AMOTIirn IIOTlrUBLE ACCIDENT Oil THE HIDSO RIVER RAILROAD. The Draivhridge at Spujiten Devil Creek Give WeiyFovrCan and Tiro Engine in the Wutir An Engineer, Fireman, 'J'u-o pas seiner and a Bog Missing Several Staid td and Badly Injured! We nro nirnin rompelle.1 to nnnonnca tin otlii'r feni-rul nceiitent on tlin Hudson River, by which ciTtninlv three or more iier.4r.ns have lost their lires. As Tar as we liavo leuii nli'.u to nsri'ituin, it nppunrn that the Sumlity niKlit train, which left Albany ui u iiuiriiT hihi. KMir. on rendu tip the Drulge over Spiiylcn Di'Vil', civi-k, caused tliu bridge to rive wny, mill jmrt of t lit train, consisting or two r-ii-ities, two freioht. cars, tho ni:iil anil bajririutu cur, and nnn passenger car. were pivuipitated int-i the wator. The britlpp gave wny just this ship, of the draw. A train with thirty cars hud only a lew hours before cros sed ovor safidy. Tho train had three passenper cars nttnrb ed, but only one went over, und partly in the water. The passengers were all thrown upon one another in the front part of the car, when it went down. As tho remaining enrs ennpht upon one or the iron bars, it prevented them from goiii over, nnd also the first passenper car from going' entirely into the water Ilad it not been for this, there would bavo been many lives lost. The engineer and fireman of the first on pine aio missing. They were seen on the cnginu as she went down. On the second engine, the engineer nnd fireman were horribly sculded, and they would no doubt, have been drowned, hud it not been that they were resetted by the passengers. The pnssengers in the first car succeeded in petting out by breaking out the window glasses and using the side of the car as a lad der. All are repotted to have gotten out safely, within the eNceptii'it of two men, who it is s.i id, were seen standing on the front of tho cur, outsido the door. They have not b'jen solm) since. A number were badly braised, but to what rxttiit we have not yet been able to ascer tain. The namo of tho engineer lost, is James I'arrison. In consequence of the accident, no trains will leave to-day. Mr. Julin Upton, the Messenger of Wells, Buttcrlield & Co.'s American Express, was among the injured. He was severely bruised his uiilde dislocated, und onu of the smull bones dl' his leg was broken. lie had in charge neat ly a million of dollars, but not withstanding his severe injuries, he refused to leave his Express, and remained in the cars seven hours in the cold w ith the Express matter. No instance of courage and endu rance like this has ever been oil record. The cars tiejt the engine probably saved the lives of many people. The engineer aud fireman of one of the engines have not been found. The mail bags are all under water, und the mails are wet. The first engine pas sed over the bridge in safety. The ice knock ed the pile away under tho bridge. The li i t" t passenger car stands up on end, resting on u baggage car. The last car was ruked inside the seats, stove, aud all were swept to the rear end. Tho second car was undis turbed. The Conductor was iu this car, and was not injured. The passengers all speak in the highest terms of the conductor and baggageman. Old aud expei ieneod railroad men, who have seen many railroad accidents, says this wreck pre sents a sight never before equalled, ill tho wny of the piling up of cars, engines, fcc. Mr. Fail, mail agent was badly hurt. The passengers walked across the t mpo rary bridge, and were conveyed to Thirty-first street by a special train. They arrived here about ten o'clock this morning. They should have ur.'ived h'.st evening at ten. Tho acci dent occurred at 2 o'clock this morning. The train was delayed by thu storm of Saturday nijhl. .V, J". Express of 14(i inst. Tii k c v. i. roM.niHMostrts' rtoportT. S.ur. of Tin: Main Line. The Canal Com-rn:P-i"iiers. in their report, allude to the Bale iX the M.i'a Line u regard to the future of the Main Line c f'he ' 'to improvements, tho Loard feel ri 'in ti nt i:t nuking uny specific recomuien '":.;ii li. N the past year's experience be re pe.r'ed r.s an index to the future, and the FubVct I e Mewed abstractly us a mere ques tion id" dollars I. ml cents1, there would not seem to bo much encouragement. As bus been stated u! ready, the principal transpor ters abandoned tho Main Lino in July last, f-'ho'd I tlii state of things continue, it be comes apparent from a comparison of the rere;t3 with the e.Vj'i -uiiilures the past year or. that portion ol'th" lino west of the .1 umMi.-.n the St.'.te would be largely the loser. Rut "ill this state of things bo permanent? To arrive nt a proper conclusion i.t tl.e ques tion, it will bo necessary to look at the causes which produced it. The most prominent einopg ther e (except the competition of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which has already been discussed,) is tho uncertainty that has been felt among business men as to whether the .State would rrtnin the ownership of the lino. Two successive Legislatures have pas sed bills fur the sale of the Main Line ; and, although no sale has been effected, yet the constant ngitatirn of the subject has deter red capitalists from embarking in a business involving the expenditures of thousands which they hud w guarartee might not be swept from I hem by the time they would get liiiily into operatii n. Another cause which l;i'S eentribiited iin little towards producing the result referred to was the old Portage Road. In the active competition of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the deten tion incident to the inclined planes on the old Portage has operated as a serious drawback to the 'transporter. e.n the canal. This ob struction heing nov.