Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 19, 1856, Image 4

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    tP'om the Geimantown Telegraph J
Experiment with Bono Dust.
Mr. Fjikas It has lonp; been ft mooted,
find still remains an undecided question with
orne agriculturists, whether bono diut is of
sufficient value to warrant its application in
nny considerable qimntities, or in the culti
vation of those crops which require large, ap
plications of manure to sustain them. A
very slight degree of enterprise and genuine
respect for the calling in which these dispu
ting people ore ngaged, would bo suflu kMit
to reconcile many of the discrepancies invol
ved in this controversy. Now, 1 hold it to
bo a duty inenmbent upon every faraior, to
make some effort to elucidato subjects wjjich
nro of primary importance to the cause, even
though by so doing ho shonld be culled to
sacrilico something in n pecuniary way. My
own efforts have never been conducted on a
large scale, nor is it necessary that experi
ments designed to bring out and establish
facts, should be j extended enterprises are
too expensive te bo undortiiken by farmers
possessing limited means, and for that, if for
no other reason, should never be undertaken.
In order to show the value of bone manure
ns a stimulant, I last season made the follow,
ing e.periment. and will now, with vonr per
mission, give the result. On n piece of light
coil that had been pastured for a period of
upwards of thirty-five years, and which had
been broken up deeply, and with an even and
nni'fYifll,? I'....-..... .!:.. . : -
v ,.,.. , .unun Mite, urn urcvums
nulmiin. 1 sowed twenty-five bushels of bone ,
I TtGl fllW U'nn n c-1 1 .-. n l,..lf... 1, ..IP r..-l...
tlust mid wood ashes, half and hull", after bur.
rowing, anil sowed on oats, two und three,
fourths, onshels to the acre, the surface being
limited by accurate measurment. On nn ad
joining piece of equal extent, sowed also in
oats, the samo quantity ns in the first case,
twelve bushels of nshes nlonc were used, nnd
oo a third piece ono acre in extent the
oats were sowed without nnv nthes or oilier
stimulant whatever being applied. The same
quantity cf seed precisely, was allowed on
each acre, and the sowing" was done on the
same day, ns was th preparation of the soil,
and harrowing in of the seed.
On hurvesiing and threshing the crop, I
ascertained tho following results : The acre
not manured, produced twenty-one and a half
bushels; straw tall and very heavy. The
aero manured with twelve bushels of wood
usees, yielded twenty-seven bushels and five
quarts, with a thinner and more delicate
straw; while the product of the bonfd and
fished amounted to forty-seven onj three
fourths bushels, tho straw being line and
eaon. me. principal developement being m
tho head.
On another piece I planted beans. Four
rows of one hundred hills each were bone
dur.ted, the next four were manured with
poudrette, the next four with wood ashes and
gypsum, four rows on tho side of tho piece,
but adjoining the other twelve, were planted
without any manure whatever being applied.
The after culture was in every respect pre
cisely tho same. On harvesting tho crop it
was ascertained that the bened rows had pro
duced double tho quantity yielded by the four
undressed rows. The rows dressed with
poudrette yielded somewhat less tbun the
four treated with dust, but owing to a slight
oversight, the exact quantity was not as
certained. From those and similar data, I am persua
ded not only of the value of bone dust ns a
manure, but of its economy as a stimulant to
be applied on field crops. Several experi
ments on turnips, all of which were conducted
with the most scrupulous accuracy, corrobo
rate the correctness of this opinion.
I think that u little more liberality on tho
part of our agriculturists wi'iild be fur more
creditable, especially us the present depressed
condition of the nrt, demands tho vigorous
co-operation of ull its friends in order to in
sure its advancement, and without this co
operation it can never progress, or be pro
ductive of the results of which it ought to be,
and of which it unquestionably is capable.
On a piece of light land, oti'thc (arm of one
rf my neighbors, one bushel of bone dost was
sowed on grass land, rather light and thin.
The surface was aomcwhnt undulating, but
not sufficiently so to bo considered broken;
the extent somewhat less than one-fourth of
n acre. On an adjoining piecn, in every re
spect similar in texture uud constitution, one
bushel of poudrette was applied, und on a
thiid piece three bushels crushes, all three
of the articles being broad-custed, the time
bein the 2 1st of May. The land had been
fivo years in gics.- without any dressing, and
was rulher poor. The first section, or thut
which had been dusted, produced seven hun
dred and eight pounds ; the second,, or that
cu which poudrette was used, yielded seven
hundred and thirty-six poundsand the third,
manured with the three bush'-lsof ashes five
Luudred, eighteen and one-half pounds; The
gra3s on tho three pieces was cut on the sume
da?, all cured alike, and weighed on the same
scaltss. The iucreaso of yield, in consequence
of the application of these substances, was
considerably over thirty-five per cent,
8aeli fncts are of importance and should be
so regarded by all.
A PrLAWAitE Farmer.
Near Dover, Dec. 19, 1855.
Wintering Cows.
We find in the Rural XeicYorker, an ac
count or some experiences related nt a
Farmers' Club Meeting, respecting wintering
cows, from which we take tbo following as
possessing eomo interest. Oue member
said :
'If I wero to have cows wintered just to
my liking, they should be fed on cornstalks,
nnd if profit wero consulted, these, by all
means, should first be run through a stalk
cutter. This, in my estimntinn, is a saving
of at least ono fourth their value.
'My method of feeding is to give each ani
mal a bushel basket full of chopped stalks;
they will not eat them clean, but to save all,
I throw what they leave in the mangers to
my colts, who noon dispose of them, nnd
without a remainder. Those cows which are
in milk, are fed a slop of buckwheat bran
night and morning, those not yet come in are
given two or three ears of corn nt each feed
ing, until they begin to spring bug, when
they are fed once a day, the samo ns the cows
which are milked. In this way cows may be
kept in a thriving condition, and 1 believe a
greater yield of unlit and butter can be ob.
tained, than from any other mode of feeding.
"In regard to the value of different kinds of
food for cows, I beard on old dairyman say
that buckwheat was the beet for producing
milk of any grain. Corn and cob meal (or
corn meal alone) fattens a cow too much for
their health, if fed before calving. Two
quarts of oats per day is a better feed at this
time. Corn and cob meal end oat meal, half
and half, is good feed for milch cows, and
wheat shorts, scalded and lalte J, will induce
large flow of milk."
Domestic? Recipes.
