J. ARRIVAL OF THE ARAGO. LATER FROM I UiUPK. TKt Stredish Treaty Pumnrs nf Peace. Austrian Proposition of Peace. Capturt of Kar$ confirmed. Jftw York, Jan. C Tim steamship Arago bos arrived, with London dates to December 19th. She sailed from Havre on the Mine day, with 240 passengers, mid o cargo valued at over two million. The steamship Canada arrived ft Liver nool from Huston, on tho 16lh and the Washington, from New York.reaehed South-1 ampton on the l ith. Tho London Daily News affirms that 8weden has ratified n treaty with England sod France. Tho allied powers guarantee the territorial integrity of Sweden ; and tho latter eneagea not to ulienMo any part of ber territory to Russia. The contriioting parties also engage tr communicate recipro cally, all proposititms coming from Russia. Itumors of pf-aeo aro still abundaut both la France nnd England. Count Estorhay left Vienna for St. Pe tersburg on tho "iGth ult.. with important dispatches containing propositions for it pa cification. It is stated, that ir the Czar re fuses their acceptance, Au-tria will with draw her Ambassador from .St. Petersburg. Both tho London News ond Times express Strong donblsof the acceptance of these prop ositions by the Czar. The instructions given to Prince Ester hazy, are to return iinmedititely, in the event of the Coir's refusal to negotiate. The difficulty which existed between the English and French government, relative to t.ie conditions on which peace should bo made, have been nrranged, through tho efi'irts of the King of Sardinia. The surrender of Ears, to the lltusians. is confirmed. Nino Pachas, together with Uenerai Williams nnd sixteen thousand trooiM. have been taken prisoners. Among the umunitions of war captured, ore l.)0 field pieces, some of which are very heavy guns. The Russian General Bobntoff has cslub li'hed his head-quarters at Kulars. nnd in tends shortly to resume his offensive opera tions nguinst Anakhi and Reduubt Kale llis army is abundantly supplied with provis ions by the Armenians. The defiles between ICars and Erzeroum are held by the Kupsi.nis. Affairs in tho Crimea are quiet. Oreat preparations continue to 1)9 made for augmenting the British Baltic fleet, in anticipation of operations in the spring. Contracts have been made in Sweden for the French Ecets ond tho accompanying army. The Persian Ambassador nrrived at St- Petersburg on the 9th of llecemuer. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE Liverpool. Dec. 18. The cotton market Is quiet, aud the quotations now current pre sent no change. The sales for the. three days bavs bee:i lS.OJO bales, including 1500 to speculators- The market for floor has been dull. Sales of Canal 424. Ohio 44s. Wheat is unchanged in prices. Red wheat ll.(t.ls 3d, whito 12s(.l2s 3d. la cora there is but tittle speculative de mand t stormy weather having checked the market. The market for beef and pork is quiet. London, Dec. 19. Consuls arc quoted at 83j. STILL LATER BY TIIE CANADA. Halifax, Jan. 8. Tho mail steamship Canada arrived at noon, with Liverpool dates to the 22d ultimo. The War. The news is simply confirms tory of ths previous rumors touching the prospects of peace, mid speculations con cerning Prince Estcrbazy's mission to St. Petersburg. The reported treaty between Sweden atid the Allies is confirmed. Affairs in the Crimea and Asia continue quiet. Commercial Istellioesce. The cotton marttut is languid and prices are easier. lifeadstufT have slightly declined. There bad been a small demand 'tor Western canal flour t.t 42s. Provisions are quiet, with an improved demand for some articles. The money market is striugent. Consols are quoted at 8&jtjfc. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1S50. H. B. MASSEIt, Editor and Proprietor Lcwisnrno. The Prcfbjterijin Con gregation of Lewh.burg havo decided to erect a new church edifice which is to be ono of tho finest In Northern Peireylvnnia. Tire County Building Committee nave awardrd the contract for creeling tho neces sary ediflcn at LrwTslmrg, to Lewis Palmer. of Tyrone City, for tho sum of seventeen thousand Klollars, including everything re quired. The first Vtory is to be of stone, cemented ; and the remainder of the plan is substantial!? Mr. Noll's, as at first exhibited. The whole is to lie finished, ready for me by tho 3d Monday (lMh) of December next. Our Lcwlsburg friends arc also making calculations with a view of creeling Water Work. To Adv--.ti.kk . -Tlie circu'iitlc. of lh Sauhury Amerirnu smmif tin different town, nn the Sutquehamia it not cxreeded if equalled bjr any jier puhtiahed in Notlh ern Peiiiiavlvama. 55 A Tress of business at Court lias prevented us from puyinl proper attention to our editorial columns this week. 5" We are indebted to the lion. Richard Erutlhead, James II. Campbell, !'.., Cov. Pollock, Duvil Tiipgart and J. II. Zimmer man, Iqrs., as well as others, for publi documents. The Weather has been exceedingly cold the pnut week. On Wednesday morn ing the thermometer stood at 14 degrees be low zero. Tho snow bus become compact, and screeches ns yon tread upon it. Sleigh, ing never was be'.ter. In fact we are in the midst cf one of the old fashioned winters wlrch our fore fathers so frequently speak of to tlip great discredit of the degenerate win ters of modern times. The ice on the Susquehanna is not less than 12 inches thick, I'upnble of bearing ul- mo't any load. DEATH OF AN1LE.M KU rilaXfllLD. Advices havo been received of the death of the eldest brother of tho house of Roths child, at Frankfort, on the 6th instant. Ba ron Anslem von Rothschild is the third of the brothers Itothschild who has depaited this life in 18.05, the head of the house in Na ples. Carl, and the head of tho house in Vien na, Sulonion, having already died this year. Ol the live brothert there remains now only James the head of the house in Paris. Ba ron Ansletn was looked on us the founder of the great fcnancial Rothschild power, and though pos-essed of less cultivation and edu cation tlian Ins brother in nlniifiV nial.tora : ho died rhtl.ilufia unit Imc I loft to the house a fortune or 20,000 UOO gul den. The funeral took place on the morning of the 8th inst., uud though devoid of any attempt ut external splendor, it was attended by more than one hundred carriages ot per sons to whom during life he had stood in so many varied positions of man of business, pa tron, friend and beuefactnr, including all le .igiousaud couffSsioii8. V..4. U.S. Gazette. 