Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 12, 1856, Image 4

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There Is great bettuty and mncli genuine;
poetry in the following'lines, by I'rentica on
the closing year j
Gone ! (rotio forever ! like n rushing wave,
Another yenr has burnt upon the shore
Of earthly beinjr and Its Inst low tones,
Wnnrloriiiff in broken accents on the air,
Are dying to an echo.
The pay Sprinr:
With its younir charms lias gone gone with
its leaves
Its atmosphere of roses its white clouds
Slumbering like seraphs in the air its bin's
Telling their loves in music nnd its st renins
Leaping and shouting from the up-piled
To make earth echo with the joy of waves.
And Hummer, with its dews and showers, luiq
Its rainbows glowing on tne Uinam eiomi ...tensive trial of il virtue br Plivsiimtn, Pmfes
Like spirits of the storm its peaceful lakes j .r, pHticnt. hn ho'ii results surpassing
Smiling ill their sweet sleep, as if their auv hini hitherto known of any medicine. Cures
tlrennn I hve hrin emctcd 1 cvniitl belief, were Ihry net sub-
w r. i .... IV, ,.,.. 1 1 l !;- I atunlialfd '.iv pTMiiiMif siuh eItfd position and
. . ........
i, riu vi mu I'pnii's ui.i, u.. i
And overhanging sky utul its bright mists
Renting upon the inMintain tops, as crowns
Upon the heads of punts. Autumn, too.
lias pone with all her deeper glories pone
"Willi its green hill, like alters of the world
Lifting their offerings to their God
Its cold winds straying- 'mid the forest aisles
To wake their thousand wiud-liurps its be
reno And holy sunsets hanging o'er the west.
Like banners from the battlements of lieu
ven And its still evening', when the moonlit sea
AVas ever throbbing, like the living heart
Of the great universe. Ay these are now
But sounds and visions of the pust their
AVi'd beauty has departed from tlie earth,
A ud they are gathered to the embrace of
Their solemn herald to eternity 1
TiitnTY-rorriTit congress.
First Session.
WABinsr.TOS, Dec. 31.
Sns ate. After the rending of the journal,
the Message of tho President of the United
States was presented nnd rend.
After the reading of the message. Mr. Clay,
ton mude some remarks relative to the treaty
ol April 19th, Is.itJ, in order to show to the
pcopit? of tho United States tho strength of
the position assumed bv this frnvernmeiit re-
ltitieo tn Amoeieon itfTiiee ntirl tlin
injustice Of the position taken by (jreut BrU
. J . , . e ., .
tain with regard to the construction or tlmt
il Ogre-eil eoncrullt' with all the President
t,.,,l n,..t nnnEi,l ib .:n.,t,....
. ' .., 1 ,.
5t u I v.tta VUU1ILI i nun VtlV HllZlcmilC UUIIt v
always pursnetl by (Jreat Britain, whether i
the ground taken by the British government '
regardinfi ths construction of thut treaty, :
namely, that it was merely prospective in its
operation, nnd had no reference to the nctuul
occupation by that country of the territory
in qnestion, was the understanding of tho :
government of the United States when the ;
treaty was made. Mr. Clayton then being; i
Secretary of State. I
Mr. Clayton replied, that it was an entire- ;
ly new construction something of which he
had never before heard, lie never dreamed ;
of such a construction being irjveu to tho
language of the treaty. Does tiny man stip.
pose, .Mr. t'lnyton said, that I in the posses- j
sion of my senses, entered into a trinity with j
(Jrout Britain to allo-.v her to remain in pns- i
session of tlu whole of this Isthmus merely
hecauso she had been in possession of it, and I
then signed a treuty to prohibit my own conn- j
trymen from taking possession, leaving her ;
to remain undisturbed ? What motive could '
an American Senate have had in voting for
it? Is it possible that any man can believe,
fur n moment such a view was in contempla
tion by thu negotiations, when it was airrced ;
thut neither will occupy, colonize, fortify, or
exercise dominion in Central Amerieu." To:
occupy, melius tirst to take possession ; iiml i
secondly, to keep possession, (jreut Britain t
ngrecd io do neither. Mr. Clayton conclu
ded by oll'ering a resolution that tin; usual ,
number of copies o''the message and neenni
jiaiiyiug documents bo printed, ami l.'i.OOO
copies of the same, in tiddition to tint usual
number, be printed lor the nst; r the Senate.
Mr. t'ass expressed his entire conciiireiiee .
in what had fallen from Mr. Clayton, and his
gratification nt tho course token by Ihe ;
President mij the views enunciated in the
message. In thu whole history of the most ;
tortuous diplomacy llieru was nothing to be
found lit all computable with the course nf
Great Britain regarding the construction of
the Clayton Buhver treaty and Central Ainc- 1
rican allairs.
Mr. Vt'ellcr commended the message, lie
believed this country would never abandon
tho position the hud assumed, relative to
Central America. However the people of
the L nitod States may bo divided on tpies
lions of doin"stic policy, whenever war men
need them they would be found ever neting
in harmony nnd unanimity. The message
might be denounced by psuudo philunthro.
pists, but would meet with a cordial response
from evory friend of liberty and lover of lite
Constitution and tho Union.
Mr. Soward uunounccd that he was pre
pared to stand np und support tho Clayton
und Bulwer treaty j and. if need be if' the
British Government could not be held tn
that treaty ho was ready to go further. He
was ready for the assertion and practical
maintenance of tlm Monroe doctrine.
My Darling.
The following exquisite little pocn is from I
I utnam s .Monthly lor October:,
Her soul is as white as the lilr.
Anil her heart as warm as the rose ;
The breath of the morning is with her,
AVherever my darling goes.
The children are glad at her coming
When tho children urp old nnd gray.
There will be more light in their spirits,
That they danced in her smilo to-day.
When she shall be singing in Heaven
On tho ways that sin' walked below,
Like June in tho wealth of October,
Her spirit will breathe the glow !
We, reincnihcr being at a conference meet
ing once, in Yankee land, when one of the
deacons came around asking the people if
, they wanted salvation.
Near ui sat a butcher's boy, nineteen years
old, about as amenable to salvation as a lamb
in his hands would be to mercy.
"10 you wuut salvation T" said the deacon,
looking into his face.
"No, tiara year, i wont Sal Skinner, and
tho scstou won't let ma take her oat 'till
rnectins over."
. MiMrACTi'SK op Papkb There are in
. the United States 750 piper mills in actual
operation, having 3000 engines, und firod j.
cing in the year 2.)0, 000,00(1 pounds of paper,
which it worth at ten cents per tb., S'i.i.000.
... (JOO. To produco this quantity of paper,
405.000,000 pounds of rags uro reduireil, 1
- jwvumlti ol" rags being necessary to nuke One
pound of paper. The value of these rujs at
four Cents per pound, is glG.200.000.
w j Thar ia one thing a drunken man can't do
driv a sulky without gttliug hi leg mis
d p iU Us vIsmU.
