TUF. OCV At MAIL Til VICE. JWUnwinj? eMnvta ("mm 1ho PoMmn.- tor iimiiir.UA vrpprt allow tho npi-rntinn, revenno Mrisin;r from, and cost of our ocean limit rorvirp s T!io nirfrr-'mt) ntnntint of rontneo. nn. iniMiui iuhi icri'iirn, on Urn mail, convuvr-u du- rinif th year tiy t Tip United Stntt-a lino of I'ftmn uti'iinmrs, psi'mimIh tlw previous tear in the mini nf SI 81.007 17. This increnii' i cliii'fly confined to the limits convoyed lj the vollitiA ctpiiinor?, nm! wncnnd by tho tetn. por.irr withdrawn!, in November, lrj.H. of the I5i':tin!i ni ul pct;pt or tho Cnnaril line, run ning lii'lnccn Ni'w York and Liverpool, in coi -r'itM!rp of which tlip nmount of nmils vkiiv! yv.l lictwrcn thnM ports by the str-it-nu'ivra of the Collin lino were largely in crunsi"!. Tlio increase of postage, as coin piipoti with th previous yeur, on mails con voyed I'V thi' (.'iillins line, was $106,770 67 ) liy It" New York nnd Havre line, $1,550 4G; nit I In- the New Orleans and Veru Cruz line, 5071 81: while the decrease by the New Y.n' nii'l Hr.'iiii'it line whs 57,383 94; by the Ne v Y"i'k nnil Ciilifnriiin lines, $7,?29 05; mid bv tl.u Charleston and Havana line, $.,.32." PI. It h ft fact worthy nT notice; 1 lint the cor-r.-simii'leiiep exclianued with Great Britain dunni the your. iimbr our postal nrrnnifp tnent with that country, was rnnsideMbly less i;i rn ri it th in in the year precpdinir, i lie diviv.iv f tlio mnim'it of tho postages being jsnnso sr.. The itiiws nmount of nnst'ico on letters ennvpypl between the United States and Prnsui i. in closed mails, under our postal treaty with that country, was SQOtl.n'S 4C In-inr: mi increase; of S-31.015 28 over the Sum nvilizod ilurinsr the previous year on that class nf ciMTi'spondence. The nnirinl compenntinn or the Collins lino is S8"it "HO. 'Nip amount paid to that line fi r nnil transportation dniin-r thp yenr tlio oini-ifi'in ofa hnlf-tripliuving liepn ennsed bv the lo'S of tho Arctic was .?84l.fif1fl ; while tho tut:il Uniti'il States postape, both sen and inland, on the letter and newspaper mails transported bv the lino diirins the year was $I.Vl. 031 11. Deduetins the inliind post n'.'n on h-lter mails, which cannot be claimed ns lieliiiiiriny to the sea service, and the reve nue from oeeaii postage only was 371.329 C2 howiug an excess of expense by thi3 line 0470.1 73 33. The contract pay of tho I'remen lino is FlttO Oil') per annum, while the tutnl United States postage on limit? convev.id during the yenr was $117,321 70. Deduct tho inland postage on mails conveyed by this lino, ond tln revenue derived from sea post ago onlv was STfi.037 92. The contract pay ofthe Havre line is $150.. HID per annum. 1 lie total postages on mails conveyed during the year was S8f).0U 12. end the sea postajre. after deducting the Uniii'd States inland, was $72,739 91. 'I'l'e total pestaces, inland including, on mails conveyed iluriiiff the yenr by the New Y"i' and California steiiiusliip lines, was '316.477 1 1. and the cost of transportation, iM"!ndin: tiie Isthmus service, wus 771, C:J.i 5(i. 'I'lie total potacp on mails conveyed by the (.'liavlestoii niul ILivnni line, during the year, v.-.is $i,R:h) 72. nnd the cost of trims j!ort:iii;m 8:8.332. The total pustnarpnn mails conveyed bv tho N' w ()rlenii and Vera (,'rnz tine, was' S-V-CI7 P3. ami I lie amount paid for trunspoita- t :. siM.ofis 12. i if: voirm i;i fill toy. Tin' Piednionto of Turin publishes a let ' ' JVom Iloine. jrlviii- tiie fi'liowinx account oi'tiie Irililiiini til' tiie inquisition ut Komo ut the present time : The old palace of i!,c IncjuiM't ion lmvinfr been turu-l in?,. Imirui.s f.;r the Trench Irui'ps. tin- li-.tiiinal has been transferred to t!ie ictei iur of the Vatican, where the Domin ic i'i occupy a part whi. h iionu but those tin I. ive tr.iv.ii old in i he palace can ever !, such is the intricacy and muttydicitv of tie -t ni-. ii.KMiKes it,d secret corridors that i. i ! in it. When ilnr impiisiturs want either t !-:-.--r ,.r i nestioti yon, iliey neither send i.tticeis oi juMivu nor a warrant ; fucIi ex-ti'-iiie i.iie.isiiiV.s are only reserved for those v l,n attempt to eseaiiej but a frentleman ciois ..ii v.. ii in a ui. t way. and informs .y..ii tl.at t!ie holy ollice rc(iiits tlio pleasure of your c-i.iii j.mv. Should you happen to ex. postulate, the ipiiet jiont Ionian politely sng-- is the expediency of ti"iujf puilctinil Winn Vim r.'.ieJi the miter Court ofthe Vu t in. v.ia fi.nl a priest wlio conducts you to the 1 i-ili.iii.il au.l il'you tire only summoned us u witiiPs it is It,! who ci.iidiicis you back. '. i'eii ii the pr. sence of the iiupiis iter, you Me in. n!i; to ewear that you will speak 't he titith ; yoer answers to the questions put to vim are written down in Latin, and before be my; iv I an d. y. u must take nnotlier oath that i u will reveal nothing of what you Luvo ci ther beiti or heard. P.FTnr.sui.vn.Y ('nor.. A conductor on u New I'ii.liiinl mad w.i sent for by the Pirs id i.t it Supeiinteiidi tit of llie roud one day, ond ra'd'-r siunnitirily iiifornn-d that after th it ueik I tie company would not require his femes. He asked u Ini was to be his suc ce r. in:d the name was nivcn liim. He then asked why lie was to be removed. After j-ressin;' the question Tor some time, and I :i i! i ii tr to i'l'luiu n satisfactory explanation, n little liiiiit dawned upon him, and lie ud-ilri'-sed Ins superior odicer nearly as follows ; -You ale about making u great mistake, Sir. a j: real mi-lake. You know, Sir, 1 havo u n ei- lions.', u fast horse, u splendid pold v.: ti h. mid an elegant diiimoud ring. J"nat frl'me i,"ii hitre chnten to tide my place ha a gnt In r;et fill llirse tiinft. It is said the ur fiumeiii w.is coiiclueire, nud the conductor i.as ullowed to retain his position. TlIK 1RAIMX'I OF THE HaHI.RM SKA, Hot.