Bcriftton Breakfast Cakk. Threa caps
of corn meal, one cup of wheat flour, one egg,
two caps of sweet milk, one cup of sour cream,
or in the absence of cream, a little butter,
en tear noonful of salrratus, do. of salt. Bake
in a quick oven. X littlo molasses improve!
6orr Cixofbiieao. On cap molasses,
oca gg, ontvhalf f op milk, if tweet, ns
cream tartar and od&, a Urge tableapoonfull
drippiugs or butter, a Utile ginger and (alt.
Hao PccPfKO On pint new milk, one
ffg. two part of corn meal to ona of wheat
Boor, baodfull dried fruit, teaspooufi.II salt.
If soar milk ii ned. add tf
aaloratai. Stir uU very tUft.
Th Jim long Misted a public imrni for an
rfectiv purgstiv. pill which could b. relied on
ure nd perfectly mf in its operation, lbi. n
been prepared to met that demand, and an esten
ire trial uf its virtues hi conclusively shown with
what success it accomplishes the purpose desig"
It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy w
make the best of nil pith one which should have
none of the objections, but all the advantage
every other. This has been attempted here, ..
with what success we would respectfully submit i .
the publie decision. It his been unfortunate for
the patient hitherto that almost every purgative
medieinc is acrimonious and irritating to the bow
els. This is not. Many of them produce so much
griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more
than counterbalance the pood to De derived from
them. These pill produce no irritation or pain,
unless it arise from a previously existing; obstruc
tion or dersngemcnt in the bowels. Being purely
vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should
be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their
use in the several diseases to which thev are ap
plicable are given on the box. Among tne com
plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we
muv mention I.ivcr Complaint, in its viirious forms
of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss uf Ap
petite. Listlcssness, Irritability, Bilious Headache,
liib'ous Fever, Fever and Ague, Tain in the Side
and Lnins ; for, in truth, nil these are but the con-
scauence of d:.irnerl action in the liver. As an
, , ,.J .,. tPY,rt In Cos-
ti'vcn ' rtfes. Colic. Dysentery. Hun-.. Srrof-
Mm una rvnrvy, nuns wnn surcmrsa ui me uuwi,
Ulcer And impurity of the Mood ; in short, any
1 n .... n.u. : ,l ' f.
and eTcry rnst where a iiurgatiTp is required.
Tber hsve nlso nrnnuccd some sinmilnrlv suc
hnv nlo prnrti
cessful cures in Rheumatism, Oont, Dropsy, Gruvel,
F.rvsipc'ms, Palpitation of lh Heart, Pains in the
Back, .Stomach, and Side. They should be freely
taken in the spring of the yenr, to purify the blond
nd prepare the sstem for the change of seasons.
An nccnsionnl dose stimulates the stomach nnd
Lowell into liolthv action, and restores Die appe
tite nnd vigor. They purity the blood, nnd, by their
stimulant action on the circulatory nyteni, reno
vate iho strength of the body, and restore the
wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism,
llen-e an occasional dose is advantageous, ev-sn
though no serious derangement exists; but un
necessary dosing should never be curried too far,
as evcrv'purgntive medicine reduces the strength,
when taken to excess. The thousand coses in which
a physic is required cannot lie enumerated here, but
thev suggest themselves to the reason of every
body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will
answer a better purpose tlinn any thing which hns
MtWtn Wn nwilable to mankind. When their
virtues are once known, the public will no longer
doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a
cathartic medicine. Being suar-wrapped t.iey are
gleasant to take, and being purely vcgotauie, no
arm can arise from their use in any quantity.
For minute directions sec. wrapper on the Bjx.
Practical nnd Analytical Chemist,
Trie 95 Cents per Eox. Fivs loses for $1
For I lie rap I1 Cure of
cordis. niLns. iioauskxcss,
BKOXt HITIS, H ! Ol lili,
This remedy hns won for itself such notoriety
from its cures of every variety of pulmonary dii,tahe,
that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of its virtues in any community where it
has been employed. So wide is the fieid ul its use
fulness, and so' numerous ttie cases uf its cures,
that almost every section of the co'.iitry abounds
in persons publicly known, who havo been restored
from alarming and even desperate diseases of the
lungs bv its use. When once tried its superiority
uv r tverv other i.ieU;. !i.e f it n.u is too appar-
.,. nWrvntion. and where us vi-tues are
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote
to eir.plov for the and d ingcruus affec
tions of the pulmonary organs which are ii.dcnt
to our climate. And not only in formidable at
tacks upor. the lungs, but for the milder varieties
of CiiLiift, Ovghs, Hoahsknos, &c.i and for
l'iut.DKl:N it is the nleasantest and safet medicine
that can be obtained.
As it has long been in constant use throughout
this section, we need not do more than assure the
people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever
Us been, and that tno genuine article is sold by
Weiser & ftraner. Sutibury; ltird ic J hn. Slnmoktn
W. WirmT. X'lrttuimttcnniid ; 3. F. Oiilow, Millon
and by all Druggists in Northern Pennsylvania.
JuneOT, 155 ly.
.S. W, corner Si.nh and Arch streets,
PHlLAUP.l.rill .
IEAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full and
. choice assortment of black and green Teas
of all grades, from i!.e extremely low price of
30 cts 33 40 50 CO 7d U 75 cts. per lb.,
warranted to be superior to any to be had else
where at the same prices. Wo know a v.! confi
dently recommend them to be 20 per cent cheap
er than any for sale in the city. We have also
a very superior assortment of C'ollce, Old fiov't,
Java, Lnguayrn, Marararibo, Rio and ('np Hay
ticn CoU'ee. New No. I Mackerel and Shod in
J and i bbl. or as may bo desired. Cheese, Pine
Apple, Sap tago. New Yoik Cream Cheese al
waya on hand. Soap brown and while; also
II. L. KciuloH ct Co's Chcmicnl Olive Soap, one
lb. of which will go as fur ns 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. Also Starch of dillicnt qualities, pickles,
sauces, ketchups, olive, olive oil, saidittes, an
chovcys, ic, with a full assortment of Fancy
Goods, to which we invite the a trillion of the
public tocall and cvamire our extensive assort
ment of Fine Groceries for side bv
Wholesale and Retail Family Grocers and
Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth und Arch st.
N. B Good delivered to all parti of the cily
free of chare;.
Phils., Sept. 22, 1855 apl j
Trusees! Trusses!! Trusses! 11
Truss and Brace Establishment,
S. Jr. Cor. of Twelfth nnd Race Streets,
HMPORTER of fine French Trusses, cmnbi
ning extreme li!hltiei,s, ease and durability
with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured
piticnta ran he suited by remitting amounts, as
below : Sending number of inches round the
hips, snd staling side nll'ecleJ.