91 y tin
hsw nnd irriila-ly successful remedy fir the
,1 cure Bilioii. diseases Costlveuess, lndb
gestfon, Jsi.ndtcc, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevere,
Gout, Humors, Nervnnstioss, Instability, Inflamma
tions, Headache, Pains in the llreast, Sid. Bark,
and Limbs. Female Complaints, Ac ft a. Indeed,
very few are tne disease in which a Purrstive Medi
cine i not more or less required, nnd mnrh ick
ifm and kiiHVtitik miirht tx prevented, If a harm
less lint tsffectual Cathartic were mure freely used.
So person pan feel well while a costive hslrit of
bndr prevails ; besude it soon generate serious and
often f . 1 1 u 1 diseases, which niigiil have been avoided
lv the timely and judicious use of a good purpstive.
'ihis is alii i' true itf Cold, Feverish symptom, and
JRilinu dcranecuicnt. They all tend to become or
proilnce the deep seated and formidable distemper
which load the hearses nil over tlie land, llonce a
reliable family phvsie is of the first importance to
the public hcnlth.'tnid this Till Una becu perfected
. . , . ...... j . . ., .
aim cor.siirrmtaie ,im in mm umi m-mmm.
chnraetrr na tn forbid the anvpirion nl iiiitnilli. lht manv eminent ienlbmen who have
testified in favor of these l'i'..a, we may mention :
l)n. A. A. Haves, Analytical I 'hcinist.iif Huston,
aod Htate Aiiycr of MHsHchitetts, whose high
professional character i endorsed by the
Hum. Ki'W.iiui F.vitirTT. Senator of the t. S.
KniiRitTt'. Wjvi MMiie, Kx-Spcaker nf the lions
riff Hcprcscnt'ittvis.
AlMioTT l.AwntM-K. M iniatcr I'len. tn Kofflnnn.
John It. Kitzvatiih a. I'aih. Uiahnpof lloaton.
Also, Mil. J. I:. CiitLToN, I'rattiial Chemist, of
I Nrw York Ci1v. einlotetl bv
IIoN. W. I..' Maui v. Serrctnry of Stat.
M'M. U. Aanin, the rirticat luan in Am.Tirn.
S. I.h.anii Co., 1'Mjir's of the Metropolitan
I Hotel, nnd nth'rra.
Did spare nrrniit. wc rould give manv huncrea
! eertitinites, Jinin nil p:irt where the T'illa have
! been unl,but evidenre even more ronviiirinf! Ih:in
the experience of rniiernt piililic men in found
in tliriT rt i ts upon tri;il.
; Thee Pills, the renlt of lonn Investifratmn nrd
i studv, nr- othml In Ibe pnblie a the lust and
men comp'j'tr wtni'ti the p-et-ent mme in inoirai
cienre can atl'ord. i Levaie i'iinipimiidd v-Jt ot
the drus tlieinselvrs, biit of the inrdiniinl virtues
only of VeireU'ile remedies, estnn ti d by (heiiiii.a)
process in a state of purity, and conibjird together
in such a manner aa n insure the liest results. 'I his
tv,irm nf ponioiisition for incdiriiiea has been found
in the Oicrrv I'ei toral ainl Tills both, to produce a
more efficient remedy than hud hitherto been nli
tainrd bv an v proi es's. The ren-on is perfectly ob
rions. While bv the eld mode of compilation, ev
ery medicine is uuidened with more or less of acri
monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi
vidual virtue oiilv Hint la desired for the curative
effect is present.' All the inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed are left la-hind, the
curative virtues only beinrr. retained. Hence it is
self-evident the effects should prove as they have
proved more tmrele remedial, and the Tills a surer,
more powerful nntdote to disease than any other
medicine known to the world.
As it is frequently expidient that my medicine
should b taken under the counsel of all attending
Thvsician, and as he could not properly juilire of a
1 rented v without knoivirm its composition, 1 have
nm.iott tbe aeenrate Formula? hv
hv wnien iMitn mv
I'e, antl Pills Hie limtle to the mile body of
I'ra. titioners in the I n.ted "',1 "jV""";
icsn I rovince. If however there hliouid be any
; one mhn lllt ri.,ciw,i them, they will b
! promptlv forwarded bv mail to his address.
I Of ull'the Patent Medicines that are otfered, how
; few would be taken if their composition was known!
Their lite consists in their Invstery. I nave no
... ,r;..
'the of my preparations is lain epeT
tu all men, and all who aire competent to judge tin
the subject frielv acknowledge their convictions
ol their intrinsic ini rils. I he Cherry Pectoral was
pronounced bv scicnlilie men to be a wonderful
mcdit .no before its ettccts were known. Many em
inent Phvsieiaiia have declared tbe same thing of
my Pills' and even more confidently, und are will
ing to certify that their anticipations were more
than realited'bv their effects upon trial.
Tbey operate bv ttieir powerful inrltience on the
internal viscera to partly the bitted and stimulate it
into health' action remove the obstructions of
the stomal ii, bowels, liver, and oilier Orleans of the
hndv, rciitcrinir theii hrcciibr action to health, and
by itirret litiit. wlt reer tuey exil. such derange
ments as are Ihe tiit oiivin of tli-ense.
Ilcins aitgi.r wr it pi d they are pleasant to take,
and hemic p in ly wuctahic, ii" harm can ane from
tl.eir use in auv tpi tnlity.
For minute diiei iions, see wrapper on the Box.
I'ttKI'A l;tr'.l 11 V
Pk-iirtit nl :nl t mh!) (i nil IirmKC,
Tri.-- C" C-Mf tt Tr.s. Fivn Eoxai for $1.
Wifpt st firuner. uiilmrv; Bird A John. Shnm'.kin
.Winner. Nnrili'inil.rrlmd ; J. K. Cntlow, Milieu
mill t.v nil ltiiLrit"in in N trllicru iriiti Unnu.
June:, 105 I '.
P 'jy v H Z
.5. II'. enrnrr Sixth nnd Arrh streets,
I'tiinpr.i.nii .
riEA!! Teas!! nn uticoniiii.iiilT full rnl
I choice assort nient nf black nnd ereen Ten
of all untiles, from the extremely low price of
30 els :.' -Ill 50 fiO 7 i t.i 'T.lrts. per lb.,
warranted to be superior to any to be hud else
where ut Ihe sume urices. We know and conf'i
ilemly rcionitneiitl them lo l-e Cll wr cent cheap
er than auv for sale in the eilv. We have aUtt
a very superior iissorlnietil of I 'oiree, (Itl (lov't. i
Java, I.ajtiavri. Marmai iim. liioatni ('up II iv I
lien (,'oll'ee. New No. I Mid'.erel utnl Shad in '
J nnd i bid. nr a- uiav be m tl. t'lite-e. fine
Apple. 8np .iiKo. New Vtnk Criain 'lie-we nl I
way on hand. Soap brown and while ; nl-M
II. I,. Ketnlell A Un's Chi lineal I line Soap, oi.e
Ih. of which w ill i.t as far as ' .!'.. irtint ir itr.ov'i j
Soap. Also Starch i f tblVetenl .
sauces, ketehiiiis, olive-, .tiive 01
jilalt'i. 1 ! !, :e
'.. . a i-
i 1 hoveys. cVc . will a lol' a.-iv:n... t ui . ,tt.-y
I Goods, tn which wc iuv.te toe ,1 t.o too- !' tf:e 1
public, tut-all 1111! c.iiui::e on-' .t."ii.. ,i-tti
. ment ol I'iue (jria'eiie for ele b I
; Wholesale nnd lielail l'i nily liro.-cr a-ul
Tea Dealers, S. W ctr "ixt'i ami Ar. h sis.