5 Somn of our subscribers from several diflireut points in the County hive complained that their papers.have not been received for several weeks. TLe fault is not ours, ns we have carefully mailed the papers, but we will examine into the cause. t3" Prof. Rice requests ns to return his must cordial and sincere thanks, to tho citi zens of Siinbury and all who were present, tit the Coneert given fur his benefit, on Monday evening lust, at the Court llcusp in this jdacc. The house was crowded with our be.-t citizens. It unytliiiig, tlie lames were more numerous than the gentlemen. The perfor mances were such as to elicit the applause of ail present. tS3f The Liquor Law. The Governor in his message, though ho does not "ay thit lie approves of the present liquor law. intimates in strong terms tint hu will veto the repeal of his law unless a who esome 1. cense law is passed as n substitute. CaT L. A. tJnDKY. The publ,hers and others of the literati in Philadelphia, recent ly gave M r. Oodi-y or the Lady's Book n com plimentary dinner. No man iu the city stands higher in the estimation of his fellow citizens and those that knew him, than Mr. (Jod.-y. tST U. S SexaTOr. Tho legislature w ill elect a United States Senator in place of the Hon. James Cooper, on Monday next. The contest lies between Bigler, Buckalew and Foster, CosfiRDi.'. No speaker elected yet. The members have been balloting more than a month, and are now no nearer oraanit-ing than they were one month ago. They had better rome home. They have already squad drred away about SlOO.OoO. EI,F-C1IC. flAILRIMD ftWITlllli Mr. J. Dick, of Bufialo, showed ns, some week or two ago, a self-acting switch of his invention, which makes it utterly impossible, when osed, for enrs to bo thrown off the track, us they often ore, by unadjusted switches. This switch is designed to be operated in all respects like the ordinary ones, with the additional property of springing instaiitmic omlv into line wnen. in consequence of any misunderstanding or carelessness, awheel ap proaches in the wrong direction upon the main track. This property was put to n most unprecedented and almost fool-hardy test on the 27th of June lust, by running a truin at Iho highest possible speed across not onh one but till the switches in nearly at hundred miles of the Buffalo und New York city rail roads, ull designedly placed trronr 1-il'teen miles of this route, over three of the gnpinrj switches, was performed in seventeen minutes, showing a very high degree of confidence in infallibility of the invention. Tho principal peculiarities ol tins switch consists in two eiiptic springs, ii lever, ond a catch, which are all to be considered lis additional to the usual mechanism of a switch, but incensing the cost only some twenty-five or thirty dol- ars. I he heavest ol these springs is just outside the track, between the rails aud the switch-stand, and exerts a constant effort to throw tho switch into such position ns to nuke tin main line continuous nnd perfect When the switch is moved out. of this posi tion by the hand lever, the second and smal ler spring comes into play and throws forward a boll which catches and holds the switch in place, and ut the same time elevates an afore mentioned lever, which is just within the track, some sixteen feet distant. In case of the approach of a cur or engine in the wrong direction, the flange of the wheel presses up on the lever, detaches tho catch, nod the switch-rails jump iulo place w ith considera ble energy. At a speed of sixty miles un hour u locomotive moves eighty-eight feel per second, uud tae catch in consequently re. leased only one-lilih of a second before the wheels enter the switch, yet the movement is invariably completed in lime. Miners' Journal. fitment F TIIU KANSAS DII'I'I-1 I I.TIES. Articles of Xerjotintio i and Adjustment. Wliertcs, There is n misunderstanding '" I ween the people of Kansas, or n portion of litem ami tlie governor uiereoi, arising out of tho rescue near Hickory Point of a citizen ntider arrest, and some other mutters ( and Whereas, A strong apprehension exists that said misunderstanding may lead to civil strife nnd bloodshed! and Whereas, It is desired bv both Governor Shannon and tho people of Lawrence and vicinity, to overt a calamity so disastrous to the intetests of the Territory and the Union, and to plucn all parties in a correct position before the world. Now TiiKiiKKoiiR, as it is ngrccd bylhe said Governor Shannon, and the undersigned people of Lawrence, now ussembled. that the matters in dispute be settled as follows, to wit: We. tho said citizens of said Territory, protest that tho said rescue was madu with out our knowledge or cansent I but if any of our citmcns were engaged, we pleiigo our selves to aid in tho execution of any legal process sgainst. them i Ihut we have no know. 3T Governor' Menace. Our readers will find an abstract of Governor Pollock's Message on our first page, as well us a number extracts from the Message. It is u temper ale and well written document. Wf.ai.th of Atlantic Cities. Tho wealth concent rated at the great cunmercial points of the United States is truly astonishing. lor instance, ouc-clglit