Cost of Single Truss, $2, f.l, f 1, 85. Double
.), If 6. -ii'M and $ !0. Instructions as lo wear,
and how to e licet a cure, when possible, se:it
with the Truss. Also for aale, in great variety,
l)r. Bauniiig'i Improved Putcnt liudy Drarr,
For the cure oi Prolapsus Uteri : Spinal Props
and Supports, Patent Shouldrr Braces, (,'heit
Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all
Willi Stoop Shoulders anil Weak lungs : Enslish
Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syiinges
male auJ lemale.
tV J.ailies' Rooms, with J.ady attendants.
J'hila., Aug. 4, 1&55. ly P 8.
PERRY & ERETY. invite the. attention of
merchants and ollurs lo their large stock of
elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer
Books, Albums, and Presentation Books in all
ly If s of binding; Standard Thenlogirai. Medical,
Miscellaneous and Scliotd Books, which Ihey
have received from Trade Sale and are selling
at extremely low prices.
A Uo direct front the manufacturers and Iin
porters, ever' kiniof Plain and Fancy Writing,
Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and
teJ Pens, Pencils, IiiksiMids, Wrapping F
part, te, &c, at the lowest cash price.
8. W. Corner, 4tb and '(are St.
September tt, 1855. tf
W1LAN1C5 f very dewnoo r h t Sy
i jv Tine t tbc oAc of i4 AnvricftB.
r1HE parity, fragrance
St mild emoliient
properties of this Soap,
rcn.lere it espccmlly de- .vjiia
serving a place on every W2f&!r&
toilet. For chapped hands, JLf rrf 98.
and various diseases of 3100
the skin, it Is unrqualed. Each cake is stamped
WM. CONWAY, 168 South Secern! street,
Philadelphia. No other is Genuine.
Improved 'Chemical ;OHve Soap,
Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water.
This soap ha powerful cleansing properties,
which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, Ac, from
every description of goods without injury to them.
For all domestic purposes it is superior to nv
.other soep in use, and 30 per rent, cheaper than
ine common rosin snap. Each bar is stamped.
108 South Second street, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm,
stenrine and tallow candles, importer and dealer
in sal soda, soil a ash, rosin, Ac.
Orders by mail promptly attended te.
Phils. August S5, 1855. If.
In the Treatment and Cure of.
Certtnmittiou, Atlbniu, Rronchilis, and elher
Diseases of the ltrr.pirntory Organs, by
Medical Inlmlnllon.
with notks"ani ADDITIONS
S Da. CKAS liKkSNt.
First American etlittim, from fifth London erfitiun, waere
it litis lud an unprecedented, sale.
This isa valnnbte w-urk and should be in the hands of si
inV4litts, niiit the Mejicnl Profession generally. For.
wuroeii frcs ol charge. Ly m.ol, on receipt of
F1VTI (IMS) tlolll (gill) CNK noll.tR.
C. W. VAN imil.N & CO.
Ko. 32 AWiVi Xinth St., J'iiladelpiia.
We subjoin n few. from many commfndaiory notices
ami reviews fiom the F.'iglish and American IMedtcA
ami "titer Ji'imtuis ;
Dr. M.'ittlock is the son of the late Henry Mnrijlock,
i'i(.. !. P , the wrlt'kiinwit bartistei, utnl promises to
rise, hi his own pr-tfessiou. in its eminent n ih-gree as los
liitrent. . . . Tin. syslrin (itilialathiu) proposed ns the
til n effectual iner IhhI til ap)l iug a remedy to a portion of
iiiesvsu-iu w.neit eaanoi in? mrecllv reaeitril nv inioicine
us'-lf. . . . We recommend our readeis lo purchase l tie
Work." Ws:!un cnronirlr, London, Feb. 1st. IMS.
"We rec nninend the Work lo our renders, ns it npenrs
to oe lolly lutittireit, t-letntly Wlitten, nod entirely divested
ttfioiv 'u-if'lery or . pell-si?kto!t tendency. Tiie Work
well deserves perusal, nnd the practice, ns far lis our
kn iwledirc nnd experience extends, will repay not only
it aTMii c' hut a puliettt trinl ol its merits''
Lutitloit Medir-al Jonrniil, December 13, 1un.
We th:uk thai no one can nsefrotn its pe
usal, without hcing satisfied tint it islhe wnk of n pnic
leal nnd experienced man ; tiinl I tint it ottiiht. for the sake
of thosi; who stifle! from consumption, asthnia. or bronchi
tis, lo tie br-Muht into extensive eircuhii.Mi. It is. in the
stru left sense of tne tettit, n v-dnnM'! Work." Oxford
t'iii.-e:sitv Meinld, November, 7. IMC.
'A Ite-Pitttl M the n Kditi m of Mr. Mndd fk's
Wink on Consumption. Hronclnlis, Aslniua. Ae. ; with
Votes. Ac., by Dr. Clins. liree ic This Woik will be
lotui'l worthy the attention ol our renders, for Ihey tnav
learn front tt what eioi be expected from this mode of
lieanng Cojisnni.tii.u and affections of die nir-pas-;ic-s.
Dr. M. is evident.) .. .u.. n of considerable intelli
jrenee and wb-itever then is ol g"od in inhalations of
meilicn'ed vapors, he seems to have ability to extinct,
nay. we o lurther. add nay. that we tear that the Pro.
fessi i:i have ti n aiven sufficient attention to this mode
ot nllevinliug the siifferiti'jti of those laboring under this
class ol diseases." New Jersey .Medical Keporler, June.
(From rroffjs r .las. Tlrran, I'dttor of 'M 'T'lnmclrlpbin
.Medical and Harpieai Journal."
"Dr. MaI'TVK'K's book on Inhalation is one of the few
which have been issued from the CiiqIisIi picts on Hns
subject. Its rc-ptibltcaiioti in this country, Willi the
jttdici'.its N"Ies o Dr. (itccne, will udil to the misliertl
tltrr.'il'ire ol'the Tinted tftlsles. nnd, it is hoped, exeites nns
interest in the inedient Profession on liisssibieet of Inhn
latioii, nsn nifansof treating pulmonary arfretious. Willi
tha ntltlilion of in-slcm ilisc-ueries in riiysiologv. this
mode of treating these diseases should Lave u fair tnnl
and some atonement made for the long neulecl which In
halutiou has Miflered at the bands of niefbeat men.