- t.Axn. The Chairuuiu of tiie Commission on lln- I ) liiiifj of the Harlem Sua has publish ed n tin. 1 1 report on this work, which is to bo finished this year. The expenses from 1839 to ttj').5). inclusive, nro S3.400.00O, nnd the receipts from I. mil to be sold is estimated ul S3,2tlU.tlM0. It was at first supposed the re el unied land would be worth only some $32 per aei-e. but ill 1353 it wus actually sold for over 5120. This return exceeds all expecta tion, us the draining wus not undertaken us :i speculation, but us precaution against fur ther inroads of the sea. Fruitful farms ul ready beiii to appear here and there on the .'or.i'iT iliior of the feu. Forty-five ihottsjind ne res ill all have been reclaimed from the sen, which will supply 100.000 peojdu bountifully w.th tiie mount of life. Ckn. HofsioK. The Know Nothing Con vei.tii.u of tiie Twenty. fil'ih District of New. Pork, instructed t heir iti li gate to tho Know Nothing National Convention to support S im llotistou for the i'resideiicy. This is he first Houston delegate elected ia that State. M4HHir.B op Faxkv TEns. Tba Kew V"i irk Ledger unnonuees that its gifted con iiliiiio'. .Mrs. Bar Puyson Eldredge, (so wmwe.l and adiuirej u FatMiy Fern,) was :i in i, I on the Xitli iuiU to Mr. James Par nil, well known in the literary circle as the i.thor of "The Life tiflJontod Greule,y." Wink Makufactcm or Okoboia. Tbs i.mtheiii Cuitiv itor stutes thai th attempt i in in if ctuie wine from native grap bus n it tiii-.ssl'ull.v tried by Mr. A Leary, of tun-on coitiiiv'. Georgia. Th grap is noun a. the "Warreuton, and tbe producs ut thy rato of ujjU lundrod galloos per Disraoroiuos or th Beies. Boston, Ia, has n thousand, more females than ,ales, whdu Ciduae". 1,1 bM bont (tVa jouso-J iufaro j"-1- ibai famsles. - FRMtrn axt AxnmcAN AttunesThem Is n report n Paris that Mens, de Morny is iiho(. to inarrv n youmr American lady with out fortiitip. 'M. do Morny is penefuMy re gn riled ns the son of Queen llortens'e, tho mother nf Napoleon He executed the roup d'etat of tho 2d of December. Hp was at that time Minister ofthe Interior, lie retired from his tiluro through dissiitisfnrtioti at the decrees which impoverished the family of Orleans. Jle has become President t lie second time of the Chamber of Deputies. lie has a fortune of fifteen millions of francs, ncquired in the speculations, and which he is disposed, as is said, notwithstanding hi for mer bucelor connexions with tho court to give to this young utid obscure American lady. A Maonipipknt Coat. General Scott, hns had n magnificent, uniform coal made in New York. It is of dark blue cloth, lined through out with black and yellow silk. The collar and wristbands are embroidered with heavy gold thread, representing n runnina vine, all of which was done with a needle, and cost filO. Tho collar nnd luppels nro after the atyle worn by Archduke Churles. in which it can be used as n standing or rolling collar, uud the hippelg are thrown partly over tho arms. Heavy guilt buttons udorn the coat, but ere not made to button. A rich gold cord is attached, between the collar hihI lap pel. by which the coat ran be fastened in front. The epaulettes th-it the General hail ilujipg the Mexicnu war will adorn the coal. It will coat $180 when finished. MortTALiiY in I.acgk CiTtrs. The niprtir ity stutistica of four large cities for the last year present the following results : Totul No. deaths. New York. 23.107 Philadelphia, 10.G80 Ibiltimore, 6.475 Boston. 4,075 Somkthieo New Under tup. Sex. Uev. Mr. Wise, of tho Grace Church, New lied oird. has refused to have his salary increased. Is ho a wise man ? MARRIAGES. Dv D. N. Lake F.sq.. Mr. John Pinurs. i to Miss Ann Williams, both of Schuylkill couuty. D E A T II S. At Sink-in" Springs, Ducks countv, on tlm 28!h ult . WM. MASS Kit, Inn Keeper, aged about ."j0 years. In this place on the "0th ult.. nfter n lingering illness, FRANKLIN MAHTZ.aged ubout 0 years. CIk fflatluts. PMladelphia Market. January 10, 18)G. GnAIs. There is a short supply of Wheat and the market is inactive. Sides of siuull lots of Southern UIul Pennsylvania red. ut $1 S8 a 2 00. anil $2 n 2 05 per bushel for white. Eye is steady j sales of I'etina., 120c, and Delaware 116. Corn is in demand : sales of new yellow at 78 cents. Oats are in do. mand at 4.3 ce.uts per bushel, for prime, Dela ware. sunhuiv riiicii cruiiUiNT WiiriT. SOU Rik. Cons. Oat, 1'orAiun, UllllWll Hr.rKLisn 1'laH. Uc i Ti n. tiaus. I'll ii a. Plaxskui. Tallow. ll'J so .IS 3S 2.'. 10 2t 12 15 US 10 New Advertisements. VALUABLE FABM F0H SALE. rTXIIK tuli-erilirr offer t piiva'e :ile, a A YALUA11LK TRACT OP LAND, situate in Sugar valley, fJreen towm-hip, Clin'on county, 't-U'i t I mile fiim l.rguimwilp. m cl 0 miles Irotn l.oi-k Haven, adj. liuiiiR ImiiiIkiiI' A n -thonv Kli'i kiicr, lieu. Crumley and (,'en. t-'nnuk. cuiiliiiinnir ncrea, strict meanure, all of which in fx.--!, cut Linn-stone lanil iihnut (10 acre of whieh me i . eared. nnJ the lailiince well tiiulM-rcd ml wulpioJ. The improvements are a two story I..i Kuuse uml ft iig liarn, near I he western end of l!ie (aid tract, and an ecelleut jouug orchiird of choiie liuil trerx. Almi anoihrr rxcelhnt two story I. ok ll iufe ami l. p ham on the em-tern portion ol said Iruct. 'I lie mill preuiinca nrc ao siiuuted aa to make two excellent farms ami will be old together or kei;irale, to Knit pari hu tors. 1'crtmis ilesirou of iiiri-haiiiiir the ul.cn e property will please rail on the biiIwci ilier, resi ding in I'fiper Auuusta ti., ..iriliiiiiiln ihiml county. 