part of the entire properly of this country is owned by the citi zens of New York aud Boston. Boston alone in its corporate limits owns one twelitii'th of the property of this entire Union, being nn amount equal to the wealth of any three of the New England States, ex. :-e t Massrchusetls. In this city is found the richest community, per ca ia. of any in ihe United States. The next city in point of wealth, accordiui; to its population, is Providence, U. I., which city is one ol ll.e richest iu the Union, havii.g a valuation of IKty six millions, with u population of lifty ihoiisxiid. The barn increase per annum of the wealth of Boston is equal to tho entire valu ilion of ninny of ihe minor cities, such us Pmthiiid, Salem. New Bed'ord, Chicago, Louisvdle, ftc.jjoston Traceler. Preventive of ('oxstmpt.on. The Chi nese, according to M. Montiguy, a French Consul in their country, mix arsenic freely with tho tobacco which they smoke: aud those who do it, he says, are stout fellows with lungs like a blacksmith's bellows, and us rosy as cherubs Dr. Dr. Lnud.i declared be fore the Academy of Medicine that he had found but one means nfcombating consump tion, viz: tr.o smoking of arsenic. proci ledge of the previous, present, or prospective existence ol any organization Hi the Saul Territory for tho resistance of the laws, and that we have not designed, nnd do not dasign to resist the legal service of any criminal pro cess therein, but pledge ourselves to aid in Ihe execution of llie laws, when called on by proper authority, jti thu town or vicinity of Lawn-nee, and that wo will use all our in fluence iu preserving order therein ; and we declare that wo are now, ns we ever have been, ready at any lime to aid ihe Governor in securing a posse lor the execution ol such process. I'rm-idid, lliul any person thus arrestt d in Lawrence or vicinity,, whilo u foreign force shall remain in tho Territory, shall ho duly examined before a Uuit"d Slates District Judge of said Territory, in said town, and admitted In bail ; mid provi ded, further, that Gov. Shannon agrees to use his influence to secure to the citizens of Kunsas Territory remuneration for any dam ages sustained, or unlawful depredation, if any such have bevti committed bylhe sheriff oosse in Douglas countv. Aud further, that Governor Shannon btaies that he has not called upon persons resident of any other States, to aid in the execution of the laws, and such as are here in this Territory are here of their own choice, and that he has not any aulhorily or legal power to do so, nor w iil hv exercise any such power, and that he will not cell on any cili.cn of another State, who may be here. That we wish it under stood that we do not herein express nny opinion as to the validity of the enactments of thu Territorial Legislature. Wilson Shannon, (SiiTtil) C. RoM.v-oN, J. 1!. Lank. To Charles Roin.NsoN and J. II. Lank: You are hereby authorized nnd directed to take such measures, and usn tile enrolled force under your command iu such a manner, for ihe preservation of the pence and the protection of the persons and projiei ty of the people of Lswreneo a:.u vicinity, us in your judgment shall beat secure that end. (Signed) Wilson Shannon. Lawrence, Dec. 0, 1S5;'i. After the signing of these articles of agree ment. Governor Shannon was called upon and addressed the people of Lawrence. lie is thus rupoitcd : 'There was a pail of tho people of this Teri ilory who denied the validity of the laws of the Territorial Legislature. lie was not there to urge that validity, but these laws should be submitted to until a legal tribunal hud set them aside, lie did not see how there was any other course but such suuiuw sion to them, and il certainly was not bis pait. us an executive officer, to St t them aside or disregard llo in. Ho was happy to ininuuncu that after liming nil iuurview with the officers of t l.eir ('olMiniileo.of Si.lely, he had found them induct d thus far to respect these laws, they being willing to see them enforced, provided they had llie reserved right of testing and escaping from them le gally. 1 Iu was happy to announce that nil tblliculties were settled faint cheers. There was li perfect understanding between the Executive and the Committee. The tUfii- Cnr-cprottfVure ef IliA puhlio Irf'i'ppT 1 I.KTTEIt I'lKMI XVAMIIM1IOV. The Vvd'n-uloiis 1'osUinn of the House. Waller's finrerrtwnit t'a .Xiniritijua Tot tiring tn its Fall . The I'eace Humors from Ltiroje. ' Wamiukuto.s, Jan. fi, 18.16. It is a gratifying sign of I lit; ret am to tieopriety, when I inform yon that many mem bers of Congress begin to express nnensiness und uhirni in view of the ridiculous ami shameful position which they now cccnpy before tho country. The best informed now confidently predict that an arrangement will be agreed upon by which the Speaker shall bo chosen ami the House orpnnlzcd before the close of Iho sixth week of iho session, inlo which thev have now entered. General Walker appears to be getting into a bat) way in Nicaragua. As was supposed ny tins Government, when Mr. French pre sented himself here, the people of that conn try have really had no lot or part in the creation of the New Government, but it hail been forced upon them: The inhabitants are now every where against their new Gov ernor, ami the people of New Grenada have almost ull deserted tho place. Gen. Walker issued a prouunciami'iito, ordering them back, under penalty id" a confiscation of their lands and goods j but this has been utterly disregarded. Gen. Walker, it is said, has carried out his decree, anil the residents have been leprived of nil their property, which has been converted to the use of the State, or rather to Ihe use of Walkernnd company I liese aru the latest advices, which mnv nol be nil line, but it is evident that the Walker Government is in ii toltering condition, uW lit ule of funds, iletesletl by the people, the originators of Ihe scheme utterly destitute of both political and innial character; iiiusl break down, ami in its full prostrate the Nicaragua Transit Companv, which lias fostered ami protected, if it did not start, the whole design of Walker's expedition to N icuragna. 