho rest there are rumors vhich ascribe to Palmer, the death of Lord joorge Bent id; and others, but tlity are lie rely thoso wild exaggerations which ulways pring out of such events. The bodies of both the wife and brother iave been uxbumed. Although tho result if Dr.. Taylor's analysis has not yot officially rancpired. it is known that ho has diecover- d antimony in considerable quantities in tho it'omach and viscera of Mrs. Palmer, and also irsnnic; but the quantity of the latter is not ufficieiit to justify the suspicion that death bs caused by its agency arsenic being bund, in more of less quantity, in almost very substance. Kinco the committal of Pulmor to Stafford ail do one has been permitted to commniii ato with him'. 11c is reserved in manner, .nd two turnkeys are with him night nnd lay, to prevent him from committing self leFtriio'.ion. On his tirut admission to the rison he refused nil food, taking soda wafpr mly, and expressing, his determination to tarve himself. On tho eighth day after his ncarceration, the medical officers of the iridon hud a consultation on his case, and esolved to feivo him food by tho medium of he stomach pump if all persuasive measures ailed. "VMitn Palmer was informed of this letvrminatioB h" yielded, ana has since taken he fowl ordered by tho surgeon. Thk Fnms op Wab. The Albany Lven ng Journal publishes a list of tho' battle ought duririe the year 1855, with the number f people killed at each, beginning with the iiimbardinutit of Shanghai by the French, at ihich one hundred felC and' ending with the .ill or ; Kara, at which 2,600 fell; by which ist it appears that seventy -three battles Lave cenrrvd during tho year, or more than one or each wee',,-, with an nverago loss of over u hnusond men killed in each. This list does tot includa those lo have fallen by disease, r in skirmishes, nor tho wounded, disabled, hoso who died in the hospiul or tho ambu itiee, or were irreparably maimed, or mis ing, or prisoners. Tho number loft dead pott the field usually comprises only about ine-fonrth of tho entire los'a in a butlio. By his rule, the entire number swept out of u se al existence by tho wars of 1655 must huve cached over 300,000 men. No year has pre eutcd so bloody a record, sinco Wutcrloo. Tiir Mexican Curnm. Tho immense realtb. of the Roman Catholic Church of dexico is often spoken of on account of its nnuence in political ullalrs. W bile the an lual income of tho republic docs not exceed 19,000,000, tho revenues of tho church will mouut to 828,000.000. The product of the ithes, on an averago, is estimated at 81,835, 00 por annum, and in additiou to this, the lergy possess an immense capitul in specie, he accumulation of three centuries, arising artly from beqoents, and partly from surplus scome. The ecclesiastical establishment opsists of one archbishopric (that of Mexico) biefly from that portion of the tithes inten ed for the subsistence of the clergy, and . mounts to $400,000 the archbishop rccei iug $130,000. Locomotives When locomotives were rst built, they weighed less than five tons, 'bis was in 1823 ; since then passengers and eight have increased, car after car has been applied for thoir accommodation, and ton ftcr ton has been added to the weight of the ngine, in order to enable it to move the ad itional burden imposed upon it, until those f the largest class upon the English roads ave attained the ooormons weight of 32 jus, and in the United States to between 20 nd 30 tons. The first locomotive porformed S miles an hour. They now perform from 0 to 80 miles. This increase shows a rapid aprovement. The first locomotive cost 3,000. The 8t. Clair, belonging to the lodsoo River liailroad, cost $12,500. Tbs rst locomotive used ia the United States, as tho "John Boll." on the Albany and rbenectady Railroad. This engine is now t the Albany Nail Factory, wber U it kept i a curiosity. A "Cold Cycls." The last two or three weeks have been emphatically a "cold cycle" of a most remarkable character. It com menced with a snow storm of greater extent and depth than had been known for the last twenty-nve or thirty years, loiiowea oy a ae gree of cold rarely experienced. The offect upon trade has been Tery marxea, coin in reducing its operations everywhere, and in some places more exposed to such vicissi tnripi ehnnfrinir its ccnrRS completely, either by blocking up of railroads or shutting np of fivers. Even as lar sonth as i exas, wo see by the advices from that quarter, they era putting up ice four inches thick, formed in ilia rivnr i liout Austin, in about latitude 30L or only about five degrees north of the tropics. Such a degree of cold was never befme known in that latitude. Hut it is not from the temporary interruption of the trade and commerce that the most injury is to be feared. f egetation, by being subjected to this nnusunl cold, has suffered injuriously, es pecially the trees and shrubs. Tho fruit trees, in nearly all directions, and evon flow ering shrubs which have stood in gardens for years without injury, have folt the frost this season. In Florido, the prange trees, it is feared, are ruined. In the neighborhood of Louisville, Ky., we see by tho accounts that the peach and other fruit trees have been killed by the frost. In North Carolina, thou sands of dollars have been lost by the injury done to tho pine trees of that region, winch furnish almost tho only articlo of trade in that quarter. In Virginia tho apricots have been almost entirely destroyed, nnd through this State, and New York, nnd still further north the injury is great, though in these plnces the cold has not tiecn so unseasonable, and the trees nro better able to endure the change. In Boston, however, the cold wea ther wns so severe that, as one of tho Boston papers slntes, the linden trees which oilorn tho sidr walks, split with the frost as if a wedga have been driven into them. The for est trees must suffer to the same extent, nud we shall probably hear next summer of the trees prematnrelv living from the injuries re ceived this w inter. Fortnnatelv, tho snow whih obstructed trade, made a warm covering for the grain end the roots, which arc the main dependence of man for food, so thut the evil effects of the winters severity ore not so general or so great as they might havo been, nor will they tie iult so severely :n tho coming season. 