5 milea from Suidiiiry. who will a .coin pauy ihcin to suid iremise4. TerniK reatomtlile. GUOKGG M. FUliKlisTUB. December S2, I HAS If. J. WEICIISELBABM, OPTICIAN SB OCOTJLIST PROM PHILADELPHIA. RESPKCTKIM.LY informa the rilizens of Sunhiiry anil ticinity that he haa opened n 8tore at the Lawrence Home, opputile the Court lluui", where he offers lor ule PECTACLES of every ariety, i-iie and quality. A new in vention of Sicitacle, for distant or close reuiliug, with gold, silver, steel and tortoise-shell frames, and a new and improved assortment of peiifiH-al ground flint (ilaesc of bis own nauuf,.rlure. He w ould particularly rail the attention of the public to hi Spectacle fur NEAR SIGHTED PERSONS, and fur persons who have been npeialed upon for cataract of the eye, and to hi new kind uf glas ses and ('onervera of the sight made of lb bent flint and azure tilimse. (iooil lilasae may he known by their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly polinhed surface. The qualities are to he found in a high degree in his glasses. Also Microscopes, Sy vnd Quizzing Glasses of every size nud quality; 'J'tleieopet, Mag nifying und Ojiern Classes, with different power, together with every variety of article in lite Optical line not mentioned. Optical and other Instrument and Clause carefully repaired at short notice. He rail al ways (elect Glasses to suit the vision uf the per son, a be sees them, upon the first trial. He will remain in tlo place during January Ceurt, and those in wart of the above article will pk-asa give him a call He will, if required, fo to any resectable house where hi services may t wanted. Cl" The very best Eye water !) for sale. December Sti, 1855, if. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to Ira T. Clamant, on Book account, note or other wise, era requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their account will be placed in tbe band of a magistrate for collection. Bunbury. No. 17. 1H6S if STOVES- rV)R BALE so xccllcitl xod-band Cook JL Uif fet. an MTerai Clialr Col BMnt. Eoiuir a4 Us '&. , LA I EST AnillVM, largest and Best Assortment CHEAP, HANDSOMH A DURABLE, sulwrilier tnkrs pleasure in informing his rnstomert nnd ihe public genrrnlly thai he in nuw in receipt of an iniusiinlly Inriie ami Splendid ABaortment of New Goods. To emlestor to enumerate the one hundreth part of the articles would be useless. Stillire it to say, they liav been selected with the grealcat care, and they will he disHiard of at a Inn prices aa the same quality can Lie purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quick Salei ami Small Profit." Ifc tnkea this method of prrnrnting to the public his tliatikafur ihc liberal patronsKe eiten led to him, and hy stiiet attention to buainesa, ha respectfully solicits a roiitinuanrp of the same. It will he ailvinnhlo for purchasers to rail and enamino bis assortment before purchaaing elac where. All kinds of produce taken in mjninsc. KUVVAKI) V. 151!lt;HT. Sunhury, Derrmlier I, IB5S. A FARM AT FRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers nt private sale, tho well known Farm", late tho estate of William Tarfgert, dee'd.. situate patt in Northumber land, nnd part in Montour counties. Pu on t lie road lending from Milton to Danville, and within nne-f mirth of a mile ofthe C. V. nnd K. R. R.. ' containing in fill 277 acres, about 105 or 10 ucres are heavy limbered hinds, principally oak and Hickory. There l a largo quantity or oak suitablo for Ship Timber, ami any amount of Rail Iioud wood on the Farm. Tho improvements nro two good Dwelling Houses, nnd one largo Hank Darn, hani'some ly situated, the Chilisrpmipio Creek running through tlio rentro of the same, on which there is a fall off, feet 0 inches, suitable for a Saw or Grift Mill. There is also a fine young Apple nnd Peach Orchard of choice grafted fruit, nud n large portion of .Meadow-land, the soil of which is of a looming nature, one put t of the Farm land has been limed, uud limestone within one 'oiirlh of a mile. The whole will lie sold together ut a bar gain, or in part to suit purchasers. The ubove properly has lately been very much improved : within the last year 0000 bushels or limu has been put on it. uud 2 tons or Guano. Tho property will be sold entire, or n it will divide very conveniently, one half will bo sold. Terms will he made very accomniod.itinlv JAMES CA M EH ON. Cliilisipiuque tp. Dec. 15, 1855. ot. Lancaster Whig, Reading Eagle und Mil Ionian, will publish three times and send bills to subscriber. Fashionable Ho ts and Caps. ASHBY & E0CAP, Ao. 130 Marltl St., FXIXLADBLriHA. INFORM their friends and the ptdilie Generally, that they continue to keen at their old stand, a large and extensive annnrtmeiit of h.ntH, caps, Ac, got up of tlielicM ninteriiil and in the latcni and best si le of woikmauhip and lininh. Country merchants and other will do weil to call ai d CMimiiin heloie port haning rhcwhcie. l'hila., Nov 10, If 55. If. NOTICE. jJOTlCE is lieretiy given tlisit llie membrni o Ml. Kal'fr ItUtlio 'u. liif) ol tho Iiultippn iljiit Outer nf U.Ii. . YUmvs o! IVhtis vtui;i, net ing uihler a coiiKtitutioii irfKt'rilrtl liy n;inJ lioile ol the IiHU'ici,t!;.m (Jul, r ol UJtl IMlowa ot IV imik) Iv.uitJi, htivf prep iitct) ihrir i rtitioit tu the (Juurl ol (.'oiiitunii I'lcns ol i'oi I'linitl't'-l.tiul county tr u clturipr ut 1 m-or r tiuu or ImkIv o litic. in Itw und in lurt. by tlio nnttie hid) Ullc of Mount J-'alicr l.otlgp, I 5. of (be I. O. ol O. fr' ul' I't'iinsUvuiii.i, Id bine porpetuiil sm't csiun and a cue uml bo surtl, bav a t tmniiuit title A c 'bt'reuiiin lb (.'oiirt luve fixed llie fitA djv of next Iniii I'm' ibe bearing and (tfttriniiittliou of said churtiT JAMi:s DCAUU, Truly, rrolbonotary Oiint. J Suubury. Lct. '55. S tc. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! MKUCIIANTTAII.OH, SUNBUJRY, VA. Uospfotfi'lly inf.irin thp cihzi'im iil'Siinh;rv anil Ihc iuli!ic iri'iiprally, thai hu hn just rcrrivnl I Irnin l'liihiilrlihin, n rlmire uml srlcct nsicruiriit I cil Cloth, LuiunrrcH, Ac , M7. : Fri'iii h hl.uk Cloth. iluin anil milled. Illick Llo.ivcr do fr oeico:s. Fine I.I in' i lnth. t'Urvl i loth. Cjsimt'ri'a frpiich hliifk ronlrJ. ihi do do lT.,e.iii. il do Rrrv mijed lloeskin. Vctlin-j plain iihnk i!k M-lvt t. do Kicurrd vnlvct. I'lut!i velvet. il l Blin k mlin tiuured. Woolen Sliirls mul ll.nui iH. (iPiitlrmi'ii' I'nrkrt 1 1 an ll.ircliirf. do ii-ck-tir. All of whiih will tie n!d nr made un to erder in the Inlpht an. I hrst slvle. imhiirv. IVp. I. IH.1S if LIST OK t'AUSKS tl' Xorthiiinlii'i-laiiil County, fur n Sporinl " Court, to cuuitnviife on thu lltli of Trb ruary. lSilo. Jai-oli Wni.la v Zerhy Hun Imp. ro Ira T Clem, nt Th Miamokin riiram Feirv i: 'J'hw lioal io dressier &. lieesidr v Mirharl Kerslellrr Win li Kipn va Win I, llrliniMf in Isauc I'lliott v Ci rnelis liarrtlson snino v sumo tain v Mine same v same JAMES BEAKD, PiotU'y. rrotlmnotary' Ollice, ) Suuhury, Dec- 6. 