Jamks IIhyaK, M. D.,
Prof, of Surgery in Philadelphia Collets of Medicine
DR. OTtr.KNr. will errnt ll.SP.ASh9 OP Tin:
I.CNr.S nutl AIU-PASSAii;S. ntrrctmhlv to tM ni xie
it Biifcrhillv Hiitiptnl in th? pntrlircf Dr. A. It. Mml-il-K-k,
nttit ntlirr ciiMnent nn-i:iim uf Ktirupc. Hy tlnf
urn!? of tiei'incMl tliKififtfiiBinl .tirt:u-e ni" Uv IJr.mchi nml
hunps nri iliieHlv nclnl Uxitt. the vniMii TTirdimtt1!! vn
ptir litie ci:rriiit l tht- nnst inimue rnmififfitioii of Hit
l.imtf. itr.HltK'iiiij lifaiiliv nptitii: wlir-re n ciiini!rte
liiR-iriiii.'irt hi Ii:ir n it t-t,Pii piac-e th liest rrtilia i.ivv.ivn
ftttt'iiit ftntiirt! nf lr;iftii'i : in fm-t. Willi Btiil:i!i(t?
n-'jHiipt-t. it ii Ihemilv re!inlfl li inn of tmitiim 1itiif'ta
of lite Uiaiiim, U intcuda iVvntuijj hm Role to p:trtiriil:ir l.itm'-h of hs irifrpioti.
I'lioif tU-binnig ol Citiiktulliim tiim run (in so hi letter nil-
dn 63iH) to
CHAS. r.RWMV M. i.
llox 2vH 1'iiiliiil.i. P. O.
Philatla , June 31, 155, ffni.
We reippc! fully "licit the aitentiun of Hie public to our
Me(.ni:(;oit nr.ATiNG stovks.
for Ptoren, II.mIm, Ctiurrlnn, J'arh'm Ac, wiirrniitetl to
Cive iiMre I tmt with one thinl the fuH, ttrnn nuy otlit-r
Iltutii.K Move in uae. Ihe hrtre mini Iter wind, liuw
berii tUn tliiii Hii'l other citiei nml the nmstiint nrt
iiicre'isinir tieiiiumt for llii-in in nirtieieiit cit:irititee of
tiieir puprrioniy over ull nthcr IJentinit Slovei, uml we
chverfiuy :nvile tl:e itnt teit investisutiit ol" our rlunni
t t ti e m 'St pcrffvl tutic e of the V nitt 01 use.
We :iht,:ivt- :i iifit"r CAri.DI!ti.. for fn'tninr
imI theiiiiriil pulpits, m tile on the pinitinle, for
rtt we ctoim only a trnio I'enpprecmtetl.
We kefp f-iiMifoitlv on Ullf u aKKoftnient of the
leatluip COOK tin,, PaKLOK tSrcVhSi a"4 arc sole
Agents in Ih Stri'r
HfCK'S PATrvr CfOKlNCi STOTF?, nn-!
S'l'OVI- S Wholesiile l)(M:ers w.ll Im ktinr.lilnl
ths lowest foundry prices.
Wh'leile Retiiil ttvf Denl-rs,
N. K. Cor of S!:COn RACK Ms. PhiUii'o
nr Rr sale l.y II. M ASShH. of this pluee.
PhtMelpliia, AurusI 25, 5j..1in.
El Dorado,
Hio Hondo,
La Curiosidad,
Havana Cheroots.
Ll Nepluno,
Kl Ducndo,
liecrea. lores,
La Somianuis,
Sunbury, May 28, 1855.
Annuity and Trust Co.
5. E. corner 'lh'ird and Chestnut St.,
MO.N'EV is received on ilrp. iit daily. The amimnl
dep tiiet is enlerel in a l)ep,iit U.hir anrl aivru to
the l)riit.h', or, if pri-fcrrcd. a cernticule wilt lie mven.
All imiiis. Iiir-e hiii! small, ure receive!, and the anK'Unl
paid Lack mi d?naiMl. wilhnut notice.
Inten t, i, pi.i.l 0i the rule of riva per rrxr., c in.
mr.ii iiist lrnii tne ilny nl di p iil, and ewiiing fonrteen
dns pirvn ui In the willnlrtiwul the nvmey.
tin Ihe firtl ilav ,if Juniiitry. in each y; ar, Ihe interest of
e.vh ii is uii! 1 1 thtdt'p ', or added In the iirinci
ni'. ns he may prpfcr.
Tlis Cnipi iv h ive n w upwards of ,W0 depositors
In II. e Citv i f I'hiluclclphia shine
A.iymMiij ami inf,,rmaii'iii will be given by addressing
the Tsuiukes.
Hte iheii R Crawf.inl. Prr.'t, William M. Omlwia,
l.nvrence J h ...ii, Vlcel'os'l, l'unl B (i. d.laid,
A rutin m V. 'I'll uiiiis.iii, (je .rue MiUi-nry,
lleiijsniin W. Tnisiey, James Ueverens,
Jach I,. pi'iraiK'u, Uavtu'us LOlnlllli.
Secreiaiy and Treasurer, Pl.liV FISIC.
Tanas nu IxTuaraETEa, i. C. Ui:ilUjCUl.AUi:n.
Philadelphia, Sept. , 151 l) P.
'JTMiE siibiicriber inform. Dealer, and Farmers
hi. he has greatly impromej th quality of
Super Phosphate of Lime,
AnJ now confidently recommends lha article
manufactured by him, atscrtaioa to any in Ihe
market. You are invited to call, examine and
try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican C'uano, Oils,
Candle., rioap, Ae., at the lowest market rates.
Successor to Tho.. '.V. Morgan,
No. 9 and 10 Sou lb Wharves, Philadelphia.
17 Farmer, can load on two private alley.,
and avoid, the crowded wharf.
Phila., July 1, 1855. c6m.
Land Warrants Bought
HIGHEST cah prir paid, and money remit
ted by first mail. Th beat reference can
be given. Apply or adJrea '
No. 80 North Gih street, Philadelphia.
taT Bounty Lands and Pensioiu procqiej
ar.J Warrant, located a. u.uaL
October 6, 1855.- 3u1
JS Spices, Oils, Brandy, (iin, Wine, Marker
!, Keriini and Salt, just recvivej and fore!
try WM. A. KNADB.
Lower Augvst My I, til
Flour, Feed and Provision 'tore.
Broadway, Mierrn Marl d MacHnry St.