1 he mintlo of snow which now covers tho earth, protects safely from tho frost tho rich trea- fnres which tho husbandman li is planted tin ri', ami the summer s fun will probably cause them to spring with tenfold luxuriance ami Iruitlulnoss- I ho thousand enemies ol vegetation, which a mild te;son preserves to ravage the larmcr s nobis, nnd destroy the fruits of his industry, us well as of his trees, have perished iiy millions. 1 ho nourishing elements of the earth, shut within its bosom so long, will act with renewed power and lorce, as soon as the reign ol winter is over, so that the prospect of tho coming year's fruilfulncss is bright with hope in spito ef tho severity of the weather. I'ublie Ledger. New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of I.evcria Facias to me directed will he exposed to Public Kale at the Court Hour in f'unliurv, on Monday the IS tit of February next, the following described pro perty to wit : A CERTAIN TRACT OR PIECE OF LAND, Situate in Ru-li township, Nortliumlicrlnnd county, adjoining land of William Scott. James Eckman and others containing one hundred and twenty -two acres more or less. ALSO A certain tract situate in Rush town ship, adjoining lauds of Benj. F. Vastine, Wm, Kase, Wm. Kcott, Benjamin L. Vastine and the above desciibcd laud, containing one hundred and four acre more or less. ALSO. The undivided half part of a Tract railed the "Mill Truct," situate in Rush town bhip, adjoining land of lleijamiu F. Vastine, containing ten acres, on which are erected a Grist Mill, a dwelling House and Barn. ALSO, in said township, the undivided half part of a certain Sow Mill erected on land of Heirjamin F. Vastine, with any right and privi lege thereunto attached. Seized taken in execution and tr he sold ss the property of Thomas J. Vaatino. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. MicrifV Office, Jan. CO, 1850. J ' VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE, SALE. f SHE subscriber, Executor of the estate of X lleurv Musser, clcc'd., oiler at private sale the following property viz : A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining land of Daniel Kauiman and other now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house i new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 5 mile be low utiliu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'l'herson ami others, containing, about DO uere. The soil is productive and contains limestone ai.d other minerals. Also a truct of Land, containing about U5 sere on the bill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining food of the heii of the late John Conrad nnd others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to tho subscriber. H.II. MASSKK, ) ! B. MASSEIt, Executor. FRANCIS BUCHER. ) Wunbury, January 18, 1850. tf TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. yiANTEI), to establish an Agency for the " sale of Wood Moulding, of which there are from to ijiSOU worth used in every house that i built. ur advantages, in the use of a Machine that will work a whole board into mouldings at one operation, and the large a mount of capital employed by the Company, euuble us to give a liberal commission. Pattern book furnished, containing S.r)0 patterns, Address J. D. DALE, Willow Street, above Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. January 19, 18a6, 3m c K0RCR0SS ROTARY PLANING MACHINES. WA N TED To sell the Right and Machine " for a Rotary Planing. Tonguini and Grooving Machine, for board and plank, under tliersocros J'atent. Alio, the attachment of the Moulding Machine, which will work a whole board into moulding at one operation. This patent ha been tried, and decided in the Su preme Court in Washington, to be no infringe ment, being superior to Woodsworth' Machine. Apply to J. D. DALE. Willow Street, above Twellth, Philadelphia, where the Machines can dc een in operation. January 1, I860. 3in e FABM FOR SALE. rpHE subscriber otTer at private ale a valua M. bis farm in Hartley lownhip, Union Coun ty, j uiuewesioi iiartteton on the road from I'V'l'K,10. lJ Fort, containing 170 ACKLS1, of which 70 acre are cleared. The im provement are a two dory frame House 50 by 45 feet, I J slot, log Houses-good abed and stable and alio running Water. There U also on the premises' good Orchard of excellent fruit and a never failing Spring. An indisputa ble title will be givtn. Enquire at John Hoff man's Hotel. D. P. HOFFMAN, January 19, ISoS. 3t nOBLRG. French M.rinn. P.,.u. Pari twill, Chintzes, Delaa, Debege) Aispacas, Bilk, wool plaid. Mob sir lustra French, Scotch end American Oinghame, jus react vtj aud for sale by Buuhury, tea I T J. E. V. BRIGHT NOTICE is hereby given that Vt. J. W. Peal hit placed hi book account, note, Ac, In the hand of the undorlgnd for collection, at whose Law Office all per.on Indebted to Mid J. W. Peal, whether on book or note, are re quested to rail and make payment on of before the 18th dsy of February 1866, as all accounts &e., unsettled at that date will be sued. 8. R. PEAL. Snnbury, Dee. S, 1866. DANVILLE HOTEL, J-OIirT X3E1SJ JR., Market Street, llanaille, Pa, THIS ia ono of the largest and most commo diou hotel in the interior of Penpsylvanis. Ilhasbcen recently fitted up, In excellent style, with all the modrrn conveniences. Danville, Sept. 83, 1855. AUCTION! AUCTION I THE Auction of the Subscriber will commence, next Monday morning at ten o'clock and will continue through the day, will also be held from 6 till 8 o clock in the evening, fcvery day and evening next week. The week following only Monday', Wednesday' ard Patnrda--. AMJKKT ELHUERG. Runbury, January 5, 1865. If. TIIACHER Se WODDROP, W HOLES ALE BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE, A'o. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third & Fourth St., upper ide, near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bag and Vnlices of all description. CHARLES F. THACHER. ROBERT . WODDROP. Philadelphia, Jan. IS, 1850. tt'. FOR RENT. VLL that certain two story brick dwelling House and frame STORE HOUSE in Mar ket Street, in the Uorouch of Snnhurv. adioiu- i ii C Weaver' Hotel, and now in tho occupancy ol II. li. asline. JOS. E. LEID. For term apply to WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Snnhurv, January 19, 18S0. 3t C01LINS & M'CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, A'o. 1 Lodge AlUy. back of new Masonic J fall, Philadelphia. rhila.. Jan. IS. 1S56 GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING ! JOHN IVEITIISr MERCHANT TAILOH, ETJNBUItTT, PA. Rcsprclfelly informs the citizens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has just received from Philadelphia, a choice and select assormcnt of Cloths, Cnsiiinorcs, o.c , iz : French black Cloth, plain and twilled. Black Beaver do fir oercou!s. Fine blue cloth. Claret cloth. Ca&simcrcs french black corded, do do do Doeskin, do do grey mixed Doeskin. Vesting plain black silk velvet. do i ign red velvet. Plush velvet, do Black satin figured. Woolen fcliirts and Drawers. Gentlemen's Pocket Handkerchiefs. do Neck-ties. All of which will be sold or made up to order in the latest and best stvle. Sunbury, Dec. 1, 1855 tf Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHBY & R0CAP, jVo. 13G Market PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their friend and the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a largo and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, got up of the best material and in the latexi and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and other will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. rhila., Nov 10, 11555. tf. LIST OF CAUSES fV Northumberland County, for a Special " Court, to commence on tho 11th of Feb ruary, lbo:i. Jacob Vruida v Zerhv Run Imp. eo Ira T Clement The Sliamokin fleam Ferry & Tow Boat co firessler oV Eeetide vs Michael Kerstelter Wm B Kipp v Win L Hcll'eimtein Isaac Elliott vs Cornelia Ciarrctson same vs same same vs same kame v same JAMES BEARD, Proih'y. rrothonotary'sOlnVe, ) Suuhury, Dec 8, 1S55. S "valuable farm for sale. flMIE lubscriher oilers at private sale, a A VALUABLE TKACT OF LAND, situate in Sugar valley, Orcen township, Clin'on county, "about I mile from Loganeville, nnd 0 mile from Lock Haven, adjoining binds of An thony Klerk, Geo. Crumley nd Geo. Snook, containing SSI acres, strict measure, all of which is excellent Limestone land about fid acre of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. The improvements are a two story Log House and a log barn, near the western end of the said tract, and an excellent young orchard of choice fiuit trees. Also another excellent two story Log House and l..g barn on the east ern portion of said tract. The said premises are so situated a to make two excellent Farms, and will be sold together or separate, to suit purcha sers. Persons desirous of purchasing the above property will please call on tho subscriber, resi ding in Upper Augusta tp., Northumberland county, S mile from Sunbury. who will accom pany them to caid premises. Terms reasonable. GEORGE M. FORRESTER. December 55, 1655 tf. STRAY MIOVI. fAME to the premise of the subscriber in Lower Augusta township, on or about the 15th of December 1855, astray white shoal about ten month old. The ower i requested te come forward pay charge and take it away. JACOB K E.N.N. Lower Augusta, Jan. 13 1856. Sin. AUDITORS' NOTICE. TSJOTICE is hereby given, that the undcr 1 aigned Auditor appointed by the Orphan' Court of Northumberland county to audit the exception to the account of Daniel Cameron, dee'd,, filed by the Administrator of Wm. Gear- hart, dee'd, who vii one of the executor of said D. Cameron, dee'd, will attend to the dulies of hi appointment at hi office in Sunbury, on the 6th of January next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., whan all persons interested may attend if they see proper. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Auditor. 8unbury, Dee. S9, 1855. NOTICE. OFFICE of the New York and Middle Coal field Road Road and Coal Company, late Coal Run Improvement and Kail Road Compa ny, No. 88 boulh 4th Street, Philadelphia. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder of the New York and Middle Coalfield Rail Road and Coal Company will be held at their office No. 88 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, on Monday the 4th Jay of February, 1856, at 10 o'clock A.M., at which time an Election for Directors will be held. 8. T. ALTEMU8. Treasurer and Secretary Jnuary 10, lgap ufy 1 NDEI.IIBLE INK at W i. WEIAEJI 6t LRUNER'8. AUCTION AND tSiVATE SALE. Worthy th Attention of Every Man. 1 AVING positively determined to leave 8un bury on the 1st of February next, I Intend selling my large 8tock of Clothing and other Good at end below Cost at private sale, and next month at Auction. My stock embrace a large variety of very desfrafile good of different kind. CLOTHING of different style and make va rious qualities and prices, uch as Winer coat from $1.73 upwards t Overcoat from $3,00 and higher) Pant and Ve.l in proportion t Hat Slid Caps, Boots and Shoes, Shir tit, Underclo thing, Boy' Clothing, pistols, jewelry, hosiery, and all other kinds of goods generally kept in a Clothing Establishment. I have also on hand a vrriety of Summer Coata. vest and pant also Summer lists of different styles, all of which I will sell at tremendously low price. The Auction will commence on the 7th of January next, and will continue through that week every day and evening, afterwards on Monday Wednesday and Saturday. The public will find it to their advantage to call early and buy at private sale; they have then a good as sortment to "Ji'n k from, and shall buy goods at as low price as they will probably be sold by Auc tion. My store is it) Market Square, is known, and can hardly he missed. -. ALBERT ELSBERG. Runbury Dee. 32, 1855. To Kerchant3 and Storekeepers. The ubsrrllier decirous of leaving as oon as possible, will sell to Merchants and other who may favor him, at whnlrsnle,' lower, than Phila delfihia rates, any or all his goods on hand. Hi stock'comprise a aariety of good adapted to the season, is pretty large yet, so that he can give an Assortment of sixes and qualities to buyers. Merchants will find it to their advSntngo to call early. ALBERT ELSTJERO. 5f SJUS&sr G2ODSOS3. LA'IKST ARRIVAL, Largest and Best Assortment CnKAl', HANDSOME 4 DURABLE. 'IllIE subscriber takes pleasure in informing - his customers and the public generally that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundrelh part of the article would be useles. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will he disponed of at as low price as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. My motto is "(?i'c-Z- Sates and Smalt Projits." He takes this method of presenting to the public his thanks fur the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. EDWARD Y. BRIGHT. Sunbury, December 1, 1855. COSMOPOLITAN A II T ASSOCIATION! BLCO.NO VCill. I RH ANfir.MKNTS f.,t tl,p)e-nnd Annan! CnlVrttnn J of tli, a nwuuO pHiltir Institution tor the fhriusem of Literature mid Art, Uv bcwi muds 00 the moat exten sive kettle. Among the works already tngnrnd, is Ihe far-fumed "GENOA CBUCIFIX," which nriemsllr out Ten Thousand rinllnrs. In f'iriiiiiis liir. new Collttctinn, the ililfusion of wotks of American Aiit, snd the eitenurnguinent f American ff'limft. huve nut lfen iivetlmiked. CominifBinns have been isRiied to ronpy of the most riistineuittieri Atnericsn ArtifcU, who will contribute some f their finest pnstue lions. Ainone, tliern sre three Murble DurtU, executed by the greatest living Sculptor IIibam Towers : GEOlUiE WASHINGTON, The Fattier of his Country : BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Th Philosopher; DANIEL WEHSTEP.. Tin; Statesman. A special itfrept tat vieited Kumpe mid nmiVrareful mid juitu-iuiii .elviiriis ((' lorcign u-orka of Art, both in llroiizeitnd MarMc, Statuary mid ehiic Paintings. Tho wholr lurimnc a larm and vahmhla collection of ruinritigi und ISiutuni )-, K toe ditUrilmled FkKiainuiig the nirinhcra ut the Asaor.utWn fT the Sernnd Year. TKUMS OF M KM UK USUI. The payment of tlireetlotUiMcmntitmeifiny one a mem Wr of Una Asiuciuti"n, mid entitlrs hint l ruber ona til' the l'tilUwin(f MugiiKiiirt (or cue year, and ala a ticket in the distribution ni the tiHtuury aiul l';ntiica. The Liteiuture ins tied to niliterilieni ciiniintB of th fol lowing Monthly Al iffuziiM : llrter'a, I'titimm, Kmrker borkei, iMtckV"nU's, lirahmu'j, Utxiu) a Lad 'a Book, and ilouAt-hnid Wnnlt. r.TB n taking five memberships are entitled to any fiva of the M'ifTJziiKra lor vtic your, and to ttX tickets ill distriliutinu. gThe net proceeds drrived from the sals if memberships, urn devoted to the purt'huse of works of A rt lor the ensu- ,,ge,ir TIIK ADVANTAGES RECUR ED by becoming a nirinher of this Association, are Ist. AH person rrccive the full value ni their subscrip tions nt the fciart, in the shape ol aterling Magazine Lilr, rut ii re., Kttrh nifinlter is contributing towards purchasing choice Works of Art, which ore to be distributed nniong Iheniitetves, nnd are tit thu Kimtj time enmuriiginfr the Arta of the co unity, disbursing thousands of du liars through its a g nicy. Persona In remitting funds lor membership, will please give their poet-orhca addreim ni full, atuting tha month they with the Murnciiie to commence, and Imve the letter registered ut the I'ost Office to prevent luut; on the re ceipl of which, a eertifipiiteof inrmbership. toeelher with the Mntruzine dt aired, will b forwarded to any purt of we country. Those who pnrchasa Magazines m Bookitoree, will ob serve thut by joining this AnriHtinii, thev receive the Miiff.irnie and free ticket in thennnuMl distribution, all at the same price they now nay for the MHpaaine alone, litijiut jfiilly ithutruted C.iUilogucs, giving full descrip tions, m ni free on upplienttnn. For Membcibhip, addretis C. L. PHRBV. Actuary C. A. A. At either of tbe prtmripHl offices "KuickeitxH'kcr Mnrazine" office, 3H Rrtwdwnv, New York, or, Western Omee. 10d Water aUeet, Sandusky, U. Nov. 17, JKW. GREAT EXCITEMENT I La est and text arrival of the Scasont At the btore of P. W. Gray, u Market Siuare, has just received his Stock from l huadtlphta, constating oj Full and Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following romrise( in pari list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, vvliirh for variety and cheapness cannot le