1 can inform you that tho reports of pence irouglit by the steamer Arngo are entitled to more credit, perhaps, than mnv penerall be supposed. France has become weary of the war. She has gathered all the laurels or martial renown id the sanguinary contest and a lurt her continuation of the war niiuht perhaps, tarnish the fame she has achievi Tho immense expenditures min-t be supplied by a new loan, which will bo diRicult to negotiate. The hist loan, to all appearance was Ireely taken; yet when the puum.-hl fell tine, Iney were colieetoil with great tiilliculty, ami in in 1 1 v instances bv conipnlsorv means Louis Napoleon has loo much shrewd sngaci ty to attempt unother loan under such cir cuinstaiices. England, instead of maintaining her warlike character, has been stripped much of her military powers by this war. 'It has proven her a ualion of shopkeepers, and not u people inured to w ir. Lord Palmers ton is not. therefore, inclined to peace, but advices show that ih is likely to be overruled, anil that ihe views of Napoleon will predomi nate. But whether Biissia will accept the proposed terms of peace remains in very great doubt. The most important of them is said to be, the abandonment of the iirntcc torute of the Gr?ek Christians in the Turkish em pire, nnd Ihe closing of tho Black Sea to ves sels of war of every description, and the en toe demolition ol all I'm tilled ports on that sea. The prevailing opinion, however, is, that llussia will scarcely accept of these terms; but there is no doubt that the whole power of Aii-tria will be brought to bear upon her, to force her to their acceptance. Stectator. CST By request we announce that the new Lutheran Church of Willianispoit. recently erected under the pastorship of the Ilrv. J- wus a decided genius i Wei.kkr. will bo dedicated to the service of God, on Tuesday evening tho 22d inst. All who feel un interest in the church are respect fully invited to lis present. COMPREKSItta TH J' BI LK OF FLUl'R. The Albany Journal staUs that Louis Na poleon, Jiom men begin to recognize ns a Napoleonic tort of a man, in 1853 conceived the idea that it would be practicable to com press flour go us to diminish the built and iu that way facilitate its transportation, nnd yei Dot injure its quality. In July of thut year, an experiment was made by hiscommanii to test his views. 1' lour, subjected to a hy draulic pressure of 3UU tons, was reduced In valumo moro than 24 per cent. On close ex amination, it was found to possess all thu qualities it hud previous to its violent treat ment. It was then put into zinc boxes and sealed up. At the same time, other flour manufactured from the same wheat, but not compressed, was sealed up. In October thereafter, several boxes containing both kinds of Sour, wore opened and examined. Tb pressed was pronounced to be the ln-it. Twelve months after this, in October, 1804, another examination took place, ami wilh the same result. The two kinds were then knea ded into loaves and baked. The pressed floor made the best bread. In March, M.1, tnoro of thn zinc boxes were opened, and on examination the loose Hour showed uiouldi ueoS. while thu pressed was sweet and retain ed all its qualities Made into bread, (he came differences wore observorublo. The Emperor ha ordered experiments to be made at its, as well as on laud. Mcn-of-wnr are to take out both kind of Hour, and both are to 1 sent rn ia voyages to hot and cold lati tudes, sod Niaminations are to be made und recorded of the influence of climate and suit git upon each. ' Tt xrr"ings of the N. Y. railroads during tie tear cudiiig Sept. 30th, amount to f.O, 843000. tad tf.ir rspen-es dur.ng the nne period to 8lJA.ltJ.00a. Total length of roads, 3 216 miles; coat of conntructiou. $125,52, 660 j oumUir of artpnper carried, 33,j3'J,. 1M; touaoffiei.'bi, 3.,162u7. TLere ar only ebjbt newst. "pers. It I . ptblitbed io lite Turkish Kmpin- k U monr the JLrabs permlU nan to toa0T ft V4 wbo doe noi weke fo4 btMd. C7 The locomotive und passenger trains, now puss over the bridges from Northumber land to this place. The communication by rail road from tho Shamokiu Coal Mines to Klmira is now complete ly On and afterthe first of January. 18.16. thn Post Office regain! inn is that no lelters will besent ih rough the office, unless they arc prepared by stamped envelopes. Every per son, thereafter, should provide himself with stamps und see that they are placed upon ull his letters, CSt' Japan Pea. Our friend P. It. Freas, Ksq.. of ihe Germanlown Telegraph, who is good and reliable authority on nil such sub jects, condemns the Japan or Oiegon Tea. as nl most worthless for human food. A friend in this plate who raised a few lust sea son, has no better opinion of them than Mr. Freas. People are too opt to commend all novelties without properly letting them. OT Cnt'ltT, The January term of our Court commenced on Monday last to continue two weeks. For the first few days our town was pretty well thronged with saitors und others in utieudance at Court. CJT Ph. Kane. Some of tho newspapers have got hold of a story thut one of Dr. Kane's crew asserts that no open ai-a at the Poles was seen by any of the purty. Doubt ful. CJTTbe Carrier of the American, requests us io return hi most cordial thanks to its patrons, for their liberality on th occasion of the dvlivt ry or his annual nieesaga. ajyTut Puniio Lede appeared onSatur day in a new dress, aod is now published by Swain & A mm The Ledger has the largest circulation of any daily riaper in the world. Convention of the Soldiers of 1612. H'tJiritVfuH. Jan. 8. The Convention of the Soldiers of It 12. met this morning, and over 2nd delegates participated, representing Vir L'inia, Delaware. Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Kentucky. Wisconsin, Vermont, Mississippi und New York. Accompanied, by a military escort, the veterans proceeded to tho President's House, urn! funned iu the Last room. The President being introduced, was ad dressed by Judge Sutherland, tho President of the Convention. A fervent and put riot ic response was delivered by 1 resident l lerce. eliciting repeated cheers und clapping of hands He referred to the patriot Van Gos kirk, 94 years old. from New York, as the only n preventative, of the Kovolntion. to Secretary Davis, uud Quitman, of the Mexi can war. ami those before him of the late war with Great Britain. Wushinglon. Jan. 8. The Democratic Committee, ut their meeting, fixed the first Monday in June vs the lime for holding the National Democratic Convention at Cin cinnatti. Thu Committee transacted tin other business, and the discussion wus brief. An invitation to attend ihe meeting of iho Jackson Democratic Association, this even ing, was accepted, and thu Committee ad journed. Baltimore, Jan. 6. No trains haw arrived here since jeslerday, from Philadelphia or the West, the roads being ull blocked up with snow. Halifax, Jan. C. A terrific gale and snow storm has raged hero ull day, and we huve now four feet of snow. Boston, Jan. 0. -The snow here is full 1J feet deep, und is very milch drilled. Travel i-entirt ly suspended. Despatches from the North and Last ivpiesent the storm us un precedented. Washington, Jan. C Tho weather is clear and cold here to-day. The snow is about eight inches deep on thu level. No New York mail has been received since Saturday morning, aud the Philadelphia mail oi rialur tlay morning, urrived ut 1 o'clock this morn ing. Cincinnati, Jun. 5. The U. S. Man-hull hist night ai rested iiiim persons, all of whom were Irish, charged with a violation of our neutrality laws, ami they were held to rmil this morning in 111011 each, to appear on Momhiy ulteriioon. The impression is that I hey were uc ting in concert with parties iu New York anil elsewhere, having for their object u dfbcciil upon Ireland, It it estimated thai the capital iuvested in railroads io tbii country, it tevea bondred roDlioTiS of dollar. i-ulties had arisen from ini.-nnderstaiidiiig. lie would go down and disband the Sheriffs posse, lie vvouiii nisiniss me oiucers oi tin; Territorial militia. General Bicharilson and Strickle-, but would order that their forces be not disbanded iiiuillliey were taken to Leaveuwoi'th,'or the ueigltuo:liuod of West port, 'All the tiifl'ictiltics were adjusted ami he was Willing and anxious to do ull in his pew or to prevent a collision and the shedding of blood. He hoped that the men now in the Territory and in camp below would be got out of Ihe Territory without hostilities inter vening, lie would do ull in his lower to intlueiicr iheiu. Ho would urge upon the people i f Lawrence to be moderate, to pur sue a wise course, to avoid a collision. Don't bo too belligerent.' He wanted I hem to con sult their jndgment and l heir reason, not their feelings and their passions. One ad vantage they would now have if they had to light, the fie la would now be between them and the mob. Of course ho rouhl not con demn them lor defending; themselves. They were right, and ho would tin all in his power to sustain them, but be hoped the men cu camped could now bo induced to leave, mid that there would be no effusion of blood, lie wanted it understand that he had called on no one but the people of the Territory in his proclamations. If theie were M issourians here, they were here of their own accord. "lie Imped and believed that thu people of Lawrence and vicinity were law-abiding peo ple. Indeed, hu had learned that he had mis understood tliein, and thai they were estima ble und ordeily people ; but houses it wus saitl hail been burned, uud other outrages had been charged upon the Free Slate men. They must remember this when they judge of these things. They were perhaps inno cent, but he hoped they would abide a judi cial tiibun-.d. lie hoped now to preserve or tier, and to get these men out of the Territory If hu could b rve the people of Kumus. us a Governor or as u private citizen, be would al ways be happy to do so. faint cheers." Such was tfiis substance of his remarks, nnd for the most inn t of thu laii"uurc. He is a tall man, somewhat beyond middle age, his hair slightly grey. As a S ouker hu is rather stitl'and old fashioned, not very logical, und liable to forget in one part of his remarks what he has said iu unother. rfc v. i. ma i.i r;iLA n nr. Sknaih. Uarri-ilurp. .Tan 8. Mr. But k alew read in place a biil to authorize the Ciittttwissa, W. iiliamspc.it nnd Erie, and the Wiliiaiuspoi t cud Klmira I'ailrouds to tnoit gaj;e their roads. Mr. Pro It read in place a bill to incorpo. rate the Metropolitan Bank of Philadelphia Mr. Walton, a lull relative to the publica tion of llie final report of the Gcogulogicul Survey of the Stale. Mr." Finney, a bill to incorporate the Bank of Crawford county. O i motion, it was re-olved, (hut the Sen ate, on and ui'ier Monday next, wiil meet at Hi o'clock, A. M.. and hold afternoon sc-ssious on I uesdavs and 1 iiui'sdavs. The Semite at 12 o'cloik repaired to the Hall of the House to listen to ihe reading of Jackson's Farewell Address, five thousand copies cf which were, on their ret urn, ordered to be printed for the use of members. After which the Senate adjourned. 1Iol's.:.