II ESPKCTFUI.LY inform the public that
they have just received a large and well
selected assortment of choice Family Groceries,
consisting In part of Ilifmit, Hhnnlders', Mackerel,
Herring, White Fish, Cod ThH, Malt Preserved
Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Mola'srss, Rice,
8ugar, Codec, (treen, roasted and ground,) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black
Teae, Cedar-ware, Stone-wore, Soups, brushes
plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco,
e.gsre, Sic, together with every article usually
found in a first class Grocery Store, atl of which
will lie sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or
country produce. We also keep on hand choice
Liquors, Port, Lisbon, &c. I'ortcr, Ale, beer,
sarsnporilla, cVr. We ore also urrpnred to sup
ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzels and rakes of every kind.
N. D. The highest cash prices will he paid for
butter and eges, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
r-unhury, July 7, 1855.
It Mt LOW'S tDIr. IJLl'E.
BARLOWS INDItiO DU E, is now we I
established as the best article ever offered for
blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or
anything injurious to the finest articles. All
housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less
trouble than Indigo or any other article. The
great demand for it has brought out several imi
tation. (Storekeeper ami consumers will he
careful to get Uiiwamisj Utnttiw'i, put up at
Alfrc d Wiklicrger's Drug Store, No. 1(50, N.
Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeeper ran
get their supplies from the Crocers and Druggist
llicy deal with, nt prices yielding a good profit.
Jlriie, Chemical. Varnishes, Vy
fluffs, (ft., with a first-rate assortment of every
thing in the line. Storekeepers, Pliysicinns ami
manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates.
ALFRED WII,TI)EHrii:H. Druggist
1G9 N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 1855 ly.
TIlIE subscriber respectfully informs the public
l that she still continues to keep the above
named public house.
She has also received a new atipply of good
liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbnry June 53. 1S55 tf.
M1MESS AMD sRtrrixs or
Uci) Vsi) Vntljvacitc Coal.
From the
Luke Fidler Colliery
Shamokin, North'd County, Pcnna.
Address. Boyd, Rosscr cfc Co., Sunhury, I'a.
n. M. noni. j. nnssi:n. jas. sain. T. Russi a.
Sunhury, April 7, 1R5.S. If.
JRAI.Jj;nf in Watches and Jewelry, will
continue the business at the old stand of
James D. Fidler,
A(. VI South Stroud Street,
I'll 1 1. AUI. I. I'll I A,
Where they snlicit an examination of their large
and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe
rience both of llicui have had in the business,
and the facilities they possess for procuring
ponds nn the most ailvnutncenim terms, will ena
ble them to compete favorably with any other
establishment inthecitv. They have now on
hand a fine assortment of
Silver, l'lnted and Drittania Ware, Cutlery,
i Fancy fioodn, dee., &c.
A. li. Hcpainns of alches and all kinds of
Jewelry attended to with promptness and the
grciitcHt care.
rhila., April 7, 1S.i3. tf.
rjESPFC'IKCLLY inform the public ihnt
they have leased the new colliery, called the?
Lambert colliery, and are ready lo deliver coal of
superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa
red on their new coal nreaker. All orders pronipt
nttt nilc.l to by addicting the firm, either at
Sunhurv or Shamokiti.
riuithury, Juno 30, 1855.
Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! !
Surcessortn McCkcs i? Orrmtm,)
TiOCLD call the attcnion of the public, not
' ' only to the superiority of the Daguerreo
types, the Iiyalograph, (by some called Ambro
tj pe.) and the various styles of Photography on
paper; but lo the fact, that parties at a distance
fotsesniiia. a small daguerreotype, may, bv send
ing it to No. l(!t) Cht-Ntiiul at., have made from
it by the mean? of Phulorrraidiy, and the talents
of the lien Artists, a portrait ot tvi slit, from
a small Loeket lo the full size of life.
A small book containing description, prices.
Ac, Ac, will be cent gratis to any person ma
king the request.
Philadelphia Photograph Establishment,
No. I do ChcMniit si., below 7th
Phila., July 21, 1S55 tf.
srrna phosphate of Mir.
)500 bids, of Ihe most superior manufacture.
Alto, iiLA.NU of every description, Cal
cined Plaster, Cement, 4c.
t7 Produce of all kind bought and aold on
Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No.
65 North Wharves, between Rac and Vine
streets, Philada.
Philadelphia, Autiust 4, 1855. 3mc.
Shamokin Whito Aeh Anthracite CoaL
From the "Old Vein" dt the Cap Cvllirri.
' successors to Kase, Reed & Co., will con
tiitue mining, shipping and selling coal from the
above well known Colliery, under the firm of
Zimmerman & Pursrl. The point of shipment
is at the lower wharf in Sunhury, Northumber
land county, Pa., where all orders for the variou.
kinds of coal, viz: Lump, Broken, Egg, Nove,
and Chen! n nt Coal, will be thankfully received
and promptly attended lo.
Sunbury, July 14, ISo.'i,
SinBi ny, Juit 5, 1855.
The firm of Kae, Reed Co. having aold
their lease in Ihe Cap Colliery and interest in the
wharf at Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman 6c
l'uiscl, would take great pleasure in recommend
ing our customer, and other t the new firm, as
they will be aide to sell them prepared coal of
the bet ijushty ,
MTIflLEY'S CQWir CINDY. 4n eicel
y lent remedy for coughs, cold. For sal
at this office.
December 4. 185g. .
rjHM.N PUMPS.- A small number of these
excellent pump, hav beea received and ar
ottered for sl by
Sunnurv, June 4, 1855.
VERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Coin Starch
just received by
May 19, 1855. WEISF.R St BRUXER.
rjnRASK'B Magnetic Ointment at
-- May 19. WEISEK & BRUNER'8.
EUARTUBS, Horn Buckets, Painted Buck
els, Meat Tenderers, Corn Broom. Bas
kets, Children' Wagons, and Yank Clock,
st received and for sal by
May . 185V I. W. TENER
KOOTS, Shoes, Hau, Cap an Gum 8boes,
just rcixl tod for nl by
Oct. T 1854. TUNER Co
Northumberland county, Pe.
TIII3 large and commodious Hotel la situated
on the top of the I.ocurt mountain, netrly
half way between Sunbufy and Poltsvillc. The
scenery the salubrity of (he atmosphere and, mnlte it one of the
most delightful summer retreats in the country.
The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high,
fitted up with all the modern eonvenirnrei. The
pure mountain water is introduced Into every
chamber. The place ia easy or access, beiig
ht one and a half noun ride from Sunhury, over
iVh Philadelphia and Sunhury Rail road. From
rottsvillc, it can he reached by the Mine Hill
Rail rond to Ashland, and from thence to Mt.
Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus.
Evcrv attendance will be paid ty the proprie
tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode
Mt. Carmel, June 23, IS55. tf.
Ao. 26 Snu'h Four th St., Philadelphia.
tptlTV. CJRUAT FIRE, Chestnut
NSf&i-A'jt & Fifth 8lreets, Friday
jWts3JI?ir't morning, December 3Ath,
,854' Evans 4-Watson's
KE' (y:d 5 nS'Sf Salamander Safes Trium-i!- they ilwny. are
tJxtgSggSjje when pit to the test.
PuttiiRtrni, Dec. IS, 1854
Messrs. Evas V Watsos, Nt. 89 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re.
cominrndinir your Salamander Safes to Merchants
and others in want of a secure means of preser
ving their bonks, papers, etc., from fire, as the
one we purchased from yon about seven months
since has preserved our books, papers and cash
in as good a condition as Ihey were when put
into it, before the (treat fire of this morning, which
destroyed the .entire block of builditiRs corner of
Chestnut and Fifth streets. 1 he above sale wa.
in use in our oll'ice, on the second floor of our
buildinsr, from which place it fell into the cellar,
and remained there until the fire was out. The
Safe was then removed and opened in the pres.
once of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the
Rood condition of the contents. Will you please
have the Safe and I.otks repaired, as we intend
lo put it in ue again, havi.,g perfect confidence
in its lire-proof qualities.
Yours, Respectfully,
Evans d Watson lake pleasure in referring to
tho following, anions; Ihe many hundreds who
have their Safes in ure: I'. S. Mint, l'hilada ;
Farmers' and Mechnnics' IJank, I'hila i Samuel
Allen, Iq., High !Sneriir, Phila; John H. Hen
derson, (,'ity Controller; Csleb Cope A Co., No.
183 Market .St. ; Richard Norris A- Son, Loco
motive builders, l'hilada ; Danrroft & Sellers,
Machiui'ts, corner lClh and James Sta.; Fran
klin Fire Insurance Co., I'hila.; Penuaylvauia
Kailrnad Co, Phila.; Lacey 4- Philips, corner
filli and Minor Sis; Sharpies Urn., No. 32
South Second St..; James Kent &. Santee, No.
147 North Third St; W 11. Horatman &. Sons,
No. .11 North Thud St.; Sinilli, Williams cfc Co.,
No. 87 Market St.; J. & U. Orne, No. 164
Chestnut SI.
A large assortment of the above Safes always
on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent
more fire than anv Herring's Safe now in use.)
EVANS fi WATSON, nl?. manufacture and
keep fur sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron
Dash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Uanka
stores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Ke
frinerators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. SS
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7, IS55. cly. 10.
jn. with One Hundred
Engravings, showing Dis
eases and Millormationa of
the Human System in every
!j shape and form. To which
is added a 1 realise on the
Diseases of Females, being
.1 17
'.l;AJ IM
ol'the highest importance to
man ltd people, or those
contemplating marriage.
Iiy lr in, lotting
T.el no fnitii-r l.e nnl.nmcil to prcscnl a copy of the
1. 1 l.Al IL to hi cliil'l. II may save him Irom sn early
tnivc. Irtt no y.icii man or wmaiti enter nitn the sccre
iiMiciliiiiis ol'inirriM lil willimit Trailing ihe Pdf'KKT
.liSl'l' I.APIt'S. I.l nn mic sii!r-rut iVnm haelcnied
Coiiiili, ruin in the nte, restless nights, nervnns leeliiiet,
uitii lie vv tram uf lljuj-.f alic siaisitiiiiis. unit given
up by thi'ir yh ii-i.-ni. hr nrnM:i'l lll lileiit vvitluiut con
niliiip llic .IXll'I.APII'S Have the mniiird, or Ihnse
iilmiit tn he in:irrirt any impediment, rrarl this truly liaeiul
imh.k, as ii na i.celi I tie llirans in Kiving ta iuannds nf utl
furtimate rre.itnres frnm Hie vcr mwi if rt"!h
Cf Any icrK sending TIVKNTV-FIVB CKNTf,
eiictiiseil in n letter witl n-ceive imic ciipy nf th.s bmik, hy
mini, or live c.ii''s win lie si-m itii one d'i:rn. A'lntcw,
l)R v . HH.Mi, io. lav fl'llia S'.rtel, PHILA.
1J:.IA. ' 1'oei vui.
PhiUileiphlil, Septemli-r P. tr.5 ly
(At the old Stand of S. .V. yV.omton.)
r"jHE Subscriber respectfully informs the peo-
pie ot sunhury and vicinity, that be hat ta.
Ken toe More lumm lately occupied by S. N
1'lioinpson. in Market bueet, ISuiibury, lwlow
Weaver's H iiel, and that he has just received
ana opeifit a handsome assortment of
Conoiming in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Queenware, Hats fl- Caps, Boots dt Shoes, Fish
Halt, Meat. Ac.
All cf whidi will be sold at the lowest pi ices.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th
liignetit market price.
Sut bury, Nov, S4, 1955 ly ch
S. E. corner of Second j- Chestnut Sts.
Where may he fou-.d, one of the largest and
'icst assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in the
I mted Males, m quantities lo suit purchaser.,
oi I mm a single cim x, to one thousand Clock,
embracing every variety of style and manufnc
tore, suitille for Lhurches, Halls, Counting
nouses, i ariors, cieeping Kilch
... n ii,. i f. t it . , ii -i ...
c-iifi, iiraiii anil . siiiii ucuiH, Bilu liall rOUU l.'ars.
. II. Clocks Ki'patrcd and Warranted.
I lock I riininuig. for sale. Also,
Manufacturer uf Darber't Celtbrated Fine
Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill
pen, in addition to which the durability of the
metal is lully associated and developed. GolJ
and Silver Penci.a, aud Pen Holders, Plated
v are, ae., wuulesale and retail. Tho wish
iug lo purcnaa ar invited to call.