excelled in tin market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Black and Fancy Clollia and Cassimcre, Black Sattin and Fancy ttilk Vesting. Sltirttng Muslin Drawers and Under tSliirts, Kentucky Jean Velvets, Blankets, Ac. FOR THE LADIES. Black Fills, Alpacas, Merinos' colored and plaid all wool, M tislitt de Lain, a larire lot of Prints, of Hie beat branda and styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled and plaid I.iusrys, Flannels, red, yellow and white, grey Drills, J u kings Cambrics, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves, hose and irish linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit t liberal hare or their patronage. Soots & Shoes, a largo assortment. HAT8 V CAPS, II AHUWAKK & CtTLERY, CEUAK WAKE, FISH & SALT, Groceries olevery varlel). Tea,Coin;e,'ugar, Molasse, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Candlea, Soap, Ci ackcn, Brooms, Lead, Shot, Bed Cftd, Plough Line, (i Una 8x10 10x12, 11x16, Starch, Fluid, Dairy Salt, Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigars, Matches, Mustard, Candl Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment or O UERS'S WARE AND GLASSWARE. Country produce takeu at the highest market price. Sunbury, Oct, 27, 1855 tf. C1AMUU1C, Swiss, Mull, Bobinett, French lace, Check, Collar, Undersleeve end Chemisettes, Heak dresses, Velvet end Velvet trimmings. Turkish counterpanes, J.JajikaU, Broche, Thibet & Bay Stale Shawls, far sal by Sunbury. Dee. , '66. . B. Y. BHICHT. I) A INI S of erery description just received by Miy K. v WE1SER k BRl'XER. . -PiniADKLrmA. AejETIT WANTKD In every town tn4 fontity la th untied Stales, to srll th bnsatlful piolnr of Ihs GRAND I.ODQK ROOM. In Ihs New Mssontc H !.., Philadelphia. This IMsta Is sellinf very ispidly, and elicits th adiniralion of alt, ft tlie eorrarlnea and fl.tolity with wliieh the HTsTotat, Faawo Paiotiros Ann Koskitoss ar reprswnted, etui thsartistie txiautr and hsrmnnvuf the eulors. SiaaoT Plats, NX1H. Prlre S3 On. Booksllers snd Picture DwWi wiahina to laas siren, ales for il, will pleas address, for further iiifrrmstlu. I..N. KOPF.NTIIAU Lith"(rrmihT, Pblladelphia. Orlnber S7, 1IMS If Clreat Arrlvul of . Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT INFORMS hi friend end customers that he just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER O00DS ! ! At hi Store In Maraet Street, Sunbury, which he ofl'crs to the public t the lowest prices. Hi stock coiisiftt of I general assortment o Dry Ooods, viz : Cloth, Cassimers, Casuntts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Culicoes, Muslin at Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, ISerages. Also a largo assortment of CLOTH IN O. A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats.' Panama, Talm leaf and other Summer Hat. I'lalcr- GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Colfee, Molasses, Cbersr, Ppico. f ish, Salt. cVc. HARDWARE, Vixs Iron and Steel, Nails, Filrs, Saws, V.c. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishrs, Cups, Saucers, Ifc t Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change, nt the highest ntaikct price. Oct. 20, 18S5. ' COLEMAN'S CHfiAP CTJTX,EIf5r STORE, Ao. 21 ATorfi Third St., below Arch, PniLADELPUIA. COUNTRY Merchants can suve from ten to fifteen percent, hy purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rent and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Rnzftrs, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, bufTnlo.hone and wood handles, Carvers and ForksArc.,' Butcher Knives, Dirks, 7)'owic Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac. Also a largo assortment of Aecordeons, Ac. Also lino English Twist and licrman (J mis. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct. 20, 18r5. ly. Importer. S:id!lc and Hnrnes !tlakcr Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. W. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the lJSt4A?X citizens of Sunbury and the pub- i V1 :"--Aiav lie generally, that he hn taken Geo. W. Stroh, and having engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in this section of country. Orders promptly execetcd and all kinds of pro duce taken in exchangr. Sanbury. October 27, 1855. ly GREAT MASONIC HALL. THK I,Atir,r.?T PIANO FORTE. Mf.I.OTIKON AND M I'rtIO STORK IN TUB L'NITl'.D 8TATKS, Will le npeneil Uetoher IStb 1SSS, in the Masonic BtriLD!!, ChL'nut Slrert, bImiv fevenlh, PhilridrlpliiH. liyJOliN MAKSI1, the S,,lc Agi-nt for ItuHidinun, Gray ft Co.'s vcklirntrd Di'lcn Csinpiiha Atluehinent Piuno Foites, sud C V. Fisk A Cn's Premium Uleln. dcoiis. Also, lMano Fottes unit Mt-loOeoiis of other dis. tilluislifsl tmiktrrs. J. M. has otttsincd a Irase for several yisnrs in the new. m:ieiiifVrnt nnd wrll known Musmiir iluiUlmsr, whfrs lie iutemls keepinf the luncul stuck oud Hrstirliiicnt of Pinno Fortes, Mehideons, Music, mitl Mu sical Iiistniniriils nf evmy dwtiption, all uf which ars carefully srlrtiled hy hiinnelf, and warranted loglve per' feel Kitiruction in every iiulance. Octuher t!7ih, IMS if NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. W. Ti:i:H k Co., Simburj , Pa.. Tl ESPECTFI'LLY announce that they have just received a large and varied stock of splendid goods iiiled to the season ; an inspec tion of wbieli they solicit from their friends and the public they will be sold at low price, a tliey still adhere to their old motto : "Small profits and quick Sales." This in the end pay best, while it best serve their customer. '1 heir stock now consists of Cloths, Cassimeros, Vestiugs, Ladies' Dress (ioods, in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, C'ashntrrcs, Coburps, all wool de isms. Calicoes, Vc, with a large assortment of dress triruniings.