-removed, the change will be sensibly felt by those who may engage in the business of tr'uisportation tho approach ing? .season. The completion of the new road will very much fi e dilute the transit of freight. If the ownership of tho line is to remain in the Commonwealth, then policy would dictate that every efl'ott should be exhausted 10 make it as productive as possible. To this end it li.ia been suggested that the experiment be tried of holding out inducement to have it stocked. It is aliened that there are parties willing to do this, if the proper guarantee bn field out. It is, tlierelore. submitted lor tllO consideration of the Legislature whether the passage, of uu act providing ! hut if companies would put stock on tiu-i line, and the worn should be sold within u given time, the par ties purchasing it sh uld bo required to take the slock ut a fair appraised valuation, might not be proper. Aid for Kansas. A public meeting was lieu iu l lucago, on .Monday evening, the 7th instant, at which resolutions were adopted. unaiiimoutdy, eulogizing the recent struggle of the Free Statu jiurty in Kansas as a great moral victory, a subscription was started to remunerate the I rco Sod settlers for the losses sustained by them iu defence of their ights, und about $1200 was subscribed on the spot. Marriage or an I.nihan Belle. The Che. rokee belle, Miss Jeauie Hicks, was married on tho Rllli of lieccmber, nt the residence of Jhiel John Loss, ut 1 ab-lc-quub, in tho Che- okee Nation, to Mr. titepler, brother-in-law o the chief. Her pretty face and brilliant vit, it is sluted, creuted many admirers in our lortheru cities and watering places durine ier vacations from school in New Jersey. diss II. is a tiuuguicr oi uuuge iiitxs. Too True to Joke Aeoit. The Newbury. iort (Mass.) Jiirald publishes a qui on the Jovernor's Messuue. in which His excellency i made to reckon in the cause of copgratula ion that "only one of tho members of the st Legislature was expelled for expending The Effect of Railways on the material prosperity ol a State is visible in the recent census returns of Illinois. Before the con struction of railways was commenced there, the progress of settlement was comparative ly slow. The tide of emigration had acquir ed an impetus in other directions, and Illi nois seemed likely to straggle along with a speed far behind that of some newer States. But with the construction of an eatettded sys tem of railways in the State, a wonderful awakening of ento prise seems to have occur red. In tho yenr 1850, the population was 851,470. and in 1835 it was 1.300.000. These ffgures speak louder than words. A city of 22,000 inhabitants in 1850, now become a metropolis of 100,000. Whole wildernesses havo been put under cultivation, and flourish ing towns nave sprung up where none before existed. Could Pennsylvania complete her railway system with the same rapidity as Il linois, we also should see our interior wilds peopled. But. alas I we tarry by the way, and are outstripped even by those whom we once thought far behind us in enterprise. We must bestir ourselves while wo have such formidable competitors in the field against us, The Poktry of Congress. Same inspired poet, getting tired of tho prosaic telegraph despatches of Congressional proceedings, has put the matter in a new form, which will an swer for the doings of that body a month hence as well as now : ''Banks a hundred nnd five ; Banks a hundred nnd seven ; Banks a hundred and one j Wants a hundred and 'leven. Pennington four and three ; Richardson seventy-two : Fuller thirty. Pcnr me ! Whcn'll the trouble be through f" Cats tx Demand at Ilton rmrK.i.The city nfKars, in Asiatic Turkey, was actually starved into submission to the Russians A letter, written before the city surrendered, says that a number hod perished of hunger, and that cats, to be used as food, were in de mand at our hundred piastres each. MARRIAGES. On the 10th inst., by the Rev. P Born, Mr. Jeremiah1 Coor-Fn, to Miss Jemima Ska, all of Upper Augusta. "7 Philadelphia Market. January 10,1856. Grain. There is a short supply of wheat, and the market is inactive, tales of small lots of Southern nnd Pennsylvania red, at $2.00, nnd a small lot of poor white ut the same price. Rye is steady; free sales of Pent!., 120c. Ccrn is in demand; sales of new yellow at 78($80cper bushel. Outs are inactive. Last sales at 43(44c per bushel, for Southern and Pennsylvania. Wiiiskkv is very dull sales of bbls. at 30 cents, and 3."e fyr hhds. SUMIUKY Whiat. Rtx. CoKK. OlTS. Potatoes, Bekswai Hkckleb Fwi. BcTTia. Eons. Pork. I'liissib. Taiiow. PRICE CUK KENT 200 113 SO J5 S5 2.r. 10 . 32 2 15 125 10 New Advertisements. Good Intent Fire Company t A MEETING of the Good Intent Fire Compa ny will be held at the Court House, on Monday evening next. Punctual attendance is rttpiettcd. Br Oanrn or thi FmsiDt jt. fcineiiry. Jan. 12, IR5C. COLLINS & M'CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, No. 1 Lodge Alley, hack nf new Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 12. lfc!5G THACHER 5s WODDBOP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE, No. 101 Arch Street, vp Stairs, Between Third & Fourth tin., upper side, near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bags and Valires of all descriptions. CHARLES F. THACHER. ROBERT 8. WODDKOP. Philadelphia, -Ian. 12, 1356. tf. eT. S. OF J. VI TASHINGTO.N CAMP.No. 19 J. S. of A ' " holds it staled meetings every Saturday evening, in the American Hull, Market Street, bunuury. A. A. SHISSLER, P. John 8. Beard, R. R. Sunbury. January 5, 1855. .tf. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! ''IHE Auction of the Subscriber will commence next Monday morning at ten o'clock and will continue through the day, will also be held from v till J o clock in the evening. Every dav and evening next week. The week following only Monday', Wednesday's nrd Sattirda1-. ALBERT ELKI1EUCJ. Sunbury, January 5, 1855. tf. AUDITORS' NOTICE. 70TICE is hereby given, that the under I signed Auditor appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Northumberland rounty to audit the exception to the account of Daniel Cameron, dee'd., filed by the Administrator of Wm. Gear hart, dee'd, who waa one of the executor of said D. Cameron, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi office in Sunbury, on the 5th of January next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., wlien an persons interested may attend if they ee proper. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. 8unbury, Dec. 29, 1855. "WOTICE. TVTOTICE i, hereby given that Dr. J. W. Peal " has placed hi book account, notes, Ac, in tlie band of the undersigned for collection at whoae Law Olhce all person indebted to said J. W. Peal, whether on book or note, are re qnented to call and inaka payment on or befor the 15th day of February 185G, a all account &c, unsettled at that date will be sued. 8. R. PEAL. Snnbury, Dee. 82, 1855 lin8olntioii of'Fartiierfslup. jVOTlCE i hereby given that the co-partner- ' ship heretofore existing under the name of 8. Wtavia & Co., In Coal township, North umberland county, waa dissolved by mutual con sent, on Friday, the 15th inst. Th book ar leu in lb band of th subscriber for settlement, on whom all person knowing themselves jn. debled to, or having claim against said firm, will pleaaecall and Mtil immediately. ELIJAH CHIDE6TER. Bhamolln,. Dee SS, 185 3m. STOVES pOK BALE aa axeelUnt aecond-hand Cook- tag bto., al. M..ra4 Cylinder Coal 6teM. Enquire, at thi office. INDELLIBLE IHK. at Ma, It. WBlftIJtYBXTJNBri. AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE. Worthy the Attention of Every Man. HAVING positively determined to leave Sun bury on the 1st of February next, I intend telling my large Stock of Clothing end other Goods st and below cost at private sale, and next month at Auction. My stock rmhrncet a large variety of very desirable goods of different kinds. CLOTHING of different styles and makes va rious qualities and prices, such as Winter coats from $2.75 upwajdsi Overcoats from $3,1)0 nnd higher Punts and Vests in proportion! Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Shirts, Underclo thing, boys' Clothing, pistols, jewelry, hosiery, and all other kinds of goods generally kept in a Uotlnng r.stnMisliment. I have also on band a vrriety of Summer Conts. vests and pnntaj also Summer lint ol dillerenl styles, all of winch I will sell at tremendously low prices. 1 lie Auction will commence on the 7th of January next, and vill continue through that week everv dav and cveniiur. afterwards on Monday Wednesday and Saturday. The public will find it to their advantage to call early and tiuy at private sale: tliev have then a good as sortment to pick from, nnd shall buy goods at as low prices as they will probably be sold by Auc tion. My store is in Market Square, is known, and can hardly be missed. ALBERT EI. SB ERG. Sunbury Dec. 12, 1855 To Merchants and Storekeepers. The subsrrilier desirous of leaving as soon as possible, will sell to Merchants and others who may favor hirn, at wholesale, lower than Phila debihia rates, any or all bis goods on hand. His stock'compriscs a Aaririy of goods adapted to the tcasou, is pretty large yet, so that he can give an Assortment of sizes and qualities to buyers. Merchants will find it to their advantage to call early. ALBERT ELSBERG. LA I EST AllRlVAL, Largest and Best Assortment CTIEAr, HANDSOME & DURABLE. TMI E aul'scriber takes pleasure in informing bis customers and the public general Iv that he is now in receipt of an unusuiiUy large aud Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundred) part of the articles would be useless. Suffice it to Bay, they hava been selected with the greatest care, and they will he disposed of at as low prices as the en ni e quality can be purchased elsewhere. My motto is "QuiVa1 Sales and Small Prnfitt." He takes this method of presenting to the public bia thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, he respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. It will be advixalile for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. A II kinds of produce taken in exchange. EDWARD V. BRIGHT. Sunbury, December 1, 18!.'. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! MERCHANT TAILOR, suNDtrnv, pa. Rcepcctfelly informs the citizens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has just received from Philadelphia, a choice and select assorincnt of Cloths, Cassiinrres, Ac , viz : French black Cloth, plain and twilled, black Heaver do fwr overcoats. Fine blue cloth. Clare; cloth. Caas'merca french black corded. do do da Doeskin. do do prey mixed Doeskin. VeBtinga plain clack silk velvet. do Figured velvet. Flush velvet. do Black tatin figured. Woolen Shirts and Drawers. Gentlemen's Pocket Handkerchiefs, do IS'eck-ties. All of which will be sold or made up to crdcr in the luteal ami nest stvle. Sunburv, Dee. 1. i855 tf Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHBY & R0CAP, No. 13G nrarlet St., nilLADELrZIIA. INFORM their friends and the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, &c, got up of the best mnterinl and i in the luteB) and best ttslc of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine belorc purchasing elsewhcie. Phila., Nov 10, le55 tf. LIST OV V A us r.s OF Northumberland County, for n Special Court, to commence on the 11th of Feb ruary, i y5.". Jacob Ven ul a v Zerby Run Imp. ro Ira T Clement Greasier ct Reesidc The Shaniokin Steam Ferry & Tow 11 oat co vs Michael Kertlctter va Wm I. Hellirnsteiu Win 11 Kipp Isaac Elliott va Cerneliu Garretson va same v came v same JAMES BEARD, fiothV. came tain same Prothonotary' Olfioe, Sunbury, Dec- 8, 1853. S Estate of DAVID MARTZ, deo'd. IV JOTICE is hereby given thot letters of Ad- niiuistralio.i utioti the eslato of David Martz, late of the township of ShamoMn, Nor thumberland County, Esq., deceased, have been grunted to the undersigned, residing near Paxi- uoa P. O., ineuid towiitlnp. All pet con nav. inn chiini or demand ugainst the ebtnle of said deceased, aic rcipiested to rimke the same known lo the undersigned without delay, anil all per sona indebted aie destied to make immediate payment. llC.Mii in c, .nuni r. Shainokin tp. Dec. 8, 1855. 