8. E. corner Chestnut and Second !u., Phila.
Philadelphia, June 83, 1855 ly,
ujpxe oppowe tne Cuui t House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County. Pa.
rrompi uueiiuoti to buaiueu nt adjoining
i ... . . -
flOOFLAND'S Bitter at
books,! nk, and all ct mplet. hist rr ccived
ana lor aale by n, II . MAoaEK,
Sunbury, Jun 4, 185AU
B bar botile. Tor aal by
H. B MA88ER,
Sunbury, April, It, 1851
CILVER' WATCHES. A f.w 4oubU cat
English BUvm Watch, far 1 at ry low
pncM by H, B MAUkl,
Bunsury, Apri It, IMI
- or
S3H3v3r3P CO CD 3D CD 533
At B. N. Thompson's Store,
In Lover Auyuita township, at the Junction J
the Julpehocken ana l'lum creek road.
mHE subscriber having returned from the city
X willi a new and extensive assortment of
fashionable goods, respectfully call, th attantion
of Farmer., Mechanic, and ether, to the .am.
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloth. Cassimeres, Cassintts, Jeant, Drilling.
.'. mr . . ' T I- I ll !. ,. y'
Jllttslin.i, resting!, t u-ceas, ami an Kinu oj
Spring ana Summer Wear,
Calicoe, Muslin d Lain, Lawn,
Ginghams, Berapis, Rohtt,
Jfooltnt, Flannel, l(c.
8ir, Tea., Coffee, lUce, Melasset, Ck,
Spice, Salt, Ac, Ac, Ac.
Nails, Screw., File., Saw., Knive. dc fork., Ac
Queens ana uiassware,
ef various style, and pattern..
A lars a.sortment of Boots and Shoe, for
men, women and children.
Hits Cirs. Ac, of variou. aize. and styles. .
Beside, a large and general assortment of
fashionable good.. Call and examine for your
17 Country produce ot all kind, taken In
exchange at the highest market pricea.
Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 58, 1855
Will, P. POTTS,
461 Market street, below I3f A, north tide,
rhila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly.
Furniture ! Furniture !
Ab. 157 South Second (nhore Spruce,) east tide,
rjnilE subscriber would respectfully inform the
-"- leaders of the Sirjf American and th
public generally, that he has on hand a constant
supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made
Furniture at reasonable prices, uetng a practi
eal mechanic, and having all hi. good, manufac
tured nnder hi. own superintendence, purchasers
may rely on getting just such articles a. ar
represented. Lounges with removable arm.,
also new patterna of Sofa Bedsteads. Those
who are about going lo housekeeping would do
well to call.
157 South Second street
N. B. All erder. thankfully r.ceiv.d and
promptly attended to.
April 28, pas. wa ly.
THE subscriber having received th necessary
form, and insructtiona from the Department,
at asbiaglon, is prepar.d to procure Bounty
Land Variants at th shortest notice.
5ubury. A.-'' 7, 1853.
Shamokin Fa-
fjnilR subscriber begs leave to inform hi. friends
W. and Ihe public generally, that he, ha. taken
the above well known stand, and will b. happy
to accommodate all who may giv him a call.
biiumokin, July 8, 18M
"4TOTICE i. hereby given that application will
be made to the next legislature of l ennsvl
vania, at Ihe session of IMiO, tor the creation of
a corporate body, with banking and discounting
privileges, to be called the '"hamou Bask,
locateJ at 'iiainokintown, Northumberland Co.,
Pa., with a capital .lock of $I30,0UO, with th
privilege of increasing the umi to $300,000 if
rihauiokm, May S5, 18SS. :a.
"Wholesale aud Retail Drueiriits,
Market St., next door to E. Y. BrigKV Store
FFER to th public th Isrgest tnd beat
" .elected .tock ever ouen.d in this section of
country, consisting of
Medicines, Chemical., Ground Spue., Paint.,
Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Class,
Patent Medicine., toecther with complete -
ortmcnt of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth, Nail
and rihaviug Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and
rocket Comb., I ancy Snaps, bhaving (.reams
Tobacco, Segars, Poit Moniaa, Stationary, Con-
For Medicinal use. English. French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip
tion, in short every article kept by Druggists
Prescription Carefully Compounded.
8unbury, M.y S8. 1154.
Strwerry. Congres.,
Eldorado Fig. Eldorado Cake.
Sarsaparilla Fin Cut, Pressed Fin Cut,
Anderson " For 8al at
Sunbury, May t8, 1855.
Tn. II. II. HIG BEE'S remedy far eeughs.
"colds, .nd pulmonary disesisea. A .upply f
inia yaluasla medicin just received and for aale
y II. U. MASSi,K,
Sunrmrr. June 4. IBM.
iv and legal envelopes, for sale by
H. B. MAfeSER.
Sunhury, Jan 10. 1852
t?UOES.AI kind, of Boot Shoe, and .tip-
per. lor sal by
Market atreet, opposite th Post OlTic
Sunbury. Oct. 8, 1853
ATS AND CATS K splendid lot f
lasliK, nable Silk. Wool and Fur Hat.
also Uth, Fur, Oilcloth, Nayy and Military
ivap lor sal low by
G. EL? BE RO 4 CO.
Market street, opposite th Post Office
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853.
GOLD PENS with and without cases, f
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh .upply of Writing Fluid, for sab
by H. B. MASSER.
ftunnurv. Dm. 8T. 1B'
TJLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank
Mortgage, Bond, Execution, Summon
Ac. for aale b H. B. MASSE R.
Sunbury , Apr! Ifl. 185
BOUND and whole Pepper, Clove, Cinna
" mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, Ginger,
Liquorlc. Ac, Ac, at
Nov. 18, '54. YOUNG'S 8T0RE.
1EWELRV A nic assortment of Gald and
" Silver Pencil and Pen, for sal cheap by
Market itreet, tt Post OlEc
Sunbury, 0t. I. U53
C AMPHINE nd Fluid of th lst quality
Tor sal by WBI8EI BRUNBR.
uabury. May It. U5A.
ATui lot of Wall Fartr just rcid and for
al by . WU. McCAKTV,
Market itrswt.
onsjry, Jua t,ISA.
New Goodi for the People !
RESPECTFULLY Inform, th.puullcln gea.
i ma i nenaa just reeeiveu and opened
pler.did stock of
Fall nnd Winter Goods
at hi. Nw 8tore, in Lower Augusta township.
Hi. .lock con.istt in part of
ClotJli. CftHdimpra flnatinata
fall kind., of linen, cotton and worsted.
Calfrora, Gtii?Iinmn, Lawns.
nioiiiNcllnc Uo l.nlnci
ahd atl kind, of Ladle. Pr? Goods.
Al an as.ortment of tlardwnic. Irou
nn Bteei, jxaus, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
UtJEENSWAHE, of yuriou. atylca ar4
A Is an assortment of ItnOTA ii SIlnrB
goou selection.