-M r. Ilcdcomb, of Bradford county, appeared, was qua!. lit d and took his seat. The Speaker prest nted llio annual reporl of the Boaid of Cmuil Commissioners, and nis i the in, una! repoit of the State Librarian. The stumliiig committees for the cession wcr? announced. The Governor and Heads of Departments and ofliceis and mcmhei of the. Senate hav ing been invited to listen to iho reading of Jackson's Farewell Address, were introdu ced at 12 o'clock, and alter the reading of the A dd rt ss, re! in d. In tin; House, a motion was made to print IOiIH t'opies of the Address in English, anil HOdO iu German, w hich was debated until the House udjourued. The following hns been sent to e w th a r quest to publish it for the beneilt of the public. ' a NEErmn movement. Two Tears niro. Bev. Warrfx BARTON. f Boston; who is devotimr himself to the Cfcuse of Domestic Education, tironosed. tlirnuch newspapers and circulars, Io Ihe people of his own Slate. Ihat ihere should tie meeting during the more leisure seusnn, to disease questions appertaining to Family discipline, and to the relation of the home to the school. in places, the measure was adopted with very KiuuijiiiK resuns. j.esi.les cuslomary spea kers, olbers mnde rflectiv a11 had never spoken in public before, ond lalent talent was unexpectedly brom.lit mil Tk young manifested peculiar Interest, and were siimuiinen io new enorts lor Improvement. The relation of the home to the school, and ol tlie icnooi to the community, was better understood, and the cause of public education was advanced. I,ni!ics sent in communica lions both instructive and entertaining, to un reati on the occasions, eliowinir that through similar opportunity, female talent In every town might be elicited, and put to noble use. Now that the long evenings nave again come, why shall not this most useful move ment be carried, at once, widely beyond the ntato where it started! Anxious parents, earnest teachers, public-spirited men and wo men! tniiiK, coiiier. co-operate, persevere, and it is done. A few topics for consideration arc subjoined ns a specimen, and, possibly, to save time at nrsl iu trc King ; numerous others will doubt less occur in the course of procedure. QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION 1. What combined movement of neighbor hood or town could be entered on for the im provement of schools, and especially to effect a reform in the morals and manners cf the young r 2. How much should parents depend on school teachers to correct the bad dispositions and habits of their children t and how far are teachers justly responsible for the conduct of tlieir pupils out ol school T 3. How early should a child be made to obey the paiclils; und how shall reverence be induced and authority maintained, without nun learon the one part, and coldness and instance on the other, which formerly pre Ul.Ctl i i. ji wnm age, ami in what manner, should the first religious impressions be made a' ow should spiritual culture be cci; t:nued 1 ii. What is the best method of cultivating u spun oi active gootl-tloing. and ofself-sacri lice in beliult of others? and to what degree i ties such a iiisposition promote the huppi nea oi tne possessor ; b. Ihere ale about thirty thousand ner- sous imprisoned in the United Stales for real or supposed crime, in what way. and how fu docs such crime ordinate iu the earlv home What can, and ought each community to do toward prevention ? 7. Whitl effect has much of the light read ing or the present day cn the character of the young T and what is to be done with re ference thereto? 8. How can it best bo ascertained for what occupation in life a boy has the most natural fitness? and bhould any differecce be made in the previous education at home or school, watt reiercnce io I ins r 9. Should not children be early trained to work with their hands for the sake, at least of forming a useful habit, whatever the con dition of the parents as to wealth ? 10 How do luxuries for the palate, together with the irregular use of them, affect the health of children? What is thu influence cn thu moral character? 11. What is the cause of the early decay of female health iu this country ? and what is the remedy ? 12. Would not a sanitary investigation and a report by a committee, lie of great service in every town, by making known existing and possible causes of sickness, especially these appertaining to the location and other mate rial conditions of dwelling? more j so that yon can give yonr Tvlat' tiiro the work t ns tho matter now start:?, in stead of being benefited otr (VhiIv It ms, ami other Counties pet thp benefit." I then examined thn school Journal for .Trmr? ami found the following in a circular lo Director by the State Snperiniemlnnt, with regard tt tlie salaries of Countv Snperinlent'anls ''It should bo stntt d in this eoiincc'inn. t lint fitch por'ionsof the state appropriations as nro not expended for this purpose, go Into Iho general fund and not to the respective conn lies, ns his lieen erroneously Stippoed." Here I learned clcaily ll.ul what was with held from me in Ihe Way of salary, tlid not come to onr respective county, but went back into ma general luml. 1 ruly yours. J. J. KKtMENSNYDEIt. U.S. of A. At nn election for cfTierr- nf Susquehanna Camp No. 23, the following were iiniy chosen tor thu ensuing term : l. m., l.cvi fc.i-nsi,ol!j! : V. V., D. O. E. Maize; A.C.. Jtl-.it G. Young; It S , F, Wilvert; F- S.. W. K. Mint?.; T., B. Z, t' tlemrer; P., U. 1!. Weiser : E nl (J H. W. Zurtman ; S. of Q.. Peter Ilnunt. E J. S. Of A. At nil election for nfRcoro or Washington Camp, No 19. tin; follow, ing were duly clecu-d for the ensiling term : " P.i Paul Oyster; 1'.. A A Shisslcr : VP., II. Cltmei-t; ltfci., Jim S. Beard ; A H S., Jlichuel I.ei'ker ; F S., Jos Weise ; T., Wm Musseliiian ; M of F and C J.uolj Weiser ; C., Chus t.;as ; I G.. Jacob lieu drkks; 0 U., Sum'l Bloom ; 3's., J 1' S Cu bin and B lUckert. s yew Advert'scmcnt?. Good Intsat Firo Company! 