-Uroclie, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollctt shawls, worked collars, cuffs, sleeves, chemisette, 4e. A new stock of Ready mad Coals, Vests, and Pantuloons, of superior style and workmanship. Also, Hats, Cops, Boot and Phoea together with a general assortment Of Hardware, tjueena ware, Groceries, Provisions, Cedartvarc, Drugs, Paints. Oils and Nails. Come and see, no charge i made for allow ing good. Country produce taken in exohango fur goods, at the highest market prices Sunbury, October 13, !8."i5. For the latest arrival of Fall fj Winter Coods. J. F. 8c I. F. KLINE, tSl'tt l r Ll.l.Y announce to tbcir friend and tte public in general, that they have received a 'their Old Stand, in L'pier Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., at Klines Grove, their FAI.I. nJ n IN I Ell Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part ef Cloths, black and fane Cassiuterea, Sattinetls, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and ell kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vests and Pants, Sic Ladies Dress Goods, Coruitting of Black Silks, Merinos, Aipacoa, Co berg cloth, plain and fancy all wool De Laiues, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin, Comfort, li ay Stale Long Miawta, 1 runinings, &c. Also a fresh aupply ef fal'OCCrleit of all kind. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medici no. Hardware, Queensware, CedarWere, Broom, At. Also a large assortment of Boot and Shoe, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hat ahd Caps, Silk Hit, and ell good usually kept in Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past lavora we hope by strict atten tion lo businei, to merit a continuance of Ihe same. All of Ihe above named stock of govds will be old positively at low price for csh, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline' Grove, Nor. 3, 1855. W AD1ES' Drew Good. Spring and Suroajt JjJ Shawl, Black ilk, silk poplin. De Laine, Ginghams, De bage. Lawn end calico, just isj ceivad and for sal by WM.A. KNAB8. Lower Augusta, May S, 18&4. TCRENCH black cloth, plain & fancy Cai! mere, Caasinetta, Overcoating, Sti and Bilk Velvet vest patterns. Silk and Wool Hate, Cap, Scarf and Monkey Jacket, fur sale by Aunbory, tee. Vi8. E. Y. BRIGHT. ' TRICOPHEROl S doc for 1 by Miy 19, WEIOER ei kKVMa- CHEftP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORF, N It North Seeond Street, (opposite tk Mount Vernon Hons.) Philadelphia. "2 OLD Levej Watches, full jeweled, It K, r ees, S8; SiUet Lever do,, do., Bif vet Leplfte; dir., $9 1 Quertier. 5 lo $7 1 Gold Spectacles, $4 SO to 10 Silver do., $1 60 J Silver Table SpnOn per sett, ! to $18 1 8ilvnr Desert do., do., $9 to 1 1 Stiver Te do.,i do., 75 to 7 f.0 j Gold Pen and Gold Ca ses, $3 S3 to $5 Gold Pen and .Silver do., 1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All goods warranted to he a represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic M nrk, Pin, &e., made to order. N. H. All order rent by mail ft otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila.,Sept. 92, 1655. lyw. FANCY rUKH VOn LADIES AND CIMLDHfeNf. JOHN FAIlEinA. Importer, Manufacturer and Doalor in eu Hinds or Fancy Furs Xoiitl Market Street, (above Kighth.) i . PIHI.ADF.r'.l'tllA. Having ftow completed my very large and beauutifnl asso'ftm?nt oT all the different kinds nf Fancy Furs, and fashioned into all the different styles and fashion th:tt will he worn during tho present season by Ladies and Children, and being determined to sell my goods at small profit il will he to the advantage of Ladies aud other to give mo a call before purchasing. N. U. iTOKEKEEPEK.Snd the trade will do wrll to call, a they will find one of the largest and best variety of stock to select front tho city. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 22, 1855 4 mo. -i s- E. Cor. Ilh L I'hrsnul Sis- This Institution, which wns Hrst established in teptenibtir, ISM, and numbers ainmiB ils graduates timi dteds nf thn bniiupss men in this, tand othnr cities; wns on June 4tti, V3 - 55 teU ? CHcire, in accorihuC Act of vnnnereu, nun enrnniiB:iri till f l I LPftiilntcre. Tl.. f-rt. rt T.rat. r.-w fat a .. Hflf.l thoroughly iroctirol chnfn let ntl Hti1 crttiiii)ii alf tnone brnnchfit nei.rwunry f -""i lor un m mini new ; nwttiei wi.icd. Wtt BCul pupil have the privilepf, of ottMi- n dunce upm n courB of LKCTriU- I'PON COM MI.ItClAL LAW. d. i tTi tlT Hvered lor their riccm. uie, by nu jh- nntt nrnctiiinncM. wwm - SStzs For the present wwn, the Ifow. Ji dob JnRooD'i 'rvU'c ore e li en err t! in thi" rti-inrtment. S. IT. CMITTFA'DKN, Principal, ry C.ttaloiTure will he ot to any ! r Am 1 r,"8 tldrpw, on npplitntion In lettrr A Mo. CRITTKS DIONS' BOOK KKKI'INO, on receipt pt-r mnii ni the price. S 1 ,50. Key tu tame 60 cm Philadelphia, Oct. 13, 1S55. mfl. $50 HEWARD. THE subscriber offer a reward of fifty dollar for the discovery and conviction of the per son or pr-rsons, who cut and destroyed lite bund on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between eihnmokin ttnd Ml. C'armel, on the night of tho 9th inst. . . , The above reward will be paid to any oil glv ing informs ion thut will lead to the conviction of the offenders, CLEAVER, FAOELY &. Co. Shamokin Oct 87, 1855. tf. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, ISSl'KD undcl ttwPrnl. ftincth.ii snd Authority of Ihe I'niversity of l"HEK MKUICINK and poplnr know Mgc, ChuttLTed by the tSiiite of I'eniisylraniu, April 29, I y , with s Ctipitul or e?