1855 Estate of DAVID MARTZ, dee'd. V'O'I ICE i lierehv given luat li tters of Ad miiiistralio.i upon the rKiule nf Dnvid Mnnz, lnle of llie toMi:iliip of Miinnokin, .'or. l!-.unilrliid Coiinly. Eq.. deceused, have heen grunted lo ihe ui:i' riiyin il, reoiilinp near 1'asi- uos I . ()., in fniil lown.-lnp. All peison hav- ing chiiin or ih niai.il nsjint Ihe entnte of said deceaKed, are rrtpirnled to make ihe Mine known to the iiuiterKiiiiicJ ivillui'jl delay, and ull per. sons iudehled aie des'uej to make immediate payment. J11..NKV ni ah j it, Ailm r. bhamokin tp. Dee. 8, IS55. Ct. CAMDItIO, Swiss. Mull, Uohinelt, Krei'rh lace, Checks. Collars, 1'ndcrsleeve ind ChemieUe, lli'ak dresse. Vilvcl and Velvet triininiint. Turkish counterpanes, EUnkeU. UriH'he, 'J'hihct & May t-lule KhawU, for sa'e hy buiihury. Dec. I. Ti5. E. V. BKIC11T. LADIES Dress Goods. Spring and Sum ini Shawl. Ulack silk, silk poplins, Do l.aine, Oiughain. De liage. Lawn and calico, just ra ceived and for sale by WM. A. KNAUU. I.owar Augu.lfi, Mav , IHA4. lItE.NCII hlclt 4-lolh. plain & fancy Cassi meres, Cassiuttts, Uvercnatini!, fulin and Silk Velvet vel patterns, Hi Ik and Wool Hat, Cap. Heart's and Monkey Jacket, for le hy Sonhury. Dee. I '. E. Y. BRKiUT. Al.l.EX HEKUEK'iS IMLI.8 A certain ' cur fur Fr and A cue. for l hi VEISER St BRl'NER. Hunliurf. ult ti. 18.S4. MN I'M of every rlesnipliou jut rai-eived Ity May 19. W RIMER A BR'' ER BEbtlUNt:, Varatria, Cbiuurdina and Cin choiiia, just reoeivrd by May 19. I. WEI8ER & BKUNEH. rinKICOPIIEBOUau- ie. for aU b May 19. WC18BB iBH. C03MOPOLIVAI7 ART ASSOCIATION! ft ECO. Ml VfiAft. Ann ANGKMF.NTS rr theSrannd Ann -til rnllwtlon ii llit new an J pupntsir luntitutitui for the ditfniua tif I Jtemture uid Ail, have beil maUy uu the rami rlten ive arn I e. Aimsiift lh works tlretdjr eiifnpptft, ! tht far-fumed Whit h ofiffinflMy e Ten Thimsai d Dotlnrfi. In f rni i tig the ww CoflJtlun, th diflniinn rf wuki t( AMKirr.i ATt mid the rii' 'tirogimn-nt nf Americnn f renin, hfivs lit been i veil-H kftt. Cnmniiisfitfii hnv trrn itnti tt mnny of th m-nt ditfinfrtiinliril Amerirnn Arlinta, whu will citii1ute mme tnir finest pnnloc tiniii. Amnni tlieui are three Marllf ttnutii, n touted liy Ihe great ett living Pculptur IIiham Powr i GEOUOK WASHINGTON, The FHther nf hit Country BENJAMIN VilANKLlN, Thrt Phi!' Ther DANTKL WHUSTER, 'I he 9tntemnn. A pr?ci:il Hfrent fint viiilnl Kurtipe nnd mndPnrefiil Bud Jmlici tis fclTli- ns nf I' Teigti wttrkii ol' Arl, iMh in J'roiize nii'l A!trlitr , SiaTunrv mul cli ticn PHiiiliiiR. Tiie while fnriping u liir nnl viiliinMtj c llrelM! nf Pa ttnitfi tout Stnl jhi. I ' e dtsnrilinted rut . Hinong the me Imia oi tiie AvBtiomtliHl lor the ii?f'iul Veur. TKUM9 UK AIK.MBKIESIIIP. Tli pfiynii-nt of three dollar c'iiniiii.tt any one ft mem ler ul ,ni AstK'iHit ii. nud entitle linn to etihi'r one of the following Mupjtii for one yenr. und ula n ticket In thf difitrilmu ti ol ihe Hiatimry and i'stiiitmiia Th itt-iulure inmil t'i nhFcrilrriBfonsiPta ''f f'" I twing .Monthly Aijiiruina : H.trtwr'a, Puimnn. ini'ktr-li(-k'-i, lll irkw ihIX Oruhuiii'si. Uudt) Jdy'a lljuk, nnd llouorh Hd Vnla. Pra m t.tking five memfwrMiipa nre eniitlnl to any five of the M iffuziitea for one cur, miJtatx. licktii m the ditritiuiiii, Tne ii I tr reiladeriedfrnni Die anle of mem'ierfihipi, ' devilled to the puichaae ol" wurki i f Art lr the eauu ing vcar. TlIK ADVANTAGF.S liCI!RKD hy hcfQiniiift a meinlwr of thm Am ei;irf ip, nre Ut. All h t ins itrei tile full v ilue of iheir aiibrcrip ti im lit tlm biuit, in (he ahape uf auriitig Alugnzino Lite rut tire. $U Kih mmler ia e xitrihntlng t 'Wnla f ii-clinaing rh mi Work M Art, whi'di nre t h- diatrilinifd nni nig tliruir't'lvea, mid Hte at the a nnr lime erconr-ginc the Aita of th coinitiy, (livhuming lliuitc nidti -f dolbra thruugli ill Kury. Peru nig in remitting funds lor mcmhemldn, will pltviie gi e their p(H- dice "uiIiIicbh hi full, aibiina; thn m nth thy wi.h ihf Mug-tzitie t coinitiein'p, niul hnve I he letter r-yiMfi.-d nt the l'ot "ifn'e to prevent I a ; on the re 'fipt (f which, a rertifirnteef tneiiiliftaliip, )celhr with Ihe M.ic tztne dtaircd. will be f4trwrded in any part of the I'oniitry. Tlt'r who ptirehnae Miifrnzinea ni RitokstreR, will ob f'rve thi hy j lining thi Ah cttili in, Kiev receive the Mrtffitzoie mid free ticket in the ininn il diitrlhtili , all at the aame price tliey n w pay for the Mnpuznie nl"ite. H -imtii'titlv illii-iratel O o'nl gues, givoig full descrip tions, sent free n uppliralinn. For iMetnln'iahip, nddiesa C. I.. nKRBY, Actoary C. A. A. At either nf the principal nflirea . "Knickeih -cker .Mnaitzine' ofTice, ni Bro-nhviv, Xe v York, or, Wesieiit Od.ce, 103 Water ilreet. Siiiiduaky.U. Nov. i? lS. Maddle and il;u'iica .TIakcr Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G, II'. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informa the iiiiMna oi ouniiury anu me puii. lie riicrnlly , 1 liu t he hna tiilion ralMhlislimcnt lately occui'ioil hy (ipn. V. Slrnli.nnd huviiir; ei.gagcil acvcral god wnrknirn, will he enuhleil to turn out work in hi luir (qiu! lo liny maile in lilts ffction ofcuniitry. Orilcr 'riuii ily rxcuetcj anil all l.inJs of jiro ilui e iHki'li in PM'hancr. HMiifury. (Vtitlier 27, IBaf. ly Estate of JOSEPH LAHR, dee'd. JVOTICE is hereby given that leller nf Admi ' iiintiutioii upon the cstale of Joseph I.ahr. lale nf l.oivcr : I :i Ii a tiny lounehip, Nurlhuiubcr Uml countv, dee'd, have been granted In Ihe un dersigned, r.'siiliug in Ocorgitonn, in h i J town hip. All pcrmni having claims ngaiust said CMt.ileuie rcijiioted to present them wilhout de lay for ti ttleinenl, and all pcroiiKiiidehted are desired to uiaho iiuini'di.ile payment. GKOIIGi; LAHR, Ad'tor. Geiirijetown, Nov. 21, 1805. Ut. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STOBS, Xo. 21 XortU Third St., below Arch, PB'LADELrillA. X"OI!NTKV Men hauls can save from ten to Vl fifteen per cent, by purcliasing at the above stores. L'y importing niv own goods, pnyingloit lilll rent, ami living eeoniiinii'ally, il is plain I can undersell iluue who purchaso their Goods here, pay liigli rents ami live like iirinces. 'oiistanilv on liaml a large anorlnient of Pen i and Pocket Knives. Scissors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Folks in ivory. Mag, bullaln, bone end wo id hdnilh's, Carvers ami Forks, Ac., lltitchcr Knives. Dirks. Wowie Knives, Revolving and p aiu Pistols, Vc. Al-o a lame assortment of Aecor.leons, A.e. Also line liti;li-li Tuit and German Guns, JOILV M. COLEMAN. Oct. SO, H.lft. ly. Importer. GREAT EXCITEMENT! l.a ist and let arrival iJ' the Season, At the Store of P. W. Gray, In Muriel Sauure. has Just reeeired his Stock from t'hilauetpliin, consisting nf Ftill nnil Winter (Joods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Ercn and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in .ait a list nf my ex tensive and elegant slock, which for variety and j.heapne cannot ne excelled in this market. FOll TlIK GKNTLKMKX, Dlnrk and Fancy Cloths and CaKsiincrcs. 1'Hrk Tallin and Fancv Silk Veilings, Shirting Muslin Drawers and L'udir bliiits, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, HlatikrU, tie. l'OIl TlIK LADIES. Black Silk, Alpacas, Mention' colored snd plaid ail wool. Muslin de Lain, a large lot of PrinU. ofthe beiil brands and styles, brown and bleached Shielings, twilled and plaid Limeys, Flannels, red, yellow and white, grey Drill, Tickings, ('ambries, Dress trimmings, ribbons, lace, gloves, bote and irith linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS ,y CAPS. IIAIIDWARK & CliTI.F.ny, CEDAR WARE. FISH & SALT, Groceries of every variety. Teas.Coll'ce, .Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Candles, Soap, Ciackcra, Uroonis, Lead. Mint. IScdCon!. Plough Lines, Glass Si 10 Ills I'C, II1I6, Starch, Fluid. Dairy Salt. Smok ing ami Chewing Tobacco. FineCigars, Mutches, Muxlard, Candle Wick. lilacking Water Proof, und a general agoi-lmeul of QL'Eti.XSWAIili AXIt GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. bunbury, Oct, 57, lSSS. tf. AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS I IN'i'sons nrcustonii'il to procure suliFCribers for Hooks, Magazines Ac, or get up clulifor iicwtp.ipi'it!, urn roijiitsted to senil us their iiami'S und iiildrcbs. mid we will forward litem, li'eu of cluirgv, u api'cinien number uf u pulili tut ion fur which lliny will liiul ready nalu ; und wo will ullow lliein a coinini.-sioii of 50 per tent for their servici. J. UUADl'OUD & imOTIIER. No. 3 Courtlund it., Nw York. December 1, lHia. 3t. NEW SUPPLY OF IldUORS. MRS. THOMPSON re-pei tfully informa her friends and customer, that aha ha receiv ed a new aupply of auperior liquor of different kind. Sunbury, Nor. H, 1855, 3t ClOBURG. French Merino. Persian rlcih. 1 Pari twill, Chintr.es. Delan's, Uelgra, Alapaeai, Kilks, Wool plaids, Molisir lustra rreucli, bcoli'b and American uinghama, jul received anil for aal by bunbury, Dee. 1 'hi. E. V. BRIGHT YAMLLA BEANS just recaivad by My la, IMiW , REMOVAL. ,T. O. DEPtTT Sa BONO, At 223 Korth Scfmd Strict, tibwe Vine, fmT ol Uigth and Sjiring-Gardeit Slretl Ara nellina; off CARPET, OIL CLOTHS, Ae At reduced price, EM'eitinit ti REMOVE to CHESNUT Kirset. (under Ih Kerf Maoonic Hall.) about the ISlli of IV civ null cm. lo whicli Jilaee they would Invite their former customer and other, M they cxpci t to keep a lielter assortment there, than they aver have kept. Oct. 27, 1855.- ch. Sept S? 3m W ' NEW MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. AfiFNTS WANTKD in every town and enmity ia th V nilcd Bute, to sell the beautiful picture of Ih GRAND LODGB ROOM. In the Nv Mwnmc Pliila.lelhin. Thirbte is selliiif very inpidly. slid elicits tho ilirurntiim "f nil, for the e irirctiiess mill fidelity with which th RtAToT. I'li PtiuriNO- Ann FvaniTtias re represruie'l, nt the nrtid ic liruulv anil hnrm my of th color Size of I'lnle. -21 X 1M. Price 00. ll.i i!tclieismiit Piiilurn Orders wialiiner lo take f n cits for il, will iileaso aJJrcss, for I'ur'her inf .rumii -ii. ' ' I..N.KOSF.MTIIAI.. Lithographer, Philailellii. Oelober U7, 1R-.S. tf Oront trilvul of Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT IJ NKOHMH hi friend and customer that h 3 just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS I ! At hi ftor in Mar.-.et 6tri,"t. Sunhurv, which he offer to the public nl the loive 't price. Hi tock consist of a general aiurtincnl of Dry (Joods, viz : Cloths. Cassimrrs, Carsmels, Jeans. Drillingi, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lams. Lawns, Ginghams, Jiiragtt. Also a large. aortmcnt of CLOTHING. A large aeeortmeiit of lioot and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Fanama, Palm leaf ond oilier Summer Hat. lMnlcr. GROCERIES of evry variety. 5ugar, Tea, Coffer, Molanes, Cheese, Spices, Fish. Salt. Ac. IIARDWABE, Via: Iron and Sirel. Nnil. F"ile, Ssws, cV.e. QUEENS V A RE, Tea Sells, Plates, Dislics, Cups, Saucers, Ifc VW Country produce of all kinds taken in ex. chniiBe at the highest market prices. Oct. 21). 1853 GREAT MASONIC HALL. THE I.AIir.KST rUX'l KtmTi:, MKI.onFOV AND MUSIC STOliK l THF. L'M'I CI) STATI. Will be n,emrl Ort..ier 15th t.M. in the Mimwic U'Til.ti'Mi, CIiohiuii tireet,ali.,ve feventh, Philarlclphiu. HyJUIIN .MAKSII, ths S.. A rnt for floarrtinan. tJray A Tiv's rfh.