6t. "VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. FY1HE subscriber oilers at private aale, a VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situate in Sugar valley, Green township, Clinton county, 'about 1 mile from I.ogansville, and 8 mile from Lock Haven, adjoining lunds of An thony Kleckiier, Geo. Crumley and Geo. Snook, coiiluining 221 acres, strict measure, all of w hich ia excellent Limestone land about GO acres of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. The improvements are a two ttory Log House and a log barn, near the western end of the said tract, and an excellent young orchard of choice fiuit trees. Also another excellent two atory Log House and log barn on the east em portion of said tract. The said premise are o situated a to make two excellent Farms, and will be aold together or cenarate, to auit purch sera. Person desirous of purchasing the above property will please call un the subscriber, resi ding in I'pper Augusta tp., Northumberland county, 5 mile from Sunbury, who will acroim pany them to said premise. Terms reasonable GEORGE M. FORRESTER. December 22, 1855 tf. .VI HAY SIIOAT. aMAME to tho premises of the subscriber iu Lower Augusta township, on or about th 15th of Dccemlier 1855, astray whita (boat about ten month old. Th ower is requested l cuiae forward pay cbargea and take it away. JACOB RENN. Lower Augusta, Jan. 12 185G 2 in. NOTICE; All person knowing themselves indebted to Ira T.Clement, on Book account, note or other wise, ar requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their account will be placed in lb hand of a inagialrata for eollection. Sunbury. Nov. IT. 1855 tf VANILLA BEANS just received by WZ1SEK at BEl'NER BuaWty, May 19, li r COSMOPOLITAlt ART ASSOCIATION! SECOND TEAR. VRRANGEMT.NT3 f'W th Srerod Annaal Option of this new and popular Institution for tht diffusion or Literature and Art, aura bran mada on th moat exten sive scale. . . Among tlie works already en;agid, is the far-ramea "GENOA ORXJalFiaC," which onmiiilly cost Ten Thousand Di'Unrs. In fortninn the new Cnlleetinn, the diffusion rf wnika nf AMtaicia AT, and the eneourng anient nf American f;enius, have let been oveil.H.ked. Commissions have een issued to tnnny of the most itistinpulsheit American Artists, wliii will contiilnlle some of tlirir finest produc tions. Amone them are three Mnrlile Husts, executed by the greatest living Soulplor Hiham 1'owkxs : GEORGE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Country i BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, The rhilosipher DANIEL WEBSTER, The Stiiteaninn. A special Renthn visited Europe and msdeeareful and indicium electimis of fiweian works of Art, both in Itnmze mul Altiflile . Mlatiinrv anil Climce I'ainll has. The wh ile forming a lurge and valuable cnlleetinn nf minimis noil tHulmov. to lie iiiatiumieii rata among me members ot the Association lor the Second ear. TKRMS OF AlKMBKltSIIlP. The nnvment itf three dollnrs constitutes anv one a mem' lerl tlos Ass'K'intion, and entitles him to either one of the followinir Miicnzines for one )enr, and als a ticket ill the iliKtribnlmn ul the tnlusry and I'siutinea. Hie l.itcinture issued to suliscnliers consists oi oie ioi- lim'tiiir Mnnllitv AlHffHZint'S: Harper's, Piitnom. Kuicker b ickii, Hhckwioirs, Oralmin's, UoUy's Uidy's Bunk. and ilnusehnld Words. P.rnoiis tnkinir live mem nershinsare entitled to aeynvo nf the Mnenziues fur one year, and to six tickets in the distribution. The net proceeds derivedfrnm the aula of memberships, nie devmed to the purchase ol worse ol Art lor ine emu lug yenr. TIIK ADVANTA0F.3 PTvClT.r.D bv hccnmiinr :i member of this Ass-iciutinn, are 1st. All persona receive the full mine of their subscrip tions at the start, in tlie siiape oi sierung .uagazuia iie. mt nr.. id, Knch member is contributing towards purchasing rhiiii-v W.irV-. of Art. which lire to be distributed among themselves, nnd nre nt tlie s.ime lime eneonmgiiig the Arts of the couiitiy, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons iu remitting finds lor membership, will rlense ej.-e their poM-office address iu full, suiting the month thev wish tlie Miiff.tziiie to commence, and have the letter ..nlu.r-itnt tin. I'o&tfufice to nrfivcut loss: tn the re ..n.i tt( which, a cerlifieaieoi membership, together with the Magazine disired. will be forwarded to any part of the country. Thone who nurchnse Mnanzines nl Bookstores, will ol) serve that bv joining this Association, they receive the Marazine and free ticket ill the annua I distribution, all at ihc Kime i.rii e ibev now nnv for the Mncozme alone. Ileuntiinlly illustrated Catalogues, giving full desclip- tioits. sent free on sppneiuioii. For Meinbciehin, addiens C. 1.. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A At either nf Ibe nrincinnl ntTices "Kuirkeibocker Mnirazine" office. 3i. Broadway, New York, or, Western Office, 10 Water street, Sandusky, O .Nov. 17, ltw. .ViiltlLc and Vlitnire Maker Tnomas H. Tucker, Succetsnr to O. W. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informa the Citizens of Suuburv and the pub lie cenemllv. that he has taken j '- estalilistnncnt lately occuptcu oy (.ico. VV. Stroh. end havini encased several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line eoual to any made hi tilts section or country Order promptly execetcd and all kind of pro duce taken in exchange. Sunbury. Octolier 37, 1853. ly Estate of JOSEPH LAHR, dee'd. VJOTK'E ia hereby given that Icttera of Adml lustration upon the estate of Joseph I.abr, late of Lower iuhanoy township, Northumber. In ml county, ilcc d, have been granted to the un deriigiied. residing in Georgetown, in said town ship. All person having claims against said estate are requested to present lliem without Ue lay for acttlenient, and all persons indebted are desired to make immediate pavment. G EURO E LAHR, Ad'tor, Georgetown, Nov. 21, 1S55. Ut. COLEMAN'S CHEAP OXTXX.:Sf5r STORE No. 21 North Third St., Iclnw Arch, PHILADELPHIA. PIOUNTRV Merchant can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. ly importing my own goods, paying but mil- rent, and living economically, it t plain can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, o.