N. II. (t,oi. ilelivcretl lo M purll nf the eily
j free of eharrte.
I'hila., Sept. 23. IHS.V apt 8y
Trusses! Trusses !! Trusses!!!
-gpL f. II. NTKDI.Etf,
5. II". Cur. of Twelfth nnd Jl'ice S-tntU,
SMPORTEIl of fin French Trns-ei. comhi
liiug extreme hi;btiies, ease ami durability
I with correct coiistriiclioii Hernial or riiplnreil
patient can le sutletl by reniilling ainoiii.ts. as
Itelow : Sending iiuttilier of inelie round the
hips, and elating side iilli'Cletl.
Cost of (Nitnle 'I'riisa. i .t. $5. Double
$.1, ?f, $N an, I $111. I osl r .ctioiia as In near,
snd how Incited a cure, when po.sib'e. sent
wilh Ihe Truss. Also for sule, in great vaiiely.
Dr. Ciu;i;i?'. Iinpruvril I'lilrnt l!u:ly Ilrurr.
Fur the cure nf I'r-ilapsiis Uteri ; Spinal Props
and Support. Patent Mioulder Unite, ('heat
K I pander and Lreclor llrat ei, uilupleil lo all
with Stoop ISliouldera niil hums; Lnuli-li
Ltasiie A bilomtual Uelts, flusH'nsories. Syringes
male and female.
tV Ladies' Itoom. wilh Lady attendants.
I'hila., Aug. 4, I80.V ly I' 6.
OEllk ft F.RETV, invite the altentioi, ,.f
1 merchants and others to their large stuck of
elegantly hound lliblc. llyinii Hooks, Prayer
books. Albums, and 1'rcs. oiaiioii Itook in all
style ol binding ; Klandard 'I'lieoliigicai. Mtxltcal,
Mutcellaiitaiu and School books, which they
hav receivetl from Trade Sales anil are (elling
al eitrenielv low price.
Mto direct from the manufacturer and Iiu
porters, eter- kind of Plain ami Fancy Writing,
Letter and Nole Paper. Fnveloas. Cold anil
(ileel Pen, Pencil. Inkstands. Wrtppiog Pa
per, ice, &c, at the lowest cash price
I'KliKV I'.UKi y. .
8. W. Comer, 4th snd Race Ht.
SepUinlssr S, 1855. If - -
Fine lot of WaJI Paper just received am for
al bj ' . V.L McOACrV.
K4tkt kjn
rTIHE nnrltv. fraa-rance
-- cV mild emollient .slfrV.,,
properties of this Soap,
renders it especially de
ervin place on every
ttffiif &
toilet, Kor chapped hands,
and various disease of
kit,, it is uneoualeil Each rake ia atamned
WM. CONWAY, 1G8 8outh Secend street,
Philadelphia. No other i Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olive Soap,
Warranted to Wash In hard. aoft. or salt water.
This snap ha powerful cleansing properties,
whlc!i readily remove Oil, Paint, Lirt,oVc., from
every description or rockI without Injury to Ihem.
For all domestic purposes it is sniterior lo any
other soap in use, and SO per rent, cheaper than
the common rosin snap. Ech liar is stamped.
108 South Second street, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Kanry and Staple Soaps, sperm,
atenrine and lallow candles, importer and dealer
in sal soda, sodj ash, rosin, Ac.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Pliilx. August 'Ifi, 1855 If.
71 tht 'I'l entmenl and Curt of
tsnsnmplloii, Asthmw, Hrouehitis, and ther
liiss-usea ofihe liealratiir truns, hy
JWrdlcul Inlia atloii.
ST tR. ClIAB (tllKKXE.
Pitst American edition, from fb'th fiiaton etliiron, where
II litis hail an impteectJeiltetl sale.
Tins is a vnUciliie work nrd slioiiM heiutlie hanilsofal
otViiliits. sol the Mt bcal I'rttfssi n!y. r'or-w-iroiil
free of cli.nqv. Ity null, ,u rei-riot ol'
rirrt mi; iMIi (till) om 'iii
C. W. VAN MilHN A t().
A'n. ?,2 A,.rf, AViifA
We suhj 'in a fiw, fri-iri intny e ioiitieo.liilory notices
ai'tl revievs ftoin Hie IvtsliMi anil American AU-l'ea
anil ot!i.f J iiriia.s .
-lir M.eliloes is ilie s mi of tlie late Henry Nbitt.l s-k,
Kf'l , M. T , I In- well known liartoiei, iihtl pronnsis to
rise, ih Ins own I'Toli Sf ! it. ui us titint hi a iltaree ait his
nureitt. . . Tne e at, in (ittlt'tiall in) prononnl its the
in t . ilt't-tiia, iiii'ilt. tt oi' i,t.;, i,,s .i rt'ttirity to a it-ntion .f
1hess:enl t til-ll -:iitu t Iht tin. vtlt rraclietl bv
i !l . . . . We r.-eoiiinietiil nnr TeinWs lo nir.-li;ii- t lie
V irs - i sleMin I lir. tnelr. I it II. I't b. III. IMi
Wert-e uiiueiitl lite W.rk to our retnlrs. nt it appivira
In l.e fully iiia.iireii. i-lt"iiily wrtllt ii, iiml tiitm'tv ilive-tnl
of auv qu lekery nr pe'i-seewinjjt lt-nib oey. 'I'ne Work
we'.t tlretves prbKit, anil the piaelli'e. as lar its tnir
ktl ovletlffc ntnl xpertf'iee exieni'ii, 111 rt nay II. l olliy
It serious e intnler.tlt ,n, bet a paMrtll ttinl o its merltso
In.iiJ at Methe;il Jonru:il, teeeni!.er 1:1. I"I5.
' e Hunk thai 111 one eun use from us tie- I
ussl, wiThnitt beinc salislietl tl.nt it isthework.s a prae.
leal amt experteie:rti malt ; lintl that it tmilit. for the sane i
of ttusie w ho tnilfet from eottsttmptioti. asihtua, or liiont tit- i
lis, to l,e brought into extensive eiletilitt, .it. It is. in tlie .
strifes sene ot the tetm, a viliciiilc. Work." Oxfont
L'ttiversiiy liertiltt, Noviin'.itT, 7. ltO.