Suit, Fish, fcc.
And a great yarirty of other articles snrh us mrm
auitabl to the tiado, til tf whiih wiil I s .old at
me lowest prices.
CT Country produc taken in txebang a
th highest prices.
Lower Augusla, Nov. 10, lSfin.
United States Hotel,
Chestnut Street, ulore Fourth.
CJ- MacLEI.LAN, (lale of Jonr,' Hotel,
has Ilia ....... ,.. r i r . .
plcnsui to inform hia f, ;,,.!, n..J
h traveling community, that he I
Hous for a term of year.-., ad is m,w prenared
for the reception of Cuts !i.
1 be Local Bi!vni,!;iios uf ,U r.vorite eslsblith.
ment are too well known to need crmn ent.
The House and Furniture b ae l.urn lint t-.
first rate order: the rooirs are larf r antl wed
yentil.ted. Tho Tebles wiil nhvnvs l e supplied
with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself
that no effort on hi. part shall I s wnr.lir.g to
makth L'tiited States equal in comforts te .nv
iiotei in me Quaker t'ity.
ii - ,, . . . . -
i niia., juiy p,
nEAi.m in
Ltmpi, lintfrns, CIiamMU rnnI Caniltlaljrns,
A'o. 152 S. M street, nloit Spruce,
TTing enlarged and improved his alcr. and
having one of the largest arsorlmei.ts of
Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now rcpm. d to fur
nish Pine Oil, Cnmphene, liurning Fluid, Lord
and Oil Lamps, and Lniitcrtui m all patten,,
Glass Lamps by the p-Lafe, ct a r.all 'hdvanc
over auction prices Fcing a Maniifaclurcr and
Dealer of Pin. Oil. Burning Fiuid nml A Icuhrl.
which will be furnished to Merchants nt -jcl-prices
that they will r,m it ta ,,rir aiVIllllII,r
buy. Also, Ho-ircUolJ tilass-v 1( uf ,n dc,;.rip.
tion. al the lowest inaiket priced.
Piiladelphia, Oct. 14, li'v.
B O O K 8 K L I. i: R ,
TC8T r.csiv.d ar.J lor sale, a fresn supply f
FT,ic; ki. nvsiC
fer 8ingiug Schools. He U ols.j opening a
this time, a large assortment nf Booki, 111 eve.y
br.uch ol Literature, c.-.n :t:!:; of
Poetry, History, Novel.. Konuiices, SHentifie
Works, Low, .Me.l-.-ine. School inl Chiidren'
Books, liiiilcs; Poikcl and Family, both
with and without Engravings, and every of vari
ety of Binding. Pr jyr Book, of ;.!! kinds.
Also just received and slc, Pardons Di
gest of the lawsol Peiiri.ylvaiiia edition of 1851,
price oulv tG.Oil.
Judge Keaiis edition of B'a.-kst nes Commen
taries, in 3 vol" K vo. f n ,nrly .Id at $10,0(i,
and now c:TcrcJ (in fieeii biiidin1 at ths low
price ol So.C '.
A 1 realise on the laws i f P. :;nn Ivania re
specting the estates nf L'coeJtnts, by Thomas F.
Uordon, prut only 51,00.
Travels, ovaes and Adventures, all ol
hich will te soi l low, either for cuih. or coun
try produce.
February, 21, 185!. tt.
'lo Yotir AJcc a.tnkw.
MANITA'TI .r:f.P. Or'
Of the meat Fush'ciiru.le StjJ.
'TIIF. siibfcriir resrw.-t"-:i:y nr, tl, -:wrv,nt
- ef the public to 1,m !mc'a;i.i v; !ni,!id san.
ment of every .(iialiiv I ;iriie rf
which cannot fail to reiommrnd 'ii toeverv on
who will eia:nine it. 0,1 ai-co..:.t if j;. Jural !
workmanship and ph i.did I'.'.i .li. i-n If up of t
best stock to be had in the cv. rfibrt is
spared in t!ie maiiuf icturc 1 1' l is aic, anj the
subscriber ia drteiir.iiud to keep up with th
many improvement, which arc c.i.j;,intv l ng
made. His s'nck consists ol Mainyany
tiif.i, tfiiuliv r;i;l a.iMinrre
Eujpaui, E;ciet;iricj, ii'fbcrti-ds,
nd also VENF.TIA.N PLINl s, ,iUal lo piii -
d. !plna n.-nnlictiiie,
BEDSTEADS, of evi-iy pattern ar.d jrisc,
STANDS. Tini.l'T T.r,!.l'' Sl)
KTE.MO T.Mil.llS,
In short, every article i 1 thi, line of hn business.
He also nianu si t.ircj a l Kinds and qualities ot
ncluding varipiies brfore to he had Ir
Sunhury, audi as Miiohaii, Buck U'i vit
no Oimm Mo Lt Ijiitnn; asii Wiyhsur
CHAIRS, axn i'ct P1410 ci'rouih, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
by non manufactured in the Cities or elsevtheic
The (ubscrilier is determined that tl.cie shall
be noeiruse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every coui'dence can be entertainer''
about th quality and linish of hn tvaio ai.,:
Hi article, will l e disposed of en at I4101'
term . they can be purchased risen line. ljun
try Produce taken in pavment for wur!i.
ITT L'NDERTAKI.Vff Haiii.g provi.W,
himself with a handsome Ilut:, l:a is unw
prepared for Undertaking, and attending fuuer
ala, in this vicinity, or si any convenient dis
tance from this placf .
fsf" The Ware Room is in Market Street
below Thompson', b'lore and Weaver's Tuvein
Ciii'Iail li L.N.N.
Bunbury, Jan. 10, 1853 tf.
To Treipaiieri on the Telegraph liue.
TOTICE is hereby given, that ad person
' found trepaiiig upon, or injuring the litu
of th Philadelphia and Sunbury I'rirgroph wil
b dealt with according to Ihe act of Assembly it
such mad and provided.
H. B. MANSER, Prcs't
Phila. and 8unbury Ttlcgraph Co.
BMtioury, June 3, 1851. tf.
or TaitblesB Salts,
Tbi prepaiatian ia recomDiended a an
eellenl laiativ and purgaliv, it operate, milsl:
i. nlirely fre from any unpleasant taste, r
sembling l.monsd in flavor. Tbi medicui
highly bnefifil for d: pculr um
and hot weather.
Bunbury. Jul 1. 1
INK Bouru' eel.brmled ink. and C
Vr ik for emit. wal- T ,