(K,oriO, mainly lor the purpoiift nf arrrstuifj the evii ot'Spuitaus and worthiest Niistruuis; Also Inr supplying the Community with reliable Rrnie dius whercVLf a Competent Phynicinn cannot or will not b einploytMl. This Institution has purchased from lJr Jotiii K. HowiND, his Celebratrd Itowand' Tonic mixture. Known fur upwards of twrnty-five vcars us the tmly surs snd s.ife curu for mid AGt'E, ice, and his ines timable Remedy for HOWFI. COM PLAINTS. Kowsnd's Compound Syttlp of Itlncklicrry Itttt. which uigbly ap proved snd popular nemettis, upether with The Vnivemty's Ilemedy for Oomptaints of the Lungs ; The Fniversuy's Remedy for Uyspeptis or Indigestion; The I'niversity's Remedy forCostive.lluwels; Also, the University's Almanac may bs lis hud, at the Branch Dispensary, or tutors of WILLIAM DI-PPIN, Nov. 3, ISM. MahaiHiy P. O. NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, n ESPECTFL'LLY announce to the citiien of Northumberland and the adjninini; coun ties that he ha opened a Contectionary and Kruit Store in MARKET SQUARE, Stmhurv, where he manufacture and keep on hind, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Itetall, at Philadelphia prices. Among hi stock of Contcctionarica, may be found : French erreU, tlum Props. sU kinds of scent, Rurnrd Atmeiui, Iivs Pr.i(4, f'rmin White, Mint Irips, red td white, " lmoa Jelly Cskes, ' Knso, Kiuit Drops. " Vunills, Ktick Caudles, ol sll ssenta Common AVciets. It.k Candy, Liquoms, Almond Caudf, FRITIT. r.moss, Dales, Cnrranis diied, A linoiiS's. rrnnes, Fies, Citrons, Rsistius, Nuts nf all kinds LEMON SYKUP of superior nualitv, bv the sincle or dozen. A superior quality of ttegars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confrclionaries, fruit, Stc, ill of which ia offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Come end ee he will try to please. Order from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au.4, 1855. ly. Dissolution ol'I'nrlnernhip. "jOTlCE is hereby given that the co-partner. " ship heretofore existing under the name of S. WEtvtta & Co., in Coal township, North umberland couuty, was dissolved by mutual con tent, on Friday, the 15th inst. 'J bo book are left in the hand of tho ubcriher for settlement, on whom all perton knowing themselves in debted to, or having claims atrainst said firm, will please call aud settle immediately. ELIJAH CHIDESTER. Rhamolin,. Dec S3, 186 Im. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING & GRANT All K now opening a new aud very desirable lock of KALL and WINTER (foods, em bracing an endless variety. Their s'.o.-k con sist in pirt of t . .. Black & Fancy Broadcloth & Cassimcres, Winter Ware for men and boy a, ail stjles and prices. U11ESS GOODS. SILKS J 'lain and Figured Rlack. An assortment of Tlaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress Silk t unusually low prlres, . Shellies, Urszes, liraie De Lain, Mus. De Lains. Lawns, Ac, (MNGIIAMS from 61 to 25 eeuti per yard. CALICOES 3 " ISJ WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconetta, Swist, Tarllon, Mull, Bobi nett, French and Swis Lace, Edging, Ac. Drewn aud bleached Muslina,' Drillings. Tick, Checks, 1'owhngs, Table Diapers, o;c. nuocr.uirs. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE. Cedar-wire, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, riaater Salt and Full. Also a fresh aupplv of DSL03 AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past lavora, we hope by stiict attention a nd a deair to please, still to meet with the approve! of our friends. CV Country produce of all kind taken at th highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3, 1855 ly. WALL PAPER A ni pllfJ assortment of Wall Ppr. Window Pa nel, and Oil Shades, iost received and tot aale k7 I. W. TEN BR V C, 8Bbury. Ikay . CJHAI.LENBERGER'S PlLl.B A certain C3 ..... t- Ym mmA Aa-Uav I cute lot Fewer ad Aguev foi la by WElBtR BRI'NER Sunbury. uly , 1854. lritisli Pcriodiculs ! I EARLY COPIES JtRCVRCU. - ; i i - C7'7Vfini'Hmj to Substnbtrs I '. ? t.KOOARD BnoTT A 'CO., rtei York, emtlrns la re publish tha futKiwmg Uriiish Is sixlrels, via. : THE LONDON tf&An'f E'llL'V (Conrtatitj, THE EDINBURGH RkVlEW (Whig THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW ( Frea C'h )' THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.)' BLACKWOOD'S ED! N BURG MAGAZINR (Tnry . Tho resent ertlicl state of Hiiton tBt,rt will rsud- Ihnss autilisntuins uuuivslly IntsraeWiif. 1m:( th fjrth eotuinf year. They will oocupy s mn''il jniui.J betwsw' the hastily writiu news-itnts, eruds i:ulut,nrwi.girft fly-' iiut lumors ol Ihf dnily Jusrnsl, snd th pomlcfnus T.mi of the liiiurs hiskitiKu, wriitm aftsr the lirine; iutnss and Mrilminni ,f rMlt polmonl vms of the lims sh ill hsvp piwsid s?iy. It is In Ihtwe Parhirilealt (has rnaders must look for the only rsally iuivlligiule and talis- , hie history of eurrnnt evvnta, snd as such, in sdditlun t Ihrir wvii-astaliliBhrfl lltwnry erieiitifio, snd thuli4flril ehnrnein, we urv theiu upon Ihs ouns.deralivn of Iha restiltnc- puhlic. ( lv Arrangements ars now permanently msds f. Uis rereipt ol rrly Sheets from Ihs lliitish Pubilnhsts, Iiy' which w nr eiisliVd in plaes nil oar R sprints in Iha hsuds of sitbsiri liers, aIkiuI as soon sttuey enu befuniislied. with llie f.ireien copies. Although Hits involves s very Inrire fffillsy on our jirt, we stlnll continun ro fumiih lh: I'etMlimlff st the seme low rates ss hr-retoforev logsia; Willi tne followine Premiurri to new Hulserilirs. . . TKU.MS AND PIIEMIU VIS. (Sei list ef Frtmium Vulumts be I on. ', Per smi . Tor any one of the fuui Reriswssnd nse Prsre. vot.twno For sny two " ' urn " a go for sny three two TM For all four of t?ie reviews two H b tat Tor niaekwo'sra .Macuzins " one I o I'or llI.irkw.Hid snd threfHeviews three e IS) For Ulack wood the lour Hev lews Hires . " 100 rctimfn's fo