'A lle t'ioit ol tlm lttitlni Kiliti if Mr. Madil s k's I
Work on Ciiiisuippiitiii. Hrouehitis Anltma. Ac.; Willi
Notes. Ac.. Iiy Jtr. t.hns. tjreeue I Ins Wink will lie
found Worlliy the otentii'ii of our rt-atbrs. for they inav
learn t'rorii it what can be expected from this initle of
tre'ituip (?otisiuu.tinii ami ott'er alfeef mits "f l lit? nir-pns-s:tfies.
fir. M . is cvtttcii..) . .ll.ol ol consttlertihle intelli.
trenee mill whatever llieie is til "d in iiiluilrtlioiis of
tlleiberttett vators, he seems to have alnltty to extract,
Itav. we i luntier. adtt s;iv. that we fear that the Pro-f.-sl
-a htice a ( eiven surTicieul ntreiili n to this mode
ot a'li-vt'ilinj I fir nifb'i niil of I hose Itihormtj uiiiter Una '
el ts ol tlisesics.' New Jersey .Medical lleporler, June, t
I -V,.
(From Profess.., rtryan, Ktbtor nf the "riiMatlelpliia I
Metlieat Itllii riiircteat Journal."
"Dt. Maud 'CK book on liitniltilion is one of Ihe few
ftl'Ml llTttc orri, iiini ll' lll 1MB r.llg 1,11 ltfBi on tlliw j
sauleel Its re.iinblicatt on ni tins comitrv. Willi the !
iiiilieiotis Nois of r lireene, will atttl to the nittltctil
litetntnre of the t nitett States, anit, .t is hopetl, escitesotn
1 interest in the uinlicnl lr-tfrRi n mi Ide milurri offnlin-
tut n nt. ii ii motuf f trfvttinp iiiiitntiirv off rtuuif. Willi
th.i ruMitum nf tnleni ivrrie in lhyMlcy, llui
iiittdi (if trriiiiiifr lliere dittfuiira thfuitl hnvr n f.iir trinl
nnd mi" TUmuMittvit in idf fur f'tiir neplfc! wlnt h In
huiutiuu It'it nifTetetl ut the baniln nf medical mm
Jam' Mptax. M. p.,
rr'f. tif Surgery in Pliilnilrlilnu (illt g f Medicine
tn. nir.rvr. win tn-xt n'sr:A?K? or thk
!.t (, mid A-ASAJ. nerrtlily to the in -da
vtK-reMi'nlx Hdnplrd in the nrttriire nf Dr. A. H. Mud
dTk, mid tither einiiteut phvuicmim f Knn-pe. Hy ltis
in hIi nl iretitrneuT rhe dmefmed uttrfncA nt Ihe Hrnnclii nnd
l.unfj nr ilm-i'ilv noted njwm, the v:ii"iM iiif1i'ii I rd vn
por U'i'ir (:iriel t h m t iiumiIc r;tiii.liliti nl'lhe
l.utici. pr Niufiti h:iltliv rti'tn; whre n mmplpte
din ri'itrjiti m hi ni tcMi pbr the t.ent rMiihi it I wax
at tend tii feature f Prnriire; in fnt. with ntnt:ihle
iif'ninctn. it intheitjilv re!inlle fft-nn f trentins dmeiivei
(if the He;ur:itiry Orimim. He intend! t'eiMtinc hii unit
titinii 'ii t t thi pMrlicnlnr bnun It .f hn pn (Vwin't,
Titos deimuB if uit'iaulting tmii ran t. h letter ml
dft'wrd t
ciiaj. cri:f:. m p.
1!X Tinluda. P. O.
Tliiladn , .tune 21, lS."w, 6ri.
We respectful!) s ilicil the attention of a public to our
assortment of
.Viti-oin-.r.oit IIKATIMJ stovi:s,
for f?t ires. IbiKs, Chureln-s, Parlors c warranted to
Vive in ire Willi one tliiril l!tc fuel, titan tiny other ,
fle:ilni! M"v in use. I ne Isnre number wttith ttnve
been s iltl nt litis anil other cities rout the eoiisltint ami ;
, iinrf:isie ilenittnil tor rlt.-in is siilfii-ieut nuarautee of :
teir siiiienoriiy ovrr all 01 her HcaTiiif. Stoves, ant! we
j cheerful)' .iicite Itte strictest invesnt'ittioii of oar claims
i to tire in sl pertect articie of tlie in use.
We tils t have a eui-e.rior CAl'l.lllloX, for farming i
aiM clierr.ienl pmp -, m-ute on tiiestinie prtuciple, for t
! wini'h we elaim only a trialto lie;ti;ireciateit. i
' We keep eoiistiinlb oil liantt it it assortment of tbe
: leailinz Ci IOK unit I' Utl.ull b-TOVI-.S; and are sole
AL'enls in this attire fir
ijin-vs poitrnt.r rfinoi-r. i
III I'K'i HATKNT t lHIKIMi HTm:f. sml
STdVis Wh .esaie Dealers wiil lie supplied at
me 1 west louuiity puces.
WIimI-i,i ltet:iil Soyr Denkrs.
V K Cor .al!fin IIACI'.Srs. riiiiai!';
(If Forsilel'v tl. II M.iSSDII. .11 this place
Pliitnletpliin, Austntt 81, lei? .lin.
LI Neptnnn, Ll Dorado,
Ll Ditetitlo, Rio lloiitlo.
I.eceailorea, La Cuiiocidnd,
La Semt.irutis, Canalos.
i'l.ioiaioii. Havana Chernnts,
For Sale at WF.ISLK d: UKL'NKR.
tiiii'iir May sj.5.
Annuity and Trust Co.
.'f. -. fiiMcr 'third nnd Chmtnut Sit.,
PI I' it. s .oii.ieuj
OM'V is rts eivttl on ,1, u . The in noil
.lei tf it ueoleie.l lit U Lte.t -Sll ll.n.k Hint rtf. i to
the ll. p .mi -i . or. u' t, (,, it. eertilit-iitr tu!1 he uiven.
A ij I..I.IN. ;(r.'r Mini Mitttl'. .ue le, envl, aial Ihe am aim
patit Utt-k 0,1 .li'.u tutl. U liholll lioJtc'
lateies. is is.t.1 a' ll-e n.te t-l nvs era CST.. com
iii .u'l c Koia t:,r titty .1 ti.. su. utul ctitsuui f nrleeli
tl:e s j.ttyi .us t t Ihe wilhittawi.l ol Ihe llioiu-v.
On Ihe ti si day of J ituiary. in e tch vtar. the interest t.f
each th 11 su is punt 1 ., i.i'aiiilsi! l.tthe piuiei
i'. lis he tn.-ty prefer.
Cuifsinv hu e 11 ivy upward of a.WO depositors
In Ihe City of Pliil.t.lelilnn jloi.e
Auv 'I'l.liii iial ml,. nn. itiou will lie f iven by siflicssoiii
Slei heaT. Trewf tl. I'res'l, William M. flulwin.
l.iwreneeJ h s 11. Vieel'rest, I'aul H Ii. (Main,
Aiiilttose W Th mii,iii, (is rse Mt lleurv,
Heiij iiiini W. Tutgler, Jitiiies Deveieiii,
Jaeob I. r'l uuiKo, Uu.tivus i:n!ish.
steci eiiiiy nml Tren-nree. ri.tsiV KISIC.
Tmn vd ISTRsearvc. J C. OlUllCllLAOKH.
Philaitel.tiia, f-pt. (, IKM lyP.