-liruli'il Dolce C.-iinpnna AM:)i-t:HiiMi riini.i I'nrlt-s, nnil C . Kisk 4 0..'s Premium IH.i. iti-onw. AIo. Piano p.iMcn and .Itl'-leoim nf other ili. tinf-itivli.1 urilcpTS. J M . his iihrainml it l.'imn fir shvoiI yens in tlir t.ew. rn.iinln'Hiit niul yH kmiTVn Mn.-utic Hitildniir. Il re he intemls keeping the Inrsr-kt ttiMk rmt un.irlniciit nf Piano Korles. Mel.1i.iis, Muric, unit Mil. Slcal lilRtrnments of eveiy ilccnplion, nit ,. ivlni-h are earnfullv slrctrd hy htnmclf, ami w.irruuled to give per fen Bntii'iictioii iii every iniiance. Oil .lier S?th. IM5 tf INTEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. M Ti:.i:n & Co., Sunbstry, Pa.. IJKSPECTFl'LLY annotince that Ihey liHve just received a large and varied slock of splendid goods suited to Ihe icason ; an iin-pec-lion of which Ihey solicit (rem Iheir friends and the public Ihey will be sold nt low ptices, u they lill adhere to the'r old motto; , "Small prnfts and quirk Sides." This in the end pay best, while it best serves their customers. 'I heir fctock now consists of Cloth, Cssimere3, Veil 1115s, Ladies' I'tress (,'oods, in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmere, I'ohurga, all wool de tains, Calicoes, cVi, with a large Bisoitment of dre tri'iimings.-lJroche, ThiK't, Cash mere, and woiien shawls, worked collars, tufTs, sleeves, chemisettes, oC. A new slock ot Heady mndo Coals, Vests, and Pbiitalonns, of superior stylo and workmanship. A lo. Hats, Cups, lloola and Shoes together with n general assortment ol Hardware, Queen, ware. Groceries. Provisions, Cedarware, DrU(:s, Paints. Oil und Nail. Come and see, no charge is made for allow ing goods. Country produce, taken in exohange for good, at the highest market price Bunbury, October III, 1855. '-PEES WAIT For tho latest arrival of Full Winter !oods. j. r. & i. r. iilxne, 11' I.SPECTFl'LLY announce to their friends i and ti e public in general, that tiiey have received nVthcir Old Stand, in Upper Anemia 1 t-." tiliip. Northumberland county, l'a.,at Kline 1 Urove. their I'AI.L an 1 'YIN TEH lioods, and ojiencd to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloth, black and fane; Cassimeres, Sattinetta, Checks, Drawer and Lmler shirts, and all kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of rteady.mai,a Coat, Vesta and rants, &.c. ladies Bress Goods. Consisting of 13 lack .Silks, Merino, Alpaco. Co. beri; cloth, plain and fancy all wool De I, aines. Calicoes, Ciinghtini, Muslin, Comforts, 11 sy State Long Miawls, 1 riininings, ic. Also a fresh supply of iirorerle of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardwnre nnd Queen ware, Drugs and Medicine. Hardware, Queemware, Cedarware, Prooma, & c. Alto a lare assortment of lloola and rjhoea, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Ila's, and all good usually kept in a Country Btore. Call and Bee. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past favor ma hope by strict atten tion to busiiicis, to merit a continuance of the same. All ofthe above named stock of good will ha old positively at low pi'ues for cash, or in ex. change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline' Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE FARM, Lying in Sliarookin township, Northumberland county, containing about 130 acre, more or less, within i mile nf tha Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, adjoining lands of Charles Leisenrinir, George Kiick and other, rn which are erected A large two-story Swelling House, Bam and Out bouse. About 80 acre of laid laud ara cleared, and in a pietiy good date of cullivalioi the residue i good linilxi laud There can be about 40 acrca of very upetior rr.esii.iw made on said premise. There are two good bearing Orchard thereon, a never. failing spring of water, and a good wtll at tha door. For further patticulara apply lo the uhcri. hers, cr lo Llida John, Bear Gap P. O-, North, umherlaud co inty, Pa. P. 8. If said premises ara not aold before tha Hrst hay of the first month (January) next, lha saint will ha offered for rent on reasonable term. SAKAH JOHN, ELIZA 0. JOHN. Shamokin lrp. 11th mo. 3, 1855. ) tint WALL PAPER. A large and spl.mlcd awortment of Wall Papar, Vlndow pa. per. and Oil Shad, lust received and for sale by I. W. TENCRC, IIIILirS, ETRYKEIt & JENNINGS, IK1LLB DFALr.S i:uitisii, i in & ash:ica OCONT KiriCllVELT AT AUOTION, A"o. I l' 3 Dank Street, let on Market, Hetvrcen Second suit Third, riin.ADKi.riiiA. 17 Tucnsh r ho.t llrae ktiyei w Trill e!l at n rrry small advani e mi Auclinu rnU Pliila.,rjepl. 82, IrjfiS SmiSj. S- E. ( nr. 7!!i & tin .net Mi. Tilts IiiTitntimi. wlifch v flrnd n!uMi)id In September, Itfl4, nnd imtnbfrri nm-iiiK fra grt.iluntei hint d'etU nf th 1'U.ineM men in tfui, nud (itirr cites wm un fun itrt, ib55, CtiurttTeil, and cualiiislifd n a C 'Higet in accordance with Act ff l.t-ffiiluttirfl. The t'ou nr IxRTrtjrTioif !nfn th ir-'tiehly I rncttml rhnraclr find f ii'tninR all th brfirtnlina M?;Vrr ftf uie ii hut Mrrt ( wImcH, ih pupil l"3ve the ri vil-pft nfaMyn il im! up " nnnrit'i nf KKCTL'KEj UrO.V i OMMEKCl A ' lrW, tin iivrrud Tnt I boil rjsjicciai use, Uy etui il nl )Mclili 'iiers. Fur ths piMrnt ca'n, ihe How JroTS Ha-woot' ervirra ar en va"" in tli') 'mrirnMit 8. II. CIUTTKNOKN, Principal. I Oat'd tfiiH wilt lw at?'it t any ftildiw, on "l""',i'-n I iv tcfr.T Ala-'. CRIT'IT.VDKN!' BOOK RKtvI'lXO. r?cetpt r nnil "f price, 8 1 t5U. Kf y U amine 60 cia 13, 6m. f-J as B 4aj g m : e. t.nJ r- e (PD ice I t w et-0'' FliiiuCx.liia, Oct. CAME to th irtfinis of the suhscriher, near Hear ii, ahout tlirco yceli eince, a light hrindle COW about 12 c old with horl tail, and had on a unnll hell. 