-ty high mils and live like prince. Constantly on hunt) a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, iScUsors diul Ruora, Table Knives aud Forks in ivory. tUg, btilTulo,bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forkt. &c, Butcher Knives, Dirks, Zowie Knives, Revolving and p am l'ibtols. li e. Also a large assortment of Aecordeon, &.0 Also line English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct. 20, 1855. ly. Importer. O-REAT EXCITEMENT I La est and best arrival of the Season, At the Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Snnare, ha just received hi Stock from I'luladelphia, consisting nf Full and V inter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Tress and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part a list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and chepnc!.a cannot be excelled iu this markct, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Dluek and Fancy Cloths and Cassimerea, Blick Suttin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirting Muslin Drawer and Lnder Shirts, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Blankets, Ac. LOR THE LADIES. Black Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored snd plaid nil wool. Muslin dc Lain, a large lot of Print, of the best brand and styles, brown and bleached bliectiii''s. twilled and pluid Linseys, Flannels, red, yellow and white, grey Drills, Tickings. Cambrics, Dress trimmines, ribbons, laces, glove, hose and Irish linens, and oilier things too tedious lo mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS S, CAPS, HARDWARE & CL'TLERV, CEDAR WARE. FISH &. SALT, Groceries oTevcry tnrlety Teas.Colli e, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Caudles, Soap, Ci acker. Brooms, Lead, Shot, lledCij.!s, Plough Lines, Glass 8x10 10x12, 11x16. Starch. Fluid, Dairy Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigar, Matches, Mustard, Candle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment of QL'EENSU'AHE AND GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at th highest market price. Sunbury, Oct. 57, 1855. tf. IAMURIC, Swiss, Mull, Bobinelt, French laces. Checks, Collars, L'nderaleeves and Chemisette, lleak dresses, Velvet and Velvet trimming. Turkish counterpane, Elankela, Brocbe, Thibet & Bay State Shawl, for sale by Sunbury, Dec. I, 'S5. K. Y. BRICI1T. LADIES' Dress Good. Spring and Summt Shawls, B luck silk, silk poplins. Da Laine, Ginghams, De bage. Lawns and calico, just re ceived and for aale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 18IS4. TRENCII black cloth, plain it fancy Casaij meres, Casninetls, Overcoatinc, Satin and Silk Velvet vest pattern. Silk and Wool Hat, Cap. Scarf and Monkey Jacket, for sale by Sunbury. Dee. I '5.1. E. Y. URKJHT. OH Al.l.EN HtKUEK'.S FILLS A c.rlaiii cur for Fevr anil Ague, fur sals by WKISER iV BRl'NER. Sunliury. uly M, ISM. 1JAINT8 of every desctiption just iceivd by Ma r. WBWER A 1R"-ER Y9EBERINE, Varatria, :hinorJin and Cin- chonia, just receives! by May 19, Wei. WHUBR 4. BVUKES. TRICOPHEROUS8 das. for sale by M7 it. weism BUT? MR. safes REMOVAL. J". S. DEPUY 6c BONSi At 223 Nm th Second Street, almvt Vine, and at Etgth and Spring-Garden StreM PBILADBLFMA, Are aelling off . CAUPKTH, , OIL CLOTHS, Ac,, . . At reduced price, Expecting to REMOVE to C HESNUT Street. (under the Mew Masonic Hall,) about tlie Ibtli of Novanata, U which place they would invite their former customers anil others, aa tliey expect to keep a belter assortment there, than they ever have kept. Oct. 7, 1855.- ch. Sept M 3m W NEW MASONIC HALL, miLADKLPHIA. AORNTS WANTED In eveiv town and county in tn United States, to sell the beautiful picture of the GRAND LODGE ROOM. tn the NwMomc Halt., Philadelphia. This Pint is selltns; very lapitlly, ami elicits the aitmirtitinn of nil, for the correctness and fidelity with which Ilia Ptatc!iy, Fassco Palermo !n Fo!iTua ar represented, anil the artistic beauly ami harmony of the colors. 8ie of Piste, 2-J X d. Price 3 IHI. Uok.ellrin and Picture Dealers wishing to tV seu- cies for it, will please address, for further infortnstioii. ' ' xt uf .crvTll 1 1.. Lithographer, Philadelphia. Octolier S7, tSBS. tf Lire at Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods! IRA T. CLEMENT 5NFORM8 hi friend and customer that ne juat received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 1 At hi Store in Marset Street, Sunbury, which he offer to the puldic at the lowest price. His atock consiBt of a general eaurimen w Dry Goods, viz : CZoffc. Cossfmcrs, Cajtsinrf.', Jeans, DnlfingJ, Misfitis, Linens, Caficoc.t, Muslin as LaHts, Lawns, Ginghams, Iterate. Also a large assortment of CLOTH I. NO. A large assortment of lloot and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Talm leaf and other Summer Rata. IMasfer. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasac, Cheese, Spicea, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vix t Iron and Steel, Nail. File. Saw, &c. QUEENSW ARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc Cf Country produce of all kind taken in ex change at the highest market price. Oct. 20, 1S55. GREAT MASONIC HALL. TJIK r.AIlGKST PIANO FORTI1., MF.t.OllF.flN AND MUSIC STORK I.N Till1. L'M'I'DU STATKC. Will be opened October 15th in tlie Mnoie Bcn.Ditva. Cliesnut ! elllll!t, rtniniteiniiiM DyJOHN MAHSII, the Sots Aceut f ,t lloulilinan, Gray 6c Co.a celebruted Dolce Ciiupnini Attucliment I 'lotto h ortes, and C V.rtsk i;o s I'rctinuin .vielo. ileons. Also, Piano Fmtcs and .vlel i.tcoiis of other ilis- tiiiffiiislied milkers. J. M. hns obtnineil il Ictfe for seen vents iu Ibe new. miiiriuticent nu.l well known l;is.inif iltliltlin. vihve he inlends keepioe tlie l:irecl atock nnd assortment of Pnno I-ortes, lel Nle..,,!! Musie, iiikI Mu sicat Itislrnmeuts of ei'ety tlescniition. all 1 which ar carefully selected Ity himself, and wnrricited logive per- lect aiitnaetinii in every instance October S7lh, 15.V If NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. W. TI3SJER & Co., fMinburj , Pa., RESPECTFULLY announce that they have just received a lurge and varied stock of splendid i suited to the staion ; an inspec tion of wjssrtbey solicit frcm their friend and the public they will he sold at low price, as they still adhere to their old motto: "Small profits and quirk Sales." This in the end paya best, whilo it brat serves their customers. 