'I'llt; sub-criber inform Dealer and Funnel
' 1I11I he has jj.eaily iiopruined the quality of
Super PhosjJtate of Lime,
And nut ronflJcnUy rernnimend the article
manufactured hy him, assrrsaiuR to any in the
market. Vou are invited to tall, enamine and
try it. Also Peruvian and Meiiean (iitsno. Oils,
('tulle, Soap, Ac, al the lowest market rates.
Successor t" Tho. '.V. Morgan.
No. A and 10 .South Wharves, Philadelphia.
tV Fanner can load on two private alleys,
and avoid the crowded wharf.
Phil... July tl. ISofi r6rn.
jLuuu Vvarrauts Bought.
I Kill KST rash price paid, and money remit-
ted by first mail. That beat reference can
b given. A pply nr atldres
' No. "0 North Gib street. Philadelphia.
7 Bounty Laud and Pension procures)
ml Warrant located aa usual.
October 6, 1855.- Sn3
VJI Spice. Oil. BrauJy.Cin, Wine. Macker.
nl, Kernug anil Salt, just teceivej and for sal
ljr " , , WM.A. KNABB.
Lesssw Anguata Hay i. ""
"Flour, Food and Provision toro.
lirnaitienti, between Marlet lUnclherry St.
IJESPEOTKtJLI.Y Inform the tmnlie that
l" the have lust retelved a Isree ami well
selected assortment of choice Family Groceries,
consisting In part nf Hams, Hhonldera, Mackerel,
Herring, White Fish, Cod Kish, Mall rreservrit
r ruit. Pickle. Crackers. Cheese, Molasses, hii e,
Sugar, Coffee, (green, toasted and ground.) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Ounpowdrr anil Ulark
leas. Cedar-ware, (Stone-ware, Knaps, brushes
and wash lines, lieots and shoes, tobacco.
segars, cVc, together with every article usually
found In first class (irocery Store, all of which
will be sold at the Invest prices, either fur rash or
country produce. We also keep on hand choire
Liquors, Port, Lislinn, Ac. Porter, Ale, heer,
snrsnparilln, A c. We nre also prepared to sup
ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzel and cake of every kind.
N. 1). The hiqhest cash prire will he paid for
huttor and eggs, corn, nut, rye and wheat.
Kutihury, July 7, 18S5.
itiu.m 'si:i.( itiA'i:.
BAKLOW'.t INDIOO HU B, is now we I
established a the ltest article ever olTeretl for
Blueing Clothes. It is entirety free from acid or
nnvthitiff injurious to the finest articles. All
hiiiisekeeHr will And it much cheaper still less
trouble than Indian or any other article. The
crest demand for it hit brought out several imt
tattont. Storekeeper and consumer will lie
rareful to get UiiJil!i Bahliiw a, put up at
Alfre d Wiltta-rger a Drug Nore, Io. 10'J, 1
yeeond Street, Philadelphia. Slorekeeiiera can
get Iheir supplies from the drocerannd Druatttsts
they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit.
brng, Clirmirat, J'aiult, Varnifirt, l)yt
Sti'JT. ere, with a lirst-rale assorltnent ,f every
thing in the line. Morekrepers, Physicians and
niaiiutactiirers supplied al reasonable rates.
I ft it N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 18.15. ly.
BVI K snl serilarr respectfully informs the public
I that she still coiitiuues lo keep th ahov I
named public house.
She has also received a
new supply of eoml j
lienors and wines, and trusls that she will be
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sunbury June S3. 18.r)5 tf.
xinsss sstt sHirrsRs or
ttcb Vsl) 3.ntl)vacitc Coal, j
From the
Luke Fidler Colliery
Shamokin, North'd County, Pcnna.
Address Uoyd, Kosser cfc Co.. Sunbury, 1'.
n. n. Horn j. mosskii. Ja. mini. T. tiotsi it.
Sunbury, April 7, l5. tf.
DEAI.KKS in Watche and Jewelry, will
continue the business at the old stand of
JAinC Ll
aVi. 12 &uth er.,nd Street,
Where they solicit an examination of their large
and varied stock, leeliiifr assured that Ihe espe
rience both of thrill have had in the business,
and the facilities they possess for procuring,
Ktinds on the mol advantageous terms, will ena
ble them to compete favorably with any other
establishment in tlie city. They have now on
hand a fine assortment of
Silver, I'latetl and Urittauia Ware, Cutlery,
Kanry (Jootls, &c, cVc.
N. 11. ICciiairine nf Watches and all kinds of
Jewelry attended to with promptness and the
greatest care.
riiihi., April 7, 1S53. tf.
l)El'K :TKH,I.V inform ihe public that
they have leased the new colliery, called the
Lambert colliery, and are ready lo deliver coal
superior quality, nnd of a variety of sizes prepa.
red on their new coal nreaker. All orders prompt.
attended to by addressing the firm, cither at
Sunbury or Shamokin.
iSunhury, June 30, 1H."5.
Photography ! Dagucrrcotes ! !
(Succeftnr ! .loGVin '.7erim,)
'l'tTOi:i.D call the alien ion of the public, tint
' only to the superiority of the Daguerreo
tvpes. the Hyalograph, (hy tome called AtnbM
tvne anil the various stvlea nf l'hntO!raiihv on
'paper; hut to the fart, (lint p.irlie at it di,t!inre
i m-tt l... ....... . 1.., - ....1
possessing a small daguerreotype, may, hv setnl
ing it to No. Mil) Chestnut si., have made from
it by the means of Photography, ami the talents
of the best Artist, a portrait ol sir sizk, from
a small l.oeket to the full site of life.
A sntull hook containing description, prices,
,Vc. &c. will 13 sent gratis to any prun ma
king the request.
Philadelphia Photograph I.stahlishtiient.
No. Kill Cht sliiul St., below 7th
Pliila., July 21, I H.15. tf.
m'itij rn!siii i i i: or i.nir.!0 hhl. ol the most superior niauufacture.
AImi, (SI.'ANO of every ilen'riplion, Cal
cined I'l iKter. Cement, tVe.
t9 Produce nf nil kind bought and aold on
it. n. sKi.i.nns ov co.,
'orwartling an,l ('omintHeinn Merchants, No.
ti.l North Wharves, between Race and Vine
sheets, Philadit.
Philadelphia, August 4, 1135 3m.
h9mokia White Avh Anthracite) CoaL
J'iiiih the "Old I'ein" i'l the Gup Colliiry,
' successor tn Kase, Heed Si Co., will con
liuue milling, shipping and selling coal from tbe
boe well known Colliery, under ihe firm of
Zimmerman Si Pursel. The point nf shipment
is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Nonhuinher
land county, Pa., where all orders for Ihe various
kinilanl coal, viz: Lump, lirukeu. Leg, Move,
and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received
nl promptly attended lo.
Sunbury, July 14, IHfl.l,
Si nai ttr. Jrn 5, 1855.
The firm of Kase, lice I 4' Co. having aold
their lease in the (Jap Colliery and interest in the
wliaif at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman St
Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend
ing Our customers and other ( the new firm, is
ihey will be able to sell them prepared coal of
the best quality,
t this office.