4 MEETTN'G oftheGovl Intent Kire Cnmpi ny will be held nt t'.e Ci.nrt Hnufe.'nn MonJty evciiiiij next. Pur.ctu il attendance it rtqiifitsd. Br Onnr.R or the Prisiuist. Pwnhnry. Jan. 13, 1.' 0. ' COLLINS i- M'CLEESTEIVS TYrE FOUNJjItY and Printers rtrnisti-ig- Warehouse, Ao. 1 Lodye Alley, hack of new Masonic Hull, rhUaccltahia. I'h'da.. Jan. 12. IfjC " TKACHER 5t VODDHOP, WHOLESALE BOOT 9.KH: A TRUNK WAU3UOU3E, .Vo. 101 -lrc.'i Street, up Stairs, Cftrrn Third & Fount. Su., upper tide, nrar t'l.ion Hctrl, riuladelpLia, Csrpet 15js sml 'hIm c of all description. CHARLES V. THACHt-:!.. KOCERT n. WOUUKOP. Philadelphia, l i.i. i-, 1S J. if. S'.'J.AV SSO.Vr. AME to the pri'iaixes of the siiluciher in '- Lower Ac.sintii toivmhip, on or nSuut tin loth of Dei-radi- I'M, aslrty white s!i kbut ten neuiiii' tj. 'J'iie ower in rcpic-to ! le coice I w v..,, I pjv i l-.argea sn I tako it awiv JAC'Uti ItLNN." t . . r . .. .u-.-, J.in. l- lju. tl. J. 13. 03T l7A!-:.r.v. ION CAMP, No. l'J J.S.of . i.e'ij. rtsted ntectii ifs every Sjlur.i.i evening, tu the American 1111, Muket Slice SunhurT. A. A. SHISSLCR, P. lohn S. Bctir.!, R. S. Scnl-urv. Jsnnsiy E, IP5-. tf. Cm:Tni.KD. Jun. .1. -Miller, the murderer of Dr. ll.olel mid young tiiactl'. uk hung here yolerduy, ju thn prem nco of large con course ol i-pectatoi. lit) proteeUd his iniio. cence to the list, and swung off dyiu; wilh severe struggles. His finlt. howew-r, is be yond all coiitroveri-y, and the deceased has III us passed Into Ihe presenco of It is Maker with a terrible falsehood on bis soul. Invention in 1855. The Patent Office has bet-u very active during the last year io framing ratnu. One thousand Dine bun dred and lorty-six were itsued from the oflice durioif the year, the largest comber aoj c&e yiwrfc .ver jci aliot. Fnoi Kansas. A letter published in tho Si. Lotii Democrat, dated Leavtnwoith, December "d, says, tho oflice of The Ttrrito rial Jti tifter, uu Administralioii paper, was mobbed, the type thrown into thu river, nut! a lot of paper burned. The mub was com posed principally of M issonriaiiK. The Free SiiiIh parly, ut their Convention on the 22d of December, nominated Cliaih-g Unhingon for Governor; N. Y. Huberts, for Lieutenant-Governor; and M. W. Debthiiy fur Con-gret-s. Tho election takes place on the third Tuesday in January. Col. I uue, who was Uobiiiiioii's opponent for the nomination, was defeated by u vole of 55 to 'i'l. The New York Mirror wasMiown an Opal breast-pin, set in u circle of diamonds, to be given to a lady as a Cbiibtniag present, which cost between $4000 uud $5000. The Cincinnati Times says thut such is thu stagnation of business iu thut city, that there are over tt-n thousand applications for relief -.mil the public chanties. Hon. EiU ard Curtis, formerly Collector at New York, and a friend of Mr. Webster, is now an inmate or a luuatic asylum, at Fiat busb, Long Isiaud. The present dolt of Coitoo tmouat lo KKVirt-: COMMITTEES. The Speaker of the Senate has announced thu following committees ol thai body for the present session : Finance (Messrs. Ruckalcw, Drown, Fleu- niKeii, Clubhand Kllllliger. Judiciary Messrs. ll'iikins, Price, Jor dan. Welsh uud Ingram. ylccouif.-Mcssrs. Wherry, Ferguson, Frai lev, Laiibuch and Finney. Estates and l'.si.eat Messrs. Fleiuiiken, Wailoii, Price. Finney aiul otuhcr. l'tusin.it nnd (j'i utilities Messrs. Taggarl, Jamison. Sellers. Ku,i and Ely. V.i7i ai Messrs. Uuckalew', Will.ins und G regg. L'nrparatiniis Messrs. Droanc, Straub, Soul her, Lewis mid I'ralt. Public lltiildin;a -Messrs. McClintotk, S ii u in i il uud Jamison. Hanks Mi;Fis. Ches-swell, Cr tbb, Ingram, SellelS lllld I lo;e. Canals vtnl Jnland JVVit iiiutir.n M essr. Ciosswi II. Iloge, Seller. Jamison uiul t'rubb. Jlailrnads Messrs. Walton, Taggarl, Kit linger, Evans and Cre-ssnvll. Illtrtion Jjistrid.i Messrs, Mellinger, Knox, Fr.i7.icr, Shuiiian and Laubach. lletieachnunt and Pefimn Mcsni's, Jor dan. Evens, Killinger. Knox uud Ely. Educating Mctsrs. McCliutock, Gregg, llogj, Meliinger and Shtimitn. Aijriccllure and Itmntitic Manufactures--Messrs. Knox, Tugerl. Straub, Lewis uud Gregg. MiUtiu Messrs. Straub, Tuggart, Fergu son, lily and Cresswell. Hand and Hridies Messr. Jamison, Wherry, .Ionian, Furgiison uud Frazer. Vuinimre Hills Messrs. Iloge, Pratt, Lau bach, Mullineer and Lewis. I 'ice and Immorality Messrs. Price, Flen liikeii, Wilkins, Jordan, and Welsh. Private Claims and Damages Messrs. Drowue, Lewis, liuckalew, Cruob and Wal ton. Public Iriuting MeMri. Pratt, W'uerry, Finney, Ingram uud McCliutock. Seie Counties and County Seats -Messrs. Welsh, Pratt, Souther, lrownu aud Wal-too. rnocEECica of conoids colncii. Council Chamfer, 1 Gi-.nsi'kv, Junuury 5, lbOG. j Council met agreeably to adjournment, present Chief Burgess W", M. Rockefeller, in ihe chair; 'Jd Burgess D. W. Shindel. Deck, Weiser, Covert, Beard, Snyder, Clark and Haas. M mates of last meeting were read aod approved. 1. IF. Shindel, from tho committee on Form of Lease, reported progress and asked to be continued. Mr. Beard, on cost of reparing Good In tent Engine, said ho was not prepared to re. poit, ami asked to be couliuuetl uulil next n.eeting. The Chief Durgess stated that he had not succeeded iu collecting all the dues of the Borough, but intended to bring suit immedi ately against those making default. On Motion of D. W. Shindel, it was Re solved. That the High Constable be directed to notify tiny person or persons, within the Borough, who have violated the 32J Section of the Borough Charter, which reads as fol lows : That if any person or persons whatso ever shall cast or lay. or cause to be cast or laid, any shavings, in (id, ashes, dung, or other tilth or omioyauce. on any paucment, street, lane or alley, within tho said borough, nnd shall not remove tho some, on notice given lo liiui, her or them, by the Burgesses of the said boroiie.li. or either of them, or by the regulutuis aforetuid, or any two of them, every such person or persons so offending, and being thereof convicted before either of the Burgesses of the said borough, or before any Justice of the Peace of the county ufor saul. shall foi It-it and puy, for every such of feuce, tho sum of twenty sh. Ilings, uud shall pay ihe cost of removing the sume," and re porl the sumo to Council at uest meeting. On motion adjourned. K. WILVERT, CU: Commumcalcb. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! Till! Auction ' f the SiMimtII vr will n mirrn next Moi.Jc.v tmiriing al ten o'tiock i will COIitilll e !l ,'l t.il the ill-, wiil t.h'o be be (icm C li'i 1) oV;n,K in i'e tvoninij. tfi (. ltd evrnieg t.eu vcefc. 'l lie week Initum. only Ma ida', Wcdnciilm's ai d S.ttnV... . ALRERT ELMJERCJ. Sunhury, Jjii jary S, li3. tf. OTK'E is here! v ciicn, lint iho u it! i f,l Ai.ilitor oi'i'uitiit.l l-v the Ou-la Coi'it of N otthui'ihci land rrai.tv In Hiiilit rx.-eptio; U i!u' account of Iv.nicl ('aau r der'd., filed bv t!:c A Jini!ii-:r.tl.ir f Wm. tie hart, ilec'il, wiu ira one of tin- executor, did 1). Cnmcr.'!:, lin'J. tvnl siieml to llie .In' of Ilia appolnii.ifiit at hu o.uec in Snnbury, the 5i!i of Jaii.t-.Tv t e.t.ut!') o'i !rcl-, A. whan all .ftoiis i'ltnoicd iny slteiul if t: t j roper. WM. M. r.OCKErEI.LFR, A jiitji sui.tjry. r.-. S9, i ::. ITOTICE. IfOriCE i hereby qivro that Dr. J. W. ' - lis ; ' c.f hia lmnk aecctiiil noir. i in the Lof of tlie uudersijiicd f, r rallocl at whose .aw Cilice all pi-ituo imlrlite.i to i. V. I'ral, w i. ether on book or note, me quoted l.icill and nii-V putmriit on r r I'C the l-ith il.ty of I el.riiory I VS i all hclc-bc-, uniclilcJ at that J no wiil lc sm-.l. k. pea: Pnnr..-v. I'ec .3. lS.r.S. HoRsiri.Ejii vs Ekft. A famons dinner wus make by a celebrated bon virant in Par. is. t which the comparative merits of beef mt norsetJesn were tested by dishes of both variously ire rd, and the guests were loud in their demonstjatious of delight orer a rump steak of a fstborse Immolated, at tlx ef of t3 jtu. Fur tlit American. Mb. EDiTon. -There seems to a wrong im pression on thu mind-, of soma wilh regard to my salary as Super. titciidanl, which it may be necessary to remove. At the time of my election my suluiy was fixed ut S350 00, and 1 agreed to accept it, for vaiions reasons. One among the most prominent of these was, that 1 thought, as did the directors at that time, that a higher salary would materially diminish the sum appropriated to our County; uud impose un additional tax on the people, both of which 1 was unxious to prevent. No ni. i u cau be more opposed than 1 uni to high taxation, when it la not necessary for the public good. Ilenco 1 labored as faithfully us 1 could, w ithout thinking of asking a higher salary, though 1 found my labor increasing, J'tir beyond my first apprehensions ofthein. The directors, I feel sure, at the time they elected me. Ihor.ght as little of my having to hold Teacher's lnstutes, aud describing the chool houses j school furniture, c., which is now required, us I did Though I found that my salary was entirely too small, for the la bor required ; 1 was determined not to usk for more ; until it was told that I was not doing the C'ouuty a favor bv laborintr o low that what was uot paid of certain portions of in. 91.H jMiropriatioua, out not go to toe counties withholding it from their Superin tendents, in the wey of salary but back Into general fund. A certain gentleman remarked to me : "w bare to pay our tasee into the fenjiral fund, and io many other counties bey am payiug high salaries, which we must "P rJ i Dr t let Uses bf s fr Atwau.. Aitii ir.lVATK SAL' Worthy tho Attettioa cf Every I: HAVING jicilively dt'terininr.l to ie:ie i bury on the let ef February Hi nt. I ii srllinn rr.i l.irce .Svnk of Clut'iins ami i Gjn.li at an. I below cot ut. pri-nle vale, aal month at Auction. My ru.t i.irra u variety of very tit aifal.in sood-r,f iiil rent t CLO I IIIN'C of , liferent iv!e an. I n.nV.e rious qualities and price, smli ns Wii.irr from i-S.T.'i upw.u.Vs : Oierc-.iau from 'j.:!,''1 hiplier; Pa'ita and Vest in troporii:.n ; and Caps, !.'( " ,t ml Shoes, Siiotx, I h,!i tiling. Uo' Cioiliinj. pistnlx, jeweby, h.v and ail other ki'uls ol ooJk a.-ner -lTy kci.t Clnthiiij; Rstji.liO.iinent, I li.tvc n!.a oil I,: vrriety of Siioiiner Ceata. vrl ui. punt; Summer Hats of iliiVorrnl atylee, all of wli wiil sell al trc.of iiiKnisi v low pnecn. I ne Auction will commence on llie 7 January next, ami wiil continue throm-h week every dav and evrniinr. aflerwur, Momlay W,!nelay sod .Sjtunlav. Tlie t will find it in their a.lmiu.ic In rail earU buy t private :!-; tbey h-.,e then a iron sorlment to pi. k f.-nm. ami vhnil Imv r.mvI low pi ices lbey will probably he o!J by lion. My store ia in Market Square, is known ctu hardly le misynl. AI.RERT El.URI Runhury Dec. 25, isro To Mer?hanta end Startkeefra The aubaeriiier desirona of leaini possible, will sell to Men funis and r-ihi may favor lii.u, at whuU-sale, lower thtii delohia rater, any or all hi t.oo.1 nn fan lock' comprises a ASriety oi'cnoi! minplei' eason, is pretty Urcc vol, ia tint he evi c Aumtlmert ofitr n i ,;ualiiii-a l Imyr i Merchant! will fni.l it to tlnir kiiian: call early. ALU RUT EL-JftR lis9u!ti(iu.i uMarliii'r IVOTU'U is hfiri v iii'tn that the co-f ship htielofoie r. idling under tho i 8. VVsavsh 4l Co., in Coal tuwnaliip. uaberland coutily, waadisaolved by un.li sent, on KriJay, the lth in". 'Ihe hm left in the hands of ihe autwerider fir :t on wbotn ell pennns knowing theniael dcbled lo, or having claims (aitut aai will pleaaeceU and eilla immnli.tly. . ELIJAH CH1LIB3I ehsmnkin,. Dee 2, ISM --Sm. - BLANKS. BLANKS ef every derrijuoa caa