'I heir stock now consists of Cloth", Cassimeres, Vetings, Ladies' Dreaa Goods in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, Coburgs, all wool de tains, Calicoes, &c, with a large assortment of dress triinmiugs.-lJrot'he, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollen shawls, worked cellars, cuds, sleeves, chemisettes, 4-c A new stock of Ready mude Couts, Vests, and Pantaloons, of superior style and workmanship. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes together with a general assortment nl llurdwuic, tjneeus- ware, uroreries, I'rovisious, (.eilrware, Uiuga, Paint. Oils and Nails. Come and see, no charge is made for show ing goods. Country produce taken in exohange for goods, at th highest market prices Sunbury, October 13, !8.5. For the latest arrival of Fall j Winter (.'oods. j. r. & i."r KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their fiienda and ti e public in general, that they have received a'their Old Stand, in I'pper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., at Klines Grove, their FALL anl WINTER Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and fane; Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kind of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vests and Pants, Ac. Ladies Dress Goods, Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacos, Co here cloth, plain and fancy all wool Do I. nines. Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin, Comforts, Bay State Long Miawls, 1 rnnmings, &c. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and medicines. Hardware, Qucensware, Ccdarware, Broom a, A e. Abo a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable fur Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Hata, and all goods usually kept iu a Country Store. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past favors wa hope by strict atten tion to busineis, to merit continuance of the same. All of the above named stork of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cssh, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3, 1833. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, 1fSl'ED under the Seal, function and Auihniilyof th University of FRKK MKOICIM-: and poplar know, bvlse, Chattered by the Male of t'eiuisylvama, April M. ibii, with a Capital of f liHi.ono, niuiuly lo, the i.u, p..te of arresting th evns of Spui iuus and worthless Noatruuis; Also lor supplying the Community with reliabl Kenia die wherever Coiniti-teut Physiciau lunnoi , will not Je employed. This Institution ha purchased from Dr on it. UowaJB, his Celebrated ItowMnd'si Tonic SIKIure. Known lor upwards of trentyave veara as the only sura and sale cure fur r'K.Vr'.R and Altl-K, e . and Ins iue. tunable Remedy for BOWKl.COM 11. A1NTS, KowanU's Cinnpouiid Bytun of Black lieiry Hoot, which highly ap proved and popular Remedies, tofelher with The I'uiveraiiy's Renmly for ronipluiuts of the Lungs; Th University's Remedy for Dysiiepaia or Indigeitinu; The I'ulveisity'a Reined; ftCoiiv-Hnwela; Also, the University's Almsnac niay b Ik bud, at tb Branch llispauaary,o 8lor of WILUAM DEPPIM, Nov. t, 8SS. Mahanoy P. O. NEW BUPPLY OF LiaTJORS. ff RS. THOMPSON reipectfully inform her friend and customers, that ah) has receiv ed a new supply of superior liiiuor of different kind, Sunbury, Nov. tl, 1858-3i COBURU, French' Mermo. Persian cicih, FarU twill, Chinties, Delanee, Dehegee, Alapecaa, Bilks, Wool plauls. Mohair lustra French, Scotch aud Aaaericaa Gingham, jue rMcived and for ! by Boabury, D. I '66. E. Y. BRIGHT A7TSE0 CHEAT WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North 8tnnd Strett, (opfotit th Mount Vernon Home ) Tliiladepliia. GOLD Lever Watchea, full jewelej. 18 K, e, $28; SiUcr Lever do., do., 12i Sil ver Lepine, do.,?!9l Quartier. $5 to 7l Gold .clns. 4 50 to 10 t Silver do., ?l n i Silver Table Spoon per ett, U to 18t Silver Deertdo.. do., 9 to Hit ilv" rcado.,1 do., 4 75 to 7 50 I Gold Pen and Gold Ca ne, 3 25 lo $5 Gold Pen and Silver do.. $li together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted to bo a represented. Watche and Jewelry, repaired in thebest manner. Also, Ma sonic Mark, Pins, &c, made to order. N. B. All order ent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. lyw. FANCY FURS FOR, LADIES AND CIIILDRKX. JOHN 1'AKElHA, tmrorter, Manufacturer and Dealer in ftil K.1I1UB Ul i' aiiUJf m 9 No. 284 Market Street, above Eiyhth,) PHII.ADIvl.PHIA Havins now completed my very larsre and heauutifol assortment of all the dilTerent kinds of Fancy Fim, and fashioned into all the dilleient alyleii and fashions that will be worn dtirina: the oresent season by Ladies and Children, and heinjt determined lo sell my good at small profit it will be to the advantage of Ladies and othei to wive me a call before purchasing. N. B. STOREKEEPERS and the tradewill ito welt to call, as they will find one of the lanrent and beat variety of s'ock to select from . . t r t f V C 4 C I-1 r 4 Ilia city. jvn.i .ihhlui Sept. 22, 1855. 4 mos. y f, FALL STOCK of NEW Gcod iliviJitia Seaonable Shawl. Fanhionablo Siiks. Full stock ilack Silk. Dress Cioods. all kinds. Blankets and Flannel. Linen and Cotton 5-liclinrs. Suule Housekeeping finods. Cloths, t'assimrri s nnd Vesting, EYRE A. LAM1ELL. FOURTH K ARCH Sts., PHIL.MVA. P. 8. Storekeepers and other vet rah luvtrs anpplied with scarce and desirable Orv floods at low rates. BAHRAIN'S from Philadelphia and New York Auctions daily. N. B. S cases French Moriuocs, all colors, wholesale from 65 to $ 1 ,35. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855. 