December 4. IR..3.
riH AIN PL M I'd.. A .mall number of these
excellent pump bav been received and are
otfiirr i for sale by
Sunnur. June 4. 1855.
7ER.MICEt.Ll, Maccaroni and Coin Starch
' just received by
May 19. 1855. WEISER tV B RUNER.
rpRASK'S Magnetic Oiulment at
KOOT5, Shoe. Hals. Cap and Oum Shoes,
just received and lot tale hy
Oel. 7 1854. TENER ICa
rEDARTLHS, Horse Bucket. Painted Buck
et, Meal Tenderers, Corn Broero. bs
lula, Children' VVagona, anil Yank Clocks
at reeivJ and for sala by
Mar w. M U Mr. TEN ft 4 :
iJorthumbcrland county, Pa.
THIS large and commodious Hotel i situated
on the top of the Locust mountain. ne-rly
half way between Sunbury and Pottsville. The
scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere ami
the cool mountain breeae, make it one of the
most deltghl'ul summer retreat in the eouiitry.
The Hotel, is a new structure, lour stories high,
fitted up with all the modern conveniences. The
pure mountain water ia Introduced into every
chamber. The place is easy of acces. heng
but one and a half hour ride from Sunbury, over
the Philadelphia and Ninbury Ksnl mail, rrom
. . . . If III
Potlsville. it ran li reacbeil by tne mine inn
Pail mad tu Ashland, and from thence lo Mt.
Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus.
Kverv attendance will I pant by tlie proprie
tor to make guest comfortable. Charge mode
Mt. Carmel. Inne S3. 18.15. tf.
A'o. 2G Zou-h Fourth A'f., I'hitwUtjifivt.
& Filth Streets. Friday
morning, l.'eieinlier 3'ilh.
It."i4. Kt inn Watson'
Salamander Safe Trium
pliant, Ihcv alnray are
when put lo the test.
Pmilahs t nil , Uee. 15. 1854.
Messrs. Kvv4- Wtiji. Nt. S9 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
(ietttletnen : We take much pleasure in re
rommendine your Salamander Safes lo Merchants
and others in want of a secure mean ot preser
ving their hooks, papers, etc., from fire, as the
one we purchased from you about seven months
since has preserved our books, paper stol cosh
in as eoo.l a condition as lliey were when pul
into it, before the creal fire off this morning, which
ilestmved the entire block of buildings rorner ol
Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was
ill use in our office, on the second floor of our
biiililiie'. from which place it tell into the cellar,
and remained there tits' tt the fire was out. The
Safe was then removed and opened in the prey-
rce of at least I (MKI irsons, who w itnessed the
i irootl of the contents. Will vou please
have the Site ami Locks repnirett, a we intend
tn put it in life again, h:ivi..g pytlect coniniclice
in its fire-proof qualities.
Yours, lieapeetfullv,
I.ACV & rilM.IPS.
I'vans tj- Wton take pleasure in referring lo
the follnwinc aiui'iic Ihe m;inv liumlie ls who
have their Safes in use: I'. Mint. I'hilada ;
Farmers' and M echaiiics' Hank, I'hila ; fntniiel
leu, I'.sil., Ililih .siieritV, I'hila; John II. lieu-
lerson. City Controller; Caleb Cope 4 No.
I 1811 Marke: 5t. ; Richard N orris 4- !on, l.oco
I motive builders, I'hilathi ; liancroft Sr Sellers,
i Machini-ts. corner I til ti nnd James Sts.; Fran
: klin Fire In-urauce Co., I'hila.; I'ennsylvauia
, Railroad Co, I'hila.: I.acey 4- I'hilips, rorner
full aed Minor Sts; Sharpies l)ro., No 91
' South Second St .; James Kent cV Santee, No.
; 147 North Thiril St ; W II. Horstmau cV Sons,
, No. SI North i'hinl St.; Smith. Williams ti Co..
; No. til .Market tst.j J. tJt U. Orne, No. 184
; Chestnut St.
A lame assortment of the above Safe always
: on Ira ml (warranted to stand at least 10 percent
j more fire than any Hrrrunr,' Safe now in use.)
I. ANS A n A I nU., also manufacture and
keep for sale, Iron Shutter. Iron Doors and Iron
Dash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Dank
stoies, public and private buililiriu. Seal and
1 Letter CopjitiR Presses; Patent Slate Lined He-
fi iterators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. 58
South Fourth St.. Philadelphia.
April 7, IiiSS. cly. 10.
iMicitni ti nxia r!
or, r.vt:r.v osr. mis own rnvsici4!.
jJf. rtviE FIFTinill Edi-
Vr-i. A in will, (1,,. llo.,.lr..l
SJi'. - ...........
UK Eiigruviiig, rhowing Dii
1 ami Malformations of
w the lliiinaii Svslein in every
if "lt"p "rin
'1'tl wliicli
y i i
Tb ta m 1 1 . 1. ' 1 1 'I'lenliiii ott tb
of 1 V- "'" Yt'i'' Diseases ol l eitis
! ' e. jj' ipfj of the highest imp
"! 1 "'ed .eople,
. ' NJ-'-!r' conleniplaiing tin
ortance to
or tlujK?
rouU'iniilriiiitK inrirririk:'.
3 li III. Young
l.f h'. f.Uher u!':init(l tn prtPiit tj u;.y nf the i.S-
ri'l.AIMI s t. inf rliiid It i :i -i.e tiiiu ir..m mi ciily
(triiv. I -l n ymiMj Hum .r uiiunui f n'rr nit i ht- i-vre
i t.'tilijnii.Mi i-t tiiHriic.i life wiilmiii reaitififf ihe I'urKKT
I .i:l iM'll !, I.'t it fiif ullrriiin fn-iii lint-kiurtl
l.'itiiutt, I'liiii in t!i !mV. r-t iiiulir. iit-rvrti t't-ctnicii,
I iiiiilllif wli'-lf Irmti f-f ),ii-jiti(.' t-fi.tftiiii'ii. Hiitl nivfii
J ll-l llV tlfir ll tl'Millt I" M'H'thi'1 llt'MUfllt Wltt'dllt !
! tiillMiiL' tit I.AP.L'S U;ivr tit- nut. mil. tr tli-f
itlnMit lo t ncirririt tmy iinpvtlirririit, rinit truly ntf i'ul
1 tkM'1,, ns line lift' 1 1 ihe? I1H1HIH i if :iVlti(t th1ll !!)( nf IIU.
fur n.t.tir rrfrittirr fr un Hit vir nv .-f dt- iid
I I"?' Viy pT -ii fi'ii'liMtr TWKNTV-FIVK CI' NT?,
em li(f" i mi !i U-ttrr itl rt-.'ive imp cyy f th. Ii fk. y
It'Hll. -r l,Vf f-H" Will llt f M .Ml.' tl i:tl . A1ilf f-0F(
iik. w y.i Mi. !; snirci; s;icei, pna.A.
; Di:i.l'MI ' I'ci-t iii.
tnl SPtf iiiJt-T 9, lS 1 v
(.-If the old Stand of S. .V. Thompson.)