'l'h "' is re quested to c. mo forward, prove properly, pay iharRC and take her swbv. WILLIAM THOMAS, Locusl tp., Columbia e'. Oct. 8tJ, I85S. Sni. $50 EWABD. T II K BuliKerihrr o.q'.'r reward of fifty dollar for ihe discovery an.? conviction ot Ihe per son or person, who cut an.' destiojed the hands on the Machinery of their Co-i.' breaker, at the Matnmolh Colliery, between Mi;u.-Oniu and Mt. Carmel, on Ihe nihl nf the 0 r II insl. The above rcwaid will be p:iid to any c-,ie giv inj inforina ion that will lead to tho eonvit'io" of the offcmlcr. f'LF A Vl'.Il. FAGHLY & Co. ShamoVin Oct. 57, tfoO. if. F0H SAIy. riMI I va aluable FA Hl , situate in Shainokin tnwn- ship. Norlhninbeiland County, between Sunbury and Stiatnokiu, two miles IV0111 Ibe Koalroad and live from Trevorlon, couiaining upwards of 500 ACKK.S, almost :!( acre tire i lcarcd and in a good state of cultivation, the other well tniiU'ied with tlak and Clicsnut. The imjirovement are two duelling Houses and two IJarns, ivilh good spiing Water. It is well calculiled for l!irce or more farm, with Meadows. Ou-hards, Ac. Persons desiring level farms easily tilled, should examined the Above. He will sell on reasonable terms cither ihe whole, or parts of 50, ICO or 500 acres. Knot auld by the first of January it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. October 6. 1853.- ljG'56 NEW CONFECTIONAitY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAH1IAKT, f) ESPECTFCLLY announce lo the eitirena ol Noithiiinbci land and the ndjoiiiiug coun ties that he lias opened n Confectionary anJ Fiuit Store in MAKKUT SQUAlttL Sunburv, where ho manufactures ai'd keeps on hand, at all limes, the most rhoiic Confectionary, cVc, Wholesale an 1 Retail, at Pliiladelphi.i price. Among hi stock uf Cotilccliotiarics, may L found : French Scri ,-, ltitrm-(t Al.u.iiicts, Cream W'hit, I rf-rn ll ' liose. " VsniMa. Coiiim 'ti Hrcicts. I.iijuoi ice, Cum Dr-.pt. all kiiiJiofscvnt, ..l0 D"'!'S, Mint Oiopf. rJ ami white, Jrlly I'sIts, Kruit I)ni;.!, t-t.rlt Oi.nille", o! all SUSHI It. ck Cutiuy. A'm iii'.l CoiiUf, TRUIT. Prit;Mt Tm.as, I':llF. Currants d Aiinanils, i:l. Clll.i niivon, Nuts all k is its LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, l-y the single nr dozen. A superior qinltly of tScgar and Tobarco. and variety of Confection inc., fruit. Vc all of which Ih utiVrc.l eli,,. p ul viholesale or retail, (,'onie nnd see he will try to .!eir. Orders from a distance promptl) aUttuled to. Sunbury, An,. 4, ISC5. ly. DUhOiitlioii of e;trf uci'.lili V'Vl'ICK is hereby Riven thai tho firm of! (.'lenient Krani ivnsdiilv dissolved on Ihe 31st day of October, A. U . ISM, and Ihst the boo!, of the firm tire in I lie hands of Ira T. I Clement. All persnns Iiiiaviiij themselves to j be indebted to sai l firm will please come and i make eelllement immediately, and all persons I having claims against lha (amo are rcij nested to: present llmui. j CLEMENT cV ICR AM. Sunbury, Nov. 1 1). ;m. Bargnins at the Old Stand. i rRZXiXNG- Sc GRANT ,4 It K now opening a new and very desirable j slock of V A I.I. and W'LNTKU Gi.o.ls, em braeinir an rndles variety. Their stock con- ' its in part of I Block & Fancy Srsodrlcthsi?; Cassimeres, ' V inter VVre lor men and boys, a'.l i; !cj and pilces. DHESS COODS. SII.KS Plain and Figured Black: An assortment of J'laid Stripe and Kiirured Fan ry llrea Silks ut umiMnilly low prire, b'heliics, liraes. Urate )u Lain, Mas. I) I. sni". Lawns. Ac, (ilNGH AMS from ft to i., cent per yard. calicoes a r.'i WIUTK GOODS, Cmbric. Jaconett. Svia, 'l arlton, Mull, Bobi- , netl, French and 8i. Laces, Ldings. Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Ihillings, Tick, 1 Lhecu. lowliugs, I aide Dlajicrs, j c. mnn i:an:. HARDWARE and QUEEXiWARE. Cedar-ware, Ilullow-warr, Lun, Steel, Plaster Halt and Fish. Also a tresh supply of Hit I'll AND MrpiCINK". Thankful fur si luvura, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with Ihe api,roa! of our friends. CtT" Cmintry prmluco of all kinds taken at til highest market price Bunbury, Nov 3. IS55. ly. THZ tmVEF.SITY S TAKILY REMEDIES, 1 ?-!. KDaudet i.r S,n. Sau-ti m and Auihmliypf the University ,,f FIIKH M KHICI M. suit li.ip.ar kii w- I lle, Clutitiral liy tiie huic if I'vii.isylv.iina, April 4. I lb-YS, Willi a Cnpilal of Pluu.010, iiin.nl) for ih farp. i f , orretn.if ilia evnsof l,.miius ua l w.irllilesn N.wruiiis; i Als i lur SFi,plvina Ills tUiiiiiniia.iy willi ic.lislil Rrms. I nirs wnrrrvsr a c,.,iH'lriit riitelnil csntiol in will a- h cnnl iyil. This Insl. intern' lias purcliaiiiJ frora Dr JOHX II liowANO, his Cekhrstrd ItoWAtMl'! Tonic llKtiirp, Knwa for upwards of tpiitvAve vrars ss the nr.ty snr sad silt, ouie fn FKV:K siiil AOt K, ' . sikI Ins inv. lllllHlilv llrmrily tor IIOU T.I.COM l'l.AI 1 1. ll..wMid s C.nnp lunrt l)nia nirlflwiry Hint. Whlcft lnbl)'p pi.ivel Hurt a Kiatar Itineilies, t. f ihr with Tli t'liivrrsiiv's Rnne.lv f'r I'rwnlsiiits of Iks t.unrs j T'i I' nnc. sm's Heuiedv f n Psrj.i i lndigssu.; The I'niveisnv's Heiua.lv t- l Csliv II welsi Also, i ha Lin vers! ly 'a Aiinanac iny D lw hurt, at lli Brsucli ilisi snssiy.uc Slur of Nor S, IMS. MJian.iy V O- INUKI.LIULE INK t I May l. WEISF.rt & BRITNER'. 11 LelUAND'8 Mnei fir sale by May r. VV.ISZH St UHUNER BLACK Futur good article for aakt by Haf WEiU it BSU'IUi. Fruita & Confectionery. S KMOVAf. Tha antiscril er ha reinovr h to No26MnitaT tiTarT, aboyFroi.t (Thica doora above the old atand,) rinLADELl'HIA. Where ha keep enrislantly on ham!,' a central stock of all article in hi tine l coniiin ol Orange, Lemons and all kind of Iruit in e. on; Almonds, Walnut, Cream Nut. CSround Nut, plain and roasteJ i Pickle and preserves of all kind t to which he iuviiei tha attention of Dealer and other tisi ing the city. Good parted at thi tslabliihniiit w arranied to ctnr fe. . L. HEnRtNC, hn. AO Marital S!., afcov Front, South tide. Thila.. Hcpl. Ju, 1855. 3rr c3. SPECl'AaLES ' In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel rrameg, JlTA'JUEMATIUAl. Instrumenfi separate) and In eases. 