3in w3. PHILIPS, STRYKER & JENNINGS, W1IUI,RALK LRALrRf 1H muTisii, i hi;m II S. AMKRIci aoeonr iiiLrLvsivKi.T t auction, Nos. 1 3 Bank Street, below Market, between sk'coiui nuil Third, PIllLADlU.IillA. C7" TdCAh or Mlioittliuu Iniyci r e will aell at n very sinnll advance on Auction ratee S-E. Cor. 7th k Ctirsnut Ms- This lniMTutioii, which was fir it ctialili.l:cil in tfejitfunhfir, hh' iiu. niKra aniiipg jta graduates huu ttictiit til tlie baiiura nicii in trj, nnd oilier cittct; wai uu Jut,e 4tii, 71 ? ltsj-j, Chiirtpred, aim! c:attm)ird u a CnlW-irf. in n'riiniiDii-' u-tfli A ,,f l-njisliituTC. 'lite I'ot-Kicnr TsiTRrcTio?! iof a It- ilmri'ijplily ructu-;il cli.nnciei aud ftVl fntuiiis all t hi hraiiciira nrcitiiry fr use I I liUBinns ; t-cfulti winch. ff-fl the pujiila iiave tlte privilr m ff irr. n H,Htf up mi n cfniriaf ot" J.ICTt'ltKS 1' I'VOS CO.M.MKIUlAf J..WV, do livered t't their eupceiul use, hy enii- 2- Kti lltn present neitaon, the It.!i. Ji Diii SMAn-w-u:i' act vict tua eu- fratrcti in thin Vi:i lliient . I H. cm TI'ilN.'KN, rrineipal. I'i Ciii.t!.fTti.s wi I le (h;ut c any adtlrr , iti ''l":itt'i Ittrf Aif... cturrnN dens' hook KK1-I'1(1, tn rft-eipt per ninil nf the price, !, GO. Kt-ytu aanie 5U c'.a Pmladelphia, Ot-r. 13. Is55 . Gm.. $50 IR.E'W-AR'D. rBHK stilisrriliers oiler a rewanl of fifty ilollar -- for the discovery ami conviction of tlie per son or persons, who cut a nil dt-stroyeil tlie uunda on the Machinery of liirir 'oal Lrcaker, al the Mammoth Colliery, between Shainokin and Mt. Carniel, on the niy'it of llio ltlt inst. 'l lie above reward will be paid to any one giv. ini; informa ion that will lead to the conviction of the offenders. CLEAVER, FACELY & Co. Shamokin Oct. 27. 1R55. if. NEW CONPECTIONAKY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. OKA It II ART, RESl'ECTFL'LI.Y announce to the citizen of Northumherhind and the adjoining; coun ties that he has opened a Couleiticnary and Fruit Store in MARKET SQUARE, Smiburv, where he nianufaclurea ai d keep on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesalo and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conlectionarics, maybe found : Trench Secrets, Burned Almonds, Crcsiu White, " l.einii Hose, " Vanilla. Coininnii Scciets. Liiiuoiice, Cam Drips, sll kinds of scent, I.iivb Dr.irs, Mint l-imj red and wlnte, Jellv Ctil.cs, Ktuil Llr.ipi, Stn-I. Can ties, ot all seems HueL rantly, Alm'tiiil CuiJy, FRUIT. Prunes, F ics, Curorts, T. emeus, Hi-fi. Currants dried, Alinoinls, Rations, Nuts nf alt kia Is LEMOX SYKUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of ('onfectionariea, fruit, &c all of which is olfered cheap at wholesale or retnil. Coras and see he will try to please. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Aus.4, 1805. ly. Bargain at tlie Old Stand. rRILING & GRANT RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of FALL and WINTER 'Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their slack con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Winter Wares for men and boys, all s'.yh's end prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of ria'tJ Strip anJ Figured Fan ry l)re Silks at unusually low prhes, ' Shclliea, Urazes, Braze Pe I. sins, Mus. lie Lains, Lavrns, Ac, GINGHAMS from f la cents per ysrj. CALICOES 3 12J WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaronetts, Swba, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi nelt, French and Swiea I. aces, Kdijing. Ac. Crown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, 4C. HAEBWARE and QUEENSWAIIE, Cedar-wire, Hollow. ware, Iron, tjtcel, Plaster Salt and Fish. AIo a fresh snrplv of 1HI 08 AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors, we hope hy strict attention and a desire to please, still to met with lb approval of our friends. Csh Country produce of all kinds taken at tb highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3, 1856. ly. Y VALL PAPE li T largeand .pleaded assortment of Wall Paper, Window Ta per, aud Oil Shades, jtrst received and for sal lJ I. W. TENER tk Ce, Aunhurr. Ma t. ItW 1 L'SUASD'8 Magnesia far sale by 1 4- MV. VHlsTKH . Rlll-ti V'gltrtSR ck BKLNEB BLACK Putty Mtv I food article for ul l.y WEiejEK UDUKEK. Uritish Tcriodlcala EAnilr copies tEciiRrti. Premiums to New Subscribers I ! UOOARn SCOTT ft CO, New Yortt, e)rmtliin W to pulilish the lulluwiug lllitish rt Iih1iiU, .. I 1 THE LONDON QUAKTKlUY (ConeftiiT) THfi KD1.N BURGH 11ET1EVV (WKIg.) TUB NORTH BRlTls'l R it VIEW (FreaWh J TI1S VVKSTMINSTKR REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBVRQ MAGAZINE! (Tory,, The present orrtioal state of F.urotMn sffiir. wHl ritttil these publisattous unnretilly iiitoreetnif uoi ing the finth. eoniiiis; year. Tli.y will occupy a ninllle Rrounil betive)n the hsstily wrilen newa-itams, arnde Sw:ulsli ius.iiiil lie, itig tatrtors of the dnily Journal, nnd lite poiiitorous T int ol Die filtnr hiltotiun, written ailer th Iitimk bttuinsl anu eiciiwoKit it tlie aitwt poiniul events of the time shall hst passaj awsy. Il is to Una IVrbxIltaJs that rseiters must Iik.i for Ine only really ii;ieU;,j:ble st'd ralia- uir ,i4T...r y rwrmii e'eine, BUG as SUCH, tn AOilltl 41 1 ll:eir wsl!-elt.ini.d btaisrv sciaiitiflc. and theolofftk elmractei. We rgu.sin apuu U. otnsideraUun ol th run. ill's (iiiiiiio. ir Arrnf-menta sr now parrmnmitly rnada fur tin. reneipt ol l;srly Mlierta (rum the Htitish Pub;i!iars, by whicli w sr enabled to p,sc a,i our Reprint in lb hamls "t sul.riisrs. nhoutns sooi: as they can tin furnished with the lorein copies. Alilmiish tins involve a very Inrae nuilsy on our iart, we simli contoiue to furnish th Periodicals nt the stone tow rate. I. heretofote, Uiglj with lb fc'loivtne; I'temimns to new Sitbscnlts. TKU.MS AND I'll KMIU MS. S list of Premium Volumts bilonr. Per situ. ' Kor ny on of th four RsTiewsand one Piera. vol. int Foi any Itvn ' " or,. ' & p9 Tor nnv three ' , two 7 For sll four of the Reviews two " b l Fur lli;icSv.iors Munitsnie u ()ha u og Kor Hii.ckViKl anil three Iteviews three ' 9 09 For Hiijrkwu'Kl & llie lour Reviews three ' IU I'atimtnts to be nw't'e iu atl cases in advanrt. Miiitij current in the State tcKire issued will be received ut pur. Thv Preuuuuis commt t.f the followin1 Works, harlr v "hmiei of wh.cli wi! be civ-n tu e.eiv fiuLsuribers aeo'.r. ilinit to the iniiiilier of peiKHlicsls ordered, aa above eX' plained ; PREMIUM VOLUMES, roBR'as Qi-AttTini.tT Hkvikw (on or ; III. "it RWn-IM M aOAZINK (OUT Itl MlthB), Iind s (Jt.