be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issutd triiT ! rccriffif at par. Thv Premiums emii'at rf h fotlowlpe wo-ks, rolitmea of whi-h will lieejven tn new rubscrlLers aeoor. dinfc to the nuuiucr of peuodicais urcered, as sbavs am plstuwl.: TREMIUM VOLUMES; rnnm Qua r tkri.ct Rkvikw (on ymt ; 11 to n rAiui.pLY KkviilW (une ycuij. I.DiNBriift Rkvikw (one yetir), AfxTRoPivMrAff M4C.A7IXH (rtix months) Vt'esYmiMtk Uxvtkxv (uie yw, CttTiiiiv0 I'lemium vc!imi cMf.not In '1 m b furniBhrtl. eiccj't of the roritj;u,Qr.MrtjTlv fTeviaMr, To prevvtit diK.iMmtmetit. thPTfiVre, whrrn tKK. yvtnk i not kiiie wnntert. Sul rttw wit! plciiw uidrf nt mttny diflci cut works for preminmi us tUcre re volcuitr tu wbieb they mny bo triiitlctf. ' CLUBBING. ' A dinfount of twenty-five por cwii. frnm the hIkit prf cm will 1 aUowctl tn Cluhi ordfrinjr four or mure uir of mty nne nr tuorn of. ie ttlxtve worlat. 1'hui: hoixt Cptti nf lt'nr)twod. or of one Rfvi-jwr, will b tent U oils n fid rem for 90 ; four copies uf the four Review mtwi Iiluckwood far 30 : And to on. POSTAGE. , In at! the nrfn jipat Cities nnd Ti,ii. wArk w1 he dehverud, tnoujyh-Ant4, KRF.K-OP- PUSTAOK. WheitvpHt hy nwitl, the putue to aujr pnrtnf the United; 9tti will he hut Tweiify-Fuur CviiCa a yenr fcr Hltirkwond, and Int TucItc t'ruta a year for each of the Reviews. ' Rcmittnnces stid i?min(inirntinns should always ba tlJiead, pngt-paid, to the I'ubliihers, LK0NA11D SCOTT k CO. - fi HOLD STREKT, NRW YORK. N. B. Ts. 1. & r"o. have rcrentlv pnllinlit3d. and have ow fur sale, the "FARMER'S (.L'1IF., bv Henry Sta phc ns, of Kditihurfrh, and Prof. Norton, of Vale OHcre, Sew Hnvett.cumplete in tro vols, roysh-ctavii, con.mmnfc 1KK pitftr-8, 14 steel and OtiO wood engruvi:igs. X'nea ia mut'm hindinp. frfl. ra"Tliia w.irkisNot the old B-ftk of tha Fano," lately kvu'sriTATKDnnd thrnwu upon tha Market. New York,. December o ig, , SPECTACLES In Gold, Silyer, aud Elastic Steel i'rames, MATHEMATfOAL Instrumonts separata anil in caaes, Thertnohieters of varion sizes, Spy Glumes of every description, Platin poin.s for Lightning Rods, Magic Lantern with scriptural, astronomical and temperance design; Microscopes and Microscopic object. Galvania Batteriea, Ulvctrinal Machines, feurveyer' Com passes, Surveying Chains ic. Ac. McALLISTEK & UROTHER.. i (Established in 1793.)' 194 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pig) with 150 illustrations furnishej on application, , and sent by n.i.' 're of charge, rhila. Sept. 8, 1P55. Cheap Watches 'JcveIrV. " VTHOLEKAI.E and Retail, at the 'il'hitadel- jihia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 8 North 6econd Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. G.ild Lever Watehva, full jeweled, 18 carat crises,' ttf,00 Oi-iil l.epma ,1-K. l.iKil'ine Silver Spevtacie. !,' Silver l.ep. full jcwlltfl, ll lOulit Drawleia, J,0 Silver l.cver, full jtwl'u li sdiea' (I old Pencils,' 1,00 Siipciior IJniuuets, 7. Silver Teaspoons, sal, S,0W (i..ld SiecU:lts, ' T.oul . Oold This, with Teucil and Silver Holder, , ,tK) Gold Kinger Hint's, 37 ccnUto $80 . W'atcU Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 18; I.uuet, SS ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be tlicv are sold for. kTAL'FFER ct I1ARLEY, ,. On hand, some Gold and Silver Lover and Lepine, still lower than the aSoVe price. fiept. 0, 1855. f ATT0ENEY AT LAW, 6CNUURV.PA.,. Aided by nme eiht year experien.-e In the practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity Id all matter appertaining tn or within the line at hi profession. Office with Charles J. Bruoer, Ei., Market street. Munbury, Sept. 15, 1855, tf AGNEW Ac GO'S ... SILK AND SHAWL STORD .Vo. 196 Chesnut street, I'UlLADhl.raiA. v , vn take leave to infirm Ihs Indies of !iin)cry and v eimiy, that w nuw have npeii a full stock of Kail ai4 Winter UixmJs, just arrived by House aud. Liverpool Steamers. IN OUR SHAWL ROOM will ha found the most extensive essnrtment of Brans: Ixi a ami Ninsre SHAW I.S bulla snd prfnied tyndcrei RHAIVIA in tlieejty. whale out Ol.tlAKS, TALMAS and MAM ll.l-AS; iu Yclvvt Cloth citdMoir Auiiqua, ciuiiiut tic aui paused. SILK AND tUESS GOODS, This ilcpoil-niit f supplied with all Ihs newest style nf Iliocsile. J, Stripe, riain, Moirs Antiqusund blarlt Sitka, IVhits Mnirs Anti'us for btidul rlrraav, Itieh Sua Rotw Utesaes, priuteil Csalimeres snd Delaines, lxpises, Merinos and Caaluucres, large auurtuuiit .f aii colors and very cheap. Luibroiderit-S, Ribbons, Ohrves, fte. MOURN'INO GOODS, Cf Lnpios, Bjmtasiiies, Cwhineres, Ps Ijiinss At Wm eaiuaatiy solicit a coll our eountry friends, feeling rjtiadent from our graal fucililies for auichsauif go.Kt, wa caiiorTcr great baisuma. AGNKW CO. 1. H Constantly receiving new g ocas by th tuinpea Rteaiarrs irfnn lluvrs and LivsrpouT. IK-l Slh 1 i5 3mlw , ' FOR SALE! jJJ f'TEAM ENGINES 00 Horse power each-, 4Bi boilers. Would make eicellent pump ing engine, together with large blowing eylio dor, ruitabjadtfr a biaat furnace. Apply to 11ENKY LONGENECKF.R V Cl. bhatuokin Iron Work. ,. Snamokm, Pa. Shanakin, July tl, 1855, LASl) WARRANTM. Tha highest fnrt will b given fov Laud Waffente by ihe aub areihes H. MlASelEK. I3AKNE8T0CK 4 Vermi'une, fof l bv May It. A ElER Ax BttKNBH 11 LSHAND'S MTnei f' Ie by Mv l. V tUOLU OL UlttiOts n LACK Putty- a ffloi) article for eale ky W RISER eV BRUNEI. May STOVES- CV)R 8ALE aneieellent econtl hand Coek-- ing Stove, also aeveral Cylinder Coal Ptova Enquire at Uii offica. H0TICE. r l II 1 I..- ikamaellM loJatlt J t A il pvrawn anww,a Ira T. Clement, on Book account, ooi oiar wis. are requested to call and rJ up ? delay, otoerwiee their accoania will " P'aoJ ta th band of a magnuel fcr eoireertJii. Buiibory ov. it. toa--i