'J licrinometera of variona irea, Spy Classes of every description, Platina poimarnr Lightning Rods. Magic Lanterns vthli criptural, aslronomieal and tempcrnnc design. Microscopes and Microscopic object, Galvanic Batteries, Electrical Machine, fcurveyer'a Com passes, SurveNing Chain &e.fr.e. MdALI.ldTKR !t BROTirER. (F.stablihed in 17915.) 134 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our PriceJ and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages) with 160 illustration furnished on application, and sent by mail f.ee of cWg rhilH.;ept. j, 1855. ir' every description, eulta' le for ltailroad?, 4-c, for weighing llsy, Coal, Ore and Mer chamlie ycnerallv. Turcliaacrs run no risk. ev. cry acale in Guaranteed correct, and if, after trial not found alifactory, can be relumed without charge. MP Factory at Old Stand, established for mora than twenty year, corner of ninth anJ Melon Streets, Philadelphia; AliBOTT & Co Successors lo Elliot & Aluott. Thi;. Sept. 1, 1655 3mC. Cheap Wntches Jewel 11 y HOLESAI.E and Retail, at the "Philtdel. w phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 98 North Second Street, corner of y.jarry, PniliABELPin), ('ild Irfvcr Vntelies. I'uil i-vrk'l, fs t'n-nf tfnes $W 00 G Hl.eiene ISH. .li, r;, Silver SisMacfea Vf,1 fitly" .. full jevrtM, fluiJo'il Uiacelei. 3 0 tf.lvcr l.eyrr, lull jev.-I'd W ! nd rs' U ,1.1 IVnciia. 1 00 Sanrii ..r (jnartiers. 7 ., j,lvcr Tra sp.iras, set, J,uu 0-..RI t:;iscte!-, r.ii; Oulit l'e,,.. wild Pencil suit Silver Holder, f,00 Gold Fii.'cer Rings. 37J cents to SI 80 Watch G'asses, plain, 12 rents; Patent. lj; Lunet, 55; other article in proportion. . All good wr ranted lo be what ihnv oro sold for. MTACFFER & llARLEr, On lutid, some Gold nnd Silver Lever and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. C, 18 35.- r ATTORNEY AT LAW, SLNBLT.V, PA., Aided by lomn eight year experience In Ih practice ofthe Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or witl in tho line of hi profession. Office with Charjea 3. Bruner, Esq.. Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1 8C5, tf AGNBW S CO'8 SILK AND SHAWL STORE No. 196 Chtsnut street, 1'IIII.ADKI.l'lu A. TE take leave to inf irm tlis Tidies of Sonhurr and ' eieitr, tti it wc now have i pen u full stock of Fall suit Winter Coc.li, jvt arrived by Hous and Liverpool eHenatciB. IN OUR SHAWL ROOM will be foil ml l!m m- kt rxieinivs nstorimcnt of Brochs, I 'up uml Suiiiirt HA W1.S Sirlia nnl pri'i'ed lcrcicrcd trHAU'I. pi th! r;ty, wlinle oui CLOAKS. TALM A3 ami MAXTI M.AS. in Velvet Clot h oito.Mi ire AuUqaj, euiiirit lie nnHsevl. foJLlv. AND DKKSS COODS, Thif? ilpftrlin?tit in nnpvlicti with nil he wvrett mrl nf hi'Hr.til. IMjihI, Slripf, Plaiti, .Mitirc Aituquc nnd Black Siikn. While M.tirf AnTirjue Tor !ni(l;il tlrrssen, Hich Silk l( Drr?vr.i, prmtril Cii:iinercs uml DrUnincii. I,tpinf(i, Mpfiii'i mul C-nhiiHTtn, n !Hrpe uMunrariit ofulltoiori tu 1 Very rtu-np. tmijrj;derifs, nii'MtiiF. ui-ivfj, Ar. MOURNING GOOrS, Of ..ipi-.n, n I'rSixi-'fs, Cnhnierri. Pe tinei rVe. We e.-iinP!ly RnliciT a cull fr -in our rntmtrv fTtenria, ftreliiiaj uifi'.l'ni t;tn our fjre-nt fjcilitiea ir patichatiLg gtwt'ti, we ctiMiflVr grcut iMiiK iii:. AGNTW CO P S. Cuiitmnlv ris-eiTtnsr new jcxH'.e L the Kurpuki ilemfri fr 'in liiivi mid Liverp.iul. Oct. cM.it ,j". "inlw Ter?jM CHEAP WATCH ANl JKVVELRY STORE No 72 North Second Hirret, (opposite Ik idov.nt Feynon Ihmte ) Philadelphia. iJOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 19 K, ea e, $58 SiUer Lever du do., $12; Sil vcr Lcpinc, do., !fn : (jiiarlier. $'5 lo $7 : Gold Spcclacle. 4 f0 lo 10 j Silver do., I 50 ; Silver Table Fjtoon per ell, ."S14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $ I I ; silver Tea do. i do., ! 7S to r .'.() s Gold IViii and Guld Ca-ae-. :l S3 to iM j Gold Pen and Silver do.. $'!; loscilier Willi a vaiifty nf fine Gold Jcvelr, (iold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All good warranted lo t e a represented. H'alehe ami .Iewelrv,reiiiid in Ihe best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pin. & v.. made to order. N. II. All order cent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phil., S pi. 5'i, 185.".. lyw. FANCY FURS FPU LADIES AND CIIILDltFN. j-OT-ri-x FAREIRA, Importer, Mnnufnctnrer fi'idl Dealer in all kinds of Taney Turs No. 281 MarkU S'rert. (,ibate Eighth,) I'HII.ADKI.PUIA Having; now completed my very large and beatiutifi.l assortment ofi.1! the different kinds of Taney Fi:r. and fashioned Into all the different. lylea and fashions that will be worn during tlia present sens.in by Ladies and Children, and being determined lo eell my good at small profits it will be to the advantage of Ladle am.' othei to give me a call before purchasing, N. li. UTOKKKF.EPEliS and ibe trade will di wv'l lo call, as they will find on of llie largs.t and beat variety of sloek to select from the city. JOHN FAREIHA. t'epl. SI, IS55. 4 mos. U 2tK T, FALL STOCK of NEW Geed. sAOWUo .as.mble Shawla. rsi-hional.le Silks. Full stock i'lsck Kilk. D.es Goods, all kind. Blankets and Flannel. Linen and Cotton Kheetinga. Staple Housekeeping Geod. CUtb. Cassimrrva and Vesting. EYKF. A. I.AMJELL, FOURTH & ARCH 8ts.. PHILAIVA. P. !5torekceiei sh.1 oll.er ml cah huft't snppli I with scarce and dirabla Dry Good at low rate. BARGAINS from Philadelphia and New York Auction daily. N. B.-8 case French Merinoes, all color, wholesale from hS lo $1 ,tS. Philadelphia, esept. t'i, l5S. 3it w3. VOR SALE I fj rTEAM ENGINES SO Horse power each, jwt itU lioiier. Would make eiecllent pump tug nglnes. togeihar with I large blowing ryliu der, auilabl lur a blast furnace. Apply ta H EN K Y LONGENECKEK th CO. SUamokin Iron Work. Shamokin, Pa. Sbamakin, July tl, 1155- IAHNESTOCS Varmi ugfcr aato b May II. 'AEIEU AUKUNBS f AND WARRANT. 1 ha JiigSaaat- prW '-'will a givaa br Lni Wnou by Us sua. ... w. laUhaWZaV i