- ki lt IKvttv (uue yeai). I DiHt Bti Kkview (fitte year). iMKri'ornr.lTAM Magazinb (hia mnUii) Wkstminhter ltnvikv(on? ytnr). Citt.m-rutis'e rreumnn volnm'esfnr.nnt fn nil rattM tttf fiiriiitihe., except ?f th? f-'pre.uu (.tmrtrrlv Heview. to prevrutdtBMjUHntiliiieuT, theref're, wliere that vnH n not aioue WiinttHl, ult niters u i l please order as many uiiTer ent wkKs tor premiums u there are volcmvi to which they may he entiileil. CLTJEBIITG. A d.scnuiit of twenlv-flvf1 prr --nt. (ton the nhve pri ce will be a) to wed tn Ctuds niorinB four vr more e'lpirt of any nue r mora ol. he B.cve works. Thus: Font c tpies ol' li'rti kwH'd. or nt y.e Urview, wi'l t sent to nie nd-lrcs!" ior S'': t""ur e.r'MfS vf the tour Reviews taul Lii:ckw od for fcO; aud r on. POSTAGE. Iu nMthe priiK'tpal Cities and tVr wnrVs wtU he delivered, triouuh Alt-iits. FRKK OF 10TAI'K. When sut hy mail, the Posutc t tiny pari ot the United Sl'itea will lie hut Ttvetily-Four tvitta a year fnf t,H!:ii.-kV''Ki,M and hnt l wtlre teats a year tor eocb of the Review. Itetnittnnres and e-immauiefltions s'-Kmld always l- addiessrd. post-pu:d, to the Fulilisheis, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., 01 GOl.D STRKKT, NEW YORK. S. B L. it Co. have reemdly puMishtPfl. td hsra ov for $., the '-FARMr.K's i.' L',!: hv H?nr S:a phtns. of Kdiiihurh. and Ptf Nn-to:', nf Yuk C"B9, New lliiven, complete iu iwu vols, ntyid-rtivo, tOt.'aiiMit; 1rtKpricei. inrct and COO Wfhnl engravings. Trice in inuoliii Uuidinf;. Sli. . (V Tli-s wnrkipjMf the old "RmoIe of the Farra,,, Infe'y Ry.i-en atetj ftiii! throvru upon the Market. New Yoik. Ueceirih'.T l?:. Fruits & Confectionery. ITJ EMOVA L. Tho sulscribcr has lemcved H.. to No 2G MiiKiT Strkft, above Front, (Three doors above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where lie keeps constantly oi hct:d," a general stock of all articles in his iu.e ; connie-iing ot Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea son ; A Imnnds, Walnuts, t'renm Nuts, (Ground iuU, plain and manic I : Pickles and prcservas of all kiuiis ; to which l.o innlt'i the atiention nf Dealers and others vi.i ins; the city. Good packed at this eslallishment vrarrantcd to carry safe, 6. L. HERRING, No. 36 Market St., above Front, South side, Phila., Sept. 24, 1855. 3m cC. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jb'ramcs, MATHEMATICAL Iiistrument separate and in cases, Tliennonieier of variona sizes, Hpy Glauses of eiery lesciip'ion, Platina poiniefor Lightning Rods, Magic. Lanterns with scriptural, sslronoinical and temperance designs, Microacopes and Microscopic ohjects, Calvanie Batteries, Electrical Machines, Survcyer's Com passes, Surveving Chains &c. rVe. McAllister &' brother. (Establi-hed in 179(5.) 134 Chestnut Struet Philadelphia. Our Priced snd Illustrated Catalogue (64 pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, ami sent by mail free of charge. Phila. Sept. 8, 1S55. Chenp Watches 5 Jewelrvi 'I'lfHOLESALE and Retail, at the "J'hilade(': " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No.'9t North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA.' Gold Irfver Wstfhes, full jeweleJ, It cnrai cases. $$S, 00 G-'U l.epu:e liic. f -Jl to; fine Silver Ppetfaclea. 1,W Silver l.en. fu'l lewll'd, t'.i. li.ilii Uiaeelrta. 3,00 rn'.vei Lever, lull .iev1'd I'l l titlit-a' Uottl Pencil, 1 .00 svineii-ir ((Uuruira, 7 iSilver Tea spoons, set, 6)00 G.iltl Sierlai-le. 7.1101 Gold Peua, wilh l'e::cil and Silver RotiVr, 1 .04 Gold Finijer Rint;s, 3V cent to $S0 ; Wtch U'asses, plain, 15J cents; Patent, ISjj Lunet, "b ; other article in proportion. All good war ranted to lie what thev are aold for. STALFFER & HAELEY. On hand, seme Gold anJ tilvcr Lever ir.t Lepincs, still lower than the above price. Sept. G, 1855. C ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA., Aided by some eight yeara experience in the practice of llie Law, will attend with tide' ity to all matter appertaining to or will in the line of his prof.iskion. OtTice with Charles J. Bruner, Esq., Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1855, tf AONEW &C CO'S GILK AND SHAWL STORE No. 106 Chesnut street, I'HILADLU'HIA. V'E take leave to inform tlie Indies nf Sunbury and t c-ni:y, thst we now liute open a full stork of Kail and Winter Goods, just anived by Iloufe and Liverpool hleniuers. IN OUR SHAWL ROOM will b fnuiid the tnott extensive R&trtmeiit of Br-yht, h -up "no bo u arc SH AWl.S Melk Burt printed b. ordered bilAU'l.H. hi th c.'tv, while mit CLOAKl, TALMAS tii ul MANTILLAS, m Velvet Cloth iu1Muit Autiqua. GAituut be iuipafktd. SILlv AND DRESS GOODS, This department is anprlied with atl th newest stytes nf Ktoeaile. I'inl, rilrioe, Pui, Mnire Ailliouesnd Uiaek Pilki, While M.iire Aiitniue for tuidul itreses, Kith tills; It oe Dresses, pinned Cskhmeres anil Tleljtmes, Lapines, Menu and Cashmeres, a Ura assorunent of all colors and very cheap. EnibroideriejjRiMinns, filrves, &e. MOURNING GOODS. Of Lupius, BtmlMZints, Cashmeres, Pe Laines e We eatnaitly sulicit a call I run inn eoilutry friend, feeling ci.L lent from nur fieal facilitire for putehaiiua foods, we eau orTcr reat tignina. B AGNTW CO. P. 8 Cnitstsntly rertiruif new (oods by th I if-rn Vteanters ftom Havre mni Liverpool. Oil. sth l-vS5. 3m4w. FOR SALE I f2) f TEAM ENGINES 00 Horse power each , dUt with boiler. Would make eicellent pamp. ins; nines, together with large Mowing cylut tiers, snitalile fur a Mast furnace. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER cV CO. bbtmokin Iron Worke. bhmin, Pa. BliamaWin, July tl, J855, T AND WARRANTS. Tk bigbeet prior "nll b givea for Land Warrant fcy the ettb H. MASHER. PAIINESTOCr 1 Vernii'cg. for ale W