'l'lll. Subscriber re.-pecniHy informs the pen
al pic ot Sunbury and vicinity, that he hat la
ken Ihe Store lionin lately occupied by
S. V
Thompson, in Market Mrcet, Sunbury. Itelow
j caver s ll itel, ami that he has just receivetl
timf opened a hatiusome asMirlincnt ol
Consisting in part o
Dry Good3, Groceries, Hardware,
Queeiisware, Hats t$- Caps, Boots oi Shot', Fish,
Salt, Meat. Ac.
All of which will be sold at Ihe lowest price.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th
highest market price.
Sui bury, Nov. 54. IS-V. ly ch
WtlOI.DriAl.i: HIVI'AII.
S. E. comer of Stcand & Chestnut Sts.
Where may lie foil d, one nl the largest and
'test assort ment of Clock and Time Pieces in the
I lilted States, in qnanlilics to suit purchaser,
of Iroui single CitH-k, In one thousand Clocks;
embracing every variety nf style and manufac
ture, suitul le for Churches, Halls, Counting
Houses, Parlor, Sleeping Kilch
ens. Steam and ('anal Boats, and Kai! road Cur.
N. B CltK'k Lepaired and Warranted.
Clock Trimming for sale. Also,
Manufacturer of Hurler' t Celebrated Fine
Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill
pen, in addition to which the durability of the
metal is lull v associated and developed. Cold
and Silver Pencil, aud Pen Holder, Plated
W re, &c., wholesale and retail. Thos wish
ing to purchase are invited to call.
8. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sis., Puila.
Philadelphia, June ad, 1855. ly,
Ojfict opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa.
Prompt attention u bumuess in adjoinin
nOOFLAND'S Bitter at
f I Isook,! nk, aud all i
and fur sale by
Sunbury. June 4. 18511..
i.plel, just rrceived,
bar bottlas for ula by
Sunbury, April, It, 1851
..i r-t-rrs k.(.-JJ .v't
f Atf,A i.- JJ
SILVER WATCHES. A few double cat
Engluk 8Uvr Watch, for sal t very low
ice by U. B MASttKK.
knlrirr, Asm) It. UO - ,
At S. XT. Thompson'! Store,
In Lofrer AufuHa township, at tht Junction J
the Tutpehovlen and I'lum crttk roorfs.
r li UK. subscriber hvmg returned from the clt
JL with new and extensive assortment of
fashionable good, respectfully calls the attention
of Farmer. Mechanic and me- to me me.
consisting in part of
Dry Gumls, viz :
Clnlhf.Canfimrrtti, Cusninf's, Jtant. Drt'Kinps,
Mutliu, Ffsdnps, I utftlJ, and all kinds oj
Sprinf ami Summer Wcnr,
Calient, Mn$Un dt L'rint, Lawnt,
Ginchams, Reragn. Rolwi,
IfWent. Fnnnef, C.
Sagar. Tea. Coffee, Tlice, Melastes, Che,
Spices, Snlt. Ac, Ac, eke.
Nail, Screws, File. Saw, Knives 6i Forks, Ae
Queens and Glassware,
of various style anil patterns.
A large assortment of Boot and Shoes, for
men, women and children.
Hits Cirs, &c, of various sires and style.
, Besides a large and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. 17 Country produce ot all kind taken in
exchange at the highest market prices.
Lower August. 4 mo. 18. 1855.
461 Market street, Mow 13A, north lid;
rhila., Dec. 3d, 18.')4. ly.
Furniture ! Furniture !
Ah. 157 South Second ahm t Sjiritce,) east tide,
fllIE subscriber would respectfully inform the
leaders of the Swusrr Amrriran and the
public generally, that he ha on hand a constant
supply of elegant, fashionable, nnd well mail
Fur mtii re at reasonable prices, lleing a practh
cal mechanic, and having nil his good manul'ic
lured nniler hi own iiperintenilence, purchaser
may rely on getting just such articles ns are
represented. Lounge.! Willi removable arms,
also t;ew pattern of Sofa Bedsteads. Those
who are about going lo housekeeping would do
well to call.
1 S7 South Second street.
N. Tl. All artier thankfully received and
promptly attended to.
April SS. f.13. wh ly.
'lHK subscriber having received the necejry
-- form and insriicttion from the Department,
nt Washiugton, is prepared to procur Bounty
Land W arrant at th shortest notice.
5unhurjr, Ar- 7, IA.VV
Shamokin Pa-
"ITE subscriber beg leave to inform hi Iriends
atul the public genenlly, tint n n taKen
th ibove web known sis ml, and will lie happy
to accommodate all who may give him a call.
Slinmokin, July 8, I8M.
'"V'O'nCI, is hereby gien that application will
' be maile to the next legi!atllre of Pennsyl
vania, at the session of l.Mi. for the creation of
a cnr;;.ate body, wilh banking und ditcntintii.s.
privileges. to be called the "tHioKtri Bt.K,'"
located at Mianioluntmcti, Northumberland Co.,
Pa., with a capital stoi k of I SO.Cfifl, wilh the
privilege of increasing th s uite to $3U0,CCU if
r-hain'okin. May J'J. Ift- Cr.
"neTdrug storeT
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
tVtii fof St., nest door to E. Y. lirikCt Store
sONauny, ta.,
"IFFEK to the public the largest and beat
" selected stock ever opened in this wction of
I country, consisting of
Medicines, Chemicals, (iround Spice, Paints.
i (Mis, Varnishes, lHe-si nil's. Window Glass,
Patent Medicines, together with a complete as
sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Shaving Brushes, Dressing. Side, Neck anil
Pocket Combs, Fancy Soap, Shaving Creanir
Tobacco. Segar. Port Monia, Stationary, Con
For Medicinal use, English, French and Amri-
' ran rertutnerv, rncv liooUs ot every ilescrtp
lion, in short every article kept by Druggist
2 Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Sunbury, May 50. 1154.
Strawberry. Congre.
Eldorado Fig. Eldorado Cake,
Sarsnparilla Fine Cut, Tressed Fine Cut,
Andersons " For Sal it
Sunbury, May 36, 1855.
T"R. H. II. HK.BEE'S remedy for ramh.,
-'-'colils, and pulmonary disease. A supply of
this ralua'sle medicine just received and for sale
by II. B. MA8SER.
Siinbnrv. June 4. !!
4 RNOI.D'S V 15 FIT NO FI.l'ID and Adh
ive and legal envelope, for ale by
Sunbury. Inn 10, 1R52
GUOFS All kind of Boot Shoe nd lip-
per lor ale by
Market treet, opposite th Pot Olfire.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, IN53.
AT8 AND ("APS. A splendid let ol
fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hats.
also Cloth. Far, Oilcloth, Navy snd Military
Caps for sale low by
Market street, opposite ths 1'ort Office.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853.
GOLD PENS with snd without cse. ef a
yery uerior ipiatity, just receiveJ.
Alios freh supply of Writing Fluid, for aal
by H. B. MASSKR.
Bnnlrury, Dee. ST. 18
BLANK Parchment Paper Deed, and blank
Mortgages, Bond, E.ecutioii. Summon
Jtc. for .air I, H. B. MASSER.
Sunbury , A pri 18.185
LAXKS of every decriplion raa b ha' y
.pyillF allheorhce ofta Atnenrari.
CI ROUND anJ whole Ppper, CIBv. Cinna.
Mac. Alllpica. Ginger,
I.iquorica, Ac, AcM
oy. P, '54.
JEWELRY. A nU asortmnl of OelJ and
Silver Pencils snd Pee. '!, chj.p by
Market .traet. oppealt hl Post Qitt
Sunbury. Ost. 8. 1853.
CAMPIIINK .d rioid ef lh J,,.J'"li,
rWaalaby WBI8S1 BKlNBR
tkWstey, May It. lVa
Ntw Geodi ft the People !
n ESPECTF L'LLT Inform th public in (.
erat that be has just reaeived and optatrl t
splendid stock of
Fnll and Winter Goods
at his New Store, n l.owr Auguala township.
Hi stock consists in part of
Cloths, CaisimeM, C&ssinett
f all kinds, of lintn, cotton and worsted.
Cnllroen. ClnKliam., I.auut,
iriouHieiinv ue ialueg
nd all kind off l.adie Dress Goods.
Al an tortment of Hardware, Iron
nn steel, Haita, &c.
AIo sn excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, or various styles and
Alio tn sssortment of llOOTC &. SIFOES.
HATS & (MPS, a good selection.
Salt. Fish, c.
And a great variety of other articles such ss are
suitshle to the trade, all of which will be told at
tne lowest prices.
tr Country produce taken in exchange a
the highest priees.
J.iiwer Aognsts, Nov. 10, 1855. -
United States Hotel,
Chtint Street, ahort Fourth.
J-Macl.i:i.l,AN, (aie 0f .lone' Hotel.)
ha the pleasure to inform hi Iricmli and
h traveling community, that he has leased this
House for n lenn of year, and is now iirepnitu
for th reception of Curst.
The Local adinntngesof this favorite establish
ment are too well known to need comment.
The House und Ftrnitura have been put in
first rate or.Vr: the rooms are large nnd well
ventilated. I he Table will always be supplied
with the he-t. and the proprietor plejges himself
that no eflort on hi pait sliall I e wanting to
mke Ihe United Sta'es equal in comfort tn any
Hotel in the (Junker City.
Phil., July 8, ISol. '
Lanipi, Lintrrns, rhandtlitrsamJ Caiidthtrai,
A'n. 152 S. 2J sfrrcf, nisti Spruce,
TI sting enlarged and improved bis store, snd
11 hroing one of the largest assortment of
Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur
nisi. Pine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard
ud Oil Lamp, and Lanterns ol nil potterr.
(las Lamps by the package, at a snail adtic
over auction prices. Beinc Manufacturer and
Dealer of Pin Oil, Burning Fluid and A lechel,
which will be furnished to Men limits at uc!i
price that they will find it to tl cir ndvariirg t
buy. Alio, Household Glassware of ail liesuip.
tions al th lowe-t tn.u!:el prices.
railadelphia, Oct. I t, l5t.
Market Street,
TL'ST ratcivtd and for sale, a frtsn supply of
" VAf .4 X G K LI V 4 L, IVilSIC
fu Singing Schools. He i also opening a
Ih! time, a large assortment of Book, in eviry
branch of Literature, consisting of
Poetry, History, Novels, K.;maiices, Scientific
Work, Law, Medicine, .School and Children'
Cooks, Bibles; School. Pocket rr.J Fa:ni'y, boiii
with aad without F.ngrai ing, ind every of vari
ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of a!! kV.Js.
Also just received nnd for su'.e, Purdot-.s Di
gest of the law ol iVinifyhaiiia, edition of I8ji,
price only $li.0U.
Judge lb ads eJ'.tien r,f PlHutone CoT.,nen
tarie, in 3 vol. 6 vo. fovmerly sold at $111,110,
and now offered (in frcih bii.Jirifj) at th low
price of SC.C0.
A Treatise on the taws of Penn" lvar.ij re-
pecling the estates of kectJcnt, by Tho.:i F.
(onion, pi ire only S I, 00.
Travels, Voyages and Adventurrit, all ot
which will be auld low, either fur cash, or coun
try produce.
'February, 81, 18S2. tt.
"AID AND COiiirojJT."
o Yimr Own i?Icc!.i:;.ct..
1ANt:r,.Tl,PF,. or
Of the nicst Fashionable Style.
rPHE subscriber respccti'ully calls 'he a'.tenlioi
of the public to his lar:;e mid sp!e:ni;d astor
ment of every quality and price ef
;Aint:T-u aks:
which cannot fail to ret nnnnend itse!f tee very orn
who will exauiit'O it, on r.ccount ol" its ilurabli
workmanship ami splcnditl linisli, mad up of t Is
liest stock to la? had in the city. Ne effort j
pared in the manufacture of his ware, and tin
uhscriher is determined to keep up ujth tin
many improvements vhich are constantly beinf
Twsde. His stttfA -onsirfs of Mahogany
Sofita. OSvitHN nnd I.onii-ie
Bureftv.s, claijen, Sideboards.
S3F1, BKL.'iKi ii J.MI DI.M.MJ T.18LR
and also Vfc.NET! N B.M.N DS, cual to Phi'.a
iltlphft muilifactnre.
DEDSTEAL'S. ,.i ..very pattern and pri
In short, every nrt.cle in ti i line of hi hiisinet-.
II le mail'. re, all kinds and qualiUe f
ncluding varieties never bel.ire to be had I
Sunbury, such us MainmASt, a W isf
vn Ci'slhi M,F:rC.HtriAN; .vu Win nan
CHAIRS, n mvcv Pio Stools, which at
of the latest styles, mid warranted to lie excel!
Icy none manufactered in the Cities or elsewhen
The subscrilier is .Iclermined that there aha
be nn eicuse for person to purclia-e furniture i
the cilies, a every mnfiileiice can he entertuine
Isnti the quality and finish of hi ware an
Hi article will be diposeJ ot on a goo
terms a they ci he mrchasetl elsewhere. Com
try Produce taken in payment for work.
r- UNDERTAKING. Having provide
himself with a handsome IIkuisf., be is no
prepared for Undertaking, and attending fnne
als, in tbi vicinity, or at any convenient di
tanre from tbi place.
fa? The Wate Room is in Market Strei
below Thompson's Slure and Weaver's Taver
8unbury, Jan. 10, 1853.f.
To Trespmeri oa the Telegraph line
NOTICE ia hereby given, that all perso
found trespassing upon, or injuring th h
of the Philadelphia and Sunbury 'J'elrgraplt w
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly
such saws msd and provided.
Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co.
Sunburr, June 3, 1 351. tf.
tr Taiteleu Salts,.
Prepared hy
Tbis prepatation is recommended aa an
rellent laiativ and puigsiive, it operate milt)
i entirely free from any unpleint taste,
mbling lemonade in flavor. 'J'bia medicine
highly beneficial for diseases peculiar l aumu
and hot weather.
Suqbury, July 1, 15L
I N K B ou rsu' ealebraud iak, and alaa C.
Ta lak fcr aaka, whalrla